HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-07-08; City Council; 8686; Classification plan amendment.- t3 W > 0 e a, 2 .. z 0 F 0 a 2 0 z 3 0 0 46#&%- TITLE: 3EPT. PER AMENDING THE CLASSIFICATION PLAN MT DEPT. HD.~ CITY MGR-% CITY AlTY-B I I RECOMMENDED ACTION: City Council adopt Resolution No. , amending the classification plan for Secretary I, Secretary I1 and to the City Manager. ITEM EXPLANATION The Personnel Department recanmends several charges to the secretarial series. The followiq revisions are recanmended: 1. Revise Secretary I classification to modify the requirement for shorthand and/or the ability to use dictation equipment to read "may be required". 2. Revise Secretary I1 classification to modify the requirement for shorthand and/or the ability to use dictation equipment to read "may be required". 3. Revise Secretary to the City Manager classification to modify the requirement for shorthand and/or the ability to use dictation equipment to read '!may be required". Personnel anticipates that these changes will assist in recruiting candidates for secretarial positions. It has been difficult to recruit qualified candidates to the positions requiring a shorthand certificate. Shorthand appears to be both a dying art and a canmunications technique vhich has been superceded by the use of port&le micro cassette recorders. would allow supervisors to determine the necessity of the shorthand requirement . These modifications FISCAL IMPACT None. EXHIBITS Resolution No. - r-2 revising the various classification descriptions. Attached are the revixjob descriptions for Secretary I, Secretary I1 and Secretary to the City Manager. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLWION NO. 8652 A RESLUION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAWSBAD, CPLIFORNIA, AMENDING THE CLASSIFICATION PIAN OF THE CITY TO REVISE THE CLASSIFICATIONS OF SECRETARY I, SECRETARY I1 AND SECRETARY TO THE CITY MANAGER WHEREAS, the City Manager recanmends and the City Council concurs, that the classification of Secretary I, Secretary I1 ard Secretary to the City Manager should be anerded in the City's Classification Plan. NW, THERffORE, BE IT RESLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the abwe recitation are true and correct. 2. That the City Council autbrizes ard directs the City Manager to rwis the classifications of Secretary I, Secretary I1 and Secretary to the City Manager as described in Attachment A, attached hereto and made a part thereof. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 8th day of July , 1986, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: None ABSENT: None Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettine ----- ATTEST: .. DEFINITION - -. Attachment A pc, 1 Resolution No. ~563-2 SECRETARY TO THE CITY WAGER Under general direction, to perfon responsible and confidential secretarial duties for the City Manager; to relieve the City Manager of a variety of administrative and clerical details; ad to do related work as assigned. EXAMPLES OF DUTIES Type a variety of materials for the City Manager, ad the City Council, i nc ludi ng correspondence , report s, resolutions, proclamations , agr eene nt s, and other documents . Maintain a calendar and schedule appointments for the City Manager, the City Manager's staff, and members of the City Council. Act as confidential secretary to the City Manager and relieve the City Manager of a variety of administrative and clerical details. Perform a variety of clerical duties associated with the personnel function including canpensation and labor relations activities. Coordinate and assume responsibility for distribution of information to the clerical staff in all City departments regarding events, policies and act ivi t ies . May tdce and transcribe dictation for letters, reports and memoranda. Gather information and canpose correspondence in reply to various requests, inquiries and questionaires. Answer the telephone and interview callers, for the City Manqer, City Council and the Manager's office, exerdsirg considerable indeperdent judgment in giving out information and referring to proper party. Make travel arrargements for the City Manager, City Council and staff. Assist in the preparation of agenda materials. Assist the City Manager and staff in preparation of the budget. Maintain a filing and recall system for the City Manager, City Council and staff. Maintain and update the City Council and Administrative Order Maruals. Operate a variety of office appliances and order office supplies as necessary. Supervise, train and evaluate assigned staff. I , . .SECRETARY TO THE CITY VAGER, Contirued QUALIFICATIONS Knowledge of Modern office practices and procedures including business correspondence, filing and standard office equipment operation. Basic fmctions ad organization of municipal governnent. Statistical ad recordkeeping methods. Correct English usage, spelling ad pmctuation. Ability to Perfom difficult ard responsible secretarial ad clerical work. Take stenogrzqhic notes at meetings and conferences or otherwise provide for the recording of proceedings and prepare clear and concise reports. Prepare reports and conpose correspordence independently. May be required to tdce dictation at a speed of 90 words per mirute and/or operate transcription and dictation equipment. Type accurately at a speed of 60 words per minute. Employ good judgment and make sound decisions in accordance with established procedures and policies. Estdlish and maintain cooperative relationships with those contacted in the course of work. Supervise, train and evaluate assigned staff. Experience and Education Any canbination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge and abilities would be qualifying. obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: A typical way to Experience Five years of increasiqly responsible clerical ard secretarial experience, involving frequent contact with the pclsllc. Education Equivalent to canpletion of the twelfth grade, including or supplemented by specialized secretarial or business training. -- DEFINITION _- e= Attachment Resolution 0. p65& SECRETARY I1 Under general direction, to be responsible for the clerical and secretarial fmctions of a City department; to prwide administrative assistance in assembling, canpiling and summarizirq information for departmental reports and projects; and to do related work as assigned. DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS The Administrative Secretaray class performs a variety of canplex secretarial, clerical and routine administrative tasks for a Department Head and in support of departmental operations and staff. Normally, only one Secretary I1 position will be allocated to a City department. Positions assigned to this class may often be expected to supervise other clerical and technical staff in the performance of routine administrative and clerical work. EXAMPLES OF DUTIES Perform difficult clerical, secretarial, and routine administrative work for a department involving the use of considerable irrdependent judgment. Coordinates clerical and routine administrative activities involving the assignment of work and priorities, detennine work requirements, and review and evaluate work upon completion. May be required to transcribe correspondence, memorarda and reports fran dicatphone recordings or shorthand notes. Make travel and meeting arrargements. Help prepare and assemble materials for meetings. May attend meetings during and after noma1 business hours, record minutes and prepare them for distribution. Receive visitors and give information or refer to proper officials. Answer correspo nde nce independently . Prepare preliminary budget proposals fran information available fran different sources in the department. Assist in the preparation of departmental reports by gathering and summarizing information fran a variety of sources. Install, revise, and supervise the use of filing systems and other clerical procedures. When assigned, undertdte and carry act a variety of projects requiring considerable independent judgment and initiative. May serve as a receptionist. - . . SECRETARY 11, Continue Supervise, train and evaluate assigned staff. QUALIFICATIONS Knowledqe of Modern office practices and procedures including business correspondence, filing and standard office equipment operation. Statistical and recordkeeping metbds. Correct English usage, spelling and pcnctuation. Ability to Perform difficult and responsible secretarial and clerical work. Take stenographic notes at meetings and conferences, or otherwise prwide for recoding of proceedings and prepare clear and concise reports. Prepare reports and canpose correspondence independently. May be required to take dictation at a speed of 90 words per minutes and/or operate dictation and transcription equipment. Type accurately at a sped of 60 words per minute. Employ good judgment and make sound decisions in accordance with established procedures and policies. Establish and maintain cooperative relationships with tbse contacted in the course of work. Supervise, train and evaluate assigned staff. Experience and Education Any canbination equivalent to experience and education that could likely prwide the required knowledge and abilities would be qdifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Experience Four years of increasingly responsible clerical and secretarial experience performing duties similar to thse assigned to the Secretary I class and involvirg Requent contact with the pLblic. Education Equivalent to canpletion of twelfth grade including or supplemented by specialized secretarial or business training. -_ Attachment SECRETARY I DEFINITION Under general direction, to perform highly responsible clerical and secretarial work in City department; to prwide routine administrative assistance in assembling, canpiling, and summarizing information for reports and projects; and to do related work as assigned. DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS The Secretary class is distinguished fran other clerical classes in that the Secretary class perform a variety of responsible and canplex clerical ad routine administrative tasks. Normally, incumbents in the Secretary class will assume responsibility for clerical and routine administrative requirements for a major operating division, or a small City department and may be expected to provide lead supervision for other clerical employees. EXAMPLES OF DUTIES Perform difficult clerical and secretarial work for a major operatirg division, or a small City department involving the use of considerable independent judgment. Prepare and type correspondence, memoranda, and reports fran dictqhone recordings or shorthand notes. Make travel and meeting arrargements. Help prepare and assemble materials for meetings. May attend meetings as required durirq and after noma1 business hours, record minutes, and prepare them for distribution. Receive visitors and give information or refer to proper officials. Answer correspondence independently. Prepare and type confidential materials involving financial and personnel matters. Assist in the preparation of departmental reports by gathering and summarizing information fran a variety of sources. Install and revise, and supervise the use of filing systems and other clerical pr oced ur es . When assigned, undertake and carry forward a variety of projects requiring c om id e rab le i ndepe nde nt jud gme nt and initiative . Serve as a receptionist. May operate radio equipment. Supervise, train and evaluate assigned staff. , . 'SECRETARY I, Continued'- .. QUALFICATIONS Unowledge of Modern office practices and procedures including business correspondence, filing, and stardard office eqdpment operation. Statistical and recordkeepirg methods. Correct English usage, spelling ard pmctuation. Ability to Perform difficult and responsible secretarial and clerical work. Take stenographic notes at meetings and conferences, or otherwise provide for recordirg of proceedings and prepare clear and consice reports. Prepare reports and canpose correspondence independently. May be required to tdte dictation at a speed of 90 words per minute and/or operate dictation and transcript ion equipment. Type accurately at a speed of 60 words per minute. Employ good judgment ad make sound decisions in accordance with established procedures and policies. Establish and maintain cooperative relationships with those contacted in the course of work. Supervise, train, ad evaluate assigned staff. Experience and Education Any cabination equivalent to experience ad education that could likely prwide the required knowledge and abilities would be qualifying. obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: A typical way to Experience Three years of increasirqly responsible clerical and secretarial experience involving frequent contact with the phlic. Education Equivalent to canpletion of twelfth grade including or supplemented by specialized secretarial or business trainiq.