HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-04-22; City Council; 8532-1; Truck Routes Update of Municipal Codea •° 4 o ' a -o b� �v a �+ A 0 41 Cd O 000 0 r ar 6 0 U1 • 0Cd U o cc 10 s � � 0 N (, 41 M •ri .U)a) o41u z •� d O 0 �+ P °x Ow U 10 Q) W u Cd (d o r z, 4 �(d W M .a° H 0 � U 00 00 1 N N zi 0 0 CL CL Q Z 0 h- t� v Z 0 0 0 CIT? '), F CARLSBAD -- AGEND 71ILL 1,�4, `2`' r:i�,,(�,/ AB# 532 `'-1TITLE DEPT. HD. ��,� MTG. 04/22/8 TRUCK ROUTES CITY ATTY u,� DEPT. ENG UPDATE OF HUNIC-IPAL CODE CITY MGR.�i RECOMMENDED ACTION: Introduce Ordinance No. L319'S amending Section 10.32.091 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code to designate La Costa Avenue from the westerly city limits to E1 Camino Real as a truck route. BACKGROUND Section 35701- (Exhibit 2A) of the California Vehicle Code (CVC) allows cities to prohibit the use of a street by commerical vehicles or any vehicle exceeding a maximum gross weight. The City's Municipal Code, Section 10.32.090 and 10.32.091, (Exhibit 2B) prohibits vehicles over 14,000 lbs. gross weight on all but certain specified streets. (See Exhibit 1). The Ordinance was adopted in 1'972 and last updated in 1982. It is necessary to revise the Ordinance to update the list of designated truck routes. At the Council meeting of February 25, 1986, Mr. Allen Recce requested to be heard concerning trucks in the La Costa Area. After hearing statements from La Costa residents, Council referred the issue to the Traffic Safety Commission for a recommendation. The March 6, 1986 Traffic Safety Commission meeting was held at the La Costa Hotel at 6:00 P.M. The meeting was attended by many residents of the La Costa area and representatives of the trash hauling industry. (See Commission minutes Exhibit 5). Staff recommended designating La Costa Avenue from the westerly City limits to El Camino Real, Rancho Santa Fe Road from Olivenhain Road to the easterly City limits and Olivenhain Road from the westerly City limits to Rancho Santa Fe Road as truck routes. (See staff report, Exhibit 2). The Traffic Safety Commission, voted unanimously to recommend that only La Costa Avenue from the westerly City limits to E1 Camino Real be designated as a truck route. The Commission also voted to recommend the following,: "All the roads listed in this motion should be posted with the appropriate signs and any streets that have been used as truck routes which are now prohibited should be signed with the proper signs immediately after Council approval." "The City Engineer should consider sound attenuation walls in the design of Rancho Santa Fe road." "The City of Carlsbad, City Council and staff petition the -- Department of Transportation, State of California, to resolve the problem they have created which involves San Diego County roads and roads of the City of San Marcos." 1 y t 14Y� r Y Page 2 of the Agenda Bill No. The "problem" created by adapting the Commission's recommendation is that Section 35702 of the CVC (Exhibit 2A) states that a restriction is not efFective for any highway which is not under the City's exclusive jurisdiction. Rancho Santa Fe Road and Olivenhain Road are not within the City's exclusive jurisdiction. The City Attorney's interpretation of the CVC is that a decision by Carlsbad to prohibit trucks from Rancho Santa Fe Road must be decided upon by Caltrans. (Exhibit 3A). Caltrans has stated that they will not consider it unless it involves a state highway. Rancho Santa Fe Road and Olivenhain Road are not state highways. (Exhibit 3F). The County of San Diego, City of San Marcos, the City of Oceanside, and the City of Vista have expressed their opposition to any action to prohibit trucks from Rancho Santa Fe Road. (Exhibits 3C,D,E). It is the recommendation of the Commission and staff that as.the conditions of the roadways and traffic patterns change, the truck route schedule be re-evaluated. FISCAL IMPACT. None. Exhibits 1/ Location Map. 2 N.l Staff Report. 3. Correspondence. A. Memo from City Attorney B.v Memo from Police Chief C.✓ Letter from County of San Diego D., Letter from City of San Marcos E.r Letter from City of Vista F.✓ Letter from Caltrans Page 3 of the Agenda Bill No. s G. Letter from Debbie Davis { * H. Letter from Jeff and Judi Froning 1 i 4. '*"Ordinance. ;( i E 5.'/ Traffic Safety Commission minutes of March 6, 1986. LOCATION MAP �1 �f ►D 1 z 4 a' G'.,�.aiNdN Rai f ' eA- ? • • 1 �L•r/wn1.. �` �v�.vf.11 a � � cr we 9m saw v f f / e r-J, f f � f 1 CJt��titN�tt^IN f PROJECT NAME PROD. NO. EXHIBIT March 19, 1986 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Traffic Engineer TRUCK ROUTES - STAFF REPORT BACKGROUND Section 35701 of the California Vehicle Code (CVC) allows cities to prohibit the use of a street by any commercial vehicle or any vehicle exceeding a maximum gross weight. (See Exhibit 2A) The City's Municipal Code prohibits vehicles over 14,000 pounds gross weight on all but certain specified City streets. (See Exhibits 2B and 2C.) Since adoption of the Ordinance, County territories have been incorporated by the City. Roads within those areas by not being included on the list of truck routes are officially restricted to trucks. It is therefore necessary to update the truck route schedule. DATA The roadways that should be considered for inclusion as truck routes are as follows (see Exhibit 2C): (1) Olivenhain Road - western City Limit to Rancho Santa Fe Road. (2) Rancho Santa Fe Road - northern City Limits to southern City Limits. (3) La Costa Avenue - western City Limits to Interstate 5. (4) La Costa Avenue - Interstate 5 to E1 Camino Real. (5) La Costa Avenue - El Camino Real to Rancho Santa Fe Road. (6) Alga Road - El Camino Real to Melrose Drive. (7) Melrose Drive - Alga Road to Rancho Santa Fe Road. Section 35702 of the CVC (see Exhibit 2A) states that no orddinance is effective with respect to any highway which is not under the exclusive jurisdiction of the local authority enacting the ordinance. Those roadways falling into this categozy are: EXHIBIT 2 1/4 = City Council Truck Routes - Staff Report Paoe: 2 March 19, 1986 1. Olivenhain Road - most of this road is in the County. 2. Rancho Santa Fe Road - the road is controlled by Carlsbad, the County and San Marcos. 3. La Costa Avenue - Carlsbad Boulevard to Interstate 5 - this road is mostly within the County. The remaining roads, La Costa Avenue (4) and (5), Alga Road (6), and Melrose Drive (7), are within the sole jurisdiction of the City ict Coorlallow trucksctosuserthese ing hroads,ether ithe sfollowiappropriate following items restr should be considered: 1. Roadway geometries. 2. Pavement condition. 3. Adjacent land use. ., 4. Present traffic and capacity- 5. Time travel comparisons. 6. Enforcement capabilities. F 7. Other conditions. La Costa Avenue from El Camino Real to Rancho Santa Fe Road is a Secondary Arterial roadway with two lanes in both directions. i Factors in favor of restricting trucks are (a) the surrounding land use is residential with many homes having access on the Those z street and (b) several sections of pavement are failing. factors which indicate trucks should be allowed are: (a) truck counts show that only 2.8% to 6.5% of the total volumes are trucks (with approximately half being local trips), which 1s a reasonable mix for this 'type of raod, (see Exhibit 2D), (b) the Secondary Arterial classification intends that all types of traffic would use the roadway and, (c) compliance with the restriction will be low, making enforcement difficult- A comparison �uskswererestrictedonLaCostaAvenue- ftrnce itrtonerease of 1.1 miles l Alga Road with its connection to Rancho Santa Fe Road via Melrose Drive is classified as a Major Arterial and has two lanes in either direction separated by a median. Factors supporting a restriction are: (a) the adjacent land use is residential, (b) EXHIBIT 2 2/4 City Council Truck- Route - St-sff Report March 19, 1986 Page: 3 there is •a steep hill between Alicante and Cazadero, and (c) the intersection at Melrose and Rancho Santa Fe Road is controlled only by a stop sign on Melrose, making entry onto Rancho Santa Fe Road difficult. Those factors in favor of a truck route are: (a) the pavement section is good, (b) only a few homes between the El Camino Real and Alicante have access on Alga, classification intends for mixed use, (d) the volume of trucks is within reasonable limits, (see Exhibit 2D), and (a) lack of compliance will make enforcement difficult. The increase in distance by restricting Alga will be 3.6 miles. In the case of La Costa Avenue between I-5 and E1 Camino Real, this section of 'roadway has been designated as part of the oversize load highway system and as such cannot have trucks restricted. As well, it acts as an important link between I-5 and El Camino Real. In the case of Rancho Santa Fe Road and its natural extension to E1 Camino Real on Olivenhain Road, the following factors lead staff to recommend allowing through truck traffic: r 1. Rancho Santa Fe Road/Olivenhain Road is not solely within Carlsbad's control. The City of San Marcos and County of San Diego has stated they will not agree to a prohibition of trucks. The City Attorney's interpretation of the CVC 'is that Caltrans must be petitioned to decide the issue. Caltrans have however, stated their position that they will not become involved unless the road is a state highway. If Caltrans is correct, Carlsbad cannot prohibit trucks. The route serves an important function of a regional nature as a route to inland areas and as the only road which serves the only landfill operation in North County. 3. A revieww of the accident history shows that the accident rate is very low. Of the recorded accidents only one, within the last two years involved a truck. The accident history at intersections also shows a very good history. 4. A survey of trucks on Rancho Santa Fe Road found a peak of 4A truck traffic. This is a reasonable percentage to expect on a road which serves the function Rancho Santa Fe Road does. 5. If trucks are prohibited from Alga Road, La Costa Avenue and Rancho Santa Fe Road, the only alternate route is Palomar Airport Road. It is expected that the additional truck icant adverse effect on Palomar traffic will have a signif EXHIBIT 2 3/4 7 r laity Council Truck Routes - Staff Repott Page: 4 March 15, 1966 Airport Road. For trucks going to the dump, city streets in Gan Marcos, some in residential areas, will be adversely impacted. 6. To prohibit Staffksfeel reasonable Airportalternate Road mayroute notmust be ae provided. reasonable alts: native. 7. Rancho Santa Fe Road is designated as a Prime Arterial. Construction of the road to its ultimate design will take place in the foreseeable future. The noise and pollution expected will not be excessive for a Prime Arterial. The safety aspel:t and noise mitigation will be considered during design of the ultimate roadway. Because there are no compelling reasons to prohibit trucks and while there are several reasons to allow trucks, staff is recommending the inclusion of this roadway section as a truck routs. _ .CONCLUSIONS The following roadways must be designated as truck routes due to the overriding factors mentioned before; Olivenhain Road - western city limits to Rancho Santa Fe Road, Rancho Santa Fe Road , northern city limits to southern city limits, and La Costa Avenue - western city limits to E1 Camino Real. The remaining roadways, Alga Road/Melrose Drive and La Costa Avenue from E1 Camino Real to Rancho Santa Fe Road may be considered for exclusion of trucks. Because of the factors i previously mentioned and because reasonable alternate routes are ' available, a truck prohibition can be recommended. This ' recommendation is for current conditions onl;, When Melrose Drive/Rancho Santa Fe Road intersection is improved and the avement sec ion or a os a venue is re aire an as roa wa s an su seauen y ruc a erns c an a ese restrictions s ou ld be re-evaluated. Exhibit 2A California Vehicle Code Secs. 35701 %d A4':6 and 35702 2B Carlsbad Municipal Code Sec.10.32.091 KENT SEARS 2C Location Map Traffic Engineer 2D Truck Volume Data KS:lch Attachments N e— Aiv,�.11il� § *05 357012.. (a) Any city may, by ordinance, prohibit the use of a street by any- commercial- vehicle• or by any vehicle -exceeding a maximum gross weight• limit, except.witir respect to any vehicle which is subject to Sections 1031 to. 1036,'inclusive, of the Public Utilities Code. ' (b) The:ordinance,shall• not be effective until• appropriate signs are erected indicating either the streets affected by the ordinance or the streets not affected; as the local authority determines will best serve to give notice of the ordinance:, . (c) No ordinance adopted t to this section after November 10 1969, shall apply to any state highway which is included is the.Na" System of Interstate and Defense Highways, except an ordinance which has beapproved • by a two-tM•ds• vote • of the: California Transportation Amended Ch. 130& Stab. 19EL fffw tv+ November 10: 190. Amended Ch. 6M State; 19K Effective Jawary 1, 1961. Amended OL Get. Stem 198L Effw&e Januar 1,1963. 35702, ►'No ordinance• propose& under. Section.357OV is • effective with respect to any highway which is not under.the•exclusive jurisdiction of the local authority enacting the ordinance, or, in the case -of any state highway until the ordinance has been submitted by the governing body of the•loca�' authority t4 and approved in writing by, the Department: of•Transportation. In submitting a proms, ordinance to the department1br,approval, the - governing body of the local authority shall dbaignate therein, an alternate route for the use of vehicles, which route shall remain unrestricted by any - local regulation as to weight 1t limits, or types of vehicles so long as, the•• ordinance proposed shall remain in effect The approval of the proposed . ordinance by the Department of Transportation s&Hconstitute an approval by it of the alternate route so designated No such ordinance which applies to any: state highway included in, the, national system- of interstate and defense highways, shall subsequent�)yy be discpproved until such disapproval has been concurred itt by a four-fifttls_ vote of the California Transportation . Commission - Amended Ch.136S, Stab. 190. Effective November 10; 190-- Amended Ch. 50, Stam 1974. Et%ctive Jawary 1,19M, , Amended Ch. OM State 19ft-Etfecfte January 1.1981. fwtnowt lif Neva .. =03, ° No ordinance adopted pursuant to Section 35701 shall prohibit any commercial vehicles coming (roman unrestricted street having ingress and egress by direct;oute to and from a restricted -street when necessary for the.- pu�ose of making ickups or deliveries of ggoods, wares, and merchandise. From or to any building or. structure located on the restricted street or for. the purpose of delivering materials'to be used in the actual and bona fide repair, alteration, remodeling, or construction of any building or structure uogon thhe restricted street for which a building permit has previously been big UN F GedrsrCH-11 or Reps* Hihkfe .. 35704:" No ordinance adopted b`y. a city to decrease weight limits shall apply, to any vehicle owned by a public utility or a licensed contractor while necessarily is use in the construction, installation, or repair of any public , utility Amended Ch, W, stab. 1950. Effective September 18. 190. fN/ l"Y dsK Tax f NW* Rxpeeflfvn en Gy► sfr"w 35705.. Section: 35701 shall not be applicable to say city street on which - money from the State Mghway. Account in the. State Transportation Fund,.*, has been or is used fdr contraction or maintenance except in such case; as the legislative body of the city, -after notice and hearing, determines to EXHIBIT 2 A 0 0 011 —` 10.32.060--10.32.091 10.32.060 Restriction on use of freeways. No person shall drive or operate any bicyc a,-motor-d_iven cycle, br any vehicle which is not drawn by•a motor vehicle upon any street established as a freeway, as defined Section 604.5 of the state Vehicle Code, nor shall any pedestrian walk across or along any such street so designated and described except in a space set aside for the use of pe- destrians; provided, that official signs are in place giving notice of such restrictions. (Ord. 3005 S50). 10.32.070 Certain vehicles prohibited in business district. a No person shall operate any of the follow- 1 g"ve� Iles in the'business district between the hours of seven a.m. and six p.m. of any day: Any freight vehicle were than eight and one-half feet in width, fith iitsload, or any load extendsfmoreht vehicle so loaded t any par than twenty feet to the front or rear of the vehicle. may by written (b) Provided, that the chief of police permit authorize the operation of any such hve Mileries for from the purpose of making necessary emergency points within the business district. (Ord. 3005 578). _ 10.32.080 Ridin horse on sidewalk. It is unlawful for any person to re to be i e, rive, grope °rav3dssidewalk. propelled any horse across or upon any p (Ord. 3049 S1) 10.32.090 Truck routes --Generally. The use of all streets within the c ty, excepting t ose streets. described in Section 10.32..091, is prohibited as to the following de- scribed vehic- es.. Commercial trucks and trailer combina- tions, commercial. tractor and trailer combinations, and all three axle trucks in excess oof97 fourteen thousand pounds gross weight. (Ord. 3090 (part), 10.32.091 Truck routes --Streets desi nated. Theorthe - n bition set ort Sect on s a not app y t following streets and portions of streets which are desig- nated and established truck routes, as follows: (a) Carlsbad Boulevard from the northerly city limits to the southerly city limits; (b) Elm Avenue from Carlsbad Boulevard -east to inter- state 5 Freeway; west to (c) Tamarack Avenue from Interstate 5 Freeway, Carlsbad Boulevard; (d) Cannon Road, from Interstate 5 Freeway to Carlsbad Boulevard; (e) Interstate 5 Freeway# northerly city limits to southerly city limits; EXHIBIT 2B 1/2 • 1-0.3-.092--10.32.093 (f) Palomar Airport Road from Carlsbad Boulevard to easterly city limits (by Carlsbad Raceway). (Portion of Palomar Airport'Road is in county);' -_(g) E1 Camino Real from northerly city limits to southerly city limits; (h) Pasco del Norte from Palomar Airport Road southerly 1150 feet. (Ord. 3146 51, 1982;, Ord. 3090 (part), 1972). 10.32.092 Truck routes --Vehicles allowed. Section 10.32.090 shall not apply to the following vehicles: (a) Vehicles subject to the provisions of Sections 1031 to 1036 inclusive of the California Public Utilities Code; (b) Vehicles described in Section 35703 of the Vehicle Code; and (c) Vehicles traveling to or from perimanent commercial parking facilities provided for them within the city. (Ord. 3090 (part) , 1972) . 10.32.093 Truck routes --Posting. All streets and por- -tions thereof established by t is chapter as truck routes, shall be posted with appropriate signs displaying in letters not less than four inches in height, the words "truck route." (Ord. 3090 (part) , 1972) . Chapter_10.36 PEDESTRIANS Sections: Establishment of crosswalks. 10.36.020 Use of crosswalks. 10.36.030 Crossing at right angles. 10.36.040 Standing in roadways. EXHIBIT 2B 2/2 161-1 (Carlsbad 8/82) Ci'tr�t.•�N Ta o • w , C.,o•,NNOn1 �0, G now moil 1 t - ,APtLL G� EXHIBIT 2C • �2 V OZ lIUIHX3 Y 7 t>r at 9 ig U9 m w to V S 1+ at m h Ln a w i , Jo f � ? Q V N tM to 1f% h co MOM In ON N tf% e- 9N Y u • N •8-c•.• N r i! Q 2 MOB • • • O NtT • • • • h NM tThM a% 0 WN -it h N • • M to M F- • • • tf1 N • t4 C4 r N Y O tN ll T O CO P. V1 1^ co r t7D �7 tT �O N CD tl� r • • MM • NON r— r z �fco N .%DCD0 tnN� mmO (n = tl� MM N r tb O %D O tJ) Obe � Q Z �MM re�-r C%4 =m �N V-aM- V- tpY Z g .70� t co d7 h-O�t)^ M tf� a 10% 1� 0% tTcoMMO h Ln � CQ)Ma mrVam, U1 M if M N I+M N .tf N M 51 Ct O i7 M .a N w w w Ln f, � ' pp tWi Z �• •. tl'lf�r Q %0 N T t�DON.7 0, Q O N to WNcc N �O .-M.7 N FQ-hOMr r% f 1� cD w �" N tf N w N N •, ~ if CD Y1 h "N 10 �0 r N M tT tl iT N tf1 N tT M M ^ M M J^ M •• •• O .. •• Ott r r tT O 1f1 tT O u1 to � r� oo� 8 ^ r aon tT fi •-• sloes M 1 .• 1 M I .. 1 t w M :: M .. 1« 1 1 m�It aw. co-T MCO .. O o to rr O Z La. � > r ..i 66 ZQ 4 Y Y >. Y Y >. O.W Y >. Y Y >. Y Y >. W Y W .-1 Q W Y Co-4 Q t0 Y W .-1- W Y W 0-4N vizt0 Y W" t7C .01 W y «i 0 W tU ••4 Ili Wd• N W •14 W Cc d rW1 Q tl IU 0. WtN C. N 0. W do. O O aO c-C O �3: ��4- ��-i zz lit J • 1•- !� • 4- • 4�z Q • - Ll. Q G. O J C oo_ QQoa. to aCCL oa. %.01; March 4, 1986 TO: Traffic Safety Commission FROM: City Attorney CITY TRUCK ROUTES RECEIVED "I " ^ " ... V• •� 06 CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINURING DEPARTMENT At your March 6, 1986 meeting you will consider revisions to the ( provisions to the Carlsbad Municipal Code establishing truck f routes. The purpose of this memorandum is to outline the City's ( legal authority concerning truck routes. The City's current truck regulations are established in Sections 10.32.090; 10.32.091, 10.32.092 and 10.32.093 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. There are special provisions for interstate ! trucks contained in Chapter 10.34 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The provisions concerning interstate trucks are not before you for review and will not be discussed in this memorandum. A city is authorized by Section 35701 of the California ' Code t nia Vehicle Q-.prohibit the -use o£- City. streets • by ariy• commercial• ' " •' vehicle or- by 'any vehicle exceeding a maximum gross weight limit:; A city's truck route provisions are not effective until it erects appropriate signs indicating either the streets upon whA ch trucks _ are prohibited or the streets upon which trucks are d. In Carlsbad we follow the practice of posting those streetseupon which truck travel is authorized since the Municipal Code establishes a general rule banning trucks from City streets. A city cannot restrict the use of its streets to passenger stage corporations, e.g. busses (Gov't Code S35701(a), Public Utilities Code SS1031-1036 inclusive); vehicles owned by a public utility or licensed contractor while necessarily in use in the construction, installation or repair of any public utility (Vehicle Code S35704); or to commercial vehicles in certain circumstances when using a restricted street as a direct route to and from a destination is necessary to accomplish a commercial venture (Vehicle Code S35703). In addition, a city may not restrict trucks from using any highway which is not under the city's exclusive jurisdiction unless the restriction has been submitted to and approved in writing by the California Department of Transportation (Vehicle Code S35702). For the purposes of the Vehicle Code a street and a highway are the same thing. (Vehicle Code S360, 590). We have reviewed the provisions or Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 10.32.090 through 10.32.093 inclusive and have determined that they comply with the provisions of the Vehicle Code. The provisions prohibits certain commercial vehicles and vehicles in excess of a certain weight from all streets with in the City EXHIBIT 3 A Page 1 of 3 �� -2- _except-as designated in Section 1-0.32-.091. Rancho Santa Fe Road and Olivenhain Road are not listed in Section 10.32.091 and, therefore, are not authorized truck routes. However, since Rancho, Santa Fe Road and Olivenhain Road are not within the exclusive jurisdiction of the City of Carlsbad and since the prohibition of trucks on those roads has not been submitted to and approved by the Department of Transportation, the provisions .of the Carlsbad Municipal Code are ineffective with regard to those roads and therefore trucks currently may use them. As mentioned previously, truck routes may be established either by generally banning trucks from all City streets and then creating exceptions to that general ban or by authorizing trucks on all City streets and then specifically designating those streets which are restricted. Either method is legal, however, the first is more easily administered particularly in a city like Carlsbad where there are a large number of streets upon which trucks are not authorized to operate. In a very quick and incomplete review of the truck route ordinances of other cities in San Diego County we have determined that ,Carlsbad,: Escondido, .•Vista, La •Mesa•; E1•'Cajon, •and Chula• Vista-, _•prohibit trucks from all city streets except where -specifically authorized by resolution or ordinance. San Diego and Oceanside appear to allow trucks on any city street unless otherwise prohibited. Some cities have different regulatory schemes for commercial vehicles than for vehicles in excess of certain weight limits. In Escondido, Vista, La Mesa, E1 Cajon and Chula Vista, commercial vehicles are generally authorized on any city street except as otherwise provided by resolution or ordinance or apparently unless the commercial vehicle is in excess of the weight limit established by the truck route ordinance. The weight limit which triggers the truck route provisions varies from city to city. In Escondido, Vista and La Mesa the weight limit is three tons. In El Cajon and Chula Vista the weight limit is five tons. In Carlsbad the limit is seven tons. The City's Police Chief and Traffic Engineer have provided or will provide the Commission with the information required to determine whether various streets particularly in the southern area of the City should be added to the City's designated truck routes. In addition to the factors outlined by the Police Chief and Traffic Engineer for determining designation of truck routes the Commission should consider the circulation element of the City's General Plan and the City's standards for road construction. The City has the authority to establish different weight classification restrictions for different streets of the City, although does not appear to be a usual practice amoung cities in San Diego County. EXHIBIT 3 A Page 2 of 3 J�' -3- With regard to a -prohibition of trucks on- Rancho Santa Fe -Road, it is our opinion that the City has the ability to prohibit trucks along that route subject to approval of the prohibition by the California Department of Transportation. This is particularly true because there is a conflict among the affected jurisdictions regarding Rancho Santa Fe Road as a truck route. If the Commission finds it appropriate to prohibit trucks from Rancho Santa Fe Road, the Commission should include in their recommendation to the Council the reasons for that action and, in addition, should designate an alternative route which trucks could use in lieu of Rancho Santa Fe Road. The same recommendation would apply to any of the roads Which are located in more than one jurisdiction. The alternate route need not be as convenient as the route from which trucka are prohibited but must reasonably accommodate the needs of the Truckers. The designation of truck routes is largely a policy matter and the'Commission should get its recommendations from the Police Chief and City Traffic Engineer. The City's power and the restrictions on the City's power to establish truck routes are clearly defined by the Vehicle Code provisions. So long as the Commission. operates..within the scope• of the •Vehicle .Code provisions there are no legal problems with establishing truck -- routes. DAgXZ ` S . HEN-T* * Assistant City Attorney rmh c: Mayor and City Council City Manager City Engineer Police Chief Traffic Engineer EXHIBIT 3A Page 3 of 3 fce MEMORANDUM TO: --Traffic Safety Commission DATE: 2-15-86 FROM: Vincent Jimno, Chief of Police SUBJECT: Truck Routes The Police Department has been receiving an increasing number of com- plaints and requests ,for information regarding commercial vehicles in the southern portion of the city. Sections 10.32.090 through 10.32.093 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code (M.C.) which address truck -routes have not been ammended since 1972. It is requested that the Commission review truck route regulations. As part of that review it is recommended that the following three sections be considered as additions to 10.32.091 M.C.: (i) Rancho Santa Fe Road, from the northerly city limits Qo the southerly city limits. (j) Olivenhain Road, from Rancho Santa Fe Road to the westerly city limits. (k) La Costa Avenue, from the westerly city limits to E1 Camino real. In addition to a review of the related Codes it is also requested that the pre -intersection signs be reviewed. It �s this departments recom- mendation that signs similar to those exampled below he installed at a;l major intersections. Examples: E/B Palomar Airport Rd. E/3 La Costa Avenue. N/B El Camino Real at El Camino Real. at El Camino Real. at Alga Road. TRUCK ROUTE TRUCK ROUTE TRUCK ROUTE It is also recommended that roadways leading from major intersections which are not truck routes be posted, "NOT A TRUC;C ROUTE". Scme of the roads which we feel should be considered for this posting are; Levante St., La Costa Ave.(east of E1 Camino Real), Alga Rd. and Melrose Dr. (Melrose Dr. should be reconsidered as a truck route when it connects with Palomar Airport Road). Vincent Jimno, CHIEF OF POLICE EXHIBIT 3B 12 OZ %V E IS TH fvy�tf` I feG O n "sY ` Moo MOCCG".-, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO GRANVILLE M. BOWMAN, Director Offices of: County Engineer County Road Commissioner County Surveyor County Airports Flood Control Liquid Waste Solid Waste Transportation Operations City Engineer City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-1989 DEPARTMENT ENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING 2 5555 OVERLAND AVENUE SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92123 TELEPHONE: (619) 565.5177 February 27, 1986 ATTN: Kent Sears, Traffic Engineer Subject: De -I, >-„ion of Truck Routes This is in response to your letter of February 20, 1986 regarding the designation of LaCosta Avenue and Rancho Santa Fe Road/Olivenhain Road;= within the City as; truck routes. Please be advised that the County procedure is to neither designate truck routes nor restrict truck traffic (in general) on County roads. Specific action regarding large/overload trucks is handled through our permit process. We note that the stated westerly limits for the LaCosta Avenue and Olivenhain Road designations appear to be in error. Our records indicate the portions of LaCosta Avenue between Pacific Highway (1st Street) and Interstate 5 and the westerly three-quarters, of Olivenhain Road are within County jurisdiction. If you have any questions, please contact Larry ,curt at 565-5660. very truly yours, N.E SORLIE � WSW Dirktas Uof Public words GRANVILLE M. BOWMAN, Director Department of Public Works r GMB:LH:jdl cc: John Burke (0383) w/cc: City letter Tom Garibay (0336) w/cc: City letter EXHIBIT •3C /K C k 6 of San O)arco5 108 VJ. RICHMAR AVENUE • SAN MARCOS, CALIFORNIA 92069 March 5, 1986 -- - 619/744-4020 Kent Sears Traffic Engineer 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-1989 TRUCK ROUTES DESIGNATION Dear Mr. Sears; Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the City of Carlsbad's potential designated truck routes, particularly Rancho Santa Fe Road. We concur with your recommendation to designate Rancho Santa Fe Road as a _ _ truck route. It is our understanding that the Carlsbad Traffic Commission .s. will consider this matter at a March 6th meeting, - Restricting use of Rancho Santa Fe Road would cause Carlsbad and other coastal truck traffic usage of other Carlsbad and San Marcos streets. Use of such alternate streets would impact more people and necessitate longer trips. Rancho Santa Fe Road is an arterial street and is a logical truck route. Please include these comments in all future submittals to Carlsbad's Traffic Safety Commission and City Council. Cordially, GF.rK.Dawson Cingineer FKD:Ih cc: R. W. Gittings, City Manager Traffic Safety Commission Kent A. Whitson, Consulting Traffic Engineer EXHIBIT 3D CITY COUNCIL Lionel G, Burton, Mayor James D. Simmons, Vice Mayor Les B. Thibadeau Pia Harris F. H. Smith 458 t _N City of Vista City of Carlsbad Engineering Department 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attn: Kent Sears RE: REQUEST FOR TRUCK PROHIBITION ALONG RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD Dear Kent: February 28, 1986 RECEIVED CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Per our discussion on February 20, 1986, I have discussed the proposal to prohibit truck traffic along Rancho Santa Fe Road with Public works staff. The City of Vista is concerned with the long term implications of this request. If trucks were prohibited from Rancho Santa Fe Road, the most probable route would be along Palomar Airport Road. At the present time the City of Vista does not have any access points along Palomar Airport Road which are open to truck traffic. In the future as the industrial park develops, there will be connections made between Sycamore Avenue and Palomar Airport Road. Once this connection is completed, is when the impacts of the prohibition will be noticed by the'City of Vista. The route through the business park to Sycamore Avenue is a logical alternative for trucks bound for State Route 78.* Although these roads will be truck routes, the additional trucks caused by the truck prohibition will adversely impact the street system of Vista. Rancho Santa Fe is designated as a major road and is an integral connection of the regional traffic network. Due to the classi- fication and location of this roadway, the .City of Vista feels that Rancho Santa Fe Road should remain open to through truck traffic. By leaving Rancho Santa Fe Road open to truck traffic the distribution of trucks will be more uniformly spread through- out the North County road network. If you have any questions or need additional information on this, please feel free to contact me. XG _ Len Schatzmann LS:se Office of The CityTrafficEngineer 600 EUCALYPTUS AVENUE • P.O. BOX 1988 * VISTA, CALIFORNIA 92083 • 619/726.1340 EXHIBIT 3 E _ .. i� Q STATE OF.CALIFORNIA--BUSINESS AND TRANSPORTATION AGENCY GEORGE OEUKMEJIAN, Governor DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OISTRICT 11, P.O. 80X 85406, SAN OIEGO 92198-5406 vEp March 25, 1986 Donald E. Donovan, City Engineer City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-1989 Dear Mr. Donovan: RE GEI� . y opal 986 C�fl DF CARBAO EN��NEER+N� g1�4A� We have reviewed Section 35702 of the California Vehicle Code and the City Attorney's interpretation of this section. Caltrans approval of an ordinance restricting the use of a highway by commercial vehicles is only required if that facility is a State highway. Since.Rancho Santa Fe Road is not a State 1 highway,µ each` city or county having jurisdiction over 4 section of .highway, -would have to enact an ordinance covering the length of highway, under their - jurisdiction. Any conflicts would have to be rLSOlved between the cities and county involved. Caltrans would not intercede in a matter -involving only local agencies and in which the State was not a party. Sincerely, W. R. DOTSON District Direct # By j *. V. C. Barsi District Traffic Engineer Operations VCB:jm cc:JOGray VCBarsi JLarson EXHIBIT 3F __- -.?-(__. P� :bruary 14, 1986 To all Council members: Many of us are extremely concerned with the current use of La Costa avenue as an expressway for all trucks at any speed. We feel that our residential area is in JEOPARDY of becoming a major truck route due to the lack of enforcement on this issue. Hany of the trash trucks could to alternate routes, especially since many of them (ex: Oceanside Disposal, • Pacific Disposal) do not even pick up trash anywhere near this area. I resent the fact that these companies be allowed to speed up and down our RESIDENTIAL STREET simply because due to laziness no one has bothered toenforce restrictions in usuage. These trucks and delivery trucks could very erell travel Palomar Airport Rd. or Olivenhain and not be any worse for wear. My question is this: Why are only private vehicles stopped for speeding La Costa avenue?•-In*die year•i have"resided 6re•I have never, rieirer, never seen 'a'commercial truck of any kind, shape, or form stopped for speeding. I am on this road about' ' - 4-6 times per day besides cornering this street and I know for a fact that none - have been ticketed despite their continual racing down the hill when empty,vith no concerns whatsoever of who they might be disturbing. At present time La Costa is a mess. With all of the problems in this area I can see no reason why this area should not be of top importance to the Council. There are so many things that need corrected. Let's start with making the streets safer for our children and drivers by restricting these truckers off our RESIDENTIAL STREET. After all the restriction applies - LET'S ENFORCE IT11111111111111111 Since r ly yours, Debbie Davis 7525 Quinta St. La Costa, CA 92008 944-7090 EXHIBIT 3 G Le Mrs. J. Froaing i 1 Nueva Castilla Way Carlsbad, CA 92008 944-6447 Council Members: We are property owners Of a home located on La Costa Avenue and Nueva Castilla Way. We purchased the home in November, 1985, well aware that La Costa Ave. was a much -used resedential street. Our first goal was to have a wall built on the La Costa Ave. side to offer greatly -needed safety, privacy and to act as a sound barrier. We have resided here for three months now and have encountered several problems during this time. First, we were horrified to read in the newspaper that it is projected that more than a hundred thousand cars per day will be using La Costa Ave. in the near future. Second, we have had great difficulty sleeping due to the immense glare of headlights that comes through heavy draperies and outside landscaping. Third, the extremely heavy trucks that travel La Costa Ave. actually rattle the windows and cause the walls to vibrate. Last, after several visits to and redesigns for the Carlsbad Planning Department, the wall we wanted to build has had a stop -work order put on it. This is because we are on a corner lot and requires "special approval" by the City of Carlsbad Building and planning Departments. We immediately became aware of the La Costa community members and their efforts to work with the City of Carlsbad in the areas of street use and abuse. We are aware of similar noise levels on Rancho Santa Fe Road. We are very interested in establishing a master plan for current and futur4r development in reference to street use in La Costa. Extensive building is beginning r on the East extension of La Costa Ave. This is causing very heavy truck and equip- ment use .,on La Costa Ave. Future development, approved by the City of Carlsbad, cannot be at the expense of the physical and mental health of established community members. Have you considered the cost of City -built sound walls in the future due to the detrimental effect on public health and safety from the heavy traffic? There are harmful leve13 of noise decibels that are being ignored by the City. The safety of small children has not been considered. The enforeekent of speed laws is at a very minimal level. Working to solve the problems should be a team effort by the community members and the Citt of Carlsbad. Developers are not on the team. We should set the precedents, not them. We urge you to prevent La Costa Ave. and Rancho Santa Fe Road from being designated as truck routes. We urge you to enforce speed laws along these same streets. We urge you to consider stop signs or stop lights in the near future for La Costa Ave. We urge you to listen to, consider and act upon the interests of your fellow community members. February 22, 106 Sincereljr. S7 U JAAJ off and Judi Froning EXHIBIT 3It 2_ S t i l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 4 i ORDINANCE NO. 3198 AN ORD-INANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY.OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 10, CHAPTER 10.32, SECTION 10.32.091 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE ADDITION OF SUBSECTIONS (i),Q) AND (k) DESIGNATING CERTAIN CITY STREETS -AS -TRUCK ROUTES. I The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, hereby ordains as follows: SECTION 1:- That Title 10, Chapter 10:32, Section 10.32.091 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by the addition of Subsections (i), (j), and (k) to read as follows: "(i) La Costa Avenue from the westerly city limits to El Camino Real" "(j) Rancho Santa Fe Road from the southerly City limits to Olivenhain Road and from questhtaven Road to the northerly City limits." "(k) Olivenhain Road from the westerly City limits to Rancho Santa Fe Road." EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its adoption, and the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at least once in the Carlsbad Journal within fifteen days after its adoption. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of -the City Council of the City of Carlsbad held the 22nd day of April Y, 1986, and thereafter ,2 t�( l� 2 3 4 5' 61 7 8. 9' 10 11 12 13 14', 15 16 III 171 18' 19'' 20 21 22'' 23' 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of said City Council held the 6th day of May , 1986, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettine NOES: None ASSENT: None MARY CA ER, Mayor ATTEST: 1 Al ETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk (SEAL) a� MINUTLO Meeting of: TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 6:00 p.m. Date of Meeting: March 6, 1986 Place of Meetina: La -Costa Hotel ThedL'er COMMISSIOyERS CALL -TO ORDER: Chairman Fuller called the Meeting to order at 6106 p.m. ROLL CALL - Present - Chairman Fuller, COi"Is3loners Erwin, Melideo, O'Day and Wood. Absent - None. Staff Members Present: Kent Sears, Traffic Engineer Officer Shipley Police Chief Jimno Chairman Fuller introduced Police Chief Vincent Jimno, who -explained the reasoi for this Meeting being held at La Costa, at this time of day instead of the regular afternoon Meeting of the Traffic Safety Commission. He stated a number of people spoke before Council regarding the designating of truck routes in South Carlsbad. This matter was referred to the Traffic Safety Commission for hearing and their•, consideration. ._The.LCity a-Costa-Hotel'allowea' —the i. u'se the theater 'this to evening. However, there is an 8:00 P.M. time limit. Hopefully the people speaking will keep this In mind to give everyone a chance to give their input. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The -Minutes of the Meeting held February I, 1986, were approved as presented. REPORT ON ACTION FROM PREVIOUS MEETING: There was no report at this time. ACTION ITEMS: 1. Ocean Manor Motel Parkin Chairman Fuller stated, for the record, the Commission and staff toured the motel site on February 20, 1986. Arnle Dumbrow addressed the Commission stating he hoped Mr. Sear's recommendation would be followed to make the street a one-way street and approve diagonal parking. Commissioner Erwin stated he preferred Alternative 1: Remove existing perpendicular spaces and place parallel spaces between obstructions. Commissioner Melideo requested all the signs Indicating private parking be removed. Mr. Dumbrow stated the signs had been removed. Commissioner Melideo stated there was still one sign there as of Yesterday. Mr. Dumbrow assured her this sign had just been overlooked and would be removed. EXHIBIT 5 Fuller X Erwin X X Melideo X O'Day X Wood Ix } MINUTE., March 6, 1986 page 2 ACTION ITEMS: (continued) COMMISSIONERS Charles Garner, 2968 Garfield, addressed the Commission asking whether the public would be able to park there free. Staff indicated this was a public right-of-way and the public had every right to park there. Mr. Garner stated none of the alternatives actually served the public, with the exception of Alternative 6 which would leave the parking as it is. He added the tree should be removed. Staff Indicated the tree is on City property and has nothing to do with Ocean Manor. Staff agreed the tree Is the City's responsibility and the City would benefit more from the diagonal parking rather than parallel parking. Commissioner Melideo stated she was concerned about the parking. Staff indicated Elm Avenue parking would remain angle parking. Mr. Sears stated if Ocean Manor did any improvements on their property, they would be required to widen Elm Avenue at that time. Mr. Sears again indicated only half -street Improvements had been required on Elm Avenue at this time. Commissioner O'Day stated anytime Ocean Manor would come in for a project they would be required to Provide underground parking. Kent Sears agreed this would probably be a requirement. Traffic Safety Commission determined to leave the parking as currently exists in the Ocean Manor Motel area, with the exception of removing the palm tree at the north end of Garfield Street. Also, the trash bin should be removed and put on the site of the Ocean Manor Motel. Commissioner Melideo stated she wants this item to come back again for further study and Garfield between Elm and Grand to be studied as to whether there will be a parking district, public way or just what it will be. 2. City Truck Route - Proposed Additions to the A roved Truck Routes. Chairman Fuller stated for the record, correspondence had been received from several agencies. The County of San Diego says County procedure neither designates nor restricts truck traffic on County roads. The City of San Marcos concurred with the designation of Rancho Santa Fe Road as a truck route. The City of Vista stated they were in favor of truck traffic on Rancho Santa Fe Road. nebble Davis, La Costa, opposed trucks on La Costa Avenue as a hazardous use. Fuller X Erwin X Melideo X O'Day X Wood IX X MINUM; 9� 0 �' y March 6, 1986 Page 3 p 7 COMMISSIONERS � ��� � pFd► ACTION ITEMS: (continued) Jeff and Judi Fronick opposed the use of La Costa Avenue and Rancho Santa Fe Road as truck routes. Chairman Fuller read the background on this item and the recommendation. Ben Smith, 3017 Azahar Court, stated he understood the recommendations made by staff. He asked what happens to Rancho Santa Fe Road with regard to residences on that road would then have entrances onto that road. He felt action on Rancho Santa Fe Road should be deferred until something has been done to improve the road. The park has been voted to be completed and the road is not completed as yet. He added that Rancho Santa Fe Road is not a road -- it is a cowpath. Matt Schaker, 3109 La Costa Avenue, stated his objection to trucks on Rancho Santa Fe Road and the Daon Development. He stated when the developers come Into an area, they do not take into consideration the long-term of f•ect. of. their, development. • He. -added. itancho-Santa Fe Road is not maintained and is in deplorable condition. All trucks, equipment trucks and trucks delivering dirt and rocks travel Rancho Santa Fe Road at speeds of 60 mph scattering dirt and rocks over the roadway. He felt something should be done to enforce the scattering of debris on the road. He felt there should be consideration given to eliminating trucks on La Costa Avenue and Alga Road in the residential areas. Leanna Gibson, 7426 Trigo Lane, stated her backyard is approximately 30 feet away from Rancho Santa Fe Road. She does not allow her children to play near the road for fear a truck or car may come through the fence. _ She stated the sound of the cars and trucks wakes them up early in the morning and goes on all day. This road should not be a truck route. Her two reasons for asking Rancho Santa Fe Road to be eliminated as a truck•route are safety and the noise. Jim Popovich, 7436 Trigo Lane, stated his property also backs up to Rancho Santa Fe Road, and he agreed with the previous speaker. The road is dangerous and the 16-wheelers pass the garbage trucks with the garbage trucks going maybe S to 10 mph. He stated there will be a headon someday that will be a grinding crash. Mr. Popovich stated he understood why San Marcos and Vista does not mind if this is a truck route, as they do not smell the exhaust and hear the noise. The trash to energy plant is in San Marcos. They voted for it and they will make the money from It. Why should the La Costa area be divided by a six - lane freeway for the garbage trucks in San Marcos. Mr. Popovich stated Palomar Airport Road is a viable alternative to using Rancho Santa Fe Road. Palomar Airport Road is commercial, industry and agriculture, with no houses along the road. He stated all truck traffic should be on Palomar Airport Road. Z MINUTE4 March 6, 1986 Page 4 g COMMISSIONERS ACTION ITEMS: (continued) Morey Rabin, 7717 Morada Street, addressed the Commission asking whether there was a City Ordinance, .State Law or County Regulation stating that open trucks must have a covering on them. He said the trucks carrying stones, sand and dirt have open tops and he has replaced the windshields in his cars several times. He felt there should be enforcement to make them abide by regulations and provide the residents with a safe way of traveling. Ed Marbrey, 3325 Piragua, stated there was not only a danger to the children but also to the adults on Rancho Santa Fe Road and La Costa Avenue. These streets are raceways and he recommended they not be designated truck routes. Bud Porter, 5394 Linda Vista Road, San Diego, representing the disposal association, stated he understood the problem and sympathized with the residents. He stated in North County there is one land I'M to handle.all, of, -the waste In.northern .San— Diego City to*the County•bocder. Over one million tons of waste a year go to the San Marcos plant and they must have access to that plant. He commended staff working out the options. He said the additional mileage and costs would be a factor. In driving Rancho Santa Fe Road he stated that was a dangerous road and more dangerous than La Costa Avenue. The Improvements to Rancho Santa Fe Road must be made and then La Costa Avenue could be closed to truck traffic. His recommendation was that La Costa Avenue remain open until necessary improvements on Rancho Santa Fe Road are made. Jeff Conne, 7601 Nueva Casadilia, stated he was a new resident was not cognizant that La Costa Avenue was so dangerous. He stated the roadway was just not built for the speed due to the topography and the blind curves. He stated drivers exceed tha 55 mph speed limit and the noise pollution and trucks are a nuisance. There are some things that can be done, without impeding the traffic flow in order to help the residents of the community. He said he had considered speed bumps, but he knew that was not practical. lie did suggest La Costa Avenue speed limit be reduced :o 40 mph. In certain areas with the blind corners aiid' hills he would suggest 35 mph. He stated there should be a limit on the late -hour trucks and better patrolling by the Police Department. He felt they could keep the big trucks off of La Costa Avenue by building a height barrier and limiting the height to 10 or 11 feet. If the truck is too high, it cannot make it through the barrier. He felt that modern technology could be used to check whether the trucks were using the roads and to alert the Police Department. He felt the revenue from tickets and fines would cover the costs of the use of the technology. 2 ,., MINUTE,; March 6, 1986 Page 5 ACTION ITEMS• --- (continued) C4M-MISS;0NER-3" Chairman Fuller stated trucks have a right to use the streets. He said the Commission has concerns about the roads and consideration of traffic circulation. He suggested anyone having a problem with City enforcement staff write a letter. take care of those items. He stated hthisgComencmi lion, the item under discussion tonight was limited to truck routes and did not envolve enforcement. Barbara Donovan, 2630 Abedul Street, spoke regarding trucks on Alga Road. She recommended Alga Road not be a truck route. Chairman Fuller stated the recommendation was not to Include Alga Road as a truck route. Mrs. Donovan added this was an access route for many people living on the north side of La Costa, is a school bus route and should not be a truck route. Bob Accetta, 7319 Muslo Lane, stated, he agreed ,with, everyone, aInciuding•'the representative from the trash hauling company, that Rancho Santa Fe is not a safe road. He felt the trucks should be taken off of It right now. The trucks could be diverted to alternate routes, where it is safe, until something could be done about improving Rancho Santa Fe Road. Citizens should have input on planning in that area as far as the road location and what is going through there. Chairman Fuller reiterated all trucks cannot be kept Off of the streets. They have a right to make local deliveries, but it is possible to keep the through traffic off of certain streets. Lois Humphreys, 7647 Primavera Way, stated she had several recommendationsntotkeep the trucksions to maeSOff aogred with feLa Costa the Avenue and Alga Road, but she also recommended the Traffic Commission ask the City Council for better Police monitoring to keep the trucks off. The children ride the school buses on La Costa Avenue. If a truck ran into a school bus, this could be a very tragic affair. She stated Rancho Santa Fe Road as a truck route is an Inappropriate use. Mrs. Humphreys stated there are some sections of pavement In La Costa Ato venue that are falling. Until Improvements are made laneancho Santa Fe each direction # truckatraffic it �shouldre hnotobe way allowed on that road. Also there are no sound walls or any mitigation for the residents living along that road. She asked the Commission to recommend, when there sound arelthreeplanes eachbefoway, guardrails, bushes and along Rancho Santa Fe Road. y more houses are built Mrs. Humphreys stated the children In that area are on a year-round school schedule and must cross this "freeway" where they are driving 55 mph. If this is to he a truck rout, there should be better pedestrian crossings, and, perhaps, overhead crossings. MINUTE. M.—h [. 19A4 O�n� " COMMISSIONERS ACTION ITEMS: (continued) Mrs. Humphreys commented separation of the La Costa area makes it difficult to create a community. There are three different school districts and the residents feel they should not be divided by a giant freeway. Chairman Fuller stated any change of road classification is the fob of the Planning Department and not the function of this Commission. Neil Turner, 7329 Calle Alma, stated the proposed truck routes are currently not truck route roads. He .recommended that until, Rancho Santa Fe Road is Improved, it should not be a truck route. Debbie Davis, 7525 La Quienta Place, stated she would like to answer the man from the trash company as far as the cost factor. She spent several months calling trash companies when she found their trucks speeding on La Costa Avenue. She also called the City Managers o? Oceanside and Carlsbad. Ms. Davis complained about -the Jripp -of, ali.,ft-different trash'coi�panies " And their picking up early in the morning making a great deal of noise. With the school children and the new school to be built in the area, there would be danger to the children crossing the street. She stated the trash trucks travel at 65 mph and are not aware of the blind corners on the streets. She asked the trash companies to please allow the citizens to live their lives. She felt the trash trucks from other cities should take other routes, and the cities they are servicing should also help Carlsbad to keep those trucks from the Carlsbad streets. Marlene Palish, 7035 Alacante Road, agreed with the other residents and stated the truck people are using Alacante Road as a truck route. She stated there are trucks on that street carrying dirt and rocks and making u-turns in front of the homes. This use of Alacante is causing the street to become cracked and causing a great deal of discomfort to the residents. A gentleman spoke about Rancho Santa Fe Road stating the houses sit very close to the road. With the trucks on that road and the speed on the downgrade, there could be a disaster. Karen Sims, 7562 Trigo Lane, stated it is difficult to enforce the speed limit on Rancho Santa Fe Road because there Is no safe place for the police to sit In order to be there to enforce the speed llmit. Sohn Waterstradt, 7312 Muslo Lane, stressed the unsafe condition of the roads due to heavy traffic and needed maintenance. Council Member Kulchin spoke, thanking the audience for coming to the Meeting. Mrs. Kulchin asked the Traffic Safety Commission to listen to the residents and consider their requests for no truck routes on Rancho Santa Fe Road, Alga Road or La Costa Avenue. MINUTES March 6, 1986 Page 7 ACTION ITEMS: (continued) COMMISSIONERS Marylyn Bellman-Brown, 2638 Luelernega, spoke stating they realize there must be some truck routes In the area, but they asked the Commission recommend to the Planning Commission and City Council plans for sound attenuation on those streets so the residents sufferiry from the noise and the safety issues can be safeguarded In the future. When the truck routes are designated, funds should be made available to construct sound attenuation walls concurrently with the designation of those routes. Alan Recce, 7442 Trigo Lane, presented a petition with over 400 residents names on the petition. The original petition had been sent to City Hall. Chairman Fuller stated for the record that he had a copy of the petition. Mr. Recce used the land use map to show the areas of Rancho Santa Fe Road where there re blind spots. He stated the.. sound walls are ..too•lop and.must-be,higher In order to mitigate`ttie noise from the trucks. In some places on Rancho Santa Fe Road the houses and yards are four or five feet below the roadbed. The trucks would come right through a four foot wall or fence. He had tested the sound on the road, and it was 80 decibals. Mr. Recce stated the City has a problem In that area and are responsible and liable for the trucks going through the fences. Safety and health of the citizens must outweigh the costs and slight inconvenience to the trucks. Dennis Price, 7515 Cadencia Street, addressed the Commission stating the Commissioners should travel Rancho Santa Fe Road with the slow traffic and the passing on the hills and blind curves. He added on La Costa Avenue there are 75 driveways entering the street along with all of the street intersections on the roadway. Commission discussion followed, with the determination the Impacts being described by the people here tonight do exist and Rancho Santa Fe Road is not In good condition. However, that road is a multi - jurisdictional road, with Carlsbad not having a legal right to close it at the present time. Any closures, without the concurrence of the County, City of San Marcos and others involved, would have to he decided by the Department of Transportation. Police Chief Vincent Jimno stated they eduld not enforce any decision by the City of Carlsbad to eliminate Rancho Santa Fe Road as a truck route without petitioning the Department of Transportation, State of California, to have the matter decided. The City could be Involved in a law suit if they cited a trucking company for a Municipal Ordinance In conflict with the State Law. All that could be done at that point would be to have the State make the decision. MINUTE,o S4arch o, 1986 Page 8 ACTION ITEMS: (continued) COMMISSIONERS Commissioner O'Day stated anyone finding debris that has fallen off of trucks should notify the City Engineering Department. There are Ordinances that the trucks must have an approved haul route and that is in writing. There is a cash bond placed, and this could be used for cleaning up the material that falls onto tiie road. If there are places on La Costa Avenue that need to be repaired, that recommendation should be Included In a letter to the City. Mr. O'Day agreed that sound walls work in conjunction with berms to mitigate noise. Each wall weuld have to be analyzed In relation to the adjacent homes by a sound expert. Commissioner Erwin stated everyone was Interested in safety and it was the desire to make the area into a finer neighborhood. He stated he did not believe that Rancho Santa Fe Road, as It stands now, is safe for truck traffic. La Costa Avenue is not safe for trucks, and most of the residential ztreets are not made for trucks. Commissioner Erwin made t6e'folloidng motion: Traffic Safety Commission recommend to the City Council that all commercial vehicles In excess of 5,000 lbs, except commercial vehicles servicing those specific areas, be prohibited from using the following roads: 1. Olivenhain Road - western City limit to Rancho Santa Fe Road. 2. Rancho Santa Fe Road - Olivenhain Road to eastern City limits. 3. La Costa Avenue - E1 Camino Real to Rancho Santa Fe Road. 4. Alga Road - El Camino Real to Melrose. 5. Melrose - Alga Road to Rancho Santa Fe Road. Secondly, La Costa Avenue from E1 Camino Real westerly to the westerly City limits should be designated as a truck route. Finally, all the roads listed in this motion should be posted with the appropriate signs Immediately after Council approval. Commission discussion first centered on the MOD lbs. limitation, with Police Chief Vince 9imno stating the State Law Is 14,000 lbs. and the Commission would have no authority to regulate the weight other than what is In the State Vehicle Code. In answer to Commission query regarding the designation of OliveRancho nhain, KentSearsSstatedanta etheydcould only from ochange this by a General Plan Amendment. Chairman Fuller stated when a road is a prime arterial, it should be designed and anticipated to carry trucks. He stated he was not in favor of designating a truck route unless the road was constructed to prime arterial standards. At this time It is premature to designate Rancho Santa Fe Road as a IturetainsetheNprime arterial and atus,thesbellievedand at would be proper. 33 6 I MINUT %I March 6, 1986 Page 9 COO. M, ISSIONERS ACTION ITEMS: (continued) Commissioner Erwin agreed to restate his motion to state: in excess of 14,000 lbs. Commissioner Erwin asked whether -the designated routes would be properly signed, and was told by staff they would be. Trucks using routes not signed are subject to ticketing unless they can prove they have business In the area. Commissioner Erwin made the following motion, with changes to read: Traffic Safety Commission recommend to the City Council that all commercial vehicles in excess of 14,000 lbs, except commercial vehicles servicing those specific areas, be prohibited from using the following roads: 1. Olivenhain Road - western City limit to Rancho Santa Fe Road. Rancho Santa Fe,Rodd-•,OXivenhain-Road•to'easterh- City limits. 3. La Costa Avenue - El Camino Real to Rancho Santa Fe Road. 4. Alga Road - El Camino Real to Melrose. 5. Melrose - Alga Road to Rancho Santa Fe Road., Secondly, La Costa Avenue from El Camino Real, westerly to the westerly City limits, should be designated as a truck route. Finally all the roads listed in this motion should be posted with the appropriate signs immediately after Council approval. Gross allowable weight maximum gross weight of 14,000 lbs. Also the streets being used now to be signed, and "trucks prohibited" signs be placed on those streets. Commissioner O'Day agreed that Rancho Santa Fe Road should not be used as a truck route at this time. He agreed when it is a six -lane highway, and sound attenuation walls have been installed, then it would be proper to be used as a truck route. He recommended the City of Carlsbad petition Cal -Trans to enforce that in the light of Rancho Santa Fe Road being a two- lane road. He would like to attach to that recommendation to the City staff, that sound attenuation walls be considered. Commissioner Wood stated he would like to vote on the motion ;)efore the Commission. If there are subsequent motions and discussions, those could be voted upon separately. 3`{ MINUTEa � 9m March by 1986 Pagc 10 COMMISSIONERS ACTION ITEMS: (continued) Traffic Safety Commission adopted the following motion: The Commission recommended to the City Council that Fuller X all commercial vehicles using the allowable weight for Erwin X X the California Vehicle Code, with a maximum gross Melideo X weight of 14,000 lbs, except commercial vehicles O'Day X servicing those specific areas, be prohibited from using Wood X the following roads: 1. Olivenhain Road - western City limit to Rancho Santa Fe Road. 2. Rancho Santa Fe Road - Olivenhain Road to eastern City limits. 3. La Costa Avenue - El Camino Real to Rancho Santa Fe Road. 4. Alga Road - El Camino Real to Melrose. 5. Melrose - Alga Road to Rancho Santa Fe Road. Secondly, La Costa Avenue from E1 Camino Real westerly to the westerly, City .limits should be. -designated as a truck route. Finally, all the roads listed in this motion should be posted with the appropriate signs and any streets that., have been used as truck routes, which are now prohibited, should be signed with the proper signs Immediately after Council approval. Kent Sears, Traffic Engineer, stated Palomar Airport Road is near its capacity at the present time. The addition of all the trucks using Rancho Santa Fe Road, Alga Road and La Costa Avenue, would have a significant impact upon Palomar Airport Road. The statement was made that with this action the trash company would be landlocked with no access to the landfill. The City cannot do that. The trash trucks do have a right to go in and out of the areas they are servicing. Commissioner Wood stated the City Council, on the advice of the City Attorney, will make its recommendation as to whether or not the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Commission is valid. Chairman Fuller stated there must be an alternative route for the trucks. Traffic Safety Commission recommended the City of Fuller X Carlsbad, City Council and staff, petition the Erwin X Department of Transportation, State of California, to Melideo X resolve the problem created, which involves O'Day X San Diego County roads and roads of the City of San Wood X X Marcos. The City of Carlsbad has indicated posting Rancho Santa Fe Road as not suitable for trucks. San Marcos wants the use of Rancho Santa Fe Road for trucks and San Diego County has objected to designating Olivenhain as a non -truck route. It is up to those entities to petition Cal -Trans. 3.) MINUTLO' *o ps March b. 1986 Paue 19 yt?_ GOMMI551(7PIEHS 'y `� 'Z `�(f ACTION ITEMS: (continued) Traffic Safety Commission recommended the City Fuller X Engineer consider sound attenuation walls in the Erwin X design of Rancho Santa Fe Road. Melideo X O'Day X X Wood X In answer to a question from a member of the audience, Chairman Fuller stated they cannot enforce any action taken against trucks on Rancho Santa Fe Road unless all persons involved concur. Mrs. Humphreys stated the health and safety of the citizens should take precedence with the Department of Transportation. Without giving their names, two other men in the audience stated they had monitored the trips made by various delivery, garbage, etc. trucks, and they felt the Police should call these people In for private sessions and explain to them they will have to abide by. •the' regulations.. . ITEMS FROM THE COMMISSION: Commissioner Wood stated he would suggest the Traffic Engineer look into the possibility of putting a left- hand turn pocket in the northbound lane on El Camino Real turning west into Arnel. He stated there is a southbound pocket, and with the development of Seaport, it would be wise to put in the left turn northbound pocket. Commissioner Melideo asked staff what was happening to the traffic circulation study in the beach area. Staff stated the contract had been awarded. Jim Popovich stated since the Traffic Engineer had said Palomar Airport Road was nearly up to its capacity, he wanted to comment that Rancho Santa Fe Road is 4,000 trips over its capacity. Mr. Laveck, 7722 Anillo, stated the City needed someone with the proper background, appearance and training to be a Traffic Commissioner to inform the truck companies that they must abide by the regulations and not use La Costa Avenue for through truck traffic. He stated someone with knowledge on how to deal with these companies should handle the spillage of dirt, rock, etc. on the pavement. At this point Chairman Fuller informed the audience the Meeting must close, inasmuch as the theater has a prior commitment. 3� + " ' MINUTE*j « March 6, 1986 Page 12 COMMISSION ERS ITEM FROM THE ENGINEER: Kent Sears stated there were no items at this time. AD30URNWNT: ° By proper motion, the Meeting of March 6, 1986, was adjourned at 7:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, /Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk HB/tc 37 I . AM 0Sall, N cit co san �lc°ter � I O 0)arcos 3 o ° °rated � 9 e� 105 W. RICHMAR AVENUE • SAN MARCOS, CALIFORNIA 92069 ° April 21, 1986 Kent Sears Traffic Engineer 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-1989 TRUCK ROUTES DESIGNATION Dear Mr. Sears: 619/744.4020 RECEIVE j CITY OF C ENGINEERING The City Council considered it's Traffic Safety Commission's recommendation that the City of Carlsbad retain Rancho Santa Fe Road as a truck route. The Council adopted enclosed Resolution No. 86-2347. It notes that no Environmental Impact Report or assessment has been prepared concerning prohibiting trucks on Rancho Santa Fe Road, and requests that the City of Carlsbad and the County retain Rancho Santa Fe Road as a truck route. We note that the County of San Diego may have improved Rancho Santa Fe Road using Federal and/or State funds which may preclude prohibiting truck travel at this time. It is requested that San Marcos' concerns and request be placed on the City of Carlsbad's City Council agenda of April 22, 1986. San Marcos will be represented at the April 22nd Carlsbad's Council meeting by Kent A. Whitson, Consulting Transportation Engineer and Kevin K. Lindell, Assistant Civil Engineer. Cordially, F. �- Dawson City Engineer vm Enclosure: Resolution No. 86-2347 CC: Granville M. Bowman/H. Sorlie, Director of Public Works, County of San Diego Kent A. Whitson, Consulting Transportation Engineer Kevin K. Lindell, Assistant Civil Engineer R.W. Gittings, City Manager CITY COUNCIL Lionel G. Burton, Mayor 515 James D. Simmons, Vice Mayor Lee B. Thibadeau Pia Harris F. H. Smith .�1 Y RESOLUTION 110. 86- 2347 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN MARCOS REQUESTING THE CITY OF CARLSBAD TO RETAIN RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD AS A TRUCK ROUTE WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad is actively considering not including Rancho Santa Fe Road in it's truck route system; and WHEREAS, the County of San Diego truck route system includes Rancho Santa Fe Road; and WHEREAS, the intersection of Rancho Santa Fe Road/Questhaven Road must be reached en route to the County of San Diego Landfill and City of San Marcos future trash to energy plant site; and WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad's deletion of Rancho Santa Fe Road from the truck route system would cause trucks to travel on alternate streets in Carlsbad, the County of San Diego and City of San Marcos of more than 2 to 4 times the distance to reach Rancho Santa Fe Road/ Questhaven Road from Carlsbad. WHEREAS, no,Environmentai Impact Report or assessrent has been prepared concerning prohibiting trucks on Rancho Santa Fe Road. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Carlsbad and the County of San Diego are requested to retain Rancho Santa Fe Road as a truck route. PASSED., APPROVED AND ADOPTED at the regular meeting of the City Council held this 8th day of April, 1986 by the following roll call vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: 1was, Sutimys, SML:'_'d, BURTON NOES: COUNCILME►x1BERS: No�M ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: TIisBAD AU ATTEST: / IONEL G. BURTON, MAYOR CITY Or SAH AZ F1AP,COS SHEILA A. KENNEDY, CITi Y CLERK - CITY OF SAN fF'ARCOS 335R -. 3 r STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) ss. CITY OF SAN MARCOS ) I, SHEILA A. KENNEDY, CITY CLERK, OF THE City of San Marcos DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE AND FOREGOING IS a full and true and correct copy of RESOLUTION NO. 86-2347 and that the same has not been amended or repealed. DATED: April 21, 1986 OF THE CITY OF SAN MARCOS r Lev