HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-04-08; City Council; 8580; MARCARIO PARK MASTER PLAN UPDATEAB# f5m TITLE: MTG.A8/86 MACARIO PARK MASTER PLAN UPDATE a, DEPT. p & R DEPT. H CITY AT CITY MC 5 a, u rd C -r( a M 0 0 u a 9 h 5 5 u VI h u .rl 4 -I4 VI rd aJ- wa ? a0 hbn ? OLI urn a wu 4aJ -ti ua, N aJ -I4 4J.U a, .I4 4a a au uu 5 mu $2 2G % os .rl a3 aJ ut+ urd am NO .?-I a a0 u VIa rd wcIu wrd rdal us mu 9 Q I I m a3 4- 2 + 2 0 z 3 s =! 8 'J \ CITI)DF CARLSBAD - AGEND~ILL RECOMMENDED ACTION: Direct staff to complete the golf course feasibility study, con to work with SDG&E officials on their master plan, coordinate t theater proposal with the citizen interest group at no cost to city, and update, if required, the Macario Master Plan after th completion of Stagecoach and Calavera Hills Community Parks. ITEM EXPLANATION: On February 25, 1986, (Agenda Bill 8529) during the discussion the golf course committee appointment, Council referrsd the mat of the golf course study, theater proposal, and ballfield reque for the Macario Park back to the Parks and Recreation Commissic for further review and recommendation. The Parks and Recreation Commission on March 17, 1986, discusse the Macario Park development plan including amenities Suggested by concerned interest groups. They determined that the departn emphasis should be on completing Stagecoach and Calavera Hills Community Parks. This, and the department's current workload 1 to the Parks and Recreation Commission's recommendation that ar work on Macario should be held off until these two community p~ have been developed,which is estimated to be the end of this YE The Commission felt that because of access problems and the lac development funds, that the Macario Master Plan revision shoulc receive a lower priority than the existing adopted work progran The Commission stated that when the two community park project: have been completed, then they would recommend that the existir Macario Plan be revised and updated to possibly include the various public suggested amenities, i.e. golf course, theater, ballfields. After the revised master plan has been adopted by the Council, then the Commission will consider hiring a project manager, if one is required, to coordinate the Macario development. DISCUSSION: Presently, there are two different citizen groups that would 1 the city to do a feasibibility study to determine if a golf co1 and/or a performance facility can be accommodated in the Macar Master Plan. Council, on December 3, 1985, directed staff to conduct a feas bility study for a golf course in the Macario Master Plan area To date, six (6) proposals have been received ranging in cost $25,000 to $44,000. Staff is ready to proceed with the coordi of this study. c e 0 Agenda Bill No. 8. Page 2 On February 10, 1986, the Parks and Recreation Commission acce the performance theater proposal made by Mr. Joe Sandy and Mikl O'Hara and endorsed that a feasibility study be conducted at t expense of the individuals and/or interest groups represented Mr. O'Hara and Sandy. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council direct staff to comple the golf course feasibility study, continue to work with SDG&E their master plan, and coordinate with the citizen interest gri to conduct the theater study at no cost to the city. If the two studies indicate that the projects are feasible, thl amenities will be considered for incorporation into a revised Macario Master Plan when the two major community park projects have been completed (Stagecoach and Calavera Hills). FISCAL IMPACT: The golf course feasibility study will be returned to Council award the bid and will cost between $25,000 to $44,000. The theater study will be conducted at no cost to the city. EXHIBITS : 1. Agenda Bill No. 8529