HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-01-07; City Council; 8473; Work Program for new land use proposals77 drohibitionmissioa. "0) CUM b>-i T3 c_> CU 13cd 60 £3r-i en -H(3 C•d cd t3S3 i-H cdcd CXrH - (-1\O CU CU OO 4J 43c^ en 4-> rH Cde o " 4-1 <f 60iH C v^u•H O>, 4J cfl>-( en 42 cd -H3 X en CDCcd O!-> O -H 4J 4-1 "4-4 Cflo en rH CD 3 60 M OS3 C rH 4J V4 O <u cx s43 CX O 13 CU CU 43 en P 4-) CdC CO•H m l-i 4-1 O CdS3O t-i 0)U 01 U4-1 cd rH 4-> CX •rl Cd W C S33 0) 0) O 43 CXO 4-» O vDooI o< o Cr OF CARLSBAD — AGENC BILL AR« tfV73 MTG. 1/7/86 OEPT. PLN TITLE: WORK PROGRAM FOR NFW T.AMD TT^F PROPO^AT «! OFPT. HD.folvWr CITY ATTYp^ KT CITY MGR. <&• 6 4J 4->•H -H<u en en 43 (3 (3 4-> CU 0) O 4-) JS (-1CU OB fi mcdt [ 1 1 i rr-H 60 O CUo enM C 3CX 0•H 60M 4-1 S3M cd -Ho a cu!S iH 43 2) X 3) 4) 5) RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Ordinance No. ty?/**} , applying new density ranges to existing Master Plans and prohibiting open space areas from being used for density calculations. Continue discussion on the work program for new land use proposals to the City Council meeting of January 14, 1986 for purposes of holding a workshop. ITEM EXPLANATION On December 10, 1985, the City Council approved several land use proposals which were contained in a memorandum from Councilmembers Pettine and Lewis. These proposals included the following: 1) Review of all existing Master Plans every four years after their adoption. Review of the La Costa Master Plan commencing immediately. Application of new density ranges to existing Master Plans. Not allowing identified open space to be used to calculate permitted densities. Establishment of an urban land reserve and public facilities phasing program to be used in conjunction with the development of a public facilities adequacy program approved earlier this year by the City Council. Staff was directed to return with a work program to implement the proposals. Staff is still working on the details of this work program but will be prepared to make a complete presentation at the Council meeting of January 14, 1986. Items to be presented for Council discussion at that time would include the following: 1) Alternatives for accomplishing work program. 2) Exhibit showing overall status of residential development (i.e, under construction, final map, tentative approval, pending consideration). This would give the City Council information on how many units are in different stages of processing should the Council wish to consider putting certain projects on hold pending implementation of the new land use proposals. oo Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. 3) A review of the public facilities fee. One of the key elements in a phasing program will be to address the funding for public improvements. While this program is being fully developed, it may be necessary to increase the current public facilities fee. In the meantime, Ordinance No. ? 7^*9 / has been prepared to apply the new density ranges adopted by the City Council to existing, approved Master Plans and to prohibit identified open space areas from being used to calculate permitted residential density. EXHIBITS 1 . City Council Ordinance No. o co coCO g "*. O UJ < UJ " O O evi oj 3ccg 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ORDINANCE NO.9789 AN INTERIM ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA ADOPTED AS AN URGENCY MEASURE ESTABLISHING TEMPORARY LAND USE CONTROLS PENDING CONSIDERATION BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF ZONE CODE AMENDMENTS, ZONE CHANGES AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS, TO PERMANENTLY IMPLEMENT THE CONTROLS CONTAINED IN THE ORDINANCE. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California does ordain as follows: WHEREAS, the City Council on September 3, 1985 adopted interim Ordinance No. 9771 imposing certain temporary land use controls on property within the City of Carlsbad; and WHEREAS, Section 3 of Ordinance No. 9771 exempted existing master plan areas from land use designations established by that ordinance; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined it is necessary to apply those revised General Plan density ranges consistently to all projects in the City; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that it is necessary to implement a recommendation of the Land Use Review Citizen's Committee that open space land be excluded from density calculations; and WHEREAS, it is necessary pending public hearings and consideration of various changes to the land use policies of the City to impose interim controls to ensure that the public health, safety and welfare are protected and to ensure that the City Council's consideration of permanent regulations are not prejudiced; and WHEREAS, this ordinance is adopted pursuant to Section 65858(a) of the California Government Code, mCO Q <fe s o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 5 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: That Section 3 of Ordinance No. 9771 is repealed. The following density ranges shall apply to all projects proposed within the City including projects within existing approved master plan areas: RL 0-1.5 du/acre RLM 0-4 du/acre RM 4-8 du/acre RMH 8-15 du/acre RH 15-23 du/acre SECTION 2: (a) Residential density shall be determined based on the number of dwelling units per developable acre of property. The following lands are considered to be nondevelopable and shall be excluded from density calculations: 1) Beaches 2) Permanent bodies of water 3) Flood plains 4) Slopes with an inclination of greater than 40 percent, 5) Significant wetlands 6) Significant riparian woodland habitats 7) Land subject to major power transmission easements 8) Land upon which other significant environmental features as determined by the environmental review process are located -2-