HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-08-12; City Council; 8484-2; Carlsbad Boulevard Seawall4B# BY&'- 2 * q,,ROVAL OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS 08/12/86 ClTYAm AN0 AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDDING IEPT. Mf' RECOMMENDED ACTION: THE CARLSBAD BOULEVARD SEAWALL Adopt Resolution No. f74(, approving plans and specifications for the Carlsbad Boulevard Seasrall and authorizing staff to advertise for bids. Adopt Resolution No. approving a Supplemental Consultant Agreement to retain seawall design firm during the construction. Adopt Resolution No. . 87Ypapproving a Supplemental Consultant Acreement for materlals testing relative to construction of the seawall and storm drain projects. Adopt Resolution No. g7r/9 approving a list of assurances required by the Coastal Conservancy to approve grant funds for seawall-related access structures. ITEM EXPLANATION: On January 28, 1986, the City Council approved a consultant agreement with Woodward-Clyde Consultants, Inc., for the design of the Carlsbad Boulevard Seawall and appurtenant access facilities. May 20, 1986. The preliminary design was approved by Council on specifications) have been prepared and are recommended by staff The contract documents (including plans and for approval at this time. It is also recommended that staff be appurtenant access facilities. authorized to advertise for bids to construct the seawall and The attached Supplemental Consultant Agreement, which retains the design firm of Woodward-Clyde Consultants, IRC., continuity of engineering design throughout the critical insures construction phase. Woodward-Clyde will: (a) assist staff during the bidding process built" plans based on field char,ges to their construction plans; and in the selection of a qualified contractor; (b) prepare "as- (c) insure conformance to the design of these facilities; and (dl provide design modifications unearthed during ccnstructicn. These services would be provided on an "as needed'' basis with continued services is not to exceed $60,00.0. fees charged on a time and materials basis. The cost for Testing Engineers, Incorporated will provide quality control of The Supplemental Materials Testing Consultant Agreement with materials and insure the contractor's compliance with the City's contract documents. The majority of these services are provided and will be provided at the rates existing in that contract. for in the City's existing annual contract. flr materials testing Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. svp'//rya - Supplemental services to be provided by Testing Engineers, Incorporated include; (a) assistance in the evaluation of the qualifications of contractors and their proposed sources of material; (b) assistance in establishing the frequency of material testing required to insure compliance with the contract; an0 cc) final acceptance and certification of the project elements. The cost of this service is not to exceed $55,000. Seawall Storm Drain Interceptor, CIP Project No. 3229; on January The Council caitified the EIH for this project (including the 7, 1986, thereby satisfying the requirements of the CEQA and the State Environmental Guidelines. State Parks is preparing an easement for thi!; project to be constructed on their property. These right-of-way documents will be submitted for Council 'for award of the construction contract,. The Coastal Commission qpproval prior to, or concurrently with, staff's recommendation will consider this project for issuance of the required Coastal Development. Permit at their September meeting prior to award of the construction contract. The State Lands Commission will consider this project for issuance of their required permit on August 22, 1986 prior to award of the construction contract. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers mandatory 30-day review period for this pro.ject ends on Acgust 14, 1986, and their required permit is anticipated to be issued the first of September. All of the actual award of the construction contract for this project. required regulatory permits/approvals will be obtained prior to State Beach between Memorial Day and Labor Day since this is the State Parks requires that no construction take place on Carlsbad peak recreational use period. Every effort possible has been made to expedite this project in order to comply with State Winter storms and/or high tides may delay completion of Park's requirement to terminate construction by mid-May, 1987. construction until the Fall of 1987 or Spring of 1988. Because of these unknown and uncontrollable constraints, and in making every effort to expodite completion of the seawall, staff is recommending the procedure of concurrently pursuing the required permits and easements while advertising for construction bids at this time. The Seawall still. may not be completed in one construction period (endins May, 1987). Given the normal sequential construction process, two (2) construction periods may be required and completion of the Seawall will be in late 1987 or early 1988. nature of construction in coastal waters and should be prepared The Ciiy Council should be aware of the difficult and uncertain for the potential of an extended construction period for this project. A grant application for $550,000, to be used for parking and Coastal Conservancy staff has recommended a reduction in the access facilities, was filed with the Coastal Conservancy in May. grant amount to approximately $200,000. In order for the Page Three of Agenda Bill No. fwzq - Conservancy Board to approve grant funding, a resolution from the Carlsbad City Council approving a list of assurances must accompany the application form. presentation at the August 22, 1986, Board meeting in Sen City staff will make a Francisco to outline the elements of the project design and request additional funds. The plans and specifications have been written in such a way as to allow for flexibility in awarding the contract on an item by item basis. Staff will evaluate the bid items in relation to available funding and recommend to the City Council a list of required bid items necessary to accomplish the project. Staff has requested but not as yet obtained permission from State staging area for the construction. Parks to utilize the Tamarack Street beach parking lot as a This will provide the contractor with an area immediate to the project with unich to store equipment and supplies and assemble his Facilities to construct the seawall, access stairways, and rock revetments. Closing this lot temporarily will add significantly to the contractor's ability to expedite construction and reduce the potential for accidents and injuries when mixing pedestrian, vehicular, and construction vehicles and equipment. FISCAL IMPACT: In October, 1985, the City approved a funding agreement with the State Department of Boating and Waterways in which they will provide seventy-five percent (75%) of the funding for this percent (25%) share (or $905,000) brings the total approved project, up to a maximum of $2,715,00. The City's twenty-five funding for this project to $3,620,000. contribution toward the project is estimated at $905,000 thereby The total City exempting this project from Proposition H. EXHIBITS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Locat ion Map. Resolution No. 87q6 approving plans and specifications and authorizing staff to advertise for bids. Resolution No. 87y7 approving a Supplemental Consultant Agreement to retain the seawall design firm during construction. Resolution No. Y'7r/r approving a Supplemental Consultant Agreement for material testing relative to the construction of the Seawall and Storm Drain Interceptor. Resolution No. j'7419 approving a list of assurances required by the Coasta Conservancy to approve grant funds for seawall-related access structures. cn W 0 z z W a I1 \\ I LOCATION MAP EXHIBIT I 'I iI // 411 i 1 I. RESOLUTION NO. 8746 ” 2! A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY ‘I OF CARLSEAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND 3 *i SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TO INVITE BIDS, CONTRACT NO. 3185 5 it WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has 6!: determined it is necessary and in the public interest to ‘711 construct the Carlsbad Boulevard Seawall; and 8 jj WHEREAS, plans and specifications for the Furnishing of 91,; a11 labor, material, tools, equipment, transportation, and 10 Ii other expenses necessary or incidental for said project, 11 Contract Yo. 3185, have been prepared and are on file in the 12 Municipal Projects Department of the City of Carlsbad and are 13 I incorporated by reference herein; I: i 11 I I /I /I 14 ji NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEG by the City Council of the ti 1511 City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 17 l6 ,I 1 2. That the plans and specifications as presented are 18;: hereby approved. 19;: /// 201: /// 2111 /// 221; /// I/ li I/ // 23.;; /// 24// /// 25;; /// 2.5;: /// 27 1: /// 28 :~ /// I! i 1, I, ti ii i I I i I I I i j I I i I I j ! I ! I ! ! I ib 1; I, 1 jl 3. That the City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad is hereby j! 211 authorized and directed to proceed to publish, in eccordance 3 with law, Notice to Contractors inviting bids For the 411 construction of khe Carlsbad Boulevard Seawall in accordance 5;; with the plans and specifications hereinabove referred to. I/ !I ii 6 I' !{ PASSED, APPROVEU AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the 711 Carlsbad City Council held on the 12th day of &st , 811 1986 by the following vote, to wit: I "- 9 j/ 10 j/ :I AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettine NOES: None !i MA& H. CASLER, Mayor 14 I! 15 ji :, ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Cledk 16 /I I/ 1 !! I1 RESOLUTION NO. 5747 2 ;I 3 ii 4 II A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AND WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES DURING SEAWALL (CIP PROJECT NO. 3185) THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE CASLSEAO BOULEVARD - 5 j/ 6 :, li The City Council of Carlsbad, California does hereby li 711 resolve as follows: 8 j/ 1. That an agreement between the City of Carlsbad and 9.i Woodward-Clyde Consultants For engineering services during the lCj/ construction of the Carlsbad Boulevard Seawall (CIP Project No. 111, I/ 3185), attached hereto as Exhibit 'A' end made a part hereof, 121 13 2. That the Mayor of the City of Carlsbad is hereby 14': authorized and directed to execute said agreement for and on 15i/ behalf of the City of Carlsbad. 16 i: PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting OF the 1711 Carlsbad City Council held on the 12th day of August - , 181: 1986 by the following vote, to wit: :i is hereby approved. /I i/ 1; 19 AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Petcine 20 1: NOES: None 231' ATTEST: 26 Ij ,' ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Cleik ', MARd H. CASLER, Mayor ! 271 (SEAL) 28 SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES DURING COHSTRUCTION OF THE CARLSBAD SEAWALL All conditions and provisions of the existing Consultant Agreement with Woodward-Clyde Consultants, Inc., approved by the City Council on January 1, 1986, as Agenda Bill No. 8484 are to remain in eFfect except as Follows: .. The duration of this Supplemental Agreement will extend through Final acceptance of the "as-builtW plans or Council's 'issuance OF the Notice of Completion For the Seawall project, whichever .. is later. The fees to be paid for Task 2 of this Supplemental Agreement will be on a time and materials basis, according to the hourly rates listed below, and not to exceed $60,000. These services will be requested "as needed" by City StaFF. HOURLY RATES Principal Engineer $1 00.00 Structural Engineer 80.00 Assistant Project Engineer 62.00 Staff Assistant 33.00 The lump sum fee to be paid For Task 1, "Contractor Selection", is to be $2,500; this Fee is payable upon award of the construction contract. The lump sum Fee to be paid For Task 3, "As-built. Plans," is to be $6,500; this Fee is payable upon final acceptance of the "as-built" plans by the City. It is anticipated that this work would be done primarily by Woodward-Clyde Consultants with assistance on structural consultation and preparation of as-built plans by Safino, Butcher and Ormonde. The project consultation work will be managed by Louis J. Lee of Woodward-Clyde Consultants. -3- SUPPLEUENTAL CONSULTANT SCOPE OF WORK TASK 1 CONTRACTOR SELECTION Make presentation at prebid meeting and at.tend tour of site. Respond to contractors questions and prepare addendums to the contract documents, as required. Review bids, assist City staff with selection of contractor and attend City Council meeting for award of contract. TASK 2 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION Attend preconstruction meeting. Review plans, specifications and other contract documents with City resident inspector. Assist inspector in preparing Forms to be used for documentation of construction. Review daily reports and documentation forms prepared Oy the City resident inspector (on a weekly basis). Make periodic site visits (a minimum of twice a month; other site visits as requested). Provide re-design, as required. (Revise plans, specifications and estimate and regultory requirements). ?rovide engineering consultation, as requested. Attend construction meetings, as requested. Attend punchlist and final “walk-throughs”, as requested. -4- TASK 3 As-euILr PLANS Prepare summary of construction observations and design changes from City resident inspector's reports and documentation. Prepare final as-built plans from City inspector's notes and contractor's "working" as-built plans. 8 ! I , f $ I( 11 li 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ii I! RESOLUTION NO. P748 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AND TESTING ENGINEERS OF 5AN A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DIEGO FOR MATERIAL TESTING SERVICES FOR THE CARLSBAD BOULEVARD SEAWALL (CIP PROJECT NO. 3185) AND THE SEAWALL STORM DRAIN INTERCEPTOR (CIP PROJECT N9. 3229) - The City Council of Carlsbad, California does hereby resolve as follows: 1. That a supplemental agreement between the City of Carlsbad and Testing Engineers of San Diego For material testing services For the Carlsbad Eoulevard Searall (CIP Project No. 3185) and the Seawall Storm Drain Interceptor (CIP Project No. 32291, attached hereto as Exhibit 'A' and made a part hereo?, is hereby approved. 2. That the Mayor of the City of Carlsbad is hereby authorized and directed to execute said agreement for and on behalf cf the City of Carlsbad. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 12th day of Aegust - 9 1986 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettine ATTEST: ti . 1: 26 /j 27 !! 'I ALETHA L. RAUTEN MARY %. CASLER, Mayor '. SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT TO TBE ARWUAL MATERIALS TESTIlPG COWTRACT Carlsbad Seawall, Project No 3185 and Seawall StOKB Drain Interceptor, Project lo. 3229 This supplemental Agreement is intended merely to augment, and in no way supercede or replace, the existing Annual Contract for Materials Testing. All conditions/provisions of the Annual contract for Materials Testing will remain in effect during, and be made a part oE, this agreement. This Supplemental Agreement applies only to services stipulated in the Supplemental Scope of Work to be provided by Testing Engineers relative to the Carlsbad Seawall, Project No. 3185 and the Seawall Storm Drain Interceptor, Project No. 3229. The duration of this Supplemental Agreement extends through the City Council's issuance of the Notice of Completion for the Seawall. The fees to be paid Testing Engineers under this Supplemental Agreement are those agreed to in the Annual Contract. The fees to 3e paid under this Supplemental Agreement are estimated to be $30,000 to $35,000; but are not to exceed $55,000. " IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and seals. TESTING ENGINEERS, INC. CITY OF CARLS8AD -3- SUPPLEMENTAL SCOPE OF WORK TASK 1 CONTRACTOR SELECTIONS Assist the City's staff, as requested, in the qualifications review and selection of construction contractors/subcontractcrs for the Seawall and Storm Drain Interceptor projects. TASK 2 APPROVE CONTRACTOR'S SOURCE(S) OF MATERIALS Assist the City's staff, as requested, in the approval OF sources of construction materials proposed by the contractor(s) for construction of the Seawall and Interceptor projects. TASK 3 ESTABLISHMENT Of TESTING FREQUENCIES Assist the City's staff, as requested, in the establishment of frequencies of testing required to insure the contractor's compliance with the. contract documents. TASK 4 CERTIFICATION OF PROJECT ELEMENTS Certify compliance with all requirements of the contract documents For those project elements requested by the City staff. These certifications will include, but not be limited to: (a) compacted fills (b) rock revetments, and (c) others as required/requested /- I. Tesfing Engineers - San Diego . "i. ~. a 2rr,s,on 01 gn::?? >:a'.* re$',-; co-r.anv '-c - '. 3467KurtzSt.. P.O.80~80985. SanDfego. Ca. 92136(6191225-9641 2948 Industry St:eet. Suffe 8. Oceansfde. Ca. 92U54r679r 757-02J8 .-. . : -.-. . i " July 31, 1986 City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm A,venue Carlsbad CA 92008 Attention: Mr. Jeff Bunnell Project: 1) Carlsbad Boulevard Storm Drain Interceptor Contract No. 3229 2) Carl sbad Boulevard Seawall Contract No. 3185 Subject: Testihg and Inspection Services: Supplemental Agreement to Annual Contract for Materials Testing, Purchase Order Number 9-14426 Dear Mr. Bunnell: The opportunity to provide our services to the City of Carlsbad is appreci- ated. After discussions with you and your staff and reviewing the prelim- services to the City of Carlsbad: inary project requirements, we propose to provide the following professional 1. Review of General Contractors qualifications. 2. Prequalify sources of material for use in construction. 3. Provide quality testing and inspection during construction of the Seawall and Storm Drain Interceptor projects, including but not limited to: A) Establish test frequencies. B) Concrete Quality Control, plant and field. C) Certification of backfill. 0) Compaction verification during A.C. paving. E) Structural steel sampling and inspection. F) Rock revetment inspection. Mr. Jeff Bunnell RE: Supplementdl agreement July 31, 1986 Page 2 As a supplement to the Annual Materials testing cuntract with the City of Carlsbad, we estimate our services for the Seawall and Storm Drain Interceptor Projects will be in the range of 430,000.DG to 435,000.00. As you may be aware, cur costs are directly dependent on the General Cootractors construction schedule and schedules of the various sub- contractors employed. Acceleration or slippage of this construction schedule will affect the time Testing Engineers-San Diego spends on the project. We will provide our services solely at the request of the City of Carlsbad project manager or his representative. Thank you for consideration of our firm. If you should have acy questions, please d!, not hesitate to contact me directly. Sincerely, TESTING ERGINEERSJAN DIEGO Kenkcth f'. Rowe North County Branch Manager KMR/ j 1 c 1 :i REsoLurroN NO. 6749 2 :I A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COLINTIL OF THE CITY OF 3 :' 4 1; !I I! "- CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A LIST OF ASSURANCES REQUIRE0 BY THE COASTAL CONSERVANCY IO APPROVE GRANT FUNDS UNDER THE COASTAL CONSERVANCY ACCESS GRANTS il PROGRAM FOR SEAWALL-RELATED ACCESS SIRUCTURES. 6 !j WHEREAS, a list of assurance .is required for grant funds ;I 711 under the Coastal Conservancy Access Gra?ts Program before 8:. approval by the Conservancy Board caq be received; nnd /j 9 WHEREAS, the Legislature has established the State Coastal Conservancy (pursuant to Public Resources Code 31~0~-31400; and authorized it to award grants to local public agencies for the acquisition and development of coastal accessways; and WHEREAS, the grsnts are awarded pursuant to Guidelines established by the Coastal Conservancy for determination of project eligibility for funds; and WHEEEASf said procedures established by the Coastal Conservancy require the applicant to certify by resolution tne approval of applications and listed assurances prior to submission of said applications 1:' the State; 20 1: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of 21;: the City of Carlsbad hereby approves Rasoluticn No. 8749 to z2,: include the following: 23 :: I! il 1. Approves the filing of an application for funding under the State Coastal C'Jnservancy's Access Grants Proqram; 24 I/ 'I ! I i I I i I I j i i i i I , I i I I ! ! ! ! ! ~ j ! I/ j/ 1 !! jl 2. Certifies that said agency agrees to the assurances, a 211 copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A and made a part 3:; thereof; and 4 ii 3. Certifies that sai.d agency has or will have sufficient to operate and maintain the project(s) funded uader this !; I/ !I 5ji runds 71 4. Agrees to provide any fund2 neetied beyond the grant 6:: program; I requested to complete the project(s) funded under this program through the allocation of uncommitted funds. it 10 ! PASSED, APPROVE0 AND ADOPTEO at a regular meeting of the 11 AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettine 13 1986 by the following vote, to wit: 12 Carlsbad City Council held on the 12th day of Augusr 7 NOES: None I! MAR^ H. CASLER, Mayor I 1 ! I I I ! i i i I ! I ! i I ! i J i ! i 1 I I i LIST OF ASSURANCES The applicant hereby assures and certifies that it *rill comply with Conservancy acceptance and use of Conservancy funds for this project. Also, the applicant regulations, policies, guidelines and requirements as they relate to the gives assurance and certifies with respect to the grant that: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 0. 9. construct the proposed facilities; that, where appropriate, a resolution, It possesses legal authority to apply for the grant, and to finance and motion of similar action has been duly adopted or passed as an official act of the applicant's governing body, authorizing the filing of the application, including all understandings and assurances contained therein, and directing and authorizing the person identified as the official representative of the applicant to act in connection with the application and to provide such additional information as may be required. for projects. It will have sufficient funds available to meet its own share of 'the cost Sufficient funds will. be available when the project is completed to assure the effective operation and maintenance of the facilities for the purposes constructed. It holds sufficient title or interest in the property to enable it to undertake lawful development and construction of the project. Except in the case where the Grantee is acquiring an interest in the property as a part of Executive Officer of the Conservancy. the prclject development such title documentation shall be reviewed by the It will not dispose of or encumber its title or other interests in the site and facilities except as permitted by the Conservancy. It will give the Conservancy, through any authorized representative, access to the grant. to and the right to examine all records, books, papers, or documents related It will cause work on the project to be commenced within a reasonable time approved and that the project will be carried to completion with reasonable after receipt of notification from the Conservancy that funds have been diligence. It will, where appropriate, comply with the requirements of the State's Braithwaite Act (Chapter 1574, Statutes of 1971 and related statutes), which provides for fair and equitable treatment of displaced persons. Environmental Quality Act. It will, where appropriate, comply with the requirements of the California special provisions of law, and program requirements. It will comply with all requirements imposed by the Conservancy concerning CARLSBAD, CA 920081989 1Kx) ELM AVENUE OffkO 01 fhr C/fy Clerk August 18. 1986 State of California Coastal Conservancy Oakland, CA 94612 1330 Broadway, Suite 1100 Attn: Gail Odom Rosen Re: Carlsbad Boulevard Seawall The Carlsbad City Council, at its meeting of August 12, 1986, adopted Resolution No. 8749, approving a list of assurances under the Coastal Conservancy access grants program for seawall- required by the Coastal Conservancy to approve grant funds related structures. Enclosed for your records and information is a copy of Resolution No. 8549. I Deputy City Clerk Enc . c