HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-07-15; City Council; 8684-1; APPROVAL OF APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION DENIAL OF AN ADDITION TO A DUPLEX AT 2643 OCEAN STREET (SDP 85-17|V 373)a Lil ). 0 e tL a. a .. z 0 I- o a r! o z 3 0 0 CITUIF CARISBAD - AGEND~ILL DEPl AB# 8684-31 TITLEPPPROV4L OF APPEAL OF PLANNIP.-1G MTGB/l5/ 86 CO~~IIISSIOY D~IAL OF AN ADDITICVJ CITY CITY DEPT.A TO -4 DUPLEX AT 2643 OCEAX STFEET I RECOMMENDED ACTION: SDP 85-17/V-373 If Council concurs your action is to approve Resolution No. j3i qrantina the appeal and approvinq SDP 85-17/V-373. ITEM EXPLAF AT I ON The City Council at your meeting of July 1, 1986 directed the ( Attorney to prepare documents grantinq the appeal and approvinc SDP 85-17/V-373. The attached resolution contains f indinqs an( conditions of approval as recommended by the Plannina Departme] The City Council should satisfy itself that the findinqs and conditions accurately reflect your intentions in the matter, t they state facts found by you to be true, and that they adecrua explain your reasons for grantinq the appeal and approvinq SDP 85-17/V-373. EXHIBIT Resolution No. F6 9 / , approving the appeal. 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 rn 4) 13 sg %!$ 2 out gLC=z zoua agzg zii “Gr< ,>do wzoa zWod 16 OaNg zo 5.t 2 37 - u 18 19 l3 a U’ $5 l- certain property to wit: Lots 11 and 12 of Block A of Hayes Land Company Addition Map No. 2, Map 1221 on file with the Cou San Diego has been filed with the City of Carlsbad, and referred to Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a as provided by Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; an WHEREAS, the Planning Commission at their meeting May 28, 1986 held a duly noticed public hearing as requirc law to consider said request: and WHEREAS, the Planning Comission did on said day ( I public hearing deny the reauest for an variance; and WHEREAS, the applicant appealed the decision of j I 2o 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Planning Commission to the City Council; and WHEREAS, on July 1, 1986 the City Council of the I I Carlsbad held a duly notice public hearing as proscribed to consider said appeal and at said hearing after conside of all of the evidence, testimony, and argument of those 1 present and desiring to be heard the City Council determi 11 1 grant the appeal and approve the variance V-373; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Counc the City of Carlsbad as follows: i I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 ‘ m 13 I?g 5% 8 OWa 14 0 22 OE’,& 15 mGz$ “‘do Zggg 16 ggzm I? 5E a: 17 aa >0 0 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 gkgr 0 k w 3 1. That the above recitations are true and corre 2. That based on the evidence presented at the F hearing the City Council grants the applicant’s appeal and approves Site Development Plan SDP 85-17 as shown on Exhib attached hereto and made a part hereof, based on the follc findings and conditions: Findings: 1) The project is consistent with the City’s General P12 the existing density of 12.5 du’s/acre is slightly be density range of 15-23 du’s/acre specified for the si indicated on the Land Use Element of the General Plar addition the project is an existing previously appro\ 2) The site is physically suitable for the type and dens the development since the site is adequate in size ar to accommodate residential development at the density posed. 3) The project is consistent with all City public facili icies and ordinances since: a) The Planning Commission has, by inclusion of an appropriate condition to this project, ensured bl permits will not be issued for the project unles: City Engineer determines that sewer service is available, and building cannot occur within the E unless sewer service remains available, and the E Commission is satisfied that the requirements of Public Facilities Element of the General Plan ha7 met insofar as they apply to sewer service for tk project . 1 I ~ I b) All necessary public improvements have been prov: ’ will be required as conditions of approval. c) The applicant has agreed and is required by the inclusion of an appropriate condition to pay a pi facilities fee. Performance of that contract an( payment of the fee will enable this body to find public facilities will be available concurrent w as required by the General Plan. 4) This project has been determined to be categorically ~ under the California Environental Quality Act. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 n a 8 m 13 -18 52 % OU< 14 o-L3z GZzg ;:2< 15 gZZo- gg:: SE d 17 aa >-o k l8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Soza -10 WZOQ 161 0 'I m - requirements established by a development manaqement public facility program ultimately adopted by the Cit Carlsbad. This will ensure continued availability of facilities and will mitigate any cumulative impacts c by the project. Conditions: 1) Approval is granted for SDP 85-17, as shown on Exhibj , dated November 26, 1985, incorporated by refere on file in the Planning Department. Development shal substantially as shown unless otherwise noted in the: conditions. - I1 E it 2) This project is also approved under the express condi that the applicant pay the additional public faciliti adopted by the City Council on April 22, 1986 and an] development fees established by the City Council pur: Ordinance No. 9791 or subsequent ordinance adopted tc implement a growth or development management system ( public facilities phasing plan and to fulfill the subdivider's aqreement to pay the public facilities with the City Clerk and is incorporated by this refei If the fees are not paid this application will not bc consistent with the General Plan and approval for th. project shall be void. dated November 19 , 1985 a copy of which is 01 3) Approval of this reuuest shall not excuse compliance all sections of the Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable City ordinances in effect at time of builc permit issuance. Planning Conditions: 1 4) Approval of SDP 85-17 is granted subject to approval 1 5) Approval of this request shall not excuse compliance all sections of the Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable City ordinances in effect at time of buil permit issuance. Variance No. 373. I 6) This approval shall become null and void if building are not issued for this project within one year from date of project approval. 7) All roof appurtenances, including air conditioners, architecturally inteqrated and concealed from view a sound buffered from adjacent properties and streets, pursuant to Building Department Policy No. 80-6, to satisfaction of the Directors of Planning and Buildi I 8) Building identification and/or addresses shall be pl all new and existing buildings so as to be plainly v -3- I1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 8 m 13 J8 5% 2 dous 14 agzg '>%!O Q+ag "Gr$ 15 LAP u~oa 16 "K28 go J =+ = U 17 n a zWon" t.0 k I* 19 0 I 'I q from the street or access road: color of identificati, and/or addresses shall contrast to their background c 9) If any condition for construction of any public impro or facilities, or the pavment of any fees in lieu the imposed by this approval or imposed by law on this pr are challenged, this approval shall be suspended as p in GoT-3rnment Code Section 65913.5. If any such cond is determined to be invalid this approval shall be in unless the City Council determines that the project w the condition complies with all requirements of law. 10) Before obtaining a final map or building permit, whic occurs first, the applicant shall: a) agree to pay a increase in the public facilities fee or additional t new construction and/or new development fees establis by any additional requirements established by the development management system or phasing plans which ultimately adopted by the City of Carlsbad. This con conplies with City Council Ordinance No. 9791. the City Council prior to July 20, 1986; b) agree to Engineerinq Conditions: 11) This project is approved upon the express condition t building permits will not be issued for development c subject property unless the City Engineer determines sewer capacity is available at the time of applicatic such permits and will continue to be available until occupancy. 1 12) The developer shall obtain a grading permit prior to commencement of any clearing or grading of the site. 13) No grading shall occur outside the limits of the pro: I unless a letter of permission is obtained from the ov the affected properties. I 14) Prior to hauling dirt or construction materials to ai 21 22 23 24 25 261 2.7 28 '1 shall submit to and receive approval from the City EI for the proposed haul route. The developer shall cor with all conditions and requirements the City Enginec impose with regards to the hauling operation. 15) Additional drainage easements and drainage structure: be provided or installed as may be required by the Cc Department of Sanitation and Flood Control or the Ci. neer. 16) The developer shall make an offer of dedication to tl for all public streets and easements rewired by the: conditions or shown on the site development plan. T: shall be made by a Certificate on the Final Map for project. All land so offered shall be granted to thc -4- I 7 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 rn m 13 28 N OWa 14 D a 5% m g4z 055 Zk4h z>> 15 LUra i" %Loo 20 I", ss 5 171 >0 $Z?Z 161 t 0 l8 19 20 21 v m free and clear of all liens and encumbrances and withc cost to the City. Streets that are already public arc required to be rededicated. 17) Ocean Street shall be dedicated by the developer alonc subdivision frontaqe based on a centerline to right-o Standards prior to occupancy of any buildings. width of 25 feet and in conformance with City of Carl 18) The developer shall obtain the City Enqineer's approv the project improvement plans and enter into a secure agreement with the City for completion of said improv prior to issuance of any building permit within this project. The improvements shall be constructed and a for maintenance by the City Council prior to issuance Certificate of Occupancy for any unit within the proj The improvements are: Ocean Street frontage improvements including but not to: a) A. C. paving/overlay b) Curb, gutter, and sidewalk c) A. C. berm transitions d) Drainage improvements as required e) Relocation of utilities as required by each agenc 19) Unless a standard variance has been issued, no variar site plan, except for a 50 foot width of Ocean Street 20) The developer shall comply with all the rules, regulc and design reauirements of the respective sewer and \ agencies regarding services to the project. 1 21) All plans, specifications, and supporting documents 1 j improvements of this project shall be signed and seal the Engineer in responsible charge of the work. Eack shall be signed and sealed, except that bound documel be signed and sealed on their first page. Additiona first sheet of each set of plans shall have the follc certificate: City Standards is authorized by virtue of approval of I jl 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 "DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE" I hereby declare that I am the Engineer of Work for design of the project as defined in Section 6703 of Business and Professions Code, and that the design i consistent with current standards. I understand that the check of project drawings and specifications by the City of Carlsbad is confined t review only and does not relieve me, as Engineer of my responsibilities for project design. project, that I have exercised responsible charge OVI ~ i -5- I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 a 8 m 13 48 cu 5% m OUa 14 9LXi z0za e',>,: 15 miJ2< +$J &&$ 16 U ompm v W (Name, Address and Telephone of Engineering firm) Firm: Address: City, St.: Telephone: BY Date: -- - (Name of Engineer) R.C.E. NO. # 3. That based on the evidence presented at the F hearing the City Council grants the applicant's appeal and approves Variance V-373 as shown on Exhibit A, attached he and made a part hereof, based on the following findings ar conditions : Findinqs: 1) That there are exceptional or extraordinary circumstr conditions applicable to the property or to the inter that do not apply generally to the other property or of use in the same vicinity and zone, because the prc location on a coastal bluff limits the developabilitl I 50 '3 + 5 17 >o k 0 site. 2) That such variance is necessary for the preservation 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 3) That the granting of such variance will not be mater detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to thc property or improvements in such vicinity and zone il the property is located, since the proposed variance 1 allow for the improvement of an existing building. 4) That the granting of such variance will not adverse1 the comprehensive General Plan, since the proposed P will improve an existing situation. 5) The project is consistent with all City public facil icies and ordinances since: ' 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 a m m 13 Yo gLL3)z OWa 14 .:p; GI-<- 15 ma,< u. -'v I-ZU - tz85 161 vg2g + i 17 >o V 18 0 g5 E Z k I v w a) The Planning Commission has, by inclusion of an appropriate condition to this project, ensured bu permits will not be issued for the project unless City Enaineer determines that sewer service is avi sewer service remains available, and the Plannina Cornmission is satisfied that the requirements of Public Facilities Element of the General Plan hav net insofar as they apply to sewer service for th project. and building cannot occur within the project unle b) All necessary public improvements have been provi will be required as conditions of approval. c) The applicant has agreed and is required by the inclusion of an appropriate condition to pay a pu facilities fee. Performance of that contract and payment of the fee will enable this body to find public facilities will be available concurrent wi as required by the General Plan. d) Assurances have been given that adeauate sewer fo project will be provided by the City of Carlsbad. 6) This project has been determined to be cateqorically under the California Environmental Quality Act. Conditions: 1) Approval is granted for V-373, as shown on Ehxibits " "E", dated November 26, 1985 incorporated by referenc on file in the Planning Department. Development shal substantially as shown unless otherwise noted in thec conditions. 2) This variance is subject to the approval of SDP 85-11 1 21 22 23 24 i 25 26 27 28 City Council Policy No. 17, dated April 2, 1982, on 1 with the City Clerk and incorporated herein by referc and according to the agreement executed by the applic payment of said fee, a copy of that aqreement, dated November 22, 1985, is on file with the City Clerk anc ' 1 ... ... ... ... 0.. -7- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 D m m 13 38 lzK g 7Zua 14 0- 3 5 $$K e:<g 15 "Gr< :,do ZWOd UJZOQ 16 "Z2Jm Q 55 2 17 U to k 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 7 !J incorporated herein by reference. If said fee is not as promised, this application will not be consistent the General Plan and approval for this project shall void. PASSED, APPROVED ARD ADOPTED at a reuular meeting City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 15th day of July , 1986, by the following vote, t AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Chick and Pettine NOES : Council Member Kulchin ABSENT: None Y'"a d. L MARY H. ,ASLER, Mayor ATTEST: ALETHF L. RAUT ~ 1 i I -8- c -- V I C I N I TY MF EYHIBJ 1 Os OPEN SPACE (OS) city of carlsbad R-3 ;RMH) RESIDENTIAL MEDIUM HIGH 8 -15 dulnc (RH) RESIDENTIAL HIGH 15-23 du/nc 13 TRAVEL SER VR VILLAGE REDEVELOPMENT \ I BRODINE I %-. ?3P. 'I ?3 1200 ELM AVENUE TELE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (714) Citp of Carls'bab July 22, 1986 David H. and Gail R. Brodine 2643 Ocean Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Enclosed for your records, please find a copy of the fOl~OWhg Resolution 8691 _-- , adopted by the Carlsbad City Council on July 15, 1986 Sincerely, &fl- LEE RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk LR : adm Enclosures ( 1 )