HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-07-22; City Council; N/A; Growth Management Program Progress ReportCm JF CARLSBAD — AGENDA "ILL AB#_ MTG..7/22/86 DEPT.jELUJ- TITLE: GROWTH MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PROGRESS REPORT DEPT. HP. CITY A CITY MGR. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Receive and file. ITEM EXPLANATION The purpose of this item is to provide the City Council with an update on staff's progress with the Growth Management Program. Attached for this purpose is an updated Work Schedule which includes the status of each specific task to be accomplished. Work Schedule Highlights Staff is proceeding on schedule with the implementation of the Growth Management Program and has attached an updated work schedule for your review and information. Consultants have been hired to assist staff in the following areas: Paul Zucker, President of Zucker Systems will be assisting in the preparation and design of the Local Plans which will be submitted for each Zone after the Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan is completed. He will also be providing Planning support as the Citywide Plan is being prepared. Fay Round, President of Resource Microsystems will be providing the technical support necessary to develop and implement an automated computer system for the Growth Management Program. SANDAG will be utilized to assist in the preparation of the descriptive mapping systems as well as creating several maps for display purposes. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. as authorized by the City Council, will be preparing a Traffic Impact Study for the remainder of the City exclusive of the La Costa area as well as developing a computerized traffic model which will be provided at the completion of the study for future use by staff. At the Council meeting of July 8, 1986 the City Council took the first two official actions in implementing the Growth Management Program by adopting the facility performance standards and setting _ the boundaries of the 25 zones. < _ Currently, staff is in the process of developing all of the base ^ data necessary to: 1) determine what future facilities will be needed to adequately service the City; 2) assess the impact of OO 4 Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. existing, pending and future development on these facilities; and 3) measure compliance with the adopted performance standards. This data is being compiled so that it can be used in the preparation of plans for the individual zones as well as City-wide, Once compiled this data will be taken to each of the special districts which operate in the City to assure that their future plans are based upon the City's most up-to-date information. During the next few weeks, staff will be working with emphasis in the following areas: e Preparing for the City Council's review of the first of the descriptive maps. * Continuing to create the automated computer system and begin testing the system with actual data. * Arranging and meeting with the departments and special districts. 8 Identifying the financing options available to accomplish funding for future public facilities. 0 Drafting the model format and/or guidelines for the Local Facility Management Plans. Staff will be providing a brief presentation at the City Council meeting and will be available to answer any questions the Council may have concerning the Growth Management Program. FISCAL IMPACT None. EXHIBITS 1. Growth Management Program Work Schedule (-1 3 TJ g IBCOCO £Develop informatiforms for each puimprovementtr oM 3H- 01O H fll 01O rtH- srI-1 IBH- Mft H* 13 ffl Cj22 fMO X g % S ^S^ p B ^•^| x q ^X K n 1 (Brta o Prepare andletters todistricts regarequested invodevelopment ofCitywide plann M n o> coft < O. P IB01 ffi H* M 3333 OiOi IB ^o, a1 fta co H-CO *O 3 * S O ft 3 rt H- Oi Olo. y n M M •t) 31 H-|— i ^ § g XX *, X M 3 13n §COCO to Prepare environfor Citywide plan(B3rtOi (B (-*• u £ 3"Olo Srf g g XX K § XXX 1 XXXx XX g X XXXXX XX XXXXX XX g XXX XXXXX ^ ni "M(Bfta 00 Adopt interim tfee01 n>H-O 1 rt irj H- XS3X p^ ^S XXX X X n n i 3 "M 'M(B (Bft rta a ^j m Hire consultantcomputer systemsHire consultantimpact fee studyMIl-h 0o n S jT § l-h 01 H- IBO Ui "B 133" 3-H- H-M M 1 H X K ^ S^4 ^4 ^ ^ X ?<" X S B ^?s XX X X S X § n| •o (Brta 2 Hire consultantsupporti-n0H -isr oCO is3-H-)—• x X, ^^X XX X. ^^X, x XX o n n III CO (D IDft rt rt Oi Ui Oi IP> ui ro 13 co a u sd oi nf. 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