HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-02-18; City Council; 8438-1; Site Improvements and Community Center.. CIT~F CARLSBAQ - AGEND&ILL $/ : "CJ ? 111 ,I a d (d oal *m HU G .d -G ad E(d t2 2& u$ LI OR 00 $4 ow NO a0 m. -0 In0 0- 40 -0 w-co mul w cf). Od (d UG GO =I -4 E -4 ou (dm a ala 5G c (d *;.I w '0 3 : g g (d ad p(d LE 0% 5: al 0% -pal 2 : -2 2 GS M- Mu G *d ON Uoa Gs a u(d 3a N -F4 0 0 uv rd 003 3u q: wvl 7';" NC\l z 0 4 .. 5 i z 0 3 0 AB# 8r3p-*' CITY MG " .- . APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS CITY ATl SITE IMPROVEMENTS AND COMMUNITY MTG. 2/18/86 DEPT. HI TITLE: AWARD OF $2,698,430 FOR THE DEPT. p & R CENTER AT STAGECOACH PARK AND RECOMMENDED ACTION: Council adopt Resolution No. Blz'/s , accepting a bid and awar a contract to Chamac, Inc. for the site improvements and commun center construction at Stagecoach Community Park and authorizin the appropriation of an additional $500,000 from available Pub1 Facility funds in order to add certain amenities back into the ITEM EXPLANATION On December 17, 1985, Council adopted Resolution No. 8299, appr plans and specifications and authorizing the City Clerk to adve for bids for site improvements and community center for Stageco Park. Following the Notice to Bidders, (7) seven responses were recei opened, witnessed and recorded on February 6, 1986. The bids w reviewed by the staff of the Engineering and Parks and Recreati, Departments and the Parks Consultant, Recreation Systems, Inc. Chamac, Inc. from Escondido was the lowest responsive bidder in Their references and contractor's registration have been checkel are satisfactory. ANALY S IS The Phase I grading and design portion of the 28 acre Stagecoacl Community Park is almost complete. Staff is now prepared to recommend to the City Council to proceed with the second phase, which includes site improvements and construction of a 17,400 sc community center/gymnasium. The latest development cost for Stagecoach Park is more expensil because of unforeseen cost increases in the Phase I grading tha: required geotechnical repairs, an extensive drainage system at 1 west end, and due to a revisedhighe'r estimate to complete Phase So that the project would meet the original overall budget estir of $3,049,500, staff and RSI decreased the scope of the project deducting certain park amenities. The amenities that are suggested to be deducted or deferred to original budget estimates are: artificial stream, two ballfielc light systems, tot lot, restroom, volleyball court, maintenance building, picnic shelter, one outdoor basketball court and the covering for the ruins. In addition, it may be necessary to negotiate with the contractor to further reduce the scope of the project to meet the remaining Phase I1 budget funds. amount of $2,6981430 (which is staff's Alternative C recomenda' 0 e Agenda Bill No. gy3s-*f Page Two Even though a number of park amenities are recommended for deletior to meet the budget, RSI and staff believe a quality, functional, a1 aesthetic park with playfields, picnic areas, and a community cent6 will still be built. If the City Council would like to consider including all or a porti of the amenities that staff has proposed to delete, the following alternatives are offered for your consideration: Alternative A Build park at original budget estimate: $3,049, This alternative would meet the original budget estimate but would require the elimination of several park amenities totaling approximately $850,000. (Refer to Attachment A). Alternative B Build Phase I1 as originally designed. $ 850, This alternative would require an additional appropriation of $850,000, which would allow the City to complete Phase I1 as originally designed. (Refer to Attachment A). Alternative C Combination of add back and deduct amenities. $ 500, This alternative allows- the City to add back certain amenities that staff feels are important functions. Suggested add backs in priority are: 1. Tot Lot $ 66,658 2. Ballfield Lights 164,256 3. Restroom 59 , 516 4. Additional Amenities 158,000 Total 448 , 430 Contingency 51,570 Grand Total $500,000 The following park amenities are not recommended for considerat in Phase 11: 1. Volleyball Court $ 19,418 2. Artificial Stream 113,500 3. Maintenance Building 30,565 4. Picnic Shelter 36 , 058 5. Basketball Court 32 , 733 6. Cover for Ruins 82 , 258 $314 , 532 0 e 0 Agenda Bill No. FY3r - e / Page Three Alternative D Defer to another phase $850,000 - $goo,( This last alternative is one that would defer the deleted amenities as included in Attachment A to a Phase 111, to be considered at the next fiscal years CIP hearing. If this alternative is chosen, it should be noted that the estimated cost may be higher due to infla- tion. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that Council consider a combination of add backs and deducts as outlined in Alternative C. This would require the appropriation of an additional $500,000 which is available in the Public Facility Fund. FISCAL IMPACT Funds are included in the 1985-86 CIP as follows: Phase I expenditures for grading, drainage, designs and administrative cost for Phase I and 11: $ 799,50 Phase I1 site improvements and community center remaining funds: 2,250,OO Phase I1 contract price per Alternative C 2,698~3 Additional Funds Required 448,43 Contingency 51,57r Grand Total Required $ 500,00( EXHIBITS 1. Attachment A, Amenities Reduction Alternatives 2. Resolution No. rL//S- 3. Tabulation of Bids - Exhibit A. 4. Contract Nos. 3191 and 3197 - Stagecoach Park Site Improvements and Community Center on file in the Engineering Department. 5. Letter dated February 10, 1986 from RSI to David Bradstreet. \. 0 0 SUGGESTED AMENITIES REDUCTION ALTERNATIVES PRIORITY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NO, F E B H A D I C G DEDUCT ITEMS COVER FOR RUINS BASKETBALL COURT (1 1 PI CN I C SHELTER MArNTENANCE BUILDING (EAST END) ARTIFICIAL STREAM VOLLEYBALL COURT RESTROOM (WEST END ) BALLFIELD LIGHT SYSTEMS (2) TOT LOT (WEST END) *ADDITIONAL AMENITIES REDUCTION SUB-TOTAL CONTINGENCY GRAND TOTAL COST $ 85,258 32 I733 36,058 30 I 565 113,500 19,418 59,516 164,256 66 I 658 158,000 765,962 84 , 038 $850,000 * ADDITIONAL AMENITIES REDUCTION REQUIRED TO MEET THE DIFFERENCE IN THE BASE BID OF $2,408,000 AND THE REMAINING BUDGETED FUNDS FOR PHASE I I 1 $2,250,000, THE AMENITIES TO BE DEDUCTED WILL BE NEGOTIATED WITH THE CONTRACTOR, ATTACHMENT A 1, e 0 1 2 RESOLUTION NO. 8415 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALI1 3 ACCEPTING A BID AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT FO] APPROPRIATION OF AN ADDITIONAL $850,000 IN PUBLIC FACILITY F1 4 SITE IMPROVEMENTS AND COMMUNITY CENTER AT STAGECOACH PARK AND 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbac California as follows: 1. That the bid of CWC, INC. hereby accepted and the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute Contract for the site improvements and Community Center at Stagecoach Park in the amount of $ 3,015,962.00 2. That the .appropFiatlon of ,an. additional. $ 850,0,00 ,, in. P! Facility funds’. in order to add certain amenities back into the park is hereby accepted. . - -12. .. ’ ,. . : . . . . . . : , . . . .. . . : .. . . . . . . .I . .. .. .. . . ’ . .::. ’, 13 14 15 16 17 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the C Council on the 25th day of February , 1986, by the following vote, to wit: l8 i 19 I AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettine NOES: None 20 21 22 23 24 I ABSENT : None ATTEST : ” 25 %EN R. c Deputy City Clerk 26 I< LY THA L ENK~Z, City Clerk 27 (SEAL) 28 I, ,. 0 0 4 E H H a m x w Hl W@ z H- 3 4. uu 2 HUI w nu n3 aB wz 4 mp: 4W HH aE 2 0 M w 03 cn W N k 4 0 0 0 0 N 03 N 4 . 0 03 03 b cn In N . 4 0 0 0 co 03 cn N . . 0 0 Q . 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'' E 3 o* E-i +c mG H! .-e cr, 'Z (d $ LE s > LC $2 t ?? $2 C hs > ? L- t * c- E0 k +" 9 - A P. .- T. u- c, go rr: ;h h2 ny kc ~~~~ mc rJ3u am J ~~.~~ -a I; ui )'! *I+ 2 SI E=: 3: =7 ZP LJ s 2 ? .- Hb wu 2: aLI ILI &WE 4 c, 24 fZU4J wwz 0 ZES9 c, < r- -4 wJri u!&z 34 I E$ * fa1 Id 1 I4 14 14 I4 I4 14 I I I 101 14 I -I I 1 I I ~ .+ ., ,, . '9 0 I) RSI Architecture. Landscape Architecture, Recreation and Environmental Planning February 10, 1986 Mr. David Bradstreet, i Dfrector: Ilepartmentl af Pa.rks and Retreat ion C.i.ty of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenu.e Ca,rl.sbad, California 92908 SVSJECT: CONSTRUCTION BIDS - PHASE 11, STAGECOACX PARK Pear Dave : 5\13 C 1ta.c rcviewed the b.id:; received by the City of Carlsbad for "uha.se I?. t Stag~~~aci-1 Park, C%IkXAC f ZNC. , of Esc:ondi.30f Ih.:LiS'ornia, :is the appixent Low bidder regar-c!;ess c? tile T-,,.. ._,L.~J;JF? 0-t' CD::tE?LCt SEiECted by th:2 City . Th2ir: h?37.'3;e b::..G Of y 6 .t .i::.late . Ci-.f.4T"iC3 .E: :>if1 fox; t:ha t:rai-.sl 5: LCI~E~CC. ' ' t-ltc,".. ,; i !,.Y :J.:!.<: .. ... ti,ll J~~Jw ~>-j-te~~i~+:j.\~~~ i.s $-,'l, 638 ~F!_ECHB f:t1~3 S~CGI~,~ 1ct;est: k-dder x~d ~;l_spj~c~~ii.~;i-_"1sJ 3 . 4% &JC)Y;C EST:' ;Y ,ELzcI. es,tirnate+ <:. .* -. -. 4' ,i!J, ' ! p .%[:9:ui:lj i:~ #ar:j,y j-;:; of: 12; ]?jn2:T)li:3~ i:ha:E tlcT LrA3L " ,= - 2j.ml P~E ~.j-~~<~~~~~;~ .>~;7~.:1.'~..2~j~~,11 of CF!$-,",J\!~: IK::. .ia<]j.c:at:e.c; ~~~~iw>+:~:~~<~+~ and c:*>,Fjitj,I?ki tj to perforr.1 cf f ti t~dy e RSL (:<>:i::xc 5 in the? Tecc:~~~(?r1!~3B~;io134; subrr1.i t:t:ed to t:h.-3 City :Juur~.ci1 :?:y s?;aFF . WE? WLI.?~ zcnt.inu!l our inser;t.ig~tion of thc yu~.L:;-ficat:ic.r~~: of the iow biJGer ard resort any negative findings as scan as possible. Sincie1:ePy , &PP "%e fl RONALD F . PAIGE President- 2500 East Nutwood Avenue, Suite 21 0 Fullerton, California 92631 (71 4) 879-6373