HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-12-03; City Council; 8365-1; Award of Agreement for Street Sweeping Services• z 0 ~ ..I c3 z ::, 0 0 en.OF CARLSBAD -AGEN~BILL MTG. 12-3-85 DEPT._U-"-/_M __ AWARD OF AGREEMENT FOR STREET SWEEPING SERVICES CITY ATTY----'-~ CITYMGR~ RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends that City Council adopt Resolution No. I[~ 71 accepting bids and awarding agreement for Street Sweeping Services. ITEM EXPLANATION: On October 15, 1985, City Council, by minute motion, approved and directed the distribution of Requests for Proposal for Street Sweeping Services for three years. Requests for Proposal were mailed to 28 potential bidders. Proposal packets were requested and received by four potential bi~ders. Two responses were received, opened, witnessed and recorded on November 18, 1985. The bids were reviewed by the staffs of the Utilities & Maintenance and Purchasing Departments. Oceanside Disposal, Inc., dba North County Contract Sweeping, Oceanside, CA, who is the city's current street sweeping contractor, is the lowest responsive bidder in the amount of $115,632.00. FISCAL IMPACT: Current agreement specifies an annual cost of $119,604, proposed agreement is for $115,632. Funds are available in account no. 001-820-5110-2493 in the amount of $129,500.00 for street sweeping. EXHIBITS: 1. Memorandum to City Manager from U&M Director dated 11/22/85. 2. Resolution No. f-< 'l? 3. Bid Summary. 4. Agreement Documents and Specifications for Street Sweeping Services (on file at Utilities & Maintenance Department) I November 22, 1985 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: Director, Utilities & Maintenance STREET SWEEPING CONTRACT Two bids for street sweepjng services for the next three years were received -from North County Contract Sweeping (our current contractor) and R. F. Dickson Co. The basic price quoted by the two contractors was $115,632 per year and $115,800 per year, respectively. North County's base quote was $168 per year less than Dickson's. There were two secondary price considerations included in the bid. The first relates to special sweeps to be bid on an hourly basis; the second concerns th1 cost of adding streets during the life of the contract. The results appt:•ar as follows: Additional Time Added Streets North County $45.10/hr. -4 hr. min. $12 per mile Dickson $65/hr. -1 hr. min. $9 per mile We required 32 hours of additional sweeping last year. Given that such would be required in future years, the price would compute out as: North County Dickson 32 X $45.10 -$1,443.20 32 X $65.00 = $2,080,QQ It can be argued that the one-hour minimum (Dickson) would be more convenient and provide a higher level of response, however, we would be able to have gotten 22 hours of extra sweeping from Dickson as compared to 32 hours from North County. We have, in the past, bundled trouble areas into a four-hour block, however, I don't believe, nor have we e~er intended, to call North County out for less than four hours' work and had to pay the full minimum for less than four hours' service. The staff has estimated that we will add six curb miles in 1986, eight curb miles in 1987 and eight curb miles in 1988. The cost increase per year will compute out as follows: I ,I ... i I . _l ~ City Manager November 22, l.985 Page 2 1986 1987 1988 North County ($12 ~ .§_ x 24) = 864 avg. 2 1986 add on -$1,728 ( $12x8x24) = 1,152 2 $2,880 86-87 add on= $4,032 ( $12x8x24) = 1, 15£ 2 $5,184 The following is a summary: Basic Price Extra Sweep Added Miles 1986 Totals 1987 Buse Price Extra Sweep Added Miles North County $115,632 1,443 864 $117,939 $115,632 1,443 2,880 $119,955 Dickson ($9 x .§. x 24) = 648 avg. 2 1986 add on= $1,296 ($9x8x24) = 864 2 $2,160 86-86 add on= $3,024 ($9x8x24) = 864 2 $3,888 Dickson $115,800 2,080 648 $118,528 $115,800 2,080 2,160 $120,040 -------------------·------------------------------ 1988 Base Price Extra Sweep Added Miles Three Year Total $115,632 1,443 5,184 $122,259 $360,153 $115,800 2,080 3,888 $121,768 $360,336 As can be seen oy the above calculations, there appears to be less than $200 difference over the three-year life of the contract. I have inquired as to levels of satisfaction of the service from both organizations and can find nothing of significance. An Oceanside representative, who recently changed from North County to Dickson was equally sat:i.sfied with the service from either contractor. I am satisfied by the ser.vice we have received from North County in the past and have no basis for recommending change. I th~refore recommend the contract be aword~d to North County Contract Sweeping. I must say this has been a most difficult decision. Both companies have been straight forward; both provide the highest level of service and I find no basis other than price anq recognizing that to be very slight, in making this recommendation. ~_,/4)./~ ,-ROGE~-GREER C/ RWG:jlc 3 -------.JilLL...__ i ,I ) "' 91'!' p 'I' -·~· . ...... • .. . ~-.-------r-... ' ... SID SIJMllARY TITLE, STREET S!\'EEPING SER\ ,.CES LOCATION OF BID Citt of Carlsbad • DATE OF 8/D November 15, 1985 TIME OF 8/0 __ 4_:_oo_P~_i ------ ESTIMATE $122JS00.00 BIDS CHECKED BY. JNE DATE, 11/18/85 . . Oceanside Disposa . CURRENT R. F. Dickson Inc.,dba North . CONTRACT Company . Countv r.nnt:ract-~. lo~n; no NO. ITEM -AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUMr UNIT AUOUNT UNIT AMOUNT - Annual Cost . 119.604.00 115.800.00 115.632 01 . . • Cost Per Hour Extra 45.10 65.00 45 11 ,j 'I . 4 hour min mum 'hour mi, mum 4 hn11r. n,-:, ;mum . Cost oer additional mile 11 50 o nn 1? .rn : . . . . J-. . • . i . . • ~ . ~ • -.t::. \ ! ~ I I i l 2 3 4 RESOLUTION NO. .8-2 7,_9.._ __ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING BIDS AND AWARDING AGREEMENT FOR STREET SWEEPING SERVICES WHEREAS; bids have been received by the City of Carlsbad for Street 5 Sweeping Services; and 6 WHEREAS, the low bid received for the service was submitted by Oceanside 7 Disposal, Inc., dba North County Contract Sweeping of Oceanside, CA, in the 8 amount of $115,632; and 9 WHEREAS, funds are available in the Streets Division budget, account 10 number 001-840-,5110-2493 for this service; 11 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad 12 as follows: 13 14 1. The above recitations are true and correct. 2. The bid of $115,632.00 by Oceanside Disposal, Inc., dba North County 15 Contract Sweeping for street sweeping services is hereby accepted, and the 16 Mayor and the City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute an agreement 17 thereafter. 18 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad at 19 a regular meeting held the 3rd day of December , 1985, by the following vote, 20 to wit: 21 22 23 24 25 AYES; Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettine NOES: None ABSENT: None 26 ATI'EST 27 28 ------..a....:..: