HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-05-13; City Council; 8622; REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF A SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR A 74-UNIT APARTMENT PROJECT WEST OF ALTISMA WAY BETWEEN CARINGA WAY AND ALICANTE ROAD (SDP 85-11 - ALICANTE VIEW APARTfit 4f rl rd g !-! a a cd 44 0 m U 5 CJ CIJ Ll rb a a Ll a 0 u Y -ri 4-1 CCI 0 Lo h a, d Ll 0 3 JZ a, U a a u 0 a, !-! 4 -d 2 3 W 0 u> CO m I m 5 0 a u - u .?-I a ri I .. z o F o a d Oz 3 0 0 CI~F CARLSBAD - AGEN~ILL DEF 2 R APPROVAL OF A SITE IXVELOP-mfl AB# J'S Tm ZgR? 74-UNIT APAR"T PROJECT MEST OF MTG. 5/13/86 . ALTIS-MA KAY BETWEEX CARIGA bAY AND CIT DEPT. PLN ApAXlYlENTS Clf' ALICANTE FOAD - SDP 85-1 1 ALICANTE VI&W RECOMMENDED ACTION: Both the Planning Commission and the staff are recommending the City Council direct the City Attorney's office to prepar( documents APPROVING SDP 85-11. In addition, staff would recc that the City Council direct the Attorney's office to includt changes presented in the attached memorandum froin the Planni Director reflecting recent traffic and public facilities fee changes by Council. ITEM EXPLANATION This item is a request for approval of a 74-unit apartment project located west of Altisma Way between Caringa Way and Alicante Road in La Costa. The proposed project has a densi of 14.4 du/ac which is towards the high end of the site's 8- du/ac General Plan designation. This project will consist of eight two-story, U-shaped build which will each contain eight or ten units ranging in size f 1,003 - 1,196 square feet. The proposed project has Seen designed to substantially exceed the requirements for an apartment project. Each unit will have a covered parking sp storage area and private balcony or patio. In addition, sev common recreational areas will be provided. Staff believes this project's amenities, site design and architecture exceed that of existing adjacent projects and justify approval of this project at the high end of the dens range. As shown by Exhibit "I" this project provides a transition from the existing higher density projects to the north to the lower density projects to the south. This project was first heard by the Planning Cornmission on December 11, 1985. At that time, the Commission directed st to return with documents for approval on January 8, 1986. A the January 8, 1986 meeting, the Commission continued this i Traffic Study. This study was presented to the Council on 4 22, 1986. Based on the results of this study, and recent discussion by City Council, a condition was added requiring the payment of traEfic impact fee. When this project was discussed at the Planning Commission meetings several La Costa residents spok against this project. They expressed concerns about the lac parks in this part of La Costa and the impacts of traffic generated by this project. This project was approved by a 'unanimous vote of 6-0 by the Planning Commission. For furth details see the attached staff report. to April 23, 1986 to allow for the completion of the La Cost 7 I e 0 Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. $622 It should be noted that approval does not allow this project be built at this time. A community facilities management pr for the area in which the project is located Inust be prepare before the project can move forward. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Planning Director has determined that this project will cause any significant environmental impacts and, therefore, issued a Negative Declaration, dated November 27, 1985, whic was approved by the Planning Commission on April 23, 1986. copy of the environmental documents is on file in the Planni Department. FISCAL IMPACT The increased need for city capital facilities resulting fro this development will be offset by the payment of the public facilities fee. Any capital facilities related directly to development will be constructed and paid for by the develope Increased operating expenses related to this development wil offset to some extent from increased tax or fee revenue generated by the developent. No detailed economic impact analysis of this development has been conducted at this time predictions of the portion of operating expenses covered by additional operating revenue created as a result of this pro cannot be made. EXH I BITS 1. Location Map 2. Planning Commission Resolution No. 2516 3. Staff iieport dated April 23, 1986 4. Memorandum from Planning Director dated May 7, 1986 J AUCANTE VIEW APTS SDP 81 I 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2516 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF APPROVAL OF SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN NO. 85-11, TO DEVELOP A 74-UNIT APARTMENT PROJECT ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF ALTISMA WAY BETWEEN CARINGA WAY AND ALICANTE ROAD APPLICANT: ALICANTE VIEW APARTMENTS CASE NO.: SDP 85-11 THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING WHEREAS, a verified application has been filed wit of Carlsbad, and referred to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a r provided by Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Municip 12the Planning Commission on the 11th of December, 1985, the January 1986 and the 23rd of April 1986, considered said re1 property described as: Lots 229, 230, 231, 232 of Map No. 6730, dated September 8, 1970, City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego. WHEREAS, at said hearing, upon hearing and conside. testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to lheard, said Commission considered all factors relating to S Development Plan No. 85-11. I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Plann Commission of the City of Carlsbad as follows: A) That the above recitations are true and correct. B) That based on the evidence presented at the hearing, tl Commission recommends APPROVAL of SDP 85-11, based on I following findings and subject to the following conditi Findings: 1) The project is consistent with the City's General Plan the proposed density of 14.4 du's/acre is within the dc range of 8 - 15 du's/acre specified for the site as inc on the Land Use Element of the General Plan. I 1 L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 e 2) The site is physically suitable for the type and den development since the site is adequate in size and s accommodate residential development at the density I 3) The project is consistent with all City public facil icies and ordinances since: a) The Planning Commission has, by inclusion of an condition to this project, ensured building perm not be issued for the project unless the City En determines that sewer service is available, and cannot occur within the project unless sewer ser remains available, and the Planning Commission i that the requirements of the Public Facilities E the General Plan have been met insofar as they a sewer service for this project. b) The San Marcos School District has written a let ' October 23, 1985, stating that school facilities available to this project. c) The applicant has agreed and is required by the of an appropriate condition to pay a public faci performance of that contract and payment of the enable this body to find that public facilities available concurrent with need as required by th Plan. d) Assurances have been given that adequate sewer f project will be provided by the City of Carlsbad 4) The proposed project is compatible with the surround 17 l6 I land uses since surrounding properties are designate residential development on the General Plan. 2o 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 I approval by the Planning Commission on April 23, 1981 I 6) This project requires the construction of the improvt facilities listed in the conditions of approval or tl of fees in lieu of construction. This project creatl need for the improvements or facilities for the reasc in the staff report. If the improvements or facilit provided the project will create an unmitigated burdl existing improvements and facilities. Further, the improvements and facilities are necessary to provide adequate and appropriate service to future residents project consistent with City goals, policies and plaI I //// PC RES0 NO. 2516 -2- i 1 3 4 5 6 7 2l 8 9 10 * e Conditions: 1) Approval is granted for SDP 85-11, as shown on Exhit "H", dated July 25, 1985, incorporated by reference in the Planning Department. Development shall occur substantially as shown unless otherwise noted in the conditions. 2) This project is approved upon the express condition building permits will not be issued for development subject property unless the City Engineer determine: facilities are available at the time of application sewer permits and will continue to be available unti occupancy. 3) This project is approved upon the express condition applicant shall pay a public facilities fee as requi Council Policy No. 17, dated April 2, 1982, on file City Clerk and incorporated herein by reference, ani to the agreement executed by the applicant for payme 11 I.2 13 ! ~ file with the City Clerk and incorporated herein by I ~ fee, a copy of that agreement, dated October 24, 19E If said fee is not paid as promised, this applicatic be consistent with the General Plan and approval for project shall be void. 14 15 16 17 18 4) The applicant shall provide school fees to mitigate of overcrowding as part of building permit applicatj fees shall be based on the fee schedule in effect at of building permit application . 5) Approval of this request shall not excuse compliance sections of the Zoning Ordinance and all other appli ordinances in effect at time of building permit issu 6) This approval shall become null and void if building 19 20 21 i 1 7) Water shall be provided to this project pursuant to are not issued for this project within one year fron of project approval. I Service agreement between the City of Carlsbad and t Real Water District, dated May 25, 1983. 22 j 23 24 8) The applicant shall prepare a 24" x 36" reproducible the final site plan incorporating the conditions con herein. Said site plan shall be submitted to and ap the Planning Director prior to the issuance of build permits. 25 27 26 28 ~ 9) The applicant shall prepare a ddtailed landscape and plan which shall be submitted to and approved by the Director prior to the issuance of grading or buildin whichever occurs first. 'I IPC RES0 NO. 2516 -3- I 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17, 8 e 10) All parking lot trees shall he a minimum of 15 gallo 11) All landscaped areas shall be maintained in a health thriving condition, free from weeds, trash, and debr 12) Heavy landscaping shall be installed at carport loca indicated on Exhibit "C", dated July 25, 1985. The shall provide a view obscuring screen to shield park shall be approved by the Planning Director. 13) Any signs proposed for this development shall be des conformance with the City's Sign Ordinance and shall installation of such signs. 14) Trash receptacle areas shall be enclosed by a six-fo masonry wall with gates pursuant to City standards. of said receptacles shall be approved by the Plannin Director. size. review and approval of the Planning Director prior t 15) All roof appurtenances, including air conditioners, architecturally integrated and concealed from view a sound buffered from adjacent properties and streets, to Building Department Policy No. 80-6, to the satis the Planning and Building Directors. 16) Building identification and/or addresses shall be pl new and existing buildings so as to be plainly visib: street or access road: color of identification and/oi shall contrast to their background color. 17) Prior to occupancy of any units, the applicant shall a directory sign at the entrance to the project. Thc this sign shall be approved by the Planni.ng Director 21 22 23 25 24 ' 26 27 28 challenged this approval shall be suspended as provic Government Code Section 65913.5. If any such conditj 1 determined to be invalid this approval shall he inval the City Council determines that the project without I condition complies with all requirements of law. //// I//// //// //// /PC RES0 NO. 2516 -4- I I/ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 Engineering Department: 19) The developer shall obtain a grading permit prior to commencement of any clearing or grading of the site. 20) The grading for this project is defined as “control16 by Section 11.06.170(a) of the Carlsbad Municipal COC Grading shall be performed under the observation of i engineer whose responsibility it shall be to coordini inspection and testing to ensure compliance of the w( the approved grading plan, submit required reports tc Carlsbad Municipal Code. Eny ineer and verify compliance with Chapter 11.06 of 21) No grading shall occur outside the limits of the prof a letter of permission is obtained from the owners of affected properties. 22) A separate grading plan shall be submitted and appro1 separate grading permit issued for the borrow or disE if located within the city limits, 23) The developer shall regrade the slopes adjacent to A1 and Alicante Road (N.W. corner) to provide adequate B distance. (P5 Std. Design Criteria) 24) All slopes within this project shall be no steeper th 25) Prior to hauling dirt or construction materials to an construction site within this project the developer E submit to and receive approval from the City Engineer proposed haul route. The developer shall comply with conditions and requirements the City Engineer may imp regards to the hauling operation. The developer shall exercise special care during the construction phase of this project to prevent any off siltation. The developer shall provide erosion contr measures and shall construct temporary desiltation/de basins of type, size and location as approved by the Engineer. The basins and erosion control measures sh shown and specified on the grading plan and shall be constructed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer the start of any other grading operations. Prior to removal of any basins or facilities so constructed th served shall be protected by additional drainage faci slope erosion control measures and other methods requ approved by the City Engineer. The developer shall m the temporary basins and erosion control measures for of time satisfactory to the City Engineer and shall g their maintenance and satisfactory performance througi deposit and bonding in amounts and types suitable to Engineer. j 26) I I I ‘ I PC RES0 NO. 2516 -5- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18, 19 20' 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e 6 27) Additional drainage easements and drainage structures provided or installed as may be required by the Count, Department of Sanitation and Flood Control or the Cit neer. 28) The owner of the subject property shall execute a hol agreement regarding regarding drainage across the adj property prior to approval of any grading or building for this project. 29) The developer shall make an offer of dedication to thc all public streets and easements required by these co or shown on the Site Development Plan. The offer sha prior to issuance of any building permit for this pro land SO offered shall be granted to the City free and all liens and encumbrances and without cost to the Ci Streets that are already public are not required to b rededicated. 30) Improvements listed in this section shall be installe agreed to be installed by secured agreement by the de1 before the issuance of any building permit. The deve: shall obtain approval of the plans from the City Engil pay all associated fees and performance guarantees pr issuance of any building permit. The developer shall said improvements to the satisfaction of the City Eng prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or occ any portion of the project for any purpose. The imprc are: a) Sewer, water, fire protection and storm drain fac b) The circulation, access and turnaround systems prc to serve this project. the site development plan for this project. 31) Unless a standards variance has been issued, no variar City Standards is authorized by virtue of approval of : plan. 32) The developer shall construct private street accesses streets in such a way as to clearly designate that tht streets are not a portion of the public street system developer shall place a plaque-type sign with the legc "PRIVATE STREET BEYOND THIS POINT", at the access poi1 private streets from public streets. The script on tl shown above shall be capital letters of a size and COI such as to be readable for a normally sighted person i distance of 20 feet. The provisions of this conditior met to the satisfaction of the City Engineer prior to of a Certificate of Occupancy for any portion of this //// PC RES0 NO. 2516 -6- I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 33) The developer shall install street lights along all private street frontages in conformance with City of standards . 34) The developer shall install street trees at the equi 40-foot intervals along all public street frontages conformance with City of Carlsbad Standards. The tr be of a variety selected from the approved Street Tr 35) The developer shall install sidewalks along all pub1 frontages in conformance with City of Carlsbad Stand to occupancy of any buildings. 36) The developer shall install a stair access to Alican serve this project. These stairs shall be incorpora the grading plans for this development. 37) The developer shall install a wheelchair ramp at the street corner abutting the subdivision in conformancl of Carlsbad Standards prior to occupancy of any buill 38) The developer shall comply with all the rules, regul design requirements of the respective sewer and Hate regarding services to the project. The design of all private streets and drainage syste approved by the City Engineer prior to issuance of a or building permit for this project. The design of I streets shall conform to City of Carlsbad standards 1 streets. The structural section of all private stre! conform to City of Carlsbad Standards based on R-Val All private streets and drainage systems shall be in the city, and the standard improvement plan check an1 inspection fees shall be paid prior to issuance of a or grading permit for this project. 39) 40) All driveways and drain systems shall be maintained property owner. All plans, specifications, and supporting documents improvements of this project shall be signed and sea: Engineer in responsible charge of the work. Each shc be signed and sealed, except that bound documents ma! of each set of plans shall have the following certif ' 41) and sealed on their first page. Additionally the fii //// //// !I //// I //// PC RES0 NO. 2516 -7- I, 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 0 0 "DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE" I hereby declare that I am the Engineer of Work for t project, that I have exercised responsible charge ove design of the project as defined in Section 6703 of t Business and Professions Code, and that the design is consistent with current standards. I understand that the check of project drawings and specifications by the City of Carlsbad is confined tc only and does not relieve me, as Engineer of Work, of responsibilities for project design. (Name, Address and Telephone of Engineering firm) Firm: Address: City, St.: Telephone! BY Date: - (Name of Engineer) R.C.E. NO. # 42) The developer shall provide the City with a (24" x 3f reproducible mylar copy of the site plan as approved Planning Commission. The site plan shall reflect tht conditions of approval by the City. The plan copy SI submitted to the City Engineer prior to improvement I s ubmi t t a1 . 43) Before and as a condition of obtaining a 'final map, ( development permit or site plan approval under Title Carlsbad Municipal Code, the subdivider shall enter contract with the City whereby the subdivider covenai I 2o 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 behalf of the subdivider and subdivider's successors interest to the following: a) Not opposing and consenting to the formation of ! and major thoroughfare district for the southern the City. b) Payment of the bridge and major thoroughfare fee area of the district in which this development ii located. I c) Payment of the traffic impact fee established pu ~ Chapter 18.42 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. I ' //// //// PC RES0 NO. 2516 -8- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 l9 2o 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 44) Building permits for this project shall not be issue the applicant, as a condition of the building permit with the provisions of City Council and Ordinance No any subsequent ordinance or establishing a developme management system, or public facilities financing or programs as referenced in Ordinance No. 9791. Fire Department 45) Additional public and/or onsite fire hydrants shall 46) The applicant shall submit two (2) copies of a site if deemed necessary by the Fire Narshal. showing locations of existing and proposed fire hydr onsite roads and drives to the Fire Marshal for appr '47) An all-weather access road shall be maintained throu construction. 48) All'required fire hydrants, water mains and appurten be operational prior to combustible building materia located on the project site. 49) Fire retardant roofs shall be required on all struct '50) Brush clearance shall be maintained according to the specifications contained in the City of Carlsbad Lan Guidelines Manual. 51) All fire alarm systems, fire hydrants, extinguishing automatic sprinklers, and other systems pertinent to project shall be submitted to the Fire Department fo prior to construction. 1 harming Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, the 23rd day of April, 1986, by the following vote, to wi I ~ PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meetin AYES: Chairman Schlehuber, Commissioners: 1 ~ Marcus, McFadden, Holmes & Hall. NOES : None . ABSENT : Commissioner Smith. '1 I,,,,,,; ~ CLARENCE SCHLEHUBER, Ch CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMI 1~ e e @ MEMORANDUM DATE : JANUARY 8, 1986 TO : PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT SDP 85-11 - ALICANTE VIEW APARTMENTS At their December 11 I 1985 meeting the Planning Commission hea. the above project, and returned it to staff for conditions of approval. Attachments 1, Staff Report dated December 11, 1985 2. Planning Commission Resolution No, 2516 3, Traffic Study dated October 31, 1985 e ,e STAFF REPORT 1-2 , /,. -.- i t -. - ‘4 DATE : DECEMBER 11, 1985 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM : PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: SDP 85-11 - ALICANTE VIEW APARTMENTS - Request for approval of a site development plan to develop 74 apartment units on 5.14 acres located west of Altism Way between Caringa Way and Alicante Road in the RD- zone. I. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission continue this item until an anal of the problems and potential solutions to the circulation problems in the La Costa area have been completed. 11. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The applicant is requesting approval of a site development pli to develop 74 apartment units located as described above. ThC proposed project will be located on a 5.14 acre site and have density of 14.4 du/ac. This is toward the high end of the RMf (Medium-High) General Plan designation for this site, 8 - 15 d u/ac . The site exists as a relatively narrow finger of land located between Caringa Way and Alicante Road. The site itself has be previously graded and is relatively level. The southern porti of the property consists of an existing slope approximately 3C in height which slopes downward to Caringa Way and narrows towards the eastern end at Altisma Way. Surrounding propertic have been developed with condominium units. The proposed project will consist of eight U-shaped buildings which will contain either eight or ten units each. The units structures will be two-stories in height and none will exceed height of 35 feet. Required parking will be provided through carports and open parking areas. In addition, 19 visitor park spaces have been disbursed throughout the site. 111. ANALYSIS Planning Issues 1. Does the project conform with the development standards o will range in size from 1,003 to 1,196 square feet. The the RD-M zone? e e 2. Does the project design justify a density which is at th upper end of the density range designated for this site the General Plan? Discussion In November 1984, a zone code amendment was adopted by the Ci Council which required discretionary review of apartment proj consisting of 5 or more units. The purpose of this action wa ensure that apartment projects do not cause adverse impacts t surrounding properties. Staff was directed to address traffi impacts and both design and density compatibility. These hav been reviewed as follows: Design Compatibility As stated previously, the proposed development is surrou on all sides with condominium projects. On three sides, streets separate the project site from surrounding condominiums. Except for the Jockey Club development tc south, all of the other projects are somewhat older and contemporary architectural style. The Jockey Club itsel consists of very large duplexes constructed in a formal Mediterranean style. The proposed project relates more closely to the contemporary structures due to the elevat difference along the southern boundary of the site. The Jockey Club is approximately 30 feet below the project site. Considered on the same basis as the contemporary project the proposed development far exceeds the site design, architecture, and amenities existing at the other sites. The proposed two-story buildings have a contemporary Spz style architecture accented with tile roofs. Visual re1 and shadow effects have been created through the use of varying roof lines and staggered elevations. The buildi are clustered into groups of eight or ten units centered around common patio areas. Staff believes this will encourage a small "neighborhood" identity within each cluster. A colonnade of canopy trees will line the entr and lead the focus of attention towards the main recreat area and beyond to a view of the golf course. As mentior earlier, carports have been provided which incorporate landscaped planters at the end of each series of carport These will screen the cars and break up the parking arez Embellished paving in the driveways and at the turnarour will serve to divide and accent the driveway. The proposed project offers an unusual number of recreational amenities not normally provided in an apart project. A large pool and spa, located at the end of tl main entry, will overlook the golf course to the south. tot lots and a volleyball court have been provided. as wc as gas barbeques and patios at each cluster of units. 1 units have private balconies or patios approximately 96 -2- e 0 square feet in size. Apartments on the southern portion the property will all have golf course views, In additi a common viewing area has been povided. All units will also have approximately 392 cubic feet of storage area accessible to the outside. Density Compatibility When this project was first proposed to City staff, it t presented as a condominium project. Staff felt that, at high end of the density range, the project did not offei amenities normally required for condominiums, i,e. privz garages, outstanding architecture. Staff did feel that an apartment project the proposed development is superir the average apartment proposal, Apartments are not req to provide recreational facilities, covered parking, or storage space. When a project does provide these arneni greater flexibility has been given in regards to densit The applicant has worked with staff in revising the pla the point where staff believes the project is a superio apartment project and justifies the high end of the den range. An important part of the proposed project is density compatibility Mith surrounding properties. Please ref€ Exhibit "1". As mentioned earlier, the subject site is level but is separated from Alicante Road by a steep (1 slope on Alicante Road. This slope decreases in height it wraps around the eastern boundary of the property, difference in elevation causes an immediate and evident identification of the subject site with properties to t north. This relationship is increased by the fact that access to the site will be taken from the north along Caringa Way. As indicated on Exhibit "l", properties * north all have higher densities, presently unattainablc under the new density designations, Properties to the south, across Alicante Road, have somewhat lower densi. but are also multiple family projects. Staff believes applicant has proposed a project which is compatible w surrounding development and will be a handsome additio the City. TRAFFIC staff has identified an increasing number of traffic concer within the City and particularly within the La Costa area, is currently undertaking a study to more clearly identify a resolve them. The proposed project is not a major traffic contributor in itself but will incrementally contribute to traffic problems in the area. In accordance, the proposed project will be responsible for contributing a proportionat share towards the solution of identified problems. The prc project does -3- a 0 comply with all of the relevant City standards and policies, however until the aforementioned traffic study is completed the details of the appropriate solutions are identified, sta unwilling to recommend approval and is providing three alternatives for the Planning Coinmission to consider in deal with the proposed project relative to traffic issues. These include: 1. A continuance of the project until the traffic study hz 2. Approve the proposed project based upon the finding tl- been completed by staff. the project will contribute only incrementally to the existing traffic problems and have staff return with documents, 3. Approve the project, with the inclusion of a condition requiring that the final map not be approved until the traffic study has been completed for the La Costa area the applicant has agreed to perform or participate in i SOlUtlOn. (There may be some concerns with this alterr in that it may be difficult to make a finding for adeqt public facilities). In conclusion, staff is recommending Alternative No. 1, continuance of the project until after the traffic study foi La Costa area has been completed. Staff's recommendation i: it would be more appropriate to delay a decision on this prc until the traffic study is completed, letting us know the e: of the existing problems and possible solutions, The study should be completed some time in February 1986. IV. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Land Use Planning Manager has determined that the projec will not have a significant effect on the environment and, therefore, has issued a Negative Declaration on November 27 1985. ATTACHMENTS 1. Location Map 2. Background Data Sheet 3. Disclosure Form 4. Density Map, Exhibit 1 5. Environmental Documents 6. Reduced Exhibit 7. Exhibits "A" - "G", dated July 25, 1985 8. Traffic Volms AML : ad 11/22/8 5 -4- 0 0 BACKGROUND DATA SHEGT CASE No: SDP 85-11 APPLICAWT: AL1m VIEW APA€lTmRK REQUEST AND LOCATION: west for approval of a site developnent plan to de7 lop 74 apartment units west of Altisma Way between Caringa Way and Alicante Road. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: lots 229, 230, 231, 232 of Map No,, 6730, dated September 1970, City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego. APN: 215-240-01,02,03,04 Acres 5.14 Proposed No. of Lotsflnits 74 imits GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING Land Use Designation RMH Density Allowed 8 - 15 du's/ac Density Proposed 14.4 du's/ac Existing Zone RDM Proposed Zone N/A Surrounding Zoning and Land Use: zoning Land Use Site RDM Vacant North RDM Condos South RDM Condos East RDM Condos West RDM Condos PUBLIC FACILITIES Carlsbad/ School District San Marcos Water Costa Real Sewer Ieucadia EDU's 74 Public Facilities Fee Agremnt, dated October 24, 1985 ENVIRONMENTAI; IMPACT ASSESSMENT X Negative Declaration, issued November 27, 1985 E.I.R. Certified, dated Other, -d.r)lsed- -c further infom n is required, YOU Will be "iQ ; APPLICANT: Hal Kuvkhll Nme (individual, partnership, joint venture, cor-eoration, 401 W. 'A' Street. Suite 1400. San Diep,o, CA 921 Business Address (619) 239-2466 Telephone Numbrr AGENT : Name -. Bushass Address Telephone Numbar rnMBESs : Plane *(individual, partner, joint Kome >&res! venture, corporation, syndication) Basiness Address Telephone Sumber Tele2hone N1-r :;=at Eome Address 3isiness ?ddress ?tie$mns KC3ser Telephone ?;unber (Attach more sheets if necessary) I/i.le dec1L-e cr.62~ pzalty of perjury that the inforcation contained in closure is trice ant! correct and that it will remain true and correct an1 relic5 ugoa as biz3 txua and correct until znended. The William N. Hofman Ap9 1 i ca n t BY , Adi Agent, C..&.ez, ?ahn?rf \ b. \ NUMBERS REPRESENT # OF DWEL.L" UNITS ~ER ACE L AUCANTE VIEW APTS i- SDP 81 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e DEVELOPMENTAL 1200 ELk SERVICES CARLSBAD, ( (619) 4 LAND USE PLANNING OFFICE ditp of darls’bab NEATIVE DECLARATION PROJECT ADDEESS/LOcATION: Caringa Way ad Alicante Road in the RD-M zone. Located west of Altisrna Way between PROJECT DESCRIPTION: units on 5.14 acres. The City of Carlsbad has conducted an environmental review of the above described project pursuant to the Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental c_3udLity Act and the Environmental Protection Ordinance of the City of Carlsbad. review, a Negative Declaration (declaration that the project Will not have a significant impact on the environment) is hereby issued for the subject project, A site developent plan to develop 74 apartment As a result of said Justification for this action is on file in the Land Use Planning Office. A copy of the Negative Declaration With supportive documents is on file in the Land rJse Planning Office, City Hall, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, CA. 92008. Cmnts fram the public are invitd. Please suhit comments in writing to the Land Use Planning Office within ten (10) days of date of issuance. DATED: November 27, 1985 ,4u k(l@, \ I&pwa MICHAEL J. H0LZMITaB) CASE NO: SDP 85-1 1 land Use Planning Manager APPLICANT: Alicante View Aprtments PUBLISH DATE: Noverber 27, 1985 1-4 5/8 1 3 w 5 W I- 4 a Z z z 4 5 i a m 4 LIl n v) n ti PC 0 U s 3 3 5 W m g P m 2 J 3 - - W P v) a K I- K -0 s 3 3 5 W 0 TRAFF~ VOLUM EXISTING TRAFFIC ALICANTE VIEW PROJECTED TRAFFIC SDP 85-1 1 74 UNITS 444 TRIPS 0. OTHER PROJECTS TRAFFIC *eo EXISTING CAPASITY 0 0 ' ' Bl toeah ?bbtgb 4r)td Abbouoh .. vir-+& e l ." TRAFFIC 6 TRANSPORTATIO October 31, 1985 Mr. Hal Kuykendall Charter Pacific Capital Group 401 West A Street, Suite 1400 San Diego, CA 92101 Dear Mr. Kuykendal 1 : This letter sumnarizes our review of traffic factoirs related to your pro Alicante Views development in the City of Carlsbadl. The study is based infonnation provided by you, previous studies, andl field studies by our The project is bounded by Alicante Road, Altima Way and Caringa Way wit only-vehicular access provided to Caringa Way. A total of 74 dwelling u are proposed at a density of 14.4 dwelling units per acre. It is unders that this land use and density conform to the land use and zoning for th EXISTING TRAFFIC CONDITIONS Caringa Way is a local residential street that serves apartment type uni f Alicante Road is classified as a Secondary Arterial and is fully develop Alga Road ts classified as a Major Arterial and is fully developed from Camino Real to El Fuerte. The intersections on Alga Road at El Camino R and Alicante Road are currently controlled by traffic signals. In order to quantify existing conditions, PM peak hour traffic counts we conducted on Alga Road at El Camino Real and at Alicante Road. These co are contained in Appendix B. Intersection Capacity Uti1 ization (IW) ana were completed to quantify existing traffic operations and Level of Serv (The ICU methodology and relationship of ICU to Level of Service are des in Appendix A). These ICU analyses are contained in Appendix B and indi an existing ICU value of 0.27 (Level of Service A) at Alicante and Alga ICU value of 0.45 (Level of Service A) at El Camino Real and Alga. Base data from previous studies, the existing PM peak hour ICU was calculated . 2651 EAST CHAPMAN AVENUE 0 SUITE 110 0 FULLERTON, CALIFORNIA 92631 (71 '8 4. e e - the €1 Camino Real and La Costa intersection. This calculation is also c in Appendix B and indicated an existing ICU value of 0.98 (Level of Servi TRIP GENERATION Table 1 lists trip generation rates applicable to #the project and estimat daily and peak hour trip generation. The daily trip generation rate coni to the rate utilized in the City's Traffic Model for this land use. For peak hours, the rates conform to those utilized in previous studies in tt City. As indicated in Table 1, the project is anticipated to generate 41 daily trip ends with 60 occurring during both the AM and PM peak hours. TRIP ASSIGNMENT Geographic trip distribution patterns for this area have been developed previous studies. The distribution utilized in this study is illustrate on Figure 1. This distribution represents the existing road system and 1 '- be anticipated to change with the ultimate system. Estimated project tra was then assigned to the road system in conformance with these distribut cL Daily and PM peak hour project traffic assignments are il1ustrats;f on Fig1 These trip assignments were utilized to analyze potential traffic impact . ' r. ,, , -' the project. ANAtY S IS Project traffic has been analyzed for two conditions. First, existing c with the project added were examined and second, buildout conditions of General Plan. These two conditions are examined below. AS described under Existing Traffic Conditions, ICU analyses were comple for three intersections and are contained in Appendix B. Estimated proj traffic was then added to existing volumes and the ICU values recalculat These calculations are contained in Appendix B and summarized in Table 2 viaof the results in Table 2 indicates acceptable conditions (Level of A) on Alga at Alicante and El Camino Real; however, the El Camino Real a Costa intersection remains at Level of Service E. There is no change or w a I- zn: - a a> z x& n si2 102 I Fr m 30, a -z W aaa c9 w3- Wa J zhl O5; xi Eo =id) 0 o/ -/ 0 0 - e Table 1 TRIP GENERATION A1 i cante View PERIOD - RATE(^) TRIP EN1 Daily 6.0 450 AM Peak Hour In 0.2 15 0.6 45 _. out Total 60 PM Peak Hour In 0.6 45 0.2 15 60 - out (1) Trip ends per dwelling unit (2) Based upon 74 dwelling units 0 0 -4 at El Camino Real and La Costa since project traffic is minor and does not impact critical movements. There are currently plans to improve the El Camino Real and La Costa Avenu intersection and these improvements are a requirement of other projects. the planned improvements, the ICU value would be reduced to 0.87 or Level Service D which is an acceptable condition. The City has developed a Traffic Model to indicate daily traffic volumes i buildout of the area. These data provide an indication of potential probl areas or capacity deficiency. Trips generated by the project would utili; Alicante Road and Alga Road to reach the regional circulation system. Thc City's Traffic Model for buildout conditions indicates 12,600 daily trips Alicante Road at Alga Road and 30,000 daily trips on Alga Road at El Camii Real. Since Alicante Road is classified as a Secondary Arterial with a di capacity of 10,OUO to 20,000 vehicles and Alga Road is classified as a Ma; Areterial with a daily capacity of 20,000 to 40,000 vehicles, no deficienc are indicated for these streets. The Traffic Model also provides AM and PM peak hour intersection volumes * buildout conditions. Since the proposed project conforms to the La Casta Plan, these model traffic volumes include the project. ICU analyses were pleted for these conditions and are contained in Appendix B and sumnarirei Table 2. As indicated in Table 2, some improvement would be required at I Camino and Alga to accomodate future traffic demands. This condition ex with or without the subject project. With dual left turn lanes, three thi lanes and right turn lanes on El Carnino Real, acceptable conditions can bc tained. The ICU values and Levels of Service with these improvements are in Table 2. SUMMARY This study has examined traffic factors related to the development of Ali Views in the La Costa area of the City of Carlsbad. Existing conditions quantified and estimates made of project trip generation. The ability of e 0 Table 2 ICU SUMMARY A1 icante Views ICU VALUES EXISTING EXISTING +PROJECT GEN HOUR ICU/lOS Icu/LOS IGU/LQS - ICU INTERSECT I ON - - Alga Road 8 A1 icante Road PM 0.27/A 0.2;B/A - - El Camino Real & Alga Road- AM ,- PEAK EISTING +PROJECT W/IMPRV BUI - - 1. PM 0.45/A 0.45/A - 1. El Camino Real 11- La Costa Ave PM 0.98/E 0.98fE 0,87/D - Col lege B1 vd Syote: ICU - Intersection Capacity Uti1 ization LOS = Level of Service 0 0 -6 road system to accmadate project traffic was examined at two conditions. These analyses did not identify any deficiencies in the circulation systerr that would be related to this project. Principal findings of the study are the following: * 1. The proposed project would generate 450 daily trip ends with 60 c during both the AM and PM peak hours. 2. The existing intersections on Alga Road at Alicante Road and El t Real could accmodate project traffic and remain at Level of Sei 3, The project would not impact the El Camino Real and La Costa Ave section. 4. At buildout, neither Alicante Road or Alga Road are projected to their dai ly capacities . 5. Improvements will be required at the El Camino Real/Alga Road in at buildout with or without this project. 6. No traffic mitigation is required for this project. * * * * * We trust that this study will be of assistance to you and City Staff in t' of this project. If you have any questions or require addeitional infom please contact us. Respectful ly submi tted, WESTON PRINGLE & ASSOCIATES Weston S. Pringle, P.E. cc: Mr. Clyde Wick Mr. Bill Hofma Registered Professional Engineer State of California Numbers C16828 lk TR565 WSP :bas #851160 &&/& ., 0 m APPENDIX A EXPLANATION OF INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ' The capacity of a street is nearly always greater between intersections an( at intersections. The reason for this is that the traffic flows continuou between intersections and only part of the time at intersections. To stud, intersection capacity, a technique known as Intersection Capacity Utilizat portion of signal time needed to serve each conflicting movement; qb) sum' time available. For example, if for north-south traffic the northbound tri is 1,000 vehicles per hour, thescuthbound traffic is 800 vehicles per hour the capacity of either approach is 2,000 vehicles per hour of green, then tl northbound traffic is critical and requires 1,000/2,000 or 50 percent of tl signal time. If for the east-west traffic, 40 percent of the signal time * required, then it can be seen that the ICU is 50 plus 40, or 90 percent. I left-turn phases exist, they are incorporated into the analysis. As ICU's approach 100 percent, the quality of traffic service approaches Level of SI (LOS) E, as defined in the Hiqhway Capacity Manual, Special Report 87, Higl Research Board, 1965. Level of Service is used to describe quality of traffic flow. Levels of Sc A to C operate quite well. Level of Service 0 is typically the Level of Sc for which an urban street is designed. Level of Service E is the maximum t a facility can accommodate and will result in possible stoppages of momenta duration. Level of Service F occurs when a facility is overloaded and is characterized by stop-and-go traffic with stoppages of long duration. A de cription of the various levels of service appears on the following page. The ICU calculations assume that an intersection is signalized and that the signal is ideally timed. Although calculating ICU for an unsignalized inte section is not valid, the presumption is that a signal can be installed and calculation shows whether the geometrics are capable of accomnodating the e pected volumes. It is possible to have an ICU well below 1.0, yet have sev traffic congestion. This would occur because one or more movements is not getting enough time to satisfy its demand with excess time existing on othe moves. Capacity is often defined in terms of roadway width. However, standard lan have approximately the same capacity whether they are 11 foot or 14 foot la Our data indicates a typical lane, whether a through lane or left-turn lane a capacity of approximately 1600 vehicles per lane per hour of green time. Highway Capacity Manual found capacity to be about 1500 vehicles per lane pi hour of green for through lanes and 1200 vehicles per lane per hour of greei for left-turn lanes. However, the capacity manual is based on pre-1965 dat, and recent studies and observations show higher capacities in the southern California area. For this study a capacity of 1600 vehicles per lane has br assumed for through traffic, and 1600 vehicles per lane for turning lanes. (ICU) has been developed, ICU analysis consists of (a) determinin the pr the times for the movements; and (c) comparing the total time required to 1 Nomina Of 1 Level of Service A LOW volumes; high speeds; speed nalt restricted 0.01 by other vehicles; all signal cycles clear with no vehicles waiting through more than one signal cycle. B Operating speeds beginning to be aiffected by 0.6 other traffic; between one and ten percent of the signal cycles have one or more vehicles which wait through more than one signal cycle during peak traffic periods. controlled by other traffic; between 11 and 30 percent of the signal cycles have one or more vehicles which wait through more than one signal cycle during peak traffic periods; recomnended ideal design standard. of the signal cycles have one or more vehicles which wait through more than one signal cycle during peak traffic periods; often used as design standard in urban areas. section can accmodate; restricted speeds; 71 to 100 percent of the signal cycles have one or more vehicles which wait through more than one signal cycle during peak traffic periods. Long queues of t raf f i c ; unstabl e f 1 ow; stop- pages of long duration; traffic volume and volume will be less than the volume which occurs at Level of Service E. t C Operating speeds and maneuverabi 1 i ty closely 0.7 Tolerable operating speeds; 31 to 70 percent 0.0 0 E Capacity; the maximum traffic volumes an inter- 0.9 F Not traffic speed can drop to zero; traffic e e ' APPENDIX B I NTERSECT I ON CAPACITY UTI LI ZATION . ANALYSES . *- I .. v . -- 1 0 e INTERSECT1 ON CAPACITY UTI LI ZATION ANALYSIS AT PROJECT COMPLETION IMERSECTlON: ALGA RD / ALICANTE RD (PM Renk Hour) MOVEMENT EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING PROJECT EXISTING E+P LANES CAPACITY VOLUME VOLUME v/c v/c NL 1 1600 94 10 0.06 * 0.0; NT 0 0.00 0.01 NR 1 1600 8 0.01 0.0 SL 0 ST 0 SR 0 EL 1 1600 17 0.01 0.0 ET 2 3200 485 0.15 0.1 ER 1 1600 158 25 0.10 0.1 WL 1 1600 23 0.01 * 0.0 UT 2 3200 248 0.08 0.0 WR 0 NORTH/SOUTH CRITICAL SUMS - 0.06 0.0 EAST/WEST CRITICAL SUMS = 0.16 0.1 CLEARANCE - 0.05 0.0 ICU - 0.27 0.21 us = A A N=NORTHBOUND B S'SOUTHBOUND B E=EASTBOUND BW=WESTBOUND L=LEFT,T=THROUGH,R=RIGHT * DENOTES CRITICAL MOVEMENTS - Count made by Ueston Pringle 6 Associates on 10/29/85. ALALPCP m 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS AT PROJECT COMPLETION INTERSECTION: EL CAMINO REAL / ALGA RD - COLLEGE BLVD (PM Peal E 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MOVEMENT EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING PROJECT EXISTING v/c LANES CAPACITY VOLUME VOLIJME NL 1 1600 95 0.06 * SL 1 1600 216 15 0.14 ST 2 3200 674 0.23 * SR 0 56 ER 0 41 WL 2 3200 256 WR FREE 0 139 NT 3 4800 499 0.10 NR FREE 441 10 EL 1 1600 21 0.01 ET 2 3200 11 0.02 KT 0 10 0 0.09 5 5 0, 0, NORTH/SOUTH CRITICAL SUMS = 0.29 EAST/lJEST CRITICAL SUMS - 0.11 CLEARANCE 0.05 .o. ICU = 0.45 0. A LOS = N~NORTHBOUND,S~SOUTHBOUND~DEASTBOUND~U~WESTBOUND L=LEFT,TmTHROUGH , R-RIGHT * DENOTES CRITICAL MOVEMENTS NOTE: Eastbound and Westbound are split phased. Count made by Ueston Prfngle & Associates on 10/29/85. ECRACPCP e 0 INTERSECTION CAPAC ITY UTI LI ZATION ANALYSIS AT GENERAL PLAN BUILD-OUT INTERSECTION: EL CAMINO REAL / ALGA RD - COLLEGE BLVD (AM Pea MOVEMENT GEN PIAN PROPOSED GEN PLAN PROPOSED GP MODEL GP MODEL LANES LANES CAPACITY CAPACITY VOLUME v/c NL 1 1 1600 1600 128 0.08 KT 3 3 4800 4800 1831 0.43 * NR 0 1 1600 236 SL 1 2 1600 3200 229 0.14 * ST 3 3 4800 4800 1826 0.40 SR 0 0 72 EL 1 1 1600 1600 364 0.23 ET 1 1 1600 1600 176 0.27 Ir ER 0 1 1600 252 ’ WL 1 2 1600 3200 824 0.52 WT 2 2 3200 3200 237 0.31 UR 0 FREE 765 NORTH/SOUTH CRITICAL SUMS = 0.57 EAST/CJEST CRITICAL SUMS = 0.79 CLEARANCE = 0.05 ICU = 1.41 10s - F NsNORTHBOUND , S=SOUTHBOUND , E=EASTBOUND , W=WESTBOUND * DENOTES CRITICAL HOVEMENTS L=LEFT,T=THROUGH,R=RIGHT ECMCBOA 1 I L* I m 0 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS AT GENERAL PLAN BUILD-OUT INTERSECTION: EL CAMINO REAL / ALGA RD - COLLEGE BLYD (PM Peak MOYEMENT GEN PLAN PROPOSED GEN PLAN PROPOSED GP MODEL GP MODEL LANES LANES CAPACITY CAPACITY \IOLUME V/C NL 1 2 1600 3200 277 0.17 NT 3 3 4800 4800 1641 0.52 * NR 0 FREE 865 SL 1 2 1600 3200 589 0.37 * ST 3 3 4800 4800 1838 0.44 SR 0 1 1600 280 EL 1 1 1600 1600 146 0.09 ET 1 2 1600 3200 398 0.36 * ER 0 0 174 UL 1 2 1600 3200 419 0.26 KT 2 2 3200 3200 247 0.22 UR 0 1 1600 456 NORTH/SOUTH CRITICAL SUMS = 0.89 EAST/WEST CRITICAL SUMS = 0.62 CLEARANCE = 0.05 ICU = 1.56 LOS - F NsNORTHBOUND ,S=SOUTHBOUND,E=EASTBOUND ,UPWESTBOUND L=LE FT , T=TH ROUGH, R= R I6HT * DENOTES CRITICAL MOVEMENTS ECRACBOP L I. I m 0 1 .' n d * * -* * VET \a. U)mbObNwO\ daocQ rnmv)- >s ddOdd(U(U* O?O (UlAoOoa a\ 00000000 dod oood e....... ... +1 w * c cc QV mm om hQI *ww 0Cc)mQD +\ -- -cv 6J* orlo *v)oQIw us .e .e ..e. 00 00 00 o'dd 0000 * * ** a v)lA Wrn *corn 0cC)V)Qo n E" d- 2z '".y T?? *momw L *\ . 0. ..e. 3 v)> 00 00 00 000 0000 0 c1 I X w v) * Y Q Q) t-W P, uI: w3 %d Y &> z mz s z P = 00 + ZE P 3cw U s -r3 NT+ mdlnmtmd4afqBB .-(.om.of.oo 43 -'B E8 E& Sn t;A u x> EE kw 9 v)- 00000000 000 3s =s 9 s! v) 0 El= 00 00 00 000 ac 23 U c3 -A e w zw tww0~0ta00~0 0 V s w E n+ ;s 6: E G E E +u 55 2% 22 too2 ll -3 MU !E: OLrl 03 ua 0 ou WN~mD(uIc)Ic)W (P(P60 w+ 00000000 000 x nu drn~~m~~m r(r(r( z * \ O& = a =U 0 c c, nu m * u w a* e 9 L w, + 0 z+.y 8 E= E 5:;s o 00 00 000 Y v)f Zt c1 =XW v)T 00) 0 m-0 01 4 w = am =>&A *I 0. w u-l z mv) -U )I a-ul Y wu E n U OW E QZ dNmdwmddomFld E= ac cI $25 is Q CY dwo~NoPlmodmF4 x.sllll ZtZE ou4uo Zd*U mal= aJ ntra u -0 nc v- ZIUr a+ r 0uv)o) OW0 co+w > x -I- OWW II II u a 5:: v) c3 E E- Y CW z-ln- ++U gv)WSv) zuu-4 w 3 5 = w zzzmwmwww3S~ W > 0 S A+WA+~A+~A EX!- n Lb e e EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Carlsbad Traffic Impact Fee Study by Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. April, 1986 Transportation system improvements are needed and will be need in the future based on development trends in the La Costa area the City of Carlsbad. The City retained Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. to determine the necessary roadway requiremen to meet existing and future traffic demand, and to recommend a financing method to implement the improvements. In sequence, the study determined appropriate area boundaries, identified short and long-range developments within the study area, calculated present and future levels of service on the transportation network, determined what improvements would be needed to correct deficiencies, estimated how much money would needed to fund the improvements, and finally, evaluated alternative funding mechanisms for raising the needed revenues The geometrics of the existing roadway network were taken as I starting point, with all needed improvements to be added to tl existing street system. When so considered, some 46 differenl construction projects were recommended. The projects were pl, into two categories: (1) Those needed now or to satisfy alreac approved or committed projects, and (2) those additionally net in the future as development proceeds to General Plan buildou< -_. . c, * 0 The study determined that projects in the first category total $1 1.5 million, while those needed ultimately total an addition $22.5 million. Thus, the total street improvement needs, to buildout of the General Plan, will cost $34 million. A dollar assessment per trip generated, to be called a Traffic Impact Fee, is the recommended financing mechanism. It provid the most direct tie between new traffic generated by area development and funds needed to improve roadways to accomrnodat new traffic demand. The amount of the fee can be calculated b dividing the number of future trips to be generated into the amount of money to be raised. As an example, the $34 million General Plan buildout could be divided by SANDAG's estimate of ?4?,242 future trips to be generated, and would result in a pe daily trip fee of $240. In setting the per trip fee, the City has several options: 1) The project list might be reduced depending on other fundi sources that might be available. 2) There could be a differentiation between residential trips and other trips such as commercial or industrial, due to t phenomenon of "double-count ing" e -. 3) The project list might be reduced through the City's willingness to accept a level of service lower than "average". 2 .,.I * e 4) The future needs (and future trips generated) might be reduced through a reduction of allowable density in the General Plan. Because actual development may take place differently than assumed under the General Plan, the analysis of the Traffic Impact Fee should be frequently renewed, no less than once eve two years. Finally, this type of analysis could be expanded to determine appropriate roadway improvements and financing mechanisms for other areas in the City of Carlsbad. -_. 3 1 'I 4 0 e MAY 7, 1986 TO : FRANK ALESHIRE, CITY MANAGER FROM: Michael Holzmiller, Planning Director ;:rw ALICANTE VIEd APARTMENTS (SDP 85-1 I ) The Planning Commission Resolution approved for this project wi drafted and sent to the Commission before the City Council madc their recent changes regarding the increase to the Public Facility Fee and the La Costa Traffic Impact Fee. As a result, these actions are not reflected in the Planning Commission Resolution. Staff feels the changes listed below should be incorporated into Council's final documents, An additional action should be for the City Council to direct the Attorney's Office to make the following changes to the final Council findings and conditions as established by the Planning C ommi s s ion : 1) Replace the existing public facility fee finding (3)(c) in Planning Commission Resolution No. 2516 with the following wording: The applicant has agreed and is required by the inclusion an appropriate condition to pay a public facilities fee pursuant to City Council Policy No. 17, and other development fees which the Council may adopt pursuant to payment of the public facilities fee and any other development fees as nay be adopted by City Council ordinan or resolution enables this body to find that public facilities will be available concurrent with need as required by the General Plan. Qrdinance No. 9791. Performance of the agreennents and 2) Add a subsection (e) under (3) of Planning Commission Resolution No. 2516 as follows: The applicant has complied with or is required as a condition of this approval to comply with all provisions o City Council Ordinance No. 9791 and with any development nanagernent system or public facilities phasing plans which may subsequently be adopted by the City Council. 3) Change Condition No. 3 of Resolution No. 2516 to read as follows: This project is approved under the express condition that the applicant pay the public facilities fe adopted by the City Council on April 22, 1986 and any development fees established by the City Council pursuant Ordinance No, 9791 or subsequent ordinance adopted to .'I, 0 0 implement a growth or development managemenk system or public facilities phasing plan and to fulfill the subdivider's agreement to pay the public facilities fee dated , 1986 a copy of which is on file with the City Clerk and is incorporated by this reference. If the fees are not paid this application will not he consistent with the General Plan and approval for this project shall be void. 4) A new candikion should be added as follows: No final map shall be approved for this subdivision unles: at the time of the final map approval the subdivider has complied with the provisions of City Council Ordinance No, 9791 or any subsequent ordinance adopted by the City Counc to implement a growth or developaent management syst, om or public facilities phasing plan for the City or of any gros. or development management system or regulation which may t adopted 5y popular vote of the citizens of Carlsbad. MJH/CG/ar cc: City Attorney's Office -2- ".- . Q April 29, 1986 O.B. Adams 7043 Alicante Road Carlsbad, CA 92008 . c L* e Mayor Ma ; Casler Councilman Claude "Buddy" Lewis Councilwoman Ann Kulchin Councilman Mark Pet t ine Councilman Richard Chick 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: The subject of this letter is "Alicante View Apartments" SDP85-11, which is scheduled for your consideration on Tuesday, 13 May, 1986. The density of development in this Altisma/Caringa/Alicante area of La Costa was the subject of previous correspondence from Mary Ann Izner and myself, and presentations by Mrs. Izner to the the City Council in January 1986, when our group was advocating disapproval of the Alicante Hills Crossroad condominium development of 493 units and Alicante View Apartments, 74 units. The purpose of this letter is to reaffirm our opposition to approval of any condominiums or apartments in this general area. Our position has been reinforced by the recent traffic circulation study of the greater La Costa area, which prompted you to approve a traffic impact fee knowing full well that this fee would not mitigate all of the traffic circulation deficiencies. There is also a complete review of the La Costa Master Plan being conducted by the Planning Department with resident and developer input. We are optimistic that most if not all high density projects can be eliminated by this review. In fact, the traffic circulation survey should be revised upon completion and your approval of the La Costa Master Plan. Within a half mile radius of the proposed Alicante View Apartments, the condominium/apartment density is 705 units that are in the existing, under construction, or final map approved categories. Applications in process total 488 units and pending (status unknown) total 493 units (Alicante Hills Crossroads). Should.you approve those in process, there will be 1,193 units in an area of 3/4's of a square mile. The units will generate over 9,500 automobile trips per day and house approximately 3,000 people. The 3,000 people will not have the benefit of any open space, parks or athleticfreereation areas. Joggers, strollers and bicyclistsuse the unlined streets which have no speed limits posted. School children compete with vehicles speeding and construction vehicles spewing pollution and dirt. CC and R's and zoning ordinances are not being enforced. Some even say a ghetto is in the making. A similar situation is now in process in the Alga Road/El Fuerte area. We do not need anymore condominiums, patio 8- dh homes, or apartmentewe need low density developmen!? we need parks , we need enforced speed limits, we need zoning enforcement, we need ordinance enforcement, and we need police protection. We need YOUT help. Respectfully, &7%/- O.B. Adams -, .- ,, Mary Ann Izner ,’ cc: City Manager Direct or of Planning . 4' 0 *Carlibad Journs Decreed a Legal Newspaper by the Superior Court of San Diego County 31 38 ROOSEVELT ST. I) P.O. BOX 248 0 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 0 729-2345 Proof of Publicat ion STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ss. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the county aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above entitled I am pr;nc;pai clerk of the printer of the Carlsbad Journal a newspaper of general ci published twice weekly in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, u newspaper is published for the dissemination of local news and intelligence of a general charc which newspaper at all times herein mentioned had and still has a bona fide subscription list subscribers, and which newspaper has been established and published at regular intervals ii City of Carlsbad, County of Sun Diego, State of California, for a period exceeding next preceding the date of publicatic notice hereinafter referred to; and that * of which the annexed is a printed copy, published in each regular and entire issi newspaper and not in any supplement t the following dates, to-wit: -- NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING SDP 85-11 NOTICE ISHEREBY GIV EN that thecity CounciloftheCityofCarls- bad will hard a public hearing at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue: Carlsbad. California. at 600 F.M., on Tuesday. May 13. 1986. to consider an application for a site development plan to develop 74 apartment units on 5.14 acres on Altisma Way between Caringa Way and Alicante Road in the RD-M zone and more particularly de- .scribed as: Lots 229.230, 231,232 of Map No 6730. dated September 8.1970. City of Carlsad. County of San Diego. If you have any questions regard- ing this matter, please call the Planning Department at 438-5591. ............................... Ifyou challengethe SiteDevelop- ment Plan in court. you may be lim- ited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the pub- lie hearingdescribed in thisnotice. or in written correspondence de- livered to the City of Carlsbad at or prior to the public hearing. Applicant: Alicante View Apart- ments CARLSBAD CITY COUh'CIL May 3, ................................ property generally located west of ....... I.O..O....I..I.II.~..I ............................... ............................... CJ 4045: May 3, 1986 I certify under penalty of perjury that the fore: and correct. Executed at Carlsbad, (jyrdty 01 State of California on the day of May, 1986 k/;*;,A/g'.// .- --- r; .._ , &A,- __ / #202-2M-9/85 '' Clerk o NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING SDP 85-11 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at 6:00 P.M., on Tuesday, May 13, 1986, to consider an application for a site development plan to develop 74 apartment units on 5.14 acres on property generally located west of Altisma Way between Caringa Way and Alicante Road in the RD-M zone and more particularly described as: Lots 229, 230, 231, 232 of Map No. 6730, dated September 8, 1970, City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call the Planning Department at 438-5591. If you challenge the Site Development Plan in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad at or prior to the public hearing. APPLICANT: Alicante View Apartments PUBLISH: May 3, 1986 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL LOCATION MAP RD-M AUCANTE VIEW APTS 1 SDP 85-11 PETICE OF PUEiLIC F?XNG HOTICE IS HERElsY C-IVEN that the Planning Conmission of the City of ~~lsbad hold a public hearing at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carl& California, at 6:OO p.m. on Mnesday, April 23, 1986, to consider approval site development plan to develop 74 apartment units on 5.14 acres on proper generally located west of Altisnaa Way hetween Caringa Way and Alicante Road the RD-M zone and mre Lots 229, 230, 231, 232 of Map No. 6730, dated Septdr 8, 1970, of Carlsbad, County of San Diego. Those prsons wishing to speak on this proposal are cordially invited to at the public hearing. If you have any questions please call the Land Use Pla Office at 438-5591. If you challenge the Site kvelopnent Plan in court, you my be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing descrikd in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the Cit! Carlsbad at or prior to the public hearing, CASE FILE: SDP 85-1 1 APPLICANT: ALIWE VIEW AP-S PUBLISH: April 12, 1986 CITY OF CARLSRilD PLANNIIG COMMISSION e 0 1. JACOB & GWEN FRIEND/ 1. 215-231-18 MEL E BARBARA FRIEND 4201 TORRANCE BLVD TORRANCE, CA 90503 2. MARTIN E JUDITH TYCHER 2. 215-231-21 TWO TURTLE CREEK VILLAGE #1505 DALLAS, TX 75219 3. WHITE INVESTMENTS INC. 3. 215-231-22 7415 ALM4DEN LANE P.O. BOX 1519 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 4, 5, E 10. CWERCE MORTGAGE CO. 4. 215-231-51-54 309 S.W. SIXTH AVENUE 5. 215-231-51-55 PORTLAND, OR 97204 10. 215-231-51-77 6. W. P. E EDNA PLEZ 6. 215-231-51-73 C/O KRISTINE L. PLEZ 7682 EL CAMINO REAL SUITE 20 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 7. CWERCE MORTGAGE CO. 7. 215-231-51-74 C/O U.S. NATIONAL BANK OF OREGON PORTLAND, OR 97208 PL-5 R/E LOAN SERVICE 8. DONALD E MARIAN PLASCO 8. 215-231-51-75 24500 LETCHWORTH ROAD BEECHWOOD, OH 44122 9. JOHN R. HENNEKAM 9. 215-231-51-76 200 CALLE DE MDRID REDONW BEACH, CA 90277 11. JOSEPH RUSSO/ 11. 215-231-51-78 STACEY HERMAN 7301 ALICANTE ROAD #B CARLSBAD, CA 92008 12. DONALD HOFFMAN 12. 215-231-51-79 256 N. ALMONT DRIVE BEVERLY HILLS, CA 90211 13. JOE FARRIS E SONS 13. 215-231-51-80 P.O. BOX 841 WALSENBURG, CO 81089 14. TARA LTD HOMEOWNERS ASSN. 14. 215-231-61 6351 YARROW DRIVE, SUITE A CARLSBAD, CA 92008 15. RICHARD E MARGARET REED 15. 215-231-62 1145 SAN MARINO DRIVE #145 SAN MCOS, CA 92069 0 3 16. RICHARD & MARGARET REED 16. 215-231-63 7365 ALMADEN LANE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 17 & 18. JACK & ROSALINE ZUKERMPN 17. 215-231-64 880 STRADA VECCHIA ROAD 18. 215-231-65 BEL AIR, CA 90024 19 - 30 & 32. THE ROSE GARDEN 19. 215-231-66-01 7351 ALICANTE ROAD 20. 2 15-231-66-02 LA COSTA, CA 92008 21. 215-231-66-03 22. 215-231-66-04 23. 215-231-66-05 24. 215-231-66-06 25. 215-231-66-07 26. 215-231-66-08 27. 215-231-66-09 28. 215-231-66-11 29. 215-231-66-12 30. 215-231-66-13 32. 215-231-67 31. ERNEST & SHERI STRANGE 31. 215-231-66-10 7369 ALICANTE ROAD CARLSBAD, CA 92008 33. THOMAS F. LYMAN 33. 215-240-05-01 7306 ALICANTE ROAD #1 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 34. THOMAS & LISA OGDEN 34. 215-240-05-02 7306 ALICANTE ROAD #2 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 35. PAUL & JUNE PENWORTH 35. 215-240-05-03 NO. 4 COLLINS ISLAND BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 36. JEAN BETHKE 36. 215-240-05-04 7306 ALICANTI ROAD #4 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 37. HEIDI H. LEVERANT 37. 215-240-05-05 7306 ALICANTE ROAD #S CARLSBAD, CA 92008 38. VALENTINE E MURIEL FERRI 38. 215-240-05-06 7306 ALICANTE ROAD #6 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 39. WK & SUSAN WEBBER 39. 215-240-05-07 13043 E. 166TH ST. CERRITOS, CA 90701 40. ALBERT EYNAT 40. 215-240-05-08 170 GEORGE ST. BELLEVILLE, ONTARIO, CANADA e 0 41. VERA IREMONGER 41. 215-240-05-09 7306 ALICPNTE ROAD #9 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 42. STEPHEN E DEBORAH KELLY 42. 215-240-05-10 7306 ALICPNTE ROAD #10 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 43. JAMES & GLORIA CASELLA 43. 215-240-05-11 2636 PONCE AVE BELMONT, CA 94002 44. RICHARD PATERSON 44. 215-240-05-12 1065 SAN ANTONIO AVENUE ALAMEDA, CA 94501 45. CAROLYN MILLER 45. 215-240-05-13 2355 CARINCA WAY #3 CARLSBAD, CA w~oa 46. J. 0. WILSON 46. 215-240-05-14 2442 SAN LUCAS CIRCLE LAS VEGAS, NV a9121 47. MARY COCHRAN 47. 215-240-05-15 2357 CARINGA WAY #1 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 48. MICHAEL E ADRIANE STUART 48. 215-240-05-16 1959 BUCHA" ST. SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94115 49. SHIRLEY G. SCOTT 49. 215-240-05-17 2357 CARINGA WAY #3 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 50. STANLEY REED/ 50. 215-240-05-19 JOHN E JENNIFER JAECKEL 2357 CARINA WAY #4 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 51. RAYMOND CANNETA 51. 215-240-05-19 2840 LUCIERNAGA ST. CARLSBPD, CA 92008 52. LUCILE A. MECH 52. 215-240-05-20 8753 CEDAR ST. OMAHA, NB 68124 53. REGINA M. HOODY 53. 215-240-05-21 9454 JONES ST. OMAHA, NB 68114 54. ELVIN F. MYERS 54. 215-240-05-22 6240 VALLEY PARK DRIVE TOLEDO, OH 43623 a 0 55. MYLES E NAN GORDON 55. 215-240-05-23 263 PARK AVE. HIGHLAND PARK, IL 60035 56. NORMA SCHWAB 56. 215-240-05-24 P.O. BOX 2942 LA JOLLA, CA 92038 215-240-05-25 57. HAROLD Y. SWIRO 57. 7165 OBELISCO CIRCLE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 58. MARILYN LARSON 58. 215-240-05-26 770 ALAMO LANE ESCONDIDO, CA 92025 59. LARRY FICKEL 59. 215-240-06-01 1001 J. BRIDGEWAY #141 SAUSALITO, CA 94965 60. STEVEN FIRESTONE RETIREMENT TRUST M.D. INC. C/O STEVEN FIRESTONE 60. 215-240-06-02 261 0 MANHATTAN AVE . HERMOSA, CA 90254 61. JANET HOLT 61. 215-240-06-03 2343 CARINGA WAY #1 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 62. WAYNE & EDMERE SMW 62. 215-240-06-04 2343 CARINGA WAY #2 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 JAMES & JEFFIE MC DOUGALL 63. 215-240-06-05 63. 751 CREST VIEW ROAD VISTA, CA 92083 64. JEFFREY E MARY FRIESTEDT/ 64. 215-240-06-06 KENNETH CZUBAY 1541 HOLLOW TREE DRIVE PITTSBURGH, PA 15241 DEBORAH. BURNETT 65. 215-240-06-07 65. 4349 E. ROESER ROAD PHOENIX, AZ a5040 P.0. BOX 1574 66. HORACE E JACQUELINE JOHNSON 66. 215-240-06-08 GRASS VALLEY, CA 95945 SALVADOR DUARTE 67. 215-240-06-09 67. 2349 CARINGA WAY #2 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 MICHAEL E DORIS SIMON 68. 215-240-06-10 68. 14269 VALLEY VISTA BLVD. SHERI" OAKS, CA 91423 e 0 69. CHARLES S. BATSCH 69. 215-240-06-11 2347 CARINGA WAY #1 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 70. JUDIE FELTON 70. 215-240-06-12 GEORGE G BARBARA FELTON 2347 CARINGA WAY #2 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 71. RICHARD G. PREECE 71. 215-240-06-13 2120 LAKEVIEW ROAD VISTA, CA 92083 72. BERNARD E ESTELLE LEVINE/ 72. 215-240-06-14 PAUL E GISELA BECKER C/O SEYMOUR LEVINE 1438 SUN VALLEY ROAD SOLANA BEACH, CA 92075 73. RICHARD E BARBARA MC CLELLAN 73. 215-240-06-15 3006 AZAHAR ST. LA COSTA, CA 92008 74. DENNIS H. MC KEE 74. 215-240-06-16 C/O PROCOBIO CORY HARGRAVES E SAVITCH 530 B STREET SAN DIEGO, CA 92101 75. LESLIE E MARTHA TOTH 75. 215-240-06-17 626 E. ELMWOOD AVE. BURBANK, CA 91501 76. HOWARD E PHYLLIS DULICH 76. 215-240-06-18 7017 EL FUERTE ST. CARLSBAD, CA 92008 77. PATRICIA NEKERVIS 77. 215-240-06-19 7304 ALICANTE ROAD #2 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 78. JOHN CURIEL & JERE COSTELLO 78. 215-240-06-20 P.O. BOX 2056 DEL MAR, CA 92014 79. GUNTER G KARIN SCHRECKER 79. 215-240-06-21 7660 GALLEON WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 80. ROBERT YORBA 80. 215-240-06-22 7302 ALICANTE ROAD #2 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 81. GARY KRINKE 81. 215-240-06-23 7150 RAINBOW DRIVE #10 SAN JOSE, CA 95129 e 0 82. MICHAEL J, SCHER 82. 215-240-06-24 402 GOLDENROD AVENUE CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 a3 E 84. M C E D CAPITAL CORP. 83. 215-240-12 C/O HAROLD PROVIN 84. 215-240-13 9623 E, IMPERIAL HIGHWAY DOWNEY, CA 90241 85. SARA CLYMORE & GLORIA ROUSE 85. 215-240-17- 01 1160 LOMA VISTA DRIVE BEVERLY HILLS, CA 90210 86. HENRY & MARY WICHSER 86. 215-240-17-02 2400-8 ALTISMA WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 a7. DONALD & JANET BEATTY 87. 215-240-i7-03 2400-C ALTISMA WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 aa. WILLIAM G. FAUCETT 88. 215-240-17-04 2400-D ALTISMA WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 89. JOHN S PAMP I NATO / 89. 215-240-17-05 SILVIA TAD€ 2400 E ALTISMA WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 90. JOHN W. ROSS 90. 215-240-17-06 1006 ARDEN DRIVE ENCINITAS, CA 92024 91. MARSHA HUSSAR 91. 215-240-17-07 2400 ALTISMA WAY #G CARLSBAD, CA 92008 92. RENATO & JOAN VALERIO 92. 215-240-17-08 2721 SOCCORRO LANE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 93 CHARLES E SOPHIE CONNER 93. 215-240-17-09 168 w. 231s~ STREET CARSON CA 90745 94. DANIEL GRUBE 94. 215-240-17-10 2402 ALTISMA WAY #B CARLSBAD, CA 92008 95. PETER & GLADYS FEDUNAK 95. 215-240-17-11 2402-C ALTISMA WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 96. EMIL E NANCY SCHOEN 96. 215-240-17-12 715 SILVER SPUR ROAD #210 ROLLING HILLS ESTATE 0 0 97. CHARLES E WANDA DEMAREE 97. 215-240-17-13 405 PASEO DE LAS ESTRELLAS REDONW BEACH, CA 90277 98. HENRY E ESTELLE EBERT 98. 215-240-17-14 94 VENUS DRIVE CLOSTER, NJ 07624 99. KURT MOSEL 99. 215-240-17-15 2402 ALTISMA WAY #G CARLSBAD, CA 92008 100. HAIG PASHAIAN & ARPM PASHAIAN 100. 215-240-17-16 2402 ALTISMA WAY #H CARLSBPD, CA 92008 101. ELIE E CAMELIA EL NASSI 101. 215-240-17-17 2402 ALTISMA WAY #A CARLSBAD, CA 92008 102. JOHN J. E TOW K. TWS 102. 215-240-17-18 921 E. CONDORD ST. ORANGE, CA 92667 103. MUNIR E ELM SHAMIEH 103. 215-240-17-19 21703 SANToQUIN DRIVE DIAMOND BAR, CA 91765 104. RENATO & JOAN VALERIO 104. 215-240-17-20 2721 SOCCORRO LANE CARLSBPD, CA 92008 105. CHERIE L. DEDERA 105, 215-240-17-21 2404 ALTISMP. WAY #E CARLSBAD, CA 92008 106. MARY J. BARTLETT 106. 215-240-17-22 2406-A ALTISMA WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 107. ANTHONY G FLORENCE LOPIANO 107. 215-240-17-23 2406-0 ALTISMA WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 108. CARLO A. PINTO 108. 215-240-17-24 2406 ALTISMA WAY #C CARLSBAD, CA 92008 109. NORMAN E MARY DAVIS 109. 215-240-17-25 2406 ALTISMA WAY #-D CARLSBAD. SA 92008 110. JAMES E GENEVIEVE MACKEY 110. 215-240-17-26 2406-E ALTISMA WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 4 0 0 1, 111. DENNIS P. LEVINSON 111. 215-240-17-27 2406 ALTISMA WAY #F CARLSBAD, CA 92008 112 E 115. EDWARD E MARILYN A. RAVIN 112. 215-240-17-28 5 AWD TREE LANE 115. 215-240-17-31 IRVINE, CA 92714 113. JOHN A. MATZINGER 111 113. 215-240-17-29 2408-A ALTISMA WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 114 E 124. DOROTHY J. PUSL 114. 215-240-17-30 1333 SANTA LUISA DRIVE 124. 215-240-17-40 SOLANA BEACH, CA 92075 116. GEORGE E ELEANORE POLLONAIS 116. 215-240-17-32 6931 PURPLE RIDGE DRIVE RANCHO PALOS VERDES, CA 90274 117. JOSEPH E LYDIA HAYDEN 117. 215-240-17-33 2412 ALTISMA WAY #F CARLSBAD, CA 92008 118. WYN NIELSEN 118. 215-240-17-34 2412-E ALTISMA WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 119. JOHN & ROSE NEMETH 119. 21 5-240-17-35 6518 AVENIDA DEL PARAISO CARLSBAD, CA 92008 120. IDA M. REYES 120. 215-240-17-36 9545 ARRINGTON AVENUE DOWNEY, CA 90240 121. 215-240-17-37 121. CEDAR VILLA INVESTORS C/O STEPHAN DMZ 10100 SPNTA MONICA BLVD #750 LOS ANGELES, CA 90067 122. PAUL D. MCCLELLAN 122. 215-240-17-38 2412 ALTISMA WAY #A CARLSBAD, CA 92008 123. DEBORAH A. MATT 123. 215-240-17-39 8604 TANGLEWOOO TRAIL CHAGRIN FALLS, OH 44022 124. DOROTHY J. PUSL 124. 215-240-17-40 1333 SANTA LUISA DRIVE SOLANA BEACH, CA 92075 125. EUGENE A. SCHLALINE 125. 215-240-17-41 2410 ALTISMA WAY #F CARLSBAD, CA 92008 e a 126. ANDREA S. WHITE 126. 215-240-17-42 341 BROAD ST., SUITE 201 MANCHESTER, CT 06040 127. ROBERTO ROMO 127. 215-240-17-43 2410-D ALTISMA WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 128. ALFRED E JANICE MIKALOW 128. 215-240-17-44 320 29TH AVENUE OAKLAND, CA 94601 129. WILLIAM A. DEERING JR. 129. 215-240-17-45 2410-6 ALTISMA WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 130. DONALD J. PALMIER1 130. 215-240-17-46 2410-A ALTISMA WAY CARLSBPD, CA 92008 131. ANNE L. NESTE 131. 215-240-18-01 NORMAN E VIRGINIA NESTE 2388 ALTISMA WAY #1 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 132. RAYMOND KAWANO 132. 215-240-18-02 7400 OAK AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 133. MICHAEL E DIANE FITZPATRICK 133. 215-240-18-03 2961 BRODERICK ST. SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94123 134. FLOYD & VIRGINIA LUNDQUIST 134. 215-240-18-04 2388 ALTISMA WAY #4 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 135. CLARICE 0. TAYLOR 135. 215-240-18-05 4840 SILVERADO DRIVE CORDELIA, CA 94585 136. JOHN A. DRYDEN 136. 215-240-18-06 STEVEN WRIGHT & GAYLE KERSULIS 5619 CHELSEA AVENUE LA JOLLA, CA 92037 137 * GLORIA N. RAVETTINO 137. 215-240-18-07 4765 WROE AVENUE SAN DIEGO, CA 92115 138. MARK MARKHAM 138. 215-240-18-08 2388 ALTISMA WAY #a CARLSBAD, CA 92008 139. BENJPMIN E ANNE OSHER 139. 215-240-18-09 666 THIRD AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10017 a 0 140. GREG SONKEN 140. 215-240-18-10 2388 ALTISW WAY #lo CARLSBAD, CA 92008 141. BUFORD HOWELL 141. 215-240-18-11 1729 HILLSIDE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 142. VICTOR E KATHLEEN GRAVES 142. 215-240-18-12 GUY GRAVES 1900 MISTY CIRCLE ENCINITAS, CA 92024 143. LEE E BETTY WILTS 143. 215-240-18-13 729 42ND STREET WEST DES MOINES, IA 50265 144. THERESA HOYME 144. 215-240-18-14 2376 ALTISMA WAY #14 CARLSBAD. CA 92008 145. JOANNE M. LANDSMAN (AKA BERG) 145. 215-240-18-15 2376 ALTISMA WAY #H CARLSBAD, CA 92008 146. MYLYNN BROWN-BELLMAN 146. 215-240-18-16 2376 ALTISMA WAY #16 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 147. MAURICE E JANE CATTANI 147. 215-240-18-17 18 TOLUCA ESTATES DRIVE TOLUCA LAKE, CA 91602 148. GREGORY SMITH 148. 215-240-18-18 WILLIAM E LAVONNE SMITH 2376 ALTISMA WAY #18 CARLSBPD, CA 92008 149. LAZORE & EDYTHE MIILBERG FAMILY TRUST WESTLAKE VILLAGE, CA 91362 2838 E. APPALACHIAN COURT 149. 215-240-18-19 150. CLAIRE M. FINEBERG 150. 215-240-18-20 351 N. PALM DRIVE #303 BEVERLY HILLS, CA 90210 151. STEPHEN NAPIER 151. 215-240-18-21 DERWARD E PAULINE NAPIER 3530 GRAYSBY AVENUE SAN PEDRO, CA 90732 152. JOHN SHEPPARD & K. S. CAPPA 152. 215-240-18-22 2376 ALTISMA WAY #22 CARLSBAO, CA 92008 153. WILLIAM E IRENE SANTO 153. 215-240-20-01 1309 STONEWOOD COURT 0 e 154. HELEN MARBLE 154. 215-240-20-02 2352 ALTISMA WAY #2 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 155. ROGER L. WEBB 155. 215-240-20-03 3916 RIVIERA DRIVE #205 SAN DIEGO, CA 92109 156. CHARLES E ROBIN CULP 156. 215-240-20-04 2352 ALTISMA WAY #4 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 157. KIM HUTCHISON 157. 21 5-240-20-05 2352 ALTISW WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 158. KATHLEEN M. LAIR 158. 215-240-20-06 P.O. BOX 26 OLIVENHAIN, CA 92024 159. BRENDA ALLGIRE-BURY 159. 215-240-20-07 MARY LOU ALLG I RE 2352 ALTISMA WAY #7 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 160. EMANUEL SCARAMOZZINO 160. 215-240-20-08 380 CERRO ST. ENCINITAS, CA 92024 161. VI RG IN1 A SCHULDT 161, 215-240-20-09 2352 ALTISMA WAY #9 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 162. TRANSAMERICA RELOCATION SERVICE, INC. P.O. BOX 8034 162. 215-240-20-10 WALNUT CREEK, CA 94596 163. SAVERY ENTERPRISES, INC. 163. 215-240-20-11 P.O. BOX 2384 LEUCADIA, CA 92024 164. REYNALDO CARRILLO E MI0 CARRILLO 164. 215-240-20-12 2352 ALTISMA WAY #12 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 MARK STALEY 165. 215-240-20-13 2076 FUERTE LANE 173. 215-240-20-21 165 E 17?- ESCONDIDO, CA 92026 166. LORRAINE F. KELLY 166. 215-240-20-14 C/O BANK OF AMERICA 532 E. COLORADO BLVD. PASADENA, CA 91101 167. HOWARD E MARY STALEY 167. 215-240-20-15 2049 CAMINO DRIVE ESCONDIW, CA 92026 e e 168. DAVID R. BRZEZNIAK 168. 215-240-20-16 3111 LA COSTA AVENUE CARISBAD, CA 92008 169 E 172. RAYMOND E PAULA STONE 169. 215-240-20-17 2112 VIA RANCHO PARKWAY 172. 215-240-20-20 ESCONDIDO, CA 92025 170. 215-240-20-18 170. LEWIS & MRILYN DENNY 3101 S. CALLE MADRID NBU #9609 GREEN VALLEY, A2 85614 171. CAM E CHARLENE LINDBERG 171. 215-240-20-19 1210 STALLCUP AVENUE LOMPOC, CA 93436 174. EWY G. HANSEN 174. 215-240-20-22 405 BAY MEADOW WAY SOW BEACH, CA 92075 175. JOSEPH E PATRICIA PERILLO 175. 215-240-27-01 2327 CARINGA WAY #1 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 176. SHIRLEY DE LUCCHI 176. 215-240-27-02 1030 SISKIYOU DRIVE MENLO PARK, CA 94025 177. RUBEN M. GONZALES 177. 215-240-27-03 2327 CARINGA WAY #3 RANCHO LA COSTA, CA 92008 178. DONALD MARJORIE GILBERT 178. 215-240-27-04 2327 CARINGA WAY #04 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 MICHAEL E PHYLLIS ZARRO 179. 215-240-27-05 179. 1457 HIGHLAND DRIVE SOLANA BEACH, CA 92075 180. PATRICK LEWIS 180. 215-240-27-06 2327 CARINGA WAY #06 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 181. MALCOLM S. RUSSELL 181. 215-240-27-15 P.O. BOX 192 ESCONDIDO, CA 92025 182. SANFORD E DOROTHY GRUMET 182. 215-240-27-16 779 HARwoOO COURT SAN DIMS, CA 91773 183. EDWARD H. SIE 183. 215-240-27-17 1955 SWALLOW LANE CARLSBAD. CA 92008 e 0 184. TRYGUE E BERIT LODRUP 184. 215-240-27-18 2335 CARINGA WAY #18 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 THE BUENA VISTA PROJECT 185 215-240-27-19 185. 16133 VENTURA BLVD ENCINO, CA 91436 186. RHETTA LA CROIX 186. 215-240-27-20 418 VISTA RW NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 RUTH E DON EPSTEIN 187. 215-240-27-21 187. 2335 CARINGA WAY #21 CARLSBAO, CA 92008 188. HOWARD E YVETTE DUHAN 188. 215-240-27-22 2335 CARINGA WAY #22 RANCHO LA COSTA, CA 92008 189. ROBERT E HARLENE HOROWITZ 189. 215-240-27-23 44 MARTINE AVE S. FANWOOO, NJ 07023 190. JON W. BELL 190. 215-240-27-24 807 BUENA VISTA SAN CLEMENTE, CA 92672 191. ARTHUR MARYL IN AOELSTE IN 191. 2 15-240-27-25 WILLIAM & JO MALONE 1921 SANTA FE AVENUE DEL MAR, CA 92014 192. BEDFORD E DOROTHY LAWLEY 192. 215-240-27-26 301 EAST 29TH STREET NEW YORK, NY 10016 193. ALBERT J. VITTO 193. 215-240-27-27 27252 VENTOSA MISSION VIEJO, CA 92675 194. MARTINO E JENNETTE DENTE 194. 215-240-27-28 527 GLENCREST DRIVE SOW BEACH, CA 92075 195. ELLIS D. ZAHNISER 195. 215-240-27-29 1028 EIGHTH ST. OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 196. JAMES E SANDRA L. EWART 196. 215-240-27-30 2333 CARINGA WAY #30 RANCHO LA COSTA, CA 92008 197. VERN E BEVERLEE ADRIG 197. 215-240-27-31 21851 NEWLAND AVENUE SP 122 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92646 0: 0 198. RICHARD G BEATRICE WEILACKER 198. 215-240-27-32 2333 CARINGA WAY #32 RANCHO LA COSTA, CA 92008 199. 215-240-27-33 199. PATRICIA V. CAMP 2333 CARINGA WAY #33 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 200. WILLIAM & GAIL BROCKWAY 200. 215-240-27-34 2333 CARINGA WAY #34 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 201. STEPHEN E NANCY BENNETT 201. 215-240-27-35 3810 CAVALRY ST. LAS VEGAS, NV 89121 202. JOSEPH E ELLEN SOLOVY 202. 215-240-27-36 467 HIGH POINT DRIVE PEORIA, IL 61614 203. DUANE E CHRISTINE BENJAMIN 203. 215-240-27-37 2331 CARINGA WAY #37 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 204. APEX MEAT CO., INC 204. 215-240-27-38 4201 FRUITLANO AVENUE LOS ANGELES, CA 90058 205. ROBERT & PATRICIA PERRY 205. 215-240-27-39 5005 ELBOW DRIVE S.W. #206 CALGARY, ALBERTA, CANADA 206. FLORENCE WILLIAMS 206. 215-240-27-40 2331 CARINGA WAY #40 RANCHO LA COSTA, CA 92008 207. 215-240-27-43 207. FRANCIS E MARTHA SULLIVAN 2311 CARINGA WAY #43 RANCHO LA COSTA, CA 92008 208. EDWARD J. DRAVO 208. 215-240-27-44 13201 N. THIRD STREET PHOENIX, AZ 85022 209. JOSEPH E MARGARET VAN KIRK 209. 215-240-27-45 24 NORD CIRCLE ROAD ST. PAUL, MN 55110 210. SHIRLEY S. EDELMAN 210. 215-240-27-46 2311 CARINGA WAY #46 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 211. SHAHIN GOLSHAN E VALIEH NADJI 211. 215-240-28-05 2302 ALTISMA WAY UNIT 105 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 0 0 212. DENN I S CANTOR 212. 215-240-28-09 881 THCmAS AVE. #24 ‘3AN DIEM, CA 92109 213. ‘ROBERT E DOROTHY LARSEN 213. 215-240-28-10 35411 CAMINO CAPISTRANO CAPISTRANO BEACH, CA 92624 214. PAUL E MARTHA MARKS 214. 215-240-28-11 6829 VERONESE ST. CORAL GABLES, FL 33146 215. JERRY E HELEN GARFIELD 215. 215-240-28-14 12357 LA MAIDA ST. NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA 91607 216. JESSICA CHOHAT 216. 215-240-28-15 JACK E MIRIAM KAPLAN 2306 ALTISMA WAY #115 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 217. DON WEISS 217. 215-240-28-16 2306 ALTISMA WAY #116 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 218. MICHAEL E NANCY CORRIGAN 218 - 21 5-240-28-1 8 P.O. BOX 15025 LAS VEGAS, NV 89114 219.bW’w(;!308 ALTISM-4 WAY #119) 219. 215-240-28-19 13470 WASHINGTON BLVD. WINA DEL REY, CA 90291 220. SHARON S. VIZZOLINI 220. 215-240-28-20 713 DESERET #A BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 221. ROBERT E RUTH COLE 221. 215-240-28-21 P.O. BOX 3106 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 222. EARL FELDHORN 222. 215-240-28-22 509 N. ELM DRIVE BEVERLY HILLS, CA 90210 223. WALTER E MARGARET THOMAS 223. 215-240-28-23 CATALINA CHEW 3566 BUENA VISTA SAN DIEGO, CA 92109 224. ELIZABETH S. PRICE 224. 215-240-28-24 2308 ALTISMA WAY #124 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 225. LOUIS E LINDA LNITT 225. 215-240-28-25 2310 ALTISMA WAY #125 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 e 0 226. FLOYD & JANE TELLEFSEN 226. 215-240-28-26 2310 ALTISM WAY #126 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 227. WENZEL E SANDRA WABISZEWSKI 227. 215-240-28-27 4612 DRIFTWWD CIRCLE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 228. GEORGE E DOROTHY CARP 228. 215-240-28-28 2310 ALTISMA WAY #126 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 229. WILLIAM E GERALDINE RANDALL 229. 215-240-28-29 C/O GEORGE B. CULLEN 7185 A ESTRELLA DE M4R CARLSBAD, CA 92008 230. MARY L. GRIFFIN 230. 215-240-28-30 2310 ALTISMA WAY UNIT 130 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 231 E 245. SAMUEL & ISABELLE GERBER 231. 251-240-28-35 DONALD GREAT 245. 251-240-28-55 2214 PLAZA DE FLORES CARLSBAD, CA 92008 232. THE BARTELL FAMILY TRUST NO. 1 232. 215-240-28-39 7682 EL CPMINO REAL #lo4 CARLSBPD, CA 92008 233. DOROTHY J. MISCHKE 233. 215-240-28-40 321 MC DONALD ROAD NORTH PLATTE, NB 69101 234. CLAIRE C. LANDIS (AKA BRAMWELL) 234. 215-240-28-41 2304 ALTISMA WAY #211 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 235. JOSEPH B. MAY 235. 215-240-28-44 2306 ALTISMA WAY #214 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 236. CHARLES E RACHEL YOUNGSTEIN 236. 215-240-28-45 2306 ALTISM WAY #215 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 237. RITA SHINE 237. 215-240-28-46 6343 CIBOLA ROAD SAN DIEGO, CA 92120 238. MICHAEL & NANCY CORRIGAN 238. 215-240-28-48 P.O. BOX 15025 LAS VEGA.5, NV 89114 239. TWS NERI 239. 215-240-28-49 932 BRANTWOOD AVE. ELK GROVE VILLAGE, 1L 60007 0 a 1 240. DONALD RIZZOLO 240. 215-240-28-50 2764 ALTA VISTA DRIVE FALLBROOK, CA 92028 241. ELYSE MARTIN 241. 215-240-28-51 2308 ALTISMA WAY #221 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 242. RICHARD E LENORE POLW 242. 215-240-28-52 CAROLYN SCOTT 306 W. WASHINGTON ST. JACKSON, MI 49201 243. MURIELLE PAYEUR 243. 215-240-28-53 2824 LA COSTA AVE. LA COSTA, CA 92008 244. RALPH & LILLIAN DIAMOND 244. 215-240-28-54 3139 MIDDLETON ST. OAKLAND, CA 94605 246. KIMBERLY STALWICK 246. 215-240-28-56 215 EMERALD BAY LAGUNA BEACH, CA 92651 247. STANLEY E FLORENCE SACHS 247. 215-240-28-57 NEAL SACHS 2026 FREDA LANE CARDIFF, CA 92007 248. ARTHUR E MARYLIN ADELSTEIN 248. 215-240-28-58 1232 CREST ROAD DEL MAR, CA 92014 249. ROBERT HUDNALL 249. 215-240-28-59 SHARON HUDNALL C/O CENTURY 21 950 HOTEL CIRCLE N., STE. B SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 250. LAWRENCE & JANE COHEN 250. 215-240-28-60 RICHARD GIUvlORE 2385 MELVILLE DRIVE SAN MARINO, CA 91108 251. SAMUEL E ROSALIE CHERESKIN 251. 215-240-29-01 2376 CARINGA WAY #G CARLSBAD, CA 92008 252. ALAN E GEORGETTE MILLER 252. 215-240-29-02 12 VIEJO IRVINE, CA 92715 253. RIVIAN F. TAYLOR 253. 215-240-29-03 23764 CARINGA WAY CARLSBAD. CA woo8 0 0 254. JUDY A. SANDERS 254. 215-240-29-04 JOSEPH E HARRIET SANDERS CARLSBAD, CA 92008 2376-D CARINGA WAY SAM E PHYLLIS ROSEN 255. 215-240-29-05 255. 233 S. HELIX AVE. #G SOW BEACH, CA 92075 256. JAY E ARLENE GOLDFARB 256. 215-240-29-06 16004 SABANA LANE ENCINO, CA 91436 257. MARTIN E MARIANNE BERMAN 257. 215-240-29-07 PHILLIP BERMAN 703 N. MAPLE DRIVE BEVERLY HILLS, CA 90210 258. M4RTIN E MARIANNE BERMAN 258. 215-240-29-08 ALLEN E BARBARA SUSMAN 703 N. MAPLE DRIVE BEVERLY HILLS, CA 90210 PAUL E SUE SEARBY 259. 215-240-29-09 259. 656 LOMAS DE OR0 OLIVENHAIN, CA 92024 SArmEL & ROSALIE CHERESKIN 260. 215-240-29-10 2376 CARINGA WAY #G CARLSBPD, CA 92008 260. 261. WILLIAM E ALLETTA OWEN 261. 215-240-29-11 2293 SOLEDAD RANCHO ROAD SAN DIEGO, CA 92109 SHELDON E MARILYN KLEIN 262. 215-240-29-12 262. 2427 KINGSLAND AVENUE BRONX, NY 10469 263. BRUCE E HALINA OSWALD 263. 215-240-29-13 2385 ALTISMA WAY #B CARLSBAD, CA 92008 264. SEAN M. CURTIS 264. 215-240-29-14 2385 ALTISMA WAY #A CARLSBAD, CA 92008 265. VIRGINIA S. PEDERSEN 265. 215-240-29-15 2383 ALTISMA WAY #E CARLSBAD, CA 92008 266. PACIFIC FEDERAL SAVINGS E LOAN ASSOCIATION 767 N.E. STREET 266. 215-240-29-16 SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92403 a e e 267. JOSEPH E ROSE "444 267. 215-240-29-17 VINCENT NAMVW PLAYA DEL REY, CA 90291 8206 ZITOLA TERRACE 268, 269 E 297. PAUL & JUNE PERWRTH 268. 215-240-29-1 8 #4 COLLINS ISLAND 269. 215-240-29-19 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92652 297. 215-240-29-47 270. BERNARD E LILLIAN GOTTLIEB 270 215-240-29-20 1260 W. SUNSET DRIVE REDLANCS, CA 92373 271. HAROLC E LOTTIE EMUS 271. 215-240-29-21 4552 HWCOCK STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 37056 232. PAUL G LARISSA LAGASSE 272. 215-240-29-22 240 SHEW CANAL VENICE, CA 90261 273. THOMAS E MARY KRESSIN 273. 215-240-29-23 2470 UNICORN10 ST. CARLSBAD, CA 92008 274. ARNOLD SILBER 274. 215-240-29-24 7731 ALDERBRIDGE WAY RICHMOM>, BRITISH COLUMBIA 275. HOWARD E MARILYN 275. 215-240-29-25 2005 HONE AVENUE BRONX, NY 10461 276. VALERIE MC PHERSON 276. 251-240-29-26 DUNCAN E HELEN MC PHERSON 2352 CARINA WAY #E CARLSBAD, CA 92008 277. FRANCIS E MARIE BRAWLEY 277. 215-240-29-27 225 SURREY LANE LINCOLNSHIRE LAKE FOREST, IL 60045 278. JOSEPH & EVELYN HALLISEY 278. 215-240-29-28 9146 ARACADIA AVENUE SAN GABRIEL, CA 91775 279. GERALD S. RUBIN 279. 215-240-29-29 306 S. C-TH AVENUE LOS ANGELES, CA 90020 280. JAMES E PAMELA LAMBERT 280. 215-240-29-30 2709 ARWUTA WAY CARLSBPD, CA 92008 281. STEVEN SHEWCHUK 2 8 1 e 2 15-240-29-3 1 - .. - JOANNE JACKSON * e x RALPH E JEAN TOMSCO 282. 215-240-29-32 282. GENE E ALM4 CALKINS 2143 MT. SHASTA DRIVE SAN PEDRO, CA 90732 283. DENTON KIMBALL 283, 215-240-29-33 2356 A CARINGA WAY CARLSBPD, CA 92008 284. VICTOR E KATHRYN KRYNIVI 284. 215-240-29-34 22 W. 361 AHLSTRAND ROAD GLEN ELLYN, IL 60137 285. DORIS B. DE MONTE 285. 215-240-29-35 3810 CAVALRY ST. LAS VEGAS, NV 89121 286. RICHARD SAVAGE 286. 215-240-29-36 STEVE E EVA SAVAGE 23549 CARINGA WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 287. RAY E SONJA WILSON 287. 215-240-29-37 7172 ESTRELLA DE M4R ROAD CARLSBAD, CA 92008 288. JOSEPH 0. MC DOWELL 288. 215-240-29-38 1731 S. NEWPORT WAY DENVER, co a0224 289. WILLIAM E HELEN FRME 289. 215-240-29-39 6542 OCEAN CREST DRIVE #SlOl RANCHO PALOS VERDES, CA 90274 290. MURIELLE C. PAYEUR 290. 215-240-29-40 2349 ALTISMA WAY #D CARLSBAD, CA 92008 291. C. W. TIDWELL 291. 215-240-29-41 MICHAEL TIDWELL 357 HALF MOON LANE #11 DALY CITY, CA 94015 292. JOSEPH M. ANGEL1 292. 215-240-29-42 2349-8 ALTISMA WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 293. WILMA LARSON 293. 215-240-29-43 ROBERT E JANE LARSON 2349 ALTISMA WAY #A CARLSBAD, CA 92008 294. RUTH P. BURROWS 294. 215-240-29-44 14461 CHERRYWOOD LANE TUSTIN, CA 92680 a 0 295. BETTY Y. STEPHENS 295* 215-240-29-45 2345 ALTISMA WAY #A CARLSBAD, CA 92008 296. RICHARD C. HOWARD 296. 215-240-29-46 2343 ALTISMA WAY #C CARLSBAD, CA 92008 298. WALLACE E CONSTANCE MC KAY 298. 215-240-29-48 29348 MACTAN ROAD VALLEY CENTER, CA 92082 299. RPMIRO E FARHA VACA 299. 215-240-29-49 LEOPOLDO & GLADYS JARRIN 7550 BOBBBOYAR AVENUE CANOGA PARK, CA 91304 300, LUKE C, LPNGFORD 300, 215-240-29-50 DENNIS L. FOLEY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 2342-C CARINGA WAY 301. GARY & SUSAN KEEFER 301. 215-240-29-51 645 NEPTUNE AVENUE LEUCADIA, CA 92024 302. IRVING & GERALDINE KANTOR 302. 215-240-29-52 2342 CARINGA WAY #A CARLSBAD, CA 92008 303. MARTIN CANDY 303. 215-240-29-53 2564 NAVARRA DRIVE #23 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 304. JAMES & MRTINE STAMOS 304. 215-240-29-54 225 SUMMER HILL ROAD MISON, CT 06443 305. TAKE0 E KAZUKO MIZOO 305. 215-240-29-55 6 DAPPLEGRAY LANE ROLLING HILLS ESTATES, CA 90274 306. MARGARET BENGHIAT 306. 215-240-29-56 2340 CARINGA WAY #F CARLSBAD, CA 92008 307. HARVEY & MARY LIVIX 307. 215-240-29-57 TODD E ASSOCIATES INC. 8828 N. CENTRAL SUITE lr13 PHOENIX, AZ 85020 308. PETER E CHRISTINE KIERNAN 308. 215-240-29-58 1800 WOODCREST AVENUE LA HABRA, CA 90631 0 m 309. CAMILLE MOR0 309. 215-240-29-59 MICHAEL D. MOR0 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 2340-C CARINGA WAY 310. AL & ELIZABETH ROTUNNO 310. 215-240-29-60 2340-0 CARINGA WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 311. GARY E JEANNE AUSTIN 311. 215-240-29-61 DALE E EVELYN AUSTIN P.O. BOX 158 DELANO, CA 93216 312. BENJAMIN E VIOLET GURFINKEL 312. 215-240-34-01 4310 MT. ABERNATHY SAN DIEGO, CA 92117 313. RANDALL EVANS 313. 215-240-34-02 MARTA TRUJILLO 2362 ALTISMA WAY #B CARLSBAD, CA 92008 314. BOBBIPNNE KUPFER 314, 215-240-34-03 MIKE KUPFER 2362 ALTISMA WAY #C CARLSBAD, CA 92008 315. RUSSELL E MARCIA TAYLOR 315. 215-240-34-04 2362-D ALTISMA WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 316 E 323. CHARLES E EW PEINPDO 316. 215-240-34-05 P.O. BOX 2608 323. 215-240-34-12 LA JOLLA, CA 92038 317. GRACE L LOH 317. 215-240-34-06 GEORGE T LOH 755 SANTA OLIVIA SOW BEACH, CA 92075 318. GREGORY & PATR IC I A LAWYER 318, 215-240-34-07 RONALD FAWCETT 722 EDELWEISS LANE ENCINITAS, CA 92024 319 E 328. GEORGE E LUCY ABERNATHY 319. 215-240-34-08 P.O. BOX 919 328. 215-240-34-17 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 320. ALBERT E RHEA GOODJOHN 320. 215-240-34-09 P.O. BOX 1707 RANCHO SPNTA FE, CA 92067 321. TIMOTHY RULES 321- 215-240-34-10 DEBRA BATCHELDER 2374-E ALTISMA WAY --.- -. --r.rm 0 e 322. MICHAEL E HOLLY ORIORDAN 322. 215-240-34-11 2374 ALTISMA WAY #D CARLSBAD, CA 92008 324. DAVID E BARBARA KUPFER 324. 215-240-34-13 14 RUSTIC DRIVE WORCESTER, MA 01609 325. MIKE & DALE KUPFER 325. 215-240-34-14 P.O. BOX 2148 RANCHO SANTA FE, CA 92067 326. ARON 8. KAT2 326. 215-240-34-15 1035 PEARL ST. BOULDER, CO 80302 PETER C, SAR4 327. 215-240-34-16 JENNIFER A. GOODJ0i-N 2372 ALTISMA WAY #C CARLSBAD, CA 92008 327 * 329. DAVID E DORIS NEASHAM 329. 215-240-34-18 2372 ALTISMA WAY #A CARLSBAD, CA 92008 330, 331 E 333. HUGH L HEARNE 330. 215-480-17 C/O JAMES H. SCOTT 331. 215-480-18 866 S. SIERRA AVENUE 333. 215-480-20 SOW BEACH, CA 92075 332, 334 G 335. DAW CORPORATION 332. 215-480-19 P.O. BOX 7080 334. 215-480-21 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 335. 215-480-22 ALICANTE HILLS JOINT VENTURE 336. 216-130-61 336. 18450 MONTFORT DRIVE #lo0 DALLAS, TX 75240 337 E 338. LA COSTA HOTEL E SPA 337. 216-130-64 COSTA DEL MAR ROAD 338. 216-130-67 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 339 E 340. THEOWRE ARONEY 339. 216-370-02 7690 EL CAMINO REAL, SUITE 105 340. 216-370-03 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 341. O'DAY CONSULTANTS 7750-2H EL CAMINO REAL RANCHO LA COSTA CARLSBPD, CA 92008 342. K. N. PARTNERS 1400 COLUMBIA CENTRE 401 WEST A STREET SAN DIEGO, CA 92112