HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-06-03; City Council; 8642; Inter-Agency Contract for Court Liaison Services0 LW > 0 0:: a. a.. c::( z 0 § C ... u z ::, 0 (,) , AB# S:<si l./ ;t ItI.Le; APPROVAL OF INTER-AGENCY CONTRACT TO PROVIDE FOR COURT LIAISON SERVICES DEPT. Ho.--4,<· ~C:2, MTG.~~ :3-cfc'n . DEPT._P_O_L __ _ RECOMMENDED ACTION: CITY A TTY-F--,:~ CITYMGR,...;;;r..._ Approve Resolution No. f:..S-79 approving an agreement with San Diego County, City of Oceanside, and the City of Escondido for the court liaison service. ITEM EXPLANATION: The Carlsbad Pol ice Department recently participated with Oceanside, Escondido, and the San Diego Sheriffs Office in a joint study to determine the desirability of jointly funding a court liaison position. The court liaison position would be staffed by a person under contract to coordinate court appearances by personnel from the respective agencies. The benefiting agencies would share the cost of this service. While there are many benefits to be realized from such a service the primary consideration is one of cost savinq3. For example it is currently the practice of the district attorneys office to subpoena witness officers at 8:30 AM even though misdameanor trials will not go until 11:00 AM if at all. This is to ensure the readiness to go to trial and the city pays for this practice at over time rates. The managing DA has agreed to modify the appearance time to 11 :00 AM if there were a liaison person who could coordinate the appearance of witness officers. A further savings would result from cases that are called off prior to 11:00 AM if there were .a liaison person who could coordinate the appearance of witness officers. A further savinns would result from cases that are called off prior to 11:00 AM but would otherwise result in a 4+1/2 hour payment for an 8:30 AM appearance. The agreement will provide a liaison ser- vice otherwise not feasible. The attached exhibit, 2 , further describes some of the services to be provided by the position. The position will be filled through a selection by a committee representing the four jurisdictions. Supervision will be provided by the Sheriffs Depart- ment. There will be no employee benefits applied since the service will be provided under contract. • FISCAL IMPACT: A preliminary study suggests the position should save the city in the neigh- borhood of $24,000.00 per year in court overtime costs. Carlsbad's share of funding the position would be $6,000.00 per year for a net savings of $18,000.00 annually. No additional funds are being requested as payment can be made with savings realized in the overtime budget. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. f"4;" 7~ 2. Court Liaison Duties 3, Cost Savings Study ., ,q l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 8579 ----- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA APPROVING AN AGREEMENT FOR THE SERVICE OF A COURT LIAISON PERSON. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does hereby resolve as follows: 1. That the co 1Jrt liaison agreement, attached thereto as exhibit A, between the cities of Carlsbad, Escondido, Oceanside and San Diego County for the ser·vice of a court liaison person is heraby approved. 2. That the Mayor of the City of Carlsbad is hereby authorized and directed to execute said agreement for and on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 3rd June day of ------------1986 by the following vote, to wit: ATTEST: AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettine NOES: None ABSENT : None ~ ;/ e,,,L~ MAR~ASLER, Mayor a~✓vc~-=--ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City qierk .I I • I EXHIBIT "A" to Resolution No, C, COURT LIAlSON AGREEMENT This Agreement is executed this _____ day or. ---------1986 by and between the following parties. City of Escondido 100 Valley Boulevard Escondido, California 92025 City of Oceanside 321 North Nevada Street Oceanside, California 92054 City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 San Diego County 222 West C Street San Diego, CA 92101 WHEREAS, the law enforcement agencies of each of the above listed agencies would benefit from the services of a court li~ison officer to coordi~ate court appearances between. the \aw enforcement agencies and the courts of North San Diego County: and WHEREAS, it would be more productive economically to have a single court linison officer serve the needs of several law enforcement agencies, and WHEREAS, the Cities of Escondido, Oceanside, Carlsbad, and the County Sheriff's office desire to contract .:ith each other for the services of a court liaison officer for their mutual benefit: NOW THEREFORE IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual covenants and conditions listed below, the parties do hereby agr':!e as follows: JOINT COURT LIAISON COMMITTEE 1. All activities relating to the selection, responsibilities and supervision of a court liai- son officer shall be conducted by a Joint Court Liaison Committee. This committee shall be com- -1- posed of one representative fran each of the l~w enforcement agencies participating in this ~gree- ment, All ctctivities of the committee shall be conducted by a majority vote, Direct supervision of the court liaison officer shall be conducted by the Sheriff's office. SELECTION OF LIAISON OFFICER 2. Each participating agency may submit up to five names to the joint court liaison committee. These names shall be the candidates for the position of court liaison officer. ·!'his nomination procedure shall be used any time a court liaison officer is selected. It shall be the responsibility of the court liaison committee to evaJ.uate the names submitted by each of the agencies and select a court liaison officer. The decision of the committee shall be final, and each participating ag•mcy agrees to accept the decision of the committee. JOB DESCRIPTION 3, The court liaison ccmmittee shall draft and approve a job description for t.he court liaison officer, Tnis job description shall contain, but not be limited to the items set forth in Exhibit A to this agreement which is attached and incorpo- rated by this reference. -2- / ,., COMPENSATION 4. The compensation of the court liaison officer shall be set by.the court liaison commitLee, with the approval of the governing body of each agency. The court liaison officer shall be er1titled to a flat salary but s1hall accrue no benefits of any sort. Compensation during the initial term of this agreement shall be $24,000 per year. The City of Escondido shall be responsible for direct payment of the salary of the court liaison officer. Each participating agency shall be responsible for paying a pro rat a share of -ehe court liais.on' s salary amount in timely fashion to the City of Escondii:iu, s. A participating agency may withdraw from the responsibilities of the court liaison committee effective on any renewal date. of this Agreement by giving written notice to the other members by April 30th immediately precedin~ expiration of the current contract. Th.e withdrawal of any participating agency on the renewal date shall have no effect on the validity of this Agreement, and it shall remain binding on the remaining agencies. Each remaining agency shall assumo, a pt-lJ rata share of the w!.thdrawing agency's court liaison salary obligation. -3- &. The term of this agreem~nt shalt b~ from July t, 1986 to June 30, 1987 and shalt automatically r2new on July 1st of each succeeding year unless the participating agencins, by majority vote, decide to terminate the program. Date: ________ _ Date: _______ , ___ _ Date: _---"&a..--/-~_-_/ / __ Cc, __ _ Date: __________ _ Date: __________ _ Date: __________ _ ERNIE COWAN, Mayor, City of Escondido JEANNE BUNCH, City Clerk, City of Escondido d.~ ASLER, Mayor, Carlsoad ALETHA L. RAUTENKAANZ, City Clerk, City of Carlsbad LAWRENCE BAGLEY, Mayor City. of Oceanside 13AP.BARA BIS HOP City Clerk, City of Oceanside JOHN F, DUFFY, Sheriff San Diego County -4. / -. EXHIBIT A court Liaison Officer Duties 1) Establish and.maintain a positive working relationship between members of the District Attorney's staff, judges, court clerks and police officers. Must have good verbal and written communication skills. ~ 2) Coordinate information concerning subpoena service between the District Attorney's office and contracting agencies. a. Telephone notice to law enforcement agencies of late issue subpoenas, b. Confirmation of subpoena service of law enforcement witnesses, c. Advise prosecutors of officer appearance problems. 3) Coordinate officers' appearance in court. a. Determine which cases are going to trial, b. Call off officers on continued or adjudicated cases, c. Call off officers when the defendant fails to appear on the date of the trial. 4) Keep officers advised of court avallability on the date of appearance and until the trial is l!1ssigned. a. Advise officers how many tria1 s are ahead of theirs, b. Give the subpoenaed officers a time window when they can expect to be called. 5) Maintain coltl\lunications with the Assistant Chief Deputy District Attorney and Victim/Witness Advocate Section of the Distr~ct Attorney's office. a. Identify scheduling and appearance problems before the trial date. 7 f . ., ~ 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1089 TELEPHONE (019) 438-5511 ' Qtitp of (arl~hab POL.ICE DEPARTMENT January, 86 TO: V.D. Jimno, Chief of Police FROM: G.K. Fried, Lt. SUBJECT: COURT LIAISON POSITION Late last year you assigned me to a committee with instructions to determine the practicality of jointly hiring a court liaison person. The four North County agencies involved in the committee are Oceanside, Escondido, SDSO and ourselves. The concent of jointly creating such a position orieinated with the Escondido Police Dept. and the attached document submitted by Escondido Lt. J. Wilson adequetly ex~lains the prooosal. The benefits, duties, and comolexities described in Lt. Wilson's re?ort also aoply to our own department. To better comorehend this report I recommend that Lt. Wilson's document be reviewed before going any further. In accordance with our nrevious discussion I conducted a (1) pay neriod study to deter.nine notential cost savings a court liaison ~osition could provide. The period I examined was for 12-2 through 12-15, 1985. The study revealed 17 overtime requests for misdam- eanor trials that were either continued, trailed, or otherwise disposed of orior to trial time of 11:00 AM. The 17 overtime re- quests comnute to a total of 45.5 hours at time+ 1/2. The follow- in? illustration 'demonstrates the notential savings a court liaison position might have provided. 45.5 Hours at Time+ 1/2 = $942.53 (based on "E" ste1> natrolman) Yearly Projection= $24,505 I caution that the above figures are computed based solely on (1) two week pay oeriod. I also point out that in order for the savings to have occured the individual officers muse have been called off prior to the 11:00 AM a~pearance. Absent an effective nolicy by which subooened officers can be called cff such savings would not occur. I '"-:;!I r " • '1200 ELt-C AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1969 etitp of QCarlsbab POLICE DEPARTMENT I would anticipate certain complications to arise between labor and management regardine the imolementation of this -propos.al. For an example, an ofii.cer may be sub-i;>oened for an 11:00 AM·appearance on his day off. In the event the officer is then called off at say 10:30 AM on trial day he ~ay argue that he is entitled to comoensation. It would probably be claimed that such a co1..n:t policy is a working condition and subject to MOU. SUMMARY The concent of mutually employing a court liaison ~erson ap~ears to be highly beneficial and cost effective from a management standpoint. If ootential concerns with labor can be resolved then I reconrrnend the logistics of this ~ronosal be further oursued and the prooosal implemented. TELEPHONE (619) 438-5511 o/