HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-09-16; City Council; 8759; LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE SERVICE* "' c L c CI W P 0 G5 0- 2 .. z 0 5 a 1 0 z 3 0 0 9 q;/ -< CI'POF CARLSBAD - AGEN~BILL %J DEPT CITY CITY AB#- TITLE MTG.9/lc;lsh- DEPT. RECOMMENDED ACTION: LONG DISTANCE TELEPHOE SERVICE PCH Adopt Resolution No. f793-, accepting MCI Telecommunication Corporat proposal for long distance telephone service. ITEM EXPLANATION Since the break up of "Ma Bell", there are many canpanies who provide long distance service. Therefore, in compliance with the City's purchasing procedures, requests for proposal were sent to nine canmunication canpanic Only one company responded. The proposal by MCI Telecommunication Corporation was reviewed and evaluat the Information Services Director and the City's Consultant, Communicatior Resources Company. Based on their evaluation, it is recanmended the propc for long distance service from MCI Telecommunication Corporation be accept FISCAL IMPACT Funds for telephone service are available in various departments Telephone Commun ica t io n Account s. EXHIBITS 1. Proposal frcm MCI Telecmmunications Corporation on file in City Clerk 2. Resolution No. 8795- . Office. - L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8, 9 lo 11 12 13 1411 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 251 26 27 28 'I 0 q RESOLUTION NO. 8795 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING A PROPOSAL FOR LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE SERVICE WHEREAS, the City requires long distance telephone service; and WHEREAS, the City sent out requests for proposals for long distance I telephone service in accordance with the purchasing requirements. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of C California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct; and 2. MCI Telecommunications Corporation, 26 Executive Park, Suite 1 Irvine, CA 92714 is hereby authorized to provide long distance telepho service to the City of Carlsbad in accordance with their proposal dated 1986. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a reuular meeting of the Carlsbad C Council held on the 16th day of September , 1986, by the follo vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettine NOES: None 1 ABSENT: None 11 5L++/L- I MARY H. C SLER, Mayor ' I ATTEST: 2- (SEAt) ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk I I '- m 0 - - a MCI Telecommunications Corporation Long Distance Communications Proposal Prepared for: The City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 a Prepared By: James Luzzi Manager, Government Sales a . a MCl Telecommunications Corporation Pacific Div,sion 26 Executive Park Suite 150 lrvine California 9271 4 71 4 250 8900 I July 21, 1986 Purchasing Manager The City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Sir: MCI Telecommunications Corporation (MCIT) is pleased to submit the enclosed proposal for long distance services. projected cost savings, other value added benefits are provided. - Ekmndefi Service: All MCI services include the entire a In addition to the united States plus California and International calling. - SimleAndEasy To Use: Just dial the area code and phone ntrmber. - Detailed Bill-: Monthly bills itemize the date, the and duration of calls and list the numbers dialed, ter- hat- city and summarize usage by area code. - Volume D- : All Government agencies recieve maxi- mum volume discounts with MCI, regardless of usage per location. 0 - MCI QllinS Cards: Universal origination and termination anywhere in the U.S.A. via one of two numbers. No need for coins at pay phones, no mnthly fees or minimums, and maxi- mum volume discounts will apply. - persondlized Cm3nw.r Service: 24 Hour Customer Service/ Trained Technicians. designated customer service staff. Government offices are serviced by a Our commitment to you as an MCI customer is to acomodate all your long distance transrm 'ssion needs in a reliable, efficient and cost-effective manner, insuring your satisfaction and a long term relationship. Should you have any questions regarding this proposal or MCI's service in general, please contact: Ernie Abarro at (619) 565-4228 or James Luzzi at (714) 250-8900. We are looking fo to serving your telecomunications needs with 4 0 1200 ELM AVENUE .TEl - CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1989 (619 a Citp of Carls'bab PURCHASING DEPARTMENT July 2, 1986 ATTACHED IS A REQUEST FC;! P2SPOSAL FOR: The City cf Carlsb8d 1200 Elm Avenue Car?sbad, California 92009 FOR THE PROVISION Of LONG-DISTANCE CALLING SERVICES UTILIZING 'I D I AC -UP " . Please fill in all blanks GR the proposal fom and return no later tnan 11:00m., Monday ~ July 21 , 1986 t~: ?urciasi ng Departrvent CIVY 0c C.9RLS3Ail 1200 Elm Avenue Car'tsbad, California 92008 Resi~orrses shall be in a sealed envelme marked "Long-vi stance Proposa? for the City of Carjsoad". Any Droposaf received after the above c!Dsing date shall be returned uno?med. Tqe City of Carlsbad places approximately 2,033 long-distance calls monthly for an average tctal of $1,500. This cost is divided oetween $590 out-of-LATA and 51,000 liservice aria". They currently are jr~ an "equal access" area ~ith long- distance service being provieed by Pacific E911 and ATAT. The existing telcpnsn? equipment will be three (3) NEAX-2400 telephope systems witn sixty (60) telephone lines and trURKS inciuaed in twenty (20) seDaraiz billing number groups. Thi City's consultan: 9 Comunications Resources Company, wi 'ti evalgate a79 proposals 03 a catal service basis includiqg coszs, service Quality and performance, referencss, and over- all strength and capabilities. Final selection and airard will b? made by the City of Carlsbad City Council. If you have any wostions, or recuire additional information or clarification, piease contact tarry Lichty with CRC at _. e 714/545-2771. \ b e d D e - a Please respond to each of the following items. Provide as complete a re as possible. If additional space is needed, note with "see attachment' addition to the requested information, piease provide a brochure, or appropriate information, on your company and services. 1. COST FOR CALL PLACEMENT - Detail costs for the following calls: 200 calls to San Diego @ 3 minutes average duration 6 Intralat 50 calls to Fallbrook (3 6 minutes average duration $ Intralat 40 calls to Chula Vista @ 4 minutes average duration $ Intralat 40 calls to Reno, Nevada @ 3 minutes average duration $ 38.80 40 calls to Las Vegas, Nevada (3 3 mintites average duration $ 36.00 20 calls to Sacramento (3 4 minutes average duration $ 25.40 40 calls to FIewport Eeach @ 4 minutes average duration s 40.00 40 calls to Huntington Beach @ 4 minutes average duration $ 40.00 PO calls to Washington D.C. @ 5 minutes average duration $ 17.60 $ 197.80 Daytime rates used in pricingTOTR: 2. Is there an installation or start-up charge for your service? None _I--.-- *- 0 iT so, oecaii CQSXS: 3. Is there a minimum or base monthly billing charge? If so, detail costs: None 4. is there a minimum contract term or obligation? None If so, provide aetails: 5. Provide information on any special discounts (i .e., volume callins counts), or other form of incremental savings available w'th your sei All Government Accounts receive maximum volume discounts regardless c volume per account 2% - 9% discounts 6. Glnat is your billing increment? Initial Period: 1 minute Additional Time: 6 seconds 7. Nhat other services do you provide? (i.e.P travel card, WATS, "800' vice, account code, etc.): MCI provides the largest spectrum of Long Services: Dial - 1, Travel Cards, WATS, Prism I, 11, 111, Private Lir Data Linesb "800" service will be available January 1987. Provide cost details for those Services: See attached - 8. HOW do YOU handle: MCI Serves 90% Int'l Calling? Of the free world Directory Asst? No change e including Japan e 0 - 9. Provide a statement on your Quality Guarantee Policy: See attached ai supervision, MCI network. e 10. What is your repair/service response time? 24 hour Customer Service What guarantee is provided? Same as AT&T 11. Provide detai Is on refundlcredi t policy and procedures: Imediate re on all dimuted claims 22, Is your company an "equal access" (Dial "I") provider in this area? - . 13. Are automatic dialers available with your service? Not necessary What is the cost? $ 14, Oescribe the type of network you ztilize and percentage which uses ous xechnoiogies (i =E?., fiber, microwave, satellite, etc.): 95% fibel microwave, 5% satelite, MCI serves all of California with its fiber b: stretching from San Diego to Sacramento. 15. Provide information on any planned or anticipated rate changes or tional service offeFings:12 month forecast - Rate reduction of 2% - 1 16. REFERENCES - Provide a minimum of three (3) local references curr tising yo ti^ service, equivalent to this proposal: 0 N 5 YE COVTACT PHONE # A. See attached "reference list" 5. C, E. E. Respectful iy Submitted: FIF(??: MCL Telecommunications Corporation BY: ADDRESS: 26 Executive Park, Suite 150 PHONE #: ( 714 ) 250-8900 SIGNATURE: TITLE: Manager Government Sale: DATE : / , * * a 0 0 - CITY OF CARLSBAD GENERAL PROVISIONS Read Carefully These Provisions Are A Part of Your Bid 0 Pursuant to Notice to Bidders advertised in City official newspapaer, specifications, bidding instructions and requirements on file with the Purchasing Officer, conditions on the reverse side hereof , and subject to all provisions of the Ordinances of the City of Carlsbad, the undersigned hereby proposed to furnish to the City of Carlsbad complete at the prices stated herein , the items for services hereinafter mentioned; and the undersigned further warrants that this bid is genuine and not sham or collusive, or made i the interest or on behalf of any person, firm or corporation not therein named that the bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other bidder to put in a sham bid, or any other person, firm or corporation to refra from bidding, and that the bidder has not in any manner sought by collusion to secure to himself any advantage over other bidders. In submitting this proposal, the bidder agrees that: (a) He has, or they have, carefully examined the specifications, and all provisions relating to the items to be furnished or the work to be done attach herewith and made a part of this proposal, and understand the meaning, intent and requirements of and agree to the same: (b) He, or they, will enter into a written contract and furnish the item( or complete the work in the time specified, and in strict conformity with the City of Carlsbad specifications therefor, for the prices quoted. SUBMISSION OF BIDS 1. The Purchasing Officer will furnish blanks and specifications for all proposals and no bids will receive consideration unless made upon blanks s furnished. BIDS MUST BE SUBMITTED COMPLETE WITH THE SPECIFICATIONS AS FURNISH AND DELIVERED TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD PURCHASING DEPARTMENT PRIOR TO THE TIME c__ Forms: SET FOR OPENING.. BIDS SHALL BE SUBMITTED IN A SEALED- ENVELOPE MARKED WDI'. 2. Prices: All prices and notations must be in ink or typewritten. Mistake may be crossed out and corrections typed or written with ink adjacent thereto, and must be initialed in ink by person signing quotation. 3. Guarantee of Good Faith: (As required on Proposal Page) Cash, uncertifi personal and company checks and certificates of deposit are not acceptable as guarantee of good faith. a .i m 0 < - Each proposal must be accompanied by an unconditional certified or cashier's check or a bank or postal money order or bid bond executed as surety by a corporation authorized to issue surety bonds in the State of California and wi a Best Rating A:XI or better. Such check, money order, or bond shall be made payable to the City of Carlsbad and such check, money order or bond shall be i the amount specified on the "Proposal Forms". If the bidder fails to execute the contract within ten (IO) days from the date of mailing notice that the contract is ready for signature, the City will either let the contract to the next lowet bidder or will reject all other bids and call for new bids. The bidder who has failed to so execute the contract shall be liable to the City f the sum, not exceeding the amount of said check, money order or bond, by which the amount of the contract, covering the said proposal, executed by and betwec the City and some third pary may exceed the amount bid by the original successful bidder. Such portion of said check, money order or bond as equals said sum shall be declared forfeited to the City of Carlsbad and shall be collected and paid into the General Fund of the City. IMPORTANT: Failure to furnish a proper guarantee of good faith with the bid will automatically void the bid. 4. Alternate Bids: When the specifications do not include alternate proposals, the City reserves the right to reject statements or commmications accompanying bids which serve to qualify such bids. 5. Brand Names: The reference to commercial brands or brand names is used f illustrative purposes only;. other brands may be considered when they are simil or equal. It is the responsibility of the bidder to demonstrate that other brands offered are indeed "equals". 6. Verify Quotations: Verify your quotations before submission, as they cannot be withdrawn or corrected after being opened. 7. De,livery: (a) 0 o Bidder shall state delivery on the Proposal Form unless already specified, in which case delivey shall be made within the time set forth. Delivery is part of the consideration and must be adhered to as specified. (b) Bidder will not be held liable for failure to make delivery because strikes, conscription of property, governmental regulations, acts of God or ar other causes beyond his control; provided a written extension of time is obtained from the City Manager. 8. The City of Carlsbad desires that all prices quoted by the bidder shall be firm prices. prices are firm. If firm prices are not bid, the Price Adjustment Clause set forth below must be completed, and the maximum price possible under the Price Adjustment Clause must be stated. The maximum price possible may be used in determining the lowest responsible bidder. Are the foregoing prices firm? Yes x No Firm Prices: The bidder shall state whether or not the quotec -- a 0 0 -. - If the answer is "No", the bidder must complete the following statement: If tt manufacturers make general increases to the trade in the prices of the product. any such increases in price made effective by the manufacturer prior to the dai of shipment may be added to the price quoted by the bidder to the City, after first giving notice of such increase to the City and furnishing the City with copies of notices of price advance to the trade, showing dates of such price advances, andl allowing cancellation to be effected by the City if it elects to do so; provided, however, that any increases to the City allowed under the abo\ considerations shall not exceed -- (Bidder fill in) percent at the pricc quoted to the City, and provided further that any decrase in price made effective prior to delivery to the City, shall be allowed to the City of Carlsbad. 9. Royalties and Patents: The Contractor shall pay all royalties and patent fees. rights and shall save the City of Carlsbad harmless from loss on account thereof, except that the City of Carlsbad shall be responsible for all such lo! when a particular process or the product of a particular manufacturer or manufactures is specified. If, however, the Contractor has information that t procedures or articles specified is an infringement of a patent he shall be responsible for any loss unless he promptly gives said information to the City of Carlsbad. IO. Signature: All quotations must be signed with the firm name as indicated A bid by corporation must be signed by a duly authorized officer, employee or agent . 11. Faithful Performance Bond: The successful bidder may be required to furnish the City with a surety bond executed by a surety company authorized to do business in the State of California, and with a Best Rating of A:XI or bett in a sum up to One Hundred Percent (100%) of the amount of the contract price, conditioned for the faithful performance of said contract. 12. Taxes: The City will furnish Exemption Certificates for Federal Excise Tax. The City is liable for the State, City and County Sales Taxes. Please list this tax on the proposal form. The total bid price will include the cost of the item(s) and the applicable sales tax. 13. Evaluation of Bids: Except as otherwise provided in specifications, bid will be let to the lowest responsible and reliable or lowest acceptable biddel meeting specifications. Factors to be considered may include, but are not limited to, bidder's past performance, total unit cost, econmic cost-analysis warranty, maintenance cost, durability, the operational requirements of the Ci and all other factors which will result in the optimum benefit to the City. 1 right is reserved to reject any or all bids, or parts thereof, or to reject ar item or items therein, to waive technicalities, and to award one or more contracts on the bids submitted, either by award of all items to one bidder or by award of separate items or groups of items to various bidders, as the interests of the City may require. 0 He shall defend all suits and claims for infringements of any patent @ - 0 i m e r. * 14. Addenda: The effect of all addenda to be contract document shall be considered in the bid, and said addenda shall be made a part of the contract documents and shall be returned with them. Before submitting his bid, each bidder shall inform himself as to *ether or not any addenda have been issued, and failure to cover in this bid any such addenda issued, may rerder his bid information and result in its rejection. 15. Specifications to Prevail: The detailed requirements of the specificatio shall supersede any requirements of these General Provisions which are in conflict therewith . 16. The successful bidder shall certi and warrant that all equipment, instruction manuals, spare parts and other ite covered by the bid are in compliance with all requirements of the California Occupational Safety and Health Act, and the successful bidder shall assume all liability for failure to meet this requirement. 17. Warranties: All material, labor or equipment provided by the vendor and/, manufacturer will be warranted for twelve (12) months after acceptance by City except automotive equipment which will be warranted for a minimum of 12,000 miles or 12 months, whichever occurs first. Greater warranty protection will I accepted. 18. Permits:. The bidder is responsible for all permits, required licenses am fees . 19. Proof of Insurance: The successful bidder shall furnish the City of Carlsbad with proof of insurance as required by the Purchasing Officer. 20. 10% Retention: The City reserves the right to withhold a 10% retention 01 all Purchase Orders until the supplies, services or equipment have been accepted. @ Compliance to Industrial. Safety Codes: Lesser warranty protection must be indicated on bid proposal. @ @ 0 0 - \a IKALlm- MCI maintains several facilities in Southern California and in the City of San Diego. pronrpt response and personalized service: our local representation insures quality control, San Diego Sales/Customer Service 4355 Ruffin Road, Suite 300 San Diego, CA 92123 (619) 565-4228 Sm Diego §witch Facilities 8933 Complex Drive San Diego, CF: 92123 (619) 292-1182 MCI Pacific Division Regional Office 26 Eecutive park, Suite 150 Inher CA 92714 (714) 250-8900 The San Diqo Sales/Customer Sewice office will be the main office coordinatm services and hstallation wiL& the City of San Diqo. ?"ne Pacific Division Government Sales and Market- Department under the direction of James Iuzzi, Manager of Govment Sales, will oversee a6ninistration of all city services to insure cstomer satisfadion and ongoing supprt. :'. 0 e - - MCI NETWORK e MCI has made a commitment to you and the industry. W invested over a billion dollars in our network during each last three years, and we are doing it again in 1986. We ha building a state-of-the-art, digital fiber optic and mi system to serve future demands on our network. Currently replaced approximately 60% of its 120 analog switches with switches, and will continue to do so until the network digitally served. Each switch is scheduled to be in servi 5-7 years before it is replaced with the latest technologq practice of short plant life assures our customers of the quality transmission. In addition to XCI’s switching capability, we have the 1 installed single-mode fiber optic network in the U.S.A. Pacific division alone, ?IC1 has has installed a fiber opt from San Diego to Los Angeles with completion through Sacra1 August of this year. YCI also interfaces with a majority Pacific Bell central offices via fiber throughout the Si California. This will insure unlimited capacity and tl quality available, bar none. YCI’s backbone is made up of digital radios from the east Phoenix, Arizona. We anticipate completion of this transmission system into Los Angeles by May. This backb interface with the fiber route already installed in Calif give you the finest, state-of-the art network. The XI network was designed so that rqe can offer you service for your voice and data needs. We will continue t a majority of our earnings back into the network and re leader in technology. 0 0 0 NETWORK CAPACITY INFORMATION e MC I MC I COMMUNICATIONS PAC I F IC CORPORATION DIVISION Digital Microwave 70 million miles 6.15 million n Analog Yicrowave 270 million miles 14.35 million r Total Circuits 340 million miles 20.50 million I Switches 120 16 Switch Ports 1 million 132,830 Fiber Optic Route ?files 2,700 297 Satellite Transponders 24 1 Employees 12,656 970 Facilities 1,000 34 Digital Switches 69 11 Total Terminals 250 24 Yetropolitan Areas Served 640 60 States with Intrastate 35 2 Authority e 0 0 NETWORK MONITORING 0 The responsibility of monitoring the MCI network rests w' Transmission System Operations group, or TSO. The TSO group has installed the Network Quality As! Department at Dorninguez Hills, California for the Pacific Di This department is comprised of two groups; Network Surve and the Yultiplex Trouble Desk. These two groups work in ta assure the quality of the long haul radio and optical fiber along with its associated multiplex in the Pacific Divisi accomplish this task with several tools designed specifica the purpose of continually monitoring the network. Surve uses a high-speed, hardware/software redundant, Hewlett computer system to monitor virtually every alarm point o piece of radio and multiplex equipment in the division equipment is polled for interrogation every 30 seconds or le The alarm information is then instantly presented to surve personnel by audible and visual annunciators. All alar printed on high-speed printers for reference and archival p~; The Network Surveillance Engineers are trained to assimil alarm information as it is recorded and.respond immediate12 abberation that may occur. X11 maintenance personnel and their associated managerne required to maintain with Surveillance, a continuous diE their whereabouts and activities. Surveillance then recc information on a separate computer system that facilitates retrieval of anyone's status and location anywhere in the ( So that Surveillance can dispatch our staff quickly, mail people carry pagers, and most, also carry a two-wa, everyk-here they go. Obviously, we are very concerned a' integrity of our network, which is why we maintain suc: contact with our people. Our computers also store informi every installation in the country. These records incluc such as site location, (latitude and Longitude, street : etc.) directions on getting there, status of access road authorities and so on. While Surveillance resolves problems quickly, the Yultiplex Desk is responsible for tackling the more difficult situati require diligence and perseverance. This team coordina efforts of se\.eral maintenance groups to solve pr situations. e - 0 0 a Currently, we use a computer aided test system, CATS, to examine the radio and multiplex basebands throughout the division. This system will be enhanced later this year due to Federal Government contracts with MCI regarding national security. At that time Quality Assurance will be creating another group to monitor the actual baseband of every radio in the division at least four times each hour on a random basis. This group will be examining the base channel by channel instead of the usual practice of observing the large blocks of channels. This function will allow us to observe the network quality in a manner that will turn up subtle problems quickly. e e t @ a. - a: 0 0 e ANSWER SUPERVISION & BILLING FOR UNASWERED CALLS How are long-distance calls billed? The conventional method of billing for calls over AT&T's network starts with hardware answer supervision. For example, when a call is answered a signal is sent to AT&T's switch from the local telephone company serving the called party. but is not generally available to other long-distance carriers. With the advent of Equal Access, also referred to as feature group D interconnection, this form of answer supervision for billing purposes will be available to MCI. This service is provided routinely to AT&T How are MCI customers billed? Currently, MCI employs a method called "Software Answer Supervision", which is highly accurate but not infallible. By measuring the energy levels on a line to determine when a call is answered, MCI is able to approximate the answer supervision provided to AT&T. Using "Software Answer Supervision," MCI measures energy levels created by a ringing signal, by a person speaking, by data transmission or by silence. Because all of these emit different levels of energy, MCI is able, with a high degree of accuracy, to determine when a call actually begins. In addition, MCI switch equipment has been designed to listen to "rinc for 90 seconds, "busy" for 72 seconds and "silence" for 72 seconds bef defaulting to the answer status and starting a billed message. Also r software answer supervision is 9 seconds slower than hardware answer supervision in determining an answered call. Subsequently, many secor per call go unbilled. It is not MCI's policy to bill for unaswered calls MCI makes every effort to ensure that customers are billed only for completed calls. Our dial-up customers are advised that if they belil they have been billed for uncompleted calls, they should call MCI cus service, which can verify the call information and issue the appropri credit. literature and in our monthly customer newsletters. Hard-wired custoi are handled through hard-wi re customer service representatives in a similar manner. Information on this point is supplied in MCI's installation m m m * AppEMlM E !lEcHNImIyIIII1A MCI NETWORK Maxinnnn echo allowable end to end within the system Maximum sinq-ing and near sing- allowable end-to- end within the system 2.0 Deviatic Maximum end-to-end loss allowable within the system 6 DB ~axinnnn allowable loss on interface trunks accessing 6 DB MCI to PBE the system 0 DB PBX to MCI Maximum allawable message circuit noise and crosstalk within the system 6 MS Slope frequency response for the system Free Re spon se Maximum impulse noise levels on the system 6 MS 20 DB DB 5.0 Micro sec./ 0 Maximm envelope delay for the system 804 to 2604H2 Maximum allowable phase jitter for the system Maximum allowable nonlinear distortion for the system 2nd/27DB/ 3rd/! Maximum allowable frequency shift for the system l.OH2/3.0H2 for System gain and phase transient levels for the 8O system + - 0.5DB m e w li) 0-A- REEEEENCX LIST NAME MCI- CoNllACTs County of Ibs Angeles MCI Prism/1986 Trudy Ririe (213) 974-2377 MCI Dial 1 Telecommunications MCI Calling Cards Manager County of Riverside MCI WATS/1985 Dieter Priezer (714) 787-2725 MCI Dial 1 Communications Engineer MCI Calling Cards William Fitzgerald Communications Spec. Fed. Deposit Ins. Corp MCI WATS/1985 Jon Wilson (FDIC) MCI Dial 1 Facility Management (714) 975-5400 U.S. Navy San Diego MCI WATS/1984 Clarice Cordell (619) 235-1341 Communications Manager U.S. Navy Seal Beach MCI WATS/1984 Gene Brewer (714) 620-0528 Communications Manager Federal GSA, Region 9 MCI Corp. Ac&/ Priscilla Marshall (415) 974-7903 1984 Telecommunications Dial 1 Manager a . W W *DIAL -UP *ADVANTAGE *DIAL-1 (EQUAL AC( e MCI TARIFFED RATES MAXIMUM VOLUME DISCOUNTS APPLIED *MCI RATES FOR INTERSTATE (outside California) CALLS MILEAGE DAY EVENING NIGHT/WEEKEI BAND 1st MIN. ADD'L 1st MIN. ADD'L 1st MIN. AD1 1-10 -1834 .1510 ,1272 .0883 .0830 .06 11-22 .2343 .1981 -1540 ,1162 .lo05 -08 23-55 .3084 .2264 .1728 .1333 .1210 .09' 56-70 .3335 .2641 .1773 .1555 .1219 .ll 71-124 .3335 ,2641 .1773 .1555 .1219 * 11 125-292 .3437 .2830 .1773 .1666 .1227 .11' 293-430 .3719 .3019 .1773 -1773 .1227 .12 431-925 .3852 -3113 -2360 .1832 - 1694 * 131 926-1910 .4013 ,3207 .2411 .1888 -1825 .13' 1911-3000 .4400 .3396 .2812 .1999 .1906 .14 30 01-4250 .4849 .3678 .2913 -2165 .2129 .15 0 4250-5750 .5016 -3867 .3013 .2277 .2266 .16 *MCI RATES FOR INTRASTATE (inside California) CALLS MILEAGE DAY EVENING NIGHT/WEEKE' 1-12 .1805 . 084 .1325 .0612 -0865 * 04 13-16 .2090 -1035 .1535 .0759 .loo1 .04 21-25 -2660 .1505 .1953 -1105 ,1274 .07 31-40 .3420 .1975 .2511 -1450 -1638 .09 41-70 .3705 .2163 .2720 .i5a8 .1775 .10 71-110 .3895 -2280 .2860 .1674 .1866 110 111-170 .3943 -2375 -2895 .1744 -1888 .ll 171-244 .4275 .2660 .3139 .1953 .2048 .12 245 + -4513 -2850 -3314 .2093 ,2161 .13 BAND 1st MIN. ADD'L 1st MIN. ADD'L 1st MIN. AD 17-20 .2375 .1317 .1744 .0967 -1137 .06 26-30 .3040 .1787 .2232 .1312 .1456 .08 These rates are available to the Federal and local Government MCI Dial-One, Advantage, and Dial-Up services. Standard V & H coordinates determine mileage, and industry standard time-of-d periods apply. There are no installation fees, minimum usage requirements or fixed monthly charges. You pay only for minut used. 0 0 *DIAL -UP *ADVANTAGE *DIAL-1 (EQUAL ACC 4 m HCI TARIFFED RATES *MCI RATES FOR INTERSTATE (outside California) CALLS MILEAGE DAY EVENING NIGHT/WEEKEP BAND 1st MIN. ADD'L 1st MIN. ADD'L 1st MIN. AD1 1-10 -1930 -1589 .1368 .0949 .0912 .065 11-22 .2466 .2085 -1656 .1249 -1104 -09: 23-55 -3246 .2383 .1858 .1433 .1330 .101 56-70 -3510 .2780 .1906 -1672 .1340 -12; 71-124 .3510 .2780 .1906 .1672 .1340 .12; 125-292 -3618 -2979 .1906 -1791 -1349 .13( 293-430 .3915 .3178 .1907 .1906 .1349 .131 431-925 .4055 .3277 -2538 -1970 -1861 .14: 926-1910 ,4224 -3376 .2592 .2030 -2006 .14t 1911-3000 .4632 .3575 .3024 .2149 .2094 .15; 3001-4250 -5104 -3873 .3132 -2328 .2395 .17( 4250-5750 .5280 .4071 .3240 .2448 .2490 .17t *MCI RATES FOR INTRASTATE (inside California) CALLS MILEAGE DAY EVENING NIGHT/WEEKEl 1-12 -1900 .0891 -1425 .0668 .0950 .041 13-16 .2200 .lo89 -1650 -0817 .1100 .051 17-20 .2500 .1386 -1875 .lo40 .1250 .06! 21-25 .2800 -1584 .2100 .1188 ,1400 .07! 26-30 -3200 .1881 -2400 .1411 .1600 .091 31-40 .3600 .2079 .2700 .1559 .1800 .101 41-70 .3900 ,2277 -2925 .1708 .1950 .11: 71-110 ,4100 .2400 .3075 .1800 .2050 .12( 111-170 -4150 -2500 .3113 .1875 -2075 .) 121 171-244 -4500 -2800 .3375 -2100 ,2250 .14( 245 + .4750 .3000 .3563 -2250 ,2375 * 15( a BAND 1st MIN. ADD'L 1s.t MIN. ADD'L 1st MIN. AD1 *MCI VOLUME DISCOUNTS USAGE RANGE DAY EVENING NIGHT/WEEKEND - $0 - $19.99 N/A N/A N/A $99.99 - $199.99 3.5% 6.5% 7.5% $200.00 + 5.0% 7-0% 9.0% $20 - $99.99 2.0% 6.0% 7.0% a 0 0 il a MCI TRAVEL CARD DIALING PROCEDURES (1) Dial 950-1022 (Dial "1" first if necessary) - If recorded message is reached, substitute 800-624-1022. (2) Wait for the computer tone (3) Press 0 + the area code and number you are calling (4) Wait for the computer tone (5) Press in your authorization code shown on the front of the card There is no need to re-dial the access number or your authorization number if: (A) You wish to make several calls in succession (B) You receive a busy signal (C) There is no answer Once your call is complete and your party hangs up, press the fl button for 1 full second. You will get a computer tone. Just dial "0" + area code and the next number you are calling. Once again, there is no need to re-diql the access number or your authorization code. -- 0 W s a CALLING CARD RATES 950 ACCESS DAY RATE EVENING NIGET/l IIILEAGE 1st MIN. ADD MIN. 1st MIN. ADD NIW. 1st Kfl. 1 .2790 -1589 .1674 -0949 - 1228 10 -3330 .2085 .1998 .1249 .I465 22 .3690 -2383 .2214 -1433 .1624 55 .3960 -2780 -2376 .I672 -1742 7c .3960 -2780 -2376 .I672 .1742 124 -3960 -2979 .2376 .1791 -1742 292 -4050 -3178 -2430 .I906 .1782 430 -4230 .3277 .2538 .1970 .1861 925 -4320 -3376 -2592 .2030 -2006 1910 .5040 -3575 -3024 -2149 .2218 3000 -5220 -3873 -3132 -2328 - 2395 4250 -5400 .407 1 -3240 - 2448 -2490 CALLING CARD RATES 800 ACCESS DAY RATE EVERING NIGE MILEAGE 1st KIN. ADD MIN. 1st MIN. ADD HIN. 1st MIB INTRA RATES AREA MIN - IwTRAABgA -4050 -3178 -2430 -1906 -1782 AREA: 1-2, 1-4, 2-3, 2-4, 2-5, 4-5, 4-6, 5-6, 6-7 -4230 -3277 -2535 -1970 .1861 - AREA: 1-3, 1-5, 1-6, 2-6, 3-4, 3-5, 4-7, 5-7 .4320 -3376 .2592 -2030 -2006 AREA: 6-39 7-1, 7-2, 7-3 -5040 .3575 -3024 -2149 -2218 a a m a Credit Card Service is also avilable for call origination in every city within the contiguous U.S. via an 800 toll-free number. Rates for such calls are dependent upon where the calls originate and terminate with re- gard to the following Service Areas: CREDIT CARD SERVICE AREAS AREA 1 AREA 2 AREA 3 AREA 4 Maine Kentucky Florida Michigan New Hampshire Tenne s see Wi s cons in Vermont North Carolina Ohio Massachusetts South Carolina Indiana Rhode Island Georgia I1 P inois New York Alabama Iowa New Jersey Mississippi Minnesota Connecticut Nebraska Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland District of Columbia Virginia West Virginia AREA 5 AREA 6 AREA 7 North Dakota California Mi s sour i Kansas Montana Arkan s a Idaho Ok 1 a homa Washington Louis iana South Dakota Tesas Wyoming Oregon Co lor ado New Mexico Utah Arizona Nevada a I) m a4 Credit Card Service may be accessed via the 950-1022 access number in the following locations: Abiline, TX Hackensack, NJ Reno, NV Akron, OH Hartford, CT Richmond, VA Amarillo, TX Houston, TX Rockford, IL Ann Arbor, MI Indianapolis, IN Sacramento, CA Atlanta, GA Jacksonvill, FL Saginaw, MI Austin, TX Kansas City, MO Salt Lake City, UT Baltimore, MD Knoxvill, TN San Antonio, TX Berkeley, CA Lansing, MI San Angelo, TX Boston, MA Longview TX San Diego, CA Chicago, IL Los Angeles, CA San Francisco, CA Cincinnati, OH Louisville, KY San Jose, CA Cleveland, OH Lubbock, TX Santa Ana, CA Columbus, OH Memphis, TN Sherman Oaks, CA Concord, CA Miami, FL Shreveport, LA Corpus Christi, TX Milwaukee, WI South Bend, IN Dallas, TX Minneapolis, MN Springfield, MO Davenport, IA Newark, NJ Stanford, CT Dayton, OH New Haven, CT St. Louis, MO Denver, CO New Orleans, LA Terminal, TX Des Moines, IA New York, NY Toledo, OH Oakland, CA Topeka, KS Detroit, MI El Paso, TX Oklahoma City, OK Trenton, NJ El Monte, CA Omaha, NE Tulsa, OK Fort Worth, TX Orlando, FL Tuscon, A2 Ft. Lauderdale, FL Peoria, IL Waco, TX Ft. Wayne, IN Philadelphia, PA Washington, D.C. Fresno, CA Phoenix, AZ White Plains, NY Gary, IN Pittsburgh, PA Wilmington, DE Grand Rapids, MI Pleasantville, NJ Youngstown, OH 0 UVLyI LTINWVU uu c (c 8 e ONUWODUGON@ .. . d LJ rh w i ( :imi ( QQ - @zzm@il m o&l.oo lzfax-om S x MCP now takes your company into the future of telecommunications management with an all-new Serb MCI PRISM'" II Designed for businesses with $2000 to $12,000 of monthly calling, MCI PRISM II streamline: distance management by providing complete geographical coverage on every line, at economical c tance sensitive pricing for each call MCI PRISM I/ revolutionizes higher volume telecommunications by eliminating costly traffic analysis and plex line configurations inherent with traditional WATS services Just put all your calls on MCI PRISM /I anc does the rest to assure high-quality long distance calling at low MCI rates Let MCI PRISM /I simplify your telecommunications management so you can spend more time on your cc n y 's b u s i ness UNIQUE FEATURES EXCLUSIVE BENEFITS COST EFFECTIVE The shorter the distance, the lower the cost to yc need to band lines to lower your cost CALL EVERYWHERE MCI GOES Every line allows you to call everyv MCI goes Call throughout the U S , including intrastate where tar and to over 30 countries worldwide MCI PRISM 11's complete cove eliminates call overflow to more expensive bands which occurs h ditional WATS services HIGHEST QUALITY Dedicated access facilities to MCl's own netwc means the most cost efficient and best connections to the world's modern telecommunications network EASY TO MANAGE There's no need to do expensive analysis of CI calling needs, or to reconfigure lines as company calling pattern change MCI PRISM II means flexibility to handle your business, wk ever and wherever you need to call, while giving you the lowest I: for each call at all times This saves you time and money SIMPLIFIED LINE MANAGEMENT. Since prices for each call are ba: flat rates per minute, and not volume per line, you may use as mc lines as you need to conduct business efficiently without paying t- prices due to lower volume per line. BETTER COST MANAGEMENT .Your monthly statement gives you al details needed for summarizing costs Each invoice gives you a c plete listing of every number called, the countries and cities calk date, time and length of each call Plus you receive a summary c by area code and ranges used for billing EASY CALL TRACKING .MCI Accounting Codes help you track ca client, project, department, employee or whatever criteria meet business needs Your monthly invoice summarizes your calls by cc easy billing purposes and increased cost control With MCI Acco Codes you know exactly where your long distance dollars are spi TOTAL SUPPORT Responsive MCI Customer Service Representativ strategically located in MCl's divisional and regional offices in or( address customer needs on an immediate and first-hand basis \i working directly with the local telephone companies and MCl's o work technicians to assure high-quality, cost efficient calling ever you call > L , ,kt- \ s*4 *J d-1 L Its features and benefits add up to the simplest, most cost efficient long distance service available for I. volume users So let MCI take your business into the telecommunications future today with MCI PRISM II a MCI IS a registered servlce rnork 01 MCI Cornmunicatlons Corporatlon '" MCI PRISM IS o service mark of MCI Cornrnunicatlons Corporatlon Q MCI Telecommun~cat~ons Corporahon 1986 s 0 - g g g g g z ar D z z z 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 VI P 0 h) A z e z -- 0 OF< 0 00 00 00 gmo 2 S? =2 s3 52 SS "$z %rg 06q - m- -2 -2 1- -3 cz Id, vl P$ 9pul 9pul e.+ 51.3 I" 3 >OF 03- rJ- zg G-4 om 0 om 3% -w -a m+ gzrn $20 VI - -1- i- -2 2- 1- To D$ P wp3 pJp .Erg [v- -- i. om am 0% tab 2.5 $3 -VI zm - 1- 2- -3 -1 2- e2 m rn w 22 5N Fp3 g; pulg I"m 0 PW sz g% -m ow 81: - -2 1- -2 LA --I Tg !. s - -1 -0 zg 2" 2% is 50 2 VI w Yi? mm -- -0 zm - 2- 2- -3 2- -2 Fz 888 0 -403 4m PO ma PIU pq 2 -2 2 T6 P PP gg $2 9I-o C0P w -- 0303 !.E tzm 0. m mP om cow 9% -4w gg 3 5' - 1- 2- ii 2- 1 Em0 zL* _. 22 -I - w- rJ- y& -9 I"$ or\) PP gz 0 Kb 9" +k OC/, mx 0 mm 7% ,cn *E "0 2?g Iz F PP PC0 gg 53 2: 3.5 20 g 2% &e AIU gz 0- zm 3 ar -A I mF? -0 m -A 0-4 NO w rn 13 c Z i Tu Yh) VI - vlw CJlg gg A- cl,o rrn izl a- Lb mm -???? UlNO 000 -P 0 mm -4IU - _. _. r 5' 3 2 v, 5D z (D 9 2% gz gg 99 gg 2: cn -4 m+ PP ma ww PW 03m (Do :E I zm s 0 - g 58 mZ -I b4i 2 nu men r mw n 0 U C 0 -I 0 0 1-1 I. i TpE 90 t RhSM fl FAMlLY QF SERViGES EffFEGT'dVE RATE ?ER 2mlIUDE g4-J 32 33 zgj 23 84 222 2@ =ill3 ?@ 54 e ?@ 8% &iJ ao aoo zoo % 7fi%. >WJ L nJ 3 W@E PED MOMTM m *1 International Telephone Servic A QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE m MXI