HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-07-08; City Council; 8694; Proposed 1986-91 Capital Improvement Program Including the 1986-87 Capital Improvement BudgetCITQDF CARLSBAD — AGENDQpILL ARtt (Pfc^V MTG 7/08/86 DPPT R/AG TITLE: PROPOSED 1986-91 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM INCLUDING THE 19ob-o7 CAP11AL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET DEPT. HD« CITY ATTY ^ CITY MGR. \s/t i/^j <?^ COao •H 4Jcd"da<u oo 0) S-l mmd4-1 CO (Xcfl O< O oo RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1. Accept the proposed Capital Improvement Program/Budget for public distribution after staff presentation. 2. Direct staff to set the Capital Improvement Program/Budget to public hearing on July 22, 1986. ITEM EXPLANATION: This year the revenue forecasting for the five-year Capital Improvement Program addressed two entirely different scenarios. Case I assumed the City's proposed Growth Management Program and Case II assumed Managed Growth with the Slow-Growth Initiative. The 1986-87 Capital Improvement Budget Case I totals $21-million with 28 projects. Case II totals $19-million with 24 projects. The five-year Capital Improvement Program Case I totals $44- million and Case II totals $19-million. The attached 1986-87 Capital Improvement Budget and 1986-91 Capital Improvement Program contains an executive summary, explaining the methodolgy used in developing the Capital Improvement Program Section I, the proposed 1986-87 Capital Improvement Budget for Case I and II, and Section II, the proposed 1986-91 five-year Capital Improvement Program. FISCAL IMPACT: The 1986-87 CIP includes projects costing $21-million (Case I) and $19-million (Case II). Funding is proposed to come from many sources including developer contribution. Projected CIP revenues are adequate to fund the identified projects. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: No environmental review is necessary at this time. Environmental questions will be considered on a project-by-project basis after CIP adoption. EXHIBITS: 1. 1986-87 Capital Improvement Budget and 1986-91 Capital Improvement Program. in] [a IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT City of Carlsbad California Prepared by: Grace Manues RESEARCH/ANALYSIS GROUP w TABLE OF CONTENTS Executi ve Summary 1 1986-87 Capital Improvement Budget (1-year) 3 Revenue 4 Appropriations 4 Reserves 5 1986-91 Capital Improvement Program (5-year) 6 Revenue by Source of Funds 7 Appropriations by Function 8 Reserves 9 Case I: Managed Growth Without Slow Growth Initiative ... 10 Case II: Managed Growth With Slow-Growth Initiative 11 Changes Made to Case I to Yield Case II 12 APPENDIX A "To Be Considered" Capital Projects A'l APPENDIX B Project Descriptions ;....... A2 APPENDIX C Capital Project Status Report A6 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Revenue forecasts lay the foundation of a viable Capital Improvement Program (CIP). This year, the forecasting of capital revenue was more difficult than in the past due to the adopted Growth Management ordinance and the impending Slow-Growth Initiative. These issues will create an environment unlike that which the City has experienced in the last five years, and will directly affect the amount of capital revenue the City will receive in the future. Therefore, staff has prepared two Capital Improvement Budgets/Program for Council review: • Case I : Managed Growth, and t Case II : Managed Growth with Slow-Growth Initiative. The capital revenue forecasting model is driven by the number of residential build- ing permits issued; from this, the various capital fees associated with new develop- ment (residential and commercial/industrial) are calculated. The estimates for residential building permits issued in Case I and Case II are as follows: FY 86-87 FY 87-88 FY 88-89 FY 89-90 FY 90-91 Total Case I 2,500 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250 7,500 Case II 2,000 875 625 500 500- 4,500 SANDAG Series VI population forecast predicts Carlsbad will grow at the rate of 1,450 dwelling units per year from 1980 to 2000. However, this represents growth constrai- ned only by market forces. The Growth Management Ordinance adopted by Council will have a limiting effect on growth. Therefore, 1,250 dwelling units per year was used for FY 1987-88 to FY 1990-91. In Case II, the number of residential construction starts will be limited as specified in the Initiative: 1,000 in 1987, 750 in 1988, and 500 thereafter. These numbers were converted into fiscal years and used in the last four years of the proposed CIP. The most difficult numbers to estimate were for FY 1986-87. Given the high volume of residential building permits issued in the last twelve months and the number of dwel- ling units on the list of projects 'exempt from the ordinance (approx. 2,500), 2,500 residential building permits for FY 86-87 was a reasonable estimate for Case I. Under Case II, we assumed the passage of the Slow-Growth Initiative would result in a 20% reduction in issuance. The decline, if any, will depend on future policy decisions and how quickly projects exempt from the ordinance are processed. The following report details: • the proposed 1986-87 Capital Improvement Budget (Section 1). One year in scope, it requires adoption by resolution. Case I totals $21-million. Case II totals $19-million. The $2- million decline is necessitated by the decrease in forecas- ted revenues. Developed by Jim Elliott, Finance Director -1- • the proposed 1986-91 Capital Improvement Program (Section 2). A five-year program which requires approval by minute motion. Case I totals $44-million. Case II totals $22- nrillion. Again, the decline is necessitated by the dec- rease in forecasted revenues. Two sewer projects, Encina Phase IV and the Calavera Advanced Haste Water Treat- ment, are scheduled for construction in the fourth and fifth year of the proposed CIP. In order to ensure sufficient funds for these two projects, funds will be appropriated to these projects as they become available. The majority of projects in the following proposed Capital Improvement Budget and Program are needed to meet the demands of the current population, as identified in the April 1986 Public Facilities Management System (PFMS) Monitoring Report. -2- /•*"*•• I. 1986-87 CAPITAL I^OVEMENT BUDGET (1-year) The proposed 1986-87 Capital Improvement Budget totals $21,351,500 in Case I and $19,211,500 in Case II. The $2-million reduction in appropriations is necessitated by the decline in anticipated capital revenue. PROPOSED 1986-87 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET (see Appendix B for project descriptions) CIVIC FACILITIES City Hall Improvements (interiors Main Library - So.Carlsbad (design) Public Safety Center Phase II (design) Public Safety Center Phase III (design) Telephone System (Prior approp.= $214,820) PARK PROJECTS Calavera Hills Phase II (Phase I = $1,038,500) Macario Canyon Park (Master Plan revision) NF Quadrant Land Acquisition Senior Citizen Center SW Quadrant Community Park (design) SEWER PROJECTS Calavera Hills Adv. Waste Water Treatment (Funds reserved for future const. - 1990) Cannon Road (1-5 to Kelly Ranch) Encina Phase IV (Funds reserved for future const. - 1989) Sewer Line Upgrades Vista/Carlsbad Trunk Line (10-yr. project - 1985/96. Approp. for 5 years of project) STREET PROJECTS Base Mapping System Bluff Interceptor Storm Drain Cannon Road (1-5 to ECR) Elm Ave. (Highland to Carlsbad Blvd;design) Elm Ave. (widening of ECR) La Costa/ECR Intersection La Costa & 1-5 (ramps, signals) Miscellaneous Street Projects PAR (College to PDN) PAR (E of ECR) Traffic Signal - College & ECR Traffic Signal - College & PAR Traffic Signal - Elm & Monroe Traffic Signal - Mi si on Estancia & RSF Funding Source PFF PFF PFF PFF GCC PFF PIL PIL TIB PFF S/W TIB PFF TIB GGC TIP TIF GCC PFF PFF PFF PFF PFF PFF Managed Growth U/0 Initiative $ TOTAL PROPOSED 1986-87 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET 200,000 650,000 255,000 80,000 85,000 1,270,000 2,500,000 100,000 2,500,000 1,700,000 190,000 6,990,000 2,000,000 621,500 1,380,000 250,000 2,350,000 6,601,500 135,000 750,000*** 50,000 850,000 990,000 300,000 100,000 2,100,000 900,000 90,000 65,000 80,000 80,000 6,490,000 $ 21,351,500 Managed Growth W/Initiative $ 200,000 650,000 255,000 85,000 1,190,000 1,500,000 2,300,000 1,700,000 5,500,000 2,000,000 621,500 910,000 250,000 2,350,000 6,131,500 135,000 750,000*** 50,000 850,000 990,000 300,000 2,100,000 900,000 90,000 65,000 80,000 80,000 6,390,000 $ 19,211,500 *Note: On May 13, 1986 the City Council approved, in concept, the appropriation of $3.l-m1llionfor right-of-way and construction of Cannon Rd. from 1-5 to Kelly Ranch. If this project Is confirmed by later Council action, then other approved PFF projects will have to be delayed. Funding Source Legend: GCC - General Capital Construction PFF - Public Facilities Fee PIL - Park In-Lieu RS - Revenue Sharing S - Sewer TIB - Tax Increment Bond TIF - Traffic Impact Fee W - Water Enterprise -3- REVENUE Utilized herein are nine sources of capital funds. Public Facilities Fees (PFF) generate the largest annual capital revenue and has recently been increased by Council action from 2% to 2.5% of building permit valuation. The Traffic Impact Fee (TIF) is a new source of capital revenue ($670 per dwelling unit in the La Costa Traffic Impact Fee Area). FUNDING SOURCES vs. APPROPRIATIONS Beginning Balances + 1986-87 Revenue CASE I :ivic CASE II QCC PFF PIL SEWER TIF OTHER PARK SEWER STREETS QCC PFF PIL SEWER TIF OTHER CIVIC PARK SEWER STREETS 10 15 mi I I ions 20 25 APPROPRIATIONS The April 1986 Public Facilities Management System (PFMS) Monitoring Report indicates that library facilities, community parks and certain streets are at Benchmark II levels (i.e. the standards will be exceeded this year). To remedy these inadequacies, the proposed 1986-87 Capital Improvement Budget includes a main library design, the acquisition, design and/or development of several parks, and the improvement of many of the identified streets. -4- RESERVES • Combining revenues and appropriations results in the flow charts below. Both cases have approximately $3-million in ending balances, half of which is in Planned Local Drainage (PLD). Projects to be funded with PLD are currently being reviewed. Over $l-million is in GCC to cover the widening of La Costa Blvd. from 1-5 to El Camino Real in 1987/88. CASE I : MANAGED FUNDING BALANCE General Capital Construction (GCC) $ Public Facilities Fees (PFF) Park In-Lieu (PIL) Sewer Construction Fund (S) Traffic Impact Fees (TIF) Tax Increment Bonds (TIB) Water Enterprise (W) Planned Local Drainage (PLD) Revenue Sharing (RS) $ transfer of funds to PFF ($569,802) Beginning Balance 3,686,448 854,798 1,085,542 4,348,078 -0- -0- -0- 1,188,754 160,599 11,324,219 GROWTH SHEET Revenue 1986-87 $ (1,307,102)1 6,335,202 1,521,100 2,343,700 1,290,000 2,500,000 45,000 400 ,000 -0- $ 13,127,900 $ CIP 1986-87 $1 ,035,000 7,190,000 2,600,000 6,691,500 1,290,000 2,500,000 45,000 . -0- -0- 21,351,500 Ending Balance June 87 $ 1,344,346 -0- 6,642 278 -0- -0- -0- 1,588,754 160,599 $ 3,100,619 and TIF ($737,300) CASE II: MANAGED GROWTH WITH SLOW-GROWTH INITIATIVE FUNDING BALANCE SHEET General Capital Construction (GCC) Public Facilities Fees (PFF) Park In-Lieu (PIL) Sewer Construction Fund (S) Traffic Impact Fees (TIF) Tax Increment Bonds (TIB) Water Enterprise (W) Planned Local Drainage (PLD) Revenue Sharing (RS) transfer of funds to PFF ($452,902) Beginning Balance $ 3,686,448 854,798 1,085,542 4,348,078 -0- -0- -0- 1,188,754 160,599 $ 11,324,219 and TIF ($847 Revenue 1986-87 $'(1,300,702)1 5,065,202 1,216,900 1,875,000 1,290,000 2,500,000 45,000 320,000 -0- $ 11,011,400 $ ,800) CIP 1986-87 $ 935,000 5,920,000 2,300,000 6,211,500 1,290,000 2,500,000 45,000 -0- -0- 19,211,500 Ending Balance June 87 $ 1,450,746 -0- 2,442 1,578 -0- -0- -0- 1,508,754 160,599 $ 3,124,119 -5- II. 1986-91 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (5-year) As with the proposed Capital Improvement Budget, staff herein provides two proposed 1986-91 Capital Improvement Programs (CIP). o Case I : Managed Growth, and o Case II : Managed Growth with Slow-Growth Initiative Case I proposes $44,453,500 in appropriations; Case II proposes $32,308,500. Once again, the $12-million reduction is primarily necessitated by the dec- line in anticipated capital revenue. REVENUE The revenue forecasting model is driven by residential building permits which are esti mated as follows: FY 86-87 FY '87-88 FY 88-89 FY 89-90 FY 90-91 Total Case I Case II 2,500 2,000 1,250 875 1,250 625 1,250 500 1,250 500 7,500 4,500 The revenue forecasting model incorporates all necessary parameters to generate — Public Facilities Fees (PFF) — Park In-Lieu Fees (PIL) — Sewer Construction (S) and -- La Costa Traffic Impact Fees (TIF) Revenues for other funds, such as — Tax Increment Bonds (TIB) (aka Redevelopment Bonds) — Revenue Sharing (RS) -arid — Water Enterprise (W) are based on currently known anticipated revenue. No attempt has been made to forecast -- General Capital Construction (GCC) revenue which results from any unforeseen balance in the City's operating budget. -6- The graph below dramati z w^the difference in the forecasts 5-year revenue flow between Case I and Case II: 1986-91 REVENUE BY SOURCE OF FUNDS (Excluding Beginning Balance) IN FORECASTED REVENUE 12.7 10.4 TOTAL - $35.643.100 CASE I: WITHOUT SLOW-GROWTH INITIATIVE TOTAL - $22.943.700 CASE II: WITH SLOW-GROWTH INITIATIVE However, the more serious concern is the lack of capital funding revenue in the five years beyond the 1986-91 CIP, after reserves have been depleted to meet current capital needs. The graph below exhibits the five "steady" sources of capital fund- ing from FY 1980-81 to FY 1995-96. C. I .P. REVENUE : PFF, PIL, SEWER, TIF, PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE 10 enco ._ 5 ACTUAL DATA I I \ i \ \ \ \ \\ \ CASE I: 10 yr REV = $58,204,600\ \\ • DIFFERENCE = $28,573,900 CASE 10 yr REV =• $29.630,700i i i i I i i_ 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 FY 1980-81 TO FY 1995-96 94 Although it is true that demand for new public services and facilities will not be as great under the proposed Initiative, the need to replace and repair deteriorating facilities and infrastructure will still exist, as will meeting current adequacy standards, and future demands (although more limited). Therefore, it is necessary to give serious attention to capital priorities, needs and potential funding sources. -7- APPROPRIATIONS The entire list of proposed capital projects was too large to include in the proposed 1986-91 CIP. In addition, not all projects were deemed necessary within five years. See Appendix A for the list of "To Be Considered" Projects (these projects were not included in Case I or Case II). The proposed 1986-91 CIP for Cases I and II are detailed on the following pages. Below is a breakdown of the proposed appropriations by function: APPROPRIATIONS BY FUNCTION (mill!ons) TOTAL - $ CASE I: WITHOUT SLOW-GROWTH INITIATIVE TOTAL - $32.308,500 CASE II: WITH SLOW-GROWTH INITIATIVE '86-87 PROPOSED 1986-91 C.I.P REVENUES vs. APPROPRIATIONS '97-88 '89-90 REVENUE APPROP CASE I: WITHOUT SLCHHWOWTH '9O-01 REVENUE APPROP CASE II: WITH SLQW-«ROWTH -8- RESERVES Combining forecasted revenues and proposed appropriations yields anticipated reserves. The graph below charts reserve data for both cases. 4 3 2 1 0 ENDING BALANCE DATA (mi I I ions) CASE 1 CASE II !vX V * • -- -~ ' — ^^** ^^ •—• — _ 86-87 87-38 88-89 89-90 90-91 FISCAL YEARS CASE I: ENDING BALANCE GCC PFF PIL SEWER TIP TIB WATER ENT PLD RevSH CASE II: GCC PFF PIL SEWER TIP TIB WATER ENT PLD RevSH FY '86-87 1,599,346 -0- 6,642 1,778 -0- -0- -0- 1,588,754 160,599 3,357,119 ENDING BALANCE FY '86-87 1,705,746 -0- 2,442 3,078 -0- -0- -0- 1,508,754 160,599 FY '87-88 -0- 19,346 267,142 173,578 -0- -0- -0- 1,788,754 10,599 2,259,419 FY '87-88 50,000 62,046 34,842 3,378 . -0- -0- -0- 1,648,754 10,599 FY '88-89 76,300 412,046 27,642 95,378 -0- -0- -0- 1,988,754 10,599 2,610,719 FY '88-89 -0- 117,446 115,042 189,278 -0- -0- -0- 1,748,754 10,599 FY '89-90 37,346 -0- 38,142 117,178 -0- -0- -0- 2,188,754 10,599 2,392,019 FY '89-90 80,946 -0- 19,242 7,978 -0- -0- -0-- 1,828,754 10,599 FY '90-91 -0- 28,346 48,6.42 38,978 -0- -0- -0- 2,388,754 10,599 2,515,319 FY '90-91 -0- 16,446 23,442 1,678 -0- -0- -0- 1,908,754 10,599 3,380,619 1,809,619 2,181,119 1,947,519 1,960,919 -9- PROPOSED 1986-91 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Case h*" Managed Growth Without Slow-Growth Wtiative Funding Year Source CIVIC FACILITIES • 00«0 Public Safety Center Phase II PFF/S/W • Oil I Public Safety Center Phase III PFF • 0000 Telephone System GCC (Prior appropriation = $214,819) • 0000 City Hall Improvements (interiors) PFF 0 • 0 0 0 Records Management System RS • 0000 Main Library - So.Carlsbad (design) PFF DOOM Fire Station #3 - Relocation PFF (Prior Appropriation = $79,700) 00 ••O Fire Station - Rancho Santa Fe PFF PARK PROJECTS • 0000 Senior Citizen Center TIB »0«0* SW Quadrant Community Park Devt. PFF • 0000 Macario Canyon Park (Master Plan Rev.) PIL • •000 NE Quadrant Land Acquisition PIL • 0000 Calavera Hills Phase II PFF (Phase I = $1,038,500) 00«00 Carrillo Ranch Park (design) PFF OOM» SW Quadrant Land Acquisition PIL SEWER PROJECTS' • MM Vista/Carlsbad Trunk Line (10-yr. project - 1985-1996) S (Prior Appropriation = $170,000) • 0000 Cannon Rd. (1-5 to Kelly Ranch) S • 0*00 Sewer Line Upgrades s • •••• Encina Phase IV S • 000« Calavera Hills Adv.Waste Water Treat. S STREET PROJECTS • ••00 Base Mapping System GCC/S/W 00*00 Raised Median Program PFF • •••• Miscellaneous Street Projects GCC • 0000 Bluff Interceptor TIB • 0000 PAR (College to PDN) PFF • 0000 PAR (E of ECR) PFF • •000 Elm Ave. (Highland to Carlsbad Blvd.) TIB • 0000 Elm Ave. (widening, E of ECR) GCC • 0000 La Costa/ECR Intersection TIP • 0000 La Costa & 1-5 (ramps, signals) • . TIP 0*000 La Costa Ave. (widening 1-5 to ECR) TIP 0000* ECR (Alga to La Costa) TIP • 0000 Traffic Signal (Elm & Monroe) PFF • 0000 Traffic Signal (College & ECR) PFF • 0000 Traffic Signal (College & PAR) PFF • 0000 Traffic Signal (Mision Estancia & RSF) PFF 00000 Cannon Road PFF TOTAL PROPOSED 1986-91 C.I.P. Proposed Approp. $ 3,455,000 1,680,000 85,000 200,000 150,000 650,000 400,000 560.000 1,700,000 3,870,000 100,000 3,000,000 2,500,000 50,000 2,500.000 2,350,000 621,500 500,000 5,130,000 2,000,000 235,000 250,000 600,000 750,000 2,100,000 900,000 750,000 850,000 990,000 300,000 4,334,000 578,000 80,000 90,000 65,000 80,000 *** $ 7,180,000 13,720,000 10,601,500 12,952,000 $44,453,500 *Note: On May 13, 1986 the City Council approved, in concept, the appropriation of $3.1- million for right-of-way.and construction of Cannon Rd. from 1-5 to Kelly Ranch. If this project is confirmed by later Council action, then other approved PFF projects will have to be delayed. Funding Source Legend: GCC - General Capital Construction PFF - Public Facilities Fee PIL - Park In-L1eu RS - Revenue Sharing S - Sewer TIB - Tax Increment Bond TIP - Traffic Impact FeeU - Mater Enterprise -10- ,J£ROPOSED 198 6-91 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Year Case II: Managed Growth With Slow-Growtni Initiative CIVIC FACILITIES Funding Source TOTAL PROPOSED 1986-91 C.I.P. (with Slow-Growth Initiative) Proposed Approp. 10110 00001 • 0000 • 0000 0*000 • 0000 00«OI Public Safety Center Phase II PFF/S/W Public Safety Center Phase Ill(design) PFF Telephone System GCC (Prior Appropriation = $214,819) City Hall Improvements (interiors) PFF Records Management System RS Main Library - So. Carlsbad (design) PFF Fire Station - Rancho Santa Fe PFF $ 3,455,000 80,000 85,000 200,000 150,000 650,000 560,000 PARK PROJECTS • 0000 Senior Citizen Center TIB 1,700,000 00«00 Macario Canyon Park (Master Plan rev.) PIL 100,000 • ••00 NE Quadrant Land Acquisition PIL 3,000,000 • 0000 Calavera Hills Phase II PFF 1,500,000 (Phase I = $1,038,500) 00100 Carrillo Ranch Park (design) PFF 50,000 OOOM SW Quadrant Land Acquisition PIL 700.000 SEWER PROJECTS • •••• Vista/Carlsbad Trunk Line (10-yr. project - 1985/1996) S 2,350,000 (Prior Appropriation = $170,000) • 0000 Cannon Road (1-5 to Kelly Ranch) S 621,500 • 0«00 Sewer Line Upgrades S 500,000 • •••• Encina Phase IV S 2,355,000 • 000« Calavera Hills Adv.Waste Water Treat. S 2,000,000 STREET PROJECTS $ 5,180,000 7,050,000 7,826,500 • ••00 0000* • 0000 • 0000 • 0000 • •000 • 0000 • 0000 • 0 0 0 0 01100 00001 • 0000 • 0000 • 0000 • 0000 00000 Base Mapping System Miscellaneous Street Projects Bluff Interceptor Storm Drain PAR (College to PON) PAR (E of ECR) Elm Ave. (Highland to Carlsbad Blvd.) Elm Ave. (widening E of ECR) La Costa/ECR Intersection La Costa & 1-5 (ramps, signals) La Costa Ave. (widening I-5/ECR) ECR (Alga to La Costa) Traffic Signal (College & ECR) Traffic Signal (College & PAR) Traffic Signal (Elm & Monroe) Traffic Signal (Mision Estancia & RSF) Cannon Road GCC/S/W GCC TIB PFF PFF TIB GCC TIF TIF TIF TIF PFF PFF PFF PFF PFF 235,000 150,000 750,000 2,100,000 900,000 750,000 850 ,000 990,000' 300,000 4,334,000 578,000 90,000 65,000 80,000 80 ,000 ***12,252,000 $32,308,500 *Note: On May 13, 1986 the City Council approved, in concept, the appropriation of $3.1- million for right-of-way.and construction of Cannon Rd. from 1-5 to Kelly Ranch. If this project is confirmed by later Council action, then other approved PFF projects will have to be delayed. Funding Source Legend: GCC - General Capital Construction PFF - Public Facilities Fee PIL - Park In-L1eu RS - Revenue Sharing S - Sewer TIB - Tax Increment Bond TIF - Traffic Impact Fee W - Water Enterprise -n- /~N\NGES MADE TO CASE I TO YIELD CASE^II Del = Deleted from proposed 1986-91 CIP P-2 = Postponed to 2nd year (1987-88) P-3 = " 3rd " (1988-89) P-4 = " 4th " (1989-90) P-5 = " 5th " (1990-91) C-l = Corresponding action from change in year 1 C-2 = " " ' 2 C-3 = " " 3 c_4 = " " " " » 4 C-5 = " " " " " 5 Red = Project still in CIP, however, because of reduced revenue, appropriation was reduced. *** = Due to available funds, this project was moved up one year. Year 1st Year: (1986-87) 2nd Year: (1987-88) 3rd Year: (1988-89) 4th Year: (1989-90) 5th Year: (1990-91) Calavera Hills Phase III - Comm. Ctr. SW Quadrant Comm. Park (deisgn) Miscellaneous Street Projects Macario Canyon Park (Master Plan Rev.) Public Safety Center Phase III (design) Encina Phase IV NW Quadrant Land Acquisition Miscellaneous Street Projects Encina Phase IV La Costa Ave. (widening, 1-5 to ECR) - Public Safety Center Phase III (site prep.) SW Quadrant Comm. Park (dev.) Miscellaneous Street Projects Raised Median Program SW Quadrant Land Acquisition Encina Phase IV Macario Canyon Park (Master Plan rev.) NW Quadrant Land Acquisition La Costa Ave. (widening, 1-5 to ECR) Public Safety Center Phase II Fire Station #3 - Relocation (design) Public Safety Center Phase III (constr.) Fire Station - Rancho Sante Fe Miscellaneous Street Projects SW Quadrant Land Acquisition Encina Phase IV Public Safety Center Phase II Fire Station #3 - Relocation (constr.) • Public Safety Center Phase III (equip.) SW Quadrant Comm. Park (dev.) SW Quadrant Land Acquisition Encina Phase IV Public Safety Center Phase III (design) Fire Station - Rancho Santa Fe Miscellaneous Street Projects TOTAL CHANGE FROM CASE I TO CASE II Cham Del Del Del P-3 P-5 Red Red Del Red Red Del Del Del Del Red Red C-l C-l C-2 *** Del Del P-5 P-5 Red Red C-3 Del Del Del Red Red C-l C-4 C-4 Doublecheck: je Amount (1,000,000) ( 190,000) ( 100,000) ( 100,000) ( 80,000) ( 470,000) ( 200,000) ( 100,000) ( 180,000) ( 834,000) ( 150,000) (2,000,000) ( 150,000) ( 250,000) (1,000,000) ( 850,000) 100,000 200,000 834,000 600 ,000 ( 40,000) (1,000,000) ( 520,000) ( 150,000) ( 350,000) ( 500,000) ( 600,000) ( 360,000) ( 450,000) (1,680,000) ( 450,000) ( 775,000) 80,000 520,000 50,000 Case I $ Case II (2,140,000) (1,114,000) (2,666,000) (3,160,000) (3,065,000) (12,145,000) 44,453,500 32,308,500 $ 12,145,000 -12- APPENDIX A "TO BE CONSIDERED" CIVIC FACILITIES City Hall Expansion La Costa Area Library (construction) PARK PROJECTS Alga Norte Cannon Lake Carrillo Ranch Park (development) Macario Canyon Park (development) NE Community Park (development) STREET PROJECTS Alga Road (ECR/Alicante) Alga Road (turn lanes, ECR) Cannon Road Bridge (E of ECR) Carlsbad Blvd. (median, Tamarack/Elm) ECR (S/B thru lane, La Costa) ECR (left turn, Levante) El Fuerte (turn lanes, Alga) Faraday (Cannon/Koll property) Jefferson St. (I-5/Marron) La Costa Ave. Interchange La Costa Ave. (RSF intersection) La Costa Ave. (upgrade signal, RSF), Olivenhain Rd. (rt. turn at ECR) Olivenhain Rd. (widening, ECR/RSF) Olivenhain Rd. (Leucadia/ECR) Pal omar Airport Rd. Interchange PAR (intersection, Carlsbad Blvd.) PAR (RR bridge widening) PAR (W of ECR, median half) Poinsettia Lane Interchange Poinsettia (RR bridge widening) RSF (turn lanes, Mel rose) RSF (turn lanes, C.Alvaro/Oli venhain) 51 Traffic Signals CAPITAL PROJECTS Funding Source PFF PFF PFF PFF PFF PFF PFF TIF TIF PFF PFF TIF TIF TIF PFF PFF BTD TIF TIF TIF TIF TIF BTD PFF PFF PFF BTD PFF TIF(C) TIF(C) PFF Project Cost $ 4,000,000 6,900,000 3,500,000 650,000 2,000,000 14,000,000 4,225,000 771 ,000 58,000 378,000 1,140,000 146,000 29,000 87,000 2,750,000 1,500,000 3,312,000 58,000 125,000 29,000 90,000 3,500,000 3,105,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 378,000 3,036,000 900,000 58,000 87,000 4,090,000 $ 10,900,000 24,375,000 31,627,000 TOTAL "TO BE CONSIDERED" CAPITAL PROJECTS:$ 66,902,000 Funding Source Legend: GCC - General Capital Construction PFF - Public Facilities Fee PIL - Park In-Lieu RS - Revenue Sharing S - Sewer TIB - Tax Increment Bond TIF - Traffic Impact Fee W - Water Enterprise -Al- APPENDIX B it PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS CIVIC FACILITIES CITY HALL IMPROVEMENTS. Architect's fees for space reuse design; construction costs (internal walls, 'partitions, counters, work stations, wall and floor treatments); additional furnishings and related office relocation expenses. Additionally, an evaluation of current Council Chambers will be made with funds available to refurbish the facility and explore potential enlargement of the seating capacity. FIRE STATION NO. 3 - RELOCATION. Design and construction of a new Fire Station No. 3, located near the intersection of Tamarack and Elm Avenues. After the new Fire Station No. 3 becomes operational, the existing Fire Station No. 3, located near El Camino Real and Chestnut Avenue, will be phased out. FIRE STATION - RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD. Design, construction and appurtenances for a.new fire station located at Rancho Santa Fe Road and Cadencia. Based on adequacy standards, this fire station will be needed in 1990. LA COSTA AREA LIBRARY. Based upon the recommended design stand- ard of 0.8 square feet per capita, the City needs an additional 55,000 square feet of library space to meet the needs of its citi- zens over the next thirty years. This phase only includes the design .of the facility. An important element which may require the acceleration of this project is SB 1220, the Public Library Construction Bond Issue, which may appear on the November 1986 ballot. This legislation provides for 75% State funding of pub- lic libraries with 25% local matching funds. PUBLIC SAFETY CENTER PHASE II. Yard offices, Maintenance shops, and Purchasing warehouse for the use of Utility Mainte-nance, Parks & Recreation Maintenance, Street Maintenance and Purchasing. Approx- imate size is 62,000 square feet, including two-story yard office and Purchasing warehouse with 6,400 square feet mezzanine. PUBLIC SAFETY CENTER PHASE III. Fire Station headquarters, with approximately 11,000 square feet and multiple bay capacity to accommodate aerial and pumper trucks. RECORDS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. Automated records management system. This element is final link in completing the total automation of fire and police records system. This element ties together the computer added dispatch and ARJIS as well as filling the remaining needs for both the fire and police departments. This element con- sists of records management of all crime, traffic, fire inspections, personnel and other management reporting systems. Currently, -all these are done manually. -A2- TELEPHONE SYSTEM. City Hall phone system. PARK PROJECTS CALAVERA HILLS - PHASE II. This project includes the development of 10 additional acres at Calavera Hills Park and a 17,000 square foot community center/gymnasium. This park includes a lighted ballfield, tennis courts, passive areas, picnic facilities, park- ing areas and basketball courts. The community center/gymnasium includes classrooms, kitchen, meeting rooms and indoor athletic courts. The completion of this project will help meet the stan- dard for developed: park land. CARRILLO RANCH PARK. The Carrillo Special Resource Area requires a master plan of development. This property has the need for a long-range development plan that will address community and special interest needs, as well as private developments consideration. MACARIO CANYON PARK. Master plan revision for Macario Canyon Park. This project would update and incorporate recent community needs into a New Park Master Plan. The new plan is necessary to define projected uses such- as golf course, theater, ballfields, and the consideration for private sector development. NORTHEAST QUADRANT LAND ACQUISITION. Purchase of 20 acres of property in the northeast quadrant adjacent to a planned future high school site. The property is to later be developed as a Community Park/Special Use Area. SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER. The construction of a 14,000 square foot Senior Citizensfacility is proposed in the northwest portion of the City. The site will be subject to a feasibility study. The facility is planned to provide for future expansion. COMMUNITY PARK SOUTHWEST QUADRANT. Southwest Quadrant Community Park is a 30-acre community park to serve all citizens in the south- west area of the City. Staff is currently negotiating with develop- ers in the dedication and development of a portion of community park land in the southwest quadrant. Hunt Properties will dedicate, up front, approximately 30 acres. Sammis Corporation will develop approximately 10 acres of the 30. -The park is proposed to be dev- eloped in four phases. Phase I: Design of 30 acres *Phase II: • Land dedication and development of 10 acres Phase III: Site improvements of 20 acres Phase IV: Community Center construction The improvement of this park will meet and exceed the community park shortages as identified in the PFMS. *This Phase is to be the responsibility of the developers. SOUTHWEST QUADRANT LAND ACQUISITION. Site to be determined. (Not connected with above project.) -A3- SEWER PROJECTS CALAVERA HILLS ADVANCED WASTE WATER TREATMENT. This project is necessary to meet the requirement of Title 22 of the California Administrative Code for use of reclaimed water. CANNON ROAD. Sewer line from 1-5 to Kelly Ranch. ENCINA PHASE IV. Fourth of five phases to increase capacity. This expansion will increase Carlsbad's share of Encina capacity from 5.72 million gallons/day to 8.5 million gallons/day. SEWER LINE UPGRADES. Repair and replacement of deteriorated lines7 VISTA/CARLSBAD TRUNK LINE. This project involves the enlarge- ment of the gravity portion of the Vista/Carlsbad trunk line. It is a 10-year project which began in 1985-86. LA COSTA TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE PROJECTS ECR (Alga/La Costa)'. Add southbound through lane from south of Alga to south of La Costa Avenue. Priority rating - B: Needed for "Committed Projects" (within approximately 3 years). LA COSTA/ECR INTERSECTION. Widen and improve intersection. Priority rating - A: Needed today. LA COSTA AVENUE (1-5 to ECR). Add two through lanes from El Camino Real to 1-5. Priority rating - A: Needed today. LA COSTA & 1-5 (ramps/signals). Ramp improvements and traffic signals.Priority rating - A: Needed today. OTHER STREET PROJECTS BASE MAPPING SYSTEM. The project develops a base map for street and utility purposes with overlay of facility locations. Follow on overlays will be for planning and -building, fire and police and can be used to visually display 'land use, zoning, residen- tial densities, response time, traffic incidents, police call information, etc. Overlays can be on CRT or hard copy reproduc- tions. BLUFF INTERCEPTOR STORM DRAIN. Construct 4,000 linear feet of 48" storm drain in Carlsbad Blvd. to intercept existing storm drains that penetrate the bluff and drain into the ocean. Pro- ject will reduce bluff erosion and protect Carlsbad Blvd. This project should be constructed prior to, or concurrently with, the Bluff Protection (Seawall) project, which will be under con- struction in October 1986. -A4- ELM AVENUE (widening, E of ECR). Widening of Elm Avenue to 84' right-of-way for 650' immediately east of El Camino Real. To include full improvements and major grading. ELM AVENUE (Highland/Carlsbad Blvd.). Street widening with median and traffic control devices. MISCELLANEOUS STREET PROJECTS. Provides for miscellaneous street projects. For example", guard rail replacement and open ditch improvements. PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD (College to PDN). The City's contribution is for half of the street improvements; providing the owner of the adjacent property is not required to install improvements, due to the fact that the property is within a permanent agri- cultural preserve. The full widening will be a prime arterial road consisting of 126 feet of righbof-way, 6 lanes with a rai- sed median, concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalk. PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD (east of ECR). Two lanes north side. This project will complete the widening of the street along the pro- perty owned by San Diego County. RAISED MEDIAN PROGRAM. Design and construct fill-in medians on El Camino Real,from north City limits to south City limits. Multi-phase project completed as revenue allows. TAMARACK AVENUE (Jefferson/Carlsbad Blvd.). This project is for full improvements to be made on a 48-foot wide curb-to-curb collector street. Improvements include paving, curb and gutter, and sidewalks drainage. Right-of-way acquisition is also inclu- ded. TRAFFIC SIGNALS COLLEGE & ECR. Design and construct. COLLEGE & PAR. Design and construct. ELM & MONROE. Design and construct. MISION ESTANCIA.& RSF. Design and construct. -A5- APPENDIX C CAPITAL PROJECT STATUS REPORT COMPLETED (i.e. work completed) # Project Description CIVIC FACILITIES 3172 Main Library Parking Lot 3159 Police Firing Range PARK PROJECTS 3723 Chase Field 3716 Jefferson Athletic Field SEWER PROJECTS 3126 Palomar Joint Sewer Line 3130 Pio Pico Water!ine 3155 Sewer Master Plan 3176 Valley/BV Sewer STREET PROJECTS 3141 Alga Road Improvements 3717 Alley Improvements 3719 AT&SF Parking 3168 Carlsbad Blvd./Poinsettia 3169 Carlsbad Blvd. Storm Drain 3085 Central Bus. Storm Drain 3158 Coastal Storm Drain 3079 Poinsettia Bridge 3186 Raised Pavement Markers 3194 Roosevelt Parking Lot 3718 Roosevelt Parking Lot 3715 Streetscape - State/Grand 3703 Streetscape - State/Grand 3143 Tamarack - Sunnyhill to Skyline 3705 Village Sign Program TRAFFIC SIGNALS 3160 Alga/Alicante 3109 Army-Navy Crossing Signal 3179 Carlsbad Blvd./Grand 3180 Chestnut/Grand 3148 ECR/Camino Vida Roble 3187 Kelly/ECR 3149 PAR/Yarrow Drive OTHER 3133 Longard Tube Extend parking lot. Design and construct Macario Park range. Upgrade existing facility. Grade field, landscape. Construct line in PAR. Replace 1800' of 12" pipeline. Revise general City Master Plan. Elm to Buena Vista. From El Camino Real to Alicante. Jefferson to Harding (Pine to Oak). Design and construct parking lot. Intersection modification and traffic signal, From Agua Hedionda Lagoon to Tamarack. Construct 2900' of 66" storm drain. Repair/replace coast storm drain. Design and construct Poinsettia Lane bridge. Install pavement markers. Additional parking. Additional parking. Pavement, landscape, median • Jobs bill. Widen street to 48'. Install signs in Redevelopment area. Modify signal. Modify signal. Install 920' beach frontage, 70" tube. -A6- * I.N-PROGRESS (includes bidding, study, design and/or construcwfcn) . __# Project Description 3196 3195 3202 3138 3125 3006 3002 3198 3214 3173 3174 3197 3139 3140 3191 3201 3200 3183 3226 3182 3167 3222 3184 3098 3185 3206 3205 3188 3161 3704 3166 3177 3142 3135 3224 3156 3218 3189 3215 3208 CIVIC FACILITIES City Hall Expansion Computer Dispatch Develop. Process Building Fire Station No. 3 (Calavera) Fire Station No. 4 (Poinsettia) Public Safety & Service Ctr. Ph.I Telephone System PARK PROJECTS Advance Plan/Park Design Boys'/Girls' Club Pool Calavera Park Design Chase/Pine Renovation Comm. Ctr./Stagecoach Park Fuerte Park Design Holiday Park Parking Stagecoach Park SEVJER PROJECTS Calavera Hills Station/EDL Line Fox Lift Station Lift Station Replacement Sewer Flow Meter Project Vista/Carlsbad Trunk Line STREET PROJECTS Appian Way Bridge & Thoroughfare Study Cannon Road Assessment Carlsbad Blvd. Bridge Carlsbad Carlsbad Seawall Storm Drain Widening Assmt. Distr. Blvd. Blvd. Carlsbad Blvd. College Blvd. Cynthia Lane Depot Parking El Camino Real Elm Avenue Construction Faraday Ave. Improvements James Dr. Assessment District James Dr. Storm Drain Jefferson Street Path La Costa/I-5 Intersection Design La Costa Ave./ECR Design La Costa Intersection La Costa Widening Design Space utilization study. Sophisticated dispatch system. Building, Planning & Engr.Dept. facility (leasing). Land acquisition for relocation. Two-bay neighborhood station. Build Police & Fire administrative facilities. City Hall phone system. Park facilities study. Assistance for pool enclosure. 10-acre community park. Upgrade field. Gymnasium & social center Corner of El Fuerte and Corintia. Construct parking improvements. 28-acre community park. Connect plant to San Marcos line. Upgrade existing lift station. Upgrade lift station. Install metering systems. Upgrade trunk line. Widening Study of 1-5 bridge. 1-5 to ECR. Replace bridge, street, storm drain. Design & install seawall. Agua Hedionda to Cannon. Agua Hedionda to Cannon Street, construction. Assessment district. Design and construct parking lot. Widening. Donna to El Camino Real. East of El Camino Real. Authorize district and construct road. Install storm drain. Path along Jefferson (1-5 to Marron Rd.). Intersection improvements. Redesign intersection. La Costa Ave. & ECR intersection. ECR to 1-5. -A7- Project Description STREET PROJECTS CONT'D. 3100 Miscellaneous Assmt. District 3151 PAR Assessment District 3191 Park Dr. Assessment District 3216 Park Drive Widening 3190 RSF Assessment District 3181 RSF Realignment 3207 SDG&E Fishing Lot 3001 Sidewalk Program 3144 Tamarack-Adams to Highland 3228 Tamarack Storm Drain 3204 Traffic Safety Project 3722 Washington St. Paving TRAFFIC SIGNALS 3225 El Camino Real/Faraday 3178 Elm/El Camino Real 3213 Harding/Elm 3210 Jefferson/Laguna 3211 Jefferson/Las Flores 3217 La Costa/El Camino Real 3209 Opticon Assessment engineering services. Widen PAR to full width. Road widening. Improve and realign Marina Dr. intersection. Widen and realign RSF. Widen curve. Parking improvement. Design and plan. Widen street to 48'. Install storm drain. Contingency for safety projects. Paving from Elm to Oak. Upgrade for Senior Citizens. Modify in conjunction with intersection. Install in 28 traffic signals. NO-ACTION 3175 3199 3128 3164 3212 PARK PROJECTS Artificial Seaweed Carlsbad High Ball fields SEWER PROJECTS Skyline & Janis Pipeline STREET PROJECTS Hemlock Avenue TRAFFIC SIGNALS Jefferson Intertie Beach restoration (Agua Hedionda to Jetty) 5-acre ball field facility. Replace pipeline. Cul-de~sac. Intertie with Laguna Dr. and Las Flores. -A8-