HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-05-20; City Council; 8635; SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION APPOINTMENTd * CI~OF CARLSBAD - AGEN*BILL 2% - . AB# fb 35 TITLE: MTG. 5-20-86 DEPT. cc SWIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION APPOINTMENT DEI CIT CIT I I I 2 3 a 0 g -l-l 4 ? .I4 u d .rl 0 a (d a e 0 b m co Z 0 rn 2 a u a) a 0 2 l-i *I4 L) d u g \c) Go I 0 N In I z 0 .. E a d Z 3 0 0 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. -70 appointing a member to the Senior CitL C0~/??~35~Ofl, ITEM EXPLANATION Dr. John R.' Mitchell has resigned as a member of the Senior Citizen Comr Dr. Mitchell's tern does not expire until September, 1986; therefore, i- necessary to appoint a member to fill the unexpired tem. " Other members of the Commission are: Hiram Hoskin, Norris Cochran, Mar: and Doris Ritchie. Copies of applications received are attached for Council review. E,XHIBITS I. Resolution No. 3770 , appointing a member to the Senior Citize~ Commission . 2. Letter of resignation from Dr. 3ohn Mitchell, dated May 12, 1986. 3. Copies of applications received. 4 0 &p& / y z Bwr 1 .f- p) 6 gx'%"G ~..c~~Crc/c& &L/'lJGd.. PA,, 42 au~- / 967 t w i 30 1 -3 Li.lL.ci ' dc ( CdAeL; 7 (2 -4Lr rn&/ D, 174 BCb7 # ,I &~dJl& 9 mcw7- .p. "T " L;;% I"A;; @ /zc.i&4..lf$i. @43&A8" O-ZL TZ / C&W&-3-t;L&g"k.i &?7 pJJ&?J*L$t-.M &?ha, de,- Ai2$+ J &- .mn* &A? &.L1. /P . A.L ,.Zz %&Ls,, p,z.L+ pL&/&i .&*Z.L,p , pk A.'i.LLZA* ?& C/' -.,-i, $&E< k. &L;a>l/,. / > r b ai - W .. 1 I1 1) d 1 2 3 RESOLUTION NO. 8570 'L A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD , CALIFORNIA, APFO INTING A MEMBER TO THE SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION 4 WHEREAS, Dr. John' Mitchell has resigned as a member of the Seni 5 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City 7 WHEREAS, it is necessary to appoint a member to fill the unexpi 6 Commission; and 8 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 9 California, as follows: 10 2. That the followiq person is hereby appointed to serve as 11 the Senior Citizen Commission for a ten to expire on September 30, 12 13 14 I/ Linwood Van PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City CI 15 following vote, to wit: 16 the City of Carlsbad on the 20th day of MaY , 1986, I 17 NOES: None 18 AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, and Pettine 19 j ABSENT: Council Member Chick ! 20 21 22 23 ATTEST: qY MARY H. C SLER, Mayor .z, :: '1 ALEwuTd- 26 I (SEAL) 27 i I 28 I 1 0 i -7”J .o v. , c, - 1260 ELM AVENUE CAALSBAD. CALIFORNIA 9- TEt (714 OtfiC8 Of ?/I8 City chfk citp of ~p7~?$~~]~ 1P ‘2. > L, ... . APPLICATION H)RIePOINTMENT TO BOARD OR COMMISSION N- of ~omd or Commission: Advisory Commission on Problems of -~~ Name (Print or Type) : Theodore R. Frye Address: 7121 Linden Terrace, Carlsbad CA 92008 phsne: -438-37.65 ppesent Occupation: Retired. Formerly Treasur Business ~ae ad ~&&gssp of The Rockefeller Foundation, 1133 New York, N.Y. 10036 Bus. Phone : Resident of Carlsbad: Yes Home Phone: 438-3765 Registered Ve3xx in Carlsbad: Yes - P am ~adlii~~ dth %he rcepmcibilitiea assigned to the Beard a Comirrion on which 2 dah to aerve. If appointed to a Board c Ca~fmti88iOn which lr rubject to financial disclosure laws, I am wilring to provide such statements as may be r-uired. I am Willing to 8ppa.r for an intervisw regarding my qualifications for appointmant bofore such ootrrmittea am may be designated by the City council or if requested by individual Council MOmb8r8, DATE: L4 g ,& (See reveko 8idd 6/8 - _” ._” _/- I 0 0 \ EBUCATXON: A.B., Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio, 1947. Economics and Political Science. Phi Beta Kappa. M.B.A., New York University, 1967. Investments. EXPERIENCE : Fifteen years, 1947-1963 in U.S. State Department and Foreign Serv: Assignments in Washington on political desks for Afghanistan i Egypt, and two years as Public Affairs for the Near East. OVE seas assignments included three years in the Embassy in New DE India, and four years in Tel Aviv, Israel, primarily in politj reporting and analysis. Twenty years, 1963-1983 as Treasurer of The Rockefeller Foundation, New York City. Concerned primarily with management of the in- vestment portfolio of approximately $ 1 billion. OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES : Current: Member of Citibank (New Yorkl's Supervisory Committee for Commingled Trust for IRA'S (Individual Retirement Accounts). Tutor in Carlsbad Adult Learning Program. Former: Chairman of Board of the American International School, Tel Aviv, Israel, 1960-62 Coordinator of Westchester (N.Y.) Workshop for Business Opportunities (training minority businesspeople who were planning to start their own businesses). I ADDITIONAL INBORMATION OR COMMENTS: I LBoard Member, 1975-83, and Chairman for 2 years, of Insti y tutional Responsibility Research Center, Washington, D.C. (non-partisan research on social concerns reaised by stoc holders before U.S. corporations). My wife and I moved to Carlsbad early this year after my retirement the Foundation in New York, and want to become involved in this con - 1206 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 \ b e ?ye- &e@ ( Office of the City CIwk 7 Citp of CatImrbab APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO B0.m OR COMMISSION c . A Name of Beard er Commission: ' / m Name (Print or ~ypa) : J\P,N 0 p & R. Address: 5327 Po JW +3f*ddPresZt OCcupaL Business Name and Address: - -= Bus. Phone : y .Resident of Carlsbad: Home Phone: 4 Registered Voter in Carlsbad: "- " 1 am famfliar with th8 re8ponribilitics assigned to the Board Comi8sion on which I wi8h to 8erve. If appointed to a Board Comission which i8 rubject to financial disclorure laws, I an willing to provide ruch statwnts as may be required. I am willing to appear for,- interview regarding my qualifications for appointment before such oormnfttea M may be de8ignated by the City Council or if requested by indivLdua1 Council Members DATE: 767/t s7 SIGNATURE: (See reverse aid.) 6/; - t e 0 . EDUCATION: l&.J&*ak."ep1 &4p &ba&p?.e-EMcr; ]4y .4u & 3g&u .( *y 0") 4 /-+f?!W U-+p, EXPERIENCE: / 4 r &!+*A) E, Ud" /&. FL-~GJ e4 ,&&/I? Lbtp-4 b z we*- S 3c#&Lw& wf"$*&(3&&J:& (a, & bj%*4j 4*6- J &, 294 b& B@D C-W c # # I I $2 8 '. 0 #$ SI E ACTIVITIES=- " ,< 34U" ,Py &#&a&& m4k- -*3c.w w- )* &Jj&H&-k4 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COEIMENTS: &- vr m ' A/d @"&A,latc-~, - 0 y4b’CJ- m = b L 1200 ELM AVENUE ‘e CARLSBAo, CALIFORNIA 92008 TE (7 1 office Of the City c/& Citp of CatIsLab APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BO.- OR COPMISSION ~ame of Board or Commission: 1 I-/ 2 L2N5 YJhkn rqg f ~~ Name (Print or TW) : Z dd 4 Hd Ll4b-L SJJk5 “ Address:”357 6f-f~ s r- /uUi- &A4 . Phone: 72“i-,93&3 Prcsent Occupation: TZTI ~e-3 Buginess Name and Address: w - Bus. Phone : Home Phone:\72q - 7349 Registered Voter in Carlsbad: ,352 - Resident of Carlsbad: + 4” I am familiar with the resyonag~iUtfes asaiga=d t6 ths ~ca=d CO!Id#.ion on Wh&& 1 *ah to serve. If appointed to a Board Cornissfon whit)! ir subject to financial disclosure Laws, I a; willing to providr, such statumntrr as may be required. I am Willing to 8pp.t for an interview regarding my qualification for appointment bofate ruch aam!nitt@@ 88 may be dcrlgnated by the City Council or if requested by inuvtdual Counc&l ~embmr A DATE: &’J /4 &&./X7 /9&.’ SIGmTu=: (See reverse sldd // 6 0 1 0 9 lh~..1TrJ5 - g;.s/n, L”s5 CaLLzL2” EDUCATION: /417,g -~&&L)L &&DUG L.=-- 6 h~)* 7 b5 ZLAlk ~e &LL&.?&S /+R,~L~s A~JG-L,~T s I4DdL L4Sd * EXPERIENCE: ~ey. 4 ’=’ L“hy L~ j ink39 JUT- -aw~czq sgr3” CSL-Z&PTA& -D FFLL 2 /%&I hl& e&=-* y””” -sdTT+-c 2’k~em~*n a/= c~A m-=b 27-0CJ-c C&,U3efJL - QL?/2 .z~&L L~LwLf-x~~ GA&)mg& pi1/.&?c&s7=-y fi 6 de+y .. .&ZSL L3CY-t c/& SL?XLd )t &2- - D */ ’U/ S-nL4Y 1 JZ N”%.moA/ /LcL”~&-T-e33\r~G ’g -S>?-RLT&n -hU- .&SS/ST/~MT -+EU cue d-rnCNr 8f F SQ L CS, s-fi-evc&=-Jp LJ& 9 LL LF-6 /4.XkJ&S hcr/?r&M& G-p+AfA3x OUIWDE AC’rZtrpp~~s : CAE LSB,4& LL.2 rn &A&& CLUB - LVRpsv h.LSREu5 G4&,,, 43N “Gfi u-,+x~ a e C”R - Am => J TI cI G~a/eLn4A, AODrTroN~ mPORHATION OR ~0-s~ 39Zkge-b Ad TAU-- Cm- ,7”lzE=? &LSA1 A?=- c 1 ‘3-j 2 z&, &=FA,& / j.2_I.BA/V D*?a 3+3++ 3 h 4 YP- h-~y~l ~-FF ,L I /3 TF~ L1) J’TH cS~lv ID e 7 CL r)r&??s si h)L v’ 9 73-.; 3 h/4J 5 ~~de.YL5---0 7hz D&L=2/$- - &C-G/-s 7 2 4/ Ei.32 BLA3 ‘?KL6S LIrzL” - - a,) ~ArCovnL-” 72$, ~~a d L Cy&- - .ASS, .S T- u d ‘rh J - 1 )WaArhLf L~~T7u-4 . u 23 gj- .fg&.ZL?~ '/ 3 1200 ELM AVENUE 0 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Otfico ot tho City Clwk 1 ( &itp of Qtarlsbab APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BO'= OR COMMISSION ~ame of Board or Commission: J'IDR. Gn2.M 9 Name (Print of Type) : 6&62? 3. #E&@ Address : 22757 434 T" &L3[&@ Phone : q3q*73ZQx Present occupation:' HsT/&a Business Name and Address: L 9Jf, 505v cCl,t/c/L ~~ ~ Bus. Phone : Home Phone: $!3i/, 7..!$2 Registered Voter in Carlsbad: yk~ - Resident of Carlsbad: . r %&6 I am fmiliar with th8 responsibilities assigned to the Boar4 Comission on which I wirh to serve. If appointed to a Boarc ~mfsrion which i8 rubject to financial disclosure laws, I 2 willing to provide such statements as may be rcquired. I am willing to 8ppe8r for an interview regardiag my quaificatior for appointment before su& oodttea a8 may be designated bl the City Council or if requested by indivtd)sal Council Member - DATE: &3/$ SIGNATURE: J (Set reverse sidd e e 1 0 0 EDUCATION: gdrv: a! !VY+Dm&c 2 YmJ. ~kd@M,,%dPd G/sw- 2 Y*s P/i/fl,L$.~ /$ ,;Po fi @@-BIT co vf3d 4 8 c. cc? cW77d6 T#,GV’ d d @dP flk&@”- 1 EXPERIENCE : /94’&/77J - c/:f W?&L c//drL 3@5&m, ,5??d3.7- ShCx @zy&?%wTL-&f& No#@P 4-3 /7%yaR+y -1 P?dkLDy& &YL@ /dJ?%ymT< fl&?i& Y!bfl 09 sou. &F Bd9 r pa?? /J .&A UAL 0 WE--H~LF OF r//.f/c& 14 ~B~’B@AE&W~. OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES : h/q G53e TJr7zd FJ45 _L &f!i5V& PQNZ ~#LUflEA W0ff.y 14 /“T E?i%ew?~ &rnJUHF@/*&T &3s /sQdGc g+?WAflf, &d9 49-2 AU;r/L/&Y ~.GWM< OF SC~~PFS G/Nc, L- &YE- ~UD J?$y/$D &J COO&5?M&d< d-8 /43Y<Q’@< /hJ T4.T VOLUdT&@ 740 cG%p43. .- /“-- /-“- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENTS: - - .- lm ELM AVENUE e CARLSBAO, CALlFORNlA 9- %/6 0f5&J-Ec ottico ol th@ Cify CIIR Citp of Ccnolsbab .. / APPLICATXON FOR APPOINTMENT TO WARD OR COMMISSION .. N~C of Board or Commis8ion: XARLSRAD SE?!TOR C- T tl Name (Print or Type) : LINWOOD J. VAN Address: 2603-51 AVENIDA DE ANITA, CARLSBAD, CA. 92008 phone: 729-8374 Present Occupation: RETIRED Business Name and Address: Bus. Phone : NONE Resident ' of Carlsbad: YES Home Phons : 729-8374 Registered Voter in Carlsbudt YES i- . . _- ." ""_., .,._.__.". - .... ~ .. - _.". ".." . I. ..- """"~."" :-.- .-- - _. "". - __" . ", , .,__._ _. _"" """"_"__._- -. I am familics with the reaponribilities assigned to th8 Boar Comirrion on which I wirh to serve. If appointed to a Boar willing to provida such statements m may be required. I an willing to appear for an intetvleu regarding my qualificatic * for appointment before su& oomittea as may be designated b tha City Council or if requo8tad by individual Council Mombe 1 Co~mtf88tOn which 18 8UbjeC't to financial disclosure 1-8, I DATE: ;yL/g I by SI~~~g 9*;*$o.d i ! - " 1 - EDUCATION: 0 0 Please see attached resume. EXPERIENCE: T'Ic:l:<c see attached resume for work experience prior to rt.tirt:nlent. For the past two and one-half years I have volunteered at the Carlsbad Senior Citizen's Association anc have been serving as President of their Nutrition Project Cot~lcil. My volunteer time is from 70 to 80 hours a month. Tn addition, I was elected inJune of this yC:w to be chairrnr 01. San Diego District 5 Nutrition Council. I also have been ~~t~p~~st:nting Carlsbad Senior Center at Arc3 Agency for Aging ::ot~nty wide quarterly meetings. OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES: - bl~~rtlt~er or' the Carlsbad Concert Band. ~~p~Il~pr of' the Carlsbad Stompcrs - a four piece band that j>rovicjps free entertainment at the Carlsbad Senior Cf:rlter anc :Ic other. functions in Carlsbad and surrounding areas. ., -, mD.ITfONm INF6RHATION OR Co-ss . , I :1n1 very interested in helping to promote programs for Carls I E1 der Citizens, 1 1 b(.lie~,e in' Carlsbad and believe that programs can be devel0 ! i // I that will benefit seniors and will rival any in the County. i i :j I' .. i: _. , 1 , 1- I I 0 RESUE!L 0 ! Linwood J. Van 2603-51 Avenida De Anita Carlsbad, CA 92008 Telephone - (619)-729-8373 JOB OBJECTIVE - op:,oytunity to utilize past experience and training for an administrati. 1x12. it ion. EDUCATTON tiillycr College of the University of Hartford - E.S. B.A. Dcgrce - 1955 (Attending Evenings) - Graduated Cum Laude - Majored in Personnel and Industrial Rclations. WORK EXPERIENCE 1!)6S to 1981 - Supervisor, Engineering Administrative Scrviccs, Pratt E Khitney Aircraft, East llart ford, Connecticut Supervised the activities of the Engineering AJmi.nistrativc Services sc including direction of an engineering pcrsonncl rccortls and stenographi vices group; analysis and implementation of department organization inc thc prcparation of position descriptions, organizational charts and re1 Joc‘tmxtation, and the administration of Company personnel policies and it). regulations. Assisted superior in planning and controlling office layouts, equipment expenditures and in developing and iInplementi.ng dep3 practices and procedures. Was responsible for planning, directing and dinating the activities of a clerical group engaged in mairttaini.ng per: control records of salary and hourly employees of the Engineering depar and processing, typing and filing various forms and reports pcrtaining teesim, turnover,security, retirement and terminations. Directed the t or permanent assignment of stenographers to provide stenographic servic engineering personnel. Analyzed and implemented department authorized ixt ioiial changes and supervised the preparation of position dcscriptic letters of transmittal concerning the hire, classification or transfer sonnel in thg six highest salary grades. rrep:md organization charts lcltcd docu~nentation to substantiate changes in existing positions or p: for new positions, collaborating with Personnel Dcpartmcnt in rcsolvin; pcrtaining to hires, promotions, transfers and rncrit increases for Eng. pcrsonnel. Advised engineering management of the status of new positic t ions Iwiny developed or changes in existing functions. Arranged for 1 t ion and issuance of Senera1 notices affecting dcpartn;erlt org:lnization crations. Represented superior in handling departmcnt personnel matte‘ sonnel status, training programs, work force requirements, overtime, ab 0 -2- e LIrlding rctircncnts, vacations, solicitations, l.caves of absence, CXCI to 1101 icy, personnel surveys, identification badge inserts and servcd p:lrtment representative on the Parking Colmittee. Assisted superior viewing departmcnt practices and procedures , dcvcloping suggestions, rrlcnting standard procedures and assuming the .initiative for preparing visions, where.necessary, for more effective oper:rtion. 19b3 to 1968 - Administrative Assistant , Eng incering Departnlent, Prat' Aircraft, East Hartford, Connecticut. llirtcted the review and control of long and short. range rcquircnxmts and area layouts involving Engineering personnel in the various cornpa including office equipment needs and associated operational services. proposals and requests covering 3 to 5 year fixed equipment and opera. pcnst' items and prepared capitol equipment proposals for head of Engi~ Department Manager. Served as Engineering Department security coordii Department, Performed a variety of administrative service for the En: 1952 to 1962 - Supervisor in Engineering Administration, Pratt G Whit] Aircraft, East Hartford, Connecticut Kas responsible for supervision of a personnel record unit engaged in sing status changes and maintaining salary and hourly records for ove' t.ii.i)loyees. Prepared various personnel surveys and reports. Assisted lcvels of supervision on numerous personnel matters and coordinated w ]';my Personnel Department. Wrote nulncrous lctters, am1 in particular illvolving exceptions to company personnel policy. bhintaincd various izntion charts and assisted in organization planning. Represented En, organization at management meetings on drives for charity, honds, etc supervised a unit engaged in processing tl variety of forlrls and report taining to personnel security including secrct and atomic enorgy ques \<ci>resented Engineerjng Organization at internal security meetings. 1946 to 1952 - Group Leader, Engineering Specifications, Pratt Cl Whit craft , East Hartford, Connecticut !Vas responsible for reading, analyzing and classifying :111 incoming m correspondence pertinent to the Engineering .I)cpartmcnt. Also, to wri isslle engine and component test instruction shects and to dircct a snl \qho maintained files on numerous governrncnt, industry :tnd cornpany SPC / 1'342 to 1946 - Military duty with U.S. 8th Air Force Spt.cial equipment mechanic with rank of Sergeant. Also, scrvcd as :i in 301st Bomb Croup Orchestra. -3- - e e 1941 to 1942 - Clerical-Engineering Specifications, Pratt Fr Whitney Aircl East Hartford, Connecticut Controlled publication, revisions and distribution of 1~un1erous technical publications within and outside the company, Set up a complete file on governnnent specifications and performed general clerical work. PERSONAL Date of Birth: 7-24-21 IIeight: 5'5 IVeight : 150 Excellent health with no physical defects U.S. Citizen Held a Secret Security Clearance World War I1 Vt Activities: President of Carlsbad, Ca.Senior Citizen Nutrition Project Counci 1 tlember of Carlsbad, Ca. Concert Band ! I I I i i I i / , u 0 0 4 N Q\ b s- Yl $4 0 w 0 h 4J u G 0 2 z TJ G a h M cd m rn GU dl 00, -4 d u cdaJ -d $4 ucd oa ma, [I)N 4a mo CY NW *d w ucd MU m . .rl u .rl $4 5 G uoa, ar .rl u a,GU E: ?I U -d n x aa [I) as 4 GU5-d Gcd a,W cd u soE$ go cd o[I)$4$4 Q,a)MO 5 eN 704-1 aJaJam s$4 a, -riaJv3 G cu 4Jc d G ua mp-rl aJ aJ$4 aJ cdoam 3 Nc- au Ma * u GG a, a5 u ut+ 5 a, cd+W E a 34 $4 SOaJbn wus cd 0 d’3*g E2a: ma coco corn II 4P-I II C\IN (I v 2.J February 10, 1986 TO : MAYOR & COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: Council Member Mark Pettine It has been reported that each day many senior citizens are being turned away from the lunch program at the Harding Street center. I have confirmed this with the Senior Citizens Association. I respectfully request that staff brief the Council on the extent of this problem and the financial alternatives available to remedy it. fiw MARK V. PETTINE Council Member cc: City Manager