HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-06-03; City Council; 8643; Regional Criminal Justice ClearinghouseCl ~ 0 c:: a.. a.. oet z 0 fi < .J 0 z :, 0 0 er-\ OF CARLSBAD -AGENP··: BILL ~'{3 I MTG._~ -Rio III.Ls; REGIONAL CRIMINAL JUSTICE CLEARINGHOUSE DEPT._P ___ O __ L __ RECOMMENDED ACTION: ~ ~1 ._/ 5 C!J) UEPT.HO-:~ CITY ATTY l/ffl CITYMGR,;7d_ Adopt Resolution No. ?68'l>authorizing the police department to participate in the Regional criminal Justice Clearinghouse and authorize~ the appropriate expenditures from the 1986-87 fiscal year budget. n ITEM EXPLANATION: Since 1984 the County of San Diego has funded the Regional Criminal Justice Clearinghouse in behalf of the county and all county cities. The county has indicated that it could no longer bear the entire cost of the program, but would bear two-thirds or the cost if the rest of the agencies receiving benefits would bear the remainder. The clearinghouse effort carried out by SANDAG accounts for the gathering, tabulating, analyzing and organizing in report form critical information utilized for crimina, justice decisions countywide. This report is also utilized by each city for loca1 planning and decision making. The law enforcement agencies previously participating in this project,have inr.icated that the effort is necessary a,1d each agency should pay its share of the remaining portions of the cost. This action by the Council will be to affirm and authotize continued participation through funding Carlsbad's share. FISCAL IMPACT: The total cost of the clearinghouse effort is $150,000. The County of San Diego will bear $100,000 for the sheriff's Jurisdiction and the contract cities the sheriff's department serves. The remaining $50,000 will be borne by the nine remaining cities. Each share is calculated by using the percentage of population served as it relates to the total county popu1ation. Current estimate for Carlsbad is $1574. Funds are available in the FY 86-87 budget. EXHIBITS: 1. 2. 3. Resolution No. ?'6-:FP . Exhibit A to Resolution No. f'SlCJ. Letter from SANDAG to City Manager with attachments. ,. - l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 I 20 21 22 23 24 25 I I 26 27 28 I I I RESOLUTION NO. 8.580 ----- RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA APPROVING AN AGREEMENT PROVIDING FUNDING TO SANDAG FOR CONTINUING OPERATION OF THE REGIONAL CRIMINAL JUSTICE CLEARINGHOUSE WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California does hereby resolve as follows: 1. That an Agreement establishing funding on a cooperative basis by the County of San Diego and the cities named therein to fund SANDAG's operation of the Regional Criminal Ju~tice Clearinghouse, a copy of which is attached hereto marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof, is hereby approved. 2. That the Mayor of th~ City of Carlsbad is hereby authorized and directed to execute said agreement for and on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the .city Council of the City of Carlsbad held the -"-J=un=.e;;__, 1986, by the following vote, to wit: 3rd day of AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettine NOES: None ABSENT: None ~ASLER, Mayor ATTEST: u 1:b: I r2.~ ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANi;t~rk (SEAL) EXHIBIT A AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITIES OF CARLSBAD, CHULA VISTA, CORONADO, EL CAJON, ESCONDIDO, LA MESA, NATIONAL CITY, OCEANSIDE, SAN DIEGO, THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO AND THE SAN DIEGO ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS TO FUND AND OPERA TE THE REGIONAL CRIM!NAL JUSTICE CLEAR!! TGHOUSE This Agreement is entered into this~ <Z' day o~M-· , 1986 by and between the cities of Carlsbad, Chula Vista, Coronado, ajon, Escondido, La Mesa, National City, Oceanside and San Diego (hereinafter referred to as "Cities"), the County of San Diego (hereinafter referred to as "County") and the San Diego Association of Governments (hereinafter referred to as "SANDAG"). WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the SANDAG Board of Directors and the San Diego Criminal Justice Council have approved a proposal to continue the operation of the Re- gional Criminal Justice Clearinghouse (hereinafter referred to as "Clearinghouse") which has been previously funded by the County on a pilot basis; and WHEREAS, a formula for funding the Clearinghouse was also approved, whereby the County of San Diego will be responsible for two-thirds of the total cost and the cities not served by the Sheriff for one-third of the cost; and WHEREAS, the Clearinghouse provides accurate and timely information to assist local decision-makers in developing crime control policies and such information resource needs to be maintained on a continuing basis; and WHEREAS, the San Diego County Police Chiefs and Sheriff's Asso- ciation supports the Clearinghouse and continued funding for it; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the recitals and the mutual obligations of the parties as herein express, the parties agree as follows: 1. Definitions The following terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them. a. "Population" of any city shall mean that population last determined for a city as certified by the State Department of Finance during April of each year. b. "Fiscal Year" shall mean that year be~ing July 1, and ending June 30. c. "Local Agency or Agencies" shall mean the cities in the County of San Diego not served by the Sheriff's Department and the County of San Diego. d. "Cities" shall mean the cities in the County of San Diego that are not served by the Sheriff. 1 ..:.... 2. Agreements The Local Agencies hereby agree to fund the Clearinghouse in accordance with the established formula, and SANDAG hereby agrees to provide the professional services of the Clearinghouse as set forth herein. 3. Scope of Services SANDAG shall p:ovide the services set forth in Attachment A entitled "Criminal Justice Clearinghouse" which is hereby incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein. In addition, the Clearinghouse shall provide Local Technical Assis- tance to the Local Agencies on criminal justice matters in accordance with the SANDAG Local Technical Assistance policy. 4. Term of Agreement This Agreement shall commence on July 1, 1986 if all Local Agencies have ap- proved it and will continue until either of the following occurs: Any Local Agency which has agreed to fund the Clearinghouse gives notice in accordance with Sec- tion 8 of this Agreement that it no longer intends to continue the Agreement or the Local Agancy fails to appropriate funds in subsequent years' budgets to fund the operation of the Clearinghouse. • 5. Compensation The Local Agencies agree to pay to SANDAG the approximate sum listed below for fiscal year 1986-87. This approximate amount will be verified and adjusted by applying the formula included in Section 9 herein to the January 1, 1986 popu- lation totals when they are certified in April 1986, and the amowit set forth in accordance with Section 9 herein in each subsequent fiscal year this Agreement remains in effect. Regional Criminal ,Justice Clearinghouse Funding Approximate Amount Based on 1/1/85 Population Cities Carlsbad * Chula Vista Coronado El Cajon Escondido La Mesa National City Oceanside San Diego County of San Diego ApProximate Amount $1,485 3,777 658 2,670 2,526 1,738 1,705 3,059 32.,382 $50,000 100,000 $150,000 *Montgomery annexation included in estimate. / 6. Availability of Funds The Local Agencies' obligation for payment under any agreement beyond the initial fiscal year end is contingent upon the availability of funds from which payment can be made. No legal liability on the part of a Local Agency shall arise for payment beyond June 30, 1987 unless funds are made available for such pur- pose. 7. Termination Any Local Agency inay terminate this Agreement by givmg at least 30 days written notice prior to June 30th of each year of such termination. Such termi- nation shall be effective on June 30th of that year. 8. Method of Payment No later than April 1 of each year SANDAG shall approve a preliminary budget which shall include an estimate of the amount due from Local Agencies to fund ~he Clearinghouse. No later than June 1 of each year SANDAG shall approve a final budget which shall incl1:de the exact amount (based on certified population) due from Local Agencies. The County shall nay two-thirds of this amount and the Cities shall pay one-third to be divided among them in accordance with the formula set forth in Section 9. Payment of this determined sum of money shall be made by Local Agencies by July 15 of eac-.h year. • 9. Formula The amount of payment shall be computed on an annual basis as follows: a. The SANDAG Board of Directors shall determine and approve the amount of funding necessary tc operate the Clearinghouse for the upcoming year and include that amount in the preliminary and final SANDAG budget. b. The County of San Diego shall pay two-thirds of that amount. c. The remaining one-third shall be divided among the Cities on a popu- lation basis, using the percent of population each city bears to the population of all Cities as the percent of the one-third share each city shall pay. 10. Amendment -- This Agreement may be amended only by written agreement of the parties hereto, except that the SANDAG Board of Directors may amend the Scope of Work set forth in Attachment A. Amendment to the Scope of Work shall be included in the SANDAG Overall Work Program which is submitted to all Local Agencies prior to approval. 11. Additional Participating Cities Any newly incorporated city not served by the Sheriff, or city currently served by the Sheriff who establishes its o·.vn police department may become a party to this 3 / Agreement by passing a resolution agreeing to the terms and conditions herein effecUvt! on July 1 of the next fiscal year. 12.. SANDAG's Employees a:id Equipment SANDAG agrees that SANDAG has secured or will secure at SANDAG's own expense all persons, employees and equipment required to perform the services required under this Agreement, and that all such services will be performed by SANDAG, or under SANDAG's supervision, by persons authorized by law to per- form such services. SANDAG shall exonerate, indemnify, and holci harmless Local Agency from and against any and all loss, damage or expense, by reason of any act of omission of any employee, servant or agency of SANDAG, aud SANDAG agrees to defend, at SANDAG's own expense, any suit or suits that may be brought against Local Agency by reason of any such act or omission. 13. Aue.it and Inspe::tion of -Records At any time during normal business hours and as often as Local Agency may deem necessary, SANDAG shall make available to Local Agency for exa.111ination at reasonable locations within the County of San Diego all of SANDAG's data and records with respect to all matters covered by this Agreement and SANDAG will permit Local Agency to audit, examine and make excerpts of transcripts from such data and records, and make audits of all invoices, materials, payrolls, records of personnel and other data relating to all matters covered by this Agreement. SANDAG shall maintain such data and records in an accessible location and con- dition for a period of not less than four years following receipt of final payment under this Agreement unless Local Agency agrees in writing to an earlier dispo- sition. 14. Affirmative Action SANDAG, SANDAG's subcontractors and suppliers, if any, shall comply with the Affirmative Action Program of Local Agencies as required. 15. Assignability SANDAG shall not assign any interest in this Agreement, and shall not transfer any interest in the same (whether by assignment or novation), without the prior written consent of the Local Agencies thereto; provided, however, that claims for money due or to become due to SANDAG from Local Agencies under this Agree- meut may be assigned without such approval. Notice of any such assignment or transfer shall be furnished promptly to the Local Agencies. 16. Interest of SANDAG. SANDAG covenants that SANDAG presently has no interest, including, but not limited to, other projects or independent contracts, and shall not acquire any such interest, direct or indirect, which would conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of services required to be performed under this Agreement, SANDAG further covenants that in the performance of this Agreement no person having any such interest shall be employed or retained by SANDAG under this Agreement. 4 / 17. Insurance and Hold Harmless Agreement SANDAG agrees to maintain such insurance as will fully protect both SANDAG and Local Agencies from any and all claims wider any workmen's compensation act or employer's liability laws, and from any and all claims of whatsoever kind or nature for the damage to property or for personal injury, including death, made by anyone whomsoever which may arise from operations carried on Wlder this Agreement, either by ·sANDAG, any subcontractor or by anyone directly or in- directly engaged or employed by either of them. SANDAG shall exonerate, in- demnify and hold harmless Local Agencies from and against, and shall assume full responsibility for payment of, all federal, state and !ocal taxes or contributions imposed or required under unemployment insurance, social security and income tax laws, with respect to SANDAG and SANDAG's employees engaged in perfor- mance of this Agreement, Local Agency and its agents and ~mployees shall not be, nor be held liable for any liabilities, penalties, or forfeitures, or for any damage to the goods, properties o? effects of SANDAG, or of any other persons whatsoever, nor for personal injury to or death of them, whether caused by or resulting from any negligent act or omission of SANDAG. The provisions of this paragraph do not relieve the Local Agency of Local Agency's liability for damage to SANDAG caused by negligent acts or omissions, SANDAG further agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Local Agency and Local Agency's agents and employees, against and from any and all of the foregoing liabilities, and any and all costs or expenses incurred by Local Agency on accoWlt of any claim there- fore. SANDAG agrees to assume the foregoing obligations and liabilities, by which SANDAG shall defend, indemnity and hold Local Agency harmless from all claims arising by reason of the work done or by reason of any act or omission of SANDAG. 18. Notice Any notice or notices required or permitted to be •given pursuant to this Agree- ment _may be personally s~rved on the other party by the party giving such notice, or may be served by certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested. Notices to Local Agencies shall be sent to the City Manager/County Adminis- trative Officer and notices to SANDAG shall be sent to the Executive Director. 19. Independent Contractor It is agreed that Local Agency is interested only in the results obtained and that SANDAG shall perform as an independent contractor with sole control of the manner and means of performing the services required under this Agreement. SANDAG shall complete this Agreement according to SANDAG's own means and methods of work which shall be in the exclusive charge and control of SANDAG which shall not be subject to control or supervision by Local Agency except as to the results of the work. SANDAG is, for all purposes arising out of this Agree- ment, an independent contractor, and neither SANDAG nor SANDAG's employees shall be deemed an employee of Local Agency. It is expressly understood and agreed that SANDAG and SANDAG's employees shall in no event be entitled to any benefits to which Local Agency employees are entitled, including, but not limited to, overtime, any retirement benefits, workmen's compensation benefits, and injury leave or other leave benefits. 5 7 ZO. Governing Law This agreement shall be construed and interpreted according to the laws of the State of California. Zl. Complete Agreement It is expressly understood and agreed that this Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between SANDAG and Local Agencies and in no event shall Local Agencies be entitled to any compensation, benefits, reimbursements or ancillary services other than as herein expressly provided. IN WITNESS THEREOF Local Agencies and SANDAG have executed this Agreement as of the date first written above. 6 ATTACH:-.IE:':T A ClUMINAL JUSTICE CLEARINGHOUSE OBJECTIVES: This project will compile, analyze And disseminate regional, aystemwide criminal justice information to usist in operational and policy level decisionmakmg, and provide additional timely and accurate information as needed to address specific usues. BENEFITS o Development of crime control policy bued on consistent, reliable aystemwide data. o Increased knowledee of ••hat works• in criminal justice. o An independent, objective mechanism for usessing effectivene55 of change 1trateaies in criminal justice. o One centralized 1ource for reaional crime and justice data. TASKS System wide Data Analysis c, Collect, analyze and disseminate crime and justice aystem data fro.., law enforcement aaenciea, prosecutor, probation and the courts. o Delineate trends and patterns in crime data and response by 1ystem compo- nents. o Conduct quality c:ontl'ol audits on sample data and malte recommendation~ to improve accuracy of information. o Identify inconsistencies and aaps in systemwide justice processing. Research, Problem-Solving and Technical Aasilltance o Examine criminal ju,tice i1SUes that have reiionwide impact (e.g., jail over- crowdini, affect of undocumented aliens in justice aystem, impact oi tourism on crime rates). o Assist police qenciea in auesaing crime reduction atratesies (e.g., neighbor- hood watch, crime-specific task forces). o Conduct ,uneys fnr member qencies (e.g., actual crime 'rictimization vs. reported crime; citizen aurveys of satisfaction with police 1ervices; public opinion polh \'eiardine public 1afety iuues). o Denlop community profiles correlatin& sociodemographic factors with crime data. o Conduct abort-term uaeumenta of ~ecific crime and j1.1Stice issues. l q I Legislative Review o Review proposed and enacted criminal justice legislation. o Identify reeional impact. o Alert policymakers and crh:uinal justice administrators rega.rdi.ng •ienificant fiscal, policy or procedural changes. Resotll'ce and Referenc,s, o Respond to requests for current ancf. historical data relative to crime trends and 1y3tem respo?1Se. o Maintain Qpvto-d.ate information on current fundine 10mces for aiminal justice. o Assist police and other justice •iencies in respondina to arant applications. o Seek federal and 1tate fundina !01; long-term studies that have reiional impli-cations. / _,,...._.....,.~--· -- -San Diego ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS Suite 524, Security Pacific Plaza 1200 Third Avenue San Diego, California 92101 (619) 236-5300 Mr. Frank Aleshire City Manager City of Carlsbad 12.00 Elm A•1enue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear lv~~Mowa ___ _ February 20, 1986 On behalf of the SANDAG Board of. Directors, I would like to encotll'age yotll' support for sharing the funding necessary to continue the Regional Criminal Justice Clearinghouse carried out by the San Diego Association of Governments. The Clearinghouse was funded by the County in 1984 on a pilot basis to provide accurate and timely information to assist local decisionmakers in developing crime control policies. The issue of public safety warrants a regional perspective recognized by the SANDAG Board of Directors and the San Diego Criminal Justice Council. Recently, the SANDAG Board and th1 Council approved a proposal to continue the Clearinghouse at an annual cost of $150,000. It was suggested that the County be responsible for two-thirds of the cost and the re- maining $50,000 be divided on a population basis by those cities not served by the Sheriff. Since the County has legislative mandates that give it responsibility for most of the justice system (i.e., Sheriff, probation, prosecutor, courts, jails), it was felt that the County should share most of the cost. 1'he Agreement provides £or funding for the cities' total one-third share to be contributed annually (unless 30 da~ notice of termination is provided) so that the clearingho1JSe function can be maintained on an ongoing basis. The enclosed material provides the following information for your review: o Attachment A -Background of the Clearinghouse Purpose and Efforts o Attachment B -Proposed Clearinghouse Tasks in FY87 o Attachment C -Letter to City Managers from the Police Chiefs' and Sheriff's Asso .. ciation o Attachment D -Sam:r,le Resolution o Attachment E -Draft Agreement containing Proposed Formula for Fund Distribution As preliminary budget hearings begin, we request that you share this information with your City Council and staff and place the item on your Council's agenda for approval. Once your city has approved a resolution authorizing the city to enter into this Agree- ment, we will provide an official copy for yotll' mayor's signature. MEMBER AGENCIES. C1t1es of Carlsbad, Chula Vista, Coronado, Del Mar, El Cajon, Escondido, Imperial Beach, La Mesa, Lemon Grove, // l\'.ational City, Oceanside, Poway, San Diego, San Marcos, Santee, Vista and County of San Diego. ADVISORY/LIAISON MEMBERS. Cal1forn1a Department of Transportation, U.S.Departmen! of Defense and T1j•Jana,'Baja Cal1forn1a Norte. ., If you need additional .information or would like a presentation to your Council; please contact Susan Pennell, Director of the Criminal Justice Research Unit at SANDAG (Z36-5383). Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, ' --►~t--- RICHARD J. HUFF Executive Director RJH/SP/ce Attachments cc: Mayor Mary Casler ATTACHMENT A REGIONAL CRIMINAL JUSTICE CLEARINGHOUSE In January 1984, the County of San Diego funded the clearinghouse project on a two-year pilot basis. Two years later, at the January 1986 meeting of the Criminal Justice Com1cil, this group rmpported the continuing effort of the clear- inghouse. Since all local governments have an inte?-est in public safety, it was suggested that the $150,000 annual cost be shared. The Co1.U1ci1 proposed that the County be responsible for two-thirds of the cost and the remaining one-third ($50,000) be divided among the cities. On January 2.4, the SANDAG Board of Directors approved the continuation of the clearinghouse and supported the f1.U1d- ing proposal. BACKGROUND 'fhe Criminal Justice Council is a group of justice administrators and elected ofiicials informally organized to address regional criminal justice issues. Specif- i<.:ally, the Council's current members include: o A Co·.mty Supervisor (chair of the Council) o Councilpersons representing San Diego and Escondido o The County Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) o The Sheriff o The Chiefs of Police of National City and the City of San Diego o The District Attorney o The City Attorney of San Diego o The Chief Probation Officer o 'l'he Director of the Office of Defender Services o Presiding Judges of tht1 Superior and M1.U1icipal Courts PROBLEM STATEMENT In early 1983, the Council identified system fragmentation as the most critical justice problem in the region. Fragmentation was described as isolated ap- proaches to solving crime problems and lack of recognition of th"! interdependent nature of the justice system. For exampl<!, if a police department hires tnany new officers or implements a uew enforcement strategy, i.e., a narcotics street team, the impact on o':.ller pa1·ts of the system can be significant. More persons will be arrested and booked into the jail, the workload of the prosecutor will increase and more c.11Ses will be processed through the courts. Fo1· FY'l 966, c>:iminal justice expenditures in the region rose to over $300 million. Yet, this figure does not reflect the $134 million worth of property stolen from San Diegans or the trauma experienced by 1 of 17 crime victims in 1985. A significant proportion of each local government's budget is appropriated for law enforcement. The issue of public safety, the system designed to rei;pond to crime and the required resources warrant a regional perspective. The Criminal Justice Com1cil determined that understanding crime and responding effectively requh•e management of the data indicators that pinpoint the success of crime control policies. The development and maintenance of accurate, complete and high quality data is necessary to address the crime problem. THE CLEARINGHOUSE PROJECT Since t!le SANDAG Criminal Justice Unit had been exammmg local criminal justice issues funded by the State and Federal governments, the Council requested the Wlit to develop the clearinghouse. Specifically, the clearinghouse was funded to do the following: o Examine the types of information needed to make operational and policy decisions within each component of the system, e.g., law enforcement, prose- cution, courts, probation o Determine how current data are used o Assess the validity of available data o Compile, analyze and disseminate quarterly and annual reports that address the system response to crime The clearinghouse has produced these products: o Annual Crime Reports (1984 & 1985) o Quarterly crime updates o Quarterly reports on detention facilities o Quality Control Audits: Crime Reporting Arrest & Citation Reporting Juvenile Probation Statistical Info:.-mation C,ffender-Based Transaction System (Spring 1985) o Use and Value of Law Enforcement Information As a result of the clearinghouse efforts, the police agencies send SANDAG their crime data on a monthly basis and these statistics have been computerized, Recently, the County augmented the clearinghouse project to include sho1·t-term studies to monitor the inmate population in the jails, This information is being used to determine the types of facilities needed for which kinds of inmates and to examine the use of alternatives to incarceration. Police administrators have indicated the following ways that the SANDAG crime reports are used in their <1gencies: o Comparative analysis with other jurisdictions o To compare trends over time in own agency o To identify areas that may require operational changes o To present information to city councils and community groups such as Neigh- borhood Watch o Use as backgroWld information for budget preparations o As a source for media requests o To increase W1derstanding of criminal justice issues -----~------------------ Support for the clearinghouse was recently expressed by law enforcement admini- strators through a letter to all city managers. (Attachment C) Through SANDAG's Local Technical Assistance (LTA) :orogram, the clearinghouse has also provided the following short-term analyses: o Analysis was undertaken of the number of crimes in the Montgomery area subsequent to annexation by Chula Vista to assist in allocation of police resources. o On a quarterly basis: the number of arrests by the Sheriff's Department is compiled by master beat. o A cost-analysis of grand jury indictments and preliminary hearings was con- ducted for the District Attorney. o The number of juvenile offenders institutionalized was examined by resident address to assist the Cou.11ty in allocating funds for juvenile services. o A one-day profile of jail inmates that included information on arrest charge and amount of bail provided assistance with the jail overcrowding problem. Obviously, the unit cannot directly reduce crime but it can provide elected offi- cials ,llld criminal justice administrators with the type of information needed to allocate resources, develop strategies to address crime-related problems, and establish crime control policies for the San Diego region. The County of San Diego is man1lated by the State to provide c:rime and justice services in all areas except municipal !aw enforcement. The County, in its 5-year plan (1983), stated its commitment to the development of an integrated, more cost-effective criminal justice system. The clearinghouse effort provides the information needed to move toward this goal since it ?:epresents the only central- ized source for regional criminal justice information. Attachment B describes the nature and scope of services to be provided through maintenance of the clearinghouse. / ATTACHMENT B CRIMINAL JUSTICE CLEARINGHOUSE OBJECTIVES: This project will compile, analyze and disseminate regional, sy~temwide criminal justice information to assist in operational and policy level decisionmaking, and provide additional timely and accurate information as needed to address specific issues. BENEFITS o Development of crime control policy based on consistent, reliable system wide data. o Increased knowledge of •what works• in criminal justice. o An independent, objective mechanism for assessing effectiveness of change strategies in criminal justice. o One centralized source for regional crime and justice data. TASKS System wide Data Analysis o Collect, .analyze and disseminate crime and justice system data from law enforcement agencies, prosecutor, probation and the courts. o Delineate trends and patterns in crime data and response by system compo- nents. o Conduct quality control audits on sample data and make recommendations to improv3 accuracy of information. o Identify inconsistencies and gaps in system wide justice processing. Research, Problem-Solving and Technical Assistance o Examine criminal justice issues that have regionwide impact (e.g., jail over- crowding, affdct of undocumented aliens in justice system, impact of tourism on crime rates). o Assist p?lice agencies in assessing crime reduction strategies (e.g., neighbor- hood watch, crime-specific task forces). o Conduct surveys for member agencies (e.g., actual crime victimization vs. reported crime; citizen surveys of satisfaction with police services; public opinion polls regarding public safety issues). o Develop community profiles correlating sociodemographic factors with crime data. o Conduct short-term assessments of specific crime and justice issues. l Legislative Review o Review proposed and enacted criminal justice legislation. o Identify regional impact. o Alert policymakers and criminal justice administrators regarding significant fiscal, policy or procedUl'al changes. Rei1ource ru1d Reference o Respond to requests for current and historical data relative to crime trends and system response. o Maintain ttp-to-date information on current funding sources for criminal justice. o Assist police and other justice agencies in responding to grant applications. o Seek federal and state funding for long-term studies that have regional impli- cations. 11 ATTACHMENT C ·, • • oltz?i/ Zi~u· riM?Vj' POLICE CttIEf~' C6 ~liEQiffC) OFFICERS Pres1cie~, Vince~, D J1mno Cartsbid Vice Pres1<'eot W,li,am a Kol11'>de• ta'l o,eoc ~reti•f'"TrllUu•e• Oarw·n S·nc1a,, El Ca10·, filCVTIVE pOARO .i.nyBoyd Coronld:> Jam&s W Connole Escond1CIO JoMF Putty SI~ Diego Cour,ty Don Faeh LI Mesa Terry E Ha'1 Na11ona: City UI")' Marshall Oceans100 w,11,am J. Wintel"S Chula V1s1a ASSOCllTE MEMBERS Ben Kllhngsw011h CHP Bolder 01v. HM<jquarters Ar11..ea11nc Hartl0t'~1ce Edwin L MIiier, Jr. Oistnct Attomer TO: CITY MANAGERS, SAN DIEGO COUNTY FROM: VINCENT D. JIMNO, PRESIDENT o/d~o • • 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92006 Ja"nuary 24, 1986 (619) 438-5510 SAN DIEGO COUNTY POLICE CHIEFS' AND SHERIFF'S ASSOCIATION Many of you are aware of the Criminal Justice Clearinghouse efforts carried out by the SANDAG Criminal Justice Research Unit. We encoLlrage your support to continue this regionwide capability. In 1984 the County of San Diego funded the Clearinghouse on a two-year pilot basis to provide timely and accurate information related to the criminal justice system. The quarterly and annual reports on crime in the region are products of the Clearinghouse. Other efforts have focused on standardized reoorting of justice data through quality control audits. In recent months, the Clearinghouse has provided reports on the jail population. All of these efforts have contributed to the ability to effectively manage criminal justice operations. At the January 9th meeting of the Criminal Justice Council, this group voiced support for continuing the Clearinghouse. The chairman, Super- visor George Bailey, proposed that the annual $150,000 cost be shared, with the county absorbing two-thirds of the total and the cities dividing the remainder ($50,000). Wt urge your support for funding this centralized source for information to assist cri inal justice planning and decision-making in this region. VINCEN PRES ID cc: Supe:·visor George Bailey Susan Pennell, SANDAG db