HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-07-08; City Council; 8691; PERSONNEL BOARD APPOINTMENTc CIT()~F CARLSBAD - AGEN~ILL at AB# % 7 I TITLE: DEF clr DEPT? Clf' ~~~,7-8-86 PERSONNEL BOARD APPOINTMENT I I I I RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution Nos. r& 6 & and KG 6 9 , appointing two members to Personnel Board. ITEM EXPLANATION The term of Camille Mitkevich expires in hne, 1986. Camille Mitkevich w originally appointed to the Board in October, 1981, and has expressed a d to be reappointed. Additionally, David Bates has resigned as a member of the Personnel Board effective July 1, 1986. The term vacated has an expiration date of gune, Therefore it is necessary to appoint a member to fill the unexpired term. Other members currently serving on the Personnel Board are: David Bates, 3acqueline Hinkle, Donald Veale and Father Driver. Copies of applications received in 1986 are attached for Council review. EXHIBITS 1. Letter of resignation from David Bates dated April 16, 1986. 2. Resolution No. p6 6 p appointing a member to the Personnel Board. 3. Resolution No. ,f'6 6 7 appointing a member to the Personnel Board. 4. Copies of applications received in calendar year 1985. z 0 .. 6 4 4 0 2 3 0 0 . 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 i I q RESOLUTION NO. 8668 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAFgSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APFOINTING A MEMBER TO THE CARLSBAD PERSONNEL BOARD WHEREAS, David Bates has resigned as a member of the Personnel effective July 1, 19 86; and WHEREAS, the tern vacated does not expire until 3me, 1989; an WHEREAS, Council desires to appoint a member to fUl the map: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City California, as follows: 1. That the abwe recitations are true and correct. 2. That the following person is hereby appointed to serve as i the Personnel Board, for a ten to expire in June, 1989: Jere Kimbrell PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsk Council held on the 8th day of July , 1986, by the foll to Wit! AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick ant NOES: None ABSENT: None 2o I bfl-3 && 21 22 23 ATTEST: 24 MARY H. Cp ER, Mayor E5 1 ALETw t. RmTmKRMZ, city CleJ 26 I LzAzLJa 27 (SEAL) 28 .. /I @ * 1 2 3 RESOLUTION NO. 8669 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APFOINTING A MEMBER TO THE CARLSBAD PERSONNEL BOARD 4 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the CiQ 5 WHEREAS, the tern of Cmille Mitkevich expires in hne, 1986; 6 California, as follows: 7 2. That the following person is hereby appointed to serve as a 8 1 . That the abuve recitations are true and correct. 9 the Personnel Board, for a tern to expire in June, 1990: 10 11 Camille Mitkevich PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsb 12 Council held on the 8th day of July , 1986, by the folk 13 to wit: 14 15 AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and ABSENT: None 16 NOES: None 17 18 19 I " LA. p+ ,I 2o i ATTEST: 21. I 22 1' 23 - &/A ALETw L. RAUTENKRmZ, city clekk 24 (SEAL) 25 1 26 27 28 e @$ ?- w /?& :;-3 . ... -&karlsbad A'". - kc,' Unified School District 801 Pine Avenue, Carlsbad, California 92008 729-9291 "Excellence 1 BOARD OF TRUSTEES JAMES McCORMlCK President JOHN J. MAMAUX Clerk JULIANNE L NYGAARD Member JOE ANGEL Vice President J. EDWARD SWITZER, JR. Member DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION THOMAS K. BRIERLEY, Ed.0 Superintendent JACK L KING Business Manager SUSAN-HARUMI BENTLEY Assistant Superintendent lnstructional Services DAVID WM. BATES Director Employee Relations K.C. DUNLAP Manager Facilities/Services I April 16, 1986 I I The Honorable City of Carl sbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA '92008 Mayor Mary Casler I Dear Mary: Please accept my resignation as a member and Chair of the Personnel Board of the City of Carlsbad effective July 1, 198t I have accepted a new position as Assistant Superintendent/ Personnel Services, with the Desert Sands Unified School District. This district comprises the communities of Rancho Mirage, Palr Desert, La Quinta, Indian Wells, Bermuda Dunes, and Indio, in Riverside County. My family and I will be leaving Carlsbad or July 1, 1986. I I appreciate the oppqrtunity to have been able to serve YOU, the members of the City Council, and the City of Carlsbad. ( Di rector, Empl oyee Re1 ati ons DWB/Y~Y c: Frank Aleshire - City Manager Distinguished School Board Award 1984, United States Deoartrnent of Frltwatinn &IFb f i I " &@ye 0'@ 0 7599 Dehesa Court Carl sbad, CA 92008-5950 May 8, 1 986 Office of the City Clerk CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 Elm Avenue Carl sbad, CA 92008 To Whom It May Concern: Please consider this letter, application and resume for the position o Personnel Board member. While my background is within ,the school system, I feel there is a similarity with regards to public employment and school district emploj ment. I am a firm believer that an employee should be hired, promoted, and, if necessary, disciplined on the quality of his/her job performam I also bel ieve that a1 1 employees must be treated equally and fairly regardless of the circumstances. While these two beliefs can sometime: contradict themselves, the purpose of a personnel board is to arrive a1 the best solution for all concerned. I would enjoy learning new aspects of the personnel administration proc and hope my skills as a personnel administrator would contribute to yo^ personnel board as well. If you feel my experience and qualifications warrant further discussior; I will be happy to hear from you. Sincerely , <p&&wL ' Jere Ki mbrel 1 attachments .. 1200 ELM AVENUE 0 CAALSMO, CALICO~CJIA 9- Ottit. ot r)n City ckn Bitp of CatIsbab PLICATION I'QR APPOIm TO Wm OR COBMISSION NM sf Baud or Conrmia8iOnt 'City of Carlsbad Personnel Board - N-. (Print or Typ.): -88: 7599 Dehesa Court, Carlsbad. CA 971398 - s95n Phon8 t Jere Kimbrell 436-6938 pr.r.nt Occupatiorr: Personnel Specialist .. Bwaaaw psm .ad M&urr Sweetwater Union High School District 11 30 Fifth A~P~- Chula Vista, CA 92011 Bu8. Phon.: 691-5530 Re8id8nt of Carlabadz yes - 3 Yea Honw Phornt 436-6938 Raqirt8red Votar in CU18b8dS.2 1 M f.mili8r with -0 rUgoMibiliti~8 urign8d to the Bout . Conmi88iOn oa hid¶ 1 wi8h to 88tY.. If appointed to 8 Boar( CQIllmirlliOLI w)raCh A8 8ubj8Ct to finurCia di8cloSure 1-8, I i Will- to gloVid. 8Uch 8t8twnt8 U m8y b8 roquirad, I MI fog 8Opoin-f bOfOr@ 8Uch QORmitfm U pI.r be dUiw8td Q villiaa ta rmar for o tnterviro ragudUg rnv qurlAficrtiol tho City ausctf os if r.qrustad by inbitttbual Council t3.mb.i 7- y 1 /9?& SIOUTVRTz / I (Sea 1~8~81~88 kid.) - - i I 0 0 EDUCATfON: - *B* from National University with emphasis in Industria, Re,ations, EXPtRIaCEt My experience in the field of personnel management has been with school di I have attached a resume to give you a detailed description of the various I currently work with. My experience as a member of a board has been none at all: however, I have many times on the other side of the fence as an administrator on hand at b meetings to provide information requested by board members and I am fully khat bei.ng a board member is .not an easy task. I. 1ove.a challenge.' ,. OUTSIDZ: ACTIVITIES t My outside activities include membership in associations related to person1 management and are also listed on the attached resume. Other outside actit are purely recreational and involve my husband and two dogs.. . AOOITI(I#AL mR?SATIOW 011 CO-t While my school district is neither merit system or civil service, I have g a pretty good understanding of the merit system by working closely with 0th school districts in the County who are governed by it. What I do not know understand I am more than willing to learn. I believe I would have much to your Personnel Board and at the same time would learn much from you in the - ' JERE KIMBRELL e ' PHONE: Area Cod 7599 DEHESA COURT RESUME HOME: 436-6938 CARLSBAD, CA 92008-5950 WORK! 691 -5530 JOB OBJECTIVE PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE June, 1981 to Present April, 1975 through June, 1 981 A challenging position in personnel management where experiel abilities, and education will be utilized to achieve organiz, goals and objectives. PERSONNEL SPECIALIST: Sweetwater Union High School District 1130 Fifth Avenue, Chula Vista, CA 9 Administration of the operational functions of the classifie department which include: recruitment, screening, testing, I and employment of classified personnel ; new employee and pro1 salary placement, new employee orientation meetings; summer : employment process, employee transfer/promotion process; sta. examination program; and counseling of applicants and employ1 the hiring process. Direct the evaluation process for probationary and regular en which includes: assisting supervisors/administrators in intc proper evaluation procedures; conducting evaluation and progr discipline workshops for supervisors/administrators; coordina formal classified employee disciplinary actions; confer with admini strators/supervi sors on cl assi fi ed personnel needs and counsel classified employees regarding problems related to tl employment status. I was responsible for establishing and in supervisory manuals for the evaluation process and progressib Assist the district negotiator with classified employee contr negotiations, grievances, and contract violation investigatio investigate classified employee complaints as requested by ei administrator or employee, or employee representative; mainta seniority lists and administer layoff and callback procedures necessary; maintain open line of communication between manage employees and the employee representatfves. Administer the operation of the employee health insurance pro unemployment insurance program, Workers' Compensation program retirement benefit, professional growth, and longevity increm, Assist in planning, researching and recommending policies and related to classified personnel; review bills introduced into and state legislature and Supreme Court decisions affecting p policies and practices and make recommendations for action; r the district in classified employee EEO and unemployment hear assist in the administration of the district's Affirmative Acl pro gram. PERSONNEL SECRETARY: Vista Unified School District system for clericallcustodial site allocations: preplacement 1234 Arcadia Avenue, Vista, CA 92084 Recruited, set up, and oriented substitute classified and cere employees and secured them on a daily basis as needed. Responsible for the maintenance of all confidential personnel reclassifications, and evaluations of classified, certificatec administrative personnel; controlled class and step changes fc 1. * JERE KIMBRELL e RESUME 0 - ~- - ~~ ~- salary increases; maintained records on minority and female the Affirmative Action program, minority mailing lists, and the federal EEO-5 reports. Recorded and prepared all confidential negotiation meeting rn counterproposals, and contracts between the district and the units. Prepared and maintained the personnel department budget; mai prepared the district table of organization for the annual bl updated and prepared the district employee directory. EDUCATION AA Degree Secretarial Science , Sea ttl e Community Co11 ege, Seattle, Washington (1969) BBA Degree Industrial Relations , National University San Diego, California (1 981) MEMBERSHIPS Personnel Management Association, San Diego Chapter Personnel Testing Council of San Diego Cali fornia Association of School Busf ness ' Officials International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans PERSONAL Possess the ability to establish cooperative rapport with pec PROFILE a1 1 1 evels of the organization. We1 1 organized and dedicatea rendering the highest possible professional service. Enjoy t stimulation of the business world. Married, over 40, kids on their awn, excellent health. Avid enjoy participative and sideline sports, flying, sailing, and Good sense of humor. REFERENCES Business and personal references upon request. 2. w . L.;rY&7,/- I" e I= ELM AVENUE e +++' 7 "'L c CAALSBAD, CALIFORN~A 9- Ottice ot rho City m Bitp of CatIsbab APFLfCATION IDR APPOINTMENT TO BdARo OR CO~SSION N.~M of Boud Of Comnisrion~ !fffso N NKfL - Nun8 (Print or Type) t /h I k O~ED k/,q ,€ f2 -88: 7445- @IN PfN 7-Gk-d<q p&- /5d ?A , Phon.: e/ +X! .. ' 'Presant dCcup8tiorr: k-c A- Burinmu NUnr ad Addre88r ~~ Bur. Phonet --- Ro8ident of Carlsbadt / Horn Phorn: @ 2/ - /As/ Reqfrtered Votar in Culsbrd: + 1 M funiiirr with tho.~uporuibilltl~8 arrignod to th8 Board Cmirrfea ea which Uirk *a mdc-ctw, B! aweintad ta a Beard wil&&ag to provida 3uch rt8t.nrntr 88 may ba tequirad. I at willing to .mu fer an intenrim nqudinq my qurlificatiom for 8ppoiatamat boforo 8uch aonwfttaa u mry be de8fgn8t.d by tha City auacil or if rmqwrted e ir&vidual Council M8mb.y mllarri,liOtl Whidr ir 8ubf.e to finrnciu di8do8ute hW8, I U I A DATE8 4dY6 sz".ywv* / - (Sa. ravmr8e 8id.I 61 - - I e 0 EDUCATION: B, S. 1.71 Fb6.h~~ I?? R h* %*A" Pd5Y ha5 44 aAL?-A?e~fs ('0 gr;r4loc JP dlCCLMr.C,kdi)l7, &,hJ PJJ u M J&* y - EXPERIENCE: Tu, y-6. r BL-s 0-f f e&"eL..a Q.G2k (3-ct f(MheRf-7* (.-fl *Fee ~LL&~C TC-&~/S, ,. .. .. OUTSIDt ACTIVITIES : /1/1 D yaA 7cb Geq la'"? i'n vu/. 4w5- bo &?IC&/ yj/ J-pe &S@& &S r;k (p+"ea he %id X%/ f L?h dU4,-Lc h L, F-G flE[65-24b 7 + @44~-//> p*n ?A*/ /9?6* & QAyibUJ -fit A? e€-Zl4*e 4 .I& "7 h- "& A /o e& p d4PuMeP7- 42-2.l flwd a ~D~~ONAL mRWATfO# OR COWS$ %y e&L.&bq e4 4" L ~-S/L~& e c, 45-yeL7 e A"3 de /&&a* /ce, @e/ @& Q/L,!&?O~P % MufiL', @h 4* LC U)'k fp+some/ "- *I/ per> 24-g "I hL@d2h Q&%J &? /h fe *A@ fl>eb's&& J4CI,. w f- +z&&#k /Y"" - L? / Q*Hd Joe& - - . '* ,. . , e e EDOCATXON: E, 3. r'n FA&&- @- R d(P,t.l- Qo5.r- rn&J h P&h%&f, ('0 p7@-&doc dulA,.57cd31, *&&j & u n SSR- e2 /F - EXPtRfENCE: 7" -? -&erg&lc sL-s of feaA-n5 &7 Und*...g- ['A # "" . YC-L*e, /* ~ Y .. ' ' : .. ,. OmSfDt ACTIVITIEQ: /h 0 YeJ Jb gp'< &gc in &fl. 163 -7$ &&&cd .'H TA-/ /9&. & snyi'bus & .;fa .I& 442 4-21 in /o ed pH4rnme~ &h/ md a q h-7 i%wnzrcII/ ?Jf i?.f" dsP& as pP,aHea- /4 %id 7"/ 2 r3h &AU4,L- h 2, FG /7&7e-e"r4~ 4 Aoo~~AL -1#ATIO# OR C0-g %y e&=4oq 4" LT~/.L~J e < +;e&? e &cos 04 k&&d&7 / fld @/e QfimU&e )c.) wHbk+ wi YZi g*s,nn& - #,"4 &->? te r"l &"kLp Ai? f a"@ dL 9?& hkdp3 e&" &a /A JbAe J-L. w pPs-4 A R6-J - %-R y*-- - -