HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-04-01; City Council; 8567; REDEVELOPMENT PLAN - RP 85-18 - CARLSBAD INN TENNIS CLUB - GENERAL PLAN DETERMINATIONI P Q 2 0 z a Q < z 0 g q J B 5 0 o .. pa I < I I' Cl@ OF CARLSBAD - AGENW BILL i- * AB# 8C'';t TITLE: RP 85-18 - CARLSBAD INN TENNIS CLUB - DEPT MTG. 4/1 /86 GENERAL PLAN DETERMINATION CITY A DEPT..RF.~ CITY I RECOMMENDED ACTION: Direct staff to process a General Plan Amendment to determine acceptable land uses for the ATbSF Railroad right-of-way I Red€ ment Plan and Design Manual Amendments, ITEM EXPLANATION On February 5, 1986, the Design Review Board considered RP 85- (Carlsbad Inn Tennis Club) which was a request for a Redevelop] Permit to build five tennis courts, a club house and a parking in the railroad right-of-way adjacent to Washington Street bet Oak and Pine. It was determined by the Design Review Board th the request could not be acted-upon because the General Plan d( not designate any specific land use other than railroad for thf right-of-way. Therefore, the Board would not be able to make ( finding that the project was consistent with the Land Use Elemt of the General Plan. It was determined that an amendment to tl General Plan would be necessary to designate acceptable land ut for the railroad right-of-way. The Design Review Board is recommending that staff be directed process a General Plan Amendment for the railroad right-of-way the Redevelopment Area and that RP 85-18 be continued until the amendment is completed. By minute motion, the Design Review Bc also recommends that appropriate uses for the entire railroad right-of-way through the City be considered at the same time. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Planning Director has determined that this project will not cause any significant environmental impacts and, therefore, iss a Negative Declaration, dated December 28, 1985. Because the Design Review Board did not approve the project, the Negative Declaration was not approved by the Board. FISCAL IMPACT The increased need for city capital facilities resulting from tl development will be offset by the payment of the public facilit: fee. Any capital facilities related directly to this developmer will be constructed and paid for by the developer. Increased operating expenses related to this development will be offset to some extent from increased tax or fee revenue generate by the development. No detailed economic impact analysis of thj development has been conducted at this time so predictions of tk portion of operating expenses covered by additional operating revenue creaked as a result of this project cannot be made. EXHIBITS 1 (. Staff Report to Design Review Board dated February 5, 1986 2. Letter from James Watkins dated February 21, 1986 HrrLILAllUN SUBMITTAL DATE. SEPTEMBER.. 1985 & 0 b STAFF REPORT DATE: FEBRUARY 5, 1986 TO: DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: RP 85-18 - CARLSBAD INN TENNIS CLUB - Request for a major redevelopment permit to build 5 tennis courts anc a clubhouse in the AT&SF Railroad right-of-way adjacent to Washington Street, generally between Oak and Pine Avenues, in Sub-areas 4 and 5 of the V-R zone. I. RECOMMENDATION That the Design Review Board ADOPT Resolution No. 062 DENYING RP 85-18, based on the findings contained therein. 11: PROJECT DESCRIPTION The applicant is requesting a major redevelopment permit to buil five regulation tennis courts and a 1,000 square foot clubhouse with a sundeck and spa, located as described above, on the west tennis facilities to guests of the Carlsbad Inn but also would b open to the public for membership or hourly use. One court woul be reserved for the exclusive use of Carlsbad Inn guests. Proposed hours of operation are 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily; three o the courts would be lighted. A small tennis pro shop would be located within the clubhouse. Eleven parking spaces would be provided for the tennis club. The applicant also is willing to construct an additional 25 spaces for public parking on adjacent land that the City could sublease from the applicant. Surrounding land uses include vacant land to the north and south, railroad tracks to the east and multiple family residential to the west. Access would be provided from Washington Street or Oal Avenue. Walking distance from the Carlsbad Inn is about two blocks. An unrelated'action which will occur before the club would open is that the Redevelopment Office, through a block grant, will have Washington Street paved between Elm and Oak Avenues. '. .. .a .. ,. -e ... side of the AT&SF Railroad tracks, These courts would offer e 0 111. ANALYSIS Planning Issues - 1) Should this project be approved before the beach area land use and traffic study is completed? 2) IS the project a compatible use at this location? 3) Is the project safe at this location? 4) Does the proposed project conform with the goals of S areas 4 and 5 of the Village Redevelopment Area? Discussion Beach Area Study Staff strongly believes that a decision on this project should postponed until after the beach area land use and traffic stud! authorized by Council has been completed. One facet of the st! will be to analyze and recommend types and intensities of uses for the railroad right-of-way. . That study is expected to be4 they can wait that long for a public hearing dn the project, as they are already advertising the Carlsbad Inn as having a tenni f ac il i ty . Another reason for waiting to analyze this project until after the Beach Area Study is done is that the City Council recently directed staff to have this study specifically analyze the feasibility of extending Washington Street from Elm Avenue to Tamarack Avenue to improve traffic circulation in the beach are The Council feels that the extention of Washington Street could help the overall circulation in the beach area which has been a problem in the past. Approval of this project would probably preclude such extension of Washington Street. Specific Project Concerns I.. . .. .. ' *: -completed' in the net% six Aohths:' the appl'idAnt 'does ' AOt feel' At this time, the project poses some serious questions and reservations with staff. First, this would be the initial commercial project to be built in the AT&SF Railroad right-of- way. (The only other uses in the right-of-way are a small park a City parking lot and a storage area.) It could be precedent setting for other commercial development to occur in what is essentially a 200-foot wide open space corridor or precedent setting in allowing other uses to put their recreation facilitic in the railroad right-of-way. This corridor provides the only real visual break left in the downtown beach area. This area wi developed before the City had any real open space requirements and as a result open area is limited. -2- e 0 In response to staff's concerns that a precedent will be set a the developer has. indicated that promotion of the tennis club will be done in conjunction with the Carlsbad Inn and not as a separate facility. In an effort to promote public use of the courts, the Inn is proposing to offer monthly tennis clinics, sponsor a Junior Tennis Tournament through the Parks and Recreation Department, have a weekly senior citizens day with reduced rates, and charge nominal fees for the general public. In addition, the courts will be fairly visible to people drivii through downtown. Staff is also concerned about safety. The project will bring more people closer to fast moving trains. In addition, it is likely that many tennis balls will be hit over the fence into the vicinity of the tracks area. It would be next to impossibl to keep players from retrieving these balls. The trains travel at a very high rate of speed and it would be difficult for someone to judge the distance they are away from an oncoming train. A more minor concern is the possible preclusion by the project a. future light rail Lie. San Diego/Tijuana System) line between ..- : .-' San.'Diego and Oceanside; 'The most- recent SANDAG study C1984)' ' which prioritizes future light rail systems in San'Diego predic a system through Carlsbad within 15 years using the existing Railroad right-of-way. The right-of-way may be wide enough for both the rail system and the tennis facility. Each new use or obstacle located in the right-of-way however, could make planni the system more difficult, and implementation more expensive. Land Use and Redevelopment Plan Compatibility The project would be near residential uses, and tennis courts adjacent to multiple family housing can be compatible. The courts could close at 9:OO p.m. and hooded light fixtures could addition, the courts could be removed in the future if necessar with some loss of revenue to the operator. If you look at the Design Manual for this area, the proposed project is technically located in Sub-areas 4 and 5 of the Redevelopment Area. The tennis facility as proposed is in Sub- area 4 which provides for heavy commercial/light manufacturing uses typically permitted by the commerical manufacturing zone. small portion of the proposed project, the parking lot, is located in Sub-area 5, which promotes tourist, recreational and commercial activities of the Village Center with the beach area Parking lots are an encouraged land use within Sub-area S. Staf doesn't believe that the railroad right-of-way really relates t either Sub-area since it was intended to be an open corridor to keep people away from a potentially dangerous situation. other commercial uses may propose to locate in the right-of-wa3 be used to focus all of the direct Light onto the courts. In -3- I l m a In summary, staff believes the project is an inappropriate use this time and could be precedent setting until the beach area study is completed and the possible need for Washington Street examined. In addition, the proposed project is essentially replacing tennis courts removed from the hotel site for the construction of the Carlsbad Inn facility, Carlsbad Inn could have allowed for provision of tennis courts on its own propert, as do most hotel/tirne share facilities that advertise tennis facilities. Because of the above reasons, staff recommends denial of RP 85-18. IV. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Planning Department has determined that this project will not have a significant effect on the environment and, therefort has issued a Negative Declaration on December 28, 1985. ATTACHMENTS 1) Design Review Board Resolution No. 062 2) Location Map .3) . Boundary Map - 5) Disclosure Form 6) Environmental Document 7) Exhibit "A" , dated January 24, 1986 8) Exhibits "B" - "D", dated September 11, 1985 9) Exhibit "Y" - Signatures of support NER:bn 1/30/86 .r -. ,. . . .~ .. . *** ' . -* 4) f Background 'Data' Sheet -4- I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ' .'I3 14 15' 16 17 18 19 0 e DESIGN REVIEW BOARD RESOLUTION NO. 062 A RESOLUTION OF THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD OF THE CI' CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, DENYING A REDEVELOPMENT PERb ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE RIGHT-OF-WAY WEST SIDE OF THE AT&SF RAILROAD TRACKS BETWEEN OAE CONSTRUCT FIVE TENNIS COURTS, A CLUBHOUSE AND PARE PINE AVENUES IN DOWNTOWN CARLSBAD, CASE NO,: RP 85-18 WHEREAS, a verified application has been filed wit City of Carlsbad and referred to the Design Review Board; a WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a I as provided by Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Municip the Design Review Board did, on the 5th day of February, 19 a duly noticed public. hearing to consider said application property described as: {See attached Exhibit "X" ) .* WHEREAS, at said hearing, upon hearing and conside testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to 1 heard, said .Board considered all factors relating to RP 85- It NOW, TK!LREZORE, BE IT Ei.FXEBY RESOLVED by the Desigi 'i APPLICANT: CARLSBAD INN, LTD. - - . .. ,. . .I - . *._ * I I 20 21i 22 23 24 25 26 27 Board of the City of Carlsbad as follows: A1 B) That based on the evidence presented at the public hear the Board DENIES R.P 85-18, based on the following findi That the above recitations are true and correct. Findings: 1) The proposed project is not in conformance with the goa objectives of Sub-area 4 of the Village Redevelopment z I //// 1 //// I ,I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 0 2) The proposed project could set a precedent for commei development in the railroad right-of-way that is pren light of the completion of a beach area land use stud The propose use is inappropriate because the entire L right-of-way will be laaked at in terms of possible f uses in an upcoming beach area land use study. At the recent request of City Council, the beach area study will analyze the possibility of extending Washi Street from Elm Avenue to Tamarack Avenue. project would preclude such extension if it is deemed feasible solution to traffic circulation problems. 3) 4) Approval 8 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting 10 11 12 13 ... 1 /the 5th day of February, 1986, by the following vote, to w AYES : NOES : a. .. .* .. 1 a. . I* 15 16 17 ABSTAIN: I ' JOHN MC COY, Chairperson CARLSBAD DESIGN REVIEW BO1 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 I I/ 1 I DRB RES0 NO. 062 -2- I I I I -.*.*&-A. A a 0 a LEGAL DESCRIPTION: That portion of that certain 200 foot right-of-way of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company as granted California Southern Railway company under the provisions the Act of Congress of March 3, 1875 (18 STAT. 482) and shown on the Map of said right-of-way filed in the Office of the Secretary of the Interior March 14, 1881 and approved May 12, 1881, lying within Lot 7 of Section 1 Township 12 South, Range 5 West, and in the West Balf of the Southwest Quarter of Section 6, Township 12 South, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Meridian, according to the official Plat thereof lying Southeasterly of a line drawn parallel with and 2 35.00 feet Northwesterly measured at right angles to the Southwesterly prolongation of the center line of Oak Avenue, as said Oak Avenue is shown on the Plat of Industrial Tract, according to Map thereof No 1743, dS filed in the Office of the County Recorder of Sa Diego County, and lying Northwesterly of a line drawn parallel with and 715.00 Southeasterly measured at right angles to said Southwesterly proIongation. .. .. * .. .-. .. , . 1.. . ..- . - e_. . .. . . -. *-,**, 'i ** I" .. 4 .I -- t .. . . ;. :. - PINE AVE SUB-ARE4 MAP ~ TENNIS CLI RP 85-18 I) e BACKGROUND DATA SHEE,T CASE W: RP 85-18 - APPLICANT: CARLSBAD INN, LTD. -ST AND IOCATION: Major Redevelopent Permit to build 5 tennis courts, clubhouse and parking lot in the AT&SF Railroad right-of-way betwen Oak and Pine Avenues in downtown Carlsbad. LM;ILI; CESCRIPTION: See attached Exhibit "X" APN: 203-010-14, 15 and 203-296-02 N/A Acres 1.5 Proposed No. of Lotsflnits &NERAL PLAN AND ZONIK Land Use Designation V-R -- ._. . .* - * .. *' .- *' - .- .- knsity Proposed N/A * * Ijekity AUO& ' . "/A . R-V Existing Zone V-R Ekoposed Zone Surrounding Zoning and Land Use: Zoning Land use Site V-R Vacant - Railroad Row North V-R Vacant South V-R Vacant East V-R Raihad Tracks west R-3 MF - PURLIC FACILITIES .., School District Carlsbad Water Carlsbad Sewer Carlsbad Ew's N/A Public Facilities Fee Agreement, dated September 5, 1985 ENVXRO"TAL IMPACT ASSESSMEKT X Negative Declaration, issued December 28, 1985 7 E.I.R. Certified, dated - Other, UaL1.LuII A c b il) e LEGAL DESCRIPTION: That portion of that certain 200 foot right-of-way of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company as granted t California Southern Railway company under the provisions ( the Act of Congress of March 3, 1875 (18 STAT, 482) and shown on the Map of said right-of-way filed in the Office of the Secretary of the Interior March 14, 1881 and approved May 12, 1881, lying within Lot 7 of Section 1 Township 12 South, Range 5 West, and in the West Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 6, Township 12 South, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Meridian, according to the Official Plat thereof lying Southeasterly of a line drawn parallel with and 235.00 feet Northwesterly measured at right angles to the Southwesterly prolongation of the center line of Oak Avenue, as said Oak Avenue is shown on the Plat of Industrial Tract, according to Map thereof No. 1743, as filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, and lying Northwesterly of a line drawn parallel with and 7 15 00 Southeasterly measured at right angkstcr said Southwesterly prolongation, .. ..' .. .. -. . .. . i. . -.a ,,cflac zu=ne= J~~LVLUAPCIUI~ . a --3------.-P JWy --ad -- -w -'vLaN- I C e. 0 AppLIcANT: Carlsbad Inn, Ltd., A California Limited Partnership Nme (individual 8 partnership, joint venture, cor_xration, synd: p.0, Box 2089, Del Mar, California 92014 Business Address 6191755-7778 Telephone NUII&J~Z Winners Circle Resorts International, Inc., (General Partnef) AGENT: Name -. P.O. Box 2089, Del Mar, California 92014 Business Address ,. 6191755-7778 . Telephone NuPber - .. . NmBEiS: James M. Watkins, President 355 14th Street, Del. Mar, Nzme *(individual. partner, joint - venture, coqoration, syndication) P.O. Box 99, Del Mar, CA 92014 Basiness Address 619/755-3991 Tele2hone N9-r . *Telephone Sumber Judi Carroll, Director of Development Home ZBress -. .- .... ... .. I.. . ... ........... .. e-.. 2.. -. -. . P.0. Box 5000, kl Mar, a Borne Mdzess xmn P.O. Box 2089, Del Mar, CA 92014 3Asiness Aridress 619/755-7778 ?sie$mE* NcsrSer Telepizone Xunber (Attach more sheets if necessaq) . ~/r.re dec1ce uzder penalty Of perjury that the infonation contained in this closure is t-2 and correct and that it will remain true and correct and nay relied upon as being true and correct until znended. Carlsbad Inn, Limited Winners Circle Resorts Internat General Partner Applicant . .. BY -I w$' &H.. .* t8 Omer, Partner I < 0 0 D EV EL0 PM ENTAL 1200 ELM / SERVICES CARLSBAD, CP LAND USE PLANNING OFFICE (619) 438 Citp of QCarIsbab NIZXL'IVE DECLARATION PRlxsEcT ADDRESS/LOCATICM: AT&SF Railroad right-of-way bemen Oak Avenue and Pine Street in downtown Carlsbad Mjacent to and on the west side of the PROJECT DESCRIPTION: tennis courts, a clubhouse, and parking lot in the m&SF Railroad right-of-way in downtown Carlsbad. Major redevelopnent prmit to construct five . '*I' .. . ; -- . Tiie city of Qrlsm ha^ rndudh ~AArar;nbrtdl rev~kw oi* tti above described project pursuant to the Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act and the Environmental Protection Ordinance of the City of Carlsbad, As a result of said review, a Negative Declaration (declaration that the project will not have a significant impact on the environment) is hxeby issued for the subject proje. Planning Department. A copy of the Negative Declaration with supportive documents is on file in the Planning Department, City Hall, 1 200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, CA. 92008. Comnents frm the public are invited, Please smit cmnts in writing to the Planning Ikpartment within ten (10) days of date of issuance. Justification for this cion is on file in the DATED: Bomber 28, 1985 CASE W: RP 85-18 Land Use Planning Manager APPLICiWT: Carlsbad Inn, Ltd, PUBLISH WE: Wanber 28, 1985 '221da @&& M &ao7 MICW J. €DL2 I m4 11/85 ~ Exhibit g r 0 0 WE THE UNDERSIGNED, SUPPORT THE PROPOSED TEYNIS FACILITY OF THE CARLSBAD INN BEACH AND TENNIS RESORT. I p FURTHERMORE, WE BELIEVE THAT THIS PROJECT CjlLL BENEFIT THE COMMUNITY OF CARLSBAD BY PROV I D I NG- NEEDED RECi3EAT I ONAL FAC I LIT I ES. i r if - NAME ADDRESS TEL EPH ON E \ * rl) v <id i iw~s 11 I\..\ rms IJ,?I VIA \ r HESORTS International, Inc. February 21, 1986 Mr. Marty Orenyak Director Building and Planning City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-1989 Dear Marty: Re: Carlsbad Inn Tennis Facility Needless to say we were extremely disappointed by the recent tun of events on the proposed tennis facility. However, we woulc still like to explore the possibility of developing the facilitj as proposed because we believe it would be a significani improvement for the area and of substantial benefit to tht community in addition to serving the Carlsbad Inn guests. As such, I would like to encourage the city to continue it: efforts to have the area rezoned to open space. Additionall] that designation would allow the city to upgrade and utilize the area for other more favorable community uses. Sincerely, v--- James M. Watkins JMW : b k cc: Chris Salamone %. 1 'i<2 C,imino Del Alar Post Office Box 99 Del Alar, Californi,i 92014 619 /733--3991