HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-07-08; City Council; 8693; Appeal Traffic Safety Commission Decision Elm Av Olympia Dr. SIT"OF CARLSBAD - AGENr- BILL AB# 4E4 9�_ TITLE: DEPT. HD. MTG. 07/` 8/06 APPEAL OF TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION CITY ATTY�L o D_PT. ENf DECISION (ELM AVENUE AND OLYMPIA DRIVE) CITY-MGR.� RECOMMENDED ACTION: 44 144 That the City Council deny the appeal and uphold the decision of the Traffic Safety Commission. o0 ITEM EXPLANATION ITJTraffic This item is an appeal by a group of citizens\ of the decision rendered by the Safety Commission not to close Olympia Dive at Elm Avenue. On June 2, 1986 the Traffic Safety Commission considered the request initiated by Bob 0 Ladwig of Rick Engineering Company to modify the intersection of Olympia Drive at Elm Avenue to alleviate a sight distance restriction. a 0 roElm Avenue is a secondary arterial street and has a posted speed limit of 40 M.P.H. The design of Elm Avenue along this segment was approved in 1981 with a centerline radius of 600 feet, which exceeds the 550 foot minimum radius 0 required on a secondary arterial. Olympia Drive, being located at the beginning of the inside portion of a curve, combined with the location of the house and 3 retaining wall on the southwest corner of the intersection, results in available sight distance for a speed of 36 M.P.H. on Elm Avenue. No accidents have been o reported at this intersection during the past two and one-half years. w $4 Signing and striping of the subject intersection is shown on Exhibit 3. A side street warning sign and 30 M.P.H. advisory speed sign is located on Elm Avenue 378 feet west of Olympia Drive. Additional advanced signing is in place alerting motorists of the signal at Concord Street, 150 feet east of Olympia x a Drive. W 0 Several alternatives to mitigate the sight distance restriction were discussed 0 0 by the Traffic Safety CommissNion. They included closing Olympia Drive except for a right turn only off Elm Avenue onto Olympia Drive (see Exhibit 4), a total closure of Olympia Drive by constructing a cul-de-sac or barrier at the end of U Olympia Drive where it intersects Elm Avenue, or to only permit right turns off Elm Avenue onto Olympia Drive and right turns only from Olympia Drive onto Elm r Avenue. 0H Several negative aspects would be associated with closing the end of Olympia Drive at Elm Avenue by construction of a cul-de-sac. Olympia Drive has an 00 existing right-of-way of 56 feet. A standard cul-de-sac bulb has a curb radius co of 36 feet which would require a width of 76 feet curb -to -curb. Therefore, the cul-de-sac bulb would encroach upon private property, requiring additional right-of-way that :s unavailable. Z O If Olympia Drive is dead ended with no turn -around, trash trucks would be forced to turn around in the driveway of local residents. Street sweeping equipment could not adequately sweep the end of the street. Closing the road at this J_ V Z 0 O C� Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. —&-- 3 location provides only one point of exit to Elm Avenue for the homes on Olympia Drive, specifically Pontiac Drive. If a fire truck responds to an emergency on Olympia Drive, the road is essentially blocked from further use by the residents until the emergency vehicle leaves. Two points of access are desirable for circulation and for emergency access (see attached letter from Battalion Chief Watson). Otherwise, from an emergency vehicle response time issue, safety is not seriously compromised (see Commission minutes, Chief Jimno's statement). Although the sight distance available of 36 M.P.H. is under the 40 M.P.H. design speed required on a secondary arterial, the accident history does not support the contention that this is a dangerous intersection. Staff cannot support the request for closure of Olympia Drive. Staff recommends that the City Council concur with the findings of the Traffic Safety Commission and deny the appeal. i FISCAL IMPACT None. If Council finds that modifications are necessary, Standard Pacific of ! San Diego has indicated, at the Traffic Safety Commission, the willingness to finance the cost of the necessary intersection alterations. EXHIBITS 1.�/ Vicinity Map 2./"Staff Report to Traffic Safety Commission, with attachments 3.� Existing Signing and Striping of Elm Avenue at Olympia Drive 4.v/ Right Turn Only Alternative 5.d Letter from Battalion Chief Watson 6. ✓Traffic Safety Commission Minutes of June 2, 1986 I 7.✓ Appeal of Traffic Safety Commission Decision LOCATION MAP S1rE TAMARACK AVE. CONCORD ST. PROJECT NAME: PROD. EXHIBIT ELM AVE. 4- OLYMPIA DR. iv%�, \. CITY OF CARLSBAD TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION i COMMISSION REPORT OF: June 2, 1986 ITEM NO. D2 r LOCATION: Olympia Drive and ELm Avenue INITIATED BY: Bob Ladwig - Rick Engineering PROBLEM AS STATED BY REQUESTOR: Due to the curvature of Elm Avenue, drivers on Olympia Drive, looking west, have restricted sight distance. To mitigate this, it is recommended that traffic be prevented from exiting Olympia Drive. DATA: The suggestion to alleviate the sight distance restriction at Olympia Drive and Elm Avenue was first presented by Rick Engineering acting as representatives of Standard Pacific, the developer of the area. Since that time several area residents have expressed concern about the conditions (see attached correspondence). Elm Avenue is a Secondary Arterial street with a posted speed limit of 40 m.p.h. West of Olympia Drive is a 600' radius curve. (This exceeds the minimum standard for this type roadway.) A field check found that there is sufficient sight distance to provide for a speed of at least 36 m.p.h. There have been no reported accidents at this intersection in the last two and one-half years. The mitigation suggested by Rick Engineering is to prohibit vehicles from exiting Olympia onto Elm Avenue. This could be done by cul-de-sacing Olympia Drive or by allowing right turns in only. The latter option is shown in the attached sketches (Exhibits 1 and 2). Either arrangement violates the City's Standard 'which requires a 36-foot radius curve for all cul-de-says. This Standard is to provide vehicles, 6-r TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION COMMISSION REPORT OF: June 2, 1986 Continued ITEM NO. D2 especially emergency vehicles, with enough room to turn around. With only 36-feet of pavement (20-feet if parking is retained), any vehicle will be required to make several movements to turn around. If right turns in are permitted, the vehicle manuevering to turn around will be in the path of traffic entering Olympia Drive from Elm Avenue. As stated, there is sight distance available for a speed of 36 m.p.h. As for many such intersections, we have placed advisory side road warning signs in advance of the intersec- tion to help mitigate the deficiency. From the accident history, there has been no evidence of a problem. Consider ing this, the sight distance restriction can be considered more a discomfort to drivers than a hazard. It is staff s opinion that the negative aspects of cul-de-sacing Olympia Drive outweigh the potential for accidents on Elm Avenue. RECOMMENDATION: That the request for modifications to the intersection of Elm Avenue and Olympia Drive to prohibit traffic from exiting be denied. NECESSARY COUNCIL ACTION: None required if the request is denied. Council resolution would be required to cul-de-sac Olympia Drive. El N ELM AVENUE 18' O r SCALE; 1 30 cc OLYMPIA DERIVE m : PROPOSED PARTIAL CLOSURE OF ��<i k, ELM AVENUE/OLYMPIA DRIVE INTERSECTION O. m - m .r " z r p IC 'O aCo Q < m m z m� MG) OZ ra �M °O aM coo 2a <M m .� s � za .,� r �� m 0 n co Om zO an 0 i 0 a 1N .M m 4 lool r 7 DECEIVED 2696 Olympia Drive Carlsbad, California 92006 CITY OF CAR'. 1.0 EWCINEERIM M"A T'A=;lf May 3, 1986 Kent Sears Director of Traffic Commission City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Mr. -Sears: I'm addressing this letter to you to express my concern as a resident of 2596 Olympia Drive. The intersection of Olympia Drive and Elm Avenue Possesses a problem to the residents due to the fast traffic on Elm Avenue. The following specifies the traffic dangers caused by the above mentioned 7)tersection: I it's ext, emely dangerous to turn left on Elm Avenue from Olympia Drive due to the curvature of Elm, which blocks 311 view of traffic traveling east on Elm Avenue. also difficult for Pedestrians at or near this intersection to cross the corner of Olympia Drive because they are unable to see fast aoproaching 'traf f ic due to the curvature of Elm Avenue. As a resident of Olympia Drive and a parent of a five-year old boy, I'm very concerned with the danger imposed by this intersection, and I propose that Olympia Drive tat the intersection of Olympia Drive and Elm Avenue) be closed to avoid any accidents. Sincerely, (Mrs.) Gracie Blough r 0 stisls� -1a Wrxn1- . Z avn tun-� ny -tk�is Felker;o „ vrr� ccxz�ms �s � Car�c� +�esel�� l�u�r� a� 2�1 Olympia l�nve m Sp�n�at�r I�r�. l lrri-�I Feceh}-I�, t,�;.� Vxwe. bin �c�1 �„lh ib� �rcblem o� �pl� dnu,nc� on )m 4vc cx4 YC�S CI�C�u7�k. bki�Yl � GPI 55 n`11k5 per 6f. -t�P -�c mc�,� urn, J 6k��n,pia Dn��. � �1m Rom.. is a very dar�ercus Mneuvey' sAMe CAC Can r�,� �a2 -�h� oncam�ny C�i�rs IAI-the 44M i nuk dine �c) t4w read (Elm) curves cmur�. --t+ �s Wi +vrk b�xk Q acGde� CA, uCl occur a� jN5 un4i09. any ha5 acl� on A-() rr4o w Qm h� a 44'c 11 'U5+ %qa� 44eCt�u.1- �hr,� L Vk, at Qm and Ccoccr�i, �lo�u.0 this w��l �ar-fihP cuf5 dccLn cxmecLA4 on elm, t�ces 4 b66-7�0 " 4al* v.-e OaLl� ..�,� �i- ion, —this neu� -�cc�c S� raze mi�h+ �n4 Ao -� �tbrc O�rnpo, bu* E if) Grd2(--6 C�rc.wm� phis � la4c c� �r�a,�, r,ab�-phis j wc�cn eo nrgr�_ q �Vwn� o-� � r2sde►�s cfl -hts .c�i o� D 8ynP-ck &5cV,556 this ��rcn ark, i� aff(zrs ft4 4AOYCF wocOd be in �a�tr c-�A�w cclosir� C4 Jks ZOA c� O��yv,�0. �cw�e..-n,�s uxuld��ccb12 u,2:) oA --L Q�� On 4 -�w much %4ouc, w'nFr2 ur-D " blkr-A = t,ta,ck apVk�ecia�e..ci gyres 40 o� � �c� ��, � CL� �At -1�0 -M. �uP A c�Nfl V�R�x�R 2." ullyvnp0. VrcUe. Gari�,i,CR . qoag C� q � H-3 q - 4asl /o 2603 Olympia Dries Carishar, Caiifoeimia 02000 May 12, 1986 (i 19) 729-5449 RECEIVED MAY 191986 Mr. Kent Sears CITY OF CARLSBAD Traffic Commission Director ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Mr. Sears: With the near completion of the traffic signal at the intersection of Avenue and Concord, my concern regarding the intersec i Elm and Olympia Drive has increased. This intersection has become lm Avenue hazard, as speeds increase along Elm Avenue, for people tore f a on to Elm Avenue from Olympia. Drivers turning right On toOl a rarely to turn left slow down enough to not drift into the oncominq traffic lane when r. to the jog in the street on Olympia. coming Since the Concord signal will only be triggered with someone exiting that street, the speeds will remain the same along Elm. I had hoped for the signal to include our intersection, too, for when the resident; the Olympia Drive onto Elm, we will now have the double hazard exit see around cars stopped at the signal for Concord. of trying to The residents of this end of Olympia Drive have expressed interest i enue. What steps wouh; Possible blocking off of Olympia Drive and Elm Av As one be needed to have this idea reviewed? children on the block, this solution would be a wonderful oraen te of Seveal families with Whatever the outcome, for r_ ;e safety of both residents a will have to be somehow reduced along Elm Avenue, nd drivers, speeds Sincerely, (Mrs.) Linda J. Thamer Y J Jto 1 IL 9 � m 1 i g Y � D D Z y r it ii 0 9 11 112, ELM AVENUE N f Ew CUR6 f •► A : N :WA K } i r ip 1 980MANIBOMANIft[J a p 18" 18' I� O SCALE: 1 30 I OLYMPIA DRIVE PROPOSED PARTIAL CLOSUREEX= OF ELM AVENUE/ OLYMPIA DRIVE INTERSECTION t3 RECEIVED CITY OF CARLSSAD June 17, 1986 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT TO: ROBERT JOHNSON, ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FROM: Brian Watson, Fire Department POTENTIAL CLOSING OF OLYMPIA DRIVE AT ELM AVENUE x I would like to clarify the fire department's position on this issue. Basically, we feel that any of the alternatives could be used without significantly impacting emergency response to and emergency operations in the area. Viewing this situation from are emergency services provider's standpoint, the order of preference of the altErnatives is as follows: G 1. Remain as is. 2. Right turn only access from Elm Avenue. 3. Close off completely. The order of preferences shown above reflects the general principle that the more routes into or out of the area, the better. This reflects a desire for greater flexibility. From a practical standpoint, if the street were to be closed off, the net effect on our emergency operations would be: 1. Possibly increase response time to the end of the street by up to 30 seconds. 2. Slightly reduce our tactical options. 3. Cause additional movements (backing) to re -position emergency apparatus at the scene of an emergency. Please call me if you need additional information. RIAN WATSON Battalion Chief fg /q r MINUTES Meeting of: TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 3:00 P.M. Date of Meeting: June 2, 1986 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers 9 \\40r ode y0 wmmwai�ntn� y ,� .v Ott+ CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Fuller called the Meeting to order at 3:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present: Chairman Fuller, Commissioners Erwin, Melideo, and Wood Absent: Commissioner O'Day and the Minutes Clerk Staff Members Present: Bob Johnson, Principal Civil Engineer Mike Shirey, Engineering Technician II Vince Jimno, Chief of Police APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Fuller x Erwin x Minutes of the Meeting held May 5, 1986, were Melideo x approved as presented. Wood x REPORT ON ACTION FROM PREVIOUS MEETING: Bob Johnson reported on Commissioner Wood's inquiry about the green curbing painted on the opposite side of the street from Johnny's House of Glass. Bob stated that the green curb was painted illegally and that the City's utilities department knew nothing about it. A work order has been initiated to have the painting removed. The striping on Alicante has not been completed. Chairman Fuller inquired as to the completion date. Bob Johnson responded that it should be completed in approximately one month. After the striping is completed, a traffic study will be done. ACTION ITEM: 1. Posting A Speed Limit On-Cadencia Street. Chairman Fuller read the staff report on this item as contained in the packet. Recommendation was for denial. Dennis Price, 7515 Cadencia Street, thanked the Commission for their support in getting the trucks off of La Costa Avenue. Mr. Price requested a 25 mph speed limit be posted on Cadencia. He stated that the street was designated by the City as a local street and used as a collector. It is 40 feet wide from curb to curb and approximately one mile long from Rancho Santa Fe to La Costa Avenue. He stated forty homes are located along this one mile long street as well as a community park and playground, six bus stops, and eight local streets that intersect. Mr. Price presented a table of street design criteria used by the City which shows that this type of street suggests a speed limit of 25 mph. He pointed out that two years ago, before Seapoint was built, the traffic count showed 360 cars MINUTES TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION June 2, 1986 Page 2 COMMISSIONERS daily. The most recent traffic count done shows 1700 cars daily. Seapoint is only at one third buildout and when that buildout is complete the projection is for 4000 cars daily. Mr. Price voiced his concern for the safety of the people who use it daily, mainly the pedestrians. He pointed out, over the objection of Mr. Sears, tha a stop sign was placed on Levante due to the Traffic Commissions view for pedestrian safety fo the school children at the new school. He also pointed out that he would like to see the same concern given here on a two lane road, as was given Alga Road - a four lane road with a 35 mph speed limit. He requested speed studies be done at six and twelve month intervals to see effects of posted speed limit of 25 mph. Commissioner Wood raised the question as to where most of the traffic was coming from on Cadencia. Mr Price stated that most of the traffic was coming from leapoint. During the traffic count, it was found that 900 cars were going down Cadencia and only 500 cars were going back up during two 24 hour days. People were using it as a shortcut coming down Rancho Santa Fe going to La Costa and points west. Bob Johnson (in reference to the Alga Road) mentioned that a speed study will be going to Council June 3, 1986 recommending a 45 mph speed limit. Bob stated that the existing residential density does not qualify Cadencia as a residential area per the Vehicle Code. Based upon the 8S percentile, drivers perceived that a 45 mph speed was safe and reasonable, and that posting it lower does not necessarily mean that people will drive that speed. The accident history is not indicative of a problem at this time. Chairman Fuller raised the question if a 25 mph speed limit could be enforced legally by the Police Department. A reply by Bob Johnson was that it was not possible with the conditions of the road now. Commissioner Erwin raised the question to see if the road coud be segmented with two different speed limits. The top of the hill meets all criteria for a residential area, so perhaps two speed limits could'be established for the same road. Commissioner Wood stated that there are streets in Carlsbad that have two speed limits. He did not know whether it was legal or not. Bob Johnson stated that staff could check into it to see if it is possible to post two different speed limits. Diary Melideo made the comment that it might provide false security if a 25 mph speed limit was imposed and could not be enforced by th Police Department. A motion was made to carry over this action until staff can review and find out if the road can be legally segmented with two different speed limits and the speed limit enforced, and with a view of declaring some parts of the street residential. MINUTES TRAFFIC SAFETY COMiMISSION June 2, 1986 Page 3 cvmmibbivnenb y �;p y `ip The motion was moved and seconded and passed Fuller x unanimously. Erwin x Melideo x Wood x 2. Olympia Drive and Elm Avenue Intersection Chairman Puller read the staff report initiated b Bob Ladwig on this issue. Recommendation was for denial. Gina Walker who lives at 2699 Olympia Drive supports the cul-de-sac because of increased traffic and concern for safety for the children. Abe Katell who lives at 2692 Medford Court pointed out the buildup of houses in that area which causes more traffic. He is not in favor of a cul-de-sac but would like to prevent any egress or ingress onto Olympia from Elm in either direction. He pointed out that their is a sight distance problem at that intersection. He also recommended that a right turn only in would take care of some of the problem. Ed Pirae, 2701 Olympia Drive favored the cul-de- sac. He stated that the City Engineer had been in favor of it. He also pointed out that the lack of -accidents in that area was not valid because the danger of exiting created more driver awareness and that people were avoiding the intersection by going up Pontiac to get out. He wanted a total blockage if only one-half was going to be considered. He represented other neighbors in his area who concurred. Chairman Fuller took a count of the people in the audience who approved of cul-de-saccing Olympia but did not care to speak for the record. George Greenfield of 348S Lawrence maintained that the exit is dangerous. He was concerned that a provision be made for pedestrians down Elm. He was assured that it would be. Charles Todda of 2709 Olympia Drive stated that the suggestion of a right turn off of Elm to Olympia was not a good idea because Elm is a two lane road. Howard Gesly of 3479 Lawrence Street asked for clarification of a right turn lane. He was opposed to making any changes at that intersection tie stated that there had been a mistake with the tentative map on the traffic signal at Concord and Elm and that perhaps a signal should have been placed at Pontiac and Elm. David Phares, Vice -President of Standard Pacific, 7290 Clairemont Mesa Boulevard, San Diego, stated that his firm would be willing to pick up the cost of correcting :he intersection of Concord and Elm. fie commended the alertness of the residents in that area. He suggested wider striping on Elm for turning onto Olympia or blocking the intersection off completely. MINUTES TRAFFIC SAFETY C:Orn1ISSI0u June 2, 1D36 page w COMMISSIONERS Chairman Fuller asked the question of Bob Johnson if there was enough right-of-way to construct a standard cul-de-sac. Mr. Johnson stated there wa not enough right-of-way. One alternative that wa. suggested was a barrier with a curb, which does not allow a turn -around for emergency vehicles. Commissioner Melideo asked how, if the street was closed, would this affect emergency vehicles. Police Chief Jimno responded to the question of what the situation would be if a cul-de-sac was installed. He felt that no significant impact would be felt because of the fact that it was a short block or block and one-half. The Fire Department was not represented but Chief Jimno did not think that it would be a problem for them either from a response time standpoint. Their present services are from a fire station on Chestnut and has good response time. Also, a new fire station is being planned for Calavera Hills in the near future. The radius of the cul-de-sac could be an issue for fire trucks to turn around. Access to fire hydrants is available. Howard Gesly asked if this cul-de-sac would impede trash pick-up. As to the question of trash pick- up, no pro,,1c.— ::ms expected. The reside; t; stated that the trash trucks currently back-up when necessary. Howard Gesly stated that lie thought you should not make it a cul-de-sac if it is not a legal one. A verbal commendation was made to Standard Pacific for offering to correct the situation at Elm and Concord at their expense. John Trokey of 2723 Spokane Way stated he uses Olympia every day. lie thinks that the problem is excessive speed and not anything else. lie feels that there is enough room for making a turn safely from Olympia onto Elm. lie thinks that other routes should be studied because of the traffic in that area. tie also pointed out the lack of side- walks in some areas. Chairman Fuller also brought up the fact that if anything other than a standard size cul-de-sac is made, a street sweeper cannot get in to clean up the streets. David Phares recommended using a brick wall with reflectors instead of a curb in designing the cul- de-sac. Also the question of landscaping, drainage and cleaning will have to be addressed if this is approved. Commissioner Erwin stated that there is a limitation of access of the whole tract to one street and it impacts the people on Pontiac. Mary Melideo stated that she was concerned about I the width of the street and made a motion to deny 1 the closure of Olympia. Sight distance seemed to be a problem. It was MINUTES TRAFFIC SAFETY COINDIISSION June 2, 1986 Page 5 COMMISSIONERS O FJ+9y suggested by the Commission to move the bicycle lane by making it wider, which might improve the sight distance at the intersection. it would mov traffic toward the center of Elm making a turn onto Elm from Olympia easier. The motion was to adopt staff's recommendation. Fuller x The motion passed 3-1 to deny making any changes Erwin x to the intersection of Elm and Olympia. Melideo x Wood x Commission recommended staff to look into moving the bike lane toward the center of Elm to improve the sight distance at Olympia and Elm. 3. Carlsbad and Pine Street Traffic Signal - Installation. Chairman Fuller read the staff report. At the November 4, 1985 meeting of the Traffic Safety Commission, the request for a traffic signal at Pine Street and Carlsbad Boulevard was made to provide a safe and public access to the beach. It was recommended that this be postponed until a traffic study could be completed. That study is now underway. Bill Kanepa of the Tamarack Beach Resort stated that he would like a decision made prior to completion of the study using current data. A memo from Marty Bouman, Transportation Planning Consultant to the City, recommended that a signal would not solve the problem and would create more potential for accidents than currently exists. Mr. Bouman provided an alternative however to consider, that of building a pedestrian overcrossing. Again, staff's recommendation was to defer this item until the traffic study was completed. Mr. Kanepa of 3200 Carlsbad Boulevard, suggested that an overpass would be too expensive and that people would still take the shortest route to cross to the beach. tie would like to s.•e some- thing done now even if just a stop sign; but he would rather see a pedestrian light which can be activated by a pedestrian to stop traffic so they could cross the street. Commissioner Melideo brought up the question of how many people would occupy Tamarack Beach Resort at a given time. Dir. Kanepa responded that 350- 400 occupants. Mary Melideo felt that it could b too much of an interruption of traffic. Chairman Fuller made the point that since a study is already underway involving the entire Carlsbad Boulevard beach area, he recommends going along with staff until the study is compplete. It is expected to be completed within tl�e year. Pedestrian activity will be included in that study. Commissioner Wood made the motion to adopt staff's Fuller x recommendation. Commissioner Melideo seconded. Erwin x The motion passed unanimously. Melideo x Wood x 1 MINUTES TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION June 2, 1986 Page 6 \ COMMISSIONERS ITEMS FROM COMMISSIONERS: Commissioner Erwin brought up a potentially hazardous situation at the intersection of La Costa Avenue and Rancho Santa Fe Road. Currently there is not a protected left turn from La Costa Avenue to northbound Rancho Santa Fe Road. Though La Costa Avenue east of Rancho Santa Fe Road is closed to through traffic, there is a potential hazard for construction workers heading westbound on La Costa Avenue through the inter- section. Commissioner Erwin requested a report at the next meeting .from staff on whether this light could be programmed to "stagger" traffic to have protected left turns from La Costa Avenue onto north or southbound Rancho Santa Fe Road. ITEMS FROM TRAFFIC ENGINEER: None. ADJOURNMENT. By proper motion, the Meeting of June 2, 1986 was adjourned at 4:16 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Mike Shirey Engineering Technician It • 1200 ELM AVENUE TELEPHONE: CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (714) 438.5535 Office of the City Clerk "'=• "" of Cart.9bab APPEAL FORM t I W� appeal the following decision of the J rORIC t C ` l`f11�• ' AI to the City Council: 1 I Project name and number (or subject of appeal): _T U ;gate of decision: : • F x Reason for appeal: W +h � LL { r 1 T nc`` ��•1 m 4 �4-0) Ch Ird►c6�0 C1C5 IC r1C rPC�c�c'P _ .. --� cx r t Date' gnature " . �/`A,� A J Name (Please print) 6 Cr LP_ ress �Cl r tS N Cl Telephone Number (6ct ca- N up � (;) m4 vj1 L K�-I� rnp ck r. &4� , cA (qAq -L�) -fie r��n Vhe O-y c� re�'ckerrr Gs...t�w:e are tIhe +me vehicles. Ise hfe Cayl-O?W cu(11 6cf--4n ��ct000rl- Gf- the ones mos�'dir��-(u _ J Z6�3 c�lyhn ia.�rrtr�