HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-10-28; City Council; 8784-1; ODMARK/COLLINS CITY OF CARLSBAD APPROVING HOSP GROVE MASTER PLANP I * *&r * ?. a a, 0 3 a 0 b u G .d a G cd 0 m a3 a3 a n 2 n m * a3 a3 $j coco m $3 zcd d- o* -4 4 ua3 3m rl On rnm 04 Kc0 cn a a,. urn %2 a cda, *a -(e mi+ cd IA "d > G .d Ob E "0 a a 3a 0 \o 4 co I 00 N I 0 rl .. z 0 6 g 4 z 3 0 0 / -1 . <'//d ,/+/ ClmF CARLSBAD - AGENDmILL 1 8784-#1 TITLE GPA/LU 86-10, ZC-348, MP-I(C) AB# MTG. DEPT. RECOMMENDED ACTION: If Council concurs your action is to: - CT 85-23(A)-CP-320(A), T SDP 86-10 10/28/86 ( ODMARK/COLL INS ) GPA/LU 86-11, ZC-350 CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY CA Adopt Resolution No. rr4g approving GPA/LU 86-10 and GPA/LU 86-11 Adopt Resolution No. gtpyy approving SDP 86-10 Adopt Resolution No. Kg50 approving CT 85-23(A)/CP-3201 Introduce Ordinance No. ye/ 3 approving ZC-348 Introduce Ordinance No. sg/L/ approving ZC-350 Introduce Ordinance No. 9f/5 approving MP-1( C) ITEM EXPLANATION The City Council at your meeting of October 14, 1986 directed Plan. Those documents are attached. The Council should sati itself that the findings and conditions accurately reflect yo1 intentions in the matter. City Attorney to prepare documents approving the Hosp Grove MI EXHIBITS Resolution No. mf/r approving GPA/LU 86-10 and GPA/LU 86-11 Resolution No. ff4/p approving SDP 86-10 Resolution No. B;pso approving CT 85-23(A)/CP-320(A) Ord'inance No. 9r 13 approving ZC-348 Ordinance No. 9p/4/ approving ZC-350 Ordinance No. qg,capprloving MP-1 (C) f I a I Id m 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 4 % m 13 55 OY gv22 OU14 14 15 9l c11 -18 N $:e: ;?;: gzss l6 ,>do zuoc11- 5; Y 4 5 17 to t 0 18 19 4 I a e RE SOLUTION NO. 8848 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE LAND USE ELEMErj OF THE GENERflL PLAN TO CHANGE THE LAND USE DESIGNF TIONS OF TWO AREAS OF THE CITY'S GENERAL PLAN. GPA/LU 86-10 (OI)MARK/COLLINS) AND GPA/LU 86-ll(CI1 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did on September 1986 hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by 1; consider amendments to the Land Use Element of the General GPA/LU 86-10 and GPA/LU 86-11: and WHEREAS, an Environmental Impact Report has been recommended by the Planning Commission on September 17, 19t certified by the City Council on October 14, 1986 in satis! of the requirements of the City of Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance of 1980 and the California Environmen I 1 Quality Act: and WHEREAS, the City Council did on October 14, 1986 duly advertised public hearing to consider said amendments said time received the recommendations, objections, protes I ~ comments of all interested persons desiring to be heard: a I WHEREAS, the City Council after considering the F ,I 21 22 23 24 25 i City Attorney to return with appropriate documents to amen Land Use Element of the General Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Counci the City of Carlsbad, California as follows: A. That the above recitations are true and corrc 27 28 to the Land Use Element of the General Plan. I 1 I ' I 3 *'i > . \ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1o I.1 l21 P 4: m 9; m 13) 5% m gL+?z Vu< 14 zou' GZZE ;:z2 15 ,>do zgg$ 1611 ggzm 0 e C. That the findings of the planning staff as se. in Draft Planning Commission Resolution Exhibit A and the findings of the Planning Commission as set forth in Resolu No. 2620, Exhibit B, constitute the findings of the City Council. D. That the Land Use Element of the Genral Plan amended as follows: 1. GPA/LU 86-10: Change the Land Use Elemen Residential Medium High (RMH 8-15 du's/acre) to Commercial Office (0) and OS (Open Space) on property generally locat the west and east sides of Monroe Street, south of Marron ~ Parcel E of the Hosp Grove Master Plan (MP-l(C)) as shown map marked Exhibit C attached hereto and made a part hereo 2. GPA/LU 86-11: Change the Land Use Elemen Residential Medium Hiqh (RMH 8-15 du's/ac) to Open Space ( property generally located south of the intersect ion of Je 21'1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Carlsbad City Council held on the 28th day of October the following vote, to wit: I AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and NOES: None AB SENT : None j J. Q?? MARY H. .ASLER, Mayor I 9,h4 i i 1 c I i ATTEST: -4- ALETHA L. PAUTENKRANZ, City Cprk I I WHIU r 0 > lie so 1 ut 1 11 DRAFT ? I 4 I' I 2 I/ 4 ii I/ 111 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION op THE 31 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL op AMENDMENT TO THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE GENERA RMR (RESIDENTIAL MEDIUM HIGH) 8-15 DU/AC TO c (COMME:RCIAL), 0 (OFFICE), AND OS (OPEN SPACE) /I 'I 5 ON PRClPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE WEST AND E 6 HOSP GROVE MASTER PLAN (MP-1 (C) ) I1 APPLICANT: COLLINS DEVELOPMENT 7 Ij CASE NIO.: GPA/LU 86-10 81 WHEREAS, a verif ied application for an amendmen 9 General Plan designation for certain property located, a loi: Exhibit(s1 herein, has been filed with the Planning Cornu OF MONROE STREET, SOUTH OF MARRON ROAD ON PARCE /I 1111 il and ,I 12 /I WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes 1311 for amendment its provided in Title 21 of the Carlsbad MI 141, Code; and 15 I' WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did, on the 17 16, September, 1986, hold a duly noticed public hearing as E 17' by law to consider said request; 18 WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing z 19 considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all 20 desiring to be heard, said Commission considered all fac 21 relating to the General Plan Amendment. 22 ; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the PI 23, Commission of the City of Carlsbad, as follows: 24 A) That the above recitations are true and correct, 25 B) That based on the evidence presented at the public the Commission recommends APPROVAL of GPA/LU 86-10 26 ' the following findings and subject to the followin< conditions: 27 I' I' I //// 28 1 1 //// 'I I, ___ __--_I -- 8 4 I I 0 0 L , 'il 11 1'1 Findings: 2'1 1) The Office and commercial designations are Compatibl 31 mall for reasons stated in the staff report. 411 2) The Open Space designation will allow for the preser I the Commercial designation existing at the adjacent il an existing natural resource. 'I 5 I1 11 6 I' Commercial designation to the north and the resident /I designations to the south and west. ''1 4) The General Plan amendment will not create a signifi 8 I1 impact on the environment for the reasons outlined : environmental findings of the Planning Commission a' hereto as Exhibit .X*, dated September 17, 1986 and 9 I/ incorporated herein. 3) The Open Space designation will provide a buffer bet II 10 [i /I 13 j 14 : 1, 15 /j 11 Planning Commission of the city of Carlsbad, California, 16 ' /I the 17th day. of September, 1986, by the following vote, 11 Condition: /I 1) Approval is granted for GPA/LU 86-10, as shown on E 12 ij dated September 10 , 1986 , incorporated by reference file in the Planning Department. Development shall substantially as shown unless otherwise noted in th conditions. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeti 11 I! I, 17 I1 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: 18 19 20 21 I CLARENCE SCBLEHUBER, (2) 23 CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMl 24:i ATTEST: 22, I' I 25 " I 261' MICHAEL J. AOLZHILLER PLANNING CIRECTOR 27 ; 28 PC RES0 NO. 2616 -2- I' I J' * -r..-.-aL- .\ f "I a @ SEPTEMBER 17, > I 5 The following items constitute the Planning Commission's environmental findings for this project. The mitigation me listed below describe the project changes which reduce thes impact8 to insignficant levels* A. TRAFFIC CIRCULATION Impact: An increase in trips will result from the pr a 1 t e r n at i ve because commerc i a1 use typ i call) higher generation rate than residential. Mitigation: The additional trips can be accommodated wit arterial with additional deceleration/accelc lanes serving the commercial center, (2) UPC of the signal light at Marron/Monroe inters. (3) bond and prepare plan8 for a traffic si street 'A. of the commercial center entranc Monroe Street for when Q future signal is warranted. (1) construction of MQWM Street as u secor lraact$ Rasp Way, and Jefferaon Street west of Man will have a level of Service F with the tri generated by the proposed project. Mitigation: These two roadway segments are classified a residential streets with a maximum of SO0 P which is already exceeded by existing ADT. streets can be reclassified as Collector st to accommodate existing and future ADT. Impact: The grading operation for Parcel E will rec export of 124,000 cubic yards of dirt whick have a short-term impact on surrounding stx Mitigation: The use of cutoffs and flagmen will help tc minimize impacts at the Marron/Monroe inter8ection. Such condition will be part final grading plan approval. 8. TOPOGRAPHY AND VISUAL AESTHETICS Impact: Parcel D -- Adverse impacts would occur in the existing slope above Marron Road would down 30 feet, no buffer of trees woutd be retained, and three-story buildings were w feet of the edge of the slope. < f > -' 0 e F Mitigation: The project was redesigned to maintain the existing landform, provide a 50-fOOt tree bu plus tree planting on the slopes, and has Lo buildings in the interior Of the Site. Impact: Parcel E -- The landform will be significant altered -- an existing 90 foot high knoll an associated 40% slope will be cut down; and regraded slopes up to 40 feet in height vi11 created to accommodate flat pads necessary f commercial development. Mitigation: The proposed project allows preservation of acres of Hosp Grove. A vigorous landscape [ will be required to replant the graded slopt theme will be used in the commercial center architecture and building materials will be compatible with the surrounding grove. behind the buildings and a compatible lands( Impact: Parcel F -- Residential development accordi the Master Plan will result in significant impacts due to the site's visible location its proximity to the lagoon. Mit iqation: The proposed open space use will mitigate a visual impacts. C. ARCHAEOLOGY Impact: Archaeological sites are located on all thr parcels and will be affected by development Parcels D and E. Mitigation2 Appropriate conditions have been placed on project to satisfy state requirements for archaeological mitigation, i.e. a data recc psog r am. D. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES Impact: As an indirect impact to the habitats in B Vista Lagoon, runoff and sedimentation cou potentially impact the lagoon. Mitigation: Appropriate erosion-control and grading procedures have been conditioned on the pr -2- I I I $ I 0 e , E. PUBLIC SERVICES Impact: school facilities are at Or near capacity. Mitigation: Only one of the three parcels will be develc residentially: school impact fees will be required to be paid to allow the School oist to provide temporary facilities for overcroh Impact: Police services will be incrementally impact Mitigation: Additional personnel and equipment will off: the increase in population and new areas of patrolling. Impact t The City Library is currently at book capac Mitigation3 Additional Library facilities will be provi part of the City's future Capital Improveme Program. P. HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY Impact: Potential increases in erosion and sediment production will occur during grading and construction. Mitigation: Erosion control measures must be shown on grading plans and approved by the city. 01 and sediment control facilities will be in! prior to grading. Landscape conditions in 5 year bond to ensure that tree plantings other landscape elements are growing succe Also, the City's street sweeping program w include the project area after it develops Impact: Removal of the existing desiltation basin cauae sedimentation impacts to the lagoon upstream problems are not controlled when removed. Mitigation: A temporary desiltation basin will be bul the southern portion OB Parcel E to contri existing offsite erosion problems. It wi remain in place until erosion of the adjal property is controlled satisfactorily to City. -3- I I 0 e ) G, GEOLOGY AND SOILS Impact : Portions of the property are encumbered by geological constraints, including settlement slope instability, groundwater, dewatering, seismic shaking. Mitigation: AS part of the grading plan approval, the recommendations of the geotechnical study wi irnplenented. The study will be updated as necessary to reflect the proposed commercial development instead of the former residentia project. Additional subsurface investigatiol engineering analysis also is required as par the final design. R. AIR QUALITY Impact! bavelapmant of Parcels b and E will cantribu air pollutant emissions to the San Diego Air Basin. Mitigation: Public transit facilities, i.e. a bus stop w provided. Sidewalk improvements will allow pedestrian access to the commercial center f nearby residential areas. The Grading Ordin requires dust control measures to be used du construction. -4- I I 71 ' WHEREAS, a verified application for an amendment General Plan designation for certain property located, as > 'I 71 add needed open space in the northwest quadrant of the 4) The General Plan amendment will not have a significant I 0 EXHIBCT ‘X* SEPTEMBER 17, e The following items canstitutc the PLanning Commission's environmental findings for this project. The mitigation me listed below describe the project changes which reduce thes impacts to insignficant levels. A. TRAFFIC CIRCULATION Impact: An increase in trips will result from the PI alternative because commercial use typicall! higher generation rate than residential. Mitigation: The additional trips can be accommodated wit (1) construction of Monroe Street as a secor arterial with additional deceleration/accelt lanes serving the commercial center, ( 2) up of the signal light at ?4arron/Honroe inters ( 3 1 bond and prepare plans for a traffic si Street ‘A‘ of the commercial center entranc Monroe Street for when a future signal is warranted. Impact: AOSp Way, and J8fferoon Street west of Marl will have a level of Service F with the tti generated by the proposed project. MitfgatiOn: These two roadway segments are classified 2 residential streets with a maximum of 500 P which is already exceeded by existing ADT. streets can be reclassified as Collector s* to accommodate existing and future ADT. Impact: The grading operation for Parcel E will re( export of 124,000 cubic yards of dirt whic’ have a short-term impact on surrounding st Mitigation : The use of cutoffs and flagmen will help ti minimize impacts at the Marron/Honroe intersection. Such condition will be part final grading plan approval. B. TOPOGRAPHY AND VISUAL AESTHETICS Impact: Parcel D -- Adverse impacts would occur in the existing slope above Marron Road woulc down 30 feet, no buffer of trees would be retained, and three-story buildings were t feet of the edge of the slope. I I t I 0 0 < Mitigation: The project was redesigned to maintain the existing landform, provide a 50-faot tree bu plus tree planting on the slopes, and has Lo buildings in the interior Of the Site. Impact: Parcel E -- The landform will be significant altered -- an existing 90 foot high knoll an associated 409 slope will be cut down; and regraded slopes up to 40 feet in height will commercial development created to accommodate flat pads necessary f Mitigation: The proposed project allows preservation of acres of Rosp Grove. A vigorous landscape c will be requited to replant the graded slope behind the buildings and a compatible landsc theme will be used in the commercial center architecture and building materials will be compatible with the surrounding grove. Impact: Parcel F -- Residential development accordi the Master Plan will result in significant impacts due to the site's visible location its proximity to the lagoon. Mitigation: The proposed open space use will mitigate a visual impacts. C. ARCHAEOLOGY Impact: Archaeological sites. ate located OR all thr parcels and will be affected by development Parcels D and E. Mitigation: Appropriate conditions have been placed on project to satisfy state requirements for archaeological mitigation, i.e. a data recc program. D. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES Impact: As an indirect impact to the habitats in BI Vista Lagoon, runoff and sedimentation cou: potentially impact the lagoon. nitiqation: Appropr Fate erosion-control and grading procedures have been caaditianed on the prc -2- I \ m 0 * E. PUBLIC SERVICES Impact: School facilities are at or near capacity. Mitigation: Only one of the three parcels will be develo residentially: School impact fees will be requirad to be paid to allow the School Dist to provide temporary facilities for overcrow Impact: Police services will be incrementally impact Mitigation: Additional personnel and equipment will of fs the increase in population and new areas of patrolling. Impact t The City Library is currently at book capaci Mitigation: Additional Library facilities will be ptovid part of the City' o future Capital Improvemer P rogram. F. HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY Impact: Potential increases in erosion and sediment production will occur during grading and construction. Mitigation: Erosion control measures must be shown on fi grading plans and approved by the City. bra and sediment control facilities will be inst prior to grading. Landscape conditions incl 5 year bond to ensure that tree plantings ar other landscape elements are growing success Also, the City's street sweeping program wil include the project area after it develops. Impact: Removal of the existing desiLtation basin c( cause sedimentation impacts to the lagoon i: upatream problems are not controlled when if r cmoved . Mitigation: A temporary desiltation basin will be built the southern portion of Parcel E to control existing offsite erosion problems. It will remain in place until erosion of the adjacei property is controlled satisfactorily to thc City. -3- b provided. Sidewalk improvements will allow pedestrian access to the commercial center nearby residential areas. The Grading Ordi requires dust control measures to be used c construction. EX1 SEPT, PC to 0-Q (RMH to 0) PC to C-2-Q (RMH to C) 7.3 ac (RMH to 0s -.-.- s u B D IV IS1 0 N BO U N D ARY w CHANGED FROM PC TO OPEN SPACE ZONING OS-OPEN SPACE R-1-RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY PC-PLANNED COMMUNITY C-COMMERCIAL (GENERAL PLAN) RMH-RESIDENTIAL (8-1 5) RRI-COMMERCIAL 0 - 0 FFlC E I Wn,qP GPmF I (2DAII I\ R1 (QENERAL PLAN) RMH-RES'DENTrAL MEDIUM HlaH (,5-23) OQ-O~EN SPACE ' - I > 1 2 3 4 5 ''1 0 0 RESOLUTION NO. 8849 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING WITH CONDITIONE A ,SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN LDP 86-10 TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A COMMERCIAL CENTER GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE WEFT AND EAST SIDES OF MONROE ,sTREI SOUTH OF MARFON ROAD ON PARCEL E OF THE HOSP GROVl MAL91'ER PLAN APPLICANT: COLLINS DEVELOPMENT COMPANY 10 23 24 C. That Site Development Plan No. 86-10 togethei the provisions for its design and improvement and subject conditions of this resolution, is consistent with all appl 28 i I, ‘ 1 . a‘i > 1 2 * e D. That Site Development Plan No. 86-10 is hereb- approved subject to all applicable requirements of the Car Municipal Code and to the satisfaction of the conditions 4 5 6 7 3l contained in Draft Planning Commission Resolution Exhibit attached hereto and. made a part hereof, with the exception following additional conditions: 1. The landscaping plan for both the office and commercial site shall include a large percentage of specim 2. The additional conditions described in the 9 i memorandum to the Planning Commission dated September 17, as shown in Exhibit C attached hereto and made a part here lo XI. I.2 a E? m 13 -I8 52 % gLL=z OWa 14 z:yE IlC<k “CZ< 15 IL io z$g$ 1611 oa2: 20 0 2 0 18 D 55 $ 171 relative to this site development plan shall be complied i with* E. The standards variance described in the memor from the Assistant City Engineer dated September 15, 1986 Exhibit B and attached hereto and made a part hereof is approved. I I1 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California on the28t of October , 1986 by the following vote, to wit; - I I‘ 23 ~ MAL 26 27 28 ‘ I 1 I 8 I) > * e EX#181T DPAFT II Resolution 1 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION I !I A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OP THE CARLSBAD , CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A SITE DEVELOPE NO. 86-10, TO CONSTRUCT A COMMERCIAL CENTER GEN LOCATED ON THE WEST L EAST SIDES 08 MONROE STRE MARRON ROAD ON PARCEL E OF THE HOSP GROVE MASTE 1, 2 {j 3 I' 4 11 APPLICANT: COLLINS DEVELOPMENT COMPANY I! CASE NO: SDP 86-10 WHEREAS, a verified application has been filec 6 \ 'I City of Carlsbad and referred to the Planning Commissioi 5 /I 'I 7 11 8 ,I 9' 10 I1 WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes 18as provided by Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; ii WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Mun the Planning Commission did, on the 17th day of Septemb 11 j 'I 'I consider said request on property described as: Portions of Lots 8, 9, 10, 16, 17, le, 22, 23, Forest Company's Tract No. 1, in the City of ( County of San Diegoo State of California, accc Map thereof No. 1136, filed in the Office of 1 15 :\ Recorder of San Diego County, June 0, 1908. I 16 ;I WHEREAS, at said hearing, upon hearing and cor iI 1711 testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons desiri 18 heard, said Commission considered all factors relating l9 Development Plan No. 86-10. 20 NOW, THEREFORB, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the 21i Commission of the City of Carlsbad as follows: 22:1 (A) 23j1 (a) 24 25 , Findings: 12 \I 13 : Canon Street and of Eucalyptus Street in Rosp l4 I1 I That the foregoing recitations are true and corre That based on the evidence presented at the publi findings and subject to the following conditions: /I ii the Cornmission APPROVES SDP 86-10, based on the 'I I' 1 11 261, 1) The project is consistent with the City's Genera' the proposed use is consistent with the Commercii 27 I designations as indicated on the Land Use Elemen' General Plan. 28 1 It I I I I (I 2) The site is physFcallY 3uitable far the type and dens I 71 I 1 building cannot occur within the project unless : service remains available, and the planning commi satisfied that the requirements of the Public ~ac 71 2) This project has already been allocated sewer capacit legal settlement 9052 filed, August 28, 1979. Buildi 71 I the parking areas. In addition, in the parking areas west side of Monroe Street, any row of parking spaces L I I e 0 11 ' 11 1117) 1 ,I 'I The project shall provide bus stop facilities at loca subject to the satisfaction of the North County Trans trict. Said facilities shall at a minimum include a free from advertising, and a pole for the bus stop sic detract from the basic architectural theme of the pro said design shall be subject to the approval of the P Director and ~orth County Transit District. Approval of Site Development Plan 86-10 is granted su I/ approval of General Plan Amendment 86-10, Zone Change Master Plan l(C). Should these applications not be a by City Council this application becomes null and voi Building identification and/or addresses shall be pla all new and existing buildings so as to be plainly vi I bench and pole shall be designed in a manner so as to 2 I/ 3 ,i I 4 /I !I 5/i18) 7 8 '1 9 addresses shall contrast to their background color. 10~i201 The architectural exhibits are approved in concept or Detailed elevations at a larger scale and floor plan? individual building, shall be submitted to and appro\ I' Planning Director prior to issuance of building permi 12 I' back doors proposed on those buildings against the SI bank, shall be subject to Fire Department review and 13 '/ approval. Proposed colors and building materials a15 be subject to approval by the Planning Director. 21) No outdoor storage of material shall occur onaite unl '1 19) 6l I I1 from the street or access road: color of identificati I I1 11 I! II '* /I 15 // 16, Planning Director. 17 j22) 18 satisfaction of the Planning Director: 19 a) Submittal of an inventory and assessment report in conjunction with and referenced in the Decemb 20 1985 letter report by RBR h Associates, Inc., to Planning Director before a mitigation program is 21 implemented. This report will describe the resu significance tests at sites HG - 2, 4, 6 and 5. 22 sites should be recorded at the State of Califor 23 ,' b) Implementation of the archaeological research de mitigation program for the one unique site (HG-5 24 Grove Parcel E described in the Letter Report en "Revised Cultural Resources Inventory and Assess 25 26 1' 27 I required by the Fire Chief. In such instance a stor will be submitted for approval by the Fire Chief and I Prior to the issuance of any grading pesmits, the ap shall complete the following archaeological mitigati I Regional Clearinghouse. ' //// //// PC RES0 NO. 2619 -5- /I 28 I! I I $1 1, I a 0 Grove Master Plan Area E, Carlsbad, California', December 26, 1985, prepared by RBR & ~ssociates, mi igatin program would include phased excavatio 4m to 8m4 units within the core midden area of t site. If recommended in the mitigation report, an archaeolo will be present during grading operations. ** II il 1 ;J 'I 5 2 /I 5 /I ' \I 11 11 3 I/ !i !\ 22) The applicant shall prepare a detailed slope LandscaF irrigation plan for those slopes adjacent to the open I which shall be submitted to and approved by the Plann Director prior to the issuance of grading permits. S !I shall include details as to any existing trees that r preserved within the disturbed areas and the timing j replanting/enhancing in relation to completing the nc 8 1' grading. The timing aspect of the plan shall providc 9 feasible areas. The plan shall be prepared by a lanc I' architect. Issuance of a building permit will not o( 10 II until a full detailed landscape plan has been approv~ 4 11 6 jI replant immediately after grading on slopes and othel Planning Director. 23) Prior to the issuance of any grading permit for this a specific Tree Preservation Plan shall be approved Planning Director. 12 I1 I' 13 1 24) Prior to commencement of grading activity, the areas 14 graded and/or areas of tree preservation shall be fe 'I the satisfaction of the City Engineer and Planning D 15 ;I The applicant shall agree to fully implement this co agreement which shall also include a provision prohi 16 i destruction of any eucalyptus trees identified on th Plan during grading operations due to carelessness, a liquidated damages clause requiring the applicant 18 sum of $500.00 for each tree destroyed. The amount paid to the Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Department 19 replanting programs. The agreement shall be secured to the approval of the City Attorney. 17 11 operator negligence 01 otherwise, The ayreement sha 20 25) The applicant shall provide a 5-year bond for implan 21 ' survival and maintenance of all trees replanted unde required landscape plan to the satisfaction of the C 22 Attorney, The Planning Department shall conduct a 1 I1 survey to ensure proper regrowth of trees in complia 23 I the landscape plan. 24 26) The applicant shall be responsible for replanting et /I trees to the satisfaction of the Planning Director, 25 r west side of Monroe Street, south of the commercial that area where it will be necessary to regrade the 26 1' 27 I 28 I eroded canyon. This area shall be included in futu I landscape and irrigation plan submittals. PC RES0 NO. 2619 -6- 1 I I' 1; I I t ,I I 11 2 4 3l 5i 6' 7 27) On the south side of Matron Road, a minimum 30-foot 1 setback shall be observed from the northern project I 1 ine. All proposed retaining walls shall be crib walls. Landscaping and maintenance plans for the crib walls approved by the Planning Director prior to 1Sguance ( grading permits. ~ll crib walls shall be planted anc maintained in a thriving condition by the developer. 28) 29) A 42. high fence shall be placed along the top of the wall located against the slope banks for safety purpc 130) No drive through facilities or fast food restaurants allowed within this project. 13 i l2I south of the rectangular southernmost building on th side of Monroe Street per the requirements of the of zone. Outdoor furniture shall be placed among the e 0 0 - ' 11 II 11/36) i Upon completion of grading, the developer shall ensurc it 2 11 'as-graded' geologic Plan shall be submitted to the c Engineer. The plan shall clearly show all the geolog: exposed by the grading Operation, all geologic correci measures as actually constructed and must be based on tour map which represents both the pre and post site < This plan shall be signed by both the soils engineer , engineering geologist. The plan shall be prepared on or similar drafting film and shall become a permanent 31 4 !I 5 I/ 1: I! 6, 37) No grading shall occur outside the limits of the projc unless a letter of permission is obtained from the ow1 the af f acted properties. A separate grading plan shall be submitted and approve separate grading permit issued for the borrow or dispc 7 'I I 8 '38) 9 if located within the city limits. 11 101/39) Il/'401 All slopes within this project shall be no steepe(r th< Prior to hauling dirt or construction materials to an proposed construction site within this project the de- shall submit to and receive approval from the City Enc for the proposed haul route. The developer shall corn all conditions and requirements the City Engineer may with regards to the hauling operation. The developer shall exercise special care during the 15 I! construction phase of this project to prevent any off siltation. The developer shall provide erosion contrc 16 I/ measures and shall construct temporary desiltation/de I1 basins of type, size and location as approved by the 1 17 '1 Engineer. The basins and erosion control measures sh shown and specified on the grading plan and shall be 18 constructed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer 19 removal of any basins or facilities so constructed th served shall be protected by additional drainage faci 20 slope erosion control measures and other methods requ: approved by the City Engineer. The developer shall rn< 21 I the temporary basins and erosion control measures for I of time satisfactory to the City Engineer and shall g1 22 I1 their maintenance and satisfactory performance througl ii deposit and bonding in amounts and types suitable to 23 18 Engineer. 24 ii 42 1 25 " Engineer. 26 I' //// 27; //// ti l2 /I I 13 11 I! 14 1, 1141 1 the start of any other grading operations. Prior to 11 1 Additional drainage easements and drainage structures provided or installed as may be required by the City 2a'~c RESO NO. 2619 -8- 11 I I Ij 12 I for this project. '461 The developer shall construct drainage systems in confc I 4 ' 1; I 21 i 149) plans, specificationst and supporting documents for a improvements shall be Prepared to the satisfaction of Engineer. Prior to issuance of any building permits project, the Developer shall install, or agree to ins secure with appropriate security as provided by law, 7/ its intersection with Monroe Street and accelerat. deceleration lanes plus transitions as required h! City Engineer. a 0 111 55) The structural section of all private streets shall c to City of Carlsbad standards based on R-value tests, Structural section of all private pavement improvemep I conform to the City of Carlsbad Standards and based c value tests. The grading plans for the project shall I- ' i 21 I !I 4 jl 5 i/ 6 ll I/ 10 'I I I1 3 1' this condition. I, 56) All plans, specifications, and supporting documents f improvements of this project shall be signed and seal I Engineer in responsible charge of the work. Each she be signed and sealed, except that bound documents may Signed and sealed on their first page. Additionally sheet of each set of plans shall have the following certif icate: 7 8 ,' g 1; I 'DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE. I hereby declare that I am the Engineer of Work for t project, that I have exercised responsible charge ove design of the project ab defined in Seetian 6703 of t Business and Professions Code, and that the design is 11 I1 12 Ii 14 il ll consistent with current standards. I understand that the check of project drawings and specifications by the City of Catlsbad is confined to only and does not relieve me, as Engineer of Work, of responsibilities for project design. (Name, Address and Telephone of Engineering firm) Firm: 13 11 15 // 16 I/ 17 1' i; Address: City, st.: Telephone: BY Date: 18 1, 19 - 20 (Name of Engineer) 21 R.C.E. NO, # 22,157) The developer shall provide the City with a reproducil I1 copy of the site plan as approved by the Planning Comi 23 I The site plan shall reflect the conditions of approva I/ city. The plan copy shall be submitted to the City E 24 ' prior to improvement plan submittal. /i I1 25',58) Prior to issuance of any building permits for this prc the owner shall give written consent to the annexatio! 26 ' area shown within the boundaries of the site plan intc existing City of Carlsbad Street Lighting and Landseal 27 I District No. 1. 1 28'~~ RES0 NO. 2619 -1 1- 1: I 1; 41 I 5i 60) Additional public and/or onsite fire hydrants shall 1 provided if deemed necessary by the Fire Marshal. I ; 71 onaite roads and drives to the Fire Marshal for apprc 62) An all-weather access road shall be maintained throuc 0 e - ' !I * II !I 4 // 6 1' 171) Eucalyptus trees to be planted along the perimeter of 7i' I 1'169) The applicant shall agree to pay a fee established to the cost of updating Fire Department response maps. 21 Il 70) Building exceeding 10,000 sq.ft. aggregate floor area sprinklered or have four-hour fire walls with no openi therein which shall split the building into 10,000 sq. less) areas. 3 II Ii Sliparks and Recreation: I site shall be a minimum of 15 gallons, with 20% being box trees. Eucalyptus trees planted on the slope banks include: adjacent to open space area can be a mixture of sizes, 8 'j I 9 33% One gallon 11 33% Five gallon 10 11 33% Fifteen gallon 1111721 The following sizes of accent trees (Cinnamomum Camphc 12 I/ 50% 2 4 - inch box 13 ii 30% 36-inch box 201 4 8 -inch box 14!173) Not more than 10-15% of the landscaping shall be turf 15 :I because such bright green colors are not compatible wi 16, 17 1' 18 19 20 /I Koelrcuteria Bipinnata) shall be used: II overall character of the existing eucalyptus grove. il PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, he the 17th day of September, 1986, by the following vote, to AYES: NOES : ABSENT: ABSTAIN: 21 (1 22 ~ 23 I: li 24 ll CLARENCE SCHLERUBER, Chai CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISS il 25 I 26 'ATTEST: It 27 I 28 1 MICHAEL J. HOLZMILLER I I! PLANNING DIRECTOR !'PC RESO No. 2619 -1 3- /I mlell * e r) Resolution Nc September 15, 1986 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: Assistant City Engineer QQ& HOSP GROVE COHHERCIAL, SDP 86-10 REQUEST FOR STANDARD VARIANCI The Collins Development Company, developer of Site Developn Plan 86-10 requested a variance from City Design Standards. accordance with Section 18 of the Street Design Criteria of City Standards, the Planning Commission shall have the autho- as an administrative act to grant variances to the City Stand provided the following findings can be met: 1. That there are extraordinary or unusual circumstance conditions applicable to the situation of surroun property necessitating a variance of the Standards. 2. That the granting of such variance will not c substantial drainage problems. 3. That the granting of such variance will not conflict existing or future traffic and parking demands or pedest or bicycle use. 4. That the granting of such variance will not be detrime to the public welfare or injurious to the propert improvements in the vicinity in which t-he varianc granted. 5. That the granting of such variance will not adversely af the comprehensive general plan. City staff has reviewed the variance request and is making recommendation that follows in th’is memorandum. 1. Location: A. West side of Monroe Street +300 south of its intersectFon Marron Road. with Monroe Street. 6. Marron Road east of its intersec Request: A. Applicant requests access from roe Street to the west side of project throuqh a skewed dri\ (entrance only) and a decelerz lane. 0 0 September 15, 1986 Hosp Grove Commercial - SOP 86-40 Page 2 8. Applicant requests Marron R improvements to include a concr raised median, deceleration/acc eration lanes and a reduction of parkway width to six (6') f behind the curb (10' standard) order to accommodate the additic street improvements east of Mor Street. Reason: A. The skewed driveway in combinat secondary access point to the F ject site providing relief to main entrance driveway. 8. The raised median effectively sz rates opposing traffic and precli left turns into and out of project site. with the deceleration lane permit Staff Recommendation: Approval Explanation: The approval of the variances \ provide effective means of control: undesirable traffic movements, elimir ing potentially hazardous situations frequent interruptions to the st vehicular traffic. DAVID A. HAUSER Assistant City Engineer DAH :CK: lch 0 0 Resolution No. MEMORANDUM DATE: SEPTEMBER 17, 1986 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: EIR 86-4/CT 85-23(A)/CP-32O(A)/GPA/LU 86-10/ZC-348/ l(C)/SDP 86-1O/GPA/LU 86-11/2C-350 - HOSP GROVE - Request fo units on Parcel D of Hosp Grove Master Plan; General Plan amendment and zone change from RMH to C, 0 and OS and a site development plan for Commercial Center on Parcel E; General 1 amendment and zone change from RMH to OS on Parcel F; and, revisions to the Hosp Grove Master Plan. Also requested is certification of an Environmental Impact Report on property located south of Marron Road and Jefferson Streets, near the Plaza Camino Real Shopping Center and Buena vista Lagoon. approval of: 4 tentative map and condominium permit for io8 Staff is recommending that the following changes be made to of the conditions pertaining to the Hosp Grove project: Resolution No. 2615 The wording in the resolution itself has been modified to include approval of a tentative tract map as well as a condo permit: A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A 108 UNI? CONDOMINIUM PERMIT AND TENTATIVE TRACT MAP ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE NORTHWEST SIDE OF HOSP WAY, BET$ HOSP WAY AND MARRON ROAD ON PARCEL D OF THE HOSP GROVE MASTER PLAN. Findings: 4c) Delete finding (Master Plan requires dedication of park land. Conditions: 4) Delete 0 Q 16) Change as follows: The applicant shall be required to construct temporar fencing, or similar materials approved by the Plannin Director, around those individual or groups of trees have been identified to be preserved on the eucalyptu Tree Plan map, prior to the issuance of a grading per and subject to the approval of the Planning Director, Prior to any grading, the applicant shall agree to fu implement this condition by agreement which shall alg include a provision prohibiting the destruction of an eucalyptus trees identified on the Tree Plan during grading operations due to careles-sness , machine opera neligence or otherwise. The agreement shall contain liquidated damages clause requiring the applicant to the sum of $500.00 for each tree destroyed within the fenced tree area. The amount will be paid to the Car Parks and Recreation Department for replanting progra The agreement shall be secured in the amount of S50.Q subject to the approval of the City Attorney. 52) Add b) as follows: b) Marron Road to half of a Collector Street standar along the project frontage. Resolution No. 2619 Conditions: 9) ~ll parking lot trees shall be a minimum of 15 gallon size. One tree per five parking stalls shall be requ in the parking areas unless otherwise approved by the winu Directoq. In addition, in the parking areas the west side of Monroe Street, any row of parking sp with more than 15 spaces shall have a landscaped isla the middle of the row to break up the long row of parking. 24) Prior to commencement of grading activity, the areas to be graded and/or areas of tree preservation shall fenced to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and Planning Director. The applicant shall agree to full implement this condition by agreement which shall als include a provision prohibiting the destruction of an eucalyptus trees identified on the Tree Plan during grading operations due to carelessness, machine opera negligence or otherwise. The agreement shall contain liquidated damages clause requiring the applicant to the sum of $500.00 for each tree destroyed within the fenced area . The amount will be paid to the Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Department for replanting progra The agreement shall be secured in the amount of $50.0 subject to the approval of the City Attorney. -2- , 0 8 28) ~ll proposed retaining walls shall be crib walls unle and maintenance plans for the crib walls shall be approved by the Planning Director prior to issuance o grading permits. All crib walls shall be planted and maintained in a thriving condition by the developer. otherwise approved by the Planninq Director, Landsca 32) Employee eating areas shall be provided per the requirements of the Office (0) zone, A site plan shol ,the location, landscaping and facilities required sha be submitted to the Planning Director for approval pr to issuance of buildinq permits. 33) NO parking shall be allowed within the driveway entra throat of Street ‘Amr as shown on Exhibit “B‘. The f spaces shown on the architectural site plan within th area on the west side of Monroe Street are specifical not approved. The parking shall be provided immediat the west side of Monroe Street. to the south of the rectangular southernmost buildinq 48) Marron Road and Monroe Street shall be dedicated by t developer along the project frontage based on a centerline to right-of-way width of 42 feet plus any additional right-of-way to accommodate the acceleration/deceleration lanes as required by the Ci Engineer and in conformance with City of Carlsbad Standards prior to issuance of grading permits. 50) Prior to issuance of a building permit the developer shall enter into a secured agreement with the City fo the future installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Monroe Street and the most southerly entrance to the project. 71) Eucalyptus trees to be planted along the perimeter of site shall be a minimum of 15 9allons, with 20% beinq inch box trees, subject to approval of the Parks and Recreation Director and the Planning Director. Eucalyptus trees planted on the slope banks adjacent open space area can be a mixture of sizes, to include 33% One gallon 33% Five gallon 33% Fifteen gallon 73) Not more than 10-15% of the landscaping shall be turf grass, pnless otherwise approved by the Parks and Recreation Director and Planning Director because SUC bright green colors are not compatible with the overa character of the existing eucalyptus grove. NER:bn -3- 'I I- 1 2l 3l 41 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 a /I I ! RESOLUTION NO. 8850 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLEBAD, CALIFORNIAJ APPROVING A 104 UNIT TENTATIVE TRACT MAP CT 85-23(A) AND CONDOMINIUM PERMIT CP-320 (A) ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE NORTHWEST SIDE OF HOSP WAY, BETWEEN HOSP W? AND MARRON ROAD ON PARCEL 0 OF THE HOSP GROVE YASI PLAN. CASE NO: CT 85-23(A)-CP-320(A) APPLICANT! ODMARK DEVLOPMENT COMPANY WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, October 14, 1986, held a public hearing to consider the prc and heard all persons interested in or opposed to Tentativt Map CT 85-23(A) and Condominium Permit CP-320(A); and 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 I set forth in Draft Planning Commission Resolution Exhibit 1 constitute the findings of the City Council in this matter The City Council also finds the following factors to exist that the project: i 1. Will not adversely affect applicable prov of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, City's General Plan, Hosp ( Master Plan and all adopted plans of the City and other I' i I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 n a rn 00 13 Yg gs 2 g-LL=JZ OW< 14 zoEa Gzsg ::zS 15 +$W zZg$ 16 - zo y oK2m >s LT a 17 1 >.o or facility which will contribute to the general well bein? the neighborhood and community. I 3. Will not be detrimental to the health, saj or general welfare of persons residing or working in the vicinity or injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity. C. That said Tentative Tract Map, together with 1 provisions for its design and improvement and subject to tl conditions of this resolution, is consistent with all appl: general and specific plans of the City of Carlsbad. D. That Tentative Tract Map CT 85-23(A) and Condc Permit CP-320 (A) are hereby approved subject to all applic requirements of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and to the satisfaction of the conditions prepared by staff and as cot in Draft Planning Commission Resolution Exhibit A attached and made a part hereof with the addition of the following 24 251i 26 revised site plan. 3. Driveway widths for driveways coming off the I entry shall be increased to 30 feet as shown on the revisec plan. 1 4. A 60 foot total separation shall be provided j between the southern property line and the pavement of the ‘ - “1 I 2, 31 4 5 6 7l 81 91 10 XI. I.2 n 2 co 13j/ 138 * a 5. That all conditions described in the memorandc the Planning Commission dated September 17, 1986, as shown Exhibit B attached hereto and made a part hereof, relative this tentative nap shall be complied with. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting c City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California on the 21 day of October , 1986 by the following vote, to wit: - AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pt NOES: None ABSENT: None I j 7(& .-c4 d:&&- I I MARY H.fASLER, Mayor i ATTE tT : 22 I 23 ~ 25 26 27 28 1 I I I ~ ~ I I Resolution No DRAFT I 71 I wit: e e ,I 11 I1 11 11 Findings: 211 1) The project is consistent with the City's General P1, the proposed density of 14.2 du's/acre is within the 3 '1 range of 8-15 du's/acre specified for the site as int the Land Use Element of the General Plan, and is exer 4 ii the Growth Control Points established by the City COI 11 2) The project as proposed is consistent with the Hosp ( II Master Plan (MP-1) since the density of 14.2 du/ac a1 I/ I 6 conforms with the requirements of the Master Plan. 711 3) The site is physically suitable for the type and den! 'I the development since the site is adequate in size a] 8 to accommodate residential development at the densit: 9 posed. I 4) The project is consistent with all City public facil 10 11 icies and ordinances since: a) The Planning Commission has, by inclusion of an appropriate condition to this project, ensured t 11 12 I final map will not be approved unless the City C I finds that sewer service is available to serve t project. In addition, the Planning Commission h condition that a note shall be placed on the fin 13 ' 14 I that building permits may not be issued for the unless the City Engineer determines that sewer s unless sewer service remains available, and the 16 Commission is satisfied that the requirements of Public Facilities Element of the General Plan ha 17 1 met insofar as they apply to sewer service for t project. 18 b) School fees will be paid to ensure the availabil 19 school facilities in the Carlsbad Unified School 20 c) Park-in-lieu fees are required as a condition of 11 'I I I I I 15 I available, and building cannot occur within the ptoval. 21 I d) All necessary public improvements have been prov I1 22 will be required as conditions of approval. 23 e) The applicant has agreed and is required by the of an appropriate condition to pay a public faci 24 I1 fee. Performance of that contract and payment o will enable this body to find that public facili be available concurrent with need as required by General Plan. 11 26 ' 27 28 //// PC RES0 NO. 2615 -2- 1 I ! q1 I a 0 I I I 11 5) 2 i/ Guidelines Manual. 3 1 61 The proposed project 1s compatible with the surrounc I/ 1 land use8 81RC4 44PPb~Adihd properties are designate 4 11 residential development Or open space on the General 5jI 7) Approval of this project will not create a significa 11 on the environment fOt the reasons outlined in the 6 ;' environmental findings of the Planning Commission at hereto as Exhibit *X*, dated September 17, 1986, inc herein by reference. The proposed project is Consistent with the City's E Development Ordinance and also complies with the De$ I/ iI i/ 81/ 8) This project requires the construction of the improv facilities listed in the conditions of approval or t 9 of fees in lieu of construction. This project creat I' direct need for the improvements or facilities for t 10 11 stated in the staff report. If the improvements or I are not provided the project will create an unmitigz 11 !l on existing improvements and facilities. Further, t 7 I/ I I/ I improvements and facilities are necessary to provide adequate nnd appropriate 8erViCe to future residents 12 ii project consistent with City goals, policies and pla 13 I( 9) The applicant is by condition, required to pay any i 14 I public facility fee, or new construction tax, or dev fees, and has agreed to abide by any additional requ 15 Ii established by a development management or public fa 16 11 ensure continued availability of public facilities a mitigate any cumulative impacts created by the proje 17 'I 10) The project justifies the density proposed because o 18 open space being provided in Parcels E and F as stat 1 program ultimately adopted by the City of Carlsbad. staff report. 19 20 Conditions: 1) Approval is granted for. CT 85-23(A)/CP-320(A), a3 sh reference and on file in the Planning Department. D these conditions. 21 Exhibits mA' - 'G., dated September 10, 1986, incorp 22 shall occur substantially as shown unless otherwise 23, I 2) This project has already been allocated sewer capaci 24 Ij legal settlement 9052 filed, August 28, 1979. Build I permits for any additional units over and above the 25 I settlement will not be issued unless the City Engine determines that sever facilities are available at th 26 application €or such sewer permits and will continue available until the time of occupancy. 27 I 28 ' PC RES0 NO. 2615 -3- I 1 I I I1 a 0 ,I 11 I/ I .I 1'1 3) This project is also approved under the express condi I established by the City Council pursuant to Chapter 2 /I I pay the public facilities fee dated July 14, 1986 ana I the applicant pay the public facilities fee adopted 1 City Council on April 22, 1986 and any development fe the Carlsbad Municipal Code or other ordinance adopt? implement a growth management system or facilities ar improvement plan and to fulfill the subdivider's agrc agreement to pay the Growth Management Fee dated Sept I/ 1986, copies of which are on file with the City Clerk application will not be consistent with the General P approval for this project shall be void. 2 I/ 3 11 4 ii 5 /I 6 /I incorporated by this reference. If the fees are not 71 'I 8il 4) The applicant shall pay park-in-lieu fees to the City Il to the approval of the final map as required by Chapt 9 of the Carlsbad Municipal code. I I/ :I 10 1 5) The applicant shall provide achoaE fees to mitigate c of overcrowding as part of building permit applicatic fees shall be based on the fee schedule in effect at I1 11 11 12 I/ 11 of building permit application. ' 6) Approval of this request shall not excuse compliance 13 '1 sections of the Zoning ordinance and all other applic ordinances in effect at time of building permit issua 14 7) Water shall be provided to this project pursuant to t 15 Service agreement between the City of Carlsbad and th 16 11 8) All visitor parking spaces shall be striped a differe 17 11 than the assigned resident parking spaces and shall t marked with small pole signs to be approved by the P1 18 Director. 19 9) The applicant shall prepare a 24" x 36. reproducible the final site plan incorporating the conditions cont 20 herein. Said site plan shall be submitted to and app the Planning Director prior to the issuance of build1 21 permits. Real Water District, dated May 25, 1983. 10) The applicant shall establish a homeowner's associati corresponding covenants, conditions and restrictions. 23 I cCrR's shall be submitted to and approved by the Plan Director prior to final map approval. 24 25 26 ' 27 20 ' I: ' //// //// ' //// PC RES0 NO, 2615 -4- I I j' , l e e $1 )I I/ !I 1, 11 1 For visual purposes, the north facing slopes above E /I and the areas to remain undisturbed on the ridge to^ slopes, as shown on the tentative map, site plan and plan, are to be planted with eucalyptus trees and ot 2 il appropriate landscaping within 160 days after appro\ tentative map and prior to any grading. A separate 3 ll 4 )1 plan shaLL be prepared for these areas and approved Planning Director. Said plan shall include 50 perce 5 ji trees (24-inch minimum) to be planted on the ridgeto Sf the landscape plan and planting are not completed this time frame, this approval shall be null and voi 6 711 12) The applicant shall prepare a detailed slope landsca the Planning Director prior to the issuance of gradi 8: /I permits. Issuance of a building permit will not occ 9 a full detailed landscape plan has been approved by I Planning Director. 11 It ll irriyation plan which shnll be submitted to and appr 10 I1 1113) A 500' scale map of the subdivision shall be submitt 11 /I Planning Director prior to the recordation of the fi $1 Said map shall show all lots and streets within and 12 '1 to the project. 11 1311 14) 14 15 ,i This plan shall specify all trees to be preserved. 16 implemented around the perimeter of the developed ar 17 i enhancement of existing trees to be preserved; regra along the perimeter; and the timing €or replanting/e 18 in relation to completing the necessary grading. Th aspect of the plan shall provide for replanting imme 19 after grading on slopes and other feasible areas. T shall be prepared by a landscape architect. The Pla 20 Director shall approve the Tree Plan prior to approv final map or issuance of a grading permit, whichever 21 applied for first. 22 116) The applicant shall be required to construct tempora II fencing, or similar materials approved by the Planni 23 j Director, around those individual or groups of trees have been identified to be preserved on the eucalypt 24 Plan map? prior to the issuance of a grading permit subject to the approval of the Planning Director. P 25 any grading, the applicant shall ayree to fully imp1 condition by agreemen+ which shall also include a pr 26 prohibiting the destruction of any eucalyptus trees on tha Tree Plan during grading operations due to 27 I carelessness, machine operator negligence or otherwi All parking lot trees shall be a minimum of 15 gallo size. 1:15) A "Tree Plan" shall be provided to the Planning ire also shall specifically detail the planting program ~ perimeter planting program shall include details as I 28 PC RESO NO. 2615 -5- I I I I, 7i the discretion of the Planning Department during the of the Tree Plan of existing onsite trees. 11 I i a 0 I,i 11 27) If any condition for construction of any public impr 'I or facilities, or the payment Of any fees in lieu th imposed by this approval Or imposed by law on this g challenged this approval shall be suspended as provi Gavernment Cede 8eckien 65411.S. ff any such condit determined to be invalid this approval shall be inva the city Council determines that the project without condition complies with all requirements of law. i( 28) This project is being approved as a condominium perrc residential homeownership purposes. If any of the 1 !I the project are rented, the minimum time increment 6 7 I! rental shall be not less than 26 days. A condition 'I this shall be placed in the C.C.&R's for the project ii29) Building colors and building materials shall be appr 9 the Planning Director prior to obtaining building pe IOli30) The retaining walls shown on the tentative map shall 1; type if over 4 feet in height, unless otherwise appr 11 j the Planning Director. All crib walls shall be plan 2 i/ 31 4, /I {I 5 11 8 I' maintained in a thriving condition by the developer, 12 ;I (I 31 1 Prior to the issuance of any grading permits, the ag 13 shall complete the following archaeological mitigati satisfaction of the Planning Director: a) Conduct test excavations to identify the signifi 15 i/ b) Excavate an adequate sample of significant archa 16 i sites on Parcel D. c 1 Prepare an archaeological mitigation report whic 17 /' 1) Include cultural resource forms recording th within Parcel D. 18 2) Finalize and incorporate RBR and Associates' to provide context and background for the st 19 3) Submit for radiocarbon dating any datable ma recovered during the field excavation. 20 4) Document the findings of the mitigation exca and analysis. 14 1; I the cultural resources on Parcel D. 21 32) The final grading plan shall follow the grading sche 22 I shown on the site plan, (not the tentative map), uti I soft, undulating slopes instead of typical 2:l slope 33) The carports shall be made substantially of wood and incorporate special landscape treatments, i.e. flowe trellises, planter boxes, etc. , to enhance the appea Such plan shall be approved by the Planning Director issuance of building permits. In addition, all carp 23 I 'I 24 25 " 26 shall be lighted with 'hidden' fixtures. -7- 27 //// za 1 PC RES0 NO. 2615 I I I I, -- . ... -I- e e dl !I t' /I I I,'34) The applicant shall provide a 5-year bond for implar I/ survival and maintenance of all trees replanted undc required landscape plan to the satisfaction of the ( 2'i Attorney. The Planning Department shall conduct a 1 3 Ij survey to ensure proper regrowth of trees in compliz I I1 the landscape plan. 135) No recreational vehicle (RV) parking shall be permit 5 /I site. This condition shall be reflected in the CChI 6, 36) Handicapped parking spaces shall be provided to the 4 /I I/ satisfaction of the Building Director. 'I 7 /I \Engineering Conditions: ,,37) The developer shall obtain a grading permit prior tc 8 9 commencement of any clearing or grading of the site 10:138) The grading for this project is defined as 'control iagm by Section 11.06.170(a) of the Carlsbad Munici 11 Ij Grading shall be performed under the observation of I engineer whose responsibility it shall be to coordi 12 /I inspection and testing to ensure compliance of the 'I the approved grading plan, submit required reports Engineer and verify compliance with Chapter 11.06 o Carlsbad Municipal Code. 39) Upon completion of grading, the developer shall ens 14 ;i 15 'i .as-graded" geologic plan shall be submitted to the Engineer. The plan shall clearly show all the geol 16 ! exposed by the grading operation, all geologic corr measures as actually constructed and must be based 17 I tour map which represents both the pre and post sit 18 engineering geologist. The plan shall be prepared 19 20 unless a letter of permission is obtained Erom the 21 41) A separate grading plan shall be submitted and app! 22 separate grading permit issued for the borrow or d. 23 24 25 26 27 28 I This plan shall be signed by both the soils enginee or similar drafting film and shall become a permane 40) No grading shall occur outside the limits of the sv the affected properties. II if located within the city limits. 42) All slopes within this project shall be no steeper //// //// //// PC RESO NO. 2615 -8- I f I I ,I I I > I ~ 152) Plans, specifications, and supporting documents for 12 ; improvements shall be prepared to the satisfaction Engineer. Prior to approval of the final map, the 13 ii shall install, or agree to install and secure with security as provided by law? improvements shown on tentative map and the fallawing impravements ta Cit to the satisfaction of the City Engineer: a) Rosp Way to half of Q collector street along th 16 frontage. 17 53) Improvements listed above shall be constructed witk months of final map approval and/or improvement pla 18 whichever occurs first. 19 54.) Unless a standard variance has been issued, no vari 20 tentative map. 21 55) The developer shall comply with all the rules, regt design requirements of the respective sewer and wat 22 regarding services to the project. I 14 1s 1) City Standards is authorized by virtue of approval I 23 //// 24 //// 25 //// 26 t //// 27 //// -10- PC RES0 NO. 2615 28 1 'I m a .* .' I /I be approved by the City Engineer prior to approval '1 final map. The design of all private streets shall 'i section of all private streets shall conform to Cit Carlsbad Standards based on R-value tests. All pri 3 i\ 4 // streets and drainage systems shall be inspected by 'I and the standard improvement plan check and inspect 51 shall be paid prior to approval of the final map fo ii 57) The developer shall provide an acceptable means for maintaining the easements within the subdivision an streets, sidewalks, street lights, storm drain faci sewer facilities located therein and to distribute 1:, 11 56) The design of all private Streets and drainage syst City of 'Carlsbad standards of public streets, The 2 II , pro j ec t . 6 !I 7 i/ /I of such maintenance in an equitable manner among th 8 /I 9 the units within the subdivision. I' 101'58) All private driveways shall be kept clear of parked 11 at all times, and shall have posted "No Parking/Fir II Code. i1 59) 11 j! may zone' pursuant to Section 17e04e040, Carlsbad 12 i/ 13 :I All plans, specifications, and supporting documents improvements of this project shall be signed and se Engineer in responsible charge of the work. Each s be signed and sealed, except that bound documents m signed and sealed on their first page. Additional1 15 ' sheet ot each set of plans shall have the following certificate: 16 1 17 I1 I hereby declare that I am the Engineer of Work for 18 project, that I have exercised responsible charge o design of the project as defined in Section 6703 of 19 Business and Professions code, and that the design consistent with current standards. I 14 I 1, .DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE" 20 //// 8 //// I //// //// 21 22 I 23 I 24 I 25 26 1' 27 1 28 I I' I II ///I //// , //// PC RES0 NO. 2615 -1 1- I 1 I/ W e I' 1 ' I ij L I1 1 I1 21 only and does not relieve me, as Engineer of Work, o 31 (Name, Address and ~elephone of Engineering firm) 4 'I Firm: I understand that the check of project drawings and I Specifications by the City of Carlsbad iS Confined t 1 responsibilities for project design. ti /I Address: 5 j: 7 I! i' 6 I' City, st.: I/ Telephone: I I (Name of Engineer) - 8, BY Date: 9 10 I' R.C.E. NO. I The developer shall provide the City with a reproduc I1 tl copy of the tentative map as approved by the Plannin Commission. The tentative map shall reflect the con 12 : approval by the City. The map shall be submitted to Engineer prior to improvement plan submittal. 11 60) 13 I/ 61 1 Prior to recordation of any final map for this devel this project, the owner shall give written consent t annexation of the area shown within the boundaries o tentative map into the existing City of Carlsbad Str Lighting and Landscaping District No, 1. 16 62) Approval of this tentative tract map shall expire tw 17 months from the date of City Council approval unless map is recorded. An extension may be requested by- t 19 applicant. Said extension shall be approved or deni discretion of the City Council. In approving an ext 19 the City Council may impose new conditions and may r existing conditions. 20 21 22 4 provided if deemed necessary by the Fire Marshal. 23, 64) The applicant shall submit two (2) copfes of d site 24 Fire Department: 63) Additional public and/or onsite fire hydrants shall I' showing locations of existing and proposed fire hydr onsite roads and drives to the Fire Marshal for apprl 65) An all-weather access road shall be maintained throu 11 I construction. 26 i 27 28 //// PC RES0 NO. 2615 -1 2- i I I 1, 'I I I m .. I( i' jl 1 l 66) ~ll required fire hydrants, water mains and appurte shall be operational Prior to combustible building being located on the project site. 2 11 I 67) Fire retardant roofs shall be required on all strur 411 68) Brush clearance shall be maintained according to tt I specifications contained in the City of Carlsbad L? Guidelines Manual. 5 ,I II 6' 69) All fire alarm systems, #!ire hydrants, extinguishin 'I automatic sprinklers, and other systems pertinent t 7 I j project shall be submitted to the Fire Department f prior to cone truction. 8 70) Prior to construction, the developer shall meet wit 9 Marshal to discuss a plan for providing an adequate between the structures and the existing tree grove. prior to issuance of building permits, the develope submit to the Fire Department a map, showing the st network, conforming to the following criteria: 1 10 I 111~ 14) 12 I II 400' scale (1:4800) 13 ! Photo reduction on mylar At least two existing streets and/or inttrsecti 14 iI be referenced on the map (not a separate vicini 15 'i * street centerlines 16 l Fire hydrant locations 1711 15) The applicant shall agree to pay a fee established 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 I 25 26 ' 27 I Maps shall include at leaat the following infor Street names the cost of updating Fire Department response maps. //// //// //// //// I* //// /I// I //// //// //// //// -1 3- 28 PC RES0 NO. 2615 I i w 0 .a 'I I1 /I .. I/ 1 ii 2 I/ Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, 3,l the 17th day of September, 1986, by the following vote, t 4 I/ AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meetir 'I I :I I 7 :j I 81 I 9 CLARENCE SCHLEHUBER, Cl CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMl 'I 10 I/ " ATTEST: 11 I/ ,I l2 1' MICHAEL J. BOLZMILLER 13 '' PLANNING DIRECTOR 14 11 15 /I I 16 1 17 I 18 19 20 21 22 23, 24 ii I I' I' 25 I 26 : 27 28'~~ RESO NO. 2615 -1 4- 1' I I, rl) EXHIBIT "X" SEPTEMBER 17, 1 I, m The following items cvndtitute the Planninq Coqmiqsion' s environmental findings for this project. The mitigation me? listed below describe the project changes which reduce these impacts to insiqnficant levels. A. TRAFFIC CIRCULATION Impact: An increase in trips will result from the prc alternative because commercial use typically higher generation rate than residential. Mitigation: The additional trips can be accommodated wit1 (1) construction of Monroe Street as a seconc arterial with additional deceleration/accelei lanes serving the commercial center, (2) up91 of the signal light at Marron/Monroe intersec (3) bond and prepare plans for a traffic sigi Street 'A" of the commercial center entrance warranted. Monroe Street for when a future signal is Impact: Hosp way, and Jefferson Street west of Marro will have a level of Service P with the trip generated by the proposed project. Mitigation: These two roadway segments are classified as residential streets with a maximum of 500 AD' which is already exceeded by existing ADT. streets can be reclassified as Collector str to accommodate existing and future ADT. Impact: The grading operation for Parcel E will requ export of 124,000 cubic yards of dirt which have a short-term impact on surrounding stre Mitigation: The use of cutoffs and flagmen will help to minimize impacts at the Marron/Monroe intersection. Such condition will be part o final grading plan approval. B. TOPOGRAPHY AND VISUAL AESTFIETICS Impact: Parcel D -- Adverse impacts would occur in t the existing slope above Marron Road would k down 30 feet, no buffer of trees would be retained, and three-story buildings were wit feet of the edge of the slope. W 0 A, *I 1 Mitigation: The project was redesigned to maintain the existiny landform, provide a SO-foot tree bufl plus tree planting on the slopes, and has locc buildings in the interior of the site. Impact: Parcel E -- The landform will be significantl: altered -- an existing 90 foot high knoll and associated 40% slope will be cut down: and regraded slopes up to 40 feet in height will I created to accommodate flat pads necessary foi commercial development. Mitigation: The proposed project allows preservation of 11 acres of Eosp Grove. A vigorous landscape pr: will be required to replant the graded slopes behind the buildings and a compatible landscal theme will be used in the commercial center. architecture and building materials will be compatible with the surrounding grove. Impact: Parcel F -- Residential development according the Master Plan will result in significant impacts due to the site's visible location an its proximity to the lagoon. Mitigation: The proposed open space use will mitigate all visual impacts. C. ARCHAEOLOGY Impact 2 Archaeological sites are located on all three parcels and will be affected by development o Parcels D and E. Mitigation: Appropriate conditions have been placed on th project to satisfy state requirements for archaeological mitigation, i.e. a data recove program. D. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES Impact: As an indirect impact to the habitats in Buen Vista Lagoon, runoff and sedimentation could potentially impact the lagoon. Mitigation: Appropriate erosion-control and grading procedures have been conditioned on the proje -2- 0 0 ,I .* E. PUBLIC SERVICES Impact: School facilities are at or near capacity. Mitigation: Only one of the three parcels will be developc required to be paid to allow the School Distri to provide temporary facilities for overcrowd; Impact: Police services will be incrementally impactec Mitigation: Additional personnel and equipment will offset residentially; school impact fees will be the increase in population and new areas of patrolling. Impact: The City Library is currently at book capacit Mitigation: Additional Library facilities will be provide part of the City's future Capital Improvement Program. F. HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY Impact: Potential increases in erosion and sediment production will occur during grading and construct ion. Mitigation: Erosion control measures must be shown on fin grading plans and approved by the City. Drai and sediment control facilities will be insta prior to grading. Landscape conditions inclu 5 year bond to ensure that tree plantings and other landscape elements are growing successf Also, the City's street sweeping program will include the project area after it develops. Impact: Removal of the existing desiltation basin coi cause sedimentation impacts to the lagoon if upstream problems are not controlled when it removed. Mitigation: A temporary desiltation basin will be built : the southern portion of Parcel E to contra1 existing offsite erosion problems. It will remain in place until erosion of the adjacent property is controlled satisfactorily to the City. -3- e 0 'I .( G. GEOLOGY AND SOILS Impact: Portions of the property are encumbered by geological constraints, including settlement, slope instability, groundwater, dewatering, an seismic shaking. Mitigation: As part of the grading plan approval, the recommendations of the geotechnical study will implemented. The study will be updated as necessary to reflect the proposed commercial development instead of the former residential project. Additional subsurface investigation engineering analysis also is required as part the final design. H. AIR QUALITY Impact: Development of Parcels D and E will conttibut air pollutant emissions to the San Diego Air Basin. Mitigation? Public transit facilities, i.e. a bus stop wi provided. Sidewalk improvements will allow pedestrian access to the commercial center fr nearby residential areas. The Grading Ordina requires dust control measures to be used dur construction. -4- I 1 I 1 , RHI!lT I, .I e 0 MEMORANDUM Resolution DATE: SEPTEMBER 17, 1986 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: EIR 86-4/CT 85-23(A)/CP-32O(A)/GPA/LU 86-10/ZC-348/V l(C)/SDP 86-10/GPA/LU 86-11/2C-350 - HOSP GROVE - Request for approval of: A tentative map and condominium permit for 108 units on Parcel D of Hosp Grove Master Plan; General Plan amendment and zone change from RMH to C, 0 and OS and a site development plan for Commercial Center on Parcel E: General E amendment and zone change from RMH to OS on Parcel F; and, certification of an Environmental Impact Report on property located south of Marron Road and Jefferson Streets, near the Plaza Camino Real Shopping Center and Buena vista Lagoon. revisions to the Hosp Grove Master Plan. Also requested is Staff is recommending that the following changes be made to of the conditions pertaining to the Hosp Grove project: Resolution No. 2615 The wording in the resolution itself has been modified to include approval of a tentative tract map as well as a condo permit: A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A 108 UNI CONDOMINIUM PERMIT AND TENTATIVE TRACT MAP ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE NORTHWEST SIDE OF BOSP WAY, BET HOSP WAY AND MARRON ROAD ON PARCEL D OF THE ROSP GROVE MASTER PLAN. Findings: 4c) Delete finding (Master Plan requires dedication of park land. Conditions: 4) Delete .I .I e e 16) Change as follows: The applicant shall be required to construct temporark fencing, or similar materials approved by the Planning Director, around those individual or groups of trees P have been identified to be preserved on the eucalyptus Tree Plan map, prior to the issuance of d grading pern and subject to the approval of the Planning Director. Prior to any grading, the applicant shall agree to ful implement this condition by agreement which shall also include a provision prohibiting the destruction of any grading operations due to carelessness, machine operat neligence or otherwise. The agreement shall contain a liquidated damages clause requiring the applicant to E the sum of $500.00 for each tree destroyed Win tho - The amount will be paid to the Carl Parks and Recreation Department for replanting progran, The agreement shall be secured in the amount of $50.OQ subject to the approval of the City Attorney. eucalyptus trees identified on the Tree Plan during 52) Add b) as follows: b) Marron Road to half of a Collector Street standard along the project frontage. Resolution No. 2619 Conditions: 91 ~ll parking lot trees shall be a minimum of 15 gallons size. One tree per five parking stalls shall be requi in the parking areas unless otherwise aDproved by the - irecto . In addition, in the parking areas the west side of Monroe Street, any row of parking spi with more than 15 spaces shall have a landscaped islar the middle of the row to break up the long row of parking. 24) Prior to commencement of grading activity, the areas n to be graded and/or areas of tree preservation shall k fenced to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and Planning Director. The applicant shall agree to fully implement this condition by agreement which shall alsc include a provision prohibiting the destruction of an) eucalyptus trees identified on the Tree Plan during grading operations due to carelessness, machine operat negligence or otherwise. The agreement shall contain liquidated damages clause requirinq the applicant to I the sum of $500.00 for each tree destroyed ww fenced area . The amount will be paid to the carlsbad Parks and Recreation Department for replanting progran The agreement shall be secured in the amount of $50,0C subject to the approval of the City Attorney. -2- ! pv m 28) All proposed retaining walls shall be crib walls unle otherwise approved by the Planning Director. Landsca and maintenance plans for the crib walls shall be grading permits. All crib walls shall be planted and maintained in a thriving condition by the developer. approved by the Planning Director prior to issuance c 32) Employee eating areas shall be provided per the requirements of the Office (0) zone. A site plan sho ,the location, landscaping and facilities required sha be submitted to the Planning Director for approval pr to issuance of building permits. 33) No parking shall be allowed within the driveway entra throat of Street .A", as shown on Exhibit "B". The f spaces shown on the architectural site plan within th area on the west side of Monroe Street are specifical not approved. The parking shall be provided immediat to the south of the rectangular southernmost buildinq the west side of Monroe Street. 49) Marron Road and Monroe Street shall be dedicated by t developer along the project frontage based on a centerline to right-of-way width of 42 feet plus any additional right-of-way to accommodate the acceleration/deceleration lanes as required by the Ci Engineer and in conformance with City of Carlsbad standards prior to issuance of grading permits. 50) Prior to issuance of a building permit the developer shall enter into a secured agreement with the City fo the future installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Monroe Street and the most southerly entrance to the project. 71) Eucalyptus trees to be planted along the perimeter of site shall be a minimum of 15 gallons, with 20% being inch box trees, subject to approval of the Parks and Recreation Director and the Planning Director. 'Eucalyptus trees planted on the slope banks adjacent open space area can be a mixture of sizes, to include 33% One gallon 33% Five gallon 33% Fifteen gallon 73) Not more than 10-15% of the landscaping shall be turf grass, pnless otherwise approved by the Parks and Recreation Director and Planning Director because SUC bright green colors are not compatible with the overa character of the existing eucalyptus grove. NER:bn -3- a, x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 a rn a 13 98 0 5% 2 ow~ 141 gLLzz &6 -kq& mGz$ 15 +&w izs: 16 oKSm 5E 4J" '2 5 17 LL, -'o >o k 0 18 19 9813 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING THE ZONING (PLANNED COMMUNITY) TO 0-Q (OFFICE 3.5 AC.) AND 14.7 AC. ) GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE WEST AND EAST SIDES OF MONROE STREET, SOUTH OF MARRON ROAD ON PARCEL E OF THE HOSP GROVE MASTER PLAN. APPLICANT: COLLINS DEVELOPMENT COMPANY MAP TO GRANT A CHANGE OF ZONE (ZC-348) FROM PC C-2-Q (COMMERCIAL 7.3 AC.) AND OS (OPEN SPACE CASE NO,: ZC-348 - The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, Californ does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Cod amended by the amendment of the zoning map to grant a zone 2C-348 from PC (planned community) to 0-Q (office 3.5 AC.) 2-Q (commercial 7.3 AC.) and OP (open space 14.7 AC.) gener j located on the west and east sides of Monroe Street, south Marron Road on Parcel E of the Hosp Grove Master Plan as sk Exhibit 1 dated September 10, 1986 attached hereto and made , part hereof. 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its adoption, and the City Clerk shall ct 'I 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I 1 1 to the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be publi least once in the Carlsbad Journal within fifteen days aft adopt ion. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a meeting of the Car City Council held on the 28th day of October t and thereafter I I ~ I I T' - *l 9, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 D ' m 13 1?8 E= g gLL=Jz zoza: QZZE ;?Sa 15 ,>io zW06 ~oQw< 14 on,Nm WZoQ 161 zo '5 fl 2 171 0 c 18 19 0 0 a PASSED AND ADOPTED at a meeting of said City Counc held on the 4th day of November , 1986 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pf NOES: None ABSENT: None APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY -' ity Attorney %- d &i/diL- SLER, MAYOR ' ATTEST: / AL& iiA*yerk j I 21 22 23 24 I I 26 27 28 ~ i I i .I . .I AREA E EXH to 0-Q ordinance No I SEPT. PC (RMH to 0) 3.6 .C PC to C-2-Q (RMH to C) 7.3 ac PC to os (RMH to 0s) 4.0 ac 9.9 ac -.-.-SUBDIVISION BOUNDARY AREA . CHANQEO FROM PC TO OPEN SPACE ZONING OS-OPEN SPACE R-1 -RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY PC-PLANNED COMMUNITY C-COMMERCIAL (GENERAL PLAN) RMH-RESIDENTIAL (8-1 5) RRI-COMMERCIAL 0-OFFICE City of Carlsbad zc-34 I '-'me? QnmYlffc I, Q-A ffL RP' 04 I > 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8, 9 10 11 12 ‘ * 13 Yo :: 5% m 6v%$ 14 f$$k 15 Ggzg “,>a ZZ8Z 16 > a9 0 JV L-LU - va2m $E 2 17 18 j k V m 0 ‘I ORDINANCE NO. 9814 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING THE ZONING (RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY) TO OS (OPEN SPACE) CARLEBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE MAP TO GRANT A CHANGE OF ZONE (ZC-3SO) FROM R-1 GENERALLY LOCATED XIUTH OF THE INTERSECTION OF JEFFERSON SI‘REET AND MARRON ROAD ON PARCEL F OF THE HOSP GROVE MASTER PLAN. APPLICANT: CITY OF CARLSBAD CASE NO.: ZC-350 The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, Califor does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Co amended by the amendment of the zoning map to grant a zone ZC-350 from R-1 (residential single family) to OP (open sp generally located south of the intersection of Jefferson S and Marron Road on Parcel F of the Hosp Grove Master Plan shown on Exhibit 2 dated September 10, 1986 attached heretc made a part hereof. EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effectiv thirty days after its adoption, and the City Clerk shall c 21 22 23 24 adopt ion. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a meeting of the Car I City Council held on the 28th day of October and thereafter I - .I L. *i L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 0 12 a 8 Q) 13 A8 5% % OL3Z go$. OWa I* Q+u:~L 15 ii 0. zggs 16 >.>o ",z< e e I PASSED AND ADOPTED at a meeting of said City Counc , 1986 by the held on the 4th day of lk~~ember following vote, to wit: -- AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pe NOES: None ABSENT: None APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY t ll&!-jAJ ' $INCENT' FI BIOmO, JK. $ity Attorney .%,, d &L4?+ MARY H.{CASLER, MAYOR I ATTEST: AL<g*RAdENF*yk I 22 23 24 25 26 1 i , lib of h&jd A r I I I, q ./I v 1 0 0 ORDINANCE NO. 9815 21 3 4 5 61 7 8 9 10 11 12 a %j g 13 0 5% E g1.22 0 *LC z:%g OWa l4I l5 228- 1 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIAl AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9694 (MASTER PLAN MP-l(A)) OF HOSP GROVE ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED SUTH OF JEFFERSON STREET AND APPLICANT: ODMARK DEVELOPMENT MARRON ROAD ON BOTH SIDES OF MONROE STREET, CASE NO: MP-1 (C) . The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, Califorr does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: That Master Plan MP-1 (Hosp Grove Mast Plan) is hereby amended as follows: Revised Master Plan ME is hereby approved as shown on Exhibits "1" and "2", dated September 10, 1986, incorporated by reference and on file Planning Department. Development shall occur substantiall: shown unless otherwise noted in these conditions. ' ' SECTION 2: That in addition to the findings made Planning Commission, the City Council finds the factors as I described in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hert 22 i ;: ~ thirty days after its adoption, and the City Clerk shall c to the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be publi i 4 (I. - L 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 e e l \ PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of said Ci Council held on the 4th day of November I 1986 by following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick, and 1 NOES: None ABSENT: None APPROVED AS TO FOF AND LEGALITY 11 D 12 ' m 13 Y8 5% 8 d,32 Ow< 14 go;.: ~EZL 15 ii! 0- 0 ;7z2 &I* &-&/- MARY H.JCASLER, Mayor I ATTE ST : 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I I I ~ 1 I 1; 1 Page 2 of 2 a-1 (C) I:, % 4 .) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8, 91 lo' 11 12 ' !38 m 13 <% ZX gU=z Ow< 14 z:go Fy: 15 io. z$gz 16 oK:m 0 SE zo 2 u 17l 44 0 E 0 e 1) .- 44, EXHIBIT A Ordinance No. FINDINGS MP-1 (C) 1. The proposed development as described by the plan is consistent with the provisions of the general plan any applicable specific plans. 2. All necessary public facilities can be providi concurrent with need and adequate provisions have been pro to implement those portions of the capital improvement pro1 applicable to the subject property. 3. The proposed commercial and industrial uses w appropriate in area, location and overall design to the pu intended. The design and development standards are such a create an environment of sustained desirability and stabil Such development will meet performance standards establish this title. 4. The streets and thoroughfares proposed are su 5. The aea surrounding the development is or can and adequate to carry the anticipated traffic thereon. planned and zoned in coordination and substantial compat ib with the development. 21 22 23 24 justified economically at the location proposed and will p adequate commercial facilities for the location proposed. 1 26 27 28 ~ 1 I we QLBYATJUN EKA:br*7- g BQEyEjj ‘k t.G g- C$gp$Tq lO&i 8DGeZ I flJ@fT31@3 abG*/nrrohf How l.aUmL3 @RO$iqz E&>; 7' E /+/f& 4 " /?'Urn GLEVATlOH f&A& ELWm& ~~~,'h'~ f HQqp G$~c!!iJjz IO//g$- A Bm,4 e p ..--I en ,, .1 . .+ , A h 43 i li gp e m "I 0 Q ii -3 33 @ I m 0 11 ;I! f -Ls A qJ zz 9 n -I 4 F % 5 n rn v) -I B z b m c r E z b P i @f 3 @ k !I[ m 2 h 22 “P y; -k