HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-08-12; City Council; 8729; Condemnation of Property in CityCI1 OF CARLSBAD - AGEND BILL AB# ^7^7 MTG 8/12/86 DEPT. CA TITLE: AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CONDEM- NATION OF PROPERTY IN CITY OF CARLSBAD DEPT. HD. filTY ATTY \ /J5r1 CITY MGR. &&- RECOMMENDED ACTION: By motion, adopt Resolution No authorizing and directing the condemnation of drainage easements along the southerly portion of Palomar Airport Road. ITEM EXPLANATION QLJ >o DCa.a. g o o As a condition to the approval of Carlsbad Tract 82-4, the developer, Birtcher Business Center, is required to improve the existing drainage way adjacent to the southerly right-of-way of Palomar Airport Road along the boundary to the proposed industrial park. The owner of the subject property, the Aladray Family Trust, was contacted on May 5, 1986 and offered just compensation for the purchase of easements to be used in the extension and improvement of the drainage way. This offer has, to date, not been accepted. In accordance with state law, the City has given notice of this public hearing by personal service to the owner of the subject property. The City is not required to consider the request of any person to be heard who did not make a written request to be heard on or before August 12, , 1986, nor the request of any person not an owner of aninterestin the property being condemned. Adoption of the Resolution(s) of necessity requires a two-thirds vote and conclusively establishes the findings contained therein (they cannot be contested in the court proceeding). In Resolution No. 1995, the City Council acknowledged that additional drainage easements and drainage structures were required for the development of the industrial park known and designated as Corporate Palomar Phase II. In its efforts to acquire a site sufficient to accommodate the second phase of its industrial park project, the developer has spent approximately one year appraising, making offers and attempting to negotiate the purchase of all included interests. Only one property owner, the Aladray Family Trust, has refused to permit construction on their property. Following stalled attempts to try to purchase the entire Aladray parcel, the developer decided to acquire an easement interest only. However, the Aladray Family Trust has not responded to the developer's offer for a drainage easement based upon fair market value as determined by an MAI appraiser. FISCAL IMPACT None OO Agenda Bill # Page 2 EXHIBITS 1. Notice of Public Hearing to Condemn Real Property Interests in the City of Carlsbad, California 2. Resolution No. ^pyf/S^authorizing and directing the condemnation of certain real property interests in the City of Carlsbad, State of California, and declaring the public necessity therefor. 3. Offer of Just Compensation to the Aladray Family Trust dated May 5, 1986, with attachments DATE THIS NOTICE IS POSTED: ftu&usT 6> 1986 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing on August 12 f 1986 at 6:OQ P .m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, at the Carlsbad City Council Chambers at 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, 92008. It is the intent of the City Council to consider at that time the adoption of a Resolution of Necessity to authorize condemnation of an easement for drainage and related purposes on the property described in Exhibit "A" to this notice. Pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1245.235, each person whose property interests are to be acquired by eminent domain has the right to appear and be heard at the hearing. The City Council will determine whether a) the public interest and necessity require the project; b) the project is planned or located in the manner that will be the most compatible with the greatest public good and the least private injury; and c) the property sought to be acquired is necessary for the project. Failure to file a written request to appear and be heard within fifteen (15) days after the date of this notice (set forth above) will result in waiver of the right to appear and be heard at the City Council hearing. A legal description of property interests which will be affected by the Resolution of Necessity is included in Exhibit "A" to this notice. These property interests are further identified by the attached Map, included here as Exhibit "B." NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING K . ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Posted in the Carlsbad City Hall on: Mailed to Owners of Affected Property Interests on: July 28, 1986 MIUFORD W. DAHL* GARVIN F. SHALLENBERGER1 JAMES R. MOORE' H. L. (MIKE) McCORMlCK* WILLIAM R. BIEL- EVRI3 K! (VICKI) DALLAS RAND*LL M. BABBUSH RANS- L. REZEN PHILi? M. PRINCEJOHN L. FELLOWS MI RICHARD A. CURNUTT* MICHAEL W. IMMELL* RICHARD P. SIMS' MARSHALL M. PEARLMAN* ROBERT C. BRAUN* BARRY R. LAU0SCHER' ROBERT W. ALBERTS WILLIAM V. SCHMIDT DAVID C. LARSEN' ARTHUR G. KIDMAN' MICHAEL D. RUBIN* IRA G. RIVIN' JOSEPH D. CARRUTH STAN WOLCOTT* ROBERT S. BOWER' MARCIA A. FORSYTH WILLIAM J. CAPLAN MICHAEL T. HORNAK JANICE L. CELOTTI JOEL D. KUPERBERG M. TONI PERRY THOMAS G. BROCKINGTON DAVID J. ALESHIRE JAMES L. MORRIS JAMEE J. LITTLE M. KA-HERINE JENSON SELVX J. MANN CAHC. J. FLYNN SCOT- R. PINZONE HELE<* A. ROSICHAUD DIRC* J. EDGE RICi-*RD G. MONTEVIDEO KARE't L, BUSH JOI- ">. M. WHAY CARC-E STEVENS LEE v STRAUS J AM£; P. Fl NERTY LEONARD P. SWYER GAR* •*. BAUM ELIZ*3ETH M. COWLES KIM ~ THOMPSON RUT- i. EI5EN ARNC .D E. BRIER RUTAN & TUCKER ATTORNEYS AT LAW A PARTNERSHIP INCLUDING PROFESSIONAL CORPORATIONS CENTRAL BANK TOWER, SUITE I4OO SOUTH COAST PLAZA TOWN CENTER 611 ANTON BOULEVARD POST OFFICE BOX I95O COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA 926E8-I95O July 28, 1986 A. w. RUTAN tiaeo-ia'at JAMES B. TUCKER. SR. (1883-19501 H. RODGER HOWELL (1025-19831 TELEPHONE (714) 641-SIOO (213) 6Z5-75S6 TELECOPIER (714) S46-9O3S TELEX 9IO 596-1883 CABLE ADDRESS RUTAN TUC CSMA ZAP MAIL (714) 957-O749 WILLIAM W. WYNDER MARY M. GREEN •A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION i A, ROGOFF Nazeah Aladray and Josephine Aladray as Trustees of the Aladray Family Trust, dated September 9, 1980 P.O. Box 2308 Rancho Santa Fe, California 92067 Re: Notice Of Public Hearing To Condemn An Easement for Drainage Purposes Across Certain Real Property In'The City of Carlsbad, California Dear Mr. and Mrs. Aladray: Our records indicate that you are the owner of certain real property which is being considered for condemnation by the City of Carlsbad. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing on August 12, 1986, at 6:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, at the Carlsbad City Council Chambers at 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California 92008. It is the intent of the City Council to consider at that time the adoption of a Resolution of Necessity to authorize condemnation of an easement for drainage and related purposes on the property described in the attached Exhibit "A". RUTAN & TUCKER ATTORNEYS AT LAW A PARTNERSHIP INCLUDING PROFES5IONAL CORPORATIONS Nazeah Aladray and Josephine Aladray July 28, 1986 Page 2 Pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedures Section 1245.235, each person whose property interests are to be acquired by eminent domain has the right to appear and be heard at the August 12th hearing. The City Council will determine whether (a) the public interest and necessity require the project; (b) the project is planned or located in the manner that will be the most compatible with the greatest public good and the least private injury; and (c) the property sought to be acquired is necessary for the project. Failure to file a written request to appear and be heard in the office of the City Attorney at the Carlsbad City Hall within fifteen (15) days after the date this notice is mailed will result in waiver of the right to appear and be heard at the aforementioned hearing. A legal description of the property interests which will be affected by the Resolution of Necessity is included in Exhibit "A" to this letter. These property interests are further identified by the attached map, included here as Exhibit "B". Remember, if you wish to appear and be heard at the August 12, 1986, public hearing, you must file a written request with the City within fifteen (15) days after the date this notice is mailed. The City welcomes your participation. If you should have any questions, please call me collect at (714) 641-5100. Very truly yours, RUTAN & TUCKER ?>M JMO:de Jeffrey M. Oderman Special Counsel cc: David Eden, Esq., Attorney for the Aladrays Daniel S. Hentschke, Esq., Asst. City Attorney, Carlsbad Attachments DESCRIPTION OF EASEMENT A PORTION OF THAT PARCEL OF LAND GRANTED TO NAZEAH ALADRAY AND JOSEPHINE ALADRAY, AS TRUSTEES OF THE ALADRAY FAMILY TRUST DATED SEPTEMBER 9, 1980, BY GRANT DEED OF RECORD IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AS FILE NO. 81-302157 RECORDED ON SEPT- EMBER 22, 1981, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE MOST NORTHERLY CORNER OF THAT PARCEL OF LAND DESIGNATED "DESCRIPTION NO.5, 103-5** ACRES" ON RECORD OF SURVEY MAP NO 5715 FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 19, I960, BEING A PORTION OF LOT "G" OF THE RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. S23, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN'DIEGO COUNTY, NOVEMBER 16, 1.836; THENCE ALONG THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY OF THE AFORESAID PARCEL OF LAND GRANTED TO NA2EA ALADRAY AND JOSEPHINE ALADRAY N7°55'33"E 139-22 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY N7055'33"E AO.^3 FEET TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE FUTURE RIGHT OF WAY OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD ACCORDING TO R.S. 153^, SAID POINT BEING ON THE ARC OF A CURVE WITH A RADIUS OF 1933 FEET; THENCE ALONG THE FUTURE RIGHT OF WAY OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AND THE ARC OF THE AFORESAID 1933 FOOT RADIUS CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 4°16'33" FOR A DISTANCE OF HA.26 FEET TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY OF THE AFORESAID ALADRAY PARCEL; THENCE ALONG THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY S12058'19"W 40-52 FEET TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH A CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 1893 FEET; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF THE AFORESAID 1893 FOOT RADIUS CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF k°15'3k1' A DISTANCE OF 1^0.73 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 5693.81» SQUARE FEET OF LAND. EXHIBIT A 7 FUTURE T.P.O.B. EASEMENT DATA A=4el5'34" R=I893' L= 140.728* PLAT OF EASEMENT FOR DRA! NAGE IMPROVEMENTS EXHIBIT B HENRY WORLEY ASSOCIATE: CIVHENOINEEK'NO D SUWVtTINO O Pt>NNI* nr> COHVOT OOO«T. turn «-* »AM OUGO, CA 17111 (7144 $71-<r RESOLUTION NO. 8745 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CONDEMNATION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY INTERESTS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AND DECLARING THE PUBLIC NECESSITY THEREFOR WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad (hereinafter referred to as the "City") is authorized by virtue of the Constitution and statutes of the State of California to acquire property by eminent domain and to hold, use and enjoy said property as necessary to full exercise of its power; and WHEREAS, the Carlsbad City Council has previously adopted Resolution No. 1995, approving with conditions Tentative Map CT 8 2- 4/PUD 38, and requiring Bircher Business Center (hereinafter referred to as the "Developer") to provide an off site drainage easement and to install an offsite drainage facility within said easement in conjunction with the development of the industrial park known and designated as CORPORATE PALOMAR PHASE II (hereinafter referred to as the "Subdivision"); and WHEREAS, the easement to be acquired for said drainage facility is located on that certain real property (hereinafter referred to as the "Property") which is more particularly identified in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference; and WHEREAS, development of the Subdivision is consistent with the General Plan and the zoning of the City; and RESOLUTION NO. WHEREAS, the owner of the Property has been contacted and offered just compensation for the acquisition in accordance with Section 7267.2 of the Government Code; and WHEREAS, all persons whose names and addresses appear on the last equalized assessment roll for the Property were given notice and an opportunity to be heard pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure Section 1245.235; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the City Council on August 12, 1986, at which the matters set forth above and in Code of Civil Procedure Section 1240.030 were discussed, including the following matters: (a) Whether the public interest and necessity require the project; and (b) Whether the project is planned or located in the manner that will be the most compatible with the greatest public good and the least private injury; and (c) Whether the property sought to be acquired is necessary for the project; and (d) Whether an offer of just compensation pursuant to Government Code Section 7267.2 has been made to the owners of record, or the offer has not been made because the owner cannot be located with reasonable diligence. •NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad hereby resolves and finds as follows: Section 1. That the above Recitals are all true and correct. -2- RESOLUTION NO. <y- 7 V£ Section 2. That the public interest and necessity require the acquisition of an easement for drainage and related purposes across the Property described in Exhibit "A" hereto in order to provide for the construction and completion of needed drainage improvements for the Subdivision and surrounding area. Section 3. That the easement in the Property which is hereby sought to be condemned includes only land which is necessary for the proposed project. Section 4. That the project is located in a manner most compatible with the greatest public good and the least private injury for the following reasons: (a) Drainage channels have been or are being provided for both upstream and downstream from the Property; (b) The easement to improve and extend said drainage channels will encumber only one owner's property interests, but will benefit the entire area; (c) Condemnation of an interest in the Property for drainage easement purposes will not interfere with the owner's use of the remainder of his property and will actually improve said owner's property in a manner that the owner would be required to improve it if said owner were to develop first; and (d) The drainage easement and improvements will be paid for by the Developer and will not require the use of City funds. Section 5. A description of the General location and extent of the interest in the Property to be taken, with sufficient -3- RESOLUTION NO. detail for reasonable identification, is set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein as though set forth at length. Section 6. That the offers of just compensation pursuant to Government Code Section 7267.2 have been sent to all owners of record and that reasonable diligence has been used to located every interested owner. Section 7. That the law firm of Rutan & Tucker, acting as Special Counsel to the City, is hereby directed to bring action in the Superior Court of the State of California, County of San Diego, in the name of the City, and to take the necessary actions as deemed appropriate by such law firm to prosecute such action to completion and obtain a final order of condemnation. Not by way of limitation of the foregoing, Rutan & Tucker is authorized to make an application to the court for an order fixing the amount of security by way of money deposits as the court may direct and for an order permitting the City to take immediate possession of Property for the uses and purposes herein described. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the members of the Carlsbad City Council at a regular meeting held on the 12th day of August , 1986. MARY H. ASLER, Mayor ATTEST: ALTHEA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk -4- RESOLUTION NO.F 7 DESCRIPTION OF EASEMENT A PORTION OF THAT PARCEL OF LAND GRANTED TO NAZEAH ALADRAY AND JOSEPHINE ALADRAY, AS TRUSTEES OF THE ALADRAY FAMILY TRUST DATED SEPTEMBER 9, 1980, BY GRANT DEED OF RECORD IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AS FILE NO. 81-302157 RECORDED ON SEPT- EMBER 22, 1981, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE MOST NORTHERLY CORNER OF THAT PARCEL OF LAND DESIGNATED "DESCRIPTION NO.5, 103.54 ACRES" ON RECORD OF SURVEY MAP NO 5715 FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 19, 1960, BEING A PORTION OF LOT "G" OF THE RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 823, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, NOVEMBER 16, 1896; THENCE ALONG THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY OF THE AFORESAID PARCEL OF LAND GRANTED TO NAZEA ALADRAY AND JOSEPHINE ALADRAY N7°55'33"E 139-22 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY N7°55'33"E 40.43 FEET TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE FUTURE RIGHT OF WAY OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD ACCORDING TO R.S. 153*», SAID POINT BEING ON THE ARC OF A CURVE WITH A RADIUS OF 1933 FEET; THENCE ALONG THE FUTURE RIGHT OF WAY OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AND THE ARC OF THE AFORESAID 1933 FOOT RADIUS CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 4°1b'33" FOR A DISTANCE OF 144.26 FEET TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY OF THE AFORESAID ALADRAY PARCEL; THENCE ALONG THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY S12058'19"W 40.52 FEET TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH A CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 1893 FEET; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF THE AFORESAID 1893 FOOT RADIUS CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 4°15'34" A DISTANCE OF 140.73 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 5693.84 SQUARE FEET OF LAND. EXHIBIT A-l FUTURE R/ EASEMENT DATA k« 4° 15*34" R=I893' L* 140.728' I2*58*I9HE L=40.5I9' •4° 16* 33" R = I933' L* 144.255' 7* 55* 33" W L= 40.434* 3 In:A.RN.212-04-26 PLAT OF EASEMENT FOR DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS EXHIBIT A-2 HENRY WORLEY ASSOCIATES CIVIL CNOtNfEOiNG O SUWfYING O PLANNING nnoon^trrooam. (urrtA-t /i_/•AN o<eGO. CA trttt (Ti4j sri-rnt ' i RICHARD P. SIMS- ROGER A. GRABLE' ROBERT w. ALBERTS WILLIAM V. SCHMIDT DAVID C. LARSEN- CLIFFORD E. S'RIEDEN ARTHUR G. KIDMAN* MICHAEL O. RUBIN* IRA G. RIVI N* JOSEP-- D. CARRUTH ROBERT 5. BOWER* MARCIA A. FORSYTH EVR RA N PAN DAV KAR SCO HEDIRC JOH H'CH MAR JOH CAR LEE .HEZCN PRl NCE -OCHNE1R . KROGi-S RUTAN & TUCKER ATTORNEYS AT LAW A PARTNERSHIP NC-JC NG PROCESS ONAi_ CORPORATIONS CENTRAL BANK TOWER, SUITE !-*OO SOUTH COAST PLAZA TOWN CENTER 61! ANTON SOU LEVARD POST OFFICE BOX I95O COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA 92628-I95O i 8SO-'972' SON R. PINZONE A. RQB'CHAUO . EDGE .GASTELUM o G. MONTEVIDEO NTH FLYNN STEVENS STRAUS ANNE NELSON LANPHAR WILLIAM J. CAPtAN JANICE L. CELOTTI PHILIP D. KOHN JOEL D. KUPERSERG M. TONI PERRV STEVEN A. NICHOLS THOMAS G. BROCKINGTON DAVID J. ALESHIRE JAMES L. MORRIS LORI SARNER SMITH JAMES P. FiNEHTY LEONARD P. SWYER GARY M. BAUM RUTH i. E1SE.N ARNOLD E. BRIER TELEPHONE 1714) 64I-5IOO (213) 635-7586 TELECOPIER !7I4) 546-9035 May 5, 1986 TELEX 910 596-1883 CABLE ADDRESS RUTAN TUC CSMA ZAP MAIL (714) 957-O749 IN REPLV PLEASE REFER TO L •WOI'CS* IONAL. COn»O*>ATlON David Eden, Esq. 2605 Camino Del Rio South Suite 108 San Diego, California 92108 Re: Property Owned by Nazeah Aladray and Josephine Aladray, as Trustees of the Aladray Family Trust Dated September 9, 1980 Consisting of Approximately 0.73 Acres on the South Side of Palomar Airport Road West of Palomar Oaks Way, in the City of Carlsbad Dear Mr. Eden: The undersigned is special counsel to the City of Carlsbad. As I indicated to you in our telephone conversation on Wednesday, April 30, 1986, the City of Carlsbad intends to acquire a drainage easement across the above-referenced property. You indicated that you' represent the Aladrays in the matter and are authorized to receive an offer to purchase the drainage easement and, accordingly, this letter is being sent to you. If for any reason you wish to have me convey this letter directly to the Aladrays, please advise immediately. NOTICE OF INTENT TO ACQUIRE Resolution No. 1995 of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, approving with conditions tentative map CT82-4/PUD38, RUTAN <& TUCKER ATTORNEYS AT LAW David Eden, Esq. May 5, 1986 Page Two requires the subdivider to dedicate and provide certain improve- ments, to wit: additional drainage easements and drainage structures which have been determined to be essential to provide needed public facilities for the subdivision and to mitigate the public facilities burdens created by the subdivision. A portion of the required drainage easement and drainage structures are to be located off of the subdivided property on your clients' property. In order to enable the City to acquire the easement and pursuant to California Government Code Section 66462.5 and Section 20.16.095 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, the City of Carlsbad hereby submits this offer to you to acquire an easement for drainage purposes across that portion of your clients' property identified in the legal description and shown on the "Plat of Easement for Drainage Improvements" attached to this letter as Exhibit "A." OFFER TO PURCHASE To determine the fair market value of the drainage easement to be acquired on your clients' real property, the City of Carlsbad has had it appraised by John S. Adams, M.A.I., a qualified appraiser. On the basis of Mr. Adams' appraisal, the agency offers the total amount of $7,125.00 as fair market value for the drainage easement. This offer is comprised of the following elements of value: Land and Improvements: $7,125.00 Fixtures and Equipment: none TOTAL $7,125.00 This offer is the full amount that the City of Carlsbad believes to be just compensation for the drainage easement across your clients' property. It is not less than the approved appraisal of the fair market value of the drainage easement. Enclosed herewith is an Appraisal Summary Statement further explaining the basis of this offer. While the City is not required to send you its full appraisal report, I am doing so at your request in the hope that this will facilitate a full understanding of the basis of the City's offer and an early resolution of the matter. RUTAN & TUCKER ATTORNEYS AT LAW David Eden, Esq, May 5, 1986 Page Three The City recognizes that, under certain circumstances, portions of real property or improvements pertaining to the realty which it proposes to buy may belong to a tenant rather than to the title holder of the real estate parcel. In such cases, the City will apportion its offer of just compensation in accordance with the respective interests of the owner and tenant. The owner and the tenant must be in full agreement as to such an apportionment before the City can conclude a property acquisition in such a case. RELOCATION BENEFITS State and federal laws provide that specified relocation assistance must be made available to persons displaced from residential or commercial property as a result of the City of Carlsbad's acquisition activities. This purchase offer does not include any consideration or allowance for relocation benefits since the property is unimproved and not occupied. CONCLUSION The City of Carlsbad is required to document presentation of this offer to your clients. In this regard, I would appre- ciate it if you would please sign below where indicated and return to me the enclosed copy of this letter, indicating your receipt of the letter and enclosed material. Please be assured that your signature does not indicate acceptance of the offer, but only receipt thereof. Please be assured that the City shall make every effort to cooperate with you and your clients in seeking a mutually satisfactory conclusion to these negotiations. I will be representing the City in this transaction, so please feel free to call me directly. Very truly yours, RUTAN A TUCKER Jtfffryey M7 Oderman JMO:j b Enclosure cc: Daniel S. Hentschke, Asst. City Attorney, Carlsbad CERTIFIED MAIL — RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 17 RUTAN <& TUCKER ATTORNEYS AT LAW David Eden, Esq. May 5, 1986 Page Four ON BEHALF OF NAZEAH ALADRAY AND JOSEPHINE ALADRAY, AS TRUSTEES OF THE ALADRAY FAMILY TRUST DATED SEPTEMBER 9, 1980, THE FOREGOING OFFER AND SUMMARY STATEMENT WERE RECEIVED ON , 1986. DAVID EDEN /r DESCRIPTION OF EASEMENT A PORTION OF THAT PARCEL OF LAND GRANTED TO NAZEAH ALADRAY AND JOSEPHINE ALADRAY, AS TRUSTEES OF THE ALADRAY FAMILY TRUST DATED SEPTEMBER 9, 1980, BY GRANT DEED OF RECORD IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AS FILE NO. 81-302157 RECORDED ON SEPT- EMBER 22, 1981, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE MOST NORTHERLY CORNER OF THAT PARCEL OF LAND DESIGNATED "DESCRIPTION NO.5, 103-54 ACRES" ON RECORD OF SURVEY MAP NO 5715 FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 19, I960, BEING A PORTION OF LOT "G" OF THE RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 823, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, NOVEMBER 16, 18°6; THENCE ALONG THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY OF THE AFORESAID PARCEL OF LAND GRANTED TO NA2EA ALADRAY AND JOSEPHINE ALADRAY N7°55'33"E 139.22 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY N7°55'33"E 40.43 FEET TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE FUTURE RIGHT OF WAY OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD ACCORDING TO R.S. 1534, SAID POINT BEING ON THE ARC OF A CURVE WITH A RADIUS OF 1933 FEET; THENCE ALONG THE FUTURE RIGHT OF WAY OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AND THE ARC OF THE AFORESAID 1933 FOOT RADIUS CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 4°16'33" FOR A DISTANCE OF 14*4.26 FEET TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY OF THE AFORESAID ALADRAY PARCEL; THENCE ALONG THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY S12°58'19"W 40.52 FEET TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH A CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 1893 FEET; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF THE AFORESAID 1893 FOOT RADIUS CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 4°15'34" A DISTANCE OF 140.73 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 5695.84 SQUARE FEET OF LAND. EXHIBIT n FUTURE R/ EASEMENT DATA t^A = 4° 15*34* R= 1893* L= 140.728* S^N I2°58'|9"E L=40.5I9*tA=40l6'33" R = I933' L= 144.255* S 7e55*33"W L= 40.434* 3 O CO/ A.P.N.212-04-26 PLAT OF EASEMENT—^——. — ... -v FOR DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS EXHIBIT A_ HENRY WORlEY ASSOCIATE Ai*<«a O $U*VfriNG O PlANND APPRAISAL SUMMARY STATEMENT The City of Carlsband Owner: Nazeah and Josephine Aladray, as Trustees of the Aladray Family Trust dated September 9, 1980 Parcel No; 212-04-26 Property Location; Approximately 5,700 square feet of an approximately 31,799 square foot parcel located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, west of Palomar Oaks Way in the City of Carlsbad (See attached legal description.) Present Zoning; P-M-Q Present Use; Vacant Total Property Area; 31,795 square feet Area to be Acquired; 5,700 square feet Degree of Title to be Acquired; Fee Interest Easement Interest X The following is a summary of just compensation for the above acquisition. Compensation is based upon an appraisal performed by a qualified appraiser, reviewed by another qualified appraiser, and approved by the undersigned for the City of Carlsbad: Land and Improvements: $7,125.00 Improvements Pertaining to the Realty (Fixtures and Equipment): 0.00 Severance Damages: 0.00 TOTAL $7,125.00 JEFFREY^ M. QOERMAlT " DATE Specyal Counsel The offer is the full amount believed by the City of Carlsbad to be just compensation for your property interest. It is not less than the City's approved appraisal of the Fair Market Value of the real property to be acquired. Any decrease or increase in the fair market value of the real property to be acquired prior to the date of valuation caused by the public improvement or project for which the property is to be acquired, or by the likelihood that the property would be acquired for such improvement or project, other than that due to physical deterioration within the reasonable control of the owner, has been disregarded by the City and its appraiser in making their determination of the fair market value of such property. FAIR MARKET VALUE, as used in the appraisal is ". . . the highest price on the date of valuation that would be agreed by a seller, being willing to sell but under no particular or urgent necessity for so doing, nor obligated to sell, and a buyer, being ready, willing and able to buy but under no particular necessity for so doing, each dealing with the other with full knowledge of all the uses and purposes for which the property is reasonably adaptable and available." (Section 1268.320 Code of Civil Procedure.) Valuation of your property is based upon an analysis of recent sales of comparable sites and similar properties in this locality with consideration to the highest and best use for development of the property. The potential fair rental for your property has been considered where applicable by the appraiser in his opinion of value. The determination of just compensation does not reflect any consideration of or allowance for loss of goodwill for relocation assistance, or for Improvements Pertaining to the Realty (fixtures and equipment), which the City have determined are not relevant because the property is vacant, unimproved and unoccupied. -2- (X * r\ £c^o_>Jjt^ex^/e<^_. RANDALL B. HAMUD ' ATTORNEY AT LAW SUITE 400 555 WEST BEECH STREET SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92101 (619) 696-0815 7 August 1986 BY HAND City Clerk City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 RE: Public Hearing Condemnation for Drainage Palomar Airport Road 12 August 1986 6:00 p.m. To whom it may concern: Nazeah Aladray and Josephine Aladray, as Trustees of the Aladray Family Trust, through their attorney, hereby request to appear before the City Council and be heard at the subject hearing on 1 2 August 1986. Mr. and Mrs. Aladray oppose the proposed taking of the affected portion of their property. Very truly yours, Randall B. Hamud cc: Nazeah and Josephine Aladray RBH/pc