HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-03-25; City Council; 8249-4; Order Formation of College Blvd Assessment1 \B#-B?L/p-aJ'y ATG. 03/25/86 IEPTF~G .. z 0 6 a =! 0 z 3 0 0 TITLE: ORDER FORMATION OF COLLEGE BOULEVARD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT AND AWARD CONTRACT CITY MGRA RECOMMENDED ACTION: By motion, adopt the following resolutions: 1. Resolution No. BySo ordering certain changes and modifications to the Engineer's "Report" in a Special Assessment District, Project No. 3188. 2. Resolution No. . pv</ overruling and denying protests and making certain findlngs in a Special Assessment District. 3. Resolution No. kVg2, approving and providing for contribution to pay certain costs and expenses in an Assessment District. confirming the Assessment, ordering ?F- 4. Resolution No. the improvements ma e, together with appurtenances, and approving the Engineer's "Report". 5. Resolution No. ry5f authorizing and providing for the issuance of bonds pursuant to the "Improvement Act of 1913". 6. Resolution No. g95g accepting bids and awarding the contract for the construction of College Boulevard to Construction Inc., and appropriating -- - funds in the amount of 7. Resolution No. awarding sale of bonds and providing for the of a redemption fund. 8. Resolution No. 8q<7 approving contracts for ownership of improvement. ITEM EXPLANATION: On January 21, 1986, Council authorized the advertisement for the construction of College Boulevard and set March 4, 1986 for a public hearing. Line (EDL) were not available to the contractors, the bid opening of February 26, 1986 was postponed to March 19 and the public hearing continued to March 25. The Assessment District will construct South College Boulevard full width from El Camino Real to Palomar Airport Road. The Calavera Hills Effluent Disposal Line (EDL) will also be constructed concurrently with the College Boulevard improvements as a practical, cost effective method of construction. This line is a separate CIP project. Since the plans for the Effluent Disposal I , Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. #249-#4! FISCAL IMPACT: The Engineer's estimate for the construction of South College Boulevard is $9.2 million and for the EDL is $420,000. All the Assessment District costs will be reimbursed through the sale of bonds. The construction cost of for Calavera Hills Effluent Disposal Line (EDL) will be born by the City. Funds in the amount of $1,000,000 were budgeted for the (EDL) in the 1985-86 CIP. There are no City funds being contributed to the Assessment District. The only expenditure is for a portion of the EDL which is an approved CIP project. EXHIBITS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Location Map Order of Procedure Resolution No. ordering certain changes and modifications "Report" in a Special Assessment District, Project No. 3188. Resolution No. ?4 5/ overruling and denying protests and making certain findings in a Special Assessment District. Resolution No. mSa approving and providing for contribution to pay certain costs and expenses in an Assessment District. Resolution No. rqg3 confirming the Assessment, ordering the improvements made, together with appurtenances, and approving the Engineer's "Report". Resolution No. f'ysq authorizing and providing for the issuance of bonds pursuant to the "Improvement Act of 1913". Resolution No. fq!s' accepting bids and awarding the contract for the construction of College Boulevard to Construction Inc., and appropriating funds in the amount of $ Resolution No. hgy"" awarding sale of bonds and providing for t e establishment of a redemption fund. Resolution No. 8457 approvinng contracts for ownership of improvements . I LOCATION MAP LEGEND SI .......a ASSESSMENT DISTRICT BOUNDARY 'RoJECr SOUTH COLLEGE BLVD. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 3 I 1 J I. ORDER OF PROCEDURE CITY OF CARLSBAD DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: PUBLIC HEARING FOR CONSIDERATION: MAY OR : CITY -CLERK: STAFF : STAFF : STAFF : ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 85-2 (COLLEGE BOULEVARD) 'MARCH25,1985 HEARING REQUIRED PURSUANT TO THE "MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENT ACT OF 1913". Announce that this is the time and place fixed for the public hearing on protests or objections to the Resolution of Intention, Engineer's "Report" and all other matters re1 at i ng to ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 85-2 (COLLEGE BOULEVARD). Announce that notice of Hearing has been given in the manner and form as required by law, and that the following affidavits are on file: - Certificate of Posting Streets - Certificate of Mailing Notice and Filing Boundary Map - Affidavit of Publication of Notice of Improvement - Affidavit of Publication of Notice Inviting Sealed Bids - Affidavit of Posting Notice Inviting Sealed Bids. Explain purpose, scope and order of procedure for Public Hearings. Explain general nature, location and extent of the proposed works of improvement and boundaries of the Assessment District. Present and surnarize ''Report" pursuant to the provisions of the "Municipal Improvement Act of 1913", consisting of the following: a. Plans; b. Specifications; c. Assessment Roll ; d. Assessment Diagram; e. Description of the works of improvement. Explain method and formula of assessment spread; Make recornendat ion as to any modifications necessary in the assessments or proceedings Review construction bids received Make recommendation as to sale of bonds Report on number (%) of protests received and announce that copies have been delivered to each member of the 1 egi sl at i ve body. Y END OF STAFF REPORT - OPEN FOR PUBLIC DISCUSSION ORDER OF PROCEDURE CITY OF CARLSBAD - ' ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. -2 - ' (COLLEGE BOULEVARD) PAGE TWO DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: MARCHA', 1986 zf MAY OR : STAFF : STAFF: CITY COUNCIL : CITY COUNCIL: CITY COUNCIL: C ITY COUNCIL : CITY COUNCIL: CITY COUNCIL: CITY COUNCIL : CITY COUNC IL : CITY COUNCIL : CITY COUNCIL : ASK EACH SPEAKER TO IDENTIFY THEMSELVES AND THEIR PROPERTY. First, ask to hear from anyone who wishes to speak against themprovementi the Assessment District, or the method of spread. Then fie proceedings. Report on final percentage (%) of protests received. ask to hear from anyone who wishes to speak in favor Presentation of any proposed changes or modifications to the Engineer's "Report" and the Assessment District. Discussion. BJ Motion, declare Public Hearing CLOSED. IF THE LEGISLATIVE BODY WISHES TO PROCEED: Adopt RESOLUTION ORDERING CHANGES AND MODIFI 9TIONS: This Resolution is appropriate for any changes or modifications required from the first presentation of the Engineer's "Report". Adopt RESOLUTION OVERRULING AND DENYING PROTESTS: To be adopted if any protests, oral or written, have been received. Adopt RESOLUTION APPROVING CONTRIBUTION: This is the formal action approving the contribution. Adopt RESOLUTION CONFIRMING ASSESSMENTS: This Resolution orders the work and confirms the assessments. Adopt RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF BONDS: This Resolution authorizes the issuance of bonds to finance the improvements. Adopt RESOLUTION AWARDING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT: The adoption of this Resolution awards the construction con- tract to the lowest responsible bidder. Adopt RESOLUTION MAKING AWARD FOR THE SALE OF BONDS: This Resolution accepts the proposal for the sale of bonds to finance the improvements. Adopt RESOLUTION APPROVING CONTRACTS FOR OWNERSHIP OF IMPROVEMENTS: Accepts and approves for execution various Agreements between the City and other agencies for owner- ship of water, telephone, electrical and gas improvements. 5- *** 9 I I *a 1 2 3 4 fi " 6 7 e 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 8450 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, FICATIONS TO THE ENGINEER'S "REPORT" IN A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT ORDERING CERTAIN CHANGES AND MODI- WHEREAS, the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF CARLSBAD, - CALIFORNIA has previously adopted its Resolution of Intention prusuant to the provisions of the "Municipal Improvement Act of 191311, being Division 12 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, for the construction of certain works of improvement in a special assessment district known and designated as ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 85-2 (COLLEGE BOULEVARD) (hereinafter referred to as the "Assessment District"); and, WHEREAS, based upon the presentation and recommendat.ions of staff and available documentation, it now appears that the changes and modifications as set forth in the amended assessment roll, as presented herein, should be approved and ordered to be done. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2. That all changes and modifications as now set forth in the submitted assessment roll and Enqineer's "Report" are hereby ordered pursuant to the authority of in Section 10352 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California (the "Municipal Improvement Act of 1913"). SECTION 3. That the Engineer's "Report", the Assessment Roll, and all related documentation, as modified, are for the best interests of the property owners within the Assessment District, and said assessment, as modified, is in accordance with the r 1 1 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 22 13 14 15 16 17 ia 19 20 21 22 22 24 2E 2c 27 2E _A. benefits received, and the "Report", as herein modified and amended, shall stand as the "Report" for all subsequent proceedings relating to this Assessment District. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 25th day of March . , 1986, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick, and Pettine NOES: None ABSENT: None (SEAL) 4 ,' I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 8451, RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, OVERRULING AND DENYING PROTESTS AND MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS IN A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT I WHEREAS, the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA has, by Resolution, declared its intention to order the construc- tion of certain public works of improvement, pursuant to the terms and provisions of the "Municipal Improvement Act of 1913", being Division 12 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, in a special assessment district known and designated as ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 85-2 (COLLEGE BOULEVARD) (hereinafter referred to as the "Assessment District"); and, WHEREAS, certain owners of property liable to be assessed for improvements have filed written protests or objections and deli- vered the same to the City Council not later than the hour set for hearing such objections; and, WHEREAS, at the time set for said Public Hearing, all protests and objections were duly heard and considered and all matters as to the method and formula of the assessment spread and the determination as to whether or not the property did receive a benefit and whether the asesessments were apportioned in accor- dance to benefit were heard and considered. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION ' 2. That the public hearing for the Assessment District is hereby closed. 1 2 3 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 SECTION 3. That all protests and objections of every kind and nature be, and the same hereby are, overruled and denied, and it is further determined that said protests and objections are made by the owners of less than one-half (1/2) of the area of property to be assessed for said improvements within said Assessment District. SECTION 4. That it is hereby further determined that all properties within the boundaries of the Assessment District receive a local and direct benefit from the works of improvement as proposed for said Assessment District, and it is hereby further determined and declared that a1 1 assessable costs and expenses have been apportioned and spread over the properties within the Assessment District in direct proportion to the benefits received thereby. SECTION 5. That the Engineer's method of spread and appor- tionment of all costs is hereby adopted and approved as being a correct and proper apportionment and distribution of all assess- able costs for these works of improvement. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 25th day of March , 1986, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettine NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: Jk H. VSLtR, Mayor ( SEAL 1 RESOLUTION NO. 8457 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RIBUTION TO PAY CERTAIN COSTS AND EXPENSES IN AN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT APPROVING AND PROVIDING FOR CONT- WHEREAS, the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA has, by Resolution, declared its intention to authorize the construction of certain works of improvement pursuant to the terms and provisions of the "Municipal Improvement Act of 1913", being Division 12 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, in a special assessment district designated as ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 85-2 (COLLEGE BOULEVARD) (hereinafter referred to as the "Assessment District"); and, WHEREAS, this City Council is desirous of providing a contri- bution as this time to pay a portion of the costs and expenses of the work and proceedings; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Section 10205 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, said City Council may so provide for a contribution to pay a portion of the costs and expenses at any time prior to the confirmation of the proceedings on said Assessment District. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2. That the City Council hereby approves and autho- rizes the appropriation of the monies as set forth as a contribu- tion in the Engineer's "Report" as herein presented relating to the above referenced Assessment District. lo 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 le 19 2c 21 22 2: 24 25 2E 27 2E Said contribution shall be used to pay for the items of work as jet forth in said Engineer's "Report", and the appropriation shall De from the funds as indicated therein. SECTION 3. That said contribution is authorized pursuant to Section 10205 of the "Municipal Improvement Act of 1913", being Division 12 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of Cal iforni a. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 25th day of March , 1986, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettine NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: (SEAL) I b 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 8453 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, CONFIRMING THE ASSESSMENT, ORDERING THE IMPROVEMENTS MADE, TOGETHER WITH APPURTENANCES, AND APPROVING THE ENGINEER'S "REPORT" WHEREAS, the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA did previously adopt its Resolution of Intention for the construc- tion of certain public works of improvement, together with appur- tenances and appurtenant work, including acquisition where appro- priate, in a special assessment district known and designated as (SOUTH COLLEGE) ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 85-2 (hereinafter referred to as the "Assessment District"); and, WHEREAS, pursuant to said Resolution of Intention, a "Report", as therein provided, was presented, considered and app- roved; and, WHEREAS, said "Report", as preliminarily approved, contained all the matters and items called for by law and as pursuant to the provisions of the "Municipal Improvement Act of 1913", being Divi- sion 12 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of Cali- fornia, including the following: 1. Plans and specifications of the proposed improvements 2. Estimate of cost 3. Diagram of Assessment District 4. An assessment according to benefits 5. A description of the works of improvement; and, WHEREAS, all protests and objections have been heard and considered, and a full hearing has been given, all in the manner provided by law; and, 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 WHEREAS, notices of said hearing were duly and regularly posted, mailed and published in the time, form and manner required by law and as evidenced by affidavits on file with the transcript of these proceedings; and, WHEREAS, the owners of one-half (1/2) of the area assessed for the costs of the project did not file written protests against the proposed improvements and acquisition, where appropriate, and the City Council did, after providing a full hearing, overrule and deny all protests and objections; and, WHEREAS, said City Council is now satisfied with the assessment and all matters contained in the "Report", as now updated and submitted. NOW, 'THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2. That the "Report", as updated and submitted, consisting of the assessment and diagram for the improvements, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, including acquisition where appropriate, is hereby confirmed. SECTION 3. That the public interest and convenience require the proposed improvements to be made, and therefore said City Council hereby orders the work to be done and improvements to be made together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connec- tion therewith, including acquisition where appropriate, in said Assessment District, as set forth in the Resolution of Intention previously adopted and as set forth in the "Report" presented and considered, and as now submitted. I3 1 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 I 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 SECTION 4. That the assessment contained in said "Report" is hereby levied upon the respective subdivisions of land in the Assessment District as set forth in said "Report". SECTION 5. That the City Clerk shall forthwith deliver to the Superintendent of Streets the said assessment, together with the diagram attached thereto and made a part thereof, as con- firmed, with his certificate of such confirmation attached and the date thereof; and that said Superintendent of Streets shall then immediately record said diagram and assessment in his Office in a suitable book to be kept for that purpose and attach thereto his certificate of the date of such recording. SECTION 6. That said Superintendent of Streets, upon the reco'rding of said diagram and assessment, shall mail to each owner of real property within the Assessment District at his last known address, as the same appears on the tax rolls of the County or on file in the Office of the City Clerk, or to both addresses if said address is not the same, or to General Delivery when no address so appears, a statement containing a designation by street number or other description of the property assessed sufficient to enable the owner to identify the same, the amount of the assessment, the time and place of payment thereof, the effect of failure to pay within such time, and a statement of the fact that bonds will be issued on unpaid assessments pursuant to the ''Improvement Bond Act of 1915". SECTION 7. That said Superintendent of Streets shall also give notice by publishing a copy of a notice of recording of assessment in the newspaper previously selected to publish all I I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 notices as provided by law, giving notice that sa d assessment has been recorded in his Office, and that all sums assessed thereon are due and payable immediately, and that the payment of said sums is to be made within thirty (30) days after the date of recording the assessment, which date shall be so stated in said notice, and of the fact that bonds will be issued upon unpaid assessments. SECTION 8. Upon confirmation of the assessments and recor- dation of the assessment roll and diagram, a certified copy of the assessment diagram shall be immediately filed in the Office of the County Recorder. Immediately thereafter, a copy of the notice of assessment shall be recorded in the Office of the County Recorder in the manner and form as set forth by law and specifically Section 3114 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of Cal iforni a. SECTION 9. That the Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to establish a special fund account to be known as the IMPROVEMENT FUND, and designated by the name of this Assessment District, into which fund shall be paid all payments to be received upon said assessment, and the proceeds of the sale of bonds to be issued representing unpaid assessments. SECTION 10. That the Treasurer is hereby further authorized to establish a SPECIAL RESERVE FUND, into which the designated amount shall be transferred and held in trust for the bondholders and used to assist final discharge by any payment by property owners within the boundaries of the Assessment District. I I #< 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 le 19 2c 21 22 2: 24 2: 2t 2'; 2E PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 25th day of March , 1986, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: None Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettine ATTEST: (SEAL) I . 1 2 7 c. 4 F E 7 E s 1c 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 la 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. -.. $454 ~ RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING AND PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS PURSUANT TO THE IMPROVEMENT BOND ACT OF 1915" WHEREAS, the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA has heretofore undertaken proceedinqs pursuant to the ttMunicipal Improvement Act of 1913", beinq Division 12 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, and has confirmed assessments upon lands within a special assessment district described in a Resolution of Intention previously adopted for said improvements, said special assessment District known and desiq- nated as ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 85-2 (COLLEGE BOULEVARD) (hereinafter referred to as the #'Assessment District"); and, WHEREAS, said proceedinqs provided for the issuance of bonds pursuant to the "Improvement Bond Act of 1915", beinq Division 10 of the Streets and Hiqhways Code of the State of California, and it is necessary to establish terms and provisions of such issu- ance; and, WHEREAS, the final unpaid balance to assessment, as well as the denomination and amounts to mature each year, cannot be deter- mined until followinq the 30-day cash collection period after the recordation of said assessment. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. R-ecita-Is. That the above recitals are all true and correct. 1 t L L r E 1C 14 15 16 17 ia 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 SECTION 2. Unpaid Assessments. The Treasurer shall , imme- diately upon the completion of the 30-day cash collection period, determine the assessments which are unpaid and the aqqreqate amount thereof as authorized by Section 8621 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. SECTION 3. Reqist.ePed--Bonds. Said bonds shall be issuable only as fully registered bonds in the denomination of $5,000, or any inteqral multiple thereof, except for one bond maturinq in the first year of maturity, which shall include the amount by which the total issue exceeds the maximum inteqral multiDle of $5,000 contained therein. d SECTION 4. Date of Bonds. All of said bonds shall be dated the 5th day of April, 1986, and interest shall accrue from that date. SECTION 5. Ma-turity and- Denomi-nat-i-on. The bonds shall be issued in serial form with annual maturities on September 2nd of every year succeedinq the first twelve (12) months after their date, until the whole is paid. The amount maturinq each year shall be such as to result in approximately equal annual debt service during the term of the issue as reflected by the interest rate and/ or rates and principal amounts maturinq in the respec- tive years of maturity, and the Treasurer or desiqnated Reqistrar shall, immediately uDon completion of the cash collection period, prescribe the denominations of the bonds, which shall be in convenient amounts, not necessarily equal , and shall further provide for their issuance and delivery. 11 1: 1; 1: 14 If 1t 1'; 1€ 15 2c 21 22 22 24 25 26 27 28 SECTION 6. Interest. Each bond shall be of a sinqle matu- rity and shall bear interest at the rate as set forth in the accepted bid proposal for said bonds from the interest payment date next precedinq the date on which it is authenticated and reqistered, unless said bond is authenticated and reqistered as of an interest payment date, in which case it shall bear interest from said interest payment date, or unless said bond is authenti- cated and reqistered prior to the first interest pa.yment date, in which case it shall bear interest from its date, until payment of its principal sum has been discharqed. SECTION 7. Place of -Payment. The principal and interest on the bonds shall be payable in lawful money of the United States of America at the office of the Treasurer, or such paying agent as may he desiqnated by Resolution of the legislative body. Principal and interest on said bonds shall be paid by check or draft to the reqistered owner thereof at his add- ress as it appears on the books of registration, or at such address as may have been filed with the Treasurer for that purpose, as of the 15th day immediately preceding said interest payment date. SECTION 8. Red-empt-i-on. This bond, or a portion thereof if issued in a denomination qreater than $5,000, shall be subject to redemption and payment in advance of maturity in increments of $5,000 as provided in Section 8768 of the Streets and Hiqhways Code, on the 2nd day of March or September in any year, b.y qivinq the notice provided in said law to the reqistered owner thelreof at his address as it appears on the books of reqistration and I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 payinq principal of and accrued interest on such redeemed amount, toqether with a premium equal to five percent (5%) of the redeemed principal amount. If less than the entire bond is redeemed, the unredeemed portion shall be reissued to the reqistered owner thereof. SECTION 9. Transf,er ~~.~~~q.i-ster~-B~n-~s. Any fully reqis- tered bond may, in accordance with its terms, be transferred upon the books of registration required to be kept pursuant to the provisions of Section 11 by the owner in whose name it is reqiste- red, or by his duly authorized attorney or leqal representative, upon surrender of such fully reqistered bond for reqistration of such transfer, accompanied by delivery of a written instrument or transfer in a form approved by the Treasurer and by the owner of said bonds, duly executed. The Treasurer shall require the payment by the bondholder requesting such transfer of any tax or other qovern- mental charqe required to be paid with respect to such transfer and such charqes as provided for in the systerll of reqistration for reqistered debt obligations. No transfer of fully registered bonds shall be required to be made durinq the fifteen (15) days next preceding each interest payment date. SECTION 10. Excbanqe- of^ Reg-is-t.ere,d- -Bon-ds. Fully reqistered bonds may be exchanged at the office of the Treasurer, or desiqnated transfer aqent/reqistrar, for a like aqqreqate princi- pal amount of bonds of the same series, interest rate and matu- rity, subject to the terms and conditions provided in the system . 1 I C c 4 F t r f E 1C 11 12 12 14 15 IC 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 of reqistration payment of certa for reqistered debt obliqations, includinq the n charges, if any, upon surrender and cancella- tion of this bond. UDon such transfer and exchange, a new reqis- tered bond or bonds of any authorized denomination or denomina- tions of the same maturity for the same aqqreqate principal amount will be issued to the transferee in exchange therefor. SECTION 11. Books--of -Reqistraf;-i-on. There shall be kept by the Treasurer sufficient books for the reqistration and transfer of the bonds and, upon presentation for such purpose, the Treasurer shall, under such reasonable requlations as it may prescribe, reqister or transfer or cause to be reqistered or transferred, on .said register, bonds as hereinbefore provided. SECTION 12, Ex-ecut-i-on - of -Bonds. The bonds shall be executed ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ in facsimile by the Treasurer and by the City Clerk, and the corporate seal shall be imprinted in facsimile on the bonds. The bonds shall then be delivered to the transfer aqent and registrar for authentication and reqistration. In case an officer who shall have signed or attested to any of the bonds by facsimile or other- wise shall cease to be such officer before the authentication, delivery and issuance of the bonds, such bonds nevertheless may be authenticated, delivered and issued, and upon such authentication, delivery and issue, shall be as binding as though those who siqned and attested the same had remained in office. SECTION 13. Au-thent-i-cat-!on. Only such of the bonds as shall bear thereon a certificate of authentication substantially in the form below, manually executed by the transfer aqent and I . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 reqistrar, shall be valid or obliqatory for any purpose or entitled to the benefits of this Resolution, and such certificate of the transfer aqent and reqistrar shall be conclusive evidence that the bonds so authenticated have been duly executed, authenti- cated and delivered hereunder, and are entitled to the benefits of this Resolution. FORM OF CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICATION AND REGISTRATION This bond has been authenticated and reqistered on BANK OF AMERICA NATIONAL TRUST AND SAVINGS ASSOCIATION as Transfer Agent and Registrar SECTION 14. Heqo-t-i.abi.l-)ty-.-- -Rea-i-stra-t-hn- --ancl---Trans-f-er- --of Bdnds. The transfer of any bond may be reqistered only upon such books of reqistration upon surrender thereof to the transfer aqent - and registrar, toqether with an assiqnment duly executed by the owner or his attorney or legal representative, in satisfactory form. Upon any such reqistration of transfer, a new bond or bonds shall be authenticated and delivered in exchange for such bond, in the name of the transferee, of any denomination or denominations authorized by this Resolution, and in an aqgreqate Principal amount equal to the principal amount of such bond or principal amount of such bond or bonds so surrendered. In all cases in which bonds shall be exchanged or transferred, the transfer aqent and reqistrar shall authenticate at the earliest practical time, bonds in accordance with the provisions of this Resolution. All bonds surrendered in such exchange or registration transfer shall forthwith be cancelled. The legislative body may make a charge I 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 for every such exchanqe or req sufficient to reimburse it for stration of transfer of bonds any tax or other qovernmental charge required to be paid with respect to such exchanqe or registration of transfer. The transfer agent and registrar shall not be required to make such exchanqe or reqistration of transfer of bonds during the fifteen (15) days immediately preceding any March 2nd or September 2nd. SECTION 15. Qwner-s-hip--ef -Bonds. The person in whose name any bond shall be registered shall be deemed and regarded as the absolute owner thereof for all purpoFes, and payment of or on account of the principal and redemption premium, if any, of any such bond, and the interest on any such bond, shall be made only to or upon the order of the registered owner thereof or his leqal representative. All such payments shall be valid and effectual to satisfy and discharge the liability upon such bond, includinq the redemption premium, if any, and interest thereon, to the extent of the sum or sums so paid. SECTION 16. M,ut-i-lated, De4trt)-yed, -$toIen--or--tos-t- -Bonds. In case any bond secured hereby shall become mutilated or be destroyed, stolen or lost, the leqislative body shall cause to be executed and authenticated a new bond of like date and tenor in exchange and substitution for and upon the cancellation of such mutilated bond or in lieu of and in substitution for such bond destroyed, stolen or lost, upon the owner's paying the reasonable expenses and charqes in connection therewith, and, in the case of a bond destroyed, stolen or lost, his filing with the legislative body of evidence satisfactory to it and to the Treasurer thereof 43 . I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 that such bond was destroyed, stolen or lost, and of his ownership thereof, and furnishing the leqislative body with indemnity satis- factory to it. SECT ION 17. C anc-e 1 1 a-t-i on. . of - Bonds. All bonds paid or redeemed, either at or before maturity, shall be cancelled upon the payment or redemption of such bonds, and shall be delivered to the transfer agent and reqistrar when such payment or redemption is made. All bonds cancelled under any of the provisions of this shall be destroyed by the transfer aqent and reqistrar, which shall execute a certificate in duplicate describinq the bonds so destroyed, and shall retain said executed certificate in its permqnent files for the issue. 10 sha des the f 01 SECTION 18. R-eserv-e-Fund. Pursuant to Part 16 of Division f the California Streets and Highways Code, as amended, there 1 be created a special reserve fund for the bonds to be qnated by the name of the Assessment District and specified as special "Reserve Fund". The Reserve Fund shall be funded as ows: The initial desiqnated amount shall be deposited in the Reserve Fund out of the bond proceeds. Periodically, at such times as may be determined by the leqislative body, monies representing interest on funds on deposit in the Reserve Fund shall be transferred to the Reserve Fund, but only to the extent permitted herein and to the extent that the amount of interest credited thereto shall not result in the bonds becorninq "arbitraqe bonds" as defined in Section 103(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended, and the requlations promulgated and proposed thereunder. For these proceedings, it is hereby determined and ' , 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 declared that the special Reserve Fund shall be funded in the following manner: EIGHT PERCENT (8%) OF THE PAR AMOUNT OF THE BONDS TO BE ISSUED. Monies in the Reserve Fund shall be applied as f 01 1 ows: A. Amounts in said Reserve Fund shall be transferred to the Redemption Fund for the bonds if, as a result of delinquencies in the payment of assessments, there are insuffi- cient monies in said Redemption Fund to pay principal of and interest on the bonds. Amounts so transferred shall be repaid to the Reserve Fund from proceeds from the redemption or foreclosure of property with respect to which an assessment is unpaid and from payments of the delinquent assessments; €3. Interest earned on monies in the Reserve Fund shall accrue to the Reserve Fund only to the extent that the amount of interest credited thereto shall not result in the bonds becominq "arbitrage bonds" as defined in Section 103(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended, and the requlations promulgated thereunder; C. Whenever monies in the Reserve Fund are sufficient to retire all of the bonds outstandinq, plus accrued interest thereon, such money shall be transferred to the Redemp- tion Fund for the bonds and collection of the remaininq unpaid assessments shall cease. D. The amount of the annual Reserve Fund disbursement of earned interest shall be credited toward install- ments of unpaid assessments each year durinq which any part of the 1 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 bonds remain outstanding. The Auditor's Record, prepared pursuant to Section -8682 of the Streets and Highways Code, shall reflect credits against each of the unpaid assessments in the manner provided in Section 10427.1 of said Code, in amounts equal to each parcel's proportionate share of the annual reserve fund disbursement. No portion of the annual Reserve Fund disburse- ment shall be transferred in any year in excess of the amount which would cause the Reserve Fund to fall below the original amount of the Reserve Fund, minus adjustments to reflect the discharge of assessments prior to maturity made to that point. E. In the event that any annual Reserve Fund disbursement was not fully made in any year because to have done so would have caused the Reserve Fund to fall below the minimum amount for that year, the Treasurer may thereafter transfer and credit any amounts in excess of the minimum amount toward the assessment installments due in subsequent years. In the event assessments are paid in cash in advance of their final maturity date, the Treasurer is authorized to reduce the minimum amount of the Reserve Fund and increase the annual Reserve Fund disbursements in the proportion in which the assessments paid in cash bears to the total original unpaid assessments. SECTION 19. fmpr-ovemertt-fund. The proceeds from the sale of the bonds, after deposit of required amounts in the Reserve Fund and the Redemption Fund, shall be placed in the fund hereby created, pursuant to Sections 10602 and 10424 of the California 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1c 11 12 12 14 15 1E 17 1E 15 2c 21 2; 21 21 2! 2( 2' 21 treets and Highways Code, as amended, which shall be called the Improvement Fund", and the monies in said Fund shall be used only or the purposes authorized in said assessment proceedings. Any urplus in the Improvement Fund after completion of the improve- lents shall remain in the Improvement Fund for a period not less han two (2) years from the receipt of bond proceeds as provided n Section 10427.1 of the California Streets and Highways Code, Ind thereafter shall be uti 1 i zed or distributed as determined by .he legislative body. \ SECTION 20. Redqpt3o-n-Fwnd. Principal of and interest on ;aid bonds shall be paid out of the Redemption Fund created lursuant to Section 8671 of the California Streets and Highways :o'de. Accrued interest paid by the purchaser of the bonds, if iny, shall be deposited in the Redemption Fund. In all respects rot recited herein, said bonds shall be governed by the provisions if the nImprovement Bond Act of 1915", Division 10 of the Zalifornia Streets and Highways Code, as amended. SECTION 21. €--oven-ant to--foreeAose. The legislative body iereby covenants that upon default of any assessment payment due, it will cause Superior Court foreclosure proceedings to be brought lsithin one hundred fifty (150) days of such default and thereafter diligently prosecute to completion such proceedings. Such fore- :losure proceedings may be deferred if funds are advanced to the special Reserve Fund to keep said Fund continually at the level set forth in the Section entitled "Reserve Fund" set forth hereinabove. 6 CI c L 5 . t r E z 1C 11 12 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 S E C T IO N 2 2. Order . .t 0. . P r i.n t - a n.d- . -Aut hen t i c-a-te - . B on-d s . The Treasurer is hereby instructed to cause bonds, as set forth above, to be printed, and to proceed to cause said bonds to be authenti- cated and delivered to an authorized representative of the purchaser, upon payment of the purchase price as set forth in the accepted proposal for the sale of bonds. SECTION 23. Ar-bitraue.-~er-t-i-fic-ate. On the basis of the facts, estimates and circumstances now in existence and in exis- tence on the date of issue of the bonds, as determined by the Treasurer, said Treasurer is hereby authorized to certify that it is not expected that the proceeds of the issue will be used in a manner that would cause such obligations to be arbitraqe bonds. Such certification shall be delivered to the purchaser toqether with the bonds. S E C T IO N 2 4. De s i gnat i 0-I?. . of- - fr ansf e r Agent - Pay i ng: - Agent . -a-nd a Re-gistr-ar. The BANK OF AMERICA NATIONAL TRUST AND SAVINGS ASSO- CIATION is hereby designated transfer aqent, payinq aqent and registrar with respect to these proceedings and the bonds to be i ssued. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a reqular meetinq of the City Council held on the --25th-- day of --March”’- , 1986, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettine NOES: None ABSENT: None r . 1 2 7 c. 4 F: € 3 E 5 1c 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 &. -. -. . SLtK, Mayor ATTEST: (SEAL) I .. I ( I I $ 1( 11 1: 1: 14 1f 16 13 1E 19 2c 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 8455 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, STRUCTION OF CERTAIN PUBLIC WORKS MENT DISTRICT AWARDING THE CONTRACT FOR THE CON- OF IMPROVEMENT IN A SPECIAL ASSESS- WHEREAS, the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA did publicly open and examine all sealed proposals or bids for doing the work and improvements described in its Resolution of Intention, which Resolution and a "Report" subsequently approved, are hereby expressly referred to for a description of said work and improvements and for all particulars relative to the proceed- ings for the works of improvement, in a special assessment district known and designated as ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 85-2 (COLLEGE BOULEVARD) (hereinafter referred to as the nAssessment District"). NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2. That this City Council hereby rejects all of said proposals or bids except that herein mentioned, and does hereby award the construction contract for doing said work and making improvements in the Assessment District to the lowest responsible bidder, to-wi t: at the prices named in the bid of said bidder on file with the transcript of these proceedings and open for public inspection. SECTION 3. That this award of contract is hereby conditioned upon and made subject to the receipt of monies and proceeds from '. 1 2 7 c, 4 E CI € 7 e 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 r' the issuance and sale of bonds. The Contractor shall not commence construction or order equipment until he has received a Notice to proceed. Any progress payment to the Contractor for work completed may be delayed if monies have not been received from the sale of bonds. SECTION 4. That the works of improvement shall be con- structed in the manner and form as set forth in the plans and specifications for these proceedings, as previously approved as a part of the "Report", as required by law, and specifically the "Municipal Improvement Act of 1913", being Division 12 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. SECTION 5. That the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby autho- rized to execute the Agreement for the works of improvement relating to said Assessment District on behalf of the City, and a copy of said Agreement shall be on file with the transcript of these proceedings. SECTION 6. That all monies to pay for the costs and expenses of the above-referenced Assessment District shall be paid from the funds as deposited in the Improvement Fund, including any interest earned thereon. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the day of , 1986, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABS E NT : 4 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 NARY H. CASLtR, Mayor ATTEST: A L. RAUmNL, City Clerk (SEAL) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 has I I RESOLUTION NO. 8456 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, MAKING AWARD FOR SALE OF BOND,S AND PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A REDEMPTION FUND WHEREAS, the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA heretofore instituted and conducted proceedings under the terms and provisions of the "Municipal Improvement Act of 1913", being Division 12 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, for the construction of certain public works of improvement, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work, in a special assessment district known and designated as ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 85-2 (COLLEGE BOULEVARD) (hereinafter referred to as the "Assessment District"); and, WHEREAS, in the Resolution of Intention it was determined and declared that bonds should issue under the provisions of the "Improvement Bond Act of 191518, being Division 10 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California; and, WHEREAS, there has now been received, in proper form, a Purchase Agreement (hereinafter the "proposal ") for the purchase of said bonds to issue under said proceedings, which is considered to best serve the interests of owners of land included within the Assessment District and should be accepted. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the above recitals are all true and correct. YOUNGBERG SECTION 2. That the proposal received from STONE & for the purchase of improvement bonds representing unpa ments in said Assessment District is hereby accepted and d assess- approved. 33 ’. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 SECTION 3. That said sale is subject to all the terms and conditions as set forth in the Resolution of Issuance and the accepted proposal. SECTION 4. That the Treasurer is hereby directed to have the bonds printed immediately upon the expiration of the cash collec- tion period, and then said Treasurer shall have said bonds signed and delivered upon receipt of the amount of monies due pursuant to said bid, and upon the performance of all the conditions as set forth in the proposal. I SECTION 5. That the interest rate or rates on said bonds be, and the same hereby is fixed at the rate or rates as set forth in said accepted proposal. SECTION 6. That the Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to keep a REDEMPTION FUND, designated by the name of the proceedings, into which he shall place all sums received for the collection of the assessments and the interest thereon, together with all penalties, if applicable, thereon and from which he shall disburse such funds to the registered owner. Under no circum- stances shall the said bonds or interest thereon be paid out of any other fund except as provided by law. SECTION 7. That the Treasurer shall transfer monies as necessary from the SPECIAL RESERVE FUND in the manner and form as authorized by law. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 25th day of March , 1986, by the following vote, to wit: 3Lf I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 AYES: - Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettine NOES: None ATTEST: (SEAL) I P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 8457 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING CONTRACTS FOR OWNERSHIP OF IMPROVEMENTS WHEREAS, the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, has, pursuant to the provisions of the "Municipal Improvement Act of 1913", being Division 12 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, by adoption of its Resolution of Intention, declared its intention to order the construction and installation of certain works of improvement, together with appurtenances, in a special assessment district known and designated as ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 85-2 (COLLEGE BOULEVARD) (hereinafter referred to as the "Assessment District"); and, WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 10110 of the Streets and High- ways Code of the State of California, it is required that prior to the time that any works of improvement are ordered pursuant to said proceedings, the City may, by contract, provide that cef-tain works shall be performed by other public agencies or regulated public utilities who will have the legal title to the facilities, and further that said improvements shall thereafter constitute a part of their system; and, WHEREAS, it is further provided that any such agreement shall be made prior to the adoption of the Resolution Ordering Work under the assessment proceedings; and, WHEREAS, at this time, contracts have been reviewed and submitted pursuant to the authorization of Section 10110 of said Streets and Highways Code. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 22 24 2: 2. E 27 2E NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2. That the agreements, herewith submitted, relating to the construction and installation of certain improvement faci- lities that will be under the ownership, management and control of other public agencies or regulated public utilities, are hereby submitted and herewith approved. The following listed agreements are hereby authorized for execution by the Mayor and the City Clerk. Said contracts relate to facilities to be owned by the following listed public agencies or regulated public utilities: WATER : COSTA REAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT TELEPHONE: PACIFIC BELL ELECTRICAL/GAS: SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC SECTION 3. That immediately upon execution, conformed copies of said contracts shall be transmitted to the offices of the respective public agency or utility company, together with a copy of this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 25th day of March, , 1986, by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettine NOES: None ATTEST: (SEAL) 37 GrubbsEllis March 6, 1986 Mr. Norman A. Neste Neste, Brudin and Stone 10920 Via Fontara P.O. Box 28100 San Diego, CA 92128 RE: Proposed Assessment District - College Boulevard Pal omar Land Group/Hyatt Property Dear Mr. Neste: In reponse to your information forwarded to us on the proposed College Boulevard assessment district we have received and reviewed the material. In order to completely understand the methodolgy used, we requested our engineering firm, VTN, to review and comment on the process. Their review synopsis is enclosed for your review. The conclusion is that we believe adjustments are necessary in order for this process to be equitable. a formal protest is appropriate please consider this letter to be that protest. In any case, we would very much appreciate you looking at the enclosed and responding accordingly. .19_-~IUY-PLIYII.--R.,I-*i_L - -. " -- I-"-- ~ .~--*-..-------" ------- JKS:jcn Enclosure RECEIVED Grubb 6~ Ellis Company Commercial Brokerage Services 2299 Camino del Rio South, San Diego, CA 92108-3692 (619) 297-5500 P WN SAN DIEGO vtn a subsidiary of CPE ENGINEERS, INC. 5355 Avenida Encinas, Suite 203 Carlsbad, California 92008 Carlsbad: (619) 921-1022 San Diego: (619) 292-1040 March 4, 1984 File (3) 3 .Ne 5459-004 Grubb & Ellis 2299 Camino Del Rio South San Diego, CA 92108-3692 Attn: Mr. Richard C. Kwasny Re: Hiette Property in Carlsbad, California College Boulevard Assessment District Report No. 85-2 Gentlemen: VTN has reviewed the above mentioned report for the College Boulevard Assess- ment District. Included herein is a summary of the assessment fee determination and a preliminary letter report of VTN findings and recommendations. In general, it appears that sune attempt has been made to spread the assessment cost equitably. ownerships: Huntington Beach Co., 11%; Community Resources Corporation, 26%; and the Kol 1 Company, 60%. The bulk of the assessment has gone to the three major The assessment for the 13.92 acre ownership of the Palomar Land Group (PLG) , Assessor Parcel No. 212-020-03 is $255,845.00. and 12% interest, the annual cost of this assessment would be about $34,750.00. We checked the procedure and calculations from which your assessment was estab- lished and found it to be reasonable. PLG owns about 2.5% of the assessed acreage and has been assessed about 2.2% of the total cost. Based on a 15-year bond maturity There are special circumstances, however, which may not have been taken into consideration by the Assessment Engineer. Consequently, we recommend that PLG request a reduction of its assessment based on the following points: 1. The PLG property has no direct access to College Boulevard. In addition, intersection spacing on College would dictate that access to PLG property will have to be on secondary roads through other developments. Consequently, the benefit to PLG is not as great and the assessment should be less. ENGINEERS PVVYNEFS SURVEYORS _-. . ,- I- 4 Mr. Richard C. Kwasny Grubb & Ellis March 4, 1986 Page 2 2. 3. 4. Being landlocked, PLG will be dependent on the future development of adjacent parcels before it can develop. ments is in the hands of competitive land holdings which may have a negative impact on PLG. Therefore, the assessment for the construction of College will not benefit PLG to the same degree that the fronting property owners wi 11 be benefited. The timing of adjacent develop- The assessment to PLG is about $18,380.00 per acre. under normal subdivision conditions, would never be required to improve College Boulevard, we are concerned about the magnitude of the financial impact of this assessment on the economic viability of the property. Since this land, No data was provided in the Neste, Brudin & Stone report on the appraised value after completion of the improvements. that the assessment may exceed the City preferred lien ratio of 4:l. Also, we think the appraisal should take into consideration that this property i s 1 and1 ocked by competitive holdi ngs and may not be developable for a long time. . We are concerned, however, In conclusion, we recommend that PLG request the Assessment Engineer to re- evaluate the assessment spread in light of the issues mentioned above. The assessment report has some other property (Zone 5) which does not front on College Boulevard. This property has been assessed at $10,725.00 per acre. PLG should request a similar per acre charge instead of the $18,380.00 per acre. If you have any questions about these findings, don't hesitate to call. Very truly yours, VTN SAN DIEGO Project Engineer MWB/DR/l h _- I March 24, 1986 THE CITY OOUNCIL CITY of CARLSBAD 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-1989 /- P.O. BOX 87483 SAN DIEGO, CALlFOfi 92138 (619) 450-9800 9747 OLSON DRIVE SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92121 PliOFOSED AWAFiD OF coNsIlEucTION CONTRACT FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 85-2 COLLEGE mmARD Olson Construction Company has been infonned that a portion of the project for the construction of impmvments on College Boulevard is subject to a local coastal mne permit. We understand the hearing for the issuance of this permit is now scheduled for April 8, 1986. We have been further advised that the likelihood of any problems occuring at the hearing are minimal and that a permit will be issued by the local coastal mission for the construction of the entire length of College 2oulevard. Ye further understand that if the pennit to construct as issued by the coastal c<=lmnission is not available at the time the notice to proceed is issued under our contract, that said notice to proceed will be conditioned upon the issuance of the coastal permit which will likely be available within the 120 days we are required to hold our bid pricing. We wish to further advise you that Olson Construction Canpany will utilize the three fill areas adjacent to College Boulevard pursuant to the plans as sent to our company by the City of Carlsbad. Vice President LGIsh 02: Donald G. Donovan, City Engineer MARCH 25, 1986 TO : CITY MANAGER FROM: Finance Director SOUTH COLLEGE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT - STONE & YOUNGBERG - OFFER TO PURCHASE BONDS I have reviewed the offer received from Stone and Youngberg's office to purchase the City's South College Assessment District bonds and find it to be competitive with the present market for unrated, uninsured 1915 Act bonds. The City should accept the offer of Stone and Youngberg to purchase the assessment district bonds. Background I have verified this by contacting the following sources for information on similar issues: 1. California Debt Advisory Commissian - The Commission provided a list of similar issues from California cities along with net interest costs for each issue. These net interest costs were compared to the City's issue. 8.595% to 9.5% during the month of February. interest cost is 8.095%. Net interest costs ranged from The City's net 2. Other underwriters - Two underwriters who regularly compete with Stone and Youngberg verified present market conditions and interest rates. Each confirmed that for an unrated, uninsured issue, the typical underwriter's spread would be 31 to 4 points. The spread for this issue is 3 points, 1A 2 percentage point below the bottom of this range. The coupon rates compared well with other issues in Lincoln, Rancho Cucamonga, Fairfield and San Marcos. caused a minor increase in coupon rates. First, Senator Packwood's comments on the taxation of municipal bonds has moved the market slightly higher. concern which results in higher rates. Second, the recent military activities in Libya have also unsettled the market. writers contacted were Raucher Pierce Refsnes and Wolff Hansen and Co., both of San Francisco. Both also mentioned that two factors have just recently The threat of taxation has caused some minor The under- 3. Independent financial advisor - The firm of Fieldman Rolap, a private financial advisor, was mtzwted to verify the validity of data provided by both Stone and Youngberg and the other underwriters. According to Mr. Rolap, the bond pricing is consistent with today's market. to 1993 seemed to be slightly high when compared to the Rancho Cucamonga issue. However, the two are not directly comparable because of dissimilarities in the maturity and purpose, so this is not considered a major problem. The underwriters spread is exactly what would be expected based on the sale of these bonds at par value. (Stone and Youngberg has confirmed that the bonds have been sold at par.) The coupon rates quoted for 1989 JFE : mmt 7 , ’( I -.< .- STONE & YOUNGBERG -MEMBERS: PACIFIC STOCK EXCHANGE March 25, 1986 The Honorable Members of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad Carlsbad, California RE: Offer to Purchase Bonds in the Amount of $9,570rZ50 City of Carlsbad Improvement Bonds Assessment District No. 85-2 (Col lege Boulevard) Members of the Council: Pursuant to discussions with bond counsel and our investigation and analysis of the captioned bond issue, Stone 8 Youngberg hereby offers to purchase all of the abovereferenced bonds subject to the following conditions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. , The bonds shall be issued pursuant to the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913 and the Improvement Bond Act of 1915. The par value of the bonds shall be in the amount of $9,570,250, and the bonds shall mature serially over a period of 20 years. The bonds shall be issued in denominations of $5,000, or in integral multiples thereof as may be requested by us. One bond, which shall mature in 1987, may be issued in an odd amount. All bonds shall be issued in registered form in accordance with instructions to be determined by Stone 8 Youngberg prior to closing. The City shall retain the Bank of America N.T. 8 S.A. as fiscal Agentr Registrar and Paying Agent. The bonds shall be dated on ApH44986, and be delivered on or about their dated date but in no event later than May 15, 1986. MkV 2,1496 The bonds shall mature in each of the years and in the amounts and at the rates of interest set forth on the attached maturity schedule marked Exhibit A. The City shall covenant to commence judicial foreclosure of delinquent assessments within 150 days after any delinquency. The City shall establish a bond reserve fund in the amount of 8% of the principal amount of the bond issue. 1127 WALL STREET * PO. BOX 1024 ’ LA JOLLA, CALIFORNIA 92038 ’ (714) 454-9081 *-r The Honorable Members of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad Page 2 8. The City shall award the sale of the bonds to us at their meeting on March 25, 1986. 9. The purchase price shall be 97% of par (a discount of 3%), plus accrued interest, 1 f appl icable. 10. The purchase price of the bonds shall be paid in full upon delivery to us of the bonds, the unqualified approving legal opinion of F. Mackenzie Brown, Rancho Santa Fer California, Bond Counsel, and a no-litigation certificate of the City. The legal opinion shall be printed on the Bonds at no charge to us. 11. Stone 8 Youngberg may terminate this agreement any time before delivery of the bonds should legislation of the Congress of the United States of America or the State of California be enacted, or a decision by a court of the United States be rendered, or a ruling, regulation, or official statement by or on behalf of the Treasury Department of the United States, the Internal Revenue Service or other governmental ' agency, be made with respect to federal and/or state taxation upon interest received on bonds, which in the opinion of Stone & Youngberg materially and adversely affects the market price of the Assessment District No. 85-2 Bonds. 12. This bid is conditioned upon the successful consummation of the assessment district proceedings and should said proceedings for any reason fail to be successfully consummated, there shall be no obligation on the part of the City or the property owners. STONE 8 YOUNGBERG R6bert L. Anderson RLW n j r 0002A Attachment EXHIBIT A Delivery - 5/12/86 Date Principal 9/ 2/87 9/ 2/88 9/ 2/89 9/ 2/90 9/ 2/91 9/ 2/92 9/ 2/93 9/ 2/94 9/ 28/95 9/ 2/96 9/ 2/97 9/ 2/90 9/ 2/99 91 21 0 91 2/ 1 9/ 2/ 2 9/ 2/ 3 9/ 2/ 4 9/ 21 5 9/ 2/ 6 20,2s0.00 245,000.00 260,000.00 280,000.00 300,000.00 320,000.00 345,000.00 370,000.00 395,000.00 425,000.00 460,000.00 495,000.00 530,000.00 575,000.00 620,000.00 670,000.00 725,000.00 780,000.00 845,000.00 910,000.00 Total Accrued from 4/ 5/86 Net cost 9 , 570,250 . 00 Cougon 5.750 6.250 6.750 7.000 7. I00 7.250 7.400 7.500 7.600 7 . 700 7.750 7.800 7.900 7.900 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 Interest 1,041,753.86 738,542. SO 723,230.00 705,680.00 686,080.00 664,780.00 641,580.00 616,050.00 588,300.00 558,280.00 525,55 5.00 489,905.00 451,295.00 409,425.00 364,000 . 00 314,400.00 260,800.00 202,800.00 140,400.00 72,800.00 10,195,656.36 76,025 . 43 10,119,630.93 7.073 k T””r”-, Net effective - Bond years - 129,498.102 wi&d&qa+-tSi=B*w5Tt= Total 1 , 062,003 . 86 983,542.50 983,230.00 985,680.00 986,080.00 984,780.00 986,580.00 986,050.00 983,300.00 983,280.00 985,555.00 984,905.00 981,295 -00 984,425.00 984,000.00 984,400.00 985,800.00 982,800.. 00 985,400.00 982,800.00 19,76$, 906.36 76,025.43 19,689,080.93 -- (PUBLICATION) NOTICE OF RECORDATION OF ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM STATEMENT OF ASSESSMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all owners of real property liable to be assessed to pay the costs and expenses of the improvements described in the Resolution of Intention adopted by the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF CARLSBAD,'STATE OF CALIFORNIA, on the 28th day of January, 1986, for the works of improvement in a special assessment district known and designated as ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 85-2 (COLLEGE BOULEVARD) (hereinafter referred to as "Assessment District"). You are hereby notified that on the 26th day of March, 1986, the Assessment and Diagram to pay the costs and expenses of said acquisitions and improvements were recorded in my Office. Said assessments are now due and payable imediately at the Office of the Treasurer, and must be paid within the period expiring on the 25th day of April, 1986. Said assessments may be paid in whole or in part during said period. OR In the event of the failure -to pay before the expiration of said period, serial bonds to represent the unpaid portions of assessments and bearing interest at a rate not to exceed the current legal maximum rate of 12% per annum, will be issued pursuant to the "Improvement Bond Act of 1915", being Division 10 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, and the last installment of such bonds shall mature not to exceed NINETEEN (19) YEARS from the 2nd day of September next succeeding twelve (12) months from their date. NOTICE: After bonds have been issued, assessments may be paid and properties cleared of the lien of the following sums: (a) any installment of principal and interest which has been posted to the tax roll for the current fiscal year; (b) the unpaid balance of principal plus 5% thereof; (c) the amount of any delinquencies, including penalties, interest and costs; (d) the estimated cost of calling bond; and, (e) interest to the date of call, unless included in (a) above. NO ACTION OR PAYMENT BY THE PROPERTY OWNERS IS NECESSARY AT THIS TIME, IF DESIRED THAT THE ASSESSMENT BE PAID OVER THE TWENTY YEAR PERIOD. The first installment on the assessment will appear on the 1986-87 tax statement. DATED: 2 6 , 1986. CITY OF CARLSBAD STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1969 Office of the City Clerk TELEPHONE (019) 438-5535 March 27, 1986 F. Mackenzie Brown Attorney at Law P.O. Box 8025 Fairbanks Ranch Plaza Rancho Santa Fey CA 92067 Re: Assessment District No. 85-2 - College Blvd. Enclosed are copies of the following documents for the above referenced assessment district which were adopted by the Carlsbad City Council, at its meeting of March 25, 1986: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 6. If Resolution No. 8450, ordering certain changes and modifications to the Engineer's "Report" Resolution No. 8451, overruling and denying protests and making certain findings Resolution No. 8452, approving and providing for contributions to pay certain costs and expenses Resolution No. 8453, confirming the assessment, ordering the improvements made, together with appurtenances and approving the Engineer ' s "Report" Resolution No. 8454, authoring and providing for the issuance of bonds pursuant to the Improvement Bond Act of 1915 Resolution No. 8456, making award for sale of bonds and providing for the establishment of a redemption fund Resolution No. 8457, approving contracts for ownership of improvements you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact this office. Y-YB EN R. KUNDTZ Deputy City Clerk Encs . l- A SANBEWDINO SAN DIEGO Enanems Planners CITY OF CARLSBAD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 85-2 (College Boulevard) HEARING BOOKLET March 25, 1986 NESTE, BRUDIN C STONE INCORPORATED Engineers -- Planners San Diego, California ORDER OF PROCEDURE CITY OF CARLSBAD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 85-2 (COLLEGE BOULEVARD) DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: MARCH 25, 1986 PUBLIC HEARING FOR CONSIDERATION: ACT OF 1913". HEARING REQUIRED PURSUANT TO THE 'MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENT MAYOR: CITY CLERK: c c STAFF : STAFF : STAFF : Announce that this is the time and place fixed for the public hearing on protests or objections to the Resolution of Intention, Engineer's "Report" and a1 1 other matters re1 ating to ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 85-2 (COLLEGE BOULEVARD). Announce that notice of Hearing has been given in the manner and form as required by law, and that the following affidavits are on file: - Certificate of Posting Streets - Certificate of Mailing Notice and Filing Boundary Map - Affidavit of Publication of Notice of Improvement - Affidavit of Publication of Notice Inviting Sealed Bids - Affidavit of Posting Notice Inviting Sealed Bids I Explain purpose, scope and order of procedure for Public Hearings. - Explain general nature, location and extent of the ' proposeo works of improvement and boundaries of the Assessment District. - Present and sumnarize "Report" pursuant to the provisions of the "Municipal Improvement Act of 1913". consisting of the following: a. Plans; b . Spec i f icat i ons ; c. Assessment Roll ; d. Assessment Diagram; e. Description of the works of improvement. - Explain method and formula of assessment spread; - Make recommendation as to any modifications necessary in the assessments or proceedings - Review construction bids received - Make recommendation as to sale of bonds Report on number (%) of protests received and announce that copies have been delivered to each member of the legislative body. END OF STAFF REPORT - OPEN FOR PUBLIC DISCUSSION ORDER OF PROCEDURE CITY OF CARLSBAD (COLLEGE BOULEVARD) PAGE TWO ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 85-2 DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: MARCH 25, 1986 MAYOR : STAFF : STAFF : CITY COUNCIL: CITY COUNCIL: CITY COUNCIL: CITY COUNCIL : CITY COUNC IL : CITY COUNCIL: CITY COUNCIL: CITY COUNCIL : CITY COUNCIL: CITY CGUNC IL : ASK EACH SPEAKER TO IDENTIFY THEMSELVES AND THEIR PROPERTY. First, ask to hear from anyone who wishes to speak against themprovement, the Assessment District, or the method of spread. Then ask to hear from anyone who wishes to speak in favot Me proceedings. Report on final percentage (%) of protests received. Presentation of any proposed changes or modifications to the Engineer's "Report" and the Assessment District. Discussion. By Motion, declare Public Hearing CLOSED. IF THE LEGISLATIVE BODY WISHES TO PROCEED: Adopt RESOLUTION ORDERING CHANGES AND MODIFICATIONS: This Resolution is appropriate for any chanqes or modifications required from the first presentation of the Engineer's "Report". Adopt RESOLUTION OVERRULING AND DENYING PROTESTS: To be adopted if any protests, oral or written, have been received. Adopt RESOLUTION APPROVING CONTRIBUTION: This is the formal action approving the contribution. Adopt RESOLUTION CONFIRMING ASSESSMENTS: This Resolution orders the work and confirms the assessments. Adopt RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF BONDS: This Resolution authorizes the issuance of bonds to finance the improvements. Adopt RESOLUTION AWARDING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT: The adoption of this Resolution awards the construction con- tract to the lowest responsible bidder. Adopt RESOLUTION MAKING AWARD FOR THE SALE OF BONDS: This Resolution accepts the proposal for the sale of bonds to finance the improvements. Adopt RESOLUTION APPROVING CONTRACTS FOR OWNERSHiP OF IMPROVEMENTS: Accepts and approves for execution various Agreements between the City and other agencies for owner- ship of water, telephone, electrical and qas improvements. *** c c I CITY OF CARLSBAD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 85-2 (COLLEGE BOULEVARD) SUMMARY OF CONSTRUCTION BIDS Five bids have been received, for the construction of the street improvements on College Boulevard in this assessment district, and are summarized on the attached sheets. The low bidder is Olson Construction Company of San Diego. References have been checked with respect to performance of the work of this contractor and they include the Port District of San Diego and the City of San Diego for public agencies, and both have given a good recommendation to the Olson Con- struction Company. They have also performed work for the telephone company and their work was very satisfactory. Their contractor's license is in good standing and expires on December 31, 1987. We have reviewed a financial statement of the company and find their net worth and assets to be adequate. A communication from United Pacific Insurance Company, bonding company for Olson Construction Company, indicates that they have never Been declined on a requested bond, and that there is ample available bonding credit with that company. In the opinion of the assessment engineer, the contractor is qualified to do the work and should be awarded the construc- tion contract. City of Carlsbad Assessment District No. 85-2 (College Boulevard) Summary of Construction Bids Contractor Schedule I Schedule I1 Total Bid Engineer's Estimate $ 8,536,679.39 $300,050.00 $ 8,836,729.39 Olson Construction Company 6,826,836.31 255,200.00 7,082,036.31 W. R. Connelly Inc. 8,152,193.24 337,025.00 8,489,218.24 Griffith Company 8,284,560.09 308,640.00 8,593,200.09 Cameron Brothers Construction Co. Inc. 8,303,025.14 307,268.00 8,610,293.14 Madonna Construction Co. 10,610,486.83 355,900.00 10,966,386.83 I. 11. 111, IV . City of Carlsbad Assessment District No. 85-2 (College Boulevard) Cost Estimate PUBLIC WORKS OF CONSTRUCTION Construction Costs Construction Contingency TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS OF CONSTRUCTION RIGHT-OF-WAY PAYMENTS City of Carlsbad Costa Real Municipal Water District San Diego Gas & Electric Company TOTAL PAYMENTS INCIDENTAL EXPENSES Design and Construction Management Design and Design Surveys Soils Construction Management, Bidding and Inspection Plan Printing Plan Check Fees Assessment Engineering Environmental Impact Report Paleontology Study Bond Council Other Legal Printing, Publishing and Posting Bond Registration and Paying Agent Land Market Value Appraisal Cost of Issuance City Administration Contingency TOTAL INCIDENTAL EXPENSES -1- Estimated Confirmed cost cost $ 8,340,015 $ 7,079,036.31 834,000 744,200.00 $ 9,174,015 $ 7,832,236.31 $ O$ 0.00 $ 9,000 $ 9,000.00 6,000 6,000.00 270,000 270,000.00 $ 285,000 $ $ 210,500 $ 141,000 272,500 27,000 81 800 45,000 0 35,000 65,000 8,000 6,000 8 000 80,000 49,900 285,000.00 210,500,OO 141,000.00 272,500.00 27,000.00 81,800.00 65,000.00 0.00 35,000.00 65,000.00 8,000.00 6,000.00 8,000.00 10,000.00 80,000.00 49,900.00 40,000 40,000.00 $ 1,069,700 $ 1,099,700.00 Estimated Confirmed cost cost V- LESS CASH CONTRIBUTION City of Carlsbad Traffic Signals Effluent Disposal Line Incidental Expense TOTAL CASH CONTRIBUTION VI. LESS INTEREST EARNED DURING CONSTRUCTION SUBTOTAL VII. FINANCING COSTS Bond Reserve and Discount TOTAL AMOUNT ASSESSED -2- $ 150,370 $ 127,100.00 309,793 281,720.00 0.00 $ 466,163 $ 408,820.00 6 , 000 $ 320,000 281,600.00 $ 9,742,552 $8,517,516.31 $ 1,719,448 $1,052,733-69 $11,462,000 $9,570,250.00 c. - A -I I I c L Y c n A Y A n Q C' ff ( 0 m 9 *) N 0 0 rr .I 0 In U m 0 In VI N e 0 0 I 0 N 0 I N rl N m 0 I 0 N 0 I N r) N 9 r) 0 UI In 0 .+ n 0 r) 0 L 9 0 0 0 0 In 0 r- N ., 0 d 4 E P I C ? < * U 4 e e . a Y Y b Y I. ,, . . *I r) m a U c U Y fl 0 1 0 P C . .I Y C I c c I n n L v C I c b 0 1 N r) N I ! I I I I I * In * OD 0 d L * d a 0 ., r- m L m r( c 0 I D r- 0 I N d N h D I 0 m m N 0 0 rn m 7 0 Q c n m as rn 0 H I 0 b 0 I N rl N O 4 I 3 I r( 4 Y a - r) rr 0, SQ I- m N 0 0 9 r( 0, m N m L m d I 0 r. 0 I N d N n m N 0 0 ., 0 N .I 4 a a < 4 4 n , F \c a I h F - . 4 N d - I c I N r, hi a a r( 4 L 0, VI 0 r- e .o 0 d d IQ L e D I D k D I U I4 Y * 3 I a a I Y 4 Y c 03.4 II dd .,a I1 NN r)H NN oa oa r) cn 0 0, ., 0 a G 0 t 0 * 0 I (Y d N -;. -. .* I 4Nm a00 It1 aoo -he aoo llt J " N 4*r) 4 w, N aim 00 I1 c 1 00 cc 00 I ,I NN dr) NN 00 c-r- 00 If n(N Mr) -4N N i I ! 1 I . . - -. c CA c - - P, 9 V" I - - ,.: 0 . N N 9 Q 0 N m - M 0 -8 f- N m N .+ ..I I 0 I- O I N 4 N J 4 1 0 r- 0 I N 4 N rg In OD rn L m In OI rg m m . 0 W 9 - N 0 I rl (ID 0 I N H N N 0 I 4 0) 0 I N rl N 0 m ..I * L rl In m 9 6 * In L In r, m u9 6 .? 0 In e u9 .I m 0 I r( (D 0 I N rl N OD 0 1 rl m 0 I N I4 N .? o m h 0 6 Q In . r, -8 N In 4 N r- - rl M I 4 W 0 I N rl N 4 4 I ..I m 0 I cy rl N N 0) J 0 ., m 0 1 rl 0 0 I N 4 N 11 m/ mi ..I 0' 1 Ql I d I N 4 N ir ~r , I* I I I 1 I I 2 0 L: ii c _. c - - N P) N" c )hCI - $0.- )oL I- 0 4 m lo 9 m 0 m a OD VI m * m N 0 I N m 0 I N .4 N N 0 I nl m 0 I N d N 4 r( e (n .4 .o c 00 In r, * N N m 4 I- .I n 0 I N m 0 I N 4 N In 0 I N m 0 I N .4 N N N 0 4 rq 01 m e 0 lo a m cn .o m .4 .4 .) m 0 1 N m 0 I N d N m 0 I N 00 0 I N m I- I- m I- YI m m .I m Y) OD 0 ul m I- e m .4 0 t r( (n 0 I N 4 N .4 0 I d (n 0 I N .4 h( OD (r e 0 N 10 r( 0 .4 .) * a m 4 m ., OD N .4 * 0 I r( 0, 0 I N d N 4 0 I 4 m 0 I N d N 4 .4 m I- O OD 0 m 0 e 0, In 0 m m m . 0 PI 0 I r( 0, 0 I N d N I- O I 4 r), 0 I nl d nl UV II ac A; ma oc II NP dr NC d4.4 h(h((Y I I NN I .. NN I I i Owner City of Carlsbad Assessment District No. 85-2 (College Boulevard) Summary of Assessments by Owner Community Resources Corporation Huntington Beach Company Kelly Property Koll Company Unsubdivided Parcels Subdivided Lots Total Koll Company Palomar Land Group Total Amount Assessed Benefit Assessment Assessment Zone As Estimated As Confirmed 2 3,048,305.00 2,404,240.60 1 1,270,500.00 1,054,355.01 3 10,350.00 8,363.28 4 6,356,910.00 5,450,798.38 5 520,090.00 462,246.37 6,877,000.00 5,913,044.75 .@? 6 255,845.00 190,246.36 z*18’ €7+@ 11,462,000.00 9,570,250.00 # ? c DIAGRAM OF ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 85-2 (COLLEGE BOULEVARD) CITY OF CARLISAD SAM DIEOO COUNTY, STATE OF CALIFOIIWIA LOCATION 4 K€Y MAP LIOT TO 6LUC FILED IN WE OFFICE Of THE ClTl CLERK OF Ti€ CITl Of CARLISAD THlS - OA- Of , 1186. ClTl CLERK Of THE CITT Of CARLSBW RLCDROEO IN THE OFFICE OF TME SWERINTENDEMT or STREETS OF TME CITT of CULSBAD THIS - DAT or , 1116 I c SUPERINTENDENT Of STREETS Of THE ClTT Of CARLSBAD ' U ASSESSMEMT UAS LEVIED IT THE ClTl COUNCIL Of THE ClTT DF CARLSBAD 01 THE LOTS. PIECES AND PARCELS Of LAW SWWU OU TMIS ASSESS- MEYT DIALRU. SA10 ASSESSMENT YAS LLVIED ON THE - DAT Ot , I98bi SAID ASSESSMENT OIACUJI AND THE ASSESSMENT ROLL WERE RECORDED IN THE OFFICE Of THE SUPEIINTENDfNT Of STREETS Df SAID CITT ON TnE OAT Of 1986. REfERENCE IS WE TO THE ASSESSMENT ROLL RECOIDED IN THE OfFlCL Of THE SUPERINTENOEHT Of STILET5 *OR TNL CXUT MOUNT & EACH CITY CLERK Of TML CITT OF CARLIBAD riLco inis - DAT Of , 1986, AT TMC HOU. Of - O'CLOCK -.m. IN DOQ - ot ucs O? AsscssMcNT DISTIICTS, CALL NDS. - THIOYLM -, AS INSTRULNT NO. , IN IME WflCE Of THE CRIIlT RECOIOEI Ot TML COWTl OF SYI OIECO, STATL Of CALIFORNIA. rtc: RECMDER Or TMI COUNTT Or SLY OIL60 REFEnEYCE TWE SAN MfbO COUHTV ASSESSOR US FOR A mA.ILE0 OfSCllmOW OF PAREL LlyS AND -S SWEET I OF 9 SHEET6 LOO-0 1 I-oc c c DIAGRAM 'OF ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 85-2 (COLLEGE BOULEVARD) CITT OF CARLSaAD ' SAN DlEOO COUNTV'. STATE OF CALIFORNIA i DIAGRAM OF ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 85-2 (COLLEGE BOULEVARD) CITT O? CARLSBAD SAW DlLOO COUIITV. STATE OF CALICORWIA Engineers Planners A SANEERNARDINO SANDIEGO CITY OF CARLSBAD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 85-2 (COLLEGE BOULEVARD ) CONFIRMED ENGINEER'S REPORT March 25, 1986 Engineer of Work: NESTE, BRUDIN & STONE INCORPORATED Engineers -- Planners Corona - Hemet - Palm Springs Rancho California - San Bernardino - San Diego California NBS Project No. E68-015.009 AGENCY: CITY OF CARLSBAD PROJECT: ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 85-2 (COLLEGE BOULEVARD) TO: CITY COUNCIL CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEER'S REPORT PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 10204 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE Pursuant to the provisions of the "Municipal Improvement Act of 1913," being Division 12 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, and in accordance with the Resolution of Intention, being Resolution No. 8376, adopted by the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF CARLSBAD, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, in connection with the proceedings for ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 85-2 (COLLEGE BOULEVARD) (hereinafter referred to as the "Assessment District"), I, NORMAN A. NESTE, authorized representative of NESTE, BRUDIN & STONE INCORPORATED the appointed ASSESSMENT ENGINEER, submit herewith the Report for the Assessment District, consisting of five (5) parts as follows: PART I Plans and specifications for the proposed improvements are filed herewith and made a part hereof. Said plans and speci- fications are on file in the Office of the City Clerk. PART I1 An estimate of the cost of the proposed improvements, includ- ing incidental costs and expenses in connection therewith, is as set forth on the lists thereof, attached hereto, and are on file in the Office of the City Clerk. PART I11 A proposed assessment of the total amount of the costs and expenses of the proposed improvements upon the several subdivisions of land within the Assessment District, in proportion to the estimated benefits to be received by such subdivisions, from said improvements, is set forth upon the assessment roll filed herewith and made a part hereof. Page 1 of 2 PART IV A diagram showing the Assessment District, the boundaries and the dimensions of the subdivisions of land within said Assessment District, as the same existed at the time of the passage of the Resolution of Intention, is filed herewith and made a part hereof, and part of the assessment. PART V Description of the work for the proposed improvements and description of all rights-of-way, easements and lands to be acquired, if necessary. Dated this 17th day of January I 1986. NESTE, BRUDIN & STONE INCORPORATED i n G& ASYSESSMENT ENGINEER CITY OF CARLSBAD STATE OF CALIFORNIA PRELIMINARY APPROVAL BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ON THE 28TH DAY OF JANUARY , 1986. /s/ Aletha L. Rautenkranz CITY CLERK CITY OF CARLSBAD STATE OF CALIFORNIA FINAL APPROVAL BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ON THE Jd-sh DAY OF mahC/3 , 1986. CITY CLERK I CITY OF CARLSBAD STATE OF CALIFORNIA Page 2 of 2 c r- c ENGINEER'S REPORT PART I CITY OF CARLSBAD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 85-2 (COLLEGE BOULEVARD) PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS The plans and specifications for this Assessment District are referenced herein and incorporated as if attached and a part of this Report. 1-1 ENGINEER'S REPORT PART I1 CITY OF CARLSBAD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 85-2 (COLLEGE BOULEVARD) c COST ESTIMATE Estimated Confirmed cost cost I. PUBLIC WORKS OF CONSTRUCTION Construction Costs Cost Estimate) (reference Exhibit "A" to $ 8,340,015 $ 7,079,036.3 $2- Construction Contingency 834,000 744,200. 0Ow' TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS OF CONSTRUCTION $ 9,174,015 $ 7,823,236.31 11. RIGHT-OF-WAY $ O$ 0.00 111. PAYMENTS c City of Carlsbad Costa Real Municipal Water District San Diego Gas E, Electric Company $ 9,000 $ 9,000.00 6,000 6,000 .OO 270,000 270,000.00 $ 285,000 $ 285,000.00 TOTAL PAYMENTS IV. INCIDENTAL EXPENSES Design and Construction Management Design and Design Surveys Soils Construction Management, Bidding and Inspection Plan Printing Plan Check Fees Assessment Engineering Environmental Impact Report Paleontology Study Bond Council Other Legal Printing, Publishing and Posting Bond Registration and Paying Agent Land Market Value Appraisal Cost of Issuance City Administration Contingency $ 210,500 $ 210,500.00 141,000 141,000.00 272,500 27,000 81,800 45,000 0 35,000 65,000 8,000 6,000 8,000 272,500.00 27,000.00 81,800.00 65,000.00 0.00 35,000.00 65,000.00 8,000.00 6,000.00 8,000.00 10,000.00 80,000.00 49,900.00 40,000.00 80,000 49,900 40,000 TOTAL INCIDENTAL EXPENSES $ 1,069,700 $ 1,099,700.00 11-1 c V. LESS CASH CONTRIBUTION City of Carlsbad Traffic Signals Effluent Disposal Line Incidental Expense TOTAL CASH CONTRIBUTION VI. LESS INTEREST EARNED DURING CONSTRUCTION SUBTOTAL VII. FINANCING COSTS Bond Reserve and Discount TOTAL AMOUNT ASSESSED Estimated Confirmed cost cost $ 150,370 $ 127,100.00 309 , 793 281,720.00 6.000 0-00 $ 466,163 $ 408,820.00 $ 320,000 $ 281,600.00 $ 9,742,552 $8,517,516.31 $ 1,719,448 $1,052,733.69 $11,462,000 $9,570,250.00 11-2 4 4 cc vl vl rr) .. I I 1 2 0 Y C u 3 (r c v) 2 0 u u. 0 +* AC Uv) CO ov c tC Uv) tO av ** ++ A+ Uv) CO OU C Ct nul 20 7V 99 I- u z 3 * c- H c 2 a 3 0 2 0 U t b U a W VI w a SO UJO CZ U ._ o o ie o o 'o o o lo o 010 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0'00 OIO 0 0!000~000~000~0 0.00 010 0 0'0 0 0 0 .I 0 *I 81 8 .I !oodoo t3 4 '37 9 8,* .I. .I. .-a 0 *IO 0 010 0 0100 0 0 0 0 ow 9 wll- * w I** N 0%- u mio v) rtmm N o r( 0 * ..I qm-4 m * YIH c * 0 000 0 0 0Q0,000000~0 *I* 0 *I a -8 0 si N'O 0 N'O 0 0'0 0 0 0 I-I* em o o o ao m o * u. a 000'00 000100 !. 8 .I. 0 or0 0 o!o 0 010 0 010 0 0010 ooio o ooo ooo 8 .I. 88. Si8 * *I8 . e 0 N,O, r-" I- N *I* Qlv) a v) 0 w a 0 0 * 9 0 0 m 0 ** IIu. -.I4 i* * c U 2 3 * c U c z U ¶ 0 2 0 U c U W w 0 a a !oo,loo 010 0 010 *I ,I VI I- N 9 NWlO o'w 0 010 0 010 *[e a N N10 * -1, 0' v) loll 00000 v)LnlnoLn mmmmm d.-I-+.-I4 .' a . . .. >uuou !u. 0 Y a '* urxwu, vowuur Dc .I E 1 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 MONS MAR ZSlr 1986~- 5:25 PH.-- , - - _-__ ___ \I-- - I I PuGrc UORK SCHEDULE I -_ 1 BID ITEMS 0 ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT * COST COST * It COST , I _I 69 70 . 71 12 13 74 75 76 77 78 79 - I- 80 dl 82 . 83 a4 85 .- a6 ~. a7 88 89 90 91 - 92 93 94 95 90 .- - 91 100 --- STORH DRAIN CLEANOUT T 0. STORM DRAIN CLEANOUT T 0. STDWH ORAIN.€LEANOUT.T 0, STORM DRAIN CLEANOUT 1 0. STbRM DRAIN CLEANDUT TYPE 39 1.0 EA $59 300.00 S5r300- 00 S3r 900. cuza OUTLET TYPE A _______- 0 .-""-E OWt0 000,o OUTLET 033-3 OE 750.0 750.0 CONCRETE PIPE COLLAR (061 OE 225.0 225.0 CONCRETE PIPL COLLAR CO=r u 8SQ.O 4 89 -4 CONCRETE LUG 2.0 EA $710.00 tlr540.00 $450. STRAIGHT HEADUALL TYPE B <D=18m) 3.0 EA $3.000.00 19r000.00 $1.300. - - 0 00. 0 00 . 0 00. 00 s3r400. 00 $3.900. s1,300.0 $115.0 0 0 5150.0 0 $300_,9 00 $900.0 00 $39900.0 7 U TYPE tiEADUALL-<O=60"~ YING HEADUALL CD=18') L TYPE hEADYALL CD=27*) INLET APRON ABM APRON RIP RAP ENERGY DLSSIPATOR 120.0 CY $75.00 S9r000.00 157.00 SLOPE ANCHOR (CCNCRETE-.ANCHORS 199,9 65030 PCC DITCH 500.0 $7.5 CONCRETE SPLASH YALL 600.0 115.0 ._ PAVEHENT CUT OFF-WAL 380.0 ___I 225.0 Llr296.O BARRICADE TYPE M-9.1 48.0 LF $41.25 $19980.00 $27.00 CITY MONUMENTS 21.0 EA $230.00 $49830- 00 $430.00 $9.030.0 PRESSURE REDUCSNLJT STREET LfGHTS PRESSURE REDUCING ST ? TRENCH CTELCO) 1,945.0 LF $7.50 $37 o 87. so $4.00 119,780.0 T _. MAIN TRENCH <EL?&& TRENCH <GAS) 225.0 LF 17.50 $1 I 687 50 13.50 Ll5r600.00 2-5" ENCASED BURIEO ELECTRIC CONDUIT 3r520.0 LF $5.50 S19t360.00 $4.00 $1 49 080.00 1-2" 0 I R EC T BU RI ED_-ELE~REtO~D 1-3" DIRECT BURIED ELECTRIC CON0 1-4" DIRECT BURIED ELECTRIC CON0 - 1-5' DIRECT iiURIED~E~EC7~IC~OND .z ,. - * -: .,-- .. .. .. . . .. , .. . _i -., . . ,. - ...,. c c c v) z IU t U 0 U m *+ .Jl- Uv) CO c ou ct- HVI 20 3u *+ 1)+ Jl- *v) co DV b -I- ..(- LO 3u ** c U 2 a b c L+ t z U 1 0 z 0 U c U o u v) w 0 a I. wo cz U 10 0 ,yo 0 0:o 0 0'0 0 m fo 0 of0 0 0 Ir- 0 0'0 0 0 '0 0 0 I low 00 0 *~oooloo mw m*io 0 miwo OlO 0 00 0 01 0 00 0 0 0100 0.0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 O(90 oio 0 0 0 0 01 e 9 VI e e 91 e 9 e 9 e** 9 e e 9 mi9 e eie e 9 e 9 vi iammoooooooooml-oohlmhloooooooo Im rq 4- m oooo~oo YIC moI o 01 orno hm o NO 00 io 0 010 0 0 0 0 olo 0 m'o 0 P 0 0 Oi v\ 0'0 0 olo 0 0: IO 0 010 0 0 00 0'00 0 0 In w4 0 0 010 l- 0 0 0 ob 001 19 9 ala e 9 e e/* vi9 ai* el9 e eie e .:e 9 e ilr m a o o 0'00 010 o .* r( e Y o o m Y r) o o o No o 01 0 0 0 00 010 0 rq In e10 0 0.0 0 l-N LnN YY e- 00- 0 0 m10 0 0 0 0 0 C 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 I e 9 *le 9 elm 9 ai. 9 e/* 9 era e 9 0 0 -80 0 0 0 VI YI Y) 0 m i0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 m.* 00 4 N mN 0 NplO 00 00 Q, Q do1 VI 01- e WIN 0 C,O Q, .C 4 0 0 0Oh9O-ia dOOj@OO'r(N PO0 m*m m a N.OI a e Y Y r(*Y n e e e c -we e e,- e mi- LY+.L a 0 0 d 0 0 0 0 0 0'0 0 0 00- /(Vm 4llr 0 0 00 00 0 0'0 ON!O 0 0l-M 0 0 OOiQ 00' 9 9 .$e e. e el Id m *I* m 0'0 0 040 0 *I* rq Y,O m In e 4 m m 0 .* 0 0 01 e e 91. e ere e +le e eie e vie jr(~)~~mwmooooo ~(LI ,a+m ~n~l-o*ooo~ w IYNv)of-amQ ,I lrqn)Y Ird* do01 io 0% lnj.0 jrqd Wj r) m m Q .o hl m r6 Y) e e m e Q, t- rq rq m m Q Y m . e 0 !: 10 I j c. c 0 0 0 0 N m II) N * - 0 0 0 H 0 D D * * D m 4 4 U J a U C > 1 e 3 L 1 1 3 > 3 4 2 c 3 J > .A 4 t 0 c f L.. I 21 p! vl N .. In .I -0 m r( m . * N Ly U E 2 0 X - i i i I I ~ I ! i , .. u W id rn ia Q ! e? Y ,- .:.& ui :-. .. c* I - j aD mi U 0 W m I :i . .- ..i.." ., , 1 .. CA ;*>. .I ...... .* . . : .- . &I . o! . 3 I' c . '_- r. c - __ . I I P .. A 4w w -a ZA uo LV hW A U n I am n c c c- omoooooooooooo ONOOOdIAOOO0000 *I* . .,a . . . . . . . U UI -I 0 u1 z u ul a a 0 u, v) c u) 0 V 2 0 n c u 3 a. c m I , goo0 7 IAON 0 m z 4 7 ; j I c 2 -0 .Y c -0 L' 0 v) Y LT -0 3 V H A m .T3 a H ENGINEER'S REPORT PART I11 CITY OF CARLSBAD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 85-2 (COLLEGE BOULEVARD) ASSESSMENT ROLL WHEREAS, on January 28, 1986, the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, did, pursuant to the provisions of the "Municipal Improvement Act of 1913", being Division 12 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, and as amended, adopt its Resolution of Intention No. 8376, for the construction of certain public improvements, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in a special assessment district known and designated as ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 85-2 (COLLEGE BOULEVARD) (hereinafter referred to as the "Assessment District"); and, WHEREAS, said Resolution of Intention, as required by law, did direct the appointed Superintendent of Streets to make and file a "Report", consisting of the following: a. Plans; b. Specifications; c. Cost estimate; d. Assessment Diagram showing the Assessment District and the subdivisions of land contained therein; e. A proposed assessment of the costs and expenses of the works of improvement levied upon the parcels and lots of land within the boundaries of the Assessment District. For particulars, reference is made to the Resolution of Intention as previously adopted. NOW, THEREFORE, I, NOFWAN A. NESTE, authorized representative of NESTE, BRUDIN & STONE INCORPORATED, the duly appointed ASSESSMENT ENGINEER, pursuant to the "Municipal Improvement Act of 1913", do hereby submit the following: 1. I, pursuant to the provisions of law and the Resolution of Intention, have assessed the costs and expenses of the works of improvement to be performed in the Assess- ment District upon the parcels of land in the Assessment 111-1 c c c 2. District benefited thereby in direct proportion and relation to the estimated benefits to be received by each of said parcels. For particulars as to the identi- fication of said parcels, reference is made to the Assessment Diagram, a copy of which is attached hereto. As required by law, a Diagram is hereto attached, show- ing the Assessment District, as well as the boundaries of the respective parcels and subdivisions of land within said District as the same existed at the time of the passage of said Resolution of Intention, each of which subdivisions of land or parcels or lots respectively have been given a separate number upon said Diagram and in said Assessment Roll. 3. The subdivisions and parcels of land the numbers therein as shown on the respective Assessment Diagram as attached hereto correspond with the numbers as appearing on the Assessment Roll as contained herein. 4. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that bonds will be issued in accordance with Division 10 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California (the "Improvement Bond Act of 1915"), to represent all unpaid assessments, and the last installment of said bonds shall mature a maxi- mum of NINETEEN (19) YEARS from the 2nd day of September next succeeding twelve (12) months from their date. Said bonds shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed the current legal maximum rate of 12% per annum. 5. By virtue of the authority contained in said "Municipal Improvement Act of 1913", and by further direction and order of the legislative body, I hereby make the follow- ing Assessment to cover the costs and expenses of the works of improvement for the Assessment District based on the costs and expenses as set forth below: 111-2 Public Works of Construction: Payments to Other Public Agencies or Utilities: Incidential Costs: Cash Contributions: Interest Earned During Construction Financing Costs: Balance to Assessment: AS APPROVED PRELIMINARILY $ 9,174,015.00 $ 285,000.00 $ 1,069,700.00 $ 466,163.00 $ 320,000.00 $ 1,719,448.00 $11,462,000.00 AS CONFIRMED $7,823,236.31 $ 285,000.00 $1,099,700.00 $ 408,820.00 $ 281,600.00 $1,052,733.69 $9,750,250.00 For particulars as to the individual assessments and their descriptions, reference is made to the Exhibit attached hereto. 6. The Method of Spread of Assessment is as set forth in Exhibit "A", which is attached hereto, referenced and so incorporated. DATED: January 17, 1986 NESTE, BRUDIN & STONE INCORPORATED -. NT ENGINEER CITY OF CARLSBAD STATE OF CALIFORNIA 111-3 c E I I I I I t L 4 C e C C Y Y 0 Y ne r)m II a 01 UN SO I1 UN 44 UN CA < i m - m 0 9 .+ N 0 . 0 a ul -8 m .r In In N m 0 1 0 N 0 1 N d N m 0 I 0 N 0 I N rl N c . 0, m 0 c a * 0 * e e m e 0 I 0 c 0 I N d N 3 I 3 I Y r( Y a c 000 11 I I 000 hcC 00 I1 " dd m ..' 0 d f * m OI' 4 I * N I a 4 L z 0 L I .I I '-_ D I N 4 N N w 0 m . 0 N rl m 0 4 Ir N e m N * d I 0 + 0 I N rl N * rl I 0 I- 0 I N rl ry * In 0 011 m Y) In e m OI .a w m 011 0 m Y) L N 0 I rl 011 0 I N d N hl 0 I 4 m 0 I N d N 0 0 r( d rl In m m e 0 - 0 0 N 0 * -4 . m 0 I r( m 0 I N rl N IJl 0 I r( m 0 I N 4 hl .a 6 0 * In m e In r, In 0, 0 IJl r- In e a0 0 1 rl m 0 I N 4 N 011 0 I 4 m 0 I N rl N '0 * I- O m a In e r, r, N In rl N b e rl rl I d m 0 I N d N d 4 I r( OD 0 I N 4 N m m m c- * e m J L IA 6 m N m N e . e * rl I d m 0 I N 4 N 4 r4 I r4 m 0 I N 4 N (D 0 rl I H 00 0 I N * N dd NO I1 c c , U 2 0' =, i N N * 0 .+ -a o, 0 0 -a rg * m cn -a m d * . OD 0 I N OD 0 I N * N m 0 I N 0 0 I N 9-4 N m m f- I- o, r- IC) c 6 a 0 0 m m f- a . d 0 I r4 o, 0 I N d N m * * N N m J r- ., IC) 0 I N OD 0 t N r4 N m 0 1 N m 0 I N 4 N _- OD e OD In m c -e OD N 0 I N (0 0 I N d N N 0 I N m 0 I N * N I c .. . +ma ooc Ill d*.. em0 ooc I 'I I NY~ e*- iN ooc Ill *dC o,mo ooc I 'I I N In) e **- n( iN e 0 3 a 01 o, r4 J c 0' c I I Y * N * N I a - E I c - 2 0 =I , I I, as CITY CLERK of the CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALI eby certify that the fore- going Assessment, together with -the Diagram attached thereto, - was filed in my office on the 2& +b day of IfAuuaf;!,o 1986. CITY CLERK A CITY OF CARLSBAD STATE OF CALIFORNIA v I, , as CITY CLERK of the CITY OF 14reby certify that the fore- going Assessment , together with’ the- Diagram -attached thereto, was approved and confirmed by the City Council of said City on the 2zsct* day of )Tmc~ , 1986. CITY CLERK CITY OF CARLSBAD STATE OF CALIFORNIA I, &/v ~Of9A/~dMd , as SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS of the CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, do hereby certify that the foregoing Assessment, together with the Dia r attached thereto, was recorded in my office on the day of -6 , 1986. ,$?E@ S~PERINTENDE~ STREETS CITY OF CARLSBAD STATE OF CALIFORNIA 111-4 ENGINEER'S REPORT PART I11 CITY OF CARLSBAD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 85-2 (COLLEGE BOULEVARD) EXHIBIT "A" METHOD AND FORMULA OF ASSESSMENT SPREAD The law requires and the statutes provide that assessments, as levied pursuant to the provisions of the "Municipal Improvement Act of 1913,'' must be based on the benefit that the properties receive from the works of improvement. The statute does not specify the method of formula that should be used in any special assessment district proceedings. The responsibility rests with the Assessment Engineer, who is retained for the purpose of making an analysis of the facts and determining the correct apportionment of the assessment obligation. For these proceedings, the City has retained the services of Neste, Brudin & Stone Incorporated. See Attachment I for a statement of their qualifications and experience. The Assessment Engineer then makes his recommendation at the public hearing on the Assessment District, and the final authority and action rests with the City after hearing all testimony and evidence presented at that public hearing. Upon the conclusion of the public hearing, the City must make the final decision in determining whether or not the assess- ment spread has been made in direct proportion to the benefits received. Analvs i s City of Carlsbad policy Statement No. 33, effective May 29, 1984 sets the policy for use of Assessment Districts to finance Public Improvements. The improvements include arterial streets identified on the circulation element of the Carlsbad General Plan. It further permits certain improve- ments within the arterial street right-of-ways to be financed and to include, sewers, water lines, drainage and public utilities. The arterial street to be constructed and financed by this assessment district is College Boulevard from El Camino Real to Palomar Airport Road. This street permits only limited access to adjoining property and in general point access is limited at 1300 feet intervals. The City Council and Planning Commission have given approval to several final subdivision maps, tentative maps, general plan amendments within the boundaries of the Assessment District. These approvals incorporate approximately 81.3% of A- 1 c c c c I c c c c the land area of the assessment district. Specific conditions for approval of the above planned projects are found to be similar for the total area. The similarities are : 1. Full width right-of-way and full width improvement of the arterial road through the subdivision in accordance with city standards, including median island is required. 2. Full width right-of-way, full width grading and half width improvement (excluding sidewalks and median landscape treatment) of the arterial road from the subdivision boundary to an existing arterial road is required. 3. Drainage facilities for the protection of the arterial roads are required. A Public Facilities Fee is collected and a portion of said fee is used to finance specifically designated traffic signals. The City will pay for the following improvements. 1. Traffic signal at the intersection of El Camino Real with College Boulevard and Palomar Airport Road with College Boulevard (Public Facilities Fund). 2. Effluent disposal line in College Boulevard (Capital Improvement Program). Benefits and Assessment Criteria Where area is used to determine an assessment, the area of any prime and major arterial right-of-way, either existing or proposed has been subtracted from gross area for any given parcel of land. In addition, dedicated open space and land anticipated to be used for public purposes has been deducted from gross area. Direct benefits will accrue to the lands within the assessment district by the construction of improvements to College Boulevard consisting of; grading, base material, paving, curb and gutter, sidewalk, street lights, landscaping, median improvements and appurtenant work; water, sewer and drainage; and public utilities consisting of gas, telephone and electrical. College Boulevard traverses through the assessment district and crosses the three major land ownerships of the Huntington Beach Company, Community Resources Corporation and the Koll Company. Each of the major owners in the development of their property are required as a condition of subdivision A- 2 approval'to make the improvement to College Boulevard as it passes through their property. As a part of the assessment district financing each of the major owners have selected certain improvements to be installed within College Boulevard as it passes through their respective properties such as permanent landscaping versus erosion control measures. Therefore, since each owner is required to construct College Boulevard, the cost of those improvements to the street as said street passes through the individual properties, has been assessed to those individual properties adjacent thereto. There are certain improvements constructed within El Camino Real and Palomar Airport Road that provide for the transition of traffic lanes and minor street improvements to facilitate the traffic flow from those two streets onto College Boulevard. In addition, there is a relocation of a major water line that crosses College Boulevard that provides the main source of water supply to the lands in the assessment district. The cost of the relocation of this water line and the transitional facilities on El Camino Real and Palomar Airport Road have been assessed to all three major owners in proportion to the length of College Boulevard passing through their respective properties. Payments to public agencies and utilities have been assessed to all three major owners in proportion to the length of College Boulevard passing through their respective properties. Carlsbad Airport Centre, in the development of their property and through the construction of College Boulevard also provide ingress and egress to two other smaller ownerships and these two ownerships receive direct benefit by the construction of College Boulevard. Therefore, a portion of the cost of those improvements which have been assessed to the Carlsbad Airport Centre have further been distributed to two additional properties in proportion to the benefits that each property receives. Carlsbad Pacific Business Center owns property within two areas which receive different direct benefits; 1) undeveloped area adjacent to College Boulevard 2) subdivided parcels which access College Boulevard for ingress and egress Therefore, a portion of the cost of those improvements which have been assessed to the Carlsbad Pacific Business Center have been distributed to the two areas in proportion to the benefits that each area receives. Benefit zones have been established for properties with similar benefits and are as follows: A- 3 c c c Benefit Zones 6 Owner Huntington Beach Company Carlsbad Airport Centre Robert P. Kelly Carlsbad Pacific Business Center Carlsbad Pacific Business Center Palomar Land Group Limited (subdivided parcels) Incidental expenses and interest earned during construction were prorated to each of the benefits in accordance with each benefit’s share of the total construction costs. Financing costs were prorated to each of the benefits in accordance with each benefit’s share of the total construc- tion, utility payment and incidental costs. In conclusion, it is my opinion that the assessments for the above-referenced Assessment District have been spread in direct proportion with the benefits that each parcel receives from the works of improvement. DATED : January 17 , 1986 c NESTE, BRUDIN & STONE INCORPORATED QbL ‘“ASSESSMENT EN~NEER CITY OF CARLSBAD STATE OF CALIFORNIA c c A- 4 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ATTACHMENT I TO EXHIBIT "A" NESTE, BRUDIN 6 STONE INCORPORATED STATEMENT OF ASSESSMENT ENGINEERING QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE Construction Number Project Title Project Contract of and Client cost Date Parcels Design Features BALDY MESA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT Eugene Alexander General Manager 619/244-9111 BIG BEAR LAKE, CITY OF Robert Van Nort General Manager 714/866-5831 $ 3,000,000 1982 1,047 AD 1 Water System: 2 MG water storage tank; 168,600 LF 6"-10" water lines; fire hydrants. 3,000,000 1985 1,000,000 1984 1,000,000 1984 2,465,400 1982 3,460,500 1982 1,000 AD 18-84 and 18-85 Street Improvements, Subareas 1 through 9: 20,000 LF asphalt concrete paving, grading and appurtenant drainage structures 35 AD 17 Public Works Improvements: 2,000 LF 8" sewer lines; 7,000 LF 8" water main; 3/4-mile street and storm drainage improvements; appurtenances. 75 AD 16 Public Works Improvements: 6,500 LF 8" sewer lines; 5,500 LF 6"-12" water mains; hydropneumatic booster station; 1.5 miles street and storm drainage improvements; appurtenances. 652 AD 15 Sewer System: 21,400 LF 8"-10" sewer lines; 4,650 LF 4"-6" laterals; 2 lift stations. AD 14 Sewer System: 49,600 LF 8"-10" sewer lines; 11,300 LF 4"-6" laterals; 345 lift station. Construction Number Project Title Project Contract of and Client cost Date Parcels Design Features BIG BEAR LAKE SANITATION DISTRICT* $ 1,621,000 1975 2,040 466,000 1974 380 448,000 1974 363 357,000 1973 342 488,498 1966 656 167,231 1964 220 46,834 1963 45 197,000 1962 N/A 48,000 1962 N/A *System conveyed to City of Big Bear Lake, upon incorporation, in 1981. AD 10 Sewer System: sewer lines; 22,400 LF 4" laterals. 103,700 LF 6"-15" AD 13 Sewer System: 26,600 LF 6"-8" sewer lines; 3,100 LF 4" laterals. AD 12 Sewer System: sewer lines; 4,300 LF 4" laterals. 25,000 LF 6"-8" AD 11 Sewer System: 26,050 LF 6"-10" sewer lines; 4,300 LF 4" laterals. AD 9 Sewer System: sewer lines; 10,796 LF 4"-6" laterals; 2 lift stations. 43,235 LF 8"-12" AD 8 Sewer System: 14,112 LF 4"-18" sewer lines; 1,237 LF 6" force main; lift station. AD 7 Sewer System: sewer lines; 26,760 SF asphalt pavement rep lacement. 4,965 LF 6"-8" AD 5 Sewer System: sewer lines; 9,000 SF asphalt pavement 12,875 LF 3"-10" replacement; 1 sewage lift station. AD-6 Sewer System: 12,378 LF 6"-12" sewer lines; 1,456 LF 4"-6" sewer laterals; 31,510 SF asphalt pavement replacement; 1 sewage lift station. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I -- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 Construction Number Project Title Project Contract of and Client cost Date Parcels Design Features CARLSBAD, CITY OF Gene Donovan City Engineer 6191438-5596 $ 5,120,000 Not 21 AD 86-1 Palomar Airport Road: Street Applicable improvements to Palomar Airport Road (126' wide), approximately 1.0 mile, including water, drainage, telephone, gas and electric (1931 Act only), (assessment engineering only). 11,462,000 1986 15,772,400 Not Applicable 65 AD 85-2 College Boulevard: Street improvements to College Boulevard (102' wide), approximately 1.9 miles, including water, sewer, drainage, telephone, gas, electric, and cable TV, (assessment engineering only). 126 AD 85-1 Cannon Road: Street improve- ments to Cannon Road, (102' wide), approximately 2.9 miles, including water, drainage, telephone, gas and electric, and sewerage system improvements, including pump station, force main and 43,355 LF of 8"-36" sewer line (1931 Act only), (assessment engineering only). I Construction Number Project Title Project Contract of and Client cost Date Parcels Design Features CHINO, CITY OF Ray Wellington Director of Pub 1 ic Works 7 141627-7577 COLTON, CITY OF Phil Elliott City Manager 714/370-5051 CORONA, CITY OF Jim Wheaton City Manager 714/736-2374 I I I $36,850,000 Not Not Preliminary Assessment District Applicable Applicable Study (Southerly Industrial Area): Preliminary evaulation of the major public facility needs (backbone street, water, sewer, industrial waste, and storm drain improvements), costs associated with the provision of those improvements and funding methodologies available to secure implementation of the improvements for the development of approximately 2,500 acres for industrial use (study only). 2,500,000 36,000 16,998,000 I I I 1980 1976 215 AD 1978-2 Public Works Improvements: Wastewater collection; water trans- mission; street improvements; flood control and drainage; and other general improvement facilities (assessment engineering only). 48 AD 1975-1 Sewer System: 1,000 LF 8" sewer lines; 320 LF 6" laterals (assessment engineering only). Not Not Sierra Del Oro Community Facilities Ava ilab le Availab le District (Mello-Roos): 1,500-acre residential and neighborhood commercial development, including park site and improvements; fire station; water reservoir; water filtration plant; and wastewater treatment capacity (assess- ment engineering only). I I I I I I T-A I I I I I I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 Construction Number Project Title Project Contract of and Client cost Date Parcels Design Features CORONA, CITY OF (continued) $ 570,000 1984-85 14,187 Maintenance District No. 84-1, Street Lighting: Ordinary and usual mainte- nance, operation, and servicing for city-wide street lighting system and conversion to high-pressure sodium lighting (assessment engineering only). 5,000 297,000 54,700,000 1984-85 1985 1985 9 Maintenance District No. 84-2, Land- scaping: Landscaping maintenance for various subdivided tracts. 2 Assessment District No. 84-1, Public Works Improvements: Buy-in in for two excluded parcels of AD 79-2 for water, sewer, flood control, street, and other public works improvements. 121 AD 79-2 Public Works Improvements, 1.460-Acre Residential. Commercial. and Industrial Land Development: 56,200 LF 12"-30" water lines, 3 MG and 4 MG buried concrete reservoirs, and 2,000 gpm water booster station; 46,000 LF 6"-18" sewer lines, 800 LF 4"-6" laterals, chimney laterals, and wastewater pump stations (2 MGD, 264 gpm, 120 gpm); 21,900 LF 8'x5' box culverts, 1500 LF 8'x4' box culverts, 5 storm drain and 2 pipeline connections to Arlington Flood Control Channel, transition structures, concrete-lined channels, and graded (earth diversion channels; 5 miles of major and i Construction Number Project Title Project Contract of and Client cost Date Parcels Design Features CORONA, CITY OF (continued) $10,000,000 903,000 CRESTLINE SANITATION DISTRICT $ 381,000 Tom Sutton General Manager 714/538-1751 328,000 369,000 442,000 623,000 557,000 I I I 1 i I 1981 1980 1976 1976 1976 1976 1975 1975 secondary streets, new bridges over Riverside Freeway 91 and AT&SF Railroad, 2 freeway access ramps, widening 2 bridges over Arlington Flood Control Channel, and widening an existing railroad grade crossing; and underground telephone, gas, and electric facilities in all streets and hookups to existing facilities. 108 AD 80-1 Sewer System: capacity rights to Santa Ana Regional Interceptor (assessment engineering only). 101 AD 79-1, Fire Station No. 4: Con- struction of 4-bay fire station. 23 1 AD 12 Sewer System: 16,550 LF 6"-8" sewer lines; 1,455 LF 4" laterals. 187 AD 11 Sewer System: 13,900 LF 6"-8" sewer lines; 1,576 LF 4" laterals. 188 AD 10 Sewer System: 14,355 LF 6"-8" sewer lines; 2,325 LF 4" laterals. 210 AD 9 Sewer System: 17,409 LF 6"-8" sewer lines; 2,460 LF 4" laterals. 379 AD 8 Sewer System: 28,217 LF 6"-8" sewer lines; 1,947 LF 4" laterals. 364 AD 6 Sewer System: 25,736 LF 6"-8" sewer lines; 3,276 LF 4" laterals. I I I I t 1 T-h 1 I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 Construction Number Project Title Project Contract of and Client cost Date Parcels Design Features CRESTLINE SANITATION DISTRICT $ 1,203,867 1973 (continued) 572,000 1967 DESERT HOT SPRINGS COUNTY WATER DISTRICT Richard Dippner General Manager 619/329-6498 604,512 1967 687,000 1967 800,000 1985 650,000 1984 460,000 1982 350,000 1982 1,639,000 1977 914,000 1972 480 AD 5 Sewer System: 86,290 LF 8"-12" sewer lines; 12,840 LF 4"-6" laterals. 523 AD 4 Sewer System: 37,559 LF 8"-10" sewer lines; 6,176 LF 4" laterals. 524 AD 3 Sewer System: 34,924 LF 6"-8" sewer lines; 4,056 LF 4"-6" laterals. 551 AD 2 Sewer System: 42,543 LF sewer lines; 5',289 LF 4"-6" laterals; pump stat ion. 111 AD 8 Sewer System: Planning stage. 160 AD 7 Sewer System: 7,290 LF 8" sewer lines; 5,240 LF 4" laterals. 165 AD 5 Water System: 11,410 LF 16" water lines. 102 AD 4 Sewer System: 3,975 LF 8" sewer lines; 3,375 LF 4" laterals. 2,103 AD 3 Sewer System: 43,000 LF 8"-10" sewer lines; 51,821 LF 4"-6" laterals. 877 AD 1 Sewer System: 48,515 LF 8"-15" sewer lines; 28,774 LF 4"-6" laterals. Construction Number Project Title Project Contract of and Client cost Date Parcels Design Features ELSINORE VALLEY MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT $ 373,900 1984 Jim Laughlin General Manager 714/674-3146 ESCONDIDO, CITY OF Dennis Wilson Public Works Direct or 6 19/ 74 1-465 1 I I I 1 I I 102,300 1984-85 8,326,000 1983 116 AD 84-1 Sewer and Water Systems: Capacity rights for conveyance,. treatment, and disposal of wastewater and storage of water for domestic use and fire protection (assessment engineering only). 20 Maintenance District No. 1, Reidy Creek: irrigation system for 4,150 LF environmental channel; 50,000 SF aquatic landscaping; 470,000 SF riparian landscaping; 340,000 SF upland landscaping. I I I I I 1 rn 45 AD 2-1980 Public Works Improvements, 145-Acre Land Development: 7,800-LF 8"-24" sewer lines; 12,800 LF 8"-12" water lines, including 6 connections to existing lines; 415O'x115'x15' environmental channel, 3,800 LF 18"-48" storm drainage pipelines, 900 LF 7'~6'-12'xlO' box culverts, and 2,000 LF 24"x12" concrete brow ditch; 2 miles of streets and intersection improvements; and underground telephone, cable TV, gas and electric facilities (assessment engineering only). 1 I I I I I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 '- '1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 Construction Number Project Title Project Contract of and Client cost Date Parcels Design Features ESCONDIDO, CITY OF (continued) HEMET, CITY OF Lyle Alberg City Manager 714/658-9411 $ 73,000 1973 13 70,000 1971 128,000 1970 209,000 1969 111,000 1969 149,150 1967 N/A N /A N /A N/A 34 AD 1-1971 Street Improvements: 1.25 miles street improvements, 13,753 LF curbs and gutters; 2,856 LF 8" sewer lines; 3,637 LF 8" water lines; 2,808 LF 18"-48" storm drain; 18 fire hydrants; sidewalks and driveways. AD 4-1970 Street Improvements: 0.5 miles street improvements, 2,701 LF curbs and gutters; fire hydrants. AD 1-1964 Sewer System: 6,994 LF 8"-15" sewer lines. AD 1-1968 Street Improvements: 1.9 miles street improvements, 10,218 LF curbs and gutters; 83 LF 18" storm drain; sidewalks. AD 2-1968 Street Improvements: 0.8 miles street improvements, 4,310 LF curbs and gutters; 862 LF 8" sewer lines; 2,114 LF 6" water lines; water lines; 143 LF storm drain. AD 64-3 Public Works Improvements: 2,941 LF 4"-8" sewer lines; 4,518 4"-8" water mains; fire hydrants, service lines, meter boxes; 37,906 SF driveway approaches, sidewalks, cross gutters; 7,528 LF curbs and gutters; 236 LF drainage box culvert and asphalt lined drainage ditch; street paving, street name and warning signs; appurtenances. Construction Number Project Title Project Contract of and Client cost Date Parcels Design Features HEMET, CITY OF (continued) LAKE ARROWHEAD SANITATION DISTRICT Don Mauk Manager, LACSD 714/337-6141 I I 1 I I I $ 259,382 1966 253,860 1965 174,332 1965 1,119,000 1983 608,000 1975 864,000 1975 162 AD 64-2 Public Works Improvements: 6,934 LF 4"-10" sewer lines; 9,797 LF 6"-10" water mains; fire hydrants, service lines, meter boxes; 126,325 SF driveway and alley approaches, sidewalks, cross gutters; 23,467 curbs, gutters, and storm drains; street paving; appurtenances. 125 AD 64-4 Public Works Improvements: 7,938 LF 4"-10" sewer lines; 45 LF 8" water main; 61,676 SF driveway approaches, sidewalks, cross gutters; 18,578 LF curbs and gutters; street paving; appurtenances. 122 AD 64-1 Public Works Improvements: 10,300 LF 4"-8" sewer lines: 4.040 LF 54 456 568 I I I I I I - .^ ,- 6"-10" water mains; 42,500 SF driveway approaches, sidewalks, cross gutters; 8,420 LF curbs and gutters; street paving, street name and warning signs; appurtenances. AD 8 Sewer System: lines; 800 LF 6" force main; pump stat ion. 27,000 LF 8" sewer AD 6 Sewer System: sewer lines; 2,950 LF 4" laterals. 28,834 LF 6"-8" AD 3 Sewer System: sewer lines; 5,200 LF 4" laterals; 2 35,370 LF 3"-8" lift stations. I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - -1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 Construction Number Project Title Project Contract of and Client cost Date Parcels Design Features LAKE ARROWHEAD SANITATION $ 421,000 1974 DISTRICT (continued) 477,552 1967 400,000 1965 LAKE HEMET MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT Leonard Hale General Manger 714/658-3241 300,000 153,000 201,000 197,000 234,000 149,000 1969 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 349 435 205 38 1 230 456 501 571 404 AD 5 Sewer System: 19,472 LF 6"-8" sewer lines; 2,640 LF 4" laterals. AD 2 Sewer System: 34,787 LF 6"-8" sewer lines; 3,451 LF 4"-6" laterals. AD 65-1 Sewer System: 16,622 LF 8" sewer lines; 20 LF 4"-6" laterals; 11,400 LF pavement replacement; appurtenances. AD 69-1 Sewer System: sewer lines. 40,996 LF 4"-8" AD 68-1 Sewer System: 23,468 LF 4"-8" sewer lines. AD 65-2 Sewer System: sewer lines. 39,952 LF 4"-8" AD 66-1 Sewer System: 38,222 LF 6"-8" sewer lines. AD 65-1 Sewer System: 44,473 LF 6"-8" sewer lines. AD 64-1 Sewer System: sewer lines. 31,754 LF 6"-8" Construction Number Project Title Project Contract of and Client cost Date Parcels Design Features LOMA LINDA SANITATION DISTRICT City of Loma Linda City Engineer 714/796-2531 PERRIS, CITY OF Robert Briscoe City Manager 714/657-5115 PLACER, COUNTY OF Public Works Director 916/823-4515 RAMONA MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT John Stratford General Manager 6 19/789-1330 I I I $ 170,000 1967 437 AD 67-1 Sewer System: 20,912 LF 8"-12" sewer lines; 5,968 LF 4"-6" laterals. N /A 1966 17,350 1,085,000 I I I 516,900 680,000 I 1984-85 1975 1984 1983 I N/A AD 66-1 Sewer System: 6,526 LF 8" sewer line; 155 LF 4"-6" laterals; 7,452 LF pavement replacement; appurtenances. 403 Maintenance District 84-1, Street Lighting: Ordinary and usual mainte- nance, operation, and servicing of 79 street lights, 9,400-22,000 lumens; fiscal year 1984-85 (cost estimating, assessment engineering only). 240 AD A-83 Public Works Improvements: 13,453 LF 6"-8" sewer lines; 12,217 LF 4"-12" water lines; 791 LF 18"x40"~33" drain pipe; 5,085 LF 6" subdrain pipe; 16 fire hydrants. 18 AD 83-1 Water System: 9,300 LF 10" water line (assessment engineering only). 163 AD 82-1 Sewer System: 11,599 LF 8" sewer line; 138 laterals; payment dwelling unit equivalent charges (assessment engineering only). I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . '1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I Construction Number Project Title Project Contract of and Client cost Date Parcels Design Features RENO, CITY OF $ 3,860,700 1985 Robert Jackson Public Works Director 702/785-2020 RIVERSIDE, COUNTY OF Ivan Tennant Road Commissioner 714/787-2434 RUBIDOUX COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT Hank Snyder General Manager 7141684-7580 930,065 1985 675,707 1969 186,000 1968 RUNNING SPRINGS WATER DISTRICT $ 1,030,000 1974 Jim Towns General Manager 714/867-2766 667,000 1974 385,000 1972 619,000 1972 155 AD 1984-2 Street Improvements: Downtown redevelopment project, planning stage (assessment engineering only). 24 AD 149 (San Sevaine Way) Street Improvements: Extension, widening and/or modifications to San Sevaine Way (88' wide), approximately 1.0 mile, and Bain Street (75' wide), approx- imately 0.30 mile (assessment engineering only). 2,937 AD 130 Gas Pipe, Mead Valley: 168,960 LF 2"-4" natural gas pipeline. 327 AD 5 Sewer System: 21,093 LF 4"-8" sewer lines; 643 LF 4" force main; lift stat ion. 540 AD 7 Sewer System: 65,200 LF 6"-8" sewer lines; 11,700 LF 4" laterals. 625 AD 6 Sewer System: 47,200 LF 3"-8" sewer lines; 7,000 LF 4" laterals. 56 1 AD 5 Sewer System: 26,600 LF 6"-8" sewer lines; 6,350 LF 4"-6" laterals, 631 AD 4 Sewer System: 48,221 LF 6"-10" sewer lines; 9,871 LF 4"-6" laterals. Construction Number Project Title Project Contract of and Client Cost Date Parcels Design Features RUNNING SPRINGS WATER DISTRICT $ 356,000 1971 (continued) SAN BERNARDINO, CITY OF Roger Hardgrave Public Works Director 714/383-5025 SAN BERNARDINO, COUNTY OF Regional Manager Dick Ricker, Chino Valley 714/988-1542 362,000 1970 378,000 1970 3,000,000 1980 30,000,000 1986 458 AD 3 Sewer System: 28,064 LF 6"-8" sewer lines; 4,371 LF 4" laterals. 507 AD 2 Sewer System: 33,992 LF 4"-8" sewer lines. 472 AD 1 Sewer System: 35,230 LF 4"-8" sewer lines; 547 LF 4" force main. 200 AD 5861 Public Works Improvements, 200-Lot Low-Cost Housing Project: sewer and water lines; flood control and drainage; street improvements; and underground utilities (assessment engineering only). I I I I 1 I I I I I I I -F .I 1,233 AD 86-1 Public Works Improvements, 5,750-Acre Chino Hills Residential, Commercial. and Industrial DeveloDment: Wastewater collection, water, transmission; flood control and drainage; streets; and other general and other general improvement facilities. (The second in a series of assessment districts, Mello-Roos Community Services District, and utility revenue districts to fund the construction of over $220 million in public works improvements). I I 1 I I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Construction Number Project Title Project Contract of and Client cost Date Parcels Design Features SAN BERNARDINO, COUNTY OF $41,900,000 1985 (continued) SAN JACINTO, CITY OF Ross Namar City Manager 714/654-7337 273,000 185,000 1966 1966 222 AD 85-1 Public Works Improvements, 6,700-Acre Chino Hills Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Development: Wastewater collection, treatment and reclamation; water supply storage and transmission; fire protection; flood control and drainage; streets and highways; parks and public buildings; and other general improvement facilities. (The first of a series of assessment districts, Mello-Roos Community Services Districts, and utility revenue districts to fund the construction of over $220 million in public works improvements). 284 AD 65-3 Street Improvements: 2.0 miles street improvements, 18,565 LF curbs and gutters; 10,873 LF 4"-8" sewer lines; 824 LF 4"-10" water lines; 8 fire hydrants. 247 AD 65-2 Street Improvements: 1.9 miles street improvements, 14,786 LF curbs and gutters; 10,183 LF 4"-8" sewer lines; 4,785 LF 4"-6" water lines; 2,382 LF copper service lines, 2,313 LF 3/4"-1" polyethylene pipe; driveways, alley aprons, sidewalks. 1-15 Construction Number Project Title Project Contract of and Client cost Date Parcels Design Features SAN JACINTO, CITY OF (continued) SAN MARCOS COUNTY WATER DISTRICT Bill Rucker General Manager 619/744-0460 I I I $ 275,000 1965 454 7 1,000 3,400,000 2,212,582 644,700 2 , 300,000 1964 1981 1978 1978 1976 160 232 78 28 57 i I I I I I I 1 L T-1 h AD 65-1 Street Improvements: 2.7 miles street improvements, 21,511 LF curbs and gutters; 14,452 LF 4"-10" sewer lines; 2,390 LF 4"-6" water lines, 2,378 LF 3/4"-1" copper service lines; 5 fire hydrants; driveways, alley aprons, sidewalks. AD 64-1 Street Improvements: 1.25 miles street improvements, 8,392 LF curbs and gutters; 7,096 LF sewer lines. AD 76-2 Water System: 51,000 LF 6"-12" water lines; pumping and chlorination facilities; 33 fire hydrants. 4 MG steel tank; AD 76-3 Water System: 2.75 MG steel tank; 17,677 LF 16"-30" water lines; chlorination facility; pressure reducing and metering stations. AD 76-1 Water System: tank; 3,740 LF 24" water lines; metering and telemetry stations. 1.0 MG steel AD 75-1 Water System: Two 1.25 MG steel tanks; 48,031 LF 8"-18" water lines; pump and cathodic test stations. I I I I I I I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 --.-- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I Construction Number Pro j ect Tit le Project Contract of and Client cost Date Parcels Design Features SANTA ROSA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT John Schulte Manager-Engineer 714/676-2646 VALLEY CENTER MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT John Hennigar General Manager 619/749-1600 YUCAIPA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT Ed Magyar General Manager 714/797-5117 $ 1,848,700 1985 289 933,000 1978 3,000,100 1986 3 , 800,000 1986 2 800,000 1986 3,400,000 1986 4 050,000 1986 3,430 000 1986 11 508 779 399 698 1,209 757 AD 85-1 Street Improvements: 0.6 miles of improvements to existing 22'.wide paved road; 4.8 miles of new 22' wide paved road; 1.4 miles of new 16' wide paved road (assessment engineer, design, survey and construction management). AD 78-1 Water System: 1.0 MG water tank; 12,060 LF 8"-16" water lines; pump station modifications. AD 9 Sewer System: lines; 12,500 LF 4"-6" laterals. 47,000 LF 8" sewer AD 8 Sewer System: 60,000 LF 8" sewer lines; 18,000 LF 4"-6" laterals. AD 6 Sewer System: 45,300 LF 8" sewer lines; 12,000 LF 4"-6" laterals. AD 5 Sewer System: 53,000 LF 8" sewer lines; 15,000 LF 4" laterals. AD 3 Sewer System: lines; 28,600 LF 4"-6" laterals. 55,500 LF 8"-10" AD 11 Sewer System: 53,600 LF 8" sewer lines; 18,500 4"-6" laterals. Construct ion Number Project Tit le Project Contract of and Client cost Date Parcels Design Features YUCAIPA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT (continued) I I I $ 2,205,000 1985 398 2,620,000 1985 547 2,530,000 1985 590 32,934,200 1984 11,000 1,521,000 1,437,300 882,500 1,739,300 1978 1978 1978 1977 I 693 428 414 700 AD 12 Sewer System: 36,400 LF 8" sewer lines; 6,400 LF 4"-6" laterals. AD 10 Sewer System: lines; 13,500 LF 4"-6" laterals. 42,200 LF 8" sewer AD 7 Sewer System: 37,200 LF 8" sewer lines; 13,500 LF 4"-6" laterals AD 20 Regional Sewage Treatment System: 3.0 MGD wastewater treatment plant; septage disposal system; 4 pump stations; 155,965 LF 4"-24" sewer lines; 18,450 LF 4"-6" laterals. AD 4 Sewer System: 48,709 LF 8" sewer lines; 18,071 LF 4"-6" laterals, AD 1 Sewer System: 54,813 LF 8" sewer lines; 9,877 LF 4" laterals. AD 13 Sewer System: 30,563 LF 8" sewer lines; 12,230 LF 4" laterals. AD 2 Sewer System: 53,929 LF 8"-15" sewer lines; 16,392 LF 4"-6" laterals. I I I 1 I ENGINEER'S REPORT PART IV CITY OF CARLSBAD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 85-2 (COLLEGE BOULEVARD) ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM The following enclosure contains a full-size copy of the Assessment Diagram for said Assessment District as preliminarily approved. e IV- 1 c c c DIAGRAM OF ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 85-2 (COLLEGE BOULEVARD) CITY OF CARLSBAD SAY DIEGO COUNTY. STATE OF CALIFORWIA LOCATION 4 KEY MAP NOT TO 3CALC FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OF TnE ClTT OF CARLSBAO THIS - DAY OF , 1906. CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF CARLSBW RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT or STREETS OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAO inis - OAT or , 1986. SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS OF THE CITY OF uusnm , *II ASSESSMENT UAS LEvtEo BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY of CARLSBAD ou THE LOTS, PIECES AND PARCELS OF LINO SHOW MI THIS ASSESS- REFERENCE ts WOE TO THE ASSESSUENT ROLL RECORDED IN THE OFFICE of THE SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS ron TnE EXACT MOUNT 6.~ EUH MEN1 DIACRM. SAID ASSESSMENT WAS LEVIED ON THE - DAY OF 1986. SAID ASSESSMENT DtACLM AN0 THE ASSESSNENT DAY OF 1986. ROCL WERE RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT Of STREETS Of SA10 CITY dN THE * ASSESSMENT LEVIED ACAINST EACH PARCEL OF LAN0 SHOWN MI TMIS ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM. CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF CARLSMO O'CLOCK -.PI. IN SoOK - or UPS or ASSCSSM.ICNT FILED THIS - OAT or , 1916, AT THE HOUR OF - THROUGH -, AS INSTRUMENT NO. , IN THE OFFtCE OF THE COUNTV RECORDER Or THE COUNTT OF DISTRICTS, PACE NOS. - SUI DIECO, STATE OF CALtfORNIA. ?El?: CWTT RECORDER OF THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO REFERENCE THE $AN DIE60 COUNTY ASSESSOR YUS FOR A DETAILED DESCRICTION OF PARCEL LlpES AND DIUENSONS SHEET I OF 4 SHEETS Elm-0 16-009 e c e c c c f i DIAGRAM 'OF ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 85-2 (COLLEGE BOULEVARD) CITV OF CAIILSBAD . 8AN DlEQO COUNTY. STATE OF CALIfOnNIA BENEFIT ZONE 2 BENEFIT ZONE 1 ii \ c c e c c c DIAGRAM OF ASSESSMENT DISTRICT (COLLEGE BOULEVARD) am Diiao tounrv. STATE OF cALironwiA CITV Of CARLSIAD NO. 85-2 ENGINEER'S REPORT PART V CITY OF CARLSBAD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 85-2 (COLLEGE BOULEVARD) DESCRIPTION OF WORKS OF IMPROVEMENT AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY TO BE ACQUIRED DESCRIPTION OF WORKS OF IMPROVEMENT Generally, the works of improvement consist of the construc- tion of College Boulevard to a 64-foot fully improved paved street within a 102-foot right-of-way which extends from El Camino Real southwesterly to Palomar Airport Road. Street construction shall consist of grading, including cut and fill slopes with landscaping and irrigation; Portland Cement concrete curb and gutter, sidewalks, cross gutters, asphaltic concrete pavement and untreated base and subbase of varying thicknesses; raised medians with landscaping and irrigation; traffic striping, sign control, signals; and minor drainage structures, together with all appurtenances and appurtenant work. The furnishing and planting of street trees, shrubs and ground cover in the parkways and fill slopes will include preparation of soil, excavation, backfill, staking, guying, and the installation of an irrigation system. The construction, planting, and installation of street median landscaping and planting of street trees, shrubs and ground cover in the parkways and fill slopes will include prepara- tion of soil, planting of trees, shrubs, and ground cover; and the installation of an irrigation system to serve all landscaped areas including automatic controllers, piping, emitters, electrical wiring, pull boxes, and all piping and gate valves, together with all appurtenances and appurtenant work for the installation and maintenance of the landscape and irrigation system in the street medians. Traffic signals will be provided at the intersections of College Boulevard with El Camino Real and Palomar Airport Road. Construction and installation of safety lighting along College Boulevard and said traffic signals shall include all excavation and backfill; Portland Cement concrete footings; the furnishing and installing of street lights including standards, luminaires, blasts, and lamps; installation of all detector loops, signal arms, mastheads and controls and shall v- 1 perform all work including installation of conduit, with pull boxes, electrical service, and any interconnections between signals as may be required along with all appurtneances and appurtenant work needed for the complete installation of traffic signals and safety lighting. In conjunction with the construction of surface improvements in College Boulevard, water, sewer, drainage, telephone, gas, electric and cable television improvements will also be provided. Street, sewer and drainage facilities will be owned and maintained by the City of Carlsbad; water facilities will be owned and maintained by Costa Real Water District; telephone facility will be owned and maintained by Pacific Bell; gas and electric facilities will be owned and maintained by San Diego Gas and Electric; and cable facilities will be owned and maintained by Carlsbad CATV. The following describes subsurface improvements in more detail. Construction and installation of a water system consisting of 8-inch, 10-inch, 12-inch, 14-inch, 16-inch, and 18-inch diameter water lines, including excavation and backfill with special bedding, thrust blocks, valves, blow-offs, vacuum and air release valves, service connections, fire hydrant assemblies, and two pressure reducing stations together with the appurtenances and appurtenant work. Construction and installation of a sewerage system consisting of 6-inch, 8-inch and 12-inch diameter sewer lines and 10-inch and 14-inch force main and 10-inch effluent disposal line with tees, manholes, trenching and backfilling, all together with the appurtenances and appurtenant work. Construction and installation of storm drain systems will consist of 18-inch, 21-inch, 24-inch, 27-inch, 30-inch, 33-inch, 42-inch, 48-inch, 54-inch, 60-inch, and 84-inch diameter reinforced concrete pipe, transition structures, junction structures, curb inlets, manholes and head walls, together with all the appurtenances and appurtenant work. Construction and installation of underground utility systems (telephone, gas, electric and cable television) consisting of ducts, pipes, manholes, pull boxes, junction structures, laterals, risers, switching equipment, gas pipelines, valves, and services, and the trenching, backfilling, together with the appurtenances and appurtenant work including the relocation and/or removal of existing overhead utility systems. v- 2 c . RIGHT-OF-WAY CERTIFICATE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO The undersigned, Donald E. Donovan, hereby CERTIFIES UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY that the following is all true and correct. At all times herein mentioned, the undersigned was, and now is, the duly appointed City Engineer and authorized repre- sentative of the CITY OF CAF.LSBAD. That there have now been instituted proceedings under the provisions of the "Municipal Improvement Act of 1913 ,I1 being Division 12 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, for the construction of certain public improve- ments in a special assessment district known and designated as: ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 85-2 (COLLEGE BOULEVARD) (hereinafter referred to as the "Assessment District"). THE UNDERSIGNED STATES AND CERTIFIES AS FOLLOFIS: (check one) (x) a. That all easements, rights-of-way, or land neces- sary for the accomplishment of the works of improvement for the above referenced Assessment District have been obtained and are in the possession of the City of Carlsbad. ( ) b. That all easements, rights-of-way or land necessary for the accomplishment of the works of improvement for the above referenced Assessment District have been obtained and are in the possession of the City of Carlsbad, EXCEPT FOR THOSE ATTACHED HERETO, showing legal descriptions and plats of rights-of-way and easements not yet obtained at this time. It is further acknowledged that works of improvement as proposed to be constructed within said Assessment District must be constructed within public rights-of-way, land, or easements as owned by said City at the time of the construc- tion of the works of improvement, and the undersigned hereby c c v- 3 further Certifies that all rights-of-way necessary for the works of improvement will be obtained and in the possession of the City prior to the commencement of any construction. t4 3+P Zb EXECUTED this &'%lay of , 1986. f-=BE&L&&z* CITY OF CARLSBAD v- 4