HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-07-15; City Council; N/A; Report of Revenue and Expendituresz 0 ~ 0 z .. z 0 ~ ..J, 0 z ::, 0 0 AB# ::::·N~E.-o ___ _ MTG. 7/15/86 CIT -.OF CARLSBAD -AGEND(.BILL TITLE: REPORT OF REVENUES AUD EXPENDITURES MAY 1986 DEPT. CITY'A -DEPT. FIN _ I ,__ ____ =.i_ ___ _ jCITYMGR. ~ ._, RECOMMENDED ACTION: No actio11 required -r~1£ormation item. ITEM EXPLANATION: As we approach the end of the 19£5-86 fiscal year, the Finance staff is carefully watching the City's financial por,ition. As the attached brief summary of May Revenues and Expenditures shows, all trends set earlier this year have continued through May and will continue through June. Development related revenues continue to be received at a relatively high pace and have pushed past previous estimates. Spending co.,tinues to be within budget in all funds. The June report will be a comprehensive review of the City's fiscal position through June 30, 1986. The City's books will be closed on July 15, 1986, and the preliminary year end report should be submitted to the City Manager within the following two weeks. Staff will be sharing this report with City Council during August. Final audited figures will not be available until late October. The City's Revenues and Expenditures through May can be summarized as follows: Revenues Revenue from all sources through May totaled $44 million, continuing to push ahead of budget estimates. Development related revenues lead the way with gains in Building permit, plan check and capital revenues. The Building Department has issued more than 10,000 permits this fiscal year for construction valued at $261 million. About 2,500 residential permits have been issued during the eleven months ended May 31. Another major source of income during May was the proceeds from the College Boulevard Assessment District bond issue that provided $9.3 million in revenue for construction of this project. Expenditures Spending in the General Fund continues to be below budgeted levels. We can expect General Fund savings to amount to about $1.5 million. Some departments are beginning to experience minor budget problems that require transfers of funds from other sources to correct. There are no serious budget problems at this time . Spending in the Capltal Funds totals $10.4 million through May with another $10.7 million in capital projects currently under contract. This compares to only $3.9 million spent on capital projects by this time last year . 1 -2- AGENDA BILL NO. REPORT OF REVEN-U-ES_AN_D EXPENDITURES -MAY 1986 FISCAL IMPACT: The City's fiscal position at the e·td of May is good, primarily due to the higher than anticipated revenues from development activitf, City s~ending in Operating funds is under control and Capital Expenditures are well ahead of past years. The City can expect to end the year with sufficient funds available for construction of projects found in the proposed Capital Improvement Program. EXHIBITS: 1. Memo to City Manager -Report of Revenues and Expenditures -May 1986. 2. Revenue report through May 1986. 3. Expenditure report through May 1986. JUNE 25, 1986 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: Finance Director REPORT OF REVNEUES AND EXPENDITURES -MAY 1986 REVENUES Revenue from all sources through May totaled $44 million, continuing to push ahead of budget estimates. Development related revenues lead the way with gains in Building permit, plan check and capital revenues. The Building Department has issued more than 10,000 permits this fiscal year for construction valued at $261 million. About 2,500 residential permits have been issued during the eleven months ended May 31. Another major source of income during May was the proceeds from the College Boulevard Assessment District bond issue that provided $9. 3 million in revenue for construction of this project. A summary of the activity in some of the major revenue sources is shown below: Construction Permits --Construction activity remained high ($124,000 for May) during May, although total construction permit revenue fell slightly from the April figure of $139,000. Total construction permit revenue should reach $1.3 million by year end. -Public Facilities Fees --Public Facility Fee revenue through May totals $5 million, about $1 million ahead of current budget estimates. Revenue through June will reach about $5. 4 million based on the present rate of development. -Sewer Construction Fund --Revenues from seven connections will exceed budget estimates by the end of June. Revenue through May totaled $2. 4 million and may reach $2. 6 million by year end. -Interest Revenue --Interest revenue to the General Fund totaled $800,000 by the end of May, about $60,000 above budget estimates. This is primarily due to the higher than anticipated revenue from development activity. Planned Local Drainage Fees --Revenue in this fund through May totaled $500,000 and shonld reach $5.!5, 000 by year end based on present trends. This is about $125,000 above present estimates for these funds. -Park in Lieu Fees --Park fees have produced $840,000 in revenue through May and should reach about $1 million by year end. Capital G1•ants --Grant revenue is substantially below projected levels, however, these revenues are tied to progress on the Agua Hedlonda Bridge and beach bluff projects. Revenue to date from these grants is $800,000 on billings to Caltrans of approximately $1 million, 3 -2- -Assessment District Bond Issue Revenue --The City has received a total of about $10,000 in revenue from assessment district bond issues for College Blvd ($9.3 million) and James Drive ($500,000). These revenues are pledged to pay for construction of the respective street improvement. EXPENDITURES Spending in the General Fund continues to be below budgeted levels. We can expect General Fund savings to amount to about $1.5 million. Some departments are beginning to experience minor budget problems that require transfers of funds from other sources to correct. There are no serious budget proble;ns at this time. CITY OF CARLSBAD SPENDING BY CAPITAL PROJECTS BY MONTH 1984-85 1985-86 --- THOUSAND DOLLARS 2500..--------------------------- 2000 ,, I \ 1500 ~ I \ I • ,, I ' I ' I I \ ' I 1000 I \ I ' '--1 ' I \ I 500 ....... , \ o ..__..__......_ _ _.__ _ _,_ _ _.... _ __._ _ ____. _ __,.___,.____....___...___~_, JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN MONTH CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING PERMIT REVENUE -BY MONTH 1984-85 t,Vi?~?l THOUSAND DOLLARS 1985-86 200...--------------------------, 150t------ JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN MONTH iho/bP CITY OF CARLSBAD SALES TAX REV~NUE -BY MONTH 198+-B5 1985-66 --- THOUSAND DOLLARS 1500.-------------------------, JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN MONTH CITY OF CARLSBAD PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE REVENUE -BY MONTH 1984-85 1985-86 --- THOUSAND DOLLARS 800.-------------------------, 0 ,____,.____.. _ __.__.....,_ _ _.__ _ _.__..___._____. _ _,_ _ _._ _ __.__, JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN MONTH rnof' ' . ; I\ I. I' ' ·I f :l ' ·•, . J- I J ~-] lj' -- " f :1 r-q ,i ~•··! 1:'.,1 1-'M 6-26-86 i; I I Y 01-('.:At.!LSl:!AU k'E.Ul:.NUE k'l:.j.,u1,1i ~. AS UF ,MAY .n, 1YH6 Rl:.Ul:.NUI:. SUMMA!,!Y _____________ _ 198!>-86 BUDGET REUlSl:.IJ --------~--=ec--u""u-G,-.--"1:.1" ADJUSIMl:.tHS l'll:l~-86 REVENUE PEk'~E.NI 01- lHROU~H MAY ~SflMAIEU 1:!UOt..;1:.1 ·lYt:16 Rl:.UENUE Rl:.Cf--1UEO TU DATE l ~EN~RAL F~till ~~E~U~E~N~l.1€=---------------------------------------------- 2 TAXl:.S 3 PRO~ERTY TAX .....••....... 4 SALES TAX ■•••••••••••••••• ~ l~AN~~ENI~I~~············· ·,---,~-- S,450 1 000 !f,4i;o;ooo 5~09,599 102.9 ----- -,;;6eo,ooo .)20, do_o 6,000,000 !>1 1/3,86S 1:16.~ , .??R nnn 1,220,000_ 1,167,967 95.7 --------►---6 I-RANCHI SE IAX............. -·--.... _ 4YU,UUU 60,UUO St;;O,OUO S/} ,Y','0 1U4.4 7 TRAN~FER TAX ............. . 200,oou 20,000 220,oou 243,611 llU.7 •.Jfl flllfl -'• ,UUO 103.> 8 lRAILcR_fQA_~H IN-LIEU..... ,u,uuu -, 24,UUU :l4, /1:11:1 ----------------------------------------------------------------9 lOTAL TAXES .• • ....•.•.•••.••••• U,U6G,OOO 404,000 1)1 464,0UO 12,793,820 9~.o ------------------------------------------------------------1 0 • I CE.NSE.S & PE.h:M I-, S ----________ .,. ____ !! _ . ..f!?Nl? r~u_c;. T_!Q_N_ PcRMITS...... euo 1 000 2UO, 000 1, oou, ouu 1,214,708 12!_._'? ________ _ 12 BUSINESS LICENSE TAX...... )75,0CO 75,000 450,0llO 443,992 YB.7 lJ LICENSE TAX ON NEW CONST.. 600 1 000 100 1 000 700,000 571,281 01.6 14 _AhA_R_M PcRMlT_~~~-·-··-·-·-·-····· -._!_Q..,!J«;lll _ __ 10,ou~ ______ 9_,!!S_IL _______ ~B.:.,!i-________ _ --------------- 15 rulAL LICcNSES & PE.RMI rs ..... . 1 1 775 1 000 jl:IS,uuu 2 1 16U 1 UOO :l,2>'>',tl>l lU>.7 16-STATE SUBVENTIONS 17 _____ CIGARETTE TAX ... _ .... _._••••, 150,000 150.000 165,792 no.a; ________ _ 18 ALCUHOL LJCEN~E lAX....... - 19 VEHICLE. IN Lll:.U 1-E.E....... 1,000,ouu ~ 1,000,ouo 1,140,742 114.l 20 HUME. UWNE.RS Pk'OP JAX ~E... 1/0 OUO -l/0 UUO 162,;'64 ',IS./ 21 -BUS INVENTORY PROP.TAX RE. ---------------------~--------------------------------------2i_.TQ_Tfil:..~HI_TE S~BYENT~QNS ••••••• 23 OlHER INft:.~GUU Rt:.Ut:.NUE 24 ---STATE GRANTS-•• -. :::-::-: ••••• 1,320,000 1,,20,0~0 1,469~298 111.J ------------. ---------~-------------------------------------25 TOTAL OTHER INTERGOV REV, •. ,._. _______ -_________ ----_____ -_________ -__ _ 26 LHA~t;E.5 I-UR !:it:.ltU I t.:t:.S 27 28 29 ~IJ .H ZUNI NG FEES ........ -.. --:.~--:~ 140 1 000 suau1v1s10N FEES •• ,....... 20,000 PLANCHE~K FEE./ BLOG.,.... 5!>0 1 000 1-'LANt.:Hl:.CK 1-tf;. .1 E.i-ii; f t,L . :·. , • 3 /5 , fi ii ii E.N~INl:.tRJNG ~EES.......... 27S,tl00 t2if;oo-o )-· -· ----r:f!i-;-doll (J,000) l?,0U0 75 0U0 62S 0U0 1:2s :uuu'· ~'iio!omr--- au,uuo 3'>S,ooo u;~T6 1),838 618,J98 --~Y1:1;nu S'.H ,8'>'3 '?4,> 81,4 98.9 iiY.il 14',1.l:I (I ( r I , 11 , ,, 1:51 1-'M 6-26-86 _ . . ____ .. .CJT.Y __ af_CeBL.saeo ___ ... _____ ... l<E.vl:.NUE l<El-'UtH -AS UF MAY .H., 1 Y!:16 ___ _,R=l::..l,!J;J;L~_IJ..r:!tlA~'l _____ .,.1L~85.=.8.6., __ .euo~ REVISED REUENU~---·Pl;~G~t!l.J,H· .. ··--· BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS 198;-86 THROUGH MAY ESflMAIEO BUD~~r-19~6 l<cUENUE _ _ _ __ _ R!;~lill,!!;_O__J.lJ....._ _____ _ OAIE ·--, ________ . ___________ _ r] 32 (C!--11\R~~s f.9R .. ~ER~J;.!;~ -CCHTJHUED > ' ( )J SALE O~ MAPS ............. . I •.. J4 _____ J!!cED CLcAtuNG~. • • . . . . . . , 1 35 REFUSE COLLECTION ••••.•••• 30,0UU ·~z.,.<;oo - 7,SOO -- 37,500 3~.?00 - 47 1 1Y6 2_'l__. t;_./4 1:.!?.9 /tl . .,. , ·,: , ~· • , ,. 36 AMBULANCE FEES............ 70,000 - :,7 _ _LJQR~BY f.f;ES,,,........... 30,000 -J8 RECl<EAllOH ~cES........... 2as,uuo - 39 SWlMMIHb PUUL FEES........ 9J,OOU - ~,; _ 11110 40 ______ RE.FUSE AIJMIH ~EE.......... ,, ---- 41 EIR FEES•••••••••••••••••• 25,000 42 STREET SWEEPJH& FEES ..... , -s;ooo (5,000) ;,o,ooo JO.,,JlQ.ll.... 2HS,lluo 93 1 000 JS UUO 2s,ooo Y~ .• U ~.9 .. i. tJ',). :l ll0.0 44,9·~----- HalJU)Q 43 _ . _E_QLtCE. &!='.8~H:;t;:~. •. •,,,,,., +e -'----~12 -~4 --· _ 8$. 1 -------•-_ 1~~Q.!l0 ------------------------------------44 TUrAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES .... 1,985,SOO 2SY,SOO 2,24s,oori 2,349,969 104.7 -------------------~----------------45 FINES AND FORFEllS ____ -:=_=::___---=-----·----. , '} ·, 46 I.. 4;;, ~~HICLE C!JDI;: FLNEJi, ........ ~.U---~o.ooq_ ____ ._cJ._9.Q.~P .. 0~) ~2!! •. !l.l!!L -----~1~,zn ________ ??-,L ,. , .. ~ IJ.1; t ,,. t '" I cp CPI: PARK,ll'IG Cl IAflUNS......... J2,0UO 3,uuo . -'5,ouo -'Y,71'8 11~./ ~8 J~!~~_flNES &.F~R~~J~S........ ~Q~U (97,000) 4US,UU0 ~~tl,S./0 6J~~--____ _ ---------------------------------------------------------49 OTHER REUEHUE SOURCES 50 Sl <j~ ',jj 54 S'.7 56 '37 Stl 59 i N, EREfsi ..... -. :-:-.-: :: -:: . . . . sso, ooo 225,000 Cl 1 0UU> ns,oou 831,493 -·-111?.i REHIAL IH~UME............. <;,uoo 4,uuo 2 1 641 66.u _I"_&. ~ R~N l8_L .it:!~9ML...... 4'.> 1 000 4'.> ,ouu 51,'.>?0 -----114.6 ------... DISASTER RELIEF ■•••••••••• - MANDATED COSl' RE:lMB....... 5,000 -!S,000 2;021 f"!ISC REIMBURSE~ E)Sf'l;~R~~ ____ ..,!.Q..J!!tQ__ _ __i,!.t.!!,00> S..J!!JJ!_ ____ _!YJ:nQ POSl R~IMtlURSEMcNT........ lS,OOU S,000 20,0UU 30,3~6 SALE. OF PkUl-'E:.klY. .. .. ..... s,uuu 7,uuo . 1:l,UUO 2,4':>7 MIS(;/ UlHc~ SUURCES ... _ ... __ . ., ___ s.,oou_ ......... 2~ ..... 000 ________ 34.,0U0 ....... 91,~44 __ ····· T~ANS~ER • FROM TRUST DEPOSITS ••••••• ------------------------------------ 56.4 3ll6.4 --· 151.9 :.!U.':> 304.8 60 JUfAL OIHcR SUUR~ES........... 640,000 2~6 1 000 8Y6,000 r;oJ2 ,u":.! 1.15.2 9~.3 61 TUI AL Gf:.t-lERAL FUND ....... ! .. ~-• . ~9_1 ~~? ,.?..00 ... !.1?_0? .,z.!)_Q ... ~O 1 4?.0 1 9_99. _ 20 1 14_:' 1 ~20 ----------------------~--·----------------------------------- \0 I ,I~ I· l· c I 1:s1 PM. ' 6-26-86 ', -------- I ( I I ( I, ___________________ -kl.I.'l'.....Qf .. 1'.:fi~eQ. REUE.NUE l<E:.PUI,(( -AS UF MAY .H , l ~86 _______ -··--•·· 1<1:.UENUE_SUMMAkY It 198S-86 11™ REVISED 198'7-86 BUDl:il:.T ~EUENUE PERCENT ~F '.i BUDGET AOJUSTMENTS THROUGH MAY ESlJMATEO ( ," 19H6 l<~UENUE --------- I ( '• 1:- 62 OTHER OPERATlNG FU..OS _____ _ ( H. :! GAS ):~-2106. •.•. •.• ••••• •.• •• •.•• --·· 162~4}' ... ----··---. ·-· 16'2.i.'>4} 66 REU-2107.5 ••••••• ~•••••••• 6,000 -6,00U ' __ 67 _____ 58-300 FUHOS ••••• , •••••••• __ ··-·---278,U00 __ 278 1 000 __ _ l':>1 1 618, 1U8 1 4U6 6,0UU 11 65 REV-2107......... •.• • • • • . • • )49 ,B76 10,ouo )~9 ,876 • 68 GAS TAX INTERE:ST.......... '>U,000 -'>U,UU0 4:L,6'>8 t<l:.t.:E I Vl:.O l U • -DAiE--- 93.3 ':>2.4 100.0 .tlii·.' •1 69 LOCAL ll<ANS FUNUS ••••••••• ------------------------------------------------------------' 70 TOTAL GAS .TAX ................ .-----.,68,419 ____ ·2ae,ooo ---·-8~6,419-·-··--· JUS,.162 4S-.,4 tr ------------------------------------------------------------• 71 L l BRARY AUD 10/U I SUAL INSURANCE FUND ---72 AUDIO/VISUAL JNS FEES..... 30,000 l':>,OOU----4~,ouo 40-;1~1----ti9 •. 2 J} lNll:.REST.................. ,,ouo 2,uuu 5,uuu 4,2/~ 8'>.~ it: :::: ~::•:::v INS FUND •••• -----~~:~~~-------~~:~~~------~~:~~~------~~:~~~--~----~~~:: __ •, 76 ltHEREST lNCOME •••.•• •••••. -S,OUO 5 1 000 J 1 7U6 7'> .. 7 I fli ] 78 STREET LIGHT lNG 77 _ P=fffilc f!..V!~ fl.RIS FUND.·..:..!.:..:..:..!-. __ _ ~---·---'"' z.OOU __ • S1,000 ?..z?lj6 7'",. ;> 79 LIGHTING ASSESSMENl ...... . l:l0 ST-LIGHT lNlER£:.ST ......•.. 397,000 20,ouo 397,UUU 36'>,S61 10,uuo Jtt,uuu 26,11/ 92.l 11.1. I 81 TOTAL STREET Ll GHT JHG .. -.. -:·.... •• -•• 4T7; OQO. -10,'ouo 427 1 000 391 1 6/H Y1 .;1 ~l-'=J BR~'.L::.BO;:;;H'""D;;..;S:;.._ __ _ 8) PROP TAX (LIB G.D. BLINDS). 21,000 -21,ouo 1),llY 62.1? f"1 114 LIB-£:ll!NQ JNC~!ft:~T......... li~OO _ -1,~~0 ll l.J ------------------------------------------------------------ tN 85 TOTAL L lBRARY BONO.•~.~•~•·••• • -----=~~~~t __ ::_:-.~_:------: _______ :::~~~------~~~~~~--------~~:::_ I l:l6 S£:.WER BONUS l. 87 PROP I ' !AX lSE:.JER G.O. BOHOS>.... 1::.eo,000 -1:zu,11~0 lU?,746 l:IU.!l HS SEWER BCJND INTEREST....... 10,f.lUO -10,u:JU ..,,n., ',J.l: I ------------------------------------------------------------• 1::19 IUIAL Sl:.WER 1:!UNUS_-,. .. . . ... . . . UU,UUU -l'.JU,UllU 111,U".>Y 8':>.•1 ---------------------------------------------------------~•· ~ 9 j I I , I · I 1r- I 1. j;J ,.) • I '. ! ., .. / l ,, •' J f 1 .:I j 1 '··j ! I'. lo-',, 0 il 1:51 PM 6-26-8~ _ __ ___ _ _ _ ___ !=UY-Qf CARLSE:IA~ ~E.UENUE. ~E.PUkf -AS UF MAY Jl, 1Yt16 __________ _,Rl:.UENUE:. SUMMA.RY _ __ _ ______ _ ---------~1=9~8~5--QL~V.D=G=E,.._T __ BUDGET ADJU~fMl:.NlS REVISED 19~ l:IUDt;E. T RE.VENUE PERCl:.HT OF 1 HROUC.H l'!AY ES f I MA TEO -• 171:16 Rl:.VE.NIJE Rt:.CEJUE:O TIJ -DATE. ------- 90 HO.USING Al}THQ,RITY _._ ______ --~----·- 91 Y2 _ 93 HUD GRAHi Rl:.VEHu£ ........ . HUO-lHll:.kE.ST ............. . SALE OF PROPERTY ••••.••••• 988,UU0 20,uuo 1,600 9tHJ ,0UU 20,U!!_!! 1,600 868,412 9,9!?.S 1,sso 1:1.'.9 49.tj 96·;9 94 TQTAL HQUSlN!i -~UTHORITY,..,,___.,... 1,0!!.l!i.!I.Q!) ______ L600 _____ LQl!~i-~9_0_ --~2...2.!~---·--_ 1p.~ Y~ UJHER ~~E.LIAL kEUENUE ~UNUS 96 9~ 91:1 99 CAL LIBRARY SERV ACT CCLSA>... 92,000 LIBRARY GRANT -.sa_J58 .••• __ ~600 __ _ LlfERA~Y C.RANJ............ 52,6/1 OlHER C.RANIS.............. 10,uuo 92,000 64,109 --"-3~5~,9_00 _____ !3,600 83,3!)8 -----· -52 1 6/l 55 ,9:.!:.! !?,uuu lS,UU0 69.7 'J9./ tU6.2 -----------------------------------------------------------lO0TOTAL OTHER SPECIAL FUNDS ..... 101SANI TAT IUN Et:HERPRJ.~E 20,;2n -,$0,QOO 24~1 271 2U},}H9 8}.6 ----------L.--·--·--........ ------... ~------------------------ 1U2 l0J io4 ScWER CHARGES............. 1 1 440 1 000 -1 1 440,0UU 1,392,9/U CUUNECIIUN 1-~E;S........... 60 1 000 -6U,UUU 4!?,6J4 JNfEREST CSA~ITATION)..... 150,000 100 1 000 250,000 211,450 --------------------------------•• 9c.7 /6.1 84-.6 l0STOTAL SANI TATl(_)N .• •-• ..... _._._,_•.: _ ~_&~!L_9_9!! ___ _ 100,000 1,i'S.Q..,_000 l.1.!S0.L.9J.~--94.3 l06WAJER ENlEkPRl~E 10;;-·-IJATER SALES ....... : .. ~-;::·.----eoo,ooo -eoo,ooo 778,067 _______ 97-.} lUB IHTERE!:iT CIJAIER>.... •• • ••• 1so,ooo 7s,ooo 225,000 :D!i,346 1U4.6 109 QTHER WATE~ CHARGES •••• .!•.~----___ 50J.Q!!.I! ____ 200-'-000 25~J:!00 ___ ~89.zi!~_f!_ _ _;ts_.6 llOIOTAL WAIEH••••••••••••••••••• 1,uuo,ouu lllLiABlL!TY SELF-INS FUND. ----------·------- 11'2 lU INS PAYMENTS FROM OlHE~ FUNDS. INll:.Rl:.~T lLIAB INS FUNO) •. JJ4,vUU 6U 1 UUU 275,000 1,27S,0UU 1,}0'2.,4/1 1U2.2 ----------------------·-· --·-----------·-• ----- ---}.S4,00U 'l'0 1 UUU >O~UUU .S6:.!,6:.!6 iH,9J4 J.Ul:f.6 '11. u ll4TOIAL LIABILITY SELF INS ..••• ; --39 ◄,ooo ____ -,o,ooo-~•,tfoo -. "'""•~o • f64.8 ! . I '1 ! -ti t f) ~ .,., i f > j l ! ' I ·l :1 e i I I .- .-i I ,-I' ..-; I' • 1:51 f-'M 6-26-86 _ . ______ C1.LY...DE...CARL5BAD Hl:.VE.NUE l<EPUl<I -AS UF MAY ~1, lY~6 _______________________ ...,E!.!WJJLSUJl.tlf.l!f'I'. ... ----------- _____ __.9..ll.:.i6 _ __sUPGEI ~~lllSEQ..----8~---·· -~~~E.liT .QE. BUOGl:.f AOJUSlMENTS 198S-8o lHl<OUG~ MAY ESTIMAll:.0 l:lUOt.;l:.T 1Y~6 " f.11:.VENUI:. --------F~~EJ~Q_JU ______ _ l>ATE ----.-------------~-----------------115WORKERS CLIMP SELE.J.H5._£Utfl). _________________________ _ 116 1V' LUMP. Pf~EMIUMS......... .. .. 2?5,000 -2)5,000 INll:.l<l:.ST (!.J-'.'.CQ!:!Pl,, I.,,.,, 'Z!l.~.llJ.!P ___ ~.UJl ,;>~~-ll~Q .. , 118"(0TAL WORKERS COMP FUHO .....•. :n~,ooo 2s;ouo ,so,ouo -------------------------------------------·----·-------------·-------•• llYVl:.HIL°LE MAINl fUND U!O PAYMl:.NTS FOR VEHICLE-SERVICE ••••••• 121 INTEREST CVEH MAINTJ .....• .670,000 10,000 670,000 10,000 354,S90 128.9 .l?,974 ______ lUl .• J ----·--· 4}0,564 430,971 l,S2J 12,.0 64.3 15.2 -----------------....----------------------------------------------------------l221UfAL V~HILLE MAINt FUND ..... . 12}Vl:.Hlt:LE l<E.PLAC:E.Ml:.NT ~-1,JNQ ___ _ 124 VEHICLE RENrAL F~Es ...... . 125 SALE OF PRUfE:.RrY • ..,..., ,.J.LL.,-• . .t..---- 126 INll:.f.11:.!,I (V!:.H R!:P. FUNUJ .• ---------------·------.. ------. ______ , ---·~ > ---6HO,OUO 275,000 ----.. ---· .. 7 I UUO 71J,OOO 6HO,UUO 27s,ooo 7,ouu 70,0UU 4J'..!,4'J4 211,116 ~~ ,249.. _ lJ ,'!)2J 6.}.6 76.8 41,1~-~ 19.) 12,71UTAL Vl:.Hlt.:Ll:. Rl:.P.,._ F.UN0.~~----}4S..,ouu ____ .7.~oµo ____ ,s2,ouo ______ 2,2,Sl:38 __ ·•· ... 71.8 ------------------------------------------,-----------------128HEALIH INSURANCE FUND 129 CONTRIB. FR011.QL~~-FUHOS. ___ -2S(L_00Q..:.._ __ ~.a.!!!IL-~-~77 1 2~~-------. !10.9 _ UO 101 AL HtAL JH !US fUNU •.•.••••. UlREOEVl:.LUPME.HT °2?U 1 UUO . 2su,oou 2,.,7 ,24} 132 HJ lAX INCREMENT REVf;;NUEu..._.,_. _____ ,SSO_'..aJ!OO ____ • --··• _ SSOJ.000 }.7.7.!94 __ _ ltH l:.f.(1:.51 g, U I Hl:.R Rl:.V l~!:.01:.UELUPMENT> ....•. 50,00U 2!; ,ooo • 7S,ouo SB,2'70 H4TOTAL REDEVELOPMENT~:::::·:::::--· ••• 600 1 000.. 2~ ~000 • ., •• 625~0ifo 4'3S~?o4 110.9 ~8.6 77.7 69.7 U5 OTHER SPECIAL FUHO~., •• • • • ___ -; _ . __ 4Q 1 _Q.!}!) _ ~U_1 QQQ ____ ~J,02~. 127.6 U6 ruJAL OIHl:.I< H 1ND!:i ............ . 1J7TOTAL ALL OPERATING REV ...... . 7,37?,690 l,llJ,600 8,489,29{! 7,313,149 ----------·-" 26 1 6sa·,i90 2;321,100 2iJ,979,290 ·-27;;ts6,7;S9 ------------------------------------·------------ 86.1 94.7 i' ,,, [l I I ' 1' I l I' f' i J I. I I j' I I .... ' NI' ' l • 1:51 f'M 6-26.--:8_6 ----------------•-·---___ CIT'(_Of.CFR!-SBAD ___________________ _ REUENUE RE.PU~T -AS UF MAY Jl, 19H6 RE.UENUE. SUMMA~'!. --------·------------ 1985-86 BUDGET REVISED REUENUE PERCENT Or -BUDGE f ADJUSl ME.NTS 1985-86. 1 HROUGH MAY ESFIMA rEo· ~UUGE.T 1YH6 R~VENUE RECEIVED 10 --------------'--== DATE ----·- UBCAPITAL FUNDS ___ ------------------··-----·---________________________ _ UY 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 14.7 148 149 1,0 1?1 Gl:.NERAL CAPll'AL CONST ..... GAS I ftX. -: "-= ~.,__:..:.~.· •••••• _,._., 16},0UO 16~,ooo 75,682 46.4 PUBLIC FAClLITlES FEE..... 2 1 400 1 000 1,600,000 4,000,000 5 1 053 1 840 126.3 PARK IN-LIEU .... ~•••••••·• 460,000 600,000 1 1 060,000 841,J31 19.4 PLANNED 1=,9~_L .Q.RMt.:!fl~~·-!-•-•---~!)O ,J!!!!! 200,000 4fil!.aJH!O .4'!!z.i433 ____ ~:n. 4 ~EUl:.NUE SHARING........... :.!SO,OUO 325,0UO S/5,0UU 64J,H67 112.U SEWER CONSrRUCTION........ 1,670,000 9uo,ouo 2,,?u,000 2,~27,997 94.5 COMMUNITY _l!fil! BLUCK GRANTS 180,369 . ....EJ!.~!/ .. ___ :.!_49 . .r...Y_f:!~----. ~8LS38 ':l0.l BUENA VISTA DREDGING...... --• - UlHER CAPITAL GRANTS...... 113 1 000 5 1 733,HU7· 5,846 1 807 886,~28 15.2 WA l ER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . ____ -____ ____ -_ ____ _ _ -_____ " UEVELU~l:.R CUNTRl~UllUNS... 415,uuo l415,UOU) l:lUtlOS & 01 HE.R SUURt.:ES. • • . • -5 U 0 , 0 U 0 500", ouu 10,428,526 2,oar;.1 1S210fAL CAPITAL t='Ut-:1.)S........... 5,688,369 9,667,424 15,)~',/793 2(1~89r,s42·-----TJ6.o··-••·--------------------------------------·------------------------1S3GRAND TUTAL REVEt-!lJf: ••••••• .,_. :.: ... 3~-~~~...t2z2.. ___ l_!,.?JIJ!,~.1-. ~1.J .. :r~_,_!)~~ ... :1~~4~_!,H. ________ 1g9_.} _ l:.nd of MURVU';,86 ·------------------------. ---· -·--- ~-... -...... -.... --·------....,......__.,..___ -~-"'"'·-------------~~ .... - 12:29 PM __ 6-23-86 ClTY OF CARLS~AD I I kEPURT OF EXPcNDllURcS 1(-----REPQRT AS OF 0 0S/31/86 1985-86 198S-86 Y T D y T c, UMENCUMB!::R-"EXPENDED ---~ --ADOPTED CURRENT EXPENDED ENCUMBERED ED"BRLHNCE TO DATE BUDGET BUDGE., ------------------------------------------·-----------------------GENERAL FUND ~--------------- !.: ------------ ! GENERAL G0 1JERNMENT , .. Cl TY COUNCl!.. 67,Y32 104,603 68,06:! 1,700 34,84l 6';; .1 " I ClTY MANAGER 266,'.>65 2Y1 1 1Y2 2'.>6,UU7 13,l.lS '22,UlU 87.9" ,. CUMM Rl::.LA r IONS 70,S38 6<;,lJl 42,945 193 21,995 65.9" ll CITY CLERK 4,'~60 5,260 3,886 -1,374 n.9 " INFO SYSTEr1S l 655,777 321,048 200,773 133,956 49.0" CITY ATTORNEY n:, ,596 144,329 ·115 1 909 1,207 27,213 80.3" FINANCE 217,0J.7 247,0'23 11:31, 021 2,70S 63,797 l}.} " t1 ~ l TY I REASURl::.R 12,440 14,l'.>l 10 1 lJ4 -4,01.I ?l.6" j PURCHASING 140,170 145,8J7 111,384 4,11~ 30,340 76.4 " PERSONNEL 228,803 269,981 :.!48 ,81:16 1,17S 19,920 92.2" RES~ARCH & ANALYSIS 220,737 263,812 183,159 18,206 6'2,447 69.4" INSURANCE ADMIN 63,723 67,966 68,341 2 1 0/U l'2 1 4<1';,) lU0.6" :~1-TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT -------------------·-, ---------------------------,----------------J 1,446,102 2,275,062 1,610,782 24S,.H7 418,963 70.8" i' ------------------------------------------------------------------PUBLIC SAFElY ,, ,•.I BUILOrnG 719,804 92S,984 645.,641 33,SOS 246,838 69.7" .. j POLICE 4 1 1:,a,?~!l 4 1 c;06 1 0',1 3 1 S6s;,1a1 • 19 ,82S 921,045 /9.1" .. 1 f' IRE 2,807,849 2,872,482 2,202,598 2S,076 644,808 76.7" WEED ABAiEMENT 43 1 3SS 7B 1 900 17 1 4S6 61 1 1,lSS )89 22.1" J DISASTER PREPAREDNESS 65,611 69,,482 44,426 ~11 24,645 63.9" ------------------------------------------------------------------TOTAL PUBLIC SArETY 7,775,390 8,452,899 6 1 47S,302 1)9 ,012· 1,837,725 76. 6 " --------~ ---------------------------------------------------------PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING 1,208,702 1,700,041 1,467,580 36,581 195,880 86.3" jil UEU. PRUCESSING. -'.lS?,192 1!!>},819 l,JO) 92,U;.>O 63.~" c !I PLANNING '703,,99S 654,776 421,8?7 40,?92 104,307 64.4" -------------------------------------------------------~----------l lOTAL PUBLiC WORKS 1,712,697 2,612,009, 2,~~3,27~ 86!476 • 472,257 78.6" ------------------------------------------------------ 4~ 4~ ... , --S - I I ic '.; I 'i t I I I I l i ' ., j l i f.'. L.: ,,i- i' I '! ,; :j ''! I' l~!:29 PM 6-23-86 MAINTENANCE. STREETS eUILOING MAINT AOMJN TRArFIC SIGNA~ MAINT lOTAL Mi"HNl'ENANCE OTHER pEPARTMENTS • -•w- LIBRARY PARKS ANO RECREATION Ul'!Ll TIES DIRECTOR BLOCK GRANT --- TOT~L OTHER OEPARTM~~TS NON-DE.PARTME.NIAL NUN-Uc~HKlncNIAL COMM PRLlMO CCHHBR) SEN I OR Cl 'ii ZENS ASSOC CIJMMUNITY ASSISTANCE AUDll DUES & SU~SCRIPTIONS UISTOR S INFO BUREAU ARTS PROGRAM LEASES SI LIGHl CU!:iTS CAP I fAL PROJE.t: IS TOTAL NON-OEPARTMENlAL SUB-TOTAL ~E.NERAL FUND CONTINGE.NL;IES TOTAL GENERAL FUND CITY Of-CAl-!LSBAO REPURT OF cXPcNOllURE:.S· RE.PORT AS OF OS/31/86 1985-86 1985-86 YT O YT D UN~NCUMBER-~ EXPENUED ADOPTED CURRENT EXPENDED ENCUMBERED· EO BALANCE TO DAfE BUDGET BUDGET - ------------------------------------------------------------------ 2,349,116 3,590,943 J,026,094 337,184 229,665 84.3 ~ 3Q2JB41 337,261 233,307 , 8,666 9S,2ij8 69.2 % 170,400 210,400 134,614 lU,824. 64,962 64.0 ~ ------------------------------------------------------------------2,~27~3~7 4,138,604 3,394,015 354,674 389,915 82.0 % -----------------------~-~---------------------------------------- 1,406,392 1,s1J,e,o 1,196,822 48,368 268,640 ?9.1 % 2,106 1 911 2,163,}83 l,7J8,6U8 ~6,542 368,23J ~0.4 % 31,903 42,740 11,141 4 1 907 26 1 692 26.l, 42 1 461 S0,399 37,2SS 667 12 1 477 73.9 %0 ------------------------------------------------------------------),587,667 J,770,Js2 2,:..a,,026 110,,494 t.76,042 ;,9.1" ------------------------------------------------------------------ --• ---- 98,JOO 119,?8J &;;8,19S • 975 60,61.S 48.6 ~ 30,00C 33,400 33,400 --100.0 ~ 20,UUO 23,411 23,?40 -~12~) 100.6 ~ 18,000 18,000 18,183 -(183) 101.0 % 100 1 000 255 1 111 226 1 806 28 1 }U4 l H8.9 ~ so,ooo 52,403 30 1 094 ~,329 16,980 S7.4 % }82 1 400 382 1 400 24~1 60? 43,SOC 93 1 298 64.2 ~ 18,700 18,700 --Hi,700 29,115 7~325 1,890 17,90U ~S.2 ~ ------------------------------------------------------------------717,400 932,323 643,145 01,998 207,180 69.0 ~ 18,061,621 "22,101,249 i7,160,346 1,010,021 4,002,002 77.4 °" ------------------------------------------------------------------1,,no,1;,9 ,~e,,s,4·9 --68,'.749 -----------____ u ______ --------------------------------------------19,}9:,aoo 22,24?,798 1i,160,J46 1,01e,e21 4,010,631 77.1 ~ ••••••••••• •--~--~---• •·•-·····•• ·•-------~-···M•·••••• •••w••••••• - ~ 'I I j ; · + j ~ IJ- r., ~ rl :l i -,, v, I ~ l,j I 12:29 PM 6-23-,-8~ ·• _ $1?~!::=J.f,L_ .REUEN!.JE FUNLJS STREET LIGHT I NG . LJ f!R!;!RY BQNQS SEWER BONDS HOUSING AUrHORITV 198!1-86 .. _ J~.Q(Jf)TEO BUDGET 497,681 ~0,624 126,09S 1,008,949 198!>-86 'CURREl:lf BUDGET 503,764 20,624 126;095 1,014,153 AUOfo-v1suAL INSURANCE CAL LIB SERV ACT 2c;;,ooo 92,000 4$8.,600 25,208 92,392 48,60(! 21,4'1 55,182 LIBR GRANr -SB ::JSB LIBR LilERACV 84-HS LIB LllERACY 3RD YR 01 HER bRAN IS -SAN i TAT foi-1. ENTERPRISE WATER ENTERPRISE LIABILITY SELF INS HEALlH INS . i.!ORKERS COMP INS VE-HlCLE MAIHT FUND REDEVELOPMENT TOTAL OTHER FUNDS 52,671 1,416-,846-. i~l4B,OJ4 1,000,oa1 1,017,878 398,872 .~n.~~~ 988,502 262,078 398,872 366,288 . 31:!4 ,28?. 1,oso,165 328,~65 -6,}1;f,302•·• 7,101,7j4 CITY OF CARLS8AO REPURT UF ~XPENUllU~eS Rt::PORJ' AS OF 05/Jl/86 YT 0 EXPENDED )87,847 17,928 112,163 9SS,218 16 ;43'., 82,191 17 1 9 !H 35 1 524 1,219,49'$ 809,962 76,891 lSS,9~0 l6U,Sl9 706,874 305 1 304 ---------S,089,219 Y T D E~C.UMBEREO 6, 17c; l4S :,,020 4,44, ~,ooo 218 1,220 s,:h9 1,800 3,625 l'>'U 97,3}~ 0,966 l~l,456 UNENCUMBER- ED Elf\'...e_t:_ICE 109,742 .2,696. 13, 9}2 !>8,790 5 ,7S3 s,,se 39,600 3-,-.!'IS 18,4}8 424,220 206,116 318 ,JS6 urn,J:)1:1 ;l2~1 S.74 245,5S6 14,495 ------- l,871,0S9 " EXP •. uED TO O,lTE 77.0 " 86.9" 89.0" 94.2" 65.2" 89.0" 8}.6" 64.4" 73.9 " 79.6 '9 19.3 " ~U.8" 41.8 " 67.}" 92.9" 71.7 " ___ J.!l_lAL QPE.RAJ H-!G ~UOGEr:. ___ 1~..J'.J!~,.11!2 --~~~~~1,S~~-22·,249,S6S 1,160,27? .J.,94~.~9q 75.8 " ----------------------------------------------~------------------- C: I i ~· 1 II , I I I : I :I r1 t l I ' . r .:l I ·: ·: ,, I :, 61: '' I 12:29 PM f,--2~-86 --CITY OF CARLSBAD ... --l<Ef'U~T UF E.XPE.NDl'rURES REPORT AS OF OS/n /86 .. ------ 19BS-86 .198~-86 Y T D YT D UNE.NCUMBER-"EXPENDEO _______ J:10.DPTEO CURRENT EXPENDED ENCUMBERED ED BALANCE TO OAT£ EIUDGE.T BUDGET ------------------------------------------------------------------ _ CAP I TAI.. I MPROU_EMEl:IT fUt:I.Qii GENERAL CAPITAL COHST --GAS lAX -------- PUBLIC FA~lLITIES FEE - PARK IN-LIEU - REVENUE SHAR lHG - SEWER CONS1"RUCT 1 OH ---• -- AGUA HEOIOHDA BR GRAHT - LOCAL TRANSPORTATION FUNDS·-·-· - PLANNED LOCAL DRA[NAGEFACIL JAMES OR ASSESSMENT OlSJ'_. _ CARLSBAD BLVD BLUFF PROTECTION t.:ULLE.GE BLUD·ASST DIST e,-2 HIGHWAY MTCE. &. RECONS"f .. __ OIHER CAPllAL GRANTS COMM O~V 8LOCK GRANTS l<E.UEVELUPM~NT ___ WATER TOTAL CAPlfAL FUNDS GRAND 10TAL - - - - ----- ----------- -----------2S,7U9 1 lf:l2 ----------- 4,ilS,812 1,661,503 10,6_08,607 1,878,052 3,136,29} 2,333,420 2 1 255 1 294 2s,,,2, 1<1 1 64} - 2,715 ,ooo c;3,070 - l,075,0UO )9},421 2,150,733 65,609 -----------32,813,780 -----------62 1 16S 1 :312 ----------- 2,048,632 1,519,603 647,577 48.6" 22,,a,o 447 1,437,22~ 13.S " 3,455,162 S,591 1 094 1,S62,3Sl 32.6" 2!/7 1 7U8 9':>0, U.14 69U,2?0 12 • .7 " 1,196,991 1,210,674 728 628 38.2" I , 613,377 168,0.19 1,ss2,024 26.3" ;,146,782 1,0S2,668 SS,844 so.a" 47,490 6,86.7 198,966 18.7" -18,643 12,144 -(12,144) • --2,715,0UO c;o,106 900 2,064 94.4" 141,880 -(141,800) • --1,o;,i;.,000 - 6,110 ~'5,36S 301,946 1.6 " 1 1 262,0:.!0 84,':>68 ao~, v~~ se.1" --6S,609 -------------------------------------------- 10,442,232 10 ,6f:Hj I 922 11,682,626 ;n.8 " --------------------------------------------- 32,691,797 11,849,199 17,624,316 52.6 " ---~------~ ----------· ------····· ·····-····- l 'l I ' " :1 ~i ,, .:1 . --.I I i 12:29 PM 6-~3-8~ 1985-86' ~PPPT~O BUDGET ~X?~ND~BLE lRUST A~D 8~~~~Y£UND~. CABLE TELEUIS!ON F04NOAl:J_QH __ _ TOTAL T~UST & AGENCY FUNDS ..... ,..,.,._ ,--~------4 TOTAL ALL FUtfDS 25,709,182 ----------------Indeterminate values represented as • E.nd gf MOE~PE.NO 1985-86 CURRENT BUOi.ET 62,165,)12 ----------- CITY OF CARLSBAD REf'CJRI' UF 1:.Xf'l:.NUllURl:.S REPORT AS OF OS/31/86 Y'T D EXPENDED 10,784 ______ , 10,784 y :r 0 EHCUMEIERED UNENCUMBER- ED BALANCE (10,784) --------- ll0 ,784 J -----------32,702,,81 11,849,199-17,61;:s,2 -----------· ----------~ ----------- -~-, ,(, "EXPENUEU TO DAfE • * 52.6" )