HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-12-03; City Council; 8429; GOLF COURSE FEASIBILITY STUDYMTG, 12/3/85 GOLF COURSE FEASIBILITY STUDY ? DEPT. p & R -, CITY AlT CITY MG * bo G -rl a M % k D.l n m s u -4 3 2.4 k $ z h [o h 4 *rl -4 (d w a, u a, 0 0 a a 3 4-l 4J 2 0 a, s 5 -4 3 a a, a,. L)h oa N? a4J 0 VI ua, s 4JG a, a *rl -4 0 [ocd u (da 3 -rl w -4 L) wu (dM au a, L) -4 hFI ua mal 2 m 0 F N I 2 I+ = 0 2 3 0 0 co I m e 0’ - R 8’ CITeF CARLSBAD - AGENDm3ILL AS#- TITLE DEPT. HU RECOMMENDED ACTION: City Council accept report and direct staff to work in cooperat with SDG&E to develop a Master Plan for their property adjacent Agua Hedionda Lagoonand explore the possibility of including a 1 course and other recreational uses. If a golf course is found to be’appropriate from a land use and economical standpoint, it is further recommended that the City Council fund a Golf Course Feasibility Study for the Macario Ca kgua Hedionda Lagoon South Shore. ITEM EXPLANATION : A citizen task force has requested that the City Council author funds to conduct a Golf Course Feasibility Study. A preliminary staff analysis indicates that it may take from 13 160 acres to accommodate 18 holes of championship golf, a drivi range, parking area, cart storage, practice putting green and a pro-shop club house facility. Macario Canyon Park/Agua Hedionda Lagoon South Shore area has b identified as the most appropriate site for a golf course facil Lake Calavera was considered but is not recommended because of ties with Costa Real Municipal Water District. ALTERNATIVES : Options the City Council may wish to consider are: 1. Work in conjunction with SDG&E officials to include t possibility of a golf course and other recreational u in developing their Master Plan. If a golf course is found to be appropriate as an ele of the SDG&E Master Plan, staff will then recommend t the City Council fund a Golf Course Feasibility Study the Macario Canyon/Agua Hedionda Lagoon South Shore e 2. Approve funds for a Golf Course Feasibility Study foY Macario/HUB Agua Hedionda Lagoon South Shore. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council adopt Option (1) One bec it may not be cost-effective to conduct a Golf Course Feasibilj Study prior to the submittal of the SDGStE Master Plan. n L 0 @ Agenda Bill No. 8729' \ 6 Page Two ANALYSIS : The need/benefit for a public golf course in Carlsbad should be examined carefully. There are thousands of public golf courses throughout the country; some are financially successful, some are not. The demand for a public golf course in this area appez to be high because the majority of courses in and adjacent to Carlsbad are private. The public courses near Carlsbad are ovei crowded because of high use. In addition, an individual has to travel twenty minutes to an hour in order to play golf on a pub: course. During the 1982 revision of the Parks & Recreation Master Plan, a city-wide survey asked the residents their preference for rec- reational activities. The survey results indicated that the cil desire for a golf course ranked 7th behind swimming pool, gymna: beach improvements, lighted playing fields, recreation center, i lighted tennis courts. The 1982 Macario Canyon Development Plan studied the issue of a municipal golf course. It did not recommend the development of a golf course because of economic reasons. A concept which staff feels should be explored by the City is "privitization." Privitization involves attracting private entt to build and operate a public golf course facility on City propc that will, in turn, generate revenue for the City. SDG&E officials have hired a Planning Engineering firm to conduc a land use feasibility study on their holdings in the Aqua Hedic Lagoon area. They have agreed to work closely with City staff in the preparation of the Master Plan. During this process, City staff will work in conjunction with the utility company's economic advisor on the potential of a go course and other recreational uses for this subject area. In addition, there are a number of land use issues that need to be addressed. For Council information the following zoning and General Plan requirements are identified. 1. Aqua Hedionda Lagoon Property including HUB area leased to City by SDG&E. A. General Plan - Open Space B. Zoned - Public Utility 2. Macario Canyon Park Owned by City A. General Plan - Open Space B. Zoned - Open Space e 0 Agenda Bill No. rv2? Page Three b In reviewing the Agua Hedionda Lagoon South Shore/Macario Canyoi Park area, the following concerns should be addressed. 1. The Planning Department feels that "any suggested land use in this area may be premature" until SDG&E submits and the City approves a master plan for development on SDG&E property. 2. EIR requirement 3. The adopted Macario Master Plan may require a revision 4. The subject area is in the Coastal Zonewhich will requ a coastal permit. 5. This subject area falls within the Agricultural Subsid; Program and the agricultural issue may have to be reso 6. The Parks & Recreation Commission along with a concernc group of citizens wishes to preserve the lagoon and thc surrounding land for various types of active and passi- recreational activities that may conflict with golf co1 use. PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION: On September 16, 1985, the Parks & Recreation Commission suppor the Feasibility Study concept for a golf course and expressed a desire that the committee work through the Commission. SUMMARY: If the City Council approves a Golf Course Feasibility Study, s recommends that it include the following in its analysis: - Demand - Benefit - Site location and market analysis - Design concept - Estimated cost - Funding alternatives - Income/expense analysis - Maintenance cost - Private Enterprise Concept - Water availability (effluent/City) - Economic impact - EIR requirements - Coastal Commission restraints FISCAL IMPACT: It is estimated that it may cost $15,000 to fund a Golf Course Feasibility Study. t a 0 y/&L /*/ 4 L ALL RECEIVED To: Piembers of the Carlsbad City Council cc to: City Manager, Director of ?arks and Recreation - FRO14 : The Carlsbad Golf Committee, Jim Smith, Jerry dombotis, Lank Litten - 20- Chairmen SUBJECT: Golf Course Peasibility Study The following is data compiled by the Carlsbe Golf CommitTee in response to the Golf Course Feasibilizg Study Agenda Bill item on the December 3, 1985 City Corzil meeticg. FLECOi~3"ZNDEL1 ACTION : City Council authorize a golf course feasibiliTy study and 2irect staff to prepare a request for bids witFln 30 days and report on the results within 90 days. ITEIV, 2PLK&TIGN : A comittee has been organized, with over 275 Carlsbad golfers having signed petitions (copies zTtached), supporting a public golf course on city-owned lmt That would. be built and maintained without cost to the Zlty's taxpayers, Director of Parks and Becreation and other staff Eezbers for more than cine Eonths without any positive action t~ its request, -. me comittee representatives have been meetkg with the After a presentation by the Cornittee to the rarks - Recreztion Commission on September 16, 1985, the bamnission ,.. and membezs recorn-ended a feasibility study of the pm;Dseci golf course , 3e Committee and two recognized internation% golf course architects and consultants recently towed two pro- posec sites: (1) Lake Calavera, and (2) ),acari0 Czryo~ area. Both vel1 hown experts were most enthusiastic concerning the iiAacarlo area location and its potential for imrnedi-,> --e success, * 0 e ir -2- Golf was rated sevent?? on a list of 66 proposed recreationa activities for the Piacario Canyon area, according to a City- sponsored study, The Committee does not have a preconceived plan for an eventual site. The feasibFlity study would provide alternatives and recommendations. - The Committee does no; have a preconceived plan for financing the constructioc. and maintenance. However, the Committee has completed ezensive studies of how other cities have successfully xiet the challenge. ADVUTAGES TO THE CITY: The City will have iczreased income from the following 1, Increased transiert occupancy taxes, 2. There is a tremendous need for additional public golf courses in North County. -sere will be little competition for golfers as the only regulzzion public golf course nearby is Oceanside Nunicipal, that Ls filled to capacity 364 days a gear. k public golf course La Carlsbad would be an excellent tourist attraction, The golf course wouM provide over 100 acres of additional open space that many citizsns desire, The course, if locate5 on the south shore of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon, would prwide a natural barrier to halt silta- tion caused by the present agriculture uses, greatly needed recreation cutlets for our many senior citizens, as well as all other age gaups, potential sources, Funds from the golf course leasee, -- The golf course and i7;s auxiliary facilities will provide The golf course woulC provide a pleasing visual centerpiece within the City's central core, similar to the Balboa Golf Course in San Diego's Balbsa Park, Coronado's golf course in Coronado, Recreation golf caurses in the City of Long Beach, Griffith Park courses in Lcs Angeles' Griffith Park and San Clemente Golf Course in Sa- Clenente, for example. v 0 0 v -3- The golf course would be an excellent employee attraction for future high technology and industria plants seeking sites in Carlsbad, The golf course could serve as the 'home course' for all Garlsbad High School golf team menSers, mSSISLE FINANC I NG/CONSTEIUC TI0 N fiTmikCsrES : The City of San Clemente curTently 2s planning to build a second 18 hole golf course that will be paid for from profits of the present 18 hole course and a boric issue. The City of Indian Wells currently Is having two 18 hole courses built on city-owned land. Two rrjor hotels chains are providing the financing with hotel taxes guaranteeing the znnual maintenance costs, The City of San Diego, without iss-ng a request for bids, has a guarantee from a private firrn to 2-i.ild a golf course and complete clubhouse facilities on the shc-e of Lake Bodges for .z guaranteed annual incone of not less tlzn S50,OOO annually Zor the first two years and increasing tz 15 percent of golf- related income in subsequent years. zequired a favorable lease with the Cie of "ceanside to manage znd maintain its golf course. In additLsn to the City's receiving a guaranteed annual incone, tte firm pledged to spend Gver $1 million on course improvements, There are several major internatiorsf hotel chains who A professional golf course manageze-5 organization recently kiPiould be very interested in exploring t=e possibility of pro- viding the City with a golf course in exzbange for a favorable lease for its hotel site. There are several golf course-orier5ed private firms who &ne seeking golf courses to buy and will. operate them as a profit center, The firm also is seeki%- property where it can kmild a golf course and operate it for gzofit. IT is seeking lease-hold land for the sze purposes, In addition, 0 0 -4- GOLF COJ%%I.TTEE ANALYSIS : L’he main issue at the present time is whether or not the City Council wishes to explore the feasibility of llaving a at no expense to the City’s taxpayers. golf courses on city-owned land that are operated successfully and are sources of additional incone to the city. At the present time, the issue of land use is a secondary one. the City Council wishes to objectively examine the findings of the proposed feasibility study. mitigated successfully if a positive approach is zzopted and an open mind kept. FISCAL IPZBCT: public golf course built and maintained on City-omed property The feasibility study will cite many examples of public The obstacles cited by staff can become challenges if The Committee believes that all of the conceIm,s can be The Comrcittee concurs with the estimated $2C,300 to 630,OOC expenditwe for the golf cowse feasibility studr, The Committee believes this expenditure to be an excellent investment for a multi-million dollar capital impz-svement to the City, without expense to the taxpayers, and a trezendous asset for increasing tourism and the recreation pxgram for our citizens. GOLF C0IvlJ;I TTEE HECOI”IP”INDATI0N : City Zouncil authorize a golf course feasibility study and direct staff to prepare a request for bids within 30 days and report the results to the City Council within 90 days. ALTE3SATIES : Zefer to staff for fwther study. Delay decision until further study is conplefed. Order feasibility study after additional stdy is made. Order feasibility study immediately with repozt to City Council within a prescribed time per2od. * 0 1 e a August 10, 1985 TO: Members of the City of Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Commission and City Council FROM: Carlsbad's resident/golfers SUBJECT: Proposed public golf course €or Carlsbad We, the undersigned, are in favor of and would support a publgc golf course that is proposed for the City of Carlsbad. We believe that it would be a tremendous asset to our city's rsidents and tourists visiti~g our wonderful city. ADDRESS r c . 6 0 @ August 10, 1985 t TO: Members of the City of Carlsbad Parks and Recreation '> i Commission and City Council L > I I FRO%: Carlsbad's resident/golfers I SUBJECT: Proposed public golf course for Carlsbad We, the undersigned, are in favor of and would support a pnblic golf course that is proposed for the City of Carlsbad. We believe that it would be a tremendous asset to our city's rsizents and tourists visiting our wonderful city. \ I L c . e e c August 10, 1985 TO: Members of the City of Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Commission and City Council FROM: Carlsbad's resident/golfers - SUBJECT: Proposed public golf course for Carlsbad We, the undersigned, are in favor of and b-ould support a public golf course that is proposed for the City of Carlsbad. Ke believe that it would be a tremendous asset to our city's rsidents and tourists visiting our wonderful city. ' AME ,, d ~~ I G l-j$ QffE,l.>n':L. I f&Ph - 4kA4 tg \ i v9- ,,- -2 7----< 7 i / L /L-.d- * c \ fib -, /xF & "c %'& 2' L' . ~ '4- licLp &ZLLTA '723 / ,&L+L-h. ,*>= 'A" .. - dk/ / --I/ - &,, -<e . - :' A-AJ ,/ /i ;7$ pA:/& /4%<; (ZJ I-, -_ -77 ?:,", f --- I 1 , /-I> /-' F, - - ?=/ - - i P. b \,- /7&- 7g[T/5,..Lf /7 / :- 5 5.4 ,/ .7-Y(<4c_ ,/ i ?a&, 37 &w7&p7a XT -SW~~&& FQ >.A (I '. 0 * August 10, 1985 t TO: Members of the City of Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Commission and City Council FRDM; CarZsbad's resident/golfers SUBJECT: Proposed public golf course for Carlsbad We, the undersigned, are in favor of and would support a public golf course that is proposed for the City of Carlsbad. We believe that it would be a tremendous asset to our city's rsidents and tourists visiting our wonderful city. I ADDRESS ( . e i) August 10, 1985 I TO: Members of the City of Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Commission and City Council FROM: Carlsbad's resident/golfers SUBJECT: Proposed public golf course for Carlsbad We, the undersigned, are in favor of and would support a public golf course that is proposed for the City of Carlsbad. We believe that it would be a tremendous asset to our city's rsidents and tourists visiting our wonderful city. NAME ADDRESS ..A/& /fJ' + /f -4. 72f,9/42#4' %. Y, / @ @ August 10, 1985 - TO: Members of the City of Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Commission and City Council FROM: Carlsbad's resident/golfers SUBJECT: Proposed public golf course for Carlsbad We, the undersigned, are in favor of and would support a public golf course that is proposed for the City of Carlsbad. We believe that it would be a tremendous asset to our city's rsidents and tourists visiting our wonderful city. NAME ADDRESS 6 0 0 August 10, 1985 c TO: Members of the City of Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Commission and City Council FROM: Carlsbad's resident/golfers SUBJECT: Proposed public golf course for Carlsbad We, the undersigned, are in favor of and would support a public golf course that is proposed for the City of Carlsbad. We believe that it would be a tremendous asset to our city's rsidents and tourists visiting our wonderful city. ADDRESS I 0 e August 10, 1985 t TO: Members of the City of Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Commission and City Council FROM: Carlsbad's resident/golfers SUBJECT: Proposed public golf course for Carlsbad We, the undersigned, are in favor of and would support a public golf course that is proposed for the City of Carlsbad. We believe that it would be a tremendous asset to our city's rsidents and tourists visiting our wonderful city. c . .L:22/ 0 0 -36 /,= . TO: Members of the City of Carlsbad City Council and Parks and Recreation Commission FROM: Carlsbad's resident/golfers SUBJECT: Proposed public golf course for Carlsbad WE, the undersigned, are in favor of and weuld support a public golf course that is'proposed for the City of Carlsbad. It would be built on city- wned land at no cost to the taxpayers. We believe it would be a t I! emendous asset to our city's residents and tourists visiting our wonderful city. NAME ADDRESS f 0 0 TO: Members of the City of Carlsbad City Council and Parks and Recreation Commission FROM: Carlsbad's resident/golfers SUBJECT: Proposed public golf course for Carlsbad WE, the undersigned, are in favor of and would support a public golf course that is proposed for the City of Carlsbad. It would be built on city-ovned land at no cost to the taxpayer We believe it would be a tremendous asset to our city's residents and tourists visiting our wonderful city. 1 0 a * August 10, 1985 To: Members of the City of Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Commission and City Council FROM: Carlsbad's resident/golfers SUBJECT: Proposed public golf course for Carlsbad We, the undersigned, are in favor of and would support a public golf course that is proposed for the City of Carlsbad. We believe that it would be a trenendous asset to our city's rsidents and tourists visiting our wonderful city. I 0 0 . To! #embi?l.s sf the City of Carlsbad City Council and Parks and Recreation Commission FROM: Carlsbad's resident/golfers SUBJECT: Proposed public golf course for Carlsbad WE, the undersigned, are in favor of and would support a public golf course that is proposed for the City of Czrlsbad. It would be built on city-owned land at no cost to the eaxpayers We believe it would be a tremendous asset to our city's residents and tourists visiting our wonderful city. NAME ADDRESS k-%&U& 40f2-T UY4kJ G ." - * . 2. e , .. L. L .& I-IanB Lit t en r- / 103 s 3;fi.t 2 jj ,rb ::r 5 -? .- r,~ Jd, Calif, .=:L-'dL -.. - De2.r 2z.n~: -;;e were v~rv 2lez.s b .I - z' e c 9 ;,?-t 137 QU.'S - ,; puS1j-c 201: CO-d.ZSE i:: ,?2. 1 i s he 5- 7 7 -" . 7 A- .- .- -.- \-"' 2.iL i 5- u - ~ _. ?l. ,~e;-i; i6-e:;. ,:: :,.IS-- .. -.--- -, 1; E 1- y y:-,;c 3 TT s 0-d 7,E;ltj- 011e.z 107 - -0 - a 4 J.$, - ;< 0;' c. L-! e c, .GT: I - e '1 I.-' MM Y5.?k. S i 11 C e z ,z 17; /.>*--- /': .,'< it 3. $,j-:% . = d - i_ 2, c' ;I> ' /' u---ed '-i-& -3 &7u= y - Lorec .i, ____, -!=OXY - 3,- r-l':l,-.- z<..-y Po;; 7 7.7 7r-> /?'--C ii/ii/ 7 J. oikC,- ----.I q7" L i. i. T,T7c7.: { LL"! 1 c.- -5. d-2- - & -u.- P. i ! '/[ ,' 7jl i-'(: I .a . 1 I 1 i + L.L*,".'$)7.-c.-,'1 *e <?,A,&-&/ 9 .I- &&+, </g%n,.c. GLUL, --. - .- Cecil :L.& 1 , >3 3 1 - c E 2 :iz::.: 3-2 qyj5 2;.isy ; -,-::1-g.c 72i:;. .JLL 2. T;<! 1- . 1 ; 0 ;) ,, 31' -; '..,.I- = r; i ... c.? -..- . Mr. Loren Thompson 720: Drflodi! Pi i c Cz-lsbad CA 92008 0 cO Q I 0 e TO: lYembers of the City of Carlsbad City Council and Parks and Recreation Commission FROM: Carlsbad's resident/golfers SUBJECT: Proposed public golf course for Carlsbad - c WE, the undersigned, are in favor of and would support a public golf course that is proposed for the City of Carlsbad, It would be built on city-owned land at no cost to the taxpayers We believe it would be a tremendous asset to our city's residents and tourists visiting our wonderful city. NAME ADDRESS L ._d - - 0 e - TO: Members of the City of Carlsbad City Council and Parks (? and Recreation Commission FROM: Carlsbad's resident/golfers SUBJECT: Proposed public golf course for Carlsbad .8' *L WE, the undersigned, are in favor of and would support a public golf course that is proposed for the City of Carlsbad. It would be built on city-owned land at no cost to the taxpayers. &e believe it would be a tremendous asset to our city's residents and tourists visiting our wonderful city. ADDRESS G~J @is7 3$0; c >q/'L& L , GP& [fxl5CT,i_ & &JHiW bckclllcL 2710 lrc/vsletr~s BR. mamn CA, ,?,3dL? D L-ZLr(--- Lac rAjr ;l.rSB&f) i: 0 0 thecity of Carlsbad City Council and Parks ion Commission s residentj'golfers ed public golf course for Carlsbad ersigned, are in favor of and would support urse that is proposed for the City of Carlsbad. t on city-owned land at no cost to the taxpayers. uld be a tremendous asset to our city's urists visiting our wonderful city. 0 ADDRESS / 4 ,7/72_ [a&X;u - &?&Ad& 1 --C&&;cC 7WP &+w ;&flA7Gd/yl>dLL 4 1' c C2+f5LT4. 73-M4- L-LI - . .,-/ j /& Ji )-q/ / 1?( 1 40 -7 -1 I-, -\y : I 1 : r/ / .. i ,*L , .- // c c-7 pri , , c-4 - +-'; - ~ I L. ;> /.-&( 1 r~cq 5r0~~7 43 f-l"t.7 %Ed 70: 6sru BAJn m +w @A RXS BAD w I e ab z - TO: Members of the City of Carlsbad City Council and Parks and Recreation Commission FROM: Carlsbad's resident/golfers SUBJECT: Proposed public golf course for Carlsbad WE, the undersigned, are in favor of and would support a public golf course that is proposed for the CitS; of Carlsbad. It would be built on city-owned land at no cost to the taxpayers, We believe it would be a tremendous asset to our city's residents and tourists visiting our wonderful citF. NAME ADDRESS fG/D 2' LqY/pdd c/Kck eaJE%@ - w e Y i - I - TO: Members of the City of Garlsbad City Council and Parks and Recreation Commission FROM: Carlsbad's resident/golfers SUBJECT: .c Proposed public golf course for Carlsbad WE, the undersigned, are in favor of and would support a public golf course that is proposed for the City of Carlsbad, It would be built on city-owned land at no cost to the taxpayers We believe it would be a tremendous asset to our city's residents and tourists visiting our wonderful city. NAME ADDRESS c e 0 *. I . TO: Members of and Recreation Commission the City of Carlsbad City Council and Parks c FROM: Carlsbad's resident/golfers SUBJECT: Proposed public golf course for Carlsbad WE, the undersigned, are in favor of and would support a public golf course that is proposed for the City of Carlsbad. It would be built on city-owned land at no cost to the taxpayer5 We believe it would be a tremendous asset to our cit-y's residents and tourists visiting our wonderful city. ADDRESS LS2C/ >?/ Ikt. +N c r' '\ 'r -;rfL IG L; =fF- /L c/ It /I /' . 0 t 0 r, I TO: Members of the City of Carlsbad City Council and the ~ * Parks and Recreation Commission FROM: Carlsbad's residents/golfers SUBJECT: Progosed public golf course for Carlsbad We, the undersigned, are in favor of and would support a public golf course that is proposed for the City of Carlzbad It would be built on city-owned land at no cost to the taxpayei We believe it Kould be a treinendous asset to our city's resider and tourists visiting our wonderful city. NAME ADDRESS i-L4nd/l %s+ FOI&4 y- zqq I CSfkM J c+ 1731 CdNO CS. ca c is &\ cpr GW s3c 7 &'&</. c" 2&@ ;L. CX.: ?acx IWG k, f &&&;J $2CC 337L LG. (0s;Is Ac < (2uuwQ P&L*A 9OZ 02 / .-/ jdLlr&5 'Cl/4/ (7 jj ,) 1: \ fib , gr , -, $J /he d&- /60S /-- ,, /.&L &&gL - I 2 (/ d/i L&/ ( L'F-L -+-n-, /J / c: /< &Kd //"C,? -A222 F??LF 279n c&uzeLA:'J;.i [L-L: cg - - - _-- -crskiG_d_ I +d+'g -- - - .____ &/L4L/ i f - --__I~_-- 763 m-&k. - C&J - - - ------* - -I_- - ~ ___ -__ - - _-_. ___ - \cs-QY - - - _. - - --___ __ - - - -- - - - - - ___ - -