HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-10-07; City Council; 8775; Purchase of Furniture'O UJ ~ c:: a.. a.. <C .. z 0 ti < ,.,I 0 z ::, 0 (,) Clll)oF CARLSBAD -AGEN~ILL AB# f77S- MTG. 10-7-86 DEPT._P_CH __ j RECOMMENDED ACTION: Pffia-tASE OF FURNITURE ..,,:PT. HD . .,1-11-1=1-_ CITY A - CITY MGR. Adopt Resolution No. f8'~ O ITEM EXPLANATION awarding the bid for office furniture. The 1986-87 Budget includes frnds for miscelianeous furniture for various departments. In accordance with Section 3.28.120 of the ttmicipal Code, Notice to Bidders was published ard Request for Bids was made to eleven vernors. Seven responses were r.eceived, opene'.i, witnessed arn recorded on September 11, 1986. The lowest responsive bid on five items was B-K Cox, 9920 Scripps Lake Drive, San Diego, CA 92131 in the amount of $2,778.35 plus tax, for a total of $2,945.0?,• • The lowest responsive bid on five items was San Diego Office Interiors, 794-6 C~airemont Mesa Boulevard, San Diego, CA 92111, in the amount of $5,268.84 plus tax., for a total of $5,584.97. The lowest responsive bid on four items was O'Neill Envir9corp, 5152 Avenida Encinas, Carlsbad, CA 92008 in the amount of $5,138.65 plus tax, for a total of $5,446.97. The lowest responsive bid on two i terns was McMahan Desk of Escornido, 740 N. Andreasen Drive, Escornido, CA 92025 in the amount of $1,345.17 plus tax, for a total of $1,425.88. FISCAL IMPACT ' Unencuni>ere'.i frnds are available in the followirvJ amounts: $2,410.80 in Account Number 001-820-1510-3900 for mlscellaneous furniture costirg $1,274.89. $44,059.50 in Account Number 001-820-4131-3900 for miscellaneous furniture cos ting $493. 03. $4,525.92 in Account Nuni>er 001-820-1410-3900 for miscellaneous furniture costing $1,126.58 . $4,682.87 in Account Nuni>er 001-820-1910-3900 for miscellaneous furniture costirg $2,185.05. $1,120.00 in Account Number 001-820-4142-3900 for miscellaneous furniture costirg $723.55. I I I J j i .d!2!,.. - PAGE 2 CF AB II !'71 S- $11,032.24 in Account Nurrber 001-820-3110-3900 for miscellaneous furniture costing $819.94. $450.00 in Account Number 001-820-3140-3900 for miscellaneous furniture costirg $191.43. $5,?.50.00 in Accrx.mt Number 001-820-4021-3900 for miscellaneous furniture costlrg $1,456.76. $2,690.50 in Account Number 001-820-4022-3900 for miscellaneous furniture costing $1,792.31. $1,800.00 in Account Number 001-820-4050-3900 for miscellaneous furniture costlrg $416 .30. $4,583.54 in Account Number 001-820-4070-3900 for miscellaneous furniture costirg $208.15. $7,275.00 in Account Number 001-820-1021-3900 for miscellaneous furniture cost~ $880.07. $115,295.78 in Account Number 001-820-3610-3900 for miscellaneous fll'niture costirg $3,834.81. EXHIBITS 1. Tabulation of Bids -Exhibit "A" 2. Resolution No. .k,ra o I • l f. I I I I i --------::----~-- l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 .22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RES>LUTION NO .... s .... s_20 __ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CA!l.SBN>, C,AlIFORNJA, ACCEPT!t-C BIOS AND AUTHCRIZit-C THE EXECUTION OF CONTRACTS FOR THE PURCHAS~ 0~ OFFICE FURNITURE • BE IT RES>LVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the bid of B. K. Cox, 9920 Scripps Lake Drive, San Diego, CA 92131 for items 8, 13, 14, 15 ard 16 as st-own on Exhibit A, is hereby accepted ard the Purchasing Officer is hereby authorized to execute a Purchase Order for the purchase of furniture in the amount of $2,945.05. 2. That the bid of San Diego Office Interiors, 7946 Clairemont Mesa Boulevard, San Diego, CA 92111 for items 1, 2, 3, 11 ard 12 as shown on Exhibit A, is hereby accepted ard the Purchasing Officer is hereby autrorized to execute a Purchase Order for the purchase of ft.rniture in the amount of $5,584.97. 3. That the bid of O'Neill Envirocorp, 5152 Avenida Encinas, Carlsbad,. CA 92008 for items 5, 6, 7 ard 10 as st-own on Exhibit A, is hereby accepted ard the Purchasing Officer is hereby authorized to execute a Purchase Order for the purchase of furniture in the amount of $5,138.65. 4. That the bid of McMahan Desk of Escordido, 740 N. Andreasen Drive, Escordido, CA 92025 for items 4 ard 6 as stown on Exhibit A is hereby accepted ard the Purchasing Officer is hereby authorized to execute a Purchase Order for the purchase of fll'niture in the crnount of $1,425.88. I II I II I II I II I II I II I II PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad at l a regular meeting held on thP __ 7_th __ day of ~-c_to_b_er ____ , 1986, by 2 the followirg vote, to wit: 3 AVES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Chick and Pettine 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll NOES: None AffiENT: Council Member Kulchin ATTEST: 12 (SEAL) 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 28 TABULATION OF BIDS L<PC B-K COX 0't£ILL EHVIROCORP 2431 HoreM Blvd. HctWiAH DE 9< ARENSON FIJiNilURE 9920 Scripps Lake Dr. 5152 Avenlda Encinas Suite 1-B 740 N. Ardreasen 11_59 Indl a Street San D1ego 1 CA 92131 Carlsbad 1 CA 92008 San Dlego 1 CA 92110 Escondldo 1 CA 92024 ::fan Dlego 1 CA 92101 UNIT PRICE UNIT PRICE IMIT PRICE IMIT PRICE UNIT PRICE 1 tb bid tb bid tb bid 691.73 tb bid 2 tb-bld tb bid tb bid 585.51 tb bid 3 lb bid tb bid tb bid Z19.99 tb bid 4 tb bid tb bid tb bid 166.95 225.00 5 tb bid 1,978.05 tb bid tb bid tb bid ,, tb bid 190.45 tb bid tb bid 206.00, 'O 7 tb bid 251 .oo lb bid tb bid 250.00 8 334.04 tb bid tb bid tb bid tb bid !) 231.35 tb bl$! lb bid tb bid 260.00 10 tb bid 367.25 tb bid tb bid tb bid 11 H:> bid tb bid tb bid tb bid tb bid 12 353.82 tb bid tb bid tb bid 149.00 13 180.59 tb bid tb bid tb bid 202.00 14 133.73 tb bid tb bid tb bid 150.00 15 232.56 tb bid tb bid tb bid 350.00 16 393.30 tb bid tb bid Ho bid 4l/ .OO V\ ~ -... -~ ,,;:......· y,,_. _......,_,. .,;.--------~~----.~ ....... " -_.., -~ .. _.._ 1, I( ~---~--..,,...:.. ' Exhibit "A' BUSit£55 EHVIR0lf£HTS SHl DlEC0 <FFICE IHTERlOO: 4~0 Horena·Blvd. 7946 Cla lr6110 nt Mesa Blvd San Dlego 1 CA 92117 San D1ego 1 CA 92111 UNIT PRICE !MIT PRICE $654.00 $639.80 561.00 515.00 - 21/J .oo 249 .18 498.00 Ho bid Ho bid Ho bid tb bid tb bid tb bid tb bid Ho bid 388.54 tb bid Ho bid tb bid Ho bid .1 6~.00 597.96 263.00 235.00 224.00 203.24 166.00 150.50 342.00 360.30 421.00 442.70 '! ,) :i I I I; I ' ,! I I