HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-05-06; City Council; 8119-23; Amend Contracts Carlsbad Safety and Service Center 3006-4E Atrium, Guardrail 3006-2A Miscellaneous Changes Structural SteelCARLSBAD — AGEND/~1ILL ARtf <PV/?-**o^3' MTG. 5/6/86 DEPT. HM TITLE: AMEND STEEL CARLSBAD SAFETY CONTRACTS FOR AND SERVICE CENTER DEPT. HD. faB CITY ATTYV fj^) CITY MGR. -2-*- RECOMMENDED ACTION: Occ Q.Q_ Oz3OO By motion, adopt Resolution No. 3006-4E for Tulsa Steel Mfg. Co., Inc expenditures necessary for the construction Safety and Service Center in the amount of $12,602.00. amending Contract No. to allow for additional of the Carlsbad By motion, adopt Resolution No. 3006-2A for Tulsa Steel Mfg. Co expenditures necessary for the Safety and Service Center in the •0 amending Contract No. , Inc. to allow for additional construction of the Carlsbad amount of $23,455.00. ITEM EXPLANATION; Contract 3006-4E the cost of Safety Center, eous steel bid savings program panel guardrail twice as much, architect and app , Change Order No. 1 for $ the atrium guardrail on the This item was not part of th from Tulsa Steel, but was last summer which eliminated from the plans which would The new vertical post rail roved by the Police/Fire Dep 12,602.00 represents second floor of the e initial miscellan- a result of the cost a custom-made glass have cost more than was designed by the artments. Contract 3006-2A, Change Order No. 3 for $23,455.00 covers all the miscellaneous field changes made to the original structural steel bid with Tulsa Steel. Early in 1985 the City Council approved this major contract to assure timely fabrication and delivery by the vendor. During the erection phase multiple changes were made at the site and at Tulsa's plant to accomodate the modifications made by the structural engineer and architect. The attached documents enumerate and substantiate all of the necessary changes which are now complete. The above changes have been reviewed and approved by the archi- tect, construction manager and city staff. We will issue the change order upon approval of the City Council. These changes wre critical to the timely completion of the project. FISCAL IMPACT The added cost of current budget for available in Account this change order has been included in the Phase I of the Safety Center. Funds are No. 320-820-1810-3006. Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. ?'\ \ *? - BUDGET SCORECARD Funds expended or encumbered: (Includes contracts awarded, architect fees, construction manager, miscellaneous municipal expenses to date and Change Orders) Outstanding Bid Packages, and Miscellaneous Expense (No. 8 Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment) (No. 9 Landscaping and Miscellaneous Municipal Expense) Contingency TOTAL - PHASE 1 $ 8,900,626 $ 1,140,000 $ 209.374 $ 10.250.000 EXHIBITS 1. Tulsa Steel Mfg. Co., Inc. Change Order No. 1. 2. Tulsa Steel Mfg. Co., Inc. Change Order No. 3. 3. Resolution No.amending Contract No. 3006-4E for Tulsa Steel Mfg. Co., Inc. to allow for additional expendi- tures necessary for the construction of the Carlsbad Safety and Service Center in the amount of $12,602.00. 4. Resolution No.amending Contract No. 3006-2A for Tulsa Steel Mfg. Co., Inc. to allow for additional expendi- tures necessary for the construction of the Carlsbad Safety and Service Center in the amount of $23,455.00. (CE #44) 'CITY OF CARLSBAD PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT CHANGE ORDER APR 0 7 1986 KOLL CONST. - C CHANGE ORDER NO. CONTRACT NO; 3Q06-4E DATE March 27, 1986 320-820- PURCHASE ORDER NO; 14315 BUDGET NO. isio-3006 CONTRACTOR'S NAME Tulsa Steel Mfg. Co., inc. PROJECT NAME AND NO. Carlsbad Public Safety and Service Center ACTION: Revise contract documents to include revised plans and specifications noted as Delta 1 dated 9/16/85. Also, include structural clarification drawings SR-1 dated 9/17/85 and SR-8 dated 9/26/85, and Architectural clarification drawings AR-4 through AR-13 dated 12/13/85. 1. Credit to complete miscellaneous steel fabrication and erection as outlined with documents listed above. (Reference Tulsa letter dated 3/24/86) 2. Additional cost to fabricate and install atrium guardrail per revised sketch issued by Architect. Date - January 1986. 3. Additional miscellaneous^ steel field work as outlined on tickets #738, 741 dated 2/25/86 and 3/13/86. Includes work required by Architect's field orders #6 and #7. (Total Hours = 13.5). ($ 1,169.00) $12,880.00 891.00 TOTAL ADD $12,602.00 CONTRACT AMOUNT TO DATE THROUGH C.O. NO. AMOUNT THIS CHANGE ORDER ' NO. 1 REVISED CONTRACT AMOUNT KOLL CONSTRUCTION CO. CONSTRUCTION MANAGER DATE APPROVED: APPROVAL: Field Engineer Department Head Date Date $141,850.00 $ 12,602.00 $154,852.00 RUHNAU, MCGAVIN, RUHNAU ARCHITECT CONTRACTOR: BY DATE Mfg. Co., Inc. -RECEIVED STEEL JVL JL~ Cl. KOLL CONST. C Company Inc. Phone (918) 227-0110 P.O. BOX 9280/TULSA, OKLAHOMA 74157 7600 New Sapulpa Road March 24, 1986 Koll Construction Company 2237 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attn: Mr. Steve Mahoney/(619)438-8866 REF: Public Safety § Service Center T.S. Job No's 3296 & 3309 Verbally approved cost changes of 3-20-86 Dear Mr. Mahoney; The following are Tulsa Steel's deletion/additions to: T.S. JOB NO. CONTRACT NO. DESCRIPTION 3296 3006-2A Structural steel 3309 3006-4E Misc. Metals Per our verbal agreement of 3-20-86, please forward change orders for our billing as agreed to. A). T.S. Job No. 5296 - Contract No. 5006-2A: 1). 2). 3). 4). 5). 6). 7). 8). Deleted: Atrium framing at roof level for drawing # S-4 for Deleted: Original materials prior to re- vision for roof extension over meeting room roof for Added: Revision for roof extension over meeting room roof for Changed: Changed channel sizing at stair No. 2 for Deleted: Holes in beam and stiff ener plates thru out project for Added: Bent plates/angles per drawing No. S-7 thru out project for Deleted: (16) embedded anchor bolts in CMU wall at 2nd floor (15/5-7J1 for Added: Atrium roof framing for C$10,253.00) (1,305.00) 2,100.00 548.00 (422.00) 792.00 (315.00) 14,341.00 (2) 9). Added: Roof deck support angles at roof hatches (2/S-l) for 10). Added: Braces, connection places, and sleeve nuts at columns "BSD" between "10-12 $ 9-10" per sections l/S-3 S 6/S-5 for 11). Added: Roof opening framing between columns "8S9" and "BSD" for 12). Added: Roof framed opening at column "K" between "LSK", moved opening and added one (1) beam for 13). Added: 2nd floor opening framing between columns "8S91 and "ASB" per Roll's trans- mittal dated 11-14-85 for Contract No. 5006-2A change order value of B). T.S. Job No. 3309 - Contract No. 5006-4E: ' 1). Deleted: Rolled tube S framing above roof at atrium for 2). Added: Special painted guardrail at Sally- port roof for 3). Added: Angles at column lines "H" between "10S13" per revised section 21/S-9 for 4). Added: Framing revisions/additions for glass block North S East elevations (2/A-9S 30/A-10) and vestibule #131. This includes additional bent plates @ room 103 (added in lieu of original hollow metal work by others) for 5). Added: Braces and hangers at column grids "BSD" between "10S13" and "9S10" (l/S-3 S 6/S-5) for 6). Added: Window mullion supports at column line "G" between "8S9" (3/S-7 per dwg no. SR-12) for 7). 2nd floor brace angles at column line "3" between "ASD" per telephone instructions for structural engineer to T.S. for 8). Deleted: Galv'd mechanical equipment en- closure per dwg no's AC-3 S S-15 (includes cable trellis S special painting) for 9). Deleted; Embedded connection plates: for deleted mechanical equipment enclosure for 10). Deleted: Curved tube framing per detail 4/S-5 for 11). Deleted: Tube framing per detail 4/S-5 for 12). Deleted: (2) jib crane anchor plates for .Contract No. 50Q6-4E change order value of 13. "&&eifiO '• Mi&c- 918.00 899.00 1,158.00 499.00 2,063.00 ^ e~ *—j_ $11,025.00 (17,090.00) 6,585.00 2,122.00 11,513.00 6,496.00 640.00 430.00 (5,509.00) (349.0.0) (3,716,00) (1 41. .0.0.) (135 ..0.0.} 846.00 (3) C). Additional drafting costs incurred by Tulsa Steel for both contracts due to: 1). Changes of design after drafting of original information was performed. 2). Changes by structural engineer, architect, and/or Koll thru out project. 3). Rework to panel supports as detailed per structural design drawings vs panel support location required by Tecon. (Tulsa Steel was directed to follow Tecon's requirements rather than layouts per structural design details, which changed numerous drawings). Changes are: Cl). Revisions to design: 42.75 hours at $24.00/hr equals 1,026.00 C2) . Rework panel connections: 57.50 hours at $24.00/hr = 1.580.00 Total drafting cost extras are ^ 2,406.00 NOTE: It is Tulsa Steel's feeling that the majority of this cost extra charge should be applied to contract No. 3006-2A. Please advise distribution of these charges to contracts. Contract No's 5006-2A 5 4E change order value of ' D). Cost extra for overland trucking (1 load) of rotation, panel, angles vs piggy-back allowed is not included within the above figures. Received change order No. 2(3/12/86) including this $800.00 E) . Additional material requirements per "Tecon"s" dwg no's D3, D4, D6, D7 and D8: 1). Supply, fabricate, and deliver to jobsite for 2). All field installation will be per signed tickets @ $60.00/hr = 10% T.S. mark-up. NOTE: Pricing is materials only that are extra to project per the 1-29-86 review by Mr's Shannon, Mahoney and Reiss. Contract No. 5006-2A change order value of 3,987.00 >$3,987.QO F). Confirming verbal (1-30-86) pricing for supply and installation of prime painted guard rails at 2nd floor atrium per sketch received 1-21-86 from Koll Construction for $12,880.00/lot. NOTES: 1). Wood cap rail is by others at jobsite. 2). Filler materials at base is by others at jobsite. 3). Rails occur at (2) 60'-0 & 10'-0 side of opening only. Contract No. 5006-4E change order value of ,.$12,880.00 (4) G). Koll's and/or City of Carlsbad's responsibility of erector's back- charges per field tickets 0704 thru 0724 equalling 65.50/hr's X $60.00/hr plus 10% mark-up for 4,323.00 Received change order No. 1 (5-12-86) for $4,323.00 H). Koll's and/or City of Carlsbad's responsibility of erector's back- charges per field tickets 0725 thru 0730 equaling 27.00/hr's X $60.00/hr plus 10% mark-up for 1,782.00 Received change order No. 2 (3-12-86) including this $1,782.00 I). Koll's and/or City of Carlsbad's; responsibility for erector's back- charges per field tickets 0731 thru 0741 equalling 105.00/hr's at $60.0.0 /hr plus- 10% mark-up for 6,930.00 Change order value of $6,950.00 Please forward all change orders to date, as agreed, for Tulsa Steel to in- clude in April 1986 invoicing. Thanking you for your cooperation in helping to finalize a trying situation due to lack of information and support from architect and structural engineer which greatly affected our performance thru out both projects. Sincerely yours, Richard R. Reiss Manager of Estimating RR/sr 7 PURCHASE ORDER BOAL STEEL, INC. 358TROUSDALEDR. CHULA VISTA. CA-92010 $ 0738 COPIES QF YOUR INVOICE PURCHASE ORDER California Only (800) 262-1780 Out of California (800) 421-2063 222 East Manvilla St., Compton, Calif. 90224 GENERAL Pip* A CITY OF CARLSBAD PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT CHANGE ORDER CHANGE ORDER NO. CONTRACT NO: 3006-2A DATE March 27. (CE #43) RECEIVES APR 0 7 TO KOLl. CONST. - C 3 3 2—820_PURCHASE ORDER NO. 14066 BUDGET N0.i8io-3006 CONTRACTOR'S NAME Tulsa Steel Mfg. Co., inc. PROJECT NAME AND NO. Carlsbad Public Safety and Service Center ACTION: Revise contract documents to include revised plans and specifications noted as Delta 1 dated 9/16/85. Also, include structural clarification drawings SR-2 through SR-5 dated 9/24/85, SR-11, SR-12 dated 11/6/85, and precast support clarification line 3 between A & D dated 12/18/85. 3. 4. Additional cost to complete structural steel fabrication and erection as outlined within documents listed above. (Reference Tulsa letter dated 3/24/86). Additional drafting cost associated with changes in design after original shop drawings, and coordination with precast concrete connections. Additional cost for structural steel material for installation of precast panels. Additional structural steel field work as outlined on tickets #731 through #740, dated 2/17/86 through 3/4/86. Includes Architect's field order #2 - Skylight change. (Total Hours = 91.5). CONTRACT AMOUNT TO DATE THROUGH C.O. NO. AMOUNT THIS CHANGE ORDER ' ' NO. REVISED CONTRACT AMOUNT A PROVED*: KOLL CONSTRUCTION co. | CONSTRUCTION MANAGER I l _DATE TOTAL ADD $11,023.00 $ 2,406.00 $ 3,987.00 $ 6,039.00 $23,455.00 $450,952.00 $ 23,455.00 $474,407.00 RUHNAU. MCGAVIN, RUHNAU APPROVAL: "Field Engineer Department Head Date CONTRACTOR: ^ Tulsa Steel Mfg. Co., Inc. BY_ > DATE Date <O STEEL MFG. "" " "KOLL CONST. - C Company Inc. Phone (918) 227-0110 P.O. BOX 9280/TULSA, OKLAHOMA 74157 7600 New Sapulpa Road March 24, 1986 Koll Construction Company 2237 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attn: Mr. Steve Mahoney/(619)438-8866 REF: Public Safety $ Service Center T.S. Job No's 3296 £ 3309 Verbally approved cost changes of 3-20-86 Dear Mr. Mahoney; The following are Tulsa Steel's deletion/additions to: T.S. JOB NO. CONTRACT NO. DESCRIPTION 3296 3006-2A Structural steel 3309 3006-4E Misc. Metals Per our verbal agreement of 3-20-86, please forward change orders for our billing as agreed to. A). T.S. Job No. 3296 - Contract No. 3006-2A: 1). 2). 3). 4). 5). 6). 7). 8). Deleted: Atrium framing at roof level for drawing # S-4 for Deleted: Original materials prior to re- vision for roof extension over meeting room roof for Added: Revision for roof extension over meeting room roof for Changed: Changed channel sizing at stair No. 2 for Deleted: Holes in beam and stiff ener plates thru out project for Added: Bent plates/angles per drawing No. S-7 thru out project for Deleted: (16) embedded anchor bolts in CMU wall at 2nd floor (15/5-7,; for Added: Atrium roof framing for (.$10,253.00) (1,305.00) 2,100.00 548.00 (422.00) 792.00 (315.00) 14,341.00 (2) 9). Added: Roof deck support angles at roof hatches (2/S-l) for 10). Added: Braces, connection places, and sleeve nuts at columns "BSD" between "10-12 S 9-10" per sections l/S-3 $ 6/S-5 for 11). Added: Roof opening framing between columns "8S9" and "BSD" for 12). Added: Roof framed opening at column "K" between "LSK", moved opening and added one (1) beam for 13). Added: 2nd floor opening framing between columns "8S91 and "ASB" per Koll's trans- mittal dated 11-14-85 for Contract No. 3006-2A change order value of B). T.S. Job No. 3309 - Contract No. 30Q6-4E: 1). Deleted: Rolled tube S framing above roof at atrium for 2). Added: Special painted guardrail at Sally- port roof for 3). Added: Angles at column lines "H" between "10513" per revised section 21/S-9 for 4). Added: Framing revisions/additions for glass block North 5 East elevations (2/A-9S 30/A-10) and vestibule #131. This includes additional bent plates @ room 103 (added in lieu of original hollow metal work by others) for 5). Added: Braces and hangers at column grids "BSD" between "10S13" and "9S10" (l/S-3 S 6/S-5) for 6). Added: Window mullion supports at column line "G" between "8S9" (3/S-7 per dwg no. SR-12) for 7). 2nd floor brace angles at column line "3" between "ASD" per telephone instructions for structural engineer to T.S. for 8). Deleted: Galv'd mechanical equipment en- closure per dwg no's AC-3 S S-15 (includes cable trellis S special painting) for 9). Deleted: Embedded connection plates for deleted mechanical equipment enclosure for 10). Deleted: Curved tube framing per detail 4/S-5 for 11). Deleted: Tube framing per detail 4/S-5 for 12). Deleted: (2) jib crane anchor plates for .Contract No. 3006-4E change order value of 13. 3>£Leieo - Misc. A*JC*IG& Foe 918.00 899.00 1,158.00 499.00 2,063.00 $11,025.00 (17,090.00) 6,585.00 2,122.00 11,513.00 6,496.00 640.00 430.00 (5,509.00) (349.QO) (3,716.00) (141..0.0) (135,0.0) (3) C). Additional drafting costs incurred by Tulsa Steel for both contracts due to: 1). Changes of design after drafting of original information was performed. 2). Changes by structural engineer, architect, and/or Koll thru out project. 3). Rework to panel supports as detailed per structural design drawings vs panel support location required by Tecon. (Tulsa Steel was directed to follow Tecon's requirements rather than layouts per structural design details, which changed numerous drawings). Changes are: Cl) . Revisions to design: 42.75 hours at $24.00/hr equals 1,026.00 C2) . Rework panel connections: 57.50 hours at $24.00/hr = _l_i38CK_00_ Total drafting cost extras are ~^> 2,406.00 NOTE: It is Tulsa Steel's feeling that the majority of this cost extra charge should be applied to contract No. 3006-2A. Please advise distribution of these charges to contracts. Contract No's 3006-2A S 4E change order value of ' D). Cost extra for overland trucking (1 load) of rotation, panel, angles vs piggy-back allowed is not included within the above figures. , .£, Received change order No. 2(3/12/86) including this $800.00 &* E). Additional material requirements per "Tecon*s" dwg no's D3, D4, D6, D7 and D8: 1). Supply, fabricate, and deliver to jobsite for 3,987.00 2). All field installation will be per signed tickets @ $60.00/hr = 10% T.S. mark-up. NOTE: Pricing is materials only that are extra to project per the 1-29-86 review by Mr's Shannon, Mahoney and Reiss. Contract No. 3006-2A change order value of ^$3,987.00S±___ F). Confirming verbal (1-30-86) pricing for supply and installation of prime painted guard rails at 2nd floor atrium per sketch received 1-21-86 from Koll Construction for $12,880.00/lot. NOTES: 1). Wood cap rail is by others at jobsite. 2). Filler materials at base is by others at jobsite. 3). Rails occur at (2) 60'-0 § 10'-0 side of opening only. Contract No. 3006-4E change order value of ^$12,880.00 •* I (4) G). Koll's and/or City of Carlsbad's responsibility of erector's back- charges per field tickets 0704 thru 0724 equalling 65.50/hr's X $60.00/hr plus 10% mark-up for 4,323.00 Received change order No. 1 (5-12-86) for $4,323.00 H). Koll's and/or City of Carlsbad's responsibility of erector's back- charges per field tickets 0725 thru 0730 equaling 27.00/hr's X $60.00/hr plus 10% mark-up for 1,782.00 Received change order No. 2 (5-12-86) including this $1,782.00 #>* I). Koll's and/or City of Carlsbad's responsibility for erector's back- charges per field tickets 0731 thru 0741 equalling 105.00/hr's at $60.QO /hr plus- 10% mark-up for 6,930.00 Change order value of $6,930.00 Please forward all change orders to date, as agreed, for Tulsa Steel to in- clude in April 1986 invoicing. Thanking you for your cooperation in helping to finalize a trying situation due to lack of information and support from architect and structural engineer which greatly affected our performance thru out both projects. Sincerely yours, Richard R. Reiss Manager of Estimating RR/sr PURCHASE ORDER BOAL STEEL, INC. 358 TROUSDALE DR. CHULA VISTA. CA 92010 0740 TO ADDRESS REQ. NO.FOR DATE DATE REQUIRED 1 HOW SHIP '.'••• TERMS QUANTITY PLEASE-SUPPLY ITEMS LISTED BELOW PRICE UNIT -f * v .V' v PURCHASE ORDER BOAL STEEL. INC. 358 TROUSDALE DR. CHULA VISTA, CA 92010 ON ALL INVOICES-PACKAGES, ETC. PLEASE NOTIFY US IMMEDIATELYYOU ARE UNABLE TO SHIPORDER BV DATE SPECIFIED, ORIGINAL 1H14.1 PURCHASE ORDER BOAL STEtL, INC. 353 TROUSDALE DR. CHULA VISTA. CA 9201Q 0732 TO ADORES: r^ x>/?-' i I DATE , /REQ. NO.FOR DATE REQUIRED HOW SHIP QUANTITY PLEASE SUPPLY ITEMS LISTED BELOW PRICE. UNIT IMPORTANT OUR ORDER NUMBER MUST APPEAR ON ALL INVOICES-PACKAGES, I PLEASE NOTIFY US IMMEDIATELY JFYOU ARE UNABLE TO. SHIP COMPLETEORDER BY DATE SPECIFIED. COPIES OF YOUR INVOICE JT'l 1 PURCHASING AGENT ORIGINAL 1H141 **•••••• PURCHASE ORDER BOAL STEEL, INC. 358 TROUSDALE DR. CHULA VISTA. CA 92010 QUANTITY PLEASE SUPPLY ITEMS LISTED BELOW 0733 PRICE UNIT IMPORTANT OUft ORDER NUMBER MUST APPEARON ' Atk INVOICES-PACKAGES, ETC. PLEASE NOTIFY US IMMEDIATELY IF YOU ARE -UNABLE TO SHIP COMPLETEORPEft BY DATE SPECIFIED, COPIES OF YOUR INVOICE PURCHASING AGENT [REPfFORMl® 1H141 ORIGINAL PURCHASE ORDER BOAL STEEL, INC. 358 TROUSDALE DR. CHULA VKTA, CA 92010 AD/fRESSl ADDRESS trREQ. NO.FOR DATE DATE REQUIRED HOW SHIP TERMS QUANTITY PLEASE SUPPLY ITEMS LISTED BELOW PRICE UNIT OUR ORDER NUMBER MUST APPEARON AU. INVOICES-PACKAGES, ETC.PIES OF YOUR INVOICE PLEASE NOTIFY US IMMEDIATELY }F YOU ARE UNABLE TO SHIP COMPLETE ORDER BY DATE SPECIFIED. u- *MH **yi'.>*fps,*i6>" "^^"y 1 *'t~'i*1.1 ^ tfJI'J' < .' PURCHASE ORDER 073^ DATE REQUIRED I HOW WHIP t-v- •- i s, $ J ' ***? ^H^fc'nBV^'j, PURCHASE ORDER BOAL STEEL, INC. 358 TROUSDALE DR. CHULA VISTA, CA 92010 0736 PURCHASE ORDER 073'7 it-. DATJ REQUtREO IHQW SHIP •Jv '.^ ,-'• ^1 SHv'.Vv^'/ ,,T' COPIES OP YOUR INVOICE P^JFORMl®! - 1U 141 X»»*/ ORIGINAL 1H141 « C r.^^ ?" "^ 4 PURCHASE ORDER BOAL STEEL, INC. 358 TROUSDALE DR. CHULA VISTA. CA 92010 0739 TO /ESS •*•ADDW " REQ. NO.FOR DATE REQUIRED I HOW SHIP QUANTITY PLEASE SUPPLY ITEMS LISTED BELOW TjJftMS PRICE I UNIT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 8525 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT NO. 3006-4E FOR THE CARLSBAD SAFETY AND SERVICE CENTER. WHEREAS, an additional expenditure of $12,602.00 is required for the accomodation of changes to the Carlsbad Safety and Service Center; and WHEREAS, the City Council has previously approved the contract for miscellaneous steel which did not include the added costs as enumerated above; and WHEREAS, the architect, construction manager, and City staff have concluded that the additional expenses are necessary; and WHEREAS, funds are available within the current budget in Account No. 320-820-1810-3006; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $12,602.00 for Tulsa Steel Mfg. Co., Inc. is hereby approved. 1 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the 2 Carlsbad City Council held on the 6th day of May , 1986 by 3 the following vote, to wit: 4 AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettine 5 NOES: None 6 ABSENT: None 7 8 /L*^, #• g MARY H. (/ CASLER, Mayor 10 ATTEST: 11 . / /?/.,:,, ff\. . 1 \ LJJJLJL_ ' ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City fZlerk 13 (SEAL) 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 RESOLUTION NO. 8526 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO 3 CONTRACT NO. 3006-2A FOR THE CARLSBAD SAFETY AND SERVICE CENTER.4 5 WHEREAS, an additional expenditure of $23,455.00 is 6 required for the accomodation of changes to the Carlsbad Safety and Service Center; and WHEREAS, the City Council has previously approved the contract for structural steel which did not include the 10 added costs as enumerated above; and 11 WHEREAS, the architect, construction manager, and City 12 staff have concluded that the additional expenses are 13 necessary; and WHEREAS, funds are available within the current budget in 15 Account No. 320-820-1810-3006; 16 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 18 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 19 2. That Change Order No. 3 in the amount of $23,455.00 20 for Tulsa Steel Mfg. Co., Inc. is hereby approved /// 22 /// 23 24 /// 25 /// 26 /// 27 /// 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 6th day of May > 1986 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettine NOES: None ABSENT: None MARY \\M CASLER, Mayor ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Cl^rk (SEAL) r 27