HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-03-18; City Council; 8550 Exhibit 1; DENYING THE MITIGATED DECLARATION AND DIRECTING THE PREPARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Exhibit 01EXH\&T- 3j 1'6/E56 Fdq March 18, 1986 AB 8550 - Tentative Map and Condo Permit - CT-85-23jCP 250 HOSP GROVE ht+ 1);ar I,/, 19bb * TO: P!ayor Casler and Councilmembers From: Girard [ti. Anear, 1728 nalavo Ct., Carlsbad, 7.29=0183 Subject: Hosp Grove - Item $14 "Six hundred acres of eucalyptus will be thinned in Golden Sational Recreation Area in Farin County because they are consi a fire hazard 2nd a detriment to other plants, the National Par said. The government said it is not asking for public comment 10 year gradual removal process which is part of the 1985 manag plan for the area". (From last week's L. A. Times) brin Zounty is not exposed to Santana conditions such as here several times a year, but the !rational Park Servize still this grove is a fire hazard! A few years ago, another bay city si.milar problem, and they spent a tremendous amount of money to inate it. During the disastardous fire season of 1970 a large tus grove located in what is now Village Park in Encinitas lite exploded during a brush fire. For years I had a picture of a d sheriff running for his life from this fire. When the original Grove condominiums were proposed for thi the sane arguments were brought up then as are now being brough now, to save the grove. As the fire chief I made the same point provide road acce am making now. The more you thin this an adequate water supply the less the fir?. This was the first where the city required fire retardant roofs because of the fir posure problem. From the west side of Monroe Street to Crest Street, it is ticularily hazzrdous because of the steep bank , and the lack o adequate water source on Crest for fire fighting, If, during a tana condition, this portion of the grove catches fire there is strong possibility that houses on Crest may be lost, and every with a shingle roof to the west and north west of this area woil dangerously exposed. hzlz& A few years ago during Santana conditions, Sam Clemente lo homees, and had over 200 roo$ fires despite the fact that there 50 fire engines mustered in advance, caused by what was basical grass fire! Carlsbad does not have the resources riadily advai to handle a fire of the magnitude that is possible from this ha Eosp Grove I have no connection or acouaintenance with the developers proposed project, but anything that will help to thin out the g and keep the underbrush from building up will go a long way tow lessening this extremely dangerous fire and life hazard. I car, stress too heavily that if 453 trees are removed, t'ilat tney not placed with 530 similar trees. Ekplace them Freferably with fi tant drought resistant type trees. They are available. I find it ironic that Item fl on this aqenda is to ap-;lrove termination of excess liability insurance. Based on previous c acknowledgement and the action pertaining to the conditions of velopment of the Grove Condnrniniurns and this letter, I believe would be in an untentable position should a fire develop in the and a number of houses and or lives be lost. /&&A/AJhM f/ - -------- -__ v -5 -7 -- -- ------__---__ __ - -~- - c-y- L- -c, ~---- ------- -- March 13, 19; City Council City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 Re: CT 85-23/CP-320 Hosp Grove Honorable Councilmembers: The Buena Vista Lagoon Foundation is concerned ab( potential erosion from construction projects that coulc result in more sediments in the lagoon. The above reft enced case is certainly one very near to the lagoon arr where any effects can be seen almost immediately. The Board of Directors has therefore asked me to provide comments for your consideration. I have reviewed your agenda bill and the Planning Commission Resolution containing recommended condition: for approval of the project. I commend your staff for their concern with the erosion control problem. This property is certain to have all the usual problems dur construction as well as many special one due to the steep, heavily wooded terrain and the imported fill di. unfortunately general in nature. The burden for appro. of specific solutions is placed on the Planning Directc with the slope landscape and irrigation plan and the City Engineer with the grading plan and street improve] There are provisions for guarantees by the developer that the requirements will be met but the exact nature of the guarantee is again left to staff discretion. to your staff will assure the public of the City of Ca. intent to provide for adequate erosion and sediment co! as well as to mitigate the tremendous visual impact th< cannot be avoided if the project is built. Conditions 10, 13, 14/15 & 30 relate to a detailec slope landscape and irrigation plan, tree plan, and gu( antees. The "Tree Plan" is presumably intended for in( sion in the landscape plan with provisions for damages (Cond.14) and 5-year bond (Cond.30). A reasonable cas1 The conditions for approval are necessarily but If you approve this project some clear direction NON PROFIT PUHLIC cwmn CT 85-23/CP-320 Hosp Grove March 13,198C deposit should also be specifically required in order to assure payment of any damages for improper tree removal and to provide for emergency maintenance and corrective action on landscaped areas. Condition 15 provides for replacement of trees on a tree-for-tree basis. It is common in revegetation plans approved elsewhere to require at least a three for one replz ment in order to result in a survival rate of one for one. Condition 40 provides for temporary erosion control measures during construction and for their maintenance. Cash deposit and bonding are again required. The period of time and amount of cash deposit should be sufficient to prevent the types of erosion suffered at the South boundary of this project on the East side on Monroe St. The drainage structures and siltation basin at that location have not been adequately maintained. The slope has been washed out and several cubic yards of additional sediment have been sent downstream. These types of project conditions must be enforceable and enforced in order to do any good. ation basin is to be removed and that a new replacement desiltation basin is to be constructed as approved by the City Engineer. I presume this to mean the permanent basin at Marron Road and Monroe Street is to be removed and replac with another. Some clarification of intent and provision fc maintenance would be reasonable for this very necessary stri The State Attorney General's Office has previously suggestec that each property owner in the drainage basin should keep 1 own sediment on-site in order to avoid damaging the downstrc state property, Buena Vista Lagoon. It would seem prudent i maintain and adequately replace any existing permanent struc as stated in this condition. project conditions. Condition 44 seems to recognize that the existing desi: Please consider these comments for incorporation into p2& R nald W. Wootton ?resident &>j<j-, c.&t ,l @kg, i '$&t{/Lt:wvk, 07 ,? 14 8 d- kLi/ %... )? A k-2 <d'L LLi ~I;L",.v.&. t i L, $L.b &?+ 1"""'"".A$ &t.A&%'Gi pL& -jLpzq4 *1 /&.. ,(p7&kq< c;'j,Lz, ij.. / J ,&- /"lA.,C >4d.&.hLti.J ./+yL& ,A- .A, Ab( .d Q? Cd i. a ..d' . I/Ze.-LC x...>.& ,* Q LI,.ti /EA f .&& G<e3P,si.Ai/KY% C.U.~~~~,~~i~~-,~~~.~~ J..L i..@."p&pi,.A * $2 (.b p.<.Lf*>-&p,j & /&<Ad&.l &d & .A&*<.? /&F,j! c*y~A&l.24wJ&&~ A...;v .& .#-&G,.c\./L;L G-j, J&:5 ,ci"q Q.AJ &.. /bc<i..JL,(/-,(J.,j d >ji..t-, &', ~A,t:,cd>.,L .,<A,:%..<$ $ ,&&/$& ,i$&& p8i3-t;.~Lcs<u [:L/\>t.{L /c -st. ' LJ 3 . T v 4. /L b .L.dL5[L+;L d /{:+I >e? ./py,,A>L<J /Ai. L 1 l2An3,' *.c. "* 0. >,JALL. &E ,&-$ w--dJt- ..,pii;&, &>. UT/<.3& LE ?22 .-I 1 &,'% k&& &&- *,p-K?> A..+-~2 dl.l-y+ $4 j& /.'-~$df$G8L&,( ,/.--+&f&/4 j .j d J <-- ."-fir i? ,<L&-<l L l c. . .P .k , I. $ 7 2.J $jwu LL-P .J---,L, I% '". ('(1 " ' '7 Jf - I k .'d1,lc 3i i; j .:. i: /~84+&/L*>4& ,,f,&& 1 :~ r' ,& q LU .&J &f;+\?L.d! <cLL+j& </&#yi..cJJL&4* d A,,.,.~.~~.S;j.,C,~.~~~~ dd /&d$.&, $-q&:.vLpn, 2i./i/L'61 g,@ ,Kc+ f'?-s ...*-Q tLi v' .&i.L& ULIK4i* b +!Lw\Q G'fi.Xi .md.~.~ti ,GV+& /p,; L-t .3-+i.@-4& ..&.'M&k .& &.LL-bL&$J4q.J ,?,$kL GL,$&4&l,L!J:, ~SJ~LL 4' :+i'd .a..-LLc;'L -$ . 4.,Ls L<-. x/: .,.. ,4,jprL;- j4,2,,,Ls 4,.,k Tx <'-j-'-k k h; c+<.L,&$-c,~, //&<-.-<..&;2.& ></*/&? &',ai ~,~~~..~,~~ L/L .. //O&, . Ct 11 <: '? (lJ&& A. 1~ n h- >* 5 n i; E> 1. i i \,a &:,<..t /iiJ<.&C,&-.i rt' G 'sTL'1 &&,'L.L,C/Z- f'b LCi-.-,/L<&k &/3, Ed C " BPnnPI & af@tinnsPn 7242301 Box 188 27% CarlsDad Boulevard CARLSBAO, CALIFORNIA 92008 Carlsbsd s Oldest Real Estate Firm Feb. 23, 1986 Mayor Mary Casler A forest is not just trees, but an essential part of mankin ecosystem: In considering the potential plan for many low rental units the Hosp Grove, I am dismayed at the probable damage this m bring to Carlsbad. First, it will continue in the distruct of this bit of wilderness all to quickly lost by unfortunat planning. Trees, as well as offering their beauty, help to clean the air, offer an inviting shelter to birds and small creatures and help to maintain the small hills and valleys. This grove, planted in 1907, cannot be replaced in a few ye as promised. I am reminded that a number of years ago, it was offered to City for purchase that it might be developed into a park th could give some of the benefits to Carlsbad that the farsig gift of Balboa Park gave to San Diego. Financing had even arranged. Sadly, the timid and short-sighted Council lacke the ability to make such a judgement. Much of the ensuing velopment in the lagoon portion of the tract has been of gr benefit to Carlsbad. Happily, much of the forest has been ed to stand. It is known that many of the already hundreds of units in t area are vacant and owners are lowering their rental requir ments to get them filled. I wonder how the first tenants 1 that. The anticipated density may add to the crime element that i already making it's presence in this part of Carlsbad. Man: ' paved acres will certainly add to the need of costly run-of 1 control while traffic increases add to the current problems - ,% .J c, a: am a Realtor, operating the oldest office in Carlsbad and is a joy to sell homes in Carlsbad. This City is very, ver; special and it is vital that we do our utmost in cautious ai thoughtful planning to keep it the jewel of North County, : have enjoyed seeing it grow from 700 souls in 1926 to over - present 45,000, because it has kept the 'small town' graciox atmosphere so often destroyed as villages become towns,and 1 is completely unknown in cities. We have much land to develop, many others wish to enjoy the priviledge we have in living here. Let us grow with thought consideration of the needs, and certainly of the examples we set for future citizens to enjoy,or leave in dismay. Carlsbad can double it's size and still be the finest city i this state. Please help to keep it one we will all be poud to have had a part of begetting to the future. Most sincerely, Kay F. Christiansen CYV 1." (/k ??A[ $ ?/$$ P &l v b \k 4 W/bT. CULL &!e. C‘fl CARL S BAD - W 0 ODR 1 DG E HOME 0 W N E R S ASS OC I A‘!‘ I ON 2882 Woodridge Circle Carlsbad, California 92008 March 1, 1986 TO: Carlsbad City Council fR0N : Concerned HomeoMner s SUBJECT : Proposed tlosp Grove Devefopment Case File CT 85-23 CP-320 The undersfgned honieownefs residing tn the Car’!sbad-boodridge ttomeowr Association, including the Los Arboles recent addition under developn by McKellar Development of La Jolla, wish to express serious concf regarding elements of the proposed Hosp Grove Development adjacent Marron and Monroe Streets. First, residents are concerned about the effect: the increased den! will have on existing nearby streets such as Monroe and tlosp Aver, which at rush hours are already suffering .;roblems such as he traffic flow and excessive speed. Second, Hosp Grove is a Carlsbad landmark and ariy further erosion of beauty and environmental impact should be studied carefully bef approvals are considered. Third, the economic effect that five years of 2’16 three-level carpor units, rather than condominiums, would have on property values in area should be investigated and projected. Fourth, there .is concern as to what environmental effect the proj would have on the siltration basin located on the west side of Mon near f4arron. SIGNATURE SHEETS ATTACHED CARLSBAD-WOODRIDGE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION PETITION RE: HOSP GROVE DEVELOPMEN' SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME ADDRESS - 28 7 7 /ddb'd?. i7Gf cr &VCk ,flv JH&kz- JdJy dddJ&/J&< LEi9 NkdRd& 977&ddflN/DK -_ ZdB/ ~~oCRI/aGE l 23CiI 7%-+74 p @ /e dk-2 (SliT- Ax 9.r (3pe&h 4hEUiiAE- R C&6& -7 &Q%)/p/& 2876 8REh,TL&> < .VhKL€Y 6 WRf&NT- &%-/dkQ@lD,g c & . DAU/D &< W&fipT- - a2s /lA2&K/D6 E e/, Aut3 G CARPxlNz~ 4 28Pd ~K?EAJTL)-) / / / CARLSBhD-WOQDRIDGE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION PETITION RE: HOSP GROVE DEVELOPMENT SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME ADDRESS 2/k7 T/M&kL/k -- AC,4AKL /-//i/./ 2737- fi&Zs/- -~ JqZL faf=5ff??& -. - --__ I_- 27% best- kck. r9V-g- 4w7%L5d /$ -22ya L>DDM/ _. ____ _.__ - __ __.__. . -.___ .- . -. ____--- -- CARLSBAD-WOODRIDGE HOMEObJ"4RS ASSOC!ATIOM PE'I'I T10N RE: HOSP GROVE DEVELOPMEN S I GNATURE PRINTED NAME ADDRESS ~ -I- D Li' HP- &Abl/Hd ~T~:!H//l.l:. &4 /-&q gy?. &AbGUYZ& 22GkEdA - ----- -- -- _-- a:_yr_G-i!.c-L -J_@-K - / *.-* -TZLE.firk4AL*.+- -_.-. -J~~J- f&c&i& 2Eb: *&fL&: ---- _LI-_--_ qLD k4-J jX-r*3-vCDf& - e, - v-- .. AYd-L f&..s K.-* m c, A*% u" I F: KlE&L"L.. ----I____ x-- -_ &&&di4k- 2%h3? rf- -tl, ------. * /d/'aceffy &&8&/AF@r p/Ja--/fi+;fl CARLSBAD-WOODRIDGE HOMEONNERS ASSOCIATION PETITION RE: HOSI' GROVE DEVELOPMEN SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME ADDRESS #%!tu C%x23Cfrn Rh fllck2EL d5cHALL 25623 GmR' SJ7 mi?/&) L & 04kL 2%z7P@&&Q 4 Cf94RWd sa4 @yom.flJ - OL e?zcf w Mw ZPf '? re? ,d,,,, Emm-m 4mS- ."c Ih)/)//AW&/+d CbmM D.M, MLqSQN &@3% C-CD/;lNc~oop 1 nl "/; mzba &g%5 P?J&d L;//kfl fl Bef-fer a/? &&rcJdQ d I_- ----- --~ - ___- ----__ --. .____ - __-_--- - _I_ -- ---_ ---.c__ -- -- ---~ -I__- --- __I- -- - __I - - -I -- -- ----_L__ - -. --- -- -- - DEAR COUNCIL MEMBERS: Help save Hosp Grove EDITOR: Tvi-P;tv, pasj.A--+- -_. I- .- --- .-e-z ... <ciIc~ .+Li rat sniy be kappier but prefer a “housing development” in place of the age-old and beautiful Hosp Grove. It is impossible for me to believe that our This is one of Carlsbad’s “city jewels,” providing a rare spot of nature in the midst of teaming humanity. The problem with traffic in the area now is overwhelming ... and to add over 200 more units of housing right at your most BUSY traffic section in town ... does not seem to be for the “betterment of our resi- dents.” What is the city planning commission thinking of? Certainly not the quality of development they promised the citizms of Carlsbad. In fact ... they have tried to keep this project much on a secret level, secret from the residents and have turned a alarm and opposition. Please, Blade-Tribune ... “a newspaper for the people” ... help us save a small and beautiful piece of nature that the area res- idents and visitors have enjoyed for generations and is a part of making Plaza Camino Real a unique and pleasurable place to shop. What will happen to the wildlife? Will the Buena Vista Lagoon be next? Readers ... raise your voices. Let the city of Carlsbad know Hosp Grove is for the peo- ple. MARION BERTIN Oceanside &&eaF )Lo y72;e iijiiIig tb ejcpiiss t;i& MARION IS a MEMBER OF THE SAN MARCOS MASTERS CLUB.. . AND ME SUPPORT HER , FE Help save Hosp Grove EDITOR : Tri-City residents will not only be happier but prefer a “housing development” in place of the age-old and beautiful Hosp Grove. This is one of Carlsbad’s “city jewels,” providing a rare spot of nature in the midst of teaming humanity. The problem with traffic in the aiea iiirw is overwhelming ... and to add over 200 more units of housing right at your most BUSY traffic section in town ... does not seem to be for the “betterment of our resi- dents.” What is the city planning commission thinking of? Certainly not the quality of development they promised the citizws of Carlsbad. In fact ... they have tried to keep this project much on a secret level, secret from the residents and have turned a dead-ear to people trying to express their alarm and opposition. Please, Blade-Tribune . . . “a newspaper for the people” ... help us save a small and beautiful piece of nature that the area res- idents and visitors have enjoyed for generations and is a part of making Plaza Camino Real a unique and pleasurable place to shop. the Buena Vista Lagoon be next? Readers ... raise your voices. Let the city of Carlsbad know Hosp Grove is for the peo- ple. MARION BERTIN Oceanside , It is impossible for me to believe that our . *hat wiii iiaypeu k Zi; i.;iX!if~? Yi!! 4 J )d2/ "itcJ &,L& be kC"J+&&%4&% && w$ <-/L+@qG -t& *+&& +=- dAL';/& &I Y yj- -&-?a 8-p C''L.Lff &L&&/q& h/L -'vtcx I -e li m!JJ -ze q SYtA %$!..Q, ZLl i ~AGc/-& J,&y&,2%- &&"4%2- bk Jk&d @of/ 7 Qji& A Jy@bpLa<* @P2&a L*& , pb/.JvfJdp&.&&3 1 dm L &wd 98 p %L.W ci QF*?&f/L -+L.2Zd> PaLL &&C& h&L*%, Pwu hq. di /&>z; Help save Hosp Grove EDITOR: Tri-City residents will not only be happier but prefer a “housing development” in place of the age-old and beautiful Hosp Grove. This is one of Carlsbad’s “city jewels,” providing a rare spot of nature in the midst of teaming humanity. The problem with traffic in the area now is overwhelming ... and’to add over 200 more units of housing right at your most BUSY traffic section in town ... does not seem to be for the “betterment of our resi- dents.” What is the city planning commission thinking of? Certainly not the quality of development they promised the citizens of Carlsbad. In fact ... they have tried to keep this project much on a secret level, secret from the residents and have turned a dead-ear to people trying to express their alarm and opposition. Please, Blade-Tribune ... “a newspaper for the people” ... help us save a small and beautiful piece of nature that the area res- idents and visitors have enjoyed for generations and is a part of making Plaza Camino Real a unique and pleasurable place to shop. What will happen to the wildlife? Will the Buena Vista Lagoon be next? Readers ... raise your voices. Let the city of Carlsbad know Hosp Grove is for the peo- ple. MARION BERTIN Qcertnside It is impossible for me to heli~ve tkc: “iir I ’ Help save Hosp Grove EDITOR: Tri-City residents will not only be happier but prefer a “housing development” in place of the age-old and beautiful Hosp Grove. It is impossible for me to believe that our This is one of Carlsbad’s “city jewels,” providing a rare spot of nature in the midst of teaming humanity. The problem with traffic in the area now is overwhelming ... and to add over 200 more units of housing right at your most BUSY traffic section in town ... does not seem to be for the “betterment of our resi- dents.” What is the city planning commission thinking of? Certainly not the quality of development they promised the citizms of Carlsbad. In fact ... they have tried to keep this project much on a secret level, secret from the residents and have turned a dead-ear to people trying to express their alarm and opposition. Please, Blade-Tribune ... “a newspaper for the people” ... help us save a small and beautiful piece of nature that the area res- idents and visitors have enjoyed for generations and is a part of making Plaza Camino Real a unique and pleasurable place to shop. What will happen to the wildlife? WiU the Buena Vista Lagoon be next? Readers ... raise your voices. Let the city of Carlsbad know Hosp Grove is for the peo- ple. MARION BERTIN Oceanside a part of Carlsbad for nany many yea It is ashame that people want to des such 2 unique part of our zrea. DON Help save Hosp Grove EDITOR: Tri-City residents will not only be happier but prefer a “housing development” in place of the age-old and beautiful Hosp Grove. This is one of Carlsbad’s “city jewels,” providing a rare spot of nature in the midst of teaming humanity. The problem with traffic in the area now is overwhelming ... and to add over 200 more units of housing right at your most BUSY traffic section in town ... does not seem to be for the “betterment of our resi- dents.” What is the city planning commission thinking of? Certainly not the quality of development they promised the citizws of Carlsbad. In fact ... they have tried to keep this project much on a secret level, secret from the residents and have turned a &ad-ear ts people trjing to express their alarm and opposition. Please, Blade-Tribune ... “a newspaper for the people” ... help us save a small and beautiful piece of nature that the area res- idents and visitors have enjoyed for generations and is a part of making Plaza Camino Real a unique and pleasurable place to shop. What will happen to the wildlife? Will the Buena Vista Lagoon be next? Readers ... raise your voices. Let the city of Carlsbad know Hosp Grove is for the peo- ple. MARION BERTIN Oceanside I; is impossib!:: fer ~?.n t? be!iev!: that ow I i 2- ~ > .I Help save Hosp Grove EDITOR: Tri-City residents will not only be happier !x! prefer 6 “hcusing deveiopment” in place of the age-old and beautiful Hosp Grove. This is one of Carlsbad’s “city jewels,” providing a rare spot of nature in the midst of teaming humanity. The problem with traffic in the area now is overwhelming ... and to add over 200 more units of housing right at your most BUSY traffic section in town ... does not seem to be for the “betterment of our resi- dents.” What is the city planning commission thinking of? Certainly not the quality of development they promised the citizens of Carlsbad. In fact ... they have tried to keep this project much on a secret level, secret from the residents and have turned a dead-ear to people trying to express their alarm anbpp&tk+z. Please, Blade-Tribune ... “a newspaper //--- for the people” ... help us save a small and beautiful piece of nature that the area res- idents and visitors have enjoyed for generations and is a part of making Plaza Camino Real a unique and pleasurable . ill \! Den ta- It is impossible for me to believe that our 1. --- -__ - -- i ( /’ .. the Buena Vista Lagoon be next? Readers ... raise your voices. Let the city of Carlsbad know Hosp Grove is for the peo- ple. MARION BERTIN Oceanside ----, 31- ._ c Help save Hosp Grove EDITOR: Tri-City residents wiil not osiy be hsppier but prefer a “housing development” in place of the age-old and beautiful Hosp Grove. It is impossible for me to believe that our This is one of Carlsbad’s “city jewels,” providing a rare spot of nature in the midst of teaming humanity. The problem with traffic in the area now is overwhelming ... and to add over 200 more units of housing right at your most BUSY traffic section in town ... does not seem to be for the “betterment of our resi- dents.” What is the city planning commission thinking of? Certainly not the quality of development they promised the citizens of Carlsbad. In fact ... they have tried to keep LL2- ~~11~ ----= pLo);c~t ~uch on a secret level, secret from the residents and have turned a dead-ear to people trying to express their alarm and opposition. Please, Blade-Tribune . . . “a newspaper for the people” ... help us save a small and beautiful piece of nature that the area res- idents and visitors have enjoyed for generations and is a part of making Plaza Camino Real a unique and pleasurable 6at will happen to the wildlife? Will --\ /the Buena Vista Lagoon be next? Readers ... raise your voices. Let the city of Carlsbad know Hosp Grove is for the peo- ple. MARION BERTIN place to shop. ______ -- __ 1 \ Ow anside I \ \c 1 i i I Help save Hosp Grove EDITOR: Tri-City residents will not only be happier but prefer a ‘-wx4cqxuenE211 place of the age-old and beautiful Hosp Grove. It is impossible for me to believe that our This is one of Carlsbad’s “city jewels,” providing a rare spot of nature in the midst , --The problem with traffic in the area now more units of housing right at your most BUSY traffic section in town ... does not seem to be for the “betterment of our resi- dents.” What is the city planning commission thinking of? Certainly not the quality of development they promised the citizws of Carlsbad. In fact ... they have tried to keep this project much on a secret level, secret from the residents and have turned a it: Idy1i,g S” GAt.‘Lb.SS ,‘.CIT alarm and opposition. Please, Blade-Tribune ... “a newspaper for the people” ... help us save a small and beautiful piece of nature that the area res- idents and visitors have enjoyed for generations and is a part of making Plaza Camino Real a unique and pleasurable place to shop. What will happen to the wildlife? Will the Buena Vista Lagoon be next? Readers ... raise your voices. Let the city of Carlsbad know Hosp Grove is for the peo- ple. MARION BERTIN Oceanside !ci.;; / of teaming humanity, b{ 1, ,’ is overwhelming ... and to add over 200 ji“ i I-/’ A/*/ dead-Par io peoF! L.--.z-- A- ------e-- the’ ’ Help save Hosp Grove EDITOR : Tri-City residects will not only be happier but prefer a “housing development” in place of the age-old and beautiful Hosp Grove. It is impossible for me to believe that our This is one of Carlsbad’s “city jewels,’’ providing a rare spot of nature in the midst of teaming humanity. The problem with traffic in the area now is overwhelming . . . and to add over 200 more units of housing right at your most BUSY traffic section in town ... does not seem to be for the “betterment of our resi- dents.” What is the city planning commission thinking of? Certainly not the quality of development they promised the citizens of Carlsbad. In fact ... they have tried to keep thjg prnj--t milch on a secret level, secret from the residents and have turned a dead-ear to people trying to express their alarm and opposition. beautiful piece of nature that the area res- idents and visitors have enjoyed for generations and is a part of making Plaza Camino Real a unique and pleasurable place to shop. ” dPyL( kQ-f LlN-zdLL Help save Hosp Grove EDITOR: Tri-City residents vi!l not QQ!~ he happier but prefer a “housing development” in place of the age-old and beautiful Hosp Grove. This is one of Carlsbad’s “city jewels,” providing a rare spot of nature in the midst of teaming humanity, The problem with traffic in the area now is overwhelming ... and to add over 200 more units of housing right at your most BUSY traffic section in town ... does not seem to be for the “betterment of our resi- dents.” What is the city planning commission thinking of? Certainly not the quality of development they promised the citizqs of Carlsbad. In fact ... they have tried to keep this project much on a secret level, secret from the residents and have turned a dead-ear to people trying to express their alarm and opposition. Please, Blade-Tribune ... “a newspaper for the people” ... help us save a small and beautiful piece of nature that the area res- idents and visitors have enjoyed for generations and is a part of making Plaza Camino Real a unique ,and pleasurable place to shop. What will happen to the wildlife? Will the Buena Vista Lagoon be next? Readers ... raise your voices. Let the city of Carlsbad know Hosp Grove is for the peo- ple. MARION BERTIN Oceanside It is impossible for me to believe that our % - i? Help save Hosp Grove EDITOR: Tri-City residents will not only be happier but prefer a “housing development” in place of the age-old and beautiful Hosp Grove. It is impossible for me to believe that our This is one of Carlsbad’s “city jewels,” providing a rare spot of nature in the midst of teaming humanity. The problem with traffic in the area now is overwhelmin seem to be for the “betterment of our resi- dents.” What is the city planning commission thinking of? Certainly not the quality of development they promised the citizqns of Carlsbad. In fact ... they have tried to keep this project much on a secret level, secret from the residents and have turned a dead-ear to people trying to express tneir alarm and opposition. Please, Blade-Tribune ... “a newspaper for the people” ... help us save a small and beautiful piece of nature that the area res- idents and visitors have enjoyed for generations and is a part of making Plaza Camino Real a unique and pleasurable place to shop. What will happen to the wildlife? Will Oceanside --* Help save Hosp Grove EDITOR: Tri-City residents will not only be happier but prefer a “housing development” in plane of the age-c!d end beautiful Hosp Grove This is one of Carlsbad’s =e-wels,t’ providing a rare spot of nature in the midst of teaming humanity. The problem with traffic in the area now is overwhelming ... and to add over 200 more units of housing right at your most BUSY traffic section in towq .,. does not Teem to -he “betterment of our resi- dents.” What is the city planning commission thinking of? Certainly not the quality of development they promised the citizws of Carlsbad. In fact ... they have tried to keep this project much on a secret level, secret from the residents and have turned a alarm and opposition. Please, Blade-Tribune ,.. “a newspaper for the people” ... help us save a small and , beauti,fd-phxd%&wx that the area res- -~~kancLvisl~~~~ed-~~~..-- genera tions-and-&wxt&making Plaza mn;Real a ynique and pleasurable What will happen to the wildlife? Will the Buena Vista Lagoon be next? Readers .. raise your voices. Let the cityAf Carlsbad know Hosp Grove is for the peo- MARION BERTIN Oceanside i It is impossible for me to believe that our zIaXea; t~ Fe--- .,vp!.c. - b--4 cfiJ i~i: to CxpiCSS their >-dO-St.l.P- ~F---.-.,-d---&..-’-,“-.““ Fj- { f--? /a&.J;\ >Pi) (EJL&? SJ3 \, ’ i -7, /%/-- Help save Hosp Grove EDITOR: Tri-City residents will not only be happier but prefer a “housing development” in place of the age-old and beautiful Hosp Grove. It is impossible for me to believe that our This is one of Carlsbad’s “city jewels,” providing a rare spot of nature in the midst of teaming humanity. ’l’ne probiezi with trsffir: In the area now is overwhelming ... and to add over 200 more units of housing right at your most BUSY traffic section in town ._. does not seem to be for the “betterment of our resi- dents.” What is the city planning commission thinking of? Certainly not the quality of development they promised the citizqns of Carlsbad. In fact _.. they have tried to keep this project much on a secret level, secret from the residents and have turned a dead-ear to people trying to express their alarm and opposition. Please, Blade-Tribune ... “a newspaper for the people” ... help us save a small and beautiful piece of nature that the area res- idents and visitors have enjoyed for generations and is a part of making Plaza Czmico Real a uniaue and pleasurable place to shop. What will happen to the wildlife? Will the Buena Vista Lagoon be next? Readers ... raise your voices. Let the city of Carlsbad know Hosp Grove is for the peo- ple. MARION BERTIN Oceanside PL. */ f-&L- 2 6 e (48 b &*$&A, &&$&&\- 0- P?&i 9 / Y rJJU /4Q?-c.-++ J&'L+/&= h v J9J al *\ gb+!5.4&* &9J-Qrn* & /!tWf-- d I! -6 ( d= p.fJ& ,d@ fi b4 &'[yy -0 9 fl m$ u7y L & /f$dg_@7- /g$$$L&LM--, k&9Tf?s.-- /@&~.L :/% ;pf - i 84 il L i" 'US J.'? Fk-@&+ &A;Q~ Jff$ "I ,$2 Y#J&dF>*flJ 44??J ,, &I&?? &- @&% (/ f&y-.-#$$d$$7 && $4 &8 t2-S '4d E 4-d ( A -8 i! 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L, J .rr) L,L,U LU;@JJJ-5Y ' // +-25& e& &Jb && -4% A . _. ~. ,:. - .--.. , ... c/nr COUNC 1200 ELM Ab C A RLSBAD, c jhy.&-&l GVePLw- iJ ’]qqk?q $J&, t’ ‘7%.Q4 &&L$&i> &wL2w&-Lw &A<! /d&W @a5 /u-.pb&,,@J@. @%+----.- &- .-L;.<-.. flkcQo&c.,\ vi,& ado& /gJg &L&QC UaA 2 d8& p&&&*./ , Q-a- l%iz a--L &Js-i;Ji’i-2. .,+if& fc.; ‘-ws- Gq.L”-~pc.-&&.+ -IG +& cle/e@v j7Cpe A L~/CC~ LUQLL~~.~ “i;“ &-&:&I &I p c -&; 4 n4 ( -?;?z&&p CA,/Ulwj 43 bYlA?c- +& $2/-cc/e G&p4&x / -/!? .fo GP<S + ,JQa&,:r ,&.M] &?-& /, 0 -5&y9 & d fia&&&A y f-s -/>if: (;y&PK>&g7k ’ h &e .&4:wq M&P225 4x2 (XI+_ - I i” ,I . /$ , as d &U;&+p r,Lfi Q I 3_,L?e$e. -5CY&~ t>? J2- k && ” ,PT, ~ p,&+s L$G,‘d:Ldi’’ f,3?J L(,y;&j~& j+& Q&,4pGC; 7+‘d6-&&&lLJ’ Cq-374) &e .3c&/!i i p,*p& i i-&jq <. A; c3y L%-W I m#-c k/p4tC/L/hf rLj G 42 &W&<&&$’ ] . :J i /& y&:cz.~ &,&< a &,-//i& 6.; ?.c ?-. J& A .. ‘i““ -- q> cm&; A$- s::r%&$.,z. .’ .A$. !+‘- +&&j tv%:-jjw2Y csz v& /I?/< /J‘Z/-&/Q+( ,. 1 s- d ~f?@/hl’~~ jjs -7‘0 k &de & .%~f ~pfi~~-~, 2i7c G&Ni-cJF /P 1 ,’ ,AWL& 1- 1 g arF-.( ~~~~/~~j 1 G.-<L%& u’ S t-jl/@f // (i 11 .+ < ./ iv~!Gr jGli ~>-~4~~/c~~ pbp-d*>hf ci-d;. c;?i-Z i, fdQ~)pje i lc. -7- I , !” v si-vi/ <<,.& - CJ /! s LC k9 c- ~ Q%P CG\. \> \> b 11 cfl . CITY COUN 1200 ELM A C ARLSBAD, I. ~p~*pq$/k/G- -,- // (3L2&-&7y (&q&;5@/90 'lam & / Le :s ~~pe*-~~>#~~ C;/G (-&-s ,) /. \ ..- - I J ’\, c- - i‘ &A [fio.+y% C&&yL) % &hp&A. **& p/, ?$ @JJA c ;A. >\ t” J y i(-@ dw 1 J*jb& A& kiAd CP & c&&3 I”.. \%bWbd{+ &&pWd L, $&& iP+< 7-c; 16- - \L f\Q&,J“ ,(/ )‘?GW ‘*< 1 - 2 c“;’;. Q,,, hy 1 i 3 +--yJ -iji.U_ 24My &)$+WbVT FiL 65 qLA \ 6 &Ji ~&&.& ~&~//&?/5,- 77Fe d2@~~&‘W%fPA Ad; &qJ- &2&7- /.qy?//Fj4!4<A/;ls /+%A*L@ PK2 L c; F-fl*2 AAsp &fu&qL y/,zXs &/e& jt &G- a./g $/7i7k;*@/7 /532 fP4fi.S L/ @L/Vfjdd7 &Ho2Yui 0 &7iy29 //MAN& ,//yg /zM/c&; &~,&/fi&=3.770.-c./ ,/a& /,y&? &Mfi&&/&J /-/+%& i5‘ __ A/P.@ -- 2Lk5M,7/gH& f-z / /Iz /p/q /+y/y /&’fii 1.9 L=/me L/ OLlh vk. t t &g/&A/L&Q/ (A- f c/ I I ttpvr\n/’- d ka 4 TJ4+ &@&&k. U-JJkX. i\ 1 h 6 I *& @-cJL @-u92- tl ‘J il 4 :I ; (jj-yLx ib --- IC iP ~40;”” ///q (/<5= -M<e ne- /Lz/ C 9 /- p” 0 f&,/&2~ ,,x/~ ~/e > H+/~Q, >- / 73/:/~ Ai?- f (qy ,,G??LV/A//~ 7” JO ./ e---/ j -'* '-f . 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Iz;i..;... t ___ ,' !elj i J ,i : 5Lc , ,- L:-+ ;3 / i L" i-, ..A. /.j..,- dL \ c c 7- i $' - 1' . *3 I (34 2 ..;-;i Is. ,, 1 , .y4 , - -i i 1 ,+ 5 ;;),I e *.>-- (.A -.\ :?&;fJ- 7 . i. {,;LC !I i I 6 .. _.- ' ;j!:/ /&: c--_J / .,I_ , , //'( <.,:e .1 .. ,)% c, cI. { 6 i;,: /]i < .'& 1 ..J ,r,.~ , I ~~... .' -. I r.. -I,. ., i' ~ :' 1 .. . : ' .\ . :. 't.- . -. 1.,, , r ,/ , ,, , , . .. .- .. , .. . ,," ' ;.: ,. ~ 6 < .:I '. 1. 1858 i5WA u;r'b firR(rbADl/ @. 42 -- - _=_ 7- - -. -- _._ qAQ4 v '. . GL )2Lz1& &,& 72 92B55 5 __ 4G \a & WM /Y KL~~KULIV~ IHL ULS~KUL~~UN 01. IHE LAST RE HOSP GROVE: When is the City of Carlsbad listen to its citizens about the future city? The Developers have had free rein The quality of life seems a secondary co to increasing the tax base. The final removal of the Hosp Grove will destroy an historical pi( bad,remove a potential place of sanctuar increase traffic problems near the mall, property values and increase the resideni of powerlessness against well-financed dt With the Groves removal I any faith that this City Council truly rc its citizens. Please consider all the rar of this ill-conceived plan. 2J6 Thon * Sincerely, ...- i - &)\ L. ~ - l".-c, by+"- c~"L~c?' LA-, - 4 - 1 &QYCJ /---- ' I L A3 =&- AJ'Cfi-, .-: 3 9 /f7+fX 4/iN&kJ #/8&AEdy kk4! /’ , 7n % *a%<: -- 1 ~~~ 7P ‘c bfb a c 4 @@ 1~~~ KEEP THE TORCH UT @ Ra EGreen 2985 Valley Si t Carlsbad CA 92008 %& I%.’o P! WL 4 i 4 - h?LfL& .j3 -//>a A&, .- - -d:- / fl,%de /LK, pdKd &Le&iL.f5~& / -2 flP /Ud " 42 - '-d 4- :2+ 2 YL fW\- ,p* k 2 . A- '-"'c-d /am4 U// ("-y-.Cs/ c p&&$& -&5?&cy ddLc (F-i?.u,2-&LL "4 e$ (SZL& Au- ' erR-rj, yu .2!2.4- E&jY& @at a4 s' ZLa &>U+ ct332-. &-iZW~rCff,c,f CLdi CLU C! & hmLy yJJL*&p- &*-(+tj- LuC*W &qo( LOJ?cL$ Ltj ML &A -22- "9 CL3j@$ 1 ?nfAa & LA A3-U-L "s .& lie &Yluui~* &! +&Q&& Vk.& LO&$* c$ 4& &-&I.& &? 9% wL%-* &4W. LU-4 G4Lcy' /e- PLE' c?-x&, WL3L;)! &&&>Q& && 9 - &5Q-L2 cy --E&& *&%- l.J.S& ?5 (1 d?G+?d' uh &L&&(, Ok&kj,k- &., -@? Om LWW~Q +-$) wad ~ta,aw - -- - I// &/? --&& --~, 'J CL?, c*-'-+, ,-A7 L! $&& / ,4 Ay(:- -7 A& d& , / f, LC< ,: [\+ \I ,/ ~ , @ I. , g\ -a;-/?_ ~ ,&--- (/ -,..^;:-' jy /, L/, &A LL - //,'/ y; *i c?-ry 9- ~ p e- /Xu /-/- -l &) /y L x_ i &+< ,, 4 L L-t' Lyc-c- &/( k ,,L/+x \- - -/ ,+ -f/ /- __ --p ,A,&/4 44 c ~ L-eL fr r: I"- (,< 1 / >,,\. < +/ T2 Jui L ee-/ ..J &2&( &- P- 2- hT!AA . p >e," 7 - 2 ? )c b 'k;,LKa564 L ?E8 X% '986 --&pLQL ,$ %.. ,i G., %kh. %;+X/ :?> &-;.c; i:. A! P 3g v@ ~ MV L ~. , s. : I ., _-. j: (!&A. 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Co,w>owrfd/uw -p2od-& xc' -8iri~T Id A-EA E OF k/ozF EV-y TO&>& HAS CcC~~j~/ijw /VUJ~ Eutj~y - (ME BEAUT;/ OF ~~~ABi~~~~~ EUCc:qLy*,@TU3 c7? -7-7 /zi /N~~TA~T- TO CA-RLS- Ct7-i ZCiJA 4.J'D -vVlLi.3ld~ &-e - / 0 Y iT W-CK.JLQ BE LUUAC +cA&dP t &$7#tidA f4 &W@qL fd - fl&fL 64 &$??A&+dY / gxm 9 zd Mr. and Mrs. Me1 Schuler 4115 Tkieste Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 -1 /L? /TL L!$QwL?. L /LC4 &e 453e c"*"i.L5q f?d $zc7os Cf'l'Y COUNCfL 12QO ELM AVE, CARLSBAD, CA S >+ Ifjf< ti:; yQ'( v \\ \\ < ; y h (4- tY L ; /Gh \ ;\ qh \I is 4 941 @ P q\ ' R, $ \I \ %kr f\\ A y\\ tdk '3.1;\$ 't\ $ I' 4 I*+ \+!At @ fi\, Y Q y -I c h "u , bAQ R $ iD\ bOdQk.\, @$ I3 \ t March 15, 1981 Dear Sirs: We are against the proposed project HO: for 10.8-10.9ac. APARTMENT3 IN FOREST ( CARISBAD for many reasons. The most ii reasons are: (1) We have ,$ire apartmei we already need, (2) High-d&sity apar are, for the most part, eyesores and fl rehabilitative /upkeep problems exist, (3) The Carlsbad Police service currently largest at another high-dens site, Pueblo de Or0 apartments, We cai imagine this project to be positive pr for Carlsbad. I,~ 4,[kLpL&G 4115 Trieste Dr., Carl area &.I. - .. 1 :9 /? 1 -&ZC?,e c A7 a..q 0-<(,2, d i / A-4 qj 11>&...Q- i p\\)o-cqL :i 1 L J-7 Le- > t&&, c $ ,[:ld2A&( t'7 3' /7 /- :q i / </" !2A/Lf&& , !fl -I &&I &&&2 / 2 (y[? e,&& &- &&&L&=9[ C@L y@h545J& --- -. * A L./ ; 'A "u! i I,- [Jg7 4 tobud& &yf&~.&3? 'W &/ /,?by> LA' 9&@/ Q4, [x&gJ&(~ 43 / $/ . -+<t.-SWfx- c 2, </L<?/,7 &-+M 4+L Pu// &L..) P . 9La -L 4-u .--C'-C&, L? 9%4&4c /4Gw-k -"-v-.. L.,J*L,i, ir 3c &: -/4Lf4G qc,*--, & 2 v &-* --%x,,-.- &?(- ~- -jL->>.lA bvG ME OfymED -F -n-/c FOTL QEu&LcpENrn sF -Me /+aJ/ W&@ &LbU& OF me OV@r coO~01~/~'7 t rz oi&d~ CV.& P@4rF@t&( q2@& CCP fit E--- ~~~~~rrntnf q H & l&)oor/) mw-' m0Le G&ffl * (fyi 3J- Udft5f5 *%dz <pbJG-z77 Lf by%A.R EMU/bb, d .Ir JT 8rpLA4id * _uc- -j3 dih ~~~~~-~-d ;-l+ $5 G/ iL &&v;&tiJ qL pLz&f-ri-jA% J/ta-(tc * yyL A-5 .L:. , ,Q-nc,&J7> ,/y% g d P+yId~/~ Y4 9) kLai.',&&j .&+lL &&4/&# &hk 9 x3L Lu-Ad,L*,,.\ ~-,- //q(( ~-4L (2 d&2/d&-/&j -- -.c- 7pTb& +I>, ,-& a IC; b-2y 7 2dflGK//& d.6 7 c .-\e -- L- h ---Z?AZ -4 J lcZt. 7ya-L A $7-0 iv'.nY- . %A- I: r .&$ ~ jd /--- fiz/+/, -- _--. ___ - eDyl"JyJ.~oJl m O@ &Ly sb fiK'.'*6m mp@y' 0 if& f$3, L 7 ud.kc-' [Wd& &4!! L..+.lk:4t$ i-4 kfl&A&-*'& vi2 /7 tL?+ L.e-l&[, e,c) LhL43 &i+p,<-. wu ~~ [My'--$ .~ 1 +-jx ~,,!~i~~A~,~*~*~ ,v&,&&L2, MY?/ .& . u" z,tL,a/ e-'?' 'L .wv /,&zd ~ uJ GC'L+C./ &Jl&& d E-Q p I #&A< jA - f444.A \, / S,&!Alff.y , &&!d +.. &. - / 0 0 L> &i,'?,A,< CITY CQU:&C1 1200 ELM AVE CARLSBAD, CA MARK I WARMBRAND 2464 JEFFERSON STREET CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA 92008 A3 - (y /li w p,;?,iu .- a r -''~J..Fq~ c 4 /-L .' 1 ; >/ <Cl\ \ (' .& \P '\3 \a + c I -! 1- i c- ,-'-&,'e2 e'\6"- 'i l <'-?\ , c->y \" ,X>%A ( 5: 7 72.2T ,c" % 'L/ ci(;_,L-r2c-G ad c-&!!<d,-Fc,c&, /- i ob- .nd -&& & /A/&Ld H4a-e- X& +Ad&+&&?&&, ~Y-~-d.L,Lc&. e&/& c-1 JAJ. /F-c& Wac./ 'A- C&L/AC2.CL ---/PLL& & Lz4?-6L -0L '- G"i--i&-A;L , 62, ['el, PU y2-CL"i -- >&& d- cc/ /"& -* dZ4 c=c-Ld%/ c L-cLp-cl>--uZs;I ,4LmL< -id e./ oe4&, "ddL+&J ,&,&?-, 1' -====-- c_ F f, ti c&-- / a7w-&&.z-+/-. XDAO r249-?Yw2:cla, . ..~ . .. .___..