HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-12-03; City Council; 8431; Planning Commission appointment46# 8431 TITLE MTG.- PLANNING COMMISSION APPOINTMENT )EPT.rr Adopt Resolution No. %?9/ , appointing a member to the Planning Commission. ITEM EXPLANATION: DEPT. HD.~ a)% CITY ArrY CITY MGR. 6 Stephen L'Heureux has tendered his resignation as a member of the Planning Commission effective December 15, 1985. Mr. L'Heureux has served on the Planning Commission from November, 1974 through October, 1979, and again from October, 1980 through December 15, 1985. Since the term of office does not expire until April, 1986, the attached resolution provides for Council appointment of a member for the unexpired tern. Other members of the Commission are: Robert Holmes, Clarence Schlehuber, and games ,Smith. Matt Hall, Mary Marcus, 3eanne McFadden, The vacancy has been advertised, and applications invited from the public. Copies of applications received in 1985 are attached for Council review. EXHIBITS: 1. Copy of letter of resignation from Stephen L'Heureux dated October 21, 1985. 2. Resolution No. pa 9j , appointing a member to the City of Carlsbad Planning Commission. 3. Copies of applications received in 1985. . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 8291 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARSBAD, CALIFOWIA, APPOINTING A MEMBER TO THE CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION. WHEREAS, Planning Commissioner Stephen L'Heureux has tendered his resignation effective December 15, 1985 from a tern of office expiring, April, 1986; NOW, THEfEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows : 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the following person is hereby appointed to serve as a member of the Carlsbad Planning Commission, in the position vacated, for a term expiring April, 1986: Kip McBane PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 10th day of December , 1985, by the following vote, to wit: AYES : Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick, and Pettine NOES: None ABSENT : None ATTEST: STEPHEN M. L'HEUREUX ATTORNEY AT LAW POST OFFICE SOX 450 PACIFIC SAVINGS BUILDING 810 MISSION AVENUE. SUITE 201 OCEANSIDE. CALIFORNIA 92054 TELEPHONE imei 722 iaoa October 21, 1985 Mayor Casler and the Carlsbad City Council 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor and Council Members: On January 1, 1986 I will assume the Presidency of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce. conflict of interests between that position and as a member from the Commission effective December 15, 1985. In order to avoid any of the Planning Commission, I hereby tender my resignation * It has again been a sincere pleasure to have been able to serve the Council and the citizens of Carlsbad in this position, and I thank you for this opportunity. Very truly yours, Stephen M. L'Heureux SML: js cc: Claude A. Lewis, Vice Mayor Ann J. Kulchin Richard Chick Mark V. Pettine Frank Aleshire Clarance Schlehuber Michael Holzmiller Douglas A. Yavanian 1200 ELM AVENUE - CARLSBAD. CALlFOffNlA 92008 Office of rho City Citp of. Car156ab APPLICATION POR APPOINTMENT TO BO'- OR COMMISSION PLANNING COMMISSION Name of Board or Commis81on:~~~ Albert Nendoza Name (Print or Typal: . 1799 Guevara Rozd; Carlsbiad Address : - Business NYnc and Address: ._ _* Bus. Phone: Resident of Carlsbadr Home Phone: Reglatered Voter in Carlsbad: ves I am familiar with tho re8pon8ibilities aasigncd to the Board or COmni88ion on which I wlrh to 8arve. If appointed to a Board or ~rmni8sion whidr is rubfect to financial disclorurc laws, I am willing to provide such statements as may be required. wixling to appeu for an intcrvlcnr regudfng my qualifications for appofntment before such committee u may be derignated by the City Council or if reque8ted by individual Council Members. I am - 1-16-85 DATE t SIGNATURE: LY (See reverse ~idd 6/83 r- EDUCATION: University of San Fralcisco - BS (Business Administration) Management by Objectives - US Dept. of Agriculture Attended many State sponsored and conducted managefient and budgeting courses and seminars. Rational Manager - US Dept. of Labor EXPERIENCE : ->-I__ Administnatar for the State Employment Development Department. Supervised large of government workers in Sacramento. Supervised Employment and Unemployment offices in San Diego, Impeti’al and Riverside Counties. Administered various state programs; MDTA, CETA, Veterans, handicapped, elder workers, minorities, farm, youth, etc. Retired after 26 years of State service. Reviewed ’and approved sites for locating state facilities. - OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES : Moved to Carlsbad two years ago so familiarizing myself with the business and recreational facilities. Am a member of the SER Board which serves North San Diego County residents with jobs Vice President of the Beca Foundation which provides scholarships to Hispanic youth. Member of the California State Employees Association. Golf - Hiking - Camping are hobbies. - and training opportunities. ADDITIONAL INPORMIITION OR COMMENTS: Manage Mother’s apartment units in San Francisco. Plans call for getting involved in the City of Carlsbad activities to insure that Carlsbad keeps a quality way of life. 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 office of rho City - CM TELEPHONE: (714) 438-5535 Citp of CatIsbab APPLICATION H)R APPOINTMENT TO BO'ARD OR COMMISSION ~ ~~~ ~ BUS. Phone: qjft- Sfti Resident of Carlsbad: Home Phone: G3q-7561 Registered Voter in Carlsbad: I am familiar with the rO8pon8ibilitfe8 assigned to the Board or Comi8rion on which I wirh to serve. If appointed to a Board or Comisrion which ir rubject to financial disclosure laws, I am willing to provid. 8uch statements as may be required. willing to 8pp.u for an interview regarding my qualifications for appointmmt botora such conm\ittao 88 mry be designated by the City council or if requested by indivLdua1 Council Members. I am (See reverse aid.) 6/83 n OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES : ADDITIONAL IN?ORM&TION OR CO"TS2 Citp of CatIsbab Bus Phone : 272 - -6 / Rerident of Carlsbadr,-. Home Phone: 9++2-59 7s Registered Voter in Carlabad:&-, I am familiar with tho rerponrlbilities assigned to th. Board or Comnirrion on which I wirh to rotvo. If appointed to a Board or Commirrion which ir rubject to finmcia disclorurc laws, I am willing to provida ruch atatumntr as may be required, willing to 8ppau for an interviw reguding my qu8liffcations for appointmoat before such oomitteo 88 mry be deripated by th. City Council or if requerted by iadivLdua1 Council M.mbOrS. I am 6/83 EDUCATION: OUTSID11 ACTIVITIES: 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Office ot the city CWk - - - APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BO.- OR COMMISSION I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board or Cornmission on which I wish to serve. Xf appointed to a tioard os Commfsrion whilch is rubject to financial disclosure laws, I am willing to provide such statements as may be required. willing to appear for an intervicw regarding my qualifications for appointment before such committee a8 may be designated by the City Council or if requested by individual Council Members. I dm (See rever80 8ide) 6/83 ADDITIONAL, INFORMATION OR COMMENTS: 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA 92008 Ollicr, of tho City CId TELEPHONE: (71 4) 438-5535 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BO'ARD OR COMMISSION Donald K. Veale 3218 Fosca Street, Carlsbad, CA Name (Print or Type): Addre88 : Phone : 36-9 Present Occupation : Business Name and Addrers: Same Private Investigator (semi retired) - Yes Resident of Carlsbads 436-9598 Bus. Phone: Yes Reqirtered Voter In Carlsbad: 436-9598 Home Phone: X am familiar with the rcrpnsibF1Fties ssri~nrd to the Board or Cononi88ion oa which I wirh to 88rve. If appointed to a Board or Comi88iOn whidr I8 8ubject to financial dirclorure 1-8, I M\ willing to provide 8uch statements as may be required. willing to app0.t for an interview regarding my qualifications for appointment bafore such committee 88 may be designated I am the City Council or if requested by individual Council April 23, 1985 DATE : ' (Sa8 reverse 8ida) 6/83 , -- EDUCATION: 3 3/4 years University of California (Class of 1944) Majors in Engineering and Business Administration Various correspondence courses in insurance property claims, casualty claims, health insurance, fidelity and surety bonds and legal courses dealing in the insurance field EXPERIENCE : 31+ years claims mangement for Aetna Life and Casualty Worked with property claims, completion bonds of major construction projects, underground blasting. The'above required knowledge of local building codes, zoning, variances, soil conditions and related items OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES : Currently hold valid and current licenses issured by the State of California: Real Estate Sales Insurance Adjuster Private Investigator I am a member of California AssociatiOn of Licensed Investigators. I am a present member of the Personnel Board with my appointment expiring June 1985. ( If not appointed to this commission I will reapply for the Personnel Board). ADDITIONAL IN?OOAMATION OR CO-S: See attached page -2- Donald K.- Veale Planning Commission Application (continued) I feel any member of this commission should always consider: Density Slope analysis Traffic impact Fire protection Police protection School availability Sewer availability Storm drain capcity Water availability Park and recreation availability Carlsbad's fiscal ability to provide any The developers responsibility to provide additional needed services the maximum toward reducing any obligation to the City of Carlsbad. I have basic skills form past experience in: Reading plot plans Reading blueprints Slope analysis Soil compaction Zoning Building codes Density Parks and Recreation School district boundries Water and sewer district responsibilities Traffic counts Traffic safety If appointed I agree to furnish any financial disclosure as required by present or future laws. I have no work committments that would interfere with any morning, afternoon or night meetings. .- 1200 ELM AVENUE . CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA 92008 TELEPHONE: (7 1 4) 430-5535 Citp of CarIsfiab APPLICATION FOR mmmumr TO BO.ARD OR COMMISSION Business Name and Address: ;&e BS Bus. Phone: 941- 83q3 Resid8nt of Carlsbadr Y& as/A/cc /4?+ /YE. , v/s m CA 9*@&3 r Home Phone: 729 - 3SgU Registered Voter in Carlsbadr Y'd I am familiar with th8 reSpon.ibilltie8 -signed to th8 Board or Comnirsion on which I wirh to serve. If appointed to a Board or willing to provid. such stataments as may be required. I am willing to appear for an intervim regarding my qualifications for appointm-t bofor8 such oolmnftteo u mry be de8ignat.d by the City Council or if requested by lndivtdual Council Membet8. Commfr8ion whidr i8 8Ubj.a to financial disclosure laws, I am DATE: 4- ZG-g5 SIGbtATURE: (See reverse aid81 6/83 ROBERT R. CAGGIANO 4075 Syme Drive, Carlsbad, California 92008 - (61 9) 729-3580 Professional Objectlve: Private civil litigation and tax law practice in a San Diego or Orange County corporation or law firm. Educational Background: Western State University College of Law, San Diego Juris Doctor, December, 1982 Bachelor of Science in Laws, December, 1980 University of California Extension, San Diego Certificate in Taxation, January, 1978 National University, San Diego Associate of Applied Science in Business Administration, October, 1977 Professlonal Llcenses: 1977-present Enrolled Agent, Internal Revenue Service 1976-present Agent, National Association of Securities Dealers 1976-present Solicitor, Fire and Casualty Insurance 1975-present Agent, Life and Disability Insurance Work Experience: 1982- 1984 Law Clerk, American Tax and Law Center, San Diego 1981 -1982 Income Tax Auditor, self-employed, part-time 1978-1981 Income Tax Practitioner, self-employed, part-time 1975-1978 Income Tax Counselor and Practitioner Military Experlence (United States Navy): 1975 Honorable Discharge, grade of Commander 1958-1975 Served as a naval officer in grades of Ensign through Commander at various shore, sea and overseas assignments, with a specialty in electronics (material, warfare, research and development) and project management. 1946-1958 Served in enlisted billets from Seaman Recruit through Chief Electronics Technician at various shore, sea and overseas commands. References furnished upon request iz00 ELM AVENUE ’ ‘ CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Office of rhe City C’ -. - Citp of CarImsbab APPLICATION ?’OR APPOINTMENT TO BdARO OR COlWISSION I am familiar with tho responsibilities assigned to the Board or Conmimaion oa which S wish to sorve. ff appointed to a Board or Comirafon which ia aubject to financial disclosure laws, I am willing to ptovib. such statements M may be required. willing to appe8.r for an interview regarding my qualifications for 8ppOintlUmlt bofore such conmrittoe 88 m8y be designatad by the City Council or if requested by indivLdual Council Msmberr. I am (See revera. aldol 6/83 I t - 1200 ELM AVENUE CAALSBAD. CALIFORNIA 92008 Oltico ol rho City Clm Citp of CatIdbab APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BO'ARD OR COMMISSION I am familiar with tha r88pOn8ibilitieS assigned to th8 Board or CGmit:ben OB which I wlrh to 18rve. If appointed to a Board or Cortmf8810n whida i8 rubject to finmeid dirclorurc laws, I am willing to provida such statements as may be required. willing to 8pp.u for an interview raguding my qualifications for appointment bofore ma& oo~unittaa 88 m8y be designated by the City Council or if reqU88t.d by indivkdual Council MemberS;. I 8rn 6/83 c JEFFREY W. ROBLES 2752 Abejorro Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 (619) 438-8472 or (619) 438-0398 - - OBJECTIVE Create, coordinate and implement promotional/marketing programs. EXPERIENCE PARTNER * THEMESCAPES 11/83 - Present * * * * Initiated and operate interior/exterior landscape design firm Develop and implement marketing programs and strategies Advertising from concept through media placement Budgets, new business acquisitions, business/marketing plans BUYER VAN HERRICK'S ENVIRONMENTAL PLANTING 11/83 - 2/85 Second Largest Interiorscaper in U. S. * Purchase and coordination of all products; interface with vendors * Coordinate and staging of trade shows and sales events; newsletter ASSISTANT BUYER World's Largest Privately Owned Wire and Floral Product Service * Conceived and instituted a critical path strategy system for developing * Liaison between company and vendors, contract negotiations * Resource, coordinate and analyze feasibility of programs/ products * TELEFLORA 12/83 - 2185- products from concept through distribution Research, survey and synthesize demographic and statisticnl information - CUSTOMER SERVICE/ * * Customer relations, trade shows, managed staff of 12. * INVENTORY MANAGER TELEFLORA Assess and resolve problems from 19,000 member florists. Review of' copy, artwork, proofread marketing materials MARKETING ASSISTANT AIR CAL * * * Public Relations spokesperson to industry, residents Sales promotions, tele-marketing, analysis of strategies Air'Cal became #1 at Ontario Airport 1981 OTHER EXPERIENCES NASCO, CLAREMONT ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION, CEDAR HOUSE FOR ABUSED * Oral and written presentation of fund raising plans to corporate, Raised over $48,000 for educational CHI LD RE N professional leaders and consumers. and child abuse centers. Developed community involvement. EDUCATION B . A. Economics Scholarship studies at: and Political Science CLAREMONT McKENNA COLLEGE DARTMOUTH COLLEGE, Hanover, New Hampshire IES LONDON SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS, London References Upon Request 1200 ELM AVENUE ' CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Citp o€ CatlsLab APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO B0.m OR COMMISSION Name of Board or Comisrionr . City of Carlsbad Name (Print or Type): RONALD W. WEISS Address: 2629 Obelisco, Carlsbad, California Phone : 438-4*@7 Present ~ccupation: - Buslnesr Name and Address: RONALD W. WEISS, Attmev ai-. - 13522 Newport Avenue, Suite 201. q711stin- pal i fornia 9268 0 Bw. Phone:714 - 7311 - 5261 Resident ob Carlsbadr Yes Home Phone: 438-4087 Registered Voter In Carlsbad: Yes I am familiar with tha rerponsibllities asrigned to th8 Board or Comnirrion oa which 1 wirh ko s0rve. IE i2p:ntsd tc a Sczrc! et Co~f~ni88fOn whidr ir rubject to financial disclorurc laws, I am willing to provid. 8uch statemnts as may be required. willing to appear for an Interview reguding my qualifications for 8ppointraukt bofore rudr oonmrittea u muy be de8lgnat.d by the City Council or if requ8rted by individual Council Members. I am DATES April 30, 1985 SIo#ATuRE (See rovetie aid.) RONALD W. WEISS 6/83 - I I EDUCATION: BS Business Administration- Southern Illinois University Juris Doctorat€? Deqree South Western University Phd work done at Occidental University still in progress EXPERIENCE: Have legal experience in the purchase, zoning and construction of project called Point Hamiltair in Lake Arrowhead, have handled eminent domain cases, have been an officer on several condominium associations and architectural committees associated with said condominium associations. I have taught real property law at Western State University of Law. OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES: Knights of Columbus, Judge Pro Tem - Orange County Superior Court and various Orange County Municipal Courts, presenting seminar: on the various aspects of domestic relations law, continuing education of the bar activity. ADDITIONAL INFO-TION OR COWS: It is my personal belief that the Citv of Carlsbad is somewhat short-siqhted in their approach to new con- str;ction in that they are not requiring green belt a;eas, they appear to be allowing indiscriminate building without any set pattern or concern for both facility use, the education facilities and the density factor. I would respectfully suggest tha.t a comprehensive master plan which con- siders the factors mentioned previously plus additional factors should be developed and this would require a relatively strong planning group who can work in a positive manner with the City Council. lz00 ELM AVENUE . CARLSBAO, CALIFORNIA 92000 Office ol tho City C' - TELEPHONE: (71 4) 438-5535 Citp of Carrldbab APPLICATION mR AP#)INTM= TO B0.W OR COMMISSION ~~~ ~~ Bur. Phone: 740 T37/ Re8idont of Carlsbad: Horn Phone: Registered Voter in Carlsbad: *!F ?d 9 - 7A-73 I am familiar with tho respon8ibilities a88igncd to the Board or Conmission on which I wi8h to sarve. If appointed to a Board or willing to provib such statemntr ad may b8 required. Willing to 8pp.u for UI interview regarding my quaifieation8 for appointment befor8 8udr oonrmitteo u muy b8 designated by tho City Council or if roquertad by individual Council Membars. Commission which i8 8ubj@Ct to financial di8clorurc 1W8, I am I am 6/83 ADDITIONAL I!WORHATIOTO OR CO-r TELEPHONE: (71 4) 438-5535 Citp of CatIsbab APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO B0.m OR COMMISSION Name of Board or Commis8ion: PLANNING COMMISSION Name (Print or Type): E. W. "Bill" Dominguez Addresr : 4378 Adams Street, Carlsbad, CA 92008 - Phone: 729-5462 Present Occupation: Business Person Name and Address : Pacifica Landscape Maintenance L 3077 State ---. Street, . Carlsbad, -- -. CA 92008 Burr. Phone: 729-5462 Resident of Carlsbadr Yes Home Phone: 434-4931 Registered Voter in Carlrbad: Yes I am familiar with the rerpon8ibilities assigned to the Board or Comniarion oa which I wiih to serve. If appointed to a Board or willing to provida ruch rtatomontr ar may be required. I am willing to appu for an interview regarding my qualifications for appointm.nt before such committee u may be designated by th8 City Council or if requested by individual Council Members. Con~ni88iOn which i8 8ubfeCt to finMCial disclosure lWS8 1 am \ EDUCATION : - Associaee Arts, Business - Mira Costa BA - Public Administration - San Diego State University Candidate for Masters - Public Administration & Urban Affairs, SDSU EXPERIENCE: Former Planning Commissioner, City of Carlsbad (6 years) Planning Associate, City of Carlsbad (1968) Executive Asst., County of San Diego, Fifth District Supervisor Growth Management Assessment Research Team - San Diego County, ‘with which I toured and studied the most advanced growth management techniques in place in 1976. for 10 years with heavy emphasis on land use problems. - OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES: Chair, Carlsbad Community Foundation Public Access Cable TV Member, General Plan Land Use Review Committee ADDITION= ItWO-TIW OR CO-S: As a member of this Commission it would be my intention to make decisions based on fairness for all. As a native born of Carlsbad, I have a great love for this City and would like to be a part of its future. 1. 12W ELM AVENUE . CARLSBAO, CALIFORNIA 92008 Office of the City C_hrk TELEPHONE: (714) 438-553s Citp of Cattsbsb APPLICATION B)R APPOINTMENT TO BdARO OR COMMISSION Nme of Board or Commisaion: . PT A- Name (Print or Type): Gary S. Nessim - Ad&& : 2607921 2 Pirineos Way Carlsbad Phone: 9@ 5184 Present Occupation: Real Estate -Venn Busin888 Name and Addresr: Mathiasen Real Estate - 2810 Pi0 Pic0 Carlsbad Bus. Phone: 1.21. 7133 Resident of Carlsbad: Sw 1981 Home Phone: 942 5184 Regirtcrcd Voter in Carlsbad: YFS I am familiar with the respon8ibilities a88iqned to the Board or Comni8sion on which Id8h to serve. If appointed to a Board or Commi88ion whie is rubjact to financial dirclorurc laws, I am willing to provib ruch statements as may be required. willing to appu for an interview regarding my qualifications for 8ppointnr.nt -for8 rucfr oonrmitteo 88 m.y b8 de8ignat.d by the City Council or if requ8rt.d by iadivLdua1 Council Members. I am DATE: May 3, 1985 (See reversa ride) 6/83 1 t EDUCATION: B.A. in Psychology, San Diego State University Licensed Real Estate Broker State of California ( all required classes) College coursed in US Urban History and Politics of Governmental Planning along with several undergraduate law classes AS. from the University of the State of New York Training in the Nuclear Power programs of the U.S. Navy in the production of electricty by steam and nuclear energy and the operation of all utility systems of a"smal1 city" EXPERIENCE : President and member of a Board of Directors of a La Costa Condominium Homeowners Association which required extensive litigation. Real Estate Sales Agent since 1983 ( not personally involved in any Member Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce Member Carlsbad Historical Society Member Carlsbad Board of Realtors new development ) OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES: Jogging, Reading, Keeping current on my community ADDITIONAL ASKJRMATIW OR CO-S: "planned growth" advocate I handle strictly resale housing, no personal or professional involvement in new developments. With a Real Estate office downtown, and Living in La Costa I believe I can look at the Ifbig" picture better than most. TELEPHONE: (714 438-5535 APPLICATION mR APPOINTMENT TO WAR0 OR COMMfSSION Na of Bo-d or Co~iSSiOnr Planning Commission phones 438-0947 ~resont Occupation: Mortgage Banker BU8hO.S Name and Addram: National Bank of La Jolla - 1545 Hotel Circle South, #360, San Diego, CA 92108 Bur, Phone: 297-9550 Resident of C8rlsb.d: 5 years Registered Voter in Car18b8drYes 438-0947 Horn Phone: I am farnfli8r with tha responribilitier usigned to tho Bo8rd or Comnimion on which I wish to serve. If 8ppointed to a Bo8rd or Colmniraion which ia rubject to financial di8Cl08Ure Ins, I am willing to appear for an intorvirv reguding my qualifications for 8ppointnmnt before rudi aomdt%ee 88 may ba design8t.d by tho City Council or if r.quert.4 by inbividual Council M.mbers, Willfng to prOVi& Such St8tUROnt8 m8Y be rquirod. I Un 6/83 EDUCATION B.S. - Secondary Education, Univ. of Ney York M.S. - Administration - Hofstra Univ. 60 credits - various Post Graduate Work Calif. Real Estate License EXPERIENCE: 13 years Secondard school teacher 25 years - Building Contractor/Developer 14 years - Chief Executive Officer of Nat. and International companies in the area of marketing, exec. development, residential home building and development. OUTSIDt ACTIVITIES : Carl sbad Rotary Chairman Bldg. Industry Assoc. Finance Committee Pres. Building Industry Assoc. North Co. Division Co-Chairman - St. Patrick's Food Closet ADDITIONAL INOIO1#ATIoll OR C0-S We have an excellent city. I would like to lend my expertise to assist in its future development while maintaining the quality of life the city environment has been able to provide. -* q/&/-= c I. 1200 ELM AVENUE ' CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA 92008 Ottico ot rho City C!.rk TELEPHONE: (714) 438-5535 LLA' a, 2 Citp of 6arIsbab APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT Td B0.m OR COMMISSION ~ ~~ Bus. Phone: 43g 7 Re8ibent of Carlsbadt 5 Home Phone: '73;- u' 5 'i L(; Registered Voter in Carlsbad: - I am familiar with tho re8pOn8ibilitie8 a88igned to the Board or Comnirrion on which I wirh to rarve. If appointed to a Board or Comi88ion whidr ir rubject to financial disclorurc laws, I am willing to providm ruch rtatemntr ad may be required. willin9 to appear for an interview regarding my qualification8 for 8ppOintmelat bator. mu& oodttee u mvy be designated by the City Council or if requerted by iadivLdua1 Council Members. I MI --. DATE: s- 2 - &A- f-?] ! -/) L, /7' (See reverso ride) 6/83 1 I .- EDUCATION : 1200 ELM AVENUE ' CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA 920011 Ottico ot rho City CIW TELEPHONE: (714) 438-5535 APPLICATION H)R APPOINTMENT TO B0.W OR COPMISSXON N~ls of Board or Cornmisrion: .. Name (Print or Typ.): JoseDh A. Gaw Addre88 : Phone : 434-3088 Prerrent Occupation I -F Burinerr Name and Address: Covinot- - - 1165 Hoover, Carlsbad, CA 92008 .. 2121 Palanar Wrt Rd., Ste. 200. CA mn8 BUS Phone : 931-1311 Resident of Carlsbadr Yes Home Phone: 434-3088 Registered Voter in Carlsbad:~ I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board or Comnission on which I wirh to serve. If appointed to a Board or Connlr8ion which ir rubject to f1nanci.l disclosure laws, I am willing to ?-vi& such rtaturwnts as may be required. willing to appu for an interview regllcding my qualifications for appointm.nt bafore such colmaitteo u may be designated by the City Council or if requested by iadivLdua1 Council Memb8r~ I am DATE: 6- 198s (Sea reverse side) EDUCATION : .. See attached-resue EXPERIENCE : September 1984 to Present COVING" HCMES President President of San Dieqo Divion--Responsibi ities include @arming, acqui ition and de&lopmnt of ?%sidential hotking in San Diego Couity, preparation of all budgets, loan acquisition, etc. - See resuoe for additional infarmation - OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES : City of Oceanside Traffic Cannittee City of Carlsbad Land Use Element Review Camittee ADDITIONAL INN16RMATION OR CO-: I believethat the experience identified on the attached res- as well as my current position as President of Cwington Ha~s , San Diego, uniquely qualifies IW for a position on the City Planning CMmission. Fifteen years of professional experience reviewing plans, analyzing soils and land treatrrent studlies offers a wealth of ex-perience and knowledge to draw upon. I recognize that being a developer and builder could tend to taint my julgerrent financial and untangible fanily interest in seeing the City becaw the epitcrre of god planning design and quality lifestyle. the of others; mver, being a resident of carlsbad, 1 have a vesteii RESUME PERSONAL NAME: Joseph A. Gallagher 111 ' HOME 2HOhE : 434-3088 ADDRESS: 1165 Hoover Qrlsbad, CA 92008 BUSINESS PHONE: 931-1311 EDUCATION Claretville Theological Catholic University, Graduated 1968; Major: Philosophy Loyola University; Major: Business. UCLA: Major: Business/Real Estate 1969-1371 - EXPERIENCE LEISURE + TECHNOLOGY, INC. Newport Beach, Cal ifornia 1978 to Present VICE PRESIDENT FORWARD PLAF.INING & Land Acquisition Planning, Engineering, Processing Residential Projects, Western Region: Los Angeles San Diego County Ventura San Francisco Las Vegas Phoenix Acquisition and Development Loan Processing ' 927 Million HUD Title 10 Loan for Leisure Village Oceanside, San Diegc $8 Million HUD Title 10 Loan Commitment Leisure Village Seven Lakes, Fort Myers, F1 ori da $18 Mil 1 ion HUD Title 10 Loan Commitment Leisure Village West Lakewood, New Jersey $10 Million HUD Title 10 Loan Commitment Leisure Knoll Lakewood, New Jersey ' Architectural and Landscape Design Leisure Village Oceanside City and-Quasi-Municipal Coordination and Approval: City Council Engineering Departmen t Planning Departmect Building Department Utilities Department San Diego Gas 8I Electric Edison Co. DRE White Reports: Budgets Bonds CC&R I s Special ksessnient District Formation ar.d Funding End Loan and Construction Loan Processing 0ffsi.te Construction Inspection and Coordination with Job Superintendents Feasibility Studies, Master Program Plans, Budgets, Cost Estimates, Cash Flows Manager Homeowners Association, Customer Service J. A. GALLAGHER 8I ASSOCIATES N. Hollywood, California 1968 to 1978 VICE PRESIDENT -- Appraisal and Consulting Clients: Southern California Edison Co. San Die30 Gas & Electric Co. . Luce, Forward, Hamilton & Scripps City of San Diego City of Oceanside Santa Fe Land and Improvement Co. Standard Oi 1 Company Mobil Oil Company Union Oil Company First Liberty Financial (Carlsbad) Pacific Coast Enterprises Dick Fletcal f Cornapny I.T.T. Paci f i c Telephone San Diego Santa Fe Rail Depot Chula Vista Bay Fron Property (455 acres) Japatul Industrial Park (400 acres-Carl sbad) Golden Door Health Spa Sorrento Valley Inverse Condemnation Case Portions of Sweetwater Park L.N.G. Plant-Point Conception Oceanside Plaza Resort Major Appraisal Assignments: __- I I Counties and States Appraised in: - - Los Angeles - Ventura Santa Barbara Imperi a1 Ri vers i de San Bernardino San Franc i sco San Diego San Luis Obispc Kern Las Vegas Cal i fornia Arizona Texas REFERENCES Furnished upon request. I I I i I I I - I D~SQ: x 5/6/85 1200 ELM AVENUE CAALSBAD, CALIFORNIA 9- TELEPHONE: (714) ab- Citp of. Catlsbab APPLICATION rOR APWINTMENT TO BO'= OR COMMISSION Address Phone: 934- Present Occupation: Amae~ Bus, Phone: Resident of Carlsbad, Horn Phone: &34-#7Qr Regirtarcd Voter in Carlsbad: YE5 I am familiar with tha responsibiliticr ass,igncd to the Soar6 or Comissfon on which I ~drh to 8orve. If appointed to a Board or ~bmisrlon whA& ir rubfact to financial disclorute laws, 1 am willing to provido such atatomants as may be required. I am willing to appear for an interview-regarding my qualifications for appointmult befor8 such oormatttao 88 may be designated by th8 City council OT if requerrted by fndmdual CouncAMeders. 1200 ELM AVENUE . ' CAALSBAO, CALIFORNIA 92006 Otficr of rho City CIW -. - Citp of Catlsbab APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BO'= OR COMeMISSION I am familiar with the r8.pOn8ibilftiQ8 assigned to the Board or COfmi8.iOn oa whleh I wirh to 8erve. If appointed to a Board or Commiraion which ia rubjact to financial disclorutc laws, I am willing to provib. such statemants as may be required. willing to 8ppm.r' for an intenricw regarding my qualifications for appointmant beform ruch oolmnittaa u mry be de8ignat.d by the City Council of if requested by indivkdual Council Members. I am J (See reverb@ .id.) 6/83 TELEPHONE: (71 4) 438-5535 Citp of CarIsbab APPLICATION HIR APPOINTMENT TO BO.= OR COMMISSION JAM% A, COURTNEY 4914 AVILA AVE. Name (Print or Typo): Addre88 : Phon.: Busfne88 Name and Address: - .b 729-7710 Present Occupation: RETIRED (SELF-EMPLOYED) COURTNEY ENTERPRISES 4914 AVILA AVE. YES (8 yeass) Bus. Phone: Re8 idmt of Carls bad : YES Home Phone: Registered Voter in Carlsbad: 729-7710 I am fun~iliax with tho r08pon8ibilitfe8 assigned to the Board or Comniraion oa which I wi8h to serve. If appointed to a Board or Commi88ion whidr i8 rubfoct to financirl dirclorure lw8, I am willing to provida such rtatomontr as may bo required. willing to appear for an intentfeu raqudiag my qurlifications for appointmoat -fore such ooaunittoe 88 m8y be de8ignat.d by the City Council or if r0quest.d by infivtdual Council M.mbOr8. I am AUGUST 19, 1985 DATE: Y 6/83 (See reverso aid.) I EDUCATION: High School (12 years) Numerous business courses Over the years. I’m also a State Licensed Coach. (Soccer Class D) EXPERIENCE I Owned and operated several businesses over the last 25 years. Owned and operated Courtney Courier Corp. in the Los Angeles area from 1967 until 1981. I sold the business and invested the funds in income producing real estate. Since January 1982, I have acted as Consultant to several new bBsiness start-ups, and still advise small businesses. - OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES : I have been very active in the various youth sports programs in the City of Carlsbad, stnce moving here in Jan. 1978. I have been involved one or more capacities,(coach, manager, board member, or sponsor) to each youth sports group in the City. (Imediate Past President of the Carlsbad Soccer Club, and current Executive Director of INDOOR SOCCER of CARLSBAD.) I also served on the Citizens Committee to review the Land Use Element of the General Plan. I am also Financial Officer, and Project Coordinator for C.A.R.A: (Carlsbad Athletic & Recreation Association) I believe that with my extensive business background and with the tremendous amount of knowlege that I have gained concerning the planning process and the way our city is managed, I can provide a service to all my fellow citizens. . 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLS BAD, CALI FORN IA 92008 Office of rhe City Clerk TELEPHONE: (71 4) 438-5535 Citp of UCarls'ba'b APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO' BOARD OR COMMISSION . Name of 'Board or Commission: \ Name (Print or Type) : hIf 6. McBAhJE - Address: 2641 CfiEW Dp1lV6 , LAAL40Ap Phone:72?4243 Present Occupation: AP~~I-+I~ Business Name and Address: YllP VI. Mtc0A.bJ6, AM*lm, Alb, I 2641 dRE% URIVE, LML~B~V, LA 4zOOg Bus. Phone: 729 4 l5t Resident of Carlsbad: 7 YEAR5 Home Phone: 72-9 4-295 Registered Voter in Carlsbad: 7 YEAR5 I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Boa+ or Commission on which I wish to serve. If appointed to a Boagul or Commission which is subject to financial disclosure laws, I'am willing to provide such statements as may be required. I am willing to appear for an interview regarding my qualifications for appointment before such committee as may be designated by the City Council or if requested by individual Council Members. (See reverse side) .\ 6/83 *.. EDUCATION : EXPERIENCE : 5GE P-ME' A-TfPLWD c OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES : 5ptJ DtELo -q CLUB RESUME OF KIP K. McBANE October. 1984 business experience 1977- 1984 1973-1975 1973 education 1975- I977 1966- I973 summer 1966 publication organizations personal 2691 Crest Drive Cqlsbad. California 92008 Phone: Home - 6 19-7294293 Office - 6 19-234-8 19 I THE CAIRN COMPANIES (formerly The Considine Companies) Married, 2 Children 5’1 I”, 150 pounds Excellent health Registered Architect: State of California #C011085 DENVER, COLORADO ATLANTA. GEORGIA SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 198 I - 1984: Executive Vice President and General Manager, California Regional Division of this national real estate company. Managed assets had a market value of $29.0 million. Division had 50 employees. Responsibilities included acquiring, planning. financing. designing, constructing. operating, controlling and leaing retail, office, hotel and residential properties in California. 1979- 1980: Vice Resident and General Manager, Shopping Center Division. Responsibilities included planning, financing, designing, constructing, operating, controlling and leasing shopping centers in Georgia and California. 1978: General Manager, Considine Vineyard Company. Established operational and control proce- dures, merchandised and re-leased 160,OOO square foot specialty shopping center in Escondido, California. 1977: Director of Development, Considine Vineyard Company. Planned and implemented $3 .O million redevelopment program for this shopping center. GROUP FOUR ARCHITECTS SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFOWA Founding partner of an architectural office with a well-rounded practice throughout California. Responsibilities, with four partners and staff, included general office management as well as programming, design, project management. and drafting, with respect to a full range of residemial, commercial, industrial, and research projects. My interest in this firm was sold in August, 1975. SIMONDS AND MILHOUS, ARCHITECTS OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA Designeddraftsman. Projects included schools and public recreation facilities. HARVARD GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS Master in Business Administration degree in June, 1977. General management curriculum in first year. Second year emphasis on general management. finance, and real estate. Treasurer of Real Estate Club. Member of Finance; New Enterprise; and Communication, Leisure and Entertainment Clubs. Intramural athletics. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA Master of Architecture degree in June, 1973. Bachelor of Arts degree in Architecture in June, 1970. Emphasis on “Architectural Administration and Professional Practice.” Committee to develop a program in “Building Economics, Management Science and Professional Theory of Architecture.” Board of Directors, American Institute of Architects, Student Chapter. University Students’ Coopera- tive Association. TECHNISCHE HOCHSCHULE STUTTGART, GERMANY Took summer courses in German language and culture. “Los Angeles: Architecture of the Cinema.” in On SitelOn Energy. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1974. Rotary Club: American Institute of Architects; International Council of Shopping Centers (CSM): Urban Land Institute: Carlsbad Educational Foundation (Founding Director); Carlsbad Historical Sites Board: San Diegans. Inc.: etc. Raised in Southern California. Interests include travel, gardening and food. Personal references available upon request. Office of rho City Clerk Bitp of Catlsbab TELEPHONE: (7141 438-5535 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BdARD OR COMMISSION Name of Board or Commission: Couv\*rssr* I am familiar with tho responsibilities assigned to the Board or Comnission on which I wiah to serve. If appointed to a Board or Comirsion which ir rubject to financial disclosure laws, I am willing to provida such statements ad may be required. willing to appou for an intemiew regarding my qualifications for appointmat before such conmritteo u may be designated by the City Council or if requested by individual Council M8mber8. I am DATE : Y/ 8 54- SIGNATURE: I 6/83 1200 ELM AVENUE CAALSBAO, CALIFORNIA 92008 1' TELEPHONE: (7141 433-5535 Otlicr ol tho City-CI.rk - Citp of CarIsbab APPLICATION mR APPQINTMENT TO BO-ARP OR COMMISSION Name of Board or Comirsion: ' Planning Commission Name (Print or Typo): Matthew Hall Address : 2631 Galicia Way phone: 436-4618 Present Occupation: Self-employed ( A-1 Auto I - Business Name and Address: A-1 Auto Dismantiling - 3195 Tyler Street, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Bur. Phone: 434 - 1007 Resident of Carlsbad: Yes Home Phone: 436-4618 Registered Voter In Carlsb8d: Yes I am familiar with tha responribilitiar aasiqned to the Board or Comnf8rion on which I wirh to serve. If appointed to a Board or mmmi88ion which 18 8ubject to financial disclosure laws, I am willing to provida ruch statemants M may be required. willing to 8pp.u for an interview regarding my qualifications for appointmaat bofor. ruch oommritteo 88 m.y be designatad by the City Council or if reque8t.d by indivLdual Council MunbOtr. I am (See rever8a sidd 6/83 I I .I " ,. EDUCATION: EXPERIENCE: Housing and Redevelopment Advisory Committee since inception. (1979) Project Area Advisory Board 1917-1979. Rehabilitation Loan Committee since inception in 1981. General Plan Review Committee since inception in early 1985. OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES: ADDITIONAL R9K)~TION OR CO-S: Resident of Carlsbad since 1970. Homeowner in La Costa since 1978. I have cwned and operated my business in the City of Carlsbad since 1970. 1200 ELM AVENUE ’ CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA 92008 Officr of rho CiW.C!.rk TELEPHONE: (71 4) 438-5535 ‘Citp of CarIsbab APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO B0.m OR COMMISSION Name of Board or Commisrion: Name (Print or Type): ROBERT HOLMES Addrers: 810 Caminito Rosa. Carlsbad, Cam 9m-m Phons: 438-9562 present Occupation: RaiFpfi Businesr Name and Address: Now - - Bu8. Phone: Resident of Carlsbadt 5 ynp-0 Home Phone:438-9563 Registered Voter in Carlsbad: I am familiar with tha rerpon8ibilities aasigned to the Board or Comniasion on which I wirh to rerve. If appointed to a Board or COmi88ion which ia rubject to financial disclosure laws, I am willing to ptovid. such statements as may be required, willing to appear for an interview regarding my qualifications for appointment bofore bud3 aonrmittee 88 muy be designated by the City Council or if requested by indivLdua1 Council Members, I am CY> (See reverse ride) 6/83 .- EDUCATION : Graduate Lagizna Beach High School - 1940. Honor Society UCLA Extension - 1941 United States Maritime Service Officer Candidate School - 1943 EXPERIENCE: 20th Century Fox Studios Art Department Over thirty-five years in my own Architectural business - ROBERT HOLMES & ASSOCIATES Current member of the Housing & Redevelopment Advisory Committee - Current "ember of the Design Review Board OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES: mairman of the Trash Waste Study Committee Secretary of the Hi-Noon Fbtary Club Member of St. P'lichaells By The Sea Episcopal Churfi Member of the Advisory Committee of Carssbad Boys & Girls Club Past President of Malibu Rotary Club Former member of the West Los Angeles YMCA Board of Managers ADDITIOUAL IN FOR MA TI^ OR CO-S: Married, father of two Carlsbad home owner TELEPHONE: (7 14) 4%-5535 APPLICATION €VR APPOINTMENT TO BO'= OR COMMISSION Bus. Phone: Resident of Carlsbad: pa Home Phonewe @bot% Regirtered Voter in Carlsbad: Ak- I am familiar with the rerponribilities assigned to the Board or Comlrrion on which I wlrh to rerve. If appointed to a Board or Comi88ion which is rubject to financial disclosure laws, I am willing to provid. ruch statements M may be required. willing to 8pp.u for an interview regarding my qualifications for appointment before such oormnitteo u m.y be derign8t.d by the City Council or if requerted by indivLdua1 Council Me I am fl Pr"n / (See revers; 8idd 6/83 EXPERIENCE: BARBARA B. DONOVAN - 2630 Abedul Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 (619) 438-2630 - EDUCATION: Columbia University, New York Master of Arts, Counseling Psycholocjy Boston University, Boston, Ma. Bachelor of Science, Liberal Arts . EXPERIENCE : Administrator, Rhoades School, Encinitas, CA. Counseled with students on all problem levels, public relations with parents and media. Full responsibility for running of main office. Public relations, Theodore Brokaw Enterprises, a Administrator, San Dieso Community Foundation. Organized and coordinated daily functioning of office. Liasion between Executive Director and Board of Governors. Responsible for the development and implementation of fund raising programs. Public relations. real estate syndication and development corporation. * - In private practice, Marriaqe, Family, Child Counselor Guidance Counselor, Central Regional High School. Bayville, N.J. Consultant to Principal, Freshman class advisor. ADDITIONAL: Vice-Chair, Park and Recreation Co*mission, City of Carlsbad, 1980-present Chair, Selective Service Commission, serving Korth San Diego County, 1982-1-ife (Presidential appointment) McClellan-?alomar Airport A2visory Con-,issioner, 1984- yiee-ChQif ddp Directolfi, Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation, 19&4- f 9 FS-IW Board of Directors, La Costa Youth Organization, 1982-1984. Vice-president 1983-1984 President, Rainbow Gardens School ?TO, 1983-19CJ 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Officr of rhr City CIwk TELEPHONE: (7 14) 436-5535 Citp of CarIsLab APPLICATION €'OR APPOINTMENT TO BOARD OR COMMISSION "zpI:?:I"C rc' :'I;STC:i Name of Board or Commission: -- Name (Print or Type): TOM FRANDSEM Address : 6421 Cayenne Iane Carlsbad 92008 phone: 438 8343 present Occupation : ielevision broadcaster/producer BusineS8 Name and Address: ;J TV 5515 'clrose, Ikllywood CA BUS. phone ,213 467 . I tTq Resident of Carlsbad: YES Home Phone: 4j8 8893 Registered Voter in Carlsbad: YES I am familiar with the re8pon8ibilitleS assigned to the Board or Cornmiasion on which I wirh to serve. If appointed to a Board or Commiarion which is rubject to financial disclosure laws, I am willing to provide such statements as may be required. willing to 8pp.u for an interviaw reguding my qualifications for appointmeat before such oormnitteo u may be designated by the City Council or if requested by individual Council Members. I am DATE: : r J 21, 1955 SIGNATURE: (See reverse mid.) 6/83 I ." EDUCATION : EXPERIENCE : OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES : ADDITIONAL IN?OORIIATION OR COMMENTS: ( Tom Frandsen) . - -2- Civic, Professional, Governmental & Charitable organizations: Los Angeles County Aviation Commission (3 terms, 1972-84) Long Beach Marina Commission - Serving third term 1983. Member: Los Angeles County Fire Investigations Board, 1979. Member: Board of Trustees, The Leukemia Society. Board of Governors, Academy of Television Arts & Sciences Marine Studies Institute - Charter Member Director: American Society for Oceanography (1970) Past President: The Show Business Shrine Club Past President: U. S. Navy League - Hollywood Council Past President The Masonic Press Club Past President Toastmasters Club of Downtown Los Angeles Past President: The Airmans Club of Calif. Member: Board of Trustees, Ro2e Cancer Foundation (1980-84) Sigma Delta chi, Honorary Journalistic Society Chairman: Orange County Easter Seals Campaign. Chairman: International Seafarers Conference, San Pedro. Director: The Silver Dollar Club Director: Community Xehabilitation Industries, Long Beach ( Commodore: The Port of Los Angeles. Commodore: The Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club. Member: LA County District Attorney's Advisory Council Member: Board of Trustees - Navy Memorial Foundation Member: Board of Govoernors Hollywood Bob Hope US0 1980-84 (Tom Frandsen) - "1 -3- Educational Background: Los Angeles City Schools Los Angeles City College Pasadena College University of Notre Dame, South Bend, U. S. Naval Flight College Industrial College of the Armed Forces National War College of the United States m Teaching : (Visiting lecturer - Public Affairs, Telecommunications ) Calif. Polytechnic University - icelloy~ Foundation Pomona University of Southern California - Extension U. Long Beach State College Calif , Institute of Technology Cal State - Fullerton Cal State - LOS Angeles Naval Reserve OEficers School Military: Coramissioned as Ensign, 1941 Completed Flight Training - designated Naval Aviator, 1943 Served as Member: Following Vfiv I1 - Navy Flight Standardization Board, Pilot on Staff of Chief of Air Training, and as Aviation Safety Officer on Staf'T. Crash investigator, promoted to rank of Commander, served as Exec. officer of squadron, Squadron commander, and as Commander of Naval Air Task Group 77, Cruises in Aircraft Carriers: USS Hornet, USS Yorktown, USS Coral Se and USS Kittyhawk. Served as Captain on Staff of Anti-Submarine VihrfSteCommand, Pacific, Pearl Harbo -r .’ ? 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92ooc) Offico oi tho City CM APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BO’ARD OR COMMISSION TELEPHONE: (714) 438-5535 N- of Board or Commisrion: Planning Commission or any other commission or Board that my servicesav &. N-. (print or ~yp.1: Arthur GoWood Carlsbad. 2697 Vancouver St, Addt8.8 : Phone : 729-3054 Present Occupation: Retired BU8inOSS Name and Address: Bus. Phone: Resident of Carlsbad: Home Phone: 729-3054 Registered Voter in Carlsbad: Yes .- I am famflfar with tho r8spon8ibilities -signed to the Board or Comni88ion on which I wfrh to serve. If appointed to a Board or willing to pmvid. 8uch rtatamntr as may be required. willing to appear for UI interview r8guding my qualification8 for appointment bofore 8uch oonmritteo 88 mcy be de8lqnat.d by the City Council or if rmquertd by individual Council M.mb8rJ. CoHImi88iOn whidr i8 8ubj8- to financial disclosure lWS, I am I am (See reverse mido) . 6/83 I EDUCATION : Attended St.Kildas Christian Bro;hers.College,Melbourne,Australia. Intermediate Certificate from University of Melbourne,Australia. Attended University of Alberta School on Labor Relations in ,anff,1954 Attended AFL-CIO Political Action Seminar ,Washington,D.C. 1963, Courses on Economics, Lobbying, Organizing. UCLA Repartment of Industrial Relations Courses on Labor Relations at Santa Barbara. EXPERIENCE: Lived and Worked in Melbourne,Australia; Calgary, Canada1 Niagara ialls, Canada: Fullerton,California: Lakewood, California. Served in Australian Army, and as pilot in RAAF, WW11. In Australia; Book-keeping Deprtment, Victorian Railways. In Canadar Calgary Transit Systems Driver and Dispatcher Canadian Industries Ltd; Chemical Operator. International Chemical Workers Union; Representative. - and Regional Director, West Coast; from 1963 to present. In U.S. International Chemical Workers Unions Vice-president For the past 32 years, I have negotiated and administered Labor contracts with such firms as Lever :res, U.S.Borax, American Cyanamid 1 Dow Chemical, Manville Corp,Supervised and dicected -k&M'lds:Staff in Western States from 1963 to 1985 Presently serve on the Cal-OSHA Advisory Ioaxd. In past served on Cal-OSHA Standards Advisory Board on asbestos standards, and on Reporting standards. Also serving on the City of Los Angeles Toxic Waste Committee, as this is really a state wide problem. ADDITIOWAL INNIOlWATIOIO OR COWS: I have recently retired to become active on Carlsbad affairs, and feel that my varied experience would enable me serve the City in some capacity. from full time employment and would like -. L" 1200 ELM AVENUE * CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Otfico ot rho City CI.rlr- Bitp of Carlsbab APPLICATION FOR APPO1"TMENT TO BO'= OR COMMISSION Name of Boud Or CocnmiS8iOn: Planning Commission . Name (Print or Type): F'lnrsl Rn-in Address : '3637 Rinactnn Ctrnr\t Carlsbad, CA 92008 " Phone: 1.21. ggl ? Present Occupation: housewife Business Name and Address: -~~ ~ Bus. Phone: Rerident of Carlsbad: v e .s Home Phone: cQ17 Registered Voter In Carlsbad: ypc I am familiar with tha responsibilities aasigned to the Board or COnmi88iOn on which 1 wlrh to serve. If appointed to a Board or Commission which i8 8ubject to financirl disclosure 1-8, I 'am willing to provid, such staturwnts as may be required. willing to appu for an interview rageding my qualifications fOt appointmoat before such oorrPnitteo 88 m8y be designated by the City Council or if raquested by indivkdual Council M.mber8. I am (See reverse sidd 6/83 EDUCATION: Eastern Michigan University, BS, magna cum laude; 1980 . major, philosophy; minor psychology--second major in English and worked toward masters in business administration--1982 University of Toledo, School of Law: worked toward doctors of jurisprudence degree, 1980 Transcripts available upon request. Sawyer College of Business in San Diego, CA (619) 286-4770 INSTRUCTOR--subjects taught included: business law; business letter writing; advanced business communications: vocabulary and spelling: lecture class in word processing and lab classes in Xerox, ABDick, Wang Bechtel Power Corporation in Ann Arbor, MI (Moscow, OH site) (313) 994-77 EDITOR/TECHNICAL WRITER--wrote administrative procedures for client and company; edited procedural manuals: trained WP staff to editorial style Mt. Washington Press/Clermont County Review, Cincinnati, OH (513) 231-622: REPORTER--reported and wrote local news stories and feature articles Lincoln National Life Insurance Company, Ft. Wayne,IN (219) 424-5421 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT--edited reports; special assignments Copies of performance reviews, letters of recommendation and complete resume available upon request. volunteer work includes: recreational hostess at nursing home, tutor at elementary school, tutor at college writing clinic, writer of life stories at nursing home; honor societies: Phi Kappa Phi and Psi Chi; edited, wrote for, and assisted with paste-up of college newspaper: Carlsbad Friends of the Library: attend Pilgrim Congregationa Church; have participated in Toastmasters, Welcome Wagon, Ethnic Fair in Ann Arbor, MI, room mother at various schools, Lincoln National Life Insurance Company's Achiever's Club, Book Discussion Groups, Peacemakers, various anaimal humane organizations, philo- sophical conferences, American Student Lawyer Local ~ I am a newcomer to Carlsbad. We purchased a home here only a year ago next month. We do, however, plan to stay here. Recently, I left a position in San Diego in order to concentrate my energies nearer my home. With plenty of time, energy, and a very varied background, I am confident that I would be an asset to the Planning Commission. Also, although my ties to the community here may not be as strong as those of other applicants, they will be as time goes on. Right now, I would represent a great many citizens who are new to this area, but have a genuine interest in seeing it stay as nice as itjs at this moment. Thank you for your consideration. ! .- 1200 ELM AVENUE - CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Citp of CatIdbab. APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO B0.m OR COBMISSION Name of Board or Corrrmis8iont Pl~ing Commission Name (Prfnt or Typo): ROBERT HARRY HERRING Addre88 : 4008 Isle Drive, Carlsbad, Calif. Phone: 729-0166 Burin888 Name and Address: Carlsbad Union Church 3175 Harding Carlsbad, Calif. Present Occupation: Business Manager Bus. Phone: 729-2331 Resident of Carlsbadt Yes HOIM Phone: 729-0166 Regirtered Voter in Carlsbad: Yes I am familiar with tho re8ponsibilities aasignad to tho Board or Cammimion on whidr I wi8h to serve. If appointed to a Board or willing to 8-8r for UI interview rquding my quallfiC8tiOnS for appointmoat bofora ruch oomitteo 88 mry be d88ign8t.d by the Ctty Council -_ or if requestod by indivkdual Council Mauber8e DATE: /J -2-6 Comi88ion which i8 rubject to finMCiJ di8d08Ure laWr, I am Willing to pmVib 8Uch 8t8tO!Wnt8 a8 m8y be tmquired. I am -- (Sea reverso 8ido) 6/83 I .. -- I EDUCATION: Business Administration Retail Store Management Retail Store Operations and Planning Wheaton College Northwestern University EXPERIENCE: Merchandise Manager - J.W. Robinson Company Vise President'- General Merchindise Manager General Manager May Company Department Stores Seibu Stores Inc. Tokyo Japan ! OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES: President Of The Carlsbad Chamber Of Commerce 1977 ADDITIONAL INrOl#ATIoIo OR CO-: -. .- Responsible as part of a management team for the planning and setting up oft J.W. Robinson Stores Pasadena, Palm Springs Responsible for th& planning and building of Seibu Store - Responsible for the total remodel of May Co. Carlsbad.