HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-05-06; City Council; 8495-4; Palomar Airport Road West Assessment District Debt Limit Public Hearing0 4 $ z 3 0 0 changes, and the structural condition of the existing roadway will require corrective action. I . 0 e pj 935-"Y Page 2 of the Agenda Bill No. The City staff recommends the following improvements be made to Palomar Airport Road: a. Three traffic lanes and one parking lane be constructed in each direction. b. Median curb and curb and gutter on each side of the road be constructed. c. Safety lighting. d. Erosion control and grading. e. 16 inch waterline installed within the roadway. f. Drainage facilities as needed to accommodate the roadway. It is further recommended that the reconstruction of the center two lanes in each direction and the median curbs be financed by the City of Carlsbad from public facilities fees, and that the outside travel lane, parking lane, outside curb and gutter, safety lighting, watermain and right-of-way acquisition be paid for by assessments against the adjoining properties benefited from said improvements. Costa Real Municipal Water District will fund oversizing of the waterline. In addition, the City of Carlsbad would advance funds for those improvements adjacent to lands declared to be permanent agriculture under the Mello I1 Local Coastal Plan, being approximately 2,500 foot frontage on the northerly side of Palomar Airport Road. This additional contribution would be made subject to reimbursement to the City if that property is ever allowed to develop other than for agricultural uses. Attached hereto as Exhibit 4 is the Project Cost Estimate for the alternative being recommended to the City Council, along with the preliminary spread to each property owner that would be recommended for adoption if this assessment district proceeds. Several property owners have filed written protests with the City Council with regard to this project. If these protests remain in place, it exceeds a majority of the land ownership or frontage, and therefore, the project would not continue. For the project to continue, it will be necessary that these protests be withdrawn prior ti3 the close of the hearing. Staff believes that the property owners are in agreement with the above funding - 0 e 0 Page 3 of Agenda Bill No. rq qafl-*L/ If, after taking public testimony, Council wishes to proceed with the district, the recommended actions should be followed. The next step would be to prepare the plans and specifications, advertise for bids, and return to Council for the final assessment district hearing. If, however, Council does not wish to proceed with the project, they should move to abandon the proceedings and direct staff to return with a Resolution of Abandonment. FISCAL IMPACT: Council has previously appropriated $80,000 for the formation of the district. If the proceedings are carried forward, additional appropriations will be required for the Engineer's Report, design of the road, and a contribution to construction. The estimated contribution to construction is $2,108,670, as set forth in Exhibit 7. E X H I B,I T S : 1. Location Map. 2. Order of Procedure. 3. Mello I1 - Local Coastal Plan Restrictions. 4. Recommended Revision to Project Cost Estimate and Assessment Spread. 5. Resolution No. 8s- overruling and denying protests. 6. Resolution No. fS5/ finding and determining public interest, convenience and necessity. 7. Investigation Report previously transmitted. '' i 0 e LOCATION MAP I . *;' .e* , .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .* LEGEND ASSESSM ENT 0 I STRICT . . . . . . . . . BOUNDARY vtc1NcTv MAP N. 7. S. PROJECT NhME PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD PROJ- NO* EXHIBIT - ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 31 51 I - I 0 ORDER OF PROCEDURE CITY OF CARLSBAD 0 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-1 (PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD) DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: MARCH 4, 1986 MAY OR : Announce that this is the time and place for hearin! protests or objections to the "Report", the propose( construction and all related matters in ASSESSMEN' DISTRICT NO. 86-1 (PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD) CITY CLERK : Report that Notice, pursuant to the provisions of thc Streets and Highways Code, has been given in thc manner and form as required by law, and the followin affidavit is on file: Certificate of Mailing Notice and Filing Boundary Map STAFF: 1. Summarize the contents of the s'Report'l pursuant t Division 4 of the Streets and Highways Code of th St ate of Cal i forni a; 2. Explain method and formula of assessment spread 3. Summarize proposed works of improvement OS modi4 +. Summarize number of written protests received, an report on percentage (%) of protests by assessabl area. MAY OR : First, ask to hear from those who have filed writte Next, ask to hear from anyone else who wishes to spea in opposition. Then, ask to hear from anyone who wishes to speak i favor of the proceedings and works of improvement. protests. - CITY COUNCIL: Discussion. STAFF: Report on final percentage of protests (%) Presentation of any possible changes and modificatior to the work, the Debt Report, or the proposed bound? ries of the Assessment District. By Moti,on, Declare the Public Hearing CLOSED. STAFF : 1 EXHIBIT CITY COUNCIL: e 0 ORDER OF PROCEDURE CITY OF CARLSBAD (PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD) PAGE TWO ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-1 DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: MARCH 4, 1986 IF THE LEGISLATIVE.BODY DESIRES TO PR0CEED.WITH THE PROJECT: IF MAJOR CHANGES AND MODIFICATIONS ARE NECESSARY, A RESOLUTION ORDERING CHANGES AND MODIFICATIONS WILL BE PRESENTED C ITY COUNC IL : CITY COUNC IL : Adopt RESOLUTION OVERRULING AND DENYING PROTESTS. Adopt RESOLUTION FINDING AND DETERMINING PUBLIC INTEREST, CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY (4/5's vote required). Direction to proceed with the processing of the Assess- ment District. C ITY COUNCIL : * IF THE LEGISLATIVE BODY DOES NOT WISH TO PROCEED WITH THE PROJECT: CITY COUNC I L : BY MOTION, order the abandonment of the proceedings and direct the preparation of the appropriate Resolution of Abandonment. **** I PERMANENT A GR I CULTURE N.T.: NOTE: ALL PROPERTY SHOWN OWNED BY CARLTAS CO. 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Q13Qyif.J s t7 Sheet 4 of 4 \ 1 2 3 4 0 0 RESOLUTION NO. 8550 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, MAKING FINDINGS AND DETERMINATIONS, AND OVERRULING AND DENYING PROTESTS h'\ 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I \ hearinq all prjotests, written or oral, !?to the proceedings, a all matt rs related to the report for the Assessment Distric were consi ered :and all persons had an oppqrtunity to appear a .i \ present test 'mony relating to said Assessment'hiDistrict; and, \ !$ !\ F, 1 l4 / WHEREAS, t isaid time of the pu,blic heari!ng, all matters d r, \' l to the method and formula of the assessment sprbFad and the detc mination as to whether or not the property did raeceive a benefi and whether the assessments were apportioned ib accordance \ i benefit were considered. \ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 - 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the above recitals are all true and correcl SECTION 2. That all protests and objections of every kii and na&re be, and the same hereby are, overruled and denied, ai hat said protests and objections ai than one-half (1/2) of the area ( said improvements within said Asses n 17 .“\t\y 8, ment District. her ,by further deter ined that a darie of the Asses ment Distri receive a local and directhenefitbrom the wor s of improveme as proposed for said Ass ssmen\ \\ Distri t and t is hereby furth determined and declared have been appq and iyeadbver the properties within t boundaries of j the Assessment Distric in direct proportion to t benefits received the eby. i;: ble costs and expens fat at.1 ass a \i a.. \ % SErTIqJ the Engineer’s mebtod a of spread and appc \i 1, \\ $1 tionmenp of all c sts is hereby adopted hyd. approved as being correct and proper apportionment and distri’qution of all asses able co ts for these works of improvement. PAS ED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular mketing of the C’ Counc\il held on the day of “- 1986, by 1 fol1ow:ng vote, to wit: ‘\ ) AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: 1 ‘i, \\ I \ \ \< \\ t \\ /- \- I 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1% 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 \ \ /, '< \,, i, e >. \ ?, \x \, ? 1 i. '\\.,, ! a 1. / a ! 1 1 '?, \ 'i \ / I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 RESOLUTION NO. 8551 , RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, FINDING REST, CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY REQUIRE THE IMPROVEMENTS; THAT THE PROJECT IS FEASIBLE; AND THAT THE LANDS WILL BE ABLE TO CARRY THE BURDEN OF THE PROPOSED ASSESSMENT AND DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTE- THE CIT COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, DO overruled a 7 \ the owners denied on the expre s finding less than one-half (1 2) of t \ 8 I\ HEREBY RESOLVE S FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. hat all p appurt enanc SECTION 2. That t e pu nce and nece ict known a 'i, T sity require certain publkc and appurtenant work in a designated as I\ SESSMENT DI TRICT NO. 86-1 (PALOMAR A RPORT ROAD) (hereinafter referre to as thejIlAssessment District") substa tially as setjfo th i the "Report"\,thereof filed under the prov sions of the "Speci 1 Assessment hnvestigation, Limitation a Majority Pr'test Act of 1931", being D'i$vision 4 of the Streets a Highways Co e of the State of California\. '* \ in / z 1 i 1 ECTIO 3. That the project is feaSible and that the lan will be able to carry the;burden .i of the propos 1 s s e s s\e d to be assessme t, a d that the limitations of the hmounts of assessmen provided f n Division 4 of the Streets and\Highways Code of tl State of 'California be disregarded both wih respect to tl i, 'i 1 u / \ \ \ I- e 0 1 2 3 4 5 limitation on the Assessment District, as a whole, and as to t 1 imitation on individual specific assessments. SECTION 4. That by this Resolution, it is the intention this City Council to make all findings by the affirmative foi (4/5ths) vote of all members thereof that all determir necessity to disregard the limitatic Division 4 as therein provided be m( 10 11 Council held on th 13 15 16 17 18 ATTEST: 20 25 26 27 28 e e CITY. OF CARLSBAD / ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-1 x (PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD INVESTIGATION REPORT . JANUARY 28, 1986 . , I PURSUANT TO SPECIAL ASSESSMENT INVESTIGATION, LIMITATION AND MAJORITY PROTEST ACT OF 1931 I NESTE, BRUDIN &STONE INCORPORATED ENGINEERS PLANNERS pq CORONA HEMET RANCHOCALIFORNIA SAN BERNARDINO SAN DlEGO ~mEm--T- e e - CITY OF CARLSBAD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-1 (PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD) INVESTIGATION REPORT Pursuant to Special Assessment Investigation, Limitation and Majority Protest Act of 1931 January 28, 1986 Engineer of Work: NESTE, BRUDIN & STONE INCORPORATED Engineers -- Planners San Diego, California NBS Project No: E68-015.008 I B 0 0 AGENCY: CITY OF CARLSBAD PROJECT: ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-1 {PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD) TO : CITY COUNCIL CITY OF CARLSBAD INVESTIGATION REPORT Pursuant to the provisions of the "Special Assessment Inves- tigation, Limitation and Majority Protest Act of 1931," being Part 2, Division 4 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, and in accordance with an order of the legislative body of the CITY OF CARLSBAD, adopted on the17th day of January ,\ 1986, I submit herewith the following Report. DATED this 17th day of January , 1986. NESTE, BRUDIN & STONE INCORPORATED Qh -ASSESSMENT ENGINEER CITY OF CARLSBAD STATE OF CALIFORNIA Report approved the 17th day of January , 1986, by the-City Council and filed in the Office of the City Clerk of the City Council on the 17thday of January, 1986. CITY CLERK CITY OF CARLSBAD STATE OF CALIFORNIA PAGE 1 of 3 0 0 REPORT SECTION 1. That the works of improvement proposed herein are to be constructed in a special assessment district known and designated as ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-1 (PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD) (hereinafter referred to as the "Assessment District") . SECTION 2. The following Report is made and filed herein pursuant to the order of the legislative body by the duly appointed ASSESSMENT ENGINEER. SECTION 3. The boundaries of the District showing the lands to be assessed to pay any part of the cost thereof, are as shown and described in Resolution No. -, adopted on the day of , 1986, and on a plat or diagram entitled: "PROPOSED BOUNDARIES OF (PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD) I' which Resolution and map are on file in the Office of the Clerk and made a part of this Report by reference as though fully set forth herein. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-1 SECTION 4. The estimated cost of the proposed improvements is as shown on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. SECTION 5. The assessed value of each parcel to be specially assessed as shown on the last equalized assessment roll available on the date this Report was commenced, the total assessed value of said lands, the true value of said lands, the estimated amount of the assessment to be levied upon each parcel of land to be assessed for said improvements, and the amount as near as may be determined of the total principal sum of all unpaid special assessments and special assessments required or proposed to be levied under any completed or pending assessment proceeding, other than that contemplated in the instant proceedings, whether direct or ad valorem, upon each parcel to be assessed herein, if any, is as shown upon the list thereof hereto attached, marked Exhibit "B", and by reference made a part hereof as though set forth fully herein. PAGE 2 of 3 e e SECTION 6. The total assessed value of the lands and improve- ments, as well as the true value of said parcels, is totalled and set forth in Exhibit "B" attached hereto. The true value of the parcels means the fair market value for both the land and improve- ments, as defined by Article XIIIA of the California Constitution, and as shown upon the last equalized assessment roll of the County. SECTION 7. The total estimated amount of assessment under this proceeding is $5,120,163.00. SECTION 8. Serial bonds shall be issued in accordance with Division 10 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California (the "Improvement Bond Act of 1915"), to represent all unpaid assessments, and the last installment of said bonds shall mature a maximum of TWENTY FOUR (24) YEARS from the 2nd day of September next succeeding twelve (12) months from their date. Said bonds shall bear interest at rate not to exceed the current legal maximum rate of twelve percent (12%) per annum. SECTION 9. A copy of said Resolution No. - adopted pursuant to Section 2821 of the Streets and Highways Code of ' the State of California, is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "C", and by reference is made a part hereof. SECTION 10. The redemption provisions of said bonds shall provide for payment of a premium of five percent (58) of the unmatured principal of said bonds for redemption prior to maturity. SECTION 11. Said proceedings are proposed to be conducted pursuant to the terms and provisions of the "Munici- pal Improvement Act of 1913," being Division 12 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. - SECTION 12. That the general nature, location and extent of the proposed works of improvement for this Assessment District, together with appurtenances and appurte- nant work, is as set forth in Exhibit "D" attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof. SECTION 13. That a statement and explanation of the method and formula of the assessment spread for these proceed- ings and this Assessment District is attached hereto as Exhibit ''E" , and by reference made a part hereof. ***** PAGE 3 Of 3 I COST ESTIMATE EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF CARLSBAD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-1 (PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD) 0 I. PUBLIC WORKS OF CONSTRUCTION TOTAL ---_________----------- -_-_________----------- UNIT DESCRIPTION UNIT COST QUANTITY COST STREET IMPROVEMENTS ---- ---- - - - - - - - - -------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----------- ----_______ AC Pavement Schedule H SF $2.25 667500 $1,501,87 AC Paving Overlay 1" SF $0.50 5000 $2,501 Type G Curb LF $7.00 15470 $108,291 Type B-1 Curb LF $7.00 15840 $110,88 Sidewalk SF $2.25 0 $ Remove AC Dyke LF $1.50 370 $55 Median w/Median Lscpe SF $3.50 0 $ Parkway Lscpe SF $0.80 0 $ EA $3,000.00 52 $156,00 Street Lights Erosion Control SF $0.40 232000 $92,80 Grading CY $2.40 78500 $188,40 Sleeve Extensions LF $15.00 300 $4,50 ----------_ ----------_ Sub-Total $2,165,80 WATER IMPROVEMENTS 16" Waterline LF $50.00 6100 $305,00 Main Relocation LF $50.00 600 $30,00 EA $3,000.00 5 $15,00 Valves Fire Hydrants EA $2,500.00 20 $50,00 Relocate PR Valve LS $25,00 $425,00 ----------_ ---________ Sub-Total DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS Curb Inlets EA $3,000.00 18 $54,00 LF $50.00 550 $27,50 24" RCP .30" RCP LF $75.00 290 $21,75 36" RCP LF $90.00 580 $52,20 French Drain LF $20.00 . 800 $16,00 Headwalls EA $3,000.00 26 $78,00 Sub-Total $271,45 18" RCP LF $40.00 550 - $22,00 ----------- ----------- UTILITIES Elec., Tele. & Gas LF $40.00 7500 $300,00 SUB-TOTAL CONSTRUCTION $3,162,25 CONSTRUCTION CONTIN. 10% $316,22 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST $3,478,47 -__________ ----------- ----------_ ----_______ A- 1 0 0 $382,50( TI. RIGHT OF WAY SF $1.50 255000 111. PAYMENTS SDGE LS $( LS $( CRWD LS $( LS $( $( Pac-Tel City of Carlsbad Sub-Total ----_------. -__-__-----. IV. INCIDENTAL EXPENSES Proj Plan, Design, EIR, Design Survey, Assess Engin, Soil Engin % Testing, Constr Mgmt, Inspec, Plan Ck, Repro, RW Appraisals, Legal, RW Agent, Bond Coun, Cost of Bond Sale, Admin Fee, etc. Est at 20% CC 20% $695,691 TOTAL $4,556,67( v. LESS INTEREST EARNED 3% ($104,351 $( TOTAL $4,452,31t ------ - ----_ -----------. VI. LESS CASH CONTRIBUTION - - - - - - - - - - - - ----------__ - __-___ ---__-- 9 -_ $5,120,16: c VII. FINANCING COST 15% TOTAL AMOUNT ASSESSED A-2 ( { I f I - [* '. ' II-. - tXl i I [ > k -_-_ F I . l, I d' u1 W 4 0 1 i 1 I 0- OJ000m0u00~0om4~~~d~wJ 0 9 CZZ OJUOQO~~mO~OWQ~~~~NQ(PW 0 zaw *~..........e...e*... 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UQ - n 0-- 0 z e o r- *) r( m Y m m c D h n c 3 h *n n .n Y m n in m uza m96rn~mm~~od.0~9~-m0hl~~4 m -1 a o 3 r( a 9 r- r( p .o .r) a m .T) c q m v) om 1 mm r- ov --.-I---------------- . nu u1 ru .t o a coo h o r( .D .o .t r( a m &-J o am mm -3 IU u LZ m w n) ry m w m hl m r( 0 m in 811 r- moo c I- J (n v) um 44 4+4.$t? 9 r004'.0ln'.0rn 0 v, lrl v) - - - - w3- r(4 4 a z ln-lrx a v).i'A dWW tr) 4 in .. 0 4 ..A 0- CL - z-xw n~<poz>m,vIIoy noham.roor-np J) 9 00 r(r(~n)00r(~Y~~~m~~0900000 -1 ro c-?P 1111111111l11l11lll11 II rT, zv)~ r(~~r(oo030~03o~r(r(~r(r(r(r( La zm 00000000000003~003900 d * -4-l 11l11111111l11111l1l1 II IU <> 444r(..4r.~4.~~r(+~r(.~r(~~~~ 4 WOW NYruNNNNruryruNYryNNNNNN~ru nl 4 UUZ YNNrYJ1QOSJYrS~~ttUft4 Y rn lfi 4 'I1 4 -4 4 4 r. 4 N SU Y Y N N Y Y N N rY Y -1 N 'u z mzu 7 -7. -zua - ci u z c " e e DESCRIPTION OF WORKS OF IMPROVEMENT EXHIBIT "D" CITY OF CARLSBAD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-1 (PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD) Palomar Airport Road is a primary arterial having a 126 foot right-of-way with three travel lanes in each direction and a median. The proposed improvements to Palomar Airport Road will bring this road to full City standards from Interstate 5 easterly approximately 7,900 lineal feet to the southwesterly boundary of that area known as Carlsbad Tract No. 81-46, Map 11289; and more specifically include: 1) half street improvements with water, drainage, fire hydrants, telephone, gas, electric, traffic control and street lighting from Interstate 5 easterly approximately 370 lineal feet. 2) full width improvements constructed on line and grade to adopted alignment with water, drainage, fire hydrants, telephone, gas, electric, traffic control and street lighting from the above-noted half-width improvements easterly approximately 7,530 lineal feet. Right-of-way will be required for widening and realignment. Temporary irrigation and erosion control will be installed in the parkway and on banks. D- 1 2 e e METHOD AND FORMULA OF ASSESSMENT SPREAD EXHIBIT "E" CITY OF CARLSBAD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-1 (PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD) The law requires and the statutes provide that assessments, as levied pursuant to the provisions of the "Municipal Improvement Act of 1913," must be based on the benefit that the properties receive from the works of improvement. The statute does not specify the method of formula that should be used in any special assessment district proceedings. The responsibility rests with the Assessment Engineer, who is retained for the purpose of making an analysis of the facts and determining the correct apportionment of the assessment obligation. For these proceedings, the City has retained the services of Neste, Brudin & Stone Incorporated. See Attachment I for a statement of their qualifications and experience. The Assessment Engineer then makes his recommendation at the public hearing on the Assessment District, and the final authority and decision rests with the City after hearing all testimony and evidence presented at that public hearing. Upon the conclusion of the public hearing, the City must make the final decision in determining whether or not the assess- ment spread has been made in direct proportion to the benefits received. Analysis City of Carlsbad policy Statement No. 33, effective. May 29, 1984 sets the policy for use of Assessment Districts to finance Public Improvements. The improvements include arterial streets identified on the circulation element of the Carlsbad General Plan. It further permits certain improve- ments within the arterial street right-of-ways to be financed ' and to include, sewers, water lines, drainage and public utilities. The arterial street to be constructed and financed by this assessment district is a portion of Palomar Airport Road. This street permits only limited access to adjoining property and, in general, point access is limited at 2600 feet intervals. Benefits and Assessment Criteria Palomar Airport Road exists and provides an improved two lane traveled way and currently carries a relatively high traffic volume. Approval of land development adjacent to Palomar E- 1 bi .a I) Airport Road by the City of Carlsbad has required each land owner to complete this improvement of Palomar Airport Road to prime arterial street standards. Since two lane traffic capacity now exists, the direct benefit for the widening of Palomar Airport Road occurs to the immediate adjoining land. Therefore, the assessing of the cost for the street and utility improvements and have been made on a frontage basis. Incidental costs and interest earned during construction were prorated to each of the benefits in accordance with each benefit's share of the total construction costs. Financing costs were prorated to each of the benefits in accordance with each benefit's share of the total construc- tion, acquisition and incidental costs. In conclusion, it is my opinion that the assessments for the above-referenced Assessment District have been spread in direct proportion with the benefits that each parcel receives from the works of improvement. DATED : January 17 r 1986 NESTE, BRUDIN & STONE INCORPORATED 7illmy-^ GLU SSESSMENT ENGINEER CITY OF CARLSBAD STATE OF CALIFORNIA E- 2 2 * -2 a @ , May 6, 1986 Kelly Trust Richard and Robert Pat Kelly 2770 Sunny Creek Rd. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Carlsbad City Council City Council Chambers Carlsbad, CA 92008 Mayor Castler and members of the Council, We hereby withdraw our protest to the formation of assessment District No. 86-1 (Palomar Airport Road West), as we are in agreement with the revised costs as recommended by the City staff. Dated this 6th day of May, 1986. c COW d Huntington Beach B 0 e Company C 21 10 Main Street, Huntington Beach, California 92648-2499 (714) 960-4351 James W. Johnson Vice President - Development May 5, 1986 Mayor Mary Casler Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE: Palomar Airport Road West Assessment District Debt Limit Public Heating Dear Mayor Casler and Council Members: We would like to withdraw our protest of the debt limit report on Palomar Airport Road West Assessment District, subject to the approval of Alternate 81 Cost Sharing Plan dated April 21, 1986. Huntington Beach Company's share in the Assessment District is estimated to be $586,000 based on $152.33/unit. We are anxious for work on this road to proceed and are looking forward to completion of this project. Very truly yours, $!!$LA? t JW1:jl cc: MR. ROBERT C. LADWIG MR. NORMAN NESTE (a*!+;?: