HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-05-20; City Council; Info; Safety Center Progress ReportCIT OF CARLSBAD - AGEND, BILL ABJ* 3^NFo MTG. 5/20/86 DEPT. ENG TITLE:PROGRESS REPORT NO. 9 TARISRAH SAFFTY AND SERVICE CENTER DEPT. HD. M^ CITY ATTY CITY MGR. <&*— RECOMMENDED ACTION: City Council receive copy of the progress report on the Carlsbad Safety and Service Center from the Construction Manager, the Koll Construction Co. ITEM EXPLANATION The attached report is a part of the continuing series of reports from the Safety Center Construction Manager to keep the City Council appraised of the progress of construction and give details on the financial aspects of the project. At the present time, the completion of the Safety Center is scheduled for late September and the total cost to complete is projected to be within the Phase I budget of 10.25 million dollars. EXHIBITS 1. Copy of Progress Report No. 9 O o o o& oz3Oo PROJECT MANUAL PUBLIC SAFETY AND SERVICE CENTER PROGRESS REPORT NO. 9 MAY 8, 1986 ROLL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Progress Report Number 9 CARLSBAD SAFETY CENTER May 8, 1986 Section I II III IV V VI VII TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Design Progress and Review Purchasing Construction Costs and Value Engineering Payments Job Progress & Schedule Quality Control and Safety Progress Photos ROLL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Progress Report Number 9 CARLSBAD SAFETY CENTER May 8, 1986 DESIGN PROGRESS AND REVIEW The City Parks and Recreation Department is still completing the Police/Fire Facility atrium design. We do not anticipate any other significant design changes for the project now that the majority of construction contracts have been or are pending award. ROLL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CARLSBAD SAFETY CENTER Progress Report Number 9 May 8, 1986 II. PURCHASING The bidding of packages as outlined within previous progress reports has been completed with exception of the following trades: Toilet Partition and Accessories 71 - Currently negotiating this contract as authorized by the City Council on March 18, 1986. Specification modifications by the project team prior to negotations will realize substantial savings to original budget projections. Caulking 7L - Developing bid/negotiation criteria. We plan on requiring bidding contractors to review actual field construction to develop cost proposals. Visual inspection is far more conclusive than reviewing design documents for total requirements for this work. Resolution of the items above will complete our bidding and purchasing effort with exception of any additional scope of work required by the City or for resolution of construction problems. The City Parks and Recreation Department is preparing an agenda bill for award of the landscape and irrigation contract. ROLL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CARLSBAD SAFETY CENTER Progress Report Number 9 May 8, 1986 III. CONSTRUCTION COSTS AND VALUE ENGINEERING We are affirming the Phase I budget total of $10,250,000 as noted in the attached budget analysis. Although the project contingency has been significantly reduced from our last report, we feel the projects estimated cost to complete is realistic based upon the percentage of work completed. ROLL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Progress Report Number 9 CARLSBAD SAFETY CENTER May 8, 1986 BUDGET ANALYSIS 1. Awards 2. Est. to Complete 3. Communications 4. F.F. & E. 5. Landscaping 6. Field Engineer (Survey) 7. General Conditions 8. City Miscellaneous Expenses 9. contingency SUBTOTAL 10. C M Fee SUBTOTAL 11. Testing & Inspection 12. Soils Testing 13. A & E Fees (Including approved change Estimated Changes Remaining TOTAL Revised Estimate 7,367,724 325,624 247,000 690,693 314,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 10,816 9,155,857 500,000 9,655,857 32,000 31,000 orders) 528,643 2,500 $10,250,000 KOLL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CARLSBAD SAFETY CENTER Progress Report Number 9 May 8, 1986 F.F. AND E. BREAKDOWN File Strage Unit 45,525 Audio Visual 74,572 CCTV 36,996 Appliances 5,600 Signage 6,000 Furniture and Fixtures 519,000 Gym Equipment 1,500 Gun Safe 1,500 690,693 8 S 8 S 8 S 8 S, S 8 8 s 8 s •5s a a" a" s" a" s K" = s" a" § s" af is" s" ?" a" s" a" s » ff s" s" s" P s" a* c" a" sf s's s a" a" s" 2" a"rt ^^-r*i-*-^ nor*eu oj ^- —« euro ••• »* .^ »* ^^ ^^ -^ «i a" s = 3 s af s's's as" s s is s's's's" ^ S~BS s~« sfs s~s cf 3"= g s's sfa'ss a a"ro -w -* <li •«• .* t— r- cu <u •*- •-• <u *•» ,-« —• ^ ,-• « ^ _^ M S I B S 5 § SSrf «r - -jo S gss 58 8 s gsa-^ rt> r«i &» a" s" - g" 2" S" I S" B" s" S" S* S «" s" g sT g"a s g" a s" sf s" a* d" g s sf a" a a" s a" ™ i il a II!I gggggi2||sgssSsSaSdsyag BSJ8S-" i § i tf -S-- "sa S2 g a•^ •* *1 « on* tjT u5* r-T-<u a a S (S & S g glgl S UJ UJ CT »^F2 55 3! c3 :» ROLL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CARLSBAD SAFETY CENTER Progress Report Number 9 May 8, 1986 IV. PAYMENTS The following payments have been approved: Professional Services a. Ruhnau McGavin Ruhnau/Associates - (Appl. #19 through April 19, 1986) Complete Contract through Design Development & Construction Document phases $399,500.00 Construction Administration Phase $ 23,309.00 Change Orders $ 58,643.00 Total to Date $481,452.00 b. Roll Construction Company - (Appl #21 through April 30, 1986) Schematic Design (100%) $ 30,000.00 Design Development (100%) $ 30,000.00 Construction Document (100%) $ 40,000.00 Bidding (100%) $ 20,000.00 Construction Phase (64%) $243,200.00 Total to Date $363,200.00 c. GeoCon. Inc. - (Soils Investigations through November 1985) Geotechnical Report and Bidding Clarifications $ 4,848.00 Construction Services $ 26,102.00 Total to Date (Service Complete) $ 30,950.00 d. Testing Engineers - (Material Testing & Inspection through April 18, 1986) Construction Services : $ 30,830.00 e. Rick Engineering - (Survey through November 1985) Construction Services $ 41,039.00 Construction Services See attached Payment application Breakdown #12 through April 30, 1986 $4,746,707.00 Less Retention $ 350,442.00 Total to Date $4,396,265.00 ^ 0£ . - jC "™ ^^p* «M 2 y ^^ BO"^ "i« Ow. O>&k> c 4/! ^._ w k. I/Ic (N8IXo L \A DOCUMENl<: L_ r^ Z LU ^^ 1 C£ Ou. LU H-APPLICATION AND CERTIFICAOa i_ Jiu uC i < •22- S 515 2- 2: 5 o 7. C < U c 3 \B 2 D D VO VO '. 00 COX. \ i-t •H O Oo en CN CN \ \ iHrH •* ^ CN .. O £z < Z .. in Q C o o h 2 r^" u- w o 5 -I HJ 1— <t! i Q "~ U ^3 0'- I Hi 5si 5 y o £Q- uj OS a; w< 0. < 0. U sh. § °u ". 2 CN•5 on 1 £§ N."5 ^ j- mvo enmo«coo CN n •H CN VOn ^in i-4•*r t-- JJ2 *fl <* f *~5u -d.£ * x""S> IB "3 o5 O i/1 e ~~1 * en —5 o ~ S I"» + •*03 VOOt^ VO Tr- •v ^ v> 17id uj CU ^B - 5 n-,' S ^, Q -H-•« io ^ ' T= = J- g 2 •= r § 5 -£ ~ - ^ 4J": Q 0- "j id- ce. S H CN in VO CN VC Olf 1Tt 00r>- TTo•v CNr*. CD ro ** fi v^ ro VO • cn•v •oVO03 n CNin ^ f ^ | CTi CN• inin vo CO VO VO CN V* i-H • • 5 S ? '»oinrn 3 : h." K D v* v* O ^ UJ U. w - =£< ffi-i~ ~s .e er 2 — fc-t li SS52-J 5 1 5.211J5I.M <0 0)® c -yjj J3 -Hc oo a d oo_. f~\ os rrt ^^m Q_J r^4 UJ v^J0 o) o o > CN - » CN>, -H 0-» C . >i.0> S ° < !*-!ia id U u u oen rH u a)«• • S & * •C Ck "O . fH *OIB S ItJ » (0 C8jq H ja 3. ft J3co en <d . to,-H O «H C i-l iHk co >-i x: 1/1 Mm •v nJ 3 r- njcj CN O « m O R\« / LU c §u ?UJ < o <£ I 8. C •H•a TO (OWNER):City of Carlsbad1200 Elm Ave.Carlsbad, CA 92008FROM Construction Manager :2237 Faraday Ave.Carlsbad, CA 92008CON1RACT FOR: Phase I - Sitework S Buil- u . O• <. • < I UJ • Om '.- I/I , PfTQ H.~^'"=;5T3 T= «-=ar=Eh:3£ — •«• U SD "* ~x !^ 0 « ^ in " « ir. = ~• 0 ~ o^^ \_S vU _^ -^* . _ •— •— ^^ — — • F— .«Sr: <cO_!-5 cj ~ s;cui-;Kh,2 < ee n ^- C r- M "c. ~ csin^ujej^'•*' "^ ^" 1 1 . 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E =•10 !A *^ ».«r ^1 <f> O o •£ v* c .. S — >- ^ *"* — " re .— 2 r> 5 5r E^ -1 i a = 1 ^j« •S*~- •Q •Q0) ^S 1U "c 3Q re 1OUNT CERTIFIED'Me/I explanation iCHITECT:U u S: •-•S-Zl re ID re ± C "= z 2 2 U< e •_>. -CJ re -^- r-i t_ ^" """ ^< a £ > ^J re C |S S Ec"~ ™"c* c "^p"_ t £is Cerlificale is ncnirnclor named he•judit o to any rigli$z% zzdL CU 8) JJ "O ~ — -a 5•n 3 cj -;: — !/• tn " •— t^ ™*H « re t = « — S-, w ZlssI UJ ra = =•'* £s6J9 .is^-iMfesaO .^^ — C _« •"•<?^s£g£JS -J- « m v (j a; •0 r> = = = £u Koll ConstructioA Co., project MARCHITECT'S CERTIFICATE FOIIn accordance with the Contract Documents, based on <rfala comprising Ihe above application, the Architect cerliin accordance vvilli llMil of the AMOUNT= J2 " f-jfS.?|S.i> aS 2~s£ -a= — <"* a s -i-cJ ~ U " ™ u>= 3 -£ = CT wy cj a oesi 01 me/>ndicated, tl'Ihe Conlrac• ""• "^ ^~ "^ 09n *^M ,= O = = ~ s . '^ < —'NOI!)NIIISVV . NOIIKIIis I*~ -7£ *• — 3 AIA DOCUMENT G701 • AI'I'IICAIION AND C.IKIIMCAIE fOR I'AVMI NUK ANHHICAN INSIIIUIE OF ARCIIIIHCIS. I7r, NEW YORK AVIN\ wr g Z C ^"~ "5 *^. ftj I/*. 5 CJ cc Jj^w "0 "if.c AlA DOCUMENT C702 (H UJ ^^^.<Cc.^^C£ 0u. UJ5y u. i UJ U APPLICATION AND^ Qjs _e c y ^Jill7 C < U 5 333 D G t-io (Ni-J. CM 6 £z < O " L OO *~ z *~; t? ^ H~ ^< Q. t U K3 o - i si 9 0.5 u O Q < S < of U Isbad Safety Center0 Impala DriveIsbad, CA 92008nau, McGavin, Ruhnau1 Palmer Way, Suite CIsbad, CA 92008Vi 03 SJ. J3 in i-i U CM CJ 05 u-> U UJ1— I ul Uy < o <oe. ^ en e-H •0r-t •H3m at 03 03 0 0 X O • O >J.•O CM OJ CM Onj a\ > en s A <C Q)m • •• JJ TO (OWNER):City of Carl:1200 Elm AveCarlsbad, CAFROM Construction Manager2237 FaradayCarlsbad, CACONIRACT FOR: Pnase I ~ Si_j 2 ou M i c p j~ c ^> «A *« ^o^ « -- S5""u -T —jj (O «2 1/1 > jj?" ^_So ? tf uH i i v> <^> *• ; <. -=3 +l " ^2 E -= • c5 : Q Applicnlion is made for I'aymenContinualion Sheel, AlA Docun1. ORIGINAL CONTRACT SUM2. Nel change by Change Orde3. CONTRACT SUM TO DATE fl4. TOTAL COMPLETED & STORI(Column G on G703)5. RETAINAGE:H LU ^^PJ^*»ta« ^1Ou. z 0iy •^*4c_CONTRACTOR'S API1 CHANCE ORDER SUMMARYv/1 Z O [j Q UJ in•7 ADDITIOIChange Orders approved inprevious months by OwnerTOTAL1™^ i Jr • ** m £ ;! ^ C r~ «t Sf! i i •n —Tj c. cU "o S? re b % of Stored MaterialTotal Relninnge (Line 5a-»-5l>lolal in Column 1 of C.7I)6. TOTAL EARNED LESS RETAIN,(Line 4 less Line !> Tolnl)7. LESS PREVIOUS CERMFICAri(A O o ^" 0 O 0 CMc o c r> ^i CM in r- t** CTv CO O rH CM r-l •«3< O CM 03f-l «-) "3Ol 3 E<1 Number 1kO \0 ^D ^D CO 00 G3 00 1 1 1 1rn ro n n <N O O O 1 1 1 1 CM O -U3 CO <; o u Hn vo us en i/ C IT J v» ? U 1 1 •? ;; -= „, 5 2 ^ ~ ** * §*" ?5 J^ u. (§C z s £-5" S 2 ~ > — £it >w 3 > w j ij j ; 3 r • wt * UJ: o• <: z;£ . UJ ^ cs CS C^ o; -5 ;._ •^ "3 m- "o >• "c 3orjw <n'^- ~- U E«j Stale of:Subscribed and sworn to befonNolary Public:My Commission expires:C tu cIII i) — "> •;_ c , 5 X J 2 E 5 ' >. j. o_ S * 3 ="re ^ "* — Z. m |U£ 1 O c u gned Conlrntlor cerlifiand belief Ihe Work cn accordance wilh Ihev "° »-!d = •—o o> u "i-=Contractor for Work forpayments received from)w due.2 S- i-c e .£—*'-•£'»^ 5 si >« m ~E E-S-a-3 c•" "- s"_ f "Sjc C c .£ 3 S— ~ O « "5 « >r- £ S CU.£ JE S s: •aCJ "1 ^so ., _ _ •£ S ^1— w * T» "™ ^^ w ^ 5 ^ ,*; O P •= rg C* «•— r^; _*•* i> *C h— " " *" ^*j S£ ™ S ~ o W) 0 **» "5 0) aj AMOUNT CERTIFIED(Attach explanation if amount cARCHITECT:}*- C - U u S: z"i sJ re ... C ™ "^ S u aj ^ ^— o. i- CJ g|liy. _ —Ibis Certificate is not negoliabConlrnclor named herein. Issualprejudice lo any righls of Ihe C00-D O CJ -c n !/• — 1"" .« JT ^ <U LLJ '5 C C. y^- > a s^^^ ai O ^ ^ • >- •g-l's s2 S •= - ^ 1 P"^ 'Si w. 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(D 10 dv> rj o o -o•H H .. ••ma aa "O s rH O U•U O f. c•H 0 0 B D*<u aft. 01 B,X O>« B a V 01 -H <H •P K H J3a o oi H U 0 rH>i O O> O 0 •P rJ . C 4J •H * -H X O 3 18 i-l -a A0 +> 3 C 3« u a 1-1 uito s o s — t~ r- r- r- a 1 rl n 5 Ctm a c u i^ ^ ac minin r- roa t\ 1C in |H mkO• mo 00 0<N in om ^o(N r> n rHa•M ROLL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CARLSBAD SAFETY CENTER Progress Report Number 9 May 8, 1986 JOB PROGRESS SITEWORK Finish grading of remaining onsite asphalt driveway and parking areas being completed. Curb and gutter work complete with contractor setting up for concrete swale pours. Fuel island has also been completed with exception of setting up of equipment. Irrigation sleeves to islands and perimeter areas have been installed. The asphalt paving operation should commence in approximately three (3) weeks. Work involves onsite paving and completion of the final lift on the streets. City inspector has prepared a punch list for the underground utility contractors (ID,IE). Once completed, council will be requested to approve filing of a Notice of Completion for these respective contracts which would release final retention monies after the lien period expires. POLICE/FIRE ADMINISTRATION BUILDING The precast cladding has been caulked and waterproofing of the skin is progressing. Roofing/waterproofing is complete with the installation of plaster around parapet walls to commence shortly. Exterior concrete and masonry walls at the plaza and meeting wing have also been completed. The mechanical and electrical systems are proceeding rapidly. Interior partition framing is substantially complete with drywall installation well underway. Hollow metal frames for doors and windows are arriving and being installed by the drywall contractor so that the drywall operation may be completed. We are currently trying to resolve the requirements for exterior glazing and installation/supporting of canopies. Resolution of this matter involves extensive coordination with the precast structural design. Submittals/shop drawings for finish trades have been or are currently being reviewed so that materials may be ordered. ROLL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CARLSBAD SAFETY CENTER Progress Report Number 9 May 8, 1986 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE/CAR WASH Both masonry structures have been completed inclusive of structural steel roof members. Currently waiting for the metal deck roof system to be installed. Once decking is complete, the mechanical and electrical piping, including the extensive service piping may be installed. Framing and drywall of the office area could be started at anytime. All underground tanks and piping for this facility have been completed. The Vehicle Wash is scheduled for delivery in June 1986. KOLL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CARLSBAD SAFETY CENTER Progressive Report Number 9 May 8, 1986 SCHEDULE We are currently revising/updating the project schedule. Both the hollow metal delivery, and resolution of the glass/ canopy system are key factors in plotting project completion. A revised schedule will be issued within the next month. As stated in the previous report, delays to the project have occurred due to postponement of the bid/award program, and approval of key submittals. We are still planning and channeling efforts for substantial completion by the end of September 1986. In order for this date to be met, the entire project team must be committed to timely approval of submittals (currency in and pending), and resolution of field questions, clarifications, and problems. ROLL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Progress Report Number 9 CARLSBAD SAFETY CENTER May 8, 1986 VI. QUALITY CONTROL A log of all testing and inspection reports required by the specifications are on file with the City Building and Engineering Departments. All inspections performed by Testing Engineers to date reflect full compliance with construction criteria. SAFETY Safe jobsite construction practices have been implemented on a routine basis. We have experienced no safety violations or major accidents at the project.