HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-02-04; City Council; 8502; Purchase of Line Conditioner0 UJ· ~ a:: a.. a.. < ,I ,,, I .. z 0 -~ ...I -(.) z ::, 8 CIT'IIDF CARLSBAD -AGEND~ILL AB# S' .:£0 ::,_ MTG. 2/4:/86 DEPT._.e ..... c ..... H-- IIIL.E; PURCHASE OF LIi£ CONDITIONER DEPT. HO.{fe:,.... CITY ATT~V/n CITYMGR. ~ RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends Council adopt Resolution No. _fJ p,7-, awarding a bid for a Line Conditioner. ITEM·EXPLANATION The 1985-86 Budget includes $17,500 for the purchase of a Line Conditioner for Information System Department. The purpose of a Line Corditioner is to filter incoming power to the computer so that it receives a constant, even flow that is required for efficient operation. It wip take away any spikes, surges or drops in power that can cause the cooiputer to crash, damage discs or lose data. This machine is needed because the power to the ca,iter is not even. In accordance with Section ·3 .28 .120 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, Not ice to Bidders was published and Request for Bids was sent to four vendors. Three responses were received, opened, witnessed and recorded on January 15, 1986. The lowest responsive bid was submitted by Liebert Corporation, c/o of R.J. Settiroo, Inc., 8080 La Mesa Boulevard, la Mesa, CA 92041 in the amount of $16,573 .oo. FISCAL IMPACT The cost,of the Line Conditioner is within the budgeted anount . . EXHIBITS t. Tabulation of Bids -Exhibit "A" . . 2. Resolution No, C.Jf'"7· . I TABULATION OF BIDS Precisioo Environmmtal and Power, Inc. 405 T & U Street Sacrarrento, CA 95818 Liebert Corporatioo c/o R.J. Settino, Inc. 8080 Ia Mesa Boulevard La Mesa, CA 92041 Westhree Inc. 1661 Fast Indian School Road Phoenix, NZ,'85016 * Iriclud~ Tax and Installatioo. '.I Exhibit A * $17,295 * $16,573 * $17,366 /I j ;- j l I j i ' t t l l .2 RESOLUTION ID. 8387 ---- A REOOLUrION OF 'lEE CITY <DUNCIL OF 'IEE CITY OF CARLSRZ\D, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPI'ING A BID AND ,AIJIH)RIZIOO 'lHE EXF.aJl'ION OF A PURCEASE ORDER roR THE PURCHASE OF LINE <DNDITIONER. 3. 4 5 BE IT REroLVED by the City Cooncil of the City of carlsba.d, Califomia as 6 follCMs: 7 1. That the bid of •Liebert Corporation c/o R.J. Settino, Inc., 8080 Ia 8 Mesa Boulevard, ra, Mesa, CA 92041, is hereby accepted and the Purchasing Officer 9 is hereby authorized to execute a Purchase order for the pur(?11.ase of a Line 10 Cooditicner in the airount of $16,573. 11 12 PA%"En, APPIOVED AND ADOPI'ED at a regular meeting of the City Council oo the 4th day of February , 1986, by the fol:i.CM;Ilg \Ote, to wit: • 13 AYES: Cquncil Members Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettine 14 NO~: i5 ~= 16 17 , ATrESI': 18 None 'Council Member Casler 19 tJJ.'!dv... L R .... ~ 20 ALErHA L. RAL'l'ENKRANZ, CityClerk 21 (SEAL) 22 23 24, 25 26 27 28 I "'.:i