HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-03-18; City Council; 8554; CARLSBAD ARTS COMMISSION APPOINTMENTSCARLSBAD ARTS COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS Adopt Resolution NoflVYY , appointing seven members .to the Carlsbad Arts Commission. fyqf, appointing seven members to the Carlsbad Arts Commission. a g z 3 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 lo 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 f .i, ‘1% t FW -.I RESOLUTION NO. 8444 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING SEVEN MEMBERS TO THE CARLSBAD ARTS COMMISSION. WHEREAS, Chapter 2.18 of the Municpal Code establishes a Carlsbad Arts Commission; and WHEREAS, Section 2.18.030 requires the Mayor, with the approval of the Citj Council, to appoint seven members to the Carlsbad Arts Commission: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct; 2. That the following persons are hereby appointed to serve as members of the Carlsbad Arts Commission for the terms specified. Memb e r Term Expiration March, 1988 - Joe Bear Muriel Roston March, 1989 Patra Straub March, 1987 Thomas Brierley March, 1987 Ted Frye March, 1989 Dona Meilach March, 1989 Wayne Bischoff March, 1988 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 25th day of March , 1986, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettine NOES: None ABSENT: None X/&yL&&&kL/ MARY H. ASLER ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTEmRANZ, City Clerk (SEAL) < TELl 1- 1 '\ '-0 0. -- 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92wa (714) Offrce of the City C/o& Citp of Qarlrr'bab APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BOARD OR COMMISSION \ Name of Board or Commission: m\ sh'm Name (Print or Type): Address : Phone: ?&? - 03 8+ :resent Occupation: Business Name and Address :- &%-&~lty 31 - Gd1A LSt 3461 &e\3b&. %\dl. Bus. Phone: a?- 9%- . Resident of Carlsbad: (?e9 Home Phone: 78- 5- 0384 Registered Voter in Carlsbad: + a. I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board or Commission on which I wish to serve. If appointed to a Board or Commission which is subject to financial disclosure laws, I am willing to provide such statements as may be required. willing to appear for an interview regarding my qualifications for appointment before such committee as may be designated by the City Council or if requested by individual Counc DATE : bdm. 89 SIGNATURE: (See reverse side) I am 6/8 3 - 1 I i t r. 0. EDUCATION: Bc), fl F) - rvt,~;~ '2 ** 9- os;.t;'m~ t'hcj;. k5-hmy CMpI) $>?e& Ll v~aficce, (~8) 3 95 %a&vb~s4eiu 3>4C&k& w;.tR dL ke(pea'ta ?&\k W;-t-t, y QacLe5+vw ad 4 cc...Ph sqy*,, elk eS .*\el ~~iii,~~+i~s~* &A 04 9 @y$$fi @=**-\ wa*syavr-l, cgnnvM; ke 6vL QiQPP" L grhe X% * eb v&l5 A, qc&ur" $0 y-2 -EXPERIENCE: 7- \cs + ?kb\cc i+$h SCL~~( (.j( + ~e\sba& LAB& 6 s) my &kes Ca\:C. h5.4 "aepstbes OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES : 43 Ckwbek &- &mewe cC.-d5Ld) Lid t 4s. %-cL 'd \ 4w- p bet)'ir +e- &. c-4 - ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENTS: am % ',k 5-A --&e Ci&WWUe& & Tk UL~ kk. *p- CbF;<\let aeeL \ (5 0 6-5$ 4 &c&* GAL csb&uuprAeLkce&Z &&*e bk3. I r I .. eo 1200 ELM AVENUE TELEI CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (714) L Office of the City Clerk Citg of Carlsttab APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BOARD OR COMMISSION Name of Board or Commission: Arts Commission 5 _.) Name (Print or Type) : (7 t"&EDEElre< v-K Address : -365 I-I~GHLAw EWVE--, CAXrAD I Phone:434-4z%Present Occupation: -TEED = 6T Business Name and Address: 4' Bus. Phone: Resident of Carlsbad: Home Phone: Registered Voter in Carlsbad: 4' I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board or Commission on which I wish to serve. If appointed to a Board or Commission which is subject to financial disclosure laws, I am willing to provide such statements as may be required. I am willing to appear for an interview regarding my qualifications for appointment before such committee as may be designated by the City Council or if requested by individual Council MembTrs. [ -- v55@i7- 1 A /------ Lw(, /;z, /7& S1GNrlTIIRE:&LflL ,' /' 6/83 t t 00 0. EDUCATION: krb/s* D€z%=E Aa-i- Ab&, DmEE ART E&-ed -mw. dud dN\vzsiTy w CALr'faRuIA 1 SEEJCEEY EXPERIENCE : &T z-3 RRS-Lto .sC%@mk, Ma& /&cr ])JSWTD[, 5 YES -Dl-LJz*c ~~S&~+&)~ - P?L]F, STATE --Y w - 16 Y-1 AeT €$ VQUT\SdA L4e-r-5 aM~~sSrolG - CAW OF Wv"l5 , c$Lq @h/tWA.C A=TEq-+ - s- Yes, 4 yest aAieh/ZahS mF '7 YB, OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES : ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENTS: 1200 ELM AV%NUE 7 e. ‘*@AXLd:C c& (714 CARLSBAO, CALIFORNIA 92008 Off/C8 Of th8 City clerk &itp of &arI$ftab APPLICATION ?’OR APPOINTMENT TO BOARD OR COMMISSION Name of Board or Commission: c’F\-\;2L5P,A3 ARTS CCYIY~~S*~(G~ Name (Print or Type): ~tc~\~4Ail J gC:i”\c:y Address: :33C8 ~ELLC; LP~vL. cf-~,2..~Ls~3~a Phone: 729 8 33‘1 Business Name and Address: Present Occupation: RC-TI&E~/~(~&,T&& Bus. Phone: Resident of Carlsbad: ?‘E5 Home Phone: Registered Voter in Carlsbad: YE 5 I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board a Comission on which I wish to serve. If appointed to a Board c Cornissfon which is subject to financial disclosure laws, I am willing to provide such statemnts as may be required. willing to appear for an interview regatding my qualifications for appointment before such oommittao as may be designated by the City Council or if requested by individual Council Members. I am DATE: JavL 5. (9?5 (See reverse side) SIGNATURE: 2-L; A&“/‘ 6/0 - - 1 1 r r e. 0. EDUCATION: ~AA iy\w Ctij.~r~\ CGLLEC-~. i\i-di%Cze(2.CuS iieC5RhL ra?-i% dwd 'ad~~h~f5~ cc;:&\E> CNtUEgSiTy' c~@c(~f~n~( UNiv'eilSiTf OF ,4/4&vc{4rUb u~,,,,~~xx~r~ o~ c.eM.-. 1 uchy 8 EXPERIENCE : 2% ..(C,\As dT fl&p(y - ca\\2eAT PAM5 c;FFi<pR ; .4V4ATc&; .4icLC1L?Fr pgccJlzE!wF,vT. ZEy ti-ccc. ;1 y~/+,.?,s /I~I<G-~~&C& ibQYc7;rp.I 2 J&.C'+\C,S F\ccG.~wii+~~ 61~~ T/-\K 'BG*iitkt>s. OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES : \,kL&L &(dl) ih!57AG,C\E"-i/4C P\a%t<t4 i Q>QU ?s (-&L&&(,q C&;JG<EGA Li+aiL<w '., h\kA C<-;Tfi Cc.t~c~-& - CA&L<~A 3 CCpz,.c;~pT '3fwP) No<Tij cc,.,L, T .jiALL '5C-c.1~i-y . Bu~&?p ' OF OikEriczS A?(-('KEiC> . (ToLtr ' GYM. I ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENTS: .i .;o- FtL\;t\\-:;)_E a .' 1~~r;~.,c,3~~7~jr=~ ~;i .jAzz H[-,TCK\/ A! ~L.~~HEO 8.y' &L~~~~~~-\/,!.~LL, {wc., ~~A<LEIUTCI UZED (~3 i'PtMciit3Ai 7cx-i- {TcR rt\c >*ea j;..,?; f~ <'k-uG[<Ki- i-e~iEG6S . - i r TEt (714 a. 0. Cltp of CarlsLab /y /tkaZL ' c L Y 9200 ELM AVENUE CAALSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Olfrco of tho City Clerk APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BOARD OR COMMISSION Name of Board or Commission: Advisory Arts Commission . Name (Print or Type): Patricia M. White Address: 2882 Woodridge Circle, Carlsbad, CA 92008 phone: 434-7227 Present Occupation: Retired Business Name and Address: same Bus. Phone: 434- 722 7 Resident of Carlsbad: Yes Home Phone: 434-7227 Regirtered Voter in Carlsbad: Yes I am familiar with th8 re8pOn8ibilitieS assigned to the Board o Comi8sion on which I wirh to serve. If appointed to a Board c Comi88ion which i8 rubject to financial disclosure laws, I am willing to provide such statements as may be required. Willing to 8ppau for an intervim regarding my qualifications for appointmaat before such cormnittee u m.y be designated by th8 City Council or if requested by individual Council Memb8tS( I am SIGNATURE: &&&,;. - P /& . DATE: January 27, 1986 (See reverse .id.) 6/ E - - I I T r 0. 0. EDUCATION : Degrees : . AA - Los Angeles City College - Art Major . BA - Occidental College - Art Major, Physical Education Minor (Dance) . MA - California State University at Los Angeles - Physical Education Thesis on Body Dynamics, a motion picture and workbook EXPERIIENCE : . Member of Lester Horton Dance Group . Occidental College, Department of Physical Education . California State University at Los Angeles, Department of Physical Director of Dance Areas of instruction: dance, physical education, teacher training Education and Leisure Studies Areas of instruction: dance technique and history, yoga, techniques Team instruction, interdepartmental: art, music, and dance of relaxation, bodyhind experiences, body dynamics, adapted physical education, teacher training OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES : . Memberships in community organizations including League of Women Voters, Buena Vista and Batiquitos Lagoon Foundations, CSULA Emeriti Associa Nature Conservancy, Common Cause, Friends of the Carlsbad Library, Occidental College's William Stewart Young Society, Mira Costa Colle Women's Advisory Committee, Family Fitness Center, National Geograph Society, Center for Science in the Public Interest ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR C0-S: PLEASE NOTE: If considered for appointment, I would prefer a one-year term. - - TEL (714 1200 '.-'Wd ELM AVENUE r, -:,me ea CAALSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 ottrce of rho City CIork Citp of CarIsbab APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BOARD OR COMMISSION --7/ I. Name of Board or Commission: c4 J/-c ,-/Ad ,A,F 1, [&fy - Name (Prlnt or Type): /?,?-?? kbk-7/ Address: F-?.-c G-./ h- ,cp ,5&7 /PZJ,5- .r, /- /&>? I Phone: c 7,'- GG~T/ Business Name and Address: ,/-r/?//,- fl-//<? /.-2/ present Occupation: ,ZZ~A+,J, #rAd4#d /d/x f / Bus , Phone : ,F/ ,/ >< 64 ' 2' Resident of Carlsbad: vY,< Home Phone : 1%~ i//-,y L~L J 2' Registered Voter in Carlsbadt y< 2F I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board o COrrPniS8iOn on which I wfrh to serve. If appointed to a Board c Commission which ia subfect to financial disclosure laws, I am willing to provide such statements as may be required, I am willing to appear for an Interview regarding my qualifications for appointment before such committee as may be designated by the City Council or if requested by indivtdual Council Members4 //-- '?// %/,/*A 7- DATE: .,w/d/// /s, ,//6<7 SIGNATURE: (See reverse sid8) - 6/4 - - t I r , em *IJ) /A Ld> &a+) EDUCATION : gY/,/ -difwq4y $)//($A 7d.6/ K+GY&?./L- LA (I?/<-++ b</ / FLF/ &/2T-@ (*PG/Oh-,,cd dfiFd1> ,drff- fid,5,-- (’4, EXPER1ENCE: &&&// ZL/&J, /md,/c,k/ /~=&~7%2, cy-- a ~~Jcr7*mpm&-- ,A&/74y GRrAKh, c2%1 fi/4/) ’ //G-Xi,:,, /A& /i ;+T (fiL I..-, c+) A??mA~e //JdndrJAc /4.z&?T-..222 6&&??6fl/ /cJ,Tf/-/ --/ ’66=f4775 f?kJL.-- flXY //0+6/,4?P&<BF d,f7/c/l -t OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES : c ,T~/,’~ f- dd ’n~,~ [,& c c / J /~4%5.,3.~d/ /4- <T,fX //5/Lf-$,c&4~, e*. r, 4@42/,(. /_is/% 9 J/l-AAFAA ~-73&+&-+5<+--& LC- *L/ f/<&/, 4/< /-,’ /= __ / /Hy-&2?,~’< 6 L4@iL&L, ,4;7sa/+% 4 /Gd/Xp- S7/Ld5-+ @.-) /-qK // .(c,/K ,’r r423.97, AbP // 42z542/ 74- /= k&./ A fl/--z-&-- kJ -7+h.7 74z/ ZA&/ /<4 /fl< 4+3/f24,+-/fi A Ad/ -+cy* +/ 3 43-//6ri_/c cr/&%& AJL57L / ;. e/?c-2/-3/&2 /- 6ZL-f +~d//S&?cJ dyC<6A -/&&, H4 /a 4/44 CA X-- c//JJ/ &--, flFw5,/-5 a-j-=dL fl&/ //& 67% A/ /L/4A&A41,- f=f c-7 2 rvi3 14 /I -& ADDIT1oNAL INPORMATION OR CO-TS: /- ‘C?h/W -- / n 4 AHA& 4 7(”.Jp b 24 /GFG&&J-/ J /*A .&&dy&d-+- I TEL (714; 1200 ELM AVENUE r 0. '3y* e& cc: CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Otfrce of th0 City Clerk - Citp of CatIsbab APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BOm OR COMMISSION Name of Board or Commission: ('(J/,f/,,// I* .. c r,n A .. c Name (Print or Type): ms8d h!# L 52- Address: ,Jxo & &?IO4 HA! &J/F/ E4 +Q (-?A& sgm Phone: ~2~9- ,3L~~& Present Occupation: k&L 5s 7~ TE Business Name and Address: %? , Ar A) -&&fij&,4?. I I Q& e r Bus. Phone: 72q- Y/-F/ Resident of Carlsbad: Home Phone: 72 q-\? 5,r$ Regi8tered Voter in C Isbad:, I am familiar with the respon8ibilities assigned to the Board o Comission on which I wish to serve. If appointed to a Board o Commission which i8 subject to financial disclosure laws, I am willing to provide such statements as may be required, I am willing to appear for M interview regarding my qualifications for appointment before su& committee a8 may be designated by the City Council or if requested by individual Council Members. \ DATE: I-- dl- n' /L SIGNATURE: ///&24/2 b>;, (Set reverse 8fd8) 6/8 - - I i r I 0. 0. EDUCATION: &?.& 42 ) gd?3c&li'& - Lf /I- +/ 447- EXPERIENCE : *@djf~A==m LZfmf- /Abl+$/& fiA pi22 dU~Z/WW/~z5'& - %-kiZti&@ A .- - OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES : A&? &&A - ADDITIONAL IN - - TE (71 0. 0. /YO& 7' - - im ELM LVENUE' om@ of tm clry a@* - CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 r Citp of QtarIsfiab r x- r - r I r r APPLICATION FDR APPOINTMENT TO BOARD OR COMMISSION Name of Board or Commission: ~rts~~ I, I r ri r Name (Print or Type): Sue R. Jladouceur Address: 3460 Charter Oak Drive, Carlsbad. ca, QPr)n8 r I . *. Phone: 729-6555 Present Occupation: m Business Name and Address: CaTlsbad Unified mnn~ niq+rip+ & - 801 Pine Avenuer, Carlsbad,r Ca. 92008 Bus. Phone: 434-0634 Resident of Carlsbad: AFnrnv- 2 :"3s Home Phone: 729-6555 Registered Voter in Carlsbad: ;rnb r I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Boatd o Comfssicra en which 1 wish to serve, If appointed to a Board c Camfssion which i8 subject to financial disclosure laws I am willing to appear for an interview regarding my qualifications for appointment before such committee M may be designated by the City Council or if requested by indivLdual Council Members, willfng to provide such statements as may be required. iam DATE: L/7, I SIGNATURE: - --Qt QL&LeQJ I (See reverse side) 6/8 - - 1 I I e. e. EDUCATION: The Hartridg-e School, Plainfield, New Jersey. Graduated 1959. Colby Junior College, New London, New Hampshire. Associates De Boston Museum School of Fine Arts, Boston, Massachusetts. 1961 New School for Social Research, New York, New York. 1965-1967. Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida. 1969-1970. University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, Texas. B.A. in Visu University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, Texas, Graduate work Aesthetics, 21 hours towards M.A., 1981-1983. EXPERIENCE : Librarian: Carlsbad Unified School District, Carlsbad , Ca. 1984 Gallery Assistant: HumanArts,Dallas, Texas. 1981-1983 Master Craftsman: Bill Tendler, New York, New York. 1963-1967 Exhibit Art ,Shows, Dallas, Texas, 1979-1 983. ( Exhibit Art Shows, Los Angeles, California, 7977-1978. Sxhibit Art Shows,' Boca Raton, Florida, 1968-1974. I Taught Art Classes and Jewelry Making: Boca Raton, Florida- Art Guild, Marympunt- Upward Bound. Dallas, Texas- Arts Magnate High Schoo Taught Jewelry Workshops: OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES : Travel- Sxtensive travel in Europe- Emphasis on Art, Folk Art. Reading Painting Family: Husband and two eaughters ,ages 15 and 12. Gallery An6 Museum interests, American Craft Council. St. Michael's by-the-Sea, Carlsbad, Ca. Associations: The Art Guild of Boca Raton, Boca Raton, Flori?a The Craft Guild, Dallas, Texas. American Craft Council. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENTS: x- (zL ebnnMh.;.tt 4J ~ p~p shr W,+I b+4+ Lh UodJ --to 6ee &kt 3 (OLXA&A 3 rn&@.) p-Q-+Giuv)Q-Lba (&5p"ce) -F,- d=b-cT =f- a-45 acijLic, +- L-l d Sk+e -t&-A+ I C4A-A-L- --/&+% u .+&&'- C+ ~WJU-CL Ltk Cd)-fL&-J. 70 eetp~~ b~ ~d~t- -kh-c Uy CirJ &S h=A risaLkc - W&a-r\-+tty Q-4 G-Ce/-fik--h--lt-l. I TEI (714 0. 0. - -/yfi mGL ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALlfCiRNlA 92008 OffIC8 Of th8 CltY ch& Citp of CsrIbba’b APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO SdARO OR COMMISSION .. Name of Board or Commission: Carls bad Arts Cn~~~~nn .L Name (Print or Type): Sallv Freese Address: 4107 Isle Drive Phone: 434-1405 Present Occupation: ,;T-/sr- math tPnrilPr ,rJu Business Name and Address: Natinnnl University 77n7 IInivmrciL Bus, Phone: 941-6200 Resident of Carlsbad: fnr m ~mnqf- Q 1,5 J Home Phoner434-1405 Registered Voter in Carlsbad: IlF’c I am familiar with thm responribilities assigned to the Board o Cam.issisn on which I wfrh to derve, If appointed to a Board a ~~iS8iOn which i8 rubfect to finacid disclosure laws, I am willing to provide such statements as may be required. I am willing to appear for an intentiew regarding my qualifications for appointment bofore such oodtteo a8 may be designated by the City Council or if reque8ted by individual Council Members. -?+---=~~~>$ 6/8 DATE: (See reverse s de) - - I C I *e *e - EDUCATION: BA: Whittier College (Math/Psyc.) - spent one semestf MS: National University (School Administration) in Copenhagen EXPERIENCE : years and is an artist. I therefore lived in an artistic environment for many years. types of cities, drama, opera, architecture, museums and art. My father was the head of ASU Art Department for many I have traveled around the world viewing a multitude of I have been a teacher for eleven years. I have lived in various places in the USA. OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES - : My husband and I were married at Taliesin West and I interacted with that climate numerous times. (Frank Lloyd Wrigt and I share the same birthdate - month and day-wise!). I have been a member of the North Coast Junior Women's Club, have served on the Carlsbad Friends of the Library Board and have taught in the Carlsbad Unifizd School District. ADDITIONAL INFOWUTION OR COMMENTS: I love the City of Carlsbad and would like to serve on the Arts Commission to further inprove it l1art-wise". - m TE **yBC (7 1 4 0. * jm* ELM AVENUE' CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92OC@ &?* cc otirco ot rho City C/o* citp of CarIsbab APPLICATXON FQR APPOINTMENT TO BOARD OR COMMISSION Name of Board or Commission: The Arts m~ssion Theresa uf. My Name (Print or Type): Address : phone g 729-5482 Business Name arid Address: 2585 Jefferson #37 Carlsbad, &. 92508 Advertising & Tublicity - Present Occupation : Carlsbad Dinner Theatre 5850 AVdda Enc:inas Ste. E6 Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 Bus. Phone : 931-1304 Residant of Carlsbad: yes Home Phone : 729-5482 Registered Voter in Carlsbad: Yes I am familiar with the reuponsibilities assigned to the Board Coxmission ~n which I wirh to sarve. If appointed to a Board Cmmir8ion whfdi i8 8ubject to financial disclosure laws, I at willing to pr0v:lde such statements as may be required. willing to appear for an interview regarding my qualificationl for appointment before such committea u m.~ be designatad by the City cOunci.1 or if requested by indivtdual Council Member I am DATE: + L'D, /9s SIGNATURE: uha (See reverse aide) 6 n - r b I L mm .. EDUCATION: B.F.A. Degree from United States International University Administration and Xanagement courses taken at Palom Cormunity College . EsE;=m;fE : I have lived and worked inside the San Diego arts cmmity 24 years. I am familiar with the iqmrtance of educating the Carl-sba? cmity ir- the arts and its artists. I have valuable contacts in the San Diego art community and I haw the joys and pains of non-profit organizations. OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES : I attend local and Los Angeles theatre, music, daxe a2 art shows. I am a cormittee chairperson in charge of entertairnent for the Sscondido Boys and Girls Club' annual auction 2 years in a row. Volunteer for Carlsbad Soys and Girls CLub. American Dinner Theatre Institute Member - ADDITIONAL INPdRMATIm OR COMMENTS: I believe that the experience gained in my past and current job positions, would he quite useful to the Carlsbad Arts Comnission. n OF QUALIFICATIC IU )wr- THERESA EDY -. d=:Fc 7aq-sqgz 93r- OB J EST IVE A challenging position involving Promotion and Public RE in Radio and Television Production. SUMMARY OF QUALIF1:CATIONS Professional Prof i 1 e : Offering proven capabilities in the following related area - Staff Administration - Contract Negotiation and Administration - 'Typing and General Clerical - Office Management - Press and Community Relations - Research and Special Events Coordination Exceptional strengths in oral and written communication! well as organizational and motivational skills. Poised ar professional in appearance and manner, eliciting positivi response from associates and clients. Personal Prof i 1 e : MAG 1% s C ~&\SAB\~> Oinm<TNocTc EXPERIENCE Lawrence Welk Village Resort Escondido, CA - THEATER ADMINISTRATOR - Duties include all person January 1982 - management responsibi 1 ities over reservationists, maini EceEz3Qt personnel, group sales, and theater house manager. AI: ibn- gs responsible for all press photo sessions and interviews, well as gala openings for the theater. Contract negotiati with AEA, SAG and AFI-RA. Accomplished approximate 20% increase in ticket sales by designing and promoting I order reservations, subscription tickets and gift certific Developed advertising concepts and direct mail brochure July 1980 - Les Ballet Jazz de Montreal Montreal, Canada July 1981 June 1978 - U!SIU Conservatory San Diego, CA June 1980 Previous - INTERN - As Performer and Administrative Assistant. - INSTRUCTOR - In Ballet and Jazz for USIU students. San Diego YMCA - DANCE/EXERCISE INSTRUCTOR - Exclusively Women's Spa - SALES/COUNSELOR EDUCATION United States International University San Diego, CA Major: Dance P,alomar Community College Coursework in Supervision and Production Management Degree Awarded: BFA (June 1980) San Marc=, CA REFERENCES Excellent personal and professional references are avail and will be furnished upon request. )H4-€SGhr+++ THERESAEDY 25s a-€ FC~cs3n * 37 Cr*CtSbd , CfA C\-s 32.q -sqga c1%\ - REFERENCES A. H. Steinbeck Marketing Consultant 10216 Legend Rock Rd. . Escondido, CA 92026 (81 9) 74+2020 Gordon Howard D irector/Producer Lawrence Welk Village Theater 2952 Verda Ave. Escondido, CA 92025 (61 9) 747-2526 Jeri Hughes Real Estate Representative L.awrence Welk Resort Villas 8860 Lawrence Welk Dr. Escondido, CA 92026 (61 9) 749-5686 T imothy Prince Owner/General Contractor Ftoyal Construction Co . 1536 Cove Ct. San Marcos, CA 92069 (6 1 9) 745- 8557 Craig T immons EIxecutive Director Ekcondido Boys & Girls Club 1 15 W. Woodward Ekcondido, CA 92025 (61 9) 746-331 5 I 0 e , October 14, 1985 The Honorable Mary Casler Mayor of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Mayor Casler: Some months ago in the Carlsbad Journal I saw a press relc for the formation of the Arts Commission. Since I have an extenr background in the arts and entertainment field I feel I would be qualified for a position either directing or within the framewoi of the commission. I have filled out a city application form anc attached my resume to it. Since I have not read anymore regardir the appointment of the Arts Commission I do hope that my applic; will be considereld. Enclosed is an updated resume. I feel that with my experic and organizational skills I can make a valuable contribution to the enlightenment of the arts and the prosperity of the city. Carlsbad is a finle city - one for which I know I would enjoy WOI Sincerely Yours, Theresa Edy dr Enc. ULG&.&- d \ THERESA EqY 2585 Jefferson St, Carlsbad, CA 92008 - (619) 729-548 OBJECTIVE A challenging position involving Sales, Promotio and Production in the entertainment industry. SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS Professional Offering proven capabilities in the following Profile related areas: - Staff Administration - Contract Negotiation and Administration - Typing and General Office - Szlcs and Harketin.; - Press and Community Relations - Research and Special Events Coordination EXPERIENCE Ca.rlsbad Dinner Theatre Carlsbad, CA DIRECTOR OF ADVERTISING AND PUBLICITY - Involved March 1985 - Present the theatre's earliest developmental stages. Ass and consulted on floor plans, interior functions staff development. Prepared progressive press re created logo, began community and union relation Sold advertising space for theatre program. Coor direct mail, print and radio advertising. Acting representative in American Dinner Theatre Instit - January 1982 - Lawrence Welk Resort Escondido, CA FC2>r12z:-T7 1.9 8 5 TE!EATP,E: AD?-lI??TSTRAT@R - l-"+ YYLL2Q : irlcluded sll pers - management, Contract negotiating with AEA, SAG a AFTRA. Accomplished a 20% increase in ticket sal! by designing and promoting direct mail brochures -and organizing effective promotional tactics. A1 ocated advertising budget, Created forcasting anc sales evaluation guides. EDUCATION United States International University San Diegc Major: Performing Arts Degree Awarded: BFA REFERENCES Excellent personal and professional references a available upon request, TEI (71t 0 'r'gG&c;(el@ Y' f 7dE'M AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 9ml Offrc. of tho Clry am Citp of Carl~bab APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BO.- OR COMMISSION Name of Board or Co~iS810n: , ,L LL- 'I Name (Print or Type): & rYT\J I.*': i gc 5 k, r. Admsr: ';3.;?'< ?\.7r+{i yc 1 i 1, (& :J Isks ck ,- -7 Phone : AfA S - \ i 2.3 - Present Occupation: Busines8 Name and Address: Bus. Phone: Resident of Carlsbadr x Home Phone: Registered Voter in Carlsbad: < I am familiar with th8 re8pon8ibilitics assigned to the Board f Comnission on which I wish to serve. ConImi88fOn whidr i8 rubject to financial disclosure laws, I am willing to pmvld, such statements as may be required. willing to appear for an interview regarding my qualifications for appointment before sua oonrmitt80 88 m.y be desiqnated by th8 City Council or if requested by individual Council Memb8r8 If appointed to a Board I ant DATEt m:f(7[$ &- SI-=: $/d ji (5 !.Ct q,j!k- ..x (Sea revets. .lid,~) 6/ - - I 1 L (0 0 EDUCATION : - FA; dL.1 4 ‘ bJw- EXPERIENCE : A L;” e‘ ,)/&+I- ip-- f ‘ --LA c ^.-c- i-it-CT-tLL3 I‘t:,i 1 c i/ AJ”C_L.JP .? 9 [? A-rz-; .7 /!!&A L-)/ /,lLf LL4 +L ( k y* Jl; &f &:Llu c?LCA.ce.&4 I /&y%& 47c ;tr \f \,(/L OUTSIDE ACTIVITfE$ : - ? &- r /& ~ f ~CLCG L? fd ,+LC’ ?/- s /LA<(- {2JLL,--H $/j&</ c +L j :,4?-4fi1 A! (- t t ,L/I.liic-LL Jc& hC-L L[uLL f’J 6, L23/m ‘-tLVL 7 f4LG-U’ /?PC [, f -ytTL k-ri 7f-, + ’ dTkL; -+,LkJ‘‘ F Le 4L-J L Lyl-+ Ld ;t;,JL4- c\ d - [& ~D~T~ONAL INFORMATION OR COMBE%TSg -/L“ L- ti, ‘-A// .r, % -2- ,k -<x: ~ ( ,& /<,“ - JLLZ cwc,?&k -TT’ qccc 7- LC, - ,- v. TEi (714 /yfi ,me /, 0'- 0 CARLSBAO, CALIFORNIA 9x~W oliice of rno City ckrjr &(@ Of Batbb8b APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO EdARO OR COMMISSION N81t18 of Boud or Commis8ionr m ARTS cmTox - Nam8 (Print Or T.yp.1: Kevix 1,- wV Address: Phon.: Burine88 Name and Addrasr: 374 8 Loneview Dr- C- 723-2004 - Present Occupation: menrllnvr?d Bus, Phone: Rerid8nt of Carlsbadt Y~S Horn Phons: 739-iyp Registered Votor in Carlsbadr vPs f am frrmi1i.r with the r88pon8ibilitier -signed to th8 Board Comnl88ion on which I wfrh to I.-. If appointed to a Board Cornmtrrion which1 ir; rubject to f1nsnci.l disclosure laws, I air willing tu 8pp.r~ for au intervfrw rqudfne my qurlificrtions for appointment bator8 8uch 00tlWftt.8 u m.y be de.i@8t.d by tha City ~owcfl, or if requested by indivkdual Council M.labor~ Willbq to p=Vi,& 8Uch St8tmnt8 a8 may be required. I am VATn /9f& BC STGHATUREt (See revass. siito) r"' 6r - - 1 I * 1. a EDUCATION : BA Philosophy, Co.LurPbia UniversitJr, New York, Coursework in Art 3istoz-Z and Masic, drawing upon cultural resources available in New York City. EXPERIENCE : Three pars U.S. Navy, exposure to arts aad customs of the people in .t;ncntj. ope corntries OB five coatiaents. OUTSIDE ACTIVITIElS : - Reading , movies, crosaword pvszlecs, walking, ADDITfONAf, m?ORHATIOM OR C0-r I would like to serve on this eomrnissioa in order to find out what, if anything, goes on at the Carlsbad Cornra1.inity Cultural Arts Center. Furthermore, I would recommend that an7 program for the arts in Carlsl strongly feature classic American cinema, of the sort unavailable on tape or in theaters, and which would prove popular given Carlsbad's demograpbie composition. - TEi (71s 0 /yfd [u&yd.&a?*T '. 12OO.ELM AVENUE CARLSBAO, CALIFORNIA 920011 Otftc. of M. ciry - Citp of Qtarhtbab APPLICATION mR APPOINTMENT TO BdARD OR COMMfSSfON Name of ~oard or ConUtIiS8iOnt Carlsbad Arts Commission - Nun8 (Print or Type) t Admssr Phon.: Burin888 Name 8nd Ad&-8: Karen L. Savary 2064 Avenue of the Trees 92008 - Present Occupation: Vice President, Platt Savary 729-2085 Platt Savary 6 Associates 6992 El Camino Real, Carlsbad 92008 Rerident of Carlsbadt Yes Reglrtercd Vot8r in Carlsbadt 438-3760 729-2085 Busm Phone: Horn, Phone: Yes I am families with the rcbapensibilitie8 ~8igned to the Board t Corren18aion oa which t wi8h to 88rvo. If appointed to a Board ' Will-9 to provib 8uch stat.nwnt8 a8 m8y be required. willing ta app0.r for au intemriw tegrudiag my qu.liffcatf- for appaintmaat bofor8 8uch oom~uittea a8 law b8 de8ign8t.d by the City Cowcfl or if req~88t.d bp inbivkdu81 cOfUlUf88&0n Whidr 18 8ubf.e to ffnMCia dbd08Ut~ 1-8, f Wll I M\ DATC: 4/@6 SIGbUTUREt (Sa. raVar88 8ldd 61 - - I ! , 0 0 EDUCATION: - Westlake High School, Thornwood, New York (1966; honors) A.B., 1982 (magna cum laude) , University of California, San Diego. Major: Fine Arts EDERIENCE : Senior Designer /Art Director, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, publishers Art Director: The Consulting Group (San Diego) Senior Illustratcir : Vice President, Creative Director: Platt Savary- ti Associates, advertisi Scripps Institution of Oceanography OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES : ... When not otherwise involved in running a full-service advertising agenc and ministering to the needs of three children and two step-children, I still work as much as possible in fine art--painting and sculpture, espe ially (commercial art for the stomach, fine art for the soul, as a wise artist once told me). Were it not for the press of my business, I woull no doubt exhibit more. MDITImAL INIORHATION OR CO-g 0 I am a strong, often vocal, advocate of public art. To,often, it seems me, public art icommissions fall to heavily under the sway of commercial dealers and beligerent, trendy fine artists, all too eager to bully public commissions into accepting works of art inappropraite for community en. and representation. Examples abound, from concrete slabs in New Yor ludicrous steel monoliths in Chicago. What they purport to represent i difficult to say-certainly not civic pride nor community spirit. I woul that my contribution to this commission would be my sensibilities as ar tB8pered with my common sense as a Car1sba.d resident. TEI (714 0 /7-!T-&b ~&~ -z/ 1200 ELM A~ENUE' @ T CAALSBAD: CALIF~ANIA 9m1 Office of the City ckrk &it? of CarIsbab APPLICATXON ?'OR APPOINTMENT To BO.- OR COMMISSfON >d Nm of Baud Or Conrmis8iont ARTS COMMISSION .. Nam8 (Print or TypdDona Z. Meilach Adam..: 2018 Saliente Way Phon.: Bu8iness N-8 ad, Addreqs: Swe 4 3 6 - 4 3 :,5Prer ent 0 ccupj@~~p~ c J. TURER Yes Bus. Phonet Res ident of Carl s b ad 8 Home Phaaet Yes Registered Voter in Carlsbadt 1 am familiar with the rosponsibilitier assigned to the Board o Comnisrion en which 2 wf8h to sarv.. If appointed to B Boaad o Colaml88ion whidr i8 8ubject to f&nancial df8clorure law8, I am willing to provida such 8tat.mrnt8 a8 may be raquired. 1 am for appoiatmant before such aommitteo 88 the C%tp Council or if raquestd by indi Wi11-g t6 8pP.U' fOt .II int&rW rq bATt3 Feb 21/1986 SIamTURE (S.8 rovar8e 8ida) - - f t e a l-. 'L n mnh mmd!j$' g ;a lm 2%; sssgx v) E. :*? g 884 ggg % Gc: $@~~l R m CnW@ zs 05 W* mub z8 [ 1 8 ill 888 ll81 8iMM!BBB .,P%.q 33Lrr m .POP VTSrNrnW g*rr*h)Nh)K W3rP s22233 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ rwrr z*z r I- PI-+ I- rrI-rrr wwwwww g+&! wwr 0)- n$ 4ddrnmw mwworo W .I u) 33's K#gggs 9. 3 NWW rrrr rwr wwww www -laam www 04-m wrr rr ww ww NWWO)(X) NN h) % c1 a ld iv% :: @rfg[p~$g if $9 i :: -.gfl $!E,Kp"ll FBB,,,? ei &is ,%p 6 zm ppFBRiT 8 $$;BE@ 8 E@@ ,,mEr.j,,,,;p! z g e'-s 4 aiijg49 3% ggr." !3r= u 5 !!E gg. apgB g %E% E q@""g.p$ p *E.%!, $1 yp. 7 f E$! F4 jaqq 5.: & f fti 1 ; L Y 2 F: qp agij li i @ 8, a i? 5 r8m pb& 8 E Bj 8 $$ w 88 [ ; E;% a-az.3 f :: 5 E$-? z E?$ ; f.$ gpgZ[ Y E B g-g- g rt fg m8 [i R &g B e!E I ;Bq3g,;i i D i 2 $$p ' E E E'@ % m.m [g g ms SI I *!2 e: 0 $8 e$ I E 85% E; g I pF I! E wlwi pg ! "WE E 8 @E % ; $BkBkgg[f SEgBSlz 3 E f!w!w[p P 8 8Vg EL a ld z OR 0 P.. g kt.:: 2- a 2 ** 5' u.m E? YC"Xlrr p is ee,g g B 87 .eg ];i i z- 4 gib- c-9 r t c5g5ce+!~~gg psm?.5~il ggaE-ma 0: gtq; "..i+li I E KRpQdE z 8 E'EE r ! Eg."&E"If 5 ggoq ggm mSBwb g !E!.? a la! m r- rtwg %I WOW E i+ wc b'C l! w @$E g $g w= g gg P;& . mo k; f ;g ?E m g : E . 5. 23 9 m rg f rt $p~%~nns~s~,~~~~~~~g~~~B~~.~~.a Clx Igg.pp66 =p pl a qgqqqg rtB m w*~mmw? ZR 6 l? $Eqggp E E OB g0g H E.g,,$h! CFO Fi IC1 Ej u ~.~lf~~~g p$V.$* b. mz q~,*~~mrm 6 g+h&&mg E !$yig+4 f 1 *ERrFE57%@i6 ,,8g"p8p!j a$ ,+ a e3k ,Sk!p;:y$ 1 f g4sr.wg '4 g; E4 mgg OP. 8 &$g.@an ! f S.k i 6@ F8B Rp$ i i-FJ.ga#$if i 8P-F 4q4i- *iF.$:g2 &?Q gg . m m mom fg pg.E 18 9- g 4 tZQ m 8 EL3 kw.." !.E[ *& 5 d 83 I.. 5E.g y? !!!.E !Zgp& $g9i 1; +E +.* f u 5- E EL. S$g$$KzaksE;goSkE ,eE.eE.Ezp%q :pppag# 5 2!2 om B P.92 B2 Q sg; B "n" z $a pg$E Ipg H mmmmmm * gg" g K Qggg 2 g g n 8 Ii 3 f?&3 4g REq.?&? 4q 2 pgQ; "mr. 8 w8g- BR .* $ % B $.Es.% ybi! i3sqg;!! 2; I! YZ 5r:Eg!., CI ia %@ g& igii !qs. !& q aa 6 fb. r 9.5.4 5.5. lpvl vl vl vlm m m m m ma 4 4 4 m w w tn 8 $8 $8 8 8 g g 8 $$!# $ $ f 3 !3 f3 -~~85qy&2~~.E E p&pp gog g 4% "q - qmK *e 6 mM!q c&k 4% 7gQ-83 G I?. R ez,p f:*glgp ag me %Q 8 rS ib qK # g err fk8 a m fzc Bg @K fi? !??"qz 1 '8qR-R 88 c..m * 8 ,g@s;$ %a QPQ E -7 gma $.E G t; G t; G t; G t; t; t; 8 8 5 9 5.2 = z.zg3 p Qr ~rBmr b mrtG f?F? . a a = a,? p1 .. - tom BGZ g Ga W 5 Y 5555~5555555555555555555t;G~t;Gt;~G~ 88 ggs: fl IT . wmmmwmmwmm 4 co s: - EE5.mmmmmmmmm a 0 ipm 'pp; 8 B - mk;;c) %pE'&@ z p;.j p g 4 f g; 8. 8 i! I E8 &pf@S g % i Sp9F99E ; N z * asC-m PE s"@" a:.E!i I![$* @@ ip UP i i &ea 8%k!i ? 2 E. 0% g,~p.:f7.B~ 0 5 pgg ggE E g. 9 E 0 VI I '0 e Books by Dona 2. Meihck FIBERS AND FABRICS HAS KE'TKY l( )DAY bVl'L'l1 M A'I'IC KI.4 I .S t:l{( )M N A'IW HK wit Ii 1)i.c. hl<*iiag:h CONTEM POHAHY LEATI 1 EH CHEATIN(; AHT PHOM FIHKtIS ANI) FAliHI(:S (:Hb:ATIVE STIl<:IIERY with I,ci* l<rliii Snow EXOTIC NEEI)I,EWOI{K WI'I'II Kl'l INI(: PA'I'I'b:KNS with Dee* bli:iiagh MA(:KAhllf: (Xl<A'IlVK I)IISl(;N IN tiNO'I*IIN(; MAKING ( :ONTE M 1'( )NARY Kll( :S AN I ) \\',+\ I .I. I I I\ N< ; IN ( ;S A MODEHN APPROA(:II TO HASKbC:'I'I(Y Wl'l'll FII~I<HS ANI) (;KASSES PI.ANT IIANCKKS WEAVING 0FF-I.OOM with IAY. b:rliii Siiow SCULPTURE CONTE hl PO NAHY S'I'ON L.: S( XI L.IrI'U I( t< CREATING AWr WIT11 BHEAI) DOU(;ll CREATING WIT11 PLASTER CREATIVE CARVINC DECOHATIVE AN I) S(:U I,YTlJ HAL I I{ON WOIiK DIRECT METAL SCU L.PI'l1HE. with Ihriak1 Scitlcir SCULYTUHE CASTINC with Ihiiiis Kowd JEWEIAY FL'HNIC JEW EI.HY CONTEMPOHAllY HATIh: AND 'I'IK-IIYE MAC: HAM B A(:(: ES S( )HI 1.: s ~IACHAM~ CNOMI<S ANI) ivtw'rs sorr s(;iiiAyruiw ANI) OI*III<I~ so^."^' AKI. I:ol{hls COLLACE-PAPER ACCENT ON CRAFTS BOX AHT: ASSEMHL.A(;E ANI:) (X)NS'l'til~(A"ON COLLAGE AND ASSEMHI.A(;E with Elvic. TVII IIiw CHEATING AH'r FHOM ANYI'I IIN<; PAPEH<:HAt;l' PAYIER-MACH6 AKTISTHY PHINTMAKING CERAhllC-TlLE TILE IIECOHATING wrrti CKMMA DESlGN THE ARTIST'S EYE HOW TO CREATE YOUR OWN DKSIGNS with jay ;uid Hill Iliiiz WOOD WORKlNC CREATING MODEHN FURNITURE CHEATING SMALL WOOD Ol3JEC'TS AS FUN(:'L'IONAL S(:UL.YI'UHE WOODWORKING: THE NEW WAVE COMPUTERS BEFOHE YOU BUY A C:OhfI'UTKH BEFORE YOU BUY A USED COhlPU'I'l~l~ BEFORE YOU BUY WORD PROCESSING SObTW..\HE: PERFECT GUIDE TO PEHFII(':'P WRITKK TtIE DYNAMICS Of: PHESEN'rATION (;KAI'III<:S THE ILLUSTRATED COM PUI'EH I)I(:TIONARY with Allcii E. hlrilnch CONTE M PORAHY AWr wrti woo 13 EXERCISE-HEALTZI THE ART OF BELLY-I)ANC;IK(; with Ihhlrna JAZZEIKISE with Judi Sheppard Missett HOW TO RELIEVE YOUR A<:IHINC:. BACK COOKlNG HOMEMADE I.IQUEURS with Me1 Meilach MARINADE MAGIC _> TE (71 -%$ td ~.:ce.~~~+ ELM MNU/E e CAAGMO, CALIFORNIA 92006 OfflC0 Of In0 ciw chnt Citp of Carisbab - < APPLICATION HIR AP#) Imm To BO-= OR COMMISSION Na~fm of Boud 01‘ mission: GmLsBm ARTS COMMISSION < 1 - N-8 (print or l”yp.) 8 SUZANNE LEmEm‘ WILSON 7501 SOLANO STREET Adare.. : res so at OCCUp8tk0n: . ARTIST Phon8 t - 944-3631 Bwine88 Name and Addre@8: SUZA”E LEMIEUX 7501 SOLAIO SmEET Bus. Phone: ~4~~-?6;1i Resident of Carlsbadr YES Honw Phsnm: 944-3631 R.girtorsd Votor in Carlrbid: * 11 *‘Recently roved; Will register in r I am familiar with the ZaapOn8ibil$ti88 a88Ignod to the Baud Comnfrsion oa wlhidr I wirh to 8erv8, If appointed to a Board ~lt8~%88iOn whidh i8 rubfoct to financia dfoclo8ure 18~8, I 6 Willb9 to pmVi& 8Uch St8tmnt8 a8 m8y be r.qufrod, Wik1-q t6 8-U foe QI fEt&W rqUdbQ my ~&ifi~~i~ for 8ppointnmat kforo such oolrrmfttea 8s m.y be derign8t.d by th8 City Councff 01 if r.qu8rt.d w in&v$dUal COUnCil -Or DATZ3 d /a 4 /$6 SI-URtt (Sea ravarse mi&) 1 (LRI 6 - - 1. t 9 1 (1) 0 EDUCATION: Boston University--BFA Degree - University of London--Certificate Heatherley School of Art, London St. Martin's School of Art, London Wooster Community Art Center, Danbury, Connecticut Cambridge Center, Massachusetts Also: Study of Master Paintings in Europe (National Gallery & Tate Gallery, London as well as museums in Paris, Vienna, EXPERIENCE: Exhibiting Artist since 1968 (Laguna Beach & Newp Beach,Cali:€ornia; New York, Connecticut, London, Boston) Teacher of Art since 1966 (Oil Painting, Drawing, Watercolor, Adult Education, Young People, Arts & Crafts)--San Juan Capistrano; Xestport, Connecticut (Famous Artists School) Boston Area YMCA Printmaker with Original Print Collectors Group, New Yorlc Director--Art Sixvice, 4 Years Juror--Art Exhi bition Radio, posters, signs, charts. for Epilepsy Society, Boston Maintained a pri.vate art studio since 1976 Board of Directors, Festival Land,Las MEMBER: 2'astel Society of America (Master Pe + Artists Equity of New York OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES : Laguna Beach Museum of Art Womanart Gallery, New York City Westport Arts Council ) FOI Art Resources of Connecticut .I Art-A-Fair, Laguna Beach Chairman:Brighton,Mass. Summer Festival Paintings in City Art Collections; Westport & Fairfield CT & Public Collections: City University of N.Y. & others Public Exhibits: Newport Beach City Hall (CA), Westport City 1 Weston & Darien Public Libraries (CT) Heritage Christ.mas Project, Westport, CT New York City C'ommission on the Skatus O€ Women (Art Exhibj-tii Cork Gallery, Lincoln Center, New York (Invitational exhibi artists wi.th community service) Posters for cul.tura1 events--Westport,CTj YMCA, Boston Civic Center, Brea (Juried It is indeed encouraging to see the City of Car-sbad enhance preserve its natural beauty and balance its rapid growth by imp1ementing a;n Arts Element. background in the Fine Arts and my experience in comunity ar activities could make a valuable contribution to Carlsbadvs cultural future, ADD*T~~AL r#mRMZLTION OR C0-g 1 believe that my aesthetic - Thank YOU. Suzanne Lemieux C\iilsoi- ~ - ~~_~__ ___ - MASTER PASTELIST of 6 t e Pastel Society of Am - Six national awards for pastel - Paintings owned by public, corporate, and private collections - Nine solo exhibitions on the East Coast and three West Coast - Published two editions of etchings with Original Print Collectors Group - Exhibited in New York City: including Lincoln C National Academy, Riverside Church, Manufactu Hanover, Lever House, Marymount Manhattan C National Arts Club, Womanart Gallery (Award of - Paintings shown on television: New York and Ca “What your home could have in common with the Met, the Tate, and the Louvre. Suzanne Ler delicate hand colored etching is one of the many fine prints. . . .” “This talented artist displays a thorough, single-minded approach to her art.” The artist “thinks of art as a transfiguration of the subject.” “. . . produces a considerable impact with its multiplicity of textures.” - Original Print Collectors Group in New York Times, Smith - Elizabeth O’Neil, Famous Artist - Park East Magazine, Ne a tll 0 SUZANNE LEMIEUX P.S.A. MASTER PASTELIST of the Pastel Society of America EDUCATION I Bclston University BFA; University of London,Cert. ; AWARDS :NATIONAL--PASTEL SOCIETY OF AMERICA; Award of Merit, 1982; Heatherley School of Art and St. Martin's School of Art, London Award of Merit '81; Rest Landscape '80; Merit Plaque '79; Best Composition '78; Best Flora1'77,riamed MASTER PASTELIST '8 NEW YORB--WOMANART GALLERY1 Award of Merit CONNECTICUT--FAIRFIELD UNIVERSITY: Honorable Mention--Pastel '80; Torn Collection Wominee '80; First Prize Pastel '77; Town of kai rf ield Purcnase Award '77 CONNECTICUT PAINTERS AND SCULPTORS a Award for Painting WESTPORT WOMAN'S CLUB; Klein Award '81; Best Floral '80; Best Oil Painting '79; Geigerich Award '76 GREENS FARMS ACADEMY8 Second Prize, Oil Painting '81; Thi rd--Pastel '80; Second--Watercolor '73 RILGEFIELD GUILD OF ART: First Place--Mixed Media '81 NEW CANAAN GALLERY '79--Pastel Award Plaque COLLECTIONS; Marketing Corporation of America; City University of New York; Tclwn of Fairfield, Connecticut Art Collection; Westport, Conrieccicut dicelitennial Art Trust;Whitney Darrow, Jr. ; Serena Studios, New York ART-A-FAIR SUMMER FESTIVAL, Laguna Beach; CITY OF SAN JUAN CAP IS TRPNO NEW YORE--RIVERSIDE CHURCH THEATRE CONNECTICUT--STAMFORD MUSEUM; SHEARSON/AMERICAN EXPRESS, Westport; WESTON LIBRARY t DARIEN LIBRARY; THE MILL STUDIO GALLERY, Westport; EASTER SEALS GALLERY OF ART, Bridgeport; WESTPORT TOWN HALL; ASPETUCK. VALLEY COUNTRY CLUB, Wes ton Art-A-Fair; Laguna Beach Museum of Art; Silvermine Guild of Artists Womanart Gallery,N.Y.; Westport Arts Counci1;Art Resources of CT SHADOWS and SUMMER REVERIE for Original Print Collectors Group,N.Y; Demonstration pages in PAINTING INDOORS by Charles Sovek, North Light Pc,blishers; THE VILLAGE VOICE ,N .Y. ,Drawing for gallery TELEVISION: New York City Commission on the Status of Women; Times Mirro Cable W,CA; Awards ceremony at National Arts Club, N.Y. EMPLOYPENT! Painter; Pastelist; Printmaker; Free-Lance Illustrator; Designed Slide Films for Zerox Corp. & others; Director--Skeezix Art Service, 4 yrs; Painting Instructor and Young People's Course-- FAMOUS ARTISTS SCHOOLS, 4 yrs; Art Instructor--Boston Area YMCA, 2 yrs.; Juror--Art Exhibition SELECTED JURIED E?CHIBITIONS : NEW YORK--Lincoln Center: Queens Museum; National Arts Club; Allied Artists at the National Academy of Desig Audubon Artists; Manufacturers Hanover Trust; Womanart Gallery; Riverside Dance Festival; Lever House; 5th-8th and 11th-12th Pastel Society of America Annual; Salmagundi Club; Marymount Manhattan College CALIFORNIA--Vorpal Gallery Regional; Costa Mesa Art Leag South Coast Plaza CONNECTICUT--New England Exhibition at Silv mine; Fc~ur Winners Show, Stamford; New Haven Paint E. Clay Club; FilirField County Illustrators; Bethel Gallery; Fairfield Library NEW JERSEY: Arthritis Foundation; New Jersey Institute of Technoloc Also Grc3up Shows in London, Boston (Copley Soziety) , Philadelphia, and Wichita hgeles & South coast Plaza,CA; ART-A-FAIR GALLERY, Laguna Beach, CA; ART PARTNERS, Newport Beach/ZUSta MesapCAI ARTISTS SIGNATURE GALLERY, New Haven CT; WOMANART GALLERY, 'New York - SOLO EXHIBITIONS: CALIFORNIA--UPSTAIRS GALLERY, Beverly Hills ; MEMBERSHIPS: Pastel Society of America; Artists Equity of New York; PUBLISHED; mo Limited Editions of Hand Colored Etchings: SUMMER RECENT GALLEI~Y REPRESENTATION I UPSTAIRS GALLERY, Beverly Hills * LOS - -- TI (7 *I P@ 7200, - * ELM AVENUE’ w-7 0 CAALSBAO, CALIFORNIA 9a@ otitce of me City W Citp of Cst.I$bab APPLICATION FOR APPOfNTMm TO BdARO OR COMMISSION Name of Boasd or Commisaion~ COL7iBAL AgTs ?pDbk - (iUUE B€AR!UsLEY> Name (Prfnt or Type): f.r A* 8- Address: 1 awl Cfm ck9L3iQr # &ARLSBAB Phone: 9L/ZU 140‘7 Present Occupationt ’ ART/ ST Burin888 Name and Addrasst Par RECK~ GP LLE,~Y 432 sPt~&&9m - MD& @L/UEfl#A/D # 92&454/ v Bus. Phon.: 4qz-/967 Re8ident of Carlsbads Home Phone: ?qz -/?by R8gi8tered Vot8r in Carlsbad: I am f-liar with tho re8pon8ibllities arrigned to the Board c Com$~rfon on wh:t& I wi8h to 8erva. If appofnted to a Board c willla9 to prov&ch 8Uch 8t8t8lnent8 a8 m8y be raqui3ed. 1 8m willing to appear for au intervim regudfng my quaifiations for 8pgohatm.nt before 8udr coauuittee a8 m.y be de8ign8t.d by th8 City Council or if r.que8t.d by indivLdu.1 Council M.nrberrl COm88iOU Whidr i8 8ubj.e to fiXl8llCiJ dfSdOSUra 1-8, 1 a DAT&t ,&2fi\Y% SZGsUTVRE: F& 45% (Sea reversa aidd 6/8 - - I I , 0 e EDUCATION : LA# dwm 5&( J4&A+y%Y v T-- -wd fwm. /y 344999dGPd- (. &&Gib& Ibrwc,, 67 L',CJA' S&Wk q-0 EXPERIENCE: /kS,& v cc e *- a&#%*&& 4 ?Par &.e &6 l%wc d, f%27w&pu- c &?x-&z-c"-.. A /m6Lm - - pli d'. &be# S#& /k4- c- &a- #= 4 4dLU a* L3&&$7-5- c hd/k& w i- ~g&/~ -+?L w - fiP7 %-A 1 w h.ditdG.5- -8 smu, fl#F-- 4 c - - - I ;re- */WWL~~XpaWJ%~ Pk & &,i s-4 w&Tmttg&- ' 1%- 4 -& & D&hv By 4ki2k1 mw, / BF,@UU'Z *sJO O~SID~ CTIVITIES: m- kR""p..;....z @ UP AhW56 +9L*mJ- M -&A hl&d &buJ B- *T& -is a AD**TmJJAL xlmmJfA*jg ' 8 II b8. pe*ekup2&A ta --m e * PAT BECK is a well known Southern California artist. Her natural ability to paint, draw and scu was passed to her as a birthright . . . a gift from her multi-talented father Eddie Miller, an au motive designer-engineer i3nd race driver for Auburn-Cord and Duesenberg racing cars. She v encouraged from childhood by her mother to develop and explore all artistic avenues and v painting and working professionally in ceramics at the age of sixteen. In 1961 Pat entered her first exhibition - a sidewalk show in the Pacific Palisades and sold fourtel paintings in two days. She was signed by the Ivory Tower Gallery in Santa Monica and painted f three years under the name of Patou. Pat has since exhibited in many major cities and competitions in the western states and has gather1 a large and enthusiastic folllowing of private collectors attracted by her bold use of color and stro style. She has won numerclus awards in local exhibitions with paintings and bronze bas-reliefs in t permanent collection of the Airport Marina Hotel, Los Angeles; St. Martin of Tours Churc Brentwood; and the United States Naval Hospital, San Pedro. She has appeared on Channel 9 Kt television with her drawings, has lectured, taught painting in the junior schools, given watercol demonstrations, designed (greeting cards, illustrated two cookbooks and is a member of Wom Painters West. Her acadernic background was at Los Angeles Art Center School and Coronai School of Fine Arts with special studies by Suzanne Mendelson, Sam Amoto and Robert Frame. INVITATIONAL AND GROUP EXHIBITIONS Ivory Tower, Santa Monica - Century City Gallery, Los Angeles - Long Beach Museum of Art Katona Gallery, Brentwood - Emma Frye Museum, Seattle, Washington - Santa Paula, 28 Annual - 50th Annual Orange Show, San Bernardino -James D. Phelan Awards Competition, LI Angeles - Kerr's, Beverly Hills - La Mirada Arts and Cultural Festival - Barnsdall Park, LI Angeles - W.A.A. Annual Exhibitions - Beverly Hills Women's Club - M. Flax Gallery, W.L.A. Faulkner Gallery, W.L.A. -.Women Painters West, Los Angeles - Eleven Art Association Exhibitic - Culver City Chamber of Commerce - Brentwood Savings and Loan - 1st Federal of Hollywoc - Saint John's Hospital Invitational, 1969, 1970, 1971 - Las Vegas Show - Downey Museum c Art. I4m77p-b CbPcAa 3 GehW - 3 LEA, - WGD? PWh. /484-/785 w flp ACKNOWLEDGE ENT "I have been aware of Part Beck's fine paintings for the past fifteen years and while I admire ht attention to detail in the crowded market scenes or the use of vibrant colors in the handsorr Jamaican portrait, I love most the quality of humor that is so subtley present in whatever st paints. Now, with her latest group of subjects - CATS - executed with a wide variety of personalities an compositions all so special and charming, Pat has captured not only the personality of the feline but of the artist herself, revealing a very special person." PETER GOWLANI International Glamour Photographe 411 517 (ug ?4%4YV 0 - __- --_I- (I) $ 8 In > m 8 - .- 0 r' d 0 :w Q, 0 - 7 sg $8 %a 3 I' is z >y 0 9: 5; nQ cop 5z x z-Q Zk :$ glr a z > *- - I+ 2 +E =o zu In- w v) 0 E I- v) 0 2 J E $ z 0 c m w c c w I* I* I 0 Persian tan with brown ink TB-106 soft yellow, brown ink soft blue, brown ink BB-107 tan with brown ink TAP-I 01 Siamese washing Reclining Abyssinian Himalayan tan with brown ink TSW-I02 tan with brown ink TR A-1 03 soft blue, brown ink Siamese in Basket soft blue, brown ink BS B-109 Prestigious Cats, note cards by Pat Beck ASSORTED & SINGLE DESIGN 8 blank deckle- edge note cards, pastel colors, 8 envelopes per box. Folded size Friends 4% x 61/4 soft yellow, brown ink I paG Pat Beck’s Cats P.O. Elox 49844 Los Angeles, CA 90049 TE (7 1 A&&+ 0 yJy/jjd '-zJ - 'e* 1200 ELM AVENUE ofrrce of me Ciw ct.rr CARLSBAD, CALlFORNlA 9m Citp of Carlsbab APPLICATION FOR APPQINTMENT TO BO'= OR COMMISSION Name of Board or Commission: Arts Commission .. Name (Print or Type): Joswh F. Rw AddrSSS: 1387 Basswood Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 97008 Division Mana er, industrial phone: (619) 729-10Lpresent capa at ion: Division, Hug il es Aircraft Coi Busines8 Name and, Address: Hughes Aircraft Company, 6155 El Camono G Carlsbad, CA 92008 Resident of Carlsbadr Bus- phone: - (619) 931-3400 Home Phone: (619) 9729-1071 Regbtercd Voter in Carlsbad: Yes I am familiar with the ras~noi3iHP~fes i?dsigrred to tho 3oard z Conrmfrrion on which I wfrh to uerve. If appointed to a Board t Conrmisrion whidr ir mubjact to financial disclorurc laws, I am willfng to providk ruch statements as may be required. willing to 8pp8u' for an intsrpiff regarding my qudificatiorw for appofntment before such oonurtittee u may be designated by the City Council or if requertad by indivLtdua1 CouncAl Members I am sl-mm z ZL- 86 6/ 1 4- DATE: (See reverse 8tdo) - - t I@ 0 EDUCATION: - EXPERIENCE : OUTSXDE ACTIVITIES I: - ADDITIONAL I[Np6RMATIOTS OR COMMENTSs - e 0 OUTSIDE ACT1 V IT1 ES : JOE BEAR HAS BEEN INVOLVED IN SEVERAL PROGRAMS TO SUPPORT HIGHER EDUCATION, HAVING SERVED AS PRESIDENT OF THE MIRA COSTA COLLEGE ADVANCEMENT COUNCIL AND A MEMBER OF THE SDSU NORTH COUNTY ADVISORY COUNCIL, HE IS CURRENTLY THE 1986 CO--CHAIRMAN OF THE NORTH COUNTY UNITED WAY CAMPAIGN ANI) SERVED AS CHAIRMAN IN 1984 AND 1985, HE IS ACTIVE IN THE AMERICAN FIELD SERVICE (AFS) FOREIGN STUDENT EXCHANGE PROGRAM, HE IS A MEMBER OF THE INSTITUTE OF: ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS, THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF AERONAUTICS AND ASTRONAUTICS AND THE SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION DISPLAY, HE SERVED ON THE COMMITTEE TO INITIATE THE CARLSBAD CULTURAL ARTS PROGRAM AND IS PAST PRESIDENT OF THE HUGHES CARLSBAD MANAGEMENT CLUB I 0 JOSEPH E. BEAR I0 Corporate Communi cations Hughes Aircraft C0mpan.y Manager P.O. Box 1042 Industrial Products ilivision El Segundo, CA 90245 Hughes Aircraft Company (213) 414-6307 BIOGRAPHY: Joseph E. Bear, division manager of Hughes Aircraft Company's industrial products division, Carlsbad, Calif., has served in key engineering, marketing and product line management positions in the 25 years he has been with the company. Bear was named division manager of the Carlsbad operation in 1983, after having served successively as assistant manager anid associate manager in the previous three years. Prior that he had been product line manager of the image and display systems product Bear joined Hughes in 1959 as a student engineer in the manufacturing divi in El Segundo while still an undergraduate at Loyola University. Upon graduati he became a member of the technical staff, and worked for the FACT automatic tc systems product line in El Segundo. In 1971, he transferred to the industrial products division, then located in Oceanside, in the image and display product: activity. The division he heads, which moved into its present Carlsbad facility in 1 today occupies more than 350,000 square feet of floor space and employs approxi mately 1,000 people. Its product areas include equipment and components used i image sensing, storage, processing and display; lasers and infrared products; automatic test systems, and precision production equipment. Bear was born Feb. 13, 1938, in Chicago. He received a B.S. in electrical engineering from Loyola in 1961, and an M.S.E.E. (1964) and M.B.A. (1971) from I All three degrees were obtained under the sponsorship of Hughes Fellowship progi Bear has been involved in several programs to support higher education, hat (more) 8 -2- 0 Biography - Joseph served as president of the Mira Costa College Advancement Council, and is acti the American Field Service (AFS) foreign student exchange program. He is past president of the Hughes Carlsbad Management Club, and is a member of the Insti of Electrical and Electronics Engineers , the American Institute of Aeronautics Astronautics and the Society for Information Display. Bear resides in Cdrlsbad, Calif. -0- 11/83 a e Cltp of Carlsbab 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 February 14, 1986 Mr. Joe Bear, Division Manager Hughes Aircraft Company Mail Station 200 6155 El Camino Real Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Joe: I enjoyed meeting you yesterday and having the opportunity to discuss plans for the Arts Commission with you. Enclosed is the application form for the Arts Commission. The deadline for application is February 28, and the form is to be returned to the City Clerk's office. Also enclosed is a copy of the Arts Element. I welcome your interest in the Arts Commission. Sincerely, Constance S. Beardsley, Manager Cultural Arts Program TE (7 1 2% -dL4zz.L& QOO*ELM AVENUE e* e CARSBAD, CALlFORNlA 9- otiice ot rho Citv CtW Citp of &atl$bab ~ N- of Board or Comis8lon: CAS I L 4 rl Ads com&q:?8 Name (Print or Typdt hc,'\le s 8 (2 0 klwal? Address: 6SY 7 cI?,-,h+,; Phone: '% (7 -Y3n?2_Presant Occupation: >?LA bsh+ufp 77UJ Regiatercd Voter in Carlsbadr ye: - \ B~8in.88 Name and Addreas: Bus. Phoner Horn Phons: q,3 r-q3&2. Re8ident of Carlsbadt /v eLc\ 1 &a faliar wlth the re8gon8ibilities assigned to the Board Comai88$On oa which 2 wirh to serve. If appointed to a Board willing to pxovidr, ruch statmwntr a8 m8y be required. willing tu appear for an fntevieu r-uding my qulriftatiorw for appointment bofore such aodttea u my be de8ignat.d by the City Council or if requested by indivkdual Council M.mborr ammf88iOn Whfdr $8 8ubj.e to ffnaCia dtSClO8Ure 1-8, r M1 I am DATE: SIGbUTVRE: &/JJA?J (See revmrso rid.) 61 - - t * e 0 GlkJ e JELf4 c dG3dy -Fa CiLCc' EDUCATION: -t- fl/.;t -- bR u 1 bL+&-@L\ BS, B ;-I pr ?Aaqc "* %LA4.& - t^t &t yi.e*';i EXPERIENCE : OUTSIDE ACTWITIES: u8 p n-f uy & &- - flr,c',co Ury* F, ADDITIONAL INLr6RMATION OR COMHENTsz - 4 Le &!Ad -2.- L*&d TE m/& Td e 1200 ELM AVENUE / CAALSBAD, CALIFORNIA 9- (7 t Offico of the City Cfe& Citp of Carlsflab APPLICATION EDR APPOINTMENT TO BO%RD OR COMMISSION Name of Board or Commission: Arts Commission - Name (Print or Type): Thomas K. Brierley Address : 801 Pine Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Phone: 434-0617 Present Occupation: .District Superintendent Business Name and Address: Carlsbad Unified School District 801 Pine Avenue, Cartsbad, CA 92008 Bus . Phone : 434-061 7 Resident of Carlsbad: Yes Home Phone: Registered Voter in Carlsbad: I am familiar with tha rmpOn8ibilitieS assigned to the Board e CommiraFon on which I wirh to 8mrve. If appointed to a Board c Conunisrion which i. rubjmct to financial dirclorurc laws, I am willing to pmvide ruch statements as may be required. willing to appu fur au fntdcw reguding m~ quaificatfa for appointmant before such oonrmittee u mry be de8igrrated by th8 City Council of if reqUe8t.d by indivLdual Council Membor8, I am DATEr o?kLkd SIGPSATUREt &/M / (See reverse 8id8) 6/8 - SEE ATTACHED RESUME I 801 Pine Avenue, Carlsbad, BOARD OF TRUSTEES JAMES McCORMlCK President JOHN J. MAMAUX Vice President JULIANNE L NYGAARD Clerk JOE ANGEL Member J. EDWARD SWITZER, JR. Member DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION THOMAS K BRIERLEY, Ed.D. Superintendent JAMES M. STARK Deputy Superintendent Business Services SUSAN-HARUMI BENTLEY . Assistant Superintendent Instructional Services DAVID WM. BATES, SR. Director Employee Relations K.C. DUNLAP FaciIitiedServices Manager California 92008 729-9291 "Excellence 11 DR. THOMAS K. BRIERLEY AB - History - State University of New York, Albany, Ne MA - History - State University of New York, Albany, Ne Ed.D. - School Administration/Curriculum Development University of Southern California, Los Angeles Graduate Fellowship at Albany - Capitol Area School Development Association, Albany, New Yor Teacher - High School - English, Social Studies, Econom Continuation School Junior High - English, Social Studies Administration - Assistant Principal - David Starr Jord Junior High School, Burbank, Cal iforni Principal - South Pasadena Junior High Assistant Superintendent/Instructional South Pasadena Superintendent - South Pasadena Superintendent - Carlsbad Distinguished School Board Award 1984, United States Department of Education 0 0 . - .@qy 4*az- H Carlsbad Unified School District I' /' . @ N**..- - I crl&gj %-- 801 Pine Avenue, Carlsbad, California 92008 729-9291 "Excellence In BOARD OF TRUSTEES JAMES McCORMlCK President Dr. Brierley was born in Endicott, New York, is married and has two children, ages 17 and 24. Degree from the State University of New York in Albany in June 1959. He also received his Master's Degree from that institut. where he was a history major. Graduate Fellowship in Education and assisted in the developmet and coordination of educational programs for 47 schools which comprised the Capital Area School Development Association (CAS1 and taught a course on curriculum development and instructiona planning. In 1961, Dr. Brierley taught in Maine-Endwell, New York, where he established an economics course which became a State approved program. In 1963 he moved to California and tal English and Social Studies at Clark Junior High School, Glenda CA. He left teaching for a short period of time ostensibly to for his uncle and assist him in becoming a millionaire. After year and a half in the business he returned to teaching in the Unified School District where he taught High School English, SI Studies , Continuation School , and also coached football. In l! he became the Assistant Principal at David Starr Jordon Junior School where he stayed for four years. While there, he earned Doctorate from the University of Southern California in 1972. Brierley went to South Pasadena in September of 1973 as the Pr. of the Junior High School. In 1976 he became Assistant Superii for Instructional Services. His primary responsibility was tht development of a unified K-12 instructional program. In 1981, Brierley became Superintendent of Schools. During his four yel Superintendent, South Pasadena was involved in the closing of. el ementary school s , reorgani zi ng grade 1 eve1 structures leadinc the development of a 6-8 middle school and a 9-12 four year hi! school , reductions in force actions, and other activities aimec meeting serious financial challenges. At the same time, the ii tional program was strengthened, more merit scholarships were ( scholarship awards to high school graduates increased in numbei dollar value and community support through volunteerism and mol donations to the South Pasadena Educational Foundation expandec belongs to numerous professional organizations and community s( groups. On July 1, 1985, Dr. Brierley became Superintendent of Carlsbac Unified School District. He received his Bachelor's JOHN J. MAMAUX Vice President JULIANNELNYGAARD Clerk JOE ANGEL Member While there, he was awarded a J. EDWARD SWITZER, JR. Member DISTRICT JAMES M. STARK Interim superintendent SUSAN-HARUMI BENTLEY Instructional Services ADMl N ISTRATION DAVID WM. BATES, SR. Employee Relations K.C. DUNIAP Facilities/Services His outside interests are music, camping and travel. Distinguished School Board Award 1984, United States Department of Education TE (71 -7 '& 0 hi -'- /?j-=-' - im ELM AVENUE Otfice ot the City chrlr CAALSBAD. CALIFORNIA 92006 ditp of Cati~bab APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT To BdARD OR COMMISSION Ram of B~atd or Cammission: Director: Ms. Connie Beardsley Name (Print or Type): Addres8: Phone: 729- 5627 Present Occupationt Architect Businesr Name and Address: 2942 Hardi ng Street, Suite E, Carl sbad, Cal i fornia 92008 Bus. Phone: Home Phone: Fine Arts Commission I Roy R. Blackford 3616 Oxford Street, Carlsbad, California 92008 Roy R. B1 ackford , Architect Resident of Carlsbadr yes Registered Voter in Carlsbad: Yes 729-0553 729- 5627 I am familiar with th8 re8pon8ibilitics assigned to the Board c Corr~nirrion on which 2 wirh to rerve. If appointed to a Board t Comntisrion whidr ia subject to financial disclosure lawst I am willlng to provid. such statements as may be required. willing to appear for an intertrfcw regudfng my qualifications for appointmat -fore sudr conrmfttee u m.y b8 designated by thm City -unci1 or if requested by indivLdua1 Council Members I am DATE: /2@*& SfGHATUREt (See revera. ride) t 1- 1 6/E - - 1 I L 0 0 EDUCATION: Fullerton Junior College - 2 years. University of Southern California - School of Architecture - 4 years. EXPERIENCE: 1. 2. Architecture and Land Planning - 22 years, Licensed Architect - 12 years. OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES : 1. Carlsbad Rotary - 10 years. 2. American Institute of Architects - 13 years. 3. Carlsbad Friends of the Library - 10 years. 4. Photography. 5. Printmaking - Intaglio. 6. Scul pture. ADDITIONAL ZNFORXATION OR COMEIENTSg I am sincerely interested in the cultural growth of our area and would look forward to participating with the Commission's efforts to direct a Qual i ty Cultural Environment for the enrichment of "The Carl sbad Experience" - c - TI 0 1200 ydYf6 ELM AVENUE g& y&+ 0 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92006 omcr oi the cjty ae* Citp of CarIsbab APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BO'= OR COMMISSION Name of Board or ammission: CARGWD wss mm4oL - N~C (Print or ~ypc) : k+fi~dN+ €,FCOS~" Address: 3 55 9 Gbr& # 2, Cdsbd, cA q2~3?. Phone: q 4 Lf -3462 Present Occupation: (VImaqm- Csn*crkq o\ ". 1 Business Name and Address: cdS\asd h*k#Wl $ \1iSFt0(5&Tc T. 0.34 9293. CdsbA, cP- C1~~08' BUS, Phone: 72s- 1*6 Resident of Carlsbad: q .es r Home Phone: qLfq-,34b2 Registered Voter in Carlsbad: )/-e2 I am familiar with the re8ponsibilitits assigned to the Board Comiarion oa which I wiuh to eerve. If appointed to a Board Commi88ion whidr i8 rubject to financial disclosure lms, I a willing to provide auch statements as may be required. willing to appear for an interview regarding my qualification! for appointment before 8uch eodttea u may be designated by the City Cauncil or if requested by individual Council Member! I am - DATE$ 1- 31- sd SIGNATURE: H E* (See revstso aide) 6, .L - t L e e EDUCATION: z, A. in n&ke Artb /mwl bom 6'Lv I - ftnr)oor\cer Tm'dVJ S&OD I/ ~<wrcaxf.;.Lg 1 CV,'deO> EXPERIENCE : OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES : - ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENTS: - - -uNILw '"Yfd 0 TEL GM (714 w, s ./ PATRA I have applied for two boards: Arts Board. is the Historic Board. the Historic Board and the tp of Cartsfiab I wish it to be known that my firat choice -- . _e -.*- ---- - --- - - - JINTMENT TO BOARD OR COMMISSION Name of Board or Commission: B- I Ll%48TI Arts Commission Name (Print or Type): htra E'raub (rrrs, hIichae1) Address : phone: 729 4484 Business Name and Address: 2956 Roosevelt, S. 5; Csbd 3360 Monroe; Carlsbad, Calicoryfa 92008 Present Occupation: The Straizb CO.. Inc. Bus. Phone 4619) 729 4484 Resident of Carlsbad: Ye3 Home Phone: (61~) 729 751'3 Registered Voter in Carlsbad: VPR 1 an familiar with the ra8ponribilities assigned to the Board o Comission on which I wi8h to serve. If appointed to a atard : Commission which i8 subject to financidl disclosure 1~s~ I am willing to provide such statentents as may be required. willing to appear for an interview regarding my qualifications for appointment bafore such aomitta. a8 may be designated by the City Council or if requested by indivLdual Council Members, I am DATE: 2/10/% s1aATURE: (L34-.h b (See reverse ~idd 6/t - 1 I ,- 5 0 0 EDUCATION : B.A. - I/IiIls College; OaKlnnd, California B.A. in History EXPERIENCE : Have studied the history, archeology and flora -nd gauna of north county. Put together the historic preservation workshop in 1984. OUl'SIDE ACTIVITIES : Historical Society Current North County Tourism Council NuTerous past activities md offices ~DITIONA.L INFORMATION OR COMMENTS: Have lived in North County since 193 - y$4 &L*:te e7~yf~ pu feLW?&& TEI (7 7 lz00 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAO, CALIFORNIA 9- dtfice ot the City m Citp of CatIsbab APPLICATION HIR mrnnmm TO WARD OR COMMISSION Namo of Board or Comisriont Ffs liomm1,s;on - Name (Print or Type): 1. %/mb Addrsss : 4513Ci;l/l~Dr%5 /Xrl q;Loe% Phone: 7Lq.ILIO Present Occupation: 7etii 1 ~lc. Bruin088 Name and Addrabst A-4 ,%& eMDh 0 Regfrtered Voter in Car * sb8dt Bur. Phonor Rerident of Carlsbadt Horn Phonetl z_!-7Am I am fwliar with the r@8pOn8ibilitieS signed to the Board Conmfssion on which 2 wf8h to aerva. If appointed to a Board CorrPnlrrion whidr fa 8ubjoct to financial dirclorure laws, S am Willin9 to provib rruch rtatunntr as may be required. wil3fng ta appear for an intenrirw rmgudferg my qu.lificatforw for rppOin+in.nt bofore 8Uch oodttw 88 miy b8 dasfqn8t.d by the City Council or if requertad by individual Council Munbarr I ant C' DATZ: a/a718L SrGbUTUREr 4k 1 lA/ " m/M> (See rwersa aid.) 6/ - - I 0 0 +/(I. ' ' $8 luhCp7 it my WLWflI SwnJd LLkf?jb @aiiL^rllmdj?OgikPi 004- I'JJ%M h.rl~ ~T/IM~%sIDY~ - ilzy ~~~Uj~~i~~ pidude 6 ~fi wdi lit mi^^ frzim-+hc ~.,/fi\~bf @&X I rlvifh LCTOL~~ yv'i"~ IP Art I ar?d keE-).ii'trC_ St.diesj mcmb l'hrv of Cdif I4ds Go unci 1 I GAL& /J?-uw c,f & W&i. ./ d" OYJncll &VU rrink -f-hmyj (1 ad- /d&& .. -- l;h\W6!T Kf&LLDRS LUiffj fie CDQWI~AT conern; G &&*5c (&ef?k 6Y ?D$''5 ~ tl % LuD& LOl?/h +h plq ?*+Et $&Do* c hy j &icril Gem of +lie s+ .I /k-+Ai'&&&l Fi P hi b\ct n CR 7 &p--?ks / d&fcsi-nc Lddo q N LLnd L~I TeS;zni~~?k, ~5evmL wjw zhom%6 2~- rtl ci ~LJLC~I -he~dit-err' come \ dncV de. 6 C)-LLIC(f&s AcJrs dd r,elfrs yJfcrn 06Wd in&\,did CV &[%& ?V 1 &Xi r wb~/fi~ oi.rie.~T-D W~I GfG 11 w LL'' ci x- /mJe seKv@8 cis- &I7 GI~SES~~~-1riS~ri~~~~r 4 L i 0 0 Shluyh #E, bnk&t &f mcLe-%huo/ 9e~ IvI-~P pubjt'c Sdl?oolS, Uh1c-h 23 VP q urfec has hzn ,A &uI &nd whbtsl.cee qtud SMS cwb duccLfior; ;fl jwgmrgj frd.;yl;fl I t 3P d & 8 SvWuv\~Us:. YPfhrLLvcek ShS I~~O~~~-L- /i?the CCathinc /&sjy ,wi~ w$hd&l 306 Sq%W&y? .deed-[ 1 hW S~rwdj m+-h.e fbdurmtj Cornmake To, -the?@ Pmqrom f. 3 h +t\e &~'(6bkd fChoo\ SySEm jdh8dm fWtu&rn @S 0 l,UO'f~-s~& Th9 pihA.4 &V\h &hLb p&&-d an0 dGL4 +lud'&LT&$ L1.i-jCOv.meLL L. I& 3 LflLdCJ lLkefo %i.ilnbc -fM ccurldi/ bcmaderla llr&[$j 6PLB look FU(inidrG! tp lwrrnc hL\ LL.fpi I li ;B &IC "I && /nfh&-h&Wj- ( [Dm r6Dbfi- Dlnw/4 li %ILL hiPfio &~sbcl pL .qzo 4513 CbveDr. #tr 0 TONI L. SCIMO 4513 Cove Drive /I5 Carlsbad, CA 92008 0 (619) 729-7210 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 6/84 - 12/85 - Store Manager We Are Sportswear, Inc. /General Mills Subsidiary Store Manager /Assistant -- Manager Wild West, Inc./General Mills Subsidiary - Costa Mesa, CA 5/81 - 5/84 Responsible for total operations and merchandising of a retail outlet for a m, chain. Responsibilities included con of store operating expenses, all personnel training and development, compliance E.E.O.C. Regulations, supervision of up to 30 employees, single store promot and advertising, and execution of all company directives. As a new store manae increased sales 27.3% over program in a 16 month period achieving highest ch' wide increase over previous year, ranking from 22nd to 5th in the ch, Conversion of a major outlet to a new retail company while acting as a consolida location for a 5-store inventory during remodel construction. 14,000 to 18,000 ft. Sales volume to 2.2 million. 4/80 - 4/81 Worked in 5 locations in San Diego County. Real Estate Property Manager George Tuschak, Kc, - Vista, CA income property management for a brokerage in North San Diego County. 6/78 - 9/79 -- National Sales Manager Camouflage - Davenport, CA Responsible for creating a sales department for a national clothing manufactur Organization of company sales policy; paper-flow systems and records relating sales/product information; national budgeting, marketing? and advertising prograi Coordination of national trade and fashion show participation in 5 major mar categories. In charge of service to major accounts, training and management of house sales personnel, and maintenance and supervision of all national independ sales representatives. Sales volume 1.5 million. 5/74 - 4/78 - Store Manager and Assistant - Buyer Pretty Mama, Inc. - Santa Cruz, CA Responsible for training and supervision of up to 20 employees. Coordination radio, TV and newspaper advertising Buying responsibilities included invent1 control, merchandising, coordination of major sales, buying for regular pric goods. Supervision of payroll, A/P; daily sales, books/banking; taxes; and quarte inventory. 4,000 sq. ft . , 3% regular - 70% off-price. Sales volume 1.25 millio 9/71 - 4/74 Manager and Registrqr Mary Porter Sesnon G'gllery - U.C. Santa Cruz Responsible for management of a major university gallery, which incluc maintenance, show installation, employee staffing, supervision and scheduling. charge of all public relations, advertising, special events and receptions. F coordination of several major exhibits. 5 0 0 EDUCATION, AWARDS AND MEMBERSHIPS 9/70 - 3/74 Bachelor of Arts, University of California Santa Cruz Double Major in Art and Aesthetic Studies Honors in Aesthetic Studies, and College Honors 1971 - 1974 Member Arts Council, University of California Santa Cruz 1980 California Real Estate Licensee Board Member 1978 - 1980 Member San Francisco Fashion Industries Guild 1981 Annual Merchandising Award for Excellence in Store Presental 1981 - 1984 Continued Education in Personnel Management, Time Manager and Positive Motivation courses; college courses and pri seminars . Wild West, Inc. 1984 Mohr Training Certificate of Completion of Super\ Trainer /Sales 1984 - 1985 Member Advisory Board for Fashion Merchandising R .C Program, San Diego County REFERENCES Available upon request. t e 0 lsbad Unified School District 801 Pine Avenue, Carlsbad, California 92008 729-9291 "Excellence In 1 I 'a:cTc;-- 2 5, lyr5 ,- . -4- " a - G ia L.G:.. i ad s~;,- Cc~c ex : 71- -,-A -! c LI _I : c ts l~:.,.;lou ].:2c-,: C,:c.;t ?'cyl; ci:i..ic, :y ;., .. ....,... =.. -1-. L t ^. i' c-' t:7€ P .-:eCiczal ?cc*7- ,:.Gl/lor. - A- * ??c<I?&.:,: ;-2V:sG?:: !dG-.- _._- ""E€ i-GT :;;; :,fz?*'.iCC i €?ck;n:isin~: CLZZZ. >.E, .-. - -7L " c; tk€ :Lz?-:ol? , e?c!-,Zn"F'n:- CkFS, tk€ ztcStlr-ts ... _.. , __ . c 4- k ;';:en2 2. r ~-ee:-: volt:r?te.,-:? tyz,:rL::2? >-~C;:FX: xit!--Z? I m ..... 1 LC -. .. .Gi Ix,:t;;. TorL: Y-&S ELSO yc?ticiTLt€'2 riif,k t"s .-^nL - i C-r v c1 ?.?-E ;-i-~;-i-x. - Z>.F kz p~3vi:e.P an excellent n n. L. b -7 2, L - :-i -L t I, C', ;- p ,D r 7 __.__ -, .~. LV 0 c ' .E. ' I:?€- ,. Crcrts :,,r?c, dL,,"lSk=E.;: -G. ;;e ,- . j-25 PE.t 2; 217 cy^^^;^^^ COsi-SE 01' t:-ziz:z; ::p-fc:. ~:.~t~7~;,~~c~. +I- JA-p stycyLts tc p(=:tk:l ;:.E.L'Ci-.ky.i:^:Ein, 2y-L z '-7~; - LA ' -?c- c b., '-1-n.: b*-L-., - T-C~J 2:; e;;',ry 1~,:;el ; cic",-r, Lij t:-:~ A -2-L. I .! 7 _- I- - .?p(?l tFa;$ :-el7 t~7~~r-~:?,-, ,Ct;tiGlz 5:. 'Jf?; ~p):~~~C~ t~ t>-~ stuipy2tz. 2:; tk-kt t:ie;- lesve :;;2t>L t -;kLLkktle ez,;lcc*tisl-A :ii t--c zieic of -.. :,;sk-tcn '~,'~17c~-~.z;c;lsin_. 7. . - -. ,.L"C eye:;: %-C-d.mitl, -,.--c ti-- 4-L-v p:tFl I.- u . "d bi-2' Inst ruc t3r Fzzk$cri XerctinCisins CARLSBAD HIGH SCHOOL 3557 MONROE STREET CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 I e e UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SANTA CRUZ ............... BERKELEY * DAVIS * IRVINE * LOS ANGELES * RIVERSIDE - SAN DIEGO - SAN FRANCISCO ; I SANTA BARBARA * SANT ............ SANTA CRUZ, CALIFORNIA 95060 COLLEGE V April 4, 1974 Ms. Toni Scimo 330 High Street Santa Cruz, California Dear Toni: It is my official duty and warm personal pleasure to convey both the wishes of the Arts Council of College V in this letter, a strong, heart-felt appreciation of your services to the College and to the Arts Council in your position as Gallery Manager. Now that you are graduating, the Arts Council and all those of us who were connected with the galleries in any way, realize the splendid contribution you have made to those institutions: they have now become central to the artistic and intellectual life of College V. When the Sesnon Galler) began, there was nothing--only a room; when you left there had been a series of distinguished shows, and the estab- lishment of a tradition of management which has worked productively with the artists in the College, the students, the faculty, and your staff of employees. As the pioneer manager of the galleries, you overcame a great many frustrations, and always with goodwill and laudable efficiency. I know I speak for all members of the College, the faculty, the staff, and the Arts Council when I wish you well in all future art enterprises. If you need our support, you have only to ask. Cordially, .- ) -) i/,,,'/' l, ._ ,,:,';> , L<y./ ., . f.1 ?'. ... i w. - 1 ', ..... r r ' , James B. IIall Provost, College V J BII/ c 1 cc: Fred IIuiinicutt , Chairman Art Council Stanley Fhtte, Chairman Academic Standing Committee e @ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. SANTA CRUZ BERKELEY DAVIS * IRVINE * LOS ANGELES * RIVERSIDE * SAN DIEGO * SAN FRANCISCO SANTA BARBARA * COLLEGE V SANTA CRUZ, CALIFORNIA 95064 April 20, 1974 To WHOM IT MAY CONCEANt It has been a great 'pfeasure to work with Toni Scimo in the four years she has been a student at College V (1970-74). known her as a student in the f'ull year of printmaking she took with me; I have worked with her in the Student Activlties area when she was first the manager of the Sesnon Gallery; I have served with her as a colleague on the College V Arts Council (a committee on which she served both as Student Representative and as Gallery Manager). In all aspects of these activities, Toni has consistently proved to be highly imaginative and intelligent, completely responsible and even quietly diplomatic, when the occasion needed it. list of credits in the area of gallery management in particular is impressive-without Toni's sustained support and energy, I do not think the College gallery could have enjoyed the full program of exhibitions which it has had, nor have acquired the reputation for excellence which it also merits. work at a critical time-the beginning of the Mazy Porter Sesnon Gallery in College V-and her inventiveness and Went for finding solutions to all the problems attendant at the beginning of such an enterprise got us through what could otherwise have been a difficult and fkvstrating time, She has been responsible not only for the arranging for and the setting up of a long series of exhiBions (documented elsewhere) but also for the maintenance and staffing of the gallery. She has gained the respect and friend- ship of the faculty and students who have worked with her and we know it Uill be hwd to replace her. Fortunately, Toni has been able to organize and document what she has invented or learned through her own experience, and this will provide important contin- uity. One key factor in Toni's outstanding work for the college Is her genuine enthusiasm and love of the work she has done. a key to Toni as a person. she brings la her own work she has brought to the management of the College gallery-and in many ways the Sesnon gallery as it is now is very much Toni's creatioa. It has been a great pleasure to work with Toni and to share her enjoyment for the creative life in the collegeL-her work and her caring continue to be a gift to us all. I would recommend her without hesitation for any related work in which she expresses an interest. dim d&&c Lecturer 196901972; in V, 1970-73) I have Her Toni Seimo was Willing to It is also The same energy and enjoyment which Marcia Morse (Student Activities Coordinato * 0 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SANTA CRUZ ’ SANTA BARBARA SANTFTI i BERKELEY DAVIS IRVINE LOS ANGELES RIVERSIDE * SAN DIEGO * SAN FRANCISCO ,... SANTA CRUZ, CALIFORNIA 95060 March 27, 1974 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN RE: Toni L. Scimo During the past three years Toni Scimo has been the Gallery Director of the Mary Porter Sesnon Gallery at College V, U.C. Santa Cruz. She was hired as the first to hold that job and did much to define the nature of the job. As the person in charge of a new gallery at an institution that had small resources to support such an activity, she was called on to assume a great deal of responsibility, far more than most undergraduate students are capable of handlii Her role in the College included: overseeing the installat of exhibitions; organizing and maintaining a roster of stud attendants; handling both the jurying procedures and the installation of the yearly student show; and, sitting as a member of the College Art Council. She played a major role in organizing a Children’s Art Show and supervised a very imaginative installation. Now that she is graduating, her services will be missed. She has been very committed to he work and has done a good job. If an additional letter would be helpful, I would be happy to write directly. Sincerely , I C’ 1; h+ ka. < /?]:LdL&*). 8 P) - Douglas E. McClellan Chairman, College V Arts Counci DMc: bb TELEPb CAALSBAO, CALIFORNIA 92008 (714) 43 ??% *-all - a 1206 ELM ALENUE Ot!/c* O/ fh# c/tY CIork Citp of C~-kb~ APPLICATION €QRaAPPQINTMENT TO QGARD OR COMMISS, @d-izd & &uu- Name of Board 01: Commission: Name (Print or Type) : Theodore R. Frye Address: 7121 Linden Terrace, Carlsbad CA 92008 Phsne: 438-3765 Present Occupation: Retired. Formerly Treasure Business Name and AdLressg of The Rockefeller Foundation, 1133 E New York, N.Y. 10036 ,. Bus. Phone: Resident of Carlsbad: Yes Home Phonc:-438-3765 Registered Vattirg in Caulsbad: Yes i am Eajiilizig wit3 tho recpxeibilities assiqned to the Board o Comis8ion on which I wf8h to serve. If apporntcd to a Board o Commission which ir subject to financial disclosure laws, I am willing to provide ruch statements us may be rcquircd. I am willing to appear for an interview regarding my qualifications for appofntmurt before such committea a8 may Be designated by the City Council or if requsuted by individual Council Members. , 'I( '2 r I L.-< DATE: di, I( ,q(-\ SIGNATURE: -- (See rAs. aid.) / IC 6/( - 1 m 1' EDUCATION: A.B., Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio, 1947. Economics and Political Science. Phi Beta Kappa. M.B.A., New York University, 1967. Investments. EXPERIENCE: Fifteen years, 'L947-1963 in U.S. State Department and Foreign Sex Assignments in Washington on political desks for Afghanistar Egypt, and two years as Public Affairs for the Near East. C seas assignments included three years in the Embassy in New India, and four years in Tel Aviv, Israel, primarily in poli reporting and analysis. Twenty years, 1963-1983 as Treasurer of The Rockefeller Foundatic New York City. Concernled primarily with management of the i vestment portfolio of approximately $ 1 billion. *UTSIDE ACTIVZTIES : Current: Member of Citibank (New 'Yorkl's Supervisory Committee fc Commingled Trust for IRA'S (Individual Retirement Accounts). Tutor in Carlsbad Adult ]Learning Program. Former: Chairman of Board of the American International School, Tel Aviv, Israel, 1960-62 Coordinator of Westchester (N.Y. 1 Workshop for Business 0pport:unities (training minority businesspeople who were planning to start their own businesses 1. I ADD*T1oNAL IN mTIOlN OR ~0-3: 3 Board PIember, 1975-83, and Chairman for 2 years, of Ins --I( tutiorial Responsibility Research Center, Washington, D. (non-partisan research on social concerns reaised by st holders before U.S., corporations). - My wife and I moved to Carlsbad early this year after my retireme the Foundation in New York, and want to become involved in this c - .. a Citp of Carlsbab March 26, 1986 Hannah E. Frost 7559 Gibraltar 82 Carlshad, CA 92008 Thank you for your interest in the Carlsbad Cultural Arts Program. City Council approved the following appointments to the Arts Commission on Tuesday, March 25, 1986. The Carlsb 3oe Bear Dona Meilach Wayne Bischoff Muriel Roston Tom Brierley Patra Straub Ted Frye The City had many talented and well qualified applicants for the Arts Commission, and I hope you will continue to be interested in our program. The Arts Commission will be making committee appointments in the near future tl work on various aspects of our program; public art, arts in education, grants program, and others as the need arises. Your application will be kept on file to be considered for a committee appointment. I am interested in any ideas you may have for our proqram and look forward to your continued support. Connie Reardsley Manager Cultural Arts Program CSB: vs: tc \ e e t 1200 ELM AVENUE TEL CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008- (71 4 Office of the Mayor &itp of CarIsbab March 27, 1986 Wayne Bischoff 1085 Laguna Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 It is my pleasure to inform you that the Carlsbad City Council, at its meeting of March 25, 1986, adopted Resolution No. 8444 appointing you as a member of the City of Carlsbad Arts Commission. On behalf of the City Council, I wish to express our pleasure a your interest in serving on this commission. 9 MARY /7 H. CASL, R Mayor MHC: krk cc: Bonnie Sadiasa r e 0 k . TEI (714 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008- Office of the Mayor Cltp of CarIs’bab March 27, 1986 Muriel Roston 2075 Playa Rd. Carlsbad, CA 92008 It is my pleasure to inform you that the Carlsbad City Council at its meeting of March 25, 1986, adopted Resolution No. 8444 appointing you as a member of the City of Carlsbad Arts Commission. On behalf of the City Council, I wish to express our pleasure < your interest in serving on this commission. MARY Mayor vL7 H. CA LER MHC:krk cc: Bonnie Sadiasa I m e 0 & TEl (71d 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008- Office of the Mayor Cltg of aarrs’€la?J March 27, 1986 Dona Meilach 2018 Saliente Way Carlsbad, C4 92008 It is my pleasure to inform you that the Carlsbad City Council at its meeting of March 25, 1986, adopted Resolution No. 8444 appointing you as d member of the City of Carlsbad Arts Commission. On behalf of the City Council, I wish to express our pleasure , your interest in serving on this commission. Lf P’ -, 4- &=A MARY H. CAAER Mayor MHC: krk cc: Bonnie Sadiasa J . I e 6 e 1200 ELM AVENUE TE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (7 1 Office of the Mayor aitg of VCarI$'bab March 27, 1986 Ted Frye 7121 Linden Terrace Carlsbad, CA 92008 It is my pleasure to inform you that the Carlsbad City Council at its meeting of March 25, 1986, adopted Resolution No. 8444 appointing you as a member of the City of Carlsbad Arts Commission. On behalf of the City Council, I wish to express our pleasure your interest in serving on this commission. Yl MARY H. -7 CA ER Mayor MHC:krk cc: Bonnie Sadiasa i c I * * 4 I 1200 ELM AVENUE TEI CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008- (71 1 Office of the Mayor citg of VCarIs’fiab March 27, 1986 Thomas Brierley 801 Pine Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008 It is my pleasure to inform you that the Carlsbad City Council at its meeting of March 25, 1986, adopted Resolution No. 8444 appointing you as a member of the City of Carlsbad Arts Commission. On behalf of the City Council, I wish to express our pleasure < your interest in serving on this commission. YL- d &&- MARY H. g5LER Mayor MHC:krk cc: Bonnie Sadiasa c 1 * * , 4 u TEL (71 L 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008- Office of the Mayor &itp of Carls’bab March 27, 1986 Patra Straub 3360 Monroe St. Carlsbad, CA 92008 It is my pleasure to inform you that the Carlsbad City Council, at its meeting of March 25, 1986, adopted Resolution No. 8444 appointing you as a member of the City of Carlsbad Arts Commlssion. On behalf of the City Council, I wish to express our pleasure a your interest in serving on this commission. 9- MARY H. 4LER Mayor MHC:krk cc: Bonnie Sadiasa J l e e a TEI (71 8 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008- Office of the Mayor dltp of Carls’bab March 27, 1986 Joe Bear 1387 Basswood Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008 It is my pleasure to inform you that the Carlsbad City Council at its meeting of March 25, 1986, adopted Resolution No. 8444 appointing you as a member of the City of Carlsbad Arts Commission. On behalf of the City Council, I wish to express our pleasure your interest in serving on this commission. MARY ‘4 H. C LER Mayor MHC: krk cc: Bonnie Sadiasa 4 IL2 I2I.1 I i .. .___^ . A ihv -w”L ‘I’hsmpson Rose Dawgs 1 4 Telican Glass 21 Little Bucks 6 1 Biffy’s 1 5 Commercial Landscape 22 Florez Brothers The Bytes -, Balboa biquor Wednesday WL Rodney’s Runners Tasmanians 5 1 League11 WL 40 Federal All-stars 2 5 That Pizza Place 2 Paterson Construction 1 6 Harpur Construction 3 3 Grecian Formula 41 That Pizza Place #2 1 6 Fluid Flyers #2#1 3 2 McCabeBuilders 32 North County Softball Club 3 2 Round Table Pizza 23 B Division W L Walton Construction 2 4 S.J. Cram Construction 14 JJ Tool Co. 6 1 John’sGang 2 4 Beachview Batters 04 Tibbles ‘n’ Bits 6 1 BananaBelt , 15 C.P.O.A. 51 League 111 WL 50 . - Stuft Pizza 3 4 That Pizza Place 3 o Pipeline 32 Over-the-Hill Gang 1 5 NLCCPoppers 3 1 Kevin’s Cabinets 22 - Thornton Blue-Pacific 1 6 “F” Fashion 2 2 West Coast Skylts. 13 Country Store 2 2 Uecker’s All-stars 05 - I Results U-Save-On-Cars 13 WOMEN’S SOFTBALL 13 1 5 F- -t Pizza Place 2 Hermosa Homes 4 ; \Q pomers 03 4 2 That Pizza Place 1 w L El Dorado College Rejection Connection 3 4 Thursday Knights of the Round Ball 2 5 Buck Brothers #I 3 2 Lite Bunch 32 MEN’S SOFTBALL Ringling Brothers 23 Results Adams’ Flowers 16, Carlsbad W H, Firefighters 15; Realistic Custom 2 0 Cars 12, Oceanview Mortgage 3; Northview Regulars #2 20 ’ Property 8; NLCC Poppers 9, Ring- Avatars ling Brothers 4. Rose Dawgs 9; Encinitas Foliage Realty 12, Mission Chevron 0; Car- ranza Construction 0. Raleigh Hills Dropouts Pacific Foreign 16, Thompson Transamerica Financial 0 2 * l Imports 18, Biffy’s 5; Century 21 COEDSOFTBALE League 2 championships, That Piz- za Place 1 18, Pelican Glass 6 - for the winners: Phil Romero 3 singles, Bob’s Carb & Texaco 6 0 Tom Foy 2 doubles, Jan O’Reilly 2 Canadian Cedar 4 0 singles, Eva Hasselman 2 singles; W L ts Commission The City of Carlsbad has created an Arts Commission to advise the Council on the implementation of the Arts Element of the General Plan. This includes advising Council on selection and placement of public works of art, distribution of funds for community arts programming and for promotional programs of the Arts Commission. The Commission shall consist of seven (7) members appointed by the Mayor with approval of the City Council, ALL MEMBERS MUST BE REGISTERED VOTERS Applications are available at the City Clerk’s Office P200 Elm Avenue or call 438-5535 I 931-2901 APPLICATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY FEBRUARY 28, 1986 rn