HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-07-15; City Council; 8705; Hosp Grove acquisitionO LU O£ g o o OO Clf OF CARLSBAD - AGEND "BILL>w*' '•• ,<i ARtf $70^ MTG 7/15/86 DPPT. CA TITLE: HOSP GROVE ACQUISITION DPPT HD*~ ' CITY ATTY\/j£23 CITY MGR. RECOMMENDED ACTION: If the City Council concurs your action is to introduce Ordinance No. 9 & i calling a special election to approve the acquisition of Hosp Grove (52.68 acres) and to authorize the bond issue to pay for the acquisition. At your meeting of July 22, 1986 your action will be: , determining the public interestApprove Resolution No. and necessity for acquiring Hosp Grove (4/5's vote required). Adopt Resolution No. <f£ ^ J , approving an acquisition agreement for the remaining undeveloped portions of Hosp Grove. Approve Resolution No. Ffoo , approving bond counsel agreement. Approve Resolution No. ,P7o / , consolidating bond election with November 4, 1986 election. Approve Resolution No.approving a Stipulation for Entry of Revised Judgment in Grove Apartments v. City of Carlsbad. 6. Adopt Ordinance No. J£ 9p . ITEM EXPLANATION The City Council, at your meeting of April 1, 1986, directed staff to explore the possibility of acquiring Hosp Grove. Council also appointed a committee of Vice Mayor Lewis and Council Member Pettine to prepare a recommendation on acquisition as well as alternative ways to resolve the issues that have arisen in connection with the proposed development of the Grove. Council Committee, working in conjunction with the property owners and concerned citizens, have successfully completed negotiations in that regard and wishes to recommend the following: 1. That the Council submit a ballot measure at the November 4, 1986 election which would seek approval of a $5,950,000 bond issue for the purposes of acquiring approximately 52.68 acres of land, the remaining undeveloped portions of Hosp Grove. If the measure receives the required two-thirds vote general obligation bonds will be sold and the Grove will be acquired for park and open space purposes. All outstanding issues between the property owners, proposed developers and the City would be resolved as a part of that acquisition. The negotiated price is within the range of value established by the City's appraiser and is approximately $1,287,000 less than the property owner's appraisal figure. If the required two-thirds vote is not achieved the City and property owners have reached agreement on the following alternative: Agenda Bill # July 15, 1986 Page 2 2. Instead of the proposed residential development on Parcel E the City will process an environmentally sensitive commercial and office project of approximately 8.8 net acres concentrated on the corners of Monroe and Marron Roads. All of the balance of Parcel E on both sides of Monroe Street will be dedicated to the City free of charge. The 130 units presently allowed by the master plan on Parcel D will be reduced to 108 units/ the ridgeline trees visible from the freeway, will be retained and the property will be processed for development on a vested rights basis. Parcel F will be acquired by the City at a cost of $975,000 for approximately 9 acres of land. The City will have a year to attempt to raise the money from outside sources after which we will have the option to either acquire it for cash, from available City funds or enter into a lease purchase arrangement with the property owners. Alternative 1, total acquisition, would preserve 52.68 acres of the Grove at a cost not to exceed $5,950,000. Alternative 2 would acquire 27.79 acres of the Grove at a cost of $975,000. Alternative 3 would be to approve the 219 unit residential development originally proposed for parcels E and E1. This alternative would result in the dedication of approximately 8.8 acres of Hosp Grove at no cost to the City but would not resolve the issue of how much, if any, of the remaining undeveloped portion of Hosp Grove would be preserved and could result in litigation against the City arising out of the Grove judgment. In the event the community does not approve total acquisition, the Council Committee believes alternative 2 is the best possible solution otherwise available to the City to a potentially difficult situation. Attached is an acquisition agreement which details the Committee's recommendation. Also attached is a bond counsel agreement and the necessary election documents. If the Council concurs you should introduce the ordinance calling the election. At your meeting of July 22, 1986 the Council action will be to approve the rest of the documents and adopt the ordinance. FISCAL IMPACT Alternative One; The $5,755,000 acquisition cost would be financed by means of a general obligation bond issue. The cost to issue bonds and pay other incidental expenses is estimated not to exceed $195,000 bring the total bond issue to approximately $5,950,000. The bonds, if approved by two-thirds of the voters, would be funded by an increase in the City's property tax rate of approximately 1.8 Agenda Bill # July 15, 1986" Page 3 cents per $100 of assessed valuation or $18.00 per year on a typical home valued at $100,000. The bonds would be paid off over a period of twenty years. The estimated annual maintenance cost to the City for the 52.68 acres is $15,000. In summary under this alternative, 52.68 acres of Hosp Grove would be preserved for $5,950,000 ($112,946 per acre). Alternative Two; Acquisition cost of parcel F, 8.92 acres, would be $975,000. The acquisition would be financed with City funds, or a combination of City funds and State grant money. The City would have one year to raise the money and make the purchase. As an alternative, the City could also enter into a lease purchase agreement with the property owners and purchase parcel F over a period of time. The estimated annual maintenance cost to the City for the 27.79 acres preserved under this alternative is $8,300. In summary, under this alternative 27.79 acres of Hosp Grove would be preserved for $975,000 ($35,085 per acre). The commercial development allowed under this alternative would geneate new sales tax revenues estimated at $100,000 annually. EXHIBITS 1. Ordinance No. / j? 7 C calling bond election 2. Resolution No. jfb 9 f of interest and necessity 3. Resolution No. f(o ? ^ and Acquisition Agreement 4. Resolution No. f"7o o and Bond Counsel Agreement 5. Resolution No. f *7o / consolidating election 6. Resolution No. £ "7oH. and Stipulation for Entry of Revised Judgment and Judgment 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ORDINANCE NO. ±290 ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING, CALLING, PROVIDING FOR AND GIVING NOTICE OF A SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN SAID CITY ON NOVEMBER 4, 1986, FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING TO THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF SAID CITY A PROPOSITION TO INCUR BONDED INDEBTEDNESS BY SAID CITY FOR A CERTAIN MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENT AND CONSOLIDATING SAID SPECIAL ELECTION WITH THE STATEWIDE ELECTION TO BE HELD ON SAID DATE WHEREAS, at a meeting held prior to the meeting at which this ordinance is adopted the City Council, by a vote of at least two-thirds of the members hereof, adopted a resolution determining that the public interest and necessity demand the acquisition of a certain municipal improvement, and making findings relating thereto; NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad hereby does find, determine, resolve and order as follows: 1. That a special election be held and the same is hereby called to be held in said City on November 4, 1986, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of said City the proposition hereinafter set forth of incurring indebtedness and issuing bonds of said City therefor, in the principal amount stated in the ballot proposition hereinafter set forth, and for the object and purpose set forth in said resolution and in said ballot proposition. 2. That the estimated cost of the municipal improvement described in said ballot proposition is the sum of $5,950,000. The estimated cost of said municipal improvement includes the following: (a) legal or other fees incidental to or connected with the authorization, issuance and sale of the bonds, and (b) STRADLING. YOCCA. CARLSON & RAUTH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 the costs of printing the bonds and other costs and expenses incidental to and connected with the authorization, issuance and sale of the bonds. 3. That the maximum rate of interest to be paid on said indebtedness shall not exceed the maximum rate permitted by law, to wit, twelve percent (12%) per annum, the actual rate or rates of interest on said bonds to be determined at or prior to the time of the sale or sales thereof. Said interest shall be payable semiannually except that interest for the first year may be made payable at the end of said year. 4. That the polls for said election shall open at seven o'clock a.m. of the day of said election and shall remain open continuously from said time until 8:00 o'clock p.m. of the same day, when said polls shall be closed, except as provided in Section 1301 of the Elections Code of the State of California. 5. That on the ballots to be used at said special election, in addition to any other matters required by law, there shall be printed substantially the following: MARK CROSS (+) ON BALLOT ONLY WITH RUBBER STAMP; NEVER WITH PEN OR PENCIL. ABSENTEE BALLOTS MAY BE MARKED WITH PEN AND INK OR PENCIL.) INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS To vote on any measure, stamp a cross (+) in the voting square after the word "YES" or after the word "NO." All marks except the cross (+) are forbidden. All distinguishing marks or erasures are forbidden and make the ballot void. If you wrongly stamp, tear or deface this ballot, return it to the inspector of election and obtain another. STRADLING. YOCCA. CARLSON a RAUTH LAWYERS NEWPORT BEACH. CA 2238k/2062/-2- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 STRAOLINO. YOCCA. CARLSON ft RAUTH On absent voter ballots mark a cross (+) with pen or pencil. Bond Proposition: Shall the City of Carlsbad, California, incur a bonded indebtedness in the principal amount of $5,950,000 for the purpose of the acquisition by said City of a certain municipal improvement, to wit: approximately 52. 68 acres of undeveloped land known as Hosp Grove to be acquired for park and open space purposes, and for the payment of all costs and expenses in connection with such acquisition and the issuance of the bonds? 6. That a cross (+) placed in the voting square after the word "YES" in the manner hereinbefore provided shall be counted in favor of the adoption of the proposition. A cross (+) placed in the voting square after the word "NO" in the manner hereinbefore provided shall be counted against the adoption of the proposition. 7. That if the proposition for the incurring of bonded indebtedness so submitted receives the requisite number of votes, to wit, two-thirds of the votes of the qualified electors voting on said proposition, bonds of said City, in not exceeding the principal amount stated in such proposition, may be issued and sold for the object and purpose set forth in said proposition. 8. That the special election hereby called for the date hereinbefore specified shall be and is hereby ordered consolidated with the statewide election to be held on said date, and within said City the precincts, polling places and officers of election for the special municipal election hereby called shall be the same as those provided for said statewide election. The Board of Supervisors of San Diego County is hereby requestd to order the consolidation of the special municipal election hereby called with said statewide election, and said Board of 2238k/2062/ -3- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 23 Supervisors is hereby authorized to canvass the returns of said special municipal election, and said elections shall be held in all respects as if there were only one election, and only one form of ballot, namely, the ballots used at said statewide election, shall be used. Said Board of Supervisors shall certify the results of the canvass of the returns of said special municipal election to the City Council of said City which shall thereafter declare the results thereof. A proposition submitted by this ordinance shall be designated on the ballot by a letter printed on the left margin of the square containing the description of the measure, as provided in Section 10219 of the Elections Code. This treasure shall appear in the second position on the City ballot. 9. That except as otherwise provided in this ordinance, the election called hereby shall be conducted as provided by law for other municipal elections in said City. 10. That the City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be published once a week for two weeks in the Carlsbad Journal, a newspaper published less than six days a week in the City. No other notice of such election need be given. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, at a regular meeting held on the 22nd day of July , 1986, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin and Pettine NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Chick ATTEST: MARY H. CSLER , Mayor STRAOLING. YOCCA. CARLSON « RAUTH LAWYERS ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ , City Clei 2238k/2062/ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 8698 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST AND NECESSITY DEMAND THE ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS AND MAKING FINDINGS RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does hereby resolve, determine and order as follows: 1. That the public interest and necessity demand the acquisition by said City of a municipal improvement, to wit: Approximately acres of undeveloped land known as Hosp Grove to be acquired for park and open space purposes, and for the payment of all costs and expenses in connection with such acquisition and the issuance of the bonds. 2. That the estimated cost of said municipal improvement is $5,950,000. That said municipal improvement requires an expenditure greater than the amount allowed for it by the annual tax levy and is necessary and convenient to carry out the objects, purposes and powers of said City. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, at a regular meeting held on the 22nd STRAOLING YOCCA CARLSON & RAUTH LAWYERS • 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 STRADLtNG YOCCA CARLSON & RAUTH LAWYERS day of July » 1986, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin and Pettine NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Chick Xw^ y ^ . (l>^.-eU^_ MARY H. (j^LSLER , Mayor ATTEST : A j$ '^ i UfJfJ^(,<*- (A- (^OlI^I^A-^vv--, ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ , City Clerk 2236k/2062/ -2- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Q §§ 13 si -5 § 0 " 3 | 14 2 K < LL -1C " 5 < i_ > LU Z !±| o Q 16S I ° SZ 0 ^ CO > t m 17< < •*• ' > 0f—0 18 19 1 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 V. .-*' H -,«« RESOLUTION NO. 8699 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA APPROVING AN ACQUISITION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND VARIOUS PARTIES FOR HOSP GROVE. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California does hereby resolve as follows: 1. That certain acguisition agreement between the City of Carlsbad and various parties for the acguisition of Hosp Grove, a copy of which is attached hereto marked Exhibit A and made a part hereof, is hereby approved. 2. That the Mayor of City of Carlsbad is hereby authorized and directed to execute said agreement for and on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 22nd day of Julv / 1986 by the following vote, to wi t : | AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin and Pettine 1 NOES: None ABSENT: None l/ // fi t/ K.-^e -v_ -i^f c/ L.-<* <; £>-x_,,.. MARY H. /CASLER, Mayor ATTEST: AArtLL / &^3ZJL^ ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ , City C10rk AGREEMENT FOR PURCHASE AND SALE OF REAL PROPERTY THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into as of this day of July, 1986 by and between the parties identified as Seller on the signature page hereof (herein collectively "Seller"), and the City of Carlsbad, a municipal corporation (herein "City"). WITNESSETH WHEREAS, Seller is the fee owner of certain parcels of real property in the City of Carlsbad known as Parcels D, E, E Prime, and F, each of which parcels are more particularly described on Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. Parcels D, E, E Prime and F are hereinafter sometimes collectively referred to as the "Property1r» WHEREAS, the City, provided it obtains the requisite vote of the registered voters within the City authorizing or approving such acquisition, desires to acquire the Property, and failing • such authorization or approval, desires to acquire Parcel F. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants hereinafter contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1.0 Ballot Measure. 1.1 The City hereby agrees to cause a ballot measure ("Ballot Measure") to be submitted to the voters of the City of Carlsbad on November 4, 1986, which Ballot Measure, if "Approved" (as hereinafter defined), shall authorize the City to acquire the Property for cash and for the "Purchase Price" (as hereinafter defined), and authorize the City to incur or issue such indebt- edness as is necessary to finance the acquisition of the Property for the Purchase Price. The preliminary text of the Ballot h Measure as submitted to the City Council of the City for its Approval is attached hereto as Exhibit B. 1.2 For purposes hereof, the term "Approved" or "Approval" shall mean that the number of votes cast in favor of the Ballot Measure, and each component thereof, are sufficient under state law for its passage. 2.0 Purchase and Sale of Property. 2.1 Upon the Approval of the Ballot Measure, City hereby agrees to purchase, and Seller hereby agrees to sell, the Property on the terms and subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth. The Purchase Price for the Property shall be $5,755,000, all of which, subject to Paragraph 5.0 hereof, shall be payable in cash, or by certified or cashier's check, through Escrow. In addition and as of the "Property Close of Escrow" (as hereinafter defined), City shall (a) release and discharge Seller from each and all of the obligations of Seller under the agree- ments identified on Exhibit C hereto as such agreements apply to the Property, and (b) release and discharge the parties to that certain Agreement regarding payment of a Public Facility Fee, dated July 23, 1985 and recorded August 26, 1985, and File Numbers 85-308357 and 85-308358. 2.2 Not later than five (5) business days following the Approval of the Ballot Measure, Seller and City shall open an escrow ("Escrow") with First American Title Insurance Company ("Escrowholder") and shall deposit with Escrowholder fully executed counterparts of this Agreement for use as Escrow Instructions, together with Escrowholder's usual form of supple- mental escrow instructions (if any) for transactions of this type; provided, however, that such supplemental instructions shall be for the purpose of implementing this Agreement and such instructions shall incorporate this Agreement by reference and 3:31-b -2- 071486 shall specifically provide that no provision thereof shall have the effect of modifying this Agreement unless it is so expressly stated and initialed on behalf of City and Seller. By such deposit, Escrowholder is hereby authorized and instructed to act in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. Seller and City shall each deposit such other instruments, documents and funds as are necessary to effect the close of escrow in accord- ance with the terms hereof. 2.3 The City's obligations to acquire the Property following the Approval of the Ballot Measure is subject to and conditioned upon the satisfaction of the following conditions: (a) City shall have sold, and there shall be made available to it the proceeds of, its bonds or other evidences of its indebtedness ("City Bonds") to finance, in whole or in part, the purchase of the Property. City agrees to use its best efforts to accomplish the sale of the City Bonds, and use its best efforts to effect the closing of such sale and delivery of proceeds within three (3) months after the Approval of the Ballot Measure; (b) There shall have been completed the required environmental documentation in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act, relative to the acquisition of the Property and the issuance and sale of the City Bonds; and, (c) The City's Planning Commission shall have reported upon, or be deemed to have made the requisite finding relative to, the acquisition of the Property pursuant to Califor- nia Governmental Code Section 65402. The City agrees to use its best efforts to cause the conditions set forth in clauses (b) and (c) to be satisfied on or before November 4, 1986. 3:31-b -3- 071486 13 2.4 The consummation of the purchase and sale of the Property contemplated hereby and the close of escrow shall occur not later than two (2) business days after the proceeds of the city Bonds are available to City for the payment of the Purchase Price for the Property Approval of the Ballot Measure ("Property Close of Escrow"). As used herein, the term "close of escrow" denotes the time at which Seller's deed conveying title to the Property (or Parcel F pursuant to Paragraph 3.1) to City is recorded. 2.5 Seller agrees to deposit in Escrow, for delivery to City upon the Property Close of Escrow, the Settlement Agree- ment in the form of Exhibit D hereto. If, pursuant to Paragraph 3 hereof, City is obligated to acquire Parcel F, the Settlement Agreement shall be returned to Seller. 3.0 Purchase and Sale of Parcel F. 3.1 In the event the Ballot Measure is not Approved on November 4, 1986, or if by February 1, 1987 the City shall not have sold the City Bonds, (a) City's obligation to acquire, and Seller's obligation to sell, the Property pursuant to Paragraph 2.1 of this Agreement shall terminate, and (b) City shall purchase from Seller, and Seller shall sell to City, Parcel F for a purchase price ("Parcel F Purchase Price") of $975,000. The Parcel F Purchase Price, subject to the provisions of Paragraph 5.0 hereof, shall be payable in cash through Escrow at the "Parcel F Close of Escrow" (as hereinafter defined). The consummation of the purchase and sale of Parcel F ("Parcel F Close of Escrow") shall occur on the earlier of the date the City shall have obtained the requisite financing pursuant to Paragraph 3.2 hereof or November 30, 1987. 3.2 Immediately following the failure of the Ballot Measure to have been Approved, City agrees to use its best efforts to obtain the necessary outside financing for the 3:31-b -4- 071486 purchase of Parcel F. If, despite the City's best efforts, it is unable to obtain such outside financing requisite to acquire Parcel F from Seller by November 30, 1987, City shall proceed to a Parcel F Close of Escrow on December 1, 1987, by using its own funds and paying the Parcel F Purchase Price in cash. If the City desires to finance the acquisition of Parcel F by using a "lease-purchase" concept, Seller agrees to cooperate with the City in such endeavor provided the Parcel F Purchase Price is payable to Seller in cash and in a lump sum on the Parcel F Close of Escrow and the terms and conditions of such a "lease-purchase" are otherwise approved by Seller, which approval shall be not unreasonably withheld. 3.3 City and Seller have executed and delivered to each other concurrently herewith that certain Revised Stipulated Judgment. City covenants to use its best efforts, and in good faith, to hold such public hearings and take such other actions as may be necessary or required by City ordinance or state law to issue or approve prior to November 4, 1986, the "Discretionary Governmental Approvals" (as defined in the Revised Stipulated Judgment) for the development of Parcels D, E and E Prime in accordance with such Judgment. Seller hereby agrees to apply for the Discretionary Governmental Approvals in a prompt, diligent and good faith manner and process such applications (including complying with City's normal requirements of general application, except as set forth in the Revised Stipulated Judgment, to developments similar in nature to that contemplated for Parcels D, E and E Prime) in a prompt, diligent and good faith manner. It is hereby agreed that if such Discretionary Governmental Approvals are not lawfully and validly issued and approved on or before November 4, 1986, Seller may terminate this Agreement at any time thereafter and prior to the earlier to occur of (i) the conveyance by Seller to Odmark Development Co. of Parcels D, E and E Prime or (ii) the lawful and valid issuance and approval of the Discretionary Governmental Approvals; provided, however, that 3:31-b -5- 071486 if City shall have theretofore used its best efforts and good faith to issue or approve the Discretionary Governmental Approvals prior to November 4, 1986, City may elect in writing to Seller to extend such November 4 date to November 19, 1986. Without limiting the foregoing, it is understood and agreed that the issuance and approval of the Discretionary Governmental Approvals is a condition precedent to Seller's obligations to convey Parcel F to the City, and the failure of Seller affirmatively to terminate this Agreement as aforesaid shall not be deemed or construed as a waiver of such condition. Upon any such termination by Seller, the Settlement Agreement delivered to Escrow pursuant to Paragraph 3.4 hereof shall be returned to Seller, and (provided City shall have theretofore performed each and all of the obligations to have been performed by it) neither party shall have any further obligations to each hereunder. 3.4 Seller agrees to deposit in Escrow, for delivery to City upon the Parcel F Close of Escrow, the Settlement Agree- ment in the form of Exhibit E hereto. 3.5 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, if the Parcel F Close of Escrow shall not have occurred by December 30, 1987, either party hereto may terminate this Agreement, the Settlement Agreement delivered to Escrow pursuant to Paragraph 3.4 hereof shall be returned to Seller, and provided each of the parties shall have performed each of the obligations to have been performed by it, neither party shall have any further obligation to each other hereunder. 3.6 As of the Parcel F Close of Escrow, City shall release and discharge Seller from each and all of the obligations of Seller under the agreements identified on Exhibit C hereto as they apply to Parcel F, and the Agreements Regarding Payment of a Public Facilities Fee described in Paragraph 2.1 hereof as they apply to Parcel F. 3:31-b -6- ,. 071486 ' 4.0 Policy of Title Insurance. 4.1 At the Property Close of Escrow or the Parcel F Close of Escrow, as the case may be, Seller shall furnish through the Escrowholder, at Seller's expense, a CLTA Standard Coverage Owners' Policy of Title Insurance for the Purchase Price from First American Title Insurance Company insuring title to the Property or Parcel F, as the case may be, vested in City, subject to those matters ("Permitted Exceptions") identified on Exhibit F hereto, and the lien of taxes not delinquent; provided, however, that Seller shall indemnify and hold City harmless from and against any and all obligations applicable to Seller under those agreements identified in Exhibit G hereto even though such agreements are and shall be Permitted Exceptions as of the Property Close of Escrow or the Parcel F Close of Escrow, as the case may be. Seller believes that it will be able to deliver a title policy at the appropriate Close of Escrow in accordance with the requirements hereof and Seller will do nothing to prevent the issuance of such policy in such condition. If, however, the title company shall be unwilling to issue such policy in such condition, City may waive the discrepancy and close this transaction in accordance with its terms, or object to the discrepancy, in which case the transaction (and all of the City's obligations hereunder) shall terminate, and Seller shall not be liable to City for damages. 4.2 Real property taxes and assessments shall be prorated through the Close of Escrow based on the latest tax information available to Escrowholder. Seller shall convey title to the City in and to the Property or Parcel F, as the case may be, by grant deed; provided, that such grant deed shall recite that it is made subject to all matters of record and the Per- mitted Exceptions. 4.3 City and Buyer agree to apportion the cost of Escrow equally. Seller shall pay the expense of any local 3:31-b 071486 >/ documentary taxes. Recording and other miscellaneous costs and expenses shall be shared in accordance with the custom of the Escrowholder. 5.0 Exchange of Property. 5.1 The parties identified herein as Seller presently own the Property (other than Parcel F) as partners of a partner- ship, and own Parcel F as shown on Exhibit H. Prior to the Property Close of Escrow, or the Parcel F Close of Escrow, as the case may be, Sellers may elect to cause such partnership to distribute the Property, or Parcel F, to the respective Sellers so that the transactions contemplated hereby may take place at the individual partner level. Accordingly, each individual partner is a separate Seller even though it is agreed that the respective closing with each of the Sellers are to be concurrent and conditional upon one another. In addition, each Seller shall have the right as to his interest (or any portion thereof) in the Property, or Parcel F, as the case may be, to elect to cause the transaction as to such interest or any such portion(s) to close as a "tax free exchange" pursuant to the provisions of Section 1031 of the Internal Revenue Code. In the event that any such Seller shall elect to cause the transaction to close as a "tax free exchange", City and such individual Seller agree that no such exchange shall delay any Close of Escrow hereunder; and each Seller agrees that the City shall be indemnified from any expenses or cost which may be incurred in connection with such exchange. 6.0 Condition of Property. 6.1 City acknowledges that neither Seller nor any of Seller's employees, agents or represents have made any warranties or representations concerning or regarding the suitability of the Property for construction or support of structures of any type, its use as a public recreational facility, or for any other purpose or use. Upon the Close of Escrow for the Property or the 3:31-b -8- 071486 Parcel F Close of Escrow, City shall execute and deliver to Seller concurrently with the close of such Escrow, a general release of Seller and its agents, employees and partners from any and all claims, losses or demands of any kind whatsoever arising out of or connected with the condition of the Property previously or hereafter existing or occurring upon the Property or unsuit- ability of the Property for any use. Such release shall be in form reasonably acceptable to Seller, shall contain a waiver by City of any rights under California Civil Code Section 1542, and shall provide that the City shall indemnify, defend and hold Seller harmless from any such claims, etc. brought by a purchaser or user of any of the Property from City, except any claims, etc. arising from any acts of Seller or its agents. 7.0 Miscellaneous. 7.1 Attorneys' Fees. If either City or Seller com- mences an action against the other to enforce any of the terms of this Agreement or because of the breach by Buyer or Seller of, or any dispute concerning, any of the terms hereof, or if Escrow- holder commences any action with regard to the Escrow, the losing or defaulting party shall pay to the prevailing party (and to Escrowholder in the case of any action by Escrowholder) reason- able attorneys' fees, costs and expenses incurred in connection with the prosecution or defense of such action. 7.2 Notices. All notices, deliveries and demands of any kind which any party may be required or may desire to give or serve upon another shall be made in writing and shall be deliver- ed by personal service or sent by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, to the address of that party set forth below: If to City: City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008-1989 Attention: City Manager 3:31-b -9- 071486 If to Seller: With a copy to: with a copy to: Vincent F. Biondo, Esq. City Attorney City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008-1989 Attention: City Manager HFH, Ltd. 10738 W. Pico Boulevard Suite 3 Los Angeles, California 90064 Hayutin, Rubinroit, Praw & Kupietzky 2029 Century Park East, Suite 1515 Los Angeles, California 90067 Attention: Albert Z. Praw, Esq. and John Bartman 9601 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 810 Beverly Hills, California 90210 Any such notice sent by mail shall be deemed to have been re- ceived by the addressee on the fifth business day after posting in the United States mail unless actually received earlier. A party may change its address by giving the other parties written notice of its new address as herein provided. 8. General Provisions. 8.1 Effect of Waivers and Consents. No waiver of default by any party or parties hereto shall be implied from any failure or omission by a party or parties to take any action on account of such default if such default persists or is repeated, and no express waiver shall affect any default other than the default specified in the express waiver, and that only for the time and to the extent therein stated. One or more waivers of any covenant, term or condition of this Agreement by a party or parties shall not be construed to be a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or any other covenant, term or condition. The consent or approval by any party or parties shall not be deemed to waive or render unnecessary the consent to or approval by said 3:31-b 071486 -10- ,«*%,. party or parties of any subsequent or similar acts by a party or parties. 8.2 Modification of Agreement. This Agreement may be amended, modified or changed only by a written instrument signed by City and Seller. In the event of any conflict between the provisions of this Agreement and any subsequent escrow instruc- tion, as such may be amended from time to time, this Agreement shall control as between City and Seller unless the escrow instructions expressly state that this Agreement is being amended thereby and said escrow instructions are signed by both City and Seller. 8.3 Construction of Agreement. The language in all parts of this Agreement shall be in all cases construed simply according to its fair meaning and not strictly for or against any of the parties hereto. Headings at the beginnings of Paragraphs and Subparagraphs of this Agreement are solely for the convenience of the parties and are not a part of this Agreement. When required by the context, whenever the singular number is used in this Agreement, the same shall include the plural, and the plural shall include the singular; the masculine gender shall include the feminine and neuter genders and vice versa; the word "person" shall include corporation, partnership or other form of association; and the words "City" and "Seller" shall include the respective heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns, if any, of them. 8.4 Choice of Law. This Agreement and the transaction herein contemplated shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of the State of California. 8.5 Merger of Prior Agreements and Understandings. This Agreement, the Revised Stipulated Judgment, and the Exhibits hereto contain the entire understanding between the parties 3:31-b -11- ->, 071486 ******* relating to the transactions contemplated hereby and all prior or contemporaneous agreements, understandings, representations and statements, oral or written, are merged herein and shall be of no further force or effect. 8.6 Further Acts. Each party, upon the request of the other, agrees to perform such further acts and to execute and deliver such other documents and instruments as are reasonably necessary to carry out the provisions of this Agreement. 8.7 Severance. Should any portion of this Agreement be declared invalid and unenforceable, then such portion shall be deemed to be severed from this Agreement and shall not affect the remainder thereof. 8.8 Rule Against Perpetuities. The transactions contemplated hereby must be consummated, if at all, within the time permitted by the Rule Against Perpetuities, including modifications thereof, currently in force in the State of Cali- fornia. 8.9 Incorporation of Exhibits. Exhibits A through H are hereby incorporated into this Agreement as if set out in full at the reference thereto herein. 8.10 Memorandum of Agreement. Subject to the following sentence, City shall not record this Agreement or any evidence hereof. However, at the request of City, Seller shall execute a memorandum with respect to this' Agreement which City is hereby authorized to cause to be recorded in the Official Records of Los Angeles County. Such memorandum shall not change or otherwise affect any of the obligations or provisions of this Agreement. 8.11 Execution in Counterparts. This Agreement may be signed in counterparts with the same effect as if all parties 3:31-b -12- 071486 w hereto had signed the same signature page. All counterparts shall be construed together and shall constitute one Agreement. Any signature page of this Agreement may be detached from any counterpart without impairing the legal effect of any signatures thereon, and may be attached to another counterpart identical in form thereto but having attached to it one or more additional signature pages. 8.12 Partnership. Seller, as to that portion of the Property other than Parcel F, warrants and represents that it is a general partnership organized and existing under the laws of the State of California, having its principal place of business in the County of Los Angeles, California, and is authorized to execute this agreement on behalf of Seller. 8.13 Effect of Agreement to Purchase Price. City agrees that it will not argue in any legal or equitable pro- ceeding between it and Seller, or any of them, that Seller's agreement herein to the Purchase Price or to the Parcel F Pur- chase Price, or that Seller's execution of this Agreement is evidence of the fair market value of the Property, Parcel F or either of them. 8.14 Limitation of Remedies. It is hereby agreed that neither party hereto shall have the right to recover or seek recovery of damages from the other following any breach or default by such other party of any of the terms of this Agreement, and that the sole recourse for any such breach or default shaLl be to seek non-compensatory relief, including, but not limited to by way of writ of mandamus or prohibition, declaratory relief, injunctive relief, specific performance, contempt, or similar remedies. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, City and Seller have executed, or caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized 3:31-b -13- 071486 officers, agents or representatives, as of the day and year first above written. GROVE APARTMENTS INVESTMENT CO. a partnership By: Its: H.F.H., LTD., a California limited partnership By: ROBERT GETZ Its: General Partner HARRY J. L. FRANK, JR. BERNARD CITRON TRUST By: Its: FRED A. BARTMAN, JR. MARITAL TRUST UNDER THE WILL OF WILLIAM S. BARTMAN By: Its: 3:31-b -14- 071486 RESIDUARY TRUST UNDER THE WILL OF WILLIAM S. BARTMAN By: Its: THE CITY OF CARLSBAD By: Its: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CONTENT: Vincent Biondo, Jr. City Attorney, City of Carlsbad 3:31-b -15- 071486 EXHIBIT A PARCELS D, E and E PRIMELEG;X DESCP.IPTIONS EXHIBIT A 31* v^ :H U'C! Tlf.TT,: tC HTtiT *•••'" lit l.i|c, .!.: ;S c.i.ritic .f .c.-cw. jr t>t 5 PAItCEl 1 * ,r 11 l? 13 14 15 .nd 16 in »"P Iwe.lyptu* Fore*t»"*"" ..u»^: »; ^AV^y;^Vncr.t> ., ..;. ««o, «.u_.«. the Office of the Ccur.ty !.»,< 4 West, 4*!o7 Let to tbe eurv. CODC.V. •.id »oi« »••"tbroujh . ee«r.l tattat Mid curve 303.23 feet. tbe»ce . 272.00 feet; thence "°rtj curve CODC.V. to ..id foi»t » curve tkro«gh . ce.tr.1 «1 *» , jj «t-.^» tk*nec aloofc the E»*t lice of rn§r"B0 " Ki»t Wi«g W • «oirui»|ent of 310.00 ftet. • r.ditf UM to Sovtbve.terly .lo»g ..id curve di.t.oce «f 224.il f««t; thence• t||eBCf South «i»25'08- tte.t f.et; tbeoc. •Dftk 79%0'53-iw it. |Mt ^ a ^^ „ . B* ' «f 761.30 feet. • i.dl.l fo«tke..t.rly .let* Mid rcf of «.00 f*et. tbe.c. .95 feet, thence Horth 1.00 foot; South 350.00 feet; theoc. South«g . 350.95 feet, rJ.-SS- * '. *» »"* ^ South 35i.M 263l.?l fS? i the irue Point of Beginning- Uc.ptin* therefro. th.t ^>rtion fencing .t the Per the^erl, eoroe^ ol according to lUp thereof Ho. ^981 3 f 1 1- » ..id S.a Wego Couot;» ^I«.t«rly line of Mid Bo.p thence »rt. tfll'io; *beginning of . non-t.ngen^ 310.00 feet; thence Southerly .long 41*32*30- 1"" .. follows to•9-ll'20' Vest. 30.085 feet to the fouth««t«rl, .nd h.vinj . b j.^.^- E.$tf ». Tr.ct Vo. 1. SO.4S feet; Folnt of Beginning »d the Shemer ly .- h.ving . r.dius of r ^ . eentrrf .ngle of ^ MllJ ei>nre, iorth of • »on-t.ntent cunre. eonc.ve tkenc< ^^^ ^osg Mldrr .»d .re dist.nce of 270.32 feet; •«.. SMI feet to the True Point of ieflnning. i *. *; Street i» Boif «»<••<t.ltOB described •• the Southve,!*! r y of Korth 6E-30-20 Uit. 9*0 Uorth U-09'57' *«!1' 40'Korth..sterly .nd h.vii»F . curve thru • e«tr«3 .«glf = to eurve eoDc.ve ^o^ Mid of 178.34 «««t; tbe.ce the WgiBBii* of 1042.00 feet; the.ce 10»17»57* w> «rc <i»tii»e« of B-S'S- *.t. 108.41 feet to »outhve.t«rl, curve thru o ce.trtf of *ltb • curve o» ore *l.t«ce 1140.00 f*et to the be«i»i«t . rodlu. of 838.50 feet; Mtlt of 13-24UA- ., ore •ortli WOO'OO- ^»l» 174*31 i, tccordir* to Hap thereof Recorder of Mr Pi ego County. June pcj^ of Bt£innlnf. thence cf . f. t eurve eone.ve ) f««t; tht.ct Korthvejterly .long u- .„ .re «Ut.«e of 265.33 feet; to fbf bef ,„„!„, ef .di« of 458.00 fetjthe.ce of «*18'3B- .» ate distwce 25'53'ir We.t 1S9.20 fjet to »orth...t«rl, .od Uvi«g . r^lu. of Mld eBrv. tin, • ce.trtf .*!« of . tbeoce Ui«e.t to ..Id eurve Iterth• *" . "J Ungeot curve concave f tb«ce%onhLe.t«rl, alo^ ..id rf ,0.S2 fet to • ffi«t oi>d tovl^ . ro«i«» •' •»•»• •n»52'04- B.tt; tbenee eurve, alo« Mid eurve tbru • eestr.l f •«;*!•«. t.«|«»t to ..id curveoff IW-a • . f .50 T feet? th«c« E..terly ..id feet to the Irue Point of ..id We.terlj 402.52 feet to the feet to the begl«ii4 Usterlj .»d Uvl^ •»•««of 14«35'23' .. >ua~ I 0 ^---v er tic <••'.«?.-• c' ?«:.?: ftft. tVirct t.rf.rt tc «l(f ettv. ftrrtt 25 ,. ?. tr *TC. ...t ,f ......-» •••• c: i ii r.,*:: cvrvt cci:*.t Itsti:.;- I-:':;'!- V«j:. ••'•••/'• I;. ",.«• 'tU-ct *:cr.t »*« curve through • eer.tr*!"•',u:rir'2,"Vu., .«««.«- «"!»f...; «»««<• ^»j> »•«•»: v>^-•o{lc of 13 21 49 £••"•" eouthctjv rJlM of wy li»« of lUrrou Io»d. The SSlSTiM irtoot Si^'-iSl t.»lB y.u ^ 20.00 loot r.aiu. "Mid Southerly .Igkt of . of Krron »o.«. FAECEl 3 ... 99 9^ 2ifortion* of Lots 22 23, 24. forest of Euc«l>Ft« Street li» Bo»p Eucalyptusof iu >^ Cour of fc|1 w tb«eof ». 1136. IUH I. the Office of '• l'OB* ^^ " lonow: 1 to the aost Soutl»e»t*rly corner of lot 25 to Mid tract; tbencemo*t So«t«« y 23*27'45' Ve.t 1*5.00 feet; to! ^Vo. "ieett tbe.ce Sorth 18'09'37- Ve.t 40.89 feet of . l««e«»t eum eo.c.v. *>rtbe-t«rl, .«3 b.^1^ • f.dl« ofof *"*e" alon£ MM curve throuf>> • e«tr«l anjle of.S?^^ frue Follt of iefl"nlBt; tb"ee ^^"ii ^;i.S^M».ST5«S"»St. f^ to M" «^e north 2-88- i« lifSo fc«t to the begl«ml.g «f . fnfent curie eo.c.ve 25 53 13 *e$t "*•' dlog ef 1042.00 feet; tbeace iorthve.terly along•ortheasterly and havli* a »•«« 01 t of M7.30 feet; True Joint ef Beginning follovii« ieacrlhed eenterline B the of aald lot 25 lUtant thereon Borth«s« ssvsa % I <eet EXHIBIT *- PARCEL F EXHIBIT A-1 MftCCL 1: t. ollovs* t. th« central antic of Beat 161.50 feet to a . OF BEGINNING; thence South BEGIRKIMC of 2:- Ibo.« . Cit, .f SJS. f __„and of Eucalyptus Street In HOSP *- lot 20: tbence along the Easterly ..1* .f J0.lt of e.rr«. of «ortv 70'2»<J«' ««•' *'•• Kt M.lf f«et to the lUB WIKT OF WUSI COHPAKI'* of e.Mf.nd., th. C.»t, Uc.rt.r of S» «0. ORIGINAL C*':f M _•>»•-'/ fttsi»r.inS .t the 5«:M": '":!!h io'29'00- Vest 7SS.fi l«et to . point or. .line of ..id lot. 20 and 19. kortb •. « « »orlhl,e,t.rly. . r.di.l line of non-tongent 462.52 foot r.diu. eorws eon" Kortbe.*ttrly along the Xnl W.r. ^^»:"fl?\^tV.iM.il^ I *2?oW • ««.nct of U2.30.« .f ..Id eunre tbrongh a_ control ang*« fc 70»2S*24* to.te eunre thromh • e«ot"!tlVtl f.ef tk«»et Porth 70*2S'24" toil tbc. foutb W-H'OO- •£ I J;7*.^ \7«e of ..Id tot 20; tbenc. .il f««t to •» »«t"eel »B'00- i.t 278.00 feet to the tol.t of FARCEL 3: 33 of Iue«ljptu» Strtet IB 10SPs: t ollov.i lot 20: tVence •long tbe latterly .^^^^ of ^ieb tean toutb 49 2 2 30 •• « ^wl ««lt W24'35-. • <itt»ce of tbt .re of Mid «^/^«^«?orrt lI'M" 1-t 449.44 ft.t to43.72 f««t; tbeoct U«t«ot to ••"«££' r7dltti ettm eonWe Soutbe.tt.tly; the Wiinrdt* of • «««Mt *f ®^ of ..id eurr.. tbro««h o control ongl. oftbenct Vrtbe..ttrl, .lo«4 Jbe»rc of 0.10 . ^ wfd fcrA S7»47«39- o di.t.nee of 323.22 foot. ™ £ w ^ foot MdlM eBnre 73-00'14- i..t 111-94 foot to tb. ^ W| jt-Jj jf ^^ .lonf tbt .re of ..id CODC.T* $outbwe.terly; tbeB" ^ §6'40'30- o «i.t.«ce of 50.26 f«t to tbe e«r^.. tbrough o •""•J.J'gJ*^ r.ai«. eur^e eonc-^e •o'^*""/1//..^"Wf inning of • ttw». W2.00 foot r.««. ^ al u of 24.45.00 , foutbe..t.rly .loog tb. ore of ••J4,^^.^- «e.t 161.30 foot to • joint . «i.t.nct of *^i «r« 2S fr« tbe HUB FOIHI OF BECIIIKIIIC; thence Sooth ™ THE^OH tho.e portion, lying South^.terly of the ****** of o.id Eueolyptui Street. »r/.4» EXHIBIT B PRELIMINARY TEXT OF BALLOT MEASURE Shall the City of Carlsbad, California incur a bonded indebtedness in the principle amount of Five Million Mine Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($5,950,000.00) for the purpose of the acquisition by said City of a certain municipal improvement of approximately 52.68 acres of undeveloped land known as Hosp Grove to be acquired for park or open space purposes and for the payment of all costs and expenses in connection with such acquisition and the issuance of the bonds. EXHIBIT B EXK1BI* C RELEASED AGREEMENTS 1. A Contract for the Creation of a Lien for Payment for Public Improvements, dated January 27, 1981, executed by the City of Carlsbad and Grove Apartments Investment Company, recorded January 30, 1981 as File No. 81-030961 of Official Records. 2. A Contract for the Creation of a Lien for Payment for Public Improvements, dated January 27, 1981, executed by the City of Carlsbad and Grove Apartments Investment Co., recorded February 10, 1981 as File No. 81-041815 of Official Records. 3. A Contract for the Creation of a Lien for Payment for Public Improvements, dated January 27, 1981, executed by the City of Carlsbad and Grove Apartments Investment Co., recorded February 17, 1981 as File no. 81-048012 of Official Records. EXHIBIT C EXHIBIT D AGREEMENT FOP SETTLEMENT 0? DISPUTES AND MUTUAt RELEASES (Tc Be ttiivercc 7c Regarding Property Close Of Escrow) EXHIBIT 0 o AGREEMENT FOR SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES AND MUTUAL RELEASES (To be Delivered to Escrow re Property Close of Escrow) THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of July, 1986, by and between Grove Apartments Investment Co. ("Grove"), H.F.H., Ltd. ("H.F.H."), Harry J. L. Frank, Jr. ("Frank"), the Bernard Citron Trust ("Citron Trust"), Fred A. Bartman, Jr. ("Bartman"), the Marital Trust under the Will of William S. Bartman ("Marital Trust"), the Residuary Trust Under the Will of William S. Bartman ("Residuary Trust"), Odmark Development Company ("Odmark"), and the City of Carlsbad ("Carlsbad"). I FACTUAL RECITALS 1.0 This Agreement is entered into with reference to the following facts: 1.1 Grove is and/or previously was the record owner of a portion of certain real property located in the County of San Diego (the "Grove Parcel"). The legal description of the Grove Parcel is attached hereto as Exhibit "1", and incorporated herein by this reference. HJRlE:Agr -1- 1.2 For purposes of development, the Grove Parcel was divided into sub-parcels A, B, C, D, and E, all as reflected on the Master Plan of Development, approved by Carlsbad on or about March 3, 1970. 1.3 Grove Sub-parcels B and C have already been developed. Sub-parcels D and E have the following acreage, which Grove previously intended to develop with residential units as follows: D 16.085 acres 130 units E 27.675 acres 240 units 1.4 Certain of the partners of Grove and HFH, Ltd. are the record owners of certain real property located in the County of San Diego ("Parcel "F"). The legal description of Parcel (F is attached hereto as Exhibit "2", and incorporated herein by this reference. 1.5 Parcel F consists of approximately 8.92 acres.A 1.6 On or about October 9, 1964, a Grant of Easement of- Right-of-Way from Rildan, Inc., a predecessor-in-interest to plaintiff Grove Apartments Investment Co. ("Grove") to the City of Carlsbad ("Carlsbad") and the Vista Sanitation District ("VSD"), as tenants in common ("Rildan Easement"), dated July 23, HJR18:Agr -2- 1964, was recorded in the office of the County Recorder, County cf San Diego, in Book 1964 at Page 184917. 1.7 On or about October 9, 1964, a Grant of Easement of Right-of-Way from Fawco, a partnership, Bernard Citron ("Citron"), and Harry J. L. Frank, Jr. ("Frank"), all predecessors-in-interest to plaintiff Grove, to Carlsbad and VSD, as tenants in common ("Fawco Easement"), dated July 23, 1964, was recorded in the Office of the County Recorder, County of San Diego, in Book 1964 at Page 184916. 1.8 On April 6, 1977, the City Council of Carlsbad adopted Ordinance No. 7047 and Ordinance No. 7048, which Ordinances were superseded by Ordinance No. 9518 creating Chapter 21.49 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and Ordinance No. 8073 creating Chapter 18.05 of the CMC, and which imposed a moratorium on the issuance of building permits in Carlsbad and a moratorium on the acceptance of applications for and granting of discretionary approvals for development projects in Carlsbad. 1.9 On or about September 12, 1977, Grove Apartments Investment Co. ("Grove"), a partnership, as. successor in interest to Rildan Inc., Fawco, Citron, and Frank, filed an action in the Superior Court entitled "Grove Apartments Investment Co., a partnership, v. City of Carlsbad, a Municipal Corporation, Vista Sanitation District, a Public Corporation," being Civil Action No. N 9052 in the Superior Court for the County of San Diego, HJR18:Agr -3- North County Branch (hereinafter "Action No. N 9052"), seeking, among other things, a judicial determination of its rights and obligations under the Rildan and Fawco Easements and under Ordinance Nos. 7047 and 7046, as amended and supplemented. 1.10 On or about July 31, 1978, pursuant to leave granted by the Court therefor, Carlsbad filed a cross-complaint for declaratory relief adding HFH, Ltd. ("HFH") and Kamar Construction Company ("Kamar") as parties to this action. 1.11 The trial in the matter commenced in October 1978 and continued thereafter, except where recessed, until November 20, 1978 when all sides rested, with the presentation of numerous oral testimony and the introduction of voluminous exhibits by all parties. 1.12 On November 21, 1978, the Court, after hearing argument, issued certain tentative rulings, and ordered further briefing in said action. 1.13 Subsequent to November 21, 1978, the parties and others, after numerous meetings and other negotiations, entered into an Agreement for Settlement of Lawsuit and Mutual Releases (hereinafter the "Grove Settlement Agreement"), resolving, among other things, all the issues in the action. Mo HJRlB-.Agr -4- 1.14 Pursuant to said Grove Settlement Agreement the parties stipulated to entry of a Judgment Pursuant to Stipulation (hereinafter the "Grove Judgment"), which thereafter was duly entered herein, and which provides for certain development rights with regard to the property which is the subject matter thereof. 1.15 The Grove Judgment provides, among other things, that the rights provided therein shall terminate after the 10th anniversary of events more specifically referred to therein, such that it could be contended that said rights would cease sometime in late 1989. 1.16 Subsequent to the entry of the Grove Judgment, certain of the real property which is the subject matter of the Grove Judgment was developed. 1.17 In order to develop and/or cause the development of certain remaining portions of the real property which is the subject matter of the Grove Judgment, Grove entered into an agreement with Odmark Development Company ("Odnark"), which, as from time to time amended (the "Grove Odmark Agreement") , provides for the sale to Odmark of Parcels D and E of the property, Parcel E being comprised of sub-parcels E and E Prime. 1.18 Pursuant to the Grove/Odmark Agreenent, Odmark prepared certain designs and plans for a project involving the construction upon Parcel E of 216 condominium units (the HJR18:Acr -5- "proposed condominium project"), thus involving a project density of 10.8 dwelling units ("dus") per acre, excluding designated open space and 40% slopes. 1.19 Prior to January 22, 1986, Odmark submitted to the Planning Department of the City of Carlsbad an Environmental/ Initial Study including numerous reports and supplemental reports evaluating potential environmental impacts of and corresponding mitigation measures for the proposed condominium project. 1.20 The Planning Director of the City of Carlsbad, after determining that the proposed condominium project would not cause any significant impacts because potential impacts had been mitigated, issued a Mitigated Negative Declaration, dated January 26, 1986, which, on February 5, 1986, was recommended for approval by the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad. 1.21 Odmark applied to the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad for approval of a two-lot tentative map and 216/unit condominium permit with regard to the project. 1.22 By Planning Commission Resolution No. 2538, the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad recommended approval of a two-lot tentative map and 216-unit condominium permit for the project. HJR18:Agr -6- 1.23 On March 18, 1986, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad held a public hearing to consider the request by Odir.ark to approve the tentative map and condominium unit permit, and further to consider approving the Mitigated Negative Declaration issued by the Planning Director and recommended for approval by the Planning Commission. 1.24 A number of members of the public appeared at said hearing to challenge the project, to advocate the acquisition by the City of Parcels D, E, and F (or portions thereof) for recreational purposes, and/or to question the conclusions of the Planning Director and Planning Commission leading to the issuance of the Mitigated Negative Declaration. 1.25 By Resolution No. 8468, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad disapproved the Mitigated Negative Declaration, and directed the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report for said project. 1.26 In connection with said action, the City Council voted to cause a review of both the General Plan and Hosp Grove Master Plan, and to consider the possibility of acquiring some* or all of Parcels D, E and F. 1.27 Subsequent to the foregoing, Grove and Odmark placed the City on notice of their position that the foregoing actions of the City Council in disapproving the Mitigated Negative HJR18:Agr -7- Declaration, requiring that an Environmental Impact Report to be prepared concerning said project, causing the Hosp Grove Master Plan and General Plan to be reviewed were unlawful and in violation of their rights, including their rights to development under the Judgment entered in this action. 1.28 Subsequent to the actions of the City Council described hereinabove, members of the public have continued to express a desire to attempt to acquire Parcels D, E and F, or some portion thereof, for park and/or recreational purposes, and Grove and Odmark have continued to assert their rights to develop said parcels. 1.29 Since April, 1986, representatives of the City of Carlsbad, Grove, and Odmark have met and otherwise communicated on numerous occasions in order to resolve the disputes which exist between them arising out of the foregoing. 1.30 On or about July , 1986, Grove, H.F.H., the Vista Sanitation District, Kamar Construction Company, and the City of Carlsbad entered into a Stipulation for Entry of Revised Judgment in Civil Action No. N 9052, pursuant to which a Revised Judgment Pursuant to Stipulation (the "Revised Grove Judgment") has been or will be duly entered therein; 1.31 It is now the desire and intention of the Grove and Odmark parties, on the one part, and the City of Carlsbad, on the HJR18:Agr -6- other part, to compromise and resolve all of the disagreements and disputes which exist or may exist between them arising out of the foregoing, above, and also to resolve certain other matters. Pursuant to and in accordance with this desire, and in considera- tion of the promises and releases contained herein, the parties agree as follows: II RELEASES 2.0 Grove and Odmark, and each of them, do hereby release and absolutely discharge the City of Carlsbad of and from any and all claims, demands, damages, debts, liabilities, accounts, reckonings, obligations, costs, expenses, liens, actions and causes of action of every kind and nature whatever, whether now known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected, which Grove and/or Odmark now have, own, or hold or at any time heretofore ever had, owned or held based upon or arising out of any matter, cause, fact, thing, act or omission whatever occurring or existing at any time to and including the date hereof in connection with their ownership of and/or rights and/or attempts to develop Parcels D, E, and F* (all of which are hereinafter referred to as and included within the "Released Matters"). 2.1 City of Carlsbad does hereby release and absolutely discharge Grove and Odmark, and each of them, of and from any and all claims, demands, damages, debts, liabilities, accounts, HJRl8:Agr -9- reckonings, obligations, costs, expenses, liens, actions and causes of action of every kind and nature whatever, whether now known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected, which the City of Carlsbad now has, owns, or holds or at any time heretofore ever had, owned or held based upon or arising out of any matter, cause, fact, thing, act or omission whatever occurring or exist- ing at any time to and including the date hereof in connection with their ownership of and/or rights and/or attempts to develop Parcels D, E, and F (all of which are hereinafter referred to as and included within the "Released Hatters"). 2.2 Grove does hereby release and absolutely discharge Odmark of and from any and all claims, demands, damages, debts, liabilities, accounts, reckonings, obligations, costs, expenses, liens, actions and causes of action of every kind and nature whatever, whether now known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected, which Grove now has, owns, or holds or at any time heretofore ever had, owned or held based upon or arising out of any matter, cause, fact, thing, act or omission whatever occurring or exist- ing at any time to and including the date hereof (all of which are hereinafter referred to as and included within the "Released Matters"). 2.3 Odmark does hereby release and absolutely discharge Grove of and from any and all claims, demands, damages, debts, liabilities, accounts, reckonings, obligations, costs, expenses, liens, actions and causes of action of every kind and nature HJR18:Aqr -10- whatever, whether now known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected, which Odmark now has, owns, or holds or at any time heretofore ever had, owned or held based upon or arising out of any matter, cause, fact, thing, act or omission whatever occurring or exist- ing at any time to and including the date hereof (all of which are hereinafter referred to as and included within the "Released Matters"). 2.4 The releases contained in this Agreement, and the descriptions of the Released Matters, do not cover and should not be deemed to purport to cover: A. Any of the rights, duties or obligations of any party concerning E.D.U.'s or other sewer-related rights as provided for in the Revised Grove Judgment and presently unused, including, but not limited to, the rights to connect and the obligations, if any, to pay for same; B. Any of the rights, duties, or obligations of any person or party under the Revised Grove Judgment or otherwise concerning the real property referred to in the Revised Grove Judgment as the "May Stores Non-Coastal Zone Commercial Parcel" and/or the "May Stores Coastal Zone Commercial Parcel"; 2.5 It is the intention of the parties in executing this Agreement, that this Agreement shall be effective as a full and final accord and satisfaction and general mutual release of and HJR18:Agr -11- "*> •w from all Released Matters, except only as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement. In furtherance of this intention, each of the parties acknowledges that it is familiar with Section 1542 of the Civil Code of the State of California, which provides as follows: "A general release does not extend to claims which the creditor does not know or suspect to exist in his favor at the time of executing the release, which if known by him must have materially affected his settle- ment with the debtor." Each of the parties waives and relinquishes any right or benefit which it has or may have under Section 1542 of the Civil Code of the State of California or any similar provision of the statutory or non-statutory law of any other jurisdiction to the full extent that it may lawfully waive all such rights and benefits pertaining to the subject matter of this Agreement. In connec- tion with such waiver and relinquishment, each of the parties acknowledges that it is aware that it or its attorneys may hereafter discover claims or facts in addition to or different from those which it now knows or believes to exist with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement or the other parties hereto, but that it is its intention hereby fully, finally, and forever to settle and release all of the Released Matters, known and unknown, suspected or unsuspected, which now exist, may exist, or heretofore have existed, between their.. HJR18:Agr -12- 2.6 The parties hereto each warrant and represent to the other that it is the sole and lawful owner of all right, title and interest in and to all of the respective Released Matters and that it has not heretofore, voluntarily, by operation of law or otherwise, assigned or transferred or purported to assign and transfer to any person whomsoever any Released Matter or any part or portion thereof, or any claim, demand or right against the other. Each of the parties shall indemnify and hold harmless the other from and against any claim, demand, damage, debt, liability, act, reckoning, obligation, cost, expense, lien, action, or cause of action (including payment of attorneys' fees and costs actually incurred whether or not litigation be commenced) based on or in connection with or arising out of any such assignment or transfer or purported or claimed assignment or transfer. III. BENEFICIARIES 3.0 This Agreement is not for the benefit of any person who is not a party signatory hereto or specifically named a beneficiary in this paragraph. The provisions of this Agreement • and the releases contained herein shall extend to and inure to the benefit of, and be binding upon, in addition to the parties hereto, just as if they had executed this Agreement: the respective legal predecessors, successors and assigns of the parties; each and every entity which now is or ever was a parent HJR18:Agr -13- or subsidiary of Odmark; the respective past and present officers, shareholders, officials, directors, partners, employees, trustees, beneficiaries, and attorneys of the parties and/or of each such parent or subsidiary entity, and their respective legal successors and assigns; and each of the foregoing. IV. GENERAL 4.1 This Agreement and the releases contained herein and affect the settlement of claims which are denied and disputes which are contested, and nothing contained herein shall be construed as an admission by any party hereto of any liability of any kind to any other party. Each party expressly denies that it is in any way liable or indebted to any other party. 4.2 This Agreement and the Revised Judgment constitute and contain the entire agreement and understanding concerning the subject matter between the parties, set forth all promises and inducements made by any party to any other party with respect to any of the subject matter, and supersede and replace all prior negotiations, proposed agreements or agreements, written or oral. Each of the parties acknowledges to each of the other parties that no other party nor any agent or attorney of any other party has made any promise, representation or warranty whatsoever, express or implied, written or oral, not contained herein HJR18:Agr -14- concerning the subject matter hereof to induce it to execute this Agreement, and each of the parties acknowledges that it has not executed this Agreement in reliance on any promise, representation or warranty not contained herein. 4.3 Each party acknowledges to each of the other parties that it has been represented by independent legal counsel of his own choice throughout all of the negotiations which preceded the execution of this Agreement and that it has executed this Agreement with the consent and on the advice of such independent legal counsel. Each party further acknowledges that it and its counsel have had adequate opportunity to make whatever investigation or inquiry they may deem necessary or desirable in connection with the subject matter of this instrument prior to the execution hereof and the delivery and acceptance of the consideration specified herein. 4.4 This Agreement and any other documents referred to herein shall in all respects be interpreted, enforced and governed by and under the laws of the State of California applic- able to instruments, persons and transactions which have legal contracts and relationships solely within the State of California. Counsel for all parties have read and approved the language of this Agreement. The language of this Agreement shall be construed as a whole according to its fair meaning, and not strictly for or against any of the parties. HJR18:Agr -15- 4.5 As used in this Agreement, "persons" includes natural persons, corporations, partnerships, joint ventures and any other entity. 4.6 Whenever in this Agreement the context so requires, the masculine gender shall be deemed to refer to and include the feminine and neuter, and the singular to refer to and include the plural. 4.7 This Agreement may be executed in counterparts and shall become effective when all parties have executed and acknow- ledged at least one counterpart and counterparts executed and acknowledged by all parties have been delivered to counsel for the parties. 4.8 The titles of the various articles of this Agreement are used for convenience of reference only and are not intended to and shall not in any way enlarge or diminish the rights or obligations of the parties or affect the meaning or construction of this document. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands HJRlBrAgr -16- •••***, .,*/' and seals as of the day and year first written above. GROVE APARTMENTS INVESTMENT CO. a partnership By: Its: H.F.H., LTD. By: Its: HARRY J. L. FRANK, JR. BERNARD CITRON TRUST By: Its: FRED A. BARTMAK, JR. MARITAL TRUST UNDER THE WILL OF WILLIAM S. BARTMAN By: Its: HJR18:Agr -17- RESIDUARY TRUST UNDER THE WILL OF WILLIAM S. BARTMAN By: Its: ODMARK DEVELOPMENT CO. a corporation By: Its: THE CITY OF CARLSBAD By: Its: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CONTENT: HAYUTIN, RUBIKROIT, PRAW & KUPIETZKY By: Howard J. Rubinroit Attorneys for Grove Apartments Investment Co.; H.F.H., Ltd.; Harry J. L. Frank, Jr.; Bernard Citron Trust; Fred D. Bartman, Jr.; Marital Trust under the Will of William S. Bartman, Residuary Trust under the Will of William S. Bartman Vincent Biondo, Jr. City Attorney, City of Carlsbad HJR18:Agr -18- PETERSON, THELAN & PRICE By: V Attorneys for Odmark Development Co. HJRl8:Agr -19- PARCEL A ' -3r..* ^^^• • *•Suuparcgl (i)__ All that Portion of Section 32f T11S, R/.IU, S.S.O.m. In tho City of Cerlsbnd, County of Son Diego, Stato of California according to United Stotoo Covornmont Survey, approvad December 29, 1870, deocribed oo follows: • Beginning at a Point on the Vest line of oaid Section 32 dlotont thereon South 0°5G'20" liloot, 414.76 foet from the Ulest quarter corner of oaid Section 32, thence South Q9elB'10N East, 990.00 feet to Cast line of that certain tract of lend In enid Section 32, conveyed by Dovld 3. Barren, Ct Al to Reginald Mornm, by Deed doted Duly 2, 1921, end recorded in Book OS1, Pogo 474 of Doods; thence Northerly olong eoid'East lino North 0°56'20" East, 134.53 feet to THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continuing North 0°5G»20" Ecfot, 563.96 feet; thence North 77°15fSl" • jEnot, 430.72 feet to a point on o non-tnngont curvo concave Nocthecicterly and having a rodiuo of 2563.00 feet, caid curve being the South— easterly Right of Way of a otrip of land 126.00 feat in width grontod to trio City of Carlobed by Deed recorded Kerch 11, 1966 under Recorder's File No. 42245 for Public.Hlghwoy purpooeo, a radlol lino to aoid point boera South 76°22'4B" Vest, thence • Southwesterly along aaid curvo thru a central engle of 19°59'03* .en ore distance of 093.95 feet to a point of cusp with a curve concave Southerly and having a radiue of 20.00 feet, a radial line to eaid point of cuop beers North 56°23>45t> Cast, thence Northerly end Westerly along the lest mentioned curvo thru a central angle of 8Q*53f27n an arc distance of 31.03 foet, thence tangent to oeid curve South 57°30'i8" Ueat, 91.42 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave Northerly and having a radius of 330.00 feet, thence Westerly along 00id curve thru a control angle of 6G°29IG1H en ere distance of 394.44 foet, thanes tangent to oaid curve uorth 54°00'41" Beet, 196.34. feet to the beginning of o tenocnt curve concave Southwesterly and having e radius of 470.00 feet, thence Northwesterly along eaid curve thru a central cnglc of 2C°32'50" en ore distance of 168.55 feot te THE TRUE POINT OF EECCING. ' .:--•• EXHIBIT 1 Fare Two / PARCEL A (Cont'd.) . ' CreO, A* ^ £cU/i/ V ? UtOL V 1 (i 1) A Portion of Loto 23, 24 and 25 in Hoop Cucolyptue Foroot •; Compony'o Troct No. 1 occording to mop No. 1136 filed in The Office of Tho County Racordor of. Son Oiogo County, Stcte of Californio, being noro particularly doocribod oo follows: . Beginning ot tho Southwoot corner of ooid Lot 25 thonco ulong tho Southwoetorly lino of oeid Lot 25 North 23°27*45H Woot, 195.00 ' foet to THC TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, thence continuing elong the Southweoterly lino "of said Lot 25 North 23°27'4Sn Beet 270.1A feet, to the most Southerly corner of eold Lot 24, thence olong tho Southwooterly line of ooid Lot 24 North .44"33'45" Soot, 19.02 feet to on intersection with tho Northeoetorly prolongation of tho Northoeotorly lino of'Foroot Street (20.00 foet vide) oo oald Street ie ohown on Oiloonio Troct occording to Osp thereof No 2169 recorded in tho Office of Tho County Recordnr of eeld County on Aug. 13, 1929, thence North 56°22'1SN Coot .30.00 feet olong onld prolongation, thonco North 3S°52'20N It/ust, 215,00 foot, thonco North 54«07'40W Coot, 157.79 foot, thence South 2S*S3'13" Ceot 236.80 feet, thence South 66a45*50" Cost 330.26 feet to a point on. • non-tangent curve concova Northoootorly and having a rociiue of 1042.00 fact, a radial line to seid point boars South 73«29'01" Cost, thence Southeasterly along aoid curve thru a central onglo of l°38'SBn an arc distance of 30.00 feat, thence tengent to seid . curve South .10°OS'57" Cast 40.89 feet, thence South 68030'20" \ West, -.-CO.O :roct.,to,7KE-TnU£ POIf.'T OF c£GlKNlNC.;- . •». •w"»»* * ••'" .' *« . "l "'« T* '• . .... ./ . -1.1- .,-•" $1 m All that portion of Section 32, Township 11 South, Rongn 4 Uost, 5;.n j Bernardino Dusu floridion, in tho City of Corlsbad, County of S;»n DIOQO, , State of California, according to Unitod Statco Government Survey approve December 27, 1070 and a portion of Lots'12 and 13 in Hos'p Eucalyptus for- ' cat Company's Tract No. 1, according to Hap No. 1136 filed in the Office * of tho County Recorder of Son Diego County, State cf California, boing ' j more particularly cJuooriLioc! ao follauc: Beginning at a point on the Uost line of Section 32, distant thereon South 0°56'20" Uost, 414.74 foot from tho Uost Quarter ' " corner of said Section 32, said Uost lino boing also tho East . •• ! 'line of said Hosp Tract, thonco South 89818'10" East, 990.00 fact to the East lino of that certain tract of land in said Section 32, convoyed by David 3. flarron, Et Al to Reginald Marron by deed dated Duly 2, 1921, and recorded in Book 651, Page 474 of deeds, •thence along oaid East lino North 0856'20" East, 698.49 feot, thence : South 77815'51H Uest, 347.20 feet; thence Uest 740.00 feet; thence " : • .South 350.00 feet; thence South 6°51IS911 East 261.11 feet to a point that bears North 89818'10M Uest from the TRUE POINT Of BEGINNING; thence South B9818MC'' East. 46.07 fe'et to the TRUE POINT Or" BEGIN-.' WING, . '* ' • . ... : Suboarcel (ii) . • .' • 0 * A portion of Lots 21 .and 22, and a portion of Eucalyptus Street in Hoap Eucalyptus Forest Company's Tract No. 1 according .[ to Boo 1136 filed in Tha Office of The County Recorder of San Diego i County, State of California, being more particularly described '• as follcua:• • • Beginning at the Southeast corner of said Lot 21, thence along the Cost line of said Lot 21 North 6°5a»00" East 278.56 feet, thoncs r.'orth 70°28I2&" East 69.19 feot, thence North 44«55I44« East 161.SO feet, thence South AS°04*16" Cast 130.00 feat to The beginning of a tangent curve .concave Northeasterly and having a radius of 838.50 feet, thence Southeasterly along said curve thru a central angle of 25e16'Sc" an arc distance of 370.00 feet, thence leaving said'curve South 19°38'4aM Ulest 385.45 feet to tha Southwest line of said Lot 22, said'point being distant thereon Karth 56«27«35° West 240.00 feet from the most Southerly corner of scid Lot 22, thence along the Southwesterly line of said Lot 22 Korth 56e27»35" West 59.56 feet to the most 'Southerly corner of . said Lot 21, thence along the Westerly and Southerly lines of said Lot 21 the following bearing and distances, North- 51°51'11" Uost 299.13, North 0°OA«00" CJest 17.40 feet and North 69027«00"'Weet . 200.85 feet to THE TRUE POINT Of BEGINNING. ... . -->. ~ \ ^ t'c ! Subparccl (1) I ft portion of Lots 0, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 in Hosp .•;•• Eucalyptus Foroat Company's Tract No. 1 according ta Rap Ha. 1136, filed in tho office of 'tho County Accordcr cf San 01050 County, Stato of California, being moro porticulorly doscrlbod oo follous: . .* ' . • **Ooginning at tho Southeast corner of snid Tract, thonco along tho Cast lino of said tract North 0°56'20" Cast, 2263.66 foot, said point boing South 0°56'20n Uost, 41A.7A foot from tho Ucst quarter corner of Section 32, Township 11 South, Range 4 Uest, •' * San Ournnrdino Ooso Ctnridian, thonr.o North 09Q10I10W Wqst, 46,07 . foot to YHt VMS WOINY Of DCCINNING; said point boing on a non- tangent curvo concave Southoastorly ond having o radius of 310.00 foot, a radial lino to said point bears North 43°1«IS3" Uost; * • ..- j thence Southwesterly along said curvo through a central angle cf • I 41'33'00N an arc distance of 226.81 feot; thence leaving said'-, curve North B9818'1Q» Uost, 557.72 foot, thence South 61B2S'03f'. I - Uost 305.23 foot, thenco North \0°19'07"- Uost, 374.05 foot; thonco- ". North 79?40'S3" East, 272.00 foot; thence North 2°01I30" Uoct/ . • 699.16 feet to, a point on o non-tangont curve concave Southwesterly I and having o radius of 761.50 foot, a radial lino to said point ; boars North 10°OG151ri Cast, thonco Southoastorly along caid curvo - ' through a central angle of 3°23I09" an arc distance of AS.00 feet,* .) thence tangent to said curvo South 76°30'00n Cast, 350.95 foot, thonce North 1.00 foot, thence South 75°30'00" Cast, 339.00 feet, . thence South 350.00 feet; thence South 6°51>S9't Cast 261.11 feet ... ! to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Ii C Six " P r\ a-/, ^ ".TAHCliL D-E (Cont'd.) - . *'(...I (nn ^UcJwiu U^UfrUAJl ' " A portion of tots 8, 9, 10, 16, 17, IB, 23, 26, and 25, end a portion of Car.on Street, and a portion Of Eucalyptus Stroot in Heap Cucolyptus Foroot Company 'a Tract f«o. 1 according tc .,- Map 1136 filed in Tho Office of The County Recorder of San Diego | County, State of California, being more particularly deacribad aa follower • Beginning at tha most Southwesterly cornor of Lot 25 in aaid tract, thence along the Southwesterly line of aoid Lot 25 North 23°27»45W West, 195.00 feet, thonce North 60°30'20" East, 360..41 feet to THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, thenca North 1B809'57" Uiest, 4Q.B9 faat to the beginning of a tangont curve concave Northeasterly and having a radius of 1042.00 feet, thence Northwesterly along said .curve thru a central angle of 14°35'25" an arc distance of. 265.33 faat, thence tangent to said curve North 3*34*35" West 94.02 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave Southwesterly and having a radius of 458.00 feet, thence NoYthwosterly along aaid curve thru ' a central angle of 22*18<30" on arc distance of 178.34 feet, thence I tangent to said curve North 25°53I13" West 1G9..20 feet to the { beginning of a tangant curve concave Northo'aaterly and having a radius of 1042.00 feet, thence Northwesterly along said curva thru a central angle of 10e17'57" an arc distance of 187.30 Feet, thence tangent to said curve North 15°35'16n Vest, 108.41 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave Southwesterly and having a radius of 20.00 feet, thence Northwesterly along aaid curve thru a cantral angle of 88°1SI48I> an arc distance of 30.92 feet to a point of cusp with a curve concave Northwesterly and having a radius of '838.50 feet, a radial line to aaid point of cusp bears South 13* .- 52*04" East, thence Northeasterly along the last mentioned curve ; * thru a cantral angle of 1°43'12" an arc distance of 25.17 Feet, thence tangent to said curva North 74824«44" East 140.00 Feet to j the beginninc of a tangent curve concavo Northwesterly and having I a radius of 033.50 faat, thence Northeasterly along said curve thru '•' a centre! «noie of 13824'44" an arc distance of 196.28 Feet, thence . tancenz vr said curve North 61°00'OQ" East, 174.31 Feet to the beoinnir- cT c tengent curve concave Southeasterly and having a radius c? "£1.50 fast, thonce Easterly along aaid curve thru a centrrl r.'ric cf 39°06t51" an arc distance of 519.85 feet, thenca South 2r::.T:5" Cast 699.16 feet, thenca South 79»4Q'53° West, 272.00 Feet, tr.c-,rr Scvth 10819*07M East 374.05 feet, thenca South 63e30»2011 Weot, Sv;.,«-: -fest to THE TRUE POINT Of BEGINNING. ' Pace Sever. PAHCEL D-E (Cont'd.) &4 n A portion of Lot» 22, 23, 24 and 25 and a portion of Eucalyptus Street in Itosp Eucalyptuo Forest Co.'o Tract No. 1 aooording to Ka? 1136 filed in the Office of the Count/ Recorder of San Diogo County, State of California, 'being more particu- . larly described as follower • ...7/ . . . Beginning at the moot Southwesterly corner of Lot 2$ in enid tract, thence along the Southwesterly lino of cold Lot 25 Worth 23*27'45n Went 195.00 font; thence Horth 68* 3d* 20" CM! 360.4V feet} thoncc Worth 1B*09'57H Kcot 40.89 feet to tho beginning of a tangent curve eoncavo Northeasterly and having a rmliun of 1042.00 feet| thence florthwoetcrly alon/j »aid curve thro'igh a central Anglo of 1*30*50" an i&t diotance of 30.00 feet to the T7KTF. POTIIT 0? DECIinnilC; thoncc continuing alon^ ooid . curve through a central an^lo of 12* 56 '24" en arc diptonce of 235*33 feet; thence tangent to »aid curve North 3*34*35" Wect 94.02 feet' to the beginning of n. tanr;rnt * curve concavt Southweatorly and having a radiuo of 450*00 feot; thenco Korthwectnrly alon^ said curvt through a central angle of 22*18*33" An ore diotnnce of 170*34 fact; thenca. tangent to caid curv* Tlorth 25*53* ^3" »eat 189.20 feot to tho fecrinninj; of a tangent curv* concave Worthaastcrly and having a radius of 1042.00 feet; thence northwesterly along caid curvi through a central angle of 10*17*57" »n arc distance - of 187.30 feet;' thence tangent to oaid curve Worth 15*35'^" -cct 108.41 feet to ths beginning of a tAn^Tcnt curve concave Southwcr torl.r end h-iving a rndiua of TO. CO feet; thence Uorthwcatcrly along oaid c«rvr! thrsu;^*. a ccr.trtl angle of 00*1 6 *4G" an are distance of 30.82 feet to a point of reverse c.rrvc concave Northerly ami havinr . a radius of 838.50 feet; thence Westerly aion,-? c^:£ rsvcrcc curve through a central angle of 32*00*52" an aro distance of 470.47 i'ecij theses South 7'34'20M Kcst 2'»3.72 feat; thenoa South 6<*59'00" East 248.2? feet; thcnei Scxr.h 25" 53 'IS" Z"t 590.00 feat; thsnos South 66*45*50'' -Eaot 330.26 feot to the BSJu rC-ir? C? 'BSOII - El ' ' : PARCEL i : L* Those portions of Lots, 19, 20, 21 and 33 end of Eucalyptus Street in . Hosp Eucalyptus Forest* Coapany's ~ract Ifc. 1, is the City of Curlsb-.id, County of San Diego, State of Ctiiforr.i*, according to «*!a? thereof Ko. 113<S filed in the Office of the County Recorder of Sea Diego County June 8, 1903, described as folio'-s: Conaencing at the Southeast corr.er of said Lot 20; ther.ce along the Easterly line thereof, Korth OC'55'00" East 278.00 feet to the THUS POIIJ7 Or BSCUniLTC; thence South 70°2S'2i." Vest 505-^1 feet; thence North 89029'00" Vest 213. 7*» feet to a point on a non-tamjent .';$2.52 foot radius carve concave Northwesterly, a radial line of vhich "beers South b9°22'30" East to said point; ther.ce J.'orthe*rtcrly A Ion/: th< arc of en id curve through a central an^e of 05°2-'55". a distance of 1*3.72 feet; ther.ce tangent to said curve, North 35°12'3;>" East Uo.U feet to the 'vcginnir.'; of a tangent 1*90.00 foot radius curve concave Southeaster I/; thenso northeaster: along the arc of sai3 curve, through a centre! an^le of 37°Ji7'2?"» a distance of 323-22 feet; thence tangent to s&id curve Itorth 73°00'lL" ^.ct 111.5** feet to the bepinnin,; of a t»^.ncent 20.00 foot radius curre concave Southvesterly; ther.ce Easterly tr.d Sbu-heasterly aiona the arc of said curve, through a central ansle of 6c°^0'30", a distance of 30.26 feet to the'beginning of a reverse 8t2.CO foot radius curve concave Northeasterly; thence Southeasterly alonr the ere wf sail curve, throu-h a central en.-le of 2I»%5'00", a distance of 363.72 feet; thence South Wi°55'l»J»" Vest 161.53 feet to a 'point vhich bears Xorth 7D025'2-11 East fron: the THUE rOi::? 0? ; thence South 70°23'2^*' Vest 69-19 feet to the TKUE ?OI-T 0? EXCETTIiVG. therefrom those portior.s lying: "ortheasterly of the Southvesterl line of said Sucel;.-ptus Street. FASCJ.'L 2: ?hos« portions of lots 19 and 20 in Kosp. Eucalyptus Forost Co-p-any's ?mct Ho. 1, in the City of Carlsba'I, Csur.ty of Tan Diero7 State of California, according to Map thereof ?fo. 11??, filet in th~ Office of the County r:«sri-r o San Diego County June o, 19C3, -ierrriber. r.s follows: Be/%inninz at the Southeast corner of caid Lot 20: thence nicnf; the Southerly line of said Lots 20 ani 19, Sbrth c9c29'03" Vest 73i.^l feet" to a >-3ir.w on a con-tangent Ic2.52 fcot radius cx;rve concave Korthvestcrly, a'radial iir.e of vhich bears South 2?°l6'iO" East to snii point; thnnce northeasterly aloa- the arc of said curve th.rov.-r. a central o.n-rle oT 2C/J0'I2C" a .iistanc- of I-"?.30 feet; ther.ce Couth -c.?07.~'03""2r.3t ri3.T'. feet: ther.rc .Tort:: "••1 70°^'2n" East 505.^1 feet to as intersection vLth the Easterly line of s=ir: •I'j-'i Lot 20; ther.ce elor.^ said Easterly line, So-.ith 06°52'00" Vert 2?:).•:•'• feet •'."7-'.2- to the Point of Beginning. described as follows: Coasencing at the Southeast corner of said Lot 20; thence along the Easterly line thereof, Worth Oo°58'00" East 273.00 feet to the Tr.US ?OEiT 0? BEGI2KIHG; thence South 70°23'2U: West 50>.Sl feet; thence Eorth S9°29'00M West 213.71* feet to a point on a noa-tangent U62.52 foot radius c'jrve concave northwesterly, a radial line of vhich bears South 1*9022'30" East to said point; thence northeasterly alone the arc of said curve, through a central angle of 05°2li'55", a distance cf ^3.72 feet; thence taneett to said curve, North 35°12'35" East UUe.Lt feet to the beginnisg of a tangent U90.00 foot i-adius curve concave Southeasterly; thence trortheasterly along the arc of said curve, throuch a corral an£;le of 2T°1.TI39" a distance of 323.22 feet; thence tangent to said curve, North 73QCO'lU" East 111.9'k feet to the becinning of a tangent 20.00 foot radius curve concave Southwesterly; thence Easterly and Southeasterly alons the arc of said curve, through a central ancl* of 86eUO'30" a distance of 30.26 feet to the beginning of a reverse 81*2.00 foot radius curve concave northeasterly; ther.ce Southe?.Gtcrly along the arc of said cur/e through a central aacle of g'-^'iJ'OO", a distance of 3^3.72 feet; thence So-;th LU°55'U't West lCl.50 feet to a point vhich bears Korth 70°29l£l" Sftst froa the THUS POIIT? OF BSC-mTIHG; thence South 70°28'2U" West 69.19 feet-to the TRUE POIITT OF BECXSIIKC. . . ' • • ?-ll»-Tl . EXCZPTINO therefron those portions lying Southvesterly of the Southwesterly line of said Eucalyptus Street. : . '. • !: \ ! PARCEL A ' •?/•.. I Suuparcal (i) All thot Portion of Section 32, T11S, IMW, S.B.O.m. in the City of Carlsbad, County of Son Diego, State of California according to United Stotoo Covornmont Survey, approved December 29 | 1870, deocribed oo follows: • • Beginning at a Point on the Weet line of oald Section 32 diotont thereon South 0°5G'2Q" Wool, 414.74 foet from the Ueet quarter corner of aaid Section 32, thence South 09°1B'10" East, 990.00 feet to taot line of that certain tract of lend in eaid Section 32, conveyed by David 3. Barren, Et Al to Reginald Blorron, by Deed doted 3uly 2, 1921, ond recorded in Book CS1, Pogo 474 of Doods; thenco Northerly olonrj said'East lino North 0°56t20<t East, ' 134.53 feet to THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continuing g North 0°5G'20" Ectot, 563.96 feet; thence North 77«15t51"-.E«ot, 9 430.72 feet to a point on a non-tnngont curvo concovo Nocthenctorly * ond having a rediuo of 2563.00 feet, eoid curve being the South- westerly Right of Ufey of a otrip of land 126.00 feet in width granted to tno City of Cerlobad by Doed recorded Kerch 11, 1966 under Rocordor'e File No. 42245 for Public .Highway purpoeeo, a ! radial lino to said point boere South 76°22'46" Best, thence • i Southwesterly along said curvo thru a central angle of 19°59*03* ' .an arc distance of 093.95 feet to a point of cusp with a curve concave Southerly and having a radius of 20.00 feet, a radial line to eeid point of cuop bears North 56023'45" Cast, thonce Northerly and Westerly along the leet mentioned curvo thru a central angle of 80053»27" an arc distance of 31.03 feet, thence i tangent to oeid curve South 57°30'18" Vest, 91.42 feet to the . j beginning of a tangent curve concavo Northerly and having a I radius of 330.00 feet, thonce Westerly along o-oid curve thru a ' central angle of £Ge29<Cln an ere distance of 394.44 foet, thonca tangent to oeid curve ;:arth 54«00*41N Eieot, 196.34. feet to the beginning of o tangent curve concave Southwesterly and having e radius of 470.00 fcot, thsnce Northwesterly along said curve thru • - a central eagle of 2C°32'SOn an arc distance of 168*55 feet to THE TRUE POINT OF EECGING. ' ..:•-•• N EXHIBIT'i PARCEL A (Cont'd.) . S;»h;??.rc* I (it) •»• • . •A Portion of Lota 23, 24 ond 25 in Hoop Eucalyptus Foroob •: *- Company*o Tract Wo. 1 according to Bop No. 1136 filed in The • Office of Tho County Recorder of. Son Oiogo County, State of California, being noro particularly doocribod ao follows I . Beginning at the Southuroot corner of ooid Lot 25 thence ulong the Southwoetorly lino of oald Lot 25 North 23B27I45" Boot, 195.00 ' • feet to THE TRUC POINT OF BEGINNING, thence continuing along the Southtueoterly line 'of said Lot 25 North 23°27'4S" Beet 270.1 A feet, to the moat Southerly corner of aeid Lot 24, thence olong tho Southwooterly line of ooid Lot 24 North .44*33*45" Boot, 19.05 feet to on intoroection with tho Northeootorly prolongation of tho Narthaeotorly lino of'Foroat Street (20.00 foet wide) oo ooid . Street le ohown on KJiloonio Tract according to Oap thereof No 2169 racordod in the Office of Tho County Recorder of oaid County on Aug. 13, 1929, thence North 56°22'1SW Coot .30.00 feet olong onid prolongation, thonco North 35°S2'20N West, 215,00 foot, thonco North 54«07'40" East, 157.79 foet, thence South 25eS3'13" Eeot 236.60 feet, thence South 66°4S*SOn Coet 330.26 feet to a point on. • non-tangent curve concove Northoootorly and having a rodiue of 1042.00 fact, a radio! line to aaid point boars South 73»29'01" Coet| thence Southeaoterly along aaid curve thru a centre! onglo of l°3B'58n en arc distance of 30.00 foot, thence tengent to said . curve South .10°09•57" Eoat 40.89 feet, thence South 6B°30I20>> E Gest, -StO.f:} :Feet-,to ,THE-TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. ;••• . t • t I •.••:»• ' *•* !•••.• * _ *» •••-••• ••*• i- »r •». * •-.- .•'•..•.• •; . "i ••• ;• *• •: .••.!••••* .'. guboareal (O W . ' j All that portion of Section 32, Tounship 11 South, Rangn 4 Uost, 5;.r» J Bernardino Ousu meridian, in tho City of Carlsbad, County of S;m Diogo, Stato of California, according to Unitod Statco Covernmont Survey approve December 27, 1070 and a portion of Lots'12 and 13 in Hos'p Eucalyptus For- « ost Company's Tract No. 1, according to flap No. 1126 filod in the Office ' of tho -County Recorder of San Diego County, State cf California, boing ' : moro portioulorly dauoriUoc! QQ followo; Beginning at a point on tha Uost line of Section 32, distant thereon South 0°56'20" Uost, 414.74 foot from tho Uost Quarter ' ' corner of said Section 32, said Uost lino being also the Cast . •. ! 'line of said Hosp Tract, thonco South 89°1BI1011 Cast, 990.00 feet to tha Cast lino of that certain tract of land in said Section 32, convoyed by David 3. natron, Ct Al to Reginald Harron by deed dated 3uly 2, 1921, and recorded in Book 651, Page 474 of deeds, • thence along aaid Cast lino North O'Se^O" Cast, 698.49 feet, thence • South 77°15'51" Uest, 347.20 feet; thence Uest 740.00 feet; thence " -. ' .South 350.00 feet; thence South 6»S1«S9" Cast 261.11 feet to a point that bears North 89°1BMO" Uest from the TRUC POinT OF BEGINNING; thence South fi9e1B'10" Cast 46.07 feet to the TRUC POINT OF BCGIN-.' MING. . '» • . ... : Suboarcel (11) . • / • .. - • ...» • * A portion of Lots 21 .and 22, and a portion of Eucalyptus Street in Heap Cucalyptus Forest Company's Tract No. 1 according .1 to BCD 1136 filed in Tha Office of The County Recorder of San Diego j County, State of California, being more particularly described - as folicea: • • ' • • .- • Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Lot 21, thence along the Cast line of said Lot 21 North 6°S3'00" Cast 273.56 feet, thoncfi r.'orth 70*28»24" Cast 59.19 feot, thence North Afl'SSMA* Cast 161.50 feet, thence South 45°04*16>> Cast 130.00 feat to The beginning of a tangent curve .concave Northeasterly and having a radius of 838.50 feet, thence Southeasterly along said curve thru a central angle of 25e16'S6n an arc distance of 370.00 feet, thence leaving said'curve South 19°30*4SN West 385.AS feet to the Southwest line of said Lot 22, said point being distant thereon North 56«27»35n ttest 240.00 feet froa the most Southerly corner of slid Lot 22, thence along the Southwesterly line of said Lot 22 f.'orth 56°27»35n West 59.56 feet to the most "Southerly corner of . said Lot 21, thence along the Westerly and Southerly lines of said . Lot 21 the following bearing and distances, North- 51°51'11" Most 299.13, North 0°04'00" Hiest 17.40 feet and North 69°27»00"" Ueet . 200.85 feet to THC TRUC POINT OF BCCZKNI.1C. .- . PARCEL D-E v-'v % • •• i7,.CC i Subparccl (i) 1 I A.portion of Lota 0, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ond 16 in Hoop . •;•' Eucalyptus Forost Conpany'e Tract No. 1 according to Rap No. 1136, filed in tho office of tho County Rocordor cf San Diego County, State of California, boing moro particularly described 03 follous: . ' • • "• Goginning at tho Southeast corner of snid Tract, thonco along •'• tho Eaat lino of said tract North 0*S6'20" Cast, 2263.66 foot, said point being South 0°56'20" Uost, 414.74 foot from tho Ucat % . quarter corner of Section 32, Township 11 South, Range 4 West, •' San Gurnnrdino Oaso Flnridian, thonpo North 09e10'10" Wqst, 46,07 . foot to YHH YRUC POIMY Of DECINNING; said point being on a non- . . • tangent curve concave Southeasterly ond having a radius of 310.00 foot, a radial lino to said point bears North A3°14>S3n Vlost; • ..• j thence Southwesterly along said curvo through a control angle cf • ( | 41°33I00" an arc distance of 224.81 foot; thence leaving said'-, curve North B9°1B'1Q" Uost, 557.72 feet, thonce South 6l°25'05n. I • Uost 305.23 foot, thence North I-OMO'D?1* Uost, 374.05 foot; thnnco' North 79?40'53" East, 272.00 foot; thence North 2°01'30" Woct,' . ; 699.16 feet tc, a point on o non-tangent curve concave Southwesterly j and having o radius of 761.50 foot, a radial lino to said point ; bears North 1.0°0&1S1I> East, thonco Southeasterly along caid curve • | through a control angle of 3°23'09" an ore distance of A5.00 foot,' .) thence tangent to said curvo South 76°30'00'> East, 350.95 feet, thence North 1.00 foot, thence South 76°30'QO" East, 339.00 feet, . thence South 350.00 feet; thence South 6°51>59n East 261.11 foot ... ! to the TRUE POLNT OF BEGINNING. . I Pace Six L D-E (cont'd.) A portion of tots 8, 9, 10, 16, 17, IB, 23, 24, and 25, end a portion of Canon Street, and a portion of Eucalyptus Stroot in Hoap Eucalyptus Foroot Company's Tract *<o. 1 according tc .. Map 1136 filad in Tho Office of The County Recorder of San Diego 1 County, State of California, being more porticulerly deacribad as follower • Beginning at the moat Southwesterly corner of Lot 25 in aaid tract, thence along the Southwesterly line of aaid Lot 25 North 23-27«45" Qleat, 195.00 feet, thonce North 6G°30'20" Cast, 360.41 feet to THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, thence North 18«09'57" West, 40.89 feet to the beginning of a tangont curve concave Northeasterly and having a radius of 1042.00 feet, thence Northvosterly along said .curve thru a central angle of 14°35I2G" an arc distance of. 265.33 feet, thence tangent to aaid curve North 3°34>35" Ulest 94.02 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave Southvesterly and having a radius of 458.00 feet, thence NoVthuosterly along aaid curve thru ' a centrel angle of 22*1BI30" on arc distance of 178.34 feet, thence J tangent to aaid curve North 25°53<13" Vest 1G9..20 feet to the ; beginning of a tangent curva concave Northeasterly ond having a radius of 1042.00 feet, thence Northwesterly along said curve thru • central angle of 10017'570 an arc distance of 187.30 feat, thence tangent to said-curve North 15e35'16" West, 108.41 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave Southwesterly and having a radius of 20.00 feet, thence Northwesterly along said curve thru a central angle of 88016>48n an arc distance of 30.82 feet to e point jof cusp with a curve concave Northwesterly end having a radius of '838.50 feet, a radial line to said point of cusp bears South 13° -• 52*04" Cast, thence Northeasterly along the last mentioned curve ' thru a central angle of 1°43'12" an arc distance of 25.17 feet, thence tangent to eaid curva North 74»24«44" East 140.00 feet to { the beginning oF a tangent curve concavo Northwesterly and having I a radius of 039.50 feet, thence Northeasterly along said curve thru :! a centre! snaie of 13°24I44" an arc distance of 196.28 feet, tnance .tangen; ;.? said curve North 61'00'OQ" East, 174.31 feet to the becinrir- cT c tengent curve concave Southeasterly and having a radiui c=* "£1.50 feet, thonce Easterly along aaid curve thru a centre I r.-ric cf 39B06t51" an arc distance of 519.85 feet, thenca South 2?::.*35" East 699.16 feet, thenca South 79»40I53° Blest, 272.00 feet, tr.cr.sr Scyth 10°19»07" East 374.05 feet, thence South 63°30«20n weot, 5v;.,K -fc=t to THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. « Co e Seven ft****.c PARCEL D-E (Cont'd.) • . I ST. I A portion of Lots 22, 231 24 and 25 and a portion of Eucalyptus Street in Itoep Eucalyptuo Forcat Co.'e Tract No. 1 according to Ka? 1136 filed in the Office of tht County Recorder of San Diego County, State of California, being mor* particu- , laxly described M follows: ... ... - \ • V . . . Beginning at ths moot Southwesterly corner of Lot 25 in anid tract, thence along • the Southwesterly lino of eaid Lot 25 North 23*27*45" Wcot 195-00 font; thence »orth 60*30'20" East 360.4T feet; thoncc ?lorth lO-Op'ST" Went 40.8? feet to tho oe(7inning of a tiuif^nt curve concavo Worthcootcrly and having A rntliun of 1042*00 fsst| thence northwesterly alon/; said cunre through a central nn^lo of 1%30'50" an arc dietanee of 30.00 feet to the TRITE POINT OF DECIiniTUC; thence continuing alon/; ooid . curve through a central an^lo of 12*56'24" an arc diotance of 235-33 feet; thence tangent to said curve Worth 3*34'35n West 94.02 feet to the be^innim; of a tangent * curve concave Southwesterly and having a radiuo of 450*00 feot; thence Korthwec'.nrly alone B*id curve through a central an^jle of 22*18'30" an ore diotnnce of 170*34 foet; thence, tangent to caid curve north 25*53* 13" '"'cot 189.20 foot to tho bcninnin/; of a tangent curve concave Northeasterly and having a radius of 1042.00 feet; thence northwesterly along caid carve through a ccntr»l ancle of 10* 17'57" Rn »rc aist.-mee • of 107*30 fe«t;' thence tanpnt to oaid curve Worth 15*35'16" Vest 108.41 feet to the beginning of a tAnrent curve concave Southwcrtcrl.r end having a rndius of TO.CO feet; thence Borthwcatcrly along oaid curvn thrcis.rh a cer.trs.1 angle of 30*l6'4G" an aro distance of 30.C2 feet to a point of reverse <r.:rvc cs^cave Northerly and having . a radius of 838.50 feet; thence Westerly alon/t c.-.;d r:vsrce curve through a central, angle of 32*00'52" an aro distance of 470.47 ftctj Vr.»cs South 7t34'20" Kcst 213.72 fe»tj thenoe South 6<*59I00" East 248.2? feet; th«n« Ecv.'.h 25"53'13tt Ze«t 590,00 fs«t; thenos €outh 66»45'50" -Eaot 330.26 feot to the Tinn; FC-ir? CT"535ImnniC. 41 r/uxCEL 1: ifr - Those portions of Lots, 19, 20, 21 end 33 and of Eucalyptus Street in . Hosp Eucalyptus Forest Company's Cract ilo. 1, Is the City of C:xrlsb-.id, County of San Diego, State of California, according to Map thereof Kb. 1136 filed in toe Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County Juoe 8, 1903, described as follows: Goonencing at the Southeast corner of said Lot 20; ther.ce along the Easterly line thereof, Korth 0£'5o'00" East 2Tfi.OO feet to the TBU2 POIH7 OF BECIflNLVG; thence South 70°2S'2i." West 505-Sl feet; thence Horth 89°29'00" Vest 213 -71* feet to a point on a non-tan/jent -'^2.52 foot radius curve concave Northwesterly, a radial line of vhich "bears South l9022'30" East to said point; thence I«"orthc«i?terly A Ion/: the arc of ciii.l curve through a ccntrnl an£Le of 05°2-'55", a distance of 13.72 feet; thence tan/sent to said curve, tforth 35°I2'35" last Uo.U f<jct to the »e-5innir.<; of a tancent U90.00 foot radius curve concave Southeasterly; ti:»r.es northeasterly along the arc of saii curve, through a central angle of 37°*7'3?"» a distance of 323-22 feet; thence tangent to said carve Itorth 73eOTl-" S?.ct lll.pu feet to the be^innin^ of a tangent 20.00 feot radius curve concave Southvesterly; thence Easterly ar.S Sou-heistsrly aiona the arc of said curve, through a central ao;le of St^O'SO", a distance of 30.26 feet tD the'beginning of a reverse 8b2.02 foot radius curve concave Northeasterly; thence Southeasterly alonr the arc wf sail curve, throu.-h a central en.-le of 2U%5'00", a distance of 363-72 feet; thence South Wi055 '*»•»" Vest lfo.50 feet to a 'point vhich bears Sort:-. 70°25I2^" East fron: the TRUE FOIST C? SECr-rrnrfG; thonce South 70°23'2«" Vest 69.19 feet to the TT.UE POIiT C?BEGI::;U;;G.• EXCETTIiVC. therefrom those portions lying "orthes-steriy of the Southvesterly line of said Eucalyptus Street. FABCIX 2: Those poi-tions of Lots 19 anri 20 ir. Kosp. 2acoi:/ptus Forest Company's ?incr Ko. 1, in the City of Carlsbad, County of Han Die.ro, Ctate of California, according to Kap thereof ?ro. 11??, filel in the Office of the County r«sri-r o:* San Dieco County June 8, 19C3, •iercribed =.s follows: /rinninr at the Southeast corner of c-zii Lot 20: thence r^cnn th* Jouthsriy line of wiid Lots 20 ani 19, Morth c?c29'CO" Vest "3i.^l feet to a jwirrc on a con-tancent Uc2.52 foot rrulius curve cor.cv.-e '."orthvesterly, a 'radial line of vhich bears South 25°l6'iO" ?.?.£- to ssiii point; thence rrcrtheastrrly nlon,- the arc of said curve th.rov.-h a central ?.n-:le of cO°G-:'2C" s. r.:ct-r.c- of I-"?. 30 feet; thence ."out!: •c.?e?.'lOD" '2nst ri3.7?i feet: thence "ort:: 70°2-2'2'ltlt East 505. "l foot to an intersection vith the Jistcrly line or sairl Lot 2C; thence alon;: said Issterl;- line, South C6°>3'00" West 2T3.C'- fee- the Point cf Beginning. EXHIBIT E AGREEMENT FOP SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES AND MUTUAL (76 Be Delivered To Regarding Parcel T Close Of Escrow) EXHIBIT E AGREEMENT FOR SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES AND MUTUAL RELEASES (To be Delivered to Escrow re Parcel F Close of Escrow) THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of July, 1986, by and between Grove Apartments Investment Co. ("Grove"), H.F.H., Ltd. ("H.F.H."), Harry J. L. Frank, Jr. ("Frank"), the Bernard Citron Trust ("Citron Trust"), Fred A. Bartman, Jr. ("Bartman"), the Marital Trust under the Will of William S. Bartman ("Marital Trust"), the Residuary Trust Under the Will of William S. Bartman ("Residuary Trust"), Odmark Development Company ("Odmark"), and the City of Carlsbad ("Carlsbad"). I FACTUAL RECITALS 1.0 This Agreement is entered into with reference to the following facts: 1.1 Grove is and/or previously was the record owner of a portion of certain real property located in the County of San Diego (the "Grove Parcel"). The legal description of the Grove Parcel is attached hereto as Exhibit "1", and incorporated herein by this reference. HJRl8:Agr 2 -1- 1.2 For purposes of development, the Grove Parcel was divided into sub-parcels A, B, C, D, and E, all as reflected on the Master Plan of Development, approved by Carlsbad on or about March 3, 1970. 1.3 Grove Sub-parcels B and C have already been developed. Sub-parcels D and E have the following acreage, which Grove previously intended to develop with residential units as follows: D 16.085 acres 130 units E 27.675 acres 240 units 1.4 Certain of the partners of Grove and HFH, Ltd. are the record owners of certain real property located in the County of San Diego ("Parcel "F"). The legal description of Parcel (F is attached hereto as Exhibit "2", and incorporated herein by this reference. 1.5 Parcel F consists of approximately 8.92 acres. 1.6 On or about October 9, 1964, a Grant of Easement of Right-of-Way from Rildan, Inc., a predecessor-in-interest to plaintiff Grove Apartments Investment Co. ("Grove") to the City of Carlsbad ("Carlsbad") and the Vista Sanitation District ("VSD"), as tenants in common ("Rildan Easement"), dated July 23, 1964, was recorded in the office of the County Recorder, County HJRl8:Agr 2 -2- of San Diego, in Book 1964 at Page 184917. 1.7 On or about October 9, 1964, a Grant of Easement of Right-of-Way from Fawco, a partnership, Bernard Citron ("Citron"), and Harry J. L. Frank, Jr. ("Frank"), all predecessors-in-interest to plaintiff Grove, to Carlsbad and VSD, as tenants in common ("Fawco Easement"), dated July 23, 1964, was recorded in the Office of the County Recorder, County of San Diego, in Book 1964 at Page 184918. 1.8 On April 6, 1977, the City Council of Carlsbad adopted Ordinance No. 7047 and Ordinance No. 7048, which Ordinances were superseded by Ordinance No. 9518 creating Chapter 21.49 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and Ordinance No. 8073 creating Chapter 18.05 of the CMC, and which imposed a moratorium on the issuance of building permits in Carlsbad and a moratorium on the acceptance of applications for and granting of discretionary approvals for development projects in Carlsbad. 1.9 On or about September 12, 1977, Grove Apartments Investment Co. ("Grove"), a partnership, as successor in interest to Rildan Inc., Fawco, Citron, and Frank, filed an action in the Superior Court entitled "Grove Apartments Investment Co., a partnership, v. City of Carlsbad, a Municipal Corporation, Vista Sanitation District, a Public Corporation," being Civil Action No. N 9052 in the Superior Court for the County of San Diego, North County Branch (hereinafter "Action No. N 9052"), seeking, HJR18:Agr 2 -3- 9 among other things, a judicial determination of its rights and obligations under the Rildan and Fawco Easements and under Ordinance Nos. 7047 and 7048, as amended and supplemented. 1.10 On or about July 31, 1978, pursuant to leave granted by the Court therefor, Carlsbad filed a cross-complaint for declaratory relief adding HFH, Ltd. ("HFH") and Kamar Construction Company ("Kamar") as parties to this action. 1.11 The trial in the matter commenced in October 1978 and continued thereafter, except where recessed, until November 20, 1978 when all sides rested, with the presentation of numerous oral testimony and the introduction of voluminous exhibits by all parties. 1.12 On November 21, 1978, the Court, after hearing argument, issued certain tentative rulings, and ordered further briefing in said action. 1.13 Subsequent to November 21, 1978, the parties and others, after numerous meetings and other negotiations, entered into an Agreement for Settlement of Lawsuit and Mutual Releases (hereinafter the "Grove Settlement Agreement"), resolving, among other things, all the issues in the action. 1.14 Pursuant to said Grove Settlement Agreement the parties stipulated to entry of a Judgment Pursuant to Stipulation HJR18:Agr 2 -4- 73" (hereinafter the "Grove Judgment"), which thereafter was duly entered herein, and which provides for certain development rights with regard to the property which is the subject matter thereof. 1.15 The Grove Judgment provides, among other things, that the rights provided therein shall terminate after the 10th anniversary of events more specifically referred to therein, such that it could be contended that said rights would cease sometime in late 1989. 1.16 Subsequent to the entry of the Grove Judgment, certain of the real property which is the subject matter of the Grove Judgment was developed. 1.17 In order to develop and/or cause the development of certain remaining portions of the real property which is the subject matter of the Grove Judgment, Grove entered into an agreement with Odmark Development Company ("Odmark"), which, as from time to time amended (the "Grove Odmark Agreement"), provides for the sale to Odmark of Parcels D and E of the property, Parcel E being comprised of sub-parcels E and E Prime. 1.18 Pursuant to the Grove/Odmark Agreement, Odmark prepared certain designs and plans for a project involving the construction upon Parcel E of 216 condominium units (the "proposed condominium project"), thus involving a project density of 10.8 dwelling units ("dus") per acre, excluding designated HJR18:Agr 2 -5- open space and 40% slopes. 1.19 Prior to January 22, 1986, Odmark submitted to the Planning Department of the City of Carlsbad an Environmental/ Initial Study including numerous reports and supplemental reports evaluating potential environmental impacts of and corresponding mitigation measures for the proposed condominium project. 1.20 The Planning Director of the City of Carlsbad, after determining that the proposed condominium project would not cause any significant impacts because potential impacts had been mitigated, issued a Mitigated Negative Declaration, dated January 26, 1986, which, on February 5, 1986, was recommended for approval by the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad. 1.21 Odmark applied to the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad for approval of a two-lot tentative map and 216/unit condominium permit with regard to the project. 1.22 By Planning Commission Resolution No. 2538, the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad recommended approval of a two-lot tentative map and 216-unit condominium permit for the project. 1.23 On March 18, 1986, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad held a public hearing to consider the request by Odmark to approve the tentative map and condominium unit permit, and HJR18:Agr 2 -6- 9 7 further to consider approving the Mitigated Negative Declaration issued by the Planning Director and recommended for approval by the Planning Commission. 1.24 A number of members of the public appeared at said hearing to challenge the project, to advocate the acquisition by the City of Parcels D, E, and F (or portions thereof) for recreational purposes, and/or to question the conclusions of the Planning Director and Planning Commission leading to the issuance of the Mitigated Negative Declaration. 1.25 By Resolution No. 8468, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad disapproved the Mitigated Negative Declaration, and directed the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report for said project. 1.26 In connection with said action, the City Council voted to cause a review of both the General Plan and Hosp Grove Master Plan, and to consider the possibility of acquiring some or all of Parcels D, E and F. 1.27 Subsequent to the'foregoing, Grove and Odmark placed the City on notice of their position that the foregoing actions of the City Council in disapproving the Mitigated Negative Declaration, requiring that an Environmental Impact Report to be prepared concerning said project, causing the Hosp Grove Master Plan and General Plan to be reviewed were unlawful and in HJR18:Agr 2 -7- c violation of their rights, including their rights to development under the Judgment entered in this action. 1.28 Subsequent to the actions of the City Council described hereinabove, members of the public have continued to express a desire to attempt to acquire Parcels D, E and F, or some portion thereof, for park and/or recreational purposes, and Grove and Odmark have continued to assert their rights to develop said parcels. 1.29 Since April, 1986, representatives of the City of Carlsbad, Grove, and Odmark have met and otherwise communicated on numerous occasions in order to resolve the disputes which exist between them arising out of the foregoing. 1.30 On or about July , 1986, Grove, H.F.H., the Vista Sanitation District, Kamar Construction Company, and the City of Carlsbad entered into a Stipulation for Entry of Revised Judgment in Civil Action No. N 9052, pursuant to which a Revised Judgment Pursuant to Stipulation (the "Revised Grove Judgment") has been or will be duly entered therein; 1.31 It is now the desire and intention of the Grove and Odmark parties, on the one part, and the City of Carlsbad, on the other part, to compromise and resolve all of the disagreements and disputes which exist or may exist between them arising out of the foregoing, above, and also to resolve certain other matters. HJR18:Agr 2 -8- ?7 Pursuant to and in accordance with this desire, and in considera- tion of the promises and releases contained herein, the parties agree as follows: II RELEASES 2.0 Except as to any matters contained in the Revised Grove Judgment, Grove and Odmark, and each of them, do hereby release and absolutely discharge the City of Carlsbad of and from any and all claims, demands, damages, debts, liabilities, accounts, reckonings, obligations, costs, expenses, liens, actions and causes of action of every kind and nature whatever, whether now known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected, which Grove and/or Odmark now have, own, or hold or at any time heretofore ever had, owned or held based upon or arising out of any matter, cause, fact, thing, act or omission whatever occurring or existing at any time to and including the date hereof in connection with their ownership of and/or rights and/or attempts to develop Parcels D, E, and F (all of which are hereinafter referred to as and included within the "Released Matters"). 2.1 Except as to any matters contained in the Revised Grove Judgment, the City of Carlsbad does hereby release and absolutely HJR18:Agr 2 -9- discharge Grove and Odmark, and each of them, of and from any and all claims, demands, damages, debts, liabilities, accounts, reckonings, obligations, costs, expenses, liens, actions and causes of action of every kind and nature whatever, whether now known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected, which the City of Carlsbad now has, owns, or holds or at any time heretofore ever had, owned or held based upon or arising out of any matter, cause, fact, thing, act or omission whatever occurring or exist- ing at any time to and including the date hereof in connection with their ownership of and/or rights and/or attempts to develop Parcels D, E, and F (all of which are hereinafter referred to as and included within the "Released Matters"). 2.2 It is the intention of the parties in executing this Agreement, that this Agreement shall be effective as a full and final accord and satisfaction and general mutual release of and from all Released Matters, except only as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement. In furtherance of this intention, each of the parties acknowledges that it is familiar with Section 1542 of the Civil Code of the State of California, which provides as follows: "A general release does not extend to claims which the creditor does not know or suspect to exist in his favor at the time of executing the release, which if known by him must have materially affected his settle- ment with the debtor." HJR18:Agr 2 -10- Each of the parties waives and relinquishes any right or benefit which it has or may have under Section 1542 of the Civil Code of the State of California or any similar provision of the statutory or non-statutory law of any other jurisdiction to the full extent that it may lawfully waive all such rights and benefits pertaining to the subject matter of this Agreement. In connec- tion with such waiver and relinquishment, each of the parties acknowledges that it is aware that it or its attorneys may hereafter discover claims or facts in addition to or different from those which it now knows or believes to exist with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement or the other parties hereto, but that it is its intention hereby fully, finally, and forever to settle and release all of the Released Matters, known and unknown, suspected or unsuspected, which now exist, may exist, or heretofore have existed, between them. 2.3 The parties hereto each warrant and represent to the other that it is the sole and lawful owner of all right, title and interest in and to all of the respective Released Matters and that it has not heretofore, voluntarily, by operation of law or otherwise, assigned or transferred or purported to assign and transfer to any person whomsoever any Released Matter or any part or portion thereof, or any claim, demand or right against the other. Each of the parties shall indemnify and hold harmless the other from and against any claim, demand, damage, debt, liability, act, reckoning, obligation, cost, expense, lien, action, or cause of action (including payment of attorneys' fees HJR18:Agr 2 -11- and costs actually incurred whether or not litigation be commenced) based on or in connection with or arising out of any such assignment or transfer or purported or claimed assignment or transfer. III. BENEFICIARIES 3.0 This Agreement is not for the benefit of any person who is not a party signatory hereto or specifically named a beneficiary in this paragraph. The provisions of this Agreement and the releases contained herein shall extend to and inure to the benefit of, and be binding upon, in addition to the parties hereto, just as if they had executed this Agreement: the respective legal predecessors, successors and assigns of the parties; each and every entity which now is or ever was a parenti or subsidiary of Odmark; the respective past and present officers, shareholders, officials, directors, partners, employees, trustees, beneficiaries, and attorneys of the parties and/or of each such parent or subsidiary entity, and their respective legal successors and assigns; and each of the foregoing. HJR18:Agr 2 -12- IV. GENERAL 4.1 This Agreement and the releases contained herein and affect the settlement of claims which are denied and disputes which are contested, and nothing contained herein shall be construed as an admission by any party hereto of any liability of any kind to any other party. Each party expressly denies that it is in any way liable or indebted to any other party. 4.2 This Agreement and the Revised Judgment constitute and contain the entire agreement and understanding concerning the subject matter between the parties, set forth all promises and inducements made by any party to any other party with respect to any of the subject matter, and supersede and replace all prior negotiations, proposed agreements or agreements, written or oral. Each of the parties acknowledges to each of the other parties that no other party nor any agent or attorney of any other party has made any promise, representation or warranty whatsoever, express or implied, written or oral, not contained herein concerning the subject matter hereof to induce it to execute this Agreement, and each o'f the parties acknowledges that it has not executed this Agreement in reliance on any promise, representation or warranty not contained herein. 4.3 Each party acknowledges to each of the other parties that it has been represented by independent legal counsel of his HJRl8:Agr 2 -13- own choice throughout all of the negotiations which preceded the execution of this Agreement and that it has executed this Agreement with the consent and on the advice of such independent legal counsel. Each party further acknowledges that it and its counsel have had adequate opportunity to make whatever investigation or inquiry they may deem necessary or desirable in connection with the subject matter of this instrument prior to the execution hereof and the delivery and acceptance of the consideration specified herein. 4.4 This Agreement and any other documents referred to herein shall in all respects be interpreted, enforced and governed by and under the laws of the State of California applic- able to instruments, persons and transactions which have legal contracts and relationships solely within the State of California. Counsel for all parties have read and approved the language of this Agreement. The language of this Agreement shall be construed as a whole according to its fair meaning, and not strictly for or against any of the parties. 4.5 As used in this Agreement, "persons" includes natural persons, corporations, partnerships, joint ventures and any other entity. HJR18:Agr 2 -14- 4.6 Whenever in this Agreement the context so requires, the masculine gender shall be deemed to refer to and include the feminine and neuter, and the singular to refer to and include the plural. 4.7 This Agreement may be executed in counterparts and shall become effective when all parties have executed and acknow- ledged at least one counterpart and counterparts executed and acknowledged by all parties have been delivered to counsel for the parties. 4.8 The titles of the various articles of this Agreement are used for convenience of reference only and are not intended to and shall not in any way enlarge or diminish the rights or obligations of the parties or affect the meaning or construction of this document. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals as of the day and year first written above. GROVE APARTMENTS INVESTMENT CO. a partnership By: Its: HJR18:Agr 2 -15- H.F.H., LTD. By: Its: HARRY J. L. FRANK, JR. BERNARD CITRON TRUST By: Its: FRED A. BARTMAN, JR. MARITAL TRUST UNDER THE WILL OF WILLIAM S. BARTMAN By: Its: RESIDUARY TRUST UNDER THE WILL OF WILLIAM S. BARTMAN By: Its: ODMARK DEVELOPMENT CO. a corporation By: HJRl8:Agr 2 -16- ."*•%, Its: THE CITY OF CARLSBAD By: Its: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CONTENT: HAYUTIN, RUBINROIT, PRAW & KUPIETZKY By: Howard J. Rubinroit Attorneys for Grove Apartments Investment Co.; H.F.H., Ltd.; Harry J. L. Frank, Jr.; Bernard Citron Trust; Fred D. Bartman, Jr.; Marital Trust under the Will of William S. Bartman, Residuary Trust under the Will of William S. Bartman Vincent Biondo, Jr. City Attorney, City of Carlsbad PETERSON, THELAN & PRICE By: Attorneys for Odmark Development Co. HJR18:Agr 2 -17- EXHIBIT F PERMITTED EXCEPTIONS (a) Exceptions numbered 1 through 11 and 15 as disclosed in that certain Preliminary Title Report issued by First American Title Insurance Company, dated as of June 12, 1986 (Order No. 900394-2); and (b) Exceptions numbered 1 through 9 as disclosed in that certain Preliminary Title Report issued by First American Title Insurance Company, dated as of June 12, 1986 (Order No. 925612-2). EXHIBIT F EXHIBIT G INDEMNIFIED AGREEMENTS An Agreement regarding proposed roadways, dated October 26, 1977, upon the terms covenants and conditions contained therein. EXECUTED BY AND BETWEEN: GROVE APARTMENTS INVESTMENT CO. and KAMAR CONSTRUCTION CO. RECORDED: March 20, 1978 as File No. 78-108597 of Official Records. Modification of the 1977 Agreement between adjacent land owners, dated October 26, 1977, executed upon the terms, covenants and conditions contained therein, recorded October 16, 1978 as File No. 78-440517 of Official Records. A Second Modification to 1977 Agreement between adjacent land owners, dated November 3, 1982, executed upon the terms, covenants and conditions contained therein, recorded November 24, 1982 as File No. 82-363510 of Official Records. 3:31:x EXHIBIT G EXHIBIT H nsriiic «.?.•. LTD.. • Itelfttl ftTUirAS* •• to •* f!T! .1 t 1CHILE eiTEWJ 1AXTNAJI. •• traftti *f tk* Tnwt ttutlftthri mdtr ttt Vill KUUAD am TcMMl. •• tc •» «^lTldtd Mt-tiitH 0/1) l.ttrt.t; IAUY J.t. nm j». . «m.« ^ •• M. •!• •**** * *ft/I) imttrtit; IID A* iilTlttJI. JB., • Mrrltf MB M ottr f . •• U « m«MM «^tl«l» O/O t.ttrot; ffUO A.w mTiSiiiui. noius HID raitf r»d «UUH t wj^it .. •• Truttttt »ttder tbe lUrlul lr»it tfUMtttel w«tr tW Mil •! WILLUM S. lOTNUl «'«..'< Vf To •» »«iwl<td •nr-twelftli flAI) tottrtit; FUD A. IAJI nOMAS flED 14MMAF «^ TO1.UW i. IttWAH. Ji.t. »Wtt I. MJIWAJI. . 'JfeTlk. Be.!-!1A1TMAK. 4*cr..e<!, •• t* ••> «««iTl««d •^•tuelftli OA2) Siltrtit ORIGINAL EXHIBIT H * Q 00 00C/3 o rr OC CMSi < °>. O Ul <l°p 5 o "* ^ H > "J ".z £ 8 9nl ^ O rf(J CE <N 2z O "" cn > o1-o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 P4K*T» 25 26 27 28 V . •-' Nfeu^ RESOLUTION NO. 8700 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA APPROVING A BOND COUNSEL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND STRADLING, YOCCA, CARLSON & RAUTH FOR THE ISSUANCE OF GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS FOR THE ACQUISITION OF HOSP GROVE The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California does hereby resolve as follows: 1. That certain bond counsel agreement between the of Carlsbad and Stradling, Yocca, Carlson & Rauth for the / City issuance of general obligation bonds for the acquisition of Hosp Grove, marked Exhibit A and made a part hereof, is hereby approved. 2. That the Mayor of the City of Carlsbad is hereby authorized and directed to execute said agreement for and on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the the 22nd day of July / 1986 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin and Pettine NOES : None ABSENT: Council Member Chick XV / ^ Vf // $ «/ [A^*-^^, V - W-*-*-«-u^ MARY H. GASLER, Mayor ATTEST: A js n(Jj<JL&kj^_. ^ . V^-JSvJjEt^-rlA^a^,^ , ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, Cityc).erk BOND COUNSEL AGREEMENT (PARK BONDS) THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 23(to day of J~uL y , 1986, by and between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation ("City"), and STRADLING, YOCCA, CARLSON * RAUTH, a Professional Corporation ("Bond Counsel"); WI_TNES_S_ETH: A. City desires to finance the acquisition of a park and open space land by the issuance of general obligation bonds of the City. The estimated amount of the construction cost is $5,950,000. 3. City desires to retain Bond Counsel to do the necessary legal work hereiaafter outlined upon the terms and conditions herein set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, terms and conditions herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. City employs Bond Counsel to furnish legal services herein set forth and Bond Counsel agrees to furnish said legal services. Bond Counsel agrees to consult with and advise the City officials and its financial consultants as to the best legal method of accomplishing the objectives of the City as set forth in the recitals hereof. 2. Bond Counsel will give general advise regarding the bond election, prepare the documents necessary to call the bond election and the canvass of the results. Bond Counsel will prepare all documents to provide for the issuance and sale of the bonds, review the official statement, conduct the bond closing, and issue a legal approving opinion to the purchasers of the bonds. 3. For the services to be rendered under this Agreement, the City agrees to pay a fee based on the following schedule- Amount of Bonds To Be Issued Fee ?5,000,000 to $10,000,000 $15,000 plus .3 of 1% on the excess over $5,000,000 The foregoing fee will be paid following delivery of. the bonds. In addition to the foregoing, Bond Counsel shall be reimbursed for any out-of-pocket expenses incurred by it in the course of this employment, such as printing costs, filing fees, word processing time, reproduction of documents, messenger services, long distance telephone calls, travel outside of Southern California at the request of the City, and similar items. In the event Bond Counsel is requested to perform additional work outside of its services as Bond Counsel, Bond Counsel will be paid additional compensation therefor at the hourly rate of the attorney performing such services; provided, 2249k/2062/ -2- however, there shall be no additional compensation due Bond Counsel under this paragraph without the prior approval of the City. Should the election fail or bonds not be issued, the City will pay Bond Counsel a fee with respect to the abandoned proceedings based on the hourly rate of the attorney performing services prior to abandonment, but not to exceed the minirnu.n fee hereinabove set forth. 4. Bond Counsel may, from time to time, have clients with interests adverse to the City. Bond Counsel reserves the right to represent said clients except on matters relating to the issuance and sale of the bonds described herein. Ill WITNESS WHEREOF, as of the date first hereinabove written, the City has caused this instrument to be executed by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk; and Bond Counsel has caused this instrument to be executed on its behalf. CITY OF CARLSBAD - '• /'•' / // / Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk 3TRADLING, YOCCA, CARLSON & RAUTH A Professional Corporation By 2249X/2062/ -3- RESOLUTION NO. 87011 2 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, REQUESTING THE BOARD OF 3 SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO TO CONSOLIDATE THE BOND ELECTION OF SAID CITY TO 4 BE HELD NOVEMBER 4, 1986, WITH THE STATEWIDE ELECTION TO BE HELD ON SAME DATE. 5 6 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, 7 California, has commenced proceedings for the calling of a bond 8 election in the City to be held on November 4, 1986; and 9 WHEREAS, it is desirable that said bond election be 10 consolidated with the statewide election to be held on the same 11 date, and that within the City the precincts, polling places and 12 election officers for the two elections be the same, and that the 13 Board of Supervisors canvass the returns of the City bond 14 election, and that said statewide election and said City bond 15 election be held in all respects as if there were only one 16 election; 17 NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad 18 hereby does find, determine, resolve and order as follows: 19 1. That the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Diego 20 be and it is hereby requested to consolidate the bond election to 21 be held in said City on November 4, 1986, with the statewide 22 election to be held on said date. 23 2. That the exact form of the proposition to be voted upon 24 at said election as the same shall appear on the ballot is as 25 follows: 26 /// 27 /// 28 //// STRADLING. YOCCA. CARLSON ft RAUTH LAWYERS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 STRADLING YOCCA. CARLSON a RAUTH Bond Proposition: Shall the City of Carlsbad, California, incur a bonded indebtedness in the principal amount of $5,950,000 for the purpose of the acquisition by said City of a certain municipal improvement, to wit: approximately 52.68 acres of undeveloped land known as Hosp Grove to be acquired for park and open space purposes, and for the payment of all costs and expenses in connection with such acquisition and the issuance of the bonds? That a proposition shall be designated on the ballot by a letter printed on the left margin of the square containing the description of the measure, as provided in Section 10219 of the Elections Code. 3. That said Board of Supervisors is hereby authorized to canvass the returns of said City bond election, and that said bond election -and said statewide election shall be held in all respects as if there were only one election, and only one form of ballot shall be used. 4. That said Board of Supervisors is hereby requested to issue to all officers of said County charged with duties pertaining to said statewide election instructions to take any and all steps necessary for the holding of said consolidated election. 5. That the City Clerk of said City is hereby directed to file a certified copy of this resolution with the Registrar of -2- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 STRADLING. YOCCA. CARLSON & RAUTH «te,X' Voters of said County and with the County Clerk. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, at a regular meeting held on the 22nd day of Julv » 1986, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin and Pettine NOES : None ABSENT: Council Member Chick y ,• jjn i MARY H. (CASLER • Mayor ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ , City Clerfk , 2337k/2062/ -3- o 8 g 10 11 12 Q CO(0 iiii 14 sg<^ 15 LL • _l Z | O Q Ifini Z 5 < J-W O £ Ji CD It 3> h oc v 5 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 8702 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA APPROVING A STIPULATION FOR ENTRY OF REVISED JUDGMENT IN GROVE APARTMENTS V. CITY OF CARLSBAD The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California hereby resolves as follows: 1. The Stipulation for Entry of Revised Judgment in Grove Apartments v. City of Carlsbad attached hereto is approved, PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California on the 22nd day of juiy by the following vote, to wit; AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin and Pettine NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Chick J tf)JJ- C^J-* MARY H./ CASLER, Mayor ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clterk 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 HAYUTIN, RUBINROIT, PRAW & KUPIETZKY Howard J. Rubinroit 2029 Century Park East, Suite 1515 Los Angeles, California 90067 I (213) 277-5050 Attorneys for Plaintiff GROVE APARTMENTS INVESTMENT CO. , and Cross-Defendant HFH, LTD. SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE FOR THE COUNTY OF LOS GROVE APARTMENTS INVESTMENT CO.,) NO. a partnership, ) Plaintiff, ) vs. ) OF CALIFORNIA ANGELES N 9052 CITY OF CARLSBAD, a Municipal ) STIPULATION FOR ENTRY corporation, et al., ) OF REVISED JUDGMENT Defendants. ) CITY OF CARLSBAD, a Municipal ) corporation, ) Cross-Complainant, ) vs. ) HFH, LTD., a partnership, KAMAR ) CONSTRUCTION CO., a partnership,) and DOES I through XV, ) inclusive, ) Cross-Defendants. ) The parties to this Stipulation are Grove Apartments I ment Co., the City of Carlsbad, the Vista Sanitation Distri 2:18:Stip -1- V- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 and Kamar Construction. This stipulation is made and entered into under the following circumstances: WHEREAS, on or about October 9, 1964, a Grant of Easement of Right-of-Way from Rildan, Inc., a predecessor-in-interest to plaintiff Grove Apartments Investment Co. ("Grove") to the City of Carlsbad ("Carlsbad") and the Vista Sanitation District ("VSD"), as tenants in common ("Rildan Easement"), dated July 23, 1964, was recorded in the office of the County Recorder, County of San Diego, in Book 1964 at Page 184917; and WHEREAS, on or about October 9, 1964, a Grant of Easement of Right-of-Way from Fawco, a partnership, Bernard Citron ("Citron"), and Harry J. L. Frank, Jr. ("Frank"), all predecessors-in-interest to plaintiff Grove, to Carlsbad and VSD, as tenants in common ("Fawco Easement"), dated July 23, 1964, was recorded in the Office of the County Recorder, County of San Diego, in Book 1964 at Page 184918; and WHEREAS, on April 6, 1977, the City Council of Carlsbad adopted Ordinance No. 7047 and Ordinance No. 7048, which Ordinances were superseded by Ordinance No. 9518 creating Chapter 21.49 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and Ordinance No. 8073 creating Chapter 18.05 of the CMC, and which imposed a moratorium on the issuance of building permits in Carlsbad and a moratorium on the acceptance of applications for and granting of discre- tionary approvals for development projects in Carlsbad; and 2:18:Stip -2- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 WHEREAS, on or about September 12, 1977, Grove Apartments Investment Co. ("Grove"), a partnership, as successor in interest to Rildan Inc., Fawco, Citron, and Frank, filed an action in the Superior Court entitled "Grove Apartments Investment Co., a partnership, v. City of Carlsbad, a Municipal Corporation, Vista Sanitation District, a Public Corporation," being Civil Action No. N 9052 in the Superior Court for the County of San Diego, North County Branch (hereinafter "Action No. N 9052") , seeking, among other things, a judicial determination of its rights and obligations under the Rildan and Fawco Easements and under Ordinance Nos. 7047 and 7048, as amended and supplemented; and WHEREAS, on or about July 31, 1978, pursuant to leave granted by the Court therefor, Carlsbad filed a cross-complaint for declaratory relief adding HFH, Ltd. ("HFH") and Kamar Construction Company ("Kamar") as parties to this action; and WHEREAS, the trial in the matter commenced in October 1978 and continued thereafter, except where recessed, until November 20, 1978 when all sides rested, with the presentation of numerous oral testimony and the introduction of voluminous exhibits by all parties; and WHEREAS, on November 21, 1978, the Court, after hearing argument, issued certain tentative rulings, and ordered further briefing in said action; and 2:18:Stip -3- V 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 WHEREAS, subsequent to November 21, 1978, the parties and others, after numerous meetings and other negotiations, entered into an Agreement for Settlement of Lawsuit and Mutual Releases (hereinafter the "Grove Settlement Agreement"), resolving, among other things, all the issues in the action; and WHEREAS, pursuant to said Grove Settlement Agreement the parties stipulated to entry of a Judgment Pursuant to Stipulation (hereinafter the "Grove Judgment"), which thereafter was duly entered herein, and which provides for certain development rights with regard to the property which is the subject matter thereof; and WHEREAS, the Grove Judgment provides, among other things, that the rights provided therein shall terminate after the 10th anniversary of events more specifically referred to therein, such that it could be contended that said rights would cease sometime in late 1989; and WHEREAS, subsequent to the entry of the Grove Judgment, and in reliance on the rights granted thereunder, Grove expended substantial sums of money and incurred substantial liabilities in developing or causing to be developed certain of the real property which is the subject matter of the Grove Judgment; and WHEREAS, in order to develop and/or cause the development of certain remaining portions of the real property which is the 2:18:Stip — 4 — Io3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 subject matter of the Grove Judgment, and in reliance on rights granted thereunder, Grove entered into an agreement with Odmark Development Company ("Odmark"), which, as from time to time amended (the "Grove Odmark Agreement"), provides for the sale to Odmark of Parcels D and E of the property, Parcel E being comprised of sub-parcels E and E Prime; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Grove/Odmark Agreement, and in reliance on rights granted under the Grove Judgment, Odmark, expended substantial sums of monies and incurred substantial liabilities in attempting to develop Parcels D and E, including preparing certain designs and plans for a project involving the construction upon Parcel E of 216 condominium units (the "proposed condominium project"), thus involving a project density of 10.8 dwelling units ("dus") per acre, excluding designated open space and 40% slopes; and WHEREAS, the Land Use Element of the General Plan of the City of Carlsbad designates the area in which Parcel E is located as RMH, thus calling for densities of 10-20 dus/acre, and the newly revised General Plan density for the area calls for densities of 8-15 dus/acre; and WHEREAS, the area in which the property is located is zoned Planned Community, and, as such, is required to be developed under a master plan, which master plan (the "Hosp Grove Master Plan") would permit 240 units to be developed on Parcel E, and 2:18:Stip -5- V^ WHEREAS, prior to January 22, 1986, Odmark submitted to the Planning Department of the City of Carlsbad an Environmental/ Initial Study including numerous reports and supplemental reports evaluating potential environmental impacts of and corresponding mitigation measures for the proposed condominium project; and WHEREAS, the Planning Director of the City of Carlsbad, ° after determining that the proposed condominium project would not cause any significant impacts because potential impacts had been mitigated, issued a Mitigated Negative Declaration, dated January 11 26, 1986, which, on February 5, 1986, was recommended for approval by the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad; and 13 WHEREAS, Odmark applied to the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad for approval of a two-lot tentative map and 216/unit condominium permit with regard to the project, and 17 WHEREAS, by Planning Commission Resolution No. 2538, the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad recommended approval of a two-lot tentative map and 216-unit condominium permit for the project; and 22 23 WHEREAS, on March 18, 1986, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad held a public hearing to consider the request by Odmark to approve the tentative map and condominium unit permit, and to 2^ further consider approving the Mitigated Negative Declaration issued by the Planning Director and recommended for approval by pa the Planning Commission; and 2:18:Stip -6- 1 WHEREAS, a number of members of the public appeared at said 2 hearing to challenge the project, to advocate the acquisition by the City of Parcels D, E, and F {or portions thereof) for recreational purposes, and/or to question the conclusions of the Planning Director and Planning Commission leading to the issuance of the Mitigated Negative Declaration; and 7 8 WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 8468, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad disapproved the Mitigated Negative Declaration, 10 and directed the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report 11 for said project; and 12 WHEREAS, in connection with said action, the City Council voted to cause a review of both the General Plan and Hosp Grove Master Plan, and to consider the possibility of acquiring some or all of Parcels D, E and F; and 17 18 WHEREAS, subsequent to the foregoing, Grove and Odmark placed the City on notice of their position that the foregoing 20 actions of the City Council in disapproving the Mitigated Nega- 21 tive Declaration, requiring that an Environmental Impact Report 22 4.,-, HO prepared concerning said project, and causing the Hosp 23 Grove Master Plan and General Plan to be reviewed were unlawful and in violation of their rights, including their rights to development under the Grove Judgment entered in this action; and 26 2' WHEREAS, subsequent to the actions of the City Council described hereinabove, members of the public, have continued to 2:18:Stip -7- express a desire to attempt to acquire Parcels D, E and F, or some portion thereof, for park and/or recreational purposes, and Grove and Odmark have continued to assert their rights to develop said parcels; and 5 6 WHEREAS, the citizens of the City of Carlsbad have circulated petitions to qualify for inclusion on the November, 1986 ballot a measure which, if passed and valid, would have the effect of severely limiting the number of residential units which could be developed in the City of Carlsbad commencing in January 1987 and continuing until at least 1995; and 12 WHEREAS/ the City of Carlsbad has been studying, has already implemented and may, in the future, further implement measures and methods which have and/or may have the effect of limiting and/or restricting the timing and/or number of residential units which could be developed in the City of Carlsbad commencing in January 1987 and continuing until at least 1995; and 19 WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad has imposed and may in the future further impose a moratoria which restricts or prevents 22 pursuing certain developmental activities and/or seeking certain 23 developmental approvals and/or permits; and 24 WHEREAS, since in or about April, 1986, representatives of " the City of Carlsbad, Grove, and Odmark have met and otherwise communicated on numerous occasions in order to resolve the 28 2:18:Stip -8- 1 disputes which exist between them arising out of the foregoing; 2 and 3 i WHEREAS, the Grove Group, on the one hand, and the City of Carlsbad, on the other, disagree as to the extent and legal effect of the rights and obligations concerning development which are provided for in Grove Judgment, in that, among other things: 8 a) The City of Carlsbad contends that such rights and obligations relate only to the ability of the "Private Parties" 11 as defined therein (which include the Grove Group) to proceed 12 with development notwithstanding a sewer moratorium and the right to sewer service, but 14 b) The Grove Group contends that it has rights there- under, including vested rights, to proceed with and complete full development of the property referred to in the Grove Judgment by August 28, 1989, in accordance with the Hosp Grove Master Plan and to the densities referred to in the Grove Judgment; and 20 WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad, Grove, and Odmark have 22 reached a Settlement designed to resolve the disputes which exist between them (hereinafter the "Carlsbad/Grove/Odmark Settlement") 24 and which, among other things, provides for the following: 25 2" \t That the citizens of the City of Carlsbad will be 2' presented the opportunity, by a ballot measure to be placed on the November 4, 1986 ballot, to vote to acquire Parcels D, E and 2:18:Stip -9- -"- F for an agreed upon purchase price, which purchase would be * implemented and funded under circumstances and pursuant to mechanisms fully set forth in an Agreement for Purchase and Sale of Real Property which the parties hereto are executing contemporaneously herewith (the "Purchase Agreement"); 6 ' 2. That, pending the results of said ballot measure and thereafter, Grove and/or Odmark will be permitted to pursue efforts to develop Parcels D and E in a certain manner described and designed in the Revised Judgment provided for herein as the 11 "Proposed Judgment", including seeking and/or applying for any -I r)necessary governmental approvals or permits therefor, and that the City of Carlsbad will utilize its best efforts to facilitate the same; 15 3. That, if said ballot measure fails to obtain the requisite vote necessary for passage, but if the City of Carlsbad ° issues the Discretionary Government Approvals (as defined in the Revised Judgment provided for herein), then: 20 a) The City of Carlsbad will purchase Parcel F for an PP^ agreed upon purchase price, which purchase would be implemented p-Z0 and funded under circumstances and pursuant to mechanisms fully OA set forth in the Purchase Agreement; 25 b) Grove and/or Odmark will dedicate in fee that ?7 portion of Parcel E which is not the subject of the Proposed 28 2:18:Stip -10- 101 ,..-/ Development (as defined in the Revised Judgment provided for herein); and c) Grove and/or Odmark will have vested rights to develop the Proposed Development in accordance with the Revised Judgment provided for herein; and 7 WHEREAS, if the Purchase Agreement is fully consummated and performed by the parties thereto, it will be unnecessary to resolve the disputes between the parties as to the effect of the Grove Judgment, but, if not, the parties desire to reserve all their rights to litigate the same; and 13 WHEREAS, to implement and facilitate the Carlsbad/Grove/ Odmark Settlement, it is necessary to clarify, modify and revise the Grove Judgment previously entered herein; 17 18 THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED AND AGREED, by and between the parties, through their attorneys: 20 1. That the Court may enter a Revised Judgment in this PP action in the form of, and providing for the matters contained in, Exhibit 1 attached hereto, which is, by this reference, made P4-a part hereof; 25 pe<=;o 2. That the parties hereto waive any and all findings of ?7 fact and conclusions of law and/or rights to a statement of po decision and/or similar or related rights in connection with the 2:18:Stip -11- 1 Revised Judgment, and any and all rights to appeal therefrom or 2 any part thereof; 3 ! -3. That if the City of Carlsbad fully complies with its obligations under the Purchase Agreement and the Revised Judgment, but the Proposed Development nevertheless is not achieved or is delayed because of acts or omissions of parties other than the City of Carlsbad, its officers, employees, or agents, the City of Carlsbad shall bear no responsibility therefor; and 11 4. That in any subsequent proceeding between the parties hereto arising out of an alleged breach of the Purchase Agreement and/or alleged failure to comply with the Revised Judgment, neither of the parties shall have the right to recover or seek recovery of monetary damages from the other, and their sole -*-' recourse shall be to seek non-monetary relief, including, but not limited to, by way of writs of mandamus and/or prohibition, declaratory relief, injunctive relief, specific performance, contempt, or similar remedies; and 21 24 25 26 27 28 5. In any such subsequent proceeding, the agreements concerning reservation of rights and other matters contained in a 2:18:Stip -12- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 letter agreement between the parties, dated July , 1986, attached hereto as Exhibit 2 shall apply. DATED: July , 1986 HAYUTIN, RUBINROIT, PRAW & KUPIETZKY By_ Howard J. Rubinroit Attorneys for Plaintiff Grove Apartments Investment Co. DATED: July , 1986 CARLSBAD CITY ATTORNEY BY. Vincent Biondo, Jr. Attorney for the City of Carlsbad DATED: July , 1986 VISTA CITY ATTORNEY By- Attorneys for Vista Sanitation District DATED: July , 1986 DAUBNEY and BANCHE By_ Nicholas Banche Attorneys for Cross-Defendant KAMAR CONSTRUCTION 2:18:Stip -13- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 HAYUTIN, RUBINROIT, PRAW & KUPIETZKY Howard J. Rubinroit 2029 Century Park East, Suite 1515 Los Angeles, California 90067 (213) 277-5050 Attorneys for Plaintiff GROVE APARTMENTS INVESTMENT CO., and Cross-Defendant HFH, LTD. SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES GROVE APARTMENTS INVESTMENT CO.,) a partnership, ) Plaintiff, ) vs. ) CITY OF CARLSBAD, a Municipal ) corporation, et al., ) Defendants. ) ) ) ) NO. N 9052 CITY OF CARLSBAD, a Municipal corporation, Cross-Complainant, REVISED JUDGMENT PURSUANT TO STIPULATION vs. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Cross-Defendants. ) ) HFH, LTD., a partnership, KAMAR CONSTRUCTION CO., a partnership, and DOES I through XV, ' inclusive, If? 1 2:15:Judgment The Court, having read and considered the Stipulation for Entry of Revised Judgment, and being familiar with the evidenceo (oral and documentary), records and files in this action, ORDERS, DECREES AND ADJUDGES as follows:5 6 1. Grove Apartments Investment Co. ("Grove") and/or H.F.H., Ltd. ("H.F.H."), and/or their successors, assigns, or8 designees, including, but not limited to Odmark Development Co. ("Odmark") (all of the foregoing hereinafter sometimes referred to as the "Grove Group") shall be and are entitled to, and will diligently, pursue applications for the development of the following real property ("Property") for the following purposes 14 a. Hosp Grove Parcel E (which is comprised of Sub-15 Parcels E and E Prime, and which is more particu-16 larly described in Exhibit "A" hereto), for the purpose of constructing a retail commercial18 development consisting of no less than 95,890 J. »7 square feet of gross leasable floor area upon 8.8 usable acres pursuant to C-2-Q Zone (Carlsbad <i J- Municipal Code Chapters 21.18 and 21.06), in the general area on Parcel E adjacent to Marron Road on both sides of .Monroe Street, and with access and egress approved by the Grove Group, which _. approval shall not be unreasonably withheld; anddo 27 b. Hosp Grove Parcel D (which is more particularly described in Exhibit "A" hereto), for the purpose 2:15:Judgment - 2 - 1 of constructing thereon 108 residential dwelling units in one or more buildings not exceeding threeo stories in height. 5 2. Notwithstanding any moratoria or other restriction as6 to its ability or right to accept applications or issue entitle- ments for the improvement or development of real property8 presently in force or hereinafter enacted by the City of «/ Carlsbad, the City of Carlsbad, and any and all of its depart- ments, agencies, or officials having jurisdiction or responsi- bility for the same, shall, upon the proper filing, submittal and/or application of or for said approvals or permits, forthwithlo accept such applications and proceed to process the same fully, diligently and timely.15 16 3. Without limiting the foregoing, the City of Carlsbad with respect to the development referred to in paragraphs la and18 Ib hereinabove (hereinafter the "Proposed Development"), shall J- t7 forthwith: 21 a. Undertake all necessary and appropriate review and evaluation of the potential environmental impact . of the Proposed Development and of any other approval or other matters concerning or necessaryfL O _- to implement such Proposed Development for whichdo review and evaluation of the potential environ- ^ f mental impact is necessary or required, indo 2:15:Judgment accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act and Title 19 of the Carlsbad Municipalo Code as presently enacted, and utilize its best efforts to cause the environmental processing and5 evaluation to be obtained in conformity with all6 applicable legal requirements prior to November 4, 8 1986i 9 b. Undertake all necessary and appropriate steps, including, but not limited to, accepting and expeditiously processing any and all proper-L <j filings, submittals, or applications by the Grove_Lo Group in connection therewith, to effect (i) an ._ amendment of the Hosp Grove Master Plan and thelo __ General Plan, (ii) a rezoning of that portion of16 Hosp Grove Parcel E which is part of the Proposed Development to a C-2-Q zone, and (iii) the18 issuance of a planned development permit for Hosp ~L *7 Grove Parcel D and a site plan approval for Hosp Grove Parcel E, and otherwise permit a planned & -L development of such portion of Hosp Grove Parcel E and Parcel D to the end that such amendments, rezoning, approvals and permits will be consistent (*» 4r „ with and authorize the Proposed Development, and& o each component thereof. City of Carlsbad shall £j O further permit the filing of a tentative subdivi- sion map respecting the Property, as may bedo 2:15:Judgment - 4 - *"' 3 Jio necessary to permit and implement the Proposed Development. City of Carlsbad shall utilize its best efforts to cause the foregoing to occur prior to November 4, 1986. As used herein, theb term "Discretionary Governmental Approvals" shall6 mean the actions described in clauses (i) , (ii) and (iii) above, and the approval by the City ofo Carlsbad of a tentative subdivision tract map for the Property subject only to such conditions of approval as are customarily applied at the present time to like or similar developments, provided such conditions of approval do not prohibit or substantially impair the timely completion of the Proposed Development. However, City may requireJ_ O . .. that Grove Group shall dedicate or cause to be16 dedicated (concurrently with the recordation of a tract map for Parcel E) that portion of Parcel E18 which is not the subject of the Proposed Develop- ment, but shall not require that Grove Group improve any portion of Monroe Street which is contiguous to that portion of Parcel E so dedicated. If the City of Carlsbad determines . that such improvement of Monroe Street shall be fcrr otherwise required, the City shall cause such& 0 0. improvement at its sole cost and expense, and at/so no cost or expense to the Grove Group. £j f 28 2:15:Judgment - 5 - c. Approve all necessary and appropriate public easements for water and utilities as are within3 the jurisdiction of the City to approve and which are necessary to service the Proposed Development.5 6 d. Accept, and expeditiously and in good faith process subject to satisfaction by the Grove Group8 of all conditions of the approvals and other */ conditions therefor which properly could be imposed as of the date hereof pursuant to this Revised Judgment, applications and submittals for -L & all discretionary, governmental approvals and all J-O ministerial permits or approvals including, but not limited to, grading permits, building permits,15 and certificates of occupancy.16 17 e. Allow amendment by the Grove Group of any specific18 plans or master plans, and maps related thereto, heretofore filed and approved with regard to or affecting the development of Parcels D and E, in such manner as may be necessary to adjust the&& number of dwelling units in any such parcel or to change the design approach in accordance with and so as to permit the Proposed Development of Parcels D and E. All such amendment (s) must be consistent with presently enacted laws and good ^ f 2Q planning; 2:15: Judgment - 6 - f. Provided all applicable City requirements which properly could be imposed as of the date hereofo pursuant to this Revised Judgment are met, permit the Grove Group to record a final map for any and5 all of Parcels D and E, and toll the time limita-6 tions for all other discretionary permits or approvals by a period of time equal to the length8 of time for which any of said Parcels does not have sufficient sewer capacity necessary for the development of any such Parcel. 12 4. After the Grove Group has obtained the Discretionary J.O Governmental Approvals pursuant to the foregoing, the Grove Group shall have the vested right to commence, complete, implement, use15 and occupy the Proposed Development, in accordance with the16 Discretionary Governmental Approvals. The City of Carlsbad shall not, for a period of time not less than three (3) years following18 the issuance of the last Discretionary Governmental Approvals, ^ */ except upon prior consent of the Grove Group, modify or impose new requirements for further discretionary approvals, or take any other action, which prohibits, substantially impairs, or is in conflict with the Proposed Development. However, (i) City may apply new rules, regulations, and policies.for the Proposed Development which are not in conflict with presently existing25 rules, regulations, and policies, and which do not delay or in26 any manner materially and adversely affect the Proposed t+t ( Development, (ii) the Grove Group has the right to seek the28 2:15:Judgment revision of such rules, regulations, and ordinances otherwise applicable to the Proposed Development, and (iii) if the Groveo Group shall breach its obligations to convey Parcel F or the Property, as the case may be, pursuant to the Agreement of5 Purchase and Sale of Real Property executed by City and Grove6 Group dated as of July 15, 1986, any approvals theretofore issued by the City in accordance with this Judgment may not be utilized8 by the Grove Group except pursuant to further order of the Court. 10 5. The vested right of the Grove Group to develop the Proposed Development, as aforesaid, shall not be subject to J_ tZt frustration, delay, impairment and shall not in any manner be adversely affected by any moratorium or growth limiting or similar measure presently or hereafter enacted by the City of15 Carlsbad, or imposed pursuant to any ballot measure adopted by16 the citizens thereof. The City of Carlsbad is estopped and precluded from asserting the application or effectiveness of any18 such moratorium or other measure to or concerning the Proposed -i- •/ Development. To the extent that the City purports to treat the Proposed Development as being subject to any such moratorium, growth limiting, or similar measure, it shall give such priority to the Proposed Development thereunder as is necessary to permit the full implementation .of the Proposed Development to the same degree as if the Proposed Development were exempt therefrom. (Zi O 26 6. The Grove Group shall have the right to receive 676 (Zt ( Equivalent Dwelling Units ("E.D.U.") of capacity in the Encinado 2:15:Judgment - 8 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Sewage System under this Revised Judgment, which shall be distributed as follows: Parcels D and E Parcel F May Stores Noncoastal Zone Commercial Parcels May Stores Coastal Zone Commercial Parcel 276 E.D.U.'s 180 E.D.U.'s 20 E.D.U.'s 200 E.D.U.'s 7. Payment, if any, by the Grove Group, for the 676 E.D.U.'s of capacity shall be made as follows: Parcels D and E Parcels F May Stores Non-Coastal Zone Commercial Parcel May Stores Coastal Zone Commercial Parcel 276 E.D.U.'s $150 per E.D.U. 180 E.D.U..'s $150 per E.D.U. 20 E.D.U.'s Free 100 E.D.U.'s $150 per E.D.U. Up to 100 Statutory Fee additional for Charge E.D.U.'s for sewer capacity, if any, at time of purchase. 2:15:Judgment - 9 - 8. The Grove Group shall be subject to all taxes, fees, and charges of general application for their activities within theo City of Carlsbad sewer service area including ownership and development of land, except that any taxes (other than Ad Valorem5 property taxes), fees, or charges, or any portions thereof,6 earmarked for sewage disposal purposes, or charged or used in lieu thereof, shall not be payable by the Grove Group with regard8 to any development utilizing the 676 E.D.U.'s of capacity set «7 forth in Paragraph 6 above, other than those specifically provided for in Paragraph 7 above and the monthly sewer service charges applicable to all users in the Carlsbad sewer service J_ (Z* area of the Encina System. J.O 14 9. The Grove Group shall, pursuant to the terms of this15 Judgment, have the right to connect up to 676 units of develop-16 ment to manholes located within the Unit B outfall trunk sewer line. Said parties shall further have the right, as an alterna-18 tive, to connect not more than 400 of said E.D.U.'s to the sewer •L. */ line located in El Camino Real in lieu of connecting such number of connections in said trunk sewer line. Said parties shall be responsible for any and all reimbursement fees incurred by connecting to the El Camino Real Sewer Line as well as all actual costs of physical attachment to the reconstructed or the El {** TC Camino Real sewer lines.& D 26 10. The Grove Group shall have the right to accumulate the fZt i OQ E.D.U.'s to be received pursuant to this Judgment. The right todo 2:15:Judgment - 10 - receive and to accumulate such E.D.U.'s, and the right to either free or reduced fees and charges for such E.D.U.'s received oro accumulated as provided for in this Judgment shall: (1) be transferable between the parcels referred to in paragraphs 6 and5 7 (2) shall run with the land, and (3) shall be fully assignable6 but only so as to run appurtenant to the parcels referred to in paragraphs 6 and 7 hereinabove.8 9n 11. If they have not already done so, Carlsbad and the Vista Sanitation District shall take whatever steps are necessary to cause the vacation and reversion to the original grantors, or J_ & their successors or assigns, of the following easements:J_u 14 a. Grant of Easement of Right-of-Way, dated July 23,15 1964, from Citron, Frank, and Fawco to VSD and16 Carlsbad, a copy of which ia attached hereto as Exhibit "C";18 19 (| b. Grant of Easement of Right-of-Way, dated July 23, (Zt\J 1964 from Rildan to VSD and Carlsbad, a copy of M J- which is attached hereto as Exhibit "D" (**(** 23 c. Grant of Easement of Right-of-Way, dated May 8, <drt 1972, from Citron, Frank, and Fawco to VSD and fCi O Carlsbad, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit26 'E";27 ' 28 2:15:Judgment - 11 - 1 d. Easement, dated May 8, 1972, from Citron, Frank, fc and Fawco to VSD and Carlsbad, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "F";4 5 e. Easement, identified on Map No. 8956, recorded6 August 11, 1979, from PCR, Citron, Frank, Bartman, Residuary Trust, Marital Trust, and May Stores to8 VSD and Carlsbad. •7 10 ii I 12. Except as otherwise provided in paragraphs 13 and 14 hereinbelow, and except upon a breach or failure by the City of J. fCt Carlsbad to comply herewith, the rights and obligations providedlo for in this Revised Judgment shall expire, and this Revised __ Judgment shall terminate and be of no further force and effect on15 _ .. August 28, 1989.ID 17 13. Notwithstanding Paragraph 12 hereof:18 19 n A. Should the "Property Close of Escrow" occur as <o W provided for in the Agreement for Purchase and & JL Sale of Real Property, dated as of July 15, 1986, between the -Grove Group and the City of Carlsbad (the "Purchase Agreement"), any and all develop- ment rights (but not the rights and obligations regarding E.D.U.'s and other sewer-related rights and obligations) provided for herein in connection fZ* I 28 2:15:Judgment - 12 - I < with Parcels D, E, and F only shall terminate immediately;3 4 14. Notwithstanding Paragraphs 12 and 13 hereof:5 6 A. Should the "Parcel F Close of Escrow" not occur as provided for in the Purchase Agreement, and shouldo said Purchase Agreement therefore be terminated, 10 then: (1) The rights and obligations provided for in this Revised Judgment shall continue in effect until April 30, 1990.lo (2) The City of Carlsbad shall allow amendment by _ _ the Grove Group of any specific plans orlo master plans, and maps related thereto, filed16 and approved with regard to or affecting the development of Parcel F in such manner as may18 be necessary to adjust the number of dwelling J- */ units therein or to change the design approach in accordance with and so as to permit development according to the presently existing density for Parcel F. All such lid . amendment(s) must be consistent with present- fZt ft f. ly enacted laws and good planning; and 26 27 28 2:15:Judgment - 13 - (3) Provided all applicable City requirements which properly could be imposed as of the date hereof pursuant to this Revised Judgment are met, the City of Carlsbad shall permito the Grove Group to record a final map for6 Parcel F, and toll the time limitations for all other discretionary permits or approvals8 by a period of time equal to the length of »7 time for which said Parcel does not have sufficient sewer capacity necessary for the development of such Parcel. 13 B. Should the "Parcel F Close of Escrow" occur as14 provided for in the Purchase Agreement, any and15 all development rights (but not the rights16 regarding E.D.U.'s and other sewer-related rights) provided for in connection with Parcel F only18 shall terminate; and 20 ii C. The City of Carlsbad shall: (1) Allow amendment by the Grove Group of any specific plans or master plans, and maps related thereto, heretofore filed and approved with regard to or affecting the <c D __ development of the May Stores commercial26 parcels (which are more particularly(L f described in Exhibit "A" hereto), in such(88 2:15:Judgment - 14 - manner as may be necessary to adjust the number of dwelling units in any such parcel3 I or to change the design approach in accordance with and so as to permit theo development according to presently existing „ densities of the May Stores commercial _ parcels. All such amendment(s) must beo consistent with presently enacted laws and good planning; and 11 (2) Provided all applicable City requirements -L £Zt which properly could be imposed as of the-Lo date hereof pursuant to this Revised Judgment .. are met, permit the Grove Group to record a ,_ final map for any and all of the May Stores commercial properties, and toll the time .0 limitations for all other discretionary J-O permits or approvals by a period of time equal to the length of time for which any of said Parcels does not have sufficient sewer capacity necessary for the development of any such Parcel. £4 15. No damages shall be awarded to any of the parties to tZ> O this action for any matter or cause occurring prior to the entry ?7 of the original Judgment herein, and each of the parties to this 28 2:15:Judgment - 15 - 1 action shall bear its own costs and fees, including attorneys' f~t fees, with regard thereto. w 4 DATED:5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURTo 2:15:Judgment - 16 - Uif EXHIBIT PARCELS D, E and E PRIKE LttTM. EXHIBIT A ; : • ' ' * • '• L' : i; : f - - c » Foreet ». »• » • tvt- I of of Bernini; ••«. T; ;««..» . r.dial li«c toi radius . ~ 06*51 '59" t««« 261.11 feet *w * t.accord!* to *'"£*1Znie, 26, HSO; tbenc. »o«* > JJ JJ. 1. «*3-*8 f«et; i (/ . 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County of fan Dl«t°. »ol«.t Cotpatiy1. !'«« *•>•'• '" "' ^/.^ fc. n36. |11«< 1= the Office of" fello"! .f 235.33 f«.tftbe *eglB»i«« of • W«t" tf eor^ tbroofh . ce»trtf •»>••« 458.00 feet; tbence *>rtlll«"t!x JJ Jjet; tbence tangent to Mid eur*e Horth »•!••»• •» •rCC 2. VeWii* of . ungent e«r.« eonc.ve feet; te et; tbence tangent o •»• •» •rC 1fJ%TCfe.t tl 2. VeiWii* of . ungent e«r.« eonc.ve 'lS- West 1M-W feet 7 f 1042.oo feet; tbeace lorthve.terly along sruAs^s^^^s^ tbence »ortbve«t«rly - *** «» « «J^ f «m«nce of 30.S2 feet to • fc ,fegterl. .long MU rever.e eurre tbrough of W; c^««nce of^470.47 feet; tbenc. South Scutk 64'39'00- I«t 248.29 feet; tbence Soutb ee-45-50- U.t 330.26 feet to tbe Tni Point of Beginning. .of 1M4> 42'w '"' "rt c.tfollo«li« described eenterline: »v. fettcrlf li»e «f Mid Lot 25 distant tbereon llortbCcm»encln« at a folnt : •• ^tbe •e.terlJ ^ T tbereof. tbeDC« i«.vlng 23-27U5- West. M5.00 feet fr« tbe •« ^ ^^ i|.JDiJ§. ^ Fr ^rf) ..Id Itefterl, line lortb §8 37 10 M i§-»3W fc.t. 38.57 402.52 feet to tbe True ^^jJ.fjSe^ii^ U.terl, ^ UTlng a radius feet to tbe beginning of • **"£££• tbroug>> a central angle of 14'35*23 aniriOOO.00 feet; tbence alo»g «« c OT W ug ^ ^^ ^^^ .re distance of »4.t* tojts ^."^t c«r,e. conc.,e Westerly and b.vinj a109 .»0 feet to tbt beginning oi a i«i>* central »nfU of .,. f. JM. tV.rci .lcr,f SMC i«.» — • . rL.TX( tj • r' f • • -C " ' ' - ; -. «(, • tv i : :< 1* ' t' ":" ••••'^vw^^^^v'""^dlul ol BOC.UU jeri, tti*nct ^0 fc- "t" r. - -» »-"-00 lcot A PARCEL CF LAND SITUATE IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY CF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING A PORTION OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 11 SOUTH, RANGE 4 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF AND PORTIONS OF LOTS 32 THROUGH 35 INCLUSIVE AND CF EUCALYPTUS STREET AS VACATED AND CLOSED TO PUBLIC USE, ALL OF HO3P EUCALYPTUS FOREST COMPANY'S TRACT ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 1135, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: • BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 11 SOUTH, RANGE 4 WEST; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID NORTH HALF NORTH 89°42'19tT WEST, 1716.40 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 75-18 SAID POINT BEING THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THEN SOUTH 0°25'14" WEST, 206.65 FEET ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID TRACT; THENCE NORTH 89°42t19" WEST, 219.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH Oe25'14" WEST, 934.82 FEET TO A POINT IN THE NORTHERLY LINE OF MARRON ROAD (82 FEET WIDE), SAID POINT BEING IN A NONTANGENT CURVE CONCAVE TO THE NORTHEAST HAVING A RADIUS OF 753 .OO FEET, A RADIAL LINE OF SAID CURVE THROUGH SAID POINT BEARING SOUTH 3°12!22" EAST; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 4S°C3'C5", A DISTANCE OF 635.81 FEET; THENCE NORTH 45°O4'15" WEST, 130. OO FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE TO THE NORTHEAST HAVING A RADIUS CF 553.00 FEET; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 31°04t59", A DISTANCE OF 302.72 FEET; THENCE NORTH 13°59'17" WEST, 10O.OO FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE TO THE EAST HAVING A RADIUS OF 553. OC FEET; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 21°29'09", A DISTANCE OF 203.25 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A COMPOUND CURVE CONCAVE TO THE EAST HAVING A RADIUS OF 753.00 FEET; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A ORIGINAL IcoR CENTRA- A.M-'-, . HENCE NORTH 22 = 3V45" EAST, 6.53 FEET; THENCE SC:J~TH 59C-''2V EAS~^, 93.02 ~EET TO A PO!%-"~ IN' A .NCNTA A RA.DIAL LINE CF SAID CURVE THROUGH SAID .— GIX'T SOUTH 50°25'20" WEST; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 42°18'20", A DISTANCE OF 53. 16 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 81°52IOO" EAST, 21 .00 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE TO THE NORTHWEST HAVING A RADIUS CF 72. CO FEET; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF S5°00'OC", A DISTANCE OF 119.23 FEET; THENCE NORTH 3°OS'00" EAST, 55.11 FEET TO THE BEGINNING CF A TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE TO THE WEST HAVING A RADIUS OF 72.00'FEET; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 20°51'26", A DISTANCE OF 26.21 FEET TO A POINT IN THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER , A RADIAL LINE OF SAID CURVE THROUGH SAID POINT BEARING NORTH 72016'34" EAST; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID NORTH HALF SOUTH 89°42'19" .EAST, 788.79 FEET MORE OR LESS TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. ORIGINAL EXHIBIT B Exhibit B not used •o »;••'• carried man/ EAREf L.' FRAHX; JR., a carried nan/ and FAWCO, .a partner- •'• feet of the Sast rth 15.00 feet of Lots % "-. -*" Eucalyatus Forest Tract • : No. 1136, filed in June 8, 1908. * 'The sa'id 'graat "is" specifically cade by grantor and accepted' ^ ". '. • . .- . • ..-•-•• ay grantee subject to the following terss and conditions: • . . • » ****. * 1. In the event the grantee, their successors or assigns, -»."_• = • "• " • 'shall "cease to' utilize the easenent herein granted for; a-period of . *£.• .* * -'.' one year at any tirvft iii the future, -all interest of the grantee herein ife'- • e^raated'shall, revert-to grantor, its successors or assigns. . .ft." • • . • '-..>-. : }-••. '•••.'•\g'.? ' ' la." Grantor, with the consent of grantee, which grantee agrees '-" . " *** " * " w • **•• • •••"•• * '..'. not to unreasonably, withhold^, .shall have the right to'construct build- -;/ ., .,*'-.. . ings on the parcels-above .described, provided said buildings are so - -."1. . . .•'. designed, located !and constructed so as not to- interfere with or. res- .*.-". ' • '- '•*'•* '"•'..• -• • ' .* . •"•'•' -: :T'.I^-" ' • ': ;•.!"•«—.-*pi»rcel, including 'removing ar.y exiatir.g .tre*a,. vecetration cr I'a.-.d-- •- v -.- •*• i_l • '•''.*- '^r~>-' '• " ' ' - ' '' . '.''•'•"• : ...'" .-.""'I -l": '"••.-'" ^^ .. .• .• .• . — . .. • • ^ t'.-••' ..*• '•'• •• • cr .rss~ric~ the -use ci siid Trarcsl '-'•> c^r2j~.~2e ~z~ *^~.s ~'ur^rcs v.,- ..v:1 -•»••:•«/ -, . • ..•••*• •«*•"•/. • • * ' —• . • . " • ' ""^.'.'provided, said increase .or decrease shall, in. no way interfere with es> . •• •/_*• • • ."'•"•-•••. f • '• V - - i " ".-'' • • •• " - V • ','•?•' Vestrict'.the'use of said parcel by grantee' for the'-isurposes 'granted .; »• • ".J":" "•'•-.•• • :•. • . .- .-..•.•" •••:••• ' . • . • . -.• •. -.'-•••'•bereia;' provided, further^ 'that in-the 'event there are "-any. changes . •; •• .'.;,.•• •'*. • f. " . ~ ' ••'•','• " - ' . • •*."..* . . ••" -'• •".."•*. • ; *', ' -the right to'construct roads over" and across the parcel above des- •*• »• • •' " •"* * •• • . .•• criied,' provided, said'.roads shall in no-way" interfere with (or res- _. ;' ' trict the. use of the said .parcel "by grantee for the .purposes granted.'-.. • .-. • ....•'•'•• . -5. Grantor 'shall have .the" right to connect' to any existing,: . ...... "- . :."•• ..narholes located- within the uarcel above described, without the payment ^ -"•"-' ::v-' r- "~ ' '.-••/'. " • • -" . " • ";•_:' f.^- -' of any inclusion -chargea or 'connection fees, provided, however, that • >-£*V:.*-'*-\.-..~: ' / ," • • •.-...„. -^. r:..: the actual. cost of any connection by grantor to said aanholes shall . •"/ .]!'••• . " • . - ' - *"•"_ ': "be paid by grantor.* . . - %- : * ; • " ' • -.-"•-.-•" ,i".* .• 6. Grantor, with the- consent of grantee,, which grantee .. agrees not to unreasonably withhold, shall have the right to encroach .' on the parcel above- described for purposes of a drainage channel, - - provided, said encroachrvent shall be so designed, located ar.d cor.- . structed so as not to 'JLnterf ere"with or restrict the use of said • . . ' •*;»••" ". ' ' " >'."•parcel by grantee . fort the purposes granted herein. . .'. y ' { •" • • . -.. ••"•'. DATED:23, 1964. . •a partnership 3y= I. CRAXT OF EASZXZXT O? RIGHT OF For r.r.c .ir. cor.sidcr.ition of the SUIT, of 0-.<Z 7OCD £0/130 §l-35) a"-d other v^Iuiblc coi-.sidcrCiticn, I<ILDr.;C, Il-TC.. £. " Ce.liforr.i- corpcracion, c.s grantor, cccs hereby e/rcnt to VIS-?.1. SAXITATI^K 2I5T^ICT ar-d CITi' C? CT.HLSUAD, as tenants in ccr.ior,; their • togethc-. vich its necessary fixtures and appurtenances, to.-str.cr with ; the ri.;V~ cf ingress thereto and tgrcrss therefrom/ to. and along said i right C- w_y by practical routs or routes in, upon, over and across •cha her_ini.fter described lands. i "* . • . ' . " • ' ••':•• ?.".* parcel upon which said-easexer.f.of right of way is granted is situated in the County of San Diego, State" of California, »•"*-. " - • •_' and* is u-Dro particularly described as follows, to wit: •• *,••."'•'.' ^--. that portion of the Northwest Quarter of Section 22. .*"' " •* ?ow£ship 11 South. Rancje 4 West, S..3.M. in the Cour.iy of * . 1 Ss^v*Diego, State of California, according to-U.S. Covarr^senz. . • : -• Survey approved April 5. 1831. lying within a strip of lane ". - . 15.00 feet in width l^ing 7.50 feet each side of a center ." ;• " " , lir.e described as follows: B2GIXNIXG A? A ?OINT-cn the ".-;- j» center line of Ifoac Survey 525. SI C£t>ino Real, acccrdir.g • " " to Kan thereof en file in the' office of the County Sur- " * 241.50.feet fros the intersection of -said center line with • ':'.- ^>.e center line of the County Highway-Comi'ssion relocation of Route 14, Division 1. ecccrdinc to Map, thereof or* file •I- .. ir. the office of sc.ic County Surveyor; thence Scuih SI" .".:".' 42 "36" ;Ces-. 75S.1? feet; thence South-74c47' 19" Wast, .' ." €41.22 feet to a- point in the West line of said Section. '• • ' *. • 32. EXC2?TIXG THEriE?XO:s. that portion lying within -lead •'." . . ~ .• ; . Survey 525. The side lines of said 15.00 foot strip of '* • * land to ta leng'thened or shortened so as to ter^inato i.r. .* . '.- - tha Easterly line of said Read Survey 925 and the West " •<> •"• line of said Section 32. . :.-.'• " The. said grant is specifically irvade by grantor and accepted- •'. by grar.--es subject to the following, teros and conditions: ; * • . t "1. In the -event the grantee/ their successors or assigns shall ctasi to utilize the easement herein granted. for a period of. *••••»• • • • orie ye-'_- r.- any tinie in the futurs, .all' interest of the grantee here- • • * in grar. _ec shall rcverz co grantor, ics successors or assigns. • 'la. Grar.tor, 'with the ccnsc.-t of- Grantcre.v/hich Grancee agrees% not uc. unrciosor.j^blv v/ithhold. sh^ll hcve the right to ccr.3 crucz ou . '.. . ".. . .......ings cr. w.".-i parcel amove: ccsscri-ioc, proviccd saic oui^c^r.cjs arc so ccr, ^<~r.x.:I, .Incased ar.c ccnr.tructcc so as r.ot to interfere with or rci- i f* WVI I Q llf OtMllBIl U '2. Cr-TitcT, -with pricr v-rirtcr. r.oticc to grantee, chall htve . * » * the righ't -to enter upon the parcel above described «r.d relandscaca. • . siid parcel, including rc-rov/ing tr.y existing zrccs., vcgctatior. cr \ . landscaping; provided, said re lands cap ing shall in no. way interfere •• * • . • with or restrict the use of said parcel by grantee for the purposes . .grantee hcrain. . " . ' ' ..... • * * ""• • 3. Grantor., • With prior written notice to grantee, shall have• ,• * the right to ir.cres.sa or decrease, or persiit to be increased or do-•••-•• . . •* .'• creased, the existing ground elevations of the parcel above describee; • provided, said increase or decrease shall in no way interf era .with or * . ... '. restrict the usa of said -parcel by grantee for the purposes granted » herein; provided, further, that in the event there are any changes• ' * "accessary in the improvements of the grantee as a result of such ar. * • * • *"• increase or./ciocrease, all costs connected with said changes shall be • : • ."' • '.'.*. . • . .paid by grantor. '.*'.. . ' '• . '.*.-:• • * ' •• . •• • 4.*' Graritor, with prior written notice to grantac shall have "*" " " " '. *"•*••.tha right to construct roads over \ and across the oarcel above cas-rf * • ™ * cribec, -provided,- said roads shall in no way intaffere v/irh or res- . r*'- ••'*"" - tirict the use of the said parcel by grantee for "the purposes granted ' - • "* 5. Grantor shall have the right to connect -to any existing' ••%•• .iKashole^ located within the parcel above described, without the payrsr of ary inclusion charges or connection fees; provided, ho\^aver, that ** the actual cost of any connection by grantor to said manholes shall ...*•••• be paid by grantor. *. • .2 • •- • » • - * ^ . S. ' Grantor, with .the consent of grantee, which" grantae • ' " • . ' agrees net zo unreascr.ably v/ithholdy shall have the right tc er.cros.ch • . • " on the parcel above ca scribed fcr purpose- s of a crs-ir^ge channal, ' . * * •. •• «*M « 9 • *•• ^ r* *• il * ?^ *^ ~» ^* *• -"^ 9 *•*-» ^» *^ ^ *• c ** ^ * * * Tl C *"> ~ ** O C * ("™ ^ O /^ - * ^ ^ ~ ^ *i /" i ^ *•* *•" /* » * —^.CV^.w^w/ 2c.«C O*.C-. v-c.^...^.^.* «. 5.. — _ „ ^^i 5sJ ^->-r 5 j.^..*;^, _^t-;— ww-« c...— v_C..~* • . * s'^TMctsc so c-s r.cr to- ir.-crfcrs wirh or restrict the use cf said • ••'.'" 0r00 / M A L, DATZD: July 23, 19<S4. n do I I JI'u'ii! a t;'ii-j»/»c-'»l. lo»i • By - Serr.£.rd Citron, Presicar.c Willicin S. Btrcs«.'r.^ Socrccary STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) • . '. - . COUNTY Qr^OS ANGZLZS ) ' . * •- •'.- ' .'--•*• '. • . •'"•'.' " f\ *•'. • - ~ • *" On vO>uv^-|_ •« . • . 19o4. before me, the undersigned, a XoCiry Public -• .- •' *' " i-. • •in anrc for said County and State, personally appeared BERNARD CITRON, known to r=.e";c be the Presides:, and V/ILLIAM S. 3ARTMAN. -kr.owr. :o me :o b*• • '•.'"**• ..•.-*'.•-• • ~Sccrt^-ry of the corporRlioa that csccutcd the witain'Tastrurnenc. Icr.owr. ~o rr.c :a . » • * • be fee pcrscis who executed the within Instrximc^t "on behalf of the corporatioa / • •zherein r.imcd, and acknowledged to me that such corpcracion" executed Che wiihir*» • *• •_ »• • - *trument pursuant :o its by-laws or a resolution of-its board of directors.• * * » " . . • -".-.-WITXZSS ray aand and official seal. . . . C * .Nocar^'Pubiic in inc. is:' saic \.ocn;y and S:a:c • • GRANT OF EASEMENT OF RIGHT OF WAY For and in consideration of the sum of ONE AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($1.00) and other valuable consideration, BERNARD CITRON, a married " man, HARRY J. L. FRANK, JR., a married man, and FAWCO, a partnership, as grantor, docs hereby grant to VISTA SANITATION DISTRICT and CITY OF CARLSBAD, as tenants in common, their successors and assigns, an easement of right of way upon, over, under and across the lands hereinafter described, to install, construct, reconstruct, operate, replace, repair, maintain and use a sewer pipeline, together with its necessary fixtures and appurtenances, together with the right of iagress there to and egress therefrom, to and along said right of way by practical route or routes in, upon, over and across the hereinafter described lands. . . The parcel upon which said easement of right of way is granted is situated in the County of San Diego, State of California, and is more particularly described as. follows, to wit: • . . • • - • • , A 10-foot wide easement along and across a portion of the north half of the north half of Section 31, Township 11 south, Range 4 west, >-. San Bernardino Base and Meridian, in the City of Oceanside, County :' of San Diego, State of California, according to United States Government Survey approved April 5, 1831, said easement being bounded and described as follows: •. The south 10-feet of said north half of the north half of said Section 31; the easterly termination of said 10-foot strip being the westerly line of the land described in Parcel 2 of Deed to the City of Oceanside, recorded April 2O, 1959 as Document No. 77257 in Book 7713, Page 173," Official Records of said County; the westerly termination of said 10-fcot strip being 40-feet west of and parallel with the westerly line of that parcel of land described as the north 45.00 feet of the west 10O.OO feet - of the east 810.00 feet of Lot 32 of Hosp Eucalyptus Forest Tract Number 1, said parcel being described in Grant of Easement of Right of Way recorded October 9, 1954 as Document No. 184918 in Official Records of said County. • • * The said grant is specifically made by grantor and accepted by grantee subject to the following terms and conditions: . 1. In the event the grantee, their successors or assigns, shall cease to utilize the easement herein granted for a period of ten (10) years at any time in the future, all interest of the grantee herein granted shall revert to ili.iJ. •-•»'— — -^ ' _ EXHIBIT E Poo R 3. Grantor, with pr"Sr written notice to grantee,^hall have the right i-j enter upon the parcel above described i;id rclandsca-pe said parcel, including-removing any existing trees, vegetation or landscaping; provided said relartdscaping shall in no way interfere with or restrict the use of said parcel by grantee for the purposes granted herein. 4. Grantor, with prior v/ritten notice to grantee, shall have the right to increase or decrease, or permit to be increased or decreased, the existing ground elevations of the parcel above described; provided, said increase or decrease shall in no"way interfere with, or restrict the use of • said parcel by grantee for the purposes granted herein; provided, further, that in the event there are any changes necessary in the existing improvements • - « of the grantee as a result of such, an increase or decrease, all costs connected with said changes shall be paid by grantor. 5. Grantor, with prior written notice to grantee, shall have the right to . * " - construct roads over and across the parcel above described, provided, said roads shall in no way interfere with or restrict the use of the said parcel by grantee for the purposes granted herein. " 6. Grantor shall have the right to connect to any existing manholes located within the parcel above described, without the payment of any inclusion charges or connection fees, provided, however, that the actual cost'of any connection by grantor to said manholes shall be paid by grantor. 7. .Grantor, with the consent of grantee, which grantee agrees not to unreasonably withhold, shall have the right to encroach on the parcel above described for purposes of a drainage channel, provided, said encroachment shall be so designed, located and constructed so as not to interfere with or restrict the use of said parcel by grantee for the purposes granted herein. DATED: May 8 ' f / ORIGINAL i! > MJ I i TO *•: c (Partnership) STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF Los A.rg«lga n~ M«v 10, 1Q72 SS. before me, tht undersigned, a Notary Public In and for said State, pcrswuOy appeared., Jr.. Jcnown to me to be ona of the partners of the partnership that executed the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that such partnership executed the same. WITNESS my band and oScial seal Signature. Hgr-forle J. Pontaeorro Name (Typed or Printed) rrkb »•• tar iMrt i •v TO «47 C (Individual) STATE OF CAUFOR.MA COLTOY nr Los Jn SS. o. May 10. 1972 before me, the undenigned. a Notarr Public in and far said State, personally appeared Berrard Citron acd Harry J. L. Frank. Jr. H * u a.to ba the uerion S whose nam«>_2 sub«cribed to the vithin instnunent and ackaowledxed that executed the same. my hand and oScul s-aL (Typed or Priaced) . known to me :~z 2?ins Feb. IS, 1373 arm fer tAtial MtarW M» TO •»•«! C (Partnersnip) STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ss. Kay BEST • v--•*•• /ooA C^uPiM) 4 EASEMENT BERNARD CITRON, a married man, HARRY J. L. FRANK, JR. , a married man, and FAWCO, a partnership, herein collectively referred to as GRANTOR, do- hereby grant to VISTA SANITATION DISTRICT and CITY OF CARLSBAD, herein collectively referred to as GRANTEE, as *tenants in common,, their successors and assigns, a fifteen (15) foot easement of right of way upon, over and across the land described on Exhibit A attached hereto and by reference hereto made a part hereof,, to a point to be determined by GRANTOR from time to time on the. easterly half of the ten. (10) foot • • easement granted concurrently herewith by GRANTOR to GRANTEE for sewer line purposes. The exact location of the right of way granted hereuncer . shall be determined by GRANTOR from time to time and GRANTEE shall be notified in writing by GRANTOR of the initial location and of any changes which may in the future be made in said locatipn by GRANTOR in its sole "discretion. Grantor agrees that such easement shall at all times provide a ramp from the top of the northern levee of the drainage channel (upon its construction, on and through the above described parcel) down the face of such. northern levee to'the vicinity of the GRANTEE'S sewer line manholes to be located at the bottom of the channel. . * At such time in the future as GRANTOR, in its sole discretion, determines a permanent location, of the easement granted hereia., an easement deed from GRANTOR to GRANTEE describing such permanent location shall be executed and recorded, and this easement shall thereupon, be extinguished. Said grant contained herein is specifically made by GRANTOR and accepted by GRANTEE subject to the following: 1. In the event GRANTEZ, their successors or assigns, shall cea.sa timeia the future, all interest of the GRANTEE herein granted shall revert to GRANTOR, its successors or assigns. DATED:May 8, ~=BERNA RD CITRON FAW^, a partnership FreciA. Uirtman, Ir .-'"' (Partnership)€ STATE OF CALIFORNIA L-.'COUNTY 3F_. LOSANGKLESMay 8. 1972 before m«, th« oa^ersif ned. a Notary Public io and for said Stale, personally appeared. WILLIAM S RA RTMAN •et " tobe_one__of (he partners of the partnership S* that executed the within instrument, and acknowledged to cie y.—-. that such partnership executed the sane. ". • WITNESS of bad and oScial1//G^ NO RMA BQ T'T/T, .F R; (Typed or Printed) CTfefa tO 1C* BOTTLER s Ml) -V." '.->-v'.. -- TO «.'- (Partaenhlp) STATE OF CUJFORNIA COUNTY OF. ton* to opa _o£ the partnen of the partnership >; that executed the within instrument, and acknowledged to me • that such partnership executed the same. I WITNESS ay hud and official seal. ^^ ^f*:^-- --T- OrrlCiAL. SSAU «b«5*-- ~ '/• f .il-Sf.V. CTT.C2 til 13~ K'.Z^SZ CO'J?«Y CrnnC::::a iS?ires Fsb. 15, (Typed or Printed) rnu •9t :'•:-.To o •L, 'I f- TO 447 C (Individual) STATE Or CAUFOR.NIA COtTNTY r>F Lo3 Jkr>gr On Stite. perjonally zpp-eire bsfort xe. the ur.d-r^igned. a Notary Public in and for said -Ttr^r «-'r^ H»rr7 .T- L. r?r..r.V( .J-. BESTORIGINAL Shat portion or tho Jlorth Half or ,the Eorth. Half of Section 31* township 11 Scuta, ?>ans2 4 Vest, San Bsmordiso Bass and I-lsridian, in the City of Ccsanside, County" or San Bie^o, State c* California, according to United States Go~crr.2ent Survey approved April 59 lS3l> dsseribed asfollows: s at the interssction of ths Southerly" lisa cf said North »*•»** cf the North Half of Sec-^ion 31 v;itJa the. center "Hr»<» of the 60 foot County Soad kno*n as Road Survey No. 8^3* as described in Parcel 1 of Seed to the County cf San Diego, rscordsd Sugust, 1C, 19^9 as Cocu- nant 15D> 71531 in 2oo:c 3233, page Sl^.of Cfficiai Records, being a pcint on a 432.52 foot radius curv^ conaave Kcrth- tresterlyj. the rodituj cf said curre bearicg South 2ia3^9 sntsr lina »^l tansont to said currs ilorth 35°197 2ai* to the Southi-jasterly line of Parcel 4 in Superior- Coi Case Jib. 1707^5 as rocordod in Pinal Order of Condes in SDQif 5112, Bass 2S^ of Cfficial Hscords^ thanes said Southicestarly Hr^ Scsith 5l*04l» Sas-t ^5, CO fset to an ar_3le point TzsLjiz i*a tlze Southeaster^ lirs? .of said Bzrcsl 1 of S33d .to tha Csuaty of San Diesoj thsnce alors said Scuthaasterly Hre KortSx 35°195 East. 233 rest, to the Southerly line of the 60.CO feet right of sray dsscrrrse-d in IJeed to tha County of San Diego, recorded in Beck l$So, page 185 cf UsedSj records of said County; thence alor^ said Southerly 1***^ Northeasterly to a ^ ^ ^ ^ srbich is paral- lel rntc JL^I fe.CO fas* So-utjiari? a-fe risht ass^^ f res - said center line cf the JDepart-cent. of Itrblic \;"orii3 Surrey., being a line estsadtng Korth S9'4l»23n East frca said Engineer's Station 70 plus OO.COj thence alens the South- erly lino .of I^rcal 7, Fart A, Stercel 8 and Parcel 9, as described in said. Final Order of Coi^aamtios (^roceedins Ko+ 1707^5) JJorth 89*41 '23B- East to the ECS* Westarly cor- ner of Parcel Ko« 1, Srcceeding £o. 173609 of Final Order of Condenination, record^ in Seek 5112, page 294 of Officia Raccrdsj belns a point distant Westerly 325-75 feet frca tne Szsi; line of said Section 31j thenee alor^ the South- '.ieatsrly line cf said Parcel 1, South ^I'^scS" ^'sst 113 06 feet to tbe Northerly 3JLne of that parcsl of land descr in Pareal 2 of Eeed to ths Ci-^j of Cceanside., "recorded April xhsr.ce alosa J2zs Northerly llns of said land SJarth S9°23* 31" Wost a distance of ?4.85 feat to tiia £arthv*sst corner of nj.-fii land; thence along tha v-eat Una thereof coutii 0° " mC tiros^ soirtiona of toe land .described sbova lch He wltJsia" E3CC2P2ZC3I PA7.C2LS WA3 ana "a"', as sat forth bal Erceptlos Parcel "A": rssl 6 of Procssdirsg 'HB. 170T-6 of Flral Order- c lcn, i»2ccrded in Sooii 5H2, pag2 29^- of Esccrds, fcelEg described in said Cra^r* as Half of ths Ssrth Half of•Ihat portion of ths Section 31, gasgablp 11 Soutii, R?T»ge ^ Wast, Saa Barrsrdino Base gf?4 i-Iaridian, acccrdiss; to Unltad States GoTs Sur/ey apgrcved April 3, 1331, described, as follows* Intarssctioa of the Scuthsrly I*-*** or the- 60 .CO foot ri£fc.t of way described in Deed to. the Coasty of San BLsgo, recorded in 2ao)c 1530, pass 135 of .Dseds, f iisd in the Cff ice oT the. Couzrtj Bsccrder vlth tfee Southeasterly luce of tiia 60»GO foot, rl^ht of tsay da- . • scriised in Deed to said County of San Siago, recorded, in Book. 3233, page 3l4 of Official Records, in the Q?f lea of •s&ld'Csunty Recorder; thence alsrs the follosir^ courses ar^i dis-icucea; along said Scratheasterlar li£^, a record fcearirs v? Scuth 35'19 f Kest, 233 *CG rest; IsaTiss said , Scortiieasterlj' to a pclsrt. on said erly 1^^.? of the 60 fcCC Toot, right of ^27 described in- said Deed recorded is BccSc 1530, pa§s 135 of Geeda, distant *rG«CG feat ilortbeastarly thereon frc=i the point -of begl ~— ninj; alor^ said Soutrgrly line, Southasstarl^- along a curre to tbs ris53t with a radius of 4050. GO feet^ a dis- tar.ce of 40.00 foet to the PQI2IT C3? SEGB2ESG. Ssception Parcel R3n: Parcel 7, Part °S3 of Pr rsr c or Official nacords7 bei follows: casdii^ ilo. lTQT-^6 of Final ?ecorded in.3oc!r 5^-^2> na^2 29^. ns described in said. Order, as iarvlns at a point «hich bsars South 0 '1-3 '32" £ast 85. CO foat frca Ensijcssr's Station S$ olua 50. described. In ftircal 7, Part "A" or said Decree; thencs dlons ^^ foUawlns courses and distarassj along a line parallel with 2£d distant 85 -GO feet Southerly at ri£h.t armies rrca SiJji canter Ur^, Sorth S9°4l»2alt 2ast 25.00 feet; laavtss saiii par^llal T^:^ South I6°23'25r* West. 52,20 reatj Scuta 89*^1*23* Vest 20.00 fest; Jtorfch 52.20 Teet to said last saentloced ic "along said last santloned parallal lira Jfcrth S 23W 2ast 25 .CO feet to the POINT Q? 3ESI2I212B HAYUTIN, RUBINROIT, PRAW & KUPIETZKY *•* ~ 5- " t ~ . MARC I. HA.YUTIN* JAMES F. DONLAN LILIAN B. LEWIS HARK r. WEISS STEVEN L. BROOKMAN •WIOFESS'OWAL CORPORATIONS A PAOTNERSM F WHIG* INCLUDES PROFESSIONAL COR ATTORNEYS AT LAW 2C?S GEN,-..:'3* PACK EAS*. EL,"-E i ic. 5 ANC-E LEI. CAiitof s * 5-c: ; TELEPHONE (313' 277-505C RE«-ER TO TILE: July 10, 1986 Vincent Biondo, Esq. City Attorney, City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008-1989 Peterson, Thelan & Price 530 "B" Street Suite 2300 San Diego, California 92101 Re: Hosp Grove Parcels D, E, E Prime and F Gentlemen: This letter will serve to memorialize our agreement as to certain matters regarding the negotiations which have been occurring, are ongoing, and have led to certain agreements between the owners of Grove Parcels D, E, E Prime and F, Odmark Development Company, and the City of Carlsbad, concerning the possible acquisition by the City and/or development by the owners and/or developer of said parcels and/or portions thereof. We have agreed that: (1) Any and all discussions which have occurred as a part of said negotiations, except as specifically referred to herein, are part of settlement negotiations, which are therefore confidential, and cannot and will not be revealed in, any legal proceeding which may result with regard to the disputes presently existing or which may hereinafter arise between them. Notwithstanding the foregoing: (a) if any legal or equitable proceedings are brought concerning or involving the documents entered into between the parties as a result of such negotiations, insofar as matters discussed in those negotiations would otherwise properly be admissible as parole evidence, the same may be revealed and will be admissible; and (b) the Grove Group shall have the right to make and/or cause to be made a full administrative record of its attempts to obtain permits and approvals in order to develop the Proposed Development. HJR15-L007 Vincent Biondo, Esq. Peterson, Thelan & Price July 10, 1986 Page 2 (2) The fact that the parties are conducting and/or have conducted such negotiations, are forebearing presently from instituting and prosecuting any litigation in connection with said disputes, and are pursuing various avenues towards the possible acquisition by the City and/or development by the owners and/or Odmark of Parcels D, E, E Prime and F, or portions thereof, is all without prejudice to any rights which any of the parties hereto may previously have had in connection with said disputes, and each party will be deemed to have preserved whatever rights, remedies, claims, or defenses it may have with regard to such disputes; (3) Except as provided below, neither the owners nor Odmark shall argue in any proceeding brought in connection with this matter that they suffered any additional damage or loss by reason of the passage of time or any other cause since April 18, 1986. The provisions of this paragraph shall terminate if the City Council does not approve the Agreement for Purchase of Sale of Real Property and Stipulation for Entry of Revised Judgment by Wednesday, July 23, 1986, and/or cause the same to be executed and delivered to the undersigned as soon as possible thereafter. (4) In any subsequent proceeding between the parties hereto arising solely out of an alleged breach of the Purchase Agreement and/or alleged failure to comply with the Revised Judgment, neither of the parties shall have the right to recover or seek recovery of monetary damages from the other, and their sole recourse shall be to seek non-monetary relief, including, but not limited to, by way of writs of mandamus and/or prohibition, declaratory relief, injunctive relief, specific performance, contempt, or similar remedies. (5) Notwithstanding paragraph (4) above, and while the City of Carlsbad reserves the right to argue that no cause of action therefor exists, if no Property Close of Escrow occurs as defined in the Agreement for Purchase and Sale of Real Property, the owners and/or Odmark reserve the right to assert a claim(s) for inverse condemnation, seeking monetary damages for any future action(s) by the City of Carlsbad which down-zones, and/or results in the failure to approve a development scheme which provides a reasonable economic use of, Parcels E, E Prime, and/or F. (6) Neither the City of Carlsbad nor Odmark will argue in any legal or equitable proceeding between them, or either of them, and the owners, that the owners' agreement to sell to the City Parcels D, E, E Prime, and F collectively, or F alone, for HJR15-L007 Vincent Biondo, Esq. Peterson, Thelan & Price July 10, 1986 Page 3 any certain price is evidence of the fair market value of said parcels, or any of them; (7) Any any all applicable statutes of limitation, including, but not limited to any such limitations under the California Environmental Quality Act, are tolled as of April 23, 1986, subject to the tolling period being terminated upon either (a) 15 days1 written notice addressed to the undersigned on behalf of their respective clients; or (b) termination by any party of the Agreement for Purchase and Sale of Real Property which is being executed by the parties contemporaneously herewith; and (8) The City of Carlsbad, on the one hand, and the owners and Odmark, on the other, disagree as to the meaning, scope and effect of Paragraphs 14B (2) and (3) and 14C (1) and (2) of the Revised Judgment, which paragraphs are essentially derived from the original Judgment. In any subsequent proceedings between the parties, the City of Carlsad, on the one hand, and the owners and Odmark, on the other, shall be deemed to have preserved whatever rights, remedies, claims, arguments, or defenses they may have thereunder or in connection therewith. Please indicate that the foregoing correctly memorializes the agreement of the parties by executing and returning to me a copy hereof. Very truly yours, Howard J. Rubinroit of HAYUTIN, RUBINROIT, PRAW & KUPIETZKY Attorneys For Grove Investment Partnership and HFH Limited HJR:ddm Enclosure City of Carlsbad Odmark Development By: Vincent Biondo, Esq. By: John Thelan, Esq. of Peterson, Thelan & Price HJR15-L007 HAYUTIN, RUBINROIT, PRAW & KUPIETZKY A PAB-NERSM,P WMIC* INCLUDES POOrtSSIOKAL CORPORATIONS BARRV G WEST ATTORNEYS AT LAW TELEPHONE R r-^ACr A CORLETC?* 2C?& CENTJRV PARK EAST, SUITE igiE I213) 277' A.EEC- z. PRAV,' LOi ANGELES. CALIFORNIA 90t£7 HOWARD ^'. RoB.NPOiT* MARC I. HAYUTIN* JAMES r. OONLAN """ T° r'LE: LILIAN B. LEWIS HARK F. WEISS STEVEN L. BROOKMAN • PHOrtSS'ONAU COKBOXATIONS __ ... .__..July 10, 1986 Vincent Biondo, Esq. City Attorney, City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008-1989 Peterson, Thelan & Price 530 "B" Street Suite 2300 San Diego, California 92101 Re: Hosp Grove Parcels D, E, E Prime and F Gentlemen: This letter will serve to memorialize our agreement as to certain matters regarding the negotiations which have been occurring, are ongoing, and have led to certain agreements between the owners of Grove Parcels D, E, E Prime and F, Odmark Development Company, and the City of Carlsbad, concerning the possible acquisition by the City and/or development by the owners and/or developer of said parcels and/or portions thereof. We have agreed that: (1) Any and all discussions which have occurred as a part of said negotiations, except as specifically referred to herein, are part of settlement negotiations, which are therefore confidential, and cannot and will not be revealed in. any legal proceeding which may result with regard to the disputes presently existing or which may hereinafter arise between them. Notwithstanding the foregoing: (a) if any legal or equitable proceedings are brought concerning or involving the documents entered into between the parties as a result of such negotiations, insofar as matters discussed in those negotiations would otherwise properly be admissible as parole evidence, the same may be revealed and will be admissible; and (b) the Grove Group shall have the right to make and/or cause to be made a full administrative record of its attempts to obtain permits and approvals in order to develop the Proposed Development. HJR15-L007 EXHI «" Vincent Biondo, Esq. Peterson, Thelan & Price July 10, 1986 Page 2 (2) The fact that the parties are conducting and/or have conducted such negotiations, are forebearing presently from instituting and prosecuting any litigation in connection with said disputes, and are pursuing various avenues towards the possible acquisition by the City and/or development by the owners and/or Odmark of Parcels D, E, E Prime and F, or portions thereof, is all without prejudice to any rights which any of the parties hereto may previously have had in connection with said disputes, and each party will be deemed to have preserved whatever rights, remedies, claims, or defenses it may have with regard to such disputes; (3) Except as provided below, neither the owners nor Odmark shall argue in any proceeding brought in connection with this matter that they suffered any additional damage or loss by reason of the passage of time or any other cause since April 18, 1986. The provisions of this paragraph shall terminate if the City Council does not approve the Agreement for Purchase of Sale of Real Property and Stipulation for Entry of Revised Judgment by Wednesday, July 23, 1986, and/or cause the same to be executed and delivered to the undersigned as soon as possible thereafter. (4) In any subsequent proceeding between the parties hereto arising solely out of an alleged breach of the Purchase Agreement and/or alleged failure to comply with the Revised Judgment, neither of the parties shall have the right to recover or seek recovery of monetary damages from the other, and their sole recourse shall be to seek non-monetary relief, including, but not limited to, by way of writs of mandamus and/or prohibition, declaratory relief, injunctive relief, specific performance, contempt, or similar remedies. (5) Notwithstanding paragraph (4) above, and while the City of Carlsbad reserves the right to argue that no cause of action therefor exists, if no Property Close of Escrow occurs as defined in the Agreement for Purchase and Sale of Real Property, the owners and/or Odmark reserve the right to assert a claim(s) for inverse condemnation, seeking monetary damages for any future action(s) by the City of Carlsbad which down-zones, and/or results in the failure to approve a development scheme which provides a reasonable economic use of, Parcels E, E Prime, and/or F. (6) Neither the City of Carlsbad nor Odmark will argue in any legal or equitable proceeding between them, or either of them, and the owners, that the owners' agreement to sell to the City Parcels D, E, E Prime, and F collectively, or F alone, for HJR15-L007 v. Vincent Biondo, Esq. Peterson, Thelan & Price July 10, 1986 Page 3 any certain price is evidence of the fair market value of said parcels, or any of them; (7) Any any all applicable statutes of limitation, including, but not limited to any such limitations under the California Environmental Quality Act, are tolled as of April 23, 1986, subject to the tolling period being terminated upon either (a) 15 days' written notice addressed to the undersigned on behalf of their respective clients; or (b) termination by any party of the Agreement for Purchase and Sale of Real Property which is being executed by the parties contemporaneously herewith; and (8) The City of Carlsbad, on the one hand, and the owners and Odmark, on the other, disagree as to the meaning, scope and effect of Paragraphs 14B (2) and (3) and 14C (1) and (2) of the Revised Judgment, which paragraphs are essentially derived from the original Judgment. In any subsequent proceedings between the parties, the City of Carlsad, on the one hand, and the owners and Odmark, on the other, shall be deemed to have preserved whatever rights, remedies, claims, arguments, or defenses they may have thereunder or in connection therewith. Please indicate that the foregoing correctly memorializes the agreement of the parties by executing and returning to me a copy hereof. Very truly yours, Howard J. Rubinroit of HAYUTIN, RUBINROIT, PRAW & KUPIETZKY Attorneys For Grove Investment Partnership and HFH Limited HJRrddm Enclosure City of Carlsbad Odmark Development By: Vincent Biondo, Esq. By: John Thelan, Esq. of Peterson, Thelan & Price HJR15-L007