HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-04-08; City Council; 8528-1; Elm Ave ExtensionI Ffj a CI; OF CARLSBAD - AGENt BILL \B# f52p-& I dTG. 4/8/86 TITLE: CITY AllY ELM AVENUE EXTENSION 1EPT.L RECOMMENDED ACTION: Authorize City participation in extension of Elm Avenue from Donna Drive to El Camino Real. 3ACKGROUND : For two years staff has been negotiating with property owners to build the missing link of Elm Avenue between El Camino Real and Donna Drive. On February 18, 1986 a proposal by developer was returned for renegotiation. The proposal was that City acquire right of way by condemnation and pay half the cost of the project ($394,000 City share). Council minutes indicate that members were concerned about the final City cost. Mayor Casler indicated a willingness to approve if City cost did not exceed $394,000. Mr. Lewis wanted to limit City share to $170,000. Mrs. Kulchin urged developer to negotiate a better deal for the City. After further negotiation the developer has made a new proposal in his letter dated March 17, 1986. The proposal is that developer build four lane Elm Avenue. City to pay $285,000 and acquire SARKARIA right of way. Developer to be responsible for acquiring JANDRO right of way. In addition developer requests City to vacate 1.474 acres of street right of way on El Camino Real. Council previously authorized said vacation or sale of surplus land to developer. The excess land will be used to increase open space not density. The surplus land is in slopes and would have no value to anyone except the abutting land owner. An appraisal indicated a possible value of $50,000. There are some distinct advantages of this proposal. 1 - City gets Elm Avenue built now. 2 - Surplus JANDRO land on north side of Elm adds to open space for project. 3 - City cost is capped. 4 - It is likely that SARKARIA right of way can be obtained at no cost to City. If this does not work out City could condemn and require SARKARIA to pay for improvements later. 5 - City can collect $40,000 or more from CRC property due to a bond posted three years ago to guarantee Elm Avenue construction . AB # Page 2 6 - School children living east of El Camino Real will receive a faster and safer route to school. RECOMMENDATION: 1 - Authorize City to acquire SARKARIA right of way. 2 - Authorize condemnation of JANDRO right of way subject to developer (Kiffman) paying full cost. 3 - Authorize City to reimburse developer (Kiffman) not to exceed $285,000 for four lane improvement of Elm Avenue from El Camino Real to Donna Drive. 4 - Authorize City Manager to initiate vacation of El Camino Real surplus property. 5 - Authorize City Attorney to foreclose on street bond from CRC FISCAL IMPACT: This proposal would cost the City $285,000 plus the obligation to acquire SARKARIA right of way plus the vacation of a 1.47 acre slope along El Camino Real. Developer will pay for all required improvements on Elm Avenue and El Camino Real at estimated cost of $1.5 million. City has $586,379 budgeted for this project. ATTACHMENTS: A - MultiTech letter 3/17/86 B - Council Minutes 2/18/86 C - AB 8528 2/18/86 D - PC Resolution 2455 E - Chamber of Commerce letter F - School Board Letter ATTACHMENT "A" -III =IDmmI I wwwmn I I I I I I I I I I I I I1 t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II II I11111111111 PROPERTIES INC. 5820 Miramar Road, Suite 200 San Diego, CA 92121 (619) 455-1900 Harch 17, 1986 ivlr. Frank Aleshire City idanager City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92038 Re: Elin Avenue Extension Updated Proposal Dear Mr. Aleshire: Here's our updated proposal for getting the street built: FINANCIAL : City Contribution: Sarkaria Right-of-way $65 , 000 Construction of Basic Project (i .e., full-width gradiny and two lanes of paving) 160,000 Total- Basic Project $225 , 000 Construction of Additional Two Lanes 125.000 To tal $350 , 000 Ne propose that the construction obligations be fixed and the obligation to acquire the Sarkaria Right-of-way to be uncapped. Developer Contribution: Jandro Right-of-way Construction of Basic Project Total $1 10,000 328,000 $438,000 It is intended that the developer pay for any increases in construction and/or the acquisition of the Jandro right-of-way. ADDITIONAL OBLIGATIONS OF CITY: 1. Complete the transfer of excess El Camino Real right-of-way to developer, without cost, to incorporate into his project. previously approved in principle by the Council and does not result in any additional residential units in the project. The transfer was 3 Page Two March 17, 1986 Mr. Frank Aleshire 2. negotiation, condemn the property with reimbursement for condemnation costs by developer. In the event that developer cannot acquire the Jandro property by 3. Facilitate land trade with Jandro as proposed by letter dated March 11, 1986, if agreed to by developer and Jandro. 4. Acquire the Sarkaria property by negotiation or condemnation. 5. Consider the offsite Elm Avenue Project a "City Project" for the purposes of paying fees. 6. Limit the developer's obligation for the El Camino Real decorative This would get it built concrete median and landscaping to the centerline. north of Elm with 50-50 cost sharing with Lusardi, who has bonded for his half; blultitech to post a bond for 50% of the full cost of the section south of Elm Avenue. 7. Facilitate the continued viability of the Tentative Map, Site Development Approval, and availability of building permits, in good faith, and to the extent 1 eagal ly feasi bl e. We look forward to completing the final review of this proposal with yourself and getting it approved by the City Council. HK/ hc cc: Sam Blick MINUTES ATTACHMENT "Bf February 18, 1986 Page 7 DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (continued) 16. AB #8528 - ELM AMNUE EXTENSION. Richard Allen, Engineering Department, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill using a transparency showing Elm Avenue with the proposed link. Sam Blick, Fairbanks Ranch Plaza, representing Multitech, addressed Council stating there had been several previous proposals on the Elm Avenue extension, but none had been accepted. He requested approval of the proposal as contained in the staff report. Archie Hicks, 1831 Valencia, President of the Village Merchants Association, stated the merchants are pleased this extension has a possibility of being built. Elm Avenue as proposed. Frankie Runzo, 355 Elm Avenue, stated she supported Mr. Hick's remarks. He urged Council to approve the extension of Bob Prescott, 3303 Belle Lane, spoke in favor of the proposed. He commented on the benefits to the City, including improving the circulation of the City. Roy Sanchez, 3482 Roosevelt, spoke in favor of the Elm Avenue extension, stating this would relieve traffic on Tamarack and other major arteries of the City. Bob Sherman, 3455 Charter Oak Drive, stated this had been a painful process and the City had given up density on this project to get this Elm Avenue extension. assessment district had been approved. to see a lower figure for the City's portion rather than the proposed mount. Mr. Sherman stated the City should participate in the condemnation and whatever financing of the condemnation there is should come out of the developers portion. He urged a cap on the entire mount of money to be spent by the City. 3im Gaiser, 3340 Ridgecrest, stated a much higher density was given to the prior owner to build the extension of Elm Avenue. An assessment district had been proposed but no results have been seen. wanted the City to place a limit on the mount of money to be spent. Mayor Casler stated she had received several letters, including one from the Carlsbad Unified School District, requesting the construction of Elm Avenue. In answer to Council auery regarding the applicants feeling about the City putting a cap on their expenditures on the Elm Avenue extension, Mr. Blick stated the aplicant has control over the construction but has no control over the condemnation. He stated the feasibility for an He would like He \I\\\ MEMBERS 3 MINUTES February 18, 1986 Page 8 DEPARTMNTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: Council Member Pettine and Lewis expressed concern referring to the previous density bonus given to the previous property owner in 1984 due to the requirement for the developer to complete the Elm Avenue extension. Mayor Casler stated she felt the City must do the condemnation. expenditures of not more than the $399,000 stated in the Agenda Bill. The applicant stated a willingness to negotiate. Council Member Lewis made a notion to have the City expend no more than $170,000 on the Elm Avenue extension. Council Member Pettine seconded the motion. Mayor Casler stated she wanted Elm Avenue in and she believed the City had an obligation. Council Member Pettine stated if Council Member Lewis would withdraw his motion, he would make a motion to continue this item. The motion was withdrawn. (continued) She was willing to set a cap of Council sent the Item back to star? for r enegotiations. Council continued the remainder of the Items on the Agenda to the Meeting of February 25, 1986. 17. A6 t8438 - Supplement #1 - AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR SITE IbPROVEMENTS AND COWITY CENTER AT STAGECOACH PARK. This Item was continued for one week. 18. AB 18529 - COMMITTEE SELECTION TO ASSIST WITH THE GOLF COURSE FEASIBILITY STUDY. This Item was continued for one week. 19. A6 #8530 - ESTABLISHMENT OF ARCHITECTUARAL mIBILITY STUDY CO MMITTEE FOR THE SEN1 OR EITIZENS CENTER. Thls Item was continued for one week. 20. A6 C8369 - Supplement 13 - ACQUISITION OF SPACE 'FOR WILDING, PLA NNING AND EN CINEERING DEPARTMENTS. This Item was continued for one week. COUNCIL MEMBERS Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick Pettine Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick Pettine \