HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-04-15; City Council; 8583; Amend Compensation Community Redevelopment Manager. c u > 0 e e Q < .. z 0 F 0 a d 0 z 3 0 0 \B# g-3 ATG.~-15-86 IEPT. PER Cl*- * OF CARLSBAD - AGENC BILL DEPT. HD.L CITY MGR.~& CITY AFENDINS THE MANAGEMENT COMRNSATION PLAN FOR COMMUJITY REDEVELOPMENT MANAGER TITLE RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. , mending the classification description and salary range of Canmmity Redevelopment Manager. ITEM EXPLANATION The Personnel Department in concurrence with the Commmity Development Director is recommending a revision of the classification and salary rarge of Canmmity Redevelopment Manager. The current duties and responsibilities of the Redevelopment Manager are as follows : 1. Plans, directs, and supervises the activities of the Redevelopment and Housing Departments under the direction of the Canmmity Development Director. 2. Serve as staff to the City Council, Planning Commission, Redevelopment Agency and other canmissions and canmittees in the Redevelopment area. 3. Monitor the City's Mortgage Bod Revenue Program for single and multi- f mily housing. 4. Prepare canplex reports ad recmmendations. 5. Direct and coordinate the City's historical sites program. 6. Direct and supervise the Section 8 Housirg program. 7. Prepare the budget for the Housirg and Redevelopment Departments. 8. Develop recanmended criteria, approaches, policy, and administration decisions for specific City programs. 9. Design and implement systems and fonns for use in operation. IO. Coordinate programs with other City departments and interdepartment divisions and wtih outside agencies. 11. Interpret applicable laws, regulations, and policies. 12. Supervisor and participate in the conduct of canplex studies related to the Redevelopment program. 13. Supervise, train, and evaluate assigned staff. The current classification does not adequately identify all of the duties and responsibilities assigned to this position. It is recanmended that the following duties, that the incumbent alredy is performing, be added to the classification description: PA [E 1. 2. 3. 2 OF AB # BS8'' Direct and supervise the Section 8 housing program. The Section 8 housing program is a federal grant that subsidizes housing for elderly persons, handicapped, the disabled, and the very low incane fanily. within an affordable range for the residents of Carlsbad. In addition, the Department is canmitted to provide decent ad safe housing for those Hho The goal of the progran is to provide access to adequate housing qualify. Monitor the City's Mortgage Bod Revenue Program for single and multi- f anily housing. This program provides affordable housing for individuals or families that wish to purchase a multi or single family home. The mortgages are financed by a federal bod. This program is offered at a lower interest rate for first time home buyers, and allows someone to purchase a home that may not qualify for a conventional loan. Direct and coordinate the City's historical sites program. On October 15, 1985, the City Council adopted an ordinance to estalish a Historic Preservation Commission. advise the City Council on matters relating to the presentation of historical sites within Carlsbad. The Redevelopment Department serves as the City's liaison for the Commission and the historic preservation program. The purpose of the Canmission is to FISCAL IMPACT The increased salary and benefit costs will be approximately $910 for the remaining fiscal year. biweekly to $1,440 - $1,838. range. $40,240, ad is being funded by Redevelopment monies. The salary range will increase fran $1,228 - $1,567 This is a 17% increase at the midpoint of the The incumbents anrual salary will increase by 10% frm $36,582 to EXHIBITS Resolution No. BL/?? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 E s; 1c 11 14 It 1: 1Z 2: 2: 2' 21 RESOLUTION NO. 8499 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMSBAD, CPLIFORNIA, AMENDING THE CLASSIFICATION PLAN OF THE CITY TO REVISE THE CLASSIFICATION OF COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT MANAGER WHEREAS, the City Manager recanmends and the City Council concurs, that the classification and salary range of Canmmity Redevelopment Manager should be mended. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council authorizes and directs the City Manager to revise the classification of Canmmity Redevelopment Manqer to include the duties of 1) Direct ad supervise the Section 8 housing progran; 2) Monitor the City's Mortgage Bond Revewe Program for single and multi-family housing; and 3) Direct ad coordinate the City's historical sites progranas described in Attachment A, attached hereto ad made a part thereof. 3. That the City Council authorizes and directs the City Manager to med the salary range of the Canmmity Redevelopment Manager fran $1,228 - $1,567 biweekly to $1,440 - $1,838 biweekly as described in Attachment 8, attached hereto and made a part thereof. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 15th day of April , 1986, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis and Chick ATTEST: ALETM L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk) 3 I At tac hme nt A Resolution No. 3,499 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT MANAGER DEFINITION Under general direction of the Community Development Director plans, directs, supervises, and coordinates the City's housing and redevelopment programs; to provide administrative and technical staff assistance; to be responsible for operation of the redevelopment and housing services; and to do related work as assigned. EXAMPLES OF DUTIES Plan, direct, supervise, coordinate and participate in the activities of redevelopment including land appraisal and acquisition, developer contracts, land sales contracts, demolition, relocation and project feasibility and economic analysis. Serve as staff to the City Council, Planning Commission, Redevelopment Agency, and other commissions and committees in redevelopment matters, including the preparation and presentation of complex reports and r ec om me nd at io ns . Direct and supervise the Section 8 Housing program. Monitor the City's Mortgage Bond Revenue program for single and multi- family housing. Direct and coordinate the City's Historical Sites program. Respond to difficult citizen complaints and requests for information. Represents and acts for the Community Development Director in the budget process and assists in the preparation and administration of the Redevelopment and Housing budgets. Prepares reports and written correspondence . Develop recommended criteria, appr oac hes , (PO lic y , and adm i ni s tr at iv e decisions for specific city programs. Design and implement systems and forms for use in operation. Coordinate programs with other city departments and interdepartment divisions, and with outside agencies. Interpret applicable laws, regulations, and policies. Supervise and participate in the conduct of complex studies related to the redevelopment program. Supervise, train, and evaluate assigned staff. Commun i ty Red eve1 opment Manager ( cont ' d. QUALIFICATIONS Knowledge, of: Principles, practices, and methods of public administration budgeting, purchasing, and personnel management. Federal, state, and local laws and regulations pertaining to c om mun i ty red ev el o pme nt pr og r am s . Knowledge of: Financial procedures and regulations pertaining to loan management, real estate, and property improvements. Grant development methods and techniques. Ability to: Effectively plan, direct, coordinate, and review community development and housing programs. Properly interpret relevant legislation and make decisions in accordance with laws, regulations, and policies. Establish and maintain cooperative relationships with city officials, employees the general public, and representives of other agencies. Communicate clearly and concisely, orally and in writing. Collect and analyze data and develop complex plans and reports. Negotiate with property owners, private developers, and investors. Supervise, train, and evaluate assigned staff. Experience and Education Experience Three years of progressively responsible experience in the administration of housing, community development or redevelopment programs, including one year of supervisory experience. Education Equivalent to a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university with major work in planning, public administration, community development, urban design, or related field. A master's degree in public or business administration or a related field is desirable. I : Att?chrnenk B ! I j ! I ! i ! 1 , I 1 ! I i I 1 I 1 I I ... .!. . j.. .I.. 1 I. I I I , I I i ....... .I .. .; .. .1 ...... i 1; ....... :.. ... .I- ... :ti ... .ILL .. - .iJ. .... .j Q .... .Q : .y .p . . !X -, . .- .I I .j .. .: .. ....... .: y . ., . * .',J . .! . . . 1: . .I . , .-. ..... ~ . .Id I !