HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-04-15; City Council; 8587; Historic Preservation Commission AppointmentsI m a, g c, I a M (d X a, 8 -ri k 0 Ll 'r) 2 .L c 0 c, [I] k e a, 2 5 .d !4 E4 n E $ rn 3 cn d Le 0 3 n a k w 0 & L) 4 (d w A. &a, 0' c ac [I] ala u .d CQ -4 [I] 0 *rl P4M as CdV .-lh ad (d 2g L+ E Ud a 03 rn I rl I e Z .. 0 b a e z 3 0 0 'n CII()OF CARLSBAD - AGEN~BILL AB# r3-87 CARLSBAD HISTORIC PRESERVATION MTG. 4/15/86 DEI TITLE: DEPT. RED CIT COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS CIT RECOMMENDED ACTION: AdoDt Reso1ut.ion No- p-3 2nn-i nti n- -F; -7- ---I"- U' , L ~ ~~ _""""" -." , uyywrll ~rlly LI V C IllClllUCL to the Carls- bad Historic Preservation Commission. ITEM EXPLANATION At the meeting of October 15, 1985, Council adopted Ordinance No. 9776 establishing Chapter 22 of the Carlsbal Municipal Code,ti&d Historic Preservation which provide for the creation of a Historic Preservation Commission. In accordance with Section 22.04.020 of that chapter for five members first appointed, one member shall be appoint for one year, one shall be appointed for two years, one s be appointed for three years and two shall be appointed f' four years. The Commission shall be composed as follows: - Three members each of whom has a different recogniz expertise in architecture, archaeology, history, bil engineering or geology or related field; - One member who has an interest in local history and - One member at large form the community with an inte: has resided in the community for at least 30 years; in local history. In addition, the Planning Commission shall appoint a membc of the Planning Commission to serve as ex-officio represel to the Historic Preservation Commission. EXHIBITS 1 - Resolution No. 8-7 , appointing five members the Carlsbad Historic Preservation Commission 2 - Copies of applications received 1 t 1 2 3 4 * 0 RESOLUTION NO. 8507 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING FIVE MEMBERS TO THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION WHEREAS, Chapter 22..04 of the Municipal Code establ 5 appoint five members to the Historic Preservation Commiss 7 WHEREAS, Section 22.04.020 requires that the City C 6 a Historic Preservation Commission; and a NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council 9 City of Carlsbad, California as follows: 10 terms specified. 12 2) That the following persons are hereby appointed to 11 1) That the above recitations are true and correct; members of the Historic Preservation Commission for 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 i MEMBER TERM EXPIRATION 1. Roy Blackford April , 1990 2. John Swenson April, 1989 3. Brian Robertson April, 1988 4. Marjorie Howard-Jones April, 1990 5. Kay Christiansen April, 1987 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, at a regular meeting 20 of April, 1986, by the following vote, to Wit: 21 1 City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, on the ~ 22 AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, and Chick 23 ABSENT: Council Members Kulchin and Pettine 24 NOES : None 25 26 ' ABSTAIN : 27 11 u~ LTEgwxerk ATTEST: ytd( MARY He, CASLER, 1 28 (SEAL) I/ 1. -7 , " I.- 7% Gq *L c, 120 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAO, CALIFORNIA 9- n (7 ottice ot rho CW CGrk Bitp of Csti~bub APPLICATION ?VR APPOINTMENT TO BO- OR COMMTSSZON Nm of Boud or Commissionr Hc{toriC Preservation Commission - ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ Name (Print or Type) : Roy R. Blackford "88 ,C 3616 Oxford Street, Carlsbad, California 92008 . '_ . Pheiut.: . '.. . . '. 729056?7 ' -.~ . Present. oC,cupati~ $. . .. Archjtect ; '. ..; .. . .. . .. .. BUiZl.88 Name =a Addrerst Roy 'R . 67 ackford, Archi tett 2942 Harding Street, Suite E, Carl sbad, California 92008 -~ ~~ ~ Bur. Phone: 729-0553 Reafdmt of C8tlSbadt Yes Home Phono: 729-5627 Registoted Votar in. Culsb8d: Yes .. I am f-1i.t with tha rm8poMfbilitfeS -Signed to th. Board C-aaion on which X wi8h to 8ertn. If appointed to 8 Board &-8#&on whs& 1. rubfact to finaSlCi8l biScloaute l8bf8* 1 a willia9 to pmvid. 8UCh 8t8tmnt8 (LI mW be rquired* f a for appotn-t bfota SU~ matte. u w be d.8f~8t.d by the City bwcfl or ig rOqU8t.d b iadividud Council wag Uilrw to 8pP.- for m f!&t&m. rwmg w wification " n DATES fl& #&I s1GHm-r # I I (See revarse 8idd 6 - - 1 a rl .. - a. -: 4) 1 --+: EDUCATION : Fullerton Junior College - 2 years. University of Southern California - School of Architecture - 4 years. ' EXPERIENCE: 1. Architecture and Land Planning 9 22 years. 2. Licensed Architect - 12 years. .. ... .._ . .'.. . .. . . .. , .. . _. . .. .. . . . i . . . . . . , , . . , . ., , , . . . ; .... :. .. , .. . .. .. OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES t 1 . Carlsbad Rotary - 10 years. 2. American Institute of Architects - 13 years. 3. Carlsbad Friends of the Library - 10 years. 4. Photography. 5. Printmaking - Intaglio. 6. Scul pture. ADOITIONAL "ATXIoE1 OR COMEHTSt " I am sincerely interested in the cultural growth of our area and would look forward to participating with the Commission's efforts to direct a Quality Cultural Environment for the enrichment of "The Carlsbad Experience". 0 w ~ ""__ 'J 0 e PATRA I have applied for two boards: the Historic Board and the Arts Board. my first choice is-"ehe Historic Board. k; itp of Carlsbab I wish it to be known that TE (7 1 APPLICAT~ON POR APPOINTMENT TO BO'- OR COMMfSSION Name of Board or -mission: I-Ii'storic Pyeservation Conmission Name (print or ~ype) : Patra S+mub (Mrs. Michael) Address : 336O Monroe; Carlsbad, California 92008 .:. ., . . . .. phone: 72? 4484 . . . . Pres.ent ... Qscupation.: The Strabb .cos. .1nC:. . .: . ., .. . . . I. Business Name and Address: 2956 Roosevelt, S. 5; Csbd Bus. Phone 4619) 729 4484 Resident of Carlsbad: yes Home Phone :1619) 729 7519 Registered Voter in Carlsbad: va X a% failior with the responsibilities assigned to the Board f Comirrsion on which I wi8h to serve. If appointed,to a atarb : Commission which la subject to financial disclosure laws, I am willing to provide such statements as may be required. I am willing to appeu for an interview regarding my qualifications for appointment bafore such amnittea a8 may be designated by the City Council or if requested by individual Council Members " DATE: 2/10/85 SIGNATURE: c\r&L,JK-h b " DATE: 2/10/85 SIGNATURE: c\r&L,JK-h b (See reverse side) 6/ I - 1 0 0 EDUCATION : B.A. - Mills College; Oaklnnd, California B.A. in History EXPERIENCE ! Have studied the history, npcheology and flora -?nd ;8auna Of north county* Put together the historic ?reservation worksho~ in 1984. .. . .:. ..... .. .. : . . ...... .. ' ...... ......... ... .. .. ........... 7, - ..... ...... ...... OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES: Historical Society Current North county Touri sn Council Nuqerous past activities 2nd offices ADDITIONAL INFORh&TION OR COMMENTS: Have libed in NoFth County since 1939 I I' / uw /"ac"- 1200 ELM AVENUE 0 CARLSMD, CALIFORNIA 9- Offic. ol tho city cw& Citp of Carlsbab 'I (7 APPLICATION mR APPOINT" TO BO'- OR CO~WISS~ON N- of ~0-d or bmtiS8iOnt %S-&L ~~s~~~+~~ & - ? N-* (Print or TP) t MW~L\JMN -&mu\s- akmp~ Addma#: 2.1638 LUUc;a" . ... , ,' .P~~~+V" present Oc,cupati=: . c;- I.~"N~R /&&u .. - -_. .. .. . .._ . ... .. . . . .. /cOns\>4 Burin888 N-8 ad Addreqs: b!&b k\si,ci~XU 2S60 Q-R~ eLdo BW. Phones 43%- q349 Resident of Carlsbadr. Y Kl Horn Phone: 43% -43-49 Rqirtered Voter in Catlsbad: %-s 1 am faliar with th8 reaponsibilitfe8 a88igned to the Board o comnfaaion on which 1 wfrh to 88ZV.o If appointed to a Board 0 ~onm~rfon which ia rubfeet to financial disclosure hm 1 am willing tu 8~p.u for au intervirw rqudfng nry quuffiati- willing to p-vid. 8UCh 8t8t-nt8 U may b8 rmufr.d* I Utk for 8D9ofnm-t kfOr8 8Uch "et88 88 miy b. dasfmatd bY th8 City Council OS if r8qU88t.d w iAd&V&dU.l COUiCil ma-. " DATE: 2-/5* d& SIGmTURE: (Sa8 r8V8r88 8id8) 6/81 - - I 0 a EDUCATION: - B.A., UniveTsity of California- Northridge, Social Anthropology M,S,, Candidate, UCLA, Communbty Planning, School of Public Hea M.A., California Institute of the Arts, Urban and Environmental Planning EXPERIENCE: Planning .and design, development standards analysis and long range planning as a planning professional for nine years- Historic preservation planner for 4 years on local and state wide levels. .. .. .. .. . . . . . ,._ . ._. .. ... , . . . ... -. . ,. . ... . ,. .. .. .. . .. . .. OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES : Carlsbad Historic Society State and local historic conference and class attendee. Successful preparation of Grant applications Staff lead for Oceanside Historic Commission. Carlsbad Land Use Element Review Com. (alt.) La Costa Community Awareness Group (member) Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce (member) Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation(member) Buena Vista La goon Foundation (member) National Association of Black Business and Professional Women's Clubs (member) ADDITIONAL IH~RMATION OR C0-s I recently participated in the completion of the newly Adopted Carlsbad Historic Preservation Ordinance and be- lieve that I am aware of the responsibilities of a Commissioner and that 1 am capable to carrying our those duties. - / 1MOELMA 3J%f"a E UE CARLSSAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Office of rho City Clerk .' 0 Citp of Carlsftnb .. TEi (71, APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BO.- OR COMMISSION me of Board or Commission: ' HISTORICAL PRESERVATION CON.riBvlISSIC .. Name '(Print or Type) : JOAN E. KINDLE .. Address : 2622 EL AGUILA LANE r-n rq "9JJfp / v . . .. Phone:. 438-1666 Present occupatton: F@TSRED .. I ,. . ., .I .. .. . , .. ..., .'. '. . .: .. . ... . . . .. . .. . :. Business Name &d Address: NONE Bus Phone : NONE Resident of Carlsbad: ONE YEAR Home Phone : 438-1666 - Registered Voter in Carlsbud: YES I am familiar with tha re8ponsibilitics assigned to the Board or Commission on which I wirh to serve. If appointed to a Board or Commission whidr ir rubject to financial disclorurt laws, I am willing to appear for M interview regarding -my qualificatiom for appointment before such committee a8 may be designated by the City Council or if requerted by indivLdua1 Council Members- willing to provide 8ucb statements aa may be required, I am " DATE : FEB. 18, 1986. (See reverse 8idd (J 6/83 - 1 W EDUCATION: - Elementary and High School - Queens County, N .Y .C. University of Utah - Salt Lake City, Utah EXPERIENCE: Home Ins. Co. - N.Y.C. - Clerical U.S.Stee1 Corp. N.Y.C; - Secretarial U.S.Stee1 Supply Co. - Chgo. - Secretarial/Personnel Mother of four college educated, problem-free children Cloth World - Atlanta - Fashion Coordinator SBO - Atlanta - "Childhood Treasures" specialized in handmade .. . .. . .: , . .. . .. gifts, decorated baskets,, . Pptpo-Kri,. and Yictgria .. . : . . .: coitntry &ecijr''; . . . .. OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES : Garden Club, HOA and Zoning Coalition - Atlanta volunteer work with cancer research, Amer. Heart Assn., Northsid Hospital Hospice Program and and Cardiac Rehab, patient education, St. Joseph Hospital children's care program..Atl Country Friends - Carlsbad Ponderosa HOA - Communication Chairman - Carlsbad Member Carlsbad Hist. SOC, - docent for Magee House every Sunday ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENTS: The Kindles retired in Carlsbad by choice. We feel it is an'ide community in many ways. I have energy, enthusiasm and time to devote to the preservation of historic structures, artif'acts, antiquities and sites that reflect on Carlsbad's heritage. - - / 7- [A- b $200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 I r'7"- " /7'z '. - 8 0 Otfice or th0 City ctrrk \ Cip of &atI$bab 1 c APPLICATXON IQR APPOINTMENT TO BdhD OR CO~ISSION Name of Board or ~~is~ion: . Historical Preservation .. Committee - - Name (print or T~): Robert J. Royce A.I.A. Address : 2956 Roosevelt St. f3, Carlsbad, CA 92008 .. .. . .. . ..;. -. 'PhanB.: ' 434-6-259. .Present Oeapation:... . Ar.ehi-tect. .--. .__.. .. .. -. Business Name und Addrcsrr : Robert J. Royce A.I.A. 2956 Roosevelt St. f3, CArlsbad, CA 92008 Bus. Phone: 434-6259 Resident of Carlsbad: 3 Years Previl Home Phone: 439-5046 Registered Voter in Carlsbad: No I am familiar with the re8ponribilitics assigned to the Board 01 Comirrion on which I wi8h to serve. If appointed to a Board 01 Conairsion which is rubjact to financial disclorurc laws, I";.=, willing to provide such statements as may be required. I ant willing to appu for an intenview regarding my qualifications for appointment before such oomnittee u may be dealgnatad by th8 City Council or if requested by indivLdual Copcil Member8. " ;) n '; /"7 DATE : 2/6/86 SIGNATURE / L/ (See reverse ride) 6/83 - - I 0 e EDUCATION: "Bache'ior of Architecture University of Maryland; 1976 --Bachelor. of Science Business and Public Administration, University of Maryland; 1970 --Catholic University - School of Architecture; 1972 Washington, D. C. --Aviation Officer Candidate School, USNR; 1970 --Flight Training, -USNR; 1971 EIXPERIENCE: Greenhorne &' O'Mara - Architecture/Engineering - Washington, D.C. Moshe Safde - Architect - Montreal, Canada Howard Anderson - Architect - Del Mar, CA Purcell SI. Rule - Architects - La Jolla, CA . . __. .. , ._. ' . Architects 'and Planners -.Oc&ihgide,'CA ... ._. .. .. .' .,.,..._. 1 * .. .... ..... .. . .. .. . . .. Robert J. Royce A.I.A. - Carlsbad, CA - 1980 on OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES : I am very active in the local architectural community and .. extremely interested in the historical preservation of our heritage and buildings. and a member of Rotary International. I am involved locally in the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce ADDITIONAL INF'ORMATION OR COMMENTS: " As an architectural graduate of an eastern university, I was very interested in historical preservation and took several courses and seminars with an emphasis in that area. I have personally worked on several restoration and preservation projects. Although not currently a resident, I lived in Carlsbad for three years up to last year and have my architectural practice located here permanently. - //J J& " -- '. f%+ m. @ 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Office of the City Clerk Citp of VCarIgbab TEI (71 4 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BOARD OR 'COMMISSION Name Of Board or Commission: kSfCRiG kk?&$? flflfinn C)yn 1 .: . .. . . .. .. . .- . .. ' .. __ .. . . .. ,. ,. .. . .. . ~ ;\.i :.. -uiri" . '. Address : c3/& I Grest JT \ Pnr lsw Name (Print or Type) : st? I P~MS Cm% R&A Phone : 7,?? -y,,% 3 Present Occupation : hm;w& /\5f?J''i&'f Business Name and Address: / Ud /Od Bus. Phone : Resident of Carlsbad: Home Phone: '7 w ,x> 1-48-3 Registered Voter in Carlsbad: y-63 - I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Boas$ 01 Commission on which I wish to serve. If appointed.to a Boa* 01 Commission which is subject to financial disclosure laws, I"am willing to provide such statements as may be required, I am willing to appear for an interview regarding my qualifications for appointment before such committee as may be designated by the City Council or if requested by individual Council Members, A DATE: Fd? 9 I 14 Fb SIGNATURE: r (See reverse side) 6/83 ' EDUCATION: 0 Q.5. * Ivy ua/iipn+4 ef e&zoIp ) a~rkele( T qrodw +e& coin uLsle%-om L% i d@"A &OK. /Yle mL 1 9 %@o 1) fig? c!,) ~RWchoS&&% 6. Cc/rre/Wy T Q W/ e$~ IT/ /PO' & CIC~ I n *le ltJ7S't-,e ( " EXPERIENCE : ,pis+&E,,-+-, - fiT,@ds d Br/5bdL-ibm~ ''J-"'3 ~5pM2 15)) im dC$'e Tm/2 ) /Y)/rO cbs?s &[/eqe ~~~~-~~8 7 . .- OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES: /Jtl//ce pms~@n t- car(+& hUd5 ctf *e 'J ' . .. .. ... . 1qiQ.- 19gS J'WS- ~GRG .ch;.@mi'- %+, ($,~ .&i.iMq .. .. - .. 1 - E*, e-.& &- '& rJs.& ~ls+zm~u\ -Fr,eds dear/SwL,brOY 1ssw~6bg C~I@~@I.J Goat &mnm- R~t,k F&r 1593, RW9S5 Spr~.rj Ea Chwrnm, R:.Cc>o i9q 01 6pr~q Prlvrnnr Club I ~ouq ~)~mnl ~~~s~fcltlue,~~i~vn~~CAl NMW~ ClO' $-I' '. 1% -mw Steer,? ~~m~~ftee - ~rlshd E~UPQ+~~M~ F~u~da / i . ADDITIONAL INF*~TION OR COMMENTS: O~~~r, scm L l9Sy- b3lunwr UGPL at CQSA rn - ' yp /&&LC L; L ., 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAO, CALIFORNIA 92008 0 Office of rho Ciry Clerk citp of CsrIsbab APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BO" OR COMMISSION Name of Board or Commission: , /srQ ~lc REX~R v47-/0& c Name (Print or Type) :Ff&vf{{/L" figh'c RCJN ZO Address z y5L my A i/E .. - . phent:yA C/;.LW fd --.present Occupation: ET/. r R.E. 0 .. ..: ... . ... .. Busincss Name and Address: Bus Phone : Resident of Carlsbad: yE5 Home Phone : Registered Voter in Carlsbad: YE- I am familiar with the reqonribilities assigned to the Boar' ComtiS8ion which 18 8ubfect to financia disclosure lllwsI Z willing to provide such statements as may be required. I am willlng to appear for an interview regarding my qualificatio: for appointment before 8uch conrmittea a8 may be designated b the City Council " or if requested by individual Council Meme Cemmisrian en which I wish to 8erveI If appointed to a Boar -1 T/f,LW STGNATWE!A3,h-?d? L/ ,. , 4 WM ,Y -1 T/f,LW STGNATWE!A3,h-?d? L/ ,. , 4 WM ,Y t - t 0 I. EDUCATION: 6.A' ('&/ ' - - MdL @ - Pi 8 .s, oi. zT & / &g,P&t. *&&Ad"- * &LL.&&&&4?-A-YU / EXPERIENCE : -, 3z3LZh- 337- q.9"- dyA -*dci/2e*:ad& 1 GT2L A& .&4&( JzJ&&./&<&& 7/ - - &-":Ad/ V&Ld LLC &x ' . UZ(/2 .- 7.4355 aw/ PA -.- . , .. .. . . .. .. .. 0 .. : 1. . . .. . ,.. . . . . ..: ., ' ,. ,*. . ., . , . , .. , ., I, , , . '. ..' '. . , ., OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES : ($.&+//ad- - C4W4 /a& '2 -?Id&& &clQ:G r )&,&;&- f. &/&& f% Gj *z e- f' J4,&Ar, I, <Ar-c.&G& \iilLAC'E ,q~.~ =7 cdJ,::m ADDITroNAL INmIIMATION OR C~~TS: "JA&" .D* &&ad &/.Liz &LW,&& P-d&[-:&d& c pMpi -Cu 6 7" ,jLd!d~ .. '6 Irw "z& 3PAi /AU[ 30:;. -/'X& &,7Qit 7 u p /yy!P.dAd &5//4?LCf.k X? &-L&,y &"&f&/b k:& &&&&Jf&(f<&& &&&Z /@- z&/?~%zg" 7 . F' cL /zvi u^r /I"C??" C/"W . Y. - \ - "/"/& /ctubf I "-0 1200 ELM AVENUE 0 . CARLSBAD, GALIFQRNIA 92008 Office or the City Ckrk Citp of CarIsfiab TE (7 1 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BO.= OR COMMISSION Name of Board or Commission: .Historical Preservation Commiss: Kay F. Christiansen Name (Print or Type) : Address : 2802 Carlsbad Blvd, Carlsbad. (P.0, Box 188) 729-2301, I. prcsent..Ocsupati..on-: Realtor, Property Owner . : ' .. . . . . . phone.:.' . . .%. . ,.. . ;, . .. * Fennel & Christiansen, 2796 Carlsbac Business Name and Address: 729-2301 Resident of Carlsbad: Yes Bus, Phone : Home Phone : Registered Voter in Carlsbad: 729-2301 Yes I am familiar with the re8pon8ibilitfeS assigned to the Board Comi86ion on which I wirh to serve, If appointed to a Board Commission which ir rubject to financial disclosure laws, I a willing to provide BU& statements as may be required. I am willing to appear for an interview regarding my qualification; for appointmeat before such oodtteo a8 may be designated by the City Council " or if requested by indivkdual Council Member i. Feb. 4, 1986 DATE : SIGNATURE: (See reverse side) " 6 - 1 ; m 0 EDUCATION: High School, 1 year music education. EXPEiii'Eh'CE: Resident of Carlsbad since 1926. Family never moved from Carlsbad, Husband retired in 1951 in L.A. 8~ we moved to my family town, Carlsbad. . . .. ,. .. .. , .. .. . . .. .. I. ... . . . . . . . . ... . . . . , ._ . . . .. .. .. ouTs1DE ACTfV*TIES: Historical Society, Carlsbad Merchants Assn, I Tri City Hospital Auxiliary life member. Carlsbad Womanis Club Past President & Life member Mostly - just promoting Carlsbad and the outstanding community it i ADDITIONAL INF'ORMTfON OR COMMENTS: Owner of Alt-~arlsbad, built by Mr. Christiansen in 1944* It is a California Historical-Site and- Chris and I have always enjoyed background. c .fiving visitors and new residents the history of our communi-&',s - -7 Vfd 1200 ELM - AVENUE ' Led CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA 92006 Offico of tho City Clerk Citp of Catldftab T (7 APPLICATION F6R APPOINTMENT TO BO*= OR COMMISSION Name of Board or Commission: &L"'C i%scrt/Jdla I c 6M#/$s(b d .L Name (Print or Type) : 3 6 k n a* wenson Address: 76 97 %1m4~era Iulci~ . . '. phone: 436 a.1 x0 Present .Occupasiop: .%!X' . 'G,e.L 7( 1 5. 7 .. . & ,. .. .:. .. .._.. ." Business Name and Address: SC[eucf hnn/lcdt;l/ x~+/r&&J - r/ I Bw . Phone : Resident of Carlsbad: Home Phone: 436 aao Registered Voter in Carlsbad: L \ I am familiar with the reapon8ibilities assigned to the Board Comirrrion on which I wirh to berve. If appointed to a Board Comisrrion which ir rubfect to financial disclosure laws, I an willing to provide such statements as may be required. I am willing to appeu for an interview regarding my qualifications for appointment before such oormafttee u mry be designated by the City Council or if requested by individual Council "era DATE : &hL s*aHmgd" (Sea reverse ride) 6/ n I v e EDUCATION: - =;*s, aLdlu)r, s,,a,g, x4 U!&Q ? EXPERIENCE : Y~M. leea - -OM && SS~C. ~fi&HlCtOdJ w &pow& L.Qwcd Use &rut= ,4 r a4Ll.x pPe=a& . . .. .. .. .: . .. ,; . .: Gm3:+A ,. ..-. /&&e 4 &$f&.&J. / . ..."'. . ... w d&.' &+$(&&-#& 7 OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES : s""".zY/T,GdALuA e Md& P,LL 3eU& a42 A bktJ+ ADDITIONAL INPORMATION OR COMMENTS: = -&XAugcu;r/I &A4 c0w&A&# #+ 9 At 6d~'LA ?pc-&&,,&a. 9L i -i"* lk L9+G&kj..&c~ yo-* "L 5e {mat4 L& ~~y9pvq"?A,y~ 7 54224 kLt Ipqwka, ZAbrCa &+&& %&A/HiLIVAf+ 0 /ip-- ULdL ; C'. c, 1200 ELM AVENUE CAALSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (7 q Ti Oltice ot the Ciw CJ& Bitp of Catlsbab APPLICATION ZVR APPOINTMENT TO B0.m OR COMMISSION N- of Board or omm mission: ' Historic Preservation .. . . . ..__ Name (Print or Type): Brian Kelly Robertson Address: 4660 El Camino Xeal ..-.Phonq:.438-284? . FrMpn~..-.Oc.cupati.on.~ .Teaches., :Writer, .. Famner . Business Name and Address: sane BUS , Phone: Same Resident of Carlsbad: yes Horn Phone: Registered Voter in Carlsbad: y e2 I am familiar with the re8pon8ibilities assigned to the Board o Commir8%on on which I wfrh to serve, If appointed to a Board o Co1nmir8ion which i8 8ubjeCt to financial disclosure laws, I am willfag to provide 8uch staturwnts as may be required, I am willbg to appau for an interview regarding my qualifications for appointment -fore such omtlttaa 88 m8y be designated by the City Council or if requested by individual Council M+mbors, " DATE: 1 /18/85 SIGHATURE: LlA At224 (See reverae aid.) 6/83 - 1 EDUCATION: 0 a Grades: K-8 Carlsbad Schools 9-12 Carlsbad High School, Graduated 1967 AA Degree, .-Palomar College 1969 BA Degree San Diego State in Automotive, Metal and Welding Tec 1971 MA Degree San Diego State in Automotive Technology 1973 EXPERIENCE: 1972 to present: Full time instructor, Palomar College 1977 to present: Operate farming operation on family property in Carls 1984 to ?resent: Contributing Editor to TZAILER LIFE and MOTORHOME Magazines. . . .. .._ - .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . . .._. . . . . . . .. . .. , ._. .. .., . _... . ... , 1 . .... .. . .: . . .. OmSIEIP: ACTIVITIES : Member: O~~ZIAA, Outdoor viriters Association of America Member: National Trust for Historic Preservation mDITI6blAf, IW'ORMATZON OR C0-s: I have lived i-n-Carlsbad for 31 years. My relatives have lived he since 1868. I am currently compiling the history of the Kelly family from 1814 to the present. A large portion of this history deals with t "evolutionr1 of Carlsbad. I currently live in my great-grsndfather's house, built in 1897 -:-hich has been restored by my wife and me. I have a special attach.ment to Carlsbad and I am quite familiar wi the 13,000 acre area known as Rancho Agua Hedionda, as I have spent man a day plodding over the hills of the Rancho and what is Carlsbaa, lllr lz00 ELM AVENUE CARSBAD. CALIFORNIA 92008 Ollice ol rtw City Clerk - - w - J TKEPl (7 14) 42 Citp of datlebab APPLICATION FOR APmINTMENT TO BO.- OR COMMISSION Name of Board Or ConUIIiSSiOn: RESEbV&T@/1) ~ame (Print or Type) : EWBk Address : xq&- %$LW Db I V h d ._. '. .. . , .. .Phone:724 c . h3gY Present.. O.ccypat$on:.:. m..L.u N I LLslL " .. 1. .. Buriness Name and Address: ~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ Bus. Phone : Resident of Carlsbad: ue5 Home Phone : 7M -2-%-q Registered Voter in Carlsbad: + I am familiar with the rerponribilities assigned to the Board or ~omisrion on which 1 wish to serve. if appointed to a Board 31 ~ommiraion which ir rubject to financial disclosure laws, f am willing to provid. such statements as may be required. I am willing to 8pp.u tor an interview regarding m~ qualifications for appointmeat before such committee 88 raw be .desl~nated by the City Council or if reque8t.d by indlvLdual Council Me!nb8rS. " L-\ .@, #&J& DATE: - ((4, C,4.?6 SIGNATURE: & I (See reverse aidd - - 6/83 f 0' w v EDUCATION : g pJ - &.io 0 &f- U&L - d&'& & 7 OGU& L&J!ml$2!!L& -c - UiLU* ihp- %e. 7 $W&W - bklL QJWb.24 ( - h%h& XLWrw -& €LQ.M*cAFos( EXPERIENCE: &3+ovuL rC5mA = S&rs/& &dSM uL5SIgwc&e &I@$- c @a @ UC & em- UL'LL~ I Wh-4~- LC Mh. . I . ,_ .. .. " -. .. &Ale/ w .> ... .., L . . . , . i @%La .. -c . L.L...-L[sL 8c a&..p ,. .. . . 1 . . . . awi'' 8prr- UYI" OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES : ADDITIONAL IN116RMATION OR COMHENTS: a"& -PVrLCSCIECC( b %QJ hFJ adA A UL5LTW - I ("&A&yA& Lu- bdbd j &4d.dpd "2 d LJdL i-0 L9.G be@ $c! rnb+Lh& g&.&(i (Jdih wg w p9C.w - 1200 ELM AVENUE CAHLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Otfico of rho City c1.rlr - -. Citp of CsrM~ab TELEPC (7 14) 43 APPLICATION H)R APPOINTMENT TO BO-= OR COMMISSION Name of Board or Comission: . *" ~lQ4.- ~CLQWO (%wKb$m mr/lw Name (Print or Type) : k bttrj 1Q>fiF; tl& 3112 ' ~~- Address: lbo7 e muNfi e' . . ,;. .. . : .q{on*$Wrnb '.Present 'Occupationr.. . . . . ... Business Name and Address: ~LEH4 CtPIw-. fimm 65% SL Cpmlnro *hL wm I&-/%, - I BUS. Phone: 4 y208 Resident of Carlsbad:,- Home Phone: "/p Registered Voter in Carlsbad: Y5bta4 me. I am familiar with th8 respon8ibiliticr assigned to the Board or Comirllion on whida I wirh to serve. If appointed to a Board or ~nrmfs8ion which ia aubject to financial disclosure laws, I am willing to provide such. statements as may be required. I am for appointmeat before rucfi cormaftteo u xrg 7 yiy bY the City Council " or if requested by indittL a ' C ,uric 1 Memberri. willing to rppeu for M interview regarding quaAfAcationo DATE: *a, RZG Sf (See reverse side) \ '"4 6/83 - - t ! w W EDUCATION: - "-2 EXPERIENCE : .... .. , . ... ......... ........ ..... ,_.... ::.. .... .. .- ..... .-: . ... .. I .. OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES : ADDITIONAL INF'ORMATION OR COMMENTS: - .. JOHN KORELICH JR PRESIDENT b:ORE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION INC LICENSED ARCHITECT LICENSED GENERAL CONTRACTOR STATE OF CALIFORNIA education BACHELOR OF ARCHITECTURE 1972 CALIFORNIA STATE FOLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA GRADUATE-UNITED STATES ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS 1967 SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING, OFFICER CANDIDATE SCHOOL FORT BELVOIR, VIRGINIA : : . GRADUATE-UNI VERS I TY OF ,SOUTHERN CflL I.FOl?N I4 , . . 1.98!:! . , . .. : , ' .. . . '.. .' REAL' ESTATE . BRDKERAGE .c.ou.&~ '.' 1 . -. . '. .. . . , ._ ' . . . .' ,. experience KO% DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION, SAN LUIS OBISPC3 I?ND St7N DIEGCI CRESCIONE, KORELICH AND GSSOC, SAN LtiIS OEISFO ETHAN JENNINGS AND ASSOC, SAN LUIS OBISPO KING DEVELOPMENT, SAN LUIS OBISPO EAYR I DGE ENG I NEER I NG 5 LOS OSOS CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER OFFICER CONSULTANT TO L OWEN CHRISMAN ARCHITECTS, SCSN DIE50 577 ENGINEER BATTALIAN, US ARMY, VIET NAM .. GENERAL MANAGER/'DES f GNER awards/publications OBISFO BEAUTIFUL LETTER OF MERIT C3VEk STORY, HOUSE & HOME MAGAZINE, DECEMBER 15777 J FA!JLS RESTAURANT, SAN LUIS OBICFO OBISPO BEAUTIFUL AWARD OF MERIT THE CF;EAMERY, SAN LUIS OBISFO SCHOOL DESIGN STUDY/ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS SECICHURE, 3ANUARY 1972 OBISFO BEAUTIFUL AWARD DBISPO BEAUTIFUL AWARD REDWOQD ASSOCIATION DESIGN AWfiRD JOHNSONS-FOR CHILDREN, SAN LUIS OBISPO CLARK RESIDENCE? SAN LUIS OEXSFO VON ZECH RESIDENCE, ARROYO GRGNDE c - , 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Office of the Mayor TELEPI (714) 43; aitp of - CarIs'bab April 16, 1986 Marylynn Brown-Bellman Carlsbad, CA 92008 2638 Luciernaga In response to your Application for appointment to the Historic Preservation Commission, please be advised that an appointment has been made. While your Application did not result in an appointnent at this time, on behalf of the City Council, I wish to express our appreciation for the civic interest evidenced by your Application. Your Application will remain on file until December 31, 1986, and will be considered in the event of any vacancy which may occur prior to that time. You are invited to submit a new Application in January, 1987, should you desire to be considered for appointment during the next calendar year. A list of vacancies which will occur on all City Boards, Commissions and Committees during the next calendar year is posted in January in the Office of the City Clerk. ?L7 MARY H. CAS, ER Mayor MHC : krk - - 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Office of the Mayor Cltp of Carlsbab April 16, 1986 TELEPI (71 4) 43 John Korelich, Jr. 7607 La Coruna P1. Carlsbad, CA 92008 In response to your Application for appointment to the Historic Preservation Commission, please be advised that an appointment has been made. While your Application did not result in an appointment at this time, on behalf of the City Council, I wish to express our appreciation for the civic interest evidenced by your Application. Your Application will remain on file until December 31, 1986, and will be considered in the event of any vacancy which may occur prior to that time. You are invited to submit a new Application in January, 1987, should you desire to be considered for appointment during the next calendar year. A list of vacancies which will occur on all City Boards, Commissions and Committees during the next calendar year is posted in January in the Office of the City Clerk. LL &/& MARY H, VSLER Mayor MHC : krk - v 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Office of the Mayor Citp of Carlsbab TELEP (714) 4: April 16, 1986 Joan E. Kindle 2622 El Aguila Lane Carlsbad, CA 92008 In response to your Application for appointment to the Historic Preservation Commission, please be advised that an appointment has been made. While your Application did not result in an appointment at this time, on behalf of the City Council, I wish to express our appreciation for the civic interest evidenced by your Application. Your Application will remain on file until December 31, 1986, and will be considered in the event of any vacancy which may occur prior to that time. You are invited to submit a new Application in January, 1987, should you desire to be considered fpr appointment during the next calendar year. A list of vacancies which will occur on all City Boards, Commissions and Committees during the next calendar year is posted in January in the Office of the City Clerk. % (g iG&L” MARY H. CA ER Mayor MHC : krk - - 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Office of the Mayor citp of carIs’bab TELEF (714) 4 April 16, 1986 Leslie Williams 2691 Crest Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008‘ In response to your Application for appointment to the Historic Preservation Commission, please be advised that an appointment has been made. While your Application did not result in an appointment at this time, on behalf of the City Council, I wish to express our appreciation for the civic interest evidenced by your Application. Your Application will remain on file until December 31, 1986, and will be considered in the event of any vacancy which may occur prior to that time. You are invited to submit a new Application in January, 1987, should you desire to be considered for appointment during the next calendar year. A list of vacancies which will occur on all City Boards, Commissions and Committees during the next calendar year is posted in January in the Office of the City Clerk. 3- &L&-ab MARY H. Cd&ER Mayor MHC : krk - 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Office of the Mayor - citp of $arI$fisb. TELE (714) 1 April 16, 1986 Frankie Gene Runzo 355 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 In response to your Application for appointment to the Historic Preservation Commission, please be advised that an appointment has been made. While your Application did not result in an appointment at this time, on behalf of the City Council, I wish to express our appreciation for the civic interest evidenced by your Application. Your Application will remain on file until December 31, 1986, and will be considered in the event of any vacancy which may occur prior to that time. You are invited to submit a new Application in January, 1987, should you desire to be considered for appointment during the next calendar year. A list of vacancies which will occur on all City Boards, Comnissions and Committees during the next calendar year is posted in January in the Office of the City Clerk. L,,: MARY H. CYJER Mayor MHC : krk r 1200 ELM AVENUE RLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 c ..k LUXI~IIED .A Office of the Mayor 0- Citp of VCarIs'bab I A t - ? - LWYP TELE (71 4) .p ,I April 16, 1986 Marjorie Howard-Jones 3985 Park Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 It is my pleasure to inform you that the Carlsbad City Council, at its meeting of April 15, 1986, appointed you to serve as a member of the Carlsbad Historic Preservation Commission. On behalf of the City Council, I wish to express our pleasure at your willingness to serve on the commission. qLLM Mayor 7 MARY H. CASL, MHC : krk cc: Bonnie )t’ - * 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Office of the Mayor TELEl (714) 1 aitp of CirIs’Zlalb April 16, 1986 Brian Robertson 4660 El Camino Real Carlsbad, CA 92008 It is my pleasure to inform you that the Carlsbad City Council, at its meeting of April 15, 1986, appointed you to serve as a member of the Carlsbad Historic Preservation Commission. On behalf of the City Council, I wish to express our pleasure at your willingness to serve on the commission. Yu”q (giL MARY H. CA$ER Mayor MHC : krk cc: Bonnie ” 0 0 * 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Office of the Mayor Citp of GarIsbab 7 (; April 16, 1986 John Swenson . 7647 Primavera Way Carlsbad, CA 92008 It is my pleasure to inform you that the Carlsbad City Council, at its meeting of April 15, 1986, appointed you to serve as a member of the Carlsbad Historic Preservation Commission. On behalf of the City Council, I wish to express our pleasure at your willingness to serve on the commission. 9 L- g2 3”.L, MARY H. Cf)j#LER Mayor MHC : krk cc: Bonnie m @ .' 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Office of the Mayor 7 (Y citp of carlsbab April 16, 1986 Kay Christiansen Carlsbad, CA 92008 2802 Carlsbad Blvd, It is my pleasure to inform you that the Carlsbad City Council, at its meeting of April 15, 1986, appointed you to serve as a member of the Carlsbad Historic Preservation Commission. On behalf of the City Council, I wish to express our pleasure at your willingness to serve on the commission. 9L4" MARY H. CAS$R Mayor MHC : kr k cc: Bonnie e it m 9 .1 .. 1200 ELM AVENUE T CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (7 Office of the Mayor Citp of CarI8’bab April 16, 1986 Roy Blackford 3616 Oxford St. Carlsbad, CA 92008 It is my pleasure to inform you that the Carlsbad City Council, at its meeting of April 15, 1986, appointed you to serve as a member of the Carlsbad Historic Preservation Commission. On behalf of the City Council, I wish to express our pleasure at your willingness to serve on the commission. ClJ & L?Ly G MARY H. CaSLER Mayor MHC : krk cc: Bonnie - m 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1, 1 25 26 27 I RESOLUTION NO. 8507 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING FIVE MEMBERS TO THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION WHEREAS, Chapter 22..04 of the Municipal Code estab1 a Historic Preservation Commission; and WHEREAS, Section 22,04.020 requires that the City C appoint five members to the Historic Preservation cornis: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council City of Carlsbad, California as follows: 1) That the above recitations are true and correct; 2) That the following persons are hereby appointed to members of the Historic Preservation Commission for terms specified. MEMBER 1. Roy Blackford TERM EXPIRATION April, 1990 2. John Swenson April, 2989 3. Brian Robertson April, 1988 4. Mariorie Howard-Jones April, 1990 5. Kay Christiansen April, 1987 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, at a regular meeting City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, on the 1 of April, 1986, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, and Chick NOES: None ABSENT: Council Members Kulchin and Pettine I ~ ~ ABSTAIN: ATTEST: UGl! Q! ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City lerk ytdc MARY H. , CASLER, P 28 (SEAL) I1 44S43 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT &.%M BOARD(S1 AND/OR COMMISSION(S) :2 LJ *. 3 -, -7- -4: 2 ._ -+<a -11 - .. , ..-., .. (Please print or type.) r3 + 'A "JJD NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: % ; - r- 5, mu bk5iU 6mvvi/\\*31 ty-k NAME: 1"2,Glza-J -E. lcii4i3s t 'm ADDRESS: 1"s bc~ A- CITY: (!@-LC5 kcid ZIP CODE: 9 2-008 HOME PHONE: ?L7-,6~&tC I PRESENT OCCUPATION: Mw e d p+lcI&d- $ G~D Todd I LE BUSINESS NAME: . !<&"z 74 BUSINESS ADDRESS: F?S G-ASLad v, ILL- &,de WORK PHONE: w-"-44& /720 -3300 ( rnEX Gr-t /I \% Qw-QAk - 'U. S. Citizenship (required for all appointments) Resident of Carlsbad (preference given to residents) A, m, Nc /-- ' -.. Yes Nc . "- Registered voter in Carlsbad (requiw for some cmmissim) , ' <- Nc I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commission(s) on wt I wish to serve; I am willing to ffle financial disclosure statements as required by the State's or Cil Conflict of Interest codes; I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a commi designated by the City Council or at the re ue n individual Council Memb &J.X lhN+J '4 1573 - DATE: (Contimed on regerse side) 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California 92008-1 989 (61 9) 434-21 e w EDUCATION B?. ks,qee<\'ks j~lec-~~c-~) s~~L~ 1Ctllya sT-A+3 f=-n - s -par Fe.l i - STArJ- cLy\ ;v w s ~ 3 / 1 [+A\^& SCLml Of &s,- -5 EXPERIENCE €d ~;"""'; "s &LZcty pCA;C LOA, p-m"w tJN lUey s 7 "J ) Fi M a/tccbd. /I /y .-"qel/t^aP c"k\-y bi+-d *&=- q-uo 5ucce.s4h bushes*% COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Le\ped 6-r GMt" L.'i;b-;d, Fb" &~,UO~ bkQ-3" F4 p%*"uy-A C*pI- a& S"UOI ;s [I ") &p.+ 6 /bye ' SerJCd m -7= OF NU&"Q /LAWy &Ucd ok pA LvJr'd )r %-he35 EkfZF,y,-& 1 \/va*t"-J+h, BC. ' r/l;5ce It"5 EA Jrl'" p.o,e&s LA- P" 9 I ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENTS \ e hJ pu&-Q- I ALt"ve4t- J t 5" &&/ g(LvL7velkq df 73''rb-" eC832V'C projck5 - t9" .T L C&k*;LdL yy+ 4 (SJF drn8-J ac tt A.l^. &?Ad& L W'