HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-04-01; City Council; 8571; Planning Commission appointmentsCIT- OF CARLSBAD - AGENE- BILL _________~ h6# k3/7 1 ~TG. 4/1/86 IEPT. cc DEPT. HD. TITLE PLANNING COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS CITY MGR. Adopt Resolution Nos. fL)7/7 and f47f, appointing two members to the Planning Commission. ITEM EXPLANATION: The terms of Kip McBane and James Smith expire in April, 1986. Smith was originally appointed to the Planning Commission in ganuary, 1984, and has submitted a letter expressing his desire not to be reappointed. Commissioner McBane was originally appointed to the Planning Commission in December, 1985 to fill an expired term. desire to be reappointed. Other Members of the Planning Commission are: McFadden, Robert Holmes and Clarence Schlehuber. Commissioner Commissioner McBane has expressed the Matthew Hall, Mary Marcus, Jeanne Copies of applications received in 1986 are attached for Council review. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. g'L/77 , appointing a member to the City of Carlsbad Planning Commission. Resolution No. fY7f , appointing a member to the City of Carlsbad Planning Commission. 2. 3. Letter dated March 18, 1986, from games A. Smith. 4. Copies of applications received in 1986. I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1E 19 2c 21 22 22 24 25 26 27 2E RESOLUTION NO. 8477 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING A EMBER TO THE CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION. WHEREAS, the term of Kip McBane expires in April, 1986; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, 'alifornia, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the following person is hereby appointed to serve as a member of :he Carlsbad Planning Commission, for a term to expire in April, 1990: Kip McBane PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City :ouncil held on the 8th day of April , 1986, by the following vote, ;o wit: AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettine NOES: None None ABSENT : LER, Mayor \TTEST: ( SEAL 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 la 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 8478 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING A EMBER TO THE CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION. WHEREAS, the term of games A. Smith expires in April, 1986; NOW, THEREFORE, RE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, 'alifornia, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the following person is hereby appointed to serve as a member of the Carlsbad Planning Commission, for a term to expire in April, 1990: Sharon Schramm PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Zouncil held on the 22nd day of April , 1986, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettine NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST : LA ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk ( SEAL 1 3 March 18, 1986 Honorable Mayor Mary Casler Carlsbad City Hall Carlsbad, California Dear Mayor Casler: My term as Planning Commissioneexpires in April. 1986. I do not seek reappointment at this time due principally to personal priorities. .F It has been a distinct pleasure and a valueable learning experience to work with our very effective staff and to serve with my fellow Commissioners. I appreciate the confidence placed in my ability to 1) perform by you and members of the Council and trust that I may be able to serve our great city at some future date. I/ cc Council Members Chairman Bud Schlehuber PIanniagditB e bo r 1-101 zmiller Ui t y Manager A1 e shi re Ollico ol rho City Ckrk Citp of CatIsbab TELEPHONE: (714) 436.5535 . Btuin.88 Name urd Bur. Phon.: R8rfd8nt of Carlsbad: Horn Phon.: Regirtered Voter in Culrb 1 am funi1i.r with tho re8pon8ibilitier amignad to th8 Board or Comninuien om which I drh to mrw. If appointed to a Board or ~mlli88iOn which i8 rubject to financiu dirc10sure iQrrfSI 1 arm Willing to provid. 8uch rt8t.nwntr a8 m8y bo required. willing to 8p-u for u1 int8NiW rmguding my qUaifiC8tiOn8 for rppointlnoat bofora ruch comtltteo 88 m8y be d88lgn8t.d by I am tho City COUnCi1 or if rOqU88t.d %ndiV%dU.),COUCil M.mb0-2 6/83 5- BARBARA B. DONOVAN 2630 Abedul Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 (619) 438-2630 EDUCATION: Columbia University, New York Boston University, Boston, Ma. Bachelor of Science, Liberal Arts Master of Arts, Counseling Psycholoay EXPERIENCE: Administrator, Rhoades School, Encinitas, CA. Counseled with students on all problem levels, public relations with parents and media. Full responsibility for running of main office. Public relations, Theodore Brokaw Enterprises, a real estate syndication and development corporation. Administrator, San Diego Community Foundation. Organized and coordinated daily functioning of office. Liasion between Executive Director and Board of Governors. and implementation of fund raising programs. Public relations. Responsible for the development In private practice, Marriage, Family, Child Counselor Guidance Counselor, Central Regional High School. Bayville, N.J. Consultant to Principal. Freshman class advisor. ADDITIONAL: Vice-Chair, Park and Recreation Commission, City of Carlsbad, 1980-present Chair, Selective Service Commission, serving North San Diego County, 1982-life (Presidential appointment) McClellan-Palomar Airport Advisory Commissioner, 1984 - Director, Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation, 1984- Board of Directors, La Costa Youth Organization, 1982-1984. Vice-president 1983-1984 President, Rainbow Gardens School PTO, 1983-1985 e APPLICATION rOR APPOINTMENT To BdARo OR COElPIISSfON , 6/83 - I I 7 EDUCATION : EXPtRIENCE: -i OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES . JAMES M. CARENZA d89 Sanford Lane Carlsbad, CA. 90254’ Home phone:(619) 434-2552 Work phone:(619) 434-1040 REAL ESTATE CONSULTANT March 1985 to present Investment Specialist. Performing real estate analysis for the purchase, development, sale, and flnancing of land, commercial and residential income properties. Tax-planning and preparation of projections for developers, syndicators and investors. KENNETH LEVENTHAL & CO. February 1984 to March 1985 Senior Management Advisory Services - Real Estate Erimary &figs; Provide various consulting services (i.e.1 Preparation of cash flow and taxable income (loss) projections and accompanying notes and assumptions to be included In the prospectus of a nationally syndicated real estate limited partnership, in conformity with federal and state securities laws and IRS regulations. Preparation of land and improvement residual value analyses. Q1hg.r duties: Fraud audit of real estate and equipment leasing syndicator. Preparation of tax returns for real estate limited partnerships. Preparation of special tax analyses of real estate. Database formation and control. ARTHUR ANDERSEN & CO. June 1981 to January 1984 Qu&rez; Audits and reviews of financial statements, Preparation and/or review of federal and state tax returns, Instruction in installation and use of micro-computer hardware and software packages. * chle,ntalel Real estate, high tech, film production, manufacturing, law firms, restaurants, engineering, and electronics. EDUCATION: CENTRAL CONNECTICUT STATE COLLEGE Bachelor of science degree, May 1981 Major in Accounting with a minor in Computer Science OTHER: Certified Public Accountant. Real Estate license. Series 22 & 39 Direct Participation Program Securities Broker’s License (in process). Computers: ability to program in many computer languages and use various software packages. References available upon request. 7 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA 9- Oltico ol rho City CW TELEPHONE: (71 41 438-5535 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BO-ARD OR COWMISSION I am familiar with tha rorpon8ib..litie8 rs8igned to tho Beard or ft appointed to a Board or CuuuuLOi-k. I=. :?..Cc> T *-?*a t.a e.* -ver ComIs81on whld! 1. 8ubjaCt to t!!mmcial disclosure ASIS, A ut willing to provib ruch statamencs M may be required, willing to 8pp.u for an intervim ragudfng my qualifications for appointmeat boforo such oolmrrtteo u mry bo do8ignat.d by th8 City Councll or if reque8t.d by indivLdua1 Council Mlmber8m I im -7 *. I' . Citp of Catls6ab PLIC ATION ?OR AOPO 1"T To Bdmn OR COWIS SION Nm of Board or Coarmis8ionr . Planning Commission - ~amo (Prtnt or Typo): Louis Manchon -8. 2866 T,uciernRon Stynot phon.: 438-8052 Proront Occupation: ; Consultant BWin.88 Nlsn8 ad Ad&-8: California Pools & SD~S Santa Fe Road, Carlsbad Bur. Phon.: 744-8868 Reaidant of C8rl~b.br~r.28.~ Homr Phone: 430-0052 R.girtat.6 Votmr in Culsbadtye. Louis Manchon 6/83 - EDUCATION: High School, Manufacturing Heating and Air Conditioning Business General Building Contractor Swimming Pool Contractor OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES t Tennis I have been involved in planning, designing, and renovating of residential and comrnerci.82 for 30 years. I feel I could be an asset to the planning commission. buildings . . Citp of Cartsbub APPLICATION FOR APW 1"T TO BOO- OR COMMISSION . f am familiar with the respon8iblliti88 assigned to tho Board or COmi88iOn on which I wfrh to servo. If appointed to a Board or Comni88iOn midi ir rubject to financial dirclorure lnrr, I am willing to appu for an tntemriw mng m]r qurlifiutioru for appintnr.nt baforo such oodttae u m.y b8 da8ign8t.d by tho City Council or if r.que8t.d by indivkdu.1 CounCil WItb8rdo Will- to pr~Vi& such 8t8tOllWlts 88 may bo rmquired. I am 6/83 - EDUCATION: EXPERIENCE: OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES : ADDITIONAL ~lUnTIO# OR CO-t T '8: rr (714) 436 - 5437 !: QUALIFlCATIONS B ac kg round enc om passes mu1 ti-fimctional ex pe ri e nces Lvrithin the Medical/Health envi mnments, with expertise in theifpHpviry3; . 1* significantpreas: ' Medical Management & Admintatration: Responsible to the medica~#wwfkssion withirv t-he hospital' facilities. . .Staffing. . . Equipment and supplies . . . Patient care . . . Funding . . . Budgeting. . .Establishing, policies and procedures for professiod and-businass management. . . Selection d personnel based orr(r pdor traclc'reoord d 1 ' achievement.. .Capitol, Personne'L and Mat&qlaP Manmt . . . Liaison between Lay Boand,c$ Mmctccrrs, the Medicaf profession, anci trte putrltc at-la& . misties mansgememt i based on cost effe@veness and &cfenq&. & .3' .I -I . ., Design and implementatton d. Professional and Businesa ar Operations, encompassing a1 and profitable structure.. .Working as clo9aly QS paWbte with the Medical and Business departments tu pmv& a& eliminate problems. . . Initiating program developmen$ based on realistic objectives. . . Working with federal, !State and local agencies whenever necessary. . .The Funding and Budgeting of all areas, including the complexities of the construction and building trades.. . ,. Research & Development: Developing financial resources regarding funding for new and existing projects.. .Alert to the changes and trends in the Medical and Business community, incIuding the latest technology creating constant obsolescence in existing procedures and equipment. . . Investigating and developing sources to add to the efficiency and profitability of the existing facilities . . . Enlisting the aid of key personnel and agencies in achieving objectives and goals . . . EDUCATION: M. B.A. University of Chkago, Chicago, Illinois B.B.A. Gonzaga Untverstty, Spokane, Washington Undergraduate: UnCversiQt OC. Washington, Seattle, WA Residency: Norton Childmns Hospital, Louisville, KY Computer Science Couhs: Palmar College, San Marc-, \ .& * C ... IFICATI ONS *(Conti EXPERIENCE ' HIGHLIGHTS: .' . , i * * * * * * TEACHING: 1 Consultant: Gayneaux Enterprises, Inc. Carlsbad, CA Facilities planning and development. .Capitol a4 Operational performance. . . Vice President: Regional Medical Services Memorial Hospital Medical Center tong Beach, California Development of Ambulatory Medical Services for the University of California Irvine.. . Executive Director: Saddleback Camrnunity Hospital Laguna Hills, California Implementation and ekpansion t9 beds and services at two facilities, hospital and medical center,. Achieved successful start up operations of h&pkat*a& medical center, and, on a profitable basts thought to be non attainable. . . u ' .-.*- *IC *I Vice President/Admin&rator: A'Pvarado C*&rnunIty Ho&; Planning, construction and operation .lo+ 4&tona1 Medical Enterprises .I. I San Diego,, Ca#fovi+, w.4 ,*.*$ k *' Associate Director Hospita1,ClinicSi V. C..S:. D. r- San Diego, California ~ *- , .& Associate Director for financial planning and budgeting.. . Administrator: El Cajon Valley Hospital, El Cajon, CA Implementation and packaging OP a financial program for the construction and operation of a Medical Facility.. . * Administrator: Carmi Township Hospital, Carmi, Illinois Administrative take-over of an in-debt Medical Facility.. . Achieved expansion and put fact'lities on the black side of the ledger,. . Business Manaqer: University- Medical Dental Clinic General Business Management duties and procedures.. . Seattle, Washington Warrant Officer: Hospital Corps/USN Dental Division Instructor Management Courses (Hospital Administration) San Diego City College - -Continued - \ ' ,- American Hospital Associatitp (Member) (AHA)$" ". 0 Illinois Hospital Ass0ctation':'CMember) ;f .. A I *- &it ~ California Hospital kociation: (Member) :* . Hospital Council San Diego.& Imperial Count loth District Hospital. %&hem Xlttnois: (Prestd Evansvflle Area Hospital Comdlf**@&e Presiderrt)' Comprehen&ive Health Flahnilig S'an 01ego/I c BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS: 'i Chamber OF Commerce{ Laguna Hil€s, San Diega, El Cajon, Califamla 8.P.o.E. EI~: Carmi, Itlihbts B.P.O.E. Elks: El Cajon,"Califmta b SPECIALS: Weekly Half-Hour Television Program on Health Services: (Moderator) 77 - 81 Hospital Advisory 8oard:'Blue Cross Of Southern California " Advisory Board: Saddleback College School of Nursing, Laguna Hills - Mission Viejo, California Board cf Direct&: OKvenhaCn Municipal Water Dtstrict, Carlsbad, California 5 9' 1206 ELM AVENUE . CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Oftice oi the City Clerk . Citp of QCarIs'bab TELEPHONE (714) 438-5535 r IzE APPLTCATION FOR' 'APPOINTMENT TO BOARD OR' COMMISSION ,b Name (Print or Type) : HIP y1. Mc&bhJE Phone :7Zq 4 245 Present Occupation: AACH Im Business Name and Address: filf fi- hk0bMg, AM*lmI Albc I Bus, Phone: 724 "5 l5t Resident of Carlsbad: 7 YEi4A5 Home Phone : ' 724 4-295 Registered Voter in Carlsbad: 7 YEAR5 .I . I am famiiiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Boa43 or Commission on which I wish to serve. Commission which is subject to financial disclosure laws, I ;am willing to provide such statements as may be required. willing to appear for an interview regarding my qualifications for appointment before such committee as may be designated by the City Council or if requested by DATE: Au~u~ 301 1965 SIGNATU If appointedsto a Boa+# or , I am flM 6, MG a -. (See reverse side) .*. 6/83 . .- E DUCAT1 ON : . EXPERIENCE : . ... -. _. . . i ,h . .. , ... . OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES : *pa DIELo, ParPrRcr .. . , .- - -. - RESUME OF KIP K. McBANE October. 1984 business experience 1977- I984 1973- 1975 I973 education . 1975-1977 -: 1966- 1973 summer 1966 publication organizations personal 2691 Crest Drive Carlsbad. California 92008 Phone: Home - 619-729-4293 Office - 619-234-8191 THE CAIRN COMPANIES (formerly The Considine Companies) Married, 2 Children 5'11", 150 pounds Excellent health Registered Architect: State of California XCOl1085 DENVER. COLORADO ATLANTA, GEORGIA SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA I98 1-1984: Executive Vice President and General Manager. California Regional Division of this national real estate company. Managed assets had a market value of 529.0 million. Division had 50 employees. Responsibilities included acquiring. planning. financing. designing. constmcting, operating, controlling and leasing retail. office, hotel and residential properties in California. 1979-1980 Vice Resident and General Manager, Shopping Center Division. Responsibilities included planning, financing, designing, constructing, operating, controlling and leasing shopping centers in Georgia and California. 1978: General Manager, Considine Vineyard Company. Established optional and control proce- dures, merchandised and re-leased 160,OOO square foot specialty shopping center in Escondido, California. 1977: Director of Development. Considine Vineyard Company. Planned and implemented 53.0 million redevelopment program for this shopping center. GROUP FOUR ARCHXTECTS SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA Founding partner of .an architectural office with a well-rounded practice throughout California. Responsibilities, with four partners and staff, included general ofice management as well BS programming, design, project management, and drafting, with respect to a full range of residential, commercial. industrial, and research projects. My interest in this firm was sold in August, 1975. SIMONDS AND MILHOUS, ARCHITECTS OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA Designer/draftsman. Projects included schools and public recreation facilities. HARVARD GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS Master in Business Administration degree in June. 1977. General management curriculum in first year. Second year emphasis on general management, finance, and real estate. Treasurer of Real Estate Club. Member of Finance; New Enterprise; and Communication, Leisure and Entertainment Clubs. Intramural athletics. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY, CALIFORMA Master of Architecture degree in June, 1973. Bachelor of Arts degree in Architecture in June, 1970. Emphasis on "Architectural Administration and Professional Practice." Committee to develop a program in "Building Economics, Management Science and Professional Theory of Architecture." Board of Directors, American Institute of Architects, Student Chapter. University Students' Coopera- tive Association. TECHNISCHE HOCHSCHULE , STVITGART, GERMANY Took summer courses in German language and culture. "Los Angeles: Architecture of the Cinema," in On Sirelon Energy. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1974. Rotiiry Club: American lnstitute of Architects; lnternational Council of Shopping Centers (CSM): Urban Lnd .Institute: Cilsbad Educational Foundation (Founding Director); Carlsbd Historical Sites Boird: San Diepans, Inc.: etc. Raised in Southern California. Interests include travel, gardening and Food. .. .. c Personal references available upon request. - 2z d APPLICATION TOR APPOINTMENT TO BO’ARD OR COMMISSION Name of Board or Comimion: PLANNING COMMISSION ~ame (Print of Typal : ROBERT HARRY HERRING ~deesr: 4008 ISLE DRIVE, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Phone: 729-0166 Present Occupation: BUSINESS MANAGER BUSin8S8 Name and Address: CARLSBAD UNION CHURCH 317.5 HARDING CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Bus. Phone: 729-2331 Resident of Carlsbadr YES Home Phone: 729-0166 Registered Voter in Carlsbad: YES I M familiar with tho r.8pon8ibilltfes a8rigned to th8 Board or Corr~nission on which I wirh to s8rve. If appointed to a Board or willing to provide such statemants as may b8 required. willing to appear for an interview rogudfng my qualifications for appointnmnt boform such oonrmitt80 88 m.y be designat8d by the City Coivlcil or if requested by indivtdual Council Meniberr. Co~~rti88fOn which i8 8ubj.e to financia disclosure f MI I am DATE: 7,Mf L SIGNATURE: (Sea rovers. sido) /’ / DATE: 7,Mf L SIGNATURE: / (Sea rovers. sidd /”‘ 6/83 - I I c ’ EDUCATION: BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION RETAIL STORE MANAGEMENT RETAIL STORE OPERATIONS AND PLANNING WHEATON COLLEGE NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY EXPERIENCE: - MERCHANDISE MANAGER - J.W. ROBINSON CO. VICE PRESIDENT ~ GENERAL MERCHANDISE MANAGER - SEIBU STORES INC. GENERAL MANAGER - MAY COMPANY DEPARTMENT STORES OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES : PRESIDENT OF THE CARLSBAD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 1977 . ADDITIONAL I?IPOi?#¶ATION OR COMMENTS, RESPONSIBLE AS ONE OF A MANAGEMENT TEAM FOR TKE PLANNING AND CONSTRUCTION OF STORES : J.W. ROBINSON STORES - PASADENA - PALM SPRINGS PLANNING AND CONSTRUCTION OF ‘SEIBU STORE INC, PLANNING THE REMODELING OF MAY COMPANY CARLSBAD WILSHIRE AND FAIRFAX LOS ANGELES 6/83 - I i . -. APPLIC ATIOI mR -1 NTMENT TO BdhRD OR COBHISSION 6/83 -