HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-04-01; City Council; N/A; Report of Revenues and Expenditures.. z 0 § < ..I 0 z ::, 0 0 AB#.Jj.JfO TITLE: _ MTG. 4/1/86 DEPT._F_IN __ _ RECOMMENDED ACTION: REPORT OF REVENUES AND EXPEHDITlJRES FEBRUARY, 1986 No action required. This is an information item. ITEM EXPLANATION DEPT.H ._,-.=- cffy AfiY.jt-..-_ CITY MGR. __ Revenues from all sources through February totaled $25.8 million, about $4 million ahead of projections for the first eight months based on the City's adopted budget. Total revenues for the year will be more than $6 million above original budget estimates. The majority of this increase can be attributed to the deveiopment activity experience in the first half of 1985-86. One of the best indicators of ~uilding activity is building permit issuance W'lich shows that permits for 1,~:f5 dwelling units have been issued through February, 1986, c001pared to only 871 dwelling units for the same period last year. This is an increase of more than 120%. Substantial gains can be seen in all development-related sources including Building and Engineering fees, as well as capital funds such a public facility fees and park-in-lieu fees. Original budget estimates for development-related revenues have been increased by $4 rriillin to keep pace with current building trerrls. The attached report of Revenues and Experrlitures provides a more detaied discussion of each source. Spending in the general fund continues to be below IJudgeted levels, although we will see a major increase in spending as the City gets into the 85-86 portion of the street maintenance program and as we enter the summer season. Current indications are that the general fund will end the year $1.5 million or more below budget. No serious budget problems exist at this time, although Council is being asked to consider appropriating additional fl.U'lds for plan checking services in the first eight roonths of 1985-86, canpared to only $2.3 million in all of 1984-85. If the Municipal Projects section of the Engineering Department reaches its goal, the City will spend $12 to $15 million on capital projects by year erd. EXHIBITS 1. Memo to City Manager -Report of Revenues arrl Experditures -January, 1986. 2. Revenue report through January, 1986 . 3. Expenditure report through January, 1986. 1 March 19, 1986 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: Finance Director REPORT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES -FEBRUARY, 1,86 REVENUES Revenues from all sources through February totaled $25.8 million, about $4,0 million ahead of projections for the first eight months based on the City's adopted budget. Total revenues for 1985-86 will be more than $6 million above criginal budget estimates. The majority of this increase can be attributed to the high level of development activity experienced during 1985-86. One of the best indl9ators of building activity ls building permit issuance, ~hich shows that permits for 1,945 dwelling units have been issued through February, 1986, compared to only 871 dwelling units for the same period last year. This is an increase of more than 120%. &..dlding activity dropped during the month of February although total activity for the year remains well above 1984--85. Substantial gains can be seen in all development-related sources including Building and Engineering fees, as well as capital funds such as public facility fees and park-in-lieu fees. Original budget estimates for development-related revenues have been increased by $4 million to keep pace with curre'1t building trerJs. The following sources have seen substantial activity in the past few months and have required adjustments to original estimates. Construction Permits -up $200,000 -Revenue fron building permits will exceed $1 million for 1985-86. Building activity has re~hed one of the highest points in Carlsbad history during the past few months. Although building dropped somewhat in February, indications are that March through June will continue to be well above the prior year. License Tax on New Construction -up $100,000 -This tax based on 2% of building permit value will ·total about $700,000 for 1985-86. This revenue is tied very closely to building activity in areas m1ere development could not qualify for the public facility fee. -Park-in-Lieu Fees -up $600,000 -Development in the Northeast and Southwest quadrants of the City has paid more than ·$466,000 in park-in-lieu fees during the first eight months of this year. The original revenue estimate of $460,000 was based on much of the development in La Costa and Calavera Hills areas receiving credit for existing dedicated parks. The revised estimates show anticipated fees will total about $1 million for 1985-86. 2 PAGE 2 DC"\lr:'LUlrc Al.If'\ r-vn.-.. 1"-r"T'11nr-r-.-,-.,.._ ......... _ ..,,,_ -,. l\~Y.:.,u,:.,J nnv C."l""C.nU.L I UI\C.~ -rc;onU/\ltT, (:a, ~O -Planned Lgcal Dralnag~ -up $200,000 -Development in the City's 13 drainage areas has also been signif lcant. Original estimates for drainage area revenues were b&sed on only a small portion of the CHy' s drainage· assessment areas experiencing development. Actual development has been significantly higher than anticipated and has caused a doubling of revenues to the dra-inage fund. Revenues for 1985-86 should total almost $400,000. -Plan Check Fees -Building and Engineering -up $200,000 -Plan check activity has been part lcularly high during this building cycle. Revenues fr001 plan check fees will total more than $1 .1 million this year. -Public Facilities Fees -up $1,600,000 -Public facilities fees will total $4.6 m"i11Ion' or more In 1985-86 due to the rate of building being experienced in Carlsbad. Original estimates for this source of revenue were based on about 2,000 dwelling units being constructed this year. Actual building will be closer to 3,000 units per year end. Sewer Construction Fees -up $900,000 -The City should have about 2,500 eqi.ilvalent dwelling units connect to the sewer system durin..J 1985-86. This will raise about $2.5 million based on a rate of $1,000 per equivalent dwelling units (EDU). This original budget estimate was for only 1,600 dwelling units to be built in the City's sewer service area (North of La Costa). Other revenue sources of particular interest are shown below: -Sales Tax -Sales tax revenue through February totaled $3 .7 million, canpared to about $3.3 million for the same period last year. Sales tax revenue will reach $6 million by year end. -T1'ansient Ocp,u~ncy Tax -TOT revenue is slightly ahead of budget projections .though no adjustment has been made in the estimated taxes for the year, we are watching this source closely. Revenue through February totaled $869,000. -Vehicle Code Fines -Vehicle code fines continue to sag behind budgeted figures. Tfie major problem appears to be in the system used by the court to collect and pay out f.tnes. The Police Chief has asked for a report fr011 the County Auditor and Controller on 1) the collection and payment process used by the County,. and 2) the accuracy of payments made to the City of Carlsbad. -Interest -Interest revenue remains an import ant part of the City's revenue picture. The City Treasurer is earning an average of 8.9·% on !vestments held as of the end of February. Although rates have steadily declined since the beginning of the year, earnings have consistently c001pared well to market rates. General fund interest revenue will total $775 1 000 this year. 3 PAGE 3 REVENUES AND EXPENDUURES -FEBRUARY: 1986 -Gas Tax -This revenue will total about $720,000 in 1985-86. This includes S150,i56o made available to the City under SB-300 for additional street maintenance purposes. -Enterprise-Revenue -Water and sewer revenues are in line with original budget estimates. Water revenues for 1985-86 will total $1.3 million, while sewer revenues will reooh about $1.8 million. EXPENDITURES Spending in the general fund continues to be below budgeted levels, although we will see a major increase in spending as the City gets into the 1985-86 portion of the street maintenance program ard as we enter the summer season. Cur rent indications are that the general fund will end the year $1.5 million below budget. No serious budget problems exist at this t.tme, although Council ls being asked to consider appropriating additional funds for plan checking services in Building ard Engineering where experditures for services are based upon development activity. Capital spending through January is almost 210% above the same period last year. The City has spent over $7 .2 million on capital projects in the first eight months of 1985-86, canpared to only $2.3 mil.lion in 1964--85. If the M.Jnicipal Project section of the Engineerir.g Department reaches its goal, the City will spend $12 to $15 million on capital projects by year erd. JAMES F. aLI0TT JFE/ds Attachment: Revenue and Expenditures Reprots -February, 1986 4 Cl1Y OF CARLSBAD BUILDING PERMIT REVENIJE -8Y MONTH 1984-85 1985-86 THOUSAND DOLLARS 200 150 100 50 0 150 100 50 0 , r---"\ . I \ n I I\ -, \ I ' , I \ 1 \ .. • .' I \ I \ . . t I \ I \ I ' I I \ I \ I \ I I \_ I \ I \ .# I \ I V ,,- / \ I q / \ I I --r--.. -I / , .... --~ ' I r "· _ .... ,--... -, . . I . I . I JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN MONTH CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEES -BY MONTH '1984-85 19B5-86 THOUSAND DOLLARS " .' '. I ' I '· . ----■\_ I ' I', /4 \ -,-'. I I . /.' \ ' I ' I " ' V' -,. ,' ' ----'-/, ' /\ ,, ..,;,,<'_ .. ::-,,,,. __ ,./~ ~ , .... V - ' . . . . . ' . I . ' JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB A~R AP~ MAY JUN MONTH 2000 1500 1000 500 0 800 600 400 200 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD SPENDING ON CAPITAL PROJECTS BY MONTH 1984-85 ™ THOUSAND DOLLARS -- ,--- ,---~------ ----- -:----) -----~il,li -ti -) ---- ----- j 1985-86 - JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB W,R APR MAY ,JUN MONTH CITY OF CARLSBAD PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE REVENUE -BY MONTH 1984-85 !0000000 THOUSAND DOLLARS ~-- 1 L~] -~ ...... i.: 1985-86 ·- ---=i -g ~ --~ :I --~ LOO ~ ...... ,. - JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN MONTH 150 100 50 0 400 300 200 100 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING PLAN CHECK FEES -BY MONTH 1984--85 1985-86 THOUSAND DOLLARS /\ ' / \ I\ - / ·\ I \ / \ I \ I \ I \ I \ I \ 1'\ I \ I \ ...... i, \ '✓ V ;' \ ' I .. .# \ I'... I \ \ , I '· I \ ~ \ ~ ...... I V ...... ~ ,/ ' ...... ..,, -· ' I I I I I I ii I I JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN MONTH CITY OF CARLSBAD SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND. REVENUE -BY MONTH 1984--85 1985-86 THOUSAND DOLLARS _I\ I \ , I \ , ~ , I \ , ---,, I • , I I\ .. I . . I ... -- '... / I \ I .. ..... . I /\. I \, I I I I I I I I I I I I JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN MONTH 7 'j . ' I l I, I ,. J ( ii !.,I (' l ' • I :: ·1 'j I '·[ I I "· .. , ' :I i l :: ,, I ' •' ·1 -': 3';1 PM }-lH-136 1 ~~N~RAL FUND H~U&NUE - ClfY U~ CAHLS8AU •~i::u1itti.J&:-Ri:.l-''t1i-i I•·.:_. '45 ui-~ el:l~U(.>1-tY '.lH, I ""::16 -·-----------_____ ·-·---f<~.V!:.NIJE. SUMMA,..,Y ___ .,_ .......... ----.. _,.,. --. 1985-86 BUUGET 8IJIJbt:. I -, AIJ.JUS I MI-.N l'b-·-•· 1-!1:'.UlSE.D •• 1V8'ii-1:i6 - l:lUllbE. f -----· --------------..... -·-.. ~1:.V!:.NU!:. iHl-'iJUt,H rl:k~UAIN 1'"86 1-"1:.kt:t:.N r 01- b'I '!MFiil:.'u - f.'t::•Jl:.NIJl:. f.'tLI: I Vl:.IJ ILi • UAII:. ---·--· ------------------------------------------------------ -------------·----------------------------... -~ ----------------------"2 IAXl:.b 3 Pl<'UPE,,R TY l i-lx-: .. -. -.. : . :· . .:-:-::· -· -~-; 4~(1 ;-oou·-• -.• 4 SAL!:.S !AX................. '5,680,0U0 }~0,00U ·?·;,,,';>iJ J IJIJIJ j,<;,u4,Jl:19 64:3' - S TRANS[E.tH lAX............. 1,220,uoo - 6 l'i..!AMLH I ':ii::. I AX ••• ~ ::-. . • . . • . 4't O , IJ U U 6 0 , U IJ IJ / lHAN~~!:.H TAX.............. 2ou,uuo ~u,uuu ~ I f<A I Ll:.h' CUAI-H I N-L ! f:.U •••• _. _____ ~!O. IJUO --· _______ 4, llUll __ 9 IOIAL TAXES ••..... ~ ........... 13 1 060,UUO ------------------------404,UIJU lti UCEr-isi:s-& f->l:.~1111~ •• 11 1?. u 14 CUNbrRULrJUN Pf:.~MIIS ..... . 8US INESS LI CEl-1•,;E:' ·1Ax. • .. • .. . LICl:.NSE TAX ON NEW CONS~ .. ALARM Pf:.J.:M I TS ............ . ------------------------ auu,ooo --· -37$ ;uutf· 600,0UO 2uo,uuu ,.>':-,,iJiJO 1UO,OIJIJ 10,uuo 6,UIJU,UUD !>,/J5,U116 bl.Y l,:l:tU,UfJO ~1$9,2,>J -'LJ ':>':-JJ,UIJU l u~•-, '.1-':-t:! J 8. (:, :l.'./.IJ. •JOU l't!:!,'.1-34 "'U.1 _______ '.1-4 1 Ullll 1•~, l .!"-1 ,..,. . ,.. ------------------------------------lJ,464,UIIU ::I 1 4Uf:I, :?l:.IY 6:t.S ------------------------------------ 1,uuu,uuu :;16} ,68.~ 1:Jr:,.4 4?1.i. truo· }90,181 86.7 ;,uu,uuo 54f:l,4U9 4';1.8 lU,U~JU ,, '6.?'7 ;"6. t-1 1? 101P.L LICE.N~E.~ & Pl-h'Mllb ..... . 1 1 /?S, IJIJU ------------------------------------------------•:,17,IIIIU "l,160,UllU I 1 611'/, •,i41;1 ;4.? 16 STATE $UBUENTf0Nb ------------------------------------------------ 1~ ~IGAHl:.111:. lAX ............ . 18 AL•.CIHIJL Lltl:-nS~ H~:< ...... . 19 UbHILL~ IN Lib.LI ~El:. ...... . :.! U HOtlE OWMEl-'S f-'h'UP I AX ~E •.. 21 • BUS INUENTORV PROP "rnR RE; 'l.2 TO I AL S l AT!:'. SIJl:3lJ!:.N'fl IJNS ...... . :.! > 0 T Hl:.R I MTE.h'r,;m; RE Vl:.MIJf:. 24 STATE GRANTS;~ .......... ~. 25 l'OTAL OTHE.R INIERGOV R!:.U ....•. 150,0UO 1,UUIJ,OIJO ·-__ l/lJ 1 1.IIIU ------------------------ _l ,!JIJ,_UOU ------------------------ l':>u,11uu l, IJIJU, OIJU l/U,UUO 1,:nu,ouu ----------------------------~------- 26 CHAh'Gl:.S rUR SE~VICf:.S _ ...... _ .. ~,,. ............ ---------·----------------- 27 28 2-J 30 .H ZON£NG FEES., ••... :.::.: • ."._. SUBDIUISION FE.ES ......... . PLANCHECK ·FEE/ 8LOG ..... . PLAtlCHE.C:K FEE / ENGlN. : ...• f:, Nr,; I Ntl:.R I 1-11.; ~ l:.l-.S ......... . .. ·vrn ;noo ~o.ooo ??IJ,, ouo 375, OCIU, .. 27'7,0lllJ C'21J,OOO) •l ~-, U IJU) /?•, 000 12s;.rroo l:llJ, OUU 120,000 17,0IJU 625 IJUU ' .. 500,llUO 3':>~,uuu 11':>,?96 //.2 -- HlY,"llU 81.Y -~..,, ?,'8 •:·6. 1 ------------------------l 1 0}U 1 l~4 78.1 ------------~ -----~"' ·----- 59, ooo: 8 ,9U'.l 4:.!1~696 44~.,>, 73ll :>U,:JJ4 49.2 '7'2.4 6?.5 t:«9.-..; :~','.4 - ., ) l I I .. · l 1 I I + . I i I -- . , I ,. 1 I .t '. \ •·' ""'' I ... , I (I . ! , j '. i l I I:: j, j' I j ! I I !-j· Ii . f .,, ?:j,9 1-'M J-18-86 CI l'Y (Jf, {.;F,RLSl::lAIJ k'c.V!;.Mllh, 111:.1-'U~I -A~ IJI, 1-b!:-l!-!1,l>•ll-!Y ,!8, l':,l:!<', ~I: VE.NU!:.. SIJMMA~Y 1'185-86 8UUG~I 8I,1uGF.. f. FiDJUS I M£N1 S - Rl:.Vl~l:.f..l 1985-86 HUf.lb~I "11:.Vl:.NU~ lHROUGH r~ 81-tU~HY 1'186 PE.Rt:i:.N I UF ESTIMATED t,.'i·.Vl!.MIJE Rl:.LF. I lJl:.lJ l U DATE -----------------~------------------32 ( CHA~i.,E,S FUR ~l:.RV l t..ES -(.;(JN f I NUcD ) 3.5 j,4 Jr, 36 3.J 38 j<t 41J 41 42 4j bAL~ 01-MAPb .............• Wl:.~U LLl:.ANIN~ ..•........•. REFUSE CIJLLECTI mL . : ..... . AM8ULANC~ 1-EES ..•.•....••. Ll8RANY 1-1:.ES .•.••••••..•.. RF.CRF.ATl ON FEES ..... ; .... . bid I f111 I Nb PlJIJL f-1:.1-.S ....... . ~l:.f' 1.1':-,E AllM IN I-Id:: .•.....•.. E IR FEES •. ; .. • .... : ....... . bTRl:.ET SWEEPING FEl:.S ..••.. POLICE:.. SERUJ~~S .......... . 44 lUlAL LHA~bEb I-UR Sl:.RVICES ..•. 45 F Il lES AND FORFEITS 46 UEHICLE CODE FINES ........ 47 Pr~Rl(fMG CiTAf!OtlS ........• -'<8 Tt.:flAL f-1111:.':> & F(Wf.EJ IS •.••••.• 49 OTHER RE.VENUE SUUHCl:.S c;o HITF.RF-ST .•................ ';,1 1-!~M lt-1L INLLll1I:. .....•....... '·2 P t,. f.! ~!:.NIAL INl.UMt ....... ,} DISASlER RELIEF ........... ';>4 MANIJAll:.U CU=ol RE:IM8 ....... 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OTHER 51)URl'ES ..•...••... 61 lUlAL G~Nl:.~AL FUNU ............ 3U,r!UIJ j,/1 ':>0U .>o,uoo 30,0UO ··-· ?85, 0110 9j,,0UIJ :-'7,0UU -~·2s-, 000 7,UUU 1':>,0UU ,, 'I;, 0 IJ t';;,UIJU) ------------------------1,.9ti':>,'5UIJ :.''::>'" 1 '5llU 3/1 ':>UU j,,J 1 ':>UIJ /U,IJU0 3ll, OUll 285,0fill <t~,ouu ~':>,UIJU 2s-;oou 10,,uuo -~ --------------2 1 24'>,UUll JI ,41$ l ':>, '>•:-u 4?,l't6 l8,6Ul:l 1<'.6, 167 '.:>l,?1'1 -,~·,130 9 ,'5:.>6 l 161J~ ,6'"•6 l::l.:.l:! 4i.4 64.6 62.U 1:,8.:?- ??.4 36:';, 63.';> /1.4 ------------------------------------------------------------ 4?0,JJIJU 'llJU,01)0) 3?0,01)(1 l ':>4, }'>"I. .ci1 .. ? 32,000 3,ono 35 ,·otro "IQ ".) :,-r_ 8';. 6 ,I. , ~ ,7 ---------------------------------------··--------------------t:-,u2,uuu ('t/,UIJII) 4U?,UUU LH4,·'.,!';, 4':-. .,. • . • .,, -. ~ .. ~ ------...... ---------------------------------------------------------------- ??0,0IJIJ ?2?,0IIU 77?,000 6:tl:l, 2';,':> ::n.1 .,.,01111 l J , UfJO I 4,UUU l, Y'.l 1 48. 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SUMl1ARY ____________ ,.,. ____________ ,. _______ ,. ____ ~· ... ---...... -,. . ..,., ............. •-~ ..,_ ,. ~ ---~ ...... - 1Y9'3--86 •••• , -• -l:ll]Ubl:. I 8UObEf REUIS~D AIJJU::>I Ml:.Nl::; -·-··· l'll:!·~-1:16 -··· 8UDbl:.r -______ .,. __ ---------------·--·----_,.. -------- 62 0 I HER OPt::RAl'I NG FUNDS --·----~----------------------------------------6J l~<~S TAX 64 Rl:.V-'<!11J6.................. 162,745 -l62 1 ';i-4J 65" REU-2107: .-.-. -: : .•. :-:: :::-::-:-:-: •• ---:f4')-;1V6 ___ -· 1 s·IT;1nm--·--·-4'99-:;876 66 R~U-2107.~................ 6,000 -6,UUO 67 ~AS IAX INlEREST.......... 50,0UU -~u,uuu 68 LIJLAL .)RANo 1-IJI-JUo.·:.· .....• --···--·-· -·•---·--•·-·---------·---- !<E.Vf-.NUE •• i ii@DGt-i I-l:,1:·11-/IJAI-/Y 191;% PE.RC~N'I OF- ES Tf f1ATE0-·-• - Rl:.Vl:.NUE. Rt:.t;f:. I \Jl:.U Tl.I • -•• -·rrATE·•- lU/1 913 66.4 372, ;12·· --·----7;f; CJ 6 1 000 lUO.O ~0,460 6U.'I 69 TOTAL &Hs_ fAX ........ ·.·......... '>61:!,41'1 _____ t'>O.,uuu --·---·71!:l,41'.il _ ...... ':.J.6,:::H'::> .11. 9 .. --•-· -----------------------7U LIBRARY AUDIU/IJlSUAL IMSURANCE f-UND 71 AUOIO/VISUAL INS FEES..... }0 1 000 72 JNTEREST .. ·.-...... ·.:: :·.-:: :-:· ----·---:r-, uou--. 1~,ouu :l, iHHi 4';>, uuo <;~Ofiu· 2tl, 81:16 • -:;~~117- ------ 64.2 --•·--64:T· :;,·~ I OlAL LIHRARY A/V _IN!-:, FUND._ .. ···-·_ .H, IJU0 ____ 1_.->_. UIIU. _ -· ___ "'U, uuu ____ _ 5-~!, U-,> ~ -r --- 6 ... 2 ------------74 ClUIC ANTS FUND 7? JNIEResr INCOM~ .......... . i:;,uou_ _ 5_~0_ll_~_ .. _ _ 2,9'72 59.o ------------------------------------------------76 fUIAL LIUIC A~I::; ~UNU ........ . '>,UOU 77 STREET LIGt-lTlFIG-··•·····-. ---------•--·-· ------------··- 7l:l 79 LIGHTING ASSESSMEI-JT ...... . ST-LIGHT INTEREST ........ . 1-JIJ fl)lAL SIRl:.~l Llt:,Hl ltlb ........ . 81 L!BPARY BUNIJS ;3'.ill,UUO 20,uoo 4·17,UUII -• -··i O, 000 l'U, IJIJU . . . ------------------------ 82 PROP TAX (LIB G.O. 80f-iOS):-· ". 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"'f,!1:.f-'1.1f,!1 .:. f!\:i ·ui-:· t=l:Hl"Urn-!Y :.!i:I, 1.;tl6 ____________ ·-------•---________ k'l=;Vl:'.NLIE._SUf111ARY ----·-···-•·· _ --·-_________ _ 1¥85-86 l:IUUGET R~UISl:.D ---· -·---l:IUlll;E. I'·-AUJU::H 11tN f::, -l '11:l?-l:!6 l:IUU!;.1:. r ·--------------------- 89 HOUSING AUTHORITY ',IIJ ';11 92 HUll (:;f,!~'U•IJ Rl:.VENUI:... • . • . . . . 988, OOIJ HUD-INl~Rtbl.............. 2u,uuu SALE oi: PHOPE::R'rY: .... ·.·;--_· :~----•------·_· -· 1,600 91:lti,UUU :.1u,uuu -l 1 6UU ------------------------------------93 TOTAL HIJUSING_~UfHIJRI_T_Y. ·:..:.:· :........_J..,J~i..~0!'__ --.. 1~601) 1,ou~,6UI) RE.•Jl:.NUE. PFRCcN I UF 1 H"'uu1.,.-i -··1:.b n HA ri:o • - 1-f-.Hl-'UAf,!Y Re.Ul:.NUE 1';'86 f.!tLl:. 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'2 119 1~0 • FOR UEH fCI:E ·sEROTCE·:-.-;-.-: :-.• ---·-670·;-o-u 0 ------·-·:. --• • -67n;-ourr-·· 10,0U0 •2·6r;193--- 11194 ----YT: o--- 11.Y (NrER~ST (VEH MA!NT>...... 10,0U0 12HOTAL 'lJEHICLE. MAIN1 FUMu.•.· .. ::--·•-6&u~·uuu--68ll,OiJiJ' 2.;2~;;97--· --•• '313:6 li!2Vl:.HIC..LE J.!t:.PLACl:.Ml:Nl FUNO 123 V~HICL~ R~NTAL Fl:.£S ...... . 2?S,OOO -2?':>1 000 1'L3 1 96~ 45.1 1~4 ~ALE OF 1-'ROPcRIY ......... . -7,uuu 7,ooo s,Yo5 84.4 12~ I tlTEREST i oEH Pt.P. t-"UMU, : . ?Cf,uu1J --✓u;o·oo-10,120 14.!? ------------------------------------------------------------1~61UIAL U~HILLI:. R~P. ~UNO ...... . -__ 34':>_, OIIU _______ ::_~~~-____ J?2, '-!_IIU_ ----~_:~:_~~~-_______ >Y. 8 _ 1';!7Hl:.AL1H IMSURAMC.:£ FUtlU 1:.!8 t.:UN IR I I:!. Ft,!IJ11 01 HE.R FUND=i. 21;,u_,uuu :.!'70,UOO 17,6'-L? 7.1 ------------1:nrOIAL Hl:.ALfH ltl':i 1-UtlU......... -2'7U,UUU 2'?11,IJUU 1/,6'.c.'? 7.l 130REDEUELOPMENT 151 132 TAX INL:REMENl Rl:.UEMUE..... sr;o,uuo fNl FREST t,, OTHER •••••• ··----• l'<C.V \. l"("C.UC.Vt:.LUr-'TIC' .. l'i I J •••..• o:,u,uuu ~t:..IJ ( Rl:.O1:.VE:.Ll.lf'Ml:.N r J • • • . . • '5 U, U II U :.!?,OUU :C:':>. uuu _ -~s_o, ouo .l':,,0110 /'?, UIIIJ '.l~~•~Y.4 46,981:1 l:.f(;.,-,,,tSi:J 0-L .. / -------------------------------------------------------------------------______ , aU.6 6'L.7 ·45;2 133TOTAL REDEVELOPMENT ...........•• 133TOTAL REDEVELOPMENT ........... .. ··boa :ooa· • --ona ,-ooa· • 2 13'.000 25·, 000 .. -625" :non· 625' ;noo • ------------ 134 orHE.R SPECIAL FUNDS ...... . 40, 000 40 ,000 ------------ 1j?fUfAL orHER FUNUS ............ . 7,J?~,691J 9?'5 1 600 1:1,Jy1,'..!'>'U 1'36TOrAL 'ALL OPERATING' REV;· ....•.• ·z6-,6!:>8,190" 2 1 ,18Y11UO. 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DFvE:.LOP&:R ( (Jl•ffF: iBLiTrnHS .-:--:-·-----·415", IT Ou 8UNU~ & OIHl:.H ~UURC~S ..... !:>UU, UIJU 11'3,UU0 ·-.. n~;ooo • \>uo,uuu ~,UIJIJ 3,b02,23T 61::lj, 4-,,2 2.l'l,';'6U -486 ,24~ :<! , U l ';, , 8 /2 1::1 • 1 /1:l 98,?14 /4,7?1 ·1uu. u ·90·. r 64.';, ;,u.u 'R4.6 /1;1.4 4.'c, - tV.~ l?. U 1'51TOTAL CAPITAL FUNDS •••• :-.:~-: •• --·;;(;~e--;Ji•r· ·,r;1-ze·,01rn --'9;s1r,3o9--·-7-;-21:n;20Y-· ·-·---7379·----,. ---------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------1':>:.?GRAl-1D TOfAI. RE.VENUE. • • • • • • • • • • _3.2 ~34~_,??9_ , __ 6, 311,100. , ~1::3 !6_7:1_~??9 __ 2_5, 845, 1~2-.. 66: ?._ ~====~c=~~~~ az:a===a==zm a~D•,naa~~ca ~aav•=a=~••a •=~a•==Q===~ l-.nd o t MU..,,lJU'.lH6 -.. -• .,. ____ ----------------------.. ----------- --~-•------·-------. .. -. .... .. . ..... ~ . - .. ---,... __ ....... -------~-----~--·---... ,._ --, ._.,.__ ---·· ..., __ ·------... .,._ -"'... ..,. ,. ... . .. .. . ~ ~ ,,.. .... -...... •• --•-,.,..._ __ ... -•• •-"'••----~ •-----•• >«•.-><-•------•-•---'.P~ A---... •-•-•-••¥--->(---•----_,... __ --• ........ ~ ... •. ... ~--- I .I ,!- ,, ' 4: 19 Ptt 3-14-86 CITY OF CARLS~AD ------···1-&F'ut< r-ut-. t:.Xf-it.NDTI UHt:..S ... ··--· -·--· - :.,-·----·-•· •• '• ___________ .. ___ ---·---------·----~~:._OP-1 A::. QF o~::20,:~6 ___ _ 1985-86 l',185-~6 ADUPTED CURRENT Y T D EXPENDED y T 0 ENCUM8E.RED UNC:Nt:UMBE:.R- EO BALANCE % EXPt:.NU~D TO OAf~ ----·· ·-· -· ---------~---'-•---·-----i:iuITG~r-·----tf®Gf::f II ----------------------------------------------------------------·--GE.tlE.h!AL FUI-IU --.. ----•-· • ---•--------------------------------·---------n ~ I,, GENERAL GOVERNMr-NT ),. ,,, ! ',. .. )- t CITY COURCTC' --------•-·--gr,'13"Z----vr,;·ruT-·--46 ;73T-·--·-·-3~on---·-z;o·,~72.. ?1-:-Y"'X-_______ ------ LI TY MANAG~R 266 1 565 286 1 1~2 182,,12 2 1 UH4 lUl,/~6 6j.~ % CUMM Rt.LAl'IUNS 70,?33 70,131 19 ,4/6 64 '?U,';,',11 "L/.1::l ¾ "CITI Ct.ERK --------·----'4,S-6(1"-·---·,;,2°61l. -------2-_;-1:n--·---· ------• -----·2,"339"----·-•-75:-'7·:; INFO SYSTE11S 1 485,777 21J?,104 48,0?7 250,596 42.6 % _ -·····-···-~ITY AT·l~f:'!~~Y_ .. ______ 133,596 14::,3~?_---~?.,_,_6:: __ . _ ... ~.!~:'°_5 ______ 5~0~?_____ -~U-~_?--~------_ flNRNCE 217,037 2~0,645 l"L6,02/ 3,';,';,? 121,061 5U.3 % CllY ll-<'EASURER 12,440 14,1?1 '?,HU -l::l,l:141 3/.I;;-~~ --·--·· ---P □RCF-rAsrm;-·-----l40, 170 1;.;-,1:f37-·--·7,;·;8"2'2----·-r,3t;jj----'"b4;-6i5~-----5"0 :o "%',_ --·--· 'l--"1 1 ,,.I ~j lo~---~ -• ~:J I ,. 1 u., b( II PERSONNEL 22B,eo, 259,686 179,914 1,684 /8,088 6~.3 % RESEARCH .. f;:ANALYS"TS-____ :Z:Tu,73"7' _______ 2'6.r-,,.n-z•---·•-·7-r6-,346 _______ 49--:;uo----n1,--u'3'o IN~UHANLE ADMlN 63 1 7"L3 67,~66 "LJ,6~9 i,140 42 1 167 -q"4"": r·% ----- J4. 8 % TOTAl..:-GEf-lERAL -GOUERl-fMEtn---r;-z.2i6'","Tff2-~-,;ni:f4,£:rn9· --· r-,u71"7~---Tinr;•nT--·993,74-r---··-·71 ;-4 -~----• •· ··--·. PIJHLlC SAFE.TY BUlLUINb 719 1 804 6~'?,984 4~J,679 6 1 8~~ 2,~,4~3 6~.2 % ~ULlL~ 4 1 138,780 4~5U8,4~1 ~,413,1/9 53,~60 2,U41,712 53.5 % FIRE --• -· ---·• ------2 ,ifo7;B4'i:f 2,877 ,4g2"""""7"~ur,6T T7;1::>zr·-· -1, ;·35'8-;3Zi8 ____ -·132:-2 '"" WEED ABATEMENT 43 1 3~5 /8,9UO 16,~57 19 1 0?5 43 1 £88 21.U % 0 lSASTt:.R P~~~~~-~~N!£_~~ --·---~~L~~_l ________ -~-~L~~2 _______ 1_~ ,_~'35 __ . . £11 '7_1:l ,~~~-__ 26. 6 ¾ ------------------------------------------------------------------IUlAL PU8LlL SAFEl'Y /,.77?,398 8,230,2';19 4,40~,483 9.7 ,-l':'',1 :,,?~',1,61,,I <;;3.5 % " -·pusuc w □RKs·---·--··---·--·--•--------·--------·--•--·-· ---------------------------------· -~ " ·~ ., '.i;:1 • I "": ,,!: ,! ENGlNEERlNG 1,208 1 702 1 1 537,791 928,819 231,625 377,347 60.4 % DEV'.-'PRDCESSTNG:-··----·--··---·--;;--··-7a719·2·----·-79·;o30:-•---. ---9,--·---·ra7,4·17····· --~-;;,:•o· "¼ ·•---- f-'LANN ING ?U3,,99'? !:HIJ ,;J76 2/'5 1 676 <:11:18 3IJ7 ,21"L 4?. 2 '% ------------------------------------------------------------------TOTAL "PUBCI c--woRk.'S" ____ .. ·1-;71 T;-6·97-·-""2-:;387;759"-· -r, 283 ,-1.6 23'T,'6us-··--· g7r;9 76 ___ ·-7--:,7:;,-"%--·-·-·-- ' ' , ------------------------------------------------------------------ ,., t. "d ~ 1~' .-1-1 .. t ~ r " ti r . ~- 1,: '-. 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