HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-07-22; City Council; 8714; Purchase of Office Furniture.. 0 L&J ~ a: a.. a. <( z 0 § c( _. 0 z :, 0 (.) --------- CITjPF CARLSBAD -AGEND~ILL AB# f'. 11 ~ TITLE: 7/22/86 Di::PT. HD.,_.....,_--+,,_ MTG. ___ _ DEPT.-=P__,C=H.._ __ PURCHaSE OF OFFICE FURNITURE CITY ATT CITYMGR"~ RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. [? J 3 , awarding the bid for office furniture for facility at Las Palmas. ITEM EXPLANATION On June 1r, 1986, Council approved fund transfers to facilitate the move of departments to the facility at 2075 Las Palmas. In accordance with Section 3.28.120 of the Municipal Code, Notice to· Bidders was published and Requests for Bids was made to twelve vendors. Eight responses were received, opened, witnessed and recorded on July 2, 1986. • The lowest bid on four items was Business Environment in the amount of $9,960.90 including tax. San Diego Office Supply was low bidder on four items in the amount 6f $13,254.00 including tax. Southwest Stationers was low bidder on 18 items in the amount of $4,526.80 including tax. McMahon Desk was low bidder on two items irr the amount of $1,148.32 including tax. O'Neill Envirocorp was low bidder on eight items in the amount of $47,811.94 including tax. ~astman Inc. was 16w bidder on four items in the amount of $6,981.52 including tax. L.o.P.C. was low bidder on one item in the amount of $2,569.25 inclu~~ng tax. FISCAL IMPACT The total cost of the furniture is $86,252.73. Unencumbered funds in the amount of $155,025 are available in Account No. 001-820- 3610-3900 for the furnishings. The transfer of $14,225 from Account No. 001-8~0-3610~3900 to Account No. 001-840-3610-2660 will be necessary to provide funding for items not considered Capital Outlay. Upon approval of this transfer unencumbered funds in the amount of $140,800 will be available in Account No. 001-840-3610- 3900 and unencumbered funds in the amount of $14,225 will be available in Account No. 001-840-3610-2660 for the purchase of the furniture. 1 • Tabulation of Bids -Exhibit "A" 2 . City Council Resolution No. tf7/.3 3. Memo from Finance Director dated 7/17/86. I / Ji JULY 17, 1986 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: Finance Director FISCAJ, IMPACT -PURCHASE OF OFFICE FURNITURE FOR LAS PALMAS OFFICES In June of 1986, the City Council appropriated $155,000 for the purchase of office furniture for the Las Palmas facility. The low bids received for this furniture total $86,000 which is made up of $72,000 in Capital Outlay (items costing more than $250 each) and $14,000 in what we typically refer to as Special Supplies, or items custing less than $250 each. The agenda bill requests that Council approve the transfer of $14,000 to the Special Supply account to cover these less save items. / l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 8713 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING BIDS AND AUTHO- RIZING THE EXECUTION OF PURCHASE ORDERS FOR THE PURCHASE OF FURNITURE FOR FACILITY AT LAS PALMAS WHEREAS, bids have been received by the City of Carlsbad for the furniture for the Las Palmas Facility7 and WHEREAS, the bids received total $86,252.73~ includes Capital outlay of $72,027.73 and Special Supplies of $14,225.001 and WHEREAS, unencumbereci tunds in the amount of $155,025 are available in Account No. 001-840-3610-3900 for the purpose herein stated7 and WHEREAS, the transfer of funds in the amount oi $14,225 from Account No. 001-840-3610-3900 to Account No. 001-840-3610-2660 is necess~ry to provide funding for items not considered Capital Outlay. BE IT RESOLVED by the City council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the bid of Business Environments for items 8, 18, 19 and 20 as shown in Exhibit "A", is hereby accepted and the Purchasing Officer is hereby authorized to execute a Purchase Orde for the purchase of furniture, in the amount of $9,960.90. 2. That the bid of San Diego Office Interiors for items 1, 28, 6 and 23 as shown in Exhibit "A", is hereby accepted and th Purchasing Offic~r is hereby authorized to execute a Purchase Orde for the purchase of furniture, in the amount of $13,254. 3. That the bid of Southwest Stationers for items 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40 and 41 as shown in Exhibit "A", is hereby accepted and the Purchasing ') . ' J. 2 3 4 5 6- 7 8 9 10 l'l 12 13 14 .15 16 17 18 19 20 I 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Officer is hereby authorized to execute a Purchase Order in the amount of $4,526.80. 4. That the bid of McMahon Desk for items 17 and 21 as shown in Exhibit •A•, is hereby accepted and the Purchasing Officer is hereby authorized to execute a Purchase Order for the purchase of furniture, in the amount of $1,148.32. s. That the bid of O'Neill Envirocorp for items 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 22 as shown in Exhibit •A", is hereby accepted and the Purchasing Officer is hereby authorized to execute a Purchase Order for the purchase of furniture, in the amount of $47,811.94. 6. That the bid of Eastman Inc. for items 3, 4, 7 and 9 as shown in Exhibit "A", is hereby accepted and the Purchasing Officer is hereby authorized to execute a Purchase Order for the purchase of furniture, in the amount of $6,981.52. 7. That the bid of L.o.P.C. for item 5 as shown in Exhibit •A", is hereby accepted and the Purchasing Officer is hereby authorized to execute a Purchase Order for the purchase of furniture, in the amount of $2,569.25. 3610-3900 Ill/ /Ill /Ill /Ill /Ill /Ill /Ill 8. to That the transfer of $14,225 from Account No. 001-84 Account No. 001-840-3610-2660 is hereby approved. -2-t PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 22nd by the following vote, to wit: day of July l. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin and Pettine NOES: None 9 ATTEST: 10 ABS ENT : Council Member Chick 11 ~,~ ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City c1frk 12 13 14 15' 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 (SEAL) -3- ~CASLER, Mayor , 1986 ,., .. !" -~----9111! -p ,, .... , ..... -~ ,. -~~--.,.... --,..,.....,. ... _ ,.., -- EXHIBIT 11 A11 SOOTt.:ST STA TIOl£RS Hc:IWWt !£SK S;E, ll\'la'f A CO. 0 11£(LL ENVIROC<WIP EAS1fAN, IIC, L,O,P.C, BUStlESS (ltVtROIMEMTS i.)90 14oNM Blvd. S... Oleqo 1 !=.L9l1t7 ~ OIECO OffJa:. llfTERI<RS "" Clar-~ NaN Blvd, ~-~~ 92111 1U Yilleclllls de Oro 1,0 H, AMre-n Dr, 78116 Con,o:, Court StSZ Avenld• Encln.s 11!1!9 Te,.or.Ct. 2'61 Horen• Blvd. --~N•rcos, CA 92069 Escondido,, CA 9202S •S•n ~ CA 92111 Cubbd, CA ,zoos ~Otego, CA 92121 Sin DJ ego, CA 921..0 lb, Bid lb Bid t71'. 10 116, 116• 1. lb Bld 2. lb Bld 3. .m.01 ,. 1,18S.70 S. lb Bld ,. J79.9S 7. Q.\.30 8. 287.6' ,. 511.7' 10. lb Bld 11. lb Bld 12. n. tit. 15. 16. 17. ti. 19. 20. 21. 22. 21. 2,. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. )2. )3. 3.\. 35. 36. 37. 31. lb Bld lb Bld lb llld lb Bld SJ.60 lb Bld 61',,o 61'.,o ,10.,0 lb Bld JOS.97 lb Bld lb Bld lb Bid lb Bld lb Bld lb Bld lb Bld lb Bld lb Bld lb Bid lb Bid lb Bld lb 8ld lb Bld lb Bid lb Bld 39. lb Bid ltO. Ho Bid i.t. Ho Bid 1s1.n 116.17' tt.n 1,171,00 1,0.es JQ,1' '39.IO 3SJ.S.. su.oo lb Bld lb Bld lb Bid lb Bld lb Bld lb Bld SJ.JO a..so- n 1. 75 721,75 w.os 808.7, A-2ZO.OS B-2311,7' 9S,3S 19J.IO tlt.)I 11','6 '6.9Z s.n 13.76 9.3S 1)1.)9 97.7' 132.17 )9,79 1116,99 ,1.,z tS.6' 18,77 11.77 t'3.IO S8?.7Z -Substltute -Mot ccept~le. {]"" 1S2.98 tot. 1s 113,88 39.33 7. 11 12.02 8.20 101. 11 eo.,s 10,.00 30.30 119,26 36,60 13.60 16.)9 1'.39 152.95 416.31 lb Bid lb Bid 18. l& 7S!II&• AO •--: ~:.:-~ .. ,,.1, 89.S7 1,oss.-.. 200.87 J96,'7 &?2.22 3:,7.0S 521,,. lb Bid lb Bid lb Bld lb Bld lb Bid lb Old 57,77 190.27 Ho Bld lb Old Ho Old 702,78 A-20,.os e-221.01 lb Bld 235.8' 152,R 173,31 55. 12 ,.s, ,,.,1 10.,0 15),70 1~.3' 1s.,o lt.?.9) 181.26 "·" 17,119 22,26 ?1,20 226.8' 691.tz A-220.50 8-231.80 .. ~ ~· so.c:> lb Old No Old No Bld llo-Bld Ho Bid Ho Bid 290.90 290.00 591.00 361.,0 '95,30 26),25 lt5.60 Mo Bld lb Bid lb Old lb Old Ho Bld 200.so Ho Bld 223,,s 151 ,25 170,0 57.00 10.30 ts.as 12.00 151,SO 119.00 176.60 '7.10 178.SO 53.00 20.00 21.,0 21,60 2Z3,SO 111,.00 2,oro.z5 lb Bld A-3&2, 16 B-385.23 &21.09 )10.30 •m.,o lb Did Ho Bid lb Bld Ho Bid lb bld lb Old Ho Bld lb Bid No Bid No Bid lb Bid Ho Bld lb Bid' Ho Old 170.110 113.00 1z,. ts '3,,0 a.oo u.,o ,. 15 111.00 ,0,00 122.00 38.00 1)3.00 lt0.80 15.25 t8.30 36.&o 167.00 ltt0.35 t,6S7.56 17), 13 A-'111,56 e.-s6.tt 719.9' 37) .,s S7S.05 lb Bid lb Bld lb Bid lb Bld' lb Bid lb Bid 81.011 lb Bld lb Bld lb Bld lb Bld ,,,.n Z33.03 121,S6 257,6) 180.06 200.93 75.69 10,9' 11.00 1t,60 180. 32 145.27 tat.SO lt7i93 209.ltft 69.50 19.33 23.20 23.20 257.63 ~11.s1 - J ] j