HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-05-13; City Council; 8625; 1986-87 Operating BudgetCrQOF CARLSBAD - AGENDQBILL MTfi 5/13/86 FIN TITLE: 1986-87 OPERATING BUDGET DEPT. CITY ATTY. CITY MGR. RECOMMENDED ACTION: No Action Required ITEM EXPLANATION; The total proposed budget for 1986-87 is $32.8 million representing an increase of $5.1 million or about 18.4% over the final operating budget for 1985-86 of $27.7 million. Operating revenue from all funds total $33.7 million, up $4.9 million or 17% over the 1985-86 revenues. The recommended budget reflects full year funding for positions added during 1985-86, for new facilities constructed during 1985-86, and for implementing the Fair Labor Standards Act. The budget also allows for a contingency account to give Council flexibility in meeting the demands for resources which may arise during the coming year. The budget also includes 48 new positions, of which 25 are required to operate and maintain new city facilities. Under the proposed staffing plan, the total City work force would increase by 12.9% from 371 to 419 positions. Council will have the opportunity to review this budget at the first work session on May 13, 1986. At this session the City Staff will be present to provide greater detail on requests where needed. A public hearing is scheduled for the meeting on May 27, 1986, when Council will receive input from interested citizens and groups wishing to comment on the proposed budget. Adoption is scheduled for June 10, 1986. EXHIBITS: 1986-87 Operating Budget O O OI o oo •*•»* 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1989 Office of the City Manager TELEPHONE (619)438-5561 Cit? of Cartebab April 29, 1986 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: City Manager 1986-87 OPERATING BUDGET The 1986-87 operating budget totals $33 million, providing finding for the numerous operations that are part of the daily City routine. The chart below shows that the General Fund comprises the majority of the budget totaling $24-.6 million or about 75% of all operating costs. The City1 s utility operations which include Sewer and Water departments total another $2.7 million or about 8%, and the internal service funds which provide insurance funding, vehicle maintenance for the City fleet and data processing services total another $2.7 million or 8%. The remainder of the budget is comprised of grant programs such as the HUD Section 8 Housing Program and various library grants, as well as the debt service funds for the outstanding general obligation bonds. 1986-87 Operating Budget Request Summary Fund Total Budget % of Total General Utilities Internal Services Grants Redevelopment Debt Service Other TOTAL GENERAL FUND $24.6 mil 75% 2.7 mil 2.7 mil 1.6 mil 0.4 mil 0.2 mil 0.6 mil 8% 8% 5% 1% 1% 2% 532.8 mil 100% (IN MILLIONS OF DOLLARS) INTERNAL SERVI a.ZX 1.7 UTILITIES (.21.7 GENERAL 75.OX 24.C ftEDEVELOnCNT 1.2*0.4 DEBT SERVICE 0.«X 0.2 The general fund is the source of the majority of the City's programs. This year's budget request totals $24.6 million or about 14% above the current budget of $21.6 million. Significant cost increases are included in this request to cover mandated programs, existing contracts and changes in fixed costs. The following items make up a major portion of the $3.1 million cost increase: /""N Full year funding of positions added during 1985-86 - $4-00,000 The staff grew by 20 positions during 1985-86. The majority of these positions (18) were added to the development related services to help process the flow of applications, permits and requests for service received by the Building, Engineering and Planning Departments. Other positions added during the year include a Systems Analyst and Programmer/Operator. Funding for 4-8 additional positions - $1.5 million Many departments have requested additional positions for 1986-87 based on new or mandated programs or the creation of a new program in the caning year. The opening of the Public Safety Center, Fire Station #4, Stagecoach Park and the development processing office all receive additional staff Funding for new facilities constructed during 1985-86 - $800,000 The City constructed several major facilities during 1985-86 which will require operation during 1986-87. These facilities include the Public Safety and Service Center, Stagecoach Park, Fire Station f*, artl the new development building near the center of the City. Each of the facilities will require utilities and maintenance support over and above the basic staff required to run the facility. The cost associated with these facilities totals approximately $800,000. Fair Labor Standards Act - $150,000 The imposition of FLSA on the City will cost an additional $150,000 per year in overtime and related costs for 1986-87. The total general fund budget request of $24.6 million represents an effort to keep up with the growth of the City by maintaining services and facilities at levels that are acceptable to the City Council and residents. In 1986-87, the City will spend about $440 per capita to provide basic services, an increase of $10 per capita over 1985-36. When adjusted for inflation the 1986-87 figures represent a decrease of about $5 per capita. GENERAL FUND SPENDING PER CAPITA ACTUAL and ADJUSTED for INFLATION Adjusted Actual 450 400 350 300 1982-83 1983-84 1934-85 1985-86 1986-87 The distribution of finding within the general fund budget will remain the same as the present 1985-86 budget. The proposed budget places about 38% of all resources into public safety programs, the same level as provided in 1985-86. Library and Parks and Recreation programs will maintain their 18% share of the budget and administration will continue to be approximately 10% of all total costs. General Fund Budget Request by Function (IN MILLIONS OF DCLLAM) Public Safety Library and Parks and Rec. Development Maintenance Administration Other TOTAL Amount 5 9.4- mil 1.5 mil 3.1 mil 3.4- mil 2.4- mil 1.8 mil 524.6 mil % of Total 18% 13% 14% 10% 7%Too% MMINISTMTION t.l2.4 General fund revenues for 1986-87 will total $23.9 million, up 16% over the estimated revenues for 1985-86. These revenues are supplemented by about $700,000 in gas tax revenue to provide the $2^.6 million necessary to fund the proposed budget. Taxes provide about 2/3 of the revenue received by the general fund, with property and sales tax being the largest sources. General Fund Revenues by Source (IN HILLIO Property Tax Sales Tax Other Taxes License & Permits Subventions Fees Other TOTAL Amount S 6.4- mil 7.0 mil 2.2 mil 2.2 mil 1.7 mil 2.8 mil 1.6 mil S23.9 mil % of Total 29% 9% 9% 7% 12% 7% TooY one* run ».a 2.1 SUBICNTIONS 7. is 1.7 morarrv TAX i».w1.4 The relatively optomistlc estimates of 16% - 17% growth in tax revenues for 1986-87 are based on the rapid growth experienced by the City during 1985-86. The construction of about 2,600 dwelling units as well as commercial and industrial property in 1985-86 will provide the basis for substantial propertyand sales tax growth next year. Estimates of development fee related revenues are based on construction continuing at a rapid pace during the early part of 1986-87. The proposed growth control initiative will obviously have an effect on City operations but the City's revenue strean should not begin to decline until late 1986-87. The economy for Carlsbad should continue to be positive and growing, at least during the first six to nine months of the year. Inflation and interest rates should ranain low and may even decline slightly in the early part of the year which provides a mixed blessing for City revenues. \Vhile interest rates decline, the City's investment portfolio earns less interest revenue; however, if mortgage and commercial loan rates fall as well, the City's property tax base gets a boost from sales of new and existing property adding to the property taxbase. The City uses the annual revenue from the State gasoline tax to provide support for the streets maintenance function. In 1986-87, gas tax revenue will total about $767,000 including about $140,000 from additional funding provided by the State under SB-300. The total general fund revenues of $23.9 million is the equivalent of about $4-26 per capita. This is an increase of about $16 per capita over 1985-86; Nhen expressed in constant dollars using 1982-83 as the base year, per capita revenues in 1986-87 will be about the same as in 1985-86. GENERAL FUND REVENUES-PER CAPITA ACTUAL and ADJUSTED for INFLATION Actual Adjusted 500 450 400 350 300 1982-83 1983-84 1934-85 1985-86 1986-87 The City staff, the vast majority of which is supported by the general fund, continues to be at a relatively constant level when viewed in terms of staff per 1,000 population. As the chart below shows, the staffing has been at or below 8 employees per 1,000 for the past five years. The recommended staff of 419 employees for 1986-87 brings the City up to 7.5 employees per 1,000 in 1986-97 compared to 7.4 per 1,000 in 1985-86. Staffing Year Staff per 1,000 pop. 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 1986-87 8.0 7.6 7.7 7.4 7.5 SPECIAL FUNDS CITY STAFF PER 1.000 POPULATION Staff 1*82-83 1983-84.1914-85 1985-88 The budget Includes special funds used to account for the operation of certain departments or functions. A special fund Is establihsed whenever the revenue used to finance a specific function Is restricted and may not be used to fund general operating costs. The chart below shows that a major portion of all special revenues fall Into three categories: enterprise funds, Internal service funds and grants. Special Funds - 1986-87 Utilities Internal Service Housing Authority Other Grants Street Lighting Redevelopment Debt Service TOTAL % of Amount Total $2.7 mil 33% 2.7 mil 1.2 mil 0.4 mil 0.5 mil 0.4 mil 0.2 mil 8.1 mil HOUSING AUTH. 14.BX 1.2 JTILITIES 33.XI 2.7 STREET LIGHT. 1.2* 0.9 REDEvQjOPMEKT 4.SX 0.4 OTHER GRANTS 4.« 0.4 DEBT SERVICE 2.5*0.2 INTERNAL SERV S3.It 2.7 The City's enterprise funds support the water and sewer operations of the City. Budget requests for the enterprise funds are up about $70,000 or 3% over the 1985-86 budget. There are no significant program changes within these funds. The internal service funds provide services to other City departments and charge a fee for their service. For example, the City's vehicle maintenance fund provides fleet maintenance to the City. The Department is run much like a private garage or vehicle rental conpany charging for fuel, parts, service and vehicle replacement costs. The only sources of revenue to Internal service funds are charges to other City departments and Interest earned on any fund balance. This year the City has four internal service funds - workers' compensation, health insurance, vehicle maintenance and data processing. The total budget request for these funds is $2.7 million, up $500,000 over the 1985-86 budget of $2.2 million. The primary changes in this area were the creation of the health insurance and data processing funds for 1986-87. The addition of these two funds account for $4-00,000 of the budget increase. Grant programs totaling $1.6 million comprise 20% of the special fund budget. The largest of these is the Housing Authority's Section 8 program which will provide 290 dwelling units to low and moderate income families in Carlsbad in 1986-87. Other grant programs include State Library Grants of $300,000 and the Adult Literacy Grant of about $68,000. All budget requests in this section are funded entirely from grant revenues. The debt service funds provide the support for annual payments on the City's general obligation library and sewer bonds. The annual tax rate levied by the City of .0057* of the assessed value provides sufficient revenue to pay all debt service costs. These bonds cost the owner of a $100,000 home about $5.70 per year. All outstanding general obligation debt will be retired by 1991-92. The City's Redevelopment Agency will receive sufficient revenues in 1986-87 to begin repaying a portion of the existing debt to the City and to consider a debt offering supported by tax increment revenues. The budget for Redevelopment reflects operations for 1986-87 including charges from various City departments that result from serving the Agency's needs. SUMMARY The operating budget for 1986-87 provides for the maintenance and operation of several new capital facilites including parks, and office space for the police, fire and development related departments. The City staff has been increased in several areas to provide support where public demands for service have been felt and some support services for the front line departments. The budget includes a $1.1 million contingency account which will allow Council some control over funding future needs, and some insultation from declining revenues if the proposed growth controls eliminate much of the development in 1986-87. Staff recommends that Council review the budget requests at the first available meeting and schedule the budget for a public hearing at the May 27, 1986 City Council meeting. Adoption of the budget could occur at the following meeting. FRANK ALE SHIRE City Manager FA/ds CITY Of- CARLSBAD COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF FUNDS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1985-86 1 OPERATING FUNDS 2 GENERAL FUND 3 GAS 1 AX FUND 4 LIBRARY AUDIO VISUAL INS FUND 5 CIVIC ARTS PROGRAM 6 STREET LIGHTING FUND 7 LIBRARY BOND F UNO 8 SEWER BOND FOND 9 HOUSING AUTHORITY FUND 10 CALIF LIBRARY SERVICES ACT (CLSA) 11 L IBRARY GRANT - SB-358 12 OTHER OPERATING GRANTS 13 SANITATION ENTERPRISE 14 WATER ENTERPRISE 15 WORKERS COMP INS 16 LIABILITY SELF INS 17 VEHICLE MA I NT & REPLACEMENT 18 HEALTH INS 19 DATA PROCESSING 20 REDEVELOPMENT 21 OTHER SPECIAL FUNDS 23 CAPITAL FUNDS 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 GENERAL CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION. GAS TAX FUND PUBLIC FACITLITES FEE PARK IN-LIEU PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE REVENUE SHARING SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND COMMON 1TY DEV BLOCK GRANT OTHER CAPITAL GRANTS WATER TRAFFIC IMPACT FEES BRIDGE & THOROUGHFARE DEVELOPER CONTRIBUTIONS BONDS & OTHER FUNDS REDEVELOPMENT 39 TOTAL CAPITAL FONDS 25,992,101 40 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 37,376,522 UNRESTRICT- ED BEGINNING BALANCE 7/01/85 1,337,633 - 41,967 50,000 407,888 292 137,586 88,128 171,633 17,181 94,692 1 ,633,486 4,694,207 696,212 637,896 20,406 - -1,355,214 - 11 ,384,421 7,701 ,045 444,065 7,738,405 1,903,594 807,397 2,721,892 4,111,498 112,395 451,810 - - - 25,992,101 37,376,522 ESTIMATED REVENUES 1985-86 20 ,490,000 718,419 50,000 5,000 427,000 22,000 130,000 1,009,600 92,000 83,600 67,671 1,750,000 1,275,000 350 ,000 424,000 1 ,032,000 250*000 -625,000 40,000 28,841,290 163,000 • 4,000,000 1,060.000 400,000 575,000 2,570,000 240,986 5,846,807 - 500,000 - 15,355,793 44,197,083 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 718,419 (718,419) -- -- - - - - ' -(65,609) - - -- - - — (65,609) (1,198,038) - • - - -. - -65,609 - 1,198,038 65,609 - ESTIMATED EXPEND 1985-86 19,556,891 - 40,000 -484,648 20,624 126,095 1 ,054,856 92,392 - 52,416 1,673,033 1 ,118,461 189.077 416,872 830,067 250,000 -349,145 40 ,000 26,294,577 5,467,720 444,065 10,097,607 1,878,052 18,643 3,136,293 2 ,333,420 353,381 6,298,617 65,609 500.000 1,198,038 31,791,445 58,086,022 ENDING BALANCE 6/30/86 2,989,161 -51,967 55,000 350,240 1 ,668 141,491 42,8/2 171,241 100,781 109,947 1 ,710,453 4,785,137 857,135 645,024 222,339 - - 1,631,069 — 13,865,525 1,198,287 -1,640,798 1,085,542 1 ,188,754 160,599 4,348,078 -- - :- 9,622,058 23,487,583 TRANSFER OF ENDING FUND BAL TO OTHER FONDS (2,989,161) - -156,000 - - - - - - - - - - 285,000 - - 60,000 - — (2,488,161) 2,488,161 - - - - - - -- - - - 2 ,488,161 - BALANCE 6/30/86 - 51,967 211, OOU 350,240 1 ,668 141,491 42 ,8/2 171,241 100,781 109,947 1 ,710,453 4,785,137 857,135 930,024 222,339 - 60 ,000 1.631,069 — 11 ,377,364 3 ,686 ,448 - 1 ,640,798 1 ,U85 ,542 1,188,754 160,599 4,348,078 - - - - - 12,110,219 23,487,583 o ( I C11Y OF CARLSBAD COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF FUNDS BEGINNING BALANCE 7X01/86 FDR FISCAL YEAR 1986-87 ESTIMATED REVENUES 1986-87 1NTERFUND TRANSFERS BUDGET REQUEST 1986-87 END I NG BALANCE 6/30X87 M 1 OPERATING FUNDS 2 GENERAL FUND 3 GAS TAX FUND 4 LIBRARY AUDIO U1SUAL INS FUND 5 C1U1C ARTS PROGRAM 6 STREET LIGHTING FUND 7 LIBRARY BOND FUND 8 SEWER BOND FUND 9 HOUSING AUTHORITY FUND 10 CALIF LIBRARY SERVICES ACT.(CLSA) 11 LIBRARY GRANT - SB-358 12 OTHER OPERATING GRANTS 13 SANITATION ENTERPRISE 14 WATER ENTERPRISE 15 WORKERS COMP INS 16 LIABILITY SELF INS 17 VEHICLE MA INT & REPLACEMENT 18 HEALTH INS 19 DATA PROCESSING 2 0 REDEUELOPMENT 21 OTHER SPECIAL FUNDS 1 4 1 51 211 350 1 141 42 171 100 109 ,710 ,785 857 930 222 60 ,631 _ - ,967 ,000 ,240 ,668 ,491 ,872 ,241 ,781 ,947 ,453 ,137 ,135 ,024 ,339 - ,000 ,069 23,865 767 50 9 530 22 125 1,233 80 40 68 1,875 1,380 415 760 1,104 650 102 670 » i » i t t i i » i » t t t > » » i t 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 666 000 000 490 000 000 500 000 000 000 625 000 767,000 (767,000) - -- - - - -- - - (45,000) - - -- - - 24,632 40 529 19 122 1,233 215 84 68 1,579 1,154 340 659 976 557 161 418 ,000 -,000 - ,449 ,950 ,555 ,666 ,369 ,386 ,490 ,110 ,378 ,256 ,632 ,501 ,721 ,164 ,059 61 220 350 3 143 42 35 56 109 2 ,006 4,965 932 1,030 349 92 1 1,883 -- ,967 ,000 ,791 ,71H ,936 ,872 ,872 ,395 ,947 ,343 ,759 ,37V ,392 ,838 ,279 ,461 ,010 22 TOTAL OPERATING FUNDS. 23 CAPITAL FUNDS 11,377,364 33,747,281 (45,000) 32,792,686 12,286,959 74 25 26 27 28 29 30 ^11? 11 14 15 3(S 37in 39 411' GENERAL • CAP I TAL CONS T RUCT 1 ON ... GAS TAX FUND PUBLIC FAC1TLITES FEE PARK IN-LIEU PLANNED LOCAL DRA 1 NAGE REVENUE SHARING SEWER CONSTRUCT ION FUND COMMUN 1 TY DEV BLOCK GRANT OTHER CAPITAL GRANTS UATER TRAFFIC IMPACT FEES BRIDGE & THOROUGHFARE DEVELOPER CONTRIBUTIONS BONDS & 01 HER FUNDS REDEVELOPMENT TOTAL CAP I TAL FUNDS TOTAL ALL FUNDS 3 1 1 1 4 . . 12 . . 23 ,686 ,640 .085 .188 160 .348 .110 ,487 .448 ,798 ,542 .754 .599 .078 ,219 ,583 4,612 1 ,216 400 150 1 ,875 442 2,600 11 ,296 45,043 _ ,400 ,920 .000 ,000 ,000 _ ,200 _ _. ,000 ,520 ,801 565 4,415 310 589 45,000 45 3,096 575 _ 1,750 45,000 11,345 44,138 ,000 ,000 ^ ,000 ,800 « ,000 ,000 ,000 _ ,000 ,800 ,486 ? 1 ? 1 5 (? 1? 74 ,121 ,838 ,302 ,588 ,633 ,653 (5/5 850 ,105 ,392 ,448 ,198 ,462 ,754 59V ,278 _ _ ,800) ,000) _ ,000 ,939 ,898 CITY OF CARLSBAD BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 1982-83 TO 1986-87 H 1982-83 ACTUAL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 2? 28 29 30 GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT C I TY COUNC I L C I TY MANAGER PUBLIC INFORMATION C I TY CLERK INFORMATION SYSTEMS C I TY ATTORNEY F I NANCE C 1 TY TREASURER PURCHAS I NG PERSONNEL RESEARCH & ANALYS IS R 1 SK MANAGEMENT I NSURANCE ADM IN TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT PUBLIC SAFETY BU I LD I NG POL I CE F I RE TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY PUBLIC UORKS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADMIN DEVELOP PROCESS SVCS ENG I NEER I NG PLANN I NG BLOCK GRANT ADMIN TOTAL DEVELOP. SERVICES 70 191 28 347 152 210 4 56 174 211 1,448 479 2,753 2,039 5,293 39 282 378 22 723 ,998 .131 ,620 ,829 ,336 ,401 ,041 ,729 ,422 ,607 ,114 ,210 ,072 ,151 .886 ,569 ,133 ,975 ,626 ,303 1983-84 ACTUAL 89 214 7 371 152 217 3 .7 77 190 199 62 1,585 537 3,049 2,268 5,855 716 390 30 1,136 ,559 ,189 ,045 ,007 ,771 ,476 ,756 ,840 ,368 ,281 ,424 ,716 ,646 ,646 ,111 ,403 ,513 ,277 ,068 ,858 1984-85 ACTUAL 97 222 49 6 451 140 331 5 117 243 167 52 1,886 719 3,763 2,579 7,062 1,171 430 33 1,635 ,554 ,855 ,705 ,425 .241 ,253 .594 ,648 ,556 .717 ,385 ,835 ,768 ,391 ,128 ,502 .021 .174 ,646 .450 ,270 CURRENT BUDGET 97 298 70 5 449 115 261 22 146 243 246 63 2,020 664 4,352 2,984 8,000 282 1,715 531 42 2,571 ,019 ,793 ,131 ,260 ,562 ,472 ,059 ,857 ,027 ,850 ,671 ,723 ,424 ,130 ,497 ,351 ,978 ,482 ,260 ,427 ,461 .630 1985-86 ESTIMATED EXPEND 94,406 297,643 57,480 5,260 475,476 151,735 219,127 25.323 135,647 288,721 175,873 71,540 1,998,231 691.437 4,535,977 2,739,956 7,967,370 217,694 1,569,053 485,124 48,176 2,320,047 TOTAL 1986-87 BUDGET REQUESTS 96,839 291,158 106,887 21.610 450,099 170,161 420.474 37,219 146,472 307,510 242,369 146,871 2,437,669 730,803 5,007,086 3,630,969 9,368,858 41,841 394.564 1.747,346 828.241 102,156 3.114,148 o o CITY-OF CARLSBAD BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 1982-83 TO 1986-87 1982-83 ACTUAL 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 MAINTENANCE UTILITIES DIRECTOR MAINTENANCE DIRECTOR STREETS BU I LD 1 NG MA I NTENANCE TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINT BU I LD I NG MA I NT ADM IN SOLID WASTE (MONITOR) UEH I CLE MA INT TOTAL MA I NTENANCE OTHER DEPARTMENTS L I BRARY CIUIC ARTS PROGRAM PARKS AND RECREATION SENIOR CITIZENS PROG TOTAL OTHER DEPARTMENTS NON- DEPARTMENT AL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE COMMUN I TY ASS I STANCE AUD IT DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS LEASES 1911 ACT BOND SERUICE HUMAN SERUICES CAPITAL 1MPUTS STREET LIGHT COSTS (CITY)... TOTAL NON- DEPARTMENTAL SUB- TOTAL GENERAL FUND CONTINGENCIES ... TOTAL GENERAL FUND . . . 58 . . . 1 ,054 191 . . . 19 . . . 45 0 . . . 1 1,777 990 . . . 1 ,556 37 2,584 . . . 46 . . . 14 . . . 3 . . . 11 383 . . . 57 . . . 14 531 . . . 12 ,358 . . . 12 ,358 ,638 ,864 ,707 ,682 ,707 ,656 ,254 ,038 ,417 ,825 ,280 ,654 ,353 ,955 ,393 ,154 ,898 ,025 ,432 ,269 - ,269 1983-84 ACTUAL 51 1,068 149 40 1,309 1,037 1,590 37 2,665 46 17 8 11 419 13 18 535 13,088 1 13,089 ,684 ,367 ,140 ,784 ,975 ,104 ,203 ,825 ,132 ,758 ,100 ,441 ,493 ,152 ,540 ,700 ,184 ,268 ,437 ,705 1984-85 CURRENT ACTUAL BUDGET 78 1,133 359 124 1,695 1,225 1,547 38 2,810 86 14 10 17 280 15 18 442 15,533 15,533 ,392 ,430 ,466 ,180 ,468 ,625 ,186 ,136 .947 ,703 ,500 ,881 ,036 ,000 ,085 ,700 ,905 ,379 - ,379 42 2,344 331 170 2,889 1,406 62 1,987 98 3,555 100 30 20 18 382 18 569 19,606 1,330 20,936 ,890 ,571 ,145 ,400 ,006 ,392 ,639 ,177 .854 ,062 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,400 ,700 ,100 ,200 ,179 ,379 1985-86 ESTIMATED EXPEND 37,719 2,499,773 293,625 170,916 3,002,033 1,361,448 48,673 2,112,862 66,627 3,589,610 200,000 30,000 28,500 20,000 382,400 18,700 679,600 19,556,891 - 19,556,891 TOTAL 1986-87 BUDGET REQUESTS 83,107 2,583,305 504,484 226,672 3 ,397,568 1,583,671 112,857 2,701,369 126.544 4,524,441 200,000 30,000 30,750 20,000 406,126 18,700 705 ,576 23,548,260 1,083,740 24,632,000 CITY OF CARLSBAD BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 1982-83 TO 1986-87 61 SPECIAL REUENUE FUNDS 62 GAS TAX 63 DATA PROCESSING 64 LIBRARY AUDIO VISUAL INS 65 STREET LIGHTING 66 LIBRARY BONDS .'. 67 SEUIER BONDS 68 HOUSING AUTHORITY 69 CAL LIB SERU ACT CCLSA) 70 LIBRARY GRANT - SB 358 71 CAL TRANS UAN GRANT 72 LIBRARY LITERACY GRANT 73 OTHER GRANTS 74 SANITATION ENTERPRISE 75 UATER ENTERPRISE 76 WORKERS COMP INS 77 LIABILITY SELF INS 78 HEALTH AND LIFE INSURANCE 79 UEHICLE MAINT FUND 80 UEHICLE DEPREC & REPLACEMENT... 81 REDEVELOPMENT 82 OTHER 83 TOTAL OTHER FUNDS 5 ,250 ,316 84 TOTAL OPERATING BUDGET 17,608,585 1982-83 ACTUAL - - 438,433 22,477 135,320 727,091 20,248 - -- 37,511 826,762 - 1 2,010,173 1 187,969 214,885 - 502,876 - 126,571 - 5,250,316 5 17,608,585 18 1983-84 ACTUAL 141,734 10,500 444,864 21,637 31,385 825,236 93,630 - 6,120 30,152 11,484 ,108,961 ,614,048 228,148 93,500 -674,697 161,337 145,905 - ,643,338 ,733,043 1984-85 ACTUAL - -446,297 21,078 127,645 860,556 99,961 16,217 -89,248 - 1,422,060 1,197,913 153,540 250,488 -607,032 141,349 724,098 - 6,157,482 21,690,861 CURRENT BUDGET 38,325 25,000 489,142 20,624 126,095 1,014,153 -48,600 -55,182 -1,528,914 1,023,258 371,383 398,872 366,288 698,669 300,143 267,343 - 6,771,991 27,708,370 1985-86 ESTIMATED ' EXPEND - 40 ,000 48/4,648 20,624 126,095 1,054,856 92,392 - - 52,416' 1,673,033 1,118,461 189,077 416.872 250,000 567,787 262,280 349,145 40,000 6,737,686 26,294,577 TOTAL 1986-87 BUDGET REQUESTS 161 ,164 40,000 529,449 19,950 122,555 1,233,666 215,369 84,386 - 68,490 - 1,579,110 1 ,154,378 340,256 659,632 557,721 780 ,600 195,901 418,059 - 8,160,686 32 ,792,686 o CITY OF. CARLSBAD BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 1982-83 TO 1986-87 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUNDS GENERAL CAP I TAL CONST GAS TAX - PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE PARK IN-LIEU PLANNED LOCAL DRA I NAGE REUENUE SHARING SEUER CONSTRUCT I ON BUENA U I STA DREDG I NG COMMUN I TY DEU BLOCK GRANTS OTHER CAP I TAL GRANTS UATER TRAFFIC IMPACT FEES BR I DGE & THOROUGHFARE DEUELOPER CONTRIBUTION BONDS & OTHER REDEVELOPMENT TOTAL CAP I TAL FUNDS . 1982-83 ACTUAL 238,570 48 348 106 ,602 36,541 221,576 18 ,334 496,623 549,884 1,716,478 1983-84 ACTUAL 361,043 453,494 132,254 108,870 32,500 599,572 255,189 1,942,922 1984-85 ACTUAL 2,185,713 552,833 274,935 78,228 460,289 5,918 398,415 13,383 3,969,714 CURRENT 1985-86 BUDGET ESTIMATED EXPEND 5,467,720 444,065 10,097,607 1,878,052 16,643 3,136,293 2,333,420 353,381 6,298,617 65,609 500,000 1,198,038 31,791,445 TOTAL 1986-87 BUDGET REQUESTS 565,000 4,415,000 310,000 589,800 45,000 3,096,000 575,000 1,750,000 11,345,800 103GRAND TOTAL 19,325,063 20,675,965 25,660,575 27,708,370 58,086,022 44,138,486 CITY Of- CARLSBAD REVENUE ESTIMATES REVENUE SUMMARY 1979-80 TO 1986-87 <H 1 GENERAL FUND REVENUE - 2 TAXES 3 PROPERTY TAX 4 SALES TAX 5 TRANSIENT TAX 6 FRANCHISE TAX 7 TRANSFER TAX 8 TRAILER COACH IN-LlEU 9 TOTAL TAXES 10 LICENSES & PERMITS 11 CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 12 BUSINESS LICENSE TAX 13 LICENSE TAX ON NEW CONST.. 14 ALARM PERMITS 15 TOTAL LICENSES 8. PERMITS 16 STATE SUBVENTIONS 17 CIGARETTE TAX 18 ALCOHOL LICENSE TAX 19 VEHICLE IN LIEU FEE 20 HOME OWNERS PROP TAX RE... 21 BUS INVENTORY PROP TAX RE. 22 TOTAL STATE SUBVENTIONS 23 OTHER INTERGOV REVENUE 24 STATE GRANTS 25 TOTAL OTHER INTERGOV REV 26 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 27 ZONING FEES 28 SUBDIVISION FEES 29 PLANCHECK FEE / BLDG 30 PLANCHECK FEE / ENGIN 31 ENGINEERING FEES 1983-84 ACTUAL 4,382 4,891 1,033 466 198 22 10,993 1,068 351 983 2 ,404 139 46 167 107 461 ,094 ,379 ,210 ,102 ,808 ,203 ,796 ,876 ,875 ,789 ,540 ,829 ,655 ,293 ,844 ,621 1984-85 ESTIMATE 4,850 5,200 1 ,100 475 198 2.0 11 ,843 800 360 600 1,760 140 910 160 1,210 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,OUO ,000 ,000,ouo ,000 ,000 ,000 ,500 ,000 ,500 1985-86 ESTIMATE 5,450 6,000 1,220 550 220 24 13,464 1,000 450 700 10 2,160 150 1,000 170 1,320 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 1986-87 ESTIMATE 6,375 7,000 1,350 610 225 27 15,587 1,000 520 700 10 2,230 170 1,350 190 1,710 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 19U6-87 X OVER I UNDER) 1985-86 925 1,000 130 60 5 3 2,123 70 70 20 350 20 390 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 1 NC I DEC ) 17 16 10 10 2 12 15 15 3 13 35 11 29 .0 X .7 X .7 X .9 X .3 X .5 X .8 X .6 X .2 X .3 X .0 X .8 X .5 X _ __._.__ ______ 136 24 623 381 424 ,089 ,360 ,292 ,994 ,055 120 20 550 375 275 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 120 17 625 500 355 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 140 20 625 700 500 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 20 3 200 145 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 16 17 40 40 .7 X .6 X .0 X .8 X <H CITY OF CARLSBAD REUENUE ESTIMATES 1986-87 REUENUE SUMMARY 1979-80 TO 1986-87 1983-84 ACTUAL 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 63 64 (CHARGES FOR SERVICES - CONT SALE OF MAPS WEED CLEANING REFUSE COLLECTION AMBULANCE FEES LIBRARY FEES AUD 1 0/U I SUAL I NSURNACE . . RECREATION FEES SWIMMING POOL FEES OTHER PARK & REC FEES. . . REFUSE ADMIN FEE EIR FEES STREET SWEEPING FEES.... POLICE SERVICES TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES.. FINES AND FORFEITS VEHICLE CODE FINES PARKING CITATIONS TOTAL FINES & FORFEITS OTHER REVENUE SOURCES INTEREST REN I AL 1 NCOME P 8. R RENTAL INCOME DISASTER RELIEF MANDATED COST REIMS MISC REIMBURSED EXPEND.. POST REIMBURSEMENT SALE OF PROPERTY MISC / OTHER SOURCES.... REPAYMENT OF REDEVELOPMENT DEBT... TOTAL OTHER SOURCES TOTAL GENERAL FUND I NUED ) 28 •26 69 15 235 - 76 10 21 4 12 2,089 213 42 255 499 7 49 7 26 7 52 651 16 ,856 ,721 ,392 ,155 ,903 ,366 ,331 ,282 ,650 ,008 ,310 ,908 ,262 ,191 ,453 ,258 ,b!60 ,157 363 ,734 ,679 ,733 ,330 ,114 ,432 1984-85 ESTIMATE 30 37 70 20 265 74 30 20 5 15 1,906 425 30 455 850 5 45 5 10 15 5 5 940 18,115 ,000 ,500 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,500 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,ouo ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 1985-86 ESTIMATE 37,500 37,500 70,000 30,000 285,000 93,000 35,000 25,000 15,000 2,245,000 370,000 35,000 405,000 775,000 4,000 45,000 5,000 5,000 20,000 12,000 30,000 896,000 20,490,000 1986-87 ESTIMATE 40,000 40,000 75,000 34,000 379,000 97,000 31,000 40,000 25,000 15,000 2,761,000 580,000 38,000 618,000 700,000 4,OUO 68,000 100,000 10,000 32,000 15,000 30,000 959,000 23,865,000 1986-87 OVER I UNDER) 1985-86 2 2 5 4 94 4 31 5 516 210 3 213 (75 23 95 5 12 3 63 3,375 ,500 ,5UO ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000) ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 X INC (UEC) 6. 6. 7. 1.3. 33. 4. 14. 23. 56. 8. 52. (9. 51. 1,900. 100. 60. 25. 7. 16. 7 X 7 X 1 X 3 X 0 X 3 X *• 3 X 0 X 8 X 6 X 6 X 7)X 1 X 0 X 0 X 0 X 0 X 0 X 5 X o CITY OF CARLSBAD REUENUE ESTIMATES 1986-87 REUENUE SUMMARY 1979-80 TO 1986-87 x 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 OTHER OPERATING FUNDS GAS TAX REU-2106 REU-2107 REU-2107.5 SB-300 FUNDS GAS TAX INTEREST LOCAL TRANS FUNDS TOTAL GAS TAX LIBRARY AUDIO/VISUAL INSURANCE AUDIO/UISUAL INS FEES 1 NTEREST TOTAL LIBRARY AXU INS FUND CIUIC ARTS PROGRAM INTEREST INCOME TOTAL CIU1C ARTS STREET LIGHTING LIGHTING ASSESSMENT STATE LOAN ST-LIGHT INTEREST TOTAL STREET LIGHTING LIBRARY BONDS PROP TAX (LIB G.O. BONDS). LIB-BOND INTEREST TOTAL LIBRARY BOND SEWER BONDS PROP TAX (SEUIER G.O. BONDS) SEUER BOND INTEREST TOTAL SEUER BONDS 1983-84 ACTUAL 158,199 363,425 "122,704 12 ,637 644,328 FUND 19,386 19,386 - 511,800 27,650 539,450 2,366 2 ,366 109,295 7,915 117,210 1984-85 ESTIMATE 150 330 6 62 7 548 30 1 31 525 34 559 4 4 100 10 110 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,500 ,500 - ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 1985-86 ESTIMATE 162 499 6 50 718 45 5 50 5 5 397 30 427 21 1 22 120 10 130 ,543 ,876 ,000 ,000 ,419 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 1986-87 1986-B7 X ESTIMATE OUER tUNUER) 1985-86 182 399 6 13U 50 767 45 5 50 9 9 500 30 530 21 1 22 120 5 125 ,000 19,457 ,000 (100,876) ,000 ,OUU 130,000 ,000 ,000 48,581 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 4,000 ,000 4,000 ,000 103,000 ,000 ,000 103,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 (5,000) ,OUO (5,000) INC (DEC) 12.0 S ( 2 0 . 2 ) X * 6.8 X - - 80.0 X 80.0 S 25.9 X 24. 1 X - - (50.0)* (3.8)X o CITY OF CARLSBAD REUENUE ESTIMATES 1986-87 REUENUE SUMMARY 1979-80 TO 1986-87 94 HOUSING AUTHORITY 95 HUD GRANT REUENUE 96 HUU- INTEREST 97 SALE OP PROPERTY 98 TOTAL HOUSING AUTHORITY 99 OTHER SPECIAL REUENUE FUNDS 100 CAL LIBRARY SERU ACT CCLSA)... 101 LIBRARY GRANT - SB 358.... 102 NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE HUM 103 CAL TRANS WAN GRANT 1 U4 LI TERACY GRANT 105 ' OTHER GRANTS 106TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL FUNDS 107SANITAT10N ENTERPRISE 108 SEWER CHARGES 1U9 CONNECTION FEES 110 INTEREST (SANITATION).... 111TOTAL SAN I TAT I ON 112UATER ENTERPRISE 113 UATER SALES 114 INTEREST (WATER) 115 OTHER WATER CHARGES 116 TOTAL WATER 117LIABILITY SELF INS FUND 118 INS PAYMENTS FROM OTHER FUNDS. 119 INTEREST (LIAB INS FUND).. 120TOTAL LIABILITY SELF INS 1983-84 ACTUAL 747,281 13,698 760,979 112,543 10,744 15,760 73,830 33 ,917 246,794 1 ,160,833 21,936 9 ,744 1,192,513 3,773,652 234,626 115,358 4,123,636 129,500 58,837 188,337 1984-85 ESTIMATE 878 16 894 75 23 80 40 218 1,350 60 160 1 ,570 750 327 225 1,302 245 75 320 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,600 125 ,000 ,000 ,725 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 1985-86 ESTIMATE 988 20 1 1 ,009 92 83 52 15 243 1,440 60 250 1,750 800 225 250 1,275 334 90 424 ,000 ,000 ,600 ,600 ,000 ,600 ,671 ,000 ,271 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000,ouo ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 1986-87 ESTIMATE 1 ,213 20 1 ,233 80 40 68 iaa 1 ,560 65 250 1,875 880 225 275 1,380 670 90 760 ,666 ,OUO ,666 ,000 ,000 ,490 ,490 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,001) 1986-87 X INC (DEC) DYER ( UNDER ) 1985-86 225 (1 224 (12 143 15 C15 (54 120 <? 125 80 25 105 336 336 ,666 ,600) ,066 ,000) ,600) ,819 ,000) ,781) ,000 ,OUO ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 22 (10U 22 (13 (52 30 (1UO (22 8 8 7 10 10 8 100 79 .8 X .0)X .2 X .0)X .2)X . 0 X . 0)X .5>X .3 X .3 X . 1 X .0 \ . 0 X .2 X .6 X .2 X I '"' I ./ CITY OF CARLSBAD REUENUE ESTIMATES 1986-87 REVENUE SUMMARY 1979-80 TO 1986-87 1983-84 ACTUAL 121 WORKERS COMP SELF INS FUND 122 COMP PREMIUMS 228,148 123 INTEREST CUJ/COMP) 59,602 124TOTAL WORKERS COMP FUND -287,750 125VEHICLE MAINT FUND 126 PAYMENTS FOR UEHICLE SERVICE 520,966 127 INTEREST (UEH MAINT) .. 5 543 128TOTAL UEHICLE MAINT FUND. . . . 526 509 129UEH1CLE REPLACEMENT FUND 130 UEHICLE RENTAL FEES 193,313 131 SALE OF PROPERTY 18,134 132 INTEREST (UEH REP. FUND).. 5,093 133 TOTAL UEHICLE REP. FUND 216,540 134HEALTH INS FUND 135 CONTRIB. FROM OTHER FUNDS. 136 INTEREST INCOME 137TOTAL HEALTH INS FUND 138DATA PROCESSING 139 D P CHARGES 140 INTEREST 141TOTAL DATA PROCESSING 1984-85 1985-86 ESTIMATE ESTIMATE 250,000 275,000 70,000 75,000 320,000 350,000 600,000 670,000 10 000 10,000 610 000 680,000 277,262 275,000 16 ,000 7,000 20,000 70,000 313,262 352,000 250,000 250,000 1986-87 1986-87 > ESTIMATE OUER I UNDER ) 1985-86 340,500 65,500 75,000 415,500 65,500 700,000 30,000 10 , 000 710 ,000 30 ,000 317,000 42,000 7 ,000 70,000 394,000 42,000 650,000 400,000 650 ,000 400 ,000 102,625 102,625 102,625 102,625 ( INC (DEC) 23.8 X 18.7 X 4.5 X 4.4 X 15.3 X - 11.9 X 160.0 X 160 . 0 X « * \ ' I) CITY OF CARLSBAD REVENUE ESTIMATES 1986-87 REVENUE SUMMARY 1979-80 TO 1986-87 142RE 143 144 145TO 146 147TO 148 TO 1983-84 ACTUAL DEVELOPMENT TAX INCREMENT REVENUE 98,973 INTEREST (REDEVELOPMENT).. TAL REDEVELOPMENT 98 ,973 OTHER SPECIAL FUNDS 15,971 TAL OTHER FUNDS 8 ,980 ,742 TAL ALL OPERATING REV 25,837,174 1984-85 ESTIMATE 170 7U 240 60 7,100 25,215 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,487 ,487 1985-86 1986-87 ESTIMATE ESTIMATE 550 75 625 40 8,351 28,841 ,000 600,000 ,000 70, QUO ,000 670,000 ,000 ,290 9,882,281 ,290 33,747,281 1986-87 X INC I DEC ) OVER C UNDER ) 1985-86 ( ""-i\ / 50 15 45 140 1,530 4,905 ,000 9.1 X ,000) (6.7)X ,000 7.2 X ,000) (100. 0)X ,991 18.3 X ,991 17.0 X CITY OF CARLSBAD REVENUE ESTIMATES 1986-87 REVENUE SUMMARY 1979-80 TO 1986-87 149CA 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165TO 166GR PI1AL FUNDS GENERAL CAPITAL CONST GAS TAX - PUBL I C FAC I L I T I ES FEE PARK IN-LIEU PLANNED LOCAL DRA I NAGE .... REVENUE SHAR 1 NG SEUIER CONSTRUCTION COMMUNITY DEV BLOCK GRANTS OTHER CAPITAL GRANTS WATER TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE BRIDGE & THOUROUUHFARE. . . . DEVELOPER CONTRIBUTIONS. . . BONDS & OTHER SOURCES REDEVELOPMENT TAL CAPITAL FUNDS AND TOTAL REUENUE 1983-84 ACTUAL 632,450 . 2 ,531,701 362,464 151,325 628,029 1,788,975 330,964 19,642 6,445,550 32,282,724 1984-85 ESTIMATE 1 ,643,450 2,482,800 460,000 375,000 550 ,000 1,670,000 469,590 2,109,126 9,759,966 34,975,453 1985-86 ESTIMATE 163,000 4,000,000 1 ,060,000 400,000 575,000 2,570,000 240,986 5,846,807 500,000 15,355,793 44,197,083 1986-87 ESTIMATE 4,612,400 1 ,216 ,920 400,000 150,000 1 ,875,000 442,200 2 ,600,000 11,296,520 45 ,043,8U1 1986-87 OVER I UNDER J 1985-86 (163,000) 612,400 156,920 (425 ,OUO) (695 ,000) (240,986) (5,846,807) 442,200 (500 ,000) 2,600,000 (4,059,273) 846,718 * INC (DEC) (100. 0)X 15.3 * 14.8 * (73.9)* (27.0)* (1UO. 0)* (100. 0)X * (100. 0)* * (26.4)* 1.9 * o Indeterminate values represented as » PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION XH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 CITY COUNCIL EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TOTAL CITY COUNCIL CITY MANAGER CITY MANAGER ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER SECRETARY TO C. MANAGER SECRETARY I ADMINIST. ASSIST. II CLERK TYPIST I I TOTAL CITY MANAGER INFORMATION SYSTEMS INFORMATION SYSTEMS DIRECTOR PROGRAMMER/OPERATOR SYSTEMS ANALYST DEPUTY CITY CLERK STENO CLERK II WORD PROCESS. OPERATOR 1 I WORD PROCESS. OPERATOR I CLERK TYPIST I TOTAL INFORMATION SERVICES CITY ATTORNEY CITY ATTORNEY ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY SECRETARY TO C. ATTORNEY TOTAL CITY ATTORNEY 1985-86 NUMBER ALLOCATED 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 .00 6.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 l.UO 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 9.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1986-87 BUDGET REQUEST 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 7.00 1.00 1.00 l.UO 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00i.uo 9.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 REQUEST OVER (UNDER) 1985-86 ALLOCATED .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .OU .00 l.OU 1.00 .00 .OU .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .OU .00 o 3.00 3.00 00 PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 FINANCE FINANCE DIRECTOR ASSISTANT FINANCE DIRECTOR ADMINIST. ASSIST. II ACCOUNTANT ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN ACCOUNT CLERK II AUDITOR RECEPTIONIST CASHIER ACCOUNT CLERK I SECRETARY 1 I TOTAL FINANCE RISK MANAGEMENT RISK MANAGER SECRETARY I TOTAL RISK MANAGEMENT PURCHASING PURCHASING OFFICER ACCOUNT CLERK I 1 BUYER STUREKEEPER TOTAL PURCHASING PERSONNEL PERSONNEL DIRECTOR ADMINIST. ASSIST. II SECRETARY I COMPENSATION TECH TOTAL PERSONNEL 1985-86 NUMBER ALLOCATED 1. 00 1.00 .00 3.00 1.00 4. UO ' .00 1.00 1.00 1.00 13.00 .00 .00 .00 1.00 1.00 1.00 .00 3.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1086-87 BUDGET REQUEST 1.00 l.UQ 1.00 3.00 1.00 5.00 1.00 .00 1.00 1.00 15.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 REQUEST OOER ( UNDER ) 1985-86 ALLOCATED .00 .OU 1.00 .00 .00 l.OU 1.00 (1.00) .00 .00 2.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 .00 .00 .00 1.00 1.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 {' '*•1 J 5.00 5.00 .00 PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS MGR. OF RESEARCH & ANALYSIS ADMINIST. ASSIST. II ADMINIST. ASSIST. I SECRETARY I TOTAL RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS BUILDING INSPECTION BUILDING OFFICIAL PR INC. BUILDING INSPECTOR BUILDING INSPECTOR III BUILDING INSPECTOR II BUILDING INSPECTOR I SECRETARY II CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER PERMIT CLERK TOTAL BUILDING COM. DEVELOPMENT ADMINIST. COMMUNITY DEUEL. DIRECTOR ADMINIST. ASSIST. II RECEPTION IST/OPERATOR TOTAL COM. DEU. ADMINIST. 1985-86 NUMBER ALLOCATED 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 .00 1.00 2.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 .00 10.00 .00 .00 .00 1986-87 BUDGET REQUEST 1.00 2.00 l.UO 1.00 5.00 .00 1.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 11.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 REQUEST OUER ( UNDER ) 1985-86 ALLOCATED .UU .00 .OU .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 (1.00) 1.00 .00 .00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 c £ \ .00 3.00 3.00 PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION X<H 76 POLICE 77 POLICE CHIEF 78 POLICE CAPTAIN 79 POLICE LIEUTENANT 80 POLICE SERGEANT 81 SENIOR POLICE OFFICER 82 POLICE OFFICER 83 RECORDS AND COMMINIC. SUPERU. 84 SUPERUIS. COMMUNICATOR 89 COMMUNICATIONS OPERATOR I 86 COMMINICATIONS OPERATOR II 87 POLICE RECORDS CLERK I 88 POLICE SERVICES AIDE 89 SECRETARY II 90 SECRETARY I 91 TOTAL POLICE 92 FIRE CHIEF BATTALION CHIEF CAPTAIN CAPTAIN SPECIALIST ENGINEER FIGHTERFIGHTER SPECIALISTFIGHTER - PARAMEDIC1EDIC - FIRE FIGHTER:TARY 11C TYPIST IIPREVENTION OFFICER I PREVENT I ON OFF ICER I IPREVENT 1 ON OFF ICER I I I TOTAL FIRE 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 FIRE'FIRE FIRE FIRE FIRE FIRE FIRE FIRE PARAI SECRI CLERI FIRE FIRE FIRE 1985-86 NUMBER ALLOCATED 1.00 2.00 5.00 8.00 15.00 31.00 1.00 .00 2.00 8.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 l.UO 80.00 1.00 3.00 9.00 2.00 9.00 15.00 1.00 9.00 .00 1.00 1.00 1.00 .00 .00 1986-87 BUDGET REQUEST 1.00 2.00 5.00 9.00 15.00 30.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 8.00 4.00 3.00 1.00 l.UO 86.00 1.00 3.00 12.00 2.00 12.00 12.00 .00 9.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 REQUEST OVER ( UNDER ) 1985-86 ALLOCATED .00 .00 .00 l.OU .00 (1.00) .00 1.00 3.00 .00 1.00 1.00 .00 .00 6.00 .00 .00 3.00 .00 3.00 (3.00) (1.00) .00 3.00 .00 .00 .00 1.00 2.0U 107 52.00 60.00 8.00 PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION 108 ENGINEERING ADMINISTRATION 109 CITY ENGINEER 110 ADMINIST. ASSIST. II 111 SECRETARY I I 112 WORD PROCESSING OPER. I 113 WORD PROCESSING OPER. II 114 CLERK TYPIST II 115 CLERK TYPIST 1 116 TOTAL ENGINEERING 117 ENGINEERING DEUELOPMENT 118 ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER 119 PRINCIPAL CIUIL ENGINEER 120 ASSOCIATE CIUIL ENGINEER 121 ASSISTANT CIUIL ENGINEER 122 ENGINEERING TECH I 123 SR. CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR 124 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR 125 PERMIT CLERK 126 CLERK TYPIST II 127 TOTAL DEUELOPMENT 128 ENGIN. MUNICIPAL PROJECTS 129 ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER 130 PRINCIPAL CIUIL ENGINEER 131 ASSOCIATE CIUIL ENGINEER 132 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR 133 ENGINEERING TECH. II 134 ENGINEERING TECH.I 135 ADMINIST. ASSISTANT II 136 SECRETARY I 137 UORD PROCESS. OPERATOR I 138 TOTAL MUNI PROJECTS 1985-86 NUMBER ALLOCATED 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 .00 1.00 1.00 6.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 5.00 .00 .00 15.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 .00 1986-87 BUDGET REQUEST 1.00 1.00 l.UO .00 1.00 .00 1.00 5.00 1.00 l.UO 4.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 7.00 1.00 1.00 19.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 .00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 REQUEST OUER (UNDER) 1985-86 ALLOCATED .00 .00 .OU (1.00) 1.00 (1.00) .00 (1.00) .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 2.00 l.OU 1.00 4.00 .00 .00 2.00 (2.00) .00 .00 .00 .00 1.00 10.00 11.00 1.00 PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION 139 ENGINEERING - TRAFFIC X H X 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 PR1NC. C1UIL ENGINEER/TRAFFIC ENGINEERING TtCH. II TOTAL TRAFFIC GRAND TOTAL ENGINEERING PLANNING PLANNING DIRECTOR ADMINIST. ASSIST. 11 ASSIST. PLANNING DIRECTOR SENIOR PLANNER ASSISTANT PLANNER ASSOCIATE PLANNER TRANSPORTATION PLANNER GRAPHICS TECHNICIAN SECRETARY II CLERK TYPIST I I WORD PROCESSING OPERATOR II TOTAL LAND USE PLANNING DEVELOPMENT PROCSS. SUCS. DEUEL. PROCESS. SUCS. MGR PRINCIP. CIUIL ENG. ASSOCIATE CIUIL ENGINEER ASSISTANT CIUIL ENGINEER ENGINEERING TECH. II TECHNICIAN I ASSOCIATE PLANNER PLANNING TECH. II CLERK TYPIST I BUILDING TECH. II TOTAL DEUEL. PROCESS. SUCS. BLOCK GRANT ADMINIST. ADMINIST. ASSIST. ASSIST. I I I 1989-86 NUMBER ALLOCATED 1.00 1.00 2.00 33.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 .50 1.00 1.00 2.00 16.90 1.00 .00 1.00 .00 1.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 10.00 .50 .00 1986-87 ' BUDGET REQUEST 1.00 1.00 2.00 37.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 17.00 1.00 1.00 .00 1.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 .00 1.00 10.00 .50 .50 REQUEST OUER (UNDER) 1985-86 ALLOCATED .01) .00 .00 4.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 (1.00) 1.00 .00 .50 .00 .00 .00 .50 .01) 1.00 (1.00) 1.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 (1.00) .00 .00 .00 .50 TOTAL BLOCK GRttNT .50 l.UO .50 PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION XX 1 L1BRARY 2 LIBRARY DIRECTOR 3 ASSISTANT LIBRARY DIRECTOR 4 ADMINIST. ASSIST. II . 5 ARTS COORDINATOR 6 LIBRARIAN III - LITERACY 7 L1BRAR1AN III 8 LIBRARIAN II 9 LIBRARIAN I 10 AUDIO UISUAL SPECIALIST 11 LIBRARY ASSISTANT III 12 LIBRARY ASSISTANT II 13 LIBRARY ASSISTANT I 14 LIBRARY CLERK II 15 SECRE1ARY II 16 CLERK TYPIST II 17 GRAPHIC ARTIST 18 TOTAL LIBRARY 1985-86 NUMBER ALLOCATED 1.00 l.UO 1.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 8.00 .00 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1986-87 BUDGET REQUEST 1.00 l.UO 1.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 1.00 2.UO 1.00 1.00 8.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 l.UO REQUEST OVER ( UNDER ) 1985-86 ALLOCATED .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .OU .00 1.00 .00 .00 .00 l.OU .00 .OU .00 .00 28.00 30.00 2.00 o PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION XX 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 PARKS AND RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION DIR. PARK PLANNER AUM1NIST. ASSIST. II SR. CITIZENS COORDINATOR SECRETARY II CLERK TYPIST II RECEPTIONIST CASHIER PARKS SUPERINTENDENT PARKS SUPERUISOR PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER III II I BUILDING MAI NT. SUPERUISOR BUILDING MAI NT. WORKER CUSTOD1 AN 11 CUSTODIAN BUILDING MAI NT. CARPENTER TREE TRIMMER LEADUORKER TREE TRIMMER I 1 TREE TRIMMER I RECREATION SUPERINTENDENT PRINCIPAL RECR. SUPERU. RECREATION SUPERUISOR II RECREATION SUPERUISOR I FACILITY CENTER MANAGER RECREATION SPECIALIST I AQUATICS SUPERUISOR TOTAL PARKS AND RECREATION 1985-86 NUMBER ALLOCATED 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 4.00 7.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 .00 .00 1.00 1986-87 BUDGET REQUEST 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 5.00 6.00 6.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 6.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 .00 1.00 1.00 .00 3.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 REQUEST OUER (UNDER) 1985-86 ALLOCATED .OU .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1.00 .00 .00 1.00 (1.00) 5.00 .00 .00 .00 4.00 .00 .00 1.00 (1.00) .00 .00 (1.00) 1.00 1.00 3.00 .00 39.00 53.00 14.00 PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION XX 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 UT1LITIES/MAINTENANCE UTILI1IES/MAINTENANCE DiR. ADMINIST. ASSISTANT II SECRETARY I I CLERK TYPIST I PRINC. C1U1L ENG.-TRAFFIC ENGINEERING TECH II STREET MAINTENANCE'SUPT. STREET MAINTENANCE SUPERU. STREET MAINTENANCE WORKER III STREET MAINTENANCE WORKER 11 STREET MAINTENANCE WORKER I ELECTRICIAN II ELECT. OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR TOTAL OT1LI TIES/MAINTENANCE HOUSING HOOSING PROG. ADMINIST HOOSING SPECIALIST I ADMINIST. ASSIST. I CLERK TYPIST 1 TOTAL HOUSING WATER WATER SUPERINTENDENT UTILITY MA I NT. WORKER METER SHOP SUPERVISOR METER READER 11 METER READER I TOTAL WATER I II 1985-86 NUMBER ALLOCATED 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 .00 1.00 1.00 2.00 5.UO 7.00 7.00 1.00 1.00 29.00 .00 l.UO 1.00 l.OU 3.00 .50 .00 1.00 4.00 1.00 1986-87 BUDGET REQUEST 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 l.UO 2.00 5.00 9.00 7.00 1.00 1.00 32.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.UO .50 1.00 1.00 4.00 2.00 REQUEST OVER (UNDER) 1985-86 ALLOCATED .00 .00 .OU .00 1.00 .00 .00 .00 .OU 2.00 .00 .00 .00 3.00 1.00 .00 .00 .00 1.00 .00 i.ou .00 .00 1.00 6.50 8.50 2.00 PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS , BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFI CAT1UN XX 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 U6 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 SANITATION WATER SUPERINTENDENT SEUER MAINTENANCE SUPER. UTILITY MA I NT. WORKER III UTILITY MA1NT. UORKEJ? II UTILITY MAINT. WORKER I UTILITY SYSTEM OPERATOR III UTILITY SYSTEM OPERATOR II TOTAL SANITATION VEHICLE MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT. MAINT. SUPERT. STOREKEEPER EQUIPMENT MECHANIC II EQUIPMENT MECHANIC I EQUIPMENT MECHANIC LEADUORKER EQUIPMENT SERVICE WORKER TOTAL VEHICLE MAINTENANCE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY COMMUNITY REDEVL. MGR. ADMINIST. ASSIST. II ADMINIST. ASSIST. 1 SECRETARY II GRAPHICS TECHNICIAN TOTAL REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY GRAND TOTAL 1985-86 NUMBER ALLOCATED • 'test,..- .50 l.OU 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 7.50 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 7.00 1.00 .50 1.00 1.00 .50 4.00 371.00 1986-87 BUDGET REQUEST .50 l.UO 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 7.50 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 7.00 1.00 .50 .50 1.00 .00 3.00 419.00 REQUEST OVER (UNDER) 1985-86 ALLOCATED .00 .UU (1.00) .00 1.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 (.50) .00 ( .50) (1.00) 48.00 OPERATING REVENUE - 1985-86 BY MAJOR CATEGORY CITY OF CARLSBAD 1905-86 OPERATING BUDGET UTILITIES 9.5% 3.2 PROPERTY TAX 19.0% 6.4 SALES TAX 20.BX 7 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 8.3% 2.8 LICENSES ft PERMITS 6.5% 2.2 OTHER TAXES 6.5% 2.2 STATE SUBVENTIONS 5.0% 1.7 OTHER 24.3% 8.2 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES - $33.7 AMOUNTS IN MILLION DOLLARS OPERATING REVENUE - 1985-86 BY MAJOR CATEGORY CITY OF CARLSBAD 1985-8* OPERATING BUDGET UTILITIES 9.5% 3.2 PROPERTY TAX 19.0% 6.4 SALES TAX 20.8% 7 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 8.3% 2.8 LICENSES * PERMITS 6.5% 2.2 OTHER TAXES 6.5% 2.2 STATE SUBVENTIONS 5.0% 1.7 OTHER 24.3% 8.2 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES - $33.7 AMOUNTS IN MILLION DOLLARS o CITY OF CARLSBAD ESTIMATED REVENUES - 1986-87 CITY SERVICE AMOUNT IN MILLIONS % CITY OF CARLSBAD ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 1986-87 CITY SERVICE AMOUNT IN MILLIONS % SALES TAX $7.0 PROPERTY TAX 6.4 OTHER TAXES 2.2 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 2.8 STATE SUBVENTIONS 1 .7 LICENSES & PERMITS 2.2 UTILITIES 3.2 OTHER 8.2 20.8% 19.0 6.6 8.3 5.0 6.6 9.4 24.3 PUBLIC SAFETY $9.3 PUBLIC WORKS 6.5 UTILITIES 2.8 PARKS AND RECREATION 2.7 LIBRARY 1 .6 REDEVLOPMENT it HOUSING 1.7 GENERAL GOVERNMENT 2.4 OTHER 5.8 28.3 19.8 8.5 8.2 4.8 5.1 7.3 17.6 TOTAL REVENUES 1986-87 $33.7 100.0% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1985-86 $32.8 100.0% May 12, 1986 Mr. Jim Elliot, Finance Director City Of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mr. Elliot: Attached please find the Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau 1985-86 budget summary, 1986-87 budget request, and additional support data and information. This budget has been carefully reviewed, and is a viable framework for the marketing campaign that we will be expanding in the coming year. Our projected fixed costs for the 1986-87 fiscal year assume the continued location of the Visitors Bureau in the depot. At some point in the coming year, the Bureau may assume full utility, in- surance and phone line costs, should the Chamber decide to expand into larger office space. With this in mind, we have built these potential expenses into our budget. Should you have any questions regarding this budget, please do not hesitate to contact me at 729-1786. I look forward to meet- ing you in the near future to discuss our proposed budget. Sincerely, CARLSBAD CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU Hannah E. Frost Manager Enclosure HEFrkr Carlsbad Convention & Visitors Bureau • P.O. Box 4297, Carlsbad, CA 92008 • (619)729-1786 Division of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce ERRATA; The variable total variance for the 1985-86 budget should read ($10,393), not (8,729) as listed. The total expenses variance for the 1985-86 budget should read ($250), not $250 as listed. The carry-over variance for the 1986-87 budget should read ($64,519), not ($64,819) as listed. TABLE OF CONTENTS I. REPORT SUMMARY LETTER II. 1985-86 BUDGET ANALYSIS III. 1986-87 PROJECTED BUDGET IV. DETAILED EXPLANATION OF 1986-87 BUDGET V. MARKET ANALYSIS VI. 1986-87 MARKETING OUTLINE VII. LOCAL PRIVATE INDUSTRY SUPPORT VIII. PRESENT & FUTURE TOURISM ESTIMATED PAYROLL IX. CARLSBAD CENTRAL RESERVATION AND INFORMATION SYSTEM CARLSBAD CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU fei YEAR-END SUMMARY REPORT AND PROJECTIONS Carlsbad Convention & Visitors Bureau • P.O. Box 4297, Carlsbad, CA 92008 • (619)729-1786 Division of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce tARLSBAO ^^ WwtfagOMfoWtM ^ We cannot ignore the immense impact of tourism on our local economy. As a coastal resort destination within easy proximity of all of Southern California's primary attractions, Carlsbad has an enormous amount to offer to the area's millions of visitors. Some 29.2 million tourists came to San Diego County in 1985, each a potential Carlsbad visitor.* Without a strong, directed, and ongoing marketing campaign; however, Carlsbad will miss out on the literally golden opportunity that these visitors present. Competition among the smaller cities of Southern California will become very intense in the next few years for area visitors. Carlsbad can pride itself on being at the forefront of this race. Our goal now is to maintain our front- runner status. Our first year has been remarkable. We have implemented numerous projects and marketing strategies. We would now ask that you, The Council, support our efforts with a firm, long-term commitment. Special events and marketing strat- egies are better planned with foresight and long-range vision rather than merely for their short-term benefits. Enclosed you will find our proposed budget for the 1986-1987 fiscal year and extensive support data. We look forward to meeting with you to further discuss the future marketing plan for this valuable economic resource, tourism, for the city of Carlsbad. Hannah Frost Manager, CCVB Steve Densham Chairman, CCVB Advisory Panel *Data Source: San Diego Convention & Visitors Bureau Carlsbad Convention & Visitors Bureau • P.O. Box 4297, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Division of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce (619)729-1786 CARLSBAD CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU 1985-86 BUDGET ANALYSIS INCOME: City: General Fund Private/Direct •Private/Participating Carry-Over from start-up period TOTAL INCOME: Total $ 200,000 $ 1,170 144,405 65,314 $ 266,484 $ Budget 200,000 $ 870 30,000 65,314 266,184 $ Variance -0- 300 114,405 -0- 300 •Private Participation funds and contributed amounts are not in- cluded in totals as these are disbursed directly to the in- dividual promotions and those expenses are not reflected in the expense section. EXPENSES FIXED COSTS: Acct/Legal Auto/Mileage Employee Benefits Equipment Insurance Office Supplies Payroll Taxes Postage Rent Salaries Telephone Utilities FIXED TOTALS: $ 375 $ 2,662 1,487 5,800 500 7,829 4,913 3,034 -0- 51,705 813 125 $ 79,243 $ 500 $ 3,000 1,000 5,000 500 8,600 4,000 1,000 -0- 44,000 1,000 500 69,100 . .. (125) (338) 487 800 -0- (771) 913 2,034 -0- 7,705 (187) 375 $ 10,143 -continued- CARLSBAD CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU 1985-86 BUDGET ANALYSIS PAGE TWO EXPENSES VARIABLE COSTS Advertising Business Expense Conference/Trade Show Dues & Subscriptions Miscellaneous Printing Professional Service Special Projects VARIABLE TOTALS: TOTAL EXPENSES: Total $ 100,080 482 12,798 1,419 1,939 24,819 7,009 39,490 $ 188,036 $ 267,279 Budget $ 97,665 800 12,000 2,800 3,000 24,000 9,165 48,999 $ 198, U29 $ 267,529 Variance $ 2,415 (318) 798 (1,381) (1,061) 819 (2,156) (9,509) $ (10,393) $ (250) •Totals include projected figures for April, May and June '86. NOTE: Expenses vs. income reflect $795 in debts incurred during the 1985-86 year, but not payable until the 1986-87 budget year. II. 1985-86 BUDGET ANALYSIS ************** *************** INCOME************** City: Gen Fund Private/Direct *Private/Part. Carry-over* ************** TOTAL INCOME **********************************************************************************************************************AUG 85 SEPT 85 OCT 85 NOV 85 DEC 85 JAN 86 FEB 86 MAR 86 APR 86 MAY 86 JUN 86 TOTAL BUDGET VARIANCE********************************************************************************************************************** 44169, 47399. -0- 26042. 23519. 9128. -0- 14405. 8840. 62371. 29441. 265314. 265314. -0- -0- -0- 795. -0- -0- -0- -0- 870. 300. 1170. 870. 300. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 4000. 5055. 1000. 1000. 85400. 42950. 144405. 30000. 114405. 65314. -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- • -0- -0- (65314.) -0- **********************************************************************************************************************44169. 47399.795. 26042. 23519. 9128. -0- *NOTE: Carry-over amounts are not reflected in monthly income totals. EXPENSES FIXED COSTS ************** 15275. 8840. 62671. 29441. 266484. 266184. * PROJECTED * Acct / Legal -0- Auto / Mileage 90 Employ Benefits -0- Equipment 937 Insurance -0- Office Supplies 864. Payroll Taxes 361 . Postage -0- Rent -0- Salaries 5122. Telephone -0- nhilit'ifaQ n_U^XXXUXtta — \J -0- 232. -0- -0- -0- 104. 305. -0- -0- 4323. 208. -0- *********? -0- 260. 311. -0- -0- 327. 636. 27. -0- 4594. 29. -O-\j ********! -0- 260. -0- -0- -0- 1185. 338. -0- -0- 4792. 55. -0_\j — ********! -0- 260. -0- 2500. -0- 352. 338. -0- -0- 4792. 27. -0-\j — ********! -0- 260. -0- -0- -0- -0- 553. -0- -0- 4826. -0- _n-— u ******** 75. 260. 584. -0- -0- 3149. 326. 1057. -0- 4558. 50. 7Sit 3 . *******: -0- 260. -0- 210. -0- 161. 338. -0- -0- 4723. 54. _n-"\j********* 150. 260. -0- -0- -0- 449. 690. 1050. -0- 4623. 230. SO^v . ******** 75. 260. -0- 1500. -0- 716. 338. 450. -0- 4572. 80. ?*** j . *******! 75. 260. 592. 653. 500. 522. 690. 450. -0- 4780. 80. 25i* J . ********* 375. 2662. 1487. 5800. 500. 7829. 4913. 3034. -0- 51705. 813. 1 25i ft j . *********! 500. '3000. 1000. 5000. 500. 8600. 4000. 1000. -0- 44000. 1000. 5<inJ U \J . (125.) (338.) 487. 800. -0- (771.) 913. 2034. -0- ' 7705. (187.) ^75j f j . FIXED TOTAL 7374.5172.6184.6630.8269.5639. 10084. 5746.7502. 8016.8627.79243.69100 .10H3. EXPENSES VARIABLE COSTS Advertising 19426. Business Expense -0- Con/Trade Shows 5704. Dues & Subscrip. 60. Miscellaneous 19. Printing 314. Prof. Services 5431 . Spec. Projects 10307. VARIABLE TOTAL 41261.*********************** 20830. 19. 2385. 438. 1850. 10768. -0- 3400. 39690. ********! 4626. 96. 100. -0- -0- 389. 1078. -0- 6289. ******** 12705. 73. 313. -0- -0- 1683. -0- 5947. 20721 .********i 1553. 73. 60. 621. -0- 197. -0- 302. 2806.********* 19.47. 220. -0- -0- -0- -0- 283. 569.******* -0- 38. 175. -0- -0- -0- -0- 3005. 3218.******* 1100. 6. 781. -0- 70. 8194. -0- 796. 10947.********* *--- -PROJECTED * -0- 24594. 15227. 45. 45. 40. -0- 1715. 1345. -0- 300. -0- -0- -0- -0- 1274. 500. 1500. -0- 500. -0- -0- 15000. 450. 1319. 42654. 18562. A**********************! 100080. 482. 12798. 1419. 1939. 24819. 7009. 39490. 188036.********** 97665. BOO. 12000. 2800. 3000. 24000. 9165. 48999. 198429. (1 2415. (318.) 798. (1381 .) (1061 .) 819. (2156.) (9509.) (8729.) TOTAL EXPENSES 48635. 44862. 12473. 27351. 11075. 6208. 13302. 16693. 8812. 50670. 27189. 267279. 267529. 250.************************************************************************************************************************************ **AMOUNT OVER BUDGET: $ 795. *Notes:-*AUG 85 figures are inclusive of JUL 85 as that was designated as "Start-up Period" -APR 86, MAY 86, JUN 86 are projected figures based on average past monthly expenses and payables due during those periods. **-The amount over budget of $795. reflects debts incurred during the 1985-86 year but not due until the 1986-87 year. CARLSBAD CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU 1986-87 PROPOSED BUDGET VARIANCE OVER INCOME: City /General Fund Private/Direct Central Reservations •Private Participation Carry-Over from '85-' 86 TOTAL INCOME: TOTALS PREVIOUS YEAR'S TOTALS $ 269,364 $ 3,750 12,000 10, 12,000 12, 148,410 4, (795) (.64, $ 292,569 $26, 830 000 005 519) 085 •Private Participation funds and contributed amounts are not eluded in totals as these are disbursed directly to the dividual promotions and those expenses are not reflected in expense section. EXPENSES FIXED COSTS: Acct/Legal Auto/Mileage Employee Benefits Equipment Insurance Office Supplies Payroll Taxes Postage Rent Salaries Telephone Utilities $ 6,000 $ 3,600 1,655 1,716 ( 2,400 6,000 ( 6,924 5,400 1 58,884 1,200 2,125 5,625 938 168 4,084) 1,900 1,829) 2,011 2,366 1 7,179 387 2,000 in- in- the FIXED TOTALS: $ 95,905 $ 16,662 -continued- CARLSBAD CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU 1986-87 PROPOSED BUDGET PAGE TWO EXPENSES Totals VARIABLE COSTS Advertising $ 132,139 Business Expense 970 Convention/Trade Shows 11,675 Dues & Subscriptions 2,134 Miscellaneous 200 Printing 24,250 Professional Services 300 Special Projects 24,996 VARIABLE TOTAL: $ 196,664 •••••• ^B ••> ^B «• ^B •• ^» •• ^* •• MB MB ^B ^» •••••••••••• ^ •»••» ^B •»•• MB MB ••••••^•^ TOTAL EXPENSES: $ 292,569 Variance Over Previous Tear's Total $ 30,394 488 (1,123) 715 (1,739) (569) (6,709) (14,494) » MB M* ••> •» MB *••«••• MB «•>•»• $ 6,964 $ 26,085 III. 1986-87 PROJECTED BUDGET ********************************************************************************** JUL 86 ACJG 86 SEPT 86 OCT 86 NOV 86 DEC 86 JAN 87 FEB 87 MAR 87 APR 87 MAY 87 JUN 87 TOTAL VARIANCE******************************** INCOME************** City/Gen. Fund 50000. Private/Direct 1000. Central Res. 1000. *Private/Part. 70000. Carry-Over (795.)****************************************** 42000. 1000. 1000. N/A -0- 24000. 1000. 1000. 11610. -0- 15000. 1000. 1000. N/A -0- 16000. 1000. 1000. N/A -0- 22000. 1000. 1000. N/A -0- 30000. 1000. 1000. N/A -0- 28000. 1000. 1000. N/A -0- 21000. 1000. 1000. N/A -0- 13000. 1000. 1000. N/A -0- 8364. 1000. 1000. N/A -0- -0- 1000 1000 66800 -0- 269364. 12000. 12000. 148410. 69364. 11130. 12000. 4005. (795.H64819.) TOTAL INCOME 51205.44000. 26000. 17000. 18000. 24000. 32000. 30000. 23000. 15000. 10364.2000.292569. +69439 o *NOTE:-Private Participating funds and contributed amounts are not included in monthly totals as these are disbursed directly to the individual promotions and those expenses are not reflected in the expense section. -N/A: Denotes that final figures will become available as the various promotions and negotiations progress. EXPENSES FIXED COSTS************** Acct / Legal Auto / Mileage Employ Benefits Equipment Insurance Office Supplies Payroll Taxes Postage Rent Salaries Telephone Utilities*************** FIXED TOTAL EXPENSES VARIABLE COSTS************** Advertising : Bus. Expense Con/Trade Shows Dues S Subscrip Miscellaneous Printing Prof. Services Spec. Projects 500. 300. -0- 143. 200. 500. 577. 450. -0- 4907. 100. 200. 500. 300. -0- 143. 200. 500. 577. 450. -0- 4907. 100. 200. 500. 300. 356. 143. 200. 500. 577. 450. -0- 4907. 100. 200. 500. 300. -0- 143. 200. 500. 577. 450. -0- 4907. 100. 175. 500. 300. -0- 143. 200. 500. 577. 450. -0- 4907. 100. 150. 500. 300. -0- 143. 200. 500. 577. 450. -0- 4907. 100. 150. 500. 300. 629. 143. 200. 500. 577. 450. -0- 4907. 100. 175. 500. 300. -0- 143. 200. 500. 577. 450. -0- 4907. 100. 200. 500. 300. -0- 143. 200. 500. 577. 450. -0- 4907. 100. 200. 500. 300. -0- 143. 200. 500. 577. 450. -0- 4907. 100. 175. 500. 300. -0- 143. 200. 500. 577. 450. -0- 4907. 100. 150. ********************************************************************************************************** 500. 300. 670. 143. 200. 500. 577. 450. -0- 4907. 100. 150.******* 6000. 3600. 1655. 1716. 2400. 6000. 6924. 5400. 1 . 58884. 1200. 2125. ********> 5625. 938. 168. (4084.) 1900. (1829.) 2011 . 2366. -0- 7179. 387. 2000. t*********** 7697.7636. 8233. 7852. 7827. 7827. 8481.7877.7877. 7852. 7827.8497. 95905. +16662. 3453. -0- 5070. -0- -0- -0- -0- 1636. 20952. 100. 250. 438. -0- 6000. -0- 7000. 11022. 100. 650. -0- 100. 400. -0- 1636. 3577. 120. 710. -0- -0- 750. -0- 1636. 4813. 75. 450. 621 . -0- 200. -0- 1636. 11764. 75. 1100. -0- -0- -0- -0- 1636. 11914. 100. 625. 350. -0- 6000. -0- 1636. 13236 75 850 -0- -0- 5000 -0- 1636 9396. 100. 780. -0- 100. 500. 300. 1636. 850. 100. 590. 225. -0- 1500. -0- 1636. 4823. 75. 600. -0- -0- 3000. -0- 1636. 6338. 50. -0- 500. -0- 900. -0- 1636. 132139. 970. 11675. 2134. 200. 24250. 300. 24996. 30394. 488. (1123. 715. (1739. (569. (6709. (14494. ************************************************************************************************************************************ VARIABLE TOTAL 41759. 34740. 15908. 6793. 7795. 14575. 20625. 20797. 12812. 4901. 10134. 9474. 196664. +6964.************************************************************************************************************************************ TOTAL EXPENSES 49456. 42376. 24141. 14645. 15633. 22402. 29106. 28674. 20689. 12753. 17961. 17971. 292569. +26085.************************************************************************************************************************************* -THIS PROJECTION INCLUDES $4000 IN ANTICIPATED ADVERTISING RATE INCREASES. ^DETAILED EXPLANATION OF ftp#5-87 BUDGET INCOME ****** CITY/GENERAL FUND: $269,364. PRIVATE/DIRECT: $12,000. CENTRAL RESERVATIONS: $12,000. CARRY-OVER: ($795.) This figure of $269364. represents an increase of $ 2880. over the 1985-86 total available funds of $268,943. This increase is necessary due to Bureau's increased portion of expenses that were absorbed by the Chamber of Commerce. We anticipate an increase in additional funds from private industry due to the various programs we are implementing in the 1986-87 year. We anticipate a 12-month projected income of $12000. from the system. For simplification, we have spread the income over the 12 month period. The figure represents a negative amount of $795. for expenses incurred during the 1985-86 year but not due until the first month of the new budget year. FIXED EXPENSES************** ACCOUNTING/LEGAL: $6,000. AUTO/MILEAGE: $3,600. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS; $1,655. EQUIPMENT: $1 ,716. INSURANCE: $2,400. OFFICE SUPPLIES; $6,000.- PAYROLL TAXES: $6,924. This amount reflects an increase of $5625. over the previous year due to the overload of the Bureau's accounting on the present Chamber bookkeeper. We intend to hire a part-time accountant to insure budget / expense accuracy and procedure. This reflects an increase of $938. due to increased Bureau participation in trade shows and regional convention and visitor bureau meetings. This reflects an increase of $168. due to antici- pated increases in benefits costs of 5%. This reflects a decrease from the prior year of $4084. as most needed equipment was purchased dur- ing 1985-86. The amount shown of $1716. is for the annual lease amount for a copy machine that had previously been provided by the Chamber. This amount reflects an increase of $1900. due to the need for the Bureau to now provide our own insurance. The Chamber had previously paid the ma^jor portion. This reflects a decrease of $1829. due to start- ups costs incurred in the previous year. This reflects an increase of $2011. due to an estimated payroll increase. POSTAGE: $5,400. RENT: $1. SALARIES: $58,884. TELEPHONE: $1,200. UTILITIES: $2,125. This amount reflects an increase of $2366. due to the Bureau's increased advertising response demand. A major portion of the prior year's postage was pro- vided by the Chamber. No change. This amount reflects an increase of $7179. based on an annual employee cost of living increase of $3102. (6%) and anticipated salary merit raises of $4077. This amount reflects an increase of $387. due to increased business. This amount reflects an increase of $2000. due to the Bureau assuming its portion of utilities. The major portion of this was previously provided by the Chamber. VARIABLE EXPENSES ***************** ADVERTISING: $132,139. BUSINESS EXPENSES: $970. CONVENTION & TRADE SHOWS: $11 ,675. MISCELLANEOUS! $200. PRINTING: $24,250. This amount reflects an increase of $30394. due to anticipated advertising rate increases and the re- assigning of funds from other variable expense cat- agories that are not required for this year. This amount reflects an increase of $488. due to increased attendance at various trade shows tourism meetings and conventions. This amount reflects a decrease of $1123. due to cost-sharing programs being implemented. Through these programs we are doubling our trade show at- tendance while showing a decrease in the costs. This amount reflects a decrease of $1739. as we do not anticipate any undefined expenses not cov- ered that will exceed $200. This amount reflects a decrease of $569. due to start-up costs previously incurred. The decrease is minimal due to the increasing demand for printed materials. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: $300. SPECIAL PROJECTS: $24,996. This amount reflects a decrease of $6709. due to start-up costs previously incurred and which are no longer reguired. The only anticipated costs expected in this area are for a CPA review of accounting procedures or minimal legal opinion. This amount reflects a decrease of $14494. due to many programs, events, and projects being sponsor- ed by private industry for the up coming year. V. MARKET ANALYSIS Due to increased public awareness and uncertainties concerning inter- national terrorism, domestic travel within the United States is ex- pected to increase dramatically to the California market. Coupled with the lowest cost of air travel in recent years, we expect a large increase in domestic airline usage as the preferred mode of travel from the markets outside of Los Angeles and Phoenix. In light of Carlsbad's hotel/resort expansion and new development of recent years, Carlsbad is emerging as a viable and marketable South- ern California resort community. Although the quaint village atmos- phere and beach access can compliment Carlsbad as a desirable vaca- tion resort, certain problems exist in the area of adequate transpor- tation services available from the major points of arrival. This problem only exists in the markets outside of Los Angeles and Phoenix. Because Los Angeles and Phoenix are primarily drive markets, we plan using at least 65% of the marketing budget in those two markets. Although Los Angeles is the primary market for Carlsbad, additional attention should be given to other target markets located through- out the Western United States. Statistics show that travelers com- ing from markets outside produce a longer length of stay and gener- ate more revenue per person for the resort area. However, because of the distance from San Diego/LAX airports and the absence of regularly scheduled ground transportaion services available at the~ present time, the need for arriving airline passengers to utilize rental cars is necessary for their travel to Carlsbad. Because the Carlsbad budget does not allow for intensive advertising in many out- side markets, we would recommend the implementation of cooperative advertising and promotional programs and packages with airport rental car companies and airlines. Our plan is to market and promote Carlsbad on a seasonal and limited basis in strong markets such as Denver, San Francisco, Dallas, Seattle, and Vancouver. An additional reason to promote in these markets is that the combination of increased domestic travel and the lowest air fares in years are making Carlsbad extremely affordable. It is important to capitalize on the increased consumer interest and affordability of traveling to Carlsbad while the demand is strong and results can be seen very quickly. Due to the size of the budget Carlsbad presently has, the need exists to go beyond just placing limited advertisements in regional publi- cations in targeted markets. The standard advertising vehicles or publications available in those markets simply don't offer the amount of coverage alone that Carlsbad needs, within their budget, to effectively penetrate those markets. Therefore, we are implementing additional cooperative and cost-sharing marketing techniques with local resorts/hotels, major airlines, and rental car companies to stretch the amount of advertising dollars and exposure. This method has been proven extremely successful in other markets as well as joint ventures we are presently undertaking within our own market. /*""*, <•"">, Market Analysis Page 2 At present there are only two methods travel agents have of obtaining area or hotel/resort information concerning Carlsbad, unless they have been sent information directly from the Convention & Visitors Bureau or a resort property. The two methods are The Hotel/Travel Index Guide and/or subscribing to one of six major airline computer reser- vation and information systems. It is our intention to advertise and promote the Carlsbad area agressively to the travel agent market as that market is directly responsible for as much as 70% of all reservations made. TOURISM MARKETS I • J Seattle NUMBERS INDICATE CARLSBAD TOURISM MARKETS IN ORDER OF PRIORITY • VI. 1986-87 MARKETING OUTLINE OBJECTIVE: To create a recognizable increase in tourism revenues for the fiscal year of July 1986 through June 1987. A. Create consumer demand for Carlsbad. B. Educate travel industry or agents about Carlsbad. C. Sell or book the area. STRATEGY; 1. Schedule media placement for the targeted markets by the seasonal nature of each market. 2. Design the graphic look of the generic ads (magaz ines). 3. Design impulse ads targeted to that particular market and season (newsprint or city magazines) to create immediate response in the form of bookings (i.e. price, availability, summer heat, winter cold). 4. Plan joint target area radio and T.V. promotions to coincide with the advertisements according to the target period for that market (i.e. Phoenix, July - August/Denver, February - March). 5. Coordinate targeted travel agent FAMILIARIZATION TOURS to Carlsbad prior to consumer ads appearing in each of the respective markets. 6. Apply suggestive pressure to publications we adver- tise in to print travel oriented articles about the Carlsbad area. 7. Use co-op advertising funds from the major airline carriers and rental car companies to defray some of the costs of consumer advertising. 8. Place Carlsbad area information on all airline and travel agent computer information/reservation sys- tems. 9. Arrange for travel writers from outlying markets to come to Carlsbad for the purpose of gathering information from which to produce articles. CLIENT: CARLSBAD CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU P. O. Box 4297, Carlsbad CA. 92008 (619)729-1786 SUBJECT: 1986-87 CONSUMER PRINT ADVERTISING BUDGET & SCHEDULE****************************************************************** ORDER EDITION/ ISSUE ON MONTH PUBLICATION REGION MONTH SALE****************************************************************** BUDGET: $ 130,000 CONTACT: Ms. Hannah E. Frost, Manager PRODUCT: Southern California Costal Resort MARTKET: PRIME: LAX-PHX SECONDARY: SFO-DEN-VNC ***************************************************************** AD AD SPACE ART SIZE COLOR DEADLINE DEADLINE FREQ. (CPM) RATE***************************************************************** Mayu it M it u Juneti 11 n M II II JulyiiMuMnun Augustn ii M it M Septemberii u M i 1 • 1 i i i n Denver Post Nwspr Travel & Leisure Los Angeles Mag. Phoenix Magazine Sunset Mag-Travel Dr California Magazine Los Angeles Mag. Phoenix Magazine Sunset Mag-Travel Dr Phoenix Republic Phoenix Gazette Hotel/Travel Index Hotel /Travel Index Phoenix Republic Phoenix Gazette Travel & Leisure Los Angeles Mag. Phoenix Magazine Phoenix Republic Phoenix Gazette Sunset Mag-Travel Dr Travel & Leisure Los Angeles Mag. L.A. Times-Travel L.A. Times-Travel San Francisco Focus Sunset Mag-Travel Dr L.A. Times-Travel L.A. Times-Travel Phoenix Republic Phoenix Gazette Los Angeles Mag. San Francisco Focus L.A. Times-Travel L.A. Times-Travel Phoenix Republic Phoenix Gazette Hotel/Travel Index Hotel/Travel Index Sunset Mag-Travel Dr Reg-Travel Sec Western Regional Regional .Central Northern Regional Regional .Central Reg-Travel Sec TU-Travel Sec Nat'l/SD N Sec Nat'1/Clsb Sec Reg -Travel Sec TU- -Travel Sec Western Regional Regional Reg-Travel Sec TU- -Travel Sec .Central Western Regional S.F. Valley Orange County Regional .Central S.F. Valley Orange County Reg-Travel Sec TU- -Travel Sec Regional Regional S.F. Valley Orange County Reg -Travel Sec TU--Travel Sec Nat'l/SD N Sec Nat'1/Clsb Sec .Central May July July July July July August August August June July Sept. Sept. July July Sept. Sept. Sept. July July Sept. October October August August October October Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. November November Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Dec. Dec. Nov. 05/18 06/25 06/25 06/25 06/25 06/25 07/25 07/25 06/25 06/29 07/01 08/25 08/25 07/13 07/15 08/25 08/25 08/25 07/27 07/29 08/25 09/25 09/25 08/17 08/17 09/19 09/25 09/14 09/14 09/14 09/16 10/25 11/19 09/28 09/28 09/28 09/30 12/01 12/01 10/25 3colx6 1/3 1/2 1/2 4"x2-1/4 1/2 1/2 1/2 4"x2-1/4 2colx5" 2colx5" 1/2 1"x 4" 2colx5" 2colx5" 1/3 1/2 1 /2ver 2colx5" 2colx5" 4"x2-1/4 1/3 1/3 2colX5" 2colX5" 1/2 4"x2-1/4 2colX5" 2colX5" 2colx5" 2colx5" 1/3 1/2 2colx5" 2colx5" 2colx5" 2cblx5" 1/8 1" x 4" 4"x2-1/4 B&W B&W B&W 4 -COLOR B&W B&W 4 -COLOR 4 -COLOR B&W B&W B&W 4 -COLOR B&W B&W B&W B&W 4 -COLOR 4 -COLOR B&W B&W B&W B&W B&W B&W B&W B&W B&W B&W B&W B&W B&W B&W B&W B&W B&W BiW B&W B&W B&W B&W 05/05/86 05/09/86 05/28/86 05/24/86 05/08/86 05/25/86 06/28/86 06/21/86 06/08/86 06/20/86 06/25/86 06/01/86 06/01/86 07/04/86 07/09/86 07/10/86 07/28/86 07/21/86 07/18/86 07/23/86 07/08/86 08/10/86 08/28/86 08/11/86 08/11/86 08/25/86 08/08/86 08/08/86 08/08/86 09/05/86 09/10/86 09/28/86 09/25/86 09/22/86 09/22/86 09/19/86 09/24/86 09/01/86 09/01/86 09/09/86 05/13/86 05/21/86 06/05/86 06/01/86 05/08/86 05/25/86 07/05/86 07/01/86 06/08/86 06/24/86 06/27/86 06/13/86 06/13/86 07/08/86 07/11/86 07/21/86 08/05/86 08/01/86 07/22/86 07/25/86 07/08/86 08/21/86 09/05/86 08/13/86 08/13/86 08/25/86 08/08/86 08/10/86 08/10/86 09/09/86 09/12/86 10/01/86 09/25/86 09/25/86 09/25/86 09/23/86 09/26/86 09/15/86 09/15/86 09/09/86 6X 6X 3X 6-11X 1X 6X 3X 6-11X 8X 8X 4X 4X 8X 8X 6X 6X 3X 8X 8X 6-11X 6X 6X 80" co 80 "co 6X 6-11X 80"co 80"co12X 12X 6X 6X 80"co 80"co 12X 12X 4X 4X 6-11X 6.00 9.24 19.88 42.35 1.50 14.12 TOTAL: 26.33 42.35 1 .50 2.19 1.67 TOTAL: 2.19 1.67 9.24 26.33 42.35 2.19 1 .67 TOTAL : 12.39 10.69 1.30 1 .53 13.00 TOTAL: 1 .30 1.53 2.19 1 .67 10.69 13.00 1.30 1.53 2.19 1.67 1.50 $ 2,940.00 $ 2,230.20 $ 3,280.00 $ 2,160.00 $ 898.44 $ 1 ,770.00 $13,278.64 $ 4,345.0of ) $ 2,160.00 " $ 898.44 $ 974.20 $ 171.10 $ 3,580.00 $ 485.00 $12,613.74 $ 974.20 $ 171.10 $ 2,230.20 $ 4,345.00 $ 2,160.00 $ 974.20 $ 171.10 $ 898.44 $11,924.24 $ 2,230.20/ \ $ 1 ,765.00\J $ 319.00 $ 325.00 $ 2,290.00 $ 898.44 $ 7,827.64 $ 319.00 $ 325.00 $ 974.20 $ 171 .10 $ 1 ,765.00 $ 2,290.00 319.00 325.00 974.20 171 .10 880.00 485.00 898.44 TOTAL: $ 9,897.04 October L.A. Times-Travel L.A. Times-Travel Phoenix Republic Phoenix Gazette S.F. Valley Orange County Reg-Travel Sec TO--Travel Sec November December January February San Francisco Focus Regional Vancouver Magazine Regional Sunset Mag-Travel Dr.Central Travel & Leisure Mid-West San Francisco Focus Regional Vancouver Magazine Regional Sunset Mag-Travel Dr.Central Hotel/Travel Index Nat'l/SD N Sec Hotel/Travel Index Nat'1/Clsb Sec Travel & Leisure Mid-West San Francisco Focus Regional Vancouver Magazine Regional Sunset Mag-Travel Dr.Central Los Angeles Mag. Regional Travel & Leisure Western San Francisco Focus Regional Los Angeles Mag. Regional Sunset Mag-Travel Dr.Central Denver Post-Travel Denver March Denver Post-Travel Travel & Leisure Hotel/Travel Index Hotel/Travel Index Los Angeles Mag. Phoenix Magazine Denver Western Nat'l/SD N Sec Nat'l/SD N Sec Regional Regional April Sunset Mag-Travel Dr.Central Los Angeles Mag. Regional Phoenix Magazine Regional Sunset Mag-Travel Dr.Central Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. April April April April Mar. Mar. May June June May May May June June June 10/05 10/05 10/12 10/14 12/19 12/23 12/23 01/25 01/19 01/25 01/23 02/25 02/25 02/25 02/19 02/25 02/23 02/25 03/25 03/19 03/25 03/23 03/08 03/15 04/25 05/25 05/25 04/25 04/25 04/23 05/25 05/25 05/23 2colx5" 2colx5" 2colx5" 2colx5" 1/3 1/2 4"x2-1/4 1/3 1/2 1/2 4"x2-1/4 1/2 1"x 4" 1/3 1/2 1/2 4"x2-1/4 1/3 1/2 1/2 1/2 4"x2-1/4 2colx5" 2colx5" 1/3 1/2 1"x 4" 1/3 1/2 4"x2-1/4 1/2 1/2 4"x2-1/4 B&W B4W B&W B&W B&W 4 -COLOR B&W B&W B&W 4 -COLOR B&W 4-COLOR B&W B&W 4-COLOR 4-COLOR B&W B&W B&W B&W B&W B&W B&W B&W B&W B&W B&W B&W 4-COLOR B&W B&W 4-COLOR B&W 09/29/86 09/29/86 10/03/86 10/08/86 11/25/86 11/20/86 11/08/86 12/10/86 12/20/86 12/20/86 12/08/86 12/01/86 12/01/86 01/10/87 01/20/87 01/20/87 01/08/87 01/28/87 02/10/87 02/20/87 02/28/87 02/08/87 02/27/87 03/06/87 03/10/87 03/01/87 03/01/87 03/28/87 03/21/87 03/08/87 04/28/87 04/21/87 04/08/87 10/01/86 10/01/86 10/07/86 10/10/86 12/01/86 11/23/86 11/08/86 12/19/86 12/26/86 12/23/86 12/08/86 12/15/86 12/15/86 01/19/87 01/26/87 01/23/87 01/08/87 02/05/87 02/19/87 02/26/87 03/05/87 02/08/87 03/02/87 03/09/87 03/19/87 03/15/87 03/15/87 04/05/87 04/01/87 03/08/87 05/05/87 05/01/87 04/08/87 80 "co 80" co 12X 12X 6X 3X 6-11X 6X 6X 3X 6-11X 4X 4X 6X 6X 6X 6-11X 6X 6X 6X 6X 6-11X 6X 4X 4X 6X 6X 6-11X 6X 3X 6-11X 1.30 1 .53 2.19 1.67 TOTAL: 10.98 23.63 1.50 TOTAL: 11.32 10.98 23.63 1.50 TOTAL: 22.48 16.40 23.63 1.50 10.69 TOTAL: 16.33 16.40 19.88 1.50 2.37 TOTAL: 2.37 11.15 10.69 42.35 1.50 TOTAL: 19.88 42.35 1.50 $ 319.00 $ 325.00 $ 974.20 $ 171.10 $ 1 ,789.30 $ 1 ,650.00 $ 1 ,440.14 $ 898.44 $ 3,988.58 $ 2,111.4Qf\ $ 1 ,650.00\ . / $ 1 ,440.14 $ 898.44 $ 3,580.00 $ 485.00 $10,164.98 $ 2,111 .40 $ 2,600.00 $ 1 ,440.10 $ 898.44 $ 1 ,765.00 $ 8,814.98 $ 4,003.20 $ 1 ,650.00 $ 3,280.00 $ 898.44 $ 980. Off \ $10,811 .64 $ 980.00 $ 2,738.70 $ 2,890.00 $ 485.00 $ 1,765.00 $ 2,160.00 $ 898.44 $12,017.14 $ 3,280.00 $ 2,160.00 $ 898.44 TOTAL: $ 6,338.44 LOCAL PRIVATE INDUSTRYUPPORT FOR CARLSBAD CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU 1985-1986 EVENT PARTICIPATING BUSINESS Mony Tournament of Champions City of Carlsbad Reception 5K Race Sponsorships 5K Race/Complimentary Rooms for Runners Trade Show Participation (These figures represent only matching participation at trade shows attended by the CCVB; many properties have attended additional shows on their own. Consultant Services/ Equivalents (These figures reflect monthly advisory meeting attendance for the CCVB Advisory Panel.) Carlsbad Inn Tamarack Beach Resort* Carlsbad Inn* Dooley McCluskey's* Lavase Distributors* Economy Inns* Tiger Shoe Company* Tri-City Hospital* Continental Airlines Irst National Bank of North PARTICIPATING DOLLARS *Indicates Cash Participation; Otherwise, Figures Indicate In-Kind Services. $ 3,000.00 84,000.00 County* Road Runner Athletics* Car Country Carlsbad* Blade-Tribune KKOS KVSD Carlsbad Inn A,050.00 Lexington Hotel Suites .Pea Soup Andersen's Carlsbad Lodge Ocean Manor Motel Economy Inns Beach Terrace Inn Beach View Lodge Carlsbad Inn 4,055.00 Tamarack Beach Resort Pea Soup Andersen's Beach View Lodge Beach Terrace Inn Neimans 12,000.00 Carlsbad Inn The Broadway Tobo Investments Attorney at Law South Coast Newspapers Automobile Club of Southern CA City Public Information Officer La Costa Hotel & Spa LOCAL & PRIVATE INBu^TKJ SUPPORT ' W PAGE 2 . "•* , PARTICIPATING EVENT PARTICIPATING BUSINESS DOLLARS Denver Radio Promotion Continental Airlines & $ 36,900.00 Carlsbad Inn TOTAL PARTICIPATING DOLLARS: $144.405.00 EMPLOYED IN 1984 1241 CURRENTLY EMPLOYED BY HOTELS/MOTELS IN CARLSBAD 1487 WILL BE EMPLOYED BY 1990 3412 TOTAL PAYROLL IN 1984 $ 17,994,500 TOTAL PAYROLL CURRENT $ 21,561,500 TOTAL ANTICIPATED PAYROLL IN 1990 $ 46,574,000 VIII. PRESENT & FUTURE TOURISM ESTIMATED PAYROLL PROPERTY BUILT SINCE 1984 TOTAL EMPLOYEES TOTAL PAYROLL * (based on $14,500) ALL STAR INN BEACH TERRACE INN BEACH VIEW LODGE CARLSBAD INN CARLSBAD LODGE EBB TIDE MOTEL ECONOMY INN NO NO YES NO NO YES tLA COSTA HOTEL YES | ($60 MILLION EXPANSION) ILEXINGTON HOTEL SUITES OCEAN MANOR MOTEL OLYMPIC RESORT HOTEL PEA SOUP ANDERSEN'S (MAJOR SCANDIA MOTEL SIXPENCE INN SURF MOTEL TAMARACK BEACH RESORT TRAVELODGE TRAVEL INN PROJECTED: TWIN INNS RESORT HOTEL NEW DOWNTOWN HOTEL PACIFIC RIM SAMMIS DEVELOPMENT HOTEL YES NO YES YES EXPANSION) NO NO NO YES YES NO YES YES YES YES 25 30 46 13 5 20 1200 CURRENT 1700 UPON EXPANSION 20 15 20 28 5 15 5 10 20 10 250 15 350 60 362,500 435,000 667,000 188,500 72,500 290,000 17,400,000 CURRENT 21,750,000 UPON EXPANSION 290,000 217,500 290,000 406,000 72,500 217,500 72,500 145,000 290,000 145,000 3,625,000 217,500 17,400,000 870,000 * Based on an estimated average salary of $14,500. The Competitive The CENTRAL RESERVATION SYSTEM was designed for the Convention and Visitors Bureau. The competition among the larger tourism associations and bureaus to increase their marketing abilities in attracting the des- tination travelers has increased dramatically over the past years. The financial resources available to those associations have enabled them to pursue the more expensive direct marketing approaches to attracting tourism to their specific area or resorts. As a result, many of these associations have installed their own "toll-free" central reservation systems in conjunction with their advertising. This insures a more controllable advantage of placing that traveler in their own area, rather than risk a travel agent placing the traveler in some other area or region. This can be due to an agent being uninformed as to other accommodations available in the area, transportation services unavail- able, or other reasons. The CENTRAL RESERVATION SYSTEM was never designed to undermine or by- pass the traveler's use of travel agents. It is designed as an inform- ative marketing tool used to aid direct response consumers, travel agents, and tour operators with additional area information and alter- natives that otherwise would not be available. An example of this might be a traveler or travel agent attempting to place reservations at an area's "better-known" or "heavily-advertised" resorts. If those resorts are unable to take the reservation due to being overbooked or sold-out and any alternate dates would conflict with the traveler's schedule, the traveler would be forced to change their vacation to another area because they would be unaware of any other accommodations available. The CENTRAL RESERVATION SYSTEM would allow a qualified CRS individual to attempt to find and sell other local accommodations to the interested traveler. This enables a more controllable chance that the traveler will remain within the community. Our CENTRAL RESERVATION SYSTEM now allows the small to mid-size or- ganization the opportunity to increase its marketing effectiveness without the need or large expense of installing and operating a system of this nature with qualified personnel AT ABSOLUTELY NO COST TO THE CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU. The travel and hospitality industry has and continues to use commission- able room rates, rental car rates, and airline fares. These rates are commissionable to recognized travel agents, tour operators, and reser- vation systems at varying rates usually around 10% of the amount of the room or fare. This commissionable rate does not effect or increase the rate or fare that a traveler would pay if they booked directly them- selves. This "commission" is the CENTRAL RESERVATION SYSTEM'S source of revenue and an additional source of revenue for the Convention & Visitors Bureau based on their 30% portion of all net revenues generated by CRS. _ The CENTRAL RESERVATION SYSTEM also provides numerous other benefits and accurate information at no cost, to the Convention & Visitors Bureau, such as origin of travelers, mode of travel, length of stay, and community tourism revenues generated. This information would normally be attainable by contracting an outside research firm to perform this at great expense and uncertain accuracy. Our CENTRAL RESERVATION SYSTEM provides accurate information as to wheather our advertising dollars are being used effectively in tar- geted markets. This allows us to make cost-saving decisions on our advertising and allows us to place or change our ads quickly to other markets or methods that are more productive for increasing our tourism dollars. This information is supplied to us on a monthly basis so our adver- tising decisions are based on accurate, up-to-date information. One of the greatest advantages of the CENTRAL RESERVATION SYSTEM is that we are able to make immediate reservations for the incoming traveler in whichever hotel/motel, airline, or rental car they select. We are able to inform the traveler of all forms of transportation available to them, as well as which carrier has the least expensive fare available to bring them to our area. Any cost-saving methods of transportation available to the traveler means more available money they will have to spend in our community and resorts. OUR PRIMARY GOAL IS TO PROVIDE INTERESTED TRAVELERS WITH INFORMATION AND THE EASE OF COMING TO OUR AREA. WE WILL TAKE EVERY PRECAUTION TO . PLACE THE TRAVELER IN THE TYPE OF ACCOMMODATIONS THEY ARE REQUESTING TO INSURE ACCOMMODATION SATISFACTION AND A PLEASURABLE STAY. WHEN RESERVATIONS ARE BOOKED BY TRAVEL AGENTS THROUGH CARLSBAD CENTRAL RESERVATIONS, THE TRAVEL AGENT WILL STILL RECEIVE THEIR FULL BOOKING COMMISSION. IMPARTIAL REPRESENTATION FOR ALL TOURISM-RELATED BUSINESS AIRLINES As information and reservation calls are received we will attempt to book the incoming party on our participating airline in that region. In the event the seats cannot be sold on the participating airline for reasons of availability, price, customer preference, or connect- ing schedule conflict, we will book the party on whatever airline is suitable to them. HOTELS/MOTELS As information and reservation calls are received we will not recom- mend which property the incoming visitor should stay at. We will ask the customer "pre-determined" and "approved" questions pertain- ing to his/her stay such as: Accommodation amenity preference Activity preference Location preference Price range preference We will also provide "bureau-approved" descriptions of the properties of interest to include property amenities, distance from ocean or points of interest, and nearby restaurants, shops, and information centers. GROUND TRANSPORTATION As reservations are placed, we will provide the customer with informa- tion regarding the different ground transportation services we can ar- range for such as bus lines, rental cars, and available sight-seeing tours to other points-ofinterest. IMPARTIAL PERFORMANCE The purpose of this "bureau approved" description procedure is to in- sure impartial and non-biased representation for all of the businesses being represented by the CENTRAL RESERVATION SYSTEM. Our purpose is to sell interested callers on the advantages, benefits, and amenities of planning their vacations in your target area. Our goal is to provide incoming customers with the accommodations and services they are seeking, at agreeable prices, and within their timetable. In short, we want to make it as easy as possible for people to visit the Carlsbad area. The CENTRAL RESERVATION SYSTEM will not refer, direct, or arrange res- ervations or information for any property or service outside our area. c MONTHLY STATUS REPOR^ On the following pages are actual reports that will be generated by the CENTRAL RESERVATION AND INFORMATION SYSTEM. These reports produce visitor tracking information for areas such as the following: AIRLINE BOOKING REPORTS: -Number of visitors arriving by airline to our area. -Which airline they are using. -Which city or region they originate from. HOTEL/MOTEL BOOKING REPORTS -Which hotels/motels are being booked. -Average number of persons per room. -Average length of stay. -Average cost per room night. -Hotel/Motel room revenues generated by system. RENTAL CAR BOOKING REPORTS -Number of visitors using rental cars. -Which rental car agencies are being used. -Origin of rental car pick-up. GROUND TRANSPORTATION BOOKING REPORTS -Number of visitors using alternate ground transportation services. -Which form of transportation they are using. (Tour buses, Scenic Tours) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REPORTS REASON FOR VISIT -Visiting friends or relatives. -Business. -Vacation. HOW DID THEY HEAR ABOUT OUR AREA OR RESORTS -Have visited before. -Friends or relatives. -Area advertisement. Where? -Promotional. -Travel Agent. CENTRAL RESERVATION SYSTEM REVENUE REPORT -Total revenue generated. -Total visitors generated. -Total commission revenue generated. -Profit sharing report and funds. CENTRAL RESERVATION SYSTEM PERFORMANCE TRACKING These reports also give our organization complete tracking and control to insure that your properites or members are being represented fairly on an equal basis.