HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-02-18; City Council; 8528; Elm Ave Extension-4 u rd .d U 0 M a, Ll G \B# 95-3 ITG. IEPT. ENG 02/18/86 Ll 0 w 41 w (d u v) 0 u DEPT. HD. CITY Ally F B TITLE: ELM AVENUE EXTENSION CITY MGR.~ 3 \-l7 a 2 v) rd 5 h a, U u rd E a, c H .. z 0 E 6 a z 3 0 0 Approve a program for four lane construction of Elm Avenue which results in a 50/50 cost split with the developer for the off-site portion and 100% responsibility by developer of the on-site portion. Direct staff to initiate action to acquire the right-of-way and initiate eminent domain proceedings, if required, on a top priority basis. ITEM EXPLANATION: Elm Avenue is a critical link in the arterial street system in the north part of town. Completion of this arterial link will reduce traffic substantially on Hosp Way and Chestnut Avenue. In the last year there have been nine accidents on Hosp Way, including one fatality. Council has previously considered several ways to get this 1 ink completed: 1. City construct 28' of pavement from Donna Drive to El Camino Real as a Capital Improvement Program (CIP) project. width and off-site 28' wide. property owners. 2. Developer construct the street through his project full 3. Form an assessment district and assess the adjacent Extensive grading, large retaining walls and right-of-way acquisition costs will make Elm Avenue construction very expensive. If the City had to proceed to construct a half street, the project would exceed the City's budget of $586,379. The high off-site costs will probably mean the developer will not be able to construct the street improvements without the City's financial participation. An assessment district will delay construction, and bring in little financial assistance because only one of the four off-site owners, Sarkaria, will have a benefit which would result in a significant assessment. Condition number 36A of CT 83-20 was prepared in contemplation of an alternative plan which allows the City Council to approve financing, the dedication and improvements of Elm Avenue. City staff and the developer have met, discussed the situation and arrived at a solution which will expedite the project and get a full width Elm Avenue constructed before the end of the year. The proposal is as follows: 1. The City will acquire and pay for the right-of-way (condemnation will probably be required). Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. 852p 2. The developer will construct Elm Avenue full width from Donna Drive to El Camino. 3. The City will contribute 35% toward the construction of the off-site Elm Avenue, but the street will be constructed full width (64' wide with curbs) not 28' per the conditions of approval. 4. The developer will pay for 100% of the full width on- site Elm Avenue improvements, (costing in excess of $400,000) and 100% of the required El Camino Real improvements, (costing in excess of $300,000). Developers total obligation for Elm Avenue and El Camino Real exceeds $1,000,000. FISCAL IMPACT: Recommended Al.tLernat ive Costs for off-.site Elm Avenue only: ITEM - TOTAL CITY PAYS DEVELOPER PAYS Right-of-way acquisition $175,000 $1 75,000 -0- Full width improvements 613,000 219,000 $394-,000 TOTAL COST $788,000 $394,000 $394,000 If the developer pays for the entire off-site Elm Avenue, his cost will be $672,000, however, the City would get only 28' of pavement, not a full-width street, and the likelihood of near- term construction is uncertain. If the City proceeds with the CIP project, estimated cost is at least $900,000 for a 28' width, including right-of-way and half width, g-rading. Construction of full width Elm Avenue is at least $1,500,000. The City currently has $586,379 budgeted for this project. - EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map LOCATION MAP CT 83-20 LEGEND : ............... .............. ............... .............. ............... ............... .............. ............... .............. .............. OFF-SITE RECOMMENDED ALTERNATIVE : OFF-SITE: CITY ACQUIRES RIGHT-OF-WAY CITY PAYS 35% OF IMPROVE3ENT COST DEVELOPER PAYS 65% of IMPROVEMENT COST I ON-SITE: DEVELOPER PAYS 100% OF IMPROVEMENT COSTS - \ \ ELM AVENUE FULL LENGTH COST: FULL WIDTH IMPROVEMENTS $1,500 , 000 TWO LANES ONLY 900 , 000 CITY BUDGET (TWO LANES) 586 , 379 - DEVELOPER --- CITY $175,000 --- 219 , 000 --- --- $394,000 $394,000 $394,000 - AND DEDICATES RIGHT-OF-WAY &K WILLIAM C. MEADOWS, 3110 Monroe Street, Carlsbad, CA 92008 February 13, 1986 Carlsbad City Council 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Council Members: My family and I ask your favorable consideration of the proposed Elm Avenue extension to El Camino Real, Traf- fic on Monroe Street is heavy and increasingly dangerous, Extending Elm would improve the situation. Thank you for your consideration. Respectfully, William C. Meadows 1 2 z 4 9 IC 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 ATTACHMENT rrD" Full street grading, 28 foot paved section, storm drains and appurtenances thereto, full right-of-way and slope easements tc secondary arterial standards for Elm Avenue from its existing terminus east of Donna Drive to the westerly line of the development shall be bonded for prior to the approval of the final map for CT 83-20 and installed at a time as deemed necessary by the City Engineer, however, these improvements must be installed prior to occupancy of the 121st unit. a) Prior to the approval of the final map for CT 83-20 the City Council may approve an alternative plan to provide foi the financing of the dedication and improvement of Elm Avenue. The City Council will consider any proposals from the developer in that regard. Alternatives may include bui are not limited to, an assessment district, or major thoroughfare reimbursement district. In making their decision on an alternative financing plan the City Council may modify the requirements of Condition No. 34 without further public hearings. If alternative arrangements satisfactory to the City Council for the financing of Elm Avenue are not approved and completed prior to the approva: of the final map for CT 83-20 then the developer shall comply with the requirements of Condition No. 34. Approval of SDP 84-3(A) is granted subject to City vacation of a portion of existing right-of-way along the project's frontagt of El Camino Real. This condition shall in no way bind the City to vacate this area. No building permit shall be issued for this proejct until the abandonment procedure is complete. If the City chooses not to vacate said portion of El Camino Real, this approval will no longer be valid. If this approval is no longer valid because the City chooses not to vacate and sell said portion of El Camino Real, the developer shall retain the right to utilize previously approved SDP 84-3. Direct access rights for all lots abutting El Camino Real shall be waived on the final map for CT 83-20. Access on Elm Avenue shall be limited to one double throat driveway approach as shown on the site plan. Improvements listed in this section shall be installed or agreed to be installed by secured agreement by the developer before the issuance of any building permit. The developer shall obtain approval of the plans from the City Engineer and pay all associated fees and performance guarantees prior to issuance of any building permit. The developer shall install said improvements to the satisfaction of the City Engineer prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or occupancy oi any portion of the project for any purpose. The improvements are: a) Public facilities fronting the project that are damaged or otherwise unacceptable 'C RES0 NO. 2455 -7- 1Q LOCATION MAP ATTACHMENT "E" I CAWLSBAD I CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, L -- 0- POST OFFICE BOX 1605 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (619) 729-5924 DOUGLAS A. YAVANIAN EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT 8 Mayor Mary Casler CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 and Council Members RE: ELM AVENUE EXTENSION Dear Mary Casler and Council Members: The Carlsbad Chamber Board of Directors has unanimously voted to support the opening of Elm Avenue between Donna Drive and El Camino Real. We also support the concept of the developer improving Elm Avenue full-width within his project, and full- width offsite to Donna Drive. In addition, we support some level of City participation in the cost of the improvements offsite to Donna Drive. A quick resolution to the problem will allow not only the developer to finalize his map and complete the project, but will also be of major benefit to the entire City. For many reasonsI we support the connection as soon as possible to help relieve traffic congestion in the surrounding areas. In addition to the abovel we also strongly urge the City Council to focus on the traffic problems that will be created by the opening of Elm Avenue at the intersection with the freeway. If appears that this intersection could easily become over- burdened after the connection of Elm Avenue to the east. While we do not want you to delay your decision on the connection of Elm Avenue, we would request that you add the solution to this problem at the freeway intersection to the scope of work for the new consultant just hired to do the planning study in the area west of the freeway. The consultant could have a recommendation back to the Council well before the construction of the Elm Avenue connection is completed. The difference in the money spent on the Elm connection and what is budgeted could then be used to help mitigate the problems at the Elm Avenue/I-5 intersection area. Mayor Mary Casler and. Council Members Page 2 March 1986 VI t Againr we strongly urge that the Council: 1. , Immediately finalize the agreement for the con- nection of Elm Avenue with the developerr and commit City funds to complete the connection. 2. Direct your staff to authorize Parsonsr Brincker- hoff and Quade to expand their scope of analysis to include a solution to the traffic congestion at Elm Avenue and the freeway that will result upon the opening of Elm from El Camino Real. Thank you for your consideration. I would be happy to address the Council and expand our requestr if required. Sincerelyr Stephen M. L'Heureux President SML : ck C.C. Claude A. Lewis Richard Chick Ann J. Kulchin Mark V. Pettine Frank Aleshire I ATTACHMENT "F" @ ,.. *. Unified School District 801 Pine Avenue, Carlsbad, California 92008 729-9291 "Excellence In Education" BOARD OF TRUSTEES JAMES McCORMlCK President JOHN J. MAMAUX Clerk JULIANNE L NYGAARD Member JOE ANGEL Vice President J. EDWARD SWITZER, JR. Member DISTRICT ADMlN ISTRATION THOMAS K. BRIERLEY, Ed.D Superintendent JACK L KING Business Manager Assistant Superintendent Instructional Services DAVID WM. BATES Director Employee Relations K.C. DUNLAP Manager Facilities/Services SUSAN-HARUMI BENTLEY -- February 18, 1986 Mayor Mary A. Casler City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Attention: Frank Aleshire, City Manager Dear Mayor Cas1 e r : The City of Carlsbad has on its February 18, 1986 City Council agenda an item pertaining to the extension of Elm Avenue east to El Camino Real, The Carlsbad Unified School District at a Board of Trustees meeting on February 13, 1986 voted to support the extension of Elm Avenue. This should make it easier for some children to get to the Magnolia and Buena Vista Elementary Schools and reduce the flow of traffic in front of the Carlsbad High School. This support applies only to the road improvement; the Board is not addressing the funding arrangement between the City and the developer. Si nce re1 y , Thomas K. Brierley, Ed.D. Di s t r i c t Su peri n tenden t aw c Councilman Lewis Counc i 1 woman Ku 1 chi n Councilman Chick Councilman Pettine 46 Distinguished School Board Award 1984, United States Department of Education