HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-06-10; City Council; 8508-1; Bridge & Thoroughfare Benefit for Info UpdateL 0' 0 a e e e s .. z 0 5 $ a z 3 0 0 MTG. 6/10/86 DEPT. CM -- _- C. OF CARLSBAD - AGEN BILL BB# rcop-"l I TITLE: BRIDGE & THOROUGHFARF: BENEFIT DISTRICT CITY ATTY INFORMATIONAL UPDATE RECOMMENDED ACTION: Receive and file. ITEM EXPLANATION : The purpose of this item is to provide the City Council with an update on the progess of the proposed Bridge & Thoroughfare Benefit District and to provide the schedule in which this proposed district will come before Council for Review and consideration. Proposed Schedule: July 1 - staff presentation to Council July ? August 5 - conduct the public hearing - begin mailing public hearing notices Staff has been working with the engineering firm of Neste, Brudin & Stone, who were hired to provide for the development of the area of benefit, allocate costs of improvements, and determine the fee ap- portionment. currently being finalized. Also, the necessary legal documents for this proposed district are being prepared. A preliminary report was received by staff and is Staff Presentation: On July 1 staff, along with Norm Neste, will make a presentation to Council which will explain the rationale used to establish the Bridge & Thoroughfare Benefit District, detail the cost estimates for the three interchanges at 1-5 and Palomar Airport Road, Poinsettia and La Costa, and explain the proposed fee structure to finance these improvement projects. ask Council to set this item for public hearing. Pulic Notices: On July 2, the notices for the hearing will be mailed to all property owners in the proposed Bridge & Thoroughfare Benefit District whose property is oped to its maximum potential. Similar to the procedure used for the La Costa Traffic Impact Fee, only new development within the district will be required to pay a Bridge & Thoroughfare Benefit District fee at the time building permits are issued. Mailing the notices on this date will allow the City to meet all legal noticing requirements for the public hearing. paper as is done with all public hearings. At this meeting staff will also either undeveloped, or is not fully devel- The public hearing will also be advertised in the Public Hearing: On August 5, staff recommends the Council conduct a public hearing to receive testimony on the proposed Bridge & Thoroughfare Benefit District. Following the public hearing, the Council may decide whether or not to establish the proposed district. Staff is available to answer any questions Council may have at this time. as outlined, staff will proceed as planned. FISCAL IMPACT: If there are no questions or problems with the proposed schedule None. L @* F. MACKENZIE BROWN I NCORPO RATE D F. MACKENZIE BROWN RONALD E. NULL, A.P.C WARREN 8. DIVEN P. 0. BOX 8025 SAN DIEGO 16191 456-1915 1714) 551-1915 ORANGE LOS ANGELES (213) 567-1915 VENTURA (8051 653-1915 RIVERSIDE (7141 359-5489 FAIRBANKS RANCH PLAZA RANCHO SANTA FE. CALIFORNIA 920G7 June 19, 1986 Aletha Rautenkranz, City Clerk City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carl sbad , CA 92008 RE: BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE DISTRICT NO. 1 Dear A1 etha: Enclosed herein please find the following: RESOLUTION MAKING APPOINTMENTS: Prel iminary appointment of newspaper, Speci a1 Counsel and Report Engineer. RESOLUTION ADOPTING UAP: Formal action establishing area of benefit for bridge district. RESOLUTION APPROVING REPORT, DECLARING INTENTION, AND SETTING PUBLIC HEARING: Initiating Resolution approving Report of Engineer and setting time and place for public hearing. *** NOTIC OF PUBLIC HEARING (NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS): For publication, posting and mailing. INSTRUCTION SHEET: Sets forth notice requirements to be accomplished. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: To be executed upon compliance with notice require- ments and kept on file with transcript of the proceedings. **** The above Resolutions are now ready for consideration and adoption by the City Council at your regular meeting of July 1, 1986. Prior to adoption of these Resolutions, you should have on file in the Office of the City Clerk the following: - Map showing area of benefit for District (Bridge and Thoroughfare District No. 1) - Engineer's "Report" dated the date of meeting, i.e., July 1, 1986 F. MACKENZIE BROWN Aletha Rautenkranz, City Clerk City of Carlsbad June 19, 1986 Page Two INCORPORATED Through the adoption of the enclosed Resolutions, the City Council will generally be accomplishing the following: - Designate newspaper for publication of notice and appoint Special Counsel and the Report Engineer - Formal approval of the boundaries of the area of benefit - Approve Report of Engineer, declare intention to form the District and set time and place for public hearing Upon adoption of the Resolutions, it will be necessary to immediately accomplish the notice requirements, as set forth in the INSTRUCTION SHEET. Please note that notice will generally be give in the following manner: A. Publication in the CARLSBAD JOURNAL 6. Mail to all property owners within the District to the address as as shown on C. Post in 3 public places within the City the 1 ast equal i zed Assessor's records Upon completion of all notice requirements, the CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE should be executed and kept on file in the Office of the City Clerk. I would appreciate receiving conformed copies of the Resolutions upon their adop- tion, and when available, the following: 1. Executed Certificate of Compliance 2. Copy of Affidavit of Publication from newspaper Please note that attached to the legal notice for mailing should be reduced maps generally showing the area of benefit for the above District. If you have any questions at all relating to the Resolutions and/or Instructions, please so advise. Very truly yours, F. MACKENZIE BROWN FMB:bd encl . cc: Ray Pachett, Assistant City Manager Vincent Biondo, Esq., City Attorney Norm Neste; Neste, Brudin & Stone, Inc. A F. MACKENZIE BROWN RONALD E. NULL. A.P.C WARREN 8. DlVEN F. MACKENZIE BROWN I N CO R PO RATE D P. 0. BOX 8025 SAN DIEGO 1619) 456-1915 ORANGE 1714) 551-1915 LOS ANGELES 1213) 567-1915 (8051 653-1915 VENTURA FAIRBANKS RANCH PLAZA RANCHO SANTA FE, CALIFORNIA 92067 RIVERSIDE 1714) 359-5489 June 23, 1986 Aletha Rautenkranz, City Clerk City of Carl sbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE: BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE DISTRICT NO. 1 Dear A1 eth a : Enclosed herein please find modified NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING (NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS) for purposes of publication, posting and mailing. The only modification is to increase the costs to reflect inflation and escalation rather than utilizing current construction dollars. This Notice should replace the Notice that was previously transmitted. Very truly yours, *w F. MACKENZIE BROWN FMB : bd encl . cc: Ray Pachett, Assistant City Manager Vincent Biondo, Esq., City Attorney Norm Neste; Neste, Brudin & Stone, Inc.