HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-12-03; City Council; N/A; Report of Revenues and Expendituresz 0 i= u ~ 0 z .. z 0 b < ..J c3 z :::, 0 (.) er OF CARLSBAD -AGEN[ BILL AB# :INFO MTG. I2L3l85 DEPT._F_IN __ _ TITLE: RECOMMENDED ACTION: REPORT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES OC'.1:0BER 1985 This is presented as an information item only. No Council action is required, ITEM EXPLANATION The attached report of revenues and expenditures as of October 1985 summarizes) the activity of the City of Carlsbad for the first four months of this fiscal year. Highlights of this monthly report are shown below: Sales tax revenue is ahead of budget estimates. For fiscal 1986 total income from sales taxes will be about $6 million up about $300,000 ove~ current b~dget estimates. Construction related revenues are up in all areas. Total income from development will be about $700,000 above original budget figure. Business license revenue is ahead of budget by about $i5,000 ~nd should total $450,000 by year end. Interest revenue is ahead of budget estimates by about $150,000 for the general fund. Operating expenditures are about 5% to 7% below budget as of the end of October. Capital expenditures which total $7.8 million are ahead of the same period last year by $3.8 million. FISCAL IM?ACT Based on the figures shown in the attached report, the total excess of revenues over expenditures in the general fund at year end will be about $1.9 million. Spending and revenue trends are very dynaw.ic and should be viewed as simply trends, not absolute numbers. Council may use these figures as guidelines in reviewing issues having a fiscal impact upon the City. Changes in trends will be repl)rted as they occur in future reports. EXHIBITS 1. Memo to City Manager --report of revenues and expenditures through October 1985 . 2. Revenue report as of Gctober 1985. 3. Expenditure report as of October 1985. NOVEMBER 18, 1985 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: Finance Director MONTHLY REPORT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES -OC'l'OBER, 1985 The first four months of 1985-86 have been very active for the Engineering, Planning and Building departments. Activity in the development-related revenues was particularly high through September, although October has seen some reduction in total d~mand for services. The City has received revenue of $10.1 million as of the end of October 1985, while spenJing $11.5 million. This negative cash flow is typical of the early months of the year, although the magnitude of the deficits is less than anticipated due to the high development-related activity. REVENUES General E'und Total r~venue for the general fund should reach $20.4 million by year end, up $1.1 million or about 5.8% above the budget estimate of $19.3 million. General fund revenues for the first four months of 1985-86 totaled $4.9 million, well above last year's figure of $3.6 million~ An analysis of the variance shows that well over half of this increase is accounted for by differences in the timing of certain large payments such as transient tax and interest revenue. However, these figures also show that general revenue sources are outperforming budget estimates by a substantial margin. the most important of these are detailed below: 0 Sales tax --Sales tax revenue as of October 85 totaled $1.5 million compared to $1.3 million through October 84. Tax payments have been well ahead of last year's figures and are substantially higher than the 1985-86 budget estimate would indicate. Based on these early trends, sales tax revenue should reach about $6.0 million by year end, up $320,000 from the current estimate. 0 Construction related revenues --Building activity has remained high throughout the early part of 1985-86. Three months of this year saw unusually high levels of building causing several categories of revenue to run well ahead of budget figures. These sources are summarized as follows: (, Page -2- MuNTHLY REPORT ON REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES -OCTOBER 1985 Ori<J-inal Revised Source Estimate Change Estimates Construction permits $800,000 $100,000 $900,000 License tax on new construction 600,000 200,000 800,000 Building plan check fees 550,000 75,000 625,000 Engineering fees 275,000 50,000 325,000 The net increase in general fund revenues related to building activity is $525,000. October revenues dropped significantl~ from the building pea~ reached in September. This lower level is more typical of the fall quarter and should continue through February. 0 Business license revenue --License revenue is related to the general economic climate of the community and the enforcement efforts of the City staff. For 1985-86, we are seeing the efforts of good economic conditions and the extensive license audits performed by the Finance Department. License revenue for 1985-86 should reach $450,000, about 10% above last 1ear's total revenue, an increase of $75,000 over budgeted figures. 0 Interest revenue --General fund cash balances remained higher than anticipated during the first four months of 1985-86 due to the revenue flow from building actiivity. Based on this early performance, interest revenue for the general fund should reach $700,000 by year end, up about $150,000 from the current budget estimate of $550,000. Other Funds Revenue in the public facilities, sewer construction and park-in-lieu fund is reflecting the level of development activity found in the general fund. These funds have recorded revenues well above projected figures due to the accelerated building activity experience during the first four months of this year. The following table shows the present revenue, budgeted revenue and revised budget for each source. Revenue through 1985-86 Budget Revised Category October 1985 Budqet 11.-'justment Budg:et Public facilities fees $1,159,000 $2,400,000 $100,000 $2,500,000 Park-in-lieu fees 258,000 460,000 65,000 525,000 Sewer construction fees 883,000 1,670, 000· 130,000 1,800,000 Page -3- MONTHLY REPORT ON REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES -OCTOBER 1985 Water and sewer revenues for the first four months of the year are slightly ahead of budget estimates, but do not warrant adjustment at this time. EXPENDITURES Expenditures for all operating funds totaled $9.1 million as of the end of October. This is about 7% below expected levels based on completion of four months of operations, or 34% of the year. Although no department is experiencing serious problems at this time, the Engineering Department will be running short of funds in professional services unless som8 action is taken in the near future to reduce the use oi contract services or to increase the current appropriation. Expenditures in capital funds shbw $7.8 million in projects under completed as of October 1985, an increase of $3.8 4% over the same period in 1984-85. SALES TAX REVENUE 1984-85 TO 1985-86 1984-85 ACTIJAL ....... 1985-86 ACTtlAL 1500 THOUSAND DOLLARS 1000 500 0 STREVLIN 200 150 100 50 0 . . • . -. • -· . . . • . ~ . . /.· -~ . . . ... . . . .. . . . . . , .. · ··~ • ·. . . • . . . . . . . .. I: . . . . . . . • .. . . .. I: I J ' ' I I ' I I I I ' '·-' JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JU:~ MONTH ENGINEERING FEES 1984-85 TO 1985-86 1984-85 . 1985-86 . . . . . . . THOUSAND DOLLARS /\ / \ / \ / \ I \ : \ I \ I \ . I \ . • • ••• . . I . . •. . • . • . I .. . '-. I • .... ·,. • I • • . I •• . • . . . . . . . . . . . ' I ' I I I I I I . . . . . . . ... - I ' ' JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN MONTH PUBLIC FACILITIES FEES 1.984-85 TO 1985-86 1984-85 1985-86 ....... THOUSAND DOLLARS 600,--------------------------, • • • • ♦ . . . . ·. . . • • • 4001------jJ--..\---------.... •--,--,.~---~ ...... ·---1 . • . . . . • . . • . . • • • • . . . •• .. . • . • . 2001---..f-----~.-------.------------, •• • ♦ • • • t, • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. o.__.._ _ _.__..,___...._ _ _,_ _ _.__~-~-__._ _ __._ _ _._ _ __.___. 200 150 100 50 0 JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN MONTH BUILDING PERMITS 1984-85 TO 1985-86 1984-85 1985-86 ....... THOUSAND DOLLARS -·· • • • • A . • I \ . I \ . I \ . . I \ . . I \ • . I \ . . f \ . . . •••• f \ . . / •• • •• • . f ...... ' • • . . f • .. . .. . • • . • •• I . I I I I I I I • .• . . • . . . • . .--. .... I I I JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MA~ APR MAY JUN MONTH 1:14 PM ll-lS-8~ CITY OF CARLSBAD REPORT OF EXPENDITURES REPORT AS OF 10/'.~ 1,·S<; l 98(l-86 1985.-86 Y T D Y T O UNE.NCUMBER-" EXPEHDED ADOPTED CURRENT EXPENDED El~t.UMBEP.EO ED BALANCE TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET ------------------------------------------------------------------ GEi ISRAL FUML) ------------1 GENERAL GO 1JERtlMENT ' Clf'i C(JUtKlL 87,932 91,2'5} 22,49<; 7,6SU 61.1013 24.7" C.lTY MAtlAGf-P. 266,'?6'? 28o,:P2 88,483 2 1 290 l'JS.599 }0.9" COt1M f/ELAllOtlS 70 1 '?}8 70,J:H lU,364 -<;9,H,7 14.8 % CllY CLERK 4,560 4,~60 1,648 -i,912 36.l " CENTRAL SC:R')lCES 419,800 446,'?71 97,688 272,045 76,838 21.9" CITY ATTORNEY 133,596 144,419 45 1 990 6,891 91,'?38 Jl.8" FlHANCE 217,037 250,990 56,057 12,127 182,806 22.J" C.lTY TREASURER 12,449. 13,466 2,441 -ll_,02S 18,l" PURCYA51HG 140,170 l4S,927 34,943 20,ooa 90,976 23.9" PERSONNEL 228,803 2S0,206 87,163 !7,!770 1S7,473 34.8 " DATA PRUCESSlNG 38,901 39,416 O,249>· 10,045 32,620 <8.2>" RESEARCH & ANALYSIS 220,737 257,762 46,4SS 31,648 179,459 18.0" INSURANCE ADMlH 63 1 723 67,966 9,708 • S,191 SJ,067. 14,3 % ------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTA:.. GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1,904,802 2,069,039 1500,186 373,66? 1,195,188 24.2 ~ I -------------------------------------------- PUBLIC SAFc.lY BUlLOlNG 719 1 804 693,131 212,665 23,893 4S6,57' J0.7" POLlCE 4,138 1 780 4,4815,442 1,292,137 98,294 },095,0ll 28,8 ¾ FIRE 2,807,848 2,879,012 802,8?7 9 1 738 2,066,417 27.9 % WEED ABATEMENT 43 ,,c;s 78,900 16 ,SS7 19 ,osc; 43,288 21. 0 "· OlSASJER PREPAREDNESS 6S,6ll 69,1512 3 1 862 -66,4~0 4.4" ------------------------------------------------------------------ TOlAL PU8LIC SAFETY 7,??S,398 8,205,997 2 1 327 1 278 150,980 S,727,739 28,4" -----------------------------------------------------------------' PUBLlC WORKS ENGlUE.E'.RlNG l-;208,702 1,}88,Si'l 481,872 24}1 911 662,788 J4.?" OEIJ. PROCESSING. -269,745 12 -269 ,733-- PLAtlNl~G 503 ,99'7 471,671 153~51~ .. 6,087 312.,068 }2.15 " ----------------------------·------------------------------------- TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS 1,712,697 2,129,987, 6}~1 400. 249 1 998 1,244,1589 29.8" ------------------------------------------------------------------' . , .. <, ( ~ 1:14 PM 11-15-13'5 11A 1 H rEMAtKE STREETS BU 1 LO 1 NG MA lt-ff ADl1 l H TRAFFIC SlGNAL MAHIT TOTAL 11A 1111 ENANCE OTHER DEPARTMENTS LIBRARY PARKS AND RECREATION UTILITIES DIRECTOR BLOCK GRANT TOTAL OTHER DEPARTMENTS HON-DF.PARTMEHTAL COMM PROMO CCHMBR> SEHIO~ ClTlZEHS ASSOC COMMUNITY ASS!STP.NCE AUDlT DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS VISTOR S INFO BUREAU ARTS PROGRAM LEASES ST LIGHT COSTS CAPITAL PROJECTS TOTAL NON-DEPttRTMEHTAL SUB-TOTAL GENERAL FUND CONTINGENCIES TOTAL GENERAL FUND CITY OF CARLSBAD REPOPT OF EXPEHDIIURES ~~PORT A~ OF l0/Jl/8S V l D• YT D UHEHCUMBER-"EXPENDED EXPENDED cNCUMBERED ED BALAHCE TO DATE 1985-86 ADOPTED eUDGET ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1985-86 CURREHT BUDGET J ,5a, ,Jo7 33/ ,411 210.400 1,474,580 88,074 ',7,796 94,091· 16 ,21.n 10,824 2,349,116 302,841 170,400 -----------------------------------------l',620.4SO 121_.167 2,a22,,~7 4,131,118 --------------------------------- 14,896 17,642 4,786 2,014,636 2n ,oas 141.780 2,;\89,~01 ----------- 1,068,817 1-,608,4S7 :n.229 39,938 41.2" 26.l" 27. S " 39.2" ----------- 26.2" 25.1" 11.4 " 20.a" 1,406,392 2,106,911 :H,903 42,461 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1,469,375 2,171,253 42,890 S0,429 J8~ ,6t-~! S45 ,H,4 4,875 10,491 946,182 37,324 2,750,441 2S.J" 3,'i87,667 3,733,947 -----------------------------------•, ------------------------- 98,300 30,000 20,000 10.000 100,00(I, '.70,000 382,400 18,700 101,892 J0,000 23,SOO 10,000 2S5,022 . S2 ,463 382,400 7,96S 30,000 6,100 13,747 80,9.!6 S76 87,0l~ t.-,7SO' 3 ,,500 174,1.96 J,042 130,SOO 87,177 13.900 4.253 48,84S 164,882 18,700 11,71S 7.8" 100.0" 26.0" 76.4" 31.7 " 1. 1 " 22.a" 18,700 11,71s 226,}32 317,888 349,472 ------------------------------------------------------------------25.3" 717,400 -----------1,:no, 179 893,692 18,'720,]21 21,163,780 249,302 6,2'iS,828 -------------------------------- 1,251,022 ;J~6S6,930 249,302 19,8'50,,500 21,413,082 6,2<;~·,828. 1,251,022 U,906,232 ----------- -----------------------------------------29.6 '" ----------- ------------------------------------------------------------------29.2 % -------------·-··----· ------------~-----------------------------~- :3~0, 1: 14 P11 ll-1'7-85 CITY OF CARLSBAD REPORl OF EXP~~~llURES REPORT AS OF 10/31/8'5 1985-86 1985-86 YT D Y T D :.JHENCUMBE'r.' • "EXPENDED ADOPTED CURRENT. EXPENDED ENCUMBERED ED BALANCE. TO DATE BUUGET BUDGET -----------------------------------------·------------------------ SPEClHL RE':)EHIJE FUNDS Slf~EET LI GHTl t-lG 497,681 '503,764 11? ,319 1,soo ;HJ4 ,945 2}.J" LIBRARY BONDS 20,624 20,624 uc; -20 ,S09 .6 '6 51::UER BONDS 126,09? l26,09c;. 100.000 -26,095 79. J " HOUSlNG AUTHORITY 1,008,949 1,014. l°'.~ 3}6,831 -,.,785 667,537 33.2 ~, t AUDIO-VISUAL INSURANCE 2s.ooo 25,208 4,'Hl 810 19,887 17.Y" CAL LIB SERV ACT 92,000 92,392 31,616 22,102 38,674 34.2" LIBR GRANT -SB 3'58 . 48,600 48,600 --48,600 LIBR LITERACY 84-85 -21,4}1 1,808 lS ,S43 4,080 8.4" LIB Ll 1 ERAC. "i' 3RD '(R 52,671 55,182 9,87'? -45,}U7 17.9 ,;. OTHER GRANTS -2,968,323 -J,8,S 2,964,468 - SANITATION ENTERPRISE 1,416,846 1,648,034 511,'H2 c;,648 1,130,874 3?. :o ~ WATER ENTERPRISE 1,ooe,oe1 838,002 269,844 2,0:n S66,127 32.2" LIABILITY SELF INS }98.,872 390 .a:n }9.60} -359.269 9. 9 " UORKERS COMP INS 371,38J J84~283 ~8.454 4,040 }41,789 10.0" VEHICLE HAIHT FUND 9H8 1 502 1,0,0,16~ 24'>,486 221 1304,458 2).4 % ·REDEVELOPMENT 262,078 2,479,498 1,1}9,088 262,372 1,078,038 ·45 .9 " ------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL OTHER FUNDS 6,317,382 11,674,626 2,840 ,06_2 327,907 8,500,6?7 24.4" -----------------------------------· ------------------------------ TOTAL OPERAlJNG BUDGEf 26,167,882 33.087,708 9,101,890 1,578,929 2'.?,406,889 27.S " ·········~-----------~ -----------------------------------~-------- 1:14 Pt1 CITY OF CARLSBAD 11-1~-ea; R~PORl OF EXPENDITURES REPOR~ AS UF l0/Jl/8S l9Q:; -86 1985-86 Y T 0 Y T 0 UtlEHCUMBER-"EXPENDED ADOPTED CURRENT EXPEHUED £H~UMl:lE.REO EO 0ALANCE TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET ------------------------------------------------------------·----- CAPITAL 1MEROUEMeH1 ~UHOS GENERAL CAP IT AL CONST -4,1S7,o20 77} ,87:7 1,206,120 2,177,62} 18.6 ~ GAS TA,< --l,66l,S03 1S6,l26 22,271 1,483,106 9,4" PUBLIC FACILlllES FEE -9,247,6U7 ';90,12',; ~,?j0,017 '> ,9:.!7 ,4,;S 6.4" PfiRK lH-LlEU -1,878. u':i:.? 101,06'j 61 .~86 l,7li;,4Ul <;.4" \ REIJENUE SHftR lHG -3,1,6,.!93 261,295 1,063 ,~120 1,811,078 8. 3 " .. SEWER COHSTRUCTlOH -2,283,920 5~S,229 87,647 1,641,044 24,3" AGUA HEOlONDA BR GRANT -2,2SS,294 --2,2SS,294 OTHER CAPITAL GRANTS -1,075,000 --1,07'7,000 w~n.:R -.24? ,413':> --245,48? COMM DEV BLOCK GRAHl5 -3S3,381 5,162 26,729 321,490 LS % ------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL CAPITAL FUNDS -26,294,lSS 2,442,879 S,198,290 18 ,6S2,,986 9.) " ------------------------------------------------------------------ GRAHu TOTAL 26,167,882 S9 ,381 .~6} 11,544.769 6,777,219 41,0S9,87~ 19,4" ••••••a••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• " "' r , (. ( • ' 12:34 P11 11-18-8'5 1 GENERAL FUND REVENUE - 2 TAXE.S ;> ,4 ~ 6 7 8 PROPERTY TAX ............. . SALES TAX ................ . TRANSIENT TAY. ............ . FRANCHISE TAX ..•.•..•.•..• TPANSFER TAX ............. . TRAILER COACH IN-LI EU .... . CITY OF CARLSBAD RE~lEMIJE REPORT -AS OF OCTOBEP. }1, 198<;; REVENUE SUMMAPY 198?-86 BUDGET REV I SEO REl.lENUE BIJOGET AD,'.JUSTMEHTS J.9B?-86-THRl)U1.,1-1 5,450,000 5,680,000 1,220,000 490,1)00 200.000 20,000 320,000 BUDGET Ot.::1 OBEP 1 •-:.13c 5,450,000 H4 ,522 6,000,000 1,842,943 1,220,000 !HO ,705 490,000 54 .339 200.000 7'7,772 20,000 7,85:.! PERCEMT OF ESTIMATED ~E,1JENU£ RF.CE l 1JEO l 0 DATE '7.8 30.7 41.9 lt.l J?.9 39.3 --------------------------------~---9 TOTAL TAXES ................... 13,060,000 320,000 13,380,000 2,806. 133· 21. 0 -----------------~------------------10 LI CEMSES & PERM ITS 11 CONSTRUCTION PERMITS ...... 800,000 100,000 900,000 3'74,781 39.4 12 BUSINESS LICENSE TAX ...... 37~.ooo :,c_;,ooo 450,000 47,101 11).'5 u LICENSE TAX ON HeW CONST .. 600,000 200,000 800,000 188,080 23.S- ------------------------------------------------------------14 TOTAL LICENSES £. PER1111S ...... 1,77?,000 3??,000 2.1,0,000 '389,962 27'.4 ------------------------------------------------------------11:> STATE SIJE:IJENTIONS 16 • CIGARETTE TAX ............. l'i>0,000 -1c_;o,ooo 61,c,.;H 41. 0 17 ALCOHOL LICENSE TAX ....... ----- 18 i..1EHit.:.LE IN LIEU FE.E ..•.••• 1,000,000 -1,000.000 ~94.e-?9 ~9.7 19 HIJl1E miuERS PROP TAX RE ... 170,000 -170,000 20 BUS INVENTORY PROP TAX RE. ------------------------------------------------------------21 TOTAL STATE SUBVENTIONS ....... 1,320.000 -1,320,000 4%.190 34.6 ------------------------------------------------------------22 OTHEP I MTERG0 1J RE'JENUE 23 STATE GRANTS .............. ------------------------------------------------------------24 TOTAL OTHER IN1ERGOV REV ...... ------------------------------------------------------------zc_; CHARGE~ FOP. SERVIC~S 26 ZON HIG FE!:'.S ............... 14.0, 000 -140,000 27,122 19.4 27 SUBDIUISION FEES .......... 20,oco -20,llOO 6,?97 3~.o 28 PLANCHECK FEE/ BLOG ...... 550,000 75,000 625,000 172,601 27.6 29 PLAHCHECK FEE/ ENGIN ..... 375,000 -J75,00C, 270,612 72.2 30 ENG lllEE.P. lHG FEES .......... 275,000 50,000 325,000 L89,252 58.2 f , • ( 12U4 Pl1 11-18-3'::-CITY OF CARLSBAD RE:1JEMUE REPORT -AS OF OC Tl.:tl:11:.P .H, 1';>8:-,, REVENUE SUMMAR', 1987-86 BUDGET RE'.I \ SE.D P.E.IJE.1-tlJE. BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS 1985 06 THRO~GH BUDGEl OCTOBEP 1¥85 PERC:ENT OF EST 111A fEt• PE.VENUE PH.E. I I •ED Tl) DATE :H ( CHnR,:;Es FOR SERI.I 1 CES -CONTI HUED ) n :n 34 .}7 J6 .}7 3l:! 39 40 41 42 4:1 SALE OF 11APS .•....••...... WEEO CLEANING ............ . REFUSE COLLECTION ........ . AMBULAHCF.: FEES ........... . LJBRARY F~ES .••..•••••...• AUDIO/VISUAL INSURMACE ... . RECREATION FEES .......... . SW 11111 IHG PQOL FEES ....... . REFUSE AOMIN FEE ......... . EIR FEES .......•.......... STRE~T SWEEPING FEES ..... . POL 1 CE. SER•.I ICES .•.••••.•.• 44 TOTAL CHARGES FOP SERVICES .... 47 FlHES AHO FORFEITS 46 VEHICLE CODE FINES ....... . 47 PARKING ClTATIOHS ........ . 48 TOTAL FINES~ FORFEITS .. : .... . 49 OTHER REVEHUE SOURCES '70 '7 l ?2 73 r;4 77 ':76 '77 ;a 59 INTEREST ................. . RENTAL IHCOME ............ . P & R RENTAL INC011E .••.•.. DISASTER RELIEF .......... . MANDATED COST RE 111B •.•..•. MIS•: REll1BUR~EO EXPEHD .•.. POST·RE.IMBURSEMEHT ....... . SALE OF PROPERTY ......... . MISC, OTHER SOURCES ..... . TP.AHSFER • FROM TRUS1 D~POSITS ...... . 60 TOTAL OTHER SOURCES ........... 61 TOTAL GENERAL FUND ............ r_,., ,,.,., 30,000 37,500 70,000 30,000 285 ,1)00 93,000 35,000 25,000 5,000 15,000 ------- 1,985 ,501) 4?0,01!0 32,00U 125,000 -- :SO ,l)O!J ';,? ,'~IJO 70,000 30,000 28':>,0UU ·n ,ooo 35,000 2':?,000 7,0CO 15,000 ------- 2,110,500 470.000 32,000 '.:, ,625 >12 2,405 24,072 8,103 •:1; ,116'.l }5,915 6,665 8.7?? ------ S 77 ,o 7 e :34,110 18,D7 :n.1 .8 • 34.4 27. o n .... 38.6 26.7 58."4 40.6 17.9 56 .7 ------------------------------------------------------------702,00() -502,000 102,245 20.4 ------------------------------------------------------------ 7?0,000 1?0,UOO 700,000 1.,Ut-3 .·~4! 1s2.o 7,{IOQ -5,000, 960 19.2 45,000 -45,000 223 .5 ---s,ooo -'3,000 10,000 -10,000 2,000 20.0 15,:)00 -15,000 2,.:11;,4 16.4 '5,090 -5_.000 -- ~~000 -5,000 6,632 132.6 ------------------------------------------------------------640,000 1?0,000 790,000 1,076,212 1}6.2 ------------------------------------------------19{282,~00 970,000 20,272,700 <J.,887,820 29.1 ------------••••••••n••• ------------·----------- •••••-=••n••= f, ,,. ( C' r '" •( \. • .. n 12:34 Pl1 11-18-35 CITY OF CARLSBAD RE•JENUE REPORT -A$ OF OCTOBt:.R n, 198? REIJENUE SIJM:1AR'i' 1985-86 BUDGET RE.VISED l~ElJEHIJE 62 OTHER 0°ERATING FUNDS 63 GAS TAX 64 ,:;,i:.; 66 67 68 REIJ-2106 .......... , ...... . PEV-2f0? .•.•.•... ,,.,, ·,. • RE•J-2 lU?. <j; •••••••••••••••• GAS JA/. INTEREST ......... . LIJCAL TRANS FUNDS ........ . 69 TOTAL GAS TAX ................ . BUDGET AOJUS rt1ENTS 162,543 349,876 6,000 50,000 568,419 ?1) LJBRAP'f AIJO[O/IJISIJAL IHSUPANCE FUN:) 71 AIJDIQ,-iJJSUAL INS FEES..... 30,000 ?::! lllTEf.'EST.................. 3 ,000 73 TOTAL L(BRARY A/V INS FUND .... 74 STREET LIGHTlMG 7$ 76 ?7 L I GHT ! NG ASSESSl1E.N T •..••.. ' STATE LOA"f .•.....•...•.•.. ST-LIGHT INTEREST ........ . ?8 TOTAL STREET LiGHTIMG ..•..••• , 79 LIBRAR{ BOMD':', 80 81 PP.OP TAX <LIB G.O. BONDS). LIB-BOND INTEREST ........ . 82 TOTAL LIBRARY BONO ........... . SJ SEWER E'ONDS 84 8? PROP TAX (SEWER G.O. BONOSJ ... . SEWER BOND INTEREST ...... . 33,000 'J.97.000 20,000 ------- 417 ,000 21,000 1,000 22,000 120,COO 10,000 198?-86 IHR(nJGH BUDGET OCTOBER l ':'85 162,54:, 349,876 6, o,,o 50,000 ?68,419 :,,.o, 000 3,000 ------:n ,ooo JQ7,000 21J,000 ------- 417,01)0 21.000 1,000 ------ 22 ,000 120,IJ00 11),000 63,115 D0,420 o,llOIJ 199,'735 i4,3:.!2 14,322 :3 ,'514 e,;.14 199 189 '.>,?lJ PERCEHT OF E.'.:> T 111A TEf.t RE\.IENIJc. RE;t.£111ED Tw DATE 38.8 37.3 100.n 'J,5.1 47.? 43.4 l.1 2.0 .9 ,;> 4.i:J 8~ TOTAL SEWER BONDS............. 1}0 1 000 -1}0 1 000 5,713 4.4 C f- r r- r I - 12:34 PM 11-11:S-85 87 HOUSING AUTHORITY C 1 T'I' OF CARLSBAD REUEMUE REPORT -AS IJF OCTIJl:li::R :H, 1985 Rr.V!:.NUE SUl1r!ARY 1985-86 BUDGET REV I SEO REVENUE BUDGET ADJUSl tiENTS 1'78':>-86 THRUIJGH BUDGET r_,cTOBER l 98'c· 88 HLJD GPAIH REVENUE. . . . . . . . . 988 , 0 0 0 -988 , Q O 0 89 HUD-INTERES1.............. 20,000 -20,oon. PERCENf OF E•;Tii-tATED REUEI-IIJE RECE I •JED TO DATE ------------------------------------------------------------90 TOTAL HOUSING AUTHORITY....... 1,ooe,000 -1,008,000 ------------------------------------------------------------91 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUMDS 92 CAL LIBRARY SERU ACT (CLSA)... 92,000 -92,000 93 LIBRARY GRAHT -SB 3S8.... 48,600 -48,600 94 NATIONAL EMDlJW11EIH FOR THE HUM .... . 95 CAL TRANS IJAM GRANT ...... . 96 LITERACY GRANT............ ?2,671 -?2,671 27,419 52.l 97 OTHER GRANTS.............. 10,000 -10,000 201 2.0 ------------------------------------------------------------98 TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL FUMDS..... 203,271 -203,271 27,620 13.6 ------------------------------------------------------------9~ SANITATION ENTERPPISE 1 100 SEWER CHARGES............. 1,440.000 -1,440,000 4~8,7>8 31.9 < 101 CONNECTION FEES........... 60,000 -60,000 19,894 33.2 102 INTEREST (SANITATION)..... l':?0,000 -lS0,000 ------------------------------------------------------------( 103TOTAL SAMITATlON.............. 1.650,000 -1,6150,000 478,6}2 29.0 104WATER ENTERPRISE ( ------------------------------------------------------------ 105 WATER SALES............... soo,ooo -aoo,ooo 253,339 31.7 106 INTEREST (MATER)... . . . . . . . 150,000 -150,000 C: (f 107 OTHER WATER CHARGES....... 50,000 -'50,000 112,963 225.9 ;:, 108TOTAL WATER ................ -... 1., 000, 000 -1,000,000 366 ,302 36. 6 . '. ------------------------------------------------------------109LIABILITY SELF INS FUMD •1 110 INS ' PAYMENTS FROM OTHER FUNDS. 334,000 -334,000 131 1 864 39.~ , lli fHTEREST (LIAB °INS FUND>.. 60,000 -60,000 r. 1.. , -· . ------------------------------------------------------------ 112ToTAL LIABILITY SELF INS...... 394,000 -394,000 131,864 J~.5 ----------------------------------,_ ------------------------ ( t. ' ·1 12:.34 PM 11-18-8<; CITY OF CARLSBAD REUEMUE REPORT -AS OF OCTOBl:.P 31 • 198'7 198«;-86 BUDGET REIJEMUE SU11MAP'i BUDGET AOJUS'fMENTS REl1 ISED RE.IJEMUE. 1°9~-86 IHRUUGH 8UOGl:.T OClt:IBEP 1,:,::315 -------------------- PE.RC.ENT OF E':>1 !MAfED REVEMU!:. RECE J tJED TO DATE ------------------------------------ 113WORVC:PS COMP SELF INS FUND 114 11,;. COMP PREMIUMS ......••••••• INTER~ST CW/COMPl ..••••••• 116TOTAL WORKERS COMP FUND ••••••• 117IJE.HICLE t1AINT FUMD 118 119 PAYMENlS FOR VEHICLE SERVICE ••••••• INTEREST (IJEH MAINT) .••••• 120TOTAL •JEHi CLE MA!NT FUND •••••• 1211.,JEHICLE REPLACEMENT FUND 275,00IJ 70,000 --------------------------------------- 275,000 so,ooo 325,000 127.}0'L 127,30'2 .325,000 -------------------------------------- 6?0.000 10,000 670,000 10,00.i ------------------------------------680,000 680,000 -------------------------------------- 275,000 275.000 70,000 :'0.000 114,?64 114564 66,080 6.667 46 .. 3 39.2 17.l 16.8 24.0 122 123 124 VEHICLE RENTAL FEES •.••••• SALE OF PROPERTY .....••••• I NTERE'::, T ( •JEH PEP. FUND> •• 1~5TOTAL VEHICLE PEP. FUND....... '45,000 -~4~,ooo 7~,747 21.1 ------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------· 126P.EDEVELOPMENT 127 128 TAX 1 NCREMEtff RE 1JENUE ••••• INTEREST & OTHER REV ( REDE1JELOP11ENT > .••••• 129TOTAL REDEVELOPMENT ••••••••••• 1.30 OTHER SPEC I AL FUNDS ....... . 131TOTAL OTHER FUNDS ..••• , ••••••• 550.000 ';>70,00ll •19 ,461 ,:, . 0 c;o.,ooo 600,000 50,000 600.000 --------------------------------------8.2 ------------------------------------------------------------ 49,461 16,146 7,.375,690 7,375,690 ------------------------------------------------------------1.':?96,765 21.6 ------------------------------------------------------------27.l 7,484,585 132~OTAL ALL OPERATING REV ..••••• 26 1 658,190 970~000 27,628,190 ~====•=•==2~ •==••••=~••• m•a••••~saua ••===E===•=• :am••••••••* -- ~; r r c. ( (' (' (' r < ( Ct ' I C> ' : 12:34 P11 11-l8-85 133CAPITAL FIJMDS 134 GENERHL CAPITAL CONST ..... 135 GA·;; TAX -... , ............. 136 PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE ..... 137 PARK IN-LIEU ... , .......... 138 PLAMt~ED L.Or.AL DRAINAGE .... 1.~9 REVENUE SHARING ... ....... 140 SEWER CONSTRUCTION ........ 141 COMMUN I ·1 Y DEV BLOCK GRANTS 142 BUENA VISTA DREDGING ...... 143 OTHEP. CAPITAL GRANTS ...... 144 IJAlER ......... ........... 145 DEVELOPER CONTRIBUTIONS ... 146 BONDS & OTHER SOURCES ..... 147TOTAL CAPITAL FUNDS .......... . 148GRAND TOTAL REVENUE .......... . End of HQRIJ108? ' CITY OF CAPLSBAO REVENUE REPORT -AS OF OCTUBER 31, 198? REVl::NUE ':illM11ARY 198?-86 BUDGET REVISED PEVE.NUE BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS 1985-86 THROUGH BUD~ET OC108EP 198? 2,400,000 100,000 2,500,000 1,159,354 460,000 6$,000 525,000 257.7?6 200,000 -200,~00 220,312 2130,000 -2~0.000 106.767 1,670,000 1~0.000 1,800.000 88".! .828 180,369 -180,369 6 ,':-03 --- 113,0Cf• -113,000 --- 415,000 -415,000 ------------------------------------------------5,688,369 295,000 5,983,369 2,632,':-20 ------------------------------------------------3~, 346 .• 559 1,265,000 33,611,559 10,117,10? a'lS'l:l'•:&a:1:•1ra::= ==•c:sa•oe•::sn-•'31' aDCICIGJ:JDS,::t.la'G• nc:i::a•e-ac:I!~== PERCENT OF ES11i1ATEO Rl:.VE.MUE. PEC.ElVEU TO DATE 46.4 49.l 110. 2 42.3 49.0 ,.6 ------------44.0 ------------30.1 :aaa::txcs:sc=ia ,,.