HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-01-07; City Council; 8382-1; Purchase Rubberized Railway Crossing Material() z 0 ~ _, u z = 8 CIT~F CARLSBAD -AGEND~ILL AB# 8382•#1 MTG. 1-7-86 DEPT,___,.;;.;J>C=H_;..._ RECOMMENDED ACTION: PURCHASE OF RUB1£RIZED RAILWAY CROSSING MATERIAL 'xl-1 '-' I '15 Council adopt Resolution No. • f:.3 ~-? rubberized railway crossing material. awarding a bid for the purchase of ITEM·EXPlANATION On October 22, 1985, Council directed the Purchasing Officer to seek bids for rubberized railway crcssings, in accordance with specifications provided by AT&SF. The rubberized crossings will be installed by AT&SF at Cannon Road, Elm Avenue and Grand Avenue. In accordance with Section 3.28.120 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, Notice to Bidders was publl$hed and Request for Bids was made. On December 11, 1985, three bids were opened, witnessed ~nd recorded. All bids were reviewen· and evaluated by the staff of the Utilities/Maintenance and Purchasing De~artments. The lowest-responsive bid that met the specifications was from the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, 1144 East Market Street, Akron, Ohio, 44316-0001 in the amount of $65,969.58. The Utilities/Maintenance Director's estimate for the material was $72,000. FISeAt:. • IMPACT T.he cost ~or the two crossings (Elm and Grand) in the Redevelopment area is $43,221.45 and this amount will be loaned to the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency from the Chy' s General Fund Unappt·opr lated Fund balance. Funds for the Cannon Road crossing in the amount of $22,748.13 are available in the Street Repair Account 001-5110-2410. EXHIBITS 1. Memorandum from Utilities and Maintenance Director dated December 17, 1985 - Exhibit A. 2. Tabulation of Bids -Exhibit B 3. Resolution No. • ·3:'J I{·?· • J . ' I , t I, I l \ I j ' i December 17, 1985 TO: PURCHASING AGENT FROM: Director, Utilities & Maintenance RUBBERIZED RAILROAD CROSSING RECOMMENDATIONS 85-175 U-109 We have reviewed the quotes received for rubberized railroad crossings and have the following comments: l. The Omni Rubber Products quote should be considered non-responsive in that their product has not yet been approved by the AT&SF Rail- road. The original letter from the railroad indicated the Saf & Ori Structural Rubber Products and Goodyear Rubber Company were the only approved vendors. This was confirmed by telephone by Mr. Mitchell, Streets Maintenance Superintendent, and Mr. A. W. Polljck, Regional Engineer for Santa Fe on december 16, 1985. Mr. Pollick advised that the Omni product has been installed on a trial basis and is being evaluated. It has not yet been accepted by the railroad. 2. Saf & Dri proposed on Type C and Type S crossings. The Type C crossings are used in ~n Marcos (pictures attached). This type has the disadvantage of deep grooves parallel to the track that appear to collect loose ballast. These grooves can become an escreme maintenance problem because of this plus present a pedestrian stumble problem. Saf & Ori did bid a Type S which has a surface similar to the Goodyear Super Cushion. The Type C quotes, including tax is $65,286.22; the Type Sis $79,629.34. I do not recommend the Type C surface for the reasons stated above; a high maintenance requirement plus pedestrian hazards. 3. The Goodyear Super Cushion has a relatively shallow, diamond design (brochures attached) and appears to require a lower level of main- tenance. The depth of design, although not pedestrian proof, does not appear to present the same degree of hazard. The total quote for the super cushion is $65,969.58. It is my reco,nmendation that the contract be awarded to the Goodyear Tire and Rubb~r Company for their quote on Goodyear Super Cushion. ~~.If!~ RWG~l: Attachments ' ,/ \ ,, ! . TABULATION OF BIDS FOR RUBBERIZED RAILWAY CROSSING MATERIAL VENDOR Omni Rubber Products 2330 N.E. Coluirbia Blvd. Portland, Oregon 97211 CANNON ROAD $17 ,ooo 1 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. 21,460.50 1144 East Market Street Akron, Ohio 44316-0001 Structural ~l!bber 25,650. a2· Products Co. 2245 S. 9th Springfield, Illinois 62703 * Price does not incluqe sales tax. 1 Does not meet AT&SF specifications. ELM AVENUE $15,390 1 19,314.45 23,820.38 GRAND A VENUE $'17, 1001 21,460.50 25,650.82 EXHIBIT B TOTAL* $49,590 62,235.45 75,122.02 J l t t ; 1 I l t l i t ) i l i i l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll 12 13 • I· 14 i 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 .27 .28 " I RESOLUTION NO. 8329 A RESOLUTION_OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAll.SBAD, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING A BID, APPROPRIATING A LOAN OF FUNDS TO THE CAll.SBAD fEDEVELOPt£NT AGENCY AND AUTHORIZI~ THE EXECUTION OF A PURCHASE Ofl>E ~ FOR THE PURCHASE OF • • • • • ··RUBBERIZED· RAil:.WAY· CROSSING· MATERIAl • • BE IT RESOLVED by the City Councll of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the bid of Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, 1144 East Market Street, Akron, Ohio 44316-0001 is hereby accepted; That the City's General Fund is hereby authorized to loan the total of· $43,221.45 to the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency for the purpose of purchasing ~aid materials. 3. That the loan of funds showf, above shall bear interest at a rate of te percent (10%) per annum on the unpaid balance; and 4. That the City Manager is hereby authorized to execute a Purchase Order in the amount of $65,969.58 for the purchase of rubberized railway crossiJ9 material. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, at a regular meeting held on the 7th· day of January -, 1986, by the followillg vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick • NOES: Council Member Pettine ABSENT: None R'ARY A. c,?L~R, Mayor ATTEST: (SEAL) i ' ),, f \ I- f l 1 1 I ' \ ! j i / -