HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-06-17; City Council; 6955-2; Addition to Purchasing Sections of Municipal Codei l t 1 I f j . co co N ,-.j . 0 z QJ (J = Ill = 'M "ti M 0 "ti QJ (J ;:I "ti 0 M .u = 'M M •rl (J = ;:I 0 t.) .. \0 co -r-- ,-.j ...... \0 0 u.: ~ 0: a. a. < .. z 0 i3 < _, 6 z ::, 0 (.) Cl-.0F CARLSBAD -AGEN~BILL 11 695S-'---r-2i"T" ____ NJ~D~IT;=;l~O~N-,.T~O--::T:::-:H:-:=E-::P~l.Rn"a-t~A-:::;SI~l't;:::--:S::::E~CT::-e:I:-:::O-:-:NS::-----r---lliillpc~:-- AB#____ TITLE: OF THE CAR...SBAD MUNICIPAL CODE DEPT. HD.____._- MTG. f{/I7 /86 CITY ATTY VEB DEPT._P_C_H __ CITY MGR. ~ , RECOMMENDED ACTION: Introduce Ordinance No. /,&~ , crnerdlng the purchasi~ procedures to autrorlze the City Mana;Jer to reject bids for supplies, seivlces or equipment costi~ more than $10,000. ITEM EXPLANATION In October 1966, the City of Carlsbad adopted its first purdlasl~ ordinance. Since that time, the ordinance has been amerded occasionally to ensure that the Cl ty ls follow!~ current, accepted purdlasirg procedures. One practice in the present purchasir9 ordinance that ls used extensively ls the For:mal Biddirg procedure. This ls used for the purdl<1se of supplies, seivlces ard equipment cost!~ more than $10,000. The prq>osed addition would allow the City Man~~r to reject formal bids ard to direct the Purchasirg Officer to r~a:lvertise for bids, wien all bids exceed the cost estimate, or wien no bids are received, or when evaluation of the bids is difficult, if not impossible. Also, the prq>osed addl tion would reject all formal bids if no City Council action is t~en on the bids within 90 days after the bids have been received and openoo. An example of when the prq>osed anerdment would be appropriate ls the recent Library Security System bid. Technical specifications were developed for the security system ard wien the bids were openoo ard analyzed it became apparent we could not make a fair canparlson --one vendor submittoo his bid based on the technical specification ard the other verdor submitted his bid based on performance specifications. Because of the difficulty in analyzlrg the bids, it was necessary to go to Council ard ask for the bids to be rejected and to authorize the Purdlasi~ Officer to re-bid the systen usirg revised specifications. The prq>osed cnendment will allow the City Mancger to reject bids administratively and allow the Purchasirg Officer to sollci t bids wl trout Council act ion. FISCAL IMPACT There will be no addl tlonal savirgs or expenditures if the prq>osed anerdment is enooted. However, there will be a time savirgs of approximately two weeks if the rejection of bids is done administratively by the Cl ty Mancger. EXHIBITS - 1. Summary of prq>osed add! tlon to Purchasirg Ordinance • 2. Ordinance No.~ f f ( t ' i l I I May 30, 1986 TO: ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER/ADMINISTRATION FROM: Purchasirg Officer PROPOSED ADDITION TO PURatASING ORDINANCE The recanmerded add! tion to the Carlsbad Municipal Code ls conlsdered necessary for the City to have a canprehensive purchaslrg policy ard for formal bids (over $10,000) to be hardled in an expedient manner. Section 3.28 .120 Formal Bidding Procedures (6) provides for the City Council, at 1 ts discretion, to reject any bid for any reason. Occasionally, bids for supplies, setvices or equipment costirxJ more than $10,000 have been received or alternate bids have been submitted, makirxJ an evaluation very difficult, if net impossible to make. Under the present ordinance, after bids are received an Agerda Bill ls prepared stating the reason for requestirg a re-bid ard Cooncil act ion is ~needed to reject the bids ard to re-bid the 1 terns once again. Another example ~en reject ion ard re-bid is necessary is when there are considerable exceptions tcken by the bidders to the specifications. Again, it is necessary to have an Agerda Bill prepared for the Cooncll to reject the bids ard for the formal blddirxJ process to start over. It is when these instances ta<e place that it would be more a:Jvanta;1eoos to have the City Mana;1er reject the bids administratively ard to dtrect the Purchasirg Officer to re-bid the item(s). Another example ffl"len the addl tion would be apprq>riate ls when a formal bid has been received ard a reconmerdatlon for the bid award ls not forthcanlrg fran the department. Bid prices are nonnally good for a certain number of days ( the verdor fills this in on his bid fonn). The prq>osed addl tion to the Ordinance would formalize the lergth of time (90 days) before a bid would be rejected if no Council action were tacen. Since the City Council does not appr<11e specifications for fonnal purd,aslrxJ bids, it srould not be necessary for the Cooncll to reject the formal bids ard authorize the re-blddirxJ of supplies, setvlces ard equipment costir(J rrore than $10,000. Havir(J the City Manager reject the bids administratively will expedite the blddlrxJ procedures ard allow purchases to be made in a more timely manner. R FLETCHER PurchasirwJ Officer RF/ds 1 l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Q < 13 ID I .; a: <( :uw< 14 g u.::, z z O ffi a: o~>o 15 ai <.~ . u :3 < u. • u I->-w . 16 ffi ~ ~ 0 0 a: .. ~ ~ 01:: !I 17 > < a: ~ ~ 18 0 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 -------::-.--- ORDINANCE NO. 1288 ------ AN ORDINANCE Of THE CITY COUNCIL Of THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALlrORNIA AMENDING TITLE 3, CHAPTER 3.28 Of THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT Of SECTION 3.28.120(6) TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO REJECT BIDS FOR SUPPLIES, SERVICES OR EQUIPMENT. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: That Title 3, Chapter 3.28 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code i~ amended by the amendment of Section 3.28.120(6) to add the following sentences: "In addition and as an alternative to the actions taken by the City Council as described in this subsection, the City Manager shall have the authorj ty to reject any and all bids presented and to direct the Purchasing Officer to readvertise for bids pursuant to the procedures described in this section whenever the City Manager determines that all bids substantially exceed the City estimate of cost for the purchase or exceed the amount budgeted for the purchase, that no bids are received, or that alternate bids have been submitted by one or more vendors making evaluation of the bid difficult. All bids shall be deeme rejected if no City Council action is taken on the bids within 9 days after the bids have been received and opened regardless of whether the matter has been formally submitted to the City Council for consideration." EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its adoption, and the City Cl~rk shall certify to the adoption of this ordin~nce and cause it to be published at least once in the Carlsbad Journal within fifteen days after its adoption. INTRODUCED ANO flRST READ at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 17th day of June , ---~--------- 1986 and thereafter l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 19 20 21 22 23 24. 25 26 27 28 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of said City Council held on the 24th day of __ J_u1_1e _____ , 1986, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pt?ttine NOES: None ABSENT: None RM AND LEGAL I TY su:R, Mayor ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City erk j I ) J_ i I l ! I I