HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-08-12; City Council; 8508-3; Bridge & Thoroughfare Benefit district-.- .. *. - 3 7 0 s Q e 6 .. z 0 F 0 d 0 z 3 0 0 a CIl d' JF CARLSBAD - AGENU- TILL s hB# TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING MTG. 8/12/86 BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1. Conduct Public Hearing on the proposed Bridge and Thoroughfare Benefit District. 2. After receiving public testimony, close the Public Hearing and, if the Council desires, adopt Resolution No. F74l.3, taking action overruling protests and determining that said protests represent less than 50% of the District. 3. Adopt Resolution No. 87qq , establishing the Bridge and Thoroughfare District and approving the cost estimates, the area of benefit, and the allocation of costs. ITEM EXPLANATION: On July 1, 1986, the City Council declared intent to establish a Bridge and Thoroughfare Benefit District and directed staff to set this matter for a public hearing on August 12, 1986. Also, on July 1, 1986, the City Council approved the Engineering Report for the proposed Bridge and Thoroughfare Benefit District which did the following: 1. Established the area of benefit of the District as shown on a reduced map which is attached as part of Exhibit #2. 2. Established construction costs for the three interchanges at 1-5 including escalation and inflation for future construction: A. Palomar Airport Road Interchange - $ 5,104,090 B. Poinsettia Lane Interchange - $ 4,990,670 C. La Costa Avenue Interchange - $ 5,444,370 Contingencies (15%) - $ 2,330,870 Total Estimated Project Cost $17,870,000 3. Established the allocation of the costs to the area of benefit: Residential - $53.00 per daily trip generation. All Other Land Uses - $22.00 per daily trip generation. -.- Agenda Bill No. g5iC#443 August 12, 1986 Page 2 The Engineers Report also detailed how each type of land use or development will create a specific number of "trip generationsv1 per day. These figures are consistent with those established and adopted by the Council for the La Costa Area traffic impact fee. all public agencies and entities will be exempt from the Bridge and Thoroughfare Benefit District fee. As was the case with the La Costa Area traffic impact fee, The Bridge and Thoroughfare Benefit District is needed to assure that these three improvement projects are built to meet traffic demands. these improvements without the implementation of this benefit district. There are no other funds available to proceed with FISCAL IMPACT: The Bridge and Thoroughfare Benefit District will provide $17,870,000 over the next 20 years for these improvements. These funds will be raised as new development occurs within the district. EXHIBITS : 1. Order of Procedure. 2. Resolution No. $743, taking action overruling protests and determining that said protests represent less than 50% of the District. , establishing the Bridge and Thoroughfare approving the cost estimates, 3. Resolution No. approving the area of benefit, and approving the allocation of costs. ORDER OF PROCEDURE CITY OF CARLSBAD BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE DISTRICT NO. 1 DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: AUGUST 12, 1986 MAY OR : Announce that this is the time and place fixed for the public hear- ing on protests or objections to the formation of a bridge and thoroughfare district designated as BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE DISTRICT NO. 1. CITY CLERK: Announce that notice of the hearing has been given by MAIL, PUBLI- CATION and POSTING, and the appropriate Certificate of Compliance is on file. STAFF : General presentation of the following: A. B. C. Explanation of cost estimate D. E. Purpose and scope of proceedings and public hearing Description of boundaries of area of benefit Description of cost allocation and fee apportionment to area of benefit Report on written protests filed by percentage (%) of area to be benefited END OF STAFF REPORT -- OPEN FOR PUBLIC DISCUSSION MAY OR : ASK EACH SPEAKER TO IDENTIFY THEMSELVES AND THEIR PROPERTY. First, ask to hear from anyone who wishes to speak against the proceedings, the proposed improvements, ares of benefit or method of allocation of costs. Then, ask to hear from anyone who wishes to speak in favor of the proceedings. STAFF : Report on final percentage (%) of protests received. CITY COUNCIL: &Motion, declare Public Hearing CLOSED. IF THE LEGISLATIVE BODY WISHES TO PROCEED: CITY COUNCIL: Adopt RESOLUTION OVERRULING AND DENYING PROTESTS: To be adopted if any protests, oral or written, and less than 50% of the area, have been received . CITY COUNCIL: Adopt RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE DISTRICT TO FINANCE THE COSTS OF MAJOR PUBLIC BRIDGE IMPROVEMENTS: This is the formal action establishing the District. *** RESOLUTION NO. 8743 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 I I has, by Resolution, declared its intention to order the formation j of a bridge and thoroughfare district, as authorized under Section 1 i 66484 of the Government Code of the State of California, and I specifically as authorized by Section 20.80.140 of the Municipal Code of the City of Carlsbad; said district to be known and 1 designated as I I I I 1 (hereinafter referred to as the "District"); and, I BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE DISTRICT NO. 1 I WHEREAS, at this time certain owners of property within the area of benefit for the District have filed protests or objections to the proceedings; and, WHEREAS, at this time the City Council has considered all testimony and evidence, and has received and reviewed the "Report" of the Engineer, said "Report" generally setting forth the following: I I A. The area of benefit for the District B. Estimated costs for the improvements C. Method of the allocation of costs NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2. That the public hearing for the above-referenced I RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, OVERRULING AND DENYING PROTESTS AND MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS I WHEREAS, the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA I 511 1 2 5 4 F Y 6 7 E 9 IC 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I SECTION 3. That all protests and objections are made by less ' than owners of one-half (1/2) of the area of property to be bene- Fited by the proposed improvements, and said protests are hereby 1 iverruled and denied. 1 SECTION 4. That it is hereby determined that the properties ' I I I bridge improvements, and it is hereby determined and declared that the method of allocation of the costs represents a fair, equitable and proper method of allocation of the costs to the area of benefit. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 12th day of August , 1986, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettine NOES: None ATTEST: LL9 d- G& MARY H. PSLER, Mayor (SEAL 1 1 c c 7 c 4 I; c E 7 E 5 IC 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 L RESOLUTION NO. 8744 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, FARE DISTRICT TO FINANCE THE COSTS OF MAJOR PUBLIC BRIDGE IMPROVEMENTS IN SAID CITY ESTABLISHING A BRIDGE AND THOROUGH- WHEREAS, the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA ]as, by Resolution, declared its intention to order the formation if a bridge and thoroughfare district, as authorized under Section 36484 of the Government Code of the State of California, and Gpecifically as authorized by Section 20.80.140 of the Municipal :ode of the City of Carlsbad; said district to be known and lesignated as BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE DISTRICT NO. 1 :hereinafter referred to as the llDistrictll); and, WHEREAS, the legislative body has now conducted a duly ioticed public hearing for the purpose of considering the Zstablishment of said District, and all persons have had an oppor- tunity to speak either in favor or opposition to the proceedings Ind establishment of the District; and, WHEREAS, protests have not been received by a majority of the irea within the area of benefit; and, WHEREAS, the Engineer of Work did submit a "Report" generally jetting forth and describing (a) the boundaries of the area of ienefit, (b) the estimated costs for the construction of the Facilities, and (c) a method of allocation of the costs to the irea of benefit, and this City Council is now desirous to proceed rJith the establishment of the District. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: 1 2 'allocation of the costs, and said protests have been denied. FORMATION OF DISTRICT SECTION 3. This City Council does hereby confirm the District and establish an area of benefit to be known and designated as BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE DISTRICT NO. 1. That the "Report" of the Engineer, as herewith submitted, setting forth the estimate of the 3 4 8 9 10 .11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RECITALS SECTION 1. That the above recitals are all true and correct. PROTESTS SECTION 2. It is hereby determined that a majority protest has not been filed by owners of more than one-half of the area to be benefited by the improvements or to the proposed method of costs, area of benefit and method of allocation for the costs, is hereby approved and adopted by this legislative body. AREA OR BENEFIT SECTION 4. That the area of benefit and boundaries are gene- rally established as follows: a. From the Pacific Ocean East along the Southern boundary of South Carlsbad Beach State.Park and continu- ing Easterly generally along the Southern boundary of the City of Carlsbad Ma'cario Park, then North along the Eastern boundary of said Park, then to the Northern border of the City and the City limits, and then along the North, East, South and West City limits to the Southwest corner of the South Carlsbad Beach State Park and point of beginning. b. For a general description, reference is made to a reduced map, a copy of which is attached hereto, referenced and incorporated as Exhibit II A II I 1 2 3 4 5 open for public inspection. I/ - - i 1 j I c. For further particulars, reference is made to I a detailed map as approved by the City Council by adoption of Resolution No. 86-47 on the 1st day of July, 1986, a copy of which 1 map, as approved, is on file in the Office of the City Clerk and I 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 through this District shall generally consist of the construction of major bridge interchange improvements designated as PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD INTERCHANGE, POINSETTIA LANE INTERCHANGE and LA COSTA AVENUE INTERCHANGE, including bridge widening and reconstruction, as well as the construction of required on and off ramps, signali- zation, approach work and appurtenances. For particulars, refe- rence is made to the "Report" of the Engineer as prepared for these proceedings and approved, a copy of which is on file in the i ! Office of the City Clerk. I COST ESIMATE SECTION 6. The total estimated cost for the proposed bridge improvements, including escalation and inflation for future con- struction, as herein approved, is established as follows: PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD INTERCHANGE: $ 5,104,090.00 POINSETTIA LANE INTERCHANGE: $ 4,990,670.00 LA COSTA AVENUE INTERCHANGE: $ 5,444,370.00 CONTINGENCIES (15%) $ 2,330,870.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST: $17,870,000.00 ALLOCATION OF COSTS I/ SECTION 7. This City Council hereby approves and establishes IIthe method of allocation and apportionment of the costs as set I 27 c 1 2 I I construction of the bridge facilities will be generated by fees \ collected as building permits are issued for development within I I j I 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 the boundaries of the District. Each type of development or land j use will generate and create a specific number of trip generations 1 within a 24-hour day. The fees will be apportioned on the basis 1 of average daily vehicular traffic and trip generation, and for 1 particulars, reference is made to the "Report" of the Engineer as approved by the City Council and on file in the Office of the City 1 1 I Clerk. For further particulars, reference is made to the Exhibit I'B" entitled "Fee Apportionment Collection", a copy of which is attached hereto, referenced and so incorporated. It is hereby determined that the method of allocation is a fair way for appor- tioning the costs for the proposed works of improvement based upon 1 estimated traffic generated by the type of development and Exhibit "B" attached hereto contains a reasonable estimate of the vehicle trips to be generated by the various types of construction. i i I I I I TIME FOR PAYMENT SECTION 8. The above fees, as set forth in the "Report" of 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I the Engineer, shall be applicable to all property within the area of benefit, and said fees shall be payable as a condition of issuing a building permit for the property or portions of the , property to be developed, or payable as a condition of approval of any final development map, if no building permit is required, unless this legislative body adopts, by Resolution, an alternate 1 procedure for the payment of said fee. CREDIT SECTION 9. Landowners, developers and subdividers may be entitled to receive credit for the construction of the major 1 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 proceedings, said credit to be in the amount and applied in the i manner as calculated and determined by the City Engineer. Any , credit to be allowed shall be based upon the value of the proposed I I bridge facilities constructed and as determined to be reasonable 1 ~ by the City Engineer. Any credit may be deducted from any amounts I I I I 8 25 26 27 9 ABSENT: None 11 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 that would be due to be paid for development within the proposed area of benefit of this District. , I I 1 i PUBLIC AGENCIES SECTION 10. Any project by a public agency or public entity shall be exempt from the fees as herein approved for this District and these facilities. RECORDATION SECTION 11. Immediately upon adoption of this Resolution, the City Clerk shall cause a certified copy of this Resolution, together with the attached Exhibits, to be recorded in the Office of the County Recorder, and a copy of said Resolution shall be kept on file in the Office of the City Clerk and remain open for public inspection. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 12th day of August , 1986, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettine NOES : None 28 d.L MARY H. ASLER, Mayor I I I 5 1( 11 1; 1: 14 1: 1t 17 1E 1s 2c 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 rTTEST: .SEAL 1 i lhlo mop .horn tho ukrkr boundoy of tho butoflt dbtrlct Rofuonw b mod. to Gchblt "8" of tho bghou'r Report whkh contoha tho Pard Mapa am hdudd or hon bem dudd from Legend Thwo maps .how tho paal~ of lard that Exterior Boundary of District Interchange Improvements tho bonoflt dbb.lct The map. d.o &or P, tho mod boundory of tho horn dl.trkt '.J Bridge and Thoroughfare Benefit District No. 1 Pursuant to Section 20.08.140 of the City of Carlsbad Municipal Code City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, California EXHIBIT "A" -3 CITY OF CARLSBAD IDGE AND THHORWCHFARE BENEFIT DlSTRl 0. 1 FEE APPORT IONMMT/COLLECT ION Funds for the construction of the bridge facilities wfll be generated by fees collected as building perrits are issued for development within the boundaries of the District. Each type of development or land use ut11 generate and create a speclfic number of trip generations within a 24-hour day. The fees will be apportioned on the basis of average dai ly vehicular traffic and trip generation. The proposed fees to be collected are as follows: Residential $53.00/dai ly trip ComnercIal/lndurtrlal $22.00/daily trip The above fee per daily trip shall be applied to the weekday vehicle trip generation rate as ettablishec in the following table: LAND USE AGRICULTURE (Open Space) A I RPORTS Cmercial .General Aviation He1 iports AUTOMOB I LE Car Wash Cas01 i ne Repair 4 Sales (Dealer) BANK I NC Walk-in Bank Savings 6 Loan u/Drive-Through w/Drive-Through CMETER I ES CHURCH (or Synagogue) CWERC I AURETA I L CENTERS Regional Shopping Center (more than 30 acres, mort than 300,000 sq.ft. w/usually 2+ major stores) (10-30 acres, 100,000-300,000 sq.ft. dusually Comnuni ty Shopping Center 1 major store and detached restaurant) Neighborhood Shopping Center (Less than 10 acres, less than 100,000 sq.ft. w/usually grocery store 4 drug store) Camnercial Shops (also strip comnercial) Grocery Store Convenience Market Discount Furniture Store Lwnber/Hardware Store EWCAT I ON University (4 years) Junior College (2 years) High School Elementary/Junior High HOSP I TAU General Conval escent/Nursi ng EXHIBIT ESTIHATD WEEKDAY VEHICLE TRIP GENERATION RATE 2/acre 12/acre, lOO/flight 4/acre, 2/f 1 ight 100/acre 6lbased ai rcraf t 600/si te 750/stati on, 130/pump 60/1000 sq.ft. , 400/acres 60/service stall 200/1000 sq. f t . 300 (150 one-way)/lane 60/1000 sq.ft. 100 (50 one-way )/1 ane 5/acre 30/1000 sq.ft., 6O/acre (triple rates for Sundq, or days of assembly) 50/1000 sq. f t . , 500/acre 70/1000 sq.ft., 7OO/acre 120/1000 sq. f t . , 12OO/acre 40/1000 sq. f t. , 400/acre 150/1000 sq.ft. , 1500/acre 500/1000 sq.ft. 40/1000 sq. f t . 6/1000 sq.ft. , 100/acre 30/1000 sq.ft., 300/acre 2.5/student, 100/acre 1 .S/student, BO/acrc l.S/student, 50/acre 1 .O/student, 30/acre 2O/bcd, 20/1000 sq.ft. , 2OO/acre 3/bed -- LAND USL IKKlSTR I AL Comerci el lncl udcd/busi ness Park No Commrcial lbnuf acturi ng Warehousing Storage Science Research & Development LIBRARY LODGING Hotel (w/convention facilitlcs/canmercial) Hotel Resort Hotel MI L I TARY OFF ICES Standard Comnerci a1 Off i ce Large (high-rise) Comnercial Office Government (Civic Center) Medical less than 100,000 sq.ft. 1 (more than 100,000 sq.ft.1 PARKS City (devel oped Regional (undeveloped) Neighborhood Amusement (Theme) RECRMT I ON Beach, Ocean or Bay Beach, Lake (fresh water) Bar1 ing Center Campground Golf Course Marinas Racquetbal l/Health Club Tennis Courts Sports Facilities - Outdoor Stadium Indoor Arena Racetrack Theaters (mu1 tiplex) RES I DENT I AL Single Family Detached (average 4 DU/acre) Condominium (or any multi-family units less than 30 DlJ/acre) Apartments (or any multi-family units more than 30 DU/acre) Hobile Home Retirement Comnuni ty Rural Estate RESTAURANTS Quality Sit down, high turnover Fast Food (w/dri ve-through) Bus Depot Truck Terminal Trsnsportation Facilities STirUfED WEEKDAY VEHICLE . TRIP GENERATIOF( RATE 16/1000 sq.ft., 200/acre 10/1000 sq.ft., 120/acre 4/1000 sq.ft. , 40/acrc 6/1000 sq.ft. , 60/acre 3/1000 sq.ft., 0.3/vault, SO/acre 8/1000 sq.ft. 80/acre SO/lOOO sq.ft., 400/acre lO/room, 300/acre 10/rooms 200/acre lO/room, 100/acre 2.5/military & civilian personnel 20/1000 sq.ft., 300/acre 17/1000 sq.ft., 600/acre 30/1000 sq.ft. 90/1000 sq. f t . , 800/acre 50/acre . S/acre (double rates for weekend) S/acre (double rates for weekend) 80/acrc, 13O/acre (sumner only) 600/1000 ft. shoreline, 60/acre SO/lOOO ft. shoreline, S/acre 30/lane 6/campsi te 8/acre, 400/course 4/berth 40/1000 sq.ft., 3OO/acre, 40/court 3O/court 50/acre, 0.2/seat 30/acre, 0.1 /seat 40/acre, 0.6/seat 80/1000 sq.ft., 1.8/seat 1 O/dwell i ng uni t 8/dwel1 ing unit 6/dwell i ng unf t S/dwel1 i ng unit Sfdml 1 i ng unit lS/dwell i ng unit 100/1000 sq.ft. 300/1000 sq. f t . 600/1000 sq. f t . 25/1000 sq.ft. lO/lOOO sq.ft., 60/acre CERTIFICATE OF CWLIANCE WITH NOTICE REQUIREUENTS BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE DISTRICT NO. 1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA - COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO CITY OF CARLSBAD ALETHA RAUTENKKANZ, under penalty of perjury, CERTIFIES AS FOLLOWS: The undersigned is now, and at all times mentioned herein was, the duly appointed, qualified and acting CITY CLERK of the CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, and as such, accomplished or caused to be accomplished the notice requirements in connection with the referenced Bridge and Thoroughfare District: MAILING The NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING (NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS) was mailed to all owners of real property within the boundaries of the District as said owners are shown on the last equalized Assessment Roll of the County, or as known to the City Clerk. Said mailing was completed on the 2~ day of 4- , 1986. The NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING (NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS) was also be mailed to each local agency providing water, sewage, school or other essential facilities or services to properties within the boundaries of the District. Said mailing was completed on the 2 15~ day of PUB L I CAT I ON (CARLSBAD JOUVNAL) The NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING (NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS) was published one (1) time in the designated newspaper. . Said publication was completed .on the 2 btA. day of + 1986. POST I NG The NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING (NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS) was posted in at least three (3) public places within the boundaries of the City of Carlsbad, including one public place within the area of benefit of the District. Said posting was completed on the I s l- day of , 1986. 4 Executed this // r4 day of , 1986, at Carlsbad, California. CITY OF CARLBAD STATE OF CALIFORNIA J Recording Cjty Cleyk 1200 Elm Carlsbsd, CP. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 .- 6 356638 -r. Raquested By and Return To: ud 261 iiveiue I 1 ,- 92008 L i I:, -_. +.y, --.* I i ' :L i : . RESOLUTION NO. 8744 -. 3,: { [, ; ' , - RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF!$$; &G 19 ,jj,f 11: 37 THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA FARE DISTRICT TO FINANCE THE COS OF MAJOR PUBLIC BRIDGE IMPROVEMENTS IN SAID CITY ESTABLISHING A BRIDGE AND THOROU&~~~~~ $FEf WHEREAS, the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA has, by Resolution, declared its intention to order the formation of a bridge and thoroughfare district, as authorized under Section 66484 of the Government Code of the State of California, and specifically as authorized by Section 20.80.140 of the Municipal Code of the City of Carlsbad; said district to be known and designated as I I BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE DISTRICT NO. 1 1 (hereinafter referred to as the "District"); and, WHEREAS, the legislative body has now conducted a duly noticed public hearing for the purpose of considering the establishment of said District, and all persons have had an oppor- tunity to speak either in favor or opposition to the proceedings and establishment of the District; and, WHEREAS, protests have not been received by a majority of the area within the area of benefit; and, I WHEREAS, the Engineer of Work did submit a "Report" generally setting forth and describing (a) the boundaries of the area of benefit, (b) the estimated costs for the construction of the facilities, and (c) a method of allocation of the costs to the area of benefit, and this City Council is now desirous to proceed with the establishment of the District. I NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: L, 4 FORMATION OF DISTRICT SECTION 3. This City Council does hereby confirm the District and establish an area of benefit to be known and designated as BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE DISTRICT NO. 1. That the "Report" of the Engineer, as herewith submitted, setting forth the estimate of the costs, area of benefit and method of allocation for the costs, is hereby approved and adopted by this legislative body. AREA OR BENEFIT SECTION 4. That the area of benefit and boundaries are gene- rally established as follows: a. From the Pacific Ocean East along the Southern boundary of South Carlsbad Beach State Park and continu- ing Easterly generally along the Southern boundary of the City of Carlsbad Macario Park, then North along the Eastern boundary of 5 6 I I I 9 10 point of beginning. b. For a general description, reference is made to a reduced map, a copy of which is attached hereto, referenced and incorporated as Exhibit "A". 7 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 jd 263 2 3 4 5 I a detailed map as approved by the City Council by adoption of Resolution No. 86-47 on the 1st day of July, 1986, a copy of which map, as approved, is on file in the Office of the City Clerk and open for public inspection. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 I IMPROVEMENTS through this District shall generally consist of the construction of major bridge interchange improvements designated as PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD INTERCHANGE, POINSETTIA LANE INTERCHANGE and LA COSTA AVENUE INTERCHANGE, including bridge widening and reconstruction, as well as the construction of required on and off ramps, signali- zation, approach work and appurtenances. For particulars, refe- rence is made to the "Report" of the Engineer as prepared for these proceedings and approved, a copy of which is on file in the Office of the City Clerk. I SECTION 5. That the improvements as proposed to be financed 17 18 COST ESIMATE SECTION 6. The total estimated cost for the proposed bridge I i 19~~improvements, including escalation and inflation for future con- 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 struction, as herein approved, is established as follows: PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD INTERCHANGE: $ 5,104,090.00 POINSETTIA LANE INTERCHANGE: $ 4,990,670.00 LA COSTA AVENUE INTERCHANGE: $ 5,444,370.00 CONTINGENCIES (15%) $ 2,330,870.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST: $17,870,000 .OO ALLOCATION OF COSTS SECTION 7. This City Council hereby approves and establishes Ilthe method of allocation and apportionment of the costs as set 1 27 I 28 forth in the Engineer's "Report" for said District. Funds for the I 1 v- 264 construction of the bridge facilities will be generated by fees collected as building permits are issued for development within the boundaries of the District. Each type of development or land use will generate and create a specific number of trip generations within a 24-hour day. The fees will be apportioned on the basis 2 I 7 " 4 F; " 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I - 265 II * 1 proposed thoroughfare bridge improvements, as authorized by these 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 proceedings, said credit to be in the amount and applied in the manner as calculated and determined by the City Engineer. Any credit to be allowed shall be based upon the value of the proposed bridge facilities constructed and as determined to be reasonable by the City Engineer. Any credit may be deducted from any amounts that would be due to be paid for development within the proposed area of benefit of this District. PUBLIC AGENCIES SECTION 10. Any project by a public agency or public entity shall be exempt from the fees as herein approved for this District and these facilities. RECORDATION SECTION 11. Immediately upon adoption of this Resolution, the City Clerk shall cause a certified copy of this Resolution, together with the attached Exhibits, to be recorded in the Office of the County Recorder, and a copy of said Resolution shall be kept on file in the Office of the City Clerk and remain open for public inspection. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City 21 22 23 24 Council held on the 12th day of August , 1986, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettine NOES : None MARY H. VASLER, Mayor L' ' c < L F c r 4 E E IC 11 1; 1: 14 1: 1E 17 1E 19 2c 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I rl LTTEST: I U.k& 4.- !LETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Cyerk y SEAL 1 This mop .horn tho ut& boundary of t0 mblt 3" of tho fighoof's Roport hlch COntOh8 tho &8eaoh Pared Yopa m hdudmd or how bm ududod htn tho kotlt dirtrkt Rofuoncr b mod. Legend Thwa maps how tho parala of lond thot tho bondit dl.trlct 7hon maps d.o show P, tho ox& boundary of the bmollt dl.trlc+ LJ Exterior Boundary of District Interchange Improvements Bridge and Thoroughfare Benefit District No. 1 Pursuant to Section 20.08.140 of the City of Carlsbod Municipal Code City of Carlsbad, County of Son Diego, California EXHIBIT "A" - t+ 268 CITY OF CARLSBAD .WE AND THOROUGHFARE BENEFIT DISTRIC. J. 1 FEE APPORTIO"ENT/COLLECTION Funds for the construction of the bridge facilities will be generated by fees collected as building perrits are Issued for development *{thin the boundaries of the District. Each type of development or land w will generate and create a specific number of trip generations within a 24-hour day. The fees will be apportioned on the basis of average daily vehicular traffic and trip generation. The proposed fees to be collected are as follars: Real dential $53 .OO/daf 1 y tri p ComMrcial/lndurtrial $ZZ.OO/dai ly trfp The above fee per daily trip shall be applied to the weekday vehicle trip generation rate as establishec in the following table: UNO USE AGRICULTURE (Open Space) A I RPORTS Comercia1 General Aviation He1 iports AUTOMOB I LE Car Wash bsol i ne Repair 6 Sales (Dealer) BANK I NC Walk-in Bank Savings 6 Loan w/Drive-Through n/Drive-Through CMETER 1 ES CHURCH (or Synagogue) COMfERCIAURETAIL CENTERS Regional Shopping Center (more than 30 acres, more than 300,000 sq.ft. w/usually 2+ major stores) (10-30 acres, 100,000-300,000 sq.ft. w/usually Camnuni ty Shopping Center 1 major store and detached restaurant) Neighborhood Shopping Center (Less than 10 acres, less than 100,000 sq.ft. w/usually grocery store L drug store) Comnercial Shops (also strip comnercial) Grocery Store Convenience Market Discount Furniture Store Lumber/Hardware Store OWCAT I ON University (4 years) Junior College (2 years) High School Elmntary/Junlor High HOSP I TALS General Convalescent/Nursi ng EXHIBIT ESTIMATED WEEKDAY VEHICLE TRIP GENERATION RATE 2/acre 12/acre, lOO/flight 4/acre, 2/flight, 6/based aircraft 100/acre 600/si te 750/station, 130/pump 60/1000 sq.ft. , 400/acre, 60/service stall 200/1000 sq. f t . 300 (150 one-way)/lane 60/1000 sq . f t . 100 (50 one-nay)/lane 5/acre 30/1000 sq.ft., 6O/acre (triple rates for Sundq, or days of assembly) 50/1000 sq.ft., SOO/acre 70/1000 sq.ft., 7OO/acrt 120/1000 sq.ft., 1200/acre 40/1000 sq.ft. , 400/acre 150/1000 sq.ft. , 1500/acre 500/1000 sq.ft. 40/1000 sq. f t . 6/1000 sq.ft. , 100/acre 30/1000 sq. f t. , 300/acre 2.5/student , 1 OO/acre 1 .S/student, 80/acre l.S/student, 50/acre l.O/atudent, 30/acre ZOhtd, 20/1000 sq.ft. , ZOO/acre 3/bed UND USE IWTRIAL Comncrci el lncl uded/Busf ness Park No Comnercial hnuf acturl ng Marchousing Storage Science Research 6 Development LIBRARY LOW I NC Hotel (w/convention faci littesjcommercial) Motel Resort Hote 1 MI L I TARY OFF ICES Standard Comnerci a1 Off Ice Large (high-rise) Comnercial Office bvernment (Civic Center) Medical less than 100,000 sq.ft.) (more than 100,000 sq.ft.1 PARKS Ci ty (devel oped ) Regional (undeveloped) Hei ghborhood Amusement (Theme 1 RECREAT I ON Beach, Ocean or Bay Beach, Lake (fresh water) Barling Center Campground Golf Course Marinas Racquetball /Health C1 ub Tennis Courts Sports Facilities - Outdoor Stadium Indoor Arena Racetrack Theaters (multiplex) RESIDENTIAL Single Family Detached (average 4 DU/acre) Condminlum (or any multi-family units less than 30 W/acre) Apartments (or any multi-family units more than 30 DU/acre) Mobile Home Retirement Comnuni ty Rural Estate RESTAURANTS Quality Sit darn, high turnover Fast Food (w/drive-through) Transportation Feci 1 i ties Bus Depot Truck Terminal 269 --- STIMATED WEEKDAY VEHIUE TRIP GENERATION RATE 16/1000 rq.ft., tOO/acre lOjl000 rq.ft., 120/acre WOO0 rq.ft., 40/acre 6/1000 sq. f t . , 6O/acre )/lo00 sq.ft., 0.3/vaulta SO/acre 8/1000 sq.ft. , bO/acre 40/1000 sq.ft., 400/acre lO/room, 300/acre 10/room, tOO/acre lO/room, 100/acre 2.5hilitary 6 civilian personnel 20/1000 sq. f t , 300/acre 17/1000 sq.ft., 600/acre 30/1000 sq.ft. 9O/lOOO sq.ft., 800/acre 5O/acre 5/acre (double rates for weekend) 5/acre (double rates for weekend) bO/acre, 130/acre (sumner only) 600/1000 ft. shoreline, 60/acre 50/1000 f t . shore1 i ne , S/acre 30/lane 6/campsi te 8/acre , 400/course 4/berth 40/1000 sq.ft., 300/acre, 40/court 30/court 50/acre, O.Z/seat 30/acre, 0.1 /seat 40/acre, O.C/seat 80/1000 sq.ft., 1.8/sest 10/dwelling unit 8/dwelling unit 6/dmll ing unit 5/dwel1 i ng unit S/drrtll ing unit lS/dwelling unit 100/1000 sq.ft. 300/1000 sq. f t . 600/1000 sq . f t . 25/1000 sq. f t . lO/lOOO sq.ft. , 60/acre STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO) ss. i NESTE, BRU & STONE Engineers Planners t td CORPO RATS0 CORONA HEMET PAtMDESERT RANCHOCALIFORNIA SAN BERNARDINO SAN DlEGO CITY OF CARLSBAD BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE BENEFIT DISTRICT NO. 1 MODIFIED ENGINEER'S REPORT August 12, 1986 PREPARED BY: NESTE, BRUDIN & STONE INCORPORATED Engineers -- Planners Corona - Hemet - Palm Springs Rancho California - San Bernardino - San Diego California I NBS Project No. E68-015.010 - PROJECT: BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE BENEFIT DISTRICT NO. 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD TO : CITY COUNCIL CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO STATE OF CALIFORNIA I, NORMAN A. NESTE, authorized representative of NESTE, BRUDIN & STONE INCORPORATED, the appointed DISTRICT ENGINEER, submit herewith an Engineer's Report for the formation of a "Bridge and Thoroughfare Benefit District'' pursuant to Section 20.08.140 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and Section 66484 of the Government Code of the State of California. Said Report consists of four parts as follows: Part I - Background for District Part I1 - Map of the Exterior Boundaries of the District Part I11 - Estimate of Cost of the Improvements Part IV - Method of Fee Apportionment Dated this 1st day of July , 1986. NESTE, BRUDIN & STONE INCORPORATED - / BIS'I'RICT ENGINEER Filed in the OFFICE of the CITY CLERK of the CITY of CARLSBAD this 1st day of July , 1986. CITY CLERK I # CITY OF CARLSBAD Page 1 of 2 Dated this 12th day of August , 1986. NESTE, BRUDIN & STONE INCORPORATED L/' mSPRICT ENGINEER Filed in the OFFICE of the CITY CLERK of the CITY of CARLSBAD this 12th day of August , 1986. CLERK CITY OF CARLSBAD J Page 2 of 2 Modifications to Engineer's Report, Bridge and Thoroughfare Benefit District No. 1, City of Carlsbad, as approved by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on August 12, 1986. 1. Remove Assessor's Parcel No. 211-050-10 as an included parcel in said benefit district and as shown on Exhibit "B" to said Engineer's Report. 2. Fees shall apply only to new construction. If any existing use or improvement is discontinued or abandoned and a new improvement or use is created, a credit shall be applied to the total calculated fee of the new use equal to the total fee computed on the pre-existing use, all as determined by the City of Carlsbad. 1 ENGINEER'S REPORT PART I BACKGROUND FOR DISTRICT CITY OF CARLSBAD BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE BENEFIT DISTRICT NO. 1 City of Carlsbad Municipal Code, Section 20.08.140 entitled "Bridge Crossing and Major Thoroughfares", makes provision for assessing and collecting fees as a condition of issuing a building permit for the purpose of defraying the actual or estimated costs of constructing bridges or major thorough- fares pursuant to Section 66484 of the Government Code of the State of California. Interstate 5 of the state highway system was constructed by the State Department of Transportation. Three of the interchanges were constructed to interim standards and additional improvements to the facilities are required as properties develop requiring increased access to the Interstate system. The three interchanges are: a. Palomar Airport Road b. Poinsettia Lane c. La Costa Avenue In general, the needed improvements include bridge widening, reconstruction or construction of on/off ramps, signalization of on/off ramps, roadway approaches, signing, striping and appurtanent work. The State Department of Transportation does not fund additional improvements to these interchanges that are needed due to increased traffic generation from development of private lands. The estimated construction cost of the improvements to the three interchanges are as set forth in Part I11 of this Engineer's Report. The exterior boundaries of the District are as shown on a map marked Exhibit "A" and being Part I1 of this Engineer's Report. Properties that have been improved by the construction of structures and/or building permits have been issued and the issuance of further buildings permits is extremely doubtful, have been excluded from the boundaries of the proposed district. Exhibit "B" to this report is the current County Assessor's Parcel Maps for the area included I 1-1 within the exterior boundaries as shown on Exhibit "A1'. These maps show the individual parcels that have been excluded from the District. Exhibit "C" to this report is a numeric listing of assessor's parcel numbers from the current County Assessor's roll of all parcels included within the District. The San Diego Area Association of Governments (SANDAG) prepares traffic reports and analysis using projected traffic flows based upon full development of lands within the City of Carlsbad. These analysis were utilized to determine the exterior boundaries of the District. For purposes of this proposed District, the following definitions have been used: a. b. C. d. e. "Building Permit" means a permit required by and issued pursuant to Chapter 18.04 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. "Bridge" means a structure over a waterway, railway, freeway or canyon for the purpose of conveying vehicular traffic . "Property" means any lot or parcel of land within the exterior boundaries of the Proposed Bridge and Thoroughfare Benefit District No. 1 and subject to payment of a fee. "Project" means on any property subject to payment of a fee, any new or additional building, structure, or any land use change which increases the number of trips generated by the use of the lot or parcel. "Trip" means an arrival at or a departure from a project by any motor vehicle averaged over a one day period (12:Ol p.m. to 11:59 p.m.1 as determined according to the table of trip generation found in Part IV of this Engineer's Report. In using this table, the square footage of the building, structure or use shall include all interior floor area of a building or structure, and all usable ground area of a use without a structure, except any designated open space area. Where the table establishes traffic generation for a project on the basis of square footage, acreage, or some other unit, the unit establishing the greatest number of trips shall be utilized. When a project has more than one use the number of trips shall be calculated by adding together all the trips generated by each use. For uses not listed in the table the trips shall be calculated by the City Engineer. 1-2 ENGINEER'S REPORT PART I1 MAP OF THE EXTERIOR BOUNDARY CITY TO CARLSBAD BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE BENEFIT DISTRICT NO. 1 The map of the exterior boundaries of "Bridge and Thorough- fare Benefit District No. 1" is shown on Exhibit "A" attached hereto. 11-1 ENGINEER'S REPORT PART I11 COST ESTIMATE CITY TO CARLSBAD BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE BENEFIT DISTRICT NO. 1 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD INTERCHANGE Demolition $ 20,000 Utility Relocation / Reconstruc t ion 24,000 Road and Ramp Improvements 174,000 Bridge and Foundation 1,472,000 Interchange Signals 160,000 Stripe and Sign 6,000 Traffic Safety and Control 70,000 Construction Total $ 1,926,000 Planning and Design @ 15% Construction Services @ 18% 289,000 347,000 Subtotal $ 2,562,000 Caltrans Process @ 5% 128,000 Total Estimate $ 2,690,000 POINSETTIA LANE INTERCHANGE $ 2,700,000 Demolition Utility Relocation/Reconstruction Road and Ramp Improvements Bridge and Foundation Interchange Signals Stripe and Sign Traffic Safety and Control Construction Total Planning and Design @ 15% Construction Services @ 18% $ 24,000 28,000 334,000 1,254,000 160,000 16,000 70,000 $ 1,886,000 283,000 340.000 Subtotal Caltrans Process @ 5% Total Estimate Say 111-1 $ 2,509,000 126,000 $ 2,635,000 $ 2,640,000 -., ,.* LA COSTA AVENUE INTERCHANGE Demolition Utility Relocation/Reconstruction Road and Ramp Improvements Bridge and Foundation Interchange Signals Stripe and Sign Traffic Safety and Control Construction Total Planning and Design @ 15% Construction Services @ 18% Subtotal Caltrans Process @ 5% Total Estimate $ 28,000 38,000 355,000 1,362,000 160,000 24,000 90.000 $ 2,057,000 309,000 371,000 $ 2,737,000 137,000 $ 2,874,000 $ 2,880,000 111-2 IMPROVEMENT Palomar Airport Road Interchange COST ESTIMATE SUMMARY . Poinsettia Lane Interchange La Costa Avenue Interchange Total Construction Estimate Contingency @ 15% Total Project Estimate 111-3 ESTIMATED COST $2,700,000 2,640,000 2,880,000 $8,220,000 1 , 233,000 $9,453,000 ENGINEER'S REPORT PART IV METHOD OF FEE APPORTIONMENT CITY OF CARLSBAD BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE BENEFIT DISTRICT NO. 1 Funds for the construction of the bridges will be generated by fees collected as building permits are issued for development that does not exist today. Each type of development or land use will create a specific number of "trip generations" in a given 24-hour day. (See definition of trip in Part I). Total trip generations can be predicted based upon the City's General Land Use Plan to ultimate development, Commercial uses such as banks, fast food establishments, etc. often generate trips in conjunction with another trip and may be considered double counting, Therefore, trip generations from land uses other than residential have been reduced in computing the Bridge and Thoroughfare fee for those land uses. Dividing the total daily trip generation into the dollars to be raised and needed for construction produces the fee per trip generation to be collected. The fee per trip generation, as hereinafter established, for the various land uses shall be applied to the estimated weekday vehicle trip generation rate as established in the following table. Estimated Weekday Vehicle Land Use Trip Generation Rate Agriculture (Open Space) 2 /acre Airports Come rc i a 1 General Aviation He 1 iport s Automobile Car Wash Gasoline Repair & Sales (Dealer) 12/acre, 100/flight 4/acre, 2/flight, 6/based 100 /acre aircraft 600/site 750/station, 130/pump 60/1000 sq.ft., 400/acre, 60/service stall IV- 1 -. . ,-* Land Use Banking Walk-in Bank Savings & Loan w/Drive-Through w/Drive-Through Cemeteries Church (or Synagogue) Commercial/Retail Centers Regional Shopping Center (More than 30 acres, more than 300,000 sq.ft,, w/ usually 2+ major stores) Community Shopping Center (10-30 acres, 100,000- 300,000 sq-ft. w/usually 1 major store and detached restaur ant ) Neighborhood Shopping Center (Less than 10 acres, less than 100,000 sq.ft. w/usually grocery store & drug store) Commercial Shops (also strip commercial) Grocery Store Convenience Market Discount Furniture Store Lumber/Hardware Store Education University (4 years) Junior College (2 years) High School Elementary/Junior High Hospitals General Convalescent/Nursing Industrial Commercial Included/ No Commercial Manufacturing Business Park Estimated Weekday Vehicle Trip Generation Rate 200/1000 sq.ft. 300 (150 one-way)/lane 60/1000 sq.ft. 100 (50 one-way) /lane 5/acre 30/1000 sq.ft., 60/acre (triple rates for Sunday, or days of assembly) 50/1000 sq.ft., 500/acre 70/1000 sq.ft., 700/acre 120/1000 sq.ft., 1200/acre 40/1000 sq.ft., 400/acre 150/1000 sq.ft., 1500/acre 500/1000 sq.ft, 40/1000 sq.ft. 6/1000 sq.ft., 100/acre 30/1000 sq.ft., 300/acre 2.5/student, 100/acre 1,5/student, 80/acre 1.5/student, 50/acre l.O/student, 30/acre 20/bed, 20/1000 sq.ft., 200/acre 3/bed 16/1000 sq.ft., 200/acre 10/1000 sq.ft., 120/acre 4/1000 sq.ft., 40/acre IV- 2 Land Use Industrial (Continued) Warehousing Storage Science Research & Development Library Lodging Hotel (w/convention failities/ commercial) Motel Resort Hotel Military Off ices Standard Commercial Office (less than 100,000 sq.ft.) Large (high-rise) Commercial Office (more than 100,000 Government (Civic Center) Medical sq.ft*) Parks City (developed) Regional (undeveloped) Neighborhood Amusement ( Theme ) Recreation Beach, Ocean or Bay Beach, Lake (fresh water) Bowling Center Campground Golf Course Marinas Racquetball/Health Club Tennis Courts Sports Facilities Outdoor Stadium Indoor Arena Racetrack Theaters (multiplex) Estimated Weekday Vehicle Trip Generation Rate 6/1000 sq.ft., 60/acre 3/1000 sq.ft., 0.3/vault, 8/1000 sq.ft., 80/acre 5 0 /acre 40/1000 sq.ft., 400/acre lO/room, 300/acre lO/room, 200/acre lO/room, 100/acre 2.5/military & civilian personnel 20/1000 sq.ft., 300/acre 17/1000 sq.ft., 600/acre 30/1000 sq.ft. 90/1000 sq.ft., 800/acre 50/acre 5/acre (double rates 5/acre for weekend) 80/acre, 130/acre (summer only) 600/1000 fete shoreline, 60/acre 50/1000 fet. shoreline, 5/acre 30/lane G/campsite 8/acre, 400/course $/berth 40/1000 sq.ft., 300/acre, 30 /court 40/court 50/acre, 0.2/seat 30/acre, O.l/seat 40/acre, 0.6/seat 80/1000 sq-ft., 1,8/seat IV- 3 Estimated Weekday Vehicle Land Use Trip Generation Rate Residential Single Family Detached lO/dwelling unit Condominium 8/dwelling unit (average 4 DU/acre) (or any multifamily units less than 30 DU/acre) (or any multifamily units more than 30/DU/acre) Apartments 6/dwelling unit Mobile Home 5/dwelling unit Retirement Community 5/dwelling unit Rural Estate 15/dwelling unit Restaurants Quality 100/1000 sq.ft. Sit down, high turnover 300/1000 sq.ft. Fast Food (w/dr ive-throug 600/1000 sq.ft. Transportation Facilities Bus Depot 25/1000 sq.ft, Truck Terminal 10/1000 sq.ft., 60/acre To increase fees in a bridge and thoroughfare district requires a mailed notice and hearing. Therefore, it is recommended to escalate the cost estimate. An inflation factor can be applied ur a total debt service can be computed assuming long-term financing and immediate construction. Utilizing the second method of long-term financing over 20 years at 7% interest will increase the project cost 89%. Current Cost (1 986 ) $ 9,453,000 (0.89) 8,413,000 Cost to be funded $17,866,000 Say $17,870,000 A total of 510,350 daily trips generated by land use subject to fee collection are forecast within the proposed benefit area. In order to recognize common trips (avoid "double counting") , commercial/industrial trip generation is discounted at 40% of residential source generation, A total of 338,940 adjusted daily trips are then forecast. Resultant proposed fees are then: Residential $53.00/Daily Trip Commercial/Industrial $22.00/Daily Trip Background support data is included in the following exhibits. IV- 4 c I- - ADDITIONAL EXHIBITS Exhibit D Total Acres (Entire E Total Acres M N 0 P Q by Land Use City Area) by Land Use (Benefit Area Only) Listing Listing Horizon Trip Analysis Listing (Entire City Area) Existing Trip Analysis Listing (Entire City Area) Future Trip Analysis Listing (Entire City Area) Horizon Trip Analysis Listing (Benefit Area Only) Existing Trip Analysis Listing (Benefit Area Only) Future Trip Analysis Listing Residential Trip Analysis Listing Future Development (Benefit Area Only) Future Development (Benefit Area Only) Commercial/Industrial Trip Analysis Listing Mixed-Use Trip Analysis Listing Future Development (Benefit Area Only) Non-Fee Trip Analysis Listing Future Development (Benefit Area Only) Facility Utilization Factor Facility Importance Factor IV-5 . -- ENGINEERS & PLANNERS I E68-015.010 August 13, 1986 Mr. Ray Patchett City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-1989 CITY OF CARLSBAD BRIDGE & THOROUGHFARE DISTRICT Attached is a draft of the modifications to the engineer's report for the Bridge and Thoroughfare Benefit District No. 1 as authorized by-the City Council on August 12th. Please review these and if you have no comments, we will insert them into a modified engineer's report following the signature page, being page 1 of the report, and distribute copies to all parties. If you have any questions, please call. 8 lL- NORMAN A. NESTE Chairman js J cc: F. MacKenzie Brown City Clerk Aletha Rautenkranz, Attachment 10920 Via Frontera PO. Box 28100 San Diego, CA 92128-0100 (619) 485-1500 (619) 578-7140 c Modifications to Engineer's Report, Bridge and Thoroughfare Benefit District No. 1, City of Carlsbad, as approved by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on August 12, 1986. 1. Remove Assessor's Parcel No. 211-050-10 as an included parcel in said benefit district and as shown on Exhibit flB 11 to said Engineer's Report. 2. Fees shall apply only to new construction. If any exist- ing use or improvement is discontinued or aban@oned and new improvement or use is created, a credit shall be applied to the total calculated fee of the new use equal to the total fee computed on the pre-existing use, all as determined by the City of Carlsbad. 9 - r" bETTER OF TRANSMITTAL P.O. BOX 28100 10920 VIA FRONTERA SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92128 TELEPHONE 619/485-1500-619/578-7140 0 SHOP DRAWINGS THE POLLOWINO 1TCY.r 0 UNDER SEPARATE COVER VIA u COPY OF LWER U Copbt 1 D8tm or NO. I DESCIl?TlON I I I I I I THESE ARE TRANSMllTED AS CHECKED BELOW: FOR APPROVkL 0 FOR YOUR us. 0 AS REQUESTED 0 PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US IF ENCLOSURES ARE NOT AS NOTED, KINDLY NOTIFY US AT ONCE. cc QdmA CULL (5) 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 920081989 Office of the City Clerk Cltp of CsrImsftsb September 10, 1986 F. Mackenzie Brown Attorney at Law P.O. Box 8025 Fairbanks Ranch Plaza Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067 Re: City of Carlsbad Bridge and Thoroughfare Distrct No. 1 Enclosed for your records is a copy of the Certificate of Compliance for the recording of the Resolution establishing the Bridge and Thoroughfare District. TELEPHONE (619) 438-5535 Deputy City Clerk Enc . INSTRUCTION SHEETKERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE CITY OF CARLSBAD BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE DISTRICT NO. 1 INSTRUCTIONS Immediately upon adoption of the RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE DISTRICT, the CITY CLERK shall cause a certified copy of said Resolution, with Exhibits attafched, to be recorded in the Office of the County Recorder of the County of San Diego. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, under penalty of perjury, CERTIFIES AS FOLLOWS: The undersigned is now, and at all times mentined herein was, the duly appointed, qualified and acting CITY CLERK of the CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, and as such, accomplished the notice requirements in connection with the referenced District, as noted: RECORDING A certified copy of the RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE DISTRICT, together with Exhibits attached, was recorded in the Office of the County Recorder, said recordation being accomplished on the /q+'\day of flY6LiS7 , 1986. Executed this jo+'day of S&f ~&m BF_ fl , 1986, at Carlsbad, California. d-eQwLLR.e CITY CLERK CITY OF CARLSBAD STATE OF CALIFORNIA LOCATION MAP I PROJECT NAME ' PROJ. NO= EXHIBIT BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE BENEFIT DISTRICT*I 3222 THE PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT TUESDAY, THE 12TH DAY OF AUGUST, 1986, AT THE HOUR OF 6:OO O'CLOCK P.M., IN THE REGULAR MEETING PLACE OF THE CITY COUNCIL, BEING THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, IS THE TIME AND PLACE FIXED TO CONSIDER WHETHER OR NOT TO PROCEED TO ESTABLISH THE PROPOSED MAJOR BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AS BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE DISTRICT NO. 1, AND TO CONSIDER PROTESTS OR OBJECTIONS GENERALLY TO THE BOUNDARIES OF THE PROPOSED DISTRICT, THE ESTIMATED COST FOR THE WORKS OF IMPROVEMENT AND THE METHOD AND APPORTIONMENT FOR THE FEE TO PAY FOR SAID FACILITIES, AND TO CONSIDER WHETHER THE OWNERS OF MORE THAN 1/2 OF THE AREA OF THE PROPERTY TO BE BENEFITED BY THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT HAVE PROTESTED AGAINST THE SAID IMPROVEMENT, OR ANY PORTION THEREOF, AND TO HEAR ALL PROTESTS RELATING TO SAID PROPOSED PROCEEDINGS; AND ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED MAY FILE A WRITTEN PROTEST AT OR BEFORE THE TIME SET FOR HEARING REFERRED TO HEREIN; AND IF PROTESTS BY OWNERS OF MORE THAN ONE-HALF OF THE AREA OF THE PROPERTY TO BE BENEFITED ARE FILED AND NOT WITHDRAWN SO AS TO REDUCE THE AREA REPRESENTED TO LESS THAN ONE-HALF OF THAT TO BE BENEFITED, THEN THE PROPOSED PROCEEDINGS SHALL BE ABANDONED PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 66484 OF THE GOVERNMENT CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. INFORMATION REGARDING PROCEEDINGS Please be advised that the person designated below may be contacted for any and all information or inquiries relating to the proceedings, the hearing procedure, or any matter contained in any documents, ordinances or resolutions concerning the proposed thoroughfare fee district: RAY PACHETT, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 TELEPHONE: (619) 438-5637 DATED: , 1986. CITY OF CARLSBAD STATE OF CALIFORNIA