HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-04-01; City Council; 8563; AUTHORIZATION TO REQUEST PROPOSALS TO PREPARE A FISCAL ANALYSIS OF THE GENERAL PLAN* c2 w > 0 ~y Q e < .. z 0 5 $ a z 3 0 0 Q/ Cw OF CARLSBAD - AGENm BILL AB# 85-63 TITLE: AUTHORIZATION TO REQUEST PROPOSALS TO DEP1 CITY MTG. DEPT.PT.M. CITY 4/1/86 PREPARE A FISCAL ANALYSIS OF THE GENERAL PLAN. RECOMMENDED ACTION: AUTHORIZE staff to send out Reauest for Proposals to five consulting firms to prepare a fiscal analysis of the City's G Plan. ITEM EXPLANATION One of the recommendations which resulted from the Citizens Committee Review of the Land Use Element was to prepare a fif analysis (Economic Impact Report) of the City's General Plan. addition, last October Council Member Pettine requested the C Council to consider the economic impact of residential, cornme and industrial land uses on the City's tax base and public facilities (copy of memo attached). Staff has prepared a Request for Proposal and is forwarding j the City Council for review and authorization to send it to f consultant firms. Once the proposals are received they will reviewed by a selection committee consisting of a representat from the Planning Department, Finance Department and City Mar Office. This selection committee will then make a recommendi to the City Council for hiring a consultant to proceed with t analysis. FISCAL IMPACT None at this time. When staff returns with a recommendation hiring a consultant, the cost of the study will be known. A: other programs resulting from the Citizens Committee and invc consultants, funds would have to be transferred from the Cit: contingency account. EXHIBITS 1. Request for Proposal 2. List of Consultants 3. Memorandum from Council Member Pettine dated 10/28/85 w 1200 ELM CARLSBAD, C DEVELOPMENTAL S ERVl C ES LAND USE PLANNING OFFICE (619) 43( ditp of darls’bab SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR THE PREPARATION OF A FISCAL ANALYSIS OF THE GENERAL PLAN FOR THE CITY OF CARLSBAC PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Carlsbad is a rapidly growing city with a population of 45,O As shown on Figure 1, Carlsbad is located on the northern cc of San Diego County, thirty miles north of downtown San Die It is bordered on the north by the City of Oceanside, by Vi and San Marcos to the east, and the townships of Leucadia Olivenhain to the south. Carlsbad has a well balar combination of industrial, commercial and resident development, including a large regional shopping center, an ac retail center with several dealerships, a large industrial pi a regional airport, and is divided into four quadrants. ( Figure 2.) The city contains three lagoons, extens agricultural areas and large tracts of undeveloped land. AI 35% of the land area is presently developed. The total are; approximately 37 square miles, with about seven square mile2 county islands. These islands are within the City’s spherf influence and could be annexed. The City is currently in the process of updating the Land Element of its General Plan in accordance with recommendations of a 25 member Citizens Committee which appointed by the City Council in January 1985 to review the 3 Use Element of the General Plan. In association with this 1 Use Element update, the City also wants to evaluate the fi! future that is likely to result from decisions regarding the uses contained in the General Plan. e 0 Page TWO March 20, 1986 AVAILABLE INFORHATION Information pertinent to the scope of services will be ma available to the consultant. This information shall include t City's General Plan, demographic profile and an inventory of la uses, recently adopted ordinances which could affect the Gener Plan, and pending Citizens Committee recommendations. SCOPE OF CONSULTANT SERVICES The consultant shall prepare a fiscal analysis of the City Carlsbad's General Plan. In preparing a proposal, the consultant should address and agr to the following: 1) To provide a General Plan fiscal analysis within two ( to four (4) months from entering into an agreement wi the City. 2) The fiscal analysis shall examine the likely fisc future (costs and revenues) for the City over tl buildout of the existing General Plan by considerinq tl currently adopted land uses and pending Citizei Committee recommendations. 3) The analysis shall review existing relationships betvec residential, commercial, industrial, and open space la uses in order to evaluate the fiscal balance. Tf la uses are not adequate, then the Consultant should ma' recommendations so that the City can establish a prop1 balance between land uses at full buildout, on a city wide basis and by uuadrant. 4) The analysis shall examine and evaluate the relationsh between commercial and industrial land uses in adjoini jurisdictions and their fiscal impact on the City. 5) The analysis shall evaluate and project the futui revenue sources needed for City operations, publ. facilities and the maintenance of same at full buildoi of the City. 6) The analysis shall evaluate and make a recommendation ( the need for the City to have an ongoinq procedure review the economic impact of individual developmei projects . e 0 Page Three March 20, 1986 7) To provide twenty-five copies of the General Plan fisi analysis (including one reproducible copy). 8) To attend two to four public hearings and m, presentations as may be necessary as determined staff, PERSONNEL, QUALIFICATIONS AND REPEREPCES Please submit, with your proposal, a list of the persons actua carrying out the project along with the percentage of completed project that each person will contribute. AU!I!BORIXA+ION The proposal and bid shall be signed by an official authorized bind the proposer for a minimum of 90 days and shall contai statement that all work will be performed at a "not-to-exce contract price, which will become fixed upon completion contract negotiations. "Not-to-exceed" costs shall include individual breakdown of costs. EVALUATIOH CRITERIA Criteria for proposal acceptance: Primary regard will be gi to the technical competence and creative ability of consultant as demonstrated in the proposal. The City reser the right to reject any or all proposals if they inappropriate or inadequate. Evaluation shall be based on staff analysis of the propos submitted. The evaluation shall consider the experience of firm and its staff, proposal study program, proposed cornplet schedule, availability to work with City staff and ot information which may be considered significant. Interviews R a selection committee may be required. Final consult selection will be made by the City Council. COHTRACT DATE It is anticipated that a selection will be made and a contr prepared within four weeks following receipt of proposals. 0 Page Four March 20, 1986 ADDITIOHAL IBPORMATIOB This request for proposal does not commit the City to awar contract, to any costs incurred in the preparation of proposal to this request, or to procure a contract for servi or supplies. The City reserves the right to accept or reject or all proposals received as a result of this request, negotiate with any qualified source, or to cancel in part, or its entirety, this request for proposals if it is in the 1 interest of the City to do so. Should your firm wish to submit a proposal, please indicate J intention to do so in written/oral form, Final proposals are on April 16, 1986. If you have any questions or reqi additional information please contact Christopher De Cerbc (619) 438-5591, CITY OF CARLSBAD MICHAEL J. HOLZMILLER Planning Director MJH : CDD : ad Attachments i s0.m - *m W FIGURE 0 1 \ \ \ 1 \ \ \ \ CITY OF CARLSBAD ' QUADRANT MAP 0 (I) REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR. PREPARATION OF A FISCAL ANALYSIS OF THE GENERAL PLAN FOR THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Consultants Receivinq RFP COMMUNITY SYSTEYS ASSOCIATES, INC. c/o Marshall E. Krupp 203 South Brea Boulevard Brea, CA 92621 LAVENTHOL & HORWATH c/o Howard S. Sibelman 101 W. Broadway, Suite 1300 San Diego, CA 92101 CIC RESEARCH, INC. c/o Mr. Gordon Kubota 1215 Cushman Avenue San Diego, CA 92110 CRITERION INCORPORATED c/o Richard D. Emerson 11100 Roselle Street San Diego, CA 92121 c/o Bob Parrott Security Pacific Plaza, Suite 524 1200 3rd Avenue San Diego, CA 92101 SOURCEPOINT 0 m .I October 28, 1985 .b TO: MAYOR. AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Council Member Mark Pettine ECONOMIC PLANNING PROGRAM The economic health of our city is just as important as its environmental health. While it is essential that we focus upon the environmental impacts of our land use decisions we . must also focus upon the economic impacts of these same decisions. Presently the city has a healthy tax base. This tax revenue is used in part to pay for city operatiom as well as to construct, improve and maintain the city's public facilities The main sources of this revenue include property and sales tax, as well as the public facilities fees and interest collected from the above. The revenue produced by these sources may not always be available. For example, when the city reaches buildout the public facility fees will not be collected. This issue has been raised by the Chamber of Commerce in its June 1, 1984 report on Tourism. Additionally, competing commercial development outside of the city may diminish our sales tax revenue. should know whether the remainder of the tax base will make up for these reductions. At the'present time the city does not have a readily availab. source of economic information to address these issues. Therefore I would like to propose an Economic Planning Progr, which would: 1. Evaluate the economic impact of residential development upon the city's tax base and upon public facilities . Evaluate contributions to the city's tax base by existing and future commercial and industrial development and projections for same. When and if these contingencies occur the city 2. r e. e .. Mayor and City Council October 28, 1985 Page 2 3. Evaluate existing and future commercial and industrial development outside of the city and its effect upon the city's tax base. 4. Evaluate and project the future revenues needed for city operations, public facilities, and the maintenance of same, To facilitate the plan I suggest that the city either designate existing city personnel for this function, hire an economic planner, or as an alternative obtain the services of an economic consulting firm. Respec ully, NMC MARK V. PETTINE Council Member cc: City Manager * s- P/ Gw- '96 {LA& Lcu,A- C2A0u-4 FG+