HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-09-23; City Council; 8495-9; Approval Consultant Agreement Design of Palomar Airport Road West Assessment Districta W > 0 e n. e a .. 2 0 F 0 U d 0 z 3 0 0 Gd & /,' c ClTlIF CARLSBAD - AGENDqlLL p- -; AB#- TITLE. DEPT. HD.I MTG. 09'23'86 CITY ATTY! CITY M G R.. DEPT. M p RECOMMENDED ACTION: ' APPROVAL OF CONSULTANT AGREEMENT FOR DESIGN OF THE PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD WEST ASSESSMENT DISTRICT Adopt Resolution No. &% p approving a consultant agreemen for the design of the Palomar Airport Road West Assessmen District. ITEM EXPLANATION: The City of Carlsbad has solicited proposals for the design 0' the improvements for the Palomar Airport Road West Assessmenl District. Five (5) proposals were received on August 25, 1986 After careful evaluation, the firm of Pountney Consultinc Engineers, Inc., was selected for the design of this project b] the consultant evaluation team. The design will consist of constructing Palomar Airport Roac within the limits of the 1911 Act project to City prime arteria standards. Included will be curb and gutter, six (6) lanes o asphalt pavement, raised median with one-inch asphalt pavemenl over compacted fill, and conduits for electrical and water line: under the pavement to service points on the median for futuri landscaping and irrigation. Excluded items such as medial landscaping and sidewalks will be provided as adjacent propertie: develop. FISCAL IMPACT: The cost of the design of this project is $85,500. Funds in the amount of $2,100,000 have been appropriated in the F.Y. 1986-8; C.I.P. Budget and are available for this project in the project account No. 300-820-1840-3151. EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map. 2. Resolution No. BfOr approving a consultant agreement foi the design of Palomar Airport West Assessment District improvements. 3. Consultant Agreement. 4. Consultant Proposal (on file in the Office of the City Clerk). .. .. .. *. .............. .............. . . . . ......... ASSSSM ENT D I STRICT BOU NOARY ASSESSMENT DlSTRl CT * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 w e RESOLUTION NO. 8808 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND POUNTNEY CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC., FOR THE DESIGN OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD WEST ASSESSMENT DISTRICT IMPROVEMENTS, CONTRACT NO. 3151 WHEREAS, proposals have been received by the City of Carlsbad for the design of the Palomar Airport Road West Assessment District improvements; and WHEREAS, the firm of Pountney Consulting Engineers, Inc., has been selected to perform the design services in the amount of $85,500; and = WHEREAS, funds in excess of the amount of $85,500 are available in the 'Account No. 300-820-1840-3151 to cover the design costs; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as follows: 1. The above recitations are true and correct. 2. That an agreement between the City of Carlsbad anc ! Pountney Consulting Engineers, Inc., for the design of the Palomar Airport Road West Assessment District improvements, i copy of which is hereto marked "Exhibit A" and made a part hereof, is hereby accepted. 3. That the Mayor of the City of Carlsbad is herebl authorized and directed to execute said agreement for and or behalf of the City of Carlsbad. /// /// /// *' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 w 0 4. The Consultant fee of $85,500 by Pountney Consulting Engineers, Inc., for the design of the Palomar Airport Road West Assessment District improvements is hereby accepted. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 23rd day of September , 1986 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettine NOES: None ABSENT: None 1 LJ L4Pi-4, d &A<- MAR$ H. CASLER, Mayor c ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Cherk (SEAL) 1 I W 0 < AGREEMENT FOR DESIGN OF PALOMAR AIPORT ROAD WEST ASSESSMENT DISTRICT IMPROVEMENTS THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of the &=day - of 7 19 Q% , by and between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "City," and Pountney and Associates, Inc., hereinafter referred to as "Consultant." - REC I TAL S City requires the services of an Engineering Consultant to provide the necessary engineering services for preparation of final plans and specifications for the above referenced project: and Consult ant possesses the necessary skills and qualifications to provide the services required by City: NOW, THEREF0RE;In consideration of these recitals and the mutual covenants contained herein, City and a Consultant agree as follows: 1. CONSULTANT'S OBLIGATIONS The Consultant shall perform the following: 1. Prepare a detailed schedule for the completion of the work to be done by the Consultant. 2. Perform cross section survey as necessary. 3. Prepare and submit an application for Coastal Development Permit. 4. Prepare complete contract plans and specifications to include a traffic and signage plan for construction phase and a final striping plan for traffic use at project completion. e 0 a+ -2- 5. Prepare a cost estimate of the project and an estimate of time required to construct the project. 6. Prepare right-of-way drawings, deeds, and title reports. 7. Review shop drawings and paving mix designs submitted by the contractor. 8. Review soil tests and structural sect ion recommendations provided by the City’s soils engineer. 9. Attend the preconstruction meeting and answer questions regarding the plans and specifications. 10. Make periodic site visits and make appropriate reports and/or recommendations to the City’s project manager and inspector. - 2. CITY OBLIGATIONS The City shall provide: a. Blank mylars for plan preparation. b. Necessary individual project background information (survey notes, maps, resolutions, correspondence, etc.) Sample specifications and contract documents. c. 3. PROGRESS AND COMPLETION The work under this Contract will begin within ten (IO) days after receipt of notification to proceed by the City and be completed according to the work schedule submitted by the Consultant in its August, 1986 proposal. Extensions of time may be granted if requested by the Consultant and agreed to in writing by”the City of Carlsbad. In consideration of such requests, the City will give allowance for documented and substantiated unforeseeable and unavoidable delays not caused by a lack of foresight on the part of the Consultant, or delays caused by City inaction or other agencies’ lack of timely action. W 4' -3- 4. FEES TO BE PAID TO CONSULTANT The fee payable according to Paragraph 5, "Payment of Fees", shall be No other compensation for services will be allowed except those items $85,500. covered by supplemental agreements per Paragraph 7, "Changes in Work". .. 5. PAYMENT OF FEES Payment of fees shall be on a monthly basis. Invoices will be submitted on the following dates and supported by time sheets and summarized on City provided work summary sheets. Payments will be invoiced in order to pay on the following dates for calendar year 1986: September 19, October 17, November 21, and December 19. Payment dates for calendar year 1987 will be subsequently provided by the Finance Department. -L 6. FINAL SUBMISSIONS Within fifteen (15) days of completion and approval of the final designs, the Consultant shall deliver to the City the following items: a. Original mylars at scale of the drawings reproducible on standard 24" by 36" sheets. 8lank mylars will be provided by the City. b. All final engineering certifications and documents. The plans shall be signed by a Registered Civil Engineer and/or Registered Landscaped Architect , as appropriate. 7. CHANGES IN WORK If, in the course of this Contract and design, changes seem merited by the Consultant or the City, and informal consultations with the other party indicate that a change in the conditions of the Contract is warranted, the Consultant or the City may request a change in Contract. Such changes shall be processed by the City in the following manner: A letter outlining the required changes shall be forwarded to the City or Consultant to inform them of the proposed changes along After with a statement of estimated changes in charges or time schedule. w 0 , -4- reaching mutual. agreement on the proposal, a supplemental agreement shall be prepared by the City and approved by the City Council. Such supplemental aqreement shall not render ineffective or invalidate unaffected portions of the aqreement. Changes requiring immediate action by the Consultant or City shall be ordered by the City Engineer who will inform a principal of the Consultant's firm of the necessity of such action and follow up with a supplemental agreement covering such work. 8. OESIGN STANDARDS The Consultant shall prepare the plans and specifications in accordance with the design standards of the City of Carlsbad and recognized current design practices. Applicable City of Carlsbad Standards and Regional Standards shll be used where appropriate. Copies of such standards shall be obtained from the City of Carlsbad. 9. COVENANTS AGAINST CONTINGENT FEES The Consultant warrants that their firm has not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working for the Consultant, to solicit or secure this agreement, and that Consultant has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person, other than a bona fide employee, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift, or any other consideration contingent upon, or resulting from, the award or making this agreement. For breach or violation of this warranty, the City shall have the right to annul this agreement without liability, or, in its discretion, to deduct from the agreement price or consideration, or otherwise recover, the full amount of such fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift, or contingent fee. IO. NONDISCRIMINATION CLAUSE The Consultant shall comply with the State and Federal Ordinances regarding nondi sc r iminat ion. W 0 -5- 11. TERMINATION OF CONTRACT In the event of the Consultant's failure to prosecute, deliver, or perform the work as provided for in this Contract, the City may terminate this Contract for nonperformance by notifying the Consultant by certified mail of the termination of the Contract. The Consultant, thereupon, has five (5) working days to deliver said documents owned by the City and all work in progress to the City Engineer. The City Engineer shall make a determination of fact based upon the documents delivered to City of the percentage of work which the Consultant has performed which is usable and of worth to the City in having the Contract completed. Based upon that finding as reported to the City Council, the Council shall determine the final payment of the Contract, 12. DISPUTES e If a dispute should arise regarding the performance of work under this agreement, the following procedure shall be used to resolve any question of fact or interpretation not otherwise settled by agreement between parties. Such questions, if they become identified as a part of a dispute among persons operating under the provisions of this Contract, shall be reduced to writing by the principal of the Consultant or the City Engineer. A copy of such documented dispute shall be forwarded to both parties involved along with recommended methods of resolution which would be of benefit to both parties. The City Engineer or principal receiving the letter shall reply to the letter along with a recommended method of resolution within ten (IO) days. If the resolution thus obtained is unsatisfactory to the aggrieved party, a letter outlining the dispute shall be forwarded to the City Council for their resolution through the Office of the City Manager. The City Council may then opt to consider the W 0 -6- directed solution to the problem. In such cases, the action of the City Council shall be binding upon the parties involved, although nothing in this procedure shall prohibit the parties seeking remedies available to them at law. 13. RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONSULTANT The Consultant is hired to render professional services of designing and drawings for Palmar Airport Road West Assessment District and any payments made to Consultant are compensation solely for such services. Consultant shall certify as to the correctness of all designs and sign all plans, specifications, and estimates furnished with Registered Civil Engineer's number, (or Landscape Architect's registration number). 14. SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION OF SERVICES .c This agreement may be terminated by either party upon tendering thirty (30) days written notice to the other party. In the event of such suspension or termination, upon request of the City, the Consultant shall assemble the work product and put same in order for proper filing and closing and deliver said product to City. In the event of termination, the Consultant shall be paid for work performed to the termination date; however, the total shall not exceed the guaranteed total maximum. The City shall make the final determination as to the portions of tasks completed and the compensation to be made. Compensation to be made in compliance with the Code of Federal Regulations. 15. STATUS OF THE CONSULTANT The Consultant shall perform the services provided for herein in Consultant's own way as an independent Contractor and in pursuit of Consultant's Independent calling, and not as an employee of the City. Consultant shall be W e i' -7- under control of the City only as to the result to be accomplished and the personnel to the project, but shall consult with the City as provided for in the request for proposal. assigned The Consultant is an independent contractor of the City. The payment made to the consultant pursuant to this contract shall be the full and complete compensation to which the consultant is entitled. The City shall not make any federal or state tax withholdings on behalf of the consultant. The City shall not be required to pay any workers compensation insurance on behalf of the consultant. The consultant agrees to indemnify the City for any tax, .retirement contribution, social security, overtime payment, or worker's compensation payment which the City may be required to make on behalf of the consultant or any employee of the consultant for work done under this agreement. 16. CONFORMITY TO LEGAL REQUIREMENTS = The Consultant shall cause all drawings and specifications to conform to all applicable requirements of law: Federal, State, and local. Consultant shall provide all necessary supporting documents, to be filed with any agencies whose approval is necessary. The City will provide copies of the approved plans to any other agencies. 17. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS All plans, studies, sketches, drawings, reports, and specifications as herein required are the property of the City, whether the work for which they are made be executed or not. In the event this Contract is terminated, all documents, plans, specifications, drawings, reports, and studies shall be delivered forthwith to the City. Consultant shall have the right to make one (1) copy of the plans for hidher records. a i. -8- 18. HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT The City, its agents, officers, and employees shall not be liable for any claims, liabilities, penalties, fines, or any damage to goods, propertles, or effects of any person whatever, nor for personal injuries or death caused by, or resulting from, or claimed to have been caused by, or resulting from, any intentional or negligent acts, errors or omissions of Consultant or Consultant's agents, employees, or representatives. Consultant agrees to defend, indemnify, and save free and harmless the City and its authorized agents, officers, and employees against any of the foregoing liabilities or claims of any kind and any cost and expense that is incurred by tne City on account of any of the foregojng liabilities, including liabilities or claims by reason of alleged defects in any plans and speci f kat ions. 19. ASSIGNMENT OF CPNTRACT The Consultant shall not assign this Contract or any part ther.eof or any monies due thereunder without the prior written consent of the City. 20. SUBCONTRACTING If the Consultant shall subcontract any of the work to be performed under this Contract by the Consultant, Consultant shall be fully responsible to the City for the acts and omissions of Consultant's subcontractor and of the persons either directly or indirectly employed by the subcontractor, as Consultant is for Nothing contained in this Contract shall create any contractual relationship between any subcontractor of Consultant and the City. The Consultant shall bind every subcontractor and every subcontractor of a subcontractor by the terms of this Contract applicable to Consultant's work unless specifically noted to the contrary in the subcontract in question approved in writing by the City. the acts and omissions of persons directly employed by Consultant. I -9- a 0 %. 21. PROHIBITED INTEREST No official of the City who is authorized in such capacity on behalf of the City to negotiate, make, accept, or approve, or take part in negotiating, making, accepting, or approving of any architectural, engineering inspection, construction or material supply Contractor, or any subcontractor in connection with the construction of the project, shall become directly or indirectly interested personally in this Contract or in any part thereof. No officer, employee, architect, attorney, engineer, or inspector of or for the City who is authorized in such capacity and on behalf of the City to exercise any executive, supervisory, or other similar functions in connect ion with the performance of this Contract shall become directly or indirectly interested personally in this Contract or any part thereof. 22. VERBAL AGREEMENT OR CONVERSATION z No verbal agreement or conversation with any officer, agent, or employee of the City, either before, during, or after the execution of this Contract, shall affect or modify any of the terms or obligations herein contained nor such verbal agreement or conversation entitle the Consultant to any additional payment whatsoever under the tehs of this Contract . 23. SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS Subject to the provisions of Paragraph 18, "Hold Harmless Agreement", all terms, conditions, and provisions hereof shall insure to and shall bind each of the parties hereto, . and each of their respective heirs, executors, administrators , successors., and assigns . 24. EFFECTIVE DATE This agreement shall be effective on and from the day and year first above written. e (I * - 10 - 25. CONFLICT OF INTEREST The Consultant shall file a Conflict of Interest Statement with the City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad in accordance with the requirements of the City of Carlsbad Conflict of Interest Code. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and seals. POUNTNEY,AND ASSOCIATES, INC. By . .&&& q+y /' : < U,'- '* c p-&f& / #L?li&/Oe -- CITY OF CARLSBAD: N /, x- d- LL c -7- L.9 ,J? Mayor " Tt t le ATTESTED : -I m-L&?& City Clerk - If I I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I ' 1 1 I August 25, 1986 Mr. Alphonse N. Virgilio, Project Manager City of Carlsbad, Municjpal Projects Department 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carl sbad, Cal i forni a 92008 Subject: Palomar Airport Road West Assessment District Engi neeri ng and Design Statement of Qualifications Dear Mr. Virgilio: Pountney & Associates y Inc. respectfully submits this Statement of Qualifications in response to your July 29, 1986 request for professional servzces in connection with the design and document preparation for the Pal omar Ai rport Road improvement project. The enclosed material is in conformance with the request for information on our f 5 rm, key i ndi viduals y and subconsul tants. registered engineers and designers with relevant experience in major roadway widening projects. We trust that you will find the following information and enclosed estimate of fees responsive to your request. We very much look forward to the prospect of working with you and the City of Carlsbad on this project and are available to review our qualifications and fee estimate :n more detail. Thank you. Very truly yours, POUNTNEY & ASSOCIATESy INC. Our in-house staff consi sts of ?8- Peter 3. Pountney Principal enclosure P 3 P/ cmc ._ Pountney 6 Asssciates Inc. CONSULTING ENGINEERS Mr. Alphonse N. Virgilio, Project Manager City of Carl sbad, Municipal Projects Department 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carl sbad , Cal i forni a 92005 Subject: Lump Sum Estimate of Fees Request for Proposal - Palomar Airport Road West Assessment District Dear Mr. Virgilio: Attached is a lump sum estimate of the cost for professional services to perform the scope of work identified in the request for proposals. Although not specifically identified, this estimate also includes the preparation and submittal of an application for a Coastal Development Permit. We look forward to the opportunity to discuss this proposal with you should you select our firm as a candidate to design this project. .. *. LUMP SUM ESTIMATE OF FEES PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD WEST ASSESSMENT DISTRICT -. ESTIMATED LUMP SUM FEE The development of a comprehensive base map, the engineering and design of public infrastructure rehabilitation work, and the preparation of Right-of-way documents necessitates a substantial amount of research and field investigation if it is to be done properly. Similarly, the development of a fixed fee proposal for the providing of that work also requires a great deal of research, programming and thought; this we have not yet thoroughly completed. The following fee projections provide an “...estimate of the cost for the consultant work...”, as requested. Within the limit identified herein, we believe the following estimate to be realistic. We are prepared to undertake the additional research required to refine this estimate, should you perceive we are qualified to undertake the assignment. We have segregated this proposal into two parts: Work specifically required; and Optional Services that you may, or may not, require. Fee estimates for the optional work have not yet been developed, but can be developed should you elect to incorporate them into the Scope. SURVEYING The actual amount of time expended in the conducting of field surveys is dependent upon (among other items) the avai 1 abi 1 i ty of exi sting survey monuments and record maps along the alignment; the number of individual properties along the alignment (and their legal status); the condition (and suitability for re-use) of the existing alignment, pavement and pavement profile; and, the number (and type) of existing surface and sub-surface improvements, etc. Actual costs should be lower than estimated. 1. Research $ 800.00 $ 400.00 - Staff Engineer 16 hours @ $50.00/hour - Staff Engi neer 8 hours @ $50.00/hour - Site visit and improvement plan research 2. Establish hard copy for field crews 3. Field crew time layout control (ground) - Staff Engineer 16 hours @ $50.00/hour - - $ 800.00 $ 760.00 - Survey Crew 8 hours (3 $95.00/hour - Indi vi dual time Designer 30 hours (3 $37.50/hour - - $ 1,125.00 Lump Sum Estimate of Fees - Page ( 1 ) .. 4. Establish center line Survey Crew 24 hours @ $95.00/hour - - $ 2,280.00 Tie in property corners $ 1,520.00 - Survey Crew 16 hours @ $95.00/hour - Project Engineer 10 hours @ $60.00/hour - Survey Crew 20 hours @ $95.00/hour - Cal cul at i ons $ 600.00 $ 1,900.00 - 5. Set up control for cross sections - Set up control for intersections Cal cul at i ons Survey Crew 16 hours 0 $95 .OO/hour - - $ 1,520.00 $ 960.00 - Project Engineer 16 hours @ $60,00/hour - Right-of-way acquisition calculations Real i gnment cal cul ati ons Project Engineer 30 hours @ $60.00/hour - - $ 1,800.00 Project Engineer 24 hours @ $60.00/hour - - $ 1,440.00 6. Cross sections existing improvements Survey Crew 40 hours 8 $95.00/hour - - $ 3,800.00 SUB-TOTAL - - $ 19,705.00 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS Horizontal Alignment Profile Study $ 480.00 $ 150.00 $ 132.00 $ 1,962.00 .-, - Project Engineer 8 hours @ $60.08/hour - Staff Engineer 24 hours @ $50.00/hour - - $ 1,200.00 Designer 4 hours @ $37.58/hour - Draftsman 4 hours @ $33.00/hour - SUB-TOTAL - - - - Lump Sum Estimate of Fees - Page ( 2 ) I, Ex isti ng Uti 1 i ties Research and 1 etters P1 otti ng $ 528.00 - D raft man 16 hours (3 $33.00/hour - Draftsman 7 sheets x 8 hours @ $33.00/hour - - $ 1,848.00 - - $ 198.00 Field Edit Top0 0 raft sma n 6 hours '3 $33.00/hour SUB-TOTAL - - $ 2,574.00 , Construction Drawinqs - Street Improvements 1) Title Sheet - 1 sheet $1 Detail Sheets - 1-2 sheets 4) Mi scel 1 aneous - 1-2 sheets Plan & Profile Sheets - 7 sheets Partial demo1 i ti on Drainage Uti 1 i ty re1 ocat i on Typical /detai 1 cross sections - - $ 2,400.00 - $ 7,000.00 Project Engineer 40 hours @ $60.00/hour - $ 7,500.00 Staff Engineer 140 hours @ $50.00/hour - $ 7,920.00 Designer 200 hours @ $37.50/hour Drafter 240 hours @ $33,00/hour - SUB-TOTAL - - - - $ 24,820.00 / Traffic Engineering. Intersection Analysis Study/Traffic Si gnal Design - - $ 12,000.00 5- Title Research (Estimated) COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY: * Preliminary Title Reports 10 parcels @ $300.00 per parcel - - ** $ 3,000.00 * Based on an estimate of 10 parcels ** (optional & variable) Lump Sum Estimate of Fees - Page ( 3 ) I* Right-of-way Plats & Legal Descriptions $ 360.00 $ 600.00 $ 600.00 8 1,056.00 , $ 2,616.00 - Project Engineer 6 hours @ $60.00/hour - Staff Engineer 12 hours @ $50.00/hour - Designer 16 hours @ $37.50/hour - Drafter 32 hours @ $33.00/hour - SUB -TOTAL - - - - i - Cost Estimate $ 800.00 Drafter 32 hours @ $33.00/hour - - $ 1,056.00 $ 1,856.00 /’ - Staff Engineer 16 hours GJ $50.00/hour - - SUB-TO TAL - Specifications (3 submittals) $ 960.00 $ 160.00 - Project Engineer 16 hours @ $60,00/hour - C1 erica1 a hours @ $20.00/hour - SUB- TOTAL - - $ 1,120.00 ,’ - Project Start-up - $ 600.00 $ 480.00 $ 200.00 Principal Engineer 8 hours @ $75.00/hour - Project Engineer 8 hours @ $60.00/hour - Staff Engineer 4 hours @ $50.00/hour - - - S U 6 -TOTAL - - $ 1,zao.oo Oual i ty Control /Meeti nqs (4 submittal s) $ 1,200.00 Project Engineer 24 hours (3 $60.00/hour - - $ 1,440.00 $ 2,640.00 /’ - Principal Engineer 16 hours Ca $75.00/hour - SUB-TOTAL - - Submittals/Corrections (4) $ 480.00 8 200.00 S 300.00 $ 528.00 $ 160.00 - - $ 1,668.00 - Fro ject Engi neer 8 hours @ $60.00/hour - Staff Engineer 4 hours @ $50.00/hour - Designer 8 hours @ $37.50/hour - Drafter 16 hours @ $33.00/hour - C7 erica 7 8 hours @ $20.00/hour - - - - - SUB-TOTAL Lump Sum Estimate of Fees - Page ( 4 ) Project Management Management, team meetings, etc.: Project Engi neer 96 hours @ $60.00/hour - - $ 5,760.00 $ 5,760.00 ” - - SUB-TOTAL Reproduction Expenses Cost + 15% Construct ion Period Services Attend Pre-Construction Meeting Period Site Visits (assume 4 month construction period) - - $ 360.00 Project Engineer Project Engineer 6 hours @ $60.00/hour Say 16’weeks x 4 hours per week (3 $60.00/hour $ 3,840.00 S U 8- TOTAL - - $ 4,200.00 - - Total Surveying , Engi neeri ng , Design and Peri odic Construction Phase Services (not i ncl udi ng repro- ducti on and opti onal services) $ 85,201.00 - TOTAL (NOT INCLUDING REPRODUCTION COSTS) - Lump Sum Estimate of Fees - Page ( 5 ) I. OPTIONAL SERVICES: A, Non-Destructive or Destructive Testing of existing asphalt, with anticipation of salvage, and incorpor- ation into project; Map development ; Soils Data; property corners, preparation of Record of Survey Plat, and map recordation; Specifications; B. Aerial Photogrammetric 1" = 40' Scale Topographic C. Geotechnical Investigations, beyond review of City D. Monumentation of centerline, re-monumentation of E. Construction Period Traffic Control Plans and F. Additional Prel irninary Title Reports: Typically, title companies charge between $300.00 - 5500,OO for preparation of PTR's NOTE : This Lump Sum Estimate is predicated on information provided in the Request for Proposal (RFP). to change after we have completed research on various project specifics. However, based on our experience with projects Of a similar nature, the fee we have identified above is appropriate for the apparent Scope of Work. - The Fee Estimate is subject Lump Sum Estimate of Fees - ?age ( 6 ) I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ I I I I I I PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD EST ASSESSMENT DISTRICT I I I I CONSULnNG ENGlNEERS 6736 MISSION GORGEROAD SUE 229 SAN Dl-, CA 92120-3499 -(619) 282-6807 AUGUST 1986 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD WEST ASSESSMENT ORGANIZATION CHART TO POUNTNEY & ASSOCIATES, INC. Peter J. Pountney, RCE Project Manager Roger Hocking, RCE Assistant Project Manager D.O.E. K‘ng, RCE SUBC0:iSULTANTS JHK - TraffSc Engineers Geotechni cal Engi neers . Administration Agusti n Chang Dennis Wahl , RCE Chief of Survey Party Senior Designer Senior Design Eng? neer San Diego Sc~jls - Construction Ali Darvishi Commonweal t 9 T: t 1 e Insurance Title Reports Zenith Aeriais - Aeri a1 Photogrammetry Ruth Franklin, RCE Dave Wise, EIT Chuck Ilavis, EIT Design Engjneers i m@amwmmw CONSULTING ENG INEERS 6136 MISSION GORGE ROAD SUITE 229 SAN Dim, c9 92720-3499 (679) 282-6807 @I 1986 POUNTNN 8 ASSOCIATES, INC. 1 STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 11. GENERAL APPROACH TO PROJECT 111. SUBCONSULTANTS IV. CURRENT AND PROJECTED WORKLOAD V. KEY ELEMENTS OF ROAD DESIGN IN BUILT-UP AREAS VI. SPECIALIZED EXPERIENCE VII. CLIENTS AND REFERENCES VIII. REPRESENTATIVE EXPERIENCE I x. TIME SCHEDULE/PROPOSED SCOPE OF WORK X. STANDARD FORMS Standard Form 255. ...................... .POUNTNEY & ASSOCIATESy INC, Consul ti ng Engineers Standard Form 254... ..................... POUNTNEY 8 ASSOCIATESy INC, Consulting Engineers Standard Form 254 ................................... JHK & ASSOCIATES. Traf f i c Engi neers Standard Form 254 ................................... .SAN DIEGO SOILS Geotechnical Engineers Standard Form 254..... ................................ ZENITH AERIALS Photogrammetrists I I I I, INTRODUCTION I I i I 1 I 1 period impact analysis. I POUNTNEY & ASSOCIATES, INC. is a civil engineering firm experienced predominately i n the design and construction admi ni strati on of i nf rastructure rehabilitation projects for public agencies. Our firm has established a reputation for excellence among public agencies including the City of San Di ego , City of Nati onal City , Oceansi de Devel opment Commi ssi on , City of Coronado, City of San Marcos, San Diego County and others. We encourage you to contact these agencies for information on our work performance. With a staff of 23 personnel , i ncl udi ng registered professional engS neers of diverse backgrounds (civil/hydraul ic engineering, bridge/structural engineering, land surveying), a registered architect, and a support staff of staff engineers , designer-drafters, a computer analyst , and admini strati ve personnel, POUNTNEY ASSOCIATES is well organized to provide the level of service you expect from your consultant. We encourage your review of the enclosed Standard Forms 255 and 254, as they encapsul ate our qual i f i cations and experience i n the pl anni ng , engi neeri ng and design of infrastructure rehabilitation (street improvements, water, sewer, flood control and storm drainage structures) , site development, surveying, uti 15 ty research , const ructi on admi ni strati on , site access and const ructi on To support our in-house expertise, we propose to retain the services of the following firms on an 'as needed' basis: * JHK & ASSOCIATES - Traffic Engineers * SAN DIEGO SOILS - Geotechnical Engineers (if requSred) * COMMONWEALTH TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY - Title Reports * ZENITH AERIALS - Photogramnetrists (if requi red) i I I I I I expectations. I I A Standard Form 254 is enclosed for each of the above firms. All of the consultants have personnel based in San Diego County. 11, GENERAL APPROACH TO THE PROJECT We have v'sited the site, and reviewed the Request for Proposal. Predicated on the information we have gathered, POUNTNEY ASSOCIATES can provide the personnel and administer this project within your budgetary and schedule I I I A. PROJECT MANAGEMENT Standard procedures for project management have been devel oped by POUNTNEY ASSOCIATES to ensure control of costs and schedules. These procedures have been successfully applied to both large and small projects, gaining the company a reputation among its clients for on-time and within-budget performance. The fi rm uti 1 i zes a Di gi tal Equipment Corporation Mi crovax I I computer system, with extensive project management software. This system provides for totally integrated project account i ng , accounts recei vabl e, accounts payabl e , payroll scheduling and project management functions. Budgets, schedules, manpower 1 oadi ng, percent budget uti 1 i zed , percent schedul e uti 1 i zed, etc. can be tracked. All specifications and cost estimates are prepared on Decmate I1 and I11 word processors, stored on hard disk, and standardized for maximum efficiency, quality control , and productivity. Using past proven techniques with modern software, POUNTNEY ASSOCIATES ensures control of both cost and time schedules. Peter J. Pountney, RCE would serve as Project Manager and would be responsible for execution of work on behalf of the proposed team of professionals. Mr. Pountney has over 18 years of professional experience in all areas of civil engineering and construction administration with emphasis on public utility planning and engineering. As President of the San Diego Chapter of American SocSety of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and Chairman of the Task Force on Infrastructure, Mr. Pountney is thoroughly familiar with infrastructure rehabilitation processes within the County of San Diego. Project desi gn engi neers for POUNTNEY ASSOCIATES would i ncl ude Mr. Roger Hocking RCE/RLS, Mr. Dennis Wahl, RCE, Ms. Ruth Franklin, RCE, Mr. David Wise, EIT, and Mr. Charles Davis, EIT, while Mr. Agustin Chang and Mr. Robert Silva would serve as project designers. B. CONSTRUCTION PERIOD SUPPORT I I I I I ' I I 1 It provides an extremely effective method for control. I I POUNTNEY ASSOCIATES has speci a1 i zed experience i n the Constructi on Administration of projects. With our background in resident engineering, and 5 nspecti on servi ces for 1 oca1 muni ci pal i ties (Coronado , Oceansi de, County , I etc.) we are especially well qualified to provide this service. Our Construction Administration Department has a successful track record of administering projects and completion of those projects with minimal change orders and construction delay. The Construction Administration Department has photographic and narrative (daily log) record keeping procedures, and a knowledge and expertise in dealing with contractors that provides assurance that construction monies are expended in the proper and efficient manner. Construction Administrators/ Resident Engineers for POUNTNEY ASSOCIATES i ncl ude Mr. Or1 ando Ki ng , RCE , Mr . Roger Hocking , RCE/RLS , and Mr. A1 i Darvi shi , BSCE, (inspector). I I I I I 1 I 1 C. RECORDS RESEARCH AND ALIGNMENT ANALYSIS POUNTNEY ASSOCIATES staff provides complete and thorough evaluation of construction a1 ternatives and their probable construction costs , 1 accessibility, adjacent property impact, and utility requirements. These services are designed to identify and quantify potenti a1 problems and/or restraints in the development of a project. Prior to our developing I construction drawi ngs , our Records Research Department researches avai 1 ab1 e information (from a1 1 City and franchise uti 1 i ties) whi 1 e our engi neeri ng staff studies the general physical and environmental restraints for a project. I I I I. SUBCONSULTANTS I We have assembled a team of professionals responsive to this Request for Qualifications. Collectively, we are capable of assisting the City staff in accompli shi ng your goal s and objectives. POUNTNEY ASSOCIATES is we1 1 I qualified with proven experience in the planning, engineering, design and construction administration of infrastructure projects within the public r i ght -of -way. I JHK & ASSOCIATES (traffic engineers) will provide traffic engineering support for traffic signal design, circulation analysis, traffic surveys and construction period traffic control plans. We are acutely aware of the I liabilities public agencies face during construction in the public right-of-way. JHK & ASSOCIATES can assist us in the preparation of detailed traffic control and detour plans for use by the contractor during construction I to facilitate safe pedestrian/vehicle circulation. Additional subconsul tants would include SAN DIEGO SOILS for nondestructjve testing (if/as required), pavement section design (ifjas required), and I supplemental geotechni cal i nvesti gati ons. They are presently working wi th POUNTNEY ASSOCIATES on the Mission Road widening and realignment project. I ZENITH AERIALS would provide 1"=40' scale, screened, photogramnetrically prepared topographic maps (if requi red) , and COMMONWEALTH TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY would provide copies of a1 1 necessary private property records, trust I deeds and preliminary title reports. IV. CURRENT AND PROJECTED WORKLOAD I POUNTNEY ASSOCIATES is ideally positioned to respond to this project's requirements for the time period identified. Our workload is such that we can fully expect to meet scheduling requirements and provide the level of effort I you would expect. I I 1 I I IV, Significant projects which extend through this time frame are identified below. However, our staff resources are sufficient enough that workload conflicts would not be created with this project. We confirm that sufficient staffing will be available to perform the required services. MAJOR EXPECTED PROJECT TITLE CLIENT COMPLETION DATE Escondi do Transit County of May 1987 Center San Diego Mission Road City of Fall 1986 Ardath Road City of Fall 1986 CURRENT AND PROJECTED WORKLOAD (continued) 1 I I I 1 I San Marcos San Diego Our experience with projects similar in nature to this one has shown that we are capable of meeting client expectations on submittal schedules. We utilize a computerized budget summary system with DEC Microvax I1 computer and BST project management software, with weekly reporting systems, and a graphjcal milestone system to inform project managers on project status. Each project is tracked to ensure that budgets, schedules, manpower and subconsultants are in sequence with project objectives. Additionally, we keep comprehensive notes on developments which take place during a project design, i .e. written memos regarding a1 1 telephone, client , su bconsul tant , and field meet 5 ngs with resul tant deci si ons copied to a1 1 participants. This reduces unnecessary confusion when various individuals have ongoing involvement in a project design. Uti 1 i zation of a "Pi n-Bar" over1 ay drafting system and the development and retention of specifications and cost estimating data on micro-computers assures cost effective and timely generation of work product documents once schematic and desi gn devel opment phases are complete. V. KEY ELEMENTS OF ROAD DESIGN IN BUILT-UP AREAS A major factor in roadway design in developed areas is the consideration of property acquisition. Additional right-of-way requirements can severely impact area residences , busi nesses , overhead and underground uti 1 i ti es , pub1 i c and private landscaping, drainage structures and adjacent cut and fill sl opes/retai ni ng wall s. PRECISE UTILITY RESEARCH, PROPERTY SURVEYS AND ALIGNMENT AND PROFILE STUDIES AT THE SCHEMATIC DESIGN PHASE IN CONJUNCTION WITH PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORTS AND FRANCHISE UTILITY COORDINATION WILL MINIMIZE THESE IMPACTS. I I 1 I 1 I I ' I I I I I V, KEY ELEMENTS OF ROAD DESIGN IN BUILT-UP AREAS (continued) The safety of both pedestrians, bicyclists and motor vehicle traffic utilizing the roadway during construction of the improvements is of equal concern. Construction period traffic control signage and striping, in conformance with the latest CALTRANS, Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Use in Construction Area Work on Highways and Standard Plan, will provide design cri terS a to ensure safe ci rcul ati on. WE HAVE PREPARED COMPREHENSIVE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD DETOUR AND SIGNAGE PLANS FOR SIMILAR PROJECTS TO MINIMIZE AGENCY AND CONTRACTOR LIABILITY IN THIS CRITICAL FACET OF THE PROJECT. A third factor is the construction sequencing or phasing of the proposed work. Since work wi 11 be done within a sometimes highly congested travel way, phasi ng of construction work to minimize conflicts between the construction crew and the users of the travelway is an important element. INITIAL TRAFFIC STUDIES, IDENTIFICATION OF PROPERTY OWNERS/BUSINESSES, AND CONCURRENT EVALUATION OF DETOUR/ALTERNATI VES HELP IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF PHASING ALTERNATIVES. In addition to the elements identified above, other items need to be I I I D I 1 I addressed. These include: * Potenti a1 re1 ocati on and/or undergrounding of existing uti 1 i ties (1 ong * Coordination for upgrading existing utilities prior to improving lead time for franchise utilities); surface features, i.e. potential concurrent replacement of undersized or old water, sewer and storm drainage facilities; * Condition of existing and proposed roadbed, i.e. existing section may be inadequate and warrant overlaying concurrent with widening; * Existing and future driveway openings ; temporary access during construction period ; * Traffic si gnal i zati on (exi sti ng and proposed) i ncl udi ng re1 ocati on of traffic control loops, masts and arms; * Impact of new roadway drainage on adjacent property; relocation of drai nageways para1 1 el i ng roadway, extendi ng drai nage f aci 1 i ti es under roadway ; etc. ; striping, signage, etc. I I I I I 1 I I I * Relocation of fire hydrants, raising of manhole frames, valve boxes, * Removal and replacement of botts dotts, stimpsonite reflectors, paint I I I I I I 1 I 1 V. KEY ELEMENTS OF ROAD DESIGN IN BUILT-UP AREAS (continued) RECONCILIATION OF THESE POTENTIAL IMPACTS MAY NECESSITATE: * NONDESTRUCTIVE PAVEMENT TESTING, WHERE APPROPRIATE; * THOROUGH UTILITY RESEARCH AND UTILITY COORDINATION; * FIELD EDITING OF RECORD AND UTILITY DRAWINGS; * FIELD SURVEYS OF PROPERTY LINES, CRITICAL ELEVATIONSy AND CROSS SECTIONS; * TRAFFIC COUNTS AND TURNING MOVEMENT STUDIES; * PUBLIC AWARENESSjCOMMUNICATION PROGRAMS - WHEN AND AS APPROPRIATE; * ONGOING AND EFFECTIVE PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND COMMUNICATION AND * FULL TIME INSPECTION AND CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION. 1 No one firm has a cure-all solution to all of these elements. However, problems can be minimized by thorough up-front planning on the part of the consultant. 1 Because POUNTNEY ASSOCIATES speci a1 i zes i n reconstruct i on, we have devel oped a comprehensive checklist of items which may impact the design of a roadway. Each of these items is reviewed and researched prior to our preparation of 1 design solutions. Utility research, title research, existing and future traffic flow, new area development, major undergrounding projects y phased signalization, etc., are part of that list and reviewed by our staff before pens are put to mylar. Our firm contracted with the City of San Marcos to prepare plans, specifications, and cost estimates to widen Mission Road. The Mission Road widening project is very similar in many aspects to the Palomar Airport Road widening project. To date, our team has prepared right-of-way drawfngs, a geotechnical investigative report, comprehensive surface and subsurface utility research, vertical and horizontal control y full topographic mapping, preliminary horizontal /vertical a1 i gnment and a traffic survey and non-destructive testing of the existing asphalt section. Simi 1 ar representative projects requi ring comparable services i ncl uded the repaving and reconstruction of Orange Avenue and 7th Street in the City of Coronado, (Orange Avenue is designed but not yet constructed); widening of Kesling Street and Executive Drive in the City of San Diego; and major rehabilitation of 18th Street and 22nd Street in the City of National City. I I 1 I 1 1 I I I I I I I VI. SPECIALIZED EXPERIENCE Specialized experience, equipment and/or procedures we possess and propose to use in preparation of project construction plans, specifications and engineer's estimate of bid quantities and costs for road construction in a highly developed area can be summarized as follows: I POUNTNEY ASSOCIATES has devel oped a comprehensive procedure for obtaining, plotting, coordinating and field verifying existing R/W and 'utility information for placement on base maps prior to design development. We own Go1 da k underground pipe 1 ocati ng equi pment for independent uti 1 i ty verification, when necessary. We also field verify, with survey crews, critical vertical and horizontal control criteria where new improvements are to meet existing PCC and AC surfaces (aerial mapping has unacceptable tolerances for match work) and for locating existing utilities, including sewer and storm drain inverts. POUNTNEY ASSOCIATES utilizes a pin-bar system of drafting which i ncorporates overlay techniques. This system minimizes the potential for error when drafting the maze of utiljties and site conditions which can All specifications and cost estimates are typed on disk and retained for future reference and correction. This affords a comprehensjve library of such documents for future reference while maintaining a "Master" for each project. Our firm has gained a wide reputation for quality and thorough utility research and plotting. By going the extra step to ensure accurate utility research, change orders during construction are minimized. Traf f i c Control Devices Handbook, Roadway Del i neati on Practi ces Handbook , and Motorists Aid Systems State-of-the-Art Handbook are examples of several publications developed by JHK & ASSOCIATES, traffic engineers. The firm is well equipped to provide important input on the street network and impact upon the community as it relates to alternative alignment analysis. Both the Ardath Road project and the Mission Road project, identified herein, i nvol ve design sol utions within heavi ly bui 1 t-up areas subject to high traffic volumes. Our Orange Avenue project and the 7th Street project in Coronado also necessitated major coordination and planning efforts to design major street rehabilitation efforts within commercial and residential areas, I respectively. Construction period traffic control , ingress/egress coordination and public awareness were key design considerations. I I I impact a project . Efficiency and error reduction are the major results. I I I I 1 I i 1 I I I I I i I 1 I 1 I 1 1 I I I I I VII, CLIENTS AND REFERENCES 1 - Name & Address of Client: Linwood C, Newton, P.E.-City Engineer, CITY OF CORONADO 1300 1st Street Coronado, California 92118 Client's Project Manager: Linwood C. Newton Name of Project : Orange Avenue Street Enhancement Locat i on of Pro j ect : Coronado , Cal i forni a Descri pti on of Work : Design for major street enhancement to State Highway 75; new curb, gutter, colored concrete sidewalk, drainage, repaving, traffic and pedestrian control. Phone Number: (619) 522-7380 2 - Name 8 Address of Client: Ken Gerdes, CITY OF SAN MARCOS 105 W. Richmar Avenue San Marcos , Cal i forni a 92069 Client's Project Manager: Ken Gerdes Name of Project : Locat i on of Project : Description of York: with property acquisition, signalization, drainage, utility relocation, raised medians, bicycle path, curb, gutter, sidewalks, full plans and specifications. Right-of-way surveys, title reports, nondestructive pavement testing, etc. Francisco Zepeda, CITY OF SAN DIEGO 202 'C' Street San Di ego , Cal i forni a 92101 Client's Project Manager: Francisco Zepeda Name of Project : Location of Project: La Jolla, California Description of Work: Pi nes/Ardat h Road/La Jol 1 a Shores Dri ve i ntersecti on. includes traffic studies; street realignment; street widening; new turn lanes; modified, new and replacement traffic signalization; R/W acquisition; new bridges; and cost estimates, etc. Twelve preliminary alternatives decreased to three alternatives, one of which will be selected for design. Phone Number: (619) 744-1050 Mission Road Widening 2 1/2 miles of Mission Road east of Highway 75, San Marcos, California Major street widening (2 to 4 lanes) 3 - Name & Address of Client: Phone Number: (619) 236-5403 Intersection Evaluation & Design A1 ternati ve analysi s of Torrey Study I - VIII, REPRESENTATIVE EXPERIENCE POUNTNEY & ASSOCIATES, INC, REPRESENTATIVE EXPERIENCE 1. MISSION ROAD REALIGNMENT/WIDENIN6, City of San Marcos, California Engineering and design for a major street realignment/widening ( 2 lane to 4 lane with median) of approximately 2 - 1/2 miles of roadway. Other major issues included right-of-way plats, traffic signal design, title research, utility relocation. 2. ARDATH ROADjTORREY PINES INTERSECTION STUDY, City of San Di ego Study of alternative designs for improvements to the Ardath Road/La Joll a Shores RoadlTorrey Pines Road intersection. 3. MEADOWLARK FARMS STREET, WATER, SEWER, DRAI NAGE IMPROVEMENTS, San Marcos, California Engineering and design of 3.5 miles of public and private street improvements. Work i ncl uded balanced earthwork, culverts and storm drains, intersection design, full traffic signage and stripping. 4. ORANGE AVENUE STREET ENHANCEMENT PROJECT, Coronado, California Design and Construction Ad.ministration for a major street enhancement project which i ncl uded new curb, gutter, si dewal ks , handi cap ramps, traffic and pedestrian control duri ng construction. 5. GRAND AVENUE WIDENING STUDY, City of Escondido, California Preparation of a comprehensive evaluation and cost estimate for widening and lowering of a collector street in Escondido, Evaluation included utility relocation, bus turnouts, traffic signal relocation, traffic control, and design speed impact on fronting properties. ! REPRESENTATIVE EXPERIENCE (CONT. ) 6. COUNCIL DISTRICT 4 PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT SURVEY, City of San Di ego, Cal if orni a Major public improvement survey (Project First Class) for future infrastructure improvements prioritized in a five and ten year street, alley, and utility improvement plan. 7. ESCONDIDO TRANSIT CENTER DESI6N, County of San Diego, Cal i f orni a Prime consultant for design of a multi-modal transportation center on 8.5 acres. Major features include vehicular bridge desi gn, street improvements , ticketing and comfort station design, landscaping, signage, grading, paving, etc. I 8. AT 8 SF RAILROAD SWITCHYARD, Oceanside Development Comnission, Oceanside, California Prime consultant for design of 7200 linear feet of main track, five switching tracks, access roads, parking areas, 15 to 22 high noise attenuation wall, landscaping, related earthwork and utility design. MAINTENANCE FACILITY, San Diego, California (2 Full City Block Sites) Boundary survey, grading, and drainage plans, utilities, parking lots, and street improvements, horizontal control and coordination with 1 andscape plan. 10. MASTER PLAN AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM, Coronado, Cal i f orni a Master planning study, engi neeri ng , desi gn, specifications, cost estimates, and construction administration for city-wide sewerage rehabilitation, including two new pump stations, two miles of 18 inch force main, odor control equipment, waste oil storage tank, oil/water separator, sand traps, 6 inch to 24 inch diameter gravity sewer and manhole rep1 acement program. c c 9. POLICE ADMINISTRATION FACILITY & COMPOSITE HEAVY VEHICLE t [ * * IX. TIME SCHEDULE/PROPOSED SCOPE OF WORK I I I I IX. TIME SCHEDULE The following proposed Project Time Schedule fs predicated on timely receipt of information from the CITY OF CARLSBAD. At this time, it appears that our only noticeable constraint to the proposed Time Schedule may be the preparation of preliminary title reports for property acquisition. It is our understanding that 1 to 3 months may be necessary to complete all the necessary research for the preliminary title report preparation. A more exact time schedule for title services can be obtained once the preliminary alignment has been approved, and the number of affected properties are I I I identified. I ESTIMATED DESIGN TIME SCHEDULE (Assumes a 15%, 40%, 90% and Final Submittal) TIME I - I TASK DESCRIPTION ALLOCATION 1) Research and Ground Control ..................................... 2 weeks I 2) Aerial PhotogrammetrylBase Map.. ................................ 3 weeks 3) 15% Submittal................................................... 3 weeks T 4) City Review..................................................... 2 weeks 5) 40% Submittal................................................... 3 weeks 6) City Review 2 weeks I I I 7) 90% Submittal. .................................................. 3 weeks I I I I I ..................................................... 8) City Review.......................... ........................... 2 weeks 9) Final Submittal 2 weeks TOTAL PROJECT TIME FRAME 22 weeks ................................................. I I I I I I PROPOSED SCOPE OF WORK TASK 1: Research and Ground Control 1. Research of CITY OF CARLSBAD and COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO records, including street field notes; and sewer and water district notes and records for centerl ine and property 1 ine control along the Right-of-way, both horizontally and vertically. 2. Research records for existing improvements, within and adjacent to the Right-of-way, to establish criteria to be met or improved (indicating where additional field work must be done). I 3. Lay out horizontal and vertical aerial control points, along the Right-of-way and intersecting street, within 200' either side at centerl ine. I 4. Concurrently, geotechni cal service i nvol vi ng R-Val ue Testi ng (1 irne treatment testing) and pavement deflection evaluation will be conducted (i f/as author? zed). I TASK 2: 1. The alignment route will be flown and photograpmmetrically prepared for mapping purposes. 2. The existing centerline and Right-of-way will then be surveyed by our field crews. They will tie in existing centerline (and offset monuments and property corners along the Right-of-way) to the previously set horizontal and vertical aerial control points, and establish elevations and coordinates for the mapping. Upon receipt of the aerial control, 1"=40' topographic maps (with one foot contour i nterval s) wi 11 be prepared. 4. A conceptual project design will be provided at this time, in preparation for the 15% submittal to the City. 5. Geotechnical services will be complete prior to 15% submittal. Aeri a1 Photogrammetry/Base Map (requi red if maps are unavai 1 ab1 e) I I I I 3. I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I TASK 3: Fifteen Percent Submittal (15%) 1. The conceptual project design (including alignment, grade, and section 2. Intersection concept design will be submitted. 3. Geotechnical findings, including pavement and roadbed test results, will parameter) wi 11 be submitted. 1 be submitted. TASK 4: Review by the CITY OF CARLSBAD TASK 5: Forty Percent Submittal (40%) 1. Property corners adjacent to the Right-of-way will be tied into centerline where new alignments are needed, or additional Right-of-way will be required. The property corners tied in at this time are not necessarily just those right on the Right-of-way. Office personnel will then utilize this information to establish the existing Right-of-way, and calculate the necessary additional Right-of-way needed to be acquired and plotted on 40' scale maps. Control will be established adjacent to existing improvements. The existlng improved lengths of road will be cross-sectioned and tied in if they are to remain within the new alignment and grade. Field crews, concurrent with the above, will cross-section and gather additional survey information at intersections. At this time, we will 1 ocate and detai 1 existi ng cul verts , drainage channel s , driveways , berms , etc., that will have to be met or improved with the new improvements. Water main valves (and sewer and storm drain manholes) will be located, and inverts determined at this time. 1 I 1 2. Preliminary Right-of-way plans will be submitted. 3. Preliminary Traffic Signalization/Conduit Plans, and Preliminary Construction Cost Estimates, will a1 so be submitted. TASK 6: Cjty Review TASK 7: Ninety Percent Submittal (90%) 1. Final Right-of-way Plans, Opinions of Probable Construction Cost, and all I Plans , Reports, etc. , will be submitted. 1 I I TASK 8: City Review I TASK 9: Final Submittal 1. Predicated on the City's comments, final revisions will be made. - NOTE: This Schedule is an approximation of time to complete analysis and design based on 2-week review periods by the City. Unanticipated work, or delays in reviews, will affect the Schedule. We have based this Schedule on a project we have under contract that is very similar to this one. I 1 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I X. STANDARD FORMS \ * L In& alL EO .F n 7 7CCI E (or0 WV) .P *r 'P malt we >* c, tto ww CCI bJv-.r V)m ZL I-+ W co I I" I I 1 1 1 1; I :, w I: 1; Ig I; .- v) I: 6 I - 0 v) 5 .- m Q 0 .- VI C m e 6 - m 3 t 0 t - - m V .- t LC -0 CCU 0 rmc,-omv,-c=L LuE ce '3-r m L e- a, >--a,mo>4- \a0 tn OLQ -0 u -7I.L LSWm3Lv) to LWL&UT.F mLw xn O mc~u RJ m m LLm 0.- e- k3 t 5 ov L mrmSSm0 OUL a,o 't L-c 2 a L'r * U'Cc, m QL b2 a,3--wc,n K-7 @= c, oc, rtl E: .r. c t Q v, -vooE~a, *.- nZul.- 2 5 n2 ca, UtLL Wc, OF a,a0--€= aw'" .f % a, '$ 0 -C E.-€ =ay a,>m aJm .f+" .f a, a, .C Em= m g gk 2% b L =I- w= my:: E m u- mz Vzg:$tu- aJzce E: 7 arzfnnQ -n -aa,, v a, .- .#-L vag f2 Cn? m.F-0, .r * E* & .r a, 23 >*- .FA* a,*- L sc 5 g ?z QL u t v, aJ-r+J SaJ"2 >*L 0.r m* L >mu gzg E= zgmo nc, LC, Em S &oZt+.- t 3 w-.? a,am Q= a,W *- =-gs uav *- c, v,d :*s< 2's 0, -g .r.r aJwaDaJ2:g m*;a v7.Y t - m u wF .raJLO =em ace .Fwm" tKa, oa a, -rQ) t'- &.&%0-- .fnm 2.L 5 --s 5 5 E; F z Oar m'7 V @?* et- OtL '%e a~oO.fom = 3~.?~;~ =hEcWw t- rei?%- L s; gs?g 5 t 0 ma, nc2k::;E+3 0 22 .= w u mv ma 0 E a,UL>WL nre r.5 mm a, tQltSv oa u-k:! m r t LQ = 01 w-- 0 rm h c,=- a, c .wm e- ? w taJ m >t m SU E N -\ CI .LV 0 o--.- m-0 ma, I -0 - Qc, wm 0 V 1, Ua 0 0-x Ut &* mN t= ,U I maJ VI.- t u E K' 7 YV O*WmmL OCcY mc, + L3 *c et*? 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E E tu-<& Oa, OUO* a, L'cm mo, .Q-W 1 st- aJD v L 0 0 =I LC-'%@ n*r.t-c,v -aJ 0.- a, v s U4- v-r at- aa, a, *r mc, t m t- m L aJU .r L 0 .C aJL > cc~ma,.~a,a z-7~ .Q'3CC,mc,Q c,-.vLC)L5C)C)'r OM S-rQU E Q, 0 WY, -t- m 5 .r a, at- .r 0 .C 0 .r- c, -r L LXO-mrCIoOr LUY, o Emuau-FZuauu-umeon L (u V V V, a VC, P.-N -mwlmE c,tn - Lo *rLCEUL Ut m >mmwwo U-- U 41 -r- a, a,* *33 Lm 00 0- I .r v) " --- L- m a, --aIu n- V IL ac1'5 a, "a .n .- E E;*>'5 c 0 u- m d U L %; b 'CIaJ * T a, m P f - -r -mu- E5 r-s UOW 0 L. 3 .F 7 KG 0 mza- a,o > L .r .r *r 6 a,moraa, a,* Urn ma, 0) t t o, 2Lg%-wa, LC oc, -0 St"% am 7- v) - 0 t n.2 a, 5 =.r- .r .r 2$ t7 e m t $2 a, -0 .-sm.c c, mO&pC rea, Dn t .:.E t ZUu- a, a, L 0- h5 k m*- v t O-- a, CSaJ tisz: maJ .- - 3 .r h .- n 5 V to 0 -t- -m mL .N a, D m=- L vc, 0- om h .- m > - v,m;(cm KO, rn > -7 0 m .- W =I o, Q, L- E t al e, v) - - \PC v e? e .- .. -AI $5 z. I :a, - 2% b V 2Lua,*- .C E mm U 3g x- Ew a, >- Lfn m t 5 ro mc, sc, - aJ1-W a, a, "0 E aJ.v L c Ed u(u - .- aJ v t m-r-.t- rn I - Lc, .Eo - vz rn W m- - .- v)\ w- I. a, IL la .r m*E wm E 0-= t: 6 c .r a, n.E uw L OW .. wx vewh-5 ~rc a) v) f g g3;*&L ul m 0. 3=$ mooo a; 2.- v) an ww F Ud - %L bE *3:2mgz .kt: +aJ V sz + Z0 n D Infnac 0- c, & r ag >z - E? .r 2l-Q a- .- 00 1, aJgcvmtrQ1.r- OtU *r 0 $j Dt ,- cf W m .. a, *- t- Ii? CL x -Y .. $5 3 En 0, 2 6" fU c, Ef 2 pa c"L E.. $6. - Om 0, .= : L o '5 t -0 K -0 x '2 t v, - FZ K t-2 -us n cor a, m 0-A-u =I L ma, 1; .- .- .. D- o,m L al S" :: .s E? a er 0, Zrn t @-- ou- mD* -0 0% 52 $ ww -x -7 OQ k ce-m V-xm-q d 6% -- m ci CLQTtL mL -I-€ 1; s=I .PC v) .r gnQ I. 0,= - t 3 on+ .- a,-r-r L t L ma, 3 Ez m za, LC zz 60 c cda, dL =I- wo-~mwm eo ~n U .r 3 n n n m 0 mPsQmD Z0- U- m \ 03 4 4 - u 2 0, p. - v) .- c u:, u$ I; 12 Ii u -! Ig I: a 1; I." -8 - m 0. fn C e t 0 0 > 0 -- 6 - (I] .- - v) vi C % a 7, E rn aJWL LC, -worn Ou-Tt= u-u mu *om - - mN+ -a raJ - - TLO orcnrut uov-r~or CLwormVI s-otm o>vrVI OaJ .? aJ m .F mum *r- .P om .r- Q, aJ u-w-m .r- aJc VI VInw m %CL L*r t L A.rhS 2.: L b.F c - m3 a; 6 (u U c $ mz :;.:z*; ..P 3- 0-2 ,"$3 0' 0-3.F --aJ-3Fs .r- :EQ,- ow .FaaJ m2v, v) L t aJu-aJ zz m3 v w cneP ucv ;o aJur p0~~LQ, tmou 3 cLV7 a, a=? ;; m O.r.w 'aJo$ZgE aJ m+ E > K3 -0 t -- -D E.:$: %c 3 x= E g mL hZW am% 3 *; ma- VI*+-.f=;5 w-+-F-cVImvu; aJ*uaJ= +v)Y c,=ou, L U',+.I- aJ> E? . LnOUg2+m + UL == -3- :CLq u aJt I-QUi-r- U O-.,II -%g .-a~-.~ -um~ c CaJ Uy_v)Lt 0x7 ?+J Am ml- -0 L- 9v 2% "5 k.5 g 3 g L Ez; 0, e~ .- &L Cn: rn37Z.E z maJy>o+- -a- - I 0 m rn v=l- aJu VIF.?%-oaJa~.7 tt- LtOVZ t *- m LXt aJ Lo*- kfi5 g;t .s>r >x t r<.P 3 t aJ VC, 0, Q, XUu m.r VI VI., m'z' $= .-.V.P O v, != v 0 - zz o,"';;*, s- J tu .=TI rzm 0) L LC, m*ClJv) 0, c 0 m.,- -sen: m= aJ-~4JcCy aJ m m= o e - e? E .P .- o >o vV,-r-"6- m- =&+a a .PCnOUaJ ew., c, &.I- -u t= =J L u L- =*P-- ncnvU'E Z.gt m L v) v)z IQaJ 0 w-*:-- E "Zz 2 LJ $=LC, 0 L osrro3m .P +$aJg& =-I- aJVIu~w+ t- c aJ3wcpw hng.2~EE., L- rn mz.k.+.g Lv)~ 0-;5: mtu+ -2 & gz 22 m ,;zS- rn mc;z Q)-., m c&&pL.P.F c;l"Lpm a:+ Ew 03-.FaJ3L t t fa % z-Z.5 Ly a t omw E VI aE -0 L f9c 3.7 CeaJ c- mw c"-Jh;t-t < -U23Fz -rcCQ~V~c'r mm aJz a m $2 . kz ET m$u O% fn ".E m c nY m *ms;:s*- - u-ou sLzo*~u.~ ntm oO~L<C~E~mv .? 0 - .P m t -- -7 LJ t 0 y- "'c, r: a;;: Q, I.a %.-X aJVI -0 umaJLTEmug >o caJLz. WL -r *vox+ uuooaJ .zzC h P +*$ 0 L v E W" v Lu at L-= n- 0-x a~ a~ VI =J 3 m L30 *z .,ma-- al>aJaJLL .v)OtLC" v .cum--> AmuL ta~mv~,aJa~~~cnsz ->.vso)c,c)L~J~ m*mv)~m E+oQ,~JL~J~ uu Iu'3aJo aJ t=*- aJ.P-0 v) v)r:-r aJ u Q,WZ*F aJ rc LI L aJ a, WWaJ moc,v)cm waJvm.rtt uwwtm>t cnrtma LWL3 Q)tS WLrn.I-aJL cn3aJtLOO Stc-rLmm aJmmLE 0tuaJ =a+ ma~wmu cic,~anvv -c1m+-uc,- u-m~,.~ I--PV,C aJVI €5 =*2 4cs - w.-V -..lv, ?>*-VI S-Wmh.? - C.3VVLCv, C, L m., 0 .P tw aJ QJ L *- T+ maJm . -- ua o*;;.,u n c e- 3 v) L ?u-= r= n IncnLOaJO mu mv L 3 >.r aJ L.?r- t m aJ L e- 0 .., ms*s aJomgz Qp: w cum- -aC, > g L aJgy =z x25guv aJ 2'Yk vo OaJ taJuou - E? ; 2 u-l .y..f .:.E m u c, .y C, 0 aJ.2'5 WL < =*- t .r-(e,wwt ULQImv) 3 a Q, g E t aJ L t g L*r v al-a mz hFzLz z k20-u u 0 >m s .P L aJc 3 h c/) 5 t v ~ o o *P i- m SaJ -7 E? 0 v, c m m cc*P CI- a e t c" -r >, m Q, -- t I .n 3SLXES> :'=VI 4 0, VmL ZOF I .C b Lv)v) vxcn 4 m aJaJz%lJ+m UV-, OL E U cum ?ab z d .,-3EuOZ a ., al=J LaJ LZZ 6 5 d c, W-r-VI x.+ b vg?&U- am aJ=aJm+ 1, m zu E aa~ m- 5 aJz 3 .E w t, m~zp:~ L= 0 - 2s - 0 gLp -2% GU% C xEom= D- u- m u ST c Q, > F - xo: f? - m 3 w ., 0 vw L v) 3n uc, 22 9 ,=ttaJLO= up z2 m Q, Q, t VI aJ €5 c cy - .r-3' .aJ K ON ,o 0-Q, sw > - Vh 'iii mzEF -= SE, x-su- aJ -Do E k .P LLO - m3 mu- LC,", 8 % me x- k cow Q .-,u~3aJ; Av)CIJ 012 5 P 4CL og255s zmz 7 55 +gz L x0 5 2- 3% 3 mw ..we f ::us &&I 5 tz .. 0" L g 4 N S aJ+m -a cnht c, VIaJ LO -@*F I .r . T- .r w .F fn 1- x-0 a rv, m c CL mmmJ=t" > u L - KLVIC, EL VaJ .- Cd - c - .- - h " \Lf m 5; aJ a; az fm? E?2 4 91 v)L .P +-D aJ v) dl E ., .- L Q, ET K - my 2 mv - .e4 f - .P - v)am mv w mw .E L 3 at- D m - OE .P r_ UN m 2 ZrZ WL' - m 00 & m ed c.% z tu a .. m -3 3L 0 E., E E+) 0 a+- 0 e gpwO ?"t;vm". m L .. * c- st: fv, m .cE I .P t E2 TQ €- - v, v-~ o,n Born F,O au v) EL mzE a& gLU2 8 sg On P,o nk =z rn - S 0) - -maJLmmc .Fcmg K km wv) x8 *cm~aJuClJwaJ~.r-m m LJ=aJ-r aJ mu .- &Y =u v)m -0 QZ ow a, '3 n 0' L 0 01 t.r-.l-.,TCT:"W L &g ~.P>-!=.r- VI- v)l-Ql- 0 mu-- m %+ Y?0 60; i ci, .- > .P r -m 52 u umsl-a, Le-?- t 3wmon =no - CU .rC3Ot rn30 E: L 00 L e Ln .r .r CL-ECmL v! c,L m0ccc00ta c, t3 .rrC.rL*rccc- v a0 1 a \ W M ! aJ c, .r 2% 0) tWT *tEaJLL L a, -.. u u mvs2LmLLww aJ c, es u V-aJtUL ov3.Q w m m *P .r- 0 Vl-3 0 am s > L. 0 m -s v, L? ncu W L sc 0 t ma0 US L QaJ E .r- - .P > L+J re VD.C 10.0, > U Ot om L- UQ 3 ? 3 d XaJ L V %L c,* u Vm *P v, *Q ic *r s 0 aJOcr,3~ZLcn3 *P .P 0, uL=$-etz 5 u-LaJ.r-maJs 42- 0 mm .Q%&-& 0.r re 0 5 L 0 aJ.? *s != ov 3.l- Q- 0 CLZ =%m -r pgp$WaJa,w* aJ 3: ohs L"u-=m mu U m uz.$Z t Ln fz o c La- "&a - USSSW < *r c aJ oc, c E 0 -E 2 .. 0 m L I Q 11.? c, SaJ s nm 0 '$ WL 10 gz - 0% 25 hG ma clc, 0 ;a EC %E 2 Uk m% hx w 0.2 2s - re L Ev- aJ "m icW aJz > 5z I.%$b aJ% 0-0 >x aJ :%! 0, ma a, m IC 0 Cn- SD .P .P SQ tle OE .P 33 ?* .P VJ Ln S m VJ E - Q. c, W S En 0 7 .r vu v, U c 0, -s lus e?- m c,- rn UaJ .r L v)o UreCcnS" L.5, U 0 C zu's oc, La W00'aJL$ OV, ss s .P 2 re = *r tlUV m 50- E- Lb 00 0 t *& 3 aJ w-IAmaJ s-a LnmoLaJ SP v) != .?E W h m Ew aJ tm c, 00 *r L s " Wl 7- >u ma, a. .P nw I E aJ3 I-& me aJaJ WE -u 5?*$ -E *m smso =u =+ c *r- mo= "gsuosu m *PEG E3 " s gre"-pT- 0 0" aJQ L 'prg gu aJ n > -= m 6 O zu-*r- aJ ?$aJLog- aJ"X3 v c 0 L .r at Lv 0 c aJ: E$? 2.: '2 Lc,C*L';;-o? ?? ?; ag% 5- maJ a- 2% Cnu aJ k- 's; &=: ,zg 3g.ErQ"aJ aJ us n =e m.rs - -L om Ln.r*rVJuro hZ h,.r-aJ h hw Z'? VUE v) -u O-LmaJ > ma *.rhQ>.r, P, wom,~~';;; +*EWO I c mo u .- .r '0 142 .C v, .PO Wgzc--L cpc OaJ ob W 2- E4: gz +a - :E 02: OaJ 0, ** I 0" VI aJ 'r m ms aJ .P Q vo aJ OW? a 3ru.r -m 0 1% ST a Ot*UsOWs? us *, c, Log *+ m E* h 0 "c, tnLn*r- cat mUtm0 aJ m aJ *r mxre ccc 0 u>o XS%c,E *a, F.7 a'$ s m.r aJ LC m.,-aJwwWuom o urn OO~ ;56' om nL omu urn aJ u>oaJ-r-mv, I Lo cl> Gncr c, c,u m Cn7E F> CSLXXLUCh K SraJ 'PfUC, 'C.7 rera a420 sw am 3 0 Ln aJm Lic u c aaJ LO rer- VaJ $5 Ln I I vi w I E .- LL 0, L- f 0 f 0 '0 - 0, c - - h u 3 m 3 > 0 m C 0 m C t m> m m N L *r - a aJ t* Ob \ '& s '1 " Ekim a LV Dm - (Ij aJ vim LL? 0 LLWZ 0 -r e< +- ZL .P z S? .. Isl 3 E? 2 m g-5 34: V S L - 2 m 0 'E 0, *P E- - b Eg. cn Q .- vi LL)- $S m x .-o - t k 2 F-' Qu cw n" - ;g W : 5s 20 - 2 m 55 m zg n-k z~ FZ 2 Grn d v dd, - .- z: .- G - - N -P - d .- 3 E-. (Ij E d -+? vi4 0" 0,6 KN~ v) 0 u v) rn V a p. v) t .- - - V W u; N; 5 2 .- -3 - az m - my L - 0 L .- m $0 m LO% w t .c- w mCT @J %p c- am CT 07 .= - CA s LO a h 01 Y 8% r-al 0 4 v) m a - .. W - L GO Ln - -v, - t t a- .- - - a) 4 b 0 3 .. .- >u- ax -v oz &In a -r .= .r 0 Ow a)+ s -2 '3 - a2 € 1 ?c,uhm?W- a- rtvc,smaJm n** m w aJ.r.l-.rU L 00 0, 3 .q?n~ms -ooP zo.- no-u m-c, . Lnmmtnv .r L- *PE3UlS m- s IC, O.?" ,aJmoU.rL(A LA3 v**m s m-a Egg UmL -t*- C.? m w nu" m5 ** aJuxma2"j;smu S n XL m -tom u.? .Pwo.faJ .E0ZW L Q," a, 0 5 aJ - 0 7 t w L aJ.2L L > .mc 2" kg.+. L I= E .r s 0 aJ -P Lnbw3mm Loic€ :? 5;mvt'" v a 2 &L Q 0 so EL=u .?E% ic y L mm .- aJ a)- * %qJ.yJL=-*h *aJ c,Lv=z*5 aJ" 6 s-5- 0 aJ.P u WW L- : .r- > tw- h?J".P h&?fs r *% c.2 bgl--$n* -sg -6 - u=& aJ L2.Z.Z L 5 L u =b-=mc-u vc, tg QZ aJ uL aJ ,,bLEEZ% v-5 .I - t ma5 t f t-0 g gE iaJw El *r L 0 aJ0 0 Q, s wo .a v*Lv'z3E m c,Q > O -w -r- VJ w I- -r- v, icgCELng-"~ oo o.,u L aJ.P= = m ma, .-urn - a, .r- Eg .. gz ;s? wn . v) -7 u= 0 aJ mu Q-I- w E= r -0 w"'EOfO C,x -rC mC,Eo,o3~~O an zmsgLLmUE OW *.rmOOm~O LC *r3z&&mcv am On Ci, .r L QIU 52 XL crrw UP nu+Jn ~WUv)C I I c cev)wv)+J +J t r t 0 am 0 0.r-C Q, v -- m m 0-r-r L v) WLm .r u L m .C JL -r v)+JmVQ> Cw v)+J c, ,Q,.rLlnW-r ox ,zg maJ~rI,oc,~o aJa42-w-U L - 0 D Q, m u C m Ln t (ZI 7 v) C 0 0 3 > D f U c a m- - a .- c e - - - m 0 .- .- u v) m 0 0 Lo .- - + .- c! 4 E! c. n - 1: 4 @. :; p 4:z 9. W x 3 - .- &.,, - E iDDZ pLl +=? rn :- .- u - a, zs> 0 yco c, .e Y mu cu c [I, -2 s m + Kc W e2 4N 0 4 z ~ 3 -- z2 E e a -vl- b 4 0; c, W r, d d e; - ;E cm; v) $; f s -3s a, =u 1= gg ;U$ v1 f Fa,W -u EZE m zz z= z: 6=2! ,o - .- d 25 r" -g <zL 9 -E<E c .- 2 c Z 11- = u .F no o - fA +X 2% E 22 .- c, .- Cn Y** i SEE 2." oQ" 8 .= .E -5 o\tl-E "I v) .- = aJaJaJ - r8 -I.: z.2 += c OWa, 0 .s*, Q, rn-0 >m u- 05 g! ccc ._ LL 3 .=c G -;-z-; X r - Kc" ccc + = Llu m' uuu 6 CU Y Ev, = - g Tz 3 --- .e .- .- O cog -." 202 &Z$ .- .- .- = + m E2 In-- mwot La 32 3 8 G$ .. .- E uuu me. w.2- gz gz U.fE - +\\ q Ez; >-L 9 %- .- z;+J .Egng~ n: -c - L- Q\: Faaea g U-3 .- UN m m+* Em _. ii 6 -- wz .%e .-"& =-ti o) z I\ .% hhh qgc" p& .=> .- f? 2 44 - tu -' zc3 y --- O&O-u- 0'; O-n aLL3 0 C W -- * Uh 4 v) w- L 4 .- L R 0 0 - - U 0 0 \ m -- n LI al * .- t - -x Q ma, 0 om (D ODt 3 _- +e. -2 c .- t 0 m H m 1- .- s1 .- - G ~3-g - nmz mc b mn v) E 0, L 0-8 > 3 _- - .- < 3 v)< +uJ 6 fnh nc &: I=uw 0 .- LLL \ L -z L- 00 -_ u 2 V 0 .- t a gaJ 3 - cxrn Or m .- 5 - wo L Lv1X m UzE zg OX QLc +m +3+ .- -a *- .- -\ .- a, i- n 8 m =a a*- m Lz 0 L a, .- - >>> ouv) .w -a -z c .- .- -5.5 5: -mS1 f .= .I h t .- .2 5u gg 4 if< '4c 5; &.% my E= 02 rnL a'a 2- $ w 0 od - ei,I 13 I t I C W .- CnT GH $2- clm yz Es:: a ttt x .- m-- .-U 03 .- mmm f wm Lc, LZL n 0 LL Cr\ L 00 0, 0 rz, 5 b 0 m I u) .- E 5 ra z a7 *- .E - E no VZ : .: .f -= P) @)a, L pc 2 ca, .- zip x-- m w.5 E52 Q) .- .- m -1 v) CW? .- !- \ 0 e- g: V P M Q g % z 2 : =r 0 .- m*a, E Xb (I3 \OLr& .- k& L ? E3.5 zu P 6 C ui: vi Fz c zvi f rn Cl L( g2 iE p25 ct? d F .. .3 ;w FZ trn 8 kG* .I? ui g8 - a .I! Q) .? ..GZ L g c-G? F& al arm .Pu €% -rnL gr iia x .2--- af f i=SF <rn za Q, 5 --\ va* .- $^ - ET; .41 .L urn c al m?L f sp?4 -h v o\ >-" U&,Zrn < + m.5 5 e .E? !& I5 zr,m am zr, h' cd d d ?jai - Y - OD cw .- In- .- - *- - CI) .- - .. al Q rn .- C 00 .- t ~aor ._ m rig 6 5 I- gg$-lIJ 0 0, 2. a). Y 0 00 .. .- fi! n OF .. .- \ - E m.\ L .= -3 C aJ .- .. L e L -- .- i u= eo - 9 r;; :-E *vi$ 'i;. %Ern fam s 2 E 'Z -c +m=_ ;2 ," zg '2 fa u .- -= 222 05 ra -fa C I: gu 00,o a *f 2 0 12 +? .f ,o 0 ..h+ ug .fu ZT * rnwg -2 2 z vi€ EZZ 22 grit f 2.25 LLL 0 -. 0 LU QU EK $E= 0 E u2Lg sfa VZ 2 5;- c.. 0 .%E= = L E] 'J 4- 2 ce.2 p++ 5 03: os C a- a x- gs ,u 0; c %Us - .- 2 =E" g: ray 7 - .- 5;s am go= cw m< g3.q = .Vxc 2 uuc 6 zvi"a, 3 .f ; 2 m r--E 83 mu4 &5 usf=Y! .g =*:"; 0 a, E $ v, vi.2- w gnS&ad -0 a,Tj- -urn- $2.; : $I$$% c g+czz .?E ram++ 50 6.5; rn a, 0 --c,"ov, u- E U- 00 Y--( a,QC .- 0 0, rnsQ, LU -rn vi2 - Q, r* v) + In-- 0 .- .e - -+ 2 0 w s .. -2 -- g.g 3 T5 t-20 L +a vi c *; e-= vi x z O&OZmE ao -LC=- ci,I I I 1 I I I i ! j I I 1 1 1 ! IF , .- I LL j I L 0, 11 ! 1; ! I ! $ 1; 11 i I I 5 is i C 0 m N m V a, Q :a I\ f! .- - I I .- - .- I I .. '0 0, m - ! I ;l 8 11 I 'C ! I I 0, C 0, 0 V v) - t *m > Q, .- - .- Q t, Q - .- H - E 0, C a != 0, v) v) 0 Q, - m 0 - .- .- c .- c IF \s: v) > jc m\ :b '0' j dj 0; i I I i $6 c I DO cnltn I COUC ca I cu I , I 01 CI I I +d i 51 d I i5/ \ c)I L,; 01 i c; I 4 : C m C IY .4 LI I-, G, I '6 .r( EffiLI *GQ@ c 'r? c U L. c cn m C) 0 0 u O 0 LI LC-4 CW-l3OG,>+UQ +0au .choaoaLIhC) coOci0 u i, 0 IC 4 0 tU O > L! c) U .-! C C 2 a, .icxLI L v;c)(vcnm~.ioL 2C) - -x CCL, .bin ow apQ 0 m LLIC x & v) 0 0 r, 34JYES)C'C~ ac)C)a,LL. p+il j .: 00 L')cia=uc -mwX LT 0 OPCOcn i:C)UC LI- m cur C) L.4 > 0 0 uc LC.+ >CO r; V >&>3LCG,& *LIG,C,OCEQ~ -4 ciuC) muu U-iL-rirj 0 m cnLCou~C)-Ic!mo~ o<+c g ?\.E'\ .ia L, CC,>~ 13mk11r:cci.n .ric c, U r v 4 ; I e( z x pi 6 $;.:::y-;:",Q:o0, *Eu 'D x E m..-la a-rim & C)UU * v)I U 0 .- c ma>. dcO.m-oEm 371 'n 04 a, ffi (0 cnuri-4 LC L: LC 0.: c 0 c 0 0-4 2 a,- LC-I-dcnm vu mC)>.-ccaomoW3..-lCLI .. 0 CE C > a & 7 o C) C cn LI o L u a L gl mlLCWC 'c ucn i, LC c ..d OL -IoC)CC).dcmL CCD3 0 U >+P ?IT 4J-'aLc)4 4 vm!Ej;cclz a c u iP r SI E vu .. .- I$ u, j E; $ 1s -nj ,, m -3 E.c 5l mo .- .- c al g opii$ .- - Pa a, .4 a, 5 C to .. 0, .- GI$ 4I- .- 0: E'Z c: v uv .- -- 3: U a! '0 :: - PI- -rS 44 --I .%?p OC) I 0-dUCh c,-.Es >c I .%? ; .E -4 a,aLIasxG~u40C)Q SI UL.dC) m1--i@auLCo c LIE zg t LIO >.S'.-I u u mCO.-4m-4 cn a, 52 . LCmffi ummm ca IT 0 m CO c c oQLC~~0cYmccc~~4L;O~d( Cnm F :& Et .- 0, .- E, 2 o,> 0) 2.0 44 S-4 LC "0 i b! .. 0 c 1 ziz wLr3 m *. Q, 0 V Q, 15 2 a - >. I y i w ig 1 - ri 0, mj = ** .- 1 a)I 'D mm 8: ci, z3&.C-I az.d E ffi -4 L KT X Cn '7 i jl a, n IC; 1 ,"" ,,.-,- "- I' I I I I I I 1 I c. I- u) c 5. IE Q I! L. 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Vrrtv z mv z mIu -v) E+-r E tt - mvv) a- -LW cw mzEn v,.r 0 WO -w-?vOt @L=)mIV, CLV I m 0 o-r-rm ova LLW L -LILc,f- cu O m - T- ccL W 0 *m > O.~ c,tnccv n x= 3& 0.x 0 -r c, "0 n to mww nzwt VI* u L .K u: E 11 L 2 aw 0 W L g u aJ r r w c I: 01 =- 0 =, mw .P .. m m v) ..- c,I wwt # ET7 - -*rSWLc,S t t W E v)-r L-r c,L --rccUWL c'r I mvYc,LIL>c,vm -.r t \m s L > W'3O*r I LtG -rn-r -rO WE -3 v)W -v) ClnaJb .mu - *rVImv-c,C) 0 v)S L 3E v)U-Lm w- oww Nv)'.-v)r c,LzOscwvu aJQc,oOcQ-w-r-wm -ru*l-w -rccc,o mw m mw s -Q w4-sc,os- set -0 aJ L v) E m war-4- E -r-r c, 3th Q-m m-0 m-LL-s LC .-7tL-S ~t~-cuo~no W-~K~O vc, - ts+-'tnw>vro~, - v) -ma c,'?c, *P c, 0m.r -t v) m mmo aJWLc,h - a weaa hU -L*rtC)v).r--CaJ cc --wwwav)v)v)v >mL EX am-- m00p,m0 mt CnOWQWW htc,.F- *rlnc,X 0 1-0 c, 3mmawo? .rv)mc, wt QUO mwcc c,L O*-r%m tv)L >E>L L w >tw m 00 c W LE m m*rE WtnotU WVOttOW(U3 m7EWtLtO -v)aJ e, Sc1 N -*rSQIrCI 3 w w L- m-7 mu- t m LLF WS4JO.r r3u '+-V-.-UCv)ZfU t O >Wac -W'rK'+- ., tWLWL~C,O n aJ.rc, v W-r-c m WI-.? w 7-s- Q, mu w L c,W waJosnmm I Ev)v)*r&>.Qot W*?LEv)mWUEm >@ av- m- mu orc, my 0% w L w 3 m -r >Q -3~.rLL- Qgr m- mt .P m v m L na-0 L mLnw 0 L mt- 0.7 m 0 Q- Z FEwcc o w.- aJ s s L m c.? L- LO E 3 z* n w m-o L LE E e m LO maF OIL E wm m nz-ccn mw v)-.-IL 2s E s-qm np vc, v) t %tu- w o v -.- t E nw on KtEO e21 za - t w Lc, En- w zn aJc EO cer 'P Zc, Q c,u *P W-J vo '3 LL ow LE: 3 1; .r .P 3 -v) LC, as c ac, L v, 3QJ WE mm w 0 cc .r LO 7 L .r m oc, 0 +v m L LO w \w m- urn c,E 2t E -&x Lane I I lVI 5: u2 a; OD 0 aJ 3 c, 0 tu== .r- VI'? r w- I- c, t x V .r VI aJ VIVILtuV) 0 h 0- c, 3 v, c, 10 "2 0 3 s Lo -0 Ece Lo 3 v ULL L'r- aJ OLW 0- aJv 0 h LaJ Lo U *r '3 m 3 00 c, 3 VJ c, v, c, m2 -7 wn tL v E 0 t- 'r 0 u VI c, aJ aJ aJrC, vutum uc, U 0 rerw -aJ ntu = E pC,*r 1; tu 4 e Ln a3 co 03 m cn cn 4 4 4 EW turn La L VIU 3 -.er If L F Y W Y n n ZQ: ne Q: n 00 0 z z OQ YO X" 0 0 vc, m- a" VI0 0- LaJ wo 0 v) m2d W m L-0 aaJv LL .r- c, LLaJ W -7 v) CCI ou .-x 0 .r > t * GaJQ t -07 n .P u om o L Ig i 1: 3 e 5 I% Ii aJ x 0 Y g * w L I- 2 VI L aJ > US-cLI-v) EV S'I-0 V,vlce c,>aJm~o v E aJ m 3 m aJ --I- aJW-c, P)c,ceu v) u 'PU3cT07CIt SUJ aJ3smt-o tux aJ swm aJaJuaJv)oLwaJ maJ 3-0 .raJ*r- L cLv)sc,Ew aJE aJ'PaJc,haJaJ sum t>mm 0007 L+tm .r- Law> u-.r--m 0, x mIT 0 Uv)O aJ*r-LVW VVSLO O-tG QL?? .-o vv E v, *c,>3aJw -r o-qw-r- ncnL E 3 aJL 0aJmv)aaJ ceetc,CCIrcrc,aJQ)raJ *I-c,tPt--LUL mOLULn v)Q 0taJVZOmLv)Q 3 aJ E m m as mu V aJ0 VbQ*r-t'Q5aJV m.30 m v aJF mu aJ sm&stL- *w c .r- .-owwL -7 awm mal 00 mv)t 0t3-.t-t CL -La42 W V,aJ.T c 0- E Qrcl S t- 0, v) aJ V, w L?c,aJ.22 -G.$ v)- c,LUZv)t;)2-3 Ev) v) s.-vv)aJ 0 maJx El- c, *v) aJ w a-r PC, mq-r L aJ CLv) >*r L E CiIT fU aJ C a- e, 'r 5E4JLv- cm .rO 000aJm.- a0 am %*LO ELSO aJwm u'rLvu.rL wm SbtWtWOaJ L tg uowvwm~-v muo -I-Q -ut n .,-L-F~J awn aJ aJSLtS ce as osvrcl>mc, LaJmcnr3wuL- ~3tv*r-o-l---~ CL-aJ oocouc o>c, m->v)om omc -mv-m aJmc,mv-m,EV,o '3LLUCVL vu L-r mLD 0 L c 3 L L > m c v) aJ.7 aJ-r L m s aJ =*I- s Sb aJ 0 n mxh v~.~cec, n Q, E.-W L v) ~ece r: v) E ~IV- v) o LC, &VI vu- E a mu n-7 L mceceu m- m 5-r 2, GVuo2,LU ma Le z- 30 V if w3 aJt tu zc, 0v 'P aJA vo L '3 3 5 .? 1; YE ncer mt 0, 3 n c, aJaJ 5 wc, tE .r wv .I- t S e? LaJ mv) aJ aJ c, '3 3 -r U c,> tno can .I- VL -7 3 LrnQ c,v L L -3 an- 3< mlc 00 scl0 LW 3 VI+ ws u= t- .r t - % I om I IV) .P zE v) '? aJ 3 c, 0 as3 EO r w- c 0. &a, 1, C t V 'C Ln Q, 0 0 h 0 :q LnV)LrnVI 0 z c 0 K) 0 0 0 h N 0 n m n ,:,e, cc) N Lo L*r aJ OLa 0 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 aJv 0 0 .P LaJ .3 m cn 0 uo cr) m n n EL cr) N Lo UL d '? 0 w c, 01 aJ Q)F, cumra *P gq5 t6 V 0 f6Ln -a I! W Lo m W 03 co cn QI I d N QI LD W cn ri d v) a2 Y L 0 3 d Ern t6Ln LaJ L L LnW -u x Le aJ u IE 3; n W 4 I-+ S aJU z 04 s=+< .I- >V U W aJ z ZV .I- Q 0 - n- 04 00 .P c ZW 42- Q,L SO S aJ ow c, cn 0- CraJ v) v)W *P 0 v) om -Om >o wm aJ EaJ c,2-c,.r cnt-~n c-'L~ Y on- 0, n v) m 0 4n m L-0 S 0 s u SF n *P .P v) Y e LL c .r z c, c, .r- ' u L Y 12 IZ F If e VI r z 5 Ln 0 L t * t- bJ L 2 0, % 1; > 0m-Q.r .r- . h aJLC WLN rnaJ42L.r v PaJ smuv cc, mu mN C*r v) 0 v) nshro - c v) L aJ aJ ttc, . -r vu - *rc, c,c,uw -v)Lc,Orcc,'c X-mYm 0- U-~-aJvlaJtK h C).r*r CC L-r m m 3.r42.r 0 so w42m m-s aJmm w -v)uc,= aJ -Ln OWL -33- - QLC-~OU~J 3 L-rOOL c SCC maE+ VI- rc wc,m v m tn-rrowuLn mu 3Q- c, mo ~uri no -3 .taJvaJt wamv >m4c sr~mor v,.~vo.~ .?a c, -CO.rm*rc,.c umEc,mm- 0 - c, LC, v) Ce-reSre KW m -0 u -r > -7 .r s nwm- ----0 -.v- 0, w - -r 0 0- c, 5ewcr.- v)m v)Q--3.r Ls=C., 3Wztms3 twmsn w-c *zz 4JmOOWL - P aJ0aJv)W *-TCICCJ >C at0 .r aJomv) c ,mL, c,mw m-aJoaJc,mc =JI-c,UY 0 smmc,wc m s E 5 L*- 2 !i VaJSaJrc wmm wn mmmme 2gmL ss aJ v) v) mo o+ ?E =e -I-m 0'r)v)nSm v)m m42mLt.r SmLmOLO v)cnv)E3mo~ mr vuu'r mu - LDv) - L e am S LmLn *rVC S -C)*rTW-n v) t-r WUW t C c w t m >- t 0 s w VI no 5 L-v- s-rc,c, m c w-I- cc1 s'r L*I- me-rc, -~rc((cIc) -.r.rL EG? m L a+- nzo on+m QLc,c,W cz 0 L-c aJ m E a s>vs SaJ --rcsw m m C mw 0-I- L w a*- m 3 v I aJ E v L DO v)*r m,t'cY L-r-r v) aJ T3 t-r L t NW W t C LC, *r 0s €.I- CCJ c 0.- LW-0 *r.r 0 v aJ m*u v) 5-rY aJ 3.r L c,.cC).r aJ L+ L Sk-r maJ E m L 0, tL L ~CI@(CIRSO 01 m3t L 0 0 f?3 SOU Q, Cm nwouzw-~-m nwAc,Ev,n-z munxmrv r:a,umv).roi 06s WV) ma 4 2- xn Q)E: t6 =@ @V uo .P aJd '3 L LC OW am 3 5 .? 1; E c, .r nE aJ OaJ ? v, *I- c, c, .? c, -I- .I- mm mv) 1- VL L 0 .P 0, 0 -00 WZy 51- c,n v 5L e ow m4 WE m .I- 0 aJLL4 Q m s4 L L3V -m cv- 0 -7 > c *r v w suo L mv ms Eoa.rV - I-.? -aJ - VI* m 0- c, v) .I- mn I-w-a LreUO) L mcw 0, fu a 0.Q s 0 tu OuaL v, e 4 v: c - CC hE) 0, 0-CV 0 T mC0 hmCDDc -h’ OTV; C9-Q CDC -NOT mC0 ~-NDTLT, G OD= 0 mmQ, Cr, Q, CDO; CDCr,DD OC DDD 03C E= ---- -- -30000 c 00 0 000 0 0 oc 000- -- --- --- cccc -c -“N” h’ OICLDCD ham0 -NC3rL..WhE3 mo-N 0 TLCWh030 O-NmTLPa ha mo- ND T T TTTT TTTm II)mL?LDInLPLDLQ LQWw(3 (3 DWDWCOW b-hhhhh hh ha0 DD D 0 0003 0000 DO000000 0000 0 000000 000000.0 O= DO0 OD 3 .- hOCOOINIDNLnN m I. I c\? c 1 NI a LT, cj j_I c= Y; c 'i - 3' 3 c' m rn .3 PI mu OL' 0 LT, 0 0 C mLt ow m m 0 0 0 NL 12. m Ln Ln Ln Iy m w I' = S I Is i! IU ov,v 12=" u u 5$:"15 I E.- I .?: 1 I' vm I I I - E m 0, U c - * m C L - v, 0 L -0 c a0 *m v,L (0 E t c YL Ltt m- - c L 1 E -0 tu m- m- ww L tu r: t 0 OL KL L L L VU0 3- KWL C rnL- ov ~ wa- L - VL u-- oc m- Om om LL - cnv * - 0- mm 0 0 * YY t 0 cnv, ww LV L- * e- 0 ovo *t v- 0- LO 3rom LC 0 0 mv m-'D ** LLw 5w Lt u-0 rcL Lnm- >> v - Tc om om 3- --a hO c uno -- &L me LLnV 3s -ffi -n A0 UL -r 0 -P- 0 aJm oov, zx vu uv xrn z=w uu DLrn =>v - m -u c 2 ffi hr VL 0-- E;;; m- €x L" Yv, 00 00 Ln- VL Um vo t- C- mv wum u uU 00 r c ox s-t .. u(v Lnh m- v, Dm U \mu Ln -01 42 C '3 m -- L m E 0 v1 >om L LC I 0, 5 r: aL 0 w- L) 42 > 0 m 0 .r n L &A xm CLm S w- Lnh- VI tb V 3 .- N .r 0 LCD L --mz 4 OE E -- mm tu -t P- -L LU LC u 0 WL UL ISL WL 0 -- w v)- -L n- >- >--e 0 cnv Lrnno LU v, 0 00 m- In0 oww ov- v,L L L E- L--Ln L ut w- u- uLm U- ov a- '70 cu- w- cnmv -m = Ln I WOU --Em wro LL nu 4 II .C 9 'G U .cT rcr 0, S 3 m k= c .r P a- L xc 50 mm E.- Df .. wsy WLaJ v, wv LV 5- vi mm *ma=-- 'D 2.E- m- -LO =o VILn mo m0 wo u-c 5: -c VLZ- u or v, 0 - uc, > c >he In0 0 mmv 0 -- L -1 LLQ, -.-o -cc *-L L- >> w<u wmc mnm ~m >3a W+h rnu LLE tt .COT W>N ucE CL L >L Dme -v 3= \em \(om wwo wo 3wm mv, rr cno -n U~O czz crnv vzv mu mzrn nu uv .c c c N m 0, 0, c c c c 0 L CL c. 0 CT V V I I tr;' E I -1 cc. T ir\! I L! cf - c? I1 El c( m 0 0 0 0 Ln Ln Ln Ln CT N Lo -3 4 I 1 m .I c I E m -1 L -f t L L m ?O 0 I Inm E -- 0 I W- L u- b 4 ac 00 m e I L rnL -u w- wo W- tc cm cc s- wv - Uc Dm OA U Lr. v -u m* I -c E: u- m- vu m- mv 54 I rno z *In - v,- m - s- - L LQ Lm Lfc 0- Of 0 D Lm wE E- c UL - - -L q L> . sa urn vz vu 2 c- t .yr h 3; 1 --z I -a --tu E - P X 0 c3 r 0 N .C + Lo ln x .C E c 5 v) \o 0, fC E t t m5 f aJ t -L L .r .* 5m a 0 tt n c A=- cr. LX 3-m vc c- LO 0 w- L tu- WL C CKK VO L (0 4- 6 tL uu- vu a- L am0 CT- L) 3m C c YL- VLi -x& -tm w L-- am u vcv L - us0 oc - UL Cnw wxm m> e LLf5 m- -Of P E> roc c t-- -=a - - - - av UU? w >u s- L =tu- *ID m- 0, a- N- c Eg mcm NZ F vo V Lncn Lo wwz =c 3-0 xffi L'bU = 3 = ZVD vm croz -v - m t v, IC rn I' W c t c c L L P I I LL! W e L( m m 1 z I + i+i qzjf /CIS IC Ls [zi ki I v) -z N r? LD cu N LC: - I* m c; 0 c2 a h cs 0 m 01 Q. c Q. ul 6 m - e - U CL U NE- U 3 1 ll I. 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Em au de a0 3z! 04 a, Uk dd Zk kk am 0 40 c, dnd be d3 z ma oa, um am Klw zz EL4 3m BZ vlvl a,R OU 3v c, uo Gcrl mb mk f . . hu ?4 V kU +)U w am oa, em Q)V 3iO om 00 Fm ma, . 0 -4 ma, a -d -d " a, -d H-4 ad EQ I ?bJ da cc h3 am km 3f ad a3 $a ma, a,b ;G r h c, k ,a, d -4 rn I c Q) a m m a, 4 m -4 k c, I c c c, al -4 3 c -4 d 3 c N 0 FV do a, a a, -4 5 tn -PI 03 d c, . 3 4JU tn m m4k tn -d m aI4m k dc, m a, U 5aJ 44 c 4 X rd mc G Kl 4J.lJ c -4 3 c a, am4 IO4 - um4 me k- 5:. 0-4 U d-c, m4 mom a,v da, &a, u5: - kd - rlwm c, . z - I 0 oaa, -4-4 woo H 0 Urn m 44 cc,a, p: oc:3 ma al a, -4 m FWQl aH a, ma, 4k-PI a,& tn c m G-4-4 k 0 -d k -4 (d -4 am As? aJbU mul -tan r: c oc,c -dan ma, -n CI an ur: k d dd a,c -dam uu3 x ctn m c -d -4 u.c3 kk zkc mrdm kCc ka 3.c kc au txmh ww zam GWO rnBd ~rnm rnpI 2m am Eli2 ( d LI m 5 E a, U nu.: a, mo OF -4 -4 c, 5 .o' &OF UGa zcnz DF OH DID a,ma am ua,m 25: ohm maw a,c mm am a,c 44 ( A -4 m4 v av E. -V a, krn a, x a, '-IJU 2 d 34Jv -d3 UUH ma Q, F l- Q F .- (D v- v m F F 0 F 0 7 cu Q, F F F W V U V U V V V U u P P I- W P F r- I- u P m 0-7 m 0 m m m m 0 m 0 0 0 d 0 0 0 0 d 0 I I I 1 1 I 1, 1 I I I I:: I .I 11 0 In Ln N In 0 co 0 In m In N ri rl rl rl r- hi .L 8 I 6 c c H m 0 0 -4 c, ul a, F m u c k ul -4 a, a, 7 r=: a, u a, 4J -4 -4 -4 4 Q4 04 V a- GV w m -4 -. LII- u4 a,. 0- a, u- kO mo V d c- cnm u. tn ua, a, eo a0 00 0 F ID .tr pi ma, ma, da, wo rdV ua, 0. a, bk -4 -4 ka, a, -4 la -4 -d 4 -4 *d c,a, EL 4 m -4 0 -4 a -4 a a m -4 E h 4Jc an an hP -4 m Vv) ric Ik uc kc a am zv) U2H 8m a,c uc e3 ma Oh kid plv) PIH Bv) am . k a,v c -IJv a ao PIF av OD a,e w 5s e3 om a,4 -:$ ib kd c c,v m a,. O0 a,u mZ c 52 04 g ZU 5, YJ a-d ha, tn m VF 0 ‘x k tnw a,c c,a ‘xm me -dm mu1 tnm 3 a, m n -4 c, 3 -4 F a, c & c a N 3 k -4 m -3 a h c, -3 pi ri L, -4 In LEl a, -4 k c h .-l m c, 7 a m m k m pi 5 a, m 0 3 k c1 H 0 0 4 -4 X G m a, z k -4 0 m m a, -4 c, a a a, 44 GO ri m -d m ri ri ma a I c ul w a, c Q4 k 4 a4 034 -I+ 4 -4 4 v b4v wr: U c, c, a a0 mv -4mo kO w -4 In -4 E a, 0 -4 . . . t B3 p “0’ k k 2: 1 m . mv 7 . h. 4 a- u -If4 2 EuZ tnn V a c,. b- EL ma, dm m 3 -4 ma 4Ju-4 l-irl auo 4J xmv % 2*% a.4 5: 1: m c, k. a hm a, .-loa a3 e4 c, 4 2. v)F O0 om4 m .I+ c‘J warn aa cua a,F mm ka 111 -4 Q .Q 4a.Q u 0.4 Ea -4 [r) Ea za ~)e Gc m4Jc mul ulmu kLl emu cc we -4kC ma Ohm om -4 m kmri c,4 wu cc ktnk 77 rlcc mu ard aria os oma am uu am UlEU mu uam 4m 00 3HW uv VBW Zrn wm aa,o c,o -4a amc, a; a ko a,a, $2 0 c3 m CD b a 0 cu cu cu cu .- (u rn ct cu cu N cu cu V V V 1 01 2 U V V V V V V V 0 a r I- m m 4 ri 4 0 0 ri ri 0 ri 0 0 .- c F- u co r- r- a u b u) r- r- m 0 0 m m 0 0 m 0 0 ~ ~~ ~___~~~ ~ I~ o, -- e- d e d u- CI) 1 0 01 o, .- CJ c3 \ 1 1 is LC cca L, c= c3 1 gczg 3 1 c\I e 1 C - OQ, I 0 LS EZ-05 cu 4 0 c5w 25 5g :6 3: OP 4 4 I 1: :g I jj5 o= I 20' u =g I 1 ;; 1. 1 Zn 1; 5% 1: I j;: II us* I zo [ E=a I '"t 00 - C 0 G G N oc h 03 -3 01- -- .) 1 a8 ;a g& $7 a S S L S 0 0 0 0 u :n c,cc l-, .C 0, -r - L L L5 3 3 +J c, l-NmoLDCDba3o)o L" Ln c/) C\IN"tUoJVCUCUCUm -7 c--L -0 v 0 ow 03 OL 35 3a LO soa .r t .? mQL as5sm I no I mo s 0.r .C I Q - EO ao h nnnn--nC-- c, c n I I -. 0 0 .f 2 .: m5- m 0) Qn EX-? LaJL taJL g;La *Lee QLcc E:: 2: LLG L'5 =a-5 QO - EZ Ins n ,>I Q a c - EO m .rLnC) 0-0 $ 3 - E v-oa L Q, 30-P s- E ,>~r *I-0 L z C' Q z 23m 0rn.r aJ - f L L Lm sc USb ZJSC SAL aJ0 a0 mo 1.f- - \*r - 2-mo >L?O >w,m >mm 5v-G <*I-& -2.r z;.r L r c mncs mu>s .+a *dm I 2s -7 *r -0 -G .L f -7 LC, na &S 55lN EL 0 fIYd wv scym 3cc.m n Q% 2 S 0 0 L -7 V (0 c, v, < -r sa -C mrns h WG a 0% m- m q- .r -C L fa =- v, I- -r Q- u-a L c -45 L m5 lac,-r 0 L *rW ow0 ILus c, 0 aL VL In cc la vm 3 -7 s s - m-30 A- aw a50 SO& SCY m .? 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L .L CLt- smo rn LO 5 +no 3 - - h 5 h +I c, I-= I-G 7 5- aJ SA m S rcI X 0 0 s* v) d L n 734 n L 0 0 < no c; QS cc 550 --a& m5 E a -C, L *I- s tty 0 C G. 0 L - 0 s4- c .C -7 0 z L x L mv LT c G aJ Q L 7'3- c CJ-rm + g 5 C+-"f- 0 0 cu V'f-5 - v) 5- 4L -c 4SO t a c,aJ .r L - -7 5 cua n=i - a ICs lam s 0 8 aJ c ~JGL VLL ach Lou 5 cza+ c+< i E -7 e% 0 -- Ln CD b . c 0 i Nh Nh c C C G- 00 oc Om d kcl \ e- 1 c 3 L'7 I c 5 = h 2 0 c., 2 GJrcr E -7 GJS iL 0 -oh- c .r 5- -5 4 'd L O- CLS 0 .c, v,- I, L' -0 I,- *? v, a S = .r -2 L ru 4 S 5 - r 7 + c L 5 LJ u rcr v> - f i., y 2- 22; c' T1-Z w- -a L -c m m M m m m N & CJ C4 02 c3 a cc, Cf: c; c3 c3 c3 0) \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 4 C 0 3 Ci I--J ri h G3 M 4 i i i I I 0 0 G 0 0 CJ 4 0 d d co d 0 r.I id Q N d co P-J 4 "1 "I - _I c a, S 8 4 c, L .r 5 5 W5L 0 L *r -7 -c '7 G, 0 *r V W oc 0, L 0 m m 0 0 *- s 0, c, c 0 0 0 a, W G GI m m mctm 0, 0, 0, JI G < -7 s L.7 *r S om -0 L 0 LJ 0 3 L c, m S 3 3 S c, c, c, c, L v, m v, 0 -r -7 L L aJ urn- mG, -0 c. & 0 .rL4 mu s -7 5 U V -0 0 V 0 t LOO 55 L' 0 0 0 S S .r -7 0, 00 0-0 O-D ow 35 io5 =: 35 35 35 so5 so5 so5 so5 0, m c *r>a 5 *r CL -7 -7 CL *r -r cri .r .r tl *r c c w45 C1L- -05 .wCZI:.r \s 5s5smlt5su Lu G *r s- 5-5 8 s -- C.OL COL &-WL r-aL GaJS Lv,5 >- GGL 05 ID0 ID0 1mo rmo L 5 L 5 SLL @J L. 35 Em0 GL +L& GL& WL& QL4- 2C-l-r 5)-'r *rQO QS ZL cu L& fT SO-r s0-1- S Oar SO-r =3S E3S cm& aL - 0 mo-r LC ci3- us- Cva- WG- 5SL 5SL c: -7 xmc, hE5 \a- EL E 5 E 5 E 5 LGO LLO W=- YW 4m-3 5sS WsC use: ucze -?>& .r>u- a-rm c w cka Lc2 ma -0 MO 30 mo -CV- :CY am0 5 -L =I > so CL 1.7 - \.r n \-? n \*r - \ - \ ? \E c'mu OhW --r - c >mo >-VI0 >so >v,o >w5 >a5 > - .r.rv, L'm; mo cn+ << nmrnza >mm >mc, >mm >mm >>u >>L' >+I= -s cmo OLD7 mct * 1.f-GJ SF Zz.r 2z.g 2Z.Z gz.5 g: .. =?- e za.q so.- 5 s "E.? 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