HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-08-05; City Council; 8724; Establish Speed Limit Portion of Cadencia Street$ t \ !, ' . J ~ 0 N C"l . ~ al C) ~ t1I ~ ..-1 'tl ~ 0 'tl al C) ::I 'tl 0 ~ µ ~ ..-1 .-i •r-1 C) £a ~ ::I 0 6 u .. 0:: \0 0.. CX) 0.. I If) .::c I CX) .. z 0 t3 <C ...I 0 z ::> 0 (.) ,,, ~ CIT~F CARLSBAD -AGENDf...;SILL 1g l~ --------------- AB# $'i;),i-/ TITLE: ESTABLISH A 25 MILE PER HOUR DEPT. Ho.6'41f _ MTG •. OB/05/S 6 PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMIT ON A CITY ATTY~ DEPT._.__.EN ..... G'---PORTION OF CADENCIA STREET CITY MGR._~ RECOMMENDED ACTION: Introduce Ordinance No . .Jpl o I to establish a prima facie 25 mile per hour speed limit on Cadencia Street, from a point SOD-feet west of Perdiz Street to Rancho Santa Fe Road. ITEM EXPLANATIO~ Staff conducted a traffic and engineering study to determine the speed limit that a portion of Cadencia Street should be posted. From 500-feet west of Perdiz Street to Rancho Santa Fe Road, Cadencia Street qualifies as a "residence district" per Section 515 of the California Vehicle Code. As such, the prima facie speed limit within the residence district is 25 miles per hour per Section 22352 of the California Vehicle Code. The Traffic Safety Commission, at their July 7, 1986 meeting, recommended to Council that 25 mile per hour speed limit signs be posted upon Cadencia Street within the residence district. The remainder of Cadencia Street, 500-feet west of Perdiz Street to La Costa Avenue does not qualify as a residence district and would not qualify as a 25 mile per hour speed zone. FISCAL IMPACT Installation of two (2) speed limit signs would cost $250.00. EXHIBITS 1. Location Map. 2. Staff Report to Traffic Safety Commission • 3. Minutes of Traffic Safety Commission meeting of July 7, 1986. 4. Ordinc1'1ce No. .3:),, o / to establish a pr ima facie 25 mile per hour speed limit on Cadencia Street, from a point 500-feet west of Perdiz Street to Rancho Santa Fe Road • I I l I i ~ N r NO SCALE DEL REY AVE PROJECT NAME: LOCATION MAP VICINITY· MAP -:J. w a: CADENCIA ST SPEED LIMIT LEGEND -f SPEED LIMIT SIGN PROJ. EXHIBIT NO. l_, CITY Of CARLSBAD TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION COMMISSION REPORT OF: July 7, 1986 ITEM NO. 1 LOCATION: Cadencia Street -Rancho Santa Fe Road to La Costa Avenue INITIATED BY: Dennis Price, 7515 Cadencia Street, Carlsbad, CA. 92008 PROBLEM AS STATED BY REQUESTOR: Cadencia Street needs to have speed limits posted. DATA: This item was continued from the Traffic Safety Commis5 io'1 meeting of June 2, 1986 (see previuos report attached). Two i s s u e s w e re t o b e r •~ s e a r ch e d an d r e p o r t e d b a c k l rJ t ii e Commission. They are: 1. Is it possible to legally post two (2) different speed limits on Cadencia Street? 2. Could a 2S M.P.H. speed limit be legally enforced by t~e Police Department? From a legal viewpoint, under the proper circumstances, it is possible to have two different speed limits posted along one street. These limits \10U ld have to be determined upon the basis of an engineering and traffic survey per Section 22557 of the California Vehicle Code (attached). Speed zones of less than half a mile and short transition zones should b13 avoided. The Police Department could not enforce a 25 M.P,H. speed l i.mit with radar, when the speed limit is not justified by an engineering and traffic survey within five years prior to the date of the alleged violation (Section 40802 of the Cali- fornia Vehicle Code, [attached]). Pacing of the alledged violator by the Police would be necessary in such a case, E.XH 1B 1·r / / 23 .,.... TRAFFIC SAF~TY COMMISSION COMMISSION REPORT OF: July 7, 1986 Continued ITEM NO. I Le., the Police officer follows the car in question for approximately one-half mile, checking the speed on the speedometer and then pulling the speeding vehicle over. A sianificdnt amount of manpower resources are required to use the pacing method, which limits the amount of enforcement effort available elsewhere. The homes located on the northerly portion of Cadencid Street nedr Rancho Santa Fe Rodd would quallf),' as a "residence district" per Section 515 of the California Vehicle Code dnd would have a prima facie speed limit of 25 M.P.H. This district is approximately 0.40 miles in length. The remaininp portion of Cadencia Street would not qualify as a residence district. The 85th percentile soeed on the portion of Cadencla Street near Del Rey Avenue was established by a speed survey at 46 M.P.H. This ls the speed thdt 85% of the drivers trdvel at or below and thus feel to bed safe and prudent speerl hdsed upon their perception of roddway conditions and their own driving dhilitles. The basic speed ldw stdtes that no person shall drive at d speed thdt ls Qreater than reasonable or prudent. Most drivers comply with this law and disregard regulations or speed limit signs that Lhey consider unreasonable, fn determining the speed limit that ls most appropriate to fdcllltate the orderly movement of traffic that ls reasondble and safe, several imoortant factors must be considered. These include accident history, prevailin~ speeds, unexpected conditions and any other special circumstances. Only when roadside development results in trdffic conflicts and unusual conditions n0L readily dpparent to drivers are speed limits below the 85th percentile w<lrranted, A review of Cadencia street and the associated physlcdl conditions such as width, curvature, grade, surfdce conditions and other conditions readily apparent to the driver would not require downward speed .zoning, as the basic rule of Section 22350 of the California Vehicle Coae ls sufficient regulation as to such conditions. Traffic ·research has shown that when roadways are posted at a speed TRAFFIC SAF[TY COMMISSION COMMISSION REPORT OF: July 7, 1986 Continued ITEM MO. I below the 85th increds<?. This speeds, credtino accidents. p e r c e n t i L e , t h e f r e q u e n c y o f a c c i d e n L s ,~ ,1 11 is due to a wider dispersion of vehlclP more conflicts and thus more potential for CONCLUSION: The low accident history and 85th pPrcentile indicates thdt ~ 45 M.P.H. speed Limit sign could he recommended on the southerly portion of Cadencla Street. However, considerinq that posting the roadway will have little effect on prevailing speeds and Lhat police enforcement will not Increase, no speed li~it should be posted. RECOMMENDATION: That the request for denied and the Polle~ drea. NECESSARY COUNCIL ACTION: a speed limit on Cadencia 5treet hP nepartment continue to monltor this None rPquired lf the request is denied. / .I I I I I I I Div. 11 § 22.156 -428- lncr•a•• of Freeway Limit 2.2.156. Wherwver the Dc1.1ar111wnl of Tr:m:.porlalion, afll'r com111lat1on w11h tlw Dt•partmenl of lhl' California I lighway l'a\rol, d<>ll'rmincs upon \he ba,i~ of .lll engineering and traffic ~ur\'ey on existing fr<>t•Way sl•gnwnb, or upon the ba,is of ( ) 1 appro/Jriiite d1•:.ign :.tamlards and proj1·ct('(! tr.illic volumes in the case of newly con~tructed freeway segnwnls, that a spel•d greater than 6.5 mile:. pN hour would facilitate the orderly movement of \'t•hicular traffic and would he rcJ~on:,hlc and llak upon any slat<' higl,wa}', or portion thereof, w}uch i:. a freeway with full control of aeCC!>S and without crm:.ing:. at grade otlll'rwbe :.uhject to a maximum speed limit of 6.5 mill's per hour, the ( )1 lJcpart111c11t o(Tramportation, with the approval oft/re lkpartme11t of the Califomia llighway Patrol, may declare a higher maximum speed of 70 miles per hour, and shall cause appropriate signs to be erected giving notice thereof. No person shall drive a \•chicle upon ( )3 that highway at a speed greater than 70 milc:s per hour. 11•·1"'-'""' Ch 11. s,.i.. 1!15!1 l-:ffec11,·e Septcml,.., •e. •959, Add.-d Ch •735. StJts .963. 1-:ffective S..pteml,cr 20, 1963 Anwm•..J Ch 18. Mats 1!16'1 FJT1-c1tve No,·emher 8. 1967 Am,. ... 1, .. 1 C:h 632. St.ts •!Jb!I ElforhH' No,,.mber 10. 19b9 Supersedes Ch, 91 and Ch 138. Am•• .. Jcd Ch 545. SIJIS. 197!'> Elf.-chw J .. nu.uy •• •!175, A11u,11dl'd Ch 519, StJI> 19M l'Jf,-< hw J.um••Y I. •9115 ·n,e •911-1 Jllll'lllht11• .. t .&dded th,· 1t.&hr11..d m•ta,rial .&nd at th•· pointt•l mJ,r.&te<l d••lt•led the followu,g 1 •· .. psnoaching•· • ··s.., lt'tJry of the llusmL-s> Jnd 1 rJ11sporlJt1on Al,l<'IICy" , ··iulh .. lncr•a•• of Local Limill 22357 Whenever a local authority determines upon the basis of an cngin<>cring and traffic survey that a speed greater than 25 miles per hour would facilitate the orderly movement of vehicular traffic and would be reasonable and safe upon any street other than a state highway othcrwhe subject to a pmna facie limit of 25 miles per hour, the local authority may by ordinance determine and declare a prima facie speed limit of 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, or 60 miles per hour or a maximum speed limit of 6.5 miles pn hour, whichever i,; found mo!>t appropriate to facilitate the orderly mov£•mcnt of traffic and b reasonable and !>afc. The declared prima facie or maximum speed limit shall he effective when appropriate signs giving notice thereof are erected upon the street and shall not thereafter be revised excepl upon the basis of an engineering and traffic survey. The provisions of this section shall not appl)' in respect to any 25-mile-per-hour prima facie limit which is applicable when pas!>ing a school building or the grounds thereof. • Am•• .. ••"'I Ch II. Stats l!IS9 1'.ff1-cl1>r Sc-pt,•mber •e. 1~9 Amemk-d Ch 631. !>l•t• l!lff.l Elfec11vo, Nowmber 10. 1969 D•cr•a•• of Local Limit• 22358. Whencvt•r a local authority determines upon the basis of an engineering and traffic !>urvey that the limit of6.5 miles per hour is more than is reasonabk or safe upoa any portion of any street other than a state lu~hway when• the limit of 6S milt•:. per hour is applicable, the local authority may hy ordinance determine and declare a prima facie s1>eed limit of 60, 55, 50, 45, 411. 35, 311 or 25 mile:. p1•r hour, whichever is found most appropriate to fol'ilitate till' orderly mo\·t?mt•nt ol traffic and is reasonahlc and safe. which 1h•dared prima facic li1111I shall hl' cffertivt• wlwn approprial<' :.igns g1vi118 1Wlll·•• tht•1t•of an• t•n•ch•d upon till' !>lfl't'I. ~11at•1ult-cl t..h IL '\t•h 1~9 1-Jl•"<·lnt• ~•ph•1nlH•J Hi. 1959 D•crea•• an Narrow Street 2,2:3.58 3 Wh,•m•n·r a lc.l·al authonl )' dt"11•rmmc:. upon till' h.1~1s of all ,•11)!11t•·••nn1'. ,11111 •rafht· '"'"•\ th.,l till' pnma rm•tt• ~11•···" hmil of 2s 1111lcS 1, .. 111 111 ., l,11,1111·,, "' t,•,nl,·1n •· tl1'1111 I or 111 ., puhlw p,11!. 011 .my ,tr,••' 1 ' ,-, .• I . • ,,Ill, •.• , •• I 11, Ill ,I ,1.,11 ht)!t,,,,1 )· • • ,~ (,r Div. 11 -429-§ 22:{62 resolution dt•tt•rmine and dt?claw a prima facie spel•cl limit of2O or IS mill'S prr hour, whichever is found mo~t aJ>proprialt• and is r,·a~onahlt• and s.,r,,. The declared \>rima focie limit ~hall be dfcl'livl' when appropriatt• :.igns giving noticl' t 1ercof are erected upon the !>lreet. ,\d,lt·•I Ch IIH4. ~IJts •~ 1-:ff••<'ti,•,. S••1>1emh••r •1. l!Jh.'> Amt•ncktl l'h Ur.JS, StJh 1!112. EITech\'l' M•rch 7. •!173 Su.>t'rs.••l••• Ch 372 O.crea•• of Local Limit• Near School• 22.158.4. Whenever a local authority dt•tcrmines upon the h.i!>is of an engineering and traffic :.urvey that the prima f;•cic ~pe,•d limit of 25 miles per hour established by paragraph 12) of subdh•ision (b) of Section 22.'352 is rnorl' than is reasonable or safe, the local authoril>• may, by ordinance or re~olution, determine ,md dt•clarc a prim a facie speed limil of 20 or 15 ,mies per hour, whichever is justified as the appropriall• SpC'cd limit by !>Uch survey. No such ordinance or resolution shall be efft•ctivc until appropriate signs giving notice therl'of are erected upon the highway nor, in lite ca!>e of a state highway, until such ordinance is approved by the Department of Transportation and such signs are erected upon the lughway. ,\Jd • .J Ch. 102. Srats. 1974 F.ITech\'e J•nu•ry •• •!115 Downward Speed Zonln11 223.58.5. It is the intent of the Legislature that ph>•sical conditions such as width, curvature, grade• and surface condition:.. or any other condition n•adil)' appar<>nt to a driver, in th<· absence of oth1•r factor~, would not 1t•q111w :,pccial downward sp<>cd zoning, as the ba.!,ie rule of Section 22350 1s suffic1c-nl regulation as to such conditions. Addr<I C:h 1 •. Sta ls •!159 lille<'twe Sepl<'ml,cr •K. 19:19 loundary Lin• Str••I• 22359. Y ;th respect to boundary line-slrt•t•t~ and highways , ... lwre portions then-of are within different juristlictions, no ordinanet• adopted undt?r Secliom 22357 and 22358 shall ht! effective as lo any .!>uch portion unlil :ill authorities having jurisdiction of the portions of the :.trect concerned havC' approved the same. This section shall not apply in the case> of boundary line strel'ts ccmsi.!,ling of separate roadways within differe111 jurhdictions. /\m•·ml.,.t Ch 20!1. St.ts 1963. Effcchve Apnl 29. •!163 Linking Dl1trid1 on Local Hl11hwayi 22360 Whenever a local authority determine.!> upon the has1s of an engineering and traffic surve>• that the limit offi.5 miles per hour 1s more than is reasonable or safe upon any portion of a highwar other than a slate highway for a distance of not exceeding 2,000 feet in length hl!lwC"en districts, either business or re!>idence, the local authority may determine and declare a reasonable and safe prima facie limit thereon lower than 6S miles per hour, hut not less than 25 miles per hour, which clecl,ired prima facic speed limit shall b1· effective when appropriate :.igns gwmg notice thereof are erectl'd upon said slrcC'l or highway. A111,•11d,~I Ch II. St•ls •!159 Efft•l'll\e St•plt•mbn IH. 1!15! Multlple-Lane Hi11hway1 22361 On multiple-lane highwar:. wrlh two or mort• !>eparale roadway:, different prima facie speed limits m:,y hi' 1•.,tahh,lll'd for cliffC'r<•nl roadway~ uu,ler any of the procedur1•s specifll'd III S1•ct1011~ 223.54 lo 22359, inclu:.ivt• Am~ml.-,1 Ch 2W. SIJh •%:I Hft•<·hu• Apnl 2!1. l'lh.1 s,. .. d Limit Where Persons at Work 22.1(,2 It " \,nma fol'll' ,1 vmlallo11 of ll1t• h,1'11' ,p,•,•d la\\ for .111~ 1u•r,O11 lo 011t•ra1,• a v<• u,·1,• 111 t·At·t•~s ol lht• po,lt•d ,,w,·d l111111 11po11 ,Ill} porho11 ol ailughway "lll'n' uflicN~ or t•11111l0H•1•, of lh1• ag,•n<·>· havmg J11n,d1l'h<111 ol :,•t! s.1111,•. o• any t·onlr,t<'lor of I u· ag••111·v ur h" ••mployt•t•,. ,1n· .11 ""' k 011 L,e ro,ulv,a\ or" 1th111 th,• nghl ol \\,I\ -., 1·1•"•· tlll'n•to a, •uh,• ,·111l.111gt·n·<I Y JJ.l\,111g Ir .11£11' 1'111, \l'l'I 11111 ,tpph,·, 0111\ \\ 111·11 •'l'I" op11,1t,• -,~•11, l I l / 1 "-, § 40760 -720-.Div.17 t..rm:. of co:.b and .iccidl.'nt or \·iol:,iion r.id,1;·tio1,. Thi:. :.eclion :.h.,11 1101 he comtrued as J limitation on tlw board":. authority lo e:.t,1bh:.h a uniform :.anction modt>I. A,t.1, .. 1 Ch 122. SI.th 1!17H l•:H,-..hu-J.tllll.tl) L l!l7!J 11.,,,.._.:,,,I Ch 722. !>IJb 1!17H Op,•r.1lh•• luf), I. l!JIH Ani.-ml,-.r Ch lfil>, SI.th l!ldll l•.01-. IIH' J11111• 12. f!Jl,II h1 h•rm, of .au mi:,•111·) d.tuw Ameml<'d Cl, lllb, ,M.th l!J!l.'.I hff,-. II\<' J.a1111.tr)' I, I~ llrp<'.afi,J Ch 11 Iii, SI.th 19113 E1t,-c11~•• Jul) I, l!l8:; Article 9. Termination and TrJ11:,itioJ1 Ad/ud/c11tion Tr11n1illon 40760. Pur:.uanl lo Section 40750.5, the admini:.trntive Jdj11diralio11 demonstration program will end OJI July I. 19H5. It is the 111knt of the Legis!Jture that the tran:.ition from admini:.trative adjudication lo court adjudication he expeditious, and yet not impo:.e urmece:.:,ary operational and fiscal bmden:. o•, the courts. The board may develop admini:.trnlive guidelines and p ocedures to facilitate thi:. lran:.ition, i11cludiJ1g, hut not limited to, procedure:. to notify cited motori:.t:. who~e driver liceme:.'have been su:.pended or revoked pur.i,uant to Section 40701 of thb code, that tlu:ir unresolved citations will be tramforred to the jurhdiction of tlw courb effective July 1, 198.5. , Added Ch 1116, ~lah 19113 Eff,•1·tl\1' J•1111Jry I, l!.lll4 lleJ>e•k-d L"h 1116, S14h 1!1113 1'.If,"tll\t.' Jul> I, 1:1115 Court Juri1dldlon of 8o11rd-lmpo,ed Su,penslon• 11nd Revocations; Fee, 40761. All driving privilege ~mpemions and revocatium 1111p11~,•d h>· lhc board pur:.uanl lo Seclio11 4CY701 and in effect 011 Julr I, HI&'>, :.hall n•IIIJIII m effect until the cited per~on has complied with al the appli<·Jhll• order) of the board or hearing officer. The municipal court for tlw dbtricl where the underlying citation wa) i:.:.uccl shall have jurbdiction to determine whether the cited person has ~o complied, and shall promptly notify the department when :,uch a suspcmion or revocation i:. terminated. U\>on termination of a suspension or revocation, a foe of twenty dollars ($20) s 1JII be paid to the court, for deposit into the general fund of the county in addition to any other fee:. required by thb code. However, the court IIIJY waive this fee for good can)c :.hown. Added Ch 1116, St.au 19!S'.l. Effrtll\'e J.a11114ry I, l!IIS4 llepc4lcd <:t>. II 16, S1 .. 1>. 19113 Effa1,-., Jul> I, I~ Court Adf udlc11tlon 40762. (a) Notwith:.landing any other provision of this chaptt.'r, the board shall not adjudicate notice) to appear or notices of violation b)ucd after Del·ember 31, 1984. The b:.uancc and JdjudicalioJI of thc)c cil.ihon) ~hall be governed by applicable provbiom of thi:. code other than this chapter. (b) Commencing July 1, 1985, the municip.tl court for thcj1111ic1al d1:.tnl'l where a notice to appear was b:.ued pur~m,nt to Secti1111 41>675 :.hall, with respect to any matter that ha) not beeu fully adjudicated by the ho.ml, hJ\'C jurisdiction to re:ceive bail, to adjudicate th:! mailer, and to 1111po~c ~cutt•ncc in accordance with Divbion 18 (co111111enci11g with Sechon 420{i0) The clerk ol the court may fix bail ba)ed upon the bail :.chedule) in effel'l al th,• ti111c of p.1yme11l or accept p.1yme11t ol :,,.nl'liun:. e)tablblwd by lh<• lm,ml. aml :111y pJyment of sanctions to till' court :.hall he deemed a dt•po,11 of h.111 for .1II purposes The citation form, .approved pur:.11.1111 lo )11hdi\•b11111 tg> ol S,·••111111 41lfi6ti!>hall l'Omlltulc a co111plaml lo which the cited p<'r:.011 ma}' ,•111<-r .1 pl, ,1 A,1,1,·d <'.h I lib. !>IJh I !/."I l•.11, .. 11,,. jJIIIIJ() I l!Jl>l llt·J>t"Jl,-..1(11 lllb !>IJh l!>N-1 lslf,-.11u-Jul) I. I~ Div. 17 -721- CIIAI' I 1-:ll 3 11.1.1:(,,\I. EvumN<.~: Article I. Prmt•l'ulmm llntlt•r Coil1• . Vehicle 11nd Uniform UHd by Officer• § 40802 ,t1)81l0. Every traffic olficer OJI duty for tllt' t',\!'h"1\ ,. or 111,1111 purpo)c of enforcing tlw provbions of Di\'h11111 IO or 11 of 11,b l"od,· ~1,.,11 wear a full dbtinctive 11111fo1111, aml if lfw offu:cr wlule :.11 011 tlutr uw, .1 motor vdnclc, ii mmt be painted a di,tinctivt• l'Olor >pt•cifll'd h) th,· ,·01111111:.,1011cr. Thb ,eclic>JI doc:. not Jflply lo an offict•r a,,1g11,•d .•,wlu,l\c'ly to the duty of inve:.ligating and wc11ri11g t•v1d,•11ct• 111 wf..rt•11<·•• lo .111) th,·ft of ,i vchil'le or foilur..: of a pcr:.un to ,top in till' t•\·,•nt of an art·1tl,·11l or \'111btio11 of Seclton 23109 or in rcf.!renct• lo any felony d1arge. or lo .111> olhcer eng.iged in :,en•ing all}' \\'.arrant when the officer 1:. 1101 ,·ng,1g,·d III p,1lrolling the highwa}'S for the purpo:.e of enforl'mg th<' 11.11hr law:. ,'\rncrnl,•d Ch 21rl, :i14h l!.lbl t-:lfc,11v.-!>.1>lt'111l11•r I'>, 1'11•1 Speed Trop Prohibition 40801. No pe,1l't' officer or other pn:.011 :.h.1ll 11w ,1 :.pt•ecl trnp 111 arn•:.ting, or ,,.irticipating or a,)bting III th<• arre:.t of, ,Ill)' pn:.011 for any alleged viu ation of this code nor ~hall any :,\>et'd trap h,• 11:.t•d 111 :,1:c1mng evidence as to the ~peed of any vehicle for t IC purpo:.t• of an arrc:.t or prm,ccution uuder lhis code. SpHd Tr11p 40802 A ":,peecl I rap" is either of tilt.' followmg: (a) A particular :.t•ctio:i of a lughway mt•,1:,ured a, lo d1,ta11cc ,md with hounclari<·s marked, dt•:.ignah-d, ur olhL"rwbt.• d<•h•n1111wd III oul,•r that the ~pet•d ora vehide may he calculated hr :.ecunng till' t11m· 1l tJke~ the \'chicle to trnvt>l the known d1:.tance (b) A l.larllcular )lWtion of .1 highwa>· with a pnm,1 f.1c1e \peed liiml provided by this code or hy loc.11 onlinancc pur,11a11t· to paragraph ( 1) of subdivbion (h) of Section 22352, or C)lahlbhcd pur~u.1111 lo Section 22354, 223.57, 22358, ur 22358.3, which ~peed limit is not Jn:.tificd hy .tn ,·ngineering and traffic survey conducted within five year:. prior IO 1111" date of the alleged violation, and where enforcement mvoh·cs the me of radar or other electronic devices which mea~ure the :.peed of moving ohjccl!>. The provhions of this subdivision do not ,1pply to local ~lrt•1:t~ aud roads. For purpo:.es of tl11s section, local :,(web and roads ,hall he defmcd by the late:.t functional magc and fcdernl-a1d :.y:.tem maps a~ :.uhmitted to the Federal I lighway Admi1mlraho11. Wlwn tlw)l' ma,,:. have nol been submitted, the following definition )h,1II w 11,ed: A ol•,tl )lrecl or road primarily provides acc,•ss lo abutting re)idcnhal propt.'rly .111d )hall meet the following three condition~: 1. Boadway wid:h of not more than 40 feet 2. Nut more than one-half mile of 1111111tL·rr11ptt•d l1•11gth. lnlt•rruption:. :.hall include offici.il traffic control clt.•vice:. as clt:fmecl III Section 445. 3. Not more than one traffic lane in each direction, This :,cction :.hall re111a111 in cfft.·cl onlr 1111111 January I, 1987, and J:. of 111.11 elate 1:, n•pealcd unlc~~ a later enacted :,tatulc, which I) chaptered before J:11111:1r>· I, 19H7, dd1•lt•) or ,•>.tend:. th,11 dat,• -\111o•111f,.,I ("I, 11th, \l•h l!J72 HI,•, hw M,,11 I, 7 l!fl3 A11h."Jhl1•,I ( I, 2tl1. !)I.ah IY?.) 1-:u .... ln•• Jul •J. 1!11 l I>) h 1 UII\ uJ ..... IU)(• JU) c lJU\t• .\1111•1ulccl Cl, 1210, Sl•h l!J711 1-Jf,·11,u• J.a1111Jr1 I l!J7!J ll,•1k•.,J.,,I Ch 12111. St.th l!1711 llfH·r•l1u J•m1.1r1 I l!J/12 -\m,•1ul1"tl ('h 'l.">7 'ii.ah l'J.'il l·ff,•tln• JJ11t1Jn I I~ (t.,.lk o1l1•,I ( ·t. \.~7 '\tJh l~l Op,•1.1h\1• J.11111 .. 1) L l!J.Kl NOTE: The foregoing section remoin1 in effect only ur,til January 1, 1987, at \!Which time it i1 repealed and the following section 1.ecome& effective . ·IIJX02 ·\ .. ,p,•,·d 11.1p" 1, c•1ll..-r ul lllt' lollu\\lrll-: J:' rJ ~ I ~ ,t -~-t lit f! ' I -' ! I I I -..1 ~ ~4~J -722-Div.17 (al A particular .sccllon of a lugll\.\'a)• 1111i:l.\t1Wd a!t lo dbta111:t• :111d w1tli houmJaries markt.•d, de::ignat..-d, or otherwbe ,fotcrmincd in order that lht• :.pc1•d of a \'chicle may be c-Jlculatcd by :.ccuring the time 11 t.1ku!t th,, \·,•lncl1· to travel the known distance (h) A l'articu!Jr !teclio,1 of a lughway with a pnm,1 focie :.pi·,:d lunil provided by this code or hy loc.1l ortlinancc pur:.11.1111 to p.1ragraph II) of )11hdivi!,i&111 (h) of Scc1io11 22352, or <0!tl:1blhlll'd p1tr!,1JJ11l to S<'ct1011 22.15-1, 22.357, 22.158, or ~-3, which :.recd limit b 1101 ju:.tificd hy an c11g111el•ri11g and traffic :.urvey conducted wit,1i11 five years prior 1.-, the datt.• of the alleged \·iolaliofl, and where t.'llforcemenl involves the use of r:tclar or other electronic device:. wluch mea)ltre the )pe1•d of·mm·ing ol.,jccts This section shall ;,.i,·0111c opcrallve on J:11111ary I, 1007. Ame,KW Ct. 357. !>l~h 1!1111 011cr .. 11u, J .. nu,.,y I. 1!1117 Speed TrGp Evidence 40800. (a) No evidence as to the speed of a vehicle upon a highway :.I\Jll b2 admith.'<I in any court upon the trial of any pcr:,on for an alleged vio!Jtion of this code when the evidence i!t l,~d upon or obtained from or by the nuuntenance or use of a speed trap. 1b) In any prosecution under this code of a charge involving the sp1•cd of a vehicle, where enforcement mvolves the use of radar or other electronic devices which measure the speed of moving objects, the pro~ecution :.hall c:.tablhh, as pJrt of its prima facie case, that the evidence or tcstimon}' prc:.ented is not based upon a speed tr&p as defined in subclivi!tion (h) of Section 40802. Evidence that a traffic and engineering ~urvey la,J!t been conducted within five years cf the date of the alleged violation or 1•vitlem·l• that the offense was .:ommitlcd on a local :.trcet or ro,ul a!t <li·lull'd 111 subdivision (b) of Section 40802 :.hall constitute a pri111a f:tcie ,-.1!,1' that the evidence or lei.limony is nol b.u,cd upo,1 a :.peed trJp as defined in subdivision (b) of Section 40802. /\mended Ct,. 3:17. St•I• 19!11 l-:ff.,..-1,-., j.JIUJI)' I, 19112 T••ll,,,ony .. ,ed •n Sp-ti Trop 4080,C. (a) In any prosecution under this code upon a chargt• involving the speed ma ve~icle, any officer or other person shall l,e incompetent a) a witness if the t~stimony b baSt."<l upon or obtained from or by the maintenance or use of a speed trap. (b) Every officer arresting, or participating or assbting in the arrest of, a person so charged while on duty for the exclusive or main purpose of enforcing the provisions of Divisions 10 :ind 11 is incompetent as a witness if a: :he time c:if such arrest he was not we-Jring a distinctive uniform, or was using a motor vehicle not painted the distinctive color specified by the commissioner. • This section does not apply to an officer assigned exclusively to the duly of investigating and securing evidence in reference lo any theft of a vehicle or failure of a person lo stop in the event of an accident or viol .. tion of Section 23109 or in reference to any felony charge or to any officer engaged in serving any warrant when the officer is not engaged in patrolling the highways for the purpose of enforcing the traffic laws. Amendc:d Ch M, SIMI~ 19til EITc:cllve SeplemlJer 15. l!Kil. /\mended C:h. 84. Stab. 1978 Effedive January I, 1117!1. Adml11/on ol S,,..d Tr:,p Evldenc• 401:!05. Every court shall be without jurbdiction to render a j111lg11wnt of conviction again)t any perwn for a violation ofthh code involving the :.peed of a vehicle if the court admits any evidence or le:.timony :.ceured ill violation of, or which is inadmh)i!Jle under thi.s article. l'olic• ••porl• 40806. l11 the event a ddt•ml,1111 chargt·d v.ilh all olf1•m1• 1111dc•r th1, r111lt- pl,•J1b g111h), tilt" trial court .)h,,ll 11111 al ml)' tmw prior lo 111c111111111c·111~ w11k11ce rcCCl\'t' or COll!»Jdcr .Ill) rc·1,orl, \ ,·rh.11 or \\ lllll'II, of .Ill) p,,hn· or ; ) J)iv. 1i -723-§ 40833 traffic officer or witness of thl· off,•nw without full)' mfomnng the defcm)Jnl of all :.tatements in the report or :.lalcmt•nt of w1tue~)e~. or without giving the defendant an opportunity to make· ;m)wer tlU'rt•lo or to prodnl"C witnes)eS in rehnllal, :ind for ~u!:h pnq>o)e tht• courl )hall grant a continuance before pronouncing .)Cntem·c if r,•qt1c)lt•d by till" defcndJnt. u,e ol Evidence Regarding DepGrlmental Action 40807. No rct·ord of any aetaon lakc•n by tlw d,•p,arl1111·nt again:.t a person's privilege to operat(• a motor vehicle, uor JII}' lt•\11111011)' regarding the proc:ccdings al, or concerning, or produced .11, ,Ill) hearing held in comwction wilh :.uch :1cti1111, :.hall bc• :lllmi:.:.il1lt• .1~ ev1tl.·11c1· 111 any court in any criminal action. No provi:,ion of this :,cc:tion ~hall in :111}' way h11111 lht• .ulnm,~ihility of surh records or le:.timony as is nece:.:.ary lo enforn· th•· /'ro\·1:.mll) or this code relating to operating a motor vehicle with1111I ,1 v,1litl < rh·er·:. lic1mse or when the driving privHege is su:,pendcd or revoJ..,·d, the admh!tihility of such records or lt:~tillll'llY in any pro~eculion for fo1l11re to <lbl'lo!>e :my matter at !>uch a hearing when required by law to do )O, or the mlmb!,ihility of such records and te)limony when introduced )<>lei)' for the purpo~e of impeaching the credibility of a witness. Added Ch 804, S1•1>-1"17 1-:Cfocllve J .. nu,.,y I. 1!171! Article 2. Civil Actaons Eflecl·of Conviction• 40830. In either of the following carcum!tlJnces a violation of any provbion of thb code docs not e~tal,lish negligence a:. a m,1ller uf IJw, but in any civil action under either of the t.·arcum)tancc!t n,•glig1.·nct• 11111~1 he proved as a fact without regard to the v1olatm11. The c1rc111mtance:. under wluch thb section applies arc either: (a) Where violation or the provi~ion w;c, req111rcd by a law of the ft•dcr:.1 gm:cmmenl or by any rule, regulation, directive or order of Jn)' agency of the federal government, the violation of which b )Uhjcct 10 penalty under an act of Congwss or by any valicl order of militar>' authority. (b) Where violation ofthc provi:.1011 was required in artier to comply with any regulation, directive, or order of the Governor promulgated under the California Emergency Services Act. Amended Ch "31!, St•b 1!171 Opcr.11,e M•> 3. 1!112- fffed ol Speed Conviction 40831. In any civil action proof of :.peed in excc!»S of any pruna facic limit declared in Section 22.152 al a particular time and place doc~ not establish negligence as a :!'atter of law but in all such actions it shall be necessary to e:.tahlhh as a fact that the operation of a vehicle at the cxcc:.s speed constituted negligence. Suapen•lon or R•v,:,collon of Drlvln11 l'rlvll•ge 40832. No record of the suspen~ion or revocation of the privilege to operate a motor vehicle by the department, nor any te~timony or or concerning or produced at the hearing terminating in the m~pcnsion or revocJtion, ~hall be admi~siblc as cvi1fence in any court III any civil action. Report or Action of DeJH1rlment ,,. Evidence 40833. Neither the report requin•d hy Sections 16(1(1(1, l6'XJI, lfi(J0·2. or 16003. the action t:iken l,y the dc•pJrlmcnt pur)uanl lo C:haJJlcr J of D1v1M<>n 7 (commm1c~ •• ~• at Section 16000), the findings. if any, of the d,•pJ1lnwnt upon which action as hJ!>t•d, nor th,· wcurit}' filed JS providc·d III tlut l'la:tpl,:r !>hJII be referred lo 111 :UI}' w.ty, or b1• any ,•ndc·m·c of the 11,·gla~1·11c,· or due care of any l>Jrly, :al ~h1.• Ira.cl of .my ael1ur1 .11 l:aw to rt•eov,·r tl,1111ai.;1.·~ I I j I i I ,] , ,-. f -\ MINU1 cS !-feeting of: Time of ~iceting: J,Jte of ~foet lni;: TRAFFIC SAFE,ty CO!l:-IISSION 3:00 p,m, Place of Meeting: July 7, 1986 City Council Chambers CALL ro ORDER: Chairman ~·uuer called the }!eeting to order at 3:00 p.111. ROLi, C.\LL: Present: Chairman Fuller, Commissioners Erwin and O'Day, Absent: Commissioner Helideo, Sta!f }!umbers Presunt: Bob Johnson, Principal Civil Engineer mku Shire;·, Engineering Tllchnician lI Vincent Jimno, Chief of Police Sgt, Shipley, Pollet! D.:partMent APPROVAL OF }!lliUT~: Hintitus of the Heeting hdd June 2, 1986, were approved as i,rustintcd. REPORT ON .\CTlOI\ FRC}! PREVIOUS }!EE!ING: Bob Johns,,n r.iported on two ltums to be studied by staff, thtl flt-st btiing the movini:; of the bike lune Oil Elm ,\venm,, .1nd Chu ;,ticond n left turn phase in the signal ,ll: R.111ch" S,1nt,1 Fti Road and La Cost,1 A1enue. The bike l,me c..iniwt be moved, due to :he striping, which luaves no r,J,,m tu modify thti lo1nu. A split phast1 for La Costa Av.:nuti has b<•en installu<I in the signal ac llanchl, S,mt.1 Fe Ro,1d ,ind La c,,st.i ,\vunue, ,\CHON ITE~:S: I, Cadencla Street -Reguust for Speed Limits Posting Chair.nan Full,•r re,1d thu report as cont,lim::d in the packet. Dennis Price, 7315 Co1denc1a, stated thure was an ..icctdent on this ::,trcet y.::.t.:rday and the cause was failure t1, yield. Hu stoltud the problem ls th.1t traffic cami~g up Cadcncl.i h..1s ,1 blind i.p,,c on th.i crest of the hill .it !Jill Rey, :Ir, Pri.:t1 request,•d -1 25 m.p.h, bpced Uir.it and 'lign,: ,,n th!il upper portion tow.1rd Rancho Sane,, Fu ka..id, where It Joe~ qu-1li1y J:, rcsldenti-11, He .ilso requested J >ipeed ➔tudv c>n L.tdc,1ci.1 btitwcun lJd Rey .ind !..i Co::it,1 .\venu11, }Ir. Prk.: ,:.,ndudcd, st.iting thu Ct\ll~ctor :.tr.:11c, ln the City Jre desi.;ned for JO m,p,h, .1nd local streets i,,r .:5 m,p,h. This i:i" coll11ctor/local street and ~5 l!l,Jl,h, 1,ould be J .;ood speed for th.It :,tr.::et, Vern.1 11.!ss, JJH Cad11nci.1 :itre,•t, st.ittd tM children in the ,lr,:J c.ir1110t ,:o vut in the fror.c ;'Jrd, J.s the trJ.t r i-. l,, so f..ist in th,• ,1re,1, She told of .!:ddents tllJt oc.:ur there ..ind 'ltJted it was on1: of the most dangerous :,trc .. t-i 111 the City, She ..iddcJ that thu y,,ung pe,,ple make J. r..iccw.1y o.it ot Cs1Jene1.1 on FrlJ,l}' ,ind SJ.turd:iy nii,1hts. llvb J,,hnwn -.tJt<d pJ'itiu;; th<' Jr~•.1 23 t!>,p,1', wuld not r.,.duc,• thi, ~p,•cd c•tl th .. c ~tr.,..,.c, €. X.HI Fullet' Erwin O'Day ,r 3 ':,; I I \ '. ,\ / MINUTl:S TRAFFIC SAFETY CO}!:-IISSION Julv 7, 1986 Page 2 COMMISSIONERS Chairman fuller co:-.menced Chae street is used as a short- cut, He stated his support of a 25 m.p.h. speed limit on the cop o: the hill where it qualifies as residential, and would like co have it posted. Commissioners O' Day and Erwin concurred with Chairman F~ller, and Commissioner Erwin suggested chis could be as a test for six m~ncns. Sgt. Shipley suggested oostin~ the 25 m.p.h. and survey both che lo)wer and upper .1reas. If there arc accidents occurring there, c~1 Police can cite motorises for excessive speed. Traffic Satetv Commission recommended po<;ting Chae P<'rcio of Cadenci,1 q~alHying as residential ac 25 m.p.h., and have staff conduce :raffle studies in both areas and rev1ew again in 0:,ix morchs. Staff is co check on the blind spot at Del Rey. Item "3 was taken n~xt out ✓r or<1er. 3. Armv and ~avy Academy -<!l.S,uesc tor Ped~~ia!; Controlled St..ip Light Chairman Fuller niad the report as contained in the packet. Col. Don1ld !I, Cline, President of Army and ~avy Academy, thanklld the C01m,b"ion for installing the flashing lights at the crossw,1lk ,1nd stat.id he thought that would slow the trJfilc oi· hon..:>r the pers,·n in the cro~:swalk. llowcve , this has not h.,lped the prcl;,lem too much, as ch.i cars do nol slow or stop for .-.nyonc in the crosswalk. lie sc.ite hti did not foel this requested signal would be a hardship on era£ fie, :.incti it would be grel!n tml'!~s someone was in the c rMswalk, This ~·ould be an added i.afety feature for th~ scud<'nts crossing the street co th(; playgrounds. Col. ·~Un11 stated there are other people u,,ing th,1l crosswalk ,md it is not just cht•ir stud,mci,, Also, i>eople Jssume it is J 3chool crossing and when ic is not school hours, they tend to ignore the fl.ishing lights, He said th.iy Jre .i boarding sch<1ol, and the students w-1lk downtown in the .iv,rning to shop and patronize the L.1sc food r.israur.rnts. The idea of an overpass is out of the question due to th.i tremenJous .ixp.inse. Comnb~ion~r Erwin st.ited he felt the driverl> in that area ne.id education and also th.i children need to reJliz.i tlwy cannot cou1•t "n the cars stopping when they Jre in the cr<•sswJlk. lie Jsked Col. Cline wh.ither crossguards wer.i us.id, Jnd they .ire not. This would involve to<1 tr.any hours .ind the guard would ne.id to be a speciJlly-trJincd ptlrson. Police Chld J!mno verifi,:d that crossing guards must be train"d and certified. St.iii stated they could not move the existing lights, as that would d.:foat the ,1dvance warniag lights. ~ew poles would b.i needed fer a signal. This would increJse th<! number of r .. ar "nd ,1cdd.:nts .ind w0uld nut b.: J ~uarJntec that the ~oturlst& would ub~v the red light. Fuller Erwin O'Dav {o MINUT1:S TRAFFIC SAFETY co~~IISSI0:-1 July 7, 1986 Page 3 Cor.imissioner O' Day suggested the possi.btlicy of the pre- fab overpass structure and stated it could be built at less cost. He stated Carlsbad Boulevard is a major arter- ial and was concerned a light could cause rear end accidents. The children might play with the signal and cause the red light to be on too long at a time. Col. Cline stated the children ~ould be taught t~ use the sign.:il properly. He added the students er.--~-at the crosswalk to go downtown, and then cue tha ... m;i. ·he athfoci • £folds. Sgt. Shipley stated the Police will be 1uontcoring Carlsb.:id Boulevard more closely this month. Commissioner O' Day reiterated the danger o: signal crosswalks. Col. Cline ftated he would like to have the City try .:i signal for six months. Collllllissioner O'Day stated he thought th<i intersection .:it Carlsbad Boulevard .:ind Stace Street should be studied to improve that traffic problem. Traffic Safety Com~ission approved ~taff reco~mendation to Fuller deny the request for a pedestrian-controlled signal at Erwin the crosswalk by Army and l\avy Ac.aucmy on Carlsbad Boulcva d. O'Day Commissioner O'Day recommended the Stat<' Street/Carlsbad Boulevard intersection be studied for the feasibility of includir,g this improvement in the CIP. Item d5 was taken out of order at this time. 5. Intersection of Snapdragon Drive and Alyssum Road - Request for Stop Si~n Chairman Fuller redd the staff report on this item .is included in the packer. t-'illiam Brooki., S11apdragon and ,\l:•~sum Road, spoke on this ii:ern, explaining how the trat,i. it that area will be increasing in the near futur•, as r~w subdivisions are npened. He expla:, ~l t~. d•ng,r to the children crossing that intersection .. ~. B;ooks asked for at least a "yleld" sign, if not " ;Lop sig,1. Bob Johnson s,\id -.1 stop sign may bll needed there at a late d.ite, but is unwarranted at the present time. Chair-man Fuller stated ht: did not want to take act ion on this item Jntil the tract is open Jnd new traffic counts had been taken. Commissioner O'Day concurred, stating thi. request was pr,1mature. The tr.iffic situation in that area will change as soon .is the homes are occupied. t\ trJffic study should be done at that time. Tr.iffic Safety Commission approved staff recorrJllendation t,, d1rny the request for <1 stop sign at Snapdragon l>rive and Alyssum Road, rhis should be reviewed again in six months. Staff should also ch~ck on the blind corner at Alvssum Road and Snapdragon Drive and keep the earth ~5 fe~t back. Fuller Erwin O'Dav i I j I I I I/ I -....---- TRAFFIC SAFETY CO~~IISSIO~ July 7, 1986 Page 4 COMMISSIONERS Chairman Fuller declared a recess at 4: 10 p.m., and th~ Commission re-convened at 4: 15 p.m., wir.h three ~!embers present. 2. 6200 Yarrow Drive Limit Posting Request for Crosswalk and Speed Chairman Fuller read the item as contained in the packet. Bob Johnson explained the crosswalk had been requested to be 135 feet south of the intersection. Traffic Safety Commission approved staff recommendation to deny the request for a crosswalk at 6200 Yarrow Drive. 4. Calle Barcelona, Calle Posada, Calle San Felipe - Request :or Speed LiMit Posting Chairman Fuller read the item as contained in the packet and asked why this had been returned. Staff stated Laura Wineho ld had requested this item. Commission discussion determined there had been no changt! in the situation since October of 1985. Traffic Safet\' Commission approved staff recommendation to deny this request for speed limit posting. ITE~!S FRO~! TRAFFIC E1'GI!-:EER: Bob Johnson stJted the:·e had been telephone calls reg.irding th., truck enforcement on La Costa Avenue and the La Costa sirea in general. Sgt. Shipley stated there are a number of things people are not aware of; namely, that trucks or tractor-trailers over 14,000 pounds with three :ixles were the only ones prohibited by the City Ordinance. Coast Waste trucks and many others ;ire two axles and do not qualify as being in violation of the Ordinance. Secondly, dirt haulers have three major projects in process in that area and they have a legal right to access. He gave an example of recent Police citing in the La Costa area, where 26 trucks were stopped, and only one was in viol.ition. In answer to query, Sgt. Shipley added thP Ordinance was written that way by the City Attorney. The Vehicle Code allows control of trucks over 14,000 poJnds, two axle or three axle. The Ordinance needs to be amended. Traffic Safoty Co~llllission recommend.id the City Attorney review the Ordinance dealing with truck routes, to change the wording to include trucks over 14,000 pounds irrespective of the number of axles. ADJOUR~!EH: By proper motion, the meeting of July 7, 1986, was adjourn d sit :.:31 p.m. R~spectfully submitted, .. ,• Harriett Babbitt :-linutes Clerk Fuller Erwin O'Dsiy Fuller Erwin O'Day Fuller Erwin O'Da:· X, X X, X x, : X XI X l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ORDINANCE NO. 3201 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFOnNIA, AMENDING TITLE 10, CHAPTER 10.44 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE ADDITION OF SECTION 10.44.200 TO ESTABLISH THE SPEED LIMIT ON CADENCIA STREET FROM A POINT 500- FEET WEST OF PERDIZ STREET TO RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, hereby ordains as follows: is SECTION 1: amended by the "10.44.200 feet west Road, the hour." That Title 10, Chapter 10.44 of the Carlsbad Munl~ipal Code addition of Section 10.44.200 to read as follows: Cadencia Street: Upon Cadencia Street from a point 500- of Perdiz Street to its intersection with Rancho Santa Fe prima facie speed limit shall be twenty-five miles per EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty (30) days after 14 its adoption and the City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad shall certify'to the 15 adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at least once in the l 6 Carlsbad Journal within fifteen days after its adoption. 17 INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of said City Council held 18 on the .2,th_ day of _A_u_gu __ s __ t _________ , 1986, and thereafter 19 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City 20 I Council held on the~ day of August I ·t 21 Wl : , 1986 by the following vote, to 22 23 24 AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettine NOES: None ABSENT: None 25 1 1 ATTEST: 26 27 28 ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk (SEAL)