HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-06-10; City Council; 8658; LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEE APPOINTMENTS! b: 9 CIT()oF CARLSBAD - AGENDmILL (// n a 0 a co z" g .rl 4J s 4 0 rr, 2 2 a k a a 0 0 U c 0 rl +I 9 bD E: -rl u r: . -4 a0 *a ma rl@ 4* a)* d n- 4% ?g 4-1 .. 0 2; 2; 0" c, ?* ; aFl a2 .d 5 0 2 a .rl u u"z: +s 4 0 ab0 TI *s ?j 4 .rl zua 4J C$ ggal -4 0 UUQ a- **: Ad 77 -a AB# 8b* RECOMMENDED ACTION: CITY DEPT. cc CITY APFO INTMENTS MTG. DEPl TITLE: 6-10-86 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEE Adopt Resolution No. X[-a g ard fi 4 ? , appointing two members t Library Board of Trustees. I ITEM EXPLANATION The terms of Seena Trigas ard Sharon Schramm expire in 3we, 1986. Seena Trigas war originally appointed to the Board in 3me, 1980, ad has two full terns. She has expressed a desire to be regpointed to the Libr Board of Trustees. Sharon Schramm was originally appointed to the Board in March, 1982. She to serve on the Plannirg Commission. desirous of redppointment to the Library Board since she was recently app Other members of the Board of Trustees are: Richard Martin, Herbert Falkenstein, ad Mary Grosse. Attached for Council review are copies of applications received in calend 1986. I EXH1B1TS 1. Resolution No. r60 r appointing a member to the Library Board of Trustees. 2. Resolution No. g.d o 9 appointing a member to the Library Board of Trustees. 3. Copies of applications received in calendar year 1986. z 0 4 .. 6 $ s z 0 0 0 1 2 3 RESOLUTION NO. 8608 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAO, CALIFORNIA, APFQINTING A EMBER TO THE CARLSBAD LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES 4 WHEREAS, the tern of Sharon Schrmm expires in June, 1986; 5 NOW, THEREFORE, E IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City 6 California, as follows: 7 1. That the abwe recitations are true and correct. 8. 2. That the foIlowing person is hereby appointed to serve as 9 the Library Board of Trustew, for a ten to expire in June, 1989: 10 11 Milton Cooper PASSED, APROVED AND ADOPTED at a/z$*ar meeting of the Carls rned 12 to wit: 13 Council held on the 11th day of June . , 1986, by the fol - 14 15 AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin., Chick and p NOES: None 16 17 ABSENT: None 181 . . 19 I I 1 MARY H. SLER, Mayor 20 21 22 23 24 ATTEST: v ALETM L. RAUTENKRPNZ, City Clerk d 25 1 (SEAL) 26 27 28 e e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 RESOLUTION NO. 8609 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APFOINTING A MEMBER TO THE CARLSBAD LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES WHEREAS, the term of Seena Trigas expires in hne, 1986; NW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City California, as follows: 1. That the abuve recitations are true and correct. 2. That the followirg person is hereby appointed to serve as a the Library Board of Trustees, for a tern to expire in June, 1989: Seena Trigas 2. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at d regdar meeting of the Carlsb ad ’ ourned Council he1 d on the . ” llt h day of June , 1.986, by the foll to wit: AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and PC NOES: None ABSENT: None l8 ! 19 ~ 20 I % .d &.G.L MARY H. C SLER, Mayor 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ATTEST; crA ALETPA L. RAUTENKRPNZ, City Clerk (SEAL) la ELM AVENUE e 7% /a& e.f . CARLSBAO, CALIFORNIA 92008 ni (71, Office of the CiQ ckrk Citg of Cadsftab APPLICATION ?OR AP#)fNTMENT TO B0.W OR COMMISSION Nama of Boud Or Cot11miS8lOn~ IlbLai2y AMd &Tau& r Name (Print OF Typd 9 C~TAM Tk?L 6 Ax ‘“88: dy.30 CIAnPS(rr 1” c An hkj 4 .. - phone:.^.^^ ‘3223 Preaent Occupatign: ca .S,sut-fn+T~ l cG-J+,& Bwfnau Name urd.Addrsr8: %-I, (3ho~-Q& c - c Bu8. Phone : aTA 7 I ) 2- Resident of C8rlsbadr % .- x L Home Phon*:338 3 L2=3 Ragistared Votar in crrlsbd:-% . I MI farni1i.r with the r*8pOn8ibilftie8 assigned to th8 Board I COmir8ion on whidr I wlrh to rar~.. If appointed to a Board 1 Coxnnirrion which ia rubjmct to financial diaclorura laws, I ~RL willlng to a90.u for an tnt.rptw -8rUzq my qurlificationr Wil&&llg to pmVib 8Uch 8t8tmnt8 88 m8y b8 rwUird. 1 MI for appointamat b.for@ 8Uch arnraftt- 88 mcly be dU8ign8td by I +ha City bwcil or if r.que8t.d bp indiVidU81 COUnCil Manbard DATE: V)a-igL s1GEJATORE: (Sea r8V8r80 Sf&) n 6/ - a t t 0 e (thJ.&sLL/ , EDUCATION: - lnaAb -+nBA % K LLh&QJi %=A, e Ga 5 7 L3AJAq hw hpjlc), [pjIl 1 EXPERIENCE : a "e;!nJ - Gdshqci &,bMy bMd &I& f e3d~*j,+a ~wd Y- rnAPUS wdf7md jAb c PSMddQR I=& c g-bhd & J y G,{ ~~CrnlZ &o&Ad -be4 ka 3w 0, %emu AmLd dkD,&& 6 6&mQL ha oQinQa?,,d&?d- )-A &b fitad %ha - A\LJ,d &+@fi.,+x. La 1 7% G--f- 4 uo "-9- fA4 OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES : &h"r QCthl, \ y srs 1W"s',rr* " Lbbq -be / 3 w-)&~~, 1.4 " 5- WApJUi Ci-~ZQh\ ~ h) Shdf!,, ,'~,Iu& i'd -tck, c "UP5 Ra WCML-ap, &ad we (r3 fnJ- fwd / /J \ *4b%d c * wmq,,d L. "kd (13 c >-).IL.-j3 i "i- -4 w@u- )!a h&'>& -Bfi+(qKlkJ k45"" E.+& -Fn39 m Jk2 is /A~U 4 +u! JA4 c&a§~~f3b* d'32'19( C!Qnrnd,P Ti "=+ Q,A +( i*vOklld -& '13 GLC1LJ1 he) && & a.$ G; r3 "9- ADDITIONU IN?OIII3ATIoH OR COWS: * h44e M(h a +u;r, 04- Of-+,W 04 ik llbN Es "' 3 kJe- ~c+Luel.) CC.)b& I/rvu 1 albY la -($k%h/r[Jb5d q$d G. Or' behslc 04 -& b&,% - =(, 'x d-lt t 'h, 1~9fiL&fi,, Il -dQ-d-(,t,a of- & c-4 &+J ;+a ? 3 i1'cQ. i3 .= %is -Q/k=//qy K c Orci-tl ,\li L3 rl fi% Sfaff4rJd I ,- i t, 1 ; - Tl" f-w- Of c)q&[jb,*d p) c Q, 2'; 'oqhd a+ T~CJC- aAa ~e e+Jey4 .it C p* p-:" k* 6CCL\&~ I$ ne" mAt- bb \ x7 W~ened-~ 04<1 G? q& LCJ+ I4 72,dkPt-L RR% &% OM- A *f m-45 d* C“ 1200 ELM AVENUE 0 0 7- 74fi 9 ~ CAALSMD, CALIFORNIA 9- Office ot me Cify ckrk Citp of Cattsbab A~PLICATION mR APPOINTMENT TO BO.- OR COMMTSSION N- of Bead Ot ComiS8iOnt Board of Trustees of the Carlsbz . ~~~~~~~ ~- ~~~ ~ ~ - ~ Nun. (Print or Typo) 8 Robert Wood A4dge.s: 7223 Duranqo Circle .. Phon.: 418 - ?QW. Present Occup8tiotr: dpt,i rpd Pnns111 t.ant BUfnau #am md Addrerrl Bob Wood Associates, Inc. 7223 Durancjo Circle, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Bus, Phonet 438-4161 Re8ident of C8rlsbadt yes (i978) HQ~ Phorn: 438-3961 Registered Votar in Culrbrdt ves I allt f-1i.r With tho rerponsibilities -signed to tft. Boare COUUli88iOn Oa ai& 1 -8h to 8erw0 If appointed to a Board ~lIUXli88iOn which i8 rubjact to financia dirclorute 1-8, 1 4 will- to pmVib 8Uch 8t8t.nwnt8 8s may be raquirod. 1 = tho city ~ouncil or if r0quart.d by ~~~vtbu.1 council r4amb.1 wAtlbq to aop~t for m tat.rPtw ~u-9 mp ~~%fiC8tfOt for 8PpOl~taUaxt bfotm Sudr aOrwatttw u my bo daign&& by /-3 DATE: 5- S”-c9t SIGsATURtt fl&L(Q (Sa. rever8e .id.) 6 - - 1 0 0 EDUCATION: Attended: University of Southern Carlifonia - Mira Costa Community College, classes in Accounting, Com2uter ProGramming, Political Science, Astronomy, Arts EX Craft EXPERIENCE: 4 yezrs on Traffic Safety Commission - 18 months as Chairman. In four years missed only four meetings. (Will ask not to be agsointed for a third term.) Have served as Treasurer of the Friends of the Library for two years and if nominated will serve one additional year. .. ,. ,. .. OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES : Part time Business Manager of St. Peter's Episcosal Church in Del Mar. This requires about nine hours ger week of my time on a random basis. ADDITIOItA!, r#tb=!l!ldat OR Cbmr .r\ - -* B ? 7200 ELM AVENUE e F@i Lkz6 - CAALSBAO, CALIFORNIA 9- TI (7 ottice ot rho City ckrk &it? of &ad$bab APPLICATION FOR APPQINTMENT TO BO“ OR COMMISSION ~amo of ~oud or Commissions ‘ Library 3oard - Name (Print er T-1 t ;\!1lton 2. s?oo-oer Addfall: 35c1 %VO,Yl.dale 2ircle. c,arlsbzd. !;,q, 93008 - .’ .. Phone: 729-6170 . Present Occupation: Cof , Gs”,!~.~ 1k.J (Ret) .. BUf~88 Name and Addrersr ;\:/*i Bw . Phone: il/A Rerident of Carlsbad:,-, XOmh PhOnSZ729-67 /O .- Regirteted Voter in Carlsbad: Yes 1 am fatnilir~ with tho rerponlibitftieo aerigned to the Beard Conmirrion oa which I wirh to serve. If appointed to a Board Cornmiasion which ia subject to financial disclorure 1-8, 1 an williag to provida such statement8 as may be required. I am willing to 8pp.u for sa interview rcrqudinq mp qurlificationa for 8p$Oi!ltmant beform such aornmftt- 88 amy be deriqrratd by the City ceuncil or if r0quert.d e individual Council &Wmb.a DATE: 2’3 nVri1 1986 s1GmrURt: /%g?25i ru (Sea revers. side) - - 6/ I I 0 EDUCATION: See A$tached resume. e EXPERIENCE : .. .. .. .. . . .. OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES : i.:;or.th San Diego Sounty Genealosical Society (affiliated witn ..-LA( 'mzlsbad Zity LiSrary) Tne ~ctirsd Cfficers RsociatioK ?K, ,llitary rjrd.sr of :f;or1d ;dars I. Older Adult Program (s,ponsored by the Carlsbad City Library and Carlsbad Senior Seqvices) .I -. Served as volunteer with the Carlsbad City Library's Tax Distribution Service. ADDITIONAL r#Lc6RMATIO# OR COWS: - . CZ ., I, . EDUCATION: M.S. -EduFtion,:PEPPERDlNE UNIVERSITY . . . ' ' -6.S. -.MilitaryScienai, UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND : .. ,.