HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-04-15; City Council; 8369-4; 2075 Las Palmas Dr. lease approval-.. L3 >" 0 ftz e Q CC .. z 0 g a 5 4 z 3 0 0 P\ Ot' ,- ClTQliOF CARLSBAD - AGEN-BILL AB#- TITLE: APPROVAL OF LEASE OF BUILDING AT DEPT. HD.. MTG. 04/15/86 2075 LAS PALMAS DRIVE CITY ATTY DEPT. CM CITY MGR. RECOMMENDED ACTION: * By motion, adopt Resolution No. K93 approving Leas Agreement with Palomar Airport Business Park to house th Building, Planning, and Engineering departments. ITEM EXPLANATION: The attached lease agreement has been negotiated with Paloma Airport Business Park for the lease of the building at 2075 La Palmas Drive. The building is expected to be ready for occupanc in August. The rent for the building will start upon approval a the tenant improvements as accepted by the City Manager. The City will have an option to purchase the building for tw years from the date of acceptance. If the building is purchase within the first year the cost will be a base price of $1,350,00 plus the cost of unamortized tenant improvements. The base pric will increase to $1,460,000 during the second year. The leas also provides the City with a repurchase option requiring th Leasor to repurchase the building under certain conditions. PURCHASE QPTION: If the City Council were to decide to exercise its purchas option, it is recommended that the purchase be accomplish€ through a lease purchase process using Certificates c Participation. This process is relatively simple and tt Certificates of Participation are easily marketable. If the Council decides to exercise the purchase option, it i recommended the purchase occur during the first year of tt lease. The purchase price during the first year of the lease i estimated at $1.6 million. The City's annual debt service woul be approximately $300,000 per year. Through the use c Certificates of Participation, and due to the fact that fees ar not tax funds would be used to purchase the building, a vote c the people would not be legally required. It is recommended that the City Council delay making a decisic to purchase the building until the on-going architectural stuc of the existing City Hall site is completed. A decision to bc the building should not be made until the Council determines tt ultimate location and a construction time-table for permaner City Hall facilities. I * * 1, -. Page 2 of the Agenda Bill No. 33&?-e7. FISCAL IMPACT: $939,456 over a four year period, If the Council decided t The annual lease costs for the building will be $234,864 o purchase the building, annual costs would be $300,000 per yea for a total cost, including financing over a ten year period, o approximately $3,000,000. Funds for the lease or purchase of the building will come fro fee revenues and enterprise funds. First year lease payments ar included in the proposed 1986-87 fiscal year budget. EXHIBITS: 1, Resolution No. r5% 3 approving lease agreement. 2. Memo from Finance Director dated 03/26/86. .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 IO 11 12 13 14 15 16 I" 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 25~ 0 $e RESOLUTION NO. 8503 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A LEASE AGREEMENT WITH PALOMAR AIRPORT BUSINESS PARK FOR THE BUILDING LOCATED AT 2075 LAS PALMAS DRIVE, CARLSBAD, CALIFDRNIA WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad California has determined the need to provide additional officl space to house certain City departments; and WHEREAS, after soliciting and reviewing proposals fo office space, the City Council has decided to enter into lease for office space with Palomar Airport Business Park; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the Lease Agreement between the City of Carlsba and Palomar Airport Business Park attached hereto as Exhibit is hereby approved. 3. That the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed t sign the lease on behalf of the City. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 15th day of April 9 1986 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, and Chick NOES: None ABSENT: Council Members Ku ch' and Pettip L uB.& MARY H. dASLER, Mayor ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City C rk (SEAL) 7 /// 0 0 -. LEASE AGREEEN1 CITY OF CARLSBAD GOVERNMENT OFf ICES THIS CEASE AGREEMENT, made and entered into this /p day of , 1986, by and between PALOMAR AIRPORT BUSINESS PARK, * hereinafter referred to as 'lLessor" and the CITY OF CARLSBAD, hereinafter referred to as rrCityr', whereby the parties hereto agree as follows: WITNESSETH: 1 . ADMINISTRATION. This Lease Agreement (hereinafter ref erred to as "Lease'') shall be administered on behalf of City by the City Manager, City of Carlsbad, hereinafter referred to as "City's Lease Administrator", and on behalf of Lessor by Bernard W. Gilmore, Vice President. 2. DESCRIPTION.. Lessor hereby leases to City that real property consisting of Building #44 of approximately 22,627 square feet of office space known as 2075 Las Palmas Drive, Carlsbad, California, 92008, described as Lot 5 of Parcel Map 10061, as delineated on Exhibit "A", attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. Said real property (hereinafter referred to as "Demised Premises") is leased on a modified gross basis in accordance with the tens and conditions hereinafter set forth . 3. TERM. This Lease Agreement is effective on the date first above - written. the Demised Premises by City. acceptance issued by the City to the Lessor, terminate 48 months from the date of acceptance. The term of this Lease shall commence upon the date of acceptance of Said date shall be as specified in the letter of The term of this Lease shall .. 0 -. The date of acceptance of the Demised Premises by City's Lease Administrator whose acceptance shall not be unreasonably withheld, shall follow notice to City from Lessor that the Demised Premises are approved for occupancy by the City of Carlsbad, Building Department. Provided, however, if Lessor cannot deliver said facility in completed condition ready for occupancy within 120 days from the date of execution hereof by City, City may terminate this Lease at City's option without any liability to Lessor. including but not limited to acts of God, strikes or natural disaster, (but not including financial inability, or acts or omissions of Lessor's agents or contractors), shall not be included in said 120 day period. Delays caused by events over Hhich Lessor shall have no control, City shall have the option to extend this Lease upon expiration thereof for additional one (1) year periods up to a total of six (6) years upon the same terms and conditions as stated herein. The option may be executed by City by giving written notice of exercise to Lessor at least sixty (60) days in advance of the normal expiration of this Lease or any succeeding extension thereof. 4. EARLY TERMINATION. This Lease may be terminated by City at its sole option at any time after twelve (12) months from date of acceptance by first giving to Lessor no less than sixty (60) days prior written notice. event this Lease is terminated early by City, then City shall reimburse Lessor the sum equivalent to one-third (1/3) of the remaining monthly rent payments as described in Section 6 of this agreement including any unamortized costs of tenant improvements. In the 5. HOLDING OVER. Any holding over by City after the expiration of the term of this Lease shall be construed to be a tenancy from month to month at the monthly rental and on the terms and conditions specified herein so far as the -2- 0 0 same may be applicable. City to remove its equipment and fixtures. Such holding over shall include any time required by 6. RENT. The base rent reserved for the first four (4) years of the term - of this Lease shall be the sum of Nineteen Thousand Five Hundred Seventy-Two Dollars ($19,572.00) per month. day of the month following the month in which rental was earned during the term. Rent shall be payable in arrears on the first If the first day of the ten shall not be the first day of the month, the rental for the portion of the term occurring in the first and last calendar months of the term shall be appropriately prorated. commence upon the date of acceptance of the Demised Premises by City. Accrual of rent shall Instdlments of rent shall be paid by depositing City warrants in facilities of United States Postal Service addressed to the office of Lessor as stated in the llNOTICE1' clause below. 7. TENANT IMPROVEMENTS. Lessor shall furnish to the City detailed plans ' and specifications of desired tenant improvements within thirty (30) days of execution of this agreement. bids from qualified independent contractors (hereinafter referred to as "Contractor") to accomplish the tenant improvements in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. City reserves the right to review, add, Lessor shall secure a minimum of three (3) written delete, modify, and otherwise approve the submitted bids prior to Less~or beginning the installation of the tenant improvements. City warrants that approval will not be unreasondly withheld. Lessor shall direct installation of the tenant improvements dilligently, in a professional manner, and in accordance with approved plans and specifications. Lessor shall deliver the demised premises in completed condition ready for occupancy within ninety (90) days from the date of receipt of City's plans and specifications for tenant improvements. -3- 0 0 I. 8. PAYMENT FOR TENANT IMPROVEMENTS. Lessor agrees to construct tenant improvements required by the City for the use of the leased premises. A tenant improvement allowance of $15.00 per square foot is included in the base rent as described by Section 6 of this agreement. Following installation of the tenant improvements, the base rent payable monthly by City to Lessor shall be adjusted at the rate of $0.0263 per square foot per month of leased premises for each dollar greater than or less than the aforementioned $15.00 per square foot credit. The final cost of tenant improvements following installation shall be limited to the sum equivalent to the total amount of payments to the tenant improvements contractor including all progress payments and retentions. City shall not be responsible for Lessor's incidental expenses including but not limited to legal fees, bonding and insurance requirements, contract administration, travel and per-diem expenses, and other related costs. 9. COST OF LIVING AD3USTMENT. Should City elect to exercise the option to extend this Lease as described in Section 3 of this agreement, the monthly base rent provided for in Section 6 of this agreement shall be adjusted to reflect any increase or decrease in the purchasing power of the dollar. Beginning with the first month and ending with the twelfth month for each one (1) year extension of this Lease, the adjustment in the base rent shall be the average monthly consumer price index as herein defined for the first full calendar quarter immediately preceding the commencement of the term of this Lease in comparison to the last full calendar quarter of this Lease or extension thereof. The consumer price index which shall be used as the source for such index numbers, shall be that published by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, "Consumer Price Index for all Urban Consumers", for the San Diego Metropolitan Area (1967=100). In the event that indexes are not published -4- 0 e for the San Diego area, then another comparable index or source of such information generally recognized as authoritative shall be substituted by agreement of the parties. If the parties should not agree, such source of infomration shall be determined by arbitration pursuant to the provisions of the California Code of Civil Procedure. Notwithstanding the above cost of living formula, the adjustment for each one (1 ) year extension of this Lease in no event shall be less than three (3) percent nor more than five (5) percent in any twelve (12) month period. 10. PURCHASE OPTION. title to the Demised Premises. Demised Premises for the sum of One Million Three Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($1,350,000.00) plus any unamortized costs of tenant improvements as described in Section 8 of this agreement if the option is exercised during the first year of this agreement. If the option is exercised during the second year of this agreement, the purchase price shall be One Million Four Hundred Sixty Thousand Dollars ($1,460,000.00). City shall be free of all liens, encumbances, obligations, and restrictions of any kind. Said option shall be open and available to City for a period of two (2) years following the date of acceptance of the Demised Premises by City as described in Section 3 of this agreement. Lessor agrees not to revoke or otherwise alter the terms and conditions of this offer during the course of the option period. City may exercise this option by notifying Lessor in writing at any time prior to the expiration of the option. Lessor warrants that it holds legal and equitable Lessor offers an option to City to purchase the Title to the Demised Premises offered by Lessor to All incidental costs related to the purchase of the Demised Premises by City during the option period including but not limited to escrow fees, brokerage commissions, insurance fees, guarantees and other forms of security, and all - 5- 0 e other expenses related to the transaction shall be the sole responsibility of the Lessor. This lease will terminate upon close of Sale except for Section 11 of this agreement. 11. RE-PURCHASE OPTION. Lessor offers an option to City to re-purchase the Demised Premises for the sum of One Million Three Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($1,350,000.00) if City elects to exercise its purchase option durint the first year of this agreement as described in Section 10 of this agreement. Said re- purchase option shall be open and available to City for a period of four (4) years following the close of escrow of City's purchase of the Demised Premises from Lessor. Lessor agrees not to revoke or otherwise alter the tens and conditions of this offer during the course of the option period. City may exercise this repurchase option by giving Lessor notice in writing as hereinafter provided at anytime prior to the expiration of the option. The City shall give Lessor one hundred eighty (180) days notice of the City's intention to exercise the option to have the Lessor repurchase the Demised Premises. and Lessor agree to jointly market the Demised Premises through a third party During the one hundred eighty (180) day notice period, City jointly selected by City and Lessor. If during this notice period, the Demised Premises is sold for a sum greater than One Million Three Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($1,350,000.00) the City and Lessor shall divide equally any sales proceeds, less marketing and related incidental closing costs, in excess of One Million Three Hundred Fifty Thousand Oollars ($1,350,000.00). All incidental costs related to the repurchase of the Demised Premises by lessor during the option period including but not limited to escrow fees, brokerage commissions, insurance fees, guarantees and other forms of security, and all other expenses related to the transaction shall be the sole responsibility of the City - -6- 0 e 12. DEVELOPMENT OF PARKING FACILITIES WITHIN UTILITY EASEMENT. A utility easement exists across the southern portion of the property occupied by the Demised Premises as indicated in attached Exhibit "A". City to develop additional tenant parking facilities within and around said utility easement. It is understood by the parties to this agreement that ail costs related to the development of the aforementioned tenant parking facilities shall be the sole responsibility of City. Lessor agrees to allow 13. USE. The Demised Premises shall be used for office space for City's - Community Development Department, but City reserves the right to use the Demised Premises for any permitted use. 14. UTILITIES. City shall pay for all utilities necessary for the use and enjoyment by City of the Demised Premjses, except water and sewer, which shall be paid for by Lessor. 15. 3ANITORIAL SERVICES AND TRASH REMOVAL. City shall furnish at its sole expense all janitorial and trash removal services which may be requried by its occupancy and use of the Demised Premises. Such services shall be provided at the level necessary to maintain the Demised Premises in a clean and orderly condition. 16. REPAIRS TO MAINTENANCE. Subject to the provisions of the DAMAGE OR DESTRUCTION clause hereof, and except for damage caused by any negligent or intentional act or omission of City, its agents, employees, or invitees, Lessor, at Lessor's expense, shall keep the entire interior and exterior of the Demised Premises in good order, in a clean, healthful and wholesome cordition ad repair, including any required eradication of pests and trash removal related to exterior building and landscape maintenance. Lessor shall make repairs required under this clause within a reasonable time after receipt of written notice of the need for such repairs. City agrees by taking possession of the Demised - 7- 0 e -1 Premises as herein set forth that such Demised Premises are then in a tenatable and good condition and that City will take good care of the Demised Premises and the same will not be altered, repaired or changed without the written consent of Lessor b 17. NONPERFORMANCE OF SERVICES BY LESSOR. If Lessor fails to provide satisfactory repair and/or maintenance services to the Demised Premises as hereinabove set forth, City may notify Lessor in writing; and if Lessor does not instigate measures to provide satisfactory service and to remedy the unsatisfactory conditions within five (5) working days after such notice has been mailed or delivered by City, City may provide the utilities, trash removal, landscape maintenance? repair andlor maintenance services necessary to remedy the unsatisfactory condition and assure satisfactory service, or have others do so, and abate an mount equal to the cost thereof fran the rent thereafter payable. 18. BUILDING AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS. During the full ten of this Lease, Lessor agrees to maintain the Demised Premises in compliance with all applicable building codes, statutes, and orders as they are applicable on the date of this Lease, and as they may be subsequently amended. Lessor further agrees to maintain the Demised Premises as a "safe place of employment"j as the term is used in the California Occupational Safety and Health Act, where the provisions of such Acts are applicable on the date of this Lease. G of the Uniform Fire Code (1976) shall be the responsibility of Lessor. Test procedures for fire extinguishing systems as set forth in Appendix In the event Lessor neglects, fails or refuses to maintain said Demised Premises as aforesaid, City may, notwithstanding any other termination provisions contained herein : A. Terminate this Lease; or -8 - m 0 B. At City's sole option, cure any such default by performance of any act, including payment of money, and subtract the cost thereof plus reasonable administrative costs from the rent , Conditions caused solely by City and not subject to the control of Lessor are excluded from this provision. 19. INSTALLATION AND ALTERATION. City may install any and all fixtures or improvements necessary or desirable for City's use of the Demised Premises for the above described purposes but shall make no permanent alterations in, or additions to, said Demised Premises without the written consent of Lessor, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. installed by City shall remain the property of City and at the option of City may be removed at or before termination of this Lease or extention thereof or may be abandoned to Lessor and any damage to the Demised Premises occasioned by such removal shall be repaired by City upon request by Lessor within thirty (30) days of the termination of this Lease or any extension thereof, expiration of this Lease or the sooner termination thereof as herein provided, except in the event Of destruction of the property as provided for in the DAMAGE OR DESTRUCTION clause hereof, City shall deliver possession of the Demised Premises to Lessor in the same condition it enjoyed at the beginning of this Lease, or as altered, ordinary wear and tear and damage by the elements excepted. Such fixtures or equipment Upon the 20. DAMAGE OR DESTRUCTION. In the event that the Demised Premises should be partially damaged by fire or any other cause during the ten of this Lease or extension thereof, other than through the fault or negligence of City, repairs shall be made by Lessor, at its sole expense, and with all reasonable dispatch, and City shall be allowed a reduction of rent in proportion to the ratio of the damaged area to the entire Demised Premises. Such reduction of rent shall -9- a e continue during the time required for Lessor to make such repairs. If, in the opinion of City's Lease Administrator, City can use and occupy the Demised Premises without substantial inconvenience, there shall be no reduction of rent. In the event the damage amounts to the substantial destruction of the Demised Premises or cannot be repaired in ninety (90) days, this Lease may be terminated by either party at its option by giving written notice of intention to the other party within thirty (30) days following said destruction; if this Lease is not so terminated, City shall not be liable for any rent until repairs and reconstruction have been made by Lessor, subject-to the approval of City's Lease Administrator, so that the Demised Premises are again ready for occupancy. 21. SIGNS. City may erect any signs necessary to identify City's occupancy of the Demised Premises during the term hereunder subject to approval of Lessor. Signs shall be removed by City upon termination of this Lease after receipt by City of a written request by Lessor. removal of signs within thirty (30) days of termination of this Lease, City shall be under no obligation to remove said signs. - In the event Lessor does not request 22. QUIET POSSESSION. Lessor for itself, its heirs, devises, successors or _u__ . assigns, convenants and agrees that City, upon payment of the rental reserved and the compliance with all the terms and conditions of this Lease may lawfully, peacefully and quietly have, hold, use, occupy and enjoy the Demised Premises and each part thereof during the term of this Lease or any extensions thereof without hindrance or interruption from Lessor, its heirs, devises, successors or assigns. Lessor has and reserves the right at any reasonable time to enter upon the Premises to inspect said Demised Premises or to perform any of the obligations imposed by this Lease, but in so entering shall conduct itself so as to minimally interfere with City's use and enjoyment of the Demised Premises. -1 0- - 0 e 23. NOTICE. Any notice or notices given by Lessor or City to the other may - be personnaly served upon Lessor or City or any person hereafter authorized in writing to receive such notice, or may be served by depositing the same in the United States Mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the appropriate address hereinafter set forth or to such oither address as Lessor or City may hereafter designate by written notice. TO: - CITY TO: - LESSOR City of Carlsbad City Manager 1120 Sycamore Avenue 1200 Elm Avenue Suite A Carlsbad, CA 92008 Vista, CA 92083 Palmar Airport Ehsiness Park 24. INSURANCE. Lessor shall maintain throughout the term of this Lease fire insurance and extended coverage on the Demised Premises to the extent of 90% of replacement value of improvements located on the Demised Premises. Included in the policy or policies of insurance shall be a standard waiver of rights of subrogation against City by the insurance company issuing said policy or policies. 25. EMINENT DOMAIN. If any part of the Demised Premises shall be taken or condemned for a public or quasi-public use and a part thereof remains which in the opnion of the City's Lease Administrator, is adequate to permit City to continue the uses stated in the USE clause above, this Lease shall, as to the part os taken, terminate as of the date legal possession shall be taken by the condemnor, and the rent payable hereunder shall be adjusted so that City shall be required to pay for the remainder of the ten only such portion of such rent as the value to City of the part remaining after the condemtion bears to the value of the entire Demised Premises at the date of condemnation. condemnation takes all the Demised Premises, or such part thereof that there does not, in the opinion of City's Lease Administrator, remain a portion If such -1 1- .. - e 4 adequate for City's use hereunder, this Lease shall thereupon terminate. part or all of the Demised Premises is taken or condemned, the compensation awarded upon such condemnation or taking shall go to Lessor or City as their respective interests may appear. SEVERABILITY. If a 26. The invalidity of any portion of this Lease as determined by a court of competent jurisdiction shall in no way affect the validity of any other provision hereof. 27. TIME OF ESSENCE. Time is expressly declared to be of the essenae of this Lease and of each, every and all of the covenants and conditions herein. If the parties hereto should not agree as to the terms and provisions of this Lease, such disagreement shall be determined by arbitration pursuant to the provisions of the California Code of Civil Procedure. 29. 28. ARBITRATION. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Lease contains the entire agreement between the parties hereto and no term or provision hereto may be charged, waived, discharged or terminated lnless the same be in writing executed by both parties hereto . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and seals. CITY OF CARLSBAD @, I--=&, JL, .csLlj,,.4 ' .., i 5 , i- i,,, L L By: /". , t,L & t,c " I/- c , L;,i32. ~ + /- / //;J-cfz L.i- F' ./ - -/*-+/- .k SSlS 'CltY , 'I * it e APPROVED AS TO F : / ATTEST: .F */ <--,!- - &,L 7 -_ ft ,I c. m-~ler l2-haLL- k -1 2- tO l3E-I 5 H H X a 010-c/z ry a H X -- a MARCH 26, 1986 TO: ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER - MANNEN FROM: Finance Director LEASE-PURCHASE OF ENGINEERING/PLANNING/BUILDING OFFICE SPACE I have received two of three proposals from leasing companies who have an interest in assisting the City in financing the Palomar Oaks office building. The third company Municipal Leasing Associates , Inc. has not prepared Markets Group and First Continental Financial Corporation are based on privately placed certificates of participation. This is a relatively simple type of issue that depends heavily on the City's ability to provide a stream of income which can be pledged to pay the debt service costs. are sold unrated and uninsured due to the ability of the underwriter to easily place issues of this type. Page 2 of the Security Pacific letter has a sample schedule showing the size of the debt issue necessary to provide $1,640,000 for the purchase of the building. An issue of about $2.1 million provides the necessary acquisition funds as well as funding of the issuance costs of about $89 , 000. On a ten year issue in the present debt market (see page 3 of the Security Pacific letter) we could expect an issue with net interest costs of 7.036% with an underwriter's discount of about 3%. The City's annual debt service payment would be about $298,000 per year. Total debt service payments over the 10 year life of the issue would be $2.4 million. letter also outlines a 12 year issue on pages '7 through 11. The important aspects of this proposal are : a written proposal, The deals outlined by both Security Pacific Capital These issues The Security Pacific 1. The concept of using certificates of participation for the acquisition of this building is sound and readily accepted by the market. The City must commit about $300,000 per year for 10 years (or $260,000 per year for 12 years) to finance this acquisition. Sources of funds for the debt service payments would be first, development fees (Engineering, Building , Planning) , second, general fund revenues and/or third, public facilities fees. 2. 3. If structured properly, the certificates could include a call provision which would protect the City in the event that interest rates on earnings decline below the rate of the remaining debt. issue. These call provisions can increase the net interest cost of an issue if the first call can be made early in the e e Page -2- I recommend that we brief the City Council on the use of certificates of participation prior to the drafting of a ballot measure asking for voter appro of this acquisition. Several "experts" are available to us ranging from financi advisors to bond counsels for such a presentation. fees associated with this project which can be borne by either the Developme There may be some departments or by Finance. I will be available to meet with you at your convenience to discuss this project. attachment: Letters from Security Pacific Capital Markets Group, and First Continental Financial Corporation c: Ray Patchett a e Security Pacific Capital Markets Group 300 South Grand Avenue, 8-211 21st Floor Los Angeles, California 90071 March 17, 1986 Mr. James F. Elliott Finance Director City of Carl sbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carl sbad, Cal i forni a 92008-1 989 Dear Jim: I am going to be on vacation the week of the seventeenth, but I wanted you to have this information for your reference. The cases we ran were for 10 and 12 years, and you can see the net amount of funds required. Both isSue Sizes are approximately $2.1 million, the anticipated Net Debt Service is approximately $2.4 million and the underlying cost of funds as a result is less than 7% on the $1,659,000 that you required. These figures are based on current interest rates, and I have assumed a privately placed issue. The costs of issuance are relatively low, and would probably be $10,000 to $15,000 higher for a rated issue. Based on that savings alone, I would recommend sticking with the non-rated or privately placed issue. We have assumed for these purposes that the phones would be available May lst, but as you can see from the schedule of draws they would not be used until July 1. Any draw later than that would result in additional arbitrage earnings to the City. This is not intended to present any pressure but you should be aware that the proposed delays in the effective date of the tax law changes would make such a funding quite feasible today, and enable you to realize the arbitrage earnings on these funds until they are actually expended. The net impact of this over the next three to six months should be in the neighborhood of $20,000 to $30,000. This is not a huge amount, but certainly not something to be totally ignored, therefore you may want to consider some exceleration in the program. If you have any other questions, I will be available the week of the 24th, and I will be checking in for messages, et cetera. Please feel free to contact me at (213) 229-1423. Si ncerel y , lo!&: 25. $J/d 37-- William E. Straw Vice President : ake Enclosures s E::%n . v Dsision @I d BANK 1) 9 r: CITY OF CRRLSBRD CERTIFICRTES DF CCIRTICIPCIXitd TEN YEGR ISSUE SOURCES AND USE5 OF FUNDS DSLS”V’RY DKE: 5f !/a6 SOURCES L ............................................ ............................................. F. ............................................ ............................................ 4F ------- ------- 6 c PRR RWUN: Uc Fi)ti.I)S.. ................. $2,855.0@. 80 +PRMIUI I-OISCUUNT.. ................. $8.00 BOND PROCEEDS. .......................................... 2. efi, aaa. BB $2. BE, 000. e0 ----I_--_ c c I. USES OF FUNS 0 --------_--- ----------- fl UXDERWRITERS DISCUUNT (X o? $). ......... t 3.k3im3im).,. 62,550. e8 XST OF ISSURNCE.. ...................................... 25, a@$. e0 CAPlTRLIZED INTEREST.. .................................. 57, ma. 19 DEBT SERVICE RESERVE.. 299,e62.5a NET CUNSTRUCTIUN FUND FWJNT.. .......................... 1,648,884. €7 P, .................................. CONTINGENCY. 1.Z72.64 ............................................ f ----------- $2, amm. e~ ?L 6, 2 L= %.. # e e CITY OF CARLSSFID CEqT IF1 WTES OF PRRTICIPRTIDN TEN YEilR ISSUE DEET SERVICE SCMDULE DELIVEW DATE: 51 1/86 -____--_-__-____-_-__ ---------------_----- -_-_------I---_---- -------------_------ DClTi PFiINCiPR: COUPON INTEREST PEFLIED TOT& F!S&RL TOTRL -------- -------------- ---------- -.m------------ -------------- ___--________ i:/ :/a6 7&986,73 7u3,386,75 51 :is i55.een.m 5.750000 70.388.75 225,988.75 296.977.50 !L/ 1/87 66.532.50 66.532.50 5' i!Bb 165, BOO.OO 6. 850000 66,532.50 231.532.50 238.065. # 1!/ 1/86 61,541.25 61,541.25 5/ 1/61 175,080. 0B 6.3088BcS 61,541.25 236* 541.25 298,082.33 !I/ !/a5 56.028.75 56, W8.75 5! 1/90 m,m0.t~ 6.5me0 56. @2&. 75 241.028.75 247,057.58 I!/ i/98 44,970. 00 49,370.~ 51 :I31 135. 088.@% 6.8B@0@8 49,370. ee 244,378. ea 294.940. e~ 51 i/3? 218.@8@.00 6.350800 43,340. 00 253,340. 00 e96,6m. 0a 51 1/33 225. 000.00 7.05088'2 36,042.5~ 261.042.5~1 297,085,~a 111 1/91 43,340.80 43.34%. 00 I!/ 1/32 36, 042. 56 36.042.50 lli 1/53 24, Iil,25 28,11!.2f 5i iJ94 248,801.88 7.153000 20.1 : 1.25 260,111.25 296.222. s ll{ 1/94 13,53!.25 i9.531.25 !l/ 1/95 ia.186.2~ 10,106.25 v 1/35 260,e08. 0e 7.250008 13,531.25 273,531.25 233,06?.5@ 51 1/96 275,m0.00 7.350a00 10, !%. 25 285,1@6.25 23% 22.58 ---------- -------- -_-------I 2, a85.086. ea 884,385. m 2,m385.08 2.085.BiZ)Q. 00 884.385.0a 2,969,3~5. m RCCYUED ------------ _I___-_______ --I--------- --_---_-____ ---___--______ --_--------_-- WED 5/ 1/86 KH DELIVERY IF 51 !/a6 BDN5 YERRS 12,57&. aa F;JE?QGE CUUPOt 7. 036 RVEWGE L!FE 6. @25 ';IC % 7.635688 x USINS I00.0$@6880 e CITY OF CRRLSBAD CERTIFICRTES DF PRRTICIPFITION TEN YEAR ISSUE NET DEBT SERVICE REQUIRMENTS ELIlJERY DRTE: 5! 1/86 PERIOD TOTFIL CONSTR. FUND DEBT SK. RES. MET SUWLLIS FL"S e --I------------------- ------------------------- -------_I---------------- ---------------------------- ENDlNG PRIMCIPR CULlPClM INTEREST DEET SERV!CE EFIRNIMGS t CRP. NT. DEE! SERVICE REBCI!NING 111 1/86 78,986.75 7a, 988.75 78,388.75 0.08 51 1 /a7 155,008. a0 5.75~00~ 70,968.75 225,506.75 11,962. 56 214,1&26. 95 !1/ 1/81 66,532.56 66,532.5@ 11, '362.50 54.516.08 51 i /ti6 i65,10. aa 6.0500aa 66,532.56 231.532.58 i i, 962.5a eis,m. 00 111 1/88 61,541.25 61,541.25 ii,%2.5a 49,578.75 !I1 1/69 5i. o2a. 75 56.028.15 11.362.5PI 44. B66. E 5/ 1/91 135,880. 88 6.800@88 49,470. 88 244,978.0B 1~9~12.50 233,867.58 iil iI91 43,348.08 43.340.~~ - 11,962. sa 31,377. 56 5/ 1/92 210,00a.e~ 6. 3mm 43,346.00 Z53.340. @PI 11,462.56 24!,3?7.50 11/ 1/92 36, 842. sa 36,052. sa 1 1,962.5a 24, am. a$ 5/ 1/93 225,000.80 7.~5~ma 36,842.50 961, 842. 56 1 I, 962.58 249,880.0@ 111 1/33 28,11!.25 28.111.25 l:, 362.58 16,146.75 ------- -I--------- ----- ----I--- ------- ---------- --------- ------ ----_I 5/ iI83 175, 0@0.8# 6.388008 6r, 541.25 236.54i. 25 11,962.50 ir24,fr76. 75 51 1/90 l85,BB0.86 6.558008 56, Q28.75 24 1,826.75 !!,962.56 229,666.25 111 i/% 49,978. ea 49,370.0~ 11,362.58 38, @87.5@ 51 1/94 240, ~BB. a8 7.15~000 28,111.25 260,111.25 1 L JE~. 50 256,148.75 51 1/35 268,000.00 7. 2mi1m i9,53!. 25 279,551.25 I 1,362. 58 267,568.75 111 1/94 19,531.25 13,531.25 11,%2. 50 7,568.75 !1f 1/95 ia, 106.25 18, 1&. 25 I!, 962.58 1.656.25 51 1 /96 2?5,0@8. 80 7.350@08 10,186.25 285,106.P5 31 1,825. B0 27.775. 88 -------------- -----I------- -------I--- ------------- ------------ -------------- 2, BBf, MMO.O1 884, m. BB 2,969,385.0a 597,338.75 2,393,821.25 --_----__-__-- --____------_ -_--_----_-__- -----_-_-___- ----_-_------ ______________ ______________ ______________ ____-____-____ ---__-_------ -------------- ---______----_ e CITY OF CARLSBRI! CERTIFIWTES 9F PRRTICIPRTIDN TEN YERR ISSUE LRPITRLIED INTEREST FEND e ’. , ---------------I---- ........................ --------------------__-- ----------------------- DELIVERY DFITE: 5! 1/86 PERIW BEGINNING flCCRL!UEb WNSTR. FJM 5EbT SERVICE CWITRLltED TUTRL FUNOS EEiQ INTEREST E! * END1 N6 BRLRNCE INTEREST ERRHINGS RESERVE IN?. ERRNINE FIVAILRBLE CRPITQi!ZED BFli t 8.N0008 %) ( 7.0000B0 %) ~100.0B8U0 %) lli 1/86 57,@30,13 11,762,58 1,996.06 79,959.75 N9bR. 75 -------- -------------- -------------- ------------ ---------I-- ------------- -------------- ---------I- ---------. -------I-- _____-_______ ----------- ----------_- -----__-___--_ 1 1,962.50 1,996.86 70,966.75 ---------- ----------- -------------- ----------- -----I------ -------I-- ------------- ------------- -----------_- _--_-_____ * 1 - d OI 4 .. ._ a I I- * e a CITY DF CFI4LS5RD CERTIFIWTES OF PFIRTIC!PRTIUN TEN YERR fSSE CBVSTRUCTIDN FtJkD OELlVERY DRTE: 5/ 1/86 *. , r -------------I- ---_-----____--_ c ---_-----_-___--- ----------------- I DRRW CONSTRUCTf DN CDNSTRXTIDN NET CONSTR. INS, RRTE CUNS'f9. FUND DEBT SERVICE CAPITRLIZED RSMCIINING DRTE FUKB BBLRNCE DRRW NEEDED FUKB DRRU DF DRRW EFIRNINGS RESERVE INT. ERRNINES CO#STR. FUND! d I 8.0@@080 $1 i 7.0@0pI0 d) ----I ----------- -------- ----I--I ---__- ------I-- --------_- __--_____-_ ______I 7t !I& 1, €40,564.67 1,659,000.05 1,640,084.67 7.0&?@80 16,315.33 -0.8 ---------- _--I--__-__ ------------ --_______ __I____ F !,659.086.06 1,648,084.67 18.915.33 ----------- ----_------- _---_______ -----------I ------------_ _--_I____-_ ------------- __---_______ ------------ -----_-___I r G 4 4 ..- L 5 2 #. e e T'r L I, Y DF CFi?LSBGD CERT!FIUFITES DF ?FiRTICiPFiTltrf$ iW;LY; YERR ISSLE T -, IIP _---______--____-_----------------------------- ................................................ SOUgCCES RND USES OF FU,NDS ................................................ ................................................. DELIVEF~Y DGTE: 5/ 1/86 SOURCES ---____ -_-____ Xi5 G%N 2' FONDS.. ................. $E,058,6@@.$@ ................. iF'REl'I3 "-0:SCEJHT.. ea. BO N?$ P?X=_TDS. .......................................... Z650.689. @6 ---------------- $2- 858, @@e. @6? ?'$; OF FifHES -_----------- __--__--_---- i ZN~ES~RITE~S DISWUkT !X cw $)... ....... ( 3.81ad88%!.. . &I* 588.80 5 L'F 1SSUL"E. ....................................... 25< eae. 80 C'RPITRLIZED ISTE4EST.. .................................. za,.333.42 Bib7 SERVICE SESERVE.. .................................. 26mB. BB NET CDWSUCTIOtl FUND RMOUWT.. .......................... 1,648,684.67 CONT!NFENCY.. ........................................... 1, ??!. 3@ ) b ----- ---- ------ $2, @;a, 080. m j b e CITY 6 F CRRLSBFII! CE3T IF1 CRTES OF PRRT ICIFdTIOh! TWELVE YERR ISSUE DEBT SERVICE SCHEDF-E DELIVERY DRTE: 51 !/a6 -----------------_- ------------------_- c --------------------- -------------------__ 4% DRTE PRINCIPFI? CDJPON INTEREST PERIUD TOTFI? FISCAL TUTRi -------- -------------- -----_---- -----------__ _I-_--_-__ -____________ * I!/ i!86 71,405.80 71,405. B0 a, 51 1/87 120,01maa 5.750000 71.4~00 191.405.M XWB.~P 11/ 1/87 67,955, a0 67,m.~0 5/ mi8 18, bee. @a 6. maaa 67,355. @a 192,955. @e x,e,3i8.@0 5/ i/~? 138.a6~~00 6.300a~ 64,173.75 194.173.75 za.347.33 5/ :/go 140, e00. ea E. 5m~8 &a, ex 75 2ae, 078. 75 %e, 157. sa :I/ 1/9@ 55,493.75 55.493.75 51 Y~I m,me.m 6.~100~1~ 55,433.75 205,433.75 za,3~7.sa !if 1/31 56,393.75 58.343.75 11/ 1/92 44,833.75 44,833.75 5/ :/95 178, ma. 60 7.e5~000 44,833.75 214,833.75 259.667. Sa 1!/ 1/33 28, 841.25 sa, 841. is 51 1134 15'i,B@L80 7.150@00 38,i341,25 223,841,25 ir62,682,58 11/ 1/94 32, E27.5B 32,227. 5a 5/ 1/95 1'35. Mfl. 80 7.2500Q0 32,227.58 227, ZZ7.50 259.455. I llf 1/95 25, i5a. 75 z,,i5a. 75 5/ 1/96 m, mm. ea 7.35~00~ 25.m 75 235.158.75 260,317.50 11/ 1/88 64,173.75 64,173.75 ZT I!/ 1/89 66,076.75 6& 676.75 6 i 51 :/92 1h0,e@.B.e0 &.350@@@ 50,333.75 E:8,333.75 268.787.50 .E, iE 4.Y c lI/ l/% i7,441.25 17,441.25 !I/ 1/37 4, ~360. a8 9,86Q. 00 51 i.197 225,000.00 i.45am8 17.441.25 242,441.25 253.882.58 5; :m 240,tm.a0 7.55e8ee 9,060.08 243,866.08 258,120. BB 0 ----------_ --------- -I_-----__ ~aa, ma. ea 1, Bi4.13. BB 3.124,25.88 E', 415e.00e. e0 1,874.1P5.88 3,194,125. BB c RCCRUED ------------- -------------_ ------------- --__--_--__ -----__-----_ -- -_--- --- ---- e DRTED 5/ i/86 WITH DELIVERY liF 5/ 1/66 hi POWD YERRS 14,910.m3 WAFIGE COUPON 7,264 WE4GE LIFE 7.273 +:I: % 7. ,364058 % USING 100. @0@00U L Bp & L cp, 8 CITY OK CiIRLSBgD CERTIFILRTCS OF PRRTICIPRTION TWELVE YERR ISSUE e --------------I.------------ II~.I...OIO.~~YUIU~~""~~~~~ p" NE? DEBT SLRVICE RtQUIREMEWTS KLIVERY DATE: 5i 1/66 ----------_---____------- -----__----_-------_-------- ? PER I OD TOTClL COMSTR. FUND BT SVC. RES. NET SURPL!!S FUN ENI! 1 N6 PRINCIPRL CDiPON INTEREST DEE SERVICE ERR?IlffiS t CRF. INT. DEBT StRVICE REblfiIlVIYG !1/ 1/66 71.4a5.m 71,405. @a 71.405.aa 51 i 147 120.80Q. Ma 5.750Bati 71,485.80 191,485.88 ia,512.40 100, -992. ka xi 1/87 57,955. e0 67,955. @a 1 e, 5! L4Q 57,442.68 51 I/@ i25,m~.a0 6.05maa 67,955. ea 19t,~55. Be ia.512.40 142, 442.6~~ c i!! !/66 64,173.75 64,173.75 18,5:2.40 53,661.35 51 1/65 !sa, em. ea 6.3ae80G 64,173.75 194,173.75 10,512.4@ !B3,661.35 lil 1/64 66,078.75 La, 078.75 18,5:2.4@ 49,566.35 21 i /sa 148, ma. m 6. 55eam 5~2, ~78.75 ma. 073.75 10.52. rB l64, 566.35 !I/ 1/30 55,493.75 55.493.75 !@,5:2.4O 44, ?h!. 35 5! i 191 !50, 088. 88 6.6BB@80 55.4?3.75 285.4?3.75 i0. 5:2.4@ 194,9b!. 35 !i! i/3i 50, 393.75 5a.333. 75 18,s:~). 46 23,661.35 !if !I% 44. az. 75 44.833.75 10,512.40 54,321.55 5/ i 19; 178, om. m 7. meoa 44,333.75 4i4.633.75 10, 5!Z. 4@ Z84.321.35 P- ------e ------------- ----I- ----------- ---------- ------------- ---------_-- --------- ----_------ 3 i 112 164 B#D, 4M 6,356688 5@,593,75 ?!& 393.75 10,52,4Q !4'3,861.35 ill 2/93 36.642.25 38.641.25 1@,52. 40 28.32a.65 c 51 1/54 185, am. a@ 7.130~0 3E. a+!. 25 223, b4!. 25 10, 52. 40 213,326.65 1:/ 1/94 32, Z7.58 22, 2?7. 56 19~52.48 21,715. lg 111 1/35 25,!58.75 25.158.75 18.5:2.48 14.646.35 5f 1/95 195.0BQ. B8 7.2SB00B 32.227.5B 227.2'27.5e ia.w.48 a6m. 10 51 if96 218,01b0.8@ 7.350800 25,156.75 235,158.75 273.322.40 28, !6J.! 111 1/36 17,441.3 17,441.25 a. 742. ' 51 1/97 ?E, BO@. aa 7.45aaaa !7,44!. 25 Z42-441. 25 2L):, 7iB. 65 !1/ 1/57 9. @sa. 80 9. e60. 0a 9. am. ee .. 51 !/3fi ~~5aa.m 7.53ame 9, 060. m 249, ~60.80 244. em. aa 2, m, am. 00 1,074.1Ei.88 3.24,liS. 80 533.95a.50 2, ~a. 174.46 --____-_______ ------------- ----I---____- _-____-------- ----_---_---__ -----_------- -_----____--- ___-_____-_ ---__--I_--- -_____-_______ _-_I________ ---_----___--- _I--______-_ _------------ --_-__-_-__-__ _-___--__-___ -----_-----_-- -----------__- L L rBss t & e CITY QC Ci%?LSH!2 e CERTFICRTES (3F PFIRTICIPATION TWELVE YE#!? lSSliE e -----_-__^__________--_-_ _________________________ CQpygpvED I:,iTERzST FUND CELIVERY DE: 5! 1/86 ---------- _--_-_--_______ -------__-_______-__--_-- BEG I Nh' 1K6 GCCAXE9 COGTR. FEND MET ERwE CFIP!TBL!ZED SOTR? FJNDS BO%D I~TE~EST E ;lE? 122 8ESERVE IN:. ER9kItGS RYRILRP-!,E CR91TRil!ED BR :!;DING FRL i)>m *LI ry-cw.j~ ,Cli-- Eaz?iIxGS ? 8.0@@@&0 x1 < ?.Bee@@@ YJ <I@@. BB00eB Z) 58,835.43 !B, 5i2. 46 2,859. I? 7!, 485.8# 7:. 485.W :a. 512.48 2. 6%. 17 7:. 44% @a -------- -----.--------- -------------- -------------- ------------__ _--_-_________ ______________ __________-___ --------_ :;; I/& -------------- --_-_-____---- -_--_-------- --__-__-----_ ______________ ------..------ ------------_- -----__-__---- __-__-------_- _--__--__----_ ____-______- ---c---------- ----------_-_ ----_-_------_ --___________ e'! i. d - c e CITY CfF CGRLSEFtJI CERi ii: I WTES DF PAR? 1 CI PAT I Un TWEL'iE YEF14 ISSUE '. . I,> ~. , _-----________--_ ----------------- CDXS72GCTIZK 7d)in --- ------------- __---_____-____-_ qy; 71 rr J eLbLd:+\ DRTE: 51 1/86 < DRRN CC!NST%UC?I&N CONSTRJCTIUN SET SF,. !:Vi. RRTE CDWR. FEND DEB7 SiRKCE CRPITALIZED RtWRINIM DRTE FUWE BRLRHCE D3fiFiU NEEDED FUND DRM OF DRFlW EGFiNlNGS RESERVE IN:. WRKNES WNSR FJt k' ! 8.0mm z) I 7.aw0~ zi ------- ------------ ---------- ---------I -------- --_--_--I- __--_--___--_ --_-------_-- ----------. '/ 7; I!K :, €40, ~84. 67 i,~, aaE. 88 1.64a,0art. 6T 7. eaeem i8.915.33 -a, ------------- __--__-___-___ --__---__--__- I------------ I--------- 1,659.0a8.0a :,64aO,m4.57 16,915.35 ----I--------- u------------ ,.I----------- ------------* -------_-----_ -------_------ -------------- ------------- --..----------- -------------_ :I ;i .c I i. i ,k, t- i- L e. L c sv